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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12082752 No.12082752 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12075973

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Zharay/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/Zharay/logbook

Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, Re, Wo, Hime and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12082757

So, when is the Midway?

>> No.12082759
File: 168 KB, 846x644, Zero ships lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are you keeping your ships safe this event?

>> No.12082769

Have been playing long, but I never risk red damaged girls. Zero sinkings and I want to keep it that way.

>> No.12082775
File: 800 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140429-21364104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing that nobody in /jp/ sank his ships thus far.

>> No.12082783

>4 repair fairies

>> No.12082784

I scrapped a level 80 Imuya to make space

>> No.12082787

Too much, try something more believable

>> No.12082795
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She was a disgusting Imuya Kai

>> No.12082816
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Having said that, the subs will probably send me home at the first node.

>> No.12082821
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can i get a hotel /jp/

>> No.12082823

Which attempt is this?
Anything less than your 50th, no dice.

>> No.12082824

>Support fleets.
Why? That main fleet is good enough. Just remember to slap sanshiki on those BBs.

>> No.12082825

would be my first

>> No.12082827

What I lose in fuel and ammo I save in buckets and steel.

>> No.12082828

With all the new ships popping out when are the devs going to expand the ship limit?

or they still want to hate our money...

>> No.12082829

They've expanded it multiple times, it's like 190 or some shit up from 150.

>> No.12082831

You only need 140 slots to have one of each girl as of this event.

>> No.12082832

I mean for the ones not hating their money, guess they're getting the short end of the stick?

>> No.12082834

Yes, stop being poor and work.

>> No.12082837

244/472 spent on support, in exchange, I have nothing but scratch on my fleet. The fleet has gotten blown out before.

If nothing else I wanted everybody to get a participation award for the last battle. New-type destroyer GET. Time to pull the destroyers out of storage for E4...

It's unlikely that you actually have 100 ships you treasure. I only have seven pages of ships I cared about enough to remodel them. It'll make composition quests harder, but that's about it.

>> No.12082838

Yeah, for her!

>> No.12082842


The beginner's luck is on your side, go for it!

>> No.12082844

The longer you play, the more ships will capture your heart

>> No.12082845

I keep extras of valuable ships just in case so I need the extra space.

>> No.12082847
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No, it's Mutsu time.

>> No.12082848

I used to do this, but the just in case will never come as I don't let anyone sink.

>> No.12082849

I buy ship slots when I need the extra space.

>> No.12082855

Shitty Admiral's Adventure Log, E1 to E3: 20801 to 10397 fuel, 23763 to 18283 ammo, 23763 to 12408 steel, 11463 to 6536 bauxite, 84 to 44 buckets, でもここからが本番なのよ

If you have room in your heart for ninety girls you must be amazingly greedy.

>> No.12082856
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>> No.12082858


lsc is evil

>> No.12082862


Haruna is all right,

>> No.12082863
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she might be but im not daijoubu

>> No.12082870

I am still almost always getting error cat after every expedition since the update, wat do?

>> No.12082872
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That is one expensive Haruna.

>> No.12082873

Go away, bug DMM or Kadokawa about it, we ain't your fuckin' tech support.

>> No.12082876

its okay

my proceeds go to the haruna kai ni fundraiser

>> No.12082881

I'm running E-5 with Nagato and Mutsu with AP shells and honestly, it's not that bad. They can take out the trash BBs in one shot if they cut-in/double attack, and they deal more damage to the gothloli in daytime, which I believe doesn't work when using Type 3?

>> No.12082883

the point of sanshikis is to do massive damage at night

>> No.12082884

Just put 2x46cm AP Sanshiki

Daytime double attack isnt really all that.

>> No.12082887

Yeah fuck you, daytime double oneshots BB's even for kongous

>> No.12082888

>Turbines add +5%
What. A flat 5%, irrelevant of the additional dodge?

>> No.12082889

Yeah, but it sucks when they target the trash BBs at night since I don't have enough firepower remaining to take them out in day battle. With 2AP 2Type 3 I can constantly go to night battle with only gothloli and the damned battleshit remaining.

I thought about doing this, but I'm afraid one will override the effect of the other. I vaguely remember reading about something like that here, but do they override?

>> No.12082890

>Daytime double attack isnt really all that.
My CAs pack even flagship TA with daytime double attack and green T

>> No.12082904
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Keep telling yourself that. The recon system is undeniably OP.

>> No.12082908

Muh buckets.. Atleast my resources aren't taking a hit like E2. Is there any strategy other than praying that my shipgirls don't get wrecked at the pre-boss node?

>> No.12082912

2 Soryuus in a row from E-2. Luck or is she a semi-common drop?

>> No.12082916

try using diamond or line aboob at preboss

>> No.12082918

Her sister's the rare one.
But Soryuu still a qt.

>> No.12082922

I meant to say E-3. I got her from pre-boss and boss node.

I have all the Akagi sisters already, I was just wondering to make sure I'm not using up my luck.

>> No.12082923
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Tanikaze is for _____

>> No.12082925

At this point, shitposting.

>> No.12082926


>> No.12082942

I wasted so many resources on the event, but in return I got:
Tanikaze x2

Anybody else got better drops?

>> No.12082946

Hatsukaze and Nagato. Hoping for a Tanikaze.

>> No.12082949

I managed to drop the Hiryuu sisters and Kaga from 2-3 runs in the span of 1 week, it was pretty sick.

In return I have gotten 0 rare drops (except Hyuuga who I'd been looking for a while).

>> No.12082951

I wasted so many resources but I only needed the event girls.

>> No.12082952

Hiryuu is rarer than Hyuuga

>> No.12082953

I got yours plus:

>> No.12082954

Well I know that I'd just never gotten her

>> No.12082955

Like just imagine an endless field of Ise and Fusou and that's my experience with most maps otherwise

>> No.12082958

A flat +5% for each turbine, that's about all I could work out since it's in Japanese

>> No.12082961

I got Hatsukaze, Tanikaze (x2) and a few rare ships I already had.
I only want Nagato and Hamakaze, but they're no where to be found.

>> No.12082963

How come Sakawa gets no equipment on her kai?

>> No.12082965

How much extra farming did you do?

Wanted: Nagato, Yuubari, Shoukaku, Hatsukaze, Hamakaze, Suzuya, Kumano, I-8, Akigumo, Akitsumaru, Maruyu, Tanikaze, Hamakaze, Z3

Got: Shoukaku

Well, there's still plenty of time.

>> No.12082966

The devs tweeted it is coming later, don't upgrade her yet

>> No.12082968

What about the fancier turbines? Are they the same?
Also +5% to what: the likelihood to evade?

>> No.12082969

Welp shit. With still 9 days to go, I'm forced to say goodbye for Kancolle for quite long, and I will miss the E-5. What's the best option to dump my remainder resource?
a)hunt Maruyu/Tanikaze/other rare ships (still miss Mikuma and DDs)
b)dump them in LSC?

>> No.12082974

Why you gotta go sabbatical? Real life shit?
Just forget that and keep playing the KanColle.

>> No.12082975


>> No.12082976

強化型艦本式缶 +5%

I would guess the fancy one is +6.5%

>> No.12082977

So far, I've found 2 Yuubaris, Zuikaku, Agano, Maikaze. Haven't done any specifically farming runs as of yet.

>> No.12082978
File: 592 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-02222030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this map so much
First its that I cant get to the boss node, now its that everyone does shit damage in orange and the healthy ones miss or hit the trash subs

>> No.12082979

Remember, Finals are for bitches!

>> No.12082989

Have to do some trip, so my internet access will be very limited.

>> No.12082990

Keep trying, trust your girls, and upgrade your equipment if you don't have the top shit yet.

>> No.12082996

Skip the trip. Tell them you have to kill the goth loli with your fleet of cute girls.

They'll understand.

>> No.12082999
File: 591 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-02351546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, I had no issues at all for the first kills except for a red T but now its like they forgot what its like to do damage
Only Yuudachi and Shigure do damage now for some strange and of course they wont touch the flagship.

>> No.12083004

You'll get it eventually. I already see a slight sliver less in that health gauge.

>> No.12083008

Ah. E4 pre-boss. Wo Kai. How cruel.

>> No.12083010

oh mY GOD it 1-shots DDs what the hell whatever

>> No.12083012

I'm so regretting not clearing up through exp 37 right now.

I keep running low on steel while trying to clear E-5. I have her down to maybe 2 full kills left, but I can't run very many concurrent sorties thanks to my short supply of steel.

I cleared exp 35 in the hopes of unlocking exp 37 quickly so I can mine that for steel, only to discover that I need AVs for exp 36. I remodeled those girls a long time ago, so here I am looking for another pair again.

>> No.12083015

Hit diamond and pray.

>> No.12083017
File: 1.63 MB, 3040x1596, 1398841705558[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird photoshop dude lost to E-5, for now.

>> No.12083018

Can you link to the source?

>> No.12083019

Ex 3 spam?

>> No.12083020

Thank god this shit's not that resource-intensive because I'm not running 4 fucking BBs and 2 CVs

>> No.12083021


Not sure how to look through his previous streams

>> No.12083024
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And we're finally done, thank god.
Complaining on /jp/ really works, I got T advantage and was able to sink the flagship after a lot of failures
Started with 310 buckets and I have 118 buckets now, I feel so poor.

Not even going to bother with sakawa

>> No.12083025

That's what I'm doing for now. That and exp 20.
I'd rather be working that sweet 37 though. I've got the drums for it and I'm getting tired of sparkling over and over.

>> No.12083028

Congratulations, TTK. Go play with your new crane.
Sakawa will be craftable eventually anyway. I hope ;_;

>> No.12083029

Well, even without sparkling the steel/hr from ex2 is the highest by far.

>> No.12083032

True. But I prefer the longer, higher-yield expeditions.
That way I don't have to baby the game and can focus on other stuff.

>> No.12083033

No, it's 37>3>20>38.

>> No.12083038


>> No.12083043

So whatever happened to E-5 enemy reinforcements or something? Isn't it supposed to be today?

>> No.12083049

Tokyo express expeditions are great. I especially like 37 because I can send an AV with 4 boats along and the high rate of great success without sparkling.

>> No.12083052

Which AV can carry 4 boats?

>> No.12083064

3 boats obviously, I just had a brainfart.

My second favorite is exp36. I just have to swap a DD to an AV in my exp21 fleet to have 4 boats, sparkle with pvp and off to sleep. By the time I'm awake, I have almost 900 fuel, and 360 steel and baux.

>> No.12083065

37 requires 1CL and 5DDs. Unless you've unlocked a special 7th slot in your fleets, I'm not sure where you're sneaking in an AV, let alone 2 for all those boats.

>> No.12083069

He still has a week to go

The mask will triumph

>> No.12083071

Is the 25mm rocket whatever thing worth using at all?

>> No.12083074

See the brainfart line.
Exp 21, 36 and 38 are the ones I run boated.

>> No.12083078

Depends what you're putting them on. I used mine on my BBs together with Type 21 Radars until I got Type 3 shells for all of them. They're now serving on my DDs and CAs.

>> No.12083081

So this >>12083049 was supposed to be about 38 then?

Okay, that makes a lot more sense.

>> No.12083086


>> No.12083095

What formation for the middle node on E5? So far I've been using diamond with mixed results.

>> No.12083098

You mean hime? Double line

>> No.12083100

Did you sparkle?

>> No.12083107

Well, when I had good pvp targets available, I sparkled to 50, but according to some people here, it doesn't count until 53 anyway. I'd rather spend extra resources on 2-3 more runs than wasting hours AND resources on 1-1

>> No.12083115

How rekt am I gonna be if I try farming E-3 with 4BBV 2CV?

>> No.12083120


fuck off

>> No.12083123

Your resources will get rekt.

>> No.12083125

E-3 is easy. Only your resources will be rekt.
Unless you want rare DD, you might as well just do LSC.

>> No.12083129

I'll second the anti-sparkle recommendation.
In a slight burst of desperation, I decided I'd try to get my whole fleet up to 85 morale before I'd try E-5 again.

The sorties ended with red crits by the second or third node until my sparkle had faded from all but the MVP and flagship. After a few no-sparkle runs, I landed two boss kills in quick succession.

>> No.12083149

Actually I'd like to ask, did you use double line for all nodes?

>> No.12083150

meant to quote >>12083098

>> No.12083151

No. LA, DL, DL, LA

>> No.12083152

E-3 was so damn easy. Only used about 5k to complete it with mid-level fleet. Replacing one BB with CLT also worked out well.

>> No.12083153
File: 679 KB, 900x1060, 84850d87631c5e686cf7f84401725d5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KCV should be back to its former glory, with less memory leakage and more fluid UI.


>Repair time tool tips for both the normal docks and the facility that Akashi gives. Tell me if anything be off.
>Repairs all show in real-time again.
>Air superiority no longer takes into account recon planes.
>Tons of back-end changes really.

Huge bro-fist to Grabacr07 who used portions of my fixes in the last few versions for this one and then going nuts doing a ton of other things.

>> No.12083159

So does this mean you guys have figured out exactly how Akashi works? If others have over the past few days then I haven't been paying attention. My own testing has given inconsistent results.

Thanks for your work.

>> No.12083162

Great, thanks.
Is this the whole new version where Grabacr07 rewritten the core of the data-sniffing

>> No.12083171

Fuck you I just replaced a DD on 37 to test it

>> No.12083174


What a slut

I love sluts

>> No.12083177

Yea. He pretty much re-did it completely. Now everything is being kept as a whole rather than re-creating everything from scratch with every update the client gets. I also did my part and redid some of my stuff so things won't be so damn wonky.

I don't use her in sorties, but in HQ this is how she works:

>Every 20 minutes of the hour, Akashi will heal 1 HP on herself and x number of slots below (x = number of facilities).
>She can only heal those still in the green of health ( >= 95%)
>As long as you don't swap out ships between the 20 minutes, they will be healed.

None of that is being used in KCV. All it does is tell you the time regardless of their position. The amount of HP they do have does matter and will not display if they are too damaged.

So far it's only really helped when I've got the repair docks full and I only need a few points healed while I wait for important ships to finish up.

>> No.12083179

Nice sample size, I sparkled everything 75+ I had a run of 8 retreating on the 2nd node with 3 and 5 near S ranks on either side

>> No.12083187
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Been stuck on E3 all day, after painful bad luck on E2 night node. What can i do to get through the two nodes pre-boss, E3A is fine, but E and H wreck me. i've been advancing Line A forward E double H Double. only made it though once.

>> No.12083188


Well, that would be the source of the inconsistency. I thought she would heal anyone above yellow.

>> No.12083197

>She can only heal those still in the green of health ( >= 95%)
If I'm not mistaken, she healed my CLTs who were in yellow health. I'm almost sure that they were below 95% health.

>> No.12083199

Your info on Akashi is wrong, she can heal ships in yellow. She also will heal herself +1 ship + number of repair facilities. Haven't really tested it myself, but other information on her repair speed do differ from yours, too.

>> No.12083204

Got Nagato from S-Rank E-2 Boss drop.

>> No.12083207

How high are your HQ?

>> No.12083208

Before tackling E-3, I spent the last few days crafting 46cm and sanshiki and ended up with 2 of each which really helped. You probably need to level your Kaga more and it might help if you leveled your Hiei and Kongou to ~40.

>> No.12083210

Try crafting 8 for E5

I blew around 100k ammo and steel in this event

>> No.12083214

I'm definitely not prepared for E-5 and won't be bothering with it. Don't see the point in doing E-4, either.

>> No.12083217

You're expecting to get through event-maps with ships that aren't even fully modernized? And a level 11 CV? seriously?

>> No.12083218

E4 is easy, very easy on every resource except buckets and that's only if you're an impatient fuck like me

It's like what, 3-5k all for it? It gives you unique equipment that will be found nowhere else for a long, long time.

>> No.12083223

Well, if you put it that way... Here I thought I was done with the event. E-4 it is.

>> No.12083225

If your HQ is below 80, E-4 is a joke.

>> No.12083228

I'm barely below 80. It must be a sign.

>> No.12083229


Alright figured as much, would be needed. I've only got one 46cm right now, but both the CV's have sanshiki.

I've got other ships available but it's two DD at 60~, Chitose at 55, Ooi at 58, and fusou at 56. Only ever had akagi till now, just poor as hell luck on ship drops Hiei and Kongou only dropped this week.

>> No.12083232

Just craft a bunch of ASW and get a CV loaded with green stuff for wo-chan. Can confirm because I devolved into shitposting and got flamed for not being able to clear that first try. DDs and CLs pretty much asspound submarines w/good luck.

>> No.12083233

Wait they don't have super Wo and Tachan-sama.

>> No.12083235

Also feel free to disregard that part about the CLs and DDs because if you don't run them you're not clearing shit.

>> No.12083236

How the level scaling works? level 80 and level 40?

>> No.12083240

What was your composition?
DD - DD - DD -DD - BB - CV?

>> No.12083242

I meant CL

>> No.12083244

Not him, but I cleared it with 4DD1CL1BB. Three of the DDs and the CL were level ~50 expedition regulars, with two Mutsukis among them, so you can easily crush E5 even if you don't have the elite DDs.

>> No.12083246

I think that works pretty well

>> No.12083249

>so you can easily crush E5 even if you don't have the elite DDs.
That made me chuckle.

>> No.12083260

Oh dammit, I was so obsessed with finishing off the E5 gauge that I didn't even realize what I was typing.

At this rate, Wake-tan will probably break my mind before I can break her gauge.

>> No.12083265

Oh fuck, CLT doesn't count. I don't have a decently leveled CL.

>> No.12083266

What formation did you use at E-4 preboss node?

>> No.12083273

Double-line or diamond work

>> No.12083275
File: 102 KB, 800x480, 38d3d1ee-6900-427c-bb3d-21e096a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was testing around with my fleet and moved a carrier in flagship position, went E5 for a try and ended up clearing the map, health bar was already at zero after countless cheap damage sortie, well, fuck you wake-chan, this time for good.

time to poke sakawa belly

>> No.12083276

Basically Akashi will repair your ships if HP is >50% (yellow and above).
Why remove recon planes from the air superiority calculation though?

>> No.12083278
File: 643 KB, 803x483, mission accomplished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally....I can rest now from this torture...
gonna marry nagato soon...

>> No.12083281

Which is better, stacked one depth charges and 2 sonars, or 2 depth charges and one sonar?

Does the effect adds up?

>> No.12083282

Hiryuu, Shoukaku, Zuikaku, 3 tanikaze, naganami, maruyu

>> No.12083290

Where do you get Shoukaku?

>> No.12083292

E-4 isn't as easy as I was made to believe. The pre-boss node is a RNG-fest. My Zekamashi keeps getting hit to red.

>> No.12083294

I was only farming for Hatsukaze and Tanikaze since I have everyone else.
Only got Hatsukaze. Tanikaze still nowhere to be found.

But I have seen duplicates of Yuubari, all the subs except for Hachi, bunch of mikuma/kumano, hamakaze and mutsu from the top of my head.

>> No.12083295

Pretty sure it was E-2, might have been E-3 though. I'm sure it's in the japanese wiki.

>> No.12083297

it's indeed an RNG fest but with cl, 4dd and a bbv with seaplanes I got past wo node the 80% of times, using diamond formation.

>> No.12083298

Why are you using diamond to lower when evasion when it's double attack wrecking you instead of Wo planes?

>> No.12083300

dunno read the wiki and it said diamond, and it worked.

>> No.12083306

Just where are these people who lack proper capitalization and punctuation coming from?

>> No.12083311

And Yukikaze gets hit to red on node A. E-4 doesn't seem that worth it once again. Fuck this.

>> No.12083312
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The Wiki.

>> No.12083315

No bully.

>> No.12083317
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I wonder.

