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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 248 KB, 620x877, 43121086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12089161 No.12089161 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12082752

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Zharay/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/Zharay/logbook

Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, Re, Wo, Hime and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12089166

Excellent taste in OP images, OP

>> No.12089168

Reminder: http://theglorioblog.com/2014/05/01/the-unfortunate-implications-of-kantai-collection/

>> No.12089170

Why should we get reminded?

>> No.12089175

reminder of what? that there exist people who are literally so immensely stupid that they are physically repelling intelligent people in real space?

>> No.12089176

What setup are you guys using to S rank E-4 for drops?

I've been using Haruna as an AA platform along with Isuzu as flagship and 4 destroyers with a depth charge, sonar, and damecon each. I don't consistently get S ranks with that though, so I was considering swapping out Haruna for a BBV loaded with Zuiuns. Thoughts?

>> No.12089180

>You know, that war in which Japan committed countless war crimes.
Oh boy here we go.

>> No.12089181

Use BBV if you've got helis or at the very least Seirans, otherwise they're going to do fuck all.

>> No.12089182

If you don't get S-ranks with 10 strong attacks against subs, there is something going wrong.
Considered replacing damekon with a sonar?

>> No.12089183

>Kantai Collection is a mobage
This is place where I stop reading, is it one time stupidity or did they go full retard after that?

>> No.12089184
File: 582 KB, 1000x703, 6d31559d2f28af61b952ee502a7b19d780e8ab8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I translated a doujin LN preview and am now shamelessly plugging it.


The only thing that offends me about this article is that it is too fucking long.

>> No.12089186


>> No.12089190

[tl;dr] Wow, it's fucking nothing. [/tl;dr]

>> No.12089192


>> No.12089195

The problem I've been having is that usually ~2 of my DDs get hit to orange on the Wo node and end up doing terrible damage at the boss, which usually nets me an A rank rather than an S rank.

I was considering swapping out damecons on two of my DDs so that I would have a better balance between reaching the boss node and actually S ranking it.

>> No.12089197

Japan did bad thing in war and is dramatizing their military and shit, and that's bad.

>> No.12089198

Imperial Japan was a bunch of jerks and 70 years later they're still unapologetic about it.

I tried skimming it for parts about Kancolle but there's only a couple of paragraphs specifically about the game. The rest of it's just muh nanking stuff that you could find anywhere.

>> No.12089201

I didn't use damekon or BBV and had no problems S-ranking the boss.

>> No.12089202

/pol/ only pretends to be outraged.

>> No.12089203

Blogger equates kancolle to whitewashing japanese war crimes and glorifying japanese ships. Also he has a problem with abyss fleet being Allied ships instead of axis ships. I'm sure if it was reversed with the players ship modeled after US/British/etc ships he'd have no problem with it

>> No.12089206

Yeah, it's the same thing here.

>> No.12089207

But the ships did nothing wrong.
Let us enjoy our cute shipgirls.

>> No.12089212

Could I trouble you to post your setup?

>> No.12089214

Retards will never understand that weapons don't kill people, people do.
And that's enough with that shit. I hate victor's justice wanking.

>> No.12089217
File: 461 KB, 683x371, tanikaze farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask for any of this.

>> No.12089220

Which event drop ships are exclusive to the event?

>> No.12089223


>> No.12089225


>> No.12089226

Completely exclusive to this event:
Drop: Tanikaze
Reward: Akashi, Amatsukaze, Sakawa

Easier rare drops:
-Yahagi (well, not that easier, still)

>> No.12089228

wow this actually looks cool ... wait i cant read sandscript.

can someone tell me is there an English button before i get excited to play this

>> No.12089232


>> No.12089236

That's like saying they can't be proud of their combat achievements because they were achieved by their crews.

>> No.12089237
File: 347 KB, 800x600, 220326bb0a7b83ac2d3fa68fb393f349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice b8.

>> No.12089239
File: 205 KB, 600x1000, 2014030100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever dropped the same ship three times in a row on the same map?

>> No.12089240

What an assblassted, retarded blogger that is - wow. I feel sorry for everyone clicking that including myself.

>> No.12089246

I really wish i was trolling .... shit k no then thanks

>> No.12089248
File: 81 KB, 711x380, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All with full ASW, BB just with day-time double attack setup even though you won't get AS since it doesn't matter much.

>> No.12089249

There is no English button yet.

>> No.12089256

At first I was mad. Then I took a look at the guy's profiles. lmao2edgy.

>> No.12089258

E2 dropped me 3 Mogamis.

>> No.12089263

I got three Murakumos on one of my E-2 runs. It was unsettling.

>> No.12089264

Someone who asked about non-sparkled drum expeditions, here are some results.
Note the the pool is extremely small so you're better of doing your own research, you shouldn't this take very seriously.
Ex21: 7 drums total, 5 expeditions, 2 great success;
Ex37: 19 drums total, 5 expeditions, 4 great success;
Ex38: 18 drums total, 5 expeditions, 1 great success.

>> No.12089266

While I was doing E-2 I got chain Nagatsukis and chain Fubukis.

>> No.12089270

I got Nagatsuki 11 times in a row at E3. In the end I decided to keep one since she likes me so much.

>> No.12089274

That's not possible.

>> No.12089279

Just one question.

>> No.12089282

Why? Non-boss drop lists are extremely small and I had a bad luck chain with green Ts sending me home.

>> No.12089283
File: 135 KB, 411x278, English-button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12089285
File: 133 KB, 288x499, 1394381322644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12089290

What's-his-face is a lame wanker but honestly if you guys actually don't know your WWII history that's pretty sad.

>> No.12089292

Pls stop.

>> No.12089293

No english but its not hard to play even without being able to read. All the buttons have huge pictures on them. Just read the wiki a bit and you're good to go.
Lottery for an account is a bitch though.

>> No.12089294

Why would I care about WWII history?
My country didnt participate in it, it was long over after I was born and it has no cute girls.

>> No.12089295

As a huge WWII nerd I need some opportunity to lord it over the rest of you.

>> No.12089297

in order to get to know your shipwaifu better

>> No.12089300

Isn't there Wikipedia for this?

>> No.12089301

People who wank their knowledge usually know jack shit about their wank object. Pls go, no need to fill this thread with shit even more.

>> No.12089302
File: 237 KB, 627x885, うさ まに@コミ1ひ58b (7367)- 43130160 - ふきながし.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about the past? I'll make her forget those painful memories with some sweet loving

>> No.12089304

And people posting on 4chan are usually retarded, but every now and then you find an exception.

>> No.12089307

Do you know this feeling of emptiness when you've finally obtained that ship you were aiming for several weeks.

>> No.12089309

you only ever wanted her for her body

>> No.12089310

It's a really, really, and I really mean it, really bad source of info. There are shitload of books available in English that are slightly less biased and have much more details, you're better of reading them.

>> No.12089311

ok :^)

>> No.12089313

>not using combinedfleet

>> No.12089314
File: 318 KB, 480x600, pixiv39715183_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since a couple of days ago, the game send me error cat whenever I want to play, after I click the 'game start' button. I got the same error with all the pcs in my house (with the same internet connection), but not with a friend's pc (with her internet connection).
What's wrong with my internet? Do I have to change the IPs or something?

>> No.12089316

Nope, you're not making me become a military Otaku. I'm satisfied with superficial knowledge.

>> No.12089319

everybody point and make fun of the casual

>> No.12089321

>those levels

Well damn. Did you level your destroyers in 4-3 or elsewhere? All of mine are modernized, but they're all below level 50.

>> No.12089322


Care to name some?

>> No.12089325

>Everything I know is off Wikipedia
>I am a reputable source of information capable of informed discussion

>> No.12089328

Oh lawd. I'm not even that anon, but you got me started. For the IJN in WWII, start with A Battle History of the Imperial Japanese Navy by Paul S. Dull.

>> No.12089329
File: 86 KB, 500x260, Mutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, they have pretty pictures!

>> No.12089334

At least I'm not a "secondary".
Honestly, I don't have an eye when it comes to military stuff. I can't even tell which ship is which type just by looking.

>> No.12089339

Next, for a greater historical picture of the IJN's doctrine and technology, try out Kaigun by David C. Evans and Mark R. Peattie. It stretches all the way back to 1887 and I bet that one Mikasafag has read it.

>> No.12089342

>At least I'm not a "secondary".
But you are confirmed for a retard, because nobody else could come up with this kind of a comeback.

>> No.12089346

3-2-A for the most part. Not really efficient in time though.

>> No.12089352


Thanks, I'll read them both later when I'm done with some stuff.

>> No.12089355

You're right I should have said:
A at least I'm not a "secondary'

>> No.12089360

Fucking kancolle staff with their Akashi avatar. Yes, that's what my pvp lists have looked like for the last week. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.12089362
File: 134 KB, 1416x957, Zekamashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But pretty pictures!

>> No.12089366

I think it's really nice that people go out of their way to colorize these, black and white images make me sad.

>> No.12089374

Quite often, but only in a relatively narrow time windows. Especially during this event and Arpeggio event maps where drop tables aren't that bloated.

>> No.12089386

Lastly, if you need help making heads or tails of what a ship is supposed to look like, there's things like the World War Two pictorial series - example: Battleships of World War Two: An International Encyclopedia by M. J. Whitley, and Aircraft Carriers of the World, 1914 to the Present by Roger Chesneau.

There are a few unfamiliar terms that can probably be answered on Wikipedia, specifically names of ship parts. Those usually don't have biased articles, and I think being a casual is okay for that.

>> No.12089389

I meant outside event maps.
I got them at 1-5.

>> No.12089391
File: 223 KB, 1440x998, Hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have some charm though, especially sepia ones.

>> No.12089395

Although it happens more often on event maps, I experienced the same thing on normal maps few months ago on 3-2-A before I started running 4-3. Sometimes it was 3x Chitose, sometimes certain destroyers.

>> No.12089401

So you have the colored image of Ashigara in Spithead?

>> No.12089417
File: 115 KB, 1413x934, Ashigara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashigara only. I don't have any coloured images of ships in ports, probably because there are so much stuff to colour.

>> No.12089422

This is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks a lot.

>> No.12089428
File: 78 KB, 1410x882, SOLOMON YO, WATASHI WA KAETTE KITA PYON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://warshipsthailand.blogspot.jp has a lot of nice pictures.

>> No.12089451
File: 101 KB, 831x442, 2014-05-02 22-41-12.949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking kuso ttk

>> No.12089456

( ・ ω ・ )

>> No.12089457

I bet all carriers are loaded with nothing but Reppus.

>> No.12089458

He just wants to level his trophy ship + gather more luck.

>> No.12089478

I just love the RNG; first two times I reached E-5 boss node I entered with an orange CV, ended up with two at red before they could fire, and manage to kill everything but the Hime. This last time I have just 1 CV at yellow AFTER boss airstrike, support fleet kills both fortresses and hits a Ru to orange, and yet I fail to defeat Wake and come out with more costly repairs (all thanks to Hime critting Yamato with her first attack). At least I'm still at the point where large chip damage is almost as good as a kill, that would have been so fucking awful if I was going for the last kill.

>> No.12089480

>かかってきなよ ( ・ ω ・ )
You should have realized he's mocking at you.

>> No.12089485

>mocking at you
That's not how one uses that word....

>> No.12089488

Still a kuso

>> No.12089489

There's no justification for putting the other low level ship in the 2nd slot other than to troll people. Not to mention all it takes is one sortie and the flagship wouldn't be level 1 anymore.

>> No.12089493

But what if he had an emergency?

>> No.12089494

still a kuso
forever a kuso
kuso ttk is extremely kuso

>> No.12089498

How many level 1's do you keep heartlocked?
Counting mine.

>> No.12089500

Didn't mean to quote.

>> No.12089503


Four of them are from this event (Akashi, Hamakaze, Sakawa, Agano)

Oldest one is Kumano who I got from Fall E-5

>> No.12089505

I have 81.

>> No.12089509

Not a single one. Ship girl list goes 78-72-64-57-25-21-20-20-20-20. Guess how many destroyers I collected instead of starting to clear world 5 or collecting actually useful ships.

>> No.12089510

Chitose and Fusou sisters (on account of being spares)
Shoukaku and Amatsukaze (on account of being new)
Shikinami and Chikuma (no excuse)

>> No.12089512

0, I like to sort by levels so newly got ships are last.

>> No.12089513

The only level 1 locked ship I have is Fubuki. Everyone else has at least couple of levels.

>> No.12089514

Mine's are mostly DD and CL.

I like you.

>> No.12089515

Oops misread that.
I have six.

>> No.12089517

Just a spare Iku, everybody else has been raised appropriately.

>> No.12089520
File: 88 KB, 179x480, Scr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed E4. Should I stop there and start focusing on farming rare drops?

>> No.12089522
File: 188 KB, 691x340, fuck everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy I love green T at boss node. Opening airstrike hit Yamato for 60 damage and it went downhill from there. At least thanks to Zuikaku and chip damage from red BBs I at least chipped almost 1/3 of Wake's HP.

>> No.12089524

A Hachi, I got her like 2 hours ago.
Why don't you level them? At least send them on expeditions, my expedition-only ships are level 40-50 already.

>> No.12089527

if your admiral level is 79 or less, maybe.
If you are level 80+, E5 will crush your resources and soul, so not a good idea.

>> No.12089528

I use Mutsuki class for that.

>> No.12089531

Look at his subs level, he's clearly above 80.

>> No.12089540

I'm lvl 70. I worry about lack of good equipment btw. Only 2 46's, 1 sanshiki, reppu kai, reppu, shiden kai2.

>> No.12089544
File: 222 KB, 850x682, Wake_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn fuck you two

>> No.12089549
File: 213 KB, 600x670, 1399042548174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just protecting her squishy friend. We expect our ships to do same.

>> No.12089551

Nips already did the map with only 41cm.

That said, you clearly need at least 3-4 sanshiki. You also need more reppu or shiden kai2.

>> No.12089554
File: 618 KB, 750x1000, Darwin_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so next time Darwin will protect her squishy imouto?

>> No.12089571

At least that inspired me to read this.


Ugh now I feel sick.

>> No.12089572

If I could do fuckin E-3 without 43cm and my highest ship was 53 I think you'll be fine dude

>> No.12089627
File: 192 KB, 1100x837, 39937887_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sending Kirishima your way bitch.

>> No.12089632
File: 296 KB, 694x982, Abyss_017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henderson-chan and Darwin-tan are going to defend their girlfriend

Henderson was E-4 because she's BB Hime's girlfriend
BB Hime is in this event, and even brought one of her many girlfriends, the hime, t to E-5, because Henderson asked her to check up on her older sister, which would be Darwin. And now Darwin has fallen for BB Hime too. Pic related.

It's all one giant clusterfuck of BB Hime being a playboy and all the pretty abyss girls being her girlfriends.

This was your regularly scheduled /u/ time.

>> No.12089635

Is there any better way to get radars than 10/300/250/250 or do I have to suffer?

>> No.12089636

Just don't give a fuck about radars

>> No.12089648

B-But they give nice accuracy and range and stuff for my BBs.

>> No.12089652

Does this stuff even matter.

>> No.12089664

It seems 5-5 is doable now, why aren't you working on it?

>> No.12089667

It used to. Now we use seaplanes.

>> No.12089674

Actually yes accuracy matters. There was image flying around showing how big the boost it gives actually is.
> why aren't you working on it?
Atrocious bauxite cost for air superiority.

>> No.12089677

Because I was going to sort my equipment out and send my fleet tomorrow, gott damm, gimme some time to sleep I only just grinded out everything I wanted from the event

>> No.12089678

What's the point?

>> No.12089682

Need one more medal for another blueprint.

>> No.12089696

Do you have to use a medal for resources first before the option for exchanging comes up? I'm at the item menu and have my medals clicked, but the option for exchanging them as I see it in the wiki pic is not showing.

>> No.12089698

Re-chan is still a horrible bitch, air superiority requires like 3CV full of Reppu and if you don' get superiority, Re rapes you even harder than before

5-5 can go fuck itself

>> No.12089713

> air superiority requires like 3CV full of Reppu
You need 2CV 1CVL because of compass. Kaga, Taiho and Chitose with 3xreppu 1xType 62 is enough. Say goodbye to your bauxite though.

>> No.12089720

Re is cute, you should 5-5 so you can pet Re.

>> No.12089727
File: 98 KB, 1256x349, 2014-05-03 01-01-36.666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this?
Not sure how much Extra is needed since I never truly paid attention to how many planes are lost where but 50 should definitely be enough

Still, not only does this hurt on bauxite, Re is still deadly with her firepower and torps.

>> No.12089731

You have to click the Use button in the lower right; no, it will not make them convert to resources instantly like opening the medal boxes, it opens the popup where you can convert to plans, resources, or cancel.

>> No.12089735

>medal boxes
obviously I meant furniture boxes, whoops

>> No.12089735,1 [INTERNAL] 

holy fug, I LOVE this thread

>> No.12089747

We should start having threads dedicated to individual girls, I think we're at the point where there's enough content being produced. What do you guys think

>> No.12089735,2 [INTERNAL] 

You guys should honestly thank the people who took all the time and effort into making Kancolle unwelcome on /jp/ - if they didn't it'd be everywhere, like the 2hushit is now.

>> No.12089752


>> No.12089753 [DELETED] 

why do people ask permission to make threads

>> No.12089753,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12089759

I like it. But maybe condense destroyers into classes-specific threads instead. Then we can shit up Kagerou and Yuugumo threads with arguments about where Akigumo belongs.

>> No.12089753,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12089763

which kancolle wud u fug, the board

>> No.12089763,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12089768

I'm to scared to make a new thread someone help

>> No.12089769
File: 26 KB, 657x134, 40 DAMAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate, I will chipping the boss gauge till zero one month later.
First run and my resources already having a nightmare.

>> No.12089769,1 [INTERNAL] 

*pees on you*

>> No.12089774
File: 195 KB, 600x1200, 1398811400287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make a Shimakaze one.

>> No.12089777 [DELETED] 

That would be one lonely thread.

Make a thread for -kazes, they can throw a party.

>> No.12089778
File: 224 KB, 800x1129, c2f6bb365bc1e05b5c53184b7d8c9774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make a Murakumo thread just for myself and myself only?

