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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12068352 No.12068352 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Pairings that you hate

>> No.12068355
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you mean all?
2hu pairings aren't even a real thing

>> No.12068390


>> No.12068422 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12068433

Old and busted. Worst forced meme of 2013. And it's not even /jp/ original.

>> No.12068433,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12068474
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>> No.12068483
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Weeaboo level : Max.

>> No.12068516
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Yuugi x Parsee supporters and go FUCK themselves.

WORST pairing and not CANON.

>> No.12068517

I agree 100%

>> No.12068570
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>> No.12068590

Like most of the touhou's personalities.

>> No.12068590,1 [INTERNAL] 

WTF are those 2 ugly faggots

>> No.12068590,2 [INTERNAL] 

which 2hus are these?

>> No.12069481


>2hu pairings aren't even a real thing

The characters are literally paired IN GAME.

Some games you HAVE to pick TWO CHARACTERS.


>> No.12069484


Does ZUN speak english? moot is a normalfag who probably hasn't even heard of touhou. He just thought 'if I take a picture with this japanese man it will make me famous on /jp/'

>> No.12069492

yeh I bet that's his goal in life, being famous on /jp/

>> No.12069495

Maybe that's why he gave us a shout-out at AWA.
He knew all the /jp/ers were there and wanted to meet up with some

>> No.12069497

>all the /jp/ers
so like, 5 people

>> No.12069500

I liked Code Geass and even listened goth, when do I get a Kuroneko?

>> No.12069503


It is. He often posts on /jp/, and threatens to remove the board when we don't give him enough attention, now he is using ZUN as emotional blackmail. If you are moot, you have much to answer for.

>> No.12069505

when you become the protagonist of a harem anime

>> No.12069508

Then go for imouto? Fuck no.

>> No.12069509
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even the jewgolds cant soothe the thirst for attention

>> No.12069514

what if imouto is kuroneko

>> No.12069519

But fucking your sister is wrong!

>> No.12069525
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>> No.12070248

Any Marisa pairing.

>> No.12070258
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>> No.12070269

anything involving alice or rinnosuke

>> No.12070374
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Kagerou and wakasagihime.
They both appear in previously known areas, the lake and the bamboo forest.
They have no reason to ever meet.
Wakasagihime has enough reason to meet Cirno or other fairies, Kagerou has enough reason to meet the Eientei crew.
But what happens? They get paired.
This is Yuugi and Parsee; Hina and Nitori all over again. I hate fandom when it comes to stage 2 and 3.

>> No.12071443

>Kagerou and wakasagihime.
>They both appear in previously known areas, the lake and the bamboo forest.
>They have no reason to ever meet.

I believe that Kagerou says something about talking with her through the grass youkai network.

>> No.12071652

Fugg you man

>> No.12071661
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Worst pairing

>> No.12071682

>>12069481 does have a point.
Which annoys me a bit.

>> No.12071749

>Pairings you hate
All yurishit.

>> No.12071827

I really agree to you

>> No.12072534


that was the only hentai i liked the art and plot to

>> No.12076235
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Any popular yuri pairing really (or yuri pairings in general), especially sakumei shits and MariAli shits. ReisenxYoumu is dumb as shit. KeinexMokou is just terrible. YuukaxWriggle is as disgusting as a pile of worms. I just don't want to imagine Yuuka being a freaking pedophile.

ParseexYuugi is also annoying as hell. It has the credit of being the most forced pairing ever.
I think everyone already knows why this pairing is objectively the shittiest. There's no arguing it.
ReimuxMari is just boring.
RemiliaxSakuya is just an eyesore. I'm tired of looking at it.
ByakurenxMiko is also fucking stupid and every time it shows up, the artist makes Byakuren and Miko act out of character. What is even the fucking point? It's like MariAli levels of trying too hard but worse. It's like shit shitting out shit.

MurasaxIchirin is probably the second most horrible forced pairing to ever be forced. It should be a fucking war crime to pair them up. I mean, there's nothing at all. NOTHING. There's no good reason to pair them up. Unless of course you think being in the same group counts, but then you might as well be pairing them up with the other members. What baffles me is that it's more popular than UnzanxIchirin which is more canon, cuter, and makes more sense than MurasaxIchirin. What is wrong with these people? I cannot comprehend how people like that can be so ignorant that they ignore the most obvious pairing. It's so fucking stupid that it makes me want to cry.
It's almost as bad as ParseexYuugi. Do these yurifucking pieces of shit have no shame at all? They just pair them up just because they're fucking girls. It's a damned atrocity.

What I'm saying is yurishit is awful.

>> No.12076239

you and your mom

>> No.12076244

Sorry, but no rant about yuri is complete if you don't mention YukaRei and PachuMari even once.

>> No.12076275


Haven't seen this pasta before

>> No.12076276

What I'd give to come home from work greeted by my chuuni cutie pie and her adorable little sisters.

>> No.12076277
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Oh yeah, those two are pretty awful. Especially PatchuMari. It's just so degrading for Patchy and the setup is boringly predictable.

MariFlan is also objectively the 2nd worst Marisa pairing just behind MariAli. I don't think I need to explain it. Marisa avoids Flandre, she doesn't give a shit about her yet it's one of the more popular Flan pairings. My head hurts just thinking about how people act so ignorant to such a blatant fact.

>> No.12076285


>> No.12076287

>ParseexYuugi is also annoying as hell.
Not a fan, but I can understand where people are coming from on that one. Parsee is literally from a race of spurned suitors, and her primary ability involves emotions.

Yuugi, on the other hand, is an oni, which are typically thought of as males and known for being brash and reckless.

Essentially, right down to the core of their characters, Yuugi is very masculine, and Parsee is very feminine. Plus they're one after another in the same game, bada bing, bada boom.

>> No.12076288

He's just living all /jp/'s dreams for us. moot is a cool guy.

>> No.12076306

I like it. But I don't really "support" it.

>> No.12076310

KosuzuxAkyuu is the best pairing

>> No.12076452
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I feel the EXACT same way regarding MariFlan, except I hate it the most of all pairings. I feel bad for Flandre because of this, the only way it could even remotely work is if it was completely one sided and the reality is...neither Marisa or Reimu give a single solitary shit about the poor girl.
