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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12078285 No.12078285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ban me if you want, but this shit is getting out of hand.

>> No.12078285,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12078291

Wasn't there a board where you could bitch and moan about moderation and stuff? I was going to link you to it but I can't even find it.

>> No.12078291,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where did you want me to stick it?

>> No.12078302
File: 15 KB, 874x88, banevasion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can they tell this is ban evasion?

>> No.12078307

I know the janitor's a complete psychopathic cunt. He deletes everything.

>> No.12078309
File: 61 KB, 637x548, 1387137099936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ 5 - Not Kancolle, /c/-tier imagedump, Korean MMO thread, teathread, or idolshit

>> No.12078309,1 [INTERNAL] 

>this shit is getting out of hand

True, but at least we can see someone's trying to fix it.

>> No.12078309,2 [INTERNAL] 

kigmod is making his position clear - he may not no life /jp/ 24/7 like saegrimr did but he fully supports his vision for an /a/ friendly, general thread only /jp/

how silly of me to think that maybe he would see sense and chill out on the crazy bans

>> No.12078309,3 [INTERNAL] 

The bans are all for /a/-quality posts.

Well, except the ones for /b/-quality posts.

>> No.12078309,4 [INTERNAL] 

Come to IRC please

>> No.12078309,5 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you kigfreak
you think you're going to outlast the long list of autismos who died to the /jp/ freedom force? don't bother trying to apologise as you've already crossed a line. your days are numbered

>> No.12078309,6 [INTERNAL] 

Keep up the good work.

>> No.12078309,7 [INTERNAL] 

I survived 2011 and 2012, I'm immune to your shit. To your current pathetic attempts in particular.

>> No.12078309,8 [INTERNAL] 

but not 2013. you some kind of ghost? [i]2spooky

>> No.12078309,9 [INTERNAL] 

>/a/-quality posts.
>/b/-quality posts.
To begin with, I made only 1 post in that thread(>>12076232). I got a ban for ``ban evasion'' despite the fact I didn't make anything other than complaining.
Moreover, I want an explaination for this shit. Note the trashcans inside of those threads meaning that mod/janny is leaving those threads on purpose.

>> No.12078309,10 [INTERNAL] 

>janny is leaving those threads on purpose
oldest trick in the book

>> No.12078309,11 [INTERNAL] 

You should appeal the ban like >>12074847_1 did and rek kigfag

>> No.12078309,12 [INTERNAL] 

Are you complaining that I did not mention your warosu-quality posts? Sorry, there weren't any among the public bans. If you thought I meant to imply you're irrelevant... well, I won't contend that, you are irrelevant.

Or are you complaining about deletions themselves? You must be brain damaged if you honestly don't understand why either of those posts got removed. Your mental deficiencies must make you really easy to recognize.

>> No.12078309,13 [INTERNAL] 

he's mad that he got 30 days instead of 3 days

not that he, or anyone else here, has the intention of sitting out of any of it

>> No.12078309,14 [INTERNAL] 

so, janny uses retarded and kig freak uses brain damaged?

Is developed vocabullary a requirement to be promoted from janny to nanny?

>> No.12078309,15 [INTERNAL] 

I'm angry because this turd straight from /a/ bans me and leaves unironic greentexting threads.

>> No.12078309,16 [INTERNAL] 

i hope he keeps up the splendid work

>> No.12078309,17 [INTERNAL] 

Your irony levels are too low. Try a bit harder.

>> No.12078309,18 [INTERNAL] 

i unironically think you are an awful poster and that the mod has done a splendid job by repeatedly banning your dumb ass from /jp/ to the point where you have to come to warosu and cry about it

>> No.12078309,19 [INTERNAL] 

>straight from /a/

What a splendid example of what psychology calls a projection.

>> No.12078309,20 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw when kigmod is too busy posting in all of the generals to check /jp/ and only works the report queue twice a day


>> No.12078309,21 [INTERNAL] 

Psychology isn't a person; it doesn't "call" anything anything.

