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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12052957 No.12052957 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Easter /jp/!

>> No.12052962

Thanks, you too!

>> No.12052964

I want to lick Tewi's anus

>> No.12052967

I just saw its druggie day too
Id rather eat my chocolate rabbit

>> No.12052974

Happy birthday Hitler

>> No.12052978
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I want one of Tewi's hot musty chocolate eggs!

>> No.12052988

I want to fertilize one of Twei's eggs.

>> No.12052998
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I'm already sick of chocolate

>> No.12053008
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I just realized how stupid easter is.

I mean, what if you tried to create easter, today? No one would agree on it.

I mean, oh, we have this religious event where our lord and savior or some shit get nailed on a course and dies for our sins, and then he resurrects.

Oh I know, let's get a shitton of eggs and chickens, make the kids paint those eggs and shit, and then, I'm not sure in other countries, but we dress up these little kids to old ladies and force them to beg for candy. And then, we have this fucking rabbit, yes, let's have a rabbit that hides the eggs.

And even then, this is considered normal. And I still love easter.

>> No.12053024

stop doing that excessive swearing thing

>> No.12053075
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Happy Easter!

>> No.12053079

Happy birthday Adolf Hitler

>> No.12053111

Mein Fuhrer!

>> No.12053120

Do weebs celebrate easter?

>> No.12053276
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Happy Easter, mein Führer!

>> No.12053305

Is there a joke around this or are Japs really that disgusting

>> No.12053315

Remember they were a part of the Axis.
Most of them aren't even alive today, but the point is its part of their history and nobody really gives a shit anymore except people looking for an excuse to feel mad over nothing.

>> No.12053329

The first one is by ALISON who tends to draw radical things like that, so it's kinda a joke

>> No.12053336
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>Happy easter
>Dances like a jew

>> No.12053338

I guess it's okay then...

Happy easter.

>> No.12053347
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Why would they give a fuck about something that happened 70 years ago? Also they love military uniforms.

>> No.12053359

What is there not to like about cute girls wearing Nazi uniforms?
It's moe

>> No.12053370
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Happy Passover

>> No.12053378

>dumps nuclear weapons on the "biggest possible" civilian targets in Japan
>never say sorry or anything like it
>why would they give a fuck about something that happened 70 years ago

>> No.12053379

do we eat rabbits on easter?

>> No.12053382

So I'm going to have to be concerned about everything bad that happened to people in my country ever?

Oh man, please no my life is already shitty enough as it is.

>> No.12053383

its tradition to coat them in chocolate first

>> No.12053387

I was questioning why would they bitch like liberals when they see an extremist symbol. There is no reason to get mad over a single image.
Also, yes they should get over it. This revanchism bullshit has already escalated two wars into global conflicts.

>> No.12053389

what do you think tewi tastes like?

>> No.12053391
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Why don't you take a lick and find out?

>> No.12053630

Chocolate Tewi?

>> No.12053812

Stop pretending you give a shit about it.

>> No.12054276

Why did Jesus need to rise and ascend? Why couldn't he just wait with everyone else and be less selfish?

>> No.12054917

You gotta admit, the Nazis uniform kick asses.
Too bad they're Nazis.

>> No.12054919

If you're going to be like that, I should basically be picking fight with EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that thread.
The English? THEY MUST PAY FOR NAPOLEON. Also they burnt Joan of Arc. And their sneaky pussies archers killed our finest knights by being pussies.
The Americans? They never paid for Louisana. And they make us pay the visit of the Freedom Statue, despite us gifting it to them.
The Spanish? They tried to invade us.
The Germans? Don't ever get me started on that.

Quizz : where do I live?

>> No.12054946

I know! I know! You live in a country, right? right?

>> No.12054951
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>mfw I realize I live in a country

>> No.12054966

Rabbits are gross rodents, but tewi can poop all over my house any day

>> No.12055009

I want to spank Tewi as revenge for all her pranks.

>> No.12055458

He took everyone's sin so he was a VIP
He wasn't being selfish he was showing them how cool it is to not sin.

>> No.12055488

epic posts

>> No.12061462

thanks tewi!!!!!!

>> No.12062382

What sound does a rabbit make?

>> No.12062437
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>> No.12064395

Japanese Rabbit?

>> No.12067537 [DELETED] 


>> No.12067547 [DELETED] 

fuck I forgot about easter
I was supposed to go to this family thing
I bet my grandmother had a bag of candy for me or something
what if she dies before I see her again

>> No.12067585

>usa usa
God damn right ya gook

>> No.12068083
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>> No.12073403 [DELETED] 


>> No.12078376 [DELETED] 

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