>> No.12083319

I just saw that, too. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.12083322

Oh thanks.
And I want Yuubari, Mikuma/Kumano/Suzuya, maybe Hamakaze and Kinu because I still haven't got them and got nonw

>> No.12083334
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They're fast.

>> No.12083349


>> No.12083352
File: 84 KB, 468x437, 1398851988060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about love.

>> No.12083365

what is love?

>> No.12083366

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

>> No.12083367

Baby don't hurt me.

>> No.12083380

Is the memory leakage problem not KCV-exclusive? I'm using Flash vanilla and after few hours it eats almost 500MB of my RAM.

>> No.12083386

No, it started happening after the update.

>> No.12083392
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Using KCV for almost 25 hours.

>> No.12083393

4 clears of E-3 and so far I got Tanikaze and Shoukaku out of it (ships that I dont have yet). So~ how many runs did it took you guys for hamakaze and hatsukaze.

Also, anybody can guess which ships are unlikely to get a kai ni now

>> No.12083395

I got Hatsukaze while clearing E-1.
Hamakaze? She hates me. ;_;

>> No.12083399

I think it's kancolle related, game starts to lag badly after some hour's, no matter were i play (kcv or chrome).

>> No.12083402

I got Hatsukaze twice when attempting to clear E-1, no luck for Hamakaze though.

I'm looking for Shoukaku, and the rarest I got from E-3 when clearing it was Hiryuu.

Still aiming for Yuubari first.

>> No.12083411

I get 1-2 Yuubari every week from all 30 dailies

>> No.12083416

I thought daytime cut-in can't miss and will do at least scratch damage. Well, it just missed Kaga in pvp

>> No.12083418

Yeah, sure

>> No.12083420

Yuubaris were dropping like candies this event for me.

>> No.12083432

Got hatsukaze on 2nd clear of E2. Hamakaze from like the 4th clear of E3.
Tanikaze from ~8th S rank clear of E4

Still haven't got her from 30all crafts? I've probably used her as modernization 6 times now

>> No.12083435

Ok, so how do you beat desire sensor?

>> No.12083437

I got only hamakaze, farming e1 for hatsukaze, then I'll even have to go e4 or something for tanikaze

>> No.12083438
File: 550 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-18003616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about the girl(s) you want and play as usual.

>> No.12083440

Why she hate me? I promise won't do anything weird to her.

The rarest I got from all 30 craft are Yayoi.

>> No.12083442

Sorry, didn't mean to post pic. But I finally got her while doing 3-3 for weekly. 3 cans of beer really helped.

>> No.12083443

I would do it if I could but that is not possible. I-19's body is way too clear in my mind.

>> No.12083447

Can't. Every time Amatsukaze talks, my dxxk explodes.

>> No.12083448

It seems different from holo background I got, why?

>> No.12083455
File: 75 KB, 757x447, nagato get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New background is much better.

>> No.12083459

They changed it in latest update. The old holo background is used in equipment crafting now.

>> No.12083461

How do you guys farm E-1 efficiently? Using the recommended setup, I end up with at least 2-3 ships in orange, or even red if there are misses during the day.

>> No.12083463


>> No.12083465

Nagato is S-Holo, so the background reflects it. I got Akagi the other day and saw no changes.

>> No.12083466

2 CAV 2 CA 2 CLT

>> No.12083468

You go north route?

>> No.12083471

That's the fleet I'm using, with an avg level of 89.
Last run had Suzuya in red, Ooi and Kinu and Kiso in orange and Tone with yellow.

>> No.12083473

Is the double-attack in day battle also affected by luck? I swear my Nagato does that more often than all of my Kongou-class.

>> No.12083475

Whenever I try this I end up with 3 ships in red after the bossnode. Is that normal?

>> No.12083480

I often end up with only one orange after the pre-boss node. Just pray that your CLTs target the Ta first.

Anyway Hatsukaze dropped for me so I don't have to farm E-1 anymore.

Normal. At least you don't have to go 3 nodes and the CA/CLT repairs are cheap.

>> No.12083482

Can anyone here confirm if they got Iku from E-4 while below HQ Lv.80? I'm starting to speculate that she only drops if HQ is Lv.80+ just like map 1-5.

>> No.12083484

Okay, I just found it to be pretty heavy on my buckets. But if I had to pick between sitting on a pile of 900+ buckets or reducing that by 100 and getting Hatsukaze, the choice is obvious

>> No.12083500
File: 359 KB, 800x480, 0819835c10385343cd611ba39113b07ecb8088bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this been posted yet

>> No.12083504

Not bad, certainly earned my respect.

>> No.12083512

Whoever came out with the idea of putting hime in the middle of the nodes should be fired.

>> No.12083519

Cleared E-5, used another 400+ buckets on running E-4 for Tanikaze, no dice. This sucks, gonna just give up and wait for her to be in a normal map.

>> No.12083520

Since when does repairing ship will not remove its sparkle condition?

Also, just got Hacchan from E4.

>> No.12083522

Since always. It only resets fatigue.

>> No.12083524


>> No.12083535

I just trying E-5 for first time, that sub is also annoying.
My Kaga brought down to orange with opening attack, and my Mutsu which already orange is also brought down to red.

>> No.12083567

Today everything goes as wrong as possible. Going for last 2 kills on E-4. DD critted to red on the first node three times in a row, DDs/CL critted to red by Wo, DDs, CL, even BB critted to red by Ta, sudden "go-home" CA crits.

I'll just send expeditions for today.

>> No.12083578

It's fine, anon. You still have plenty of time.

>> No.12083592
File: 849 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-21342175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally have everything from E4 except for Tanikaze. Is she more common in E2 and E3 or what?

>> No.12083595

Holy shit, changed fleet to farm e4 but went e5 instead, out of habit, since i've been running that map for a day. Time for F5 formation.

>> No.12083596

for AA is air radar better or sanshiki?

>> No.12083597

No bully.

>> No.12083601

Got her twice from E2 boss drop.

>> No.12083603

Beware, the other guy lost a ship to that one

>> No.12083609

I just trying to do E-3 for fun using Nagato and Mutsu, but I'm forced to retreat from node before the boss.

Dammit RNG, at least I got Hamakaze from it, as a consolation prize.


>> No.12083611
File: 266 KB, 819x295, akitsu day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12083622

Same, but E-2 and 3 are pretty expensive to farm so I don't know what to do now.

>> No.12083623

Fuck you, RNG. After spending 102 TTK levels without Mutsu, then getting 2 of her from the event, guess what the first 4-2 boss drop is? Yes.

>> No.12083628


>> No.12083629

When you get one, chances are there are more to follow.

>> No.12083630

Yes, Haruna is daijoubu, dess.

>> No.12083635

Do not underestimate the power of seiyuu.

>> No.12083642

Why so mad?
Mutsu has a good scrap value for metal.
It could be worse, you could get more duplicate goya which has shit value to scrap and lousy modernization ability.

>> No.12083650

I'm not mad. And I find Mutsu too cute to scrap her.

>> No.12083652

Are you going to become like that one guy who had 30+ Hiei all married?

>> No.12083656

For the past three days I keep getting the boss node on 2-3 with the transport ship quests active. What the fuck.

>> No.12083657

Do extra maps reset at midnight or when there's a pvp update?

>> No.12083659

I also got that, and it keeps increasing my admiral XP.
Maybe they did something to that.

>> No.12083663

How to get 70 ranking points in 4 hours /jp/?

>> No.12083665

4am jst with daily quests

>> No.12083666

clear 5-5

>> No.12083667


>> No.12083668

5-5 gives 200points?
Seriously as long as you best 5-5, you are set for the month in ranking points.

>> No.12083669
File: 100 KB, 800x480, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. Where's my Kumano

>> No.12083670

Assuming that I'm not sparkling my main fleet, how long does it take/cost in average?

>> No.12083671

You need to have a stylish room to get her.

>> No.12083675

3subs 3BB full support spam
It is cheap dont worry.

>> No.12083676


Kako,中部太平洋海域,敵潜水哨戒線,S,4/30/2014 19:56
Atago,中部太平洋海域,敵潜水哨戒線,S,4/30/2014 20:03
Houshou,中部太平洋海域,敵潜水主力艦隊,A,4/30/2014 20:08
I-58,中部太平洋海域,敵潜水哨戒線,S,4/30/2014 20:53
Kumano,中部太平洋海域,敵潜水主力艦隊,S,4/30/2014 20:59
Kongou,中部太平洋海域,敵潜水主力艦隊,S,4/30/2014 21:22

>> No.12083680

I did my 5-5 kill before patch, spending a whole day attempting without sparkling and didn't get a single kill. Tried sparkling 3 subs and the non-boss support fleet, easily got 4 kill in the second day, and then delivered the final kill in the third day.

>> No.12083682

Nevermind fuck it, wikiwiki says that the gauge resets at 12am JST

>> No.12083686

I hope the event extra maps won't reset.

>> No.12083690

Lets hope it resets for the people that cleared it already.

>> No.12083692

I actually don't mind re-do them for medals.

>> No.12083695

Seeing a good portion of twitter and /jp/ go ballistic sounds fun, but no. They specifically said that they won't reset.

>> No.12083703

thread title on baidu
guy used his amatsukaze as modernize fodder

>> No.12083704
File: 114 KB, 452x455, YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but after months of trying and having 3 Taihous already I decided to do LSC for her once again after seeing this, I think I couldn't be happier right now.

>> No.12083711

Should have done that after he took her +13 turbine.

>> No.12083714

He's now asking if there's any other way of getting her back

>> No.12083716

>3 Taihous
Fuck you too.

>> No.12083719

My fucking sides.
I lock my ships straight after I get them.

>> No.12083720

whoever doesn't do this is a fucking moron

>> No.12083724

Guys, who should I feed my maruyus too?
With the new seaplane recon shit, seems like the only ships that will utilize luck is DD.
Shimakaze/Amatsukaze for super cutin?

>> No.12083727

Sometimes it can escape your mind.

>> No.12083728

Please explain how can they do that.

>> No.12083730
File: 58 KB, 393x336, Newest kanmusus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of them were crafted with the same recipe I just used, 4/2/5/5.2 and 1 devmat. I'm finally free from LSC (or at least I am until they add Musashi to the pool)

>> No.12083731

Yes but afterwards there's the name and portrait in the confirm screen. You'd have to be drunk out of your ass to do that.

>> No.12083735

Some people are naturally drunk out of their ass. Or just too euphoric to have cleared event map.

>> No.12083736 [DELETED] 


You didnt do ironbottom sound?

>> No.12083737

Hey mate, I accidentally scrapped 2 46cm once. It's just reflex.

>> No.12083739

are nagato and mutsu counted as hotels? or only yamato and musashi?

>> No.12083740


You didnt do ironbottom sound?

>> No.12083742

equipement is another matter, since you see bunch of text alone, and with 41cm in the list, you might mistook them.

But a ship with a portrait visible? Hell no.

>> No.12083743

There's only one hotel.

>> No.12083744


>> No.12083745 [DELETED] 

oh? who's that?

>> No.12083747


>> No.12083748

Built by Japan
Used by nips as a whore house.

>> No.12083749

Ah, if you mean night battle cut-in then please disregard what I said. It seem I have drank a bit much.

>> No.12083753

35k fuel left and just need 1 more kill for E-5. Not looking too good.

>> No.12083754
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna's always dealing the final hit, I love her so much.

>> No.12083757

That anon talking about doing E-2 168 times must be lying through his teeth
BB CAV CAV CA CV CV, searchlight, echelon and the night node sends me home 10 out of 10 times

I love auto filtering "git good" and all variations

>> No.12083760

Use BBs, they're sturdier.

>> No.12083761

It's just RNG. I cleared E2 in less than an hour, but any time I try to grind it I get crit one way or another.

>> No.12083762

you only tried 10 times? really?

>> No.12083768
File: 84 KB, 414x892, ss (2014-04-29 at 09.09.23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here, I use BB CAV CLT CLT CV CV with searchlight on BB and line ahead/double line on the night battle node. Personally I find line ahead more effective than double line since I get less single digit double attacks, less enemies = less cut-in chances.

>> No.12083771

I barely have 20k of each resource, should I bother even trying E-5? My TTK level is 99 too so I'll probably get raped.

>> No.12083772

Don't even try unless you want to waste those little resources for nothing other than Kisaragis.

>> No.12083774

There's a guy whose fuel/steel is constantly below 1k and he almost cleared it, resources don't mean shit with no regen.

>> No.12083781

What map is the easiest to try to farm for Nagato? I did 3-3 and even tried min LSC for her before the event and I haven't gotten shit. I am now at E-5 and still have no Nagato.

>> No.12083783

Arpeggio E-2.

>> No.12083785

I don't have a time machine and even if I did I wouldn't be using it for this.

>> No.12083789

This is about farming, obviously
If I use BBs I can just go farm E-3 instead

Not counting any runs to clear the map like 6 days ago

CAV instead of CLT work fine and they can actually survive a TA hit or Wo crit. CLTs can't.

252 runs for Nagato in arpeggio e-2 with Iona is still expensive as fuck

>> No.12083792

3 dropped for me but Shokaku took me about 120+ runs. I want to fuck RNG goddess with a rake.

>> No.12083795

Why dont you guys just do LSC?
They are common hotel and taihou failures.

>> No.12083798

Actually right now its HP > 75%, but that still ain't right as it is right now. The time it takes is correct though. KCV just doesn't take into account time at all and rather just shows the total time it'd take to repair. That is unless she repairs faster than 1 HP per 20min?

The JP players have found out that recon planes don't do anything towards your air superiority. This change wasn't by me but by Grabacr07 and Sanaechan (Logbook has this change as well). Looks like they are strictly bonuses to LoS and other useful stats.

>> No.12083805

Is there any reason why I randomly error cat after almost every expedition? Is it my shitty ISP or my computer?

>> No.12083807

Other sources said she repairs at least 1hp per 20 min, but she repairs as many hp per 20 min as the drydock would repair in the same time.
I didn't test this myself yet though.

>> No.12083808

Just stating from my experience.
My CLTs never got hit by a crit from Wo on the first node or boss node, they only do at most scratch damage to my fleet or 10+ damage with a crit. Ta-chan on the second node only managed to crit my CLTs to red 4 or 5 times at most out of my near 200 runs.

>> No.12083809

Is it common for support fleet to miss every single enemy, ugly red blobs included? Because it happened twice for me today.

>> No.12083811

You can try E-3, got my Nagato there.

>> No.12083813

1 HP per 20 min is probably false, I have had her repair ships much faster than that, and she was only level 1. Still is level 1.

>> No.12083815

There are couple of reasons, I was leveling subs, Arpeggio E-2 was cheap, Suzuya drops there as well, recipes weren't trustworthy, etc etc.

>> No.12083822

Not a single fucking tanikaze? jesus christ
there goes my plan to get her from E-2

>> No.12083823

Its then most likely the upper limit in terms of time. I can probably test this with Maruyu and a few others.

>> No.12083825

but how do you get a Maruyu damaged to less than orange?

>> No.12083827

Wasn't it 1-4 every 20min.

>> No.12083832
File: 76 KB, 678x262, 8e28f551f8198618e7e3620648ed2e738ad4e644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12083837

>Overload HP
Is that real?
Send her to a sortie.

>> No.12083838

the fuck happened there
akashi + docks repairing at the same time?

>> No.12083842
File: 34 KB, 248x289, 9c77e8345982b2b7e3dab54633adcbef77099b9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12083843

What a good girl, working overtime to please her admiral.

>> No.12083844


>> No.12083846
File: 93 KB, 812x397, 2d0b1643fbf2b211b41a0accc88065380cd78e2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12083848

You cheating mate?
Reporting to DMM/Kadokawa.

>> No.12083849

dat's sum juiced up hyuga, inb4 too much gym

>> No.12083850

Get her a scratch damage.
And if it works, tell us how.

Okay, how?

>> No.12083851
File: 828 KB, 1300x1400, a02d7b0531bfb63748bb479cecb3fa9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12083854

I wonder if that's a bug or not

>> No.12083855

>she takes damage
invincible fleet dreams are over

>> No.12083861

I assume this happens if Akashi repairs her + she gets repaired in the docks at the same time
the docks repair X damage and they add that HP value when the time is over
If Akashi heals her up before that, she'll get that many extra HP

If it works like this, you could essentially double the HP on your ships by getting them reckt to 1 HP, letting Akashi repair them while they sit in the docks

Granted, it would take like 40 hours to do that for a max level Mutsu or Nagato

But could be useful for 5-5 if they don't fix it and if it works like this

>> No.12083863

Akashi can't repair ships at 1hp anyway.

>> No.12083867

What?Depending on the method, we can overload a BB -
this but only orange+1 hp as >>12083863 stated

>> No.12083871

5-5 is not a pipe dream anymore!

>> No.12083876
File: 92 KB, 674x587, akashi+dock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called bullshit.
I have been repairing my ships with akashi and dock all the time. Never see went over.

>> No.12083880

Akashi is supposed to ignore ships in the docks. No idea what went wrong for >>12083832

>> No.12083883

what part of assume do you not understand?
Unless the anon getting the overheal tells us how he did it, we're just gonna be here testing things and theories

>> No.12083884
File: 481 KB, 1140x1010, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, I can finally take it easy. Wasn't expecting such a heavy toll on steel.

>> No.12083885

What happens if you do this:
Akashi flag, to-be-repaired ship in fleet, wait for like 2 or 3 ticks of HP without going back to main menu, /then/ put ship in docks, which still has the 'old' (before Akashi ticks) HP value

Mutsu is simply the best. The BB Hime is so shitless scared of her, she tries to take her down all the time and she brings home the bacon almost all the time. She did the final kill for me, too.

>> No.12083887

Fucking spend all month working on the top 500.
Dropped out a fucking few hours before the end.

Can I cry now?

>> No.12083904

I hope they give out a special furniture for those with Sakawa by the event's end. That's the least that the devs could do for giving such a crappy trophy ship.

>> No.12083912

So how do i get daytime double attacks in air parity?

>> No.12083913

Sakawa is the worst final map reward ever
May? Shinden Kai, much much better
August? Yamato, way better
November? Musashi, way better
December? Shioi, better

>> No.12083914

you don't

>> No.12083915

You can't.

>> No.12083919

5th fleet please.

>> No.12083920

What formation do I use for the nodes before the boss in E-5?

>> No.12083921

5th Fleet
Yamato, Musashi (becomes available in LSC at the same time), Yahagi and Sakawa

How mad would everyone be?

>> No.12083924

>December? Shioi, better
Wrong. Seiran, way better.

Especially now that bombers are relevant.

>> No.12083925

I have them all, so 100% cool with it.

>> No.12083927

Got them all, feels good man.

>> No.12083928

Not, because they will be too busy welcoming Musashi in their fleet.

>> No.12083929

Z a request for KCV, put it in the optional stuff to do when the api mess is fixed, or when you're bored, can you set the onclick of the "new version of KCV is available" notification to open the KCV update tab and auto start the "check for updates" thing? Or better, go directly to the update page, as if i clicked on the new version link, nothing major but would be cool to have it to streamline the user experience.

>> No.12083933

I doubt the devs are that sly. They'd probably only introduce 5th fleet when they make Sakawa buildable if she's a requirement, as to not spite new players. They seem to do that pandering thing a lot nowadays.

New equipments would also be equally nice, but I doubt that as well. Furniture would be the barest minimum they can do, and sets apart players who finish the event from those who got Sakawa from drops or crafts.

>> No.12083935

What if Sakawa becomes craftable at the next maintenance, right as the event ends so even the newest of the newfags can get her without ever participating in the event?

>> No.12083937

Why even bother making Musashi available in LSC? Why not just go one step further and screw over 95% of the playerbase? But they're not going to make any ship relevant until she's available to everyone, and they won't make Sakawa any harder to craft than her sisters.