>> No.12089784
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x849, 43221614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I especially dislike the -kazes Apart from Hatsukaze.
No. Make one for all the starter if you want.

>> No.12089788

No, leave some Murakumo for me too

>> No.12089791 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 611x608, 1399073736507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12089796

Error Cat my greatest foe!

>> No.12089799 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 715x1000, 41691953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll kick your shit in.

>> No.12089799,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12089809
File: 495 KB, 900x591, Superior DD class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I only spoke the truth.
They are the cancer, they keep on increasing their numbers for no reason.

>> No.12089814 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 900x591, who is that mysterious ship girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12089814,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12089816
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 3744924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll kick your shit in.

>> No.12089821

All of the new -kazes are very cute. What more do you want out of your destroyers than cuteness?

>> No.12089825 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 400x430, 1392443164889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I especially dislike the -kazes
Sorry, mate, the one you're mad at isn't me.

>> No.12089832
File: 61 KB, 664x769, 40535687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What more do you want out of your destroyers than cuteness?
I don't ask them for more. It's just that apart from Hatsukaze and Amatsukaze they are not really cute.
I'm mad at anyone who does the Suzuwho? joke.

>> No.12089837 [DELETED] 

I was poking at fun at you because you said you hated all the -kazes (minus Hatsukaze) and then posted a picture of Suzukaze, unless that was someone else.

>> No.12089841
File: 209 KB, 800x800, 255f40fe35ea37454bc7a114fbda5ff9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry for acting retarded then. It's just that I thought we were talking about Kagerou class.

>> No.12089849 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 1350x840, 43050209_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But none of the originals' names end that way?

Except Yukikaze, but she "graduated" or something.

>> No.12089878
File: 751 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140502-17200088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god finally a get

>> No.12089879

woops, forgot to mention e-4

>> No.12089880

Yo, teitoku!

>> No.12089881
File: 43 KB, 220x327, 220px-WakeIsland_1942_movie_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May this film about the heroic last stand of a handful of Marines on Wake Island inspire you in your efforts in clearing E-5.

>> No.12089882 [DELETED] 

Has anyone made a rokurokubi joke about her yet?

It seriously don't look like it should connect.

>> No.12089884

Those Marines look awfully jolly for people fending off two thousand Japs.

>> No.12089885
File: 194 KB, 426x341, 1397029113778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learn about 2-3 farming so I think "ok, let's make a sub". Got I-168 on my 2nd try. I notice dat ass, restrain myself. I replace my first fleet and send her to be slaughtered directly to 2-3.

I watch her great damage CG. Finish the sortie. Ok, time to pay a visit to sad panda.


Ok time to sortie again. After 2 or 3 sorties I have to visit sad panda again. This has happened 5 times already in less than 6 hours.

Please, make it stop! someone cover that ass and back already ;_; I'm even tring to craft another sub so I can rest from this curse.

>> No.12089889

For the support expedition,Level 31 Zuikaku or Level 30 Akagi?
I can't decide for the last CV spot, for shelling purposes.

>> No.12089896

This isn't the wiki, you know.

>> No.12089898

nice blog lmao

>> No.12089900


Whichever one you think is cuter.

>> No.12089902

I can't wait for this event to end so all the wiki trash leaves the thread

>> No.12089907

How about leaving yourself?

>> No.12089908

No, I want the wild, murderous one for killing staff in E5.

>> No.12089910 [DELETED] 

spoilers: these threads have been shit for like, six months

>> No.12089912 [DELETED] 

Like and upvoted.

>> No.12089919


>> No.12089922

Spoilers: If you think the threads have been /this/ shit for six months you're even dumber than the wiki faggots.

>> No.12089923 [DELETED] 

you are the proof

>> No.12089925

Oh, Ok.

>> No.12089927

Ha ha ha. Look at this faggot blogging his hate. (tl;dr but I could sense his angry at the game)

I bet, in reality, he sank his high level ship, got mad and never came back.
or maybe he's the teitoku who posted his api here and then someone scrapped all his shipgirls.

>> No.12089928

How can we fix Akashi?
These essentially free repair dock is a shitty gimmick that screw up free pvp experience.

>> No.12089930

Free pvp XP should never have been a thing to begin with.

>> No.12089931

Make her function the same way except that she only auto-heals the least damaged ships that aren't in a fleet or a dock. Akashi herself has to be free as well.

What's the point of PvP then?

>> No.12089932

>that screw up free pvp experience.

Not if they use a slot for a high level ship or level their Akashi.

Who wouldn't want to level her anyway? She's a cutie.

>> No.12089933

>What's the point of PvP then?
Fighting against other high levelled Kanmusus.

>> No.12089942

I plan on leveling Akashi after I get Isuzu's second remodel.

I still dunno whether to spread levels out to everyone or focus on a select few ships.

>> No.12089960

Out of curiosity: for those who married a kai ni ship, does it also affect the original library slot as well?

>> No.12090012

Any tips on getting through 2-3 with noob destroyers for B20?
I have been trying with Taihou and Kaga with green and blue planes

>> No.12090029


>> No.12090040

Nah, it's >>12089283

Akashi has been a blessing for my fleet.
It has saved me around ~20 bucket counts.

>> No.12090044
File: 243 KB, 1124x637, HIMEWRECKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally cleared E-5. Being able to clear the whole event feels satisfying. Used up about 70k fuel, 60k steel and ammo and like 30k baux. And of course, no ships lost.
Main fleet was 4 BB 2 CV for the first few run, switched to 3 BB 3 CV midway and switched back to the first composition for the final blow. Support fleet was 2 BB 2 CV.
How is /jp/ doing in the event?

>> No.12090046

If only the time count isn't 20 minutes but much faster, she'd be much more useful.

>> No.12090065
File: 394 KB, 802x481, kikuzuki strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E4 preboss

>> No.12090123


How often did you sparkle, if at all? I've been sparkling to 70+ for all my runs and it's really wearing me down.

I assume the support fleet was just for the boss?

>> No.12090148

I'm still stuck at the last kill.

>> No.12090169

>What's the point of PvP then?
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their shipdaughters.

>> No.12090203
File: 144 KB, 623x889, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, can't even strip Amatsukaze enough to see her nipples.

>> No.12090211
File: 619 KB, 947x567, E-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished E-4 i don't have any other good DDs so i had to go pretty heavy.

>> No.12090213

You don't need good DDs for E4. Level 40 expedition ships are enough for it, as long as you have damage controls and good ASW equipment.

>> No.12090214
File: 396 KB, 508x600, 1370036454313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what to say.

>> No.12090230

Support fleet was for the boss

And yes, I sparkled every single ships. Managed to get to the boss consistently ever since I started sparkling, with only 2 retreat due to Symbiotic Battleship Princess node screwing me up

>> No.12090271

>Blatantly sexist power fantasies
I stopped reading at that part because I was in pain from all the laughing.

>> No.12090276
File: 48 KB, 580x435, Shigure3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12090285


>> No.12090295

God damn, I'm on the same boat. Two Mikuma, a Maruyu, Iku and Hachi. No Tanikaze and I'm down to 6 Damecon.

>> No.12090334

I have not been playing for a few weeks already and I've forgotten how annoying the random targeting system can be.

>> No.12090407
File: 597 KB, 799x477, e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12090417

Wait, why Akagi at first slot?

>> No.12090425

So she won't eat reds left and right I guess.

>> No.12090434

Does it really help? Flagship protection doesn't seem to activate much unless you're using diamond.

>> No.12090440

Not a clue, but whatever helps him sleep at night.

>> No.12090490

What the best way to complete the 5x W2 boss kill quest? I've already spent 6 hours on 2-2 and still not 50%.

>> No.12090510

2-3 subs. All day every day.

>> No.12090512

It's not worth doing.

>> No.12090524

I don't do this quest because it's a waste of time and motivation

>> No.12090541

5-5 fully sparkled. wish me luck /jp/

>> No.12090546

Don't forget, since you're sparkled you're safe to advance on red. Go for it!

>> No.12090568
File: 583 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140503-15151226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advanced on red, not bad

>> No.12090621

They should add Moosashi to LSC soon, right? I mean, her event was 3 month after Yamato's and Yamato has been available in LSC for a while.

>> No.12090634

Should be somewhere after the even and perhaps a few weeks before the next event?

>> No.12090638

Hopefully they not will be such faggots to add her only after announcing the event

>> No.12090644

Because we all love extrapolation, considering that the opening of LSC coincides with the Appregio mini-event and the fact the summer anime is coming soon, perhaps we could expect another series of LSC-exclusive ship be added on the first episode of the anime.

>> No.12090662
File: 299 KB, 750x500, 1393920649201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all still here ?
Everyone is waiting for you at /kc/ !

>> No.12090663

I've kept getting matched against another admiral named "Cthulu" on Sukumo. Is that one of you guys?

>> No.12090669

I've been out for months from 4chan in general, so what is this?

>> No.12090672

Why aren't you back at /ghost/?

>> No.12090686

How the fuck is anyone supposed to farm E-1?
I literally get shot to red every second sortie before reaching the bossnode and for some reason all my ships decide to miss at the ta node

>> No.12090688

What ships are you using?

>> No.12090690

With a lot of buckets

>> No.12090691
File: 248 KB, 954x486, filename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12090696

2CA, 3CAV, 1BB

Still eats some buckets.

>> No.12090697

Switch Kirishima with a clt

>> No.12090698

Huh. Just checking, but what's your rank?

>> No.12090701

Forget to activate it. I've reached 2-2 boss node 5 times in row this way, only to see that I need to do it again.

>> No.12090705
File: 140 KB, 694x335, Fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fleet you're using to farm it is far better than mine. You shouldn't be having any problems with it.

For reference, this is mine. I almost always get only scratch damage on all of the nodes except the boss node. You're being sent on the south route, right?

>> No.12090708

Line ahead or double line?

>> No.12090709

You mean server ranking? 少将 with only 24 points since I don't really sortie much.

I'll try these out right away, thank you for your advice.

Yes, that's correct.

>> No.12090712

Line ahead. You shouldn't be using any other formation if you're fielding CLTs.

>> No.12090714

I know, I was just wondering because more often than not, I eat more that scratch damage, with a higher level fleet.

>> No.12090718

/kc/ is an Kancolle imageboard that I host and nobody uses.

>> No.12090721

Why do you faggots still play this shit game? It's so boring.

>> No.12090722

I would take the advice of some of the above posters and swap out Kirishima for another CLT. You don't need a second round of shelling on the first node, the second node has a BB already, and the boss node can be easily S ranked by going to night battle.

>> No.12090723

I'm not that guy though. Running it with 2CS 2CV 2CLT

>> No.12090725

To be honest I'm amazed anybody remembers it exists.

>> No.12090726


Are you getting sent to the south route or north route?

>> No.12090727

I meant CAV, sorry

>> No.12090746

Is it possible to get another ship if it get's destroyed?
For example, if I lose my starter ship, can I get it as a drop or something, or is it gone forever?

>> No.12090749
File: 69 KB, 500x500, f171214ecaea19ed03bdabe0c9af4e16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of the girl in OP's image? I don't play Kancolle but that girl is a qt

>> No.12090752

She's gone forever.

>> No.12090753

It's gone forever, sorry

>> No.12090754

Her name is slutface.

>> No.12090757

Darwin-chan or seaport hime.

>> No.12090759

I always thought Darwin chan is E5 boss. So what does E5 boss represent?

>> No.12090760
File: 263 KB, 1597x900, 133322517054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty, anon. Here, have some 2hus.

>> No.12090761
File: 88 KB, 625x427, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12090763

Ah, thanks.

>> No.12090774

Look at that wide, gaping hole

>> No.12090829

You can get her again, but it's not the same.

>> No.12090856

I'm trying to clear E-4 with 4 BB and 2 CV. It's obviously crippling my resources and I'm practically sending fllets to expeditions all day without rest.

Given that I've seen some people here using destroyers and light cruisers for clearing the event maps I was wondering that, if I level my destroyers, light and heavy cruisers I'd be able to clear 2-4 replacing my BB with then.

>> No.12090858

So...how are you going to kill subs with that composition?

>> No.12090862


Damn, my bad... I eant 2-4

>> No.12090863

E-4 is sub only at boss, do you mean E-3?

You probably could clear using only CA, CL, and DD, but that required enough luck and patience.
I've seen some anon here clearing using those setup.

>> No.12090865

To clear 2-4 with cruisers you need 70+ ships. You're probably being fucked up by your equipment, read the combat page and fix your setup accordingly.

>> No.12090868

That's probably a terrible idea. Destroyers only start being good enough for something like that around level 60/70 at least.
Stick to the BBs and CVs. Post your fleet, like levels and the like.

>> No.12090872
File: 70 KB, 806x480, Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind my all runs ended like this, as long as I did damage to boss.

Why are we calling Wake, Wake-tan, but Darwin is Darwin-chan?

>> No.12090873

Remodel BBs(grind them at 2-4-A node to remodel levels) and max their firepower and armor, equip them with 3xred guns 1x seaplane, remodel CVs, equip them with torpedo bombers, have exactly 1 Type 62 Zero Fighter-Bomber equipped on one of CVs, use F5 formation when you go H node route.

>> No.12090874
File: 651 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140503-12424317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that, with this fleet I'll only need some luck to clear it in a few more runs. But my main issue is that whenever I have the bad luck of damaging one of my CVs or get any other ship on red I've got to return to base to not lose a ship or have a huge lump of useless metal in the case of CV and I have to spend almost 400 fuel to resupply then.

I just want less fuel consummption...

>> No.12090876

Because Henderson is also Henderson-chan and you're blinder than blind if you don't see the obvious visual connection between the two

>> No.12090878

Get your ships to lvl30+, remodeled and fully modernized before attempting to clear 2-4.

>> No.12090879

You need at least 130 firepower to do damage to boss, else it will be just scratch damage.

>> No.12090880

Sparkle, you fool.

>> No.12090883

5-5 clear, ~10k fuel/ammo, ~8k steel, ~2k bauxite. Easier than prepatch overall.

>> No.12090885

How did you deal with lack of Air Superiority?

>> No.12090887

I don't lack air superiority.

>> No.12090892

Could I trouble you for your fleet composition and loadout, good sir?

>> No.12090899

Are you Tatsuya Shiba?

>> No.12090900

Sub cheese.

>> No.12090904

BB 46 46 Recon T14/32
CV Reppu Reppu Reppu/Reppu Kai Ryuusei Kai
CVL Reppu Shinden Shinden Damecon

>> No.12090906

Did you use Yamato-class?

>> No.12090907

Great, thanks.

>> No.12090908
File: 67 KB, 801x477, mere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so my headcanon now Darwin-chan is Henderson-chan's older sister and she's seeking revenge because at fall event, many admirals attacking her sister.

Okay, I will.
And now they kill everyone but the boss.

>> No.12090909


You save a lot of resources by putting up the right setup with the correct equipment. You don't even need any damecons post-patch.

>> No.12090910

Would you say you have been lucky with Re missing torpedos and such? I'm worried I might blow three to five times that number of res

>> No.12090912
File: 78 KB, 760x455, 3bearget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikuma from E-4 and Hamakaze from 2-2 in the same day.

>> No.12090914

My headcanon is even more complex
Henderson is basically BB Hime's girlfriend and asks BB Hime to go check up on her older sister (Darwin). BB Hime is so taken by Darwin that she includes Darwin into her harem and stays around but instead of staying with Darwin, Darwin asks her to protect Wake-tan. BB Hime calls one of her other girlfriends (The hime from B node in E-5) to help her out while Henderson tends to the beaten up Darwin. (And swears revenge, watch out for her showing up in Midway)

This has been your regularly scheduled yuri headcanon time

>> No.12090925

Yes, Yamato only, I don't have Musashi. If you're going to attempt with Fast BBs only you can sortie with 3CV instead of using a CVL.

Putting a damecon on my Zuihou saved me from 2 pre-boss retreats though. She'd do mediocre damage even if you put a red on her anyway, so I decided to put a damecon for safety purposes.

8 runs, 5 line ahead comp, 3 double line comp. Elite Re misses torpedoes every time on double line, Kaga and Zuihou to red once, 1 scratch damage on Yamato and 2 misses. Kept all my ship's fatigue at >80 for every run.

>> No.12090926

Sparkle/support fleet?

>> No.12090935

Good point on the damecon on Zuihou, even better if you have Type 62s to make up for missing FP while still having a token attack to pick off CLs and balls.

>> No.12090939

All support fleets are the same. 1DD 2CV 2BB 1DD, every slot with the strongest gun or red plane you have. As for sparkling, I'll leave that for Wo to answer.

>> No.12090944

I've never noticed a difference that can't be attributed to RNG when sparkling. Always sparkle support expedition's flagship though.

>> No.12090946

Main fleet full sparkle at >80, sortie support full sparkle for near 100% chance of appearing at all nodes, and boss support flagship sparkle.

>> No.12090949

I noticed well over 90% chance for trash support with only flagship sparkle.

>> No.12090955

Keep trying.

>> No.12090960

How do you resist the urge to LSC?

>> No.12090962

By doing LSC. After the event is over I'll focus all my resources on getting Yamato.

>> No.12090963

You keep telling yourself those resources you stockpiled is for some event that will suck your resources out of your stockpile like a blackhole consumes a god damn star.

>> No.12090964

I'm waiting till the end to see if they add/change something, and I'm farming for Hatsukaze for the time being. When the event is officially over and they don't announce anything, I'll throw the remaining 100k into LSC

>> No.12090966

If E5 taught me anything, it's that Yamato and Taihou are worth their cost.

>> No.12090972
File: 15 KB, 149x74, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having dev mats is the only thing stopping me right now.

>> No.12090977

How does this happen. I always have more than 400.

>> No.12090981

I only started in December so haven't had much time to stock dev mats, and I don't have Yamato yet.

>> No.12090985

I started in February and have Yamato but no Taihou.
Did you do LSC with 100 dev mats? It's not useful.

>> No.12090992

Lets be serious.
LSC ships > shitty sakawa
The event reward is just not worth it.

>> No.12090994

I had 357 dev mats after clearing E-5. You go through them pretty quick even with 4/6/6/2/20.

>> No.12090995
File: 1.85 MB, 1344x5188, Hall of Shame Wikiturds Spring Event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no explanation needed for this.

>> No.12090996

By having all ships that are LSC exclusive

>> No.12090998

I've seen worse on the wiki.

