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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12059324 No.12059324 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>12048072

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

April 25th soon, fellow eroge connoisseur.

>> No.12059334

Rance IX. I can't sleep because of the excitement..

>> No.12059341

Shit taste overwhelming.

>> No.12059358

Girls have been labeled as inran for much lesser things. I'm curious to see how the kimowota will react to this.

Don't pay attention, it encourages them.

>> No.12059361

April 25th can't come soon enough.

>> No.12059373
File: 783 KB, 800x601, asairo_waka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm restarting Asairo since I stalled during chapter 2's climax for a year and a half and forgot about what was happening.
This scene is still beautiful though. Amazing execution.

Also waiting warmly for Rance IX.

>> No.12059479

Yeah, I'm pretty hyped for that Ikusa Megami remake.

>> No.12059492

Excited for Rance, IM and Pretty Cation.

>> No.12059535

The Pretty Cation designs are surprisingly not pretty. Even if they didn't use the artist for their previous titles, they should've chosen someone who could actually draw.

>> No.12059551
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suggest me your favorite VN for android

>> No.12059566


>> No.12059841

This man! THIS!

>> No.12059957
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>> No.12059972

Downloading immediately.

>> No.12059976

And it's not just a citation, it has a parody scene he narrating Rito life and saying how he's "unfortunate". Pretty funny.

>> No.12060041


>> No.12060060


>> No.12060246

Yeah, I'm looking forward to PRETTYxCATION. Hopefully Leche isn't annoying hyper-weeaboo through her whole route.

>> No.12060261

Replaying Kanon for nostalgia

>> No.12060298

Finished Eustia which was my first jap vn a few days ago. Enjoyed it quite a bit and was fucking stunning to compare how agonizing it was reading at the very beginning to how quick I could go at the end. Even could understand the voiced lines outside of the textbook at the end without any problems.

Couldnt figure out how to get the last 2 whore appendix scenes though which is too bad since I wanted to read the bonus scenes from clicking the august symbol. I mean I didn't skip any routes and read all the appendixes so I'm not sure what's up. Guess I could have downloaded a clear but w/e. Extracting Maijikoi now since it seems simple/interesting.

>> No.12060393

He's not even bad, but when you compare it to the previous artist? Yep, not even a contest. They should have picked a little bit better.

Seems like the writer different as well. Hope it doesn't turn out to be a landmine, I liked both Cation games.

>> No.12060418
File: 178 KB, 1000x750, MyGFisprosecutor_ad-high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JAST USA is happy to announce their latest visual novel (aka "eroge" or erotic PC game), My Girlfriend is the Prosecutor-General. This fun game is loaded with political parody and features a cast of cute and topical heroines like the titular prosecutor-general, Natalia-chan. Preorders now open.


>> No.12060431

Only a bit over three weeks late.

>> No.12060433

I was linked to this "review" of Verita, and oh god, its so bad.
>Later on in that dungeon that cat-demon is captured through "nature magic"
About 性魔術.
Why do these people even exist? I'm ashamed to be fan of same series as them.

>> No.12060439

Maybe you should just ignore them? I don't see the point in wasting energy on idiots.

>> No.12060455

Why did you even go there?

>> No.12060460

I don't get the big deal. It's a mistake that someone new to Japanese can easily make.

>> No.12060462

>> I was linked to this
Whole thing is like that. He doesn't understand what's going on, but throws his "witty" remarks at supposed "plot-holes" which are actually his lack of even basic japanese comprehension.

>> No.12060467

>throws his "witty" remarks at supposed "plot-holes" which are actually his lack of even basic japanese comprehension.

This is why I don't really trust any vn reviews or even most ratings on vndb until I play it myself.

>> No.12060480
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>He's not even bad
Yeah, his previous work was decent. I don't understand why he made the hair like that in Pretty x Cation.

>> No.12060570
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So I managed to beat append dungeon and append arena on first playthrough using my ultimate powers of autism, and there's even no "congrats, you cleared all stuff" event?

What's that proof-of-conquest key item for?

>> No.12060576

Ah, I started it some time ago (slow as a snail). The scene where she welcomes him to the school properly was heartwarming.

>> No.12060738

Did someone say reviews?

>> No.12060773

Not really, I have not even played the Megami Series and I know that you can capture monster with sexual magic in Zero, there's even a choice to let カーリアン use it. So if he played through Zero how can he miss that? That means he's not really paying attention.
This is all speculation though because I didn't read the review.

>> No.12060776

>she welcomes him to the school properly
You mean Hiyo?

>> No.12060779

*Ikusa Megami Series

>> No.12060805

In each IM game there's built-in thesaurus, and sex magic is one of its top entries, and it even includes english translation of the term along with detailed explanation on it.

>> No.12060819
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Screenshot of it.

>> No.12060840
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So satisfying.

>> No.12060866

I see, although I think the option to let カーリアン use it was in VERITAS. So that was my mistake.

>> No.12060943
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I want to play VNs on my iPhone
Any source/repos I need to know?

>> No.12060957

Which VN are you spoiling?

>> No.12060986
File: 369 KB, 1280x720, ひこうき雲の向こう側_23042014_073339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Eiri route and I'm speechless, now I understand why it has such a high median on egs.

>> No.12060998

Anyone I can fap to is fine anon :3

>> No.12061015

You can try "Misusing Spoiler Tags ~Oniichan, Only Newfags from /v/ Use Surprise Boxes!~".
I heard it's a hit.

>> No.12061021

Do you have to play the other routes to make sense of her route?
I tried the game a bit and she was the only heroine who interested me

>> No.12061046

Don't be so mean to me anon...

>> No.12061054

No, you don't need to play the other routes.

>> No.12061070

Currently going through Rain's route in Baldr Sky. I'm enjoying it much more than I expected to, specially the combat system and scenario. Though that overheat thing is kinda bothersome, I guess it's to be expected, since otherwise it'd be too easy to combo spam. The infodumps and SF terminologies are pretty cool too. I remember people complaining about the furigana spam but it isn't so bad, honestly.

>> No.12061088

I just started きみと僕との騎士の日々, and the first 15 minutes have been dreadfully boring. Does it get better?

>> No.12061093

You could read an hour or two, 15 minutes for an eroge is fucking retarded.

>> No.12061141

Nice opinion, br8. I suggest keeping to yourself if you have nothing to contribute.

>> No.12061234

The start is incredibly generic and forced, but I'm pretty sure it was deliberately made like that for extra impact later on. It gets better after a while and things like the whole "holy crap all my childhood friends COINCIDENTALLY are here too" part get some development. There's some nice moments here and there in the common route.

The final route is apparently rather good, but I can't comment on that myself.

>> No.12061258

what i wrote back when i finished it 2 months ago

>Finished きみと僕との騎士の日々 -楽園のシュバリエ-

>The normal heroine routes were average to below average. Rather liked the Protagonist and the i didn't expect the True route to be as enjoyable as it was, despite it making all the other routes but Kei's seems extremely pointless especially Vivian's

>> No.12061268

It starts getting "good" once the arena stuff appears and dropping it before that is rather silly, and the true route is worth playing even if you skip all the other route but Kei's just to play it.

>> No.12061311

I see, maybe I'll try to endure some more and see how it unfolds.

Given how it is now (I'm past the first arena squabble), I hardly think dropping it is "silly" unless there's a monumental change in quality. If there is, so be it, but so far there's no sign of that.

>> No.12061493
File: 481 KB, 1600x1200, Dracu-riot!.full.1046753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Dracu-Riot!
It's fun.

>> No.12061617

Savor it while it lasts because people here will think it's shit and make you migrate to /vg/ once the full translated patch is out.

>> No.12061649

>once the full translated patch is out.

Which means never.

>> No.12061650

There's still time. He just needs to finish it before the translation is done. Then he can both enjoy it now and shit on it later with the rest of us.

>> No.12061760
File: 209 KB, 1263x711, 8kEVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I have plenty of free time.

Too bad the translator quit though.

>> No.12061789

>Too bad

>> No.12061974

you dont belong here

>> No.12062084
File: 399 KB, 1279x717, daitoshokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minutes in and already an accidental tit grab. I thought this was supposed to be good.

>> No.12062094


It stands and falls with how much you like the heroines, really. Everything else is really your generic moege setting.