>> No.12083940

64 runs on E-1 and the only notable drops were two Yukikaze and a Pyon. What the hell.

>> No.12083942

I did E-2 for tanikaze and Hatsukaze is my first drop
I feel trolled

>> No.12083944

best ship i got from E-1 boss is zuihou, other were common stuff.

>> No.12083945

Now that the boss gauge for 1-5 is reset, will the 75 ranking points go to april or may if I finish it before pvp reset?

>> No.12083946

The ranking has already reset. The PVP reset only updates it visually for you.

>> No.12083949

So the ranking actually resets daily at 12am JST but changes are only shown at 3am JST? Got it.

>> No.12083950

Alright just tried testing it now with Akashi (Lv1) and Maruyu (Lv19).

Akashi Dock = 11 HP Lost * 10sec * 2.0 + 30 = 250 seconds = 4min 10 sec
Maruyu Dock = 1 HP Lost * 165 sec * 0.5 + 30 = 112 seconds = 1min 52sec

So if things are true, both will be healed to 100% health in less than 5 min after the 20min mark. And at 12:25 my time, they were at their full health for both.

So the rules are like this then?
>Akashi will heal at least 1 HP per 20min
>If the ship can heal more than 1 HP every 20min, then it will do so with 20min being the cap (So if in 20 minutes you can heal 3 out of 6 HP, then you'll only get 3)
>If the ship can be healed to full health before the next 20min, it will take the minimum amount of time to heal that amount (such as Akashi healing 11HP in 5 minutes).

Not sure if this is 100% correct. I'd have to test a few other ships, but from what I've seen with my BBs and CVs (as its the only thing I've been using for the event), the above rules make the most logical sense.

Was wondering if I could even do that, I'd have to play around with it. If I can't do this, then I'll most likely have a link/button right at the startup screen of KCV.

>> No.12083955

this is not really related, but quick question: how do I properly update KCV? I've just been downloading every new revision and running that, is there a better way?

>> No.12083956

Where can you see the repair time tooltips for Akashi's repair facility?

>> No.12083964
File: 36 KB, 666x179, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those people who said that the clear medal stays after reset some time ago, you're all retards.

>> No.12083969

Mouse over the HP text and bars. I am going to make a repair queue page, but got side-tracked by the updates to KCV.

The idea was that you'd get message from KCV, you go to updates page in the settings, click button to go to latest build, download rar file of latest build, replace everything.

I do that myself after every build to make sure things are pointing to the right place, but as it was said, its pretty tedious to do. So I'll have to refine the process to a single click either on the update notification or on the start screen of KCV.

Also I don't do actual auto updates like with translations due to me not trusting it to work all the time plus the hassle in code it requires for it to work without using Microsoft's deployment system.

>> No.12083971
File: 68 KB, 304x257, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mouse over the ship

>> No.12083982

I see. Besides the small hassle of running through the settings it's not really that bad though, so I don't really mind if there isn't a more refined update feature. Thanks for all your hard work on this, greatly appreciated!

>> No.12083997

i had to get a new API code, like last month reset.

>> No.12084001

So far I haven't gotten a single drop I wanted.

I did unexpectedly get an extra I-8 and I-19 though.

>> No.12084002
File: 23 KB, 616x145, KCV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Updates page for KCV indicates there's an update to the Operations translations (1.0.3), but the actual xml looks like it's still at version 1.0.2.

Also, I love KCV. Just thought you should know.

>> No.12084004

Tested this:
Damaged ship in fleet with Akashi, wait 2 akashi ticks (40 minutes) without going to main menu, put ship in dock, go to main menu
the HP value didn't update so unless the ship is suddenly overhealed after the docks finish, this version isn't working.

gonna try the same as above but not going to the main screen after putting the ship into the docks next and see what happens when the repair finishes and I then go to the main screen

>> No.12084006

i should stop being lazy and install visual studio to help with kcv development.

>> No.12084009
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140501-02130852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one to enjoy these types of battles in PvP.
I kind of wish PvP would have reduced resource expenditure.

>> No.12084015

Where'd you get I-19? I've been hearing she drops at least at the boss node for E-4.

I'll probably go back and farm E-4 for more once I clear this stupid E-5 bullshit.

>> No.12084026

Iku drops on any node on E4. I got one on the very first node.

>> No.12084038

There are a few tricks to it that I've slowly picked up on. For example you should bring 1 plane with you of the kind that attacks in opening phase, to give you air superiority. For some reason this seems to give the enemy side a slight penalty.

I got quite wrecked at first with the recommended setup, but after making sure I had a plane things seemed to go much better.

Similarly on E4 I had much better evasion and took less damage from TA etc. with a CV in the formation with fighters. (Sadly that only got me A rank on boss since sinking 5 subs with 4 DD and 1 CL requires luck.)

>> No.12084041

Try to wait for 2 ticks then use bucket without going back to main menu before that

>> No.12084049

did you try this or is it a theory?

>> No.12084050

Just stating another possibility

>> No.12084052

i've been running 2CA 1CAV 1DD 2CLT since yesterday, both CA with reconplane for double attack and CAV with a Seiran, but i still get wrecked on TA node sometimes, and boss node almost always wrecks someone to taiha, the biggest problems seem the TA BB, that randomly crits ships to orange/red and enemy torpedoes, no matter what formation i pick if some enemy is alive and can launch torpedo one of my ship gets hit pretty hard.

>> No.12084059
File: 92 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-19371473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this shit, 4th i-8 from E-4, i just want tanikaze please.

>> No.12084060

so akashi -> docks -> wait for repair -> main
doesn't work
other options are
akashi -> docks (bucket) -> main screen
akashi -> docks (wait) -> akashi -> main
docks(bucket) -> akashi -> main

or anon could spill the fucking beans

>> No.12084061

Sounds about right. Sometime TA rape, and boss often shoots someone to red.

The good part is that mostly you get to S rank through the map and have a chance at drops.

Perhaps you have to first have suffered TA hell in E4 to appreciate how rarely you have to abort in E1.

>> No.12084064

Same boat here.
Have been there almost a week after I got Sakawa.
I just have Zuihou drops on me. Tanikaze is literally the only ship that I still havent see.

>> No.12084065

You have to use the Photoshop formation.

>> No.12084066

something seems amiss, i'm bringing zuihou to 1-5 with akitsumaru planes and a saiun equipped, but she doesn't attack, she never attacked in 3 full runs.

>> No.12084067

I only need Tanikaze
E-2, E-3 or E-4?
I have highlevel ships suitable for all maps but I'd rather not waste damecons or take the risk of losing a ship

>> No.12084074

She needs one red or blue plane.

>> No.12084075

If you have resources, go with E3. The least RNG dependant, but resources heavy due to the damage you will take over time.

>> No.12084076

doesn't look shopped to me

>> No.12084079

E-4 is the cheapest, you'll pay in buckets and in rage at Wo node, i'm running it with cl, 4dd and a bbv with 2 seaplanes and 2 gyrocopters, chances of reaching boss node are high, around 70%.

>> No.12084080

how are you only retreating 1/3
I did about 30 runs with level 80+ DD, CL and a level 55 BBV and I always had some DDs in red

>> No.12084082

Don't you lose a lot of planes to the Wo with that setup?

>> No.12084083

like >>12084080 I don't consider E4 as a viable option.
Regardless of the formation, I'm pretty much victim of RNG, always putting at least 1DD or even my BB to red.

A map that require damecon for farming? No thanks.

>> No.12084086
File: 61 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140426-13440467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, probably luck

>> No.12084088

Same, I'd be very lucky if no one got red.

>> No.12084091

No, it uses around 30 baux for every sortie, not much, that's around 6 planes shoot down, probably Wo has only attack planes.

>> No.12084096

BBV(because evasion) with 46cm, 46cm, sanshiki, type 14 radar
4DD (depth charge, sonar, rocket launcher)
1CL (depth charge, sonar, rocket launcher)

Lets see if this at least gets rid of Wo

>> No.12084113

New month. Medals are resetting. Anyone trying for 5-5? How are your builds and how thoroughly are they getting violated by Re?

>> No.12084114

got to boss first try but might have been luck. Wo critted PTSD for 20 damage but the air strike did shit all on double line.
Only Poi's wife was in orange, went to boss, Boss crits beaver and jintsuu straight to red

>> No.12084116

Confirming it, just got Iku drop from E-4 boss node. My HQ is level 39

>> No.12084122

I'm running with air superiority set-up and it work semi-good, if only extremely luck dependent. Bauxite drain is disastrous though.

>> No.12084124

second time air bomb put two ships to orange and the TA hit someone to red and nothing else hit after that. fucking retarded.
testing a few more runs with rocket launchers but I have the feeling AA cannons are horribly nerfed

>> No.12084130

E3. I was trying to choose myself, and figured a 4 BB + 2 CV fleet would at least be durable.

1 run, 1 tanikaze. Probably used up this weeks good luck, but I'm glad it is only mikuma and hatsukaze left.

>> No.12084132

If you want AA, swap one of your BBV's 46cm for more sanshiki or AA radar.

>> No.12084139

so goddamn jelly

do sanshiki AA multiplier stack?

>> No.12084167

My medal for 1-5 got reset, but I don't see a boss gauge yet.

I can't remember if I had to encounter the boss node at least once before it shows up or not.

>> No.12084171

clear cache

>> No.12084177

I survive the air strike
TA misses
elite CA crits bep to red
TA crits Poi
Wo Kai crits BBV

Three crits in one battle just what the fuck

>> No.12084184

It's RNG, what do you expect? It's not that three of your ships sunk in one battle

>> No.12084189

Initial air strike critted my Nagato from green to red once. It just happens.

>> No.12084207
File: 189 KB, 1002x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemy haet shota.

Or maybe the fifth slot. It's always the fifth one. I always fairy that one.

>> No.12084217

Can't resist molesting boys.

>> No.12084227

same here, no boss guage in sortie page.

I try'd 5-5 earlier after clearing E-5, but Elite Re is too strong, she got Yamato and Kaga to red only with opening attacks, i was running a 3BB (Yamato, Nagato and Kongou with 2x46cm 1xtype14 radar and 1xRecon plane), 2CV (Kaga and Zuikaku with 3xReppuu/Kai 1xType 62) and 1CVL (Chiyoda, with 2xReppu 1x12A 1xSaiun). Most likely i'll have to run a support fleet, at least for boss node.

A couple of videos:
first run + equip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DMR1AVXQ64
5-5 kill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2hMCzRTAeg

>> No.12084230

True Americans, going for the little boy.

>> No.12084235

I thought Yurup was more into little boys?

>> No.12084244
File: 558 KB, 816x454, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the handy work of my general support.
Then shitty torpedo slut crits my Kaga from full HP to red.

>> No.12084248

Why not double attack setup

>> No.12084254

Oh never mind, I thought the vids are yours.

>> No.12084255

2 main cannons, a radar and a recon plane triggers double attack, to do a cut-in you need a secondary gun or AP ammo with a radar.

>> No.12084259

Fuck that node so much, north is much better.

>> No.12084260

Not mine, and videos are old, before event patch. The guy is running old maps to check how the new mechanics broke the game.


>> No.12084266

My carriers and planes are shit.I have only 4 reppu.If only I see the boss node once, and see that I can't attain air superiority then I will go with 3CV.

>> No.12084299

What's your setup with Taihou and Kaga? You need something like 345+ to be sure you retain superiority on the boss.

>> No.12084303

32x is enough, I don't know the exact amount but it must be above 322.

>> No.12084308

You need 324, but you lose planes during the pre boss node.

>> No.12084312

My bad, I thought you meant that he needs 345+ on boss node.

>> No.12084322

Kaga:Shiden Kai2 Reppu Reppu Kai Type 62
Taihou:Reppu Reppu Reppu Type 62
I hope it is enough.If not, I can increase it up to 346 or 351.

>> No.12084330


I made some tests that confirm what nips have stated with Murasame guides.
If you go with
Kaga: reppu, reppu, reppu kai, type 62
Taihou: reppu, reppu, reppu, [any attacking plane]

you will lose superiority at time, although it totalize 332. So I believe you need a margin of 20+ to be sure, hence why nips suggest full reppu + 2 type 62 if you want superiority AND Kaga and Taihou attacking.

so >>12084322 your setup might not suffice. Just try it out, but it is possible that you will have to change Kaga's type 62 into a shiden kai2.

>> No.12084334

It's up to RNG, basically it'll be 50/50 superiority if you go north and 100% superiority if you go south. If you can replace your shiden with reppu it'll be enough.

>> No.12084340

> shiden kai2.
>replace your shiden with reppu

Guys, won't you think I would have done that if I had those?
And yeah, type 62's are for not making them complete dead-weights, then again its not like I ever go to the boss so.

>> No.12084345

Switching Kaga's 62 into Type 52 or above will ensure air superiority. You don't need Shiden Kai2.

>> No.12084347

But yeah, unless you're really short on devmats, I'd really suggest that you try to craft another Reppu so that your Kaga can help clean up trashes. Not that it helps much but every little bit matters in E-5.

>> No.12084354

why would ALL the subs conspire to shoot at nagatsuki in the first node of E4

what are you even doing with that 20 luck

>> No.12084355

Am I ever gonna need more than 1 Reppu Kai, 10 Reppu and 4 Type 62?
I have 9 Shiden Kai 2 which I never use and I'm thinking about scrapping them

>> No.12084359

>Scrapping decent AA planes before Midway

Sounds like a brilliant idea.

>> No.12084361

I'm personally keeping them, partly because of the fear they might introduce "fighter supports", but motsly because why would you scrap that kind of rare equips when I'm sure you're full of 41cm, 12cm and other shit ? Don't scrap it because you don't need the item, scrap only when you really need the space - like, never.

>> No.12084362

>have 500 equipment slots by default
>scrapping any equipment before you hit 500

>> No.12084364

Has anyone here tried 6 BBs for E-5? Assuming you don't get directed to dead end nodes, I imagine it would have a higher chance of reaching the boss node compared to any setup that uses CVs.

>> No.12084365

Yeah you'd need 6 goddesses for that

>> No.12084366

Yes, because 10 Reppu and 1 Reppu Kai plus four hybrids don't practically fill up 4 CVs
Oh wait

I'm close to hitting max equipment limit
too many damecons, type 3 sonars, holo planes, etc

I'm full of holos

>> No.12084367

You need 20 free slots to enter event maps.

>> No.12084369

Do you really think that none of the Midway maps are going to require more than 4 CVs?

>> No.12084370

I sure hope so

>> No.12084371

Please blog pictures of your equip list, oniichan. I can't believe you have at least 480 items worth of holos.

>> No.12084374

Yeah I think that
No event map ever has required more than 4 of any kind of ship ever

>> No.12084382

Considering that one of the big reasons why the IJN lost Midway is that they entered it with only 4 fleet carriers rather than all 6, I don't think your hopes are very well-founded.

>> No.12084388

The IJN was allowed to bring way more ships than 6.
In the game, 3-2 is the only map that requires more than 2 of a kind. And 3-2 is actually just DD only, not 6 DDs either.

>> No.12084391

This is just speculation, but I think recon planes' air superiority works on CAV/BBVs because they can launch planes and not on BBs because they don't launch planes. I've tried going into practice match with just blues and lost air superiority due to enemy CAV equipping greens. Not sure if it's Zuiun or Recons though.

>> No.12084392

How can you mistake Zuiuns for recons?

>> No.12084399

How can you tell then?

>> No.12084401


Your reminder of how NOT to play Kancolle.

>> No.12084402

Zuiuns do opening air-strike, recons don't. And you'll never see a recon in battle.

>> No.12084410

Didn't know that. My bad. I just assumed that they did judging by their stats.

>> No.12084423

But wait, you can see recon planes in battles since the last patch as those indicators you or your opponent may profit from them - but they still won't get started in battle.

>> No.12084425

So whats the best way to get to the boss node in 4-3 for the marriage quest?

I cant believe this is giving me more trouble than the event maps.

>> No.12084441

2CA, you can still get trolled in compass before boss though

>> No.12084443

According to English wiki, I-8 can be obtained from node A and boss node on E-4, while wikiwiki.jp says it's boss node only. Which one is true?

>> No.12084451

What do you think?

>> No.12084452

I've been lurking on a few sites for a long time, non of them have reported having Hacchan dropping in node A.

>> No.12084457

Right, I'm not even sure why I'm asking retarded questions like this. I'll just blame frustration caused by serious RNG trolling.

>> No.12084495
File: 217 KB, 816x538, wasted_luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to give E-5 a few more shots after giving up yesterday, and continue to get hit to red by the Hime every run (and one time get green T at first node and even that hime crits Taihou for 64). Finally decide to try line aboob at Hime node and end up reaching the boss node for the first time ever with this end result, go fucking figure. (Support fleet did more than 100 damage to the boss and killed a fortress). Now it's going to be hard to give up here even though I'll probably never get this lucky again and end up wasting my time, fuck.

Really I'm not sure why everyone says to use double line at the Hime node though, the extra defense won't save you from her, your only hope is to dodge or get hit to orange (I got one of each using line aboob). I assume it must be to protect against the Ta (and the Ri could even crit you with the defense reduction of line aboob). But as far as the Hime is concerned, the way damage to unsinkable ships seems to work it's very possibly better to have low defense and try to get hit to orange.

I love my Mutsukis but I still wouldn't try using them outside the flagship slot. I cleared E-4 using Mochizuki as my flagship and she only got hit to orange twice (once by a fucking CL during green T while the Wo and Ta were whiffing) and red never.

>> No.12084500

>Really I'm not sure why everyone says to use double line at the Hime node though, the extra defense won't save you from her

Every time I went line abreast and got it, it was a guaranteed critical hit to red.
Whenever I got hit with double line, 80% of the time, it is yello/orange.

I had to retreat way more often because of line abreast compared to double line.

>> No.12084526

Every single time using double line so far she's hit someone to red, unless it's Zuikaku who only goes to orange. I only have one sample of line aboob but she hit Kaga to orange (but that's also the only time she ever hit Kaga though).

The thing is, having your ships get massively overkilled (while unsinkable) always seems to result in being hit to orange (constantly happens in PvP where line ahead BBs keep halving your HP; also Maruyu getting hit by gold CLs always goes to orange, only if she gets hit for exactly 6 by some crappy DD does she wind up at red). Getting hit to a few % seems to require the enemy doing slightly less than your HP in damage.

>> No.12084527

What's the minimum FP required on my CVs to enable BB daytime scout double attack at E3 boss node??

>> No.12084541


>> No.12084544

They should increase Akashi's repair rate from 1/20min to no less than 1/5min.

>> No.12084547

If they could just let her repair from a non-flagship position, that would alone would be avast improvement.

>> No.12084549
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-15371585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shined every fucking ship to 85 including a general node support fleet and the flagship for boss support. It took like two hours to do it but I'm finally done with this hell. One damage control on Akagi and she's the only one who didn't take damage. Go figure.

>> No.12084553

Good job, teitoku. Poke that Sakawa to your heart's content.

>> No.12084563

1-5's gauge isn't back even with a new API link, what do?

>> No.12084567

Start using the cookie method.

>> No.12084570
File: 806 KB, 801x947, WOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, just go inside last saturday, and just got this. What are the odds.

>> No.12084574


>> No.12084577

Enjoy your lowbie luck while you can.

>> No.12084578

roughly 1/400

>> No.12084583

Did you bother playing the event, Ellis?
Just curious what it was like for the new TTKs.

>> No.12084584

I can't imagine doing the event at TTK lvl 15.

>> No.12084591

Maybe they just throw stuff at E-1?