>> No.12090999

Not that guy, but I did 48 Taihou attempts using 20 mats. That alone is 960 gone. Now I'm sitting at 486. Hopefully I'll get Yamato before I exhaust that.

By the way, I remember some discussion back in the day that using 1 or 20 devmats is pretty much the same. od we have any conclusion on that?

>> No.12091000

I might go back and extend this with the remaining 30 pages but god, it hurts to see so much stupidity

>> No.12091001

By looking at Bismarcks stats, not her sexy curves.

>> No.12091006

I never noticed any real difference. I got both Taihou and Hotel with just 1 devmat. After ~90 attempts nearly ran out of devmats, continued with 1 instead of 20 and got them after ~40 more tries.

It's all RNG bullshit anyway, so whatever superstition you believe in will work wonders.

>> No.12091007

It's things like this that make me hope the next event will be another November 2013 event. It fills me with much schadenfreude to watch their ships drop like flies.

>> No.12091008

I'm more impressed that you take your time collecting and made this.
By forgetting that there's this red button in construction page called LSC.

>> No.12091010

It really seems the current event did lure some retards in, I stopped reading the comments on that page.

>> No.12091011

Please no. I wish to take it easy. I can accept any form of ridiculous requirements except for regenerating health bar.

>> No.12091012

Blame anime.

>> No.12091013

Come on, poor shipgirls can't chose their TTK and they're suffering under these kuso unwillingly.

>> No.12091014

>since you guys already know about how damage dealt in this game is done via % rather than flat
Nice forum

>> No.12091015

took me maybe an hour to go through the pages and screenshot the stupid shit with logbook and then paste-in the file into paint.

I was waiting for repairs.

Oh yes, please.
I want the entire wiki to get buttblasted into the next level of existence.

The wiki isn't any better outside of events. There is still the same level of idiocy.

>> No.12091016

I'd rather have a flagship RE than regenerating health.

>> No.12091017

You can wish bad things towards kuso-ttks as much as you want, but the shipgirls are innocent and don't deserve that.

No, that wave is still to come on us.

During the event the quantity of those low quality posts did increase.

>> No.12091019

Can't wait for endless 2-4 crying(or, hell, even 1-4) despite the fact that it's easier then ever now with day battle double attacks.

>> No.12091025

>that wave is still to come on us.
The VPN wall is still pretty high. So it's not that bad.

>> No.12091027

>day battle double attacks.
It's kinda hard to get air dominance/superiority for early game, I think. 2-4 on the other hand will be much easier but people will still complain because they lack patience.

>> No.12091029

And the wikiturds continue to spoonfeed everyone so all those scumbags will continue being kuso ttk

>> No.12091030

Looking at the wiki comment, sometimes i wonder whether it's a genuine comment or just false-flag planted for us to make fun of.

>> No.12091032

For the sake of your own sanity, just imagine that everyone on the internet is simply trying to troll each other.

>> No.12091035

>It's kinda hard to get air dominance/superiority for early game
Putting 3 Model 21 Zeros on Akagi is not hard, you now.

>> No.12091038

I was slow back then. I only got my Akagi in stage 2. But I guess that's a valid tactic. Newcomers would be shocked on how we even look down on float planes back then.

>> No.12091047

But half of these are fair questions,and the other half are your run off the mill dumb comments. There's nothing particularly bad in that, or at least nothing on the level of "I sunk 5 ship at yelow, why? nayt battol..."

>> No.12091048

In another 2-3 months we will see that.
And it's a good thing float plane is useful now, I almost scrap all of them for make space.

>> No.12091053

>I almost scrap all of them for make space.
Thankfully, the hoarder in me convinced me to leave two zero recon float planes before scrapping the rest. For the rest, I have to get mine from newly dropped CL.

>> No.12091057

If you think half of those are fair questions you are one of them

>> No.12091060

where do i find another inazuma

>> No.12091061

If this is the first event they had, then it's not surprising. Then again, google translating wikiwiki would have given them some hint.

I'm quite surprised at the high level though. Some of them have very strong ships.

>> No.12091062

Where is the Bingo?

>> No.12091064

>Where do I find another Inazuma?
At 1-1.

>> No.12091068

Anon please
There is being new and then there is ignoring the entire event page and common sense resulting in asking dipshit questions

>> No.12091099

I don't think I will be able to chip off the gauge until the event ends, or farming drops.
Exams is coming

>> No.12091112

You know, I expected Yuudachi to look more, I dunno, impressive? It looks so plain, I can't even think about it actually fighting.

>> No.12091115
File: 168 KB, 1410x882, 1399062872781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12091116


>> No.12091117

You remember Yuudachi's original art?

Nobody likes her until she went Kai Ni.

>> No.12091119

Isn't that Battleship's job to looking majestic/impressive?
Heh, I could feel the anger.

Her original hair reminds me of Barbie's hair actually.

>> No.12091123

>Isn't that Battleship's job to looking majestic/impressive?
Only if you're Hitler. I think the Japs are a bit more practical. I mean, do they seriously think the pagoda super structure is impressive?

>> No.12091128
File: 731 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140503-23411722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I just want Uzuki, not another fucking Hamakaze. Is a single Mutsuki so much to ask?

>> No.12091130

Farming E-4 for Tanikaze, I get 4 Mikumas and not a single Tanikaze, yay.

>> No.12091131

He's right that the Japanese did do terrible things though.

>> No.12091132
File: 747 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-04052643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is a single Mutsuki so much to ask?
Yes pyon~

>> No.12091133

I liked her though, she and Murasame were cute enough to warrant perma lock. I never actually deployed her before remodel though.
Murasame k2 when?

>> No.12091136

Murasame already got sprite change so never.

>> No.12091137

Sadly, never.

>> No.12091140

Its completely unrelated to Kancolle though. Besides borrowing some names and locations.

>> No.12091141

Not like white pigs hasn't done terrible things themselves, >>12089571 for example is one of less disturbing ones.

>> No.12091142

>Besides borrowing some names and locations.
More than enough to complicate matters, people tend to make sense of what they see.

>> No.12091146

But the enemies you're fighting are murrikans

>> No.12091150
File: 175 KB, 683x381, 出撃でぇ~す.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hoarding all of the pyons for myself. Sorry. I don't even know why I'm holding on to them. Maybe I'll raise them for their shitty radar.

>> No.12091152

...and Australians.

>> No.12091156

And the Dutch and British, apparently. I just wish they add Allies ship already so they can shut those SJW warriors up.

>> No.12091158

Well, we had ABDA this event. American, British, Dutch, Australians.

>> No.12091162

Seriously. Just add one American or British ship.

>> No.12091163

They shouldn't, really. Backlash will be disastrous.

>> No.12091164

Destroyers don't really look impressive that much.

>> No.12091166

From who? The fans of this game won't care so long as it's a cute girl.

>> No.12091168

I really wonder though. Do the main playerbase really care that much? Then again, we have WW2 veterans playing this though.

>> No.12091171

It'll be awkward if Enterprise-chan enters the roster, at least for the girls her aviators sunk.

>> No.12091176

Not as bad as American subs, I suppose.

>> No.12091177

They're just using the names of the ships. It's not like it's actually those ships.

>> No.12091179

Your country won in WWII, right? You'll never understand the resentment of the side that lost and is a subject of victor's justice even today.

>> No.12091181
File: 202 KB, 720x402, wo is love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the qt girls tragic story come from WW2 romanticism. Their sinking line portray them as tragic heroine dying while fighting even big bad amurrikan.
The wo might as well be enterprise. Wo is our savior.

>> No.12091185

>It's not like it's actually those ships.
The backlash comes with the memories and history dealing with the ship. Not just the names. Names are powerful as much as I hate it.

>> No.12091187

I don't think anybody from the current generation, whether victors or loser's side, understands the resentment of the old geezers.

I mean, look at south-east asia... the Japanese stomped all over them in WW2, but they're pretty much all weeaboos now.

The only 'resentment' I see are the retards who laugh over earthquakes in Japan and yell "pearl harbor durr".

>> No.12091193 [DELETED] 

Bitch please, if they didn't want to win the war they shouldn't have started it.

>> No.12091194
File: 62 KB, 1421x823, Arashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all depends on the angle.
That's why I said you will not understand.

>> No.12091197

Bitch please, if they didn't want to lose the war they shouldn't have started it.

>> No.12091206

I would like to see DD-579 implemented.

>> No.12091209

I doubt people actually care. I'm Chinese and I'm a weeaboo despite what they did to China.

>> No.12091213

With a luck rating that will make Mutsu, Fuso, Yamashiro, Taihou, and hell even Shinano, feel better for themselves.

>> No.12091219

100+ E-1 runs already and still no Hatsukaze

Am I the only one here who hasn't got virgin wind from this event?

>> No.12091220

If anything, it's SJW who would complain the loudest.
Screaming incoherent sentences regarding sexualized ship daughters and war crimes.

>> No.12091225


>> No.12091226

i can't imagine who you're responding to

>> No.12091232

Got one in 102 runs. You're close, I think.

>> No.12091233

What's the iona recipe again? 4000/4500/5500/2000?

>> No.12091236
File: 1.33 MB, 800x450, 1393649506338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12091241

Is this guaranteed to give Yamato?

>> No.12091244

Where's webm?

>> No.12091245

Yes, or you get your resources back.

>> No.12091247


>> No.12091249

How did this recipe came to be?

>> No.12091250

Linear regression, I think.

>> No.12091251

Yes, I tried it once and LSC gave me two Yamatos, a Bismarck, and a Musashi in three crafts!

>> No.12091254

Why do these never give the dev kit amount?

>> No.12091255

Because devkits are placebo.

>> No.12091257

How reliable is it really? A bit under 20% like all the other ones?

>> No.12091260
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>> No.12091262

Doesn't LSC-guy make any more charts?

>> No.12091267

There's definitely a difference between 1 and 20.

>> No.12091268



>> No.12091269


>> No.12091293
File: 728 KB, 1614x1498, 0503 report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make one, but we barely got 2 pages worth of data in a month.

>> No.12091296

Much appreciated as usual.

>> No.12091313

E-4: 2*Mikuma, Naganami, 2*Hachi, Maruyu, 3*Iku, 4*Imuya, 2*Goya, 2*Shimakaze, Yuubari, 3*Kumano, Suzuya, 2*Zuihou, 2*Noshiro, 3*Kinugasa

Now, that's very close to getting the entire drop pool - twice, except for Tanikaze of course. Why can't anything nice ever happen?

>> No.12091314

SJW are almost as bad as people saying SJW warrior. I bet you say ASAP as possible too.

>> No.12091317

No need to be so frustrated. You only yolo once.

>> No.12091338
File: 43 KB, 430x375, where is muh tanikaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your TLVL? 100+ here.
I am suspecting that maybe she doesnt drop for high lvl admiral at E4. I pretty much saw the same kind of drop pattern as you but no Tanikaze.

>> No.12091352

102, before I went to sleep I just thought that maybe I had too many medals and she might think I'm too unreachable for her so I exchanged them for blueprints. It didn't work.
I tried E-3 too until I depleted my resources.

>> No.12091354

Would be the first time something doesn't drop for the higher levels.

>> No.12091356

105 here, got her there after 20~ S ranks.

>> No.12091367

I've spent 40k resource in E-3 with my Ayaneru big 7 fleet, didn't get Tanikaze, switch for Touyama ships and easily got Tanikaze with 8k resource.

Ayaneru is bad, you know, you should stick with Touyama forever.

>> No.12091368

They should seriously change that red message to pop-up when you have less then 5 free ship slots, not when you have no free slots.

>> No.12091370

I second this.

>> No.12091389

Fuck off, she cleared E-5 for me. Meanwhile those hapless monkeys just sort of stood there doing nothing acting like it's none of their business.

>> No.12091415
File: 119 KB, 599x360, E5 GET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12087425 here.
After a long thought, i decided to go yolo and try to clear E5 instead of farming E2/E3.
Currently doing fine with 3BB 3CV, although resource usage is higher than expected.

At least i'm glad RNG decided to give me an early prize.

>> No.12091447

Holy shit E4 finally cleared after 4 runs of nobody even aiming at the fucking boss

Do I have hope of clearing E-5 if I don't even have hotels ;_;

>> No.12091450

we lost

>> No.12091452
File: 196 KB, 1465x1007, 1398355193349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look like fucking floating castles.

>> No.12091459
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>> No.12091461

Yes, if you have Nagato-class and 3 well-trained, well-equipped CVs, preferably Taihou.

>> No.12091472

Aight I'm fucked, thanks anyway.

>> No.12091473

What are those tallhueg mast-like things? What purpose do they serve? They're not radars or some comm device, are they?

>> No.12091474
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, Fusou (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until they slapped extra floors. They look retarded with them.

>> No.12091475

I did it with a level 50 Zuikaku, what's your excuse?

>> No.12091481

All I got are Kongous and a Mutsu, Akagi+Kaga.

I'll just pray.

>> No.12091486

Steel is a bigger factor. And Taihou's edge is small. 20 less evasion thank Shoukaku-class and CVs aren't going to do a whole lot of damage in that map anyway.

>> No.12091494

Really? Able to still attack at orange seems like a pretty big edge to me.. helps me a lot anyways

>> No.12091495

5k steel I got crit repeatedly I think I'm just gonna go away for a while
What a map, submarines seriously.

>> No.12091496


>> No.12091497

Radio aerials.

>> No.12091499

sparkle you fool

>> No.12091503

rng-sama was not kind
6 sparkles kill me

>> No.12091505

I'm running 4BBs 2CVs so my carriers are tickling all the flagship BBs and princesses. Makes no difference if they can attack or not, to be frank, at the most, they have a small chance of taking out a floating fortress.

>> No.12091506

That's true, but with 3CV with ryuukai they can deal some considerable damage to trash mobs, mitigating scratch damages. I even had them take out an orb and medium damaged a Ru in my clearing run.

>> No.12091510

Ideally they kill fodder in other nodes so your battleships can actually attack other battleships.

Mine just ended up being air superiority bots. Kaga had a type 62 but Akagi was all green with a damage control.

>> No.12091515

They're that big?! Don't they get in the way of AA fires?

>> No.12091522

Yes, they are that big. Many early flat tops were plagued with unreliable radios because they lacked xbox hueg radio masts. And no, they don't get in the way of AA.

>> No.12091659
File: 271 KB, 800x480, sasuga hatsuyuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing up is a pain, so I'm going to sleep in today.

>> No.12091683
File: 21 KB, 529x398, ss (2014-05-03 at 01.22.37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you LSC

>> No.12091684

Sleepy fairy is the worst fairy. She never sent me where I wanted in the whole fucking week.

>> No.12091688

I've tried all kinds of things, but I honestly can't farm E-1 without at least having a 50% failure rate. My shits always get shot to red at the prebossnode.

>> No.12091698

Use stronger ships?

>> No.12091726

Go the Wo node.

>> No.12091846

So given that the kinds of people who use, contribute to, and post on the wiki are this stupid and autistic, shouldn't we view "read the wiki" as just another form of shitposting?

>> No.12091849

the content of the wikia is decent (and actually answers to a lot of noob questions), it's just the comments who suck really hard

>> No.12091850

Even if those people weren't quite this stupid, the "read the wiki" posts would still be shitposting.

>> No.12091857

It's just like any other place with a comment box, I can bet you that 99% of those people don't even contribute to the wiki.

>> No.12091890

Anyone else noticed that memory leaks/KCV freeze (due to mentioned leaks) become much more severe since the game update?

>> No.12091892

It only really happens if you leave KCV open for a very long time, just restart it once a day and it's fine.

>> No.12091902

Yeah, but game update fixed that annoying freeze when you go from craft screen to quest screen so I don't care..

>> No.12091923

When multiple torpedoes hit the same target, what happens? Game sums the damage and then calculates reduction by armor, or every hit is calculated separately?

>> No.12091933

4 trips in 2-3 for the final transport ship, 4 trips to the boss

I'm starting to think not even the fucking transport daily is worth doing anymore.

>> No.12092034

See >>12090407. It's more expensive, but still possible.

>> No.12092056

5-3 is so shitty now.

>> No.12092059


>> No.12092068

the shit in the boss node has day time double attack now

>> No.12092076

Seems about the same for the 5-sub clear to me.

>> No.12092092

When you guys cleared 5-2, did you go for air supremacy or air superiority?

>> No.12092101

supremacy needs way too many fighters

>> No.12092146

Fairly new TTK here. Completed E-1 yesterday trying my hand at E-2. Holy shit the night battle node. What can I do to not have two ships go into red every time? Trying to not be kuso TTK so definitely not going on to the boss node.

>> No.12092154


>> No.12092155

Using line abreast worked for me

>> No.12092162

Three things:

1. Make sure your ships are remodeled and modernized to have at least maximum firepower and armor.
2. Use the Echelon formation on the night battle node. In my experience, it will greatly reduce the chance of having to retreat due to the cut-ins and/double attacks of the enemy cruisers.
3. Make sure you have an appropriate fleet composition. I was using 1 CAV, 3 BBs, and 2 CVs, and I reached the boss node almost every time.

>> No.12092176

CAs work too here.

>> No.12092183

Is the inclusion of that third one supposed to be just context for the replies, or suggesting that the guy is an idiot for wanting to use line aboob at Hime node of E-5? Because I switched to line aboob and started getting past her about 50% of the time, compared to just once in my first 8 or so tries with double line.

If only I'd stop getting fucked at boss node even when arriving with all ships green; last run I entered night combat without a single red ship and wound up sinking the Hime but not Wake. At least I'm still at the stage where chip damage is worthwhile.

>> No.12092203

Not him, but i use line ahead on all E5 nodes.

Is there a legitimate reason for using line aboob, besides your anecdotal evidence?

>> No.12092228

I've done about 20 crafts for Yamato and I still don't have her. How is it higher than 10%?

>> No.12092233

Probability does not guarantee anything.

>> No.12092234

That's not how probability works. You aren't guaranteed a Yamato every 1/10 attempts or even 1/100.

>> No.12092235

Because the biggest threat is getting wrecked by the Hime, against whom evasion is way more useful than armor that she just punches right through? Considering the number of times I've managed to dodge both her attacks I feel it's worth the risk of eating a Ta crit (and Yamato can still easily kill the Ta with a double attack even in line aboob). When I tried using double line I had Taihou get critted to red instantly almost every single time, along with Mutsu once.