>> No.12062099

3rd girl wishes that was her

>> No.12062102

You're in the wrong hobby if you're under the impression of lack of perversion antics makes for a good VN.

>> No.12062126

That's what I thought. At least the production values are really nice.

I'm not a prude by any means, but when these kind of situations come up I can't help but raise an eyebrow. It's not entertaining or arousing in the slightest. It just makes me question the writer's ability to write decent interactions without falling back on poorly executed drivel.

>> No.12062142

Then you're going at it with the wrong attitude while playing what is essentially a moege. The fact you go to such lengths as to criticize the writer's ability just because he uses one classic trope is beyond all reason.

>> No.12062164

Yeah, I'm reading it right now and it's kinda tough because Tsugumi and to a lesser extent Tamamo really annoy me. I'll probably drop it because I don't like any of the other heroines enough to balance out those two. Plus I read there was a love triangle between the two heroines that do interest me, Kana and Senri, which I do like to avoid.

I don't know about anyone else but I'll drop pure love games if I don't like the heroines enough, even if it's really highly spoken of. I mean for a scenario-ge I'm fine with not liking the heroines since it doesn't completely focus on them, but for pure love even if it has good drama, in the end disliking the heroines is going to ruin it for me. Luckily I don't really "hate" characters to often, though it's tough to find ones I love as well.

>> No.12062175
File: 391 KB, 1286x745, mabushii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess, I was just expecting it to be fun. I'll keep reading anyway, no point in making early assumptions from the first 30 minutes.
At least Suzuki is really cute.

>> No.12062193

>because Tsugumi and to a lesser extent Tamamo really annoy me

Yeah Tsugumi is really annoying and can ruin the whole game if you can't stand her at all. Worst part is how she won't go away in other routes.

On the whole, the game is okay but really nothing special. I have to wonder why it's so popular here. I guess it's the art.

>> No.12062206

Best heroine together with Kodachi.

>> No.12062213

I'd give it a chance and try another hour or so, but if it doesn't hook you by then you should just drop it. I greatly enjoyed Daitoshokan, but that was due to its execution and not its originality.

>I don't know about anyone else but I'll drop pure love games if I don't like the heroines enough, even if it's really highly spoken of.
Same here, but it applies to almost everything sub-genre. The girls are pretty much the entire reason why I play eroge, and frankly, even in plot-focused games I get discouraged if I am forced to finish the routes of heroines I don't like to unlock something I actually want.

>> No.12062242


>> No.12062306
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I'd include Ureshino there too.

>> No.12062316


Best part is when she goes full nerd and talks about her FPS antics. Game talk is something which is oddly not that common in eroge.

>> No.12062329

I was a bit disappointed when her story in the fandisk didn't have much video games. Her route in the original was really amusing with the training arc. That was one trip to hell I'd gladly take.

>> No.12062336

That's good. The whole "gamer gurl" archetype never really sat well with me.

>> No.12062348

Stop hurting me...
I really want to read this but I am not that good with Kanji yet.

>> No.12062350

I love them though.

>> No.12062351

Then stop complaining and learn, faggot.

>> No.12062355

>"gamer gurl" archetype

How is that even an archetype in eroge?

On the topic of video games in eroge; I really look forward to Sakigake Generation.

>> No.12062357

She wasn't really the obnoxious type of "gamer gurl", though. It was more or less all of the good and none of the bad.

The fandisk story did show her in a worse light, though.

>> No.12062358


>> No.12062366
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>> No.12062373
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At first I thought her joystick was a joke, but damn that shit is real.

>> No.12062396

>notXbox controller to play her Cockadoody FPS

Ureshino confirmed for Westaboo.

>> No.12062420
File: 65 KB, 500x414, N-Avenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled xbox controllers looking for it. Is it this one?

>> No.12062424


>> No.12062426

It's weird seeing these guys complaining about Daitosho "being moege" and its characters stereotypes, since it's my favorite game since 2010, and heck, I didn't even like any of the heroines. It is as if they really think "But what's there besides characters? Plot?".

Maybe eroge fans will never give a fuck about some details unless the writer shoves down their throat, like Oretsuba. And even then, they can only say if it was salty or sweet.

>> No.12062429

>She wasn't really the obnoxious type of "gamer gurl", though. It was more or less all of the good and none of the bad.

This >>12062366 and this >>12062373 leads me to believe otherwise.

>> No.12062433

It's like some people join eroge just to play a few dozens titles and then complain about everything else that doesn't please their tastes.

>> No.12062449

Who was complaining about it being moege?

>> No.12062478

Just finished G-Senjou no Maou.

Too much keikau for my tastes. Got a littled fed up of Kyosuke when I could've had Kyohei. Also I think the scheme lost a bit of its lustre in the end.

>> No.12062503

So I just watched Little Busters EX episode 4, and it really confused me.

It's been a long time since I read the EX VN, so I may not remember it well, but in the VN, didn't Aya meet Riki in her childhood before she was taken away to some war torn country, and then got caught under the landslide after she got back to Japan long after that? I remember something like her father finding work at a construction site which was where the landslide happened.

Do I remember it right, or have the years messed up my memory?

>> No.12062515

It's a good thing I had already read most of Looseboy's other stuff before g-senjou, otherwise I probably never would have touched them with a ten foot pole. Not that I particularly enjoyed them either, but still. Speaking of which has anyone read Natsu no Tomoshibi?

>> No.12062529


So pretty much like any other media?

>> No.12062541

Didn't you get the note? There is a huge anti-moege conspiracy going on.

>> No.12062546

>seeing these guys complaining about Daitosho "being moege" and its characters stereotypes
I don't think we're reading the same thread.

>> No.12062554

where did you watch it?
also, no, they never met before... I think. Logically, if you count the age difference between Aya and the original Little Busters gang, there's no way they would have met right?

>> No.12062584

>where did you watch it?
>age difference between Aya and the original Little Busters gang
At first, I was under the impression that they were of the same age. (Aya looked little, but hey, even Kud looks little, and she's of the same age as Riki.) But either way, the anime shows them meeting as kids of the same size. Though according to that, she dies just the same day she meets Riki, and somehow her soul enters their dreamworld many years later. What I can't figure out is whether this was how it was supposed to be originally, or whether JC Staff wrecked it despite doing three episodes well.

>> No.12062594

What? What else are they doing when complaining situations that makes people call it a moege?

>> No.12062602

Do you mean the whole accidental cop a feel cliche? Because that's not exclusive to moege.

>> No.12062617

>that makes people call it a moege?

>> No.12062629

that's definitely wrong. Aya dies on the same day as the bus accident. well, JC staff really butchered everything

>> No.12062639

Of course it's not exclusive. But it's a characteristic, and I'm obviously generalizing since it's impossible to someone complain about every characteristic. Why do you think it's common to hesitate when, e.g., calling Grisaia a moege?

Do I even need to explain this?

>> No.12062660

Are there any decent sci-fi gameplay VN's coming out? Rance and IM are nice and all, but I'm burnt out with fantasy stuff for the moment. Something like Galaxy Angel space battles would be great.

>> No.12062669

I don't like moege too, but you are going too far there. Some of them are good with good writer who doesn't rely on beaten to death cliches. So no, "retarded shit full of nothing but boring and overused tropes and generic moeblobs" is not definition of moege, untalented and lazy writers happen in every genre.

>> No.12062677
File: 32 KB, 188x195, Ranceblingee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please remind me of a VN's name?
I remember the whole gimmick about it was how you'd reach the end and it would break the fourth wall massively, like, girl would kill the Protag, and then proceed to yell at the player, going so far as to locking you in the menu and not letting you quit, or load, or start a new game or anything.

>> No.12062680


>> No.12062683

Ore to Kare to Kare no Koi.

>> No.12062694

Just finished 第2次スーパーロボット大戦z 再世篇 so I'll be ready to play the new one. Looking forward to Rance IX but that's about it.

>> No.12062710

>第2次スーパーロボット大戦z 再世篇

SRW is now a VN. You heard it from a tripfag.

>> No.12062721

Well, it does have cute girls.

>> No.12062728

I don't see how it's any different than any other VN with gameplay elements. There are even romantic interests for the protagonist too.

