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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12070456 No.12070456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My mom decided to help me stop being a NEET, and knowing I'm too scared to leave the house, she visited the nearest community college to sign me up and also sent my resume to some friends of the family. Once I got the job and classes were about to begin, she made a schedule for me and taped it to my bedroom door. I told her there must be some kind of mistake, because I was supposed to wake up at 6 and I wouldn't get home until 9 pm.. She claimed there was no mistake, and when I told her it's going to be too tiring, she answered "You've had enough time off"

>> No.12070466

Nice blog dude, how can I follow you?

>> No.12070468

Where do you live?
I will come rescue you.

>> No.12070469

That's quite the fascinating story.

>> No.12070497
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I sure am glad my mom lets me be NEET. All I do is stay in my room and play eroge. I have been practicing my japanese alot though with the hope maybe I can move there one day. At this point, it's like deciding between a one-way ticket to japan or the graveyard so I'm studying extra hard.

>> No.12070498

See ya space cowboy ;_;7

>> No.12070505
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If you are in a nice western European country, section yourself. You'll get free food, a warm bed and internet access. Tell the doctors that your mom makes you anxious and they will arrange for you to live by yourself with autismbux. If you're in America, fuck knows.

>> No.12070512

sucks for you, why dont you grow a pair and tell her to piss off?

>> No.12070515

Because that's rude. He might be depending on her/the family too. Would you want a /jp/sie out in the cold by himself? I wouldn't.

>> No.12070518

It all goes downhill from here, OP. They'll eventually expect more from you as time goes on.
I wish I could refuse but I can't survive on the streets.

>> No.12070520

Join the army.

>> No.12070526
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Disregard this post, it is not sound advice.

>> No.12070529

Does anyone have any questions relating to autismbux in the UK? I'll answer any serious questions.

>> No.12070535

My mother signed me up for community college without telling me until the day before and I failed everything. Sure showed her.

>> No.12070541

Is this possible in the Netherlands? Can I be a Dutch NEET? Are the Dutch as xenophobic as the Japanese or has geertie mislead me?

>> No.12070542

I only came for the Homu. Study and get a job OP.

>> No.12070545


If you're Dutch, go for it.

>> No.12070551

I'm not Dutch, I just want to live somewhere with lax enforcement on drug laws. Maybe I can get a cute Dutch gf.

>> No.12070556

I don't know if you're trolling OP but I'm sorry. I wish I could help you, but honestly I'm in the same situation, thankfully my mom is letting me live the life but I'll eventually be forced to work.

>> No.12070556,1 [INTERNAL] 

What you need to do OP is become a master squatter. Hitch a ride to someplace that doesn't get too cold in the winter and go freegan. My brother has been doing this for 5 years and he apparently is pretty happy. He has a weab gf and they live in a rooftop garden of an abandoned building.

>> No.12070562

Why don't you make a Uncle Remus style guide for brits, like:
Methods to get on the bux
do you need monthly checkups or need to prove you are searching for work?
amount per month
is it cash, check, direct deposit, plastic preloaded card?
other benefits, like foodstamps or discounted housing

that stuff.

>> No.12070563

You'll thank her for this one day.

>> No.12070569

explain how.

>> No.12070572


I have written a guide but I've decided against uploading it because it would probably be used for evil instead of good.

>> No.12070576

They're having a crackdown on disability benefits. Atos (the firm contracted to find savings from real or perceived fakers) is kicking ass.

>> No.12070577

You're being helped to function in the world on your own.

>> No.12070580

Grats dude you're now a normalfag
Start up a tumblr/twitter and chat it up with the other norms on /jp/.

>> No.12070581

Whats stopping people from making withdrawals and putting the cash in a box under their beds?

>> No.12070590
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>Atos kicking ass

Holy fucking shit, I'm laughing so much my sides are in absolute fucking orbit. Ebin post dude, I haven't laughed this much since my neighbours cat died. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.12070593

I'm sorry you think that way, even if it doesn't apply to me as I don't reside in the US. What a normalfag mentality to have. You're not responsible for the actions of someone who follows your guide, and if it it helps one /jp/er to take it easy, its worth it.

If OP is not bsing, which I suspect he is, thats still the equivalent of a 15 hour work day. I work 12 hour shift frequently and it leaves me too exhausted to function outside of work. So for someone just entering schooling/workforce its an absurd schedule.

what the fuck do any of you all here know about hard work anyways? or what sacrifice means. fucking kids. you dont know anything.