And anectodal evidence is all we have anyway unless someone wants to spend a million resources testing it.

>> No.12092236

The people, who use, contribute to, and post on /jp/ are also stupid and autistic, so now we can all shitpost together.

>> No.12092259

But with lineahead you can put the hime at halfhealth before second shelling.

>> No.12092262

Finally cleared E-5, and just wanted to let all the TTKs who haven't yet that it's worth it.

>> No.12092263

Did 1-5 reset for the month of may? Should I go get a new API to do the map?

>> No.12092265

I don't want to be a dick, but you can pretty easily research the answer to this without needing /jp/.

>> No.12092268

What did you use? 3BB 3CV and both support fleets?

>> No.12092272

3BB-3CV and no support fleets.
I'm only T-level 79 though. Got real close to going over into the level 80 territory, but I managed to beat it before then.

>> No.12092276

Welcome to the 80+ club, enjoy level scaling screwing you over and missing out on freefarm maps for future events

>> No.12092277

But she can still wreck anyone except maybe Yamato-class even at half health, and getting her there assumes flagship shielding doesn't keep your good attacks off her.

Meanwhile I'm down to just a sliver left on the gauge. Fucking hell, last run I went in with Yamato, Taihou, and Kaga all orange and only hoped to chip the gauge enough to make it one more kill, instead I end up getting lucky and killing her but I came up just short as I feared.

>> No.12092305

How do you guys play KanColle?

I usually use KCV for the morale indicator and timers, as well as the convenience of not having to mess with API links or VPNs.

>> No.12092306

Don't start useless discussions.

>> No.12092307

Pretty much everyone uses KCV, the real question here is if people still use API links or just the cookie method.

I still use API links because I cant be bothered to switch to the cookie method

>> No.12092308

Fuck everything, my BBs take Wake down to 106 HP in day combat while failing to kill either Ru, so obviously no one targets Wake at night.

Mutsu completely blasted her with a double attack then fucking Yamato hits her for just 36, what the hell. If she hadn't dropped the ball I would have actually won without night battle.

>> No.12092310

I'm so damn unlucky for drops this event the only good drops I got was a single Maruyu.

>> No.12092314

I put my API link on shortcut to Flash. Combined with sanaechan logbook, it's good enough for me.

>> No.12092315

I use flash projector together with logbook.

>> No.12092319
File: 330 KB, 710x1000, 1398866954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use API link because of F5.

Mutsu best BB

>> No.12092325

>I use API link because of F5
Can't you F5 with cookie method as well?

>> No.12092332
File: 520 KB, 743x439, random.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather avoid that for obvious reason.

>> No.12092334

Can you be any dumber?

>> No.12092342

What's this all about? I can't read moon.

>> No.12092355

Oh right, evasion.
Seeing as the evasion column has disappeared from the formation table in the wikia, i thought someone had debunked the myth.

I'll try using line aboob for now.

>> No.12092356

>Use the Echelon formation on the night battle node.
I don't know about this. A torpedo cut-in hurts, a lot. For me, sparkle all your ships. I don't know but sparkled ships has a higher chance of tanking more damage. It's probably a placebo effect though.

>> No.12092376
File: 211 KB, 816x538, E-5 done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutsu is love, but it ended up being Nagato who saved the day when I was near disaster. Go to yasen with a fortress still alive and Mutsu targets it, then Nagato thankfully targets Wake and double crits (unlike an earlier run where she did 290+9 and came up just short). I actually cleared the Hime node with all ships green, then green T at sub node fucked me, followed by boss escort Hime critting Yamato to red before she could fire.

Ran 3BB/3CV the entire way with 2DD/2BB/2CVL boss support fleet; all successful runs I used line ahead, line abreast, double line, line ahead. Didn't sparkle anything other than sparkle gained from MVPs, Yamato wound up permanently sparkled after I used her as flagship in early runs, rotated Mutsu and Nagato in flagship spot after that, whichever wasn't sparkling.

I don't log my results for exact numbers, but I started the event with about 58k of all resources and finished with 45k fuel, 49k ammo, 42k steel, and 59k bauxite.

>> No.12092390

I use API link only. No KCV or logbook. There was once I used google spreadsheet to track my income and crafts but somehow it got too much for me when I got too busy.

>> No.12092408

Through my VPN on DMM's site, without any of the fancy addons or tools unfortunately. I keep manual excel spreadsheets of resources and map grinding stuff, though.

>> No.12092410

>Kantai Collection - Kancolle
>0 posts and 0 image replies omitted.

>> No.12092421

I'm on my last kill in E5, but with 4BB 2CV I never manage to kill off the boss. Should I go with 5BB 1CV or 3BB 3CV?

>> No.12092432

If you're on your last kill, why don't you just spend your resources on a support fleet instead?

>> No.12092434

That goes without saying.

>> No.12092467

If i were you, i'd follow >>12092376 and use 3BB/3CV

>> No.12092496
File: 665 KB, 1000x600, fuck_wake-tan_forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it. Fucking did it. I'm finally free now. Excellent work, my shipgirls. Excellent work dealing the final blow, Mutsu-nee. Two whole days. Now I need some sleep. Playing with super adorable trophy ship comes later.

Please do your best and do not lose your cool. You can do it, I know it. If I can clear it with only 5 46cms and Shoukaku at level 46, I know you can too. I believe in you. Your girls believe in you.

>> No.12092501

May I ask on how many runs you did and resources expended? Thanks.

>> No.12092522

What kind of ship placement is that?

>> No.12092532

Probably the "I'm desperate and I have no idea what I'm doing anymore" formation.

People will use whatever placebos they can think of in this game.

>> No.12092534
File: 554 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140429-18070587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to clear e5 without any 46cms as well so it really is just a matter of patience.

>> No.12092544

So is there any way to increase the chances of getting a red T-cross?

>> No.12092565
File: 593 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140504-13480466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally made it to the boss node!

>> No.12092590

i think i'm gonna just give up e-5 i can't even burst through this fucking e-node hime i have no hope


>> No.12092599

all wands will break

>> No.12092605

I completed E5 on the second day of the event and still no Tanikaze while farming E1-4 every day. What the hell.

>> No.12092608

Relax and try again tomorrow. I don't get the rush, there's no regenerating health bar at all.

>> No.12092615

First sortie of the day going such a way is a little disillusioning

>> No.12092618

Well, I have 2 46cms...

>> No.12092620

Well, each sortie should be independent from the other sorties. Try again.

>> No.12092621

Don't let your emotions crumble! Stay positive and go to bed! Tomorrow is a new day!

>> No.12092623

>no hime
Must be nice.

>> No.12092625

I just started panicking because there's only three days left, and I'm living from expedition to expedition.

>> No.12092627

Doesn't this end on the 9th or something?

>> No.12092628

Exams, anon.

>> No.12092630

Got mine on the 15th ha

I haven't been to class for a month whoops

econ is shit whoops

>> No.12092635

and remember if you're studying econ theory just give up it's so shit also it's fucking shit fuck econ theory it's the fucking devil

>> No.12092638

I didn't keep track of my run count. If I did I would have probably went insane. I started E-5 with around 90k fuel, ammo, and steel. Ended with 40k fuel and steel and 50k ammo. Only sparkled up to 60~. Boss support at all times, trash support for final kill. Only sank gothloli 4 times, including the final kill.

I did spend around 10k steel and ammo for 46cm crafts. Didn't yield me anything. But I also made about 15k for each resource from expeditions.

Sakawa is too adorable. The folks who doesn't have her yet is missing out on so much.

Exactly. I tried CV BB BB BB CV CV and BB BB BB CV CV CV and had to retreat a gazillion times. Then I tried that voodoo formation once and it worked.

Don't worry, look at >>12092534's example. Your girls believe in you, and if you believe in yourself, you'll luck out soon enough. We're all rooting for you.

>> No.12092762

Fuck, I fell asleep mid-sortie again and wasted 14 hours without doing expeditions. What's the best way not to fall asleep mid-sortie?

>> No.12092765

>What's the best way not to fall asleep mid-sortie?
Stop playing and go to sleep.

>> No.12092766

>wasted 14 hours

What? You slept that long?

>> No.12092774

It is said that the Warring States period scholar Su Qin would tie his hair to the beams of his house and pierce himself on the ankle with an awl until he drew blood in order to keep himself from sleeping and allow him to play Kancolle as long as he liked.

Man, that Summer 338 BCE event must've been a nightmare.

>> No.12092776

Can you even imagine what kind of horrible map requirements they have during that period? No wonder everyone is so pissed back then.

>> No.12092784

But I need to break the gauge to have at least 1 full day before event ends to score a clean kill. Doesn't help that I started event exactly 2 days before due to bullshit reasons.
Accumulated fatigue, I haven't slept for 2 days before.
Interesting, I'll try stabbing my leg with a fork when I feel drowsy.

>> No.12092787

Masturbating will keep you awake for a while.

>> No.12092809

Yeah, the developers had no idea of balance until after the Tokugawa Shogunate. It's written in the Tale of the Heike that the Dharma Seal of the time, the monk Enryo, sparkled his ships, used line abreast and only sortied at even minutes in order to ensure the success of his fleet, and when even this wasn't enough, he took a vajra-pestle, smashed open his own head, took out some of his brains, pounded them, mixed them with milk and threw them to a nearby fire as an offering to the war-god Hachiman in order to break the E5 boss gauge.

>> No.12092811

Really? Every time I masturbate I have to take a short nap due to exhaustion.

>> No.12092817

You must be getting old.

>> No.12092826

> Tokugawa Shogunate.
Stop spreading lies. Kenshin's take on kancolle was the best game you can think of. Shipgirls actually having the same (more damaged=better at fighting) mechanic as abyssal girls and fair RNG, it was all wonderful.

>> No.12092837

Come on now, you only liked that period because of Masamune's "free Mamiya for everyone" policy.

>> No.12092852

What's the quickest method to get あ号作戦 out of the way? Spamming 1-1?

>> No.12092855

That's the 30 sortie? Pretty much yes.

>> No.12092863

Yes, just sparkle your expedition fleets and you're done.

>> No.12092950
File: 419 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140504-19222513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy Zero.

>> No.12092957

Oh what the hell. E-3's gauge is finally empty (had to run like 2-3 times) but now that I only need to beat Darwin one more time it suddenly got a lot harder to take her down

>> No.12092961

Last kill syndrome anon.

>> No.12092970

The akitsumaru copters are very cute

>> No.12092973

What level are you?
It got harder and i didn't have enough los any more on my 3rd run due to leveling up

>> No.12092975

It took me forty runs to deplete the boss gauge in E5, and then a fifty-seven runs after this to kill the boss.

It knows. The game knows what you want, and will not grant it if you can't grab it by the neck and make it yield.

>> No.12092977

>It took me forty runs to deplete the boss gauge in E5, and then a fifty-seven runs after this to kill the boss.
Don't scare me like that anon.

>> No.12092979

I think I was around 37 at the beginning but am early 40s now? I wasn't expecting to get as far as E-2, but after clearing it I made E-3 my new goal for this event. Tanikaze also dropped without me having to grind E-2, which was nice I guess

>> No.12092980

Total res used and fleet setup?

>> No.12092985
File: 7 KB, 154x149, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with this guy?

>> No.12092987

Obviously Amatsukaze's pimp.

>> No.12092988

He's special don't bully pls

>> No.12092990
File: 292 KB, 799x843, e5 clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuso (135), Hyuga (97), Kongo (99), Kirishima (99), Kaga (80), Taiho (80).

2x 46cm, scoutplane, sanshiki on battleships, Reppu Kai on Kaga's 46-plane slot, remainder filled with Reppu, one Type-62 on Taiho's smallest slot.

Resources for E5 90k/50k/100k/10k (some of this might've been gone to the plane-crafting spree afterwards, I'm not sure), total resources 120k/80k/130k/30k (ASW equipment/plane crafts included). I don't regret a moment of it, Sakawa is definitely worth it.

Here's the clear kill and most of the team involved, except Taiho, who's on the first page. The level 50 CVLs and Ise/Yamashiro are used as boss support.

>> No.12092991

Amatsukaze is 2fast2furious for him.

>> No.12092994

Took me 10 runs to deplete the boss health. Another one to clear E-5.

Friend with the same setup (but higher average level) did about 20 runs total.

Mostly dumb luck, but nothing impossible if you're prepared correctly.

>> No.12092998

Level 135 kuso? You disappoint me, anon.

>> No.12092999

>Fusou without Kai
How many tears of joy you cried when rumors about her k2 started to appear?

>> No.12093001

Oh that Fuso guy whose Fuso make 46cm like candies?

Instead of insulting him, why not commend on his devotion?

>> No.12093004

Why so much unwarranted hate on big7 and hotel?

>> No.12093006

Clearing maps with a fleet you actually like instead of most efficient is admirable, kuso TTK.

>> No.12093009

Yo! Been awhile I've seen you here. Congratulations.

>> No.12093012

I fucking hate when I miss out on S-rank on 4-2 because 5 subs 100+ all miss the last remaining ship who's in orange...

>> No.12093014

Best equipment for subs? 2 torpedoes or 2 turbines?

>> No.12093016

Depends on what you're doing. Grinding weeklies? 2 torpedoes. Grinding resources? 2 boilers.

>> No.12093017

10% (13% in case of dual Amatsukaze boilers) dodge which might be capped or 24 torp, 4 hit and cut-in chance. Gee, I wonder.

>> No.12093018

Two torpedoes.

>> No.12093020

The best way to survive is to make sure enemies are dead before they shoot you.

Tl;Dr read the wiki

>> No.12093022

4-4 boss kill quest. Does it worth it? I haven't been to 4-4 for a while but I remember some heavy compass trolling on preboss node

>> No.12093027

It's one time quest, clearing you quest log is always worth it.

>> No.12093028

Yea I thought about that, but cut-in chance only happens at night and I usually never need to go to night battles.
24 torp 4 hit is quint torpedoes? Can you craft those? I only have quad oxygen so far.

>> No.12093029

It's a weekly, isn't it?

>> No.12093032


>> No.12093035

No, that's for world 4 bosses, not 4-4 boss only.
This is the 4-4 quest with 2 BBV.

>> No.12093036

You're not there to tank depth charge hits, you're there to kill ships.

Grinding Kitakami and Ooi to 50 for Quints is relatively easy compared to most all other Kai Ni upgrades.

>> No.12093038

I mean this one

>> No.12093039

Bw7 敵東方中枢艦隊を撃破せよ!
Defeat the boss in 4-4.
500 0 500 0

Instant repair x1
Development material x1

Needs Bw6 completion

Read the fucking wiki already.

>> No.12093040 [DELETED] 

I'm at 1mil soul memory and gates to Shrine of Winter are still closed - is the alternate requirement stuff bullshit and I really have to kill all the pre-bosses?

Gutter reminds me way too much of Blighttown and Tomb of Giants combined, still got PTSD from those places.

>> No.12093041

You can't, CLT second remodels are currently the only way to get them.

My oh my, people still remember Fuso's crafting accomplishments? In any case, thank you.

>> No.12093043

It will be worth it when it gives 500 bauxite instead of fuel and steel. So no, it doesn't worth it.

>> No.12093046

Sometimes, one's own individuality can catch up to them in good ways, like just now. Or to be more objective about it, it looks like you at least have a few fans among the SEAfags. If you had posted that in another time zone's prime hour you would have gotten shat on a lot more by some anons.

>> No.12093053

> you would have gotten shat on a lot more by some anons.
I'll never understand this. Is it jealousy?

>> No.12093056

Well, it's okay to get railed on, as long as I can have Fuso smash her way through event maps. I wish she and her sister would get a second remodel, though.

Fuso-class gets a lot of hate for some reason, which is a surprise, given that they're both elegant Yamato Nadeshiko beauties.

>> No.12093064

It's their low luck. Frankly, anybody that marries their ship and commit their time to level 99 is commendable.

>> No.12093065

Probably a number of reasons. There's the typical epic leet gamer "why are you bothering with anything less than the best" mentality, there's that one anon who looks down on you for liking a historically "hopelessly outdated/flawed" design, and yeah, I think a lot of others just are jealous of how few fucks you give and can't keep it to themselves.

Basically /kancolle/ being /kancolle/

>> No.12093069

Any ship that works hard enough to get to 99 deserves to be married

>> No.12093070

>It's their low luck.

>> No.12093073

Apologies, >>12093065 stated it better. Basically, they are perceived as inferior ships and their low luck is probably the most prominent.

>> No.12093074

Polygamy is a sin, anon.

>> No.12093078

but does luck actually matter (night cut-ins aside)

>> No.12093079

>It's their low luck.

Playing because of stats, what a bunch of faggots.

>> No.12093082

No worries, it's acceptable to take up to 4 wives. It only counts as polygamy after that.

>> No.12093083

But they have 10 in luck. It's not that bad.

>> No.12093085

Not that anon, but I recall they were interpreted by players as kind of having downer personalities, with Yamashitro also being obsessive. In addition, some anons think of their costumes as goofy and their skin to be too pale.

Some anons need to get better monitors/color calibration.

>> No.12093089

Who knows. It's a mystery.

Oh, I always thought they are trolls.

Before remodel.

>> No.12093091

>they were interpreted by players as kind of having downer personalities, with Yamashiro also being obsessive.
But that's what makes them cute.

>> No.12093098
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140504-18180938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-5 cleared, 18 runs total, retreated 7 times, sank the goth loli 6 times, the rest are scratch damage runs.

>> No.12093099

With support fleet at boss, yes?

>> No.12093102

Yes, also sparkle and every other placebo/voodoo shits I can think of.

>> No.12093130

>Resources for E5 90k/50k/100k/10k
Jesus christ, how? I spent like 30% of that (bar ammo), even the total event was cheaper.

>> No.12093138

Look at his fleet, genius.

>> No.12093139

Using Fukou, no shit.

>> No.12093142

He is using kuso as his flagship.
It is like trying to do 2-4 with mutsuki class.

>> No.12093146

Is fuso really that kuso? That's pretty close to what I used, expect that I used Heiei kai2 and a 3BB3CV setup

>> No.12093148

She's unremodeled.

>> No.12093154

If you look at his overall fleet, you'll know what's wrong.

>> No.12093159

I wonder how much that guy who cleared E-5 with Kasumi spent...