>> No.12062733

Of course it's a poor generalization. And it was intended because it's always what everyone do with moege. That's why there's quotation marks.

I don't care about if it is or not moege. Since I was just complaining about people, some that apparently even likes moege, spouting it while not giving a fuck about every other detail.

>untalented and lazy writers
On short, I was just criticizing this kind of stupid thinking.

>> No.12062749
File: 71 KB, 522x474, Thousand_Arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does this game, but no one counts it as a VN.

>> No.12062751

> On short, I was just criticizing this kind of stupid thinking.
Yet you didn't make any sound arguments against it.
Such scenes can be done in creative and cool way — just check out school trip scenes in Senshinkan, for example. Only reason why significant amount of lower-tier vns don't have that kind of scenes is because writers there aren't as talented as Masada.

>> No.12062753

Bringing up anything written by Masada invalidates your argument.

>> No.12062758

Okay, go with Hino's Hello Lady. It has plenty of boob-grabbing, yet every scene is unique and hilarious.

>> No.12062764

>Hello Lady

Grisaia rip-off.

>> No.12062765

I didn't even recognize the characters on the box. It's been so long since I've played that game.

>> No.12062771

>Yet you didn't make any sound arguments against it.
Well, if you actually want to hear it, I will then. Just give me a time since, as you may have noticed, this is not my main language.

>> No.12062774

As fan of both Grisaia and Hello Lady, I wouldn't mind more "rip-offs" coming, still better than anything else released this year.

>> No.12062777

Great more snarky punks and /ak/ bullshittery. No thanks.

>> No.12062778

Ok? The majority of this game is spent in visual novel format. There are decision points. There are different routes depending on whether you've set certain flags. It's no less a VN than any of the other titles that get talked about here with strategy gameplay.

>> No.12062779

Yes, because so far only thesis I could derive from your posts is "moege is such mediocre genre that it has no place for creativity and you should not ask for it", and its kinda stupid, because novels as entertainment form are all about creativity.

>> No.12062785

And why do we suppose we keep them in separate threads, no, separate boards even (not entirely true, but whatever.)? It's an unspoken rule that VN's to be discussed in these threads are strictly JP Adventure games, with gameplay VN's MADE by VN companies an exception for the most part. JRPG's and anything else have their own places and therefore are not welcome here.

>> No.12062800
File: 211 KB, 960x540, sys_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombies in my eroge?
I was sort of interested in Xuse's new game but then I saw the preview CGs with gore and I then changed my mind. The writer is some new guy so I doubt the story will be much good anyway.

>> No.12062805

>Fascination Gramary


>> No.12062812

It's a technical term, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.12062844

What is "Gramary" even supposed to signify? Do they mean "Granary"? Or maybe "Grammar"? And what to do those have to do with sex magic?

>> No.12062864

Eushully English is always like that.
Let me educate you: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gramary

>> No.12062925

> Origin:
>1275–1325; Middle English gramary < Old French gramaire, literally, grammar
How the hell did that come to mean magic learning?

>> No.12062935

Because anyone reading books == witch or worse.

>> No.12063060
File: 948 KB, 1280x720, wasurenagusa to eien no shoujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be useless to ask, but does this VN has a decent plot? I'm intrigued by its art, well.. the artist is Happoubi Jin.

>> No.12063100

Surprisingly good, if you want a fap with a decent short story I'd recommend it.

>> No.12063135

As long as nukige goes, it's actually pretty good.

>> No.12063139

I was surprised at Azusa's route there, I didn't think it would turn into something like a nakige/utsuge around the second half of the route.
I just wanted some light-hearted loli loving.

>> No.12063211

Really? I skipped her route. What happened?

>> No.12063356

Baldr Sky Zero 2?

Pretty good but only really for the TWEEST at the very end. But for a nukige it's good.

>> No.12063397

First, I don't hate moeges, I hate how you are using the term. Heck, I've played at least 15 per year since 2006, I would be really crazy if I hated the genre. Anyway, this doesn't even matters.

>just check out school trip scenes in Senshinkan, for example.
Yeah, thanks for the perfect example. I was just calling stupid people who magnify, for example, a simple antithesis of a 覗き event/what happens(that I can guarantee, every writer can do) but don't notices any of the originality in the execution/how that antithesis happens. And for god's sake I'm not saying Masada wrote it badly, even because it was intended to be simple, and was really funny. I'm saying that Daitoshokan is pretty much perfect on the execution part, what's obvious since it's three authors together writing and revising and editing each one lines. Something that got better with each August title, and as much I love Binary Pot, it is a disaster.

Some japanese saying Daitosho is more generic than FA is pretty funny, since the way it uses a lot of gimmicks is more original than even Eustia, like satirizing its own tropes every time, a protagonist that's impossible to stereotype, changing Active Planet's style, its own share of cliched plot antithesis(that misleading in Serizawa's FD scenario is a good recent example), etc.

Plus, I was avoiding to say "writing" until now, but well, if you want to talk about it, I would say that a minimalistic and blunt one with nearly perfect characters writing-voices is the best possible for a eroge. And by perfect writing-voice I mean: not throwing idiosyncrasies into the reader's face like Jackson, not throwing it plus a generic verbose parody like Hino on Hello Lady, actually varying the voice unlike Masada, and still being unique while reminding real life stereotypes. Tamamo's speechs, for example, are pretty much exactly that. Again, it's three writers working in the same room, so obviously it will turn out more solid.

>> No.12063404

The SoL scenes in Senshinkan (all two of them!) feel completely phoned in. Really weird to talk about "talented" when you have a one-trick pony writer out of his element for those.

>> No.12063426

And no, I'm not saying August is better than these three in everything.

Oretsuba and Sorechiru's writing actually fits on what it tries to do. The common route of Ruitomo and Hanafubuki are the best thing I've ever seen. And DI is my favorite eroge.

>> No.12063435

Finished light route of Verita, then reached final chapter of true history route. Oh wow, why did they have to do that? Being Celica is suffering, don't even want to imagine what shit they pull in dark routes.

>> No.12063474 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters getting fucked up, one in the head and one with bullets IIRC, the latter dying and revealed to be Azusa's grandmother (yes, she's one of the characters introduced in the common route). Not to mention the reality that not all humans and vampires will accept peaceful coexistence
I wasn't really expecting Yuzusoft to be pulling that one out.

>> No.12063481 [SPOILER] 
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 1398324239484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters getting fucked up, one in the head and one with bullets IIRC, the latter dying and revealed to be Azusa's grandmother (yes, she's one of the characters introduced in the common route). Not to mention the reality that not all humans and vampires will accept peaceful coexistence.
I wasn't really expecting Yuzusoft to be pulling that one out.

>> No.12063489

Sorry, but you still didn't explain why absolutely bland and generic accidental-boob-grabbing scene is a good thing and why one shouldn't criticize VN for having it. Or did you imply there was some hidden "originality" right in that scene? Then indeed its too DEEP for mere mortals like me, because I couldn't find even tiniest bit of it after re-reading it 3 times.

Also, while its pretty much off-tangent, but I just cannot leave it aside. So you really honestly believe that several writers working on same piece make it better? All examples I finished scream otherwise.

>> No.12063502

This "new guy" is the creator of the Megami Tensei series

>> No.12063510

Not him, but you sound like you only derive enjoyment from some form of innovation or originality which isn't going to give you much from this medium. Even real novels fall into the overused tropes trap. Why stick to something when it bothers you so much just to look for those handful of diamonds in the rough that you crave so much?

>> No.12063512

>So you really honestly believe that several writers working on same piece make it better? All examples I finished scream otherwise.
Not that guy, but I'd say it most certainly would, under the right circumstances. Most of the time when you have multiple writers in the eroge world, they're all doing their own thing and haphazardly stitching them together, which predictably leads to consistency issues. The way August does it, with all three writers working on the same text at the same time, avoids most of the consistency issues and results in more polished text. It's like having two editors looking over everything, which would be normal in the traditional publishing world but is practically unheard of in eroge.

>> No.12063515

Aya Nishitani, the writer of the original novel?