>> No.12070595

meant I dont live in UK

>> No.12070598

You can try to slip by big brother. But big brother has an easier job nailing middle class and below frauds because they're often easier to identify (dumber schemes because they don't have fancy accountants) and catch (no elite lawyers because poor).

>> No.12070600

>I work 12 hour shift frequently
Why do you do this?

>> No.12070610
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I made a poor decision with my life.

>> No.12070611


The guide is written for /jp/s in need. However there is a lot of fucking scum out there that would abuse the information in it. It tells you how the assesments work and how to pass them. It even gives away the exact descriptors used by Atos, it really is lethal information for the UK government.

>> No.12070612

Yeah suck shit normalfag

>> No.12070614

Release it, then. Teach the bourgeois a lesson

>> No.12070621

just post it pussy, I doubt chavs or what the fuck ever you call those street urchins will find it here. or maybe on a more neet centric board like tohno's or /n/?

>> No.12070622

Then you also probably know Atos is operating with targets tacitly condoned by the administration as much as they try to deny it. In other words, legitmate pass/fail can be irrelevant in the face of regional rejection/revocation numbers.

>> No.12070639

wtf do you need s guide for?

1. Tell people you see and hear things they don't
2. Make some superficial cuts to your neck and wander around outside

The govt will do backflips to make sure you stay off the street.

>> No.12070641

Man, I wish tohno-chan was more active.

And why are you on such a high horse?

>> No.12070643


I have no intention to do such a thing. Normies are stupid and greedy, they will take what they can without thinking of the consequences. If everybody gets autismbux then eventually there will be none left for me and I will have to get a job.


Not a bad idea.


I have also included a section on the appeals process.

>> No.12070643,1 [INTERNAL] 

Am I reading this right? Does this fag literally wish tohno-chan was more active? Holy sh*t.

>> No.12070669

The plural is quite right. Since they don't want many successful appeals either. Tire them out, bankrupt and break them.

I'm all for cutting the amount spent on those benefits like you are.

>> No.12070669,1 [INTERNAL] 

He's probably a fat, passive gaylord who to plant tomatoes and sundries them to the butthole consistency that matches his, LMAO

>> No.12070683


The majority of appeals are sucessful though. Appeals are not decided by the goverment, they are decided indepently by a tribunal. This is one of the reasons why the current system fails. Randomly refusing people and forcing them to go to appeal, costs more than it saves. Both Atos and the government are fucking retarded for doing this.

>I'm all for cutting the amount spent on those benefits like you are

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that you agree with me that benefits for chavs and other assorted underclass dregs should be cut? Or do you mean that benefits should be cut for NEETs like me?

>> No.12070688

You're both technically NEETs though, only the chavs aren't your /jp/ friends.

Don't mince words.

>> No.12070691

My family and I don't use these programs - just taxed to fund them. I don't really care where the savings come from as long as they find a way to slash the costs there. If what you say is true that most appeals work then that truly 'independent' tribunal impeding savings targets sucks.

>> No.12070695

>Normies are stupid and greedy.

Being a neet is stupid and greedy.

>> No.12070696

Can't they constantly call you back for a retest and fail you again every time you win an appeal? Is there actually a minimum cooling off period before they can go after you again?

>> No.12070704

go fuck yourself child, you dont know anything.

>> No.12070707


I take what I need. I don't commit crime, I don't breed. I live out my life trying to make as little impact as possible on other people. It isn't my fault that I can't work, I do actually have serious health issues.


The whole benefit system needs major reform. It's far too generous and I say this as a claimant. The Tories have the right idea but are far too incompetent to do anything worthwhile. Atos are useless and need to be disposed of. Their doctors are too apathetic or incompetent to assess people correctly, they tick boxes on a computer screen. If the claimant says the right thing, a box gets ticked. The assessments are usually laughed out of the Tribunal because the information they provide is worthless. It's a waste of time and money.


Tell that to someone in a wheelchair. Atos did and it was overturned at appeal.


You are assessed once a year.

>> No.12070722

How long does it take to file and win an appeal? Upon reinstatement are you given all past payments that would have been made had your benefits not been cut?

>> No.12070735

Oh sweet, is this the blog thread? Tomorrow my grandmother's amputee club is meeting at the mall so I agreed to take her there if I can have money for the arcade and sweets.

>> No.12070740

What the FUCK is an amputee club? Diabetics Anonymous? looooooooooooool

>> No.12070744

They just have meetings every month. Usually it's at the rehab clinic but this time it's at the mall. It's supposed to raise awareness for amputees or something. I don't know. What I do know is that I get to spend time at the arcade.

If there aren't a lot of people I would like to try the Initial D game that's set up in those moving cars. If there are a lot of people it will be embarrassing.