>> No.12093161

His total bill is actually a bit less than three times higher than mine with 2 hotels.

Sasuga kuso class.

>> No.12093163

Apart from Fuso and Hyuuga, that's pretty standard. Doesn't really explain the exorbitant costs. But whatever floats his boats.

>> No.12093164

How do you retrieve your API link from KCV? I need it for reasons.

>> No.12093165

Open IE, open kancolle, ctrl+u, ctrl+f.

>> No.12093172

Despite all the raging, I'm pretty much back to pre-event resource levels already. Feels good, especially being script-free.

>> No.12093177

I just noticed when watching nips livestreamed their E-5 runs.

They always tend to play Gundam UC BGM whenever they are going to bring the final kill at the boss, is it a trend there?

>> No.12093182

Is they mute their Kancolle sounds? I can't ilsten to the song while the other shipgirls screaming.

>> No.12093188

Yes. This one was particularly memorable: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22192461 .

>> No.12093189

It's their placebo voodoo music.
They also play that Unicorn theme whenever they do LSC or Kai Ni some ships too.

>> No.12093194

That guy probably succeeded anyway, considering his resources at that time.

Speaking of great/hilarious video with BGM/SFX, this one take the cake:

Shows E4 insane RNG but with some epic and humorous touch.
I wonder where the nips found these SFX though.

>> No.12093200


The entrance of the BGM was epic but still nobody fucks with Error-ko!

I expect like this soon at Midway.

>> No.12093201

From WW2 related anime or movies. Damn fall E-4, what a nightmare.

>> No.12093202

Whenever I watch nip streams, I wonder why do they always click 次 and not just randomly on the lower half of the screen.
Also, am I the only one who wants to click during videos by reflex?

>> No.12093203

Man I remember this from ages ago. It was so extremely funny the first time I watched I almost fell off my chair out of schadenfreude

>> No.12093211
File: 475 KB, 955x443, wwwwwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's their placebo voodoo music.

I don't think it work this time.

I was laughing so hard when someone requested that BGM and everyone avoided to shoot Wake-tan.

>> No.12093223
File: 112 KB, 1275x724, 10269321_742224222494633_7498770713153231520_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nightmare never ends.

>> No.12093240
File: 163 KB, 716x1011, 1389_00009079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSC keep giving me Soryuus... Can I get a Taihou before reaching 100 attempts or is there some voodoo shit I need to do?

>> No.12093245

I still don't know if the guy is laughing, crying or going insane. Or all of those

>> No.12093248

LSC keep giving me Kongous... Can I get a Yahagi before reaching 200 attempts or is there some voodoo shit I need to do?

>> No.12093249


>> No.12093251

You're using the wrong recipe, onii-chan

>> No.12093255
File: 8 KB, 337x102, Screenshot-2014-05-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12093257

>not doing E-5
Step up senpai

>> No.12093263

If it is from anime and movies, I'm surprised he could extract voices without too much extra noises.

Speaking of fall event:
This nips has good taste in BGM too

Save the regeneration, it is fairly easier. I'd rather have TA class shenanigans than that hime punishment in spring E5 second node.

>> No.12093267

All 30 keeps giving me Kagerous...Can I get a Tenryu before reaching 300 attempts or is there some voodo shit I need to do to be scared?

>> No.12093271
File: 51 KB, 224x199, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Chocci didn't attack any subs in 1-5.

>> No.12093275

No attack planes

>> No.12093277

give her a Stuka or something

>> No.12093278

Wouldn't a torpedo bomber be better?


>> No.12093280

Only if he had a ranking-reward one, but I doubt that.

>> No.12093281

that works too but she has plenty of ASW so you might want the accuracy bonus

>> No.12093288

Well, I checked and they seem far more better, then again all torpedo bombers give a miniscule ASW stat.
And apparently, dive bomber too.

She never misses though.But I'll go with the Stuka.Thank you.

>> No.12093302

I miss the Fall event.

I hope KTKM and Ooi will return to their former glory in the next event.

>> No.12093309
File: 29 KB, 77x267, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buyable PvP slots when

>> No.12093311

Fall and Spring gave me mixed feelings.
Fall was way too relying on night battle double attacks, which means Ooi and Kitakami were mandatory to silly degree.

Spring got the a similar, yet weaker syndrome with CV filled with reppu.
At least, this event forced you to try out more BB and CA than before.

I wish DD and CL get their limelight for the next event, if it isn't midway.

>> No.12093313

Since the next event is the anime event, starters will probably be a big thing. There's your DD event.

>> No.12093316

Have you actually done E-4?

>> No.12093318

I think it tries to say something

>> No.12093319

>anime event
You mean Fubuki event.

>> No.12093322

Jim, that's one map, not an event.
I'm not expecting shit like sub infested maps everywhere, but at least things that require DD and CL because of requirements, evasions and the likes.

>> No.12093323

As long as they give us Murakumo kai2...

>> No.12093325

So Midway is probably 6 months away.
Seeing how the next event will most likely be a newbie fuel, trying to get the players joining because of the anime hooked.

>> No.12093330

They are still the same, you know.

>> No.12093334

Is that the guy who used up all his resources attempting E-5 just now?

>> No.12093336

If they give one starter Kai 2, they will have to give every starter Kai 2. Patience, friend.

>> No.12093345

Even if I comply with your moving of the goalposts, I'm afraid I still don't understand what you mean. Did you want an event where destroyers and light cruisers did what they were good at, or did you just want an event where you could bring only those classes? Because the only thing DDs and CLs do well is hit subs.

Young pedo ships a shit.

>> No.12093348

Another challenging, Fall-like event, when?
I won't say that the current event is easy, but truth be told it's much easier than most ppl expected.

>> No.12093350

The spring event is a wake-up call for TTK to prepare their aviation.

>> No.12093352

Why are normalcrossies like you in /jp/

>> No.12093355

I want bullshit compass requirements so I would have to bring something that looks like an actual task force, not 3BB3CV.

>> No.12093356

I don't agree, expect Midway around July and a babby event in late September.

>> No.12093357

It wasn't a majority of the player base expecting a hugely difficult event. It was Wo and Re being multifaceted and dynamic in their attacks. Never trust someone who tells you to play the game their way.

>> No.12093358

>I won't say that the current event is easy
The only thing hard about the current event is its E-5.

Though to be honest, I'd much prefer something like that, or even with a much harder bullshit go-home barrier node, compared to gauge regen with easier bullshit. I'd like to be able to take it easy when I can.

>> No.12093360

This E-5 is harder than Fall E-5 (though less difficult than Fall E-4). It only seemed more challenging because more players were new.

>> No.12093361

And you have that night node fuckery on E-2 or 3.

>> No.12093363

Looking at niconico, E-4 was not as hard as we all though it was when sitting in that RNG hell. Most videos are done in 30 runs tops. I think there are people who had MUCH more run on this event's E-5.

>> No.12093364

You have support fleets to satisfy your pedo urges.

>> No.12093368

Well I can't use Akatsuki, then. She's a real lady!

>> No.12093369

No pedo here, but it doesn't feel complete nor exactly exciting to have a burteforce fleet.

I don't feel like grinding the 5 special DD past their kai 2 requirement because they are just useful for SS maps during events.

>> No.12093370 [DELETED] 

It is downright a joke.
E4 is a comedy map that could be beaten by anyone that can sortie their destroyers at least 10. E5 is just a normal brute force like 3-4/5-5. What made it easier is than them is the lack of compass trolling. With no HP regen you could easily just do it once a day and beat it in 2weeks time.

I cant say I am impressed with all these pandering to noobcake. I thought arpeggio was a 1time xmas gift. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.12093372

>I cant say I am impressed with all these pandering to noobcake
Because compass trolling and HP regen makes something hard, right? You just have to spend more buckets and take 1 day holiday or roll during the weekend.

>> No.12093373

It is downright a joke.
E4 is a comedy map that could be beaten by anyone that can sortie their destroyers at least 10times. E5 is just a normal brute force map like 3-4/5-5. What made it easier than them is the lack of compass trolling. With no HP regen you could easily just do it once a day and beat it in 2weeks time.

I cant say I am impressed with all these pandering to noobcake. I thought arpeggio was a 1time xmas gift. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.12093375

With 80+ HP-level, the current event is not too hard and not too easy. That is, if you're going for a full clear.
It may feel easier because we hoarded much more resources compared to fall, have much better ships and equipment, and we know the battle mechanics much better.

>> No.12093377

If you don't have equipments, you aren't going to deal enough damage on the SS.
Wo Kai can also screw you big time if your DD aren't prepared enough. Dodging isn't enough.

Even with damecon, I got dozen of E4 runs ruined because more than 2 DD got fucked to red during the pre boss node, despite full sparkled fleet and map support fleet.

>> No.12093379

Do Hachi really drops at E-4 node A? I've been there for whole day and she won't fucking drop!

Is it desire sensor?

>> No.12093381

Only yuubari and iku I think.
Hachi is boss only.

>> No.12093382

my god how long have you played this game for

i've seen elitist and then there's this

>> No.12093383

5-5 is not really a 'normal map'. And neither is E5. It's actually pretty tough unlike the rest of the babby-tier maps of this event. But we know Operation MI is on the horizon, so we'll revisit true hell soon enough.

>> No.12093385

I doubt it'll be soon.

>> No.12093386

Only I-168 and I-58 drops there. Is it that hard to check wikiwiki?

>> No.12093387

Wikiwiki doesn't list her there. I've never had her drop there as well.

Are you sure? Wikiwiki doesn't list her there as well, and out of about 50 runs I've only had Imuya and Goya drop there.

Now, has anyone had Iku drop from E-4 node E? Wikiwiki lists her dropping, but it's Yuubari after Yuubari after Yuubari for me.

>> No.12093388

I assume they'll keep the current system of event + event-extra operations.

>> No.12093389

No, where did you get that from?

>> No.12093390

I am pretty sure I got Iku from the preboss node.
Not the first node by the wo node so I thought she drops on the whole map.

>> No.12093391

Guess what?
This joke was enough to make many TTKs sink their kanmusus.

>> No.12093394

If you dislike the game going easymodo so much why don't you play a game that's actually difficult instead?

>> No.12093396

>we'll revisit true hell soon enough.
But we will be prepared. IJN lost at Midway mainly because Isoroku was pretty kuso TTK who listened to Re after Doolittle Raid.

>> No.12093401

>This joke was enough to make many TTKs sink their kanmusus.
During the Appregio event, we see people sinking their fog ships as well. There are idiots and gamblers in every event.

>> No.12093409

Is it safe to do LSC? I heard that E-4 and E-5 will be repeatable after this for more loot.

>> No.12093413

Is E4 better than 1-5 for sub farming? I still need all of them except Imuya and Maruyu.

>> No.12093420

I got Iku from E-4 boss node. Twice. You can try.

>> No.12093423

E-4 gives other nice drops as well, not just subs.

>> No.12093424

It is always safe to do LSC.

>> No.12093428

What made the devs choose Fubuki as the "main character"?

>> No.12093429

This event ends in 3 more days.
What do you think?

>> No.12093431

She's the central character in the splash screen and part of the starter. In fact, she's the first one in the selection screen.

>> No.12093433

>I am Fubuki, the first ship of world amazing special type destroyers that were beyond existing ship classification, designed under regulations of Washington Naval Treaty. Based on our design, a lot of following fleet type destroyers were built. Yes sir, I'll do my best !

>> No.12093434

History lessons.

>> No.12093438

I've already finished it long ago. But I heard rumours that you can repeat the extra operations for new rewards.

>> No.12093440

Because she looks plain and boring.

>> No.12093443

>現在「艦これ」では【春イベント:期間限定海域「索敵機、発艦始め!」】を作戦展開中です!同作戦は【5/9(金) AM11:00】予定の全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートを以て、全作戦終了となります。残り作戦期間一週間を切りました…攻略中の提督方の健闘を期待します!
>5/9(金) AM11:00
>3 days
Are you from the future?

>> No.12093444

The "new rewards" just means the ship drops you get from clearing the nodes.

>> No.12093449

Oh, whew. For a second there I thought they would be added to the existing medal-rewarding maps.

>> No.12093452

No wonder.

>> No.12093456

You've nailed it. The only flaw of this event is that the final reward is Sakawa, who is disdained by the munchkins as not being "worth her cost" and by the art-obsessed for having short hair and a flat chest (despite having some of the most adorable lines in the game and overall being completely worth clearing E5 for). The difficulty of the Fall event in itself is overestimated, it was a nightmare because we didn't know a lot of what we take for fact nowadays. In addition, almost everyone now has more than adequate resources for something on the scale of the Fall event, whereas back in November the /jp/ admiral population was mostly new to the game, and was lucky to start the event off with ~20k resources. If this event was an exact repeat of the Fall event, with gauge recovery and all, most of us would steam right through it, since we know for certain that ships at orange don't sink and how night battle mechanics work, and many of us had 100k+ resources in stock.

Random compass misdirections have to go, especially these that direct you to nodes that do not pay at all to complete, like these in Fall E4 and E5 north route. People just F5 out on these, there's no point to it. Might as well make these resource nodes like this event's E2 did. Gauge chipping staying and gauge recovery going away is also a massive step in the right direction, but we'll see if these changes are here to stay.

This event's E1-E4 being easy is a good thing, new and middling players should be able to experience the event as well. Fall event had its barrier map before its final map, which was out of place, but recall that its E1-3 was also easy, so it's not like every map in an event has to be nightmarish.

Sorry for the delay, but it had to do with luck much more than fleet composition. I also didn't send in support until the gauge was depleted, so that also artificially extended the number of runs.

>> No.12093457

That was a mistranslation that came about from google translation. Don't trust the wikia. Especially not the comments there.

>> No.12093466

Alright thanks. I guess it's back to a old hell crafting for Bismarck.

>> No.12093471

Didn't bother to check the end date for event since I assumed it would end on the next wednesday.
But the point still stands, the event is ending soon and we won't get any extra rewards added.

>> No.12093483

>whereas back in November the /jp/ admiral population was mostly new to the game, and was lucky to start the event off with ~20k resources.
I'm pretty sure this statement is wrong.
Everyone had pretty much hoarded sufficient resources at the time, especially after the delays and event extension.

>> No.12093492

100K boasters come after the event, if I remember correctly. Then again, running out of resources weren't really on our minds as fall event is probably the first event for most of /jp/.

>> No.12093496

The end resource bill was higher, to be sure, but that's because the event lasted a month and natural regeneration carries you quite far when the expected clear cost per map is lower than your cap. You could go in with three-digit resources and still clear the event.

>> No.12093539

Just out of curiosity, how many of you use the cookie method with KCV?

>> No.12093540

Even though it is true that fall event would be easier now than it was back then due to knowing the mechanics better and having more resources, it is also true that fall event had some mechanics so heavily relying on RNG that you wouldn't be able to do much about it. Like the day battles after night battles that wouldn't trigger most of the time anyway since your girls killed targets they weren't allowed to.

>> No.12093554

Just make a poll if you're curious

>> No.12093556

30 E-4 S ranks later (I don't even count the previous 38 chances I had to get her. so it would be 68 total) I still have no Tanikaze

Fuck you devs.
Fuck you and your stupid drop tables.

>> No.12093564


>> No.12093566

>wouldn't trigger most of the time anyway since your girls killed targets they weren't allowed to.
A piece of my sanity died every time they do that.

The only pleasure i had during that time is doing Unit 731.

>> No.12093573

[x]Flash player + API.

>> No.12093598

>Browser + VPN, but I turn off the VPN when the game loads

>> No.12093611


Flash projector + API + logbook

>> No.12093621

Probably just out of movies.

It's a crime that that shit only has 200 or so views.

>> No.12093624

No Hoteru class.
2days left.
Boss bar is almost untouched.
20k/20k/42k/54k res.
Average level of 4BB/2CV is 70ish maybe even lower.
Lets be honest, E5 is impossible.

Now for the event evaluation, I breezed through E1 to E5 in just a couple of days, given that I was prepared with hoarding.But E5 hit me like a wall.They favored hotels for the first time, bar 5-5, and that disabled me.
If the Go-home hime was at the boss node, the event would be saved in my eyes.

Overall 3/10, first 4 was too easy whilst last map was impossible.

>> No.12093625

I use browser + cookie.

>> No.12093634

What are you talking about, you can clear the map with Big 7/monkeys just fine.
>54k bauxite
Now you're just shitting me.

>> No.12093642

Sparkle, faggot.

>> No.12093645

Someone did E-5 with Kasumi flag and two BBVs.

If you want to use a suboptimal composition already know its not going to be easy.

>> No.12093647

Look at how shit you are
There are thousands of people finishing E-5 without hotels and hundreds finishing it without Nagato class

You should go to the wiki because that's where people as shit as you belong

>> No.12093648

>you can clear the map with Big 7/monkeys just fine.
You realize that you need 8 full kills,right?

>>54k bauxite
>Now you're just shitting me.
I started with 80k+, then I tried to craft Reppu.

I always do.

>Someone did E-5 with Kasumi flag and two BBVs.
RNG.Also how many trials and res is spent, you go figure.

>> No.12093654

Kill yourself

>> No.12093656

Not having hotels is not the only issue you have. Should've hoard more.

>> No.12093665
File: 15 KB, 386x62, E5 half.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to go full NEET and finish E-5.

>> No.12093666

You need only 1 clean kill, everybody chipped the gauge first.
Nigga you blew 50k bauxite on Reppus? I understand blowing this much on RADARs(since they are fucking impossible to get), but ~10k is enough for all reppus you'll ever need.

>> No.12093674

Pretty sure the Reppu hit rate is much lower than 5%.

>> No.12093675

>Not having hotels is not the only issue you have
Exactly.Thank you.

>Should've hoard more.
I had at least 40k, if not 50k when I finished E4.
I even used general support, but it didn't budge.
Maybe I had the shittiest luck around here, but only time I reached the boss node was that I misplaced a Ryuusei Kai into Taihou.
Lost air superiority, only scratched the boss.

I'm cheering for you, go for it.

>~10k is enough for all reppus you'll ever need.

>> No.12093680

>You need only 1 clean kill, everybody chipped the gauge first.
Speak for yourself, I got six full kills.

>> No.12093702
File: 475 KB, 1114x1332, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch, my soul.