>> No.12063523

The guy who adapted the novel into a series of games

>> No.12063566

I never said it's a good thing for god's sake. I'm complaining about the narrow thinking of ignoring everything else, and still being amazed by a simple antithesis of it. My opinion on it is pretty much >>12062102

>several writers working on same piece make it better
That's also pretty narrow if you don't get the difference of three friends writing everything together on the same room, and random ones writing separately for months to later melt everything into a mess. Can you even imagine how it's helpful for a writer having フォロー and opinions on each line of a commercial work?

>> No.12063582

And thanks for wording it miles better.

>> No.12063583

Honestly I liked Daitoshokan but I wouldn't even think about it while thinking about the best written eroge out there.

It certainly does has pretty unique flow compared to most eroge but it really felt too boring at times, or rather too uneventful because the writers refused to use the shortcuts usually used to preserve the flow.

I can respect that but I'm not looking for realism in eroge but for entertainment, I have much more respect for writers who try to make every lines fun to read.

>> No.12063604

>I wouldn't even think about it while thinking about the best written eroge out there
Yes. Because it's not.

>I have much more respect for writers who try to make every lines fun to read.
That's exactly what they tried to do, though. Heck, it's even on their motto. Guess it just didn't work for everyone.

>> No.12063674

>The writer is some new guy
Yeah, it's only the guy that wrote the scenario for Megami Tensei 2, Shin Megami Tensei and Shin Megami Tensei 2. He also created that thing called the demon fusion system that no one remembers.
This game's setting is based on a spin-off of the Shin Megami Tensei Tabletop RPG so it's probably the closest there will be ever be to a SMT eroge. (Well, unless you count Giten)

>> No.12063697

One of the better posts in the VN general in a long time. I think too many people (in this thread and elsewhere) employ a shallow level of analysis and then get kinda self-righteous in their judgment of works because they overestimate their own discernment as a consumer.

>> No.12063730

I don't think even the most ardent of August fanboys would claim Daitoshokan or any other August work (Eustia included) is the pinnacle of writing in eroge. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that any of the three August writers on their own wouldn't particularly stand out from the sea of generic moege writers out there. It's just that having editors works wonders and it sucks that no one in the eroge world does that but August.

>> No.12063754

The problem I had with Daitoshokan, and again I liked it overall, was that there was nothing that really pushed me to read it.
It was constantly on an even level, probably partly due to the way it was written.

>> No.12063822

Speaking of BiMan, are the games self-contained? I'm only interested in reading the first one. Or do they have an overarching plot with big focus?

>> No.12063832

You can play each one of them without worrying about the others, don't worry. There's only one small detail that connects them all.

>> No.12063833

Okay, thanks.

>> No.12063890
File: 146 KB, 370x500, c798621package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of RPG writers doing eroge:


Writer for the Summon Night series.

>> No.12063956 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1296x758, TimeToFinishThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Ed! BSZ2 Marell/True route is better than Sora/True route of BSD for me. It really helps Ed is distinctive from Kou and this is further stated BSZ2 than 1, just to flesh out Ed some more. There is also a nice contrast between a war-worn Kou and an amnesia "refreshed" Ed which never went away even after he recovered some/all of his memories. I guess this also unsubtlely hinge on another aspect of the writing/setting - the difference between a tight-knit organisation like Squall and loner couple of Rain/Kou.

Given how well BSD was received, the writer of BSZ had some large shoes to fill in and IMO, he's done well with something that wouldn't be shameful and certainly etched out his own story in the shadow of BSD. I will say early chapter of BSZ1 probably 1-3 (?) had me close to falling to sleep though, and in grand scheme of things, a small price to pay. Of course, the gameplay/combat system is another thing all together. A solid 8-9 out of 10 for me.

>> No.12063960 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1296x758, 1398337986493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Ed! BSZ2 Marell/True route is better than Sora/True route of BSD for me. It really helps Ed is distinctive from Kou and this is further stated BSZ2 than 1, just to flesh out Ed some more. There is also a nice contrast between a war-worn Kou and an amnesia "refreshed" Ed which never went away even after he recovered some/all of his memories. I guess this also unsubtlely hinge on another aspect of the writing/setting - the difference between a tight-knit organisation like Squall and loner couple of Rain/Kou.

Given how well BSD was received, the writer of BSZ had some large shoes to fill in and IMO, he's done well with something that wouldn't be shameful and certainly etched out his own story in the shadow of BSD. I will say early chapter of BSZ1 probably 1-3 (?) had me close to falling to sleep though, and in grand scheme of things, a small price to pay. Of course, the gameplay/combat system is another thing all together. A solid 8-9 out of 10 for me.

>> No.12064028

Well, I guess I shouldn't rely on wiktionary for my dictionary needs.

>From Middle English gramarye, gramery, from Old French gramaire (“classical learning”), from Latin grammatica, from Ancient Greek γραμματική (grammatike, “skilled in writing”), from γράμμα (gramma, “line of writing”), from γράφω (grapho, “write”), from Proto-Indo-European *gerebh- (“to scratch”).

Save Louis' end for last , it's the better of the two.

Now I wish Chris Avellone would write an eroge.

>> No.12064036

>Now I wish Chris Avellone would write an eroge.

Please, please, please, no. No Obsidian cock-gobbling here. And Avellone is a SJW, I doubt he would write something pornographic.

>> No.12064050

I thought only Sawyer was one. Not that I am especially looking forward to Obsidian's project, I am more interested in that Numenera Torment (which is basically a Western gameplay VN).

>> No.12064064

Which American/Canadian game developer or game journalist isn't a SJW nowadays, be it a real or make-believe one?

>Numenera Torment (which is basically a Western gameplay VN).
Yeah, it's a spiritual sequel to Planescape: Torment after all. Although I'm not very keen on turn-based combat edging out realtime with pause.

>> No.12064117
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x1395, 30558138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it yuri? Looks like yuri and Summon Night is VERY yuri, but I've been fooled by enough disguised hetshit.

>> No.12064124


>> No.12064130
File: 60 KB, 544x550, 1207614354677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls teased as being interested in eachother suddenly begging for dick
>not shit

Pick one.

>> No.12064138

Fucking the gay out of lesbians is the best. Also, yuri isn't a permanent thing. It's just girls messing around until they find the right guy.

>> No.12064139

Who are you quoting?
Go back to /a/

>> No.12064142

Learn to quote or get out of /jp/. Pick one.

>> No.12064144

You mean /u/

Fuck off, we don't need low quality posts here

>> No.12064149
File: 384 KB, 790x578, 165684646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of VN, I keep seeing that picture posted everywhere.
Is there really a touhou VN being worked on?

Also, fucjk you duplicate detector.

>> No.12064153

Where the fuck are these people coming from?

>> No.12064166

Checked it out on Getchu and the offcial site. Looks pretty good.

>> No.12064167

Dude. There's, like 100 threads on that board. And there are, like, 20, maybe 30 boards.

You REALLY thing your small thread is the only one on 4chan?

>> No.12064170

RtwP just boils down to a constant hammering of the space bar if all you do is control a small number of units. I'd rather have my left hand rest on my lap or use it to stroke my beard. The only good RtwP is in Paradox games. I was sure this general would understand the greatness of proper turn-based combat.

>> No.12064175

The idea is that I wouldn't hammer space at all. No pauses.

>> No.12064190

Well thats just real-time then. Got to play multiplayer for that. Personally, I'm not someone who can ignore features if they are there and the game has been designed with them in mind.

>> No.12064219

I haven't been this profoundly disgusted by an MC in a long time.

>> No.12064225

How come? What event are you up to?

>> No.12064230

It was mostly the fight with 3 along with the circumstances behind it, and the speech about "you're stupid for not being a dirty cheater like me, and good people are pretentious fucks" he gave to the head of 5 afterwards.
I finished Vivian and Asuna's routes, and am close to finishing Touri's. I can't help but think "ザマー" whenever something bad happens to him.

>> No.12064243 [DELETED] 

Considering what is on the line in those fights, his actions are justified as you can see with the result at the end of Asuna's route

>> No.12064254

"Muh childhood friend" is on the line, whereas 3 wants to make life better for an enormous number of people. And even if you think his actions are justified, his shameless behavior towards cheating and insults towards those who use proper means are definitely not. It's the sort of behavior that causes the "no good deed goes unpunished" phenomenon.