>> No.12084595
File: 12 KB, 326x125, Screenshot_231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone suffers from sudden fatigue drop? I was doing steel 3-2 farming and suddenly one of my subs drop to only 3 points of fatigue. And it happened 3 times already. I swear I always do sortie whenever it's not orange (i.e. >= 30)

>> No.12084598

Try waiting for them to go back to 49 and see if it happens again.

>> No.12084599

It seems that the limit is 30 now, I think. Or a B ranking removes more than 1 point or something.

>> No.12084604

Will do, but I'm suspecting this is kind of security measure that forces player to hold off any scripting. Maybe will post screencap before & after sortie.
But even if I start sortie at fatigue 30, there's no way it could drop to that level.

>> No.12084607

New version of KCV


> Repair tooltip stuff with Akashi only shows up now if the ship needs more than 20min to heal 1 HP.
> Update button in start menu that only shows when there is an update
> Update notification can be clicked to get newest update.

Time to finish E3 and challenge E4

>> No.12084608

If you battle with less than 30 fatigue, you get a -6 penalty. If it's the end of the sortie, it's -12. Then, if you add up the -15 from fighting normally, it's -27.

>> No.12084611


>> No.12084617

As I said, I never do sortie with fatigue less than 30, and I'm sure I always get at least A score, so I don't get fatigue penalty from sortie.

>> No.12084620

And again, I saw this happening after the update when I fought with 30 fatigue. Or 31.

>> No.12084621

You're a cool TTK, Z. Taking time out of this event to work on KCV like that.

You can have some of my good luck as appreciation.

>> No.12084623
File: 822 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140430-16281191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally. I give up on Tanikaze.

>> No.12084624

So now the minimum fatigue for sortie isn't 30, but 31? Well that's reasonable enough.

>> No.12084627

I don't know. Something changed with this update.

>> No.12084630


>> No.12084631

They could try to do E-1, maybe E-2 if they're lucky.

>> No.12084634

Good recipe for 46 cm?

>> No.12084635

You'll find that and more in the wiki.

>> No.12084640

Not that anon but I already got 2 at E-4, no Tanikaze of course.

>> No.12084641

E-4 boss node.

I don't see how E-2 would be possible.

>> No.12084656
File: 80 KB, 326x400, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is fatigue from 3-2 steel farming, A on first node and B for 2nd, which makes my fatigue drops to 29. So the penalty comes after the sortie, not during the middle of sortie? I thought initially it's the latter.

>> No.12084660
File: 90 KB, 801x479, mcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to bruteforce it with 5BB and one CV, and hoping my resource could hold up, and don't get fucked by that night battle node.

>> No.12084665

Good luck. I'm interested in seeing how far you can go.

>> No.12084668
File: 133 KB, 800x477, 1-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is kind weird, but 1-5 do consume ammo, while E-4 have the free sub nodes.

>> No.12084670

Enter battle in critical red then use damecon. In this situation, would going into night battle be dangerous since you entered the day battle in red?

>> No.12084678

E-4 is fucking stupid. I can't get to the boss node without one DD getting critical'd. Fuck you devs.

>> No.12084683
File: 210 KB, 349x490, 169_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do it for her.

>> No.12084689

I feel like betraying the trust that my kanmusu give if they come and I don't grow them up. So no thanks.

>> No.12084699

So cute.

>> No.12084702

Rape face is the new kawaii

>> No.12084707

So, anyone know what's up with satsuki?

>> No.12084713

That's a rather vague question

>> No.12084717

look at twitter pic and you'll know what i mean

>> No.12084719

Put damecons. Boss won't hit you anyway so it's not that you'll be wasting your damecons. It's there so that you can advance with safe feeling.

>> No.12084723

It's May now. Enjoy your Satsuki drop for the whole month.

>> No.12084724

Her name means the fifth month. Today is the first day of the fifth month. Last month was Uzuki's month and it barely meant anything.

>> No.12084728

Do they cycle through the girls like this each month normally?

I only started playing a month or two ago, and I only occasionally check out their twitter directly.

>> No.12084730

k ty

>> No.12084734

Just did and of course Kongou gets hit to red now. This.fucking.game.

>> No.12084849

I had something like this happen before the event. I was running 6 subs and of course Maruyu gets fatigued first since no MVPs; I sortie again the instant she hits green, she's red when I come back, 20 or so minutes later she's still red while all my other subs are back to 50.

>> No.12084864

So why is there a fast-ship bullying now? Maelstorm in C, and south pre-boss is harder than the north.

>> No.12084882

Payback for all the slow ship bullying, I guess. Ideally there simply wouldn't be any speed-based bullying. That's just rude.

>> No.12084959
File: 726 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140501-12041903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, it took about 80 runs on E-1, fuck. Sometimes even the flagship Nu crit my Haruna from full HP to red.

>> No.12085022

Wait, counting it now it was 96. God damn, that's almost 1% chance.

>> No.12085035

Oh fuck I just dropped an Uzuki outta nowhere going for dailies on 2-2

This probably means I'm never gonna get Tanikaze with the rate my luck is going and that I'm gonna have to waste resources on stacking everybody with anti-sub stuff.

On that note should I stack DDs with anti-sub materials or keep torpedo launchers on them?

>> No.12085041

Holy shit poking her is one of the most joyful experiences I've ever had

>> No.12085051

im melting oh my god i wanna actually pass out on the floor and squeal like a little girl

don't have enough space for that so blogging on jp will do

>> No.12085058

One boss kill left in E-4 and suddenly my DDs can't kill the boss. I've been able to do it every single time until now. RNG or some timesink mechanic bullshit?

>> No.12085060

It's the last hit syndrome.

>> No.12085065

I hope this doesn't happen with my E-5, but it's pretty much inevitable, isn't it?

>> No.12085074

It took me a lot of retreats and scrap damages trolling to make a clean kill. Go figure.

>> No.12085099

Its probably the last hit syndrome, I had the same problem as >>12085074 but I managed to kill the boss after complaining here about it.
Complaining here has some kind of magical power that increases your chances for some reason.

>> No.12085110

I wish CVLs weren't in the Taihou pool.

>> No.12085118

Just finished it. Complaining here definitely helped. Wish I got some better drops but I don't feel like going back there.

>> No.12085119
File: 96 KB, 735x524, 1396044296149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Construction fairies are jerk.

>> No.12085129

I can't tell the difference between those two either.

>> No.12085138
File: 342 KB, 800x461, 6d3da3725c7c1ec3a8b9eb2793c69853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12085183

What's your set-up in 5-5 now that it makes a lot easier now?

>> No.12085186

>it makes a lot easier now

>> No.12085216

Does anyone know the what's "extra" in Air Superiority guide?

>> No.12085222

Did someone just stop at E-4 because he thinks that E-5 is unrewarding?

>> No.12085226

Just do it for the medals. That's 3 month worth of shit if you're not doing 5-5.

>> No.12085235

There's a good chance they'll add more extra operations soon. And who knows if future kai 2s will really be worth it, or they'll just be visual updates for ships you hardly use with stats like Bismarck kai zwei. If you're on a mountain of resources then why not but E-5 is at the bottom of my priority list.

>> No.12085243

Did you skipped E-5 and proceed to E-6 for farming?

>> No.12085252

That might be next week, or next month, or after Midway. Meanwhile Haruna and Sendai are just about to get their second remodel, and will likely require medals. You're shooting yourself in the foot to save resources you'd waste one way or another, don't you see it?
>they'll just be visual updates
Krauts are the only ships to whom this applies.

>> No.12085279
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>> No.12085283

Spill the fucking beans.

>> No.12085286
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>> No.12085289

I got both my Nazi to zwei using E4 and still I dont see Tanikaze.
What now? Should I move to E3?

>> No.12085292

Lying is bad.

>> No.12085294

Were you just farming the first node?

>> No.12085295

You answered your own question, moron.

>> No.12085298

Or to E2.

>> No.12085302

I'd like your opinion, /jp/:

Are the Kai 2 BBs worthwhile from a performance or efficiency standpoint? I have Kongo and Hiei at 75, but I haven't remodeled them yet because I'm not sure that the marginal stat gains offset the increased consumption and possible increased repair times.

>> No.12085306

BBs are not supposed to be efficient.

>> No.12085308

Do it. Remodel them for the ears.

>> No.12085313

Every stat counts in maps like E-5

>> No.12085360

How many attempts does it usually take to get to the E-5 boss?

>> No.12085361
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So what would be the best map to level Amatsukaze and the kongous to kai2?

I really don't want to go back to 3-2 but I cant decide between 4-3, 5-2 and 5-4

>> No.12085364


>> No.12085365

If you don't have Yamatos, unlimited amount.

>> No.12085366

Well fuck. I don't even have the big 7.

>> No.12085368

No Yamato here.

6th run so far, gauge down to half health.

Mutsu 66
Kongou 98
Hiei 98
Kiri 88
Kaga 88
Zoukaku 91

No support fleet, only sparkle (kept above 70 at all times).

>> No.12085375

It's a matter of RNG, really. There were instances in my runs where Hime missed the same ship twice, but that doesn't happen often.

>> No.12085379

What CV setup?

>> No.12085382

Zoukaku: Reppu, Reppu, Reppu, Type 62
Kaga: Reppu, Reppu, Reppu Kai, Type 62

>> No.12085384

For all my BBs:
46, 46, Green Ammo, Recon plane.

Initially did three runs of 1-1 to get good morale.
Now doing 1 run of 1-1 after each attempt of E5.

>> No.12085387

>6th run so far, gauge down to half health.
Well screw you too! I'm using a similar setup and it took me 2 days to bring it down to half. It's like the universe doesn't want me to make more than one kill per day.

>> No.12085406

Reminder that for today, May Day, all Soviet ships have +damage and +evasion. Make use of this buff while you can.

>> No.12085425



>> No.12085426

Why is satsuki the profile picture for the kancolle twitter?

>> No.12085429

See >>12084724

>> No.12085430

Guess the month.

>> No.12085431

Satsuki drop rate up

>> No.12085434

She's getting kai ni this month.

>> No.12085437

now try a Nagato recipe

>> No.12085438


Jesus christ my heart

>> No.12085439

Her idle line is one of the best.

>> No.12085444


meant to say 4-3

>> No.12085446

She's just way too cute.

>> No.12085469

What's the best formation against Elite Re pre-boss without support fleet?

>> No.12085497


>> No.12085539
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Haruna kai ni how soon? not sure if remodel Tones or wait for Haruna.

>> No.12085545

Why not both?

>> No.12085546

who says Haruna will need blueprints?

>> No.12085551

I doubt Haruna will require blueprints.

>> No.12085552

if crap like Bismarck's zwei required one, I'm not sure she won't need one.

>> No.12085556

Would be weird if only she needs one while her sisters don't.

I hope they don't go overboard with those blueprints since they are a very limited resource.

>> No.12085565

I'm fine with blueprints if they put effort into kai2s.
Just look at Tone and Chikuma. That's some gorgeous improvement.
And I'm pretty sure Bismark will get a zwei art update soon

>> No.12085566

She already did. It's on the same level as Z1/Z3's.

>> No.12085567

I know there's a slight change, but I'm expecting something more.

>> No.12085606
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Daily reminder admirals that you have a responsibility to sink these sluts.

>> No.12085607

Kuso kai ni when?

>> No.12085615

Will they still be Kuso after Kai 2?

>> No.12085616

Holy shit Darwin is fat.

>> No.12085617

So Wake-tan is a flat bitch?

>> No.12085618

It's not like kai2 makes ships useful.

>> No.12085619

Why are Abyss girls so amazing?

>> No.12085620

Already done that, sir.

>> No.12085623

>there's still no gothic ship girl

Checkmate ship girls!

Abyss: 1
Kanmusu: 0

>> No.12085626
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What's with the quality

>> No.12085627

Bismarck's buddy might be one.

>> No.12085629

Kanmusu can't wear dresses.

>> No.12085631
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Wake-chan a cute!

>> No.12085638

If Wake Island is Gothic, I expect Midway-tan will be the same with drill hair.

>> No.12085642

Horns are disgusting.

>> No.12085643

I'd marry her.

>> No.12085645

How to recruit her in my fleet?

>> No.12085648

Sink all your shipgirls.

>> No.12085649

Midway may be a goth twin that you need to sink both for the last kill.

>> No.12085650

you are disgusting

Midway-tan will be a big breasted empress-type drill hair blonde with a haughty laugh

>> No.12085653

Why do I feel she is lonely with that smile?

>> No.12085658

I hope not, they're my favourite battleships.

>> No.12085672

>abyss girl
>hair not white or black
No, just no.

>> No.12085676

it'll be an obvious dye-job with white tips

>> No.12085678

At least her hair isn't as green as your post.

>> No.12085686

What if you could exchange a lvl 99 ship for a wedding ring? Of course the ship would be permanently gone.

Would give a use to all those duplicate subs

>> No.12085690

If that happened, subs slaving would be taken to the next level.

>> No.12085694

I think I have brain problems

I feel like pounding wake-chang with my sanshiki ammo more than the titty monsters on either side

>> No.12085696

I'd rather exchange 1 000 destroyers for one wedding ring. It actually takes more effort to collect this much in less then a month.

>> No.12085698

Sub slaving is a NO!
Treat them tenderly and lovingly because they are still your ship.
Don't make them work till death!

>> No.12085699
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But, she's just as petite as Wake-tan. Also not as much of a slut.

>> No.12085701
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As it turns out, two more runs after that 95-run E5 fiasco were enough to bring down that island bitch for good. Fuso delivered the final blow, as is expected from the flagship of my heart. Total event costs were 120k fuel, 90k ammo, 130k steel, 25k bauxite and 600 buckets, although most of the bauxite was used to craft planes and ASW equipment. Good luck to anyone still trying to tackle the event.

White or black drill hair would be fine too, I'm down for any sort of drill hair. One of these Okasare Yuusha games had an ant queen with black drill hair, and she was delicious, so there's no reason non-blonde drills wouldn't work just as well. There can't be enough drill-hair ojou-sama type girls.

>> No.12085704

But don't you pity her? She is isolated and lonely!

>> No.12085708

What? Midway is a fucking flat shit?

>> No.12085723

Since apparently they buffed up those turbines, is it useful for subs now?

>> No.12085731
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I'll give her love

Then never call her again, ever

>> No.12085732

Since when did they buff them up.

>> No.12085735

If it doesn't have boobs it's not a girl
Wake is just a fucking golem.

>> No.12085738

The new turbines give 13 evasion.

>> No.12085740

I saw some posts that said they're improved after the update. Like they actually give apparent increase in evasion.

>> No.12085741

Since this update.

>> No.12085743

If you trust what someone said in last thread, even ultra turbine gives just an extra 6,5% evasion. Go figure how worth trading cut in for extra 6,5% evasion is yourself.

>> No.12085744

can anyone confirm whether mid tier HQ40+ 1-5 first 3 nodes drop iku or hachi?
or do they only drop in high tier HQ80+?

>> No.12085749

So 1 evasion stat=0,5% of actual evasion?

>> No.12085750

What a classy lady, would penetrate her with my Sanshiki.

>> No.12085754

I'm using them for subslav- no, resource farming, so more evasion = less bucketing.

>> No.12085756

伊19 (司令Lv80以上)
No subs in other nodes at all.

>> No.12085760
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This event made me developed a certain fetish... I want to fuck an island right now.

>> No.12085761

Thanks to them I only spent 50 buckets on E4.
The cap is at 87%, so sparkling+turbine is a pretty good combination for 5-5 and the like.

>> No.12085764

So 1-5 is fucked up now ? DD/DD/CL/BBV isn't guaranted boss anymore now.

>> No.12085768

It never was

>> No.12085771

It's CL+CVL for guranteed boss.

>> No.12085773

Might be. I wonder if ships has some kind of "base" evasion, which is then modified by stats.
Even 87,5% cap will not save you from RNG.

>> No.12085776

Not even Yamato Kai can save you from RNG, so your point is moot.

>> No.12085778
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All my pent up frustrations in E5 should be rewarded with H-scenes

>> No.12085781

Same here. I want to lick Wake-tan's feet, legs and thighs while she verbally abuses me for 20 hours straight.

>> No.12085786

dam that sucks, i need more subs but i already have imuya and goya, and haven't unlocked e4 yet
thanks for info

>> No.12085788

How does it feel to penetrate an island?

>> No.12085790

You don't need subs for the event, get on that E-4 while it's there.

>> No.12085792

Is Wake-chan a toddler?
My midget sub is confused.

>> No.12085794

i mean i need more subs for more resources so i can continue doing the event

>> No.12085802

Boss node drops Iku at TTK lvl 40, you can also try your luck with crafting.

>> No.12085822

What do I do now that I finished E-4? I don't want to do E-5 and I want to farm new shipgirls, I still have yet to drop a single rare ship.

>> No.12085823


>> No.12085826

Farm 5-4.

>> No.12085840

Construction can only hand out Hachi. Iku still remains as a boss drop exclusive below HQ Lv.80.

>> No.12085845

Yes, I finally got Yuubari from E-1 boss.
I thought it was not her when she drops, so I just press ok and return to main screen, and check, but it was her.

Now I only my Kumano or Suzuya, E-2 or E-3, doesn't seems promising.

>> No.12085848

I know. That's why I mentioned construction. It's not that hard to get 4 subs at lvl 40. 1-5 running and sub reciepe are not even that expensive, you can do at least 5 crafts daily on regen alone.

>> No.12085853

Farming for Tanikaze is intolerable levels of shit.

>> No.12085862

I've gotten 2 on my clears through the event

I seriously contemplated scrapping the spare since she gave no good equipment

>> No.12085864

Yeah. Previous events at least had some decent places to farm.

>> No.12085865

i've been using 250 30 200 30 for subs but i still haven't crafted a single one yet

>> No.12085866

I'm with you, 300+ buckets already spent on E-4.

>> No.12085870

10 E-2 boss S ranks, 10 E-3 boss S ranks,
21 E-4 boss S ranks, like 10 E-5 boss A ranks

No Tanikaze
and honestly, E-4 is the only thing that has a somewhat tolerable resource consumption even though it can use up like a week worth of bucket farming in two days

>> No.12085872

At least it's alright compared to Yahagi.

>> No.12085878

I've spent that many before getting her, good luck.

>> No.12085879

That's normal. Keep up the good work, TTK, and you'll join Sub-Slaver Society sooner or later!

>> No.12085888

I also got 2 Tanikaze during my normal clear.
Hatsukaze on the other hand...

>> No.12085891

Z, it would be fucking awesome if you added some kind of timer that starts counting 20 minutes each time you set up Akashi to repair things and resets when you change fleet composition. Even manual activation is fine, it's just way to bothersome to switch between 2 windows(KCV and stopwatch) constantly.

>> No.12085899

Sendai Kai2 will have the same remodel level as Jintsu, right?

>> No.12085903

Yes, I am from the future, I can confirm this.

>> No.12085904

Sendai kai 2 forces all day battles to become night battles.

>> No.12085906

Did I get a Tanikaze before the event ended?

>> No.12085909

nobody would ever use her

>> No.12085915
File: 683 KB, 2336x3504, phantom-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also from the future, and I'd like you to know that Sendai Kai 2 wears the Phantom mask and is guaranteed cut-ins in every night battle.

Turn your face away from the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light
And listen to the music of the niiiiiiiight

>> No.12085923

Where is the trouble you call Sendai
Let's get dangerous

>> No.12085931

She's a light cruiser, not an Archmage.

>> No.12085939

If Naka can become and idol and Kiso can become a pirate, what prevents Sendai from becoming an archmage, an opera tenor or the terror that flaps in the night?

>> No.12085940

Neither of the previous required magic. So while archmage is out of the question, she could probably become the other 2.

>> No.12085944 [DELETED] 

Hachi pulls her torpedoes out of books, I think we're deep in enough in the "I ain't gotta explain shit" territory here.

>> No.12085948

Hachi pulls her torpedoes out of books, I think we're deep enough in the "I ain't gotta explain shit" territory here.

>> No.12085956
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>> No.12085969

Do E-4, i got multiple Suzuya and Kumano while clearing that map.

>> No.12085985

How do I get air superiority on E-5? Even 3 CV (Kaga, Zuikaku, Taihou) doesn't seems to do the job. Planes are green on the larger slot for all of them (3 for Kaga, 2 for Taihou, and red in all the other slot)

>> No.12085987

There's a calculator, use it.

>> No.12085991

>How do I get air superiority on E-5? Even 3 CV (Kaga, Zuikaku, Taihou) doesn't seems to do the job.

By not being shit.
Use the calculator

>> No.12086003

> red in all the other slot
Here's your problem. 3x reppus in every slot but last one, Zero fighter-bomber in the last slot.

>> No.12086006
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The upper left one...I hope

>> No.12086009

That's way too much if you go with 3CV, idiot

>> No.12086012

He asked about jus how to get air superiority at E5, not the most efficient method to get air superiorityl

>> No.12086016

Satsuki is not some pervy exhibitionist , you pervy TTK.

>> No.12086017

Z, my E-4 is still listed as Arpreggio E-3 in logbook 0.5.14
E-2, E-3 and E-5 have no name whatsoever

Cool backpedaling you got there
It also stopped tracking equipment crafts

>> No.12086018

Still a shit though. All mutsukies are.

>> No.12086022

But muh Steel Fibers.

>> No.12086030

New TTK here. Currently doing okay with E-1 I've taken the boss health gauge down to a little over 1/2. No problems with my fleet though I'm running out of instant repairs+ammo and fuel. I have a huge surplus of steel and bauxite though I don't know what to do with it.
what are some ship/equipment recipes for when you have such as weird balance of resources.

>> No.12086034

Radars. They're not really worth it though.

>> No.12086036

You don't craft much when you run out of resources, just go with minimum recipes or something cheap for the dailies.

>> No.12086037

I suggest 10/10/300/250 for radars.

Use a BB for flagship

>> No.12086038

You can do radar recipes, but they won't help you much.

>> No.12086045

i think you'll want those resources later on friend

>> No.12086046

Speaking of fighter powers, I propose the following challenge to all of us who has nothing left to do for the event: achieve air supremacy in E-5.

The challenge is simple: post a screencap of you obtaining air supremacy in E-5's boss node. The first one to do so wins the challenge and can brag about having a Midway-ready CV fleet all he wants.

>> No.12086053

But that's pointless.

>> No.12086059

So is obtaining Sakawa.

>> No.12086060

>Air supremacy
>Against 4x90 planes

You go have fun, I'll just sit here and not waste bauxite.

>> No.12086064

So is playing this game, really.

>> No.12086068

Don't badmouth Sakawa, she's cute.

>> No.12086083

Agano-class will be 5th fleet requirement, so it's not totally pointless. That's why I keep all 4 of them without scrapping 2 I don't like, just in case.

>> No.12086089

cool baseless predictions you have there

>> No.12086091

Good luck with that, the devs haven't made content like that restricted to just older players and it is unlikely they'll start with it.

>> No.12086106

Better safe then sorry.

>> No.12086119

By that logic you need to collect all ships and keep them just to be safe.

>> No.12086122

If they do make the Aganos a requirement then they'll have to be available to people after the event. It's not like they locked people who missed Hachi and Shioi out of getting Z1.

>> No.12086125

It's a cute girl card collecting game. You should be doing that anyway.

>> No.12086128

Sakawa is cute as hell, nigga

>> No.12086129

>That's why I keep all 4 of them without scrapping 2 I don't like
I assume you want to scrap Sakawa, but another sister? Waat, even Agano nee?

>> No.12086133

Apparently I have to restart the game every other that, else it starts lagging as fuck. Did they really fuck up memory leaks so much?

>> No.12086135

>every other day

>> No.12086136

Agano has one of the most obnoxious voices in the entire game. Too bad, she has a cute design.

>> No.12086140

I want to keep only Yahagi and Sakawa actually.

>> No.12086150
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>> No.12086151

My computer doesn't even show Japanese character so I have no idea how to use the thing

>> No.12086153

Fuck I just realized that I still don't have Noshiro.

>> No.12086155

>Tenryuus can't do sea-plane double attacks
Well fuck you too devs. Why are girls I like the most(Furutakas, Tenryuus, black uniform Mutsukies, Fusous) are the crappiest girls combat-wise. It's like a fucking curse, this happens in pretty much every RPG I play.

>> No.12086159

It has a link to the english version, moron.

>> No.12086160

Because they're ancient relics from a bygone age.

>> No.12086162

because there totally isn't an english version
And because it's so hard to install japanese characters on windows.
You disgusting scrub

>> No.12086167

Tenryuu ain't so scary anymore.

>> No.12086174

How long did you guys wait refreshing for the lottery till you were able to play?

>> No.12086177

5 minutes, though KanColle twitter has been mentioning 3~5 minutes recently.

>> No.12086181

What the hell man? Sure Noshiro isn't as pretty and playful as yahagi, but she is a good girl.
And her poke quotes are great to boot.

>> No.12086184

I didn't.

I don't know why you'd ask though. It's basically entirely random. I know of friends who tried for weeks or months before striking.

Unless you're asking about the refreshing intervals, then I don't know.

>> No.12086188

6 minutes, just to be sure. You get penalized if you refresh sooner than 5 minutes.

>> No.12086189

Yahagi is one of the least playful girls in the fleet.

>> No.12086195

How comes she can't? My Yahagi and Sakawa can, why wouldn't Tenryuu be able to?

>> No.12086200

>poke back to the admiral
>not calling out perv or anything

Not totally playful per se, but definitely can relax when it is necessary. I don't remember any kanmusu who pokes back to the admiral to boot.

>> No.12086201

Obsolete shit.

>> No.12086202

She has ponytail. You complaint is irrelevant.

>> No.12086203

Tenryuu has zero floatplane slots.

>> No.12086204

0 plane slot.

>> No.12086205

Ah, I forgot about that.

>> No.12086207

You need at least 1 floatplane. Tenryuu, remodeled Isuzu&CLT sisters have zero floatplanes.

>> No.12086209

I am not complaining. I think her earnest hardworking personality is a big charm point.

>> No.12086210

Melon-chan also has 0.

>> No.12086211

Because in real life, Tenryuu can't carry them. Also doesn't help the fact she was an early cruiser on the IJN. The cruisers after her though can carry seaplanes with the exception of Yubari.

>> No.12086217

She's a drum carrier though.

>> No.12086219

CAVs are better than her, though.

>> No.12086220

【Surface Warfare, Attack! 9】 Novel Doujin Book 「Discarded Ships - 身体沈む前に」 Notice and Sample


Author:陽一 [Youichi]
Illustrator:原之 [pixiv 223020]
Cover design:D.Na(九州電波通) [http://dempa.info/]
Price: 500 yen

Attending "Hourai Gekisen Yo-i 9" Kancolle-only event on May 3. Space is F-76, circle name is 世界はそれを逃避と呼ぶんだぜ; we will have a new book for sale.

The main characters are Shiranui and Kagerou. The themes of the story are "throwaway ships" and "abyssal conversion". Although named similarly to "Throwaway Ships" (released at Hourai Gekisen 6), the stories are independent, so there is no need to worry.

>Kagerou had perished.
>Defending her allies, wounded all over while attacking the enemy's main fleet――
>Bravely fighting to the last, she finally sank beneath the waves, it's said.

I'm translating the sample, eventually I'll buy the novel and translate that too.

>Why are you telling us about this? Are you one of those faggots that announces a project for e-penis and never finishes it?
Yes, but I'm already 2/3 done with the sample, so you can look forward to that at least.

>> No.12086221

So that's what it was about? I never understood what I was doing that she was referring to. Surprisingly childish, but cute I guess.

>> No.12086222

We're already entering what-if territory, so maybe they will get 2nd remodels with planes.

>> No.12086227

They never archived anything interesting or surprising during the war, no way they'll get kai2. Keep crying, obsolete scrap fag.

>> No.12086231

She actually has 2 "admiral poking her" quote.
first one is similar to Haruna: the admiral seems to check her out (non lewd way) and Yahagi appreciate it.

the second, the admiral poke her, and Yahagi is simply amused (instead of freaked out like Noshiro or Shoukaku) and ask the admiral if she should do the same.

That poke quote pretty much sold me (well that and the fact she goes a bit meta, with kancolle and daily quests stuff).

>> No.12086238

The what-if they pulled on Tone and Chikuma is actually plausible, given that they were improved Mogamis plus their aft deck can support a lot of seaplanes, thus making their remodels into aviation cruisers plausible.
As for Tenryuu-class, it's impossible for them to get a remodel with seaplanes. They're obsolete and really can't accommodate facilities for a seaplane.

>> No.12086247

All y'all scrubs forgetting about Kinugasa fondling you back. She was doing that shit before Yahagi made it cool.

>> No.12086252

Sadly Kinugasa gets no love, anon.

>> No.12086255

until she stops fucking around and join my fleet

>> No.12086256

How you could forget Kinugasa? That said, I wouldn't mind a complete reversion, a ship who has an admiral-poking quote as her idle line.

At least the differences are not particularly huge in Kancolle. I like some of what you listed (Kako, Mutsuki-class and Fuso-class), and I could still do Fall E4/E5 and this event's E4/E5 with them.

>> No.12086258
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>> No.12086267

I guess I never paid attention to Kinugasa, exactly because she was a bit "too" energetic to my taste.

>> No.12086268

I like her a lot, she's pretty cool.

>> No.12086272

> At least the differences are not particularly huge in Kancolle.
Not really. In post-@ SRWs I can grind anything, even MP Gespensts, to game breaking levels. I can't do the same in Kancolle, even with RNG on my side.

>> No.12086273

I put them to use as the Tenryuu & Tatsuta DD Daycare.

>> No.12086274

Same here. I can't even put my finger on it, I like Imuya (who has the same voice and a similar personality) and a lot of the other genki girls.

>> No.12086278

All other CA and CAV are going to see even less action as Tone and Chikuma rule the heavy cruiser roost now.

>> No.12086279

forever expedition team

>> No.12086280

gb2 /m/

>> No.12086283

So the admiral is fucking Kongou?
That Hiei line is interesting

>> No.12086285

Kinugasa is cute as fuck, especially that line where she says, "Are you all right? Are you tired?"

>> No.12086286

Well, the point stands that a Fuso-class is about as useful as a Nagato-class for the 90% of the game, and BBs are the ship type with the greatest disparity between classes. I'll concede that Yamato-class is wholly something else, but compensate for it by being resource bloats. Hopefully Kancolle Kai will be better in that regard.

Speaking of SRW, I hope the Vita game will be something along the lines of it, and that Kadokawa would lift the fangame ban by then. If we had Fantasy Maiden Wars and Battle Moon Wars, we can have a Kancolle equivalent as well.

>> No.12086289

For some reason my friend calls her the Aya Shameimaru of KanColle, I don't know why.

>> No.12086290

That's not Aoba.

>> No.12086291

... are you sure one of you isn't mistaking her for Aoba?

>> No.12086292
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>> No.12086293


>> No.12086294
File: 136 KB, 500x575, kinugasa's face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinugasa likes you a lot, that's all.

>> No.12086295


That ぴゃん

>> No.12086297

Ok so my friend fucked up, I wasn't familiar with Aoba to correct him that time.

>> No.12086298

ships that genuinely seem to like me make me uncomfortable

my whole fleet is full of ships who only act nicely out of obligation

>> No.12086300

> I hope the Vita game will be something along the lines of it
It will be some kind of trpg for sure. No way they would sell RNG generator of "FUCK YOU" even if they hate their money.
> fangame ban

>> No.12086302

I heard about that but it seems like it's been lifted, assuming this is up to date -


>> No.12086305

Get out old hag, stop tricking us about your age. And no, wearing pigtails won't make you look younger.

>> No.12086313

How come i don't see paparazzi Aoba antics?

>> No.12086315

Kinugasa just seems off to me. Sometimes, she seems like an obasan, sometimes she's energetic like a teen, sometimes she's stupid like a child.

If I want to be charitable, I'd say I can't get a good grip of her personality. To be honest, she sounds to me like an old person trying to act like someone they're not. And it's just kind of unappealing and lame to me.

>> No.12086317

She gets used as a punchline a lot.

People have probably done Aoba-goes-about-her-paparazzi-day books that nobody's uploaded because nobody uploads anything.

>> No.12086318
File: 49 KB, 309x71, wake-chan_pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me one more full kill is enough, /jp/. I'm about to go insane from the Hime's intense mindbreak training, if this doesn't end soon I...

>> No.12086323

It's enough, assuming that you manage to kill her the next run

>> No.12086324

Phew, E-3 finished! In strange occurences that happened, somehow I noticed that my fleet would fail to kill the boss if I actually did not send a support fleet expedition, even if they failed to appear, leading me to refer to my support expedition as a "Good luck charm" instead. Still ends up holding true when at the last sortie for E-3, none of my ships suffered beyond small damage.

....Urgh, got to get off my ass and farm for Hatsukaze and Hamakaze though....RNG, why do you do this to me...? ...On that note, do those two drop on E-4?

>> No.12086325
File: 32 KB, 330x492, 5e1427d0f703918f74fadf49533d269759eec43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea where this is from

>> No.12086327

Hamakaze yes, Hatsukaze no

>> No.12086330


Uhh, I heard that your ships can somehow survive at 0 health if you got disconnected by accident when your ships are supposed to sink

>> No.12086334


>> No.12086335


Great, time to grind at E-1 then, Hamakaze at least has the excuse of having her stage where she drops in the main game be a lot easier than Hatsukaze's

>> No.12086345

Thank you. I'm going to go full voodoo for the last run. Sparkled main fleet, sparkled boss and preboss support, line abreast, sortie and picking formation at even minutes, not using Yukikaze for support, building an altar for RNGod, you name it.

>> No.12086347

>building an altar to Xom
You're fucked.

>> No.12086369

Getting Tanikaze is the true terror of this event
Finished E-5 two days ago and been farming for the whore since then

>> No.12086375

Calling her a whore won't make her appear.

>> No.12086380

Sure it does
I called Hatsukaze a whore and she appeared
Also, it's not even a lie with Tanikaze

>> No.12086384

So /jp/, are you ready for the surprise E6/Shinano update?

>> No.12086386

Are you a necromancer?

>> No.12086389

Any cunt move like what they did for Yahagi shouldn't even come to pass.
I swear I don't want to ever see that goth loli island anymore, not even with a 100feet pole.

>> No.12086390

Yes because it's not happening.

>> No.12086397

With Yahagi they told us at the start of the event that if they extended it they would add a new ship. And after two extensions in the summer event and all the server issues at the start of the fall it was pretty much a given. Here there's no reason to.

>> No.12086403

And the trophy ship only drops from E-5 boss S-rank right? Right?

>> No.12086409

Ah finally I'm up to E-5, how hard is this map?

>> No.12086411

120k worth of steel hard.

>> No.12086415
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>> No.12086416

Welp, not looking forward to finish this map

>> No.12086419

I hate this whore so fucking much.

>> No.12086423

You can still make it if you abuse the shit out of expeditions.

>> No.12086428

Average is 30~60k steel

>> No.12086430

This is only the beginning.

Now that there are tons of enemies with high firepower or torpedo stats, the devs can further ramp up difficulty simply by making line ahead nodes. They've been planning this from the very start.

>> No.12086434

I started E5 3 days ago and I still need to land 2+ kill.
Only 5k steel left.
This is kinda fun.
A nice challenge since I started it with only 22k steel (I recovered a lot with sparkling expeditions).

>> No.12086436

How are people so kuso that they don't have 200k all res at the start of this event?

>> No.12086438

Just arrived at E-5 boss node. Holy fuck no wonder everyone is having trouble clearing this map.

Definitely need support expedition on this one

>> No.12086439

Some people actually play and enjoy the game.

>> No.12086440


>> No.12086443

I stopped playing on December and only came back now for the event.

>> No.12086446

I started with 110k all because I'm recovering from LSC addiction! Okay?

They haven't even unleashed Re in this event. That bitch is 100% gonna be in Midway, I know it.

>> No.12086448

Usually when do you decide to stop farming for that ship you really want?

>> No.12086449

I have all ships except Tanikaze and Yahagi, all LSC ships except Yahagi, plenty of holo equip and 90+ ships. How am I not playing and enjoying? Oh yeah, I had 3k buckets and 300k res all at the start of the event.

such kuso

People need to learn some restraint.

>> No.12086450

Because I hate knowing that my resources is not regenerating above threshold and I don't use ahk script.

I should be asking you instead, shouldn't you be going autistic, knowing that you are wasting periodic resources because you are stockpiling?

>> No.12086451

The boss is only a minor part of the problem.

>> No.12086452

When she drops, obviously.

>> No.12086459

the minimal resource gain I lose is heavily offset by the fact that I have little use for all those res I am 'losing' on top of regen cap forcing you into a state of not being overprepared for any event or map

support barely does anything. with supreme luck, they kill one Ru. Usually one one fortress.

>> No.12086462

>I have all ships except Tanikaze and Yahagi, all LSC ships except Yahagi, plenty of holo equip and 90+ ships. How am I not playing and enjoying? Oh yeah, I had 3k buckets and 300k res all at the start of the event.

You can't be enjoying and playing this game if you are not actively searching to complete your collection.
Go get that Yahagi.

>> No.12086465

>People need to learn some restraint.
It's hard. I did 5 minimum LSC after clearing E-3, and another 10 after clearing E-4.

I'll probably do 10 Yamato attempts as E-5 celebratory reward when I clear it.

>> No.12086470

The new UI broke my old script and I'm too lazy to go find a new one. I hate coding.

>> No.12086471

>have enough resources for 10 yamato attempts after e5
Try streaming it, you'll have better results that way

>> No.12086472

Yes, yes, we're all impressed with the scripting piece of shit that you are.

Jesus, you faggots are bad enough while you aren't bragging.

>> No.12086474

Until she drops I never stop. No reason to, after I invested all those resources. Same thing with equipment, I wasted good 19 hours doing non-stop all 10 crafting to get all the barrels I needed.

>> No.12086477

>considering lucky drops a personal accomplishment
If you want to stroke your e-peen you might want to choose a game that does not count on a string of randomly-caused events.

>> No.12086478

yes, making a click script is such complicated coding.

That's not even a shred of restraint.

Pretty sure I decide how I enjoy playing the game.

Contain your Jelly please. You can grovel in the dirt without opening your filthy peasant mouth.

>> No.12086479

>Pretty sure I decide how I enjoy playing the game.
It's not my fault if the game is called Kantai Collection.

>> No.12086480

>lucky drops
That is what outlasting bad RNG is called now?

>> No.12086483

It's not my fault I enjoy collecting without bankrupting myself pointlessly.
I could have farmed 3-4 for Hatsukaze but instead I stockpiled and easily got her in E-2.
It's not my fault if you're unable to think ahead.

>> No.12086486

Do people really play this game with scripts?
I mean, I guess it probably helps automate some of the more mundane tasks, but is it really necessary for a ship girl browser game?

>> No.12086489

You only need support to actually sink her, which isn't really necessary until the very end. Just chip away at the gauge for now.
You can't outlast RNG by definition. There isn't a stat which increases your chances of getting Taihou every time you fail to craft her, it's all the same shit from the day one.

>> No.12086497

It's like you don't know how statistics work
If you repeat a 10% chance indefinitely of course it will always be a 10% chance but the chance that you keep failing the 10% chance gets smaller with each try simply because there is no way to fail at it forever without the RNG literally having a filter that gives you a 0% chance

>> No.12086500

>It's like you don't know how statistics work
>the chance that you keep failing the 10% chance gets smaller with each try
Son, you're confusing statistics and probability.

>> No.12086502

Statistics do not guarantee you anything. Neither does probability.

>> No.12086503

How else will you be able to wave your epeen on /jp/?

>> No.12086506

In the end, you guys knew what's actually going on but you guys still try to convince each others that the way you see this subject is the best way

>> No.12086508

What's the subject again?

>> No.12086509

Probability will always be 10%
The probability that you get a pattern where you don't get the ship you want is taking a nosedive after some attempts though. I, for one, was very lucky, because the chance to get Taihou only after 48 attempts is fucking low. But I made it.

>> No.12086510

>yes, making a click script is such complicated coding.
I'm a fucking illiterate dinosaur who would rather be stealing your shit instead of squeezing number-letter autism out of my ass. How does it feel to have your brilliant master race methods smeared and soiled by my retard smegma-covered hands, nerd?

>> No.12086511

If DMM can actually make good on what they said and ban people who abuse scripts, the resulting butthurt will be hilarious.

>> No.12086512

If not scripting is kuso, then I take pride in being kuso.
Fuck your retarded shit.

>> No.12086515

Probability, RNG, statistics, etc2 yada yada

Damn, typing "yada" reminds me of Maya from Arpeggio

>> No.12086519

48 attempts? Jesus christ your RNG is horrible
I got Taihou on my 8th or 9th attempt, memory is a little fuzzy


They might be able to detect sophisticated scripts now but a simple auto-clicker is still undetectable

Enjoy being kuso trash, peasant


>> No.12086524

The point is that all statistics do nothing more than approximate your chances of getting X. You could roll the die a billion of times and still lose.

>> No.12086525

Why does RNG sama reward the assholes first?

>> No.12086528

Because you keep replying to shitposters.

>> No.12086529

>They might be able to detect sophisticated scripts now but a simple auto-clicker is still undetectable

If they look at your activity and see that you're active for 24 hours a day of every day of the week, that's an obvious warning flag. If they then look at your inputs and see that you cycle through the exact same delays every single time, that would be all that they need to know that you're a scriptscum.

>> No.12086530

Does that make me an asshole? Maybe RNG will reward me as well.

>> No.12086535

Banning is retarded. They will make people hate them for banning. Adding a small banner in that loading pop-up that shows something like "you've disappointed us, TTK" instead will be far more effective. Unless someone is completely inhuman he will feel guilty.

>> No.12086536

The chance of rolling it a billion times and missing 10% every time is so absurdly low, you could probably equate that to becoming the Hulk in real life.

>> No.12086540

It's not hard to make a script with randomized delay between inputs.

>> No.12086541

Is it better to subslave 1 sub at a time or teams of 2 or 4?

>> No.12086542

You underestimate how inhuman and without conscience people can be. Especially on the Internet where anonymity still exists somewhat.

>> No.12086543

Sure, but when you're measuring in hundreds it's pretty big.

>> No.12086544

I don't think they have logging sophisticated enough to detect the delay between clicks.

This is an online flash game. There's likely some inconsistency between when a player clicks and when DMM receives that command, making it hard to determine if someone is actually using scripts.

>> No.12086545

you really think people abusing script and cheats will feel once of guilt if exposed? You can't be serious.

>> No.12086547

>Unless someone is completely inhuman

Because the kind of person who posts on /jp/ has empathy and a sense of shame.

>> No.12086548

2 is the bare minimum, 3 is the best.

>> No.12086549

If you roll a die an infinite number of times, is it possible for it to never land on one particular side, say "6" or something?

>> No.12086551

just curious is there any reason for 3 being the special number? opening torpedo and torpedo phase for 6 dead enemies I assume?
thanks for the info

>> No.12086555

It's not possible to roll a die an infinite number of times.

Mathematically, it's possible, but occurs with probability zero.

>> No.12086558

Because RNG likes those who are like her

Same argument every patch, same bullshit every patch. Nobody is monitoring the activity of every player 24/7, not even a script.
Also, random sleeps put a big fat Haha on your 'same delays, same routine' argument.

I would feel proud instead

Pretty big? Not really
How many Taihou owners have needed to try >100 times? I'm willing to bet my Taihou that it's less than 10%

Let's not forget ping from playing overseas. And your IP being foreign. If they monitored players, they'd ban you just for being a foreigner.

No, it's not, not with a literal infinite number. The chance is tiny if you use something like a million sided dice (think: several D10) but even then, with an infinite amount, not a chance.

>> No.12086559

No, but that only applies to the infinity.
In my experience 2 SSs would mostly focus on a single ship and get wrecked as a result. 3 subs does not guarantee you a complete kill during the day, but it's still more efficient.

>> No.12086560

> 3 being the special number?
You can easily replenish fatigue with dock.
> opening torpedo and torpedo phase for 6 dead enemies I assume?
This only happened once or twice in all those months I've grinded fuel. Even with 4 subs that's very, very rare.

>> No.12086569

A script like that would also be more prone to locking up via misclicks due to something loading more quickly or more slowly than usual.

DMM just needs to decide on an appropriate list of criteria to determine who is worthy of a detailed audit. I assume that once they have their eye on you, they will probably be able to determine with a reasonable level of accuracy whether you are a scripter or not.

Even if it's something as simple as investigating the people who consistently have more than 200,000 resources and levels of activity that make your average autistic NEET grinder look like a casual, they can probably weed out a good number of them.

>> No.12086570

>If they monitored players, they'd ban you just for being a foreigner.
...Are you retarded? The block is only on DMM's site and only for legal purposes, Kadokawa has repeatedly said that they don't mind having foreigners. Moreover, there isn't a single game server which doesn't log IPs, so your argument is moot.

>> No.12086573

Forcing some shaming text about scripting in the TTK bubble would be the best.

>> No.12086575

> I would feel proud instead

>> No.12086577

What about the scripters that don't read the moon?

>> No.12086578
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>> No.12086581

I doubt anyone plays without taking part in one of the "communities", such as /jp/, that unbelievable shithole they call the "official forum", maybe there's even something on facebook or reddit. So they'd know. And everyone else would know.

>> No.12086583

Not that guy, but what if DMM decides to ban people? They have ownership of the game right even tho kadokawa might not mind foreigners

>> No.12086584

Nobody cares about dirty white apes.

>> No.12086585

That's 2 more kills.

>> No.12086587

DMM is just a hoster, they don't have a right to anything.

>> No.12086588
File: 22 KB, 183x37, sooner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly sooner.

>> No.12086589

So you put a longer than intended delay instead of a shorter one?

>> No.12086592
File: 276 KB, 799x862, e5 clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28k fuel 33k steel 15k ammo 4k baux Lv74-85 ships 34 runs, no supp fleet, 7 hours 40 minutes including fatigue breaks.

My only tip is never trust the wiki suggestion for formations and trust in RNG.

>> No.12086597

It would be pretty fucking easy to catch 99% of scripters with the right algorithm, they just literally do not give a shit.

People who cheat at browser games are incapable of feeling shame, anyway. You're part of a community where people get off to the most wild kind of character rape, nobody's going to feel bad about hurting the feelings of a faceless corporation.

>> No.12086598

I know.
I'm off to sleep to let my steel regen, so good luck if you clear it before me.

>> No.12086600

Good luck to you too. I'm a few hours of expeditions away from getting back to 10k steel myself.

>> No.12086601

Please. Randomized delays are still within safe margins obviously. You clearly don't know anything about kancolle scripting.

There is a big difference between logging and monitoring. Anon please.

Because the more the people I regard as scum disapprove of me the better I feel. And I regard practically everyone as scum.

Don't you contact their support for issues?

>they just literally do not give a shit.

>People who cheat at browser games are incapable of feeling shame.
This as well. Shame is for children.

>> No.12086604

>Shame is for children.
games are for children

>> No.12086607

Games are for everyone.
Shame is for children.
Adults who still feel shame are simply unaware that those without shame rule the world.

>> No.12086608

> And I regard practically everyone as scum.
Well fuck you too, chummer.

>> No.12086610

>Shame is for children.
Don't cut yourself on that edge.

>> No.12086612

>Adults who still feel shame are simply unaware that those without shame rule the world.
adults who play games are actually aware that people who don't play games rule the world, they just don't care

you're a moron

>> No.12086613

Yes, because playing games is the defining factor in that equation and not having shame or a conscience.

>> No.12086617

you finally figured out that only children and manchildren play games, and neither of those types of people end up running the world


>> No.12086620

It's almost like you're shitposting, but then I realize that the world is full of people precisely this retarded.

>> No.12086622

>they just literally do not give a shit.
People believed this while playing Im@s CG with a bot that greet other players for pretty useless in game points. A couple months in, lots of account got banned.
These things aren't hard to implement, and why risking to lose all your efforts.

>> No.12086623

people who rule the world don't have free time, they put all their free time into ruling the world

nobody who puts their spare time into a moe girl imperial japan glorification RNG game will ever end up running the world

>It's almost like you're shitposting
it's nont almost like you're shitposting, you are shitposting

>> No.12086628

Most people don't care about ruling whatever, they just want the world not to give any shit about themselves though. Reminding that something cares about them will give them physical pain, and that's not shame, it's something completely different.

>> No.12086638

I call it annoying. Anonymity and freedom from obligations are the best things in life.

That and a lot of money to get what you want.

>> No.12086644

Anyone have any recent LSC graphs?

I've managed to get my drops (except Mikuma) and do not think I have the resources to beat E-5 so I was thinking of seeing if I could get Bismark or Yamato.

My remaining resources is 18k, 31k, 23k, 27k. And about 200 buckets.

>> No.12086647

Get your fuel back around 30k and you can probably clear E-5.

>> No.12086649
File: 382 KB, 659x420, 1398828194926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resources don't matter this time.

>> No.12086656

>Resources don't matter this time
All that lost steel says otherwise though.

>> No.12086658

> do not think I have the resources to beat E-5
With decent fleet you can beat it, just run ex37, ex38 and ex5(sparkled) non stop not to run out of fuel and steel. There are still 6 days left.

>> No.12086679

On average you're going to spend 60k steel, whether you have it at the immediate disposal or not.

>> No.12086685

Best way to do 50 transports weekly: have 5 world 2 boss kills daily active.

>> No.12086690

Everyone knows this trick.

>> No.12086691

I know, right? Spent the last 2 hours trying to get one last bosskill. I haven't got to the boss is like 15 runs.

>> No.12086692

calling it now, Tanikaze will eat up more resources than E1-5 combined

>> No.12086697
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>> No.12086698


>> No.12086701

It'd be nice if DMM put in some sort of rule where if you've run a minimum of x event sorties, you're guaranteed to get the event-only drops.

I swear I farmed E-4 at least 50 times before she ever showed up.

>> No.12086704

all chances (e-1 to e-4 boss S ranks and E-5 A ranks) combined it's been 40~ duds for me

and I am bleeding buckets at E-4 or bleeding steel/fuel/fewer buckets at E-2
Or bleeding everything at E-3

>> No.12086708

Hatsukaze made me lose 40k fuel and ammo + about 10k steel. Fucking RNG.

>> No.12086719

Guys. How do I get RNG to love me? I can't get any good drops and E-5 hates me.

>> No.12086722

Convert to islam.

>> No.12086725

Scrap your starter.

>> No.12086728

Tanikaze can go fuck herself
15 retreats in a row in E-4, 25 retreats in a row in E-2, 17 shit drops in a row in E-3
even if she becomes a 3-4 drop it won't be as infinitely shit as this

>> No.12086731

Why don't you simply farm E3?
It is more expensive, but you have absolutely RNG shenanigan, save perhaps the subs on the first node.

>> No.12086736

So what rares dropped for you in the event?

For me:
E-1: Uzuki, Yukikaze
E-2: Nagato, Abukuma, Kinu
E-3: Hamakaze, Agano, Naganami, Zuikaku, 3*Kaga, Kumano, Kinugasa, 2*Abukuma
E-4: 2*Mikuma, Hachi, Maruyu, 3*Iku, 4*Imuya, Goya, Yuubari, 3*Kumano, Suzuya, 2*Zuihou, Noshiro, Kinugasa
E-5: 2*Yuubari, 2*Kinugasa

I'm only keeping the spare Hachi (and the guns+luck), all I want is a Tanikaze.

>> No.12086744

That's more than what I got. But I did get Tanikaze, so I guess that balances things out.

>> No.12086747

Because, excluding the 11 runs to clear it, I had 11 retreats, 6 A ranks and 17 S Ranks because of stupid Wo crits, sub crits, TA crits and underperforming girls at the boss. And that's with 3BB, CLT(2 sonars, Type A), 2CV and air superiority at the boss.
And it's way too expensive for a shitty DD whose design I can't stand.

E-1: Nothing
E-2: Two Mikuma I already had one of, Hatsukaze
E-3: Nothing
E-4: Nothing
E-5: Nothing

Nothing means I got nothing you couldn't get much easier outside event maps.

>> No.12086756

Anyone here have a full KanColldex?
I'm talking every available entry in the encyclopedia.

>> No.12086768

missing Yahagi, Musashi, Tanikaze, Bismarck Zwei, Z1 Zwei, Z3 Zwei, Tone Kai 2, Chikuma Kai 2 and Naka Kai 2
so I'm close
fuck all those Kai 2

>> No.12086769

Gonna be more difficult to collect them all with blueprints now.

>> No.12086781

E3 Ooi on the boss kill run
E5 Tanikaze on the boss kill run

Also, why weren't you guys ignoring that attention whore? Scripting is one thing, I'm alright with it as long as you aren't being dumb about it, but there's no excuse to replying to every single post on the thread with inane crap.

>> No.12086792

Just stop

>> No.12086793

Nagato and I-8. They alone made the event worth it. Much better than a lousy CL.

>> No.12086809

Watch your tongue

>> No.12086811

2 Maruyuus and shitload of Ise-class(I got, like, 14 of them). Fuck, I wish I just got 2 other ships because leveling them is a pain and my autism forbids me from using them as luck fodder without kai'ing them first.

>> No.12086817

Fuck you and have a good day, fellow teitoku.

>> No.12086832

so when is kadokawa gonna use their new found wealth to host the game on it's own webpage and server and possibly upgrade from the flash game it currently it

>> No.12086845


>> No.12086874

E-1: Hatsukaze
E-2: Tanikaze, Tanikaze
E-3: Tanikaze
E-4: Tanikaze, Kumano
E-5: Naganami

The only one I farmed was Hatsukaze. The others came in the course of depleting the boss gauge. Got a handful of others that I already have and didn't bother keeping track. Only other rare drop I might want to get out of the event is Mikuma. E-2 farming is out of the question but I might try E-4 later.

>> No.12086883

I hope you die of cancer
no tanikaze club

>> No.12086916
File: 543 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140502-05235526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After getting Satsuki as a first craft of a new month, I decided to level her to remodel to congratulate the beginning of May. Maybe I should do this every month, Mutsuki-class are cute after all.

>> No.12086921

Fuck E-5 so hard; once again I make it through Hime node with only Zuikaku at orange (with green T no less), and she gets hit to red at preboss node, this time by the Ta instead of the subs.

Then it's right back to Taihou getting hit to red by Hime every run, I swear my only hope is for Kaga or Zuikaku to get hit since they always go to orange, my BBs and Taihou always go red.

>> No.12086928

Sounds like you're using 4BB2CV which is pretty bad compared to 3BB3CV

>> No.12086935

Why is it pretty bad?

>> No.12086936

There are no mutsukies for August, November and December though,

>> No.12086941

Go look up the pre-boss nodes
Then think about how much you cripple your 2 CVs if you go for superiority with just 2
For example, my air strike takes out most of the crap in the first 2 nodes, giving my BBs a high chance to kill the TA.
3BB3CV is simply best for E-5. Superiority + blue planes

TL;DR read the wiki

>> No.12086951

How does Taihou + Kaga + Zuikaku + enemy subs (plural) = 4BB/2CV?

>> No.12086957

Some people only skim posts
Given the enormous amount of shitposting in these threads, I can understand why.
Then these things happen.

>> No.12086961

There's Hatsuzuki and Shimotsuki for August and November. They can be honorary Mutsuki-class.

>> No.12086966

They're not in game though, like Yuzuki and Minazuki, remaining mutsukies.

>> No.12086980

They could be added come next August/November, if the developers are still doing the month thing by then.

Shimotsuki could be interesting, her brief career ended with one of the more impressive explosions among IJN ships, alongside Nachi getting split into three, Fuso blowing up so horribly that her remains were thought to be two separate battleships and Mutsu's spontaneous combustion incident.

>> No.12086994

Poor long lancers, they're always getting short end of the stick.

>> No.12087006

They are destroyers, so it's natural. Not every single ship can be Nightmare of Solomon.

>> No.12087025

Even with 3 CV I have to pack so many Reppu on to get superiority at boss after lost planes that my airstrike usually doesn't do much, although I did manage to kill the gold CA at Hime node once. Either way it doesn't protect against the fucking Hime.

But I did finally manage to make it through to boss for the second time, and again defeated her even with 3BB/3CV, going into night combat with only boss and Hime left. That makes 3 times now I've survived Hime node with line aboob versus once in way more attempts using double line.

Seriously though, the most frustrating thing on that map is getting fucked at the first or third nodes, it's just business as usual when it happens at Hime. I almost ragequit when I had Yamato get critted by the Ru at first node in green T.

>> No.12087030

Well, it's not like they were the absolute weakest ships out there. Second-class destroyers, torpedo boats and merchant ships probably had worse fates, and a Kaiten operator that misses his mark is in for an entirely different class of torture, but we don't feel sorry for them because we don't envision them as pretty girls.

Perhaps they'd be rid of their stigma once coastal defense ships or the ancient Momi-class is introduced.

>> No.12087036

I had 2 RK on Kaga and 2 RK on Taihou and one on Shoukaku
rest was reppu and reppu kai

>> No.12087077

600+ buckets spent, still no Tanikaze.
Should I just give up now?

>> No.12087080
File: 157 KB, 599x376, Bismarck desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up.

>> No.12087081

I gave up before the slut cuts an even deeper hole into my pockets
not worth it
she'll be available somewhere soon

>> No.12087084

>she'll be available somewhere soon
Or she will become Hatsukaze 2.0

>> No.12087086

Ask yourself, do you want to grow her properly, put her in your regular fleet and pat her head to praise her? Or do you just want to put her in 5-5 alone then take her damaged sprite and put her in your dock, rusting without any treatment?

>> No.12087088

3-4 is less shit than E-2, E-3 or E-4, especially with day time double attacks

>> No.12087092

Continue until you don't have any resources left.

>> No.12087093

But E3 is easy, 3-4 is compass trolling all day long.

>> No.12087094

The second option. Definitely the second option. But also emptying her fuel/ammo to 2 bars before going to 5-5 so she is hungry, hurt and abandoned because fuck her to death

>> No.12087096

E-3 is expensive as fuck, has troll subs, has troll crits by Wo and TA and S ranking the boss can be a pain if the boss and the BBs decide to rape your BBs
It's not as shit as E-2 or E-4, but it's definitely more shit than other maps.

>> No.12087101

Well, I find it expensive but I got kicked out of there like once every 10 tries or more and A rank is enough to get Tanikaze.

>> No.12087105

I got so many wo, ta and sub crits, I have 11 retreats to 17 tanikaze chances
nagato, mutsu, kirishima kai 2, kitakami (2 sonars, so the subs only get an opening volley), kaga, taihou

fuck crits, seriously

A rank is enough? Is wikiwiki documentating that or did you drop her at A in E-3?

>> No.12087110

I think mine was from an A rank either there or in E2, but I used 3BB and 3CV since the CLTs love getting one hit to red and screwing up the runs.

>> No.12087161
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Farming E-1 for Nachi to complete that quest and also Hatsukaze but don't tell RNG. I'm rolling in Haguro, Ashigara, and Myoko. Not a single Nachi. How the fuck does this game know?

>> No.12087166

Desire sensor is strong. Not even the complaining on /jp/ can beat it.

>> No.12087177

I'm farming E-4 for I-8, but I always get umi no sunaipaa and one Mikuma (which I'm okay with but I'd rather have I-8).

>> No.12087181

Are you guys who've gotten massively trolled by LSC doing your attempts piecemeal or sequentially?

>> No.12087188

How do you even farm this?

>> No.12087193

So nothing new for May, ha?

Fuck LSC
E5 a stupid
5-5 a shit

>> No.12087199

E-4 isn't as scary as I initially thought. During my clearing run, I used only 1 among 5+ red advance.

>> No.12087204

If you refer to buckets, I'll just let my boats sit in the docks for 4-5 hours. So it's not a really frequent farm.
If you refers to damecons, after I swapped to Nagato+double line, I fair a lot better against the Wo node. It hurts to repair Nagato though. The funny thing is that I had a lot of trouble trying to go with no damecons, but after i put in damecons everything magically went great on the Wo node.

>> No.12087214

I just crafted three Akitsumaru in 24 hours

Boats are nice but god damn it the No Taihou Club is so fucking shitty.

>> No.12087221

Don't insult my club.

>> No.12087226

Done with E-4. Not doing E-5 because fuck it. Is LSC binge the best way to end events?

>> No.12087229


But don't you want those +3 medals and that cutie patootie Sakawa?

>> No.12087231

>Is LSC binge the best way to end events?
15 taihou attempts later, i can say with some confidence that this isn't a great option.

>> No.12087233

Radar binge, plane binge, LSC
pick your poison.

>> No.12087241
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I decided to go with 7 sequential LSC attempts a few minutes ago after realizing that E-5 was not possible with my current ships (no Yamato or Nagato-class) and equipment (not enough 46 cms), and I ended up lucking out.

I got Akitsumaru on the 1st try, Taihou on the 3rd try, and Bismarck on the 7th try. Still good on most resources except for steel, which is down to 15k.

>> No.12087245

Which recipe did you use?

>> No.12087246


If only you had the bundle of love known as Taihou earlier, then you could take her out to her very first event.

>> No.12087248

My lack of luck and wasted resources on no taihou has made me hate her, I hope they make her easier to get later.

>> No.12087250

4000/2000/5000/6000 for Taihou and Akitsumaru with Akagi as my flag.

4000/6000/6000/3000 for Bismarck with Z1 as my flag.

>> No.12087254

I say plane binge is the best. For the past week, I've got three Ryuusei Kai, two Reppu, two Ryuusei and two Suisei 12A. That's only with dailies.

>> No.12087255

You forgot to add the dev mats used

>> No.12087256

Always 20.

>> No.12087257

20 dev mats for all recipes attempted.

>> No.12087262

I started in February. This is actually my first time doing LSC because I either never had the resources for it while trying to get 4 fleets or was stockpiling because of the looming shadow of Midway.

It's only after giving E-5 a few tries that I came to understand that stockpiling is probably counterproductive if you don't have ships and equipment equal to the most challenging event maps.

>> No.12087267

Same setup used, got Shoukaku. Didn't have her so I'm good.

>> No.12087269

50k fuel steel and bauxite blown since yesterday

Still no Taihou

If I craft with Sakawa as flagship they should give me Taihou and Yamato for completing their worthless fucking E-5 without them

>> No.12087310

Is it wrong that I would probably jack off to Taihou's voice

>> No.12087313

You probably wouldn't be the first.

>> No.12087314

Yes it would be.

>> No.12087330

How terrible.

>> No.12087390

How easy is to craft Yukikaze? Is she a common drop when using an improved cruiser recipe?

>> No.12087398

hahaha no

>> No.12087400

Read the wiki.

>> No.12087402

God bless you, I was getting tired thanks to my zero luck on E5 and decided to try some LSC after seeing your post, got Taihou on first try.

>> No.12087407

God bless you, I was fucking mad that you got her on your first try and did a rage craft.


>> No.12087419

Congrats anon. When you consider that it will take a minimum of 30k to get Sakawa and possibly over 100k if you have bad luck, it seems a much better idea to use it to try and get ships/equipment that will help you beat future events rather than a trophy cruiser and some medals.

>> No.12087422

I used to always fall for these but not anymore, taihou can go fuck herself.

I'll just go get the kongous to kai2 and hope they add more carriers with 59 FP in the future

>> No.12087425
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Please give advice whether i should try to clear E5, farm E3, or prepare for the next event.

I regret for not listening to the Wo's and neglect farming more repair bucket.

>> No.12087428


>> No.12087430


>> No.12087431

if you have the right ships and equipment, you should definitely clear e-5

>> No.12087432

Your bucket count will make E-5 rough, but you've got enough resources otherwise for it.

>> No.12087434

>I regret for not listening to the Wo
But the Wos are the retards that tell you to do stuff that will screw you over

Doing E5 depends if you believe the 3 medals and sakawa are worth the intense suffering and massive resource losses

>> No.12087439

You can clear E5, but it will be a downhill battle with your buckets. You will have to run expeditions full time and limit non E5 sorties.

What's your fleet anon? Levels and Equipements are quite important for E5.

>> No.12087444
File: 189 KB, 800x1050, tie hoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to believe.

And be very angry.

>> No.12087448


I just wanted a submarine so I searched at the wiki for the recipe. Decided to try 250 130 330 30 because 5,63%. I'm on KCV so I reveal the ship's name


My heads tingles a bit but I don't recognize it inmediatly (I've played for only 2 weeks) and think it must be another shitty destroyer. I search on the wiki and read it's the beaver "Nah, I can't be that lucky" so I come here and ask. After your comment I go to the wikia and read properly.

>0,98% when using an improved destroyer recipe.


Mfw I got Mutsu using a normal BB recipe. I've also gotten Akagi and Yamashiro as drops. I'm just a kuso lv. 20 Teitoku.

Perhaps I should save resources and try crafting Yamato...

>> No.12087454

Might as well go for it while your luck's still fresh.
That kind of luck won't last for much longer.

>> No.12087455

I've got 3 Yukikaze from trying to craft Z3 since she was available. Still no Z3.

>> No.12087458

You don't have the resources to even sortie a Yamato dumbass.

>> No.12087461

I had like 5 beavers and 5 shimakazes when trying to craft subs.
Another shimakaze dropped on E4 too, wish I could trade them all for a tanikaze

>> No.12087468

Got an Iku? I'll trade you one of these Tanikaze's I keep getting.

I only really need to see that rape face once.

>> No.12087469

Crafting/LSC posts are the worst. This isn't your blog, no one wants your life story.

If you're going to blog, at least make it about something like losing a ship.

>> No.12087473

Three of them

>> No.12087479

Sweet. I'll use that awesome social feature they added...

Oh wait.

>> No.12087484

What exactly does echelon formation excel at? I am new at this game, and when I read the wiki, it doesn't give anything concrete.

>> No.12087489

Second best ASW formation.
Best evasion at night.

It is rarely used, but it is quite effective for night battle nodes.

>> No.12087491
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Forgot my picture, I swear you only get the ships you dont want or already have.

That one shiny new ship you really want? Yeah you're never going to get it, not without suffering intensely first.

And the worst part is that trading would kill the fun of the game unless they make it super limited and restricted like requiring a special event only token or some shit.

>> No.12087492


>> No.12087494

God, I know how that feels. I've been trying to get Hachi for the past 3 days on E-4, and she hasn't dropped. The best ship I got from E-4 so far was Noshiro.

>> No.12087495

That's why it's fun.

>> No.12087498

Make it like Pokemon's wonder trade, you send out a ship girl and get a random one from another admiral. Also you need to pay 1k of each resource. The devs would have a hard on for that.

>> No.12087499

Its only fun if you're a masochist.
Doing daily crafts and farming for ships on maps? Yeah its fun and doesnt fuck you in the ass if you fail.

LSC? Fail one craft and you lost a whole week of resources

>> No.12087500

When they announced Hachi became craftable, I had to do 256 tries before getting her. Then, when they released 1-5, she was the first drop from the boss node. God fucking damn it.

>> No.12087503

The recommended fleet setup for E-3 is balls. Eats up my fuel and steel reserves faster than 5 Akagis. Surely, there has to be more fleet efficient setups that guarantees boss node.

>> No.12087504

I envy you guys, the only notable drop I got was a fucking Maruyu, nothing less.

>> No.12087513
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I'm also farming E-4 for Iku and I almost gave up. Tried one more time and I finally got her from the boss node.

E-4 is the easiest to farm since it mostly requires DDs and they are cheap to repair and sortie.

>> No.12087516

But that fucking map made my buckets bleed.

>> No.12087520

Is there any particular reason why Myoukou are getting hourly notifications?

>> No.12087527

You're refering to this?
Myoukou-class is four ships, I don't think it's them.

>> No.12087530

Farm 1-5 instead, subs drop like candy on all nodes

>> No.12087533

Ashigara already got her lines, that's why they're mentioning 3 sisters.

>> No.12087536

Are you like HQ Lv.80+? I'm just Lv.67 and E-4 is just a little bit trickier than 1-5. I just use line abreast all day everyday and my DDs are usually unharmed. If one of them get hit, I just repair them in the docks and sortie with another one. DDs are the cutest so I have a lot of them lying around.

>> No.12087537

Because Myoukou-class are cute.

>> No.12087548

Sorry, I'm level 100 and that fucking Super Wo node fucks my fleet hard.

>> No.12087549

Will the devs find it in their hearts to extend the event by just a few days? I only want Amatsukaze but I'm exhausted in resources.

>> No.12087551

you have over a week, that's plenty of time to clear e-3 from scratch

>> No.12087573

Who voice them? Usually it means other more important ships by the same VA requires new recordings, so they do it at the same time.

>> No.12087576

No, I never did get Tanikaze at that time. She becomes buildable in LSC after the Yom Kippur event but it wasn't until after the Falklands event that I managed to build her - too many NATO destroyers in the pool.

Note to past me: level up Ise and Hyuuga. Their DDH remodel allows them to use F-35Cs!

>> No.12087578


>> No.12087607

And another one just dropped from E-4. Fuck.

>> No.12087611

Would it be worth remodeling Akitsu Maru just to equip a 3rd utility boat?

>> No.12087618

Are radars or depth charges more useful for battle? Does equipping depth charges change sub fights much at all?

>> No.12087620

Why not? You want the asw choppers anyway.

>> No.12087622

Equip both for big bada boom.

>> No.12087623

Not really. They can throw those cannon shells to the water, anyway.

>> No.12087625

Thanks, should I stack depth charges or radars?

>> No.12087626

True, that's something I hadn't considered. I'll just equip the boats on Chiyoda instead.

>> No.12087627

1 DC on top, the rest should be sonars.

>> No.12087684
File: 673 KB, 837x1098, Kancolle - Day Battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that imgur in OP is your one-stop guide collection.

>> No.12087748

But that's old and incorrect now.

>> No.12087750
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Last one? Or is she still going to have a tiny sliver after this kill?

>> No.12087756

It's freshly baked from futaba.

>> No.12087757

That looks like a little less than 100% HP to me.

>> No.12087760

It's the same thing as our OP shit that not always up-to-date.

>> No.12087769
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Looks like one kill to me.

>> No.12087788
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>> No.12087800

Z, please make the viewer check for HP regained after a flagship uses a damecon to avoid retreating back to base.

>> No.12087801

Best Agano. Too bad she avoids eye contact with me in the HQ.

>> No.12087804

So at what rate does Akashi repair?

>> No.12087808

Read the wiki.

>> No.12087814

I'm asking the exact rate. Wikiwiki doesn't mention anything, neither does wikia.

>> No.12087821

Which map?

>> No.12087822


>> No.12087823

Do you see any stars there?

>> No.12087825

LSC basic

>> No.12087827


I wasn't aware stars equates to drops until now.

>> No.12087836

Now you know.

>> No.12087853

Rate depends on the ship getting repaired and level, so it's not fixed for every ship and works similarly to the repair docks. Minimum of 1 HP is repaired every 20 minutes.

>> No.12087879

I guess I have to wait for them to find the exact formula. If they can find formula for combat, that should not take long to study.

>> No.12087900

How to get a Tanikaze?

>> No.12087903

A=amount of HP repaired by Akashi per one tick, 1<=A<=4
B=amount of HP lost
C=dock repair time.

It's not exact formula but something very close based on my observations.

>> No.12087904

Sacrifice your first born.

>> No.12087907

C is in minutes, of course.

>> No.12087916


>> No.12087921 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12087967

>you send out a ship girl and get a random one from another admiral. Also you need to pay 1k of each resource
That sounds like the worst idea ever, everyone would just get rid of their shitty common DDs/CLs/CAs.

>> No.12087969

I know the pain.
Z3 - 70
Z1 - 70
Amatsukaze - 31
I wonder if my Amatsukaze will hit 99 before I get her.

>> No.12087993
File: 569 KB, 800x479, Wo why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when this happens.

>> No.12087996
File: 625 KB, 815x900, 1389348554207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>フタサンマルマル 提督は飲みすぎると…あら? うふふっ、寝顔はかわいいのね、うふふっ

Worth every piece of bauxite.

>> No.12088001

Kongou a shit.

>> No.12088014

That fucking line and little, muffled laugh. Just so damn cute

>> No.12088041

Someday... someday.

>> No.12088053

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK

I got a fucking perfect S in the fucking hime node, so of course everyone just had to ignore Wake-tan in the boss node. Including my supports. Who ignored every single fucking enemy in the support phase.

This fucking game.

>> No.12088059
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>> No.12088061

If the hime node goes too well then the run will automatically be a failure.

It's the law of Kancolle. If it's too good to be true, it is.

>> No.12088070

It's like gambler's fallacy is true and always in effect in Kancolle. I might as well go home and save myself the trouble if that hime miss both of her attacks.

>> No.12088073
File: 10 KB, 245x168, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally cleared E-5 guys!

>> No.12088074

I'm so sorry.

>> No.12088082
File: 714 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140502-15293517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hotel sure has shit service. 36 times I had to make a reservation before she showed up. To anyone out there who plans on using the Iona recipe, don't. 20 tries of 40/45/55/20/20 only gave a few Maruyus and a Kumano. It was the standard 40/60/60/20/20 that did the trick.

>> No.12088097

>40+ Taihou attempts lead to nothing
>give up for now, do a max resource build for lulz

The Law of Conservation of Luck at work. I actually shelved her for a bit because that resource usage freaked me out. The game knew - it fucking knew - that I didn't want her at that point.

>> No.12088109

wut? crafted yamato with holo background? seems photoshop to me.

>> No.12088110

Hello fellow anons, I have been farming E4 however, it was kinda annoying at the pre boss node with that WO kai/Ta BB that keeps criting 1 of my DD to red. Its not resource intensive but bucket wise, I ws wondering whats yr farming team for E4 just for reference! Thanks! I got Nagato, Abukuma, I-19, I-8, Zuihou, Mikuma and tanikaze so far. Plus which map is best to farm for Uzuki and hatsukaze?

>> No.12088115

E-4 - try using damcon.
You can get them in E-1.

>> No.12088116

They've changed the backdrop of crafting you ignorant faglord.

>> No.12088117

Oh boy, I did not know it's Pretend to be Wiki Retards happy hour right now. My favorite time!

>> No.12088120

E1 for Hatsukaze, Uzuki drops there from preboss nodes.

>> No.12088122 [DELETED] 

u fuckin lie it supose to hav blue background? o_o

>> No.12088123

That report button is there for a reason

>> No.12088129

E-5 F and G nodes, do they even have any branching rules?

>> No.12088133

I'm about 4 tries from finishing E-3, (been playing 6 months but never had time to actually play so still only HQ level 33),
Any tips for E-3 that weren't on the wiki?
Keep getting crit to red on the second to last node before the boss. (Node E)

>> No.12088139


>> No.12088141

Funny how wikia shitters can't even read the site they're from.

>> No.12088144

3CVs: always to F node
otherwise: random, high chance to go to the G node maybe

>> No.12088145

Welcome to one week ago.

>> No.12088150

Looks like the Wikia is starting to leak retards again.

>> No.12088179

That guy who mentioned that damage that would've sunk a ship getting reduced might be on to something.

I just had a green-T against the Hime while using line abreast, and she hit two of my carriers. They were reduced to orange, when by all means they should've been left with single digit HP. Gonna test it some more.

>> No.12088190 [DELETED] 


>> No.12088192


>> No.12088196

Nigga... You what?

>> No.12088197

RNG has a role in damage numbers as well, anon.

>> No.12088198

Are you retarded? If your ship is at full HP you will always get brought down to orange only if it's not a crit, no matter how much damage you take

>> No.12088201
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>> No.12088206

Anon pls
That's why my full HP Beaver 32/32 got hit for 31 damage by Wo Kai, right?

>> No.12088209

Because you got critted retard

>> No.12088211

Does green-T even matter vs the Hime? Assuming they have a firepower soft cap she has like 12 more firepower on green-T vs head on.

>> No.12088213

But I didn't, retard

>> No.12088217

Go try it again and tell me it doesn't show up as a crit

>> No.12088218

She can crit anyone to red even in disadv, no it doesn't really matter. With green T thogh, even ta can crit dangerously

>> No.12088221

I don't have to try it again to tell you that

>> No.12088226

It's already 2x in two days that I failed expedition because wrong ship type.
Maybe because the event.

>> No.12088230

No, it's because you're some faggot who is even incapable of writing english correctly.

>> No.12088234

It's English, retard.

>> No.12088241

One missing capitalization sure is on the same level as that shit Engrish

>> No.12088250

Just so you know, when writing in English, we end our sentences with a period. d00d.

>> No.12088255

Just so you know, there is having shit-tier English and simply being somewhat lazy.

>> No.12088263

>Trigger chance: Equally distributed, ~30% each (Single attack, Double attack and Cut-in attack).
so what's the last 10%

>> No.12088268

Miss? That would be 40% though at least.

>> No.12088273

I'm quite sure 33.333% is ~30%.

>> No.12088280

What part of ~ you don't understand? ±X% would be better?

>> No.12088290
File: 829 KB, 1062x636, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get a taihou /jp/

>> No.12088291

Not with 1 devmat

>> No.12088294

then i'll wait

>> No.12088302

I downloaded a Japanese Kancolle Bot.

After machine translating the readme, it can sortie and expedition automatically.

It has a UI and everything.

But I'm too Japanese illiterate to understand it.

Anyone interested in it?

Got it off some Japanese tor site.

>> No.12088304

Devmats are placebo. I got my hotel, big 7 and Taiho all with 1 devmats despite making far more craft attempts with 100 and 20.

>> No.12088307

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it can even run E5 automatically and know when to repair, etc.

>> No.12088308

> It has a UI
Now that's interesting. Coding language?

>> No.12088310

I'm going to assume c. It's a .exe file.

>> No.12088311

Looks like it's in Japanese

>> No.12088314

I sure hope it's not Ruby. I fucking hate Ruby.

>> No.12088317

Is there a place where I can look up which button is which? The guide in the Op doesn't have any and the third-party program in the wiki gives me a 404.

>> No.12088319
File: 309 KB, 1005x558, kantaibot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UI is pretty simple, looks like this.

If anyone is interested I can upload it or something.

>> No.12088320

Read the fucking wiki. Especially tutorials.

>> No.12088322

Please do.

>> No.12088324

I just find it laughable that you're trying to correct someone else when you yourself is making all these simple mistakes. I mean, it's alright to write lazily and in a retarded manner if you're not correcting anyone, but in your case you're just making yourself look hypocritical as HELL. d00d.

>> No.12088325

I get the feeling, that it compares BMP samples with the browser. Because there's a folder just filled with the eyes of each ship and random parts of the kancolle ui. for comparison, like the first part of each expedition.

That's the readme.

>> No.12088326


>> No.12088327

Please stop responding to shitposting

>> No.12088329

I would try it out on a fresh account or something first, in case of bans or something.

>> No.12088333

> クマ everywhere
I hate this.

>> No.12088334

That damned bug. I was on the verge of tears when the Hime hit Mucchan, who has 2 health remaining, for 3 damage. Of course she didn't sink since she entered the battle with orange health, but I wish they'd fix this damn bug already.

>> No.12088341

I have 100k+ resources for E5 left. Haven't attempted it.

But I don't have Taihou, or Hotels. Is it still possible to do this with. Nagatos + Kongous? Kaga/Akagi

>> No.12088344


>> No.12088347

I guess I can just rely on Supports too. Thanks.

>> No.12088354

So I just started E-3 and I have no more resources left.
Think I can finish it before the event ends? Will it be possible to complete E-4 too?

>> No.12088355

Yes E4 is cheap

>> No.12088359

Run Ex2 all day everyday to stockpile bucket, then go E-4 on last day of event.

>> No.12088361

I just started playing.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? It seems so boring.

>> No.12088363

Yes. You need 15k at most for E-3, and that's easy enough to accumulate in few days. E-4 might be tricky if you have no damecons or 100+buckets left. It requires 1k resources at most.

>> No.12088367

Nobody is forcing you to play the game if it's boring, you know. Just remain a filthy secondary, that's just fine position for the likes of you.

>> No.12088368

>What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Just collect girls and give them plenty of love

>> No.12088400

Leave this thread and go back to /a/ where you belong.

>> No.12088404
File: 542 KB, 795x475, Screenshot 2014-05-02 13.53.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12088441

Most expensive squeaky CL ever

>> No.12088449

Still the cutest boy in the Agano-class

>> No.12088452

Yup, I used lvl ~95 Mutsu, Nagato, Hiei, Kaga, lvl ~85 Shoukaku and Akagi.

Spent 20k/19k/14k/5k and 60 buckets on E-5, all sparkled, used support for first few runs but figured it was more waste of resources than anything with the Go Home Hime. So only used it for the last kill after that, even though I did sink Wake-tan most times when made it to her.

>> No.12088463
File: 594 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140502-08341650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to believe this, but Wo came and hit my Isuzu to red with no critical.

I thought it happened in a run before this, but wasn't 100% sure and didn't screenshot it. Both times were green T.

>> No.12088473

Why is he so cute for a boy?

>> No.12088507

So for those admirals who still have 200k+ resources what will you do? LSC binge or equipment crafting binge?

>> No.12088517

Stockpiling of course
Already completed the kantaidex except for 1slutty silver DD and have everything except for additional 46cm and S12A for support

>> No.12088534

Nothing. I already have everything I need so it's just bucket stockpiling and some 5-4 runs everyday.

>> No.12088549

I don't have 200k, just 80-110k, but I'll burn it all on Maruyuus so I will be bellow regen cap again. I stockpile only when there is event announced just to be safe, no need to waste resource regen now between events.

>> No.12088552

So I have my api link thing. Does that mean I don't need to log in anymore? Like I can go to some local library and put in the link and play without the VPN?

>> No.12088554

I'm taking advantage of hitting resource regeneration and now I'm training some kanmusus.

>> No.12088557

Sure. Why don't you test it by posting it here?

>> No.12088570


>> No.12088571

I'm in similar position as you albeit I have fewer resources and only 2 46cm.
Now I'm trying to craft more 46cm, but still no luck.
I think I won't make it in time for clearing E-5, because I could only play until tomorrow.

Yes, but be careful, because others could also login to your account if they got your API link.

>> No.12088576

Quick, change it, other people could also login into your account and doing nasty thing, like scrapping your ships.
There's some stories already, where their ships missing.

>> No.12088577

link works great no virus (:

>> No.12088579

Derek is that you?

>> No.12088581

Fishing for sight disabled once again, aren't you?

>> No.12088582

You got my hopes up there for a moment =(

>> No.12088583

he's not that stupid

>> No.12088584

Gullible Gulliver.

>> No.12088585

Yeah, it never gets old.

>> No.12088586
File: 399 KB, 900x818, 1399038854332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satsuki is futaba's new mascot.

>> No.12088588

because it's satsuki

>> No.12088590

So? How do I get great success?

>> No.12088596

>Im not stupid re

Ebin :^)

>> No.12088599

What formation should I do for the E-4 boss node? Just stick with line abreast?

>> No.12088602

19 drums with flagship sparkle=99,(9)% of great success.

>> No.12088604

Okay never mind Yuubari just 1-shot the boss woo

>> No.12088609

>Naka-chan, pawah appu~
My heart. Why I never bothered leveling her before? She's such a cutie.

>> No.12088611

Nakachan is lovely, too bad her k2 art is kinda meh.

>> No.12088617

> too bad her k2 art is kinda meh.
Bob just started improving back then though, he's getting better and better. Can't wait for eventual Shouhou kai2.

>> No.12088623

>Shouhou kai2

Now we are talking.

>> No.12088624

>CVLs getting kai2

I wish.

>> No.12088631

Okay... What is the best recipe for drums?

>> No.12088635

Chito Chiyo?

>> No.12088647

The only bob ships without kai2 right now are Sendai(who's getting kai2 next maintenance), Myoukou sisters(which are getting new lines next maintenance) and Shouhou. There is no way devs will not throw her some bones given how much they love bob.
And after Tone kai2s I just want more ships with his art, they are fucking amazing.
All 10, DD flagship. Be prepared to spend an hours crafting non-stop to get just 20, let alone 3 sets of 19.

>> No.12088653

Gothloli bar has been showing empty for a day now. Empty for a day now. For a day. Empty. A day. A whole day. Empty. Just. Just one more try. One more. Empty.

/jp/ pls send help

>> No.12088657

Put damekons
Send ships
Send support
No retreat

>> No.12088664

May complain on /jeypee/ magic be with you.

>> No.12088714
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140502-23390860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I need it.
1 whole fucking week and still no Tanikaze. I wonder if my .swf is corrupted and doesnt have Tanikaze.
Literally got multiple duplicates of each sub.

>> No.12088754

What formation do you guys use for preboss on E-5? I tried diamond and double line and the troll sub crits my hotel to red

>> No.12088770

Line ahead all day erry day.

>> No.12088779

/jp/, what is a good rate to compromise on for ex38 and ex21? I don't want to sparkle the entire thing because even then it fails to get great success pretty often. Does only flagship sparkle matter for drum expeditions? How many extra drums before I hit a harsh diminishing effect?

Inb4 stupid "read the wiki" comments because this sort of info isn't on the wiki.

>> No.12088784

Read the fucking >>12088602.

>> No.12088785

Lurk more
Read the thread.

>> No.12088788

Nobody did actual extensive tests for non-sparkled drum runs, I think.

>> No.12088807

I'm having problems doing damage to E3 boss, even if i use diamond formation and all green planes i can't get air superiority and my ships double attack won't trigger
any other options besides support fleet and sanshiki?

>> No.12088812

Read the fucking OP dipshit. It has an air superiority calculator.

>> No.12088814

Read and understand the wiki.

>> No.12088822


>> No.12088825

Then craft some you dipshit

>> No.12088833

Do you not fucking understand? Go and read the wiki since your post has made clear you have no fucking clue how air superiority works. Or formations, for that matter.

>> No.12088834

what part of i'm looking for other options do you not fucking understand? don't act smart if you can't even into comprehension you fucking nigger

>> No.12088837

go 6BB then

>> No.12088838

You don't have planes for E-3? How the fuck is that even possible? Even if you fill 4 slots with the second worst fighter you would still have enough FP since the game even fucking gives you a Reppu Kai for completing a babby-tier map.

>> No.12088846

it means i don't have enough green AA planes to hit the required FP you fucking idiots and aside from crafting more planes i'm looking for ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS

jesus fuck does no one speak english here

>> No.12088851

you still don't understand that there is no viable option aside of having planes to begin with, even with crappy 51.

Are you inept to the point you can't even craft or what?

>> No.12088852

Just commit sudoku already.

>> No.12088854

I'm asking you how the fuck your inventory is so goddamn shitty. You can't even get 4 of the second worst green planes? If you're so bad at this game then just scrap all your ships and kill yourself.

>> No.12088855

Let's go back to wiki, bro. They don't want us here.

>> No.12088857

10/10 bait because legit stupidity

>> No.12088860

I just started and I don't have enough resources dipshit

>> No.12088861
File: 21 KB, 205x275, pvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New age is here

>> No.12088865

Are you for real? you don't have enough resources to craft planes, but you have enough for sortie and repairs?

>> No.12088866

Looks like you've leaked from Wikia, return to whence you came turdlord.

>> No.12088867

How many Akashis are Lv1?

>> No.12088870

Then that's your own problem, the best alternative option is to get out of this board and kill yourself.

>> No.12088873

Then don't fucking expect to be able to steamroll through a goddamn event. Run without air superiority or face the reality that a player like you doesn't have what it takes to do the later event maps and that's supposed to happen.

>> No.12088874

I've fought them earlier so can't take a look.

>> No.12088877

i obviously can't do fucking both if it's limited can i fucktard, that's why i was asking for alternative options but fuckers like you only know how to spout read the wiki like a nigger instead of you know be fucking useful and try to give some alternative options

fuck off you turdshit, i've been here since before the /jp/ split

if you're not going to be fucking useful fuck off and stop replying

>> No.12088878

Why are you people replying to an obvious bait?

Jesus fuck /jp/ get your shit together.

>> No.12088879


>> No.12088880


truly the worst scum of the earth, you're so fucking useless

>> No.12088881

1/10 now

>> No.12088882

You forgot your epic smiley bro.

>> No.12088886

night time jp is full of fuckers, at least the morning people tend to be friendly and help out new players

all you fuckers do is circlejerk like a bunch of retards

>> No.12088887

It's called funposting, we're allowed to have fun, don't be raining on our parade.

>> No.12088891


Frig off!

>> No.12088892

Hey, I'll help out.

Seek therapy :^)

>> No.12088895

Calm down m8, being rude will make people not help you :^)

>> No.12088896

And you entitled fucktard can't read it seems.
We told you to craft and read the wiki, exactly because there is no other alternative.

You have 6 fucking days, nigger. Stop expecting a nicely ready answer to your problem. Do like everyone did: wait for more resources, craft and try again.

I repeat in case you didn't understand: no, there is no alternative. Get more resources, get planes, get superiority and beat E3.
You can't? Stay in your mediocrity then.

>> No.12088897

It's just, I had exactly 4 Lv1 Akashis earlier today. What a horrible sight it was. Kuso TTKs didn't even try leveling them to remodel.

>> No.12088900

>post detailing about looking for alternative options for having low FP
>retards post about reading the wiki for air superiority calculation
yea y-you too....

>> No.12088905

>post detailing about looking for alternative options for having low FP
waat. That guy complain he can't do shit to the boss because not enough planes despite diamond formation (because diamond formation will help you against the boss... oh wait!)

That's why we say: read the damn wiki.
If you read it, anyone would realize that there is no other viable option and that OP premise is faulty as fuck.

>> No.12088906

no you fuckers just said to read the fucking wiki, you said nothing about no other alternative, which you could've simply said nicely in the beginning but you didn't because you wanted lol meme

you act like a jackass and you call people entitled even though they're asking for help? don't expect a nice response

>> No.12088908

a simple "there's no other way than to craft more/better planes" would've sufficed but /jp/ just can't be nice can you

>> No.12088909

Can Akashi attack subs?

>> No.12088910

Because if you'd read the wiki, you'd know that... there was no alternative to more FP?

Logic, how does it work?

>> No.12088912

I suggest you use abreast formation if you don't have good planes and low FP in every node at the event map, works like charm for me.

>> No.12088914

nope. She can only attack with cannons. She doesn't even have ASW stats.

>> No.12088918

alternative options to getting more damage for the boss, not for winning air superiority because obviously i already stated i can't

jesus reading comprehension

>> No.12088924

It's not a meme, my mad jets. It's a refrain to keep people like you from asking about things that should be obvious.

>> No.12088926

Use support fleet then go diamond formation put your carriers in the flagship and 2nd slot.

>> No.12088927

And we read it, idiots, that's why no one suggested sanshikidan, since you already mentioned.

You failed to understand how FP worked by even mentioning diamond formation. Why expecting a nice answer when you can't even check yourself information already at everyone's disposal? I don't care in spoonfeeding people, but if you can't even do your own research a bit, and ask here like a lazy ass like you are, of course you aren't going to have pleasant answer, especially when you call people idiots when they simply tell you to do the natural thing: read the wiki. You were the one going on your high horses first.

Just get your damn green planes already.

>> No.12088930

Also make sure to have your main fleet sparkled, the better the sparkle the better your shipgirls(and support expeditions too!) will fight.

>> No.12088932

I'm sorry, I admit my mistake. My mind instinctively jumped to an at least quarter sensible question because it didn't believe that anyone could be as stupid as to ask people how to deal more damage.

>> No.12088939

reading comprehension still not there I see
I'm not asking about FP you fucktard

>> No.12088940

I'm asking if there's any other option to doing more damage to that specific boss besides the fucking obvious upgrade your equipment

it's a valid reason for asking but since every doesn't have reading comprehension I have to manually spell it out

>> No.12088948

Are you stupid? I'm not asking for the obvious, that's exactly why I'm asking for alternative options BESIDES THE OBVIOUS, must I really spell it out?

>> No.12088949

yo i dunno dude get a 6-destroyer fleet and stack torpedo launchers and pray you don't get hit until night battle

i mean you're asking for cheese strats how often do those work anyway

>> No.12088952

>asking for damage
>telling not having enough FP despite planes and formation

Since you still don't understand one bit:
*reading the wiki would make you realize that formation has nothing to do with FP
*reading the wiki would make you realize that diamond formation DECREASE your damage output.
*reading the wiki would make you realize there is nothing else aside sanshikidan and support

If there is anything else, would you really think it wouldn't be listed in the damn wiki?
Read the frigging combat page first at least.

Jesus fuck.

>> No.12088955

Anyway I think you really don't have any options Sorry for your lots

>> No.12088958

try posting your API on /a/, they at least can play this game.

>> No.12088965
File: 485 B, 18x18, Icon_Gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A + B + UP

or the Konami Code

You can always count on /jp/ to give you the scoop on secret tricks that no one else knows about to evade basic gameplay mechanics.

>> No.12088968

What a nice day to be on /jp/

>> No.12088971

see >>12088948
which was the whole point of the question, again reading comprehension

>> No.12088973

It's sunny here, I wish rain would be permanent and endless.

>> No.12088975

That is one of the worst 'strategies' I have ever seen. Even one hard node is enough to frustrate people when forced to use a DD fleet.

>> No.12088978

Your alternative is don't beat the boss. There isn't some secret formula that everyone is trying to hide from you; this is a very simple game. If you can't do it then don't do it.

>> No.12088980

(shhh don't tell him that ignore the fact that dds have comedically atrocious daytime damage output anyway)

>> No.12088984

So you expect alternative options?
Again read the wiki, I guess? I mean if you read the combat page, you would realize all the modifier are based on 1) formation 2) equipment 3) battle engagement

Wiki then list every other non battle mechanic that help in the fight.

So Jim, how do you expect any other alternative in there?

>> No.12088985

People should really take it easy. Instead of arguing they could be poking Sakawal.

>> No.12088988

i guess you could always farm upl like 6 midget subs and shove them all on light cruisers or whatever and pray all 6 hit all 6 crit

wouldn't count on it

>> No.12088992

Gotta work my way through E-4 first though

And then E-5 because I fucked up bucket farming fuck my life

>> No.12088993

You can't put midget subs on CL.

>> No.12088996

now was that so hard to say? a simple NO would've sufficed

reading comprehension lolololol :)

>> No.12088997

Did anyone here have any success with 5BB 1CV on E5? Even after arriving at the boss completely undamaged twice in a row and bringing god-tier support I couldn't kill her. Should I just keep trying until RNG throws me a bone?

>> No.12088998

oh yeah forgot about that

well idea still stands max out 6 of whoever equips those bam bam pray to werster

>> No.12089002

I'm using the standard now, by the way.

>> No.12089003

I finished all maps up to 3-3 and 4-4 using only Mutsukies with no damecons involved. It's easy, you just have to love your shipgirls and care about them. Shame I can't really do event maps because of LoS requirements, E1 and E2 can be done too I think.

>> No.12089005

Was it so hard to do a bit of critical thinking?

>> No.12089007

Stop replying to him.

>> No.12089008

>2-4 with all mutsukies
surely you have a screenshot of this, right?

>> No.12089009

do you know what help means?

>> No.12089015

I'm more interested in how he did 4-3.

>> No.12089021

Yeah it's one of the worst. Seriously, don't go advocating using only Mutsukies to clear hard maps by saying it's easy and all you need is love. No one is saying it is flat out impossible but it is an extremely ineffective way to do things. It might actually be impossible on event maps like E3 and E5 where you're required to sink a boss with extremely high armor and health.

>> No.12089025

Feels kinda nice, knowing all the negativity and stuff it's looking like E-5 will actually be a possibility for me. Sure as hell didn't see this coming. Thanks for the confidence boost jp!

>> No.12089028

You just made me feel depressed again. 40k steel left and less than half the bar gone. Hotels will be hotels.

>> No.12089035

Come back with your positivity when you've actually sunk the cunt for good.

>> No.12089036

NO HOTELS im gonna go kill myself

>> No.12089042
File: 1.27 MB, 1211x1200, 43186577_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodspeed you, TTK!

>> No.12089045

Guys, what if...
What if...
Musashi will have the same crafting % as Yamato, but you have to have Yamato as a flagship for her to appear?

>> No.12089046

I would send devs chocolate.

>> No.12089050

No big deal.

>> No.12089053

I'd actually be happy if that happened.
It'd also give some "progression" without ruining the BB LSC pool.

>> No.12089055

I regret using them. Maybe I'll change up with Kongous. I see people clearing with them after all, it's definitely possible for me too. Hotels are raping my what's left of my steel with every crit.

>> No.12089056

That actually would be pretty neat

>> No.12089060

>my what's left of my
Yeah, I can't even type properly now. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.

>> No.12089061

So she can't pop up while I craft for Bismarck? Excellent.

>> No.12089076
File: 991 KB, 908x1766, on a side note, I love this artists&#039;s pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're just chipping the gauge it is pretty good idea.

>> No.12089105
File: 246 KB, 848x956, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, toshiakis on futaba decide to all do LSC at once and some of them walked away with a Bismarck.

>> No.12089111

Maybe I should try that.

>> No.12089131

I'll try it with you.

>> No.12089135

1 week TTK. Just cleared E-1. Last run through Nagato goes 1st, kills flagship. Smooth clear.

>> No.12089139

1 week with Nagato you say.

I wonder if there's still people in the no-Nagato club.

>> No.12089144

Yes there are.

>> No.12089146

Fuck you, fuck me, fuck Nagato.

>> No.12089149

You can fuck him, you can fuck yourself but don't fuck her please.

>> No.12089150

Actually got Nagato day 2 from a normal battleship recipe.

>> No.12089155

I hope you're dying from resource starvation.

>> No.12089158

I've been trying to get her for a while, to no avail. I have all of the fast battleships including Bismarck and every single carrier in the game right now, but I don't have Nagato or even Mutsu.