>> No.12093711

But I actually cleared E-5 while you buttblasted maggotlord didn't

>> No.12093722

So when will we get unique AVs that only have AV as their final upgrade?

>> No.12093744

Never, because historically obsolete.

>> No.12093748
File: 134 KB, 2222x2222, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My soul is dead and my heart is broken.
The bitch had 39 hp left.

>> No.12093751
File: 82 KB, 676x260, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can play this game anymore.

>> No.12093752

I have only 2 wishes, devs.
1.) Musashi is craftable with hotel as flagship

>> No.12093754

Post API.

>> No.12093758

There's still time anon! Expedition spam! Don't give up!

>> No.12093759

Not happening. Why don't you double check?

>> No.12093762

i hope this is a joke

>> No.12093763

Would you go back to E-5 if it dropped Taihou with an S rank?

>> No.12093766
File: 305 KB, 1353x597, Number 169 - Tanikaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good old "complain on /jp/" buff working it's magic
only ships I don't have are Musashi and Yahagi now

Couple of Kai2 also missing but man some of them are pointless as fuck

>> No.12093767

I rather take it easy and do LSC once a week.

>> No.12093768

Yes, steel is faster to get than bauxite.

>> No.12093772

It rarely happens, but the game just lagged a bit, and I clicked a second time, the game interpreted that as select + send.

>> No.12093775

I love her idle

>> No.12093776

>1.) Musashi is craftable with hotel as flagship
Because Hachi was craftable with Iku as the flagship, right? And Yahagi with Noshiro? They didn't make Z1, Z3, and Bismarck craftable with Z1, Z3, or Bismarck in order to go easy on the players, they did it to establish separate crafting pools for separate nations. Otherwise things would be impossible once they start adding more ships. Tirpitz is going to split the Bismarck chances just like Musashi will split the Yamato chances.

>> No.12093779

Don't be buttblasted when it happens like anon wants

>> No.12093780

All those ships you mentioned aren't two strongest sister ships in the game. Hachi and Iku aren't even related.

>> No.12093782

Nah, that'd be retarded. Within a year, you'd have like 3% chance to craft the ship you want. And with LSC level of resource consumption, that won't fly.

>> No.12093784

Why would they want to split the crafting pool by nations if they don't split it "between sisters"? If they want to go down the 12% chance to roll "rare" BB, then roll again for the one you want, they wouldn't have added the Z1/z3 split.

>> No.12093786

It would be even less than that, realistically speaking currently the chance of getting Yamato is no more than 7%.

>> No.12093787

people barely tolerate LSC as is
If they start shitting it up even more, people will riot
And with all the fanbase pandering as of late, they know better than to double-up on the biggest middle finger the game has to offer

>> No.12093795

Wait, I dun goofed.

>> No.12093799

It would be pretty shitty hitting an 8 hour timer hoping for Musashi and getting Yamato for those that already have her.

>> No.12093801

it is already the case for those who are looking for Bismarck and get Yamato instead.

>> No.12093806

Don't worry, you still have time. I went through the same, and when I went back for round two, she went down in two runs.

Don't give up hope.

>> No.12093807

Yeah, but the chance of getting Yamato in that case is miniscule in comparison to the standard LSC.

>> No.12093828

I still believe that's just some issue on reporting/aggregation end.
From a coding point of view, it'd be much easier to just replace 1 outcome of an equation when a condition (Z1/3 flag) is met

>> No.12093858

I've got my Yamato/Bismarck both with Z1 as flag.

>> No.12093876

You don't know how they coded that though.

>> No.12093883


I instantly regret my decision to not continue past E3. I can't clear both E4 and E5 by the 9th. I am prepared to die.

>> No.12093893

E4 takes about 30 minutes. It's really not bad at all.

>> No.12093898

>E4 takes about 30 minutes
Teach me your ways, master. The RNG at the preboss node is killing me.

>> No.12093899


Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't like Sakawa at all.

>> No.12093908

I don't like her art, but after going through her lines, I'm done with my prejudices.

>> No.12093920
File: 114 KB, 801x484, poi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12093934

Give me your account and I'll clear it for you.

>> No.12093938

Why do you only use super destroyers?

>> No.12093941

One of those blobs that accompany the E-3 boss just critted my Yamato for 54 damage. Out of 5 runs, I got 3 Red T-Cross, 1 Green and 1 Parallel engagement. What the fuck is up with this RNG?

>> No.12093942

Why are you autistic?

>> No.12093945

I got red T-crossed on my final kill on E-4. Maybe it's a bad time.

>> No.12093947

Why not? They probably have the highest levels.

>> No.12093952

Why does this make me autistic?
Maybe. It's just that I prefer when people use destroyers they like.

>> No.12093960

And why do you think he doesn't like them?

>> No.12093966

That's why I was asking.
He should have just answered "because I like them".

>> No.12093974

Why should he lower his chances to clear the map by using kuso DDs?

>> No.12093976

For love. Do I need to say more.

>> No.12093983

There is no love stat, while armor and evasion are real.

>> No.12093988

So much to the point nips concluded boilers are worthless, right?

>> No.12093989

they rescinded that notion with this patch, get your facts updated

>> No.12093991

There is a love stat.
Love= the amount of times you will allow a certain ship to be critted do red before considering to scrap her.
Armor is real but evasion is useless though.

>> No.12094000

care to give the link to that conclusion?

>> No.12094006

Yes, I mind, because obviously there is no fucking spokesperson for all of Japan
But if you see them rescinding their opinion everywhere, it's pretty much a collective decision

>> No.12094007

>there is no love stat
Spoken like a true autist.

>> No.12094010

You would consider scrapping any of your girls?

That should be unthinkable. Your ships are trying their best, these abyssal sacks of shit are to blame. If anything, you should try to take your anger out on them instead.

>> No.12094014

It's sad but it happens. I know they are trying their best and would gladly help them during battle if it was possible.

>> No.12094015

Does that mean turbine actually works? and the placebo is not a placebo after all?
Kuso TTK detected

>> No.12094019

Normal turbines: 5% bonus evasion
Super Duper Boiler: 6,5%
Evasion caps at 87,5%

>> No.12094020

Think of it that way, it'll be much more satisfying once they overcome their weaknesses and show these abyssal whores their place. You can always retreat to fight another day, but there's no way to bring back a sunken or scrapped ship.

You should also listen to this every time you consider scrapping an "obsolete" girl to make room for shiny new ships.


>> No.12094021

>collective decision
I don't see any major shift with people equipping boilers. Please provide several video/comments with high ranked admiral who decided to go with boilers.

>> No.12094023
File: 29 KB, 726x154, RNG, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear RNG, fuck you too. It's 4am, I'm going to sleep, the only consolation I get from this is no regenerating health bar.

>> No.12094025
File: 207 KB, 308x788, Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best this week as well!

>> No.12094027

Does that mean the numerical value of evasion can be considered as dodge %?
As in Yamato has 64% dodge at lvl99?

>> No.12094028

Well shit it's new week already, and I just cleared all weeklies.

>> No.12094033


>> No.12094034

Come on it's not like the thought stays in my head for more than 10 seconds, also I've never let any ship sink even with damecon.

>> No.12094044

The fact that you even consider scrapping them.. is a betrayal to their love.. I'm sorry for ur girls

>> No.12094045

Do it again! There's no end to Abyss invasion after all.

>> No.12094051

I know, I'm just getting a little burned out after finishing event

>> No.12094058

Fuck you, I still had some weeklies left.

>> No.12094062
File: 189 KB, 800x596, 1398218832499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking the quest girl is not allowed yet.
Please wait until she becomes playable.

>> No.12094105

Why would you even want AVs?You want your own Re-chan?

>> No.12094114

Not that anon, but actually, yes, I'd love to see them in the game specifically for that reason. Being able to perform 5 attacks (with battleship support) per battle sounds like fun, and if AVs had more firepower akin to CLs or CAs they would be great for clearing trash.

>> No.12094117


>> No.12094129

Isn't there a place less annoying than 2-2 for bauxite farming?

>> No.12094131


>> No.12094151

I sometimes use Chitose A during 3-2 grinding loaded with Seirans, and she's nice against simple trash. But anything elite, let alone flagship screws her over. Try it yourself, you'll see that AVs will need a lot more then firepower to be real trash sweepers instead of 1-1 wonders.

>> No.12094163

I want a Re-chan of my own so badly

>> No.12094166

Sink your lightning.

>> No.12094201
File: 117 KB, 1200x401, 10242259p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Nisshin would be cute.

>> No.12094210
File: 324 KB, 650x900, 39904752_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nisshin could up the ante on that 5-attack record. She had mines too, didn't she? Akitsushima is another solid choice, with her repair ship capabilities.

Though when it comes to carriers, I'd rather see Ibuki first.

>> No.12094220
File: 165 KB, 841x1200, 10242259z4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Nisshin also has some history that may give her a decent Kai2 as a seaplane carrier.

>> No.12094266

Not him, but going line abreast and just hoping for the best worked good for me. Usually had one or two orange at worst, and unless I got red T, I'd finish the boss.

>> No.12094293

What's the main difference between 3BB3CV vs 4BB2CV?

I assume 3BB3CV, can make it through the preboss nodes easier, but has worse chance of actually killing the boss. Whereas 4BB2CV, has more night battle potential for Wake-tan.

>> No.12094301

No difference. Both get raped in the ass by middle node.

>> No.12094310

With 3:3 you can put damecon on every CV + 2 red bombers (which won't amount to much but still better than nothing) and still keep air superiority during boss battle.

with only 2 CV you can't afford damecon on any ship (hence retreating if anybody gets into red) but 4 BBs raping the goth loli will give you better chances than 3, given they fight in good condition.

I did it all my 11 runs with 3:3 + support fleet and it worked perfectly. Just don't forget to do offerings to the RNG-god.

(Would recommend 3:3 with 2 hotels 60+ but 4:2 without)

>> No.12094385

To every teitoku still doing the event; fuck you, I want to do some nice pvp practice and all I see is faggots still clearing E5 with double attack setting BBs and CVs filled with reppus, this is insufferable. At least bring your subs and do your damn dailies along with the weeklies.

>> No.12094387

Use subs.

>> No.12094389

I mostly want experience for my destroyers, not just doing the pvp dailies (which are only good for that single dev mat).

>> No.12094396

go use your destroyers then? cuz ur asking the impossible here, they're trying to finish E-5, not trying to pleases you

>> No.12094401

The problem is no one seems to ever do the dailies these days.

>> No.12094404

Serves you right self-important faggot.

>> No.12094413

I always leave a nice fleet consisting of a few high level destroyers or subs when I go to sleep. At least there isn't any of those fags leaving two level ones in the first spots and Yamatos along with subs for the rest.

>> No.12094414

I am doing my dailies, but then again i finished E-5 already. The event ends in like 4 days or so anyways, just wait for 4 days and they'll go back to their daily routines.

>> No.12094423

Use your subs and stop asking for the impossible.

>> No.12094426

I always leave a single Imuya when I sleep
That's a level 128 Imuya.

>> No.12094436

I leave Iku and Imuya, 137 and 99. That's near 800exp with S ranking.

>> No.12094443

I always leave my level 1 Akashi as my flag.

>> No.12094496
File: 94 KB, 733x364, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New AFK fleet.

>> No.12094499

No Hatsukaze?

>> No.12094503

This event will end and I'll never get Tanikaze.

>> No.12094506

I might farm for her. I just finished the event so I'm mentally exhausted. I literally cried with happiness when Snail killed the fucking bitch.

>> No.12094512

Kuso TTK

>> No.12094515

Is this supposed to make people feel jealous?

>> No.12094518

If he put mikuma or hatsukaze instead of naganami, then probably yes?

>> No.12094528
File: 13 KB, 190x100, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do it, if you want to, but I thought Kumarinko was common.

>> No.12094534

Uzupyon, Akashi and Amatsukaze are common too.

>> No.12094535

good for you, still hunting for her

>> No.12094542

How about Maikaze?

>> No.12094550

I don't know about her but she's a shit ship anyway.

>> No.12094558

so you found the ships u have common, and ships u don't have shit?

>> No.12094560

I have her too though.

>> No.12094562

Stop writing like a retard.

>> No.12094579


Fuck off, she's a cutie.

>> No.12094584

I'm surprised even she has her fans. Her voice is especially annoying.

>> No.12094588

I like her, but only because of spoilers.

I thought about marrying her but then somewhere along the way she got stuck at level fifty.

>> No.12094591

There are girls that have more annoying voice than her.. like Uzuki-pyon

>> No.12094599

Or Naganami. That voice is haunting me.

>> No.12094601

Uzupyon~ is a special case because it was made on purpose. Or at least I hope it was.
The only other more annoying one I can think of is Akigumo.

>> No.12094825

Man fuck this it's been like 5 sorties and I still can't get to boss node

I'm giving up hope boys just gonna farm for Tanikaze for a week

>> No.12094866
File: 522 KB, 726x1200, 42622577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if anyone cares, and it's probably already been done, but I made a somewhat rough collection of the BGM out so far in album format.


If you feel like it.

>> No.12094874

Nice, thank you.

>> No.12094882

Neat, what's missing though?

>> No.12094884

Which map?

>> No.12094886


>> No.12094895


I've tried hard enough already and I'm at 15 buckets

It's over dude

>> No.12094897

So this game has been out for over a year now, is it really entertaining enough to hold one's interest for over an entire year, or do most of you just play the game for a couple months and then enjoy the secondary material?

>> No.12094903

I think it's a matter of intensity; older player will occasionally play it to refresh their expedition, do the occasional crafting, finish the PvP or check out the latest changes.

>> No.12094907

It is. Gambler's high or whatever, it's always fun to see how RNG will screw you over daily. Just take it easy not to burn out.

>> No.12094912

Now that I think about it, I don't even look at/read/etc. any secondary material at all, beside this thread.

>> No.12094914

Where's that from?

>> No.12094916


>> No.12094923

Are the event BGMs there?

>> No.12094925

Fortunately or unfortunately, it has become part of my daily routine -- not once I neglected all my PvPs, expedition runs, and dailies. Also the fact that I haven't achieved my goal to get some LSC-exclusive ships yet, and it keeps me to play like forever until the last event comes.

Sweet, thank you.
決戦!鉄底海峡を抜けて! is still the best OST for me.

>> No.12094940

This could be a placebo effect but RNG seems to be kinder during daytime JST and absolutely horrible past midnight.

>> No.12094943

I just offer a prayer to Guan Yu every time I choose a formation.

The God of War and Beards hasn't let me down so far.

>> No.12094944

Huh, maybe I should stop offering virtual blood and skulls of my enemies to Khorne.

>> No.12094979


>> No.12094984

The 4koma's amusing.
That and all that doujin.

>> No.12094989

Based anon, I was looking for the new night battle theme. Thanks.

>> No.12094990

Are seaplanes a must to hit the boss on E-5? I don't have enough reppu for superiority so I'd rather bring a radar on my BBs instead.

>> No.12094993

No. But daytime double attacks help massively in bringing down the platforms and the BBs, plus you can bring the island bitch down to night battle double attack kill range during the day.

>> No.12094995

Air superiority isn't as crucial there as double attack.

>> No.12095003

But I thought that you will have a higher chance of doing daytime double attack if you have air superiority/dominance

>> No.12095008

I would love to have air superiority, but I can't because I only have 1 reppu and 1 shiden kai 2. The best I can do is parity, and that makes the seaplanes useless for me on the boss node.

>> No.12095015

E-4 pre-boss:
Diamond or Line Abreast?

>> No.12095018

echolon and most of the time the wo opening strike cant do shjt

>> No.12095019

>1 reppu and 1 shiden kai 2
What the fuck dude. Anyway, you might as well go with 6BB and tank the boss.

>> No.12095022

Diamond to shoot down as many planes as possible or double line to shoot down some planes and increase evasion.

>> No.12095024

Whatever you prefer though Diamond reduce your evasion. Line abreast increases evasion drastically but decreases your defense. Double line has the best compromise but it never really helped. Either way, it's a evade-or-die situation, so might as well go line abreast.

>> No.12095047
File: 64 KB, 723x1023, !Inbox 2352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does teasing Soryuu bullying feels so right?

>> No.12095074

Try using echelon. I tried it and only one ship got to orange due to Wo-kai's torpedo bomber. Other than that all the other enemy attacks missed or just scratched my ships.

>> No.12095077

I used to be very active doing my dailies everyday including 5 world boss kill, weekly and also crafting daily.
Now I dont even sortie on normal map anymore. Just PVP and expedition. Don't even bother doing 30all crafting, too lazy.
I also gave up farming for Tanikaze already.
Sitting prettily on 200k resources now. I sure hope midway come in first week of June. I want to watch the world burn.

>> No.12095085
File: 1.46 MB, 1627x969, yamato2ndtryholyshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Got Taihou in 8 too.

>> No.12095088
File: 132 KB, 1228x868, 41021714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSC wants me back. Dreamed that I got Bismarck on the first try and was so happy. But I don't want to return to that hellhole and being poor again.

>> No.12095125

I like the idea of a lottery. Makes me feel more like I'm part of an elite club.

That is, once I win it. :/

>> No.12095127

Join the No Taihou Club

>> No.12095129

Weird, my LSC dreams are the complete opposite.

I blow all my resources, get nothing and there's a event on the next day.
Then I wake up

>> No.12095135

Lottery's a pretty low barrier to cross.
That LSC is where the real elitism begins.

>> No.12095136
File: 663 KB, 600x650, bingospring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only elite if you collect all the ships in the game

>> No.12095138


>> No.12095140

Wow its actually hard to get bingo now
But I still have it

>> No.12095141

Bottom line, but that's it.

>> No.12095143

I like how you have both Tone Kai 2s and Bismarck Zwei on there.

Damn, I really need to beat 5-5 soon for that last medal.

>> No.12095155
File: 593 KB, 600x650, fuck you tanikaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakawa should be random drop
Tanikaze should be E3 reward
Amatsukaze should be E5 reward

>> No.12095159
File: 126 KB, 600x650, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSC is hard.

>> No.12095163
File: 169 KB, 600x650, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have Bismarck but I'm not using my medals on her remodel.

>> No.12095165

I just wish Sakawa was holo like Yahagi.

>> No.12095175


I hope you never get in.

>> No.12095183

How rude, don't make angry eyebrows at me. :/

>> No.12095191

Just stop.