If the tournament's rules weren't so loose as to not penalize someone who (apparently at least) killed the mediator, he'd have been banned from the beginning.

>> No.12064259

Just wait till the true route, i do wonder how you'll react to the revelations

>> No.12064265

The true route is the only reason I'm still reading it, thanks to the comments above. Right now I'm reacting to what I (and the characters) know.

>> No.12064280

Well you could always read the bad end for the true route if you want to see the MC suffer, if you have said access to said bad end available depends on what means you got the game in of course.

>> No.12064303


The true route will make you appreciate why it is not good deeds go unpunished, and the MC is doing a good job. The whole point is set up for that, and a major part was the manager/producer hoping for someone like the MC to use their brain and scheme, come up and break the situation.

>> No.12064332

Again, I'm judging by what I and the characters know. What will happen or will be revealed isn't the point.

I did install a patch that adds some extra content, not sure if that's what you mean.

>> No.12064342

Don't touch those extra sex scenes until your finished with the true route. just looking at the "thumbnail" for one of the scenes is a massive spoiler in itself

>> No.12064410


And I am saying you will appreciate it in the true route as when the reveal starts. It's perfectly fine hold whatever opinion you have right now as it goes.

Pretty much, that one extra scene is a massive spoiler, a mistake I made myself.

>> No.12064680

I am considering playing Tenshin Ranman

>> No.12064685

Is it boring as shit? It is yuzusoft

>> No.12064687

I just downloaded the psp version, making the videos work properly was a major pain in the ass.

>> No.12064696

I don't own a PSP... Are there good emulaators.

>> No.12064701

Yes, there's one emulator that works damn near perfectly.

>> No.12064725

Nice, I don't need ero. There are so many games I should play.

>> No.12064731

PPSSPP works perfectly, except I found the same video issues I originally had with my psp.
It only adds a route, so read the whole game in pc if you feel like it and then use it for the new one, if you want.

>> No.12064758

which A Kiss For The Petals should I see first? I'm assuming I don't have to watch them in order so which one is the best? There are so many...

>> No.12064794

Does the PSP version have new routes or just new characters?

>> No.12064797

Go to /u/, find their SonoHana general and in the OP, there should be an overview.

>> No.12064801

Adds two new characters, basically a heroine and her sidekick.
The rest should be the same barring sex. It's nice because the game was originally 720p so the downscale doesn't feel bad compared to other stuff.

>> No.12064915

Finished True History route of VERITA and Memoria trial.
Some people here suggested skipping VERITA and going straight for Memoria — if release version is same as trial in the beginning, going w/out VERITA would be huge loss.
Its quite clear that devs didn't intend memoria to be stand-alone and there's only very bare minimum of information on Celica, Shuri and Revia, and doesn't even explain anything about 使徒, who are they and so on. Also, apparently Ruka Luscort is connected to Luna-Clear, so there's sure going to be lots of stuff about reincarnation and tons of references to verita and zero.

>> No.12064964

So I've been reading Oretsuba and loving it. Hilarious and not nearly as hard to read as I've seen people putting it up to be while still actually being some of the best writing I've seen in any otaku media. At least, something like Ruitomo is significantly more difficult to read as long as you have a decent grip on Japanese slang.

Also, is the 伊丹 伽楼羅 chapter as long as the others? Because god I hope not, that scene with the him and the prostitutes was indescribably hard to force myself to read through.

>> No.12064999

Well they have named memoria episode 5. It stands to reason a lot would be changed from the original since verita has made a new canon.

>> No.12065011

What did Verita change from the original canon?

>> No.12065023

There was a list somewhere. All I remember was that Shuri was a child slave in the original which Celica picked up as opposed to feeling guilty over getting her parents killed.

>> No.12065083

Rance 9 is out in Perfect Dark, looks like there is a mega link out in some chinese site somewhere too

>> No.12065094

I'll wait when there's a torrent because I don't want to go through slow ass P2P and DDL again.

>> No.12065322

>Rance out already
Yuck, here come all the kiddies

>> No.12065329
File: 55 KB, 584x329, p942[1].jpg_w=584&amp;h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please can someone pick up a Gun Knight Girl TN.
This looks interesting.

>> No.12065340

They'll give up playing after the first few chapters or so. How long did Rance Quest last before it got shelved to no discussions because no translations?

>> No.12065343

I've been working on this for a few months actually. The script is around 1.7 MB, and I still have to work out how many lines there are in total. But I think if I keep working at the same pace, I should have it done in around 8 months since the Japanese isn't too difficult.

>> No.12065353

I'll have it done in a week.

>> No.12065362

Are you talking about translations?

>> No.12065367

Memoria will be worst dude.

>> No.12065371

People here can read though.

Memoria and Rance coming out in the same month is terrible.

>> No.12065380

What's the Chinese site?

>> No.12065399

Personally I would rather play demonion first, c'mon chinese pirates!

>> No.12065409

>all this rance faggotry
Is everyone here just being facetious or are we being invaded by /vg/?

>> No.12065426

People who actually like Rance should just fuck off back to /vg/.

>> No.12065437

Are you quoting your /vg/ buddies?

>> No.12065438

And eushully games.

>> No.12065444

And moege.

>> No.12065445

And pretty much any VNs with gameplay actually.

>> No.12065446

That place knows other Eushully games besides Kamidori?

>> No.12065450

And light games.

>> No.12065456

don't think so

>> No.12065461

Agreed. Fuck Masada.

>> No.12065462

So much passive aggressiveness in this thread it isn't even funny.
Alright, maybe it is kinda funny.

>> No.12065569

This is now the Pretty X Cation zone, all other game talk goes to /vg/, please obey the new law thank you.

>> No.12065592

But what if I want to talk about お隣の黒人夫に抱かれて啼き悶える最愛の妻。その引き換えに味わう黒人妻の肌。-Big Black Cock&Big Black Butt&My Sweet Wife-?

>> No.12065598

lol you should go to a doctor and check your brain

>> No.12065600

Me too, but that's for the nukige thread, looks fappable though.

>> No.12065603

Rance is out at nyaa

>> No.12065604

Uh I'm pretty sure that's not the correct translation

>> No.12065607


>> No.12065609

It's not a translation, its the subtitle.

>> No.12065613

The English is part of the title.

>> No.12065615

hmm only 3.43GB though it was bigger

memoria probably around 7-8gb

>> No.12065617

I can't wait to discuss about the newest entry of the kamige series キモメンでも巨根なら

>> No.12065619

You have got to be kidding me
Nope, it's there...

>> No.12065620

Most likely, hope it isn't three CDs, though it will probably have a big amount of retarded dummy files.

>> No.12065623

There isn't any VA so it's not going to be that big.

>> No.12065709

As a someone who dont like rance series and didnt read the Ikusa Megami seires yet,most likely i wont be able to understand anything on this thread for a month.

>> No.12065714

>Seeders: 2
>Leechers: 1155

please kill me

>> No.12065716

You can play Demonion 2 with me.

>> No.12065717


>> No.12065720 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 478x522, ss (2014-04-25 at 12.56.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the time has come

>> No.12065722

you've many options jump from a high building, take a knife etc. this should end your problems or simply wait a few hours

>> No.12065723

Or Pretty Cation with me.

>> No.12065726

Thanks for the heads up.

There should be a separate thread for Rance and Eushully since I don't want to clutter up this thread but also don't want to go to /vg/.

>> No.12065727

Sorry,i dont like the rape stuff so i guess i will take >>12065723 's offer.There is also axl's and navel's new game too, most likely no one will care about them in this thread though.

>> No.12065729

Or 姉を助けるため残された姉妹を穢す背徳の日々 with me!

>> No.12065734

I always end up dropping the axl games halfway so I will pass this one but I will get the new Navel if it get some good/interesting reviews.
Navel is a pretty solid company these days.

>> No.12065738

If you read axl's title, post some opinions, I'm kinda interested. Navel's new branch company first title, not so much.

>> No.12065742

>axl's new game
People actually read those?
The art is about 12 tiers of uguu~ too many for me.

>> No.12065745

Is demonion 2 rape? From the people who played the trial they seemed to think the maou was actually the good guy this time around...

>> No.12065747

I dropped their previous game halfway through. Though I heard this one has a blind heroine so I'll probably check her route out.