>> No.12078309,22 [INTERNAL] 

>psychology calls

Why would anyone care about that bullshitty branch of "science"?

>> No.12078309,23 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently the medical field all over the world cares about it.

Who are you again?

>> No.12078309,24 [INTERNAL] 

Excuse me where did all these janny-mod supporters crawl out of? I refuse to believe they are seasoned /jp/W posters because that would imply they have the personality of a battered wife who breaks up with her violent husband only to go back on the prowl for men just like her ex.

>> No.12078309,25 [INTERNAL] 

>battered wife who breaks up with her violent husband only to go back on the prowl for men just like her ex.
this is all /jp/ posters

>> No.12078309,26 [INTERNAL] 

Wait so you are saying I've been hanging out in the wrong place for the last 5 years and should have instead made a steam account, add friends indiscriminately, join a ton of groups to better bring across to strangers what personality mold I fit in, then make a twitter where I say random nothings all day while posting danbooru pictures on my tumblr?

>> No.12078309,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12078309,28 [INTERNAL] 

Calm down, they're being ironic
Every once in a while we get a janny in here who starts pulling his batshit PR campaign. There are only a couple of real janny supporters that show up here but they prefer to live inside their generals.

>> No.12078309,29 [INTERNAL] 

"Garbage outside of /b/"
Classic. That's even more vague than "Otaku culture only".

>> No.12078309,30 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when /jp/ had good mods?

Yeah, me neither.

>> No.12078309,31 [INTERNAL] 

Any reason why the staff considers train generals to be otaku culture but dakimakuras not to be?

>> No.12078309,32 [INTERNAL] 

Because there's no train board, but clearly a dakimakura board.

>> No.12078309,33 [INTERNAL] 

No train board huh? News to me.

>> No.12078309,34 [INTERNAL] 

Yes I'm awful poster by telling retards not to write like brain-damaged 15-years olds. If you like greentext so much, then why won't you go to /a/ or /v/?

>> No.12078309,35 [INTERNAL] 

back in 2010 when the greatest threat to /jp/ was greentexting /v/ kiddies it might have made sense to join jones on his who are you quoting crusade

but these days if you give a shit you're probably from /a/ or /v/ i can't imagine anybody still giving a shit about it after living through N years of /jp/ hell

greentext isn't even a drop in the bottom of /jp/'s shit bucket

you should have quit hanging out with retards and enjoyed shit on your own terms instead of hanging around communities for social addicts like 4chan

>> No.12078309,36 [INTERNAL] 

Jus what a /a/ kid would say.

>> No.12078309,37 [INTERNAL] 

What's the greatest threats now according to you? I wish to know your opinion.

>i can't imagine anybody still giving a shit about it after living through N years of /jp/ hell
I guess I still do, more or less. Too bad for me.

>> No.12078309,38 [INTERNAL] 

autistic attention whores and fucking morons

>> No.12078309,39 [INTERNAL] 

So the greatest threat for /jp/ is 4chan staff. Gotcha.

>> No.12078309,40 [INTERNAL] 

I have employed a trope that the literary theory calls an antropomorphization.

/jp/. No matter how much you /a/b/v/ rejects infest it with your shitposting, Warosu is still primarily our board's archive.

That's precisely what would suit you best, judging from what you do here and what you want to do on /jp/.

Sure thing, leejun. Don't worry, you're not alone, all those posts that you wrote to yourself agree with you.

That's not what you did, though. You (unsuccessfully attempted to) shat up a random thread because you didn't like its subject matter. If you like shitposting so much, why won't you go to /b/?

>> No.12078309,41 [INTERNAL] 

The vague shit that you retards worried about in the past is no longer the vague shit that we should be worrying about. There is other vague shit now, rising and trying to take over /jp/ from the hands of brilliant otaku culture posters. This new threat, namely, is this vague shit I am telling you about, which you cannot argue being the same vague shit from the past with a different name because it's obvious from your retarded discourse that you simply don't have the mental tools necessary to argue with someone of my intellect. Now get your retarded ass off my board. Wait, where's the mute button?

>> No.12078309,42 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to inform the kigfreak that he should concentrate on idolshit gen, since it's 100 times worse. Then I found out I'm actually a ban-evading shitposting iluminati. And for your info, I haven't touched /a/b/v/ for years, so please don't pull info about me out of your dirty anus.

>> No.12078309,43 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit is it even possible to have an offboarder stench stronger than this?

>> No.12078309,44 [INTERNAL] 

>Then I found out I'm actually a ban-evading shitposting iluminati.
about time

>I haven't touched /a/b/v/ for years, so please don't pull info about me out of your dirty anus.
you're homegrown /jp/ shit congratulations

>> No.12078309,45 [INTERNAL] 

Wait a second, lay this out for me. Are we supposed to be ``ban-evading retards'' or are we all ``/a/b/v/ rejects''? I've been reading this whole exchange since the start and now I (and saegrimr and his nanny apparently) have no idea who we're supposed to be. I didn't expect Warosu to be the catalyst of an identity crisis.

>> No.12078309,46 [INTERNAL] 

ban evading retards who moved into /jp/ a few years ago and have been making it your shitheap ever since

>> No.12078309,47 [INTERNAL] 

Us oldfags, right? We wait out all our bans patiently.

>> No.12078309,48 [INTERNAL] 

>jannies and mods get outed
>for the next couple of days, do close to nothing to moderate the boards above the absolutely necessary
>focus on damage controlling the shit out of the archives
>shill all over the archives with speculation about the whole teams being changed and things being so much better now
>dust settles
>go back to treating the boards as their playgrounds
>continue shilling about moderation being amazing

You realize your words become hollow the moment you switch back to your old habits, right smegmir?

>> No.12078309,49 [INTERNAL] 

Janishit is too retarded to use capital letters and interpunction. Fix it.

I'm not a ban evader and yet I'm a ban evader. Explain it janishit.

>you're homegrown /jp/ shit congratulations

>> No.12078309,50 [INTERNAL] 

You don't play galge. You don't read light novels. You don't know Japanese. You don't like otaku culture at all. What you DO like is posturing and being autistic by fighting an invisible legion of sh*tposters that mostly exists in your mind. Now get the F*CK out of /jp/ and let the actual otaku culture posters (like me) decide what we want out of the board for ourselves. No one needs you peddling your aspie philosophies on imageboard culture here.

>> No.12078309,51 [INTERNAL] 

You realize your words become hollow when you write a green text story, right?

>> No.12078309,52 [INTERNAL] 

Is this what they call ironic shitposting?

>> No.12078309,53 [INTERNAL] 

You tell me, faglord. Seems like you're the expert here.

>> No.12078309,54 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor has no caliber to win an argument with people he argues with in /jp/, where he gives them 15 minute mutes so he has breathing room to think, yet he comes to Warosu to try to talk his twisted brand of sense to people in real time?

I don't know what he's smoking but I'm happy I can rapid-fire fifty images with josh hidden all over them in various touhou imagedump threads without a mute in-between.

>> No.12078309,55 [INTERNAL] 

lol you think I'm the same person

>> No.12078309,56 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm not a ban evader
i've never heard a more blatant lie in my life

>Explain it janishit
see above

>> No.12078309,57 [INTERNAL] 

That's why I called you a reject. The regular shitters who were at least capable of following the lower standards of other boards already went back there. Only you vitriolic dumbasses hang around warosu, because just like you got expunged from /jp/, you got/would get expunged from everywhere else you went.

I think you wanted to tell all that to that person who tried to shit up a random thread by complaining about greentext in a completely different thread.

>> No.12078309,58 [INTERNAL] 

>back in 2010 when the greatest threat to /jp/ was greentexting /v/ kiddies it might have made sense to join jones on his who are you quoting crusade
>but these days if you give a shit you're probably from /a/ or /v/ i can't imagine anybody still giving a shit about it after living through N years of /jp/ hell

>complains about greentexting 16 posts later

Are you a bipolar paranoid-schizophrenic or did you come from /a/ or /v/?

>> No.12078309,59 [INTERNAL] 

I don't, you f*cking cum-guzzling dipsh*t. You made an ironic (I hope) sh*tpost, so I ironically called you an expert on ironic sh*tposting since you were trying to make it seem like you were ironic sh*tposting even though your intention in doing so wasn't ironic. How did you let that fly clean over your head?

>> No.12078309,60 [INTERNAL] 

>Are you a bipolar paranoid-schizophrenic or did you come from /a/ or /v/?
i hate to break it to you but more than one person posts on warosu

>> No.12078309,61 [INTERNAL] 

So, what was the last thing you enjoyed from /jp/?

>> No.12078309,62 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody wants to see greentexting, we just don't use it as an excuse to post even more shit like the warosu idiots.

>> No.12078309,63 [INTERNAL] 

>bawww you type wrong why dont you type like me

THIS is your concern? this is what ticks you off? lol fucking autist ahahaha

just... just pathetic

>> No.12078309,64 [INTERNAL] 

Notice his exchange in >>12078309,44

He uses whatever literary trickery his shrivelled brain can muster but takes at face value every trickery and stylistic liberty of your own. You have to talk with small letters and be really literal so his brain can keep up with your argument. Big effort for little payoff, because he'll just call you a retard, a shitposter or a combination of both.

>> No.12078309,65 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12078309,66 [INTERNAL] 

sometimes you hae to call a spade a spade

>> No.12078309,67 [INTERNAL] 

Are you still being ironic?

>> No.12078309,68 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks Kenny Loggins.

>> No.12078309,69 [INTERNAL] 

le trevor face

>> No.12078309,70 [INTERNAL] 

You are supposed to use factual arguments silly.

I merely wanted to direct kigmods attention to the general full of greentexting, because reports didn't work. I didn't mind that thread and I wasn't planning to shit it up. But I guess mod from /a/ knows better who's making [i]low quality posts.

>> No.12078309,71 [INTERNAL] 

Talk about autism.

>> No.12078309,72 [INTERNAL] 

I was never being ironic.

>> No.12078309,73 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12078309,74 [INTERNAL] 

And in your case it's whenever it is convenient to you, so you can shift the point of the discussion away from the real subject, because you know you're not in the right. You try to convince people you are not out to change the board to fit your personal vision but you can't even succeed at convincing yourself.

>> No.12078309,75 [INTERNAL] 

>You are supposed to use factual arguments silly.
sorry i can't hear you over the sound of your ban evasion

did you know that there is method of informing mods that doesn't involve shitting up random threads

of course you did

you just don't care

>> No.12078309,76 [INTERNAL] 

my ideal vision is of a /jp/ devoid of brain-damaged, retarded shitposters like you

god bless whatever mod decided that 4chan should take /jp/ back from the warosu shitposting cabal

>> No.12078309,77 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry I can't hear you over your /a/ memes.

>> No.12078309,78 [INTERNAL] 

you should probably get your hearing checked

also we're communicating through text i don't see how your hearing or lack thereof matters one bit

>> No.12078309,79 [INTERNAL] 

>I was banned for ban evasion. I wasn't even banned. How do you explain this?
<You're a retarded shitposter
>That's besides the point. How can mods or janitors for that matter just ban people like this when I can prove I'm not evading?
<Mods are never wrong
>Yet here I am, banned for ban evasion
<Because you evaded a ban
>Give me proof
<You're banned for ban evasion

>> No.12078309,80 [INTERNAL] 

>ban evasion
U wor m8? XD

>> No.12078309,81 [INTERNAL] 

nah u sud

>> No.12078309,82 [INTERNAL] 

no ur mother is teh wor

do you believe everything that people tell you on the internet

>> No.12078309,83 [INTERNAL] 

Between low quality and outright destructive, the latter takes priority. It's common sense.

And you don't plan to shit up threads, you say? It just comes naturally?

>> No.12078309,84 [INTERNAL] 

Man I love memes.

>> No.12078309,85 [INTERNAL] 

>I can prove I'm not evading
top kek

>> No.12078309,86 [INTERNAL] 

Do you believe everything mods on a site tell you?

>> No.12078309,87 [INTERNAL] 

the notion that there are people posting in warosu right now and not evading is pretty far out there

>> No.12078309,88 [INTERNAL] 

Does this queer actually think anyone waits out a ban?

>> No.12078309,89 [INTERNAL] 

>sorry i can't hear you over the sound of your ban evasion
That's not an argument.

>of course you did
>you just don't care
Not a single deletion in this shitty gen other than 2 car or something pics, despite my reports. Which means that staff ignored them. Tell me why.

>> No.12078309,90 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt janitors/mods even come here
Even they wouldn't be so masochistic as to want to get destroyed in every argument they take part in

A sense of logic isn't part of the staff requirements

>> No.12078309,91 [INTERNAL] 

somebody claimed that he successfully appealed a ban, meaning that he sat it out for three days (but he was probably shitposting from another computer in the meantime)

>Which means that staff ignored them. Tell me why.
you have been flagged as a ban evading shitposter and your reports do not appear in the queue

or your reports were just ignored for being retarded

or they were too low in the queue

>> No.12078309,92 [INTERNAL] 

If he's evading then they don't know it's him unless he's using the same images when he posts.

>> No.12078309,93 [INTERNAL] 

maybe there are TWO shitposting retards who make retarded shitposts of the exact same variety, who both live in nowhere ohio and have the same ISP

but probably not

>> No.12078309,94 [INTERNAL] 

Quick summary for you sweetie:
1. I didn't make any posts for days on /jp/, so I couldn't get banned for anything.
2. I reported some low quality posts in idolshit. I guess I was PISSed then.
3. Kigfreak deletes posts across the board. Idolshit is left.
4. Few hours later I post in that avatar making thread. I get banned for ban evasion. Idolshit stands as it stood.
Explain both left reports and ban evasion ban.

>> No.12078309,95 [INTERNAL] 

You want md to believe there is a mod out there that just goes through threads looking for vaguely similar IPs because they might be the same person?

>> No.12078309,96 [INTERNAL] 

probably they have a list of netranges where horrible shitposters live pinned up somewhere

you are lying through your teeth

>> No.12078309,97 [INTERNAL] 

you know that mods can look for IPs that are in the same range right?

>> No.12078309,98 [INTERNAL] 

If that was true the entire greater LA area would be range banned.

>> No.12078309,99 [INTERNAL] 

You are bad at being a janishill. Come on, try a bit harder.

>> No.12078309,100 [INTERNAL] 

from my IP address you can pin me down with far greater accuracy than the greater metropolitan area in which i live, my ISP has put me into a particular pool specific to the area in which i live

you're not actually range banned, you're probably checked against the list on when it's time to receive your ban

if you were a blissfully unaware unironic 2huposter your post wouldn't come up in the janny-baiting ban queue and they would never have cause to check your IP against the list of horrible shitposters ISPs

>> No.12078309,101 [INTERNAL] 

It can be automated.

>> No.12078309,102 [INTERNAL] 

>I didn't make any posts for days on /jp/

So, basically, complaining about moderation is literally all you did there. Thanks for your wonderful contributions (but no thanks).

>> No.12078309,103 [INTERNAL] 

I'm always evading bans. After 2012 I realized that the rules were out the window and it was janny's playground so I stopped caring.

I only get banned for evasion around 1/3 of the time. Almost every time I joshpost is an evasion ban.

I live in bumfuck nowhere so I doubt there are many /jp/sies around here.

>> No.12078309,104 [INTERNAL] 

Don't talk shit about Ohio!

>> No.12078309,105 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12078309,106 [INTERNAL] 

Oh... u mad? U madlibs, son?

>> No.12078309,107 [INTERNAL] 

lmao janny is mad

>> No.12078309,108 [INTERNAL] 

It took you about one hundred posts to realize this?

>> No.12078309,109 [INTERNAL] 

heh. that told them retards ;)