>> No.12095208

Sorry. :/

>> No.12095214
File: 70 KB, 444x531, 1399267214045[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you doing E-5? She's up for it.

>> No.12095216

Not if you can't torp down that gothloli ktkm

>> No.12095219

You will be in the red on the first node Kitakami.

>> No.12095221

Already done that, young lady.

>> No.12095223

So the next rotteri is on kaseiyoubi, ne? At what jikan?

>> No.12095228

So has anyone tried 5-4 with 4CAV 2CV now that CAV are useful? How viable is that setup?

>> No.12095230


>> No.12095233

What the actual fuck.

>> No.12095242

Sumimasen, kaseiyoubi is romaji for 火曜日.

>> No.12095244


>> No.12095247

As usual /jp/ can't into jp

>> No.12095248
File: 708 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140505-15264951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 tries

Oh hotel, oh my beautiful hotel

I'm the even minutes taihou-guy from months prior, and I'm a believer in it now

>> No.12095249

Please stop replying to obvious bait. This thread is already getting derailed enough as it is.

>> No.12095250

step it ue senpai
It is kayoubi.

>> No.12095252
File: 118 KB, 500x490, 1399274073281[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, someone got a Taihou on futaba and the thread exploded. They're pretty amazing.

>> No.12095255

Mind linking it? I'm spoiled by all the extensions and stuff on 4chan and I have no idea how to navigate the barebones moon-sites

>> No.12095260


Remember to get this addon.

>> No.12095266

That seems every Kancolle thread in futaba. Still, that guy who spent 30+ Bismarck LSC for nothing is hilarious.
What's that futakuro thing?

>> No.12095270
File: 691 KB, 770x865, 1399275323704[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a few got the rare ships they wanted. Must be time based RNG.

>> No.12095273

Seeing that, I figured I'd try my luck.
I got a maruyu.

>> No.12095277

I-is it time to burn my stockpile on absolutely nothing?

>> No.12095278 [DELETED] 
File: 3.35 MB, 797x2682, kuso admiral and the e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had already given up on E5. As I am right now, it's impossible, I said. I didn't prepare for this event. I didn't stockpile resources or buckets. I don't have Taihou or Yamato or even Nagato. So, for a shit admiral like me... beating E4 was good enough.

But... just so I could say that I really did try the spring event, I thought I'd try E5 just once. Just so I could say that I was there. Even if the first node sent me home, even if all it earned me was an amazing repair bill, I didn't want to go home without trying even once.

But then, somehow, I managed half a kill with minimal damage.

Watch out, Wake, my fifty buckets and 5000 steel are gunning for you.

>> No.12095279

You're not going to make it. Just saying.

>> No.12095280

People have done it with 10~20k resource. Weeklies today.

I'd say got for it.

>> No.12095281

You should know by now that LSC is a high risk, high rewards thing. The most important question is, are you feeling lucky, punk?

>> No.12095283

With those BBs, I don't think it's happening.

>> No.12095284

>level 94 junyo

You, I like you.

>> No.12095285
File: 3.35 MB, 797x2682, kuso admiral and the e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had already given up on E5. As I am right now, it's impossible, I said. I didn't prepare for this event. I didn't stockpile resources or buckets. I don't have Taihou or Yamato or even Nagato. So, for a shit admiral like me... beating E4 was good enough. But... just so I could say that I really did try the spring event, I thought I'd try E5 just once. Just so I could say that I was there. Even if the first node sent me home, even if all it earned me was an amazing repair bill, I didn't want to go home without trying even once.

But then, somehow, I managed half a kill with minimal damage.

Watch out, Wake, my fifty buckets and 5000 fuel* are gunning for you.

>> No.12095288

Oh shit, more people replied than I thought. How embarrassing.


I might actually do my weeklies this time.

>> No.12095290
File: 734 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140505-15380031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's waiting for you anon

I blew everything on LSC after clearing E5 anyway. I make around 50-60k fuel/ammo/steel per week of lazy playing, so yeah

>> No.12095292

As somebody who has used up 2,500,000 resources on that crap, go for it.

Can't be unluckier than me.

>> No.12095293

You won't make it buddy, not with your weird hipster ships

>> No.12095297

>kuso admiral using kuso ships
You are asking for it.
Even monkeys are better suited for it.

>> No.12095299

>make around 50-60k fuel/ammo/steel
>per week of lazy playing
Right, i believe you.

>> No.12095300
File: 122 KB, 330x430, 1399276558924[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the LSC rush ended.

>> No.12095301

Not hipster fleet, osananajimi fleet. All that happened is that I didn't ditch my old ships for new ships when I got them.

>> No.12095302

Do you know how great the new expeditions are?

>> No.12095303

If he's adding them all up then I believe him. Otherwise he has to be a scripter.

>> No.12095306

>implying you've known them for that long

>> No.12095307

You're making 150-180k+ total resource per week, with lazy playing? Without scripting? I'm calling you a liar, sir.

>> No.12095310

Lazy means I get back and run expeditions every 2-3 hours

And do crazy long expeditions when I sleep, try it for once then sling stupid accusations

Of course, the only sorties I ever do are subs forever and ever.

>> No.12095312

I'm one year old, I've known these ships for most of my life.

>> No.12095317

>one year old
May babby and cant beat E5? Gitgud.
There are people that started on April2014 and cleared E5.

>> No.12095319

Get autism, more like.

It was less than a year anyway.

>> No.12095320

I sat on my ass and did nothing but expeditions and 2-3 for a month prior to the event. I made 25k per week and my overnights were all sparkled. You're telling me you more than doubled that yield?

I call bullshit.

>> No.12095322

What is level scaling?

>> No.12095324

As someone who's so young, you should really listen to your elders, which is pretty much everyone else here.

>> No.12095326


Git fuking gud (expeditions). If I sat my ass on NEETmode and made 25k a week I'd really cry myself to sleep.

>> No.12095327

It's almost nobody here, actually.

Also, stop switching positions. Are we supposed to respect elders just for being elder or not?

>> No.12095328

How? I do exactly that and make 30k of each (except bauxite), 40k at most. 60k each and 180k total per week without scripts smells like bullshit, but...

How much bauxite do you make?

>> No.12095333

0 bauxite, 0 buckets. I'm resource-bulking if that's legit

Have you factored in quests, 2-3 fuel/ammo?

>> No.12095340


Level scaling boned me so hard (December babby here) lack of reppu, lack of ryuusei kai, lack of shinden kai ni and only 2x 46cm in over 400 crafts (I am NOT joking)

I also only got Kaga at level 98 TTK level.

It really doesn't help my equipment and ship crafting luck is absolutely abysmal.

I gave E5 a miss because of those reasons

and then my level 65 friend just waltzes in and scores 3 kills on waketan and says 'its easy'


>> No.12095342

As crap as level scaling it is, it gave me very nice drops so maybe it's worth it...

>> No.12095345

Well, not that dickwaving with Sakawa is worthed, anyway. Imagine if E-5 reward is Shinano instead.

>> No.12095346

It doesn't. I'm level 99 and the most prominent drop I have is Zuihou.

>> No.12095347

Your friend doesn't even have the hime at the boss node so if he's bragging about it he's pathetic.

>> No.12095350

Say that to my Kumano, Mikuma and Suzuya that's still in Abyss grip.

What is before level 80? I remember someone posted it, but forgot.

>> No.12095352

Basically >>12095347

>> No.12095354

no BB hime on the node.

Literally the only roadblock on E-5 when you are below level 80 is the flagship ru on the first node (if you are using under leveled ships which you probably are) and the BB hime node itself. The preboss node is of little concern.

No hime on the boss node is the biggest 'wow holy shit this is easy' as you can easily nuke the entire fleet and have the entire night battle to throw shells at wake tan.

>> No.12095355

Anon, he is 65 because he just started.
He has less resources, he has less holo eqs and lower level ships.
You are fucking 98, no excuse. People from fall actually got Musashi with less level than your friend with no level scaling back then.

>> No.12095356

Boss node E5 has a CA instead of cockblock hime, but the middle node does have the hime.

You are a good man. I hope you can finish the event in time.

>> No.12095358

Oh, right.

Now that you remind me, i feel stupid for sending fleet to the wrong expedition these past few days.

>> No.12095360

See >>12092565
I'm still trying my best to finish this.

>> No.12095361

You seem to think you deserve better luck in crafting, and that's why you failed this event

>> No.12095364

I wonder if there's any Yokosuka resident that move back to newbie just to enjoy that level scaling.

>> No.12095366
File: 454 KB, 600x650, 1399271118519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still struggling to get the last kill at E5, so I might not be able to grind this time. So long, Nagato.

>> No.12095367

>0 bauxite, 0 buckets
Oh, I'm seeing it now. I'm still making 20-25k bauxite alongside the 30-40k from other resources. And that's alongside bucket piling. If I forgo the bauxite and go full fuel/steel/ammo 60k might be doable.

Sorry for the baseless accusation. How are you supposed to LSC without bauxite, though?

>> No.12095375

What if they make Tanikaze a normal drop is arguably easy place?

>> No.12095377

She's gonna re-appear along with new addition of X-5 map

>> No.12095379

Alongside Flagship Re and Wo Kai Ni, of course.

>> No.12095382

That's for 5-6. 2 medals per clear, drop: Amatsukaze, Yahagi, Shioi

>> No.12095386
File: 453 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140505-16482370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything in it except bismarck

I'll hold off on her and pray 634 gets put in, hopefully in a way with yamato pre-requisite as z1/z3 with bismarck. I want my masochistic-ganguro-megane-oneechan

>> No.12095389

Your ship level and your admiral level often don't correspond.

If you threw a fucking party in 1-5 looking for subs your TTK experience would go through the fucking roof but you wouldn't have shit for ship levels to show for it.

>> No.12095394

No shit because back during fall, sub slaving isnt a thing so people dont rank up just by doing 2-3 all day everyday.
Shin kuso sub slavers 0 Veteran Admiral 1

>> No.12095396

Sub slaving was definitely a thing back then.

The difference is back then we did it with solo subs and tanked our sortie winrates. I scraped together the resources to clear E-4 with only a Goya and an Iku.

>> No.12095398

And before that people did super duper sub slaving where they just sent one red submarine everywhere.

The point stands. One round of 3-2-A gives your ships three times as much EXP as it gives you; one successful 4-2 boss crush gives you twice as much EXP as it gives your ships.

>> No.12095429

It doesn't work that way. I haven't even got a Maruyu and my most notable drop is Mikuma. I did manage to get Mutsu but she's a dupe.

>> No.12095486
File: 579 KB, 600x650, 12121214545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12095488
File: 494 KB, 600x650, 1399271118519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12095490

Bingo for common ships when? I'm curious who's here keeping them.

>> No.12095492


Only a kuso Tetoku would not buy slots for all his girls.

>> No.12095497

Make your own if you really want to know. That card took me about 15 minutes. The squares are 96x96

>> No.12095498
File: 252 KB, 407x1483, Goodbye LSC, for now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My whole LSC journey. Thank god I'm finally free.

>> No.12095500

I think quite a number of us do. I am one of them.

>> No.12095503

You are never free from LSC. Watch Unryuu-class get dumped into Midway and Shinano shoved into LSC directly.

>> No.12095505

>46 Taihou tries
I know how you feel, anon. Fifty-five and counting here.

>> No.12095514
File: 10 KB, 147x44, lsc,a hell of a drug 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for making me go bankrupt Wo.

>> No.12095516

How in the hell? That's a thousand devmats?

Did you start really early? It's like 50-60 devmat gains a week right?

>> No.12095519
File: 684 KB, 1000x1000, 42134777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon.
I've been playing since October.

>> No.12095520 [DELETED] 


And she's worth every piece of bauxite. Too cute.

>> No.12095522

Taihou is a ball of pure cuteness

>> No.12095526

>have twice as much bauxite as the rest of the resouces combined
Relax, you're fine.

>> No.12095539

Did the event get an extension? I thought it was supposed to end on the 7th.

>> No.12095543

Nope. You just didn't read carefully.

>> No.12095548
File: 157 KB, 1247x878, Vol.1_Ch.0_Episode_1._The_Haunting_Debriefing_018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, ship can be sunk in moderate damage.

>> No.12095549

sasuga secondary scene

>> No.12095554

Maybe the admiral mistaken moderate damage with heavy damage?

>> No.12095566

That's released way back around C85, the game mech was still not well-studied.

>> No.12095569

So I was thinking of damecon when a thought occurred to me. What if future bosses have damecon equipped on them only for the final kill? And you could not even see whether they are equipped or not in the first place?

>> No.12095570

Basically what happened during Battle of Midway.

>> No.12095571

What would /jp/ do if they reserve Midway for next year?

>> No.12095573

Oh, what about it? Some ship the IJN thought they had destroyed came back;?

Nothing. By then, we would have been millionaires, hopefully.

>> No.12095576

What is the Enterprise?

>> No.12095579

Midway E4: Sink the Gray Ghost.

Five kills required to bring down the gauge, map has five nodes in a straight line. Enterprise-chan appears on every node, on the first with destroyers and a CL, on the second with destroyers, CLs and a CA and so on, until the final node with two Wo Kai, a Re and two Ru. Gauge regenerates to full every time you retreat. You must sink her five times in a row to complete the map.

Have fun.

>> No.12095581

Then she comes back at E-6.

>> No.12095585

Why did you quote the Jeopardy-style question?

>> No.12095588

Glancing through the wiki, the closest thing to a damecon was the battles at south pacific.


>> No.12095590

AND THEN she comes back at the next event. And the next one. And every event after that. As expected of the greatest carrier in the world!

>> No.12095591

>As expected of the greatest carrier in the world!
But she's not the Habakkuk.

I pray to you Kancolle developers, grant me a gelid carrier demon with a cold demeanor and the biggest displacement out of any girl in the game. Atago and Takao ought to be dethroned.

>> No.12095593

Literally flatter than Ryuujou, Taihou, and Wake Island combined.

>> No.12095596

>Gauge regenerates to full every time you retreat.
Assuming I already depleted 4 bars then get cat on the 5th attempt.
Redo everything?

>> No.12095600

You have to complete the entire map in a single run. No regeneration or anything like that, but the gauge returns to full every time you begin your sortie.

Clearable in a single run, what a lenient map it is.

>> No.12095621

I remember you bastard.

Fuck Grey Ghost.
Fuck bullies
Fuck your inhumane map design.

>> No.12095627
File: 833 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140429-07374289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Months down the road this event will be made fun of by people for being "arpeggio-tier"

Despite all the bullshit go-home hime throws at us, or gothloli hiding behind hime 99% of the time this event will forever be remembered for being absolutely ezpz cos "no regen lol casual"

>> No.12095634

Level scaling, no regen while still allowing gauge chipping, no surprise area, shit reward.

Yeah, the event is shit. They should at least keep the Ironbottom Sound event format.

>> No.12095636

What do you mean by that? Appregio's laser spam was annoying but fog fleet was a tremendous boon to this, if anything farming for rare ship during Appregio event was nightmarish.

>> No.12095638

>shit reward.
I'll fight you

>> No.12095640

Farming E2 with 5 subs was easy.

>> No.12095641

I was farming E3 for Shokaku/Zuikaku, if I remember correctly.

>> No.12095642

The only awesome rewards are Reppu-Kai and Akashi. I could stop at E-2 if I want since they're all that matter to me.

>> No.12095645

I enjoyed this event. It was a bit easy probably. Or maybe I just overfarmed myself. I'm already back to pre-event resource levels

>> No.12095646

You just can't appreciate the cuteness in Sakawa's lines and squeaks. It's heartwarming

>> No.12095649

E3 was the real ending, E4 was bonus equipment for no costs

E5 is "I cleared this fucking hell for a useless, squeaky CL"

>> No.12095652

Well true, that +13 turbine can be quite useful.

>> No.12095654

This sound very embarrassing but I wish to clear E5 else I would feel that I have failed my girls. Sakawa is just a bonus to me.

>> No.12095657

I'm still waiting for the long-awaited Midway Event for my waifu. I'll complete it, then go to 4-3 to pick that futon and live happily ever after.

>> No.12095658

It's painful and when clearing it you start developing some weird quirks

When my left eye winces I know node 2 is going to crit one of my BB's to red

When I start drinking tea to keep me awake my sorties go through at a higher success rate

Doesn't matter for the last kill though, no matter how much tea I drank it still took me 3 hours when the gauge was empty for that last kill.

>Stupid jp war-stories

>> No.12095659
File: 214 KB, 800x480, stockpiling for midway next month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October babby reporting in.
Why the hell not?
You guys falling for the 100dev mats LSC trap?
1, 20 or 100 are all just placebo.

>> No.12095667
File: 706 KB, 800x1440, 400060016000200020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay you faggots convinced me to LSC. I manage to use 6001 ammo on this one.

At least I got the circle sparkles over her eyes. FUCK.

>> No.12095671

This event dropped me both nagato and mutsu hueuhuehuueuhueueuhue

>> No.12095685

Which AA has better fleet wide bonus radar or sanshiki?

>> No.12095688

I didn't want to clear E-5 as first. But once I started, I realized that I enjoyed it a lot more than I had thought. Heck, my hands were shaking on the last kill. My Yamato was the last to go, I was high as fuck when she targeted the boss and thus destroyed the gauge. It's a fulfillment feeling I always seek while playing games.

>Stupid /jp/ war-stories 2

>> No.12095697
File: 191 KB, 600x650, bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Yahagi and fuck all those Kai 2

>> No.12095701

It's even better when your resources are dangerously low or the time limit is almost up.

>> No.12095710
File: 553 KB, 520x2643, akigumo pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12095719

Maikaze best witch.

>> No.12095721

Her face reminds me of something, but I can't place what it is.

>> No.12095730

The middle-image of every bingo should be error-cat carpet bombing

>> No.12095732

in E-5?

>> No.12095737

E-2 boss node, my reparation for going through that fucking nightmare node

>> No.12095753

>only 1 night battle node
Did you meet Henderson and her bitches back in Fall?

>> No.12095755

You were lucky. I had 48 attempts on Taihou and have Yamato nowhere in sight after 26 attempts. Did you use 1 devmat recipes?

>> No.12095761


>> No.12095771

i still have that valentines chocolate what does that give?