>> No.12065753

>navel's new game
That is actually the only VN I'm picking up this month along with Love Sweets. First month in a good while where I'm only reading moege. I've just never been able to get into the Rance series, and I'm planning to read IM series but haven't started yet.
>Demonion 2
Is this supposed to be a sequel to the first game or can I just play this one? The girls in this one interest me but not really the ones in the first.

>> No.12065756

Everything I was looking forward to this month has been delayed...

>> No.12065760

That sucks. Would you like to talk about it?

>> No.12065761

sure,will do.
>>12065734 >>12065747
i also dropped their last game blabla Elixir thing but this time story seems pretty interesting and having a blind heroine is worth of looking at least. Also as i said i wont play rance or memoria so i dont really have much choice.

well i thought this one would have rape scenes too since first one full of it.But if it doesnt focus on rape scenes,i will try it too.

>> No.12065764

I have absolutely nothing this month. Guess it's time to break out my 1TB of backlog.

>> No.12065765

>People actually read those?
Their games are consistently successful so duh?

>> No.12065766

No wonder companies want to run the fuck away from this month. I wouldn't publish either and I'm surprised demonion 2 wants to.

>> No.12065767

I wish Pretty Cation had better art, the heroines look extremely plain. I was interested in Silver, but she speaks like a retard.

>> No.12065771

i can understand them though, with Rance & Memoria and Cation three there is no way the little ones could get sales.

>> No.12065773

Epic reaction image, /v/ermin.

>> No.12065775

Don't forget Da Crapo.

>> No.12065779

everyone hates da capo,fuck da capo

>> No.12065780

>and I'm surprised demonion 2 wants to
Demonion 2 has good chances of outselling Rance IX, I don't think they're too worried.

>> No.12065783

Japan doesn't.

>> No.12065786

>Demonion 2 has good chances of outselling Rance IX
Where did you acquire your information?

>> No.12065788

The first one was still the best for me with 3 heroines I liked. I only liked the blonde in the second, but the art was more than enough to make up for it. Now this one doesn't have a heroine that interests me or good art going for it, a shame.

>> No.12065789

>D.C. III P.P. ~Da Capo III Platinum Partner~
Oh FUCK YOU CIRCUS, just stop already.

>> No.12065793


Just curious which titles got delayed? This isn't me being snarky.

>> No.12065797

Im pretty sure they will get top 4-5,but outselling rance is pretty hard.Rance's fans are pretty familiar to typemoon fans,they dont care if its good or bad as long as it has the "rance" mark.

>> No.12065801

The first game had ridiculous legs and at least on Getchu D2 was right behind Rance in pre-orders.

>> No.12065810

Qualia - Houkago no Futekikakusha - Majo Koi Nikki.while he is exaggerating it, all of them seems pretty good.

>> No.12065811

The first game had terrible art so I never bothered. The 2nd had great production values, but I kind of lost interest and dropped it in the common route. Anzu was really cute though, I should start reading it again someday. 3rd was trash.

Da Capo prints money with the least amount of effort from CIRCUS, it's fucking amazing.

>> No.12065815

>it's fucking amazing.
This >>12065797 statement applies a lot better to DC fans, at least TM/Alicesoft don't milk their series this hard.

>> No.12065818

>TM don't milk their series this hard.

>> No.12065821

Those, and AstralAir was supposed to come out this month too.

The AXL game sounds vaguely interesting so I guess that'll be my only title this month. Rapey gameplay stuff doesn't interest me and I'd rather wait for the appends for PxC.

>> No.12065823

With official games? Nope, it does stuff but the latest official thing they did was CCC.
Compare it to the annual obligatory full price da crapo game.

>> No.12065832

At least Alicesoft makes new games instead of constantly rereleasing old ones like TM and Circus.

>> No.12065838

He says completely ignoring Rance 01 & 02...

>> No.12065843

>and I'd rather wait for the appends for PxC
Why. These games have plenty of H-scenes from the get go (I think there are supposed to be 9 per heroine in Pretty x Cation).

>> No.12065853
File: 153 KB, 768x1024, Bl9OTE8CQAA2PPf.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rereleases you say.

Those outfits must be ancient. Maybe they can keep doing this until it gets to the point they're older than the girls wearing them.

>> No.12065854

It needs better lovely calls, it's not the same if you can't have a darling or a goshujinsama.

>> No.12065860

It's more a completeness/autism thing. Installing it now would mean I'd either have to leave it installed and play the appends as they come out (my internal hard drive is already pretty full so I'd rather not) or reinstall it after they're all out (which I guarantee I'd be too lazy to bother with).

I've got more than enough backlog to carry me through. No need to rush it.

>> No.12065862

yep they makes new games,the problem is all of their new games are suck too much. im pretty sure if those games were made from other companies they'd already gone bankrupt.

in short people are not buying them because they are good but just because its "alicesoft". its same with typemoon thing.They wont care what is it,just a TM mark is enough for giving 10.000 yen to them.

>> No.12065866

Is that Sumika's seiyuu (Natsuno Koori?)

>> No.12065871

At least with the photon series you can tell who's a real turbo autist fan, as only they'd willingly pay money for all those objectively terrible side stories.

You couldn't pay me to force myself through some of those again.

>> No.12065873

i can understand the fandom of alicesoft and typemoon, but cirsus? seriously who the hell are buying those fucking a dacapos? da capo 1 & 2 was shit,da capo 3 is shit and da capo 4 will be shit as well.

>> No.12065880

Age is easily the worst offender of milking. I dream of a day where they actually release a new game.

>> No.12065887

It's a waste of a setting, I like the ul/Alt setting but all their stories about it after the main series have been pretty crap in my opinion.

>> No.12065898

as a someone who is waiting for tsukihime remake, the road is still too long for us.

>> No.12065901

Just like To Heart, the series will never die and I'm just okay with that.

>> No.12065904

I'm kinda looking forward to it because better art/voices?/Satsuki route mostly, also Akiha since I like her a lot as a heroine.

>> No.12065906
File: 24 KB, 364x289, ss (2014-04-25 at 01.44.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there are still some games left which doesnt appear here,like "holy extended version of da capo 2" or something.

>> No.12065907

Well, Oyako Rankan was one of my favorite nukige of 2012 if that counts for anything.

>> No.12065909
File: 84 KB, 640x359, LDvol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a random promotion girl. Baka Ouji and Tashiro Hayato were the guests there. Which becomes funny when you realize Baka Ouji was the artist for the cover art and pretty much nothing else.

I am still at least looking at the fence about buying it for the prologues at some point, but that's it. Mostly intended to sell it to post-TE secondary fans who weren't around to buy Chronicles the first time like the Lunatic Dawn compilations or the 5 different main series releases since late 2011.

Actually I wonder how complete of an ending the Schwarzesmarken novels got anyways considering the game was announced right around the same time.

>> No.12065912

To be fair, age practically imploded in mid '11 or so.

>> No.12065914
File: 379 KB, 1135x848, dc legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ends.

>> No.12065922

They tried to do something outside Muv-Luv with their remake of Kimi Ita. It didn't go too well. Honestly, they dug themselves in a whole by milking Alternative and its universe too much, no different from a big name actor getting type cast.

Same with Giga, nowadays the only thing they're known for is the Baldr series and nobody gives a shit about their other games.

>> No.12065934
File: 56 KB, 661x473, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling 5pb has a significant financial stake in age now but I can't quite prove it. Schwarzesmarken not being announced as console first throws it off too.

KimiIta's problems were a lot bigger than not being Muv-Luv. Especially being it's still part of the same story umbrella and the remake added 4 ML characters and the voice cast.

>> No.12065938

This game looks super interesting.

>> No.12065939

To be fair with KimiIta '11, the game itself was really okay at best with a lot of the drama being incredibly dumb. Not quite as dumb as some in the original but fairly close at times. The whole "2 Routes for characters people actually know + Sidestory are being delayed for reasons" thing didn't help at all I'm sure.

>> No.12065947

What I was trying to go for was that Kimi Ita had the least connection to TSF's and other mecha hullaballoo that got Muv-Luv on the map. It's just a rather average rom-com through and through.

>> No.12065954

The president of ixtl is some higher up at 5pb I'm pretty sure.