>> No.12070753

You know what I mean, you seem to be a intelligent person. I just don't like that on /jp/ and 4chan in general, ``NEET'' conveys the meaning of a lifestyle and people have their own definitions and such for it. NEET != hikki of course. NEET is very simple, it means you're not a student and don't have a job, nothing more, its a employment/education status. You can be a 25 year old basement dweller and be NEET. You can also be an active member of society who volunteers for churches and goes on outdoor hikes and such while living very cheaply and be considered NEET. Although the latter might be less common, they do exist, theres certainly blogs out there of people doing that. Its just a nomenclature issue that will never stop bothering me I suppose.

>> No.12070792


Maybe instead of worrying so much about what a word means to you, you should just take it easy.

>> No.12070834


It depends the whole process can take up to a year and six months. During this time you will be required to provide evidence of illness and you will recieve a basic amount of £45 a week. You may also get other benefits such as housing benefit, during this time. If you are assessed as being too ill to work you will get the full amount of benefit. The exact amount will depend on you score on the capability for work test and your national insurance contributions. If you assessed as being fit for work, you have a choice, claim JSA and look for work or disagree with the DWP and start the appeals process. During this time, you will be made to live on the lowest amount the government can legally give you, which is £30. If you are sucessfull in overturning the initial decision you will get your benefit backpaid at your new rate to the time you were refused.

>> No.12070902
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being a NEET hikki is tough

some days i wish i could just go out.. i live too far away from anywhere to walk.

sometimes i wonder if im wasting my life but i think about my online friends and i feel better.

>> No.12070905

I wish my mother could find me a job.

I wish I could find a job.

>> No.12070905,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just ended a skype call with my mom and she said she wasn't going to give me any more money which means I'm going to starve I'm so stressed out I never thought I was going to be cut off help

>> No.12070905,2 [INTERNAL] 

You aren't a NEET you get no help from us

>> No.12070905,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not in school and I don't work what the hell dude

>> No.12070905,4 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit. See ya

>> No.12070905,5 [INTERNAL] 

Someone please talk to me I'm scared

>> No.12070905,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12070905,7 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't die dude.

>> No.12070905,8 [INTERNAL] 

I was really hoping for more money by the end of the month because I already only have no food left and now I'm cut off too fuck

>> No.12070905,9 [INTERNAL] 

slitting your throat is an easy and painless way to die. with a sharp enough blade you wont feel any pain and by the time you would youd have passed out from blood loss

>> No.12070905,10 [INTERNAL] 

How can I help you?

>> No.12070905,11 [INTERNAL] 

That is looking like it's going to be the solution sooner or later I dont even know why I bother anymore

I just want someone to talk to

>> No.12070905,12 [INTERNAL] 

basically you took it easy as long as you could. if youre able to go out having living a life the way you wanted then there is nothing to be ashamed of. society itself is a cancer full of people who think theyre something more than just instincts and made up beliefs. why be a part of it doing your small bit to perpetrate it???? being able to have been a neet is a good thing and when its time to bow out there is nothing to be afraid of.

i would not suggest trying to overdose on anything. if you fuck up you'll live in pain. cutting your throat is the sure fire way just make sure to know exactly where the arteries you want to cut are. good luck dude!!!!

>> No.12070905,13 [INTERNAL] 

I lasted as long as I could doing what I want I guess theres probably not many more people that could say the same these days except for us

>> No.12070905,14 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12070905,15 [INTERNAL] 

I can give you some money.

>> No.12070905,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12070905,17 [INTERNAL] 

I dont think I would take money from you guys even though its this bad I'm sure once I get even hungrier it'll be a lot worse but for now I'm going to try and last

>> No.12070905,18 [INTERNAL] 

If you do decide to kill yourself, would it be too much trouble to post here and detail the state of mind you have entered right before ending it? I know it's an act of desperation and you probably won't be thinking much of anything at all, but your final thoughts and feelings matter to me.

>> No.12070905,19 [INTERNAL] 

I would do that anyways you guys are my best friends and I would want to say good bye in my final minutes

>> No.12070905,20 [INTERNAL] 

whats the point of living if only suffering is in your future....

>> No.12070905,21 [INTERNAL] 

I dont know

>> No.12070905,22 [INTERNAL] 

I was actually on a hospital bed dying from blood loss that they couldnt reverse one time before even after getting two transfusions it didnt correct itself if you're interested

>> No.12070905,23 [INTERNAL] 

goodbye friend...

>> No.12070905,24 [INTERNAL] 

dont do it this guy is gonna jerk off to them