>> No.12095774

I used both Yamato and Musashi and spent around 25k everything, except baux, how the fuck did you spend so much on only E5

>> No.12095777
File: 156 KB, 800x450, do it for iona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were lucky
I did LSC everyday after the implementation. Only got out of LSC hell around February temporary marriage update.
My hotel attempt count is probably around 50. Come back when you hit twice the # of attempts.
Ever wonder why the # of dev mats aren't in any of the futaba recipe? There is also a recipe with super high success for Taihou using only 1dev kit. What do you think??

>> No.12095781

Wasn't there a chart showing like 50% Yuubari rate for 30-all as well?

>> No.12095783


>> No.12095788

Nobody will really report 30all recipe unless they get something rare like yuubari or yayoi.
LSC takes so much resources for one attempt that people will be more inclined to report.

>> No.12095791

Oh right, and also a guy from Yowamushi Pedal from what I seen of him.

resources, maybe 700 of fuel, ammo, steel, and some bauxite

>> No.12095800

These guys mentioned resources:
but forgot love. It's full of love.

>> No.12095802

>There is also a recipe with super high success for Taihou using only 1dev kit. What do you think??
We know that it was a troll

>> No.12095809

A more cynical and paranoid admiral would think it's an assassination attempt but you're right, it's filled with love and inedible resources, poor admiral must have its stomach pumped to get those resources out.

>> No.12095844

The admirals are either clerical duty ship girls like Akashi and Oyodo, or else are just fairies. They can eat and drink resources just fine.

Your ships prepared that chocolate with love, it's your duty to eat it and appreciate it no matter what.

>> No.12095875

res conversion when? res weight, fuel 2, steel 1, ammo 0.5, baux 3
so 3 fuel are 2 baux
2 fuel are 4 steel

and so forth
although everyone would just farm baux and then convert so lets add a amaximum of 1000 converted per resource per day

>> No.12095880

I wish the 30 expedition thing is a daily quest

>> No.12095884

Took a rest for a few days after clearing E-3.

Man E-4 is a joke, at least for a 64TKK , compared to E-3.

I using Lvl40 destroyers (Shigure,Yuudachi, Inazuma Kai, Ikazuchi Kai) and it feels so damn easy.

On the other hand, I wonder how sparkle works. Didn't sparkle my ships, got roflstomped in E-3 everytime. Sparkled my ships in 1-1 (Sparkled them to around 80) , 3 successful E-3 runs out of 4 attempts , compared to what feels like 10% success rate earlier.

So now I keep all my daughters at about 80 moral for every E-4. And so far, my girls rarely goes to red prior boss node.

>> No.12095885

It'll be introduced with ship trading, i.e. never.

>> No.12095888
File: 576 KB, 600x650, over 31 minutes in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asked common ship bingo. Did it while waiting for fatigue to restore.

>> No.12095890
File: 193 KB, 1000x594, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't expecting anything coming into night with only two attackers...

I think the game is trying to ruse me into trying.

>> No.12095891

It's pretty much 5-1 sub-hunting goes wrong when you're directed to SE instead of south. Sparkle increases damage and evasion, if I remember correctly but from personal experience, they target smarter and defend themselves better.

>> No.12095892

If you managed to obtain a special trading port, you can trade 3 of any one resource for 1 resource of any kind.
Or you might be more interested in a specialized port, which will let you trade 2 of a fixed resource denoted by the port type for any 1 resource.

>> No.12095904

If they started making the night battle count as a new node, and didn't tell the players, how many suicides do you think would result?

>> No.12095907
File: 1.16 MB, 1213x655, 1399271118519(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12095908
File: 133 KB, 600x650, common ship bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12095910

Not a single line.

>> No.12095917

The developers would go to prison at the very least.

>> No.12095931

Well, between suicides and Kadokawa's building set on fire Kancolle would become even more famous.

>> No.12095933

got everything, except the new Kai2, Musashi and most LSC only ships, since my luck with crafting is shit and i keep on getting maruyus and akitsumarus.

>> No.12095937
File: 457 KB, 600x650, the kusoest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12095939

> my luck with crafting is shit
> i keep on getting maruyus and akitsumarus.
I wish my jealousy could kill.

>> No.12095943

I still can't find another copy of Asashio...

>> No.12095945

Do you have to have kept them for it to count, or is it enough that they're in your KanDex?

>> No.12095947

They are common ships dude, what do you think?

>> No.12095950

after the 9th maruyu and 4th akitsumaru you'll start calling it a curse, i only want taihou and yahagi.

>> No.12095951
File: 227 KB, 600x650, Bingo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chikuma is level 70, but she's waiting for her medals (I used 4 for Tone and another 4 for Bismarck). Couldn't get Musashi because I joined too late to beat the fall event.

>> No.12095952

Not him, but I got five of both and still no deliciously armored carrier... After a while you just want LSC to end.

>> No.12095953

You have to have scrapped them for them to count.

>> No.12095955
File: 485 KB, 600x650, and i've still got all of them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better bingo would be common ship kai.

>> No.12095956

They should be in your fleet and perma-locked. Preferably also kai'ed/maxed/leveled to 99, but that's asking for too much from heartless efficiency freaks.

>> No.12095960

All of them. Asashio is probably the rarest among them all.

>> No.12095961

Does that make me a heartless and efficient freak if I keep them for expedition purpose?

>> No.12095964

Not really, they're doing their best in expeditions.

>> No.12095968
File: 326 KB, 1600x835, carriers 20130323_224614-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Souryuu has サ on its flight deck instead of ソ?

>> No.12095969

Old orthography.

>> No.12095970
File: 12 KB, 352x111, Kai_why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12095974


If it makes you feel any better, I got a very expensive Yahagi from attempting Bismarck.

>> No.12095977

>"In wartime Japan, Souryuu was written phonetically as 'SA-U-RI-YU-U', but pronounced as 'Souryuu'."

>> No.12095979

She's the cutest, that's why. That MVP line alone made her flagship of my heart for nearly 4 months.

>> No.12095980

Sauryuu. She's a dinosaur.

>> No.12095987


>> No.12096005
File: 268 KB, 500x750, souryuu 008_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also notice that among those six, Kancolle's Souryuu is the only one without any kana symbol anywhere on her

>> No.12096012

Probably to avoid confusion, though the historical throwback would have been great.

>> No.12096110

Is it me or do hotels always like to fucking shoot the weak ships first
What the fuck is the point of a resource heavy battleship if only shoot the weaklings.

>> No.12096118

>Is it me or do hotels always like to fucking shoot the weak ships first
Welcome to Kancolle, where BB eats DD for appetizer and DD tickles enemy's BB. That's why carriers are good, equipped properly, their pre-emptive attack can weed out the weak ones, leaving the bigger fish to the BB.

>> No.12096119

i hope they buff surface radars with some kind of bonus to targeting

>> No.12096141

I thought it helps increasing chance of double-attack or cut-in on day battle. Or is it just my imagination?

>> No.12096146

Air dominance/superiority increases the chance, I think.

>> No.12096162

Anyone else in the no Tanikaze club who didn't give up?
I think I spent more than 800 buckets now.

>> No.12096164

AA radars too. AA mechanics are really shitty in this game. It would be so much better if pure green guns reduced aerial shelling damage while DP guns and flak ammo continue their role in pre-combat fleet-wide air defense, with air radar contributing to or boosting both.

>> No.12096165

No but I'm a proud member of the no-Yukikaze-club despite being level 98.

>> No.12096166

I was in the club for a long time, but I finally had to give up my membership.

You'll get her eventually. Just keep believing, but you may want to stop bleeding buckets.

>> No.12096167

Damn. And I thought I spent a lot with 300-400.

>> No.12096169

Kongou is my highest level BB and i find most of her lines a bit annoying but during this event i came to love her night combat line. She would back it up almost every time using 46/41/type33/reconplane

>> No.12096184
File: 138 KB, 260x260, weapon012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are these only useful to CLs that can't use scout planes now?

These used to be as valuable as 46cms in my base; now they just sit in a pile, unused and collecting dust.

>> No.12096186

200 buckets spent for now and no Tanikaze. Got almost all other ships (except for Agano).

>> No.12096189

CL and CLT, but yes, main guns did get buffed a lot.

>> No.12096199
File: 606 KB, 520x820, ca3a9ab4957b1c97ea31b5cefc3b25a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get Yahagi last year? I completely emptied my coffers trying to get her without sucess (and I kept trying until they went into maintenance to remove the event maps).

And this year I got Tanikaze on my 3rd S rank on E3. It's probably karma.

>> No.12096205

80 tries for Yahagi back during the Fall event over here. No Tanny for me, game gave me a 2nd Yahagi though.

>> No.12096207

I got Taihou on my 9th LSC attempt, Yamato on 10th, and Bismarck on 11st. Also got Hatsukaze at 5th E-1 boss kill and Tanikaze on 5th E-3 bos kill. It's probably karma.

>> No.12096241

>>12096162 here, I got Yahagi for an A rank while emptying the bar at fall event, I didn't believe I could get Hachi but I got Musashi too in the last days.
Also crafted Yamato on 3rd try, Taihou at 14th.

I still have 95 buckets, no karma can stop me!

>> No.12096315

So morale doesn't affect the initial air bombing, but what about initial torpedo phase and 2nd torpedo phase and carrier shelling/plane bombing phase?

>> No.12096330

Karma indeed. Fall E5 was a life-and-death struggle here, and took around three times the resources that E4 did. I barely got Musashi, and couldn't hope to try for Yahagi.

Now I spent three times my Fall E5 resource use on this event's E5, and just when I finished off the boss, Tanikaze dropped. RNG works in mysterious ways.

>> No.12096336

And for a painfully long time, we did believe that was the case

>> No.12096346

So stuck on E-2 at the moment, should I just give up?
I have no resources, and I don't really want Tanikaze/Sakawa.
I do want Amatsukaze, and Akashi, so I will probably end up finishing E-2 (4 battles left) after I save up some, and then clear E-3 (probably a stretch, as I really don't have resources) and probably E-4 (it seems sub heavy so why not).

I shouldn't have spent so much on LSC just to get shit gets.

>> No.12096354

You can do this, don't give up because there's still enough time.

>> No.12096355

You just answered your own question.

>> No.12096356

The charm of Kancolle is figuring unknown mechanics under the risk of irrevocable loss.

I hope they introduce new mechanics to keep veteran admirals on their toes. Minefield, coastal artillery and abyss support fleets, please.

>> No.12096359

1 month to stockpile, 2 weeks into the event. If you can't clear at least E-3 you only have yourself to blame.

>> No.12096363

So, is the event ending on the 9th or tomorrow?

I ask because maints are usually on tuesday nights so im not sure.

>> No.12096367

I'm the kind of teitoku that would never risk her girls.

>> No.12096370

>abyss support fleets
Please no.

>> No.12096372

This event is making me feel emasculated though.

Had to level my harem. And get Haruna.
Started mid-april.

I kinda did, didn't I?

>> No.12096373

Are you a masochist anon?
Do you like being whipped and in pain?

>> No.12096379

>Started mid-april
You have super babby mode maps. Take advantage of it while you can and keep pushing.

>> No.12096390

No, I have normal maps.
HQ 60 from 1-5 grinds, and 2-4 grinds.
Though compared to hard maps that TTKs get (75+), I guess it is babby mode.

>> No.12096420

Isn't that what having fun in Kancolle is all about? Getting trashed by pretty girls is enjoyable.

Are you saying that you don't want to grovel beneath the Island Demon's feet like the lowly worm you are, while the abyssal monster verbally abuses you and rubs your shamefully erect dick between her corpse-cold, pale white legs?

>> No.12096424

embrace the AHK

>> No.12096427

There's a map that unusually drop seaplane tenders like candy, but damn if I can recall which one.

>> No.12096435
File: 23 KB, 143x35, i dont like stockpiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the first week just leveling up my ships until they all at least got their kai ni, then breezed through E2. E3 hit me much harder, since I only have one kai CV. Cleared it literally 10 minutes ago, not sure if I would be able to make it if I started today. Maybe you'll have better luck, but you'll definitely have to work for it.

Personally I'm wondering if I stand a chance at E4 with my resources almost depleted. Was originally satisfied with E3, but when I heard E4 mainly uses destroyers, it didn't sound too bad.

>> No.12096437

In E5 it's buckets that take a hit, not resources.

>> No.12096441
File: 752 KB, 721x1018, 1388881967973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you anon, im not a masochist.

I prefer to be on the sadist side and abuse one of those war prisoners with all kinds of things to blow off stress from sorties, LSC and events.

>> No.12096446

Stop lying. E5 takes a bunch of steel, unless you've discovered a way to repair all those BBs with only buckets.

>> No.12096449

I meant E4, sorry.

>> No.12096481
File: 15 KB, 56x56, fg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not too bad, then. I started out with around 150, and assumed they'd all be depleted ages ago, but I didn't really start digging into them before E3, and even then it was only about 40. If 20+ runs won't be enough to clear E4, I'll hopefully at least get some drops along the way.

>> No.12096484

I used 60, and I was lucky. You better start grinding exp2 as soon as possible.

>> No.12096491
File: 58 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140505-22142465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see a pattern here

>> No.12096506

Can you bring a CVL/CV/CAV for air superiority?
yes: equip 2 main guns + radar + seaplane/reconplane
no: equip 1 main gun + radar + 2x 15.5 yellow guns

but overall, yes, they're less useful than before, it's the first time that 7 of these are sitting in my inventory instead of being equipped on some CA/CL.

>> No.12096555

Rather than that second loadout, wouldn't you actually get both higher AA value and higher FP by bringing 2 main guns, 1 radar, and 1 12cm 30 tube rocket launcher?

>> No.12096577

Read the combat page on the wiki.

>> No.12096580

Just got to the boss for the 1st time in E-2. I think I can finish E-2 before the event ends. Don't think I'm going to make it for E-3 though I really want Amatsukaze. What do ship repair facilities do?

>> No.12096596

+1 ship repaired by Akashi. Next time read the wiki.

>> No.12096603
File: 107 KB, 636x357, dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just extremely lucky, but so far E4 is looking even easier than E1.

I bet this is due to level scaling more than anything else, though. This is boss node at TTK level 51.

>> No.12096605

>第二十话 决戦前夜
>第二十一话 一亿総特攻
>第二十二话 LOST
>第二十三话 わたしは舰娘
>第二十四话 暁の水平线に

two cour anime and apparently sad ending?

>> No.12096610

where did you pull that from

>> No.12096611

Thanks. "+1 simultanous repair of Repair Ship" just wasn't make much sense to me.

>> No.12096612
File: 572 KB, 802x476, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both hotel and hiei decides to attack Darwin while Wake had over 350 hp. kirishima only did 150 first hit, but then second hit crit over 200 and it's finally over

>> No.12096613

You know, what? Anime with some kind of open end, and right after an event in the game, tuned for new joiners, where you can finish the "story"

>> No.12096616
File: 9 KB, 145x41, wheresmyresources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my resources afterwards

>> No.12096621
File: 713 KB, 1111x1450, 1399273013370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Darwin m8

>> No.12096622
File: 115 KB, 700x875, Abyss_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attack Darwin
BB Hime isn't Darwin

Pic related is Darwin

>> No.12096627

コンプティーク May Issue

>> No.12096641

- "New" shipgirl (introduced in the anime) sacrifices herself in order to defeat some abyss scum.
- You can resurrect her with POWER OF FRIENDSHIP in an apposite event at the end of the year.

Could be pretty fucking neat.

>> No.12096647

If the resurrected appearance was half abyss would be pretty cool.

>> No.12096652

if it was full abyss, even cooler

>> No.12096660
File: 511 KB, 600x650, 1399305317791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck. Even if I hadn't just gotten rid of Akebono I'd still fail, I haven't kept a Hatsuyuki since I was just starting and keeping every ship I got.

At least the ships I do have I actually use, except Houshou and Shouhou now since Tokyo Express eliminated the need to ever do expeditions requiring carriers.

Speaking of Tokyo Express, I sure love sending out both of those expeditions with all but 1 of my drums when I was planning on running 5-4 for dailies/weeklies after quest reset. With an hour left on both of them I'm stuck spamming all-10 now hoping to get 3 more drums.

>> No.12096662
File: 9 KB, 362x259, proofimautistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, i'm probably autistic, was too focused on wake to realize who the other ship was...

>> No.12096665

Go to sleep, Re.
You too, Wo.

>> No.12096666

Or how about
-Girl is about to sink to the bottom after taking on Darwin or Re, or whatever big boss they want so long as she's OP as fuck
-Rest of fleet dives down to try and pick her up, pulling her back to the surface, and takes her home to heal

>> No.12096667

Darn. I was hoping for a "Puchimas with fairies" corner, an "obsolete ships try to make sense out of the modern world" corner, and various other ship girl antics.

Or an anime where the mood and direction of each episode is determined by compass, and could be anything from a romantic comedy centered on Fubuki as the love interest to personal tragedy followed by abyss conversion body horror.

>> No.12096668

Submarines only sortie then?

>> No.12096680 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 900x746, 1399324067731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfy as fuck

>> No.12096681

I would trade 250k all to have Darwin, Henderson or BB Hime in my fleet, even if their stats were massively nerfed down (like, 1/3 or 1/4 )

>> No.12096694

What if you had to sink a level 150 ship to get them? It has to be the first ship you married, too.

>> No.12096698

I don't see anything here that disproves what I said.

>> No.12096705

Not strict enough. You have to be a monogamist or scrap all other married ships so you only have one and get that one sank. When you get the abyss ship you can only marry her and nobody else.

>> No.12096726

Only planes with +AA give FP.

>> No.12096729

I'm pretty sure he meant firepower, not fighter power

>> No.12096738

Oh. My mistake. Should have inferred from context, but people usually use FP to refer to fighter power.

>> No.12096743

When I said FP, I meant firepower not fighter power, because I was talking about what you said about CA and CL loadouts.

I was of the opinion that 20.3 #3 main guns, a radar, and a good AA gun should give you better overall performance than bringing 1 main gun, 2 sub guns, and a radar.

>> No.12096751

2 good yellows give you more firepower than 1 good red.

>> No.12096762

I'm not that guy.

But if we're talking about optimal builds,

-CLs almost always are relegated to ASW duties, no space for guns, only perhaps an extra sonar, turbine, drum or radar
-Pure green guns are terrible. Type 14 air radar or even a sanshiki are way better options
-It seems to me more beneficial to always have air superiority anyway