>> No.12065974

I wouldn't exactly say Kimi Ita is them trying to do something different. It's still ultimately just a remake of an older game, and is still part of the same universe as all their games.

Personally I don't even have a problem if they want to release more games in the Muv Luv verse. I just wish they were new, full fledged games, continuing on the story , instead of shitty side stories.

>> No.12066040

Yeah, president of Picture Magic and director of 5pb now.

Euro Front is the only 2001 era story left to finish at least. Schwarzesmarken will have the first all new TSF sprites since the original and the first name artist age has used in forever anyways.

>> No.12066963

You say that like Eushully never released Kamidori, Soukoku and Madou Koukaku.

Or GIGA and those Kiss series and Material Brave.

Every company has his flops.

>> No.12067030

Can the android app "VNDS" really convert almost any VN to be playable on my phone?

>> No.12067055

Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.12067060

What, are you saying that Kamidori is a bad game?

>> No.12067081
File: 2 KB, 145x31, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's pretty obvious.

>> No.12067108

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that you're stupid, hating a game because it has a translation.

>> No.12067111

Summon Night is barely yuri, /u/sh*tter. You post on /v/ all the time and make it very obvious you haven't played any Summon Night games besides the localized spinoffs you subhuman EOP scum.

>> No.12067114

Haven't you read the memo? Anything translated in English turns to shit only casuals enjoy here.

>> No.12067118

Why did you censor yourself? It makes you look silly.

>> No.12067123

Whatever you say, mate.

>> No.12067132

I don't make the rules. It is what it is.

>> No.12067386 [SPOILER] 
File: 484 KB, 800x450, 1398397972882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, probably.

>> No.12067423

IMM uploaded on nyaa

>> No.12067430

I hate you.

>> No.12067451


>> No.12067641

I've started Kare wa Kanojo. It seems pretty mediocre so far, but I wanted to try it since it was one of the few VNs in English that I saw in Google Play. I might as well finish it since it's supposedly pretty short.

>> No.12067650

> This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels, and light novels without an animated adaptation. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/,
Read rules before posting, and take your OELVN shit to place where it belongs.

>> No.12067652

Oh, I hadn't realized it wasn't originally japanese. I guess that explains a lot. I just downloaded it because the name looked familiar and Android options were limited.

>> No.12067748

If I haven't played Verita, can I still play Memoria now?
I played Zero and 3 chapters of Verita back in February, got busy with other stuffs and now I can't be assed to pick up Verita again. It was kind of boring in the beginning anyway.

Likewise, if I haven't played Rance Quest, how about R9?

>> No.12067752

Jesus, it's not like you have to immediately jump on the newest thing. Just go through the series.

>> No.12067755

>If I haven't played Verita, can I still play Memoria now?

>> No.12067761

> If I haven't played Verita, can I still play Memoria now?
I posted >>12064915 specially for you.

>> No.12067763

B-but muh discussion.

>> No.12067768

But I do. I'm only interested in the latest.


>> No.12067771

You can do true history route in 2-3 days if you play extra story first and get haisherra clone.
Althrough, if you think Verita is boring, you probably shouldn't play Memoria at all.

>> No.12067791

I'm thinking of reading either Umineko or Higurashi. They seem to be highly rated, and I do like horror. Thing is, I'm kind of put off by the really bad artwork (which I know, shouldn't really be that much of an issue). Thoughts? Should I read them?

>> No.12067801

You know there are console versions of both Higurashi and Umineko with more traditional sprites and you can patch those sprites to PC versions, right?

Somewhere in the archive, there should be a Mega link with all Higurashi arcs patched up.

>> No.12067802

If it bothers you that much, just play the console versions.

>> No.12067813

We still don't know how much will be rewriten so they might make it feel less side-questy. It also seems to have new last boss.

>> No.12067815

> I played Zero and 3 chapters of Verita back in February, got busy with other stuffs and now I can't be assed to pick up Verita again. It was kind of boring in the beginning anyway.
So you skipped Genrin no Kishougun, although everyone warned you that its essential for Verita, unsurprisingly found VERITA to be "boring" (because it relies on shitton of backstory you didn't read, and it doesn't even introduce half of cast, because they got enough of screentime in GnK2), and yet you are trying to do exactly same mistake with Memoria?

I just don't understand this. Apparently no sane person would read, say, Grisaia no Rakuen before other two, yet people somewhy believe that if novel has gameplay elements, its suddenly stand-alone thing, and prequels could be skipped.

>> No.12067828

Well, I mean, overall its going to be same thing: internal and international Revinia politics, conflicts with Marsterria and light/neutral/dark in general, wandering majins, crazy wizards doing crazy stuff and so on. So if he didn't like this stuff in VERITA, chances he will like pretty much same stuff in Memoria are slim.

>> No.12067829

I have read the text version of Genrin1 in G2, and I know most of what happened at the end of G2, which Verita brought up again anyway.

>> No.12067841
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> I know most of what happened at the end of G2, which Verita brought up again anyway.
That's not what I mean.
For example, at the beginning of VERITA, there's this scene with Riui summoning his court, and it doesn't even call out names of most of girls. Yet if you actually played GnK2, you would know each of them, their backstories and such. They aren't minor characters, each got plenty of scenes in prequels.
Its like reading FD without original — you cannot enjoy bonus scenes if you don't care about characters to begin with.

>> No.12067843

Yeah it really depends what he did find boring about it though, most of those things dind't really come into play untill later in Verita. And I think the early parts of Verita were bit slow.

>> No.12067845

He's a retard for doing that, but...

Fuck louie, what a bitch

>> No.12067878
File: 530 KB, 1280x720, ハロー・レディ!_25042014_044207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like when they go through and execute without friendship bullshit stopping them, because it's the "right thing to do".

>> No.12067888 [DELETED] 

Now you can have the extra edge 15 year olds crave for along with the sex in your VN all in one package.

>> No.12067953
File: 293 KB, 1278x722, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Go on a date, go in a clothing shop and spend a good 50-100 lines talking about clothes and how good she looks in a skirt
- Doesn't show the outfit in a sprite form or in CG shot and the entire conversation takes place in the small "window" in the picture posted

Is this game trying to make me hate it? why bother to tell me how good she looks in it if you aren't going to show her wearing said outfit

>> No.12067955

Use your imagination. I swear kids these days.

>> No.12067960

Please, go back to /b/, its a bit too early for you to post on jp

>> No.12067965

Telling me to go to /b/ just because I don't agree with what they think and complain about? You're quite the arbitrator.

>> No.12067978

I think Higurashi is a must-play. There's no guarantee you'll like it (obviously) but it's one of those historically significant VNs that fans of the medium should be acquainted with. Umineko is much more polarizing (a lot of people, myself included, feel it's ruined by its second half) and doesn't have the same classic status. Higurashi should be read before Umineko anyways, as Umineko is in some ways a sequel.

As mentioned there are patches for art (I needed one for Higurashi but not Umineko).

>> No.12067993

The Owaru sekai/ Futapara fandisc was pretty boring. I feel like I'm forcing myself to play so I guess I'll uninstall it.

The H-scenes were good though, nothing special, but good.
The extra stories felt a bit, I don't know, like they halfheartedly made some shit up, just to make some fan disc-bucks.

>> No.12068011

This is a really suboptimal way to shorten the title. You're not talking about a game called Futanari Paradise, are you?

>> No.12068014

Everyone here knows which game he means, so who cares.

>> No.12068022

I didn't know about that game. I will try to better myself.

>> No.12068197

That is a bit disappointing. I was looking forward to reading it after reading Futagoza. Well, as long as it has some Orizuka H then it shouldn't be a complete disappointment.

>> No.12068205

>『girlcelly/❀AS Bought Game❀』 [140425] [CIRCUS] D.C.III P.P.~ダ・カーポIII プラチナパートナー~ 初回限定版 + Digital Content Disk + Wallpaper

I was upset until I remembered that fag pic he always puts on his torrents.

>> No.12068213

I hope you give it a try. It might just be my depression, because I remember I loved both Futagoza and Owasekai.

>> No.12068214

Is that a fandisc or just another rerelease?

>> No.12068222

That's it. With all the D.C. releases it has to be at least someone decent. I'm going to bite the bullet and read D.C. III.

>> No.12068225

The first. You can't re release more DCIII.

>> No.12068226

>it has to be at least someone decent
That's the DC trap, you'd think that, but it just doesn't happen.

>> No.12068229

Shit, really? How can they fail to perfect upon the pure love moege after all these releases?

>> No.12068231
File: 98 KB, 640x360, c771638sample11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to wait a little bit for MGE 2013.

>> No.12068236

You could ask the same to almost every single eroge company.

>> No.12068248

But other companies don't milk their titles nearly as much as Circus does with D.C. I don't get it. Is it a company loyalty thing?

>> No.12068249

Why would you be upset about it?

>> No.12068252

They just pander to them incredibly hard and the popularity it shows draws other people in.

>> No.12068269

By slapping terrible drama and story nobody wanted in the routes, and along with the unimpressive everything else it just ends up as a pool of mediocrity.

I did like a few parts of the DC2 sub-series, though. Anzu is a fun character and one of To You's stories (Machine Heart) was nice. And at least there's always Yozuca's songs.

Yeah, that's also true. While I'm a total sucker for moege, it's amazing how every new company that shows up out of nowhere keeps making the same mistakes.

On the bright side, I've been playing Tsubame's route in Clover Day's and I feel that after the initial drama (which actually wasn't bad, and it was the obvious development that would come from the bubble close to bursting that her relationship with the protagonist was) it turned into the closest I've ever seen to the "pure love moege" concept being perfected. The dialog is both amusing and incredibly sweet, their flirting feels really natural and you can just feel their relief now that they are finally honest with each other and can go at it like rabbits.

I wasn't expecting to like it this much, but it reminds me exactly why I like these games. If only the entire thing was like this.

>> No.12068285

I missed Tina in there. Even though she was the best girl, they never mentioned her again. Yet even useless shits like Linn and Tifana got their appearances, what the fuck?

>> No.12068288

She left.

>> No.12068291

Same here, actually. All best girls of GnK2 didn't get any attention, which is sad. But I guess they just didn't fit into VERITA narration, being too close to light side.

>> No.12068297
File: 758 KB, 803x864, Yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was totally unpredictable... I guess.

>> No.12068305

Who's Tina?

>> No.12068311

Iryn high priest. Luie raped her back in GnK1, and she was obessed with healing his heart scars since then.

>> No.12068314
File: 647 KB, 800x600, Tina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12068319

Isn't that that girl on standing directly on right side of Louie on >>12067841 ?

>> No.12068321

No, thats Petrene. Petrene serves Goddes of Chaos (dark live god), Tina serves God of Healing (light live god).

>> No.12068343

Shit, all this time I was thinking Petrene and Tina is the same person since they're both healers and have similar personality.

But wait, what happened to her and why is she not in Verita?

>> No.12068348

>have similar personality
Uhh, no?
Tina is quite bold and upward [for Iryn priest, that is], Petrene is shy and insecure about her abilities.
> But wait, what happened to her and why is she not in Verita?
There are 15 endings in GnK2. In some of them she stays with Loue, in some paths she doesn't even join team after GnK1. So dunno.

>> No.12068363
File: 302 KB, 1920x1080, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where this is from?

>> No.12068370


>> No.12068371

new rance?

>> No.12068379

They're both devoted and have deep concern for the Louie, unlike the other girls which are too busy doing their own thing and slutting around.

>> No.12068496

So, IMM has been released today.

>> No.12068498


>> No.12068500

Yes, it was. My copy arrived to proxy in the morning. Your point?

>> No.12068502

Already downloaded.

>> No.12068503

Lies, there's not even a torrent.

>> No.12068506

That's why you use PD.

>> No.12068507

7.2G Not torrent.

>> No.12068509

Stop helping shitposter shit up the thread please. Report and ignore.

>> No.12068530

Can i skip Rance Quest to play Rance 9 ?

>> No.12068532


>> No.12068536


I'd recommend plowing through RQ/M though. It isn't half bad.
I just probably have low standards.

>> No.12068543

Rance Quest (+Magnum) is one of the better Rance game, don't skip it

>> No.12068548


Alkanese is a bro.

>> No.12068577

As if he were deserving of their concern.

In all honesty, yes. There is one interesting few quests long storyline in Magnum that might be of some relevance in R9, though I am not far enough in to say that with any certainty. You should be fine.

>> No.12068581

You can just remember captain crook gets raped and becomes the pope

>> No.12068656

Speaking of rehashes Alicesoft officially announced a new remake. Blah.

>> No.12068660

Of what exactly?

>> No.12068667

Memoria in nyaa.

>> No.12068672

Here goes my attempt to do some work on weekend. Oh well, not like I needed that money anyway.

>> No.12068675

Been playing for an hour.

>> No.12068676

>7.5 GB
Not so nice

>> No.12068682

If you're talking about the Escalayer Reboot, they announced it in November of last year.

>> No.12068683

Holy shit it's true.

>> No.12068685

With Memoria out the wait for everything else I want to play will be easy. I am pleased.

>> No.12068695

Reading 戦女神VERITA -外伝- とある魔神の遺跡探検 now, it has quite cool rehash of Dir Lyphna lore, definitely worth a read.

>> No.12068698

Goodbye /jp/. See you next week.

>> No.12068723

Not with your slow download speed only to find that there's a pop up error every other minute after you start the game.

>> No.12068728

> pop up error every other minute after you start the game
Sorry, but even most retarded eushully fans know how to fix exe so it wouldn't show that message. Try harder.

>> No.12068741

I finished the true route, and I fail to see how it was supposed to make me feel less disgusted at the MC. As I said (twice), it's not like he knew the things that were revealed in it, he knew the same things as the reader. And he even used underhanded tactics in the friendly match, no excuse for that.

Still, at least Marin's armor had an amazing ass, and her scene was fun to watch, so there were some good things, but I did spend a lot of time feeling disgust more than anything else.

>> No.12068745

Marin's scene is also pretty nice, Did you enjoy the read overall?

>> No.12068748

That only happens with dummy cuts.

See you next week, /jp/.

>> No.12068755

New thread? we hit page 9

>> No.12068758


3 seeders, 3015 leechers.

>> No.12068762

And half of them are japanese. Filthy pirate scum, its because of them eroge industry is in decline.

>> No.12068763

So IMM is twice as big as Rance 9. Quite obvious who is superior here.

>> No.12068765

It doesn't really matter which one is better since they're both kusoge.

>> No.12068767
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>> No.12068768

Hey look guys I'm hating on two games with large fanbases, I'm so awesome!

>> No.12068770

It's called being impartial. The rivalry between Eushully and Alicesoft fans is pure cancer. They should take it to /vg/ so we can discuss real VNs.

>> No.12068771

Yes you do seem like an upstanding quality poster yourself.

>> No.12068772

Why does there even need to be rivalry? The two main series for each are fairly different, at least in my opinion.

>> No.12068773

But there are no "real VNs" released since Hello Lady, only gomige like moege/nukige.

>> No.12068775

Real VNs are anything that doesn't have gameplay.

>> No.12068776

You too. Your previous post reads like it was taken straight from /v/.

Because everyone hates Rance, and Alicesoft by extention, because it was translated. If IM gets translated it'll get the same treatment.

Moege are the staple of real VNs just like scenarioge.

>> No.12068779

That's the scene I was talking about.
I sort of enjoyed it, but the experience was tempered with disgust at the MC, which led to other negative thoughts, like the fact that out of the four heroines, the only one I liked was the only one who had no chance of being the main one. (When you have a tsundere, a kawaii desu semi-loli, a sexually oblivious oneesan and a shimoneta character with an actual sex drive, you know that at the very least the last one is definitely not the main heroine. She'd scare the kimowotas away.)

>> No.12068787

> Because everyone hates Rance and Alicesoft
Not really. Being Eushully fan, I pick on Rancefags from time to time, but I like Rance series myself, and definitely don't hate Alicesoft.
They made tons of really cool games outside of Rance series like Atlach=Nacha or Drapeko.

>> No.12068809

I can understand being elitist towards EOPs, but hating games solely because they were translated reeks of pathetic arrogance.

>> No.12068815

Has it exploded yet?

>> No.12068829

New thread:

