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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12047226 No.12047226 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12035312

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Zharay/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/Zharay/logbook

Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, resource boasting and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12047231

So now that the next event as Midway is under suspicion, who wants to venture a guess as to which battle it'll be based on?

>> No.12047235

We don't really have any information to base it on.

>> No.12047234

The threads really move at a slower pace, and apparently faster to die nowadays.
Even though at last month the thread could easily last until around 1500-2000 posts

>> No.12047238
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>> No.12047239

Twitch beats midway when?

>> No.12047240

Well it just means /jp/ gets less deleted threads.

>> No.12047245

Actually, faster to die means more active because it's faster to reach bump limit.

>> No.12047243
File: 503 KB, 750x1100, 42940089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12047266

Corregidor or MO probably.

>> No.12047278

MO is already an expedition, isn't it?

>> No.12047280

> Corregidor
> Military engineers had cut away the entire top of El Fraile Island down to the water-line and used the island as a foundation to build a reinforced concrete "battleship", 350 ft (110 m) long and 144 ft (44 m) wide, with exterior walls of concrete and steel 25–36 ft (7.6–11.0 m) thick.
Henderson-chan, vol.2. I hope you guys have enough destroyers.

>> No.12047285

day battle only. no night battle. ring formation, 5 fortresses

>> No.12047290

> In 1945, as part of the offensive to recapture Manila, Fort Drum was assaulted by US forces. After a heavy aerial and naval bombardment, US troops gained access to the deck of the fort on 13 April, and were able to confine the garrison below. Rather than attempting to break in, the troops and engineers adapted the solution first used some days earlier in the assault of mortar forts on Fort Hughes.

> There, the troops "pumped two parts diesel oil and one part gasoline" into mortar pits, stood off, and ignited it with tracer bullets. At Fort Drum a similar technique was employed, utilizing air vents on the top deck, but a timed fuse was used rather than tracer fire.

> On ignition, the remaining Japanese soldiers were cooked alive; the flammable mixture kept a fire burning in the fort for several days.

That's not a nice thing to do.

>> No.12047298

Keep trying, shitposter.

>> No.12047309

Yeah, not a nice thing to do, but then again, WW2 is a treasure trove of such incidents. And at least these were between regular combatants.

But we digress.
I wonder what rare ships are gonna be available for pick-up during the event?

>> No.12047311

What 2 additional ships did you guys bring for quest B21? 3-1 boss is really tough as the 4 required DDs do not have enough firepower. I brought 2 CV (Akagi lvl 94 and Kaga lvl 94) but it was not sufficient.

>> No.12047312

What if they're trying to surprise us with Midway

>> No.12047317

Load your carriers to the brim with torpedo bombers and pray you will not hit Wo formation. You only need to B-rank it after all, and they will easily destroy those CLs and DDs.

>> No.12047322

I want Gumos as non-boss drops. They're practically unfarmable now.

>> No.12047323

Brought Kaga and Nagato, the only hard part was the stupid compass that kept sending me NE at the beginning.

>> No.12047324
File: 139 KB, 792x470, time to send these kageros into the trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Is your carrier so shitty that they cant kill 4 of them?

>> No.12047325

What about 5-4?

>> No.12047327
File: 394 KB, 1365x729, ss (2014-04-18 at 12.45.13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting this error for a month now. Tried updating to latest KCV version, latest flash player version, latest IE version, cleared cache, turning my computer off and on again etc. Any suggestions?

>> No.12047330

I'm trying not to destroy my bucket stockpiles over some trophy shits.

>> No.12047333

Cranes to do both quests at the same time

>> No.12047334

Trust me bro, you never want a latest version of flash, those 2011's versions are way more stable than the recent ones.

>> No.12047353

so which flash version are you using now?

>> No.12047424
File: 359 KB, 800x480, 20140417_131032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I finally decide to challenge 5-5

>> No.12047438

>pig face
>spending 2k steel when there is less than 1 week left
What is wrong with you?

>> No.12047443

Anyone with a level 80 Bismarck is beyond caring about resources.

>> No.12047446
File: 11 KB, 146x37, 20140417_132341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because why the fuck not? There's been nothing else to do for literally months.

>> No.12047448

Quoted wrong post.

>> No.12047470

I'm almost beginning to think events at some point in the future will require those resources, and perhaps 72 hours or some such for the cream-of-the-crop rares

>> No.12047503

I'd be okay with this, so long as the "easy" portion of the event had as much content as a full event. I don't think anyone would be cross if you could get Shinano in E4 and proceed to a super-hard E5 only if you wanted uncraftable equipment and other good-but-not-key rewards.

I can wait for the high-end ships to be available.

>> No.12047508
File: 471 KB, 1382x754, ss (2014-04-18 at 02.53.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just tried playing flash from other sites and they work perfectly on KCV. Only Kancolle does not seem to be loading. ;_;

>> No.12047509

Then only autists and cheaters will be able to clear them. I doubt it.

>> No.12047512

Try going to DMM's main page on KCV.

>> No.12047521

It loads fine, but when I click on links towards the game itself, the KCV browser would automatically focus on the flash file itself.

>> No.12047528

I think the game needs to move away from this model of short time exclusive events.
It leaves the players with nothing to do most of the time. This also creates a stockpiling effect which makes it harder to tune events.
The devs also have to spend a lot of time to create something that will only be played for a short period.
It's not like the game's profitability relies on people buying items for the event.
The monthly maps like 1-5 and 5-5 is a step into the right direction.

>> No.12047628 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.12047673

Is there any polygamist here ?
Mai waifu is the purest, Haruna - but Taiho's getting close to 99 and I really like her, so I bought a extra ring.
Who are your waifuS, /jp/ ?

>> No.12047691

all five subs
might add Nagato, Mutsu, three CLTs at some point

>> No.12047701
File: 40 KB, 438x290, waifus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to marry only Yamato but gave in and married the CLTs since it was annoying having them stuck at 99.
Probably will marry Nagato and Suzuya once they hit 99 too.

>> No.12047709
File: 168 KB, 447x378, monogamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a filthy monogamist

>> No.12047724
File: 622 KB, 816x518, 04-10-2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monogamy Club, reporting in.

>> No.12047736

Well, I guess I'll adopt some policy where I marry every ship I like a lot when they hit 99 to continue using them, since I'm an autistic anon who can't take wasting exp. That's why I have 2 set of CLt (99,99,99 / 98,84,66)/

Monogamy is cool, it's not your fault your hearts aren't big enough for multiple girls !

>> No.12047741

>your hearts
More like your wallet.

>> No.12047798

is there a video that shows the 3 different cut-in attacks? google comes up with nothing

>> No.12047829 [DELETED] 

dead thread
dead game

>> No.12047835 [DELETED] 

le sage

>> No.12047905

why do you need a video?

>> No.12047920

You can just throw Yukikaze at 1-1 with each setup.

>> No.12048040
File: 114 KB, 320x320, 9iifPpPW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12048047

Oh for fucks sake. I thought they would at least keep the pieces with the same proportions.

>> No.12048051

This is torture

Fucking sadists

>> No.12048059

They never do that, just let the nips join the pictures perfectly.

>> No.12048080

Speaking of torture. We need a spinn off event with pirates to fight. And the pirates shoes should be built like if they were walking the plank.

>> No.12048088

I would post the actual gif but it's not even safe enough to use with spoilers.


this shit just stole 5 minutes of my life.

>> No.12048096

Why is it not safe?
Am I on fire now?

>> No.12048211

You were.

>> No.12048349
File: 141 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140417-19250828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in. I'm about to marry Hachi soon.

>> No.12048373

So you are stockpiling as well, I see.

>> No.12048374

I wish there was a good way to spend steel alone.

>> No.12048375

I envy these people with that kind of resources.

I fucking blame Wo and LSC.

>> No.12048378
File: 216 KB, 800x1000, 1396635525223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did wo do wrong?

>> No.12048386

Yup, I'm going to burn all of my resources to get Musashi and Yamato anyway to beat 5-5.

>> No.12048494

I guess moot killed us.

>> No.12048499


new system, new kanmusu, new kai, new bgm for anniversary?

>> No.12048599
File: 192 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140418-14335642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6months to finally beat this game.
Not bad.

>> No.12048602

Now, we've assumed that a CV will probably hit Kai-2 at Midway, ammarite?
If so, it's very likely to be Hiryu, correct?
Then that opens room for more Shibafu Kai-nis, yeah?

Still waiting. Still waitin' for that day...

>> No.12048606

no, it's just you

>> No.12048611

nobody assumed that

>> No.12048613


Anon.... I...

>> No.12048626

Shinano where art thou

>> No.12048630

I still have to marry a ship, pull I'll probably go polygamy and marry Yamato and Haruna, maybe Nagato too if she gets a second remodel at some point.

>> No.12048937

I promise guys, after this event end, regardless if I clear it or not, I will quit this game!

>> No.12048951

I'd like too, I can't take LSC torture and months long wait for an event anymore

>> No.12048955

See you later on the next event m8.

BTW, if you really quit, let's borrow your account to test some stuff

>> No.12048968

You admirals say that... But you're really here forever, whether you like it or not.

>> No.12049055

Then why is it so dead here?
checkmate atheists.

>> No.12049069

I've been 3-2-Aing all day to level a few ships before the event kicks in.

>> No.12049070

Everyone who quits needs to post their API here so we can take care of their ship daughters

>> No.12049100

I don't want my ship daughters to make contact with another person, less another admiral!

>> No.12049109

Are you fucked in the head?

>> No.12049108

Scrap them all on YouTube.

>> No.12049117
File: 83 KB, 547x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her already.

>> No.12049118

It's a joke, anon.
But I really want to stop playing this.

>> No.12049120

Okay I'll stop forcing you to play. You're free now!

>> No.12049122

Scrap Honorably dismiss from the service all your ships on stream.

>> No.12049134

Does the Kancolle lottery times ever change? Do want to play but can't stay up till 4:00AM my time to enter.

>> No.12049138

Sometimes it's at 3pm or 9pm (JP)

>> No.12049169

Huh, neat. It just dawned on me that I'm doing the exact mistake the IJN did, by focusing most of my attention to my battleship girls for the past few weeks, while almost completely ignoring my carrier girls.

Midway-failure club, early applicant, reporting in. Now looking for prospective members!

>> No.12049172

My best carrier is level 70, while I have eight level 90+ BBs and CAs. I'll join you in your suffering.

>> No.12049174

IJN didn't focus on battleships any more than other navies at that time did.

>> No.12049176

I failed by leveling some of them to 99. Now I don't feel like using them in events at all, I can't deal with all those wasted exp.

>> No.12049179

Not like it matters, you can brute force the game with Yamatos easily. Kancolle is no WitPAE.

>> No.12049182

Having played Kancolle I have no sympathy for the IJN. All they had to do was retreat on orange. The fools!

>> No.12049183

My level 120 Musashi will be laughing and Wo-kai and Re they better be prepared

>> No.12049195

> Now looking for prospective members!
I'm in. After wasting all my resources on Taiho gambling(finally got her after I lost count of tries) I'm in four digits.

>> No.12049213

I'm going to laugh like madmen if they will make Taiho E6+ drop.

>> No.12049226

Underestimating aerial warfare and relying too much on my surface warfare capabilities is what I'm getting at.

Good, new friends! I have two usable carriers at level 70, the rests are left untouched after their remodels. I bought Wo's "level doesn't matter!" lie wholesale.

>> No.12049237

But Wo never lies. She cares about you, TTK!

>> No.12049239

I like how you are all falling for Re again. There's no real indication it's Midway. This has been repeated already.

>> No.12049248

T-thanks, Wo...!

This is also another reason why I neglected my carriers, as doubt started to well up in me. Then comes the 23rd and suddenly it's actually Midway and I'll be triple fucked. Thanks Wo, thanks Re.

>> No.12049253

but the one who rape you at Midway will be Re flagship Kai....

>> No.12049254
File: 54 KB, 850x600, 1396605468083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're always there for you.

>> No.12049257

But Re said it'll be an easy event...

>> No.12049259

For her.

>> No.12049260

She always say that before she rape your res and bucket

>> No.12049279

It is not midway. Wo is never wrong, it is basically going to be 5-5 tier or easy as fuck like arpeggio.
Event is only 2weeks so it is going to be easy as fuck.

>> No.12049310

5-5 and Arpreggio were both as difficult actually.

>> No.12049316

Arpeggio might have been hard if you tried to do it without submarines because beam saber but I don't see how it could have been so otherwise.

>> No.12049331

I don't see how those can even be compared

>> No.12049333
File: 17 KB, 177x258, INZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the difficulty of 5-5, cutin is definitely the way to go, so it's time to LSC! Let's do it /jp/.

>> No.12049334

Arpeggio seemed easy because we got it after Fall event, and even compared to any other previous event Arpeggio was pretty lacking in difficulty.

5-5 seems hard because it's compared to 5-4, world 5, or any other map.

But if you compare resources and buckets usage both takes pretty much the same amount of them.

>> No.12049347

What the hell are you talking about?
Arpeggio required at most 10K resources to complete, whereas 5-5 is a hell hole, requiring 20-30K

>> No.12049351

I completed Arpeggio spending little more then 6k resourses and about 40 buckets. Might have spent even less if Iona wasn't crit magnet. I don't even want to touch 5-5.

>> No.12049355

Unless you are running some shitty comp, arpeggio is easy as fuck.
E-3 is a joke, 0 number of retreat, no need for support, laser accuracy is almost as fuck and can be avoided by including 1sub in your fleet.

>> No.12049360

I haven't touched 5-5 but Arpeggio was cheaper than the fucking futon quest (screw you compass)

>> No.12049362

you could not avoid Maya and Kongou lasers, nor Kirishima or Haruna lasers, unless you ran all subs

Sure is being full of shit in your post.

>> No.12049366

Maya's laser is the only issue. Kongou's laser beam has a very shitty accuracy.

>> No.12049370

Maybe in your experience but certainly not in mine or those of others

>> No.12049371

Obviously I am talking about Nagara cruiser laser.
Who care if they shoot laser at the final node, you dont have to retreat even if they hit your weaksauce ships to red. The laser doesnt even hit, their accuracy is like 10% at most.

>> No.12049379

I'm curious what levels those "arpeggio was piss easy even easier 1.1.A" shiposters were when the event was on. In my experience, Arpeggio wasn't that easy. heck, I don't even remember people doing subcheesing that much too.

>> No.12049403

People who have done 5-5 were scaled to the hardest difficulty of Arpeggio, I don't know what your point is. Most people used the fog ships to clear normal maps so they'd have a very good point of reference. I had a harder time clearing 3-4, 4-4, and 5-3 than I did any Arpeggio event map. And I effortlessly farmed E-2 for hundreds of runs without suffering anywhere near the damage I took on 5-4. The event was designed to be very easy, I don't know why there's suddenly an argument that it's on par with the hardest map in the game. Maybe at a glance your resource consumption was the same because you used fog ships with ridiculous costs.

>> No.12049474
File: 316 KB, 965x819, 8dNWg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to paint my Hibiki - which one is the correct color scheme?

>> No.12049486

I only see 1 color-scheme there.

>> No.12049492

the one on top is the "color scheme" that came with my 1/700 tamiya

I guess my question is - wooden decks or no?

>> No.12049495

The one on the top has a Japanese flag that's gray on white?

>> No.12049500
File: 130 KB, 1156x502, 1152_1_tam31407_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm sorry anon, here

>> No.12049506

What paints are you using?

>> No.12049514

I'm undecided. Probably gonna go with acrylic because enamel were too thick for this kind of details.

>> No.12049515
File: 242 KB, 1280x986, Hibiki_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like wooden deck

>> No.12049519
File: 35 KB, 170x213, 1327826764583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. Couldn't find a nice colored Hibiki photograph because Google was flooded with images of the ship daughter.

>> No.12049582

any hope of getting an updated version of logbook translated?

>> No.12049721

Aren't most WWII warships wooden decked to ensure sailors walking on board have traction even in the most wet conditions?

>> No.12049730

That's the reason? I just knew that many ships had wooden decks.

>> No.12049761

Oh god fucking damn it, please create a "return expedition" button already.

>> No.12049764

And an option to scrap multiple girls.

>> No.12049771

That would beat the purpose. You have to think harder before setting an expedition.

>> No.12049774

It's actually linoleum. Only the battleships and carriers had wood. Incidentally the raised seams are actually brass strips to hold down the linoleum.

>> No.12049773

Yeah, but sometimes things go wrong and you set your expedition 37 fleet to the 38 one.

>> No.12049780

This is your own failure as an admiral, and if they created such a button it would be at the cost of resources.

>> No.12049782

Would gladly pay a full fleet of resources for that.

>> No.12049785

Even if you had to pay the expected resources + resupply?

>> No.12049784

You'd have to pay when they come back anyway.

>> No.12049786
File: 442 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140418-15592661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually sounds like a rodent.

>> No.12049789

Why not?

>> No.12049795

Because it will make the expedition you will do with the corrected fleet pointless because it will just cover the penalty.

>> No.12049798

Are you just now getting your first one?

>> No.12049799

Then I will finish the expeditions quest faster.

>> No.12049800

True, but it is resource inefficient.

>> No.12049804

But mind efficient. I swear, I need to take a break after this event.

>> No.12049815

Yes. Finally got Myoukou to drop too. I had all four Kongou sisters forever, so I've been waiting on her huge eyebrows before I could unlock my fourth fleet. Today is a good day.

>> No.12049885
File: 173 KB, 320x320, swUCeYHE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12049891



>> No.12049893

Rensouhou-chan sure got bulky

>> No.12049936

Yes, Amatsukaze.
I'm a bit disappointed that the poster girl for this event is a destroyer, unless she's has the same stats as Yukikaze, i don't see how she can be any useful.

>> No.12049943

What if Amatsukaze has even better stats than Poi

>> No.12049945

If she will be like Yudacchi, that would be great

>> No.12049949

>she can be any useful
Well, she can generate some doujin material together with speedslut.

>> No.12049952

I'm guessing she will be Shimakaze-tier, so I don't see that happening.

>> No.12049978

Amatsukaze doesn't really have anything impressive with her record. If anything she's going to have Shimakaze evasion, assuming they go for any sort of historical accuracy. Meaning we have absolutely no idea how good/shitty she's going to be.

>> No.12049990

How good evasion stat really is? Has japs tested how often will something like sparkled Shimakaze with 3 turbines be hit?

>> No.12049998

100% if over 2 nodes, because RNG

>> No.12050043
File: 50 KB, 650x605, 1397858913809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed slut.
I want her so bad, she better be a early event assured drop, I don't want to farm her yahagi-style.

>> No.12050064


>> No.12050081

I guess skirts are out of style lately.

>> No.12050210

It's amusing that they teased us about that ship instead of larger, trophy ship. Just like when they teased Z1 while hiding the Bismarck.

>> No.12050217

They also never tease us about Musashi, Taihou or Yahagi.

>> No.12050233

They did do Taihou and Musashi.
BSM is the only time that they did not do this tease thing.
so cross finger.

>> No.12050241

But they've already previewed the large trophy ship.

>> No.12050242

I don't want to believe.

>> No.12050246

Fuck that.

>> No.12050254

It's not like they didn't say about the BB in the mix.

>> No.12050426 [DELETED] 

Dead thread
Dead game

>> No.12050432 [DELETED] 

Really? Am I finally be free?

>> No.12050441 [DELETED] 


We're just all doing last minute stock piling and waiting for the event, but you don't to have to be here if you don't want to.

>> No.12050449 [DELETED] 

It takes a special kind of retard to reply to a deleted post.

>> No.12050463 [DELETED] 

Look guys, I'm projecting!

>> No.12050470 [DELETED] 

It takes a special kind of retard to not realize said post could have been deleted while the reply was being written.

>> No.12050476 [DELETED] 

Look guys, I'm supporting beating a dead horse!
It was deleted at least 10 minutes before he replied, are you kidding me nigger?

>> No.12050508

I can't wait for another event like this, it's too much wait and I'm bored to death.

>> No.12050513
File: 169 KB, 305x325, pvp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on man.

>> No.12050514


>> No.12050516

I do 2-2 boss daily like this

>> No.12050526

How expensive is it compared to 2-3 with 3 subs?

>> No.12050538

I do it with 5 subs + 1 CV/CVL/AV that I never resupply and end up scrapping after she gets to red, much more cheaper.

>> No.12050541

What setup for CV?

>> No.12050542

Stock equipment, I don't even bother changing it since it takes time and they usually get to red at the first Ru or Wo encounter.

>> No.12050544

i run 3 blues 1 red

>> No.12050547

I'm already done with my dailies, but I'll try it tomorrow. Thanks.

>> No.12050585

that's actually a good idea, thanks

>> No.12050592

Are you guys really going to put an innocent CV/CVL/AV to slavery?

>> No.12050594

It's no different from sparkling.

>> No.12050599

Its different because you are going to dispose of her when she can no longer fight while you keep sparkled ships after their expedition.

>> No.12050611

you don't know people use throw-away DDs to keep damage from the ships they sparkle?

>> No.12050612

You mean you don't bring 2 cannon fodder DDs along? Sorry, but not everyone can afford to spend extra resources just to feel good about themselves.

>> No.12050616

shouldn't the sparkled expeditions pay for that?

>> No.12050619

Why bother paying at all?

>> No.12050626

Dear god I had no idea such people exited.

>> No.12050631

it's fine to maximize gains, just don't call it you can't afford it. That's just sugarcoating you're deliberately sacrificing them for more gains.

>> No.12050632

Sometimes I even let them sink because the delay on scrapping is too long.

>> No.12050634

You're new, aren't you? I wonder what you would have thought about suicide fleets during November event.

>> No.12050638
File: 9 KB, 144x38, fgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just don't call it you can't afford it
Oh really.

>> No.12050643

Don't you ever feel anything when you let them sink.
Well I started in late January, but suicide fleets are ok because there was actual value doing it.

>> No.12050657

Seven months ago maybe but at this point I'm beyond jaded about this game. If they're not ships I intend to keep in my fleet I don't give a shit.

>> No.12050663

>want to keep one of each ship
>have to spend monies for extra slots
dam you autism

>> No.12050665

Look at it this way, the two choices are either scrapping right off the bat or make some use of the kanmusu and scrap her later, would you rather die for nothing or die knowing you helped your admiral?

>> No.12050674

Greentexting is prohibited in /jp/. Also, buying slots is what separates casual players from people who actually love their shipdaughters. It's a privilege to have the ability to show your feelings for them.

>> No.12050675

Yeah, because playtime in hours per day doesn't matter at all.

>> No.12050677

> buying slots is what separates casual players from people who actually love their shipdaughters.
Sleeping in 40-minutes intervals because of expeditions for past 7 months shows my love and care for my shipdaughters much more.

>> No.12050691

If you really loved them you would give up your NEET lifestyle and get a job to support them

>> No.12050693

Technically they don't die.

>> No.12050695
File: 911 KB, 853x640, BlkKecvCIAAW5XZ.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs confirmed for best curry.

Choukai being second.

>> No.12050696

Swap die for getting decommissioned then, it's a figure of speech.

>> No.12050750

Since results are calculated when the expedition is sent, do you have any idea how broken this would be? 100% bucket or devmat every single damn time, 100% great success for Tokyo Express, etc.

>> No.12050757

calling them back would abort the expedition so you wouldn't get anything.

>> No.12050758

As proud Nihon ships I guess they would prefer being useful but at least please use them for modernization.

>> No.12050762

seriously? since when? i never noticed

>> No.12050790

Yes, but that's not the point d00d. Why are you even pointing that obvious shit out I don't even know.

The point is you can literally call back the expedition every time it doesn't give you the result you want when you check.

>> No.12050808

As long as you have to resupply when you call them back it should be fine. You would end up wasting a lot of resources and time if you kept calling them back on bad results.

Though I don't really think it's needed, I've only messed up on expeditions like 5 times.

>> No.12050828

Are there still people that think this game isn't rigged?
Trying to get to 2-2 for daily but get sent to transport 5 times in a row and the moment I get to boss I get cat error.

>> No.12050829

Where's m? I'm craving for some spoilers.

>> No.12050832
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x1413, 1393924279668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you have done something to upset her.

>> No.12050833

What kind offering would appease her and the RNG gods?

>> No.12050835

Here, nothing in the files yet, they didn't put anything in there before the last update either though they usually do.

>> No.12050888

>still no playable abyss ships faction

>> No.12050904

>Google was flooded with images of the ship daughter.
You can use the time range in the image search to narrow down the results (e.g 1900 until march 2013).

Is the old one not working?
Because the newer version is not really different, feature-wise.

>> No.12050931

I'm getting tired of seeing new Destroyers, would they add something more useful like Submarines or BBs.

>> No.12050948

Useful like Bismarck? There are no IJN BB left, and the top of the german BB are the Bismarck-class. And it will probably take some time until we see other nations.
I wouldn't mind destroyers if they can at least be useful for expeditions, like Uzuki and Yayoi.
Z1 and Z3 were totally disappointing.

And they don't add subs because they know how useful they are.

>> No.12050949

nail a calculator to a cross, ideally a high end one

>> No.12050976

New CVs.

>> No.12050977

Bismarck is useful, her only flaw is her AA and she has a kai zwei pending.

>> No.12050980

No new CV will be added in the next event

For a LSC-only ship, she is disappointing. I hope her zwei will fix that.

>> No.12051014

>not using uzuki as your AA specialist

>> No.12051034

Why would anybody do that?

>> No.12051068


>> No.12051107

She has a full +10 anti-air stat on her sisters, the AA terror of the Mutsuki class.

>> No.12051110


Not that anon, but I have the 0.5.8, still working, new girls doesn't even have a name, but I can live with that.

>> No.12051113

That's not saying much

>> No.12051116

She also has better ASW.

>> No.12051149

But she sacrificed her X-turret for this, while other refits just replaced their 12,7 to 10 for the similar gain. Not exactly the best trade-off.

>> No.12051160

Does having more than one recon plane in your fleet do anything? Or is it useless?

>> No.12051217

No one did figure out who Hamakaze's seiyuu was, did they?

>> No.12051262

I finished my weeklies this early for the first time.
What should I do?
Plz no LSC

>> No.12051266


>> No.12051267


>> No.12051273


>> No.12051274
File: 79 KB, 618x806, wo bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo stop baiting him into failing the event.

>> No.12051286

Wo plz
But since I haven't 5-5 yet, means I have no chance for that this month right?

Hmm, 45k/42k/67k/74k should cover the non-Midway event.
Then I'll return to the LSC suffering,once again for useless hotel.

This fuckin even better give me a Hatsukaze

>> No.12051289

What if he doesn't have enough medals to get all the new things the event adds? He should get started on 5-5 right away just to be sure.

>> No.12051292
File: 3 KB, 320x139, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having this message pop up from time to time. Anyone know what it means?

>> No.12051296

You never have enough resources.
>since I haven't 5-5 yet
Hear that Wo, no easy prey for you this time.

>> No.12051309

>useless hotel
Have fun with 5-5 without her.

>> No.12051322


Yeah, apparently so.
I'm leveling up my KRSM and Nagato for preparation, then I can use 3SS+3BB route with Yamato.

>> No.12051328

It just says there's been an error and tells you to refresh the page

>> No.12051336

Ok thanks.
That's what I do whenever it appears anyway.

>> No.12051337

You can probably just hit cancel and be ok, I remember this error used to pop up a lot following the api link changes.

>> No.12051350

New girls don't have a name, expeditions are labeled <UNKNOWN> and I fear this will pile up for the event or that it will stop working when the event starts

>> No.12051352

I just use the jp one, translations aren't that necessary.

>> No.12051360

>translations aren't that necessary
You're grossly overestimating the level of intelligence of a typical EOP kancolle player.

>> No.12051363

it's a comfort and habit thing after using the translated ones for this long
I used the jp one for a long time before the first translated version showed up

>> No.12051610

This still pops up for me often. I'm logging directly into DMM.com via KCV though. Hitting cancel makes it go away, but it comes back few mins later.

>> No.12051617

what's a good place to level subs in world 1 or 2?
i keep getting owned no matter where i go

>> No.12051625

You need to max their stats first. Then send them on 2-3 slavery.

>> No.12051632

i want to hate this game so bad

>> No.12051634

So quiet.
Your bets, do you think it'll be Midway or some other/easy event?

>> No.12051645

Even if it weren't Midway it could still be a hard event.

>> No.12051651

There's no better time to add Unryuu class into the game than Midway, so since there are no new carriers, this event must be something else. I do think it will be hard though, given how early they announced it.

>> No.12051665

Considering the actual Midway event happened in June, I don't see why they won't add a small event to tie us over.

>> No.12051680

Unryuu-class came after Midway historically.

>> No.12051682

No way next event is Midway. They probably made it to empty our stockpiles, so they could have easier time balancing Midway.

>> No.12051684

Then disregard everything I said.

>> No.12051694

Well, to be fair, Midway was the reason the Unryuu-class was build.

>> No.12051696

That'd be reasonable but the timing's all wrong. It's been 5 months since the last real event, 4 months since the small event, and that'd mean 1 month till a huge event. So this one would have to be stupidly easy not to exhaust everyone. They should have just made Valentines into a small event.

>> No.12051702

>On 19 December 1944 the carrier disintegrated when torpedoes fired by USS Redfish detonated the forward magazine.

Why did I laughed?

>> No.12051729

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.12051736

He did it because he did not want the punchline to be spoiled.

>> No.12051775
File: 13 KB, 220x296, 32354645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12051777

How will he be able to move like this?

>> No.12051839

An error occurred due to connection loss

>> No.12051892

Did anybody try using a fleet with 19 drums for the Tokyo Express? What's the great success rate?

>> No.12051934

Weird, the devs didn't update their twitter icon.
Where did you got it? Or did they revert to the previous one?

>> No.12052005

Not that anon, but Fatalpulse posted it to his twitter 10 hours ago. I just assumed that he drew it. Or maybe he and Yoshinori have been swapping notes.

>> No.12052009

>Fatalpulse ship

May the Almighty forgive

>> No.12052012

most likely Yoshinori's doing. I don't think Fatalpulse is skilled enough to mimic Yoshinori's shading style to that extent.

>> No.12052016

Four days after my return to Kure, sweeping reassignments came for most of my crew. Practically all of my officers and half of the petty officers and men were transferred. Every day saw my experienced officers and men leaving for new ships and new officers and recruits arriving to replace them. Such changes were going throughout the Navy. I could not imagine what the high command was thinking. My trained crew was being broken up and I resented it. Other skippers felt the same way. It would take at least two months to drill into shape this conglomeration of new men who had never worked together. And what would happen to we were called into action before they were ready?
When the Midway operation plan was revealed on May 20, I thought the high command must have lost its mind. This surprising news was whispered to me at the Kure Naval Station by Rear Admiral Raizo Tanaka. I gasped. “What? What does this mean Admiral?” I stammered. “Are we going to conduct it with this crew?”
“Shhhh…” said Tanaka dispiritedly. “As a matter of fact I am not sure about it. I hope it’s untrue.”

Well at least we don't have to deal with that.

>> No.12052033

>Sink the Shigure by R. Cameron Cooke
>After a chance encounter with the notorious Japanese destroyer the Shigure, aka the The Scourge of the Solomons and The Cruiser Killer, Tremain develops Ahab fever, rerouting to pursue the deadly vessel that sank his beloved first command

What the fuck

>> No.12052061

When will the rain ever stop?

>> No.12052066

If you have world 3-2 unlocked, use them as 3-2A punching bag. When they reach level 25-ish, they graduate from punching bag to fuel farming machines on 2-3.

>> No.12052082
File: 233 KB, 320x320, tone_kai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit.

>> No.12052085

So what do you think about level req. for kai2?

>> No.12052089


>> No.12052092

Looking good, bob. Hopefully Chikuma's fixed too.

>> No.12052090


>> No.12052096

Her index finger is a bit too small.

>> No.12052100 [DELETED] 


>> No.12052106

Those sparkling eyes. I want to protect it.

>> No.12052107


>> No.12052112

Goddamn, I wish he fixed Shouhou too.

>> No.12052121

Will she change her type to CAV or stay as CA?

>> No.12052123

She'll change, unfortunately.

>> No.12052126

In fact, I really hope that way. Now she can use glorious Seiran instead of shitty Yamato seaplane.

>> No.12052130

We already have 4 CAVs, one more CA kai ni wouldn't hurt.
Seirans aren't recons.

>> No.12052131

>Seirans aren't recons.
What? Welp, shit.

>> No.12052138

speaking of recon planes, what's the recipe for them?

>> No.12052139


>> No.12052142

10/10/20/20 with Ise as flag gave me a couple

>> No.12052147

roger willco

>> No.12052152

Well shit, time to level her I guess.

>> No.12052153

Just got Yamato seaplane with 10/10/20/20 using Chitose A.

>> No.12052191

Same result, about 10 tries.

>> No.12052211

20/10/10/20 with Shoukaku (though any CV should do) works too. Got 2 in 12 tries.

>> No.12052220

how do you tell which seaplanes can attack and which can't?
is the only one that can't attack the first recon plane?

>> No.12052221


>> No.12052244

I wonder if I can get her from 1 to 65 in a day or two, her being a CA and all. Fuck this.

>> No.12052261

If you canmanage to run 5-4 300 times, sure.

>> No.12052266

5-2 is better for grinding than 5-4.

>> No.12052267

You can go true NEET mode and spam 3-2 roughly 400 times using fatigue method.

>> No.12052269

KCV has an exp calculator, use it.

>> No.12052272


>> No.12052274

Feels good to have 280k+ resources while waiting for the goddamn event.

>> No.12052277

More nodes.

>> No.12052279

>using fatigue method
What's that? I usually just keep swapping out ships in a rotation for fatigue.

>> No.12052284

Feels awful desperately stockpiling. Not like I'm even going to try post E3 stages for the first week anyway, japs must find compass requirements first.

>> No.12052309

5CV, idr how many CVL's you can bring, tons of blues, set level ship as flag, go to town on those poor 3-2-1 bastards.

>> No.12052318

Do you just ignore fatigue with this fleet?

>> No.12052326

Yes. Just keep running till you get to your goal or your NEET status gives out.

>> No.12052384

How do they hit stuff at 0 morale

>> No.12052393

If your planes are good enough they won't miss during the initial bombing. You can't get the S rank if anything survives that first bombing though.

>> No.12052396

Air phase isn't affected by fatigue.

You're going to hate that stupid flagship CL even more than usual though.

>> No.12052400
File: 176 KB, 1129x445, 3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.12052401

Do you just not get S rank with this strategy then?

>> No.12052406

Is orange/red fatigue safe from sinking?

>> No.12052408

I wonder if it's worthwhile swapping out one cv for a sub.

>> No.12052411

It doesn't matter, if anyone survives the air phase, you can never hit her again and will get your ass kicked in the torpedo phase because of the fatigue.

>> No.12052476

level ship, 3 CV, CLT, SS
swap out CLT (you got 3) and SS as needed
if you manage to fatigue all three CLT, use a CA

>> No.12052519

Heck if I know. I don't play nearly enough to throw girls into the fire to test these things. Not that I would test those things even if I could.

>> No.12052599

It's safe. I still get nervous because the devs were misleading in the past so I always think "what if" but one of my CVL has been hit twice. First hit brought her to red, second hit to 1 HP.

>> No.12052656
File: 10 KB, 158x48, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this is enough resources. Once the event starts I may need to spam the bauxite and fuel expeditions.

Not bad, I'm ready as long as the remodel level isn't above 85

>> No.12052679

What's wrong with your Bauxite brah?

>> No.12052704
File: 73 KB, 600x871, c01c89cec55a4e6631b269d7022812a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12052780

Power leveling Tone is going to cost me like 20k fuel/ammo

Why are CAs so shit

>> No.12052782

Why is everyone in my PVP group using Agano? Did they announce something regarding her?

>> No.12052805

Don't do it if you are going to call her shit.

>> No.12052811
File: 64 KB, 508x384, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck fuck fuck why did i start so late with Tone she's only lv28, wasted too much time to grind all the extra akitsumaru and mikuma i had to get their remodel yields

>> No.12052815

I called her class shit, turbo nerd.

>> No.12052827

Calling every CA shit includes Tone too, scrub.

>> No.12052830

Your ships can sink only if you get taiha'd in one node and then proceed to the next, going night battle or having red fatigue means nothing, your ships are safe, japanese ttks made multiple tests and posted them on niconico.
Orange/Red fatigue only means that your ships will have reduced accuracy and evasion, and it will be easier to get them damaged.

>> No.12052833

how ready are you for midway?

>> No.12052837

Mine is level 93. I hope they didn't screw up and remove her stockings.

>> No.12052838

Never enough.

>> No.12052856
File: 258 KB, 598x598, 38830947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys trained your YASEN? What level is yours? At what level you think her kai 2 will be?

>> No.12052858

Only bob can save us, he's the only kancolle artist that knows how to upgrade a sprite, konishi and ku-rokuro are a lost cause.

>> No.12052860

lv20, and probably she'll have a lv65 upgrade just like Jintsuu

>> No.12052861

She will be as useless as Naka-chan anyway.

>> No.12052862

I'm not ready for any of the kais except Haruna.

>> No.12052863

oh? is her kai ni confirmed?

>> No.12052866

Imuya kai 2 when?

>> No.12052868

Mine is only 44, was training her together with Wagahai, but since they already confirmed Wagahai Kai Ni I shifted my priority to her first.
kurokuro's new Hiyou sprite gave me a false expectation to his newer work.

>> No.12052871

Jintsuu is only 60.

>> No.12052872

>kurokuro's new Hiyou sprite gave me a false expectation to his newer work.
Same. Well at least his faces look better now.

>> No.12052874

No, only lvl 7, maybe 55-60 same as Jintsuu.

>> No.12052876

i just raged scrapped all my destroyers i got instead of the haruna i was trying to farm, i hate the RNG in this game

>> No.12052879

If you raged at that, I think you better quit the game before the RNG destroys your soul.

>> No.12052881
File: 604 KB, 600x650, fuck 3-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 200k just to farm for this slut next week.

>> No.12052882

Why not just do LSC to get her.

>> No.12052883

i've been farming the whole week

>> No.12052884
File: 584 KB, 600x650, Bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while this is mine, I'll just have to wait for musashi to be added later.

>> No.12052885

resource deprived trying to beat 2-4

>> No.12052886

This means nothing if you only play for an hour a day.
How many runs.

>> No.12052887

I wish LSC ships dropped in later maps of the event.

>> No.12052888

how do you guys do the 3-2 mutsuki quest anyway? kisaragi or mutsuki keep getting lolcrit even with lineaboob.

>> No.12052889

neet, 12 hours a day as many runs as my resources allow

>> No.12052890
File: 149 KB, 809x488, 3-2 ez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advanced in red

>> No.12052891

But anon imagine the tears of those who bragging about their LSC exclusive ships ahemTaihouahem.

Though if it indeed come true, probably at the boss at the farthest map.

>> No.12052892

Just keep trying and remember to sparkle them.
Don't listen to Wo >>12052890.

>> No.12052893
File: 122 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140331-13460028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got red t cross at BB node, boss was cake.

>> No.12052895

Now sit back, don't do anything, gather as many resources as you can, then try to do the event maps, which will come in 3 days.
You may get all the ships you want there.
And farming for Kongou ships in world 2 is waste of time and resources.

>> No.12052896

You just need stop thinking about it, she will come one day.
Do never underestimate the power of desire sensor.

>> No.12052897

I'm still preparing Mutsuki for it

Who cares about people like that?

>> No.12052898

so much wo in this thread

>> No.12052899

would be nice if the RNG compass would let me finish 2-4 so i can unlock world 3

>> No.12052900

Re pls go back to Abyss base with Wo.

>> No.12052901

I tried, they went to the furniture coin instead.

>> No.12052903

It is 33%
Deal with it

>12 hours a day and still at 2-4
git gud

>> No.12052904
File: 17 KB, 472x472, kuso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso teitoku.

>> No.12052905

I never bothered to do the quest for sortie to world...and win that using this specific ships, and before I know it I don't have one or two of the ships because ship space.

So they're still there, unfinished.

>> No.12052908

What if these quests become requirement for new ships?

>> No.12052909

I finished my weeklies as well, so I'm doing it while running expedition to stockpile.

I would never allow akebono sink!

>> No.12052911

>I would never allow Akebono sink!
But you would let Kisaragi and Mutsuki sink?
That's still kuso.

>> No.12052917
File: 37 KB, 649x223, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cleared those out of boredom before they added all the new weekly quests.
Also, that feel when is sunday and you get to World 2 boss kill quest, i always lose all interest in doing that quest since every side node is wasted time, and World 3-3/3-4 boss kill is not worth the time, wish it was only 2 kills like 5-2 quest, the reward is too low.

>> No.12052920

Where is your waifu and futon?

>> No.12052921

One of those was a requirement already to get the quests for Zuiuns with bonus-ASW.

>> No.12052922
File: 49 KB, 457x382, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for Yamato lv99, only 28k exp left.

>> No.12052925

>implying i can control the RNG

>> No.12052926

I don't care.
I'm lazy to get them to decent level and modernize them to getting stronger, moreover if I will feed them to another ship at the end.

>> No.12052931

git gud

>> No.12052941

Is survey guy still around? We should make a survey before event start.

Like asking about admiral's readiness, are they believe the event will be very hard, stuff like that.

>> No.12052945

last one got trolled to the end of the world iirc

>> No.12052956

friendly reminder that this thread could lasts a week or more if everyone remember to sage.

>> No.12052963

Not really, sage doesn't work like that.

>> No.12052970

I used to sage pretty often, especially in /jp/ - but since our lord and savior moot hid it I don't even remember the feature. Fucking moot.

>> No.12052981

>In the coming update, a new system related to [Recon planes] will be added. Using [Scouting planes] and [Recon seaplanes] for scouting and making [contact] with the enemy will trigger a damage buff for air raid phase. In addition, [Observation planes] and [Recon seaplanes] will receive an ability called [hit analyze] that may trigger a special shelling phase during daytime battle.
I knew there was a reason they added recon planes to abyssal shipgirls besides cut-in to double-attack change.

>> No.12052983

I don't like where this is going.

>> No.12052987

Delicious 3 turns of shelling from Ru and Ta-chan~

>> No.12052991

Welcome to around one week ago.

>> No.12052995

I'm slow.

>> No.12053004

Why are you here Yuubari, get back to the dock and carry those drums.

>> No.12053016
File: 122 KB, 538x1000, tone kai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12053019

>forever expedition fleet
>never remodelled ever
being yuubari/mutsuki type is suffering

>> No.12053021

Does she really have a star shaped pupils?

>> No.12053026

Yes check the twitter if you don't believe it

>> No.12053028

Looks like we have a new slut.

>> No.12053030

They still have better fate than Asashio/Fubuki class who are most likely to get scrapped as soon as they pop up.

>> No.12053032

Asashio class are at least useful for modernization.

>> No.12053033

Yuubari is the best CL though.
You are doing it wrong.

>> No.12053038

Wagahai remodel level is ______.

>> No.12053039

>implying yuubari is better than jintsu/naka
surely you jest

>> No.12053043

100. The special item they were talking about was a ring.

>> No.12053045

Yuubari is the ASW-queen and please stop greentexting for no reason.

>> No.12053046


>> No.12053052

The only thing that matter for CL is ASW, # of slot and luck.
Yuubari wins in all of them.

>> No.12053057

Hopefully, mine is 42.

>> No.12053068

>【本日の春イベント先行情報!】1/3 春イベント開催と同時に、新たに複数の新改装艦(火力と航空兵装に秀でた重巡姉妹の if 改装、海外大型艦の更なる改装)が実装されます。これらの新改装にはアイテム「改装設計図」が必要となります。※「改装設計図」の課金購入はできません。

It's time. Tone class and Bismarck kai 2?

>> No.12053069

Wait, so that new remodel item is for them? That makes me worry about Shinano.

>> No.12053070

I assume the item can be redeemed with extra operation badges?

>> No.12053071

新アイテム「改装設計図」は、現在「拡張作戦(Extra Operation)」攻略で贈られる「勲章」四つで一式交換入手可能です。「勲章」は【春イベント】で実装される複数の戦域からなる【期間限定海域】攻略でも数多く入手可能です!

Welp shit

>> No.12053072

4 badages for 1
> 新アイテム「改装設計図」は、現在「拡張作戦(Extra Operation)」攻略で贈られる「勲章」四つで一式交換入手可能です。「勲章」は【春イベント】で実装される複数の戦域からなる【期間限定海域】攻略でも数多く入手可能です!

>> No.12053073

It'll be funny if you can only earn those by clearing event maps.

>> No.12053074

Yes, it's in the second announcement.

>【本日の春イベント先行情報!】2/3 新アイテム「改装設計図」は、現在「拡張作戦(Extra Operation)」攻略で贈られる「勲章」四つで一式交換入手可能です。「勲章」は【春イベント】で実装される複数の戦域からなる【期間限定海域】攻略でも数多く入手可能です!

>> No.12053076

So it was related to the medals hah

>> No.12053077

Wait, how's about Haruna second remodel?

>> No.12053078

What do you mean? You should already have 4.

>> No.12053080

I'm hoping the event maps would be difficult and you can earn medals as long as you clear event maps.

More resources = more medals = more rewards.

>> No.12053081

It'll be 3 new remodels, so she still has that possibility.

>> No.12053084

They'll give 4 at best from event maps. So only pick 2 out of 3 to remodel.

>> No.12053087

It's Chikuma, Tone, and Bismark (It mentions sisters for the CA class)

Haruna is daijoubu

>> No.12053088

姉妹 + Bismarck is 3 already

>> No.12053092

Fuck, do I really need to do 5-5
I only have 2

>> No.12053093


So seaplane recon will affect air superiority? And still no name announcement. Disappointing.

>> No.12053094

Now, I'm happy that I didn't grinded my ass for 5-5.
It'll just take couple of months with 1-5 medals.

>> No.12053096


>> No.12053098

Doesn't it say that it will activate only if you have air superiority?

>> No.12053099


Her bow tie is really cute.

>> No.12053100

>no name announcement

>> No.12053102

"Recon planes, launching starts!"
That's much more vague and unclear than last Fall. Even collab event clearly mentioned fog fleet.

>> No.12053105

It's going to be midway they said.

Maybe the last event map can be farmed for badges (the health bar comes back every time you destroy it).

>> No.12053107

Doesn't sound like what they'll do, medals and extra operations are meant to keep you occupied between events, why would they give out so many medals at once?

>> No.12053110

To trick you into wasting all your resources farming it a month before the Midway event.

>> No.12053112
File: 90 KB, 432x288, wo propanganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midway is months away
There are actually people doubting wo

>> No.12053113

Devs are lazy as hell, doubt another event would happen so soon.

>> No.12053115

Wo is a good girl. Shame on the non believers.

>> No.12053116

Arpeggio happened one month after the fall event

>> No.12053119

It was planned way pretty early back when the anime was airing. Unless they're purposely keeping us in the dark I don't see how they can pull out another event out of their ass in such a short period.

>> No.12053122

I have 20k resources and 30k buckets, how fucked am I?

>> No.12053123

30 buckets*

Sorry I brainfarted, I lack sleep because of rush farming resources.

>> No.12053124

>30k buckets
Share your ways

>> No.12053125

Resources are never important, what you need is time, so you can clear those events.

>> No.12053131

I hope they fix the German ships' recordings with this update

>> No.12053132

>30 buckets.
Spam exp2 right now, son.
Resources are fine so long you don't overcommit and keep your expeditions running all the time.

But 30 buckets will burn with the first 2 maps quite easily, judging from fall and arpeggio maps.

>> No.12053134

So, the odd voice is really because of sound recording problem, and not what it meant to?

Only ever hearing Z1 voice, by the way.

>> No.12053135
File: 116 KB, 700x1300, tone_kai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12053138

Which map is better at dropping Goya? 1-5, 4-2, or 5-2?

She is the only sub i did not have, everyone else is at level 8x-9x.

>> No.12053139

>forever expedition

you're doing it wrong

>> No.12053142

4-2 and 5-4

>> No.12053147

arpeggio e-2

>> No.12053172

Any specific equipment I should use for fuel farming?

>> No.12053175

No, just use your best torpedo.

>> No.12053177

Even after remodeling?

>> No.12053179

4 turbines on everyone.

>> No.12053180

The fuck am I supposed to do with leftover steel? LSC?

>> No.12053181

I'm glad I'm not the only one hearing some weird clipping with the audio.

>> No.12053183

Before remodel they have one slot, put your best torp.

After remodelling, they have two slots (bar Maruyu), again, put your best torps on both slots.

They should be able to evade most attacks on 2-3, or only take chip damage. Very rarely do I get a crit.

>> No.12053184

Turbines, as much as you have. You need to survive that fucking Ho flagship, and maxed subs will one-shot everything anyway.

>> No.12053185

So we'll need to exchange medals for all future kai2's from now on?

>> No.12053196

It would be really weird for them to suddenly add that requirement for all newer kai ni.
Now think about it for a little, what does Bismarck has that another Kai Ni so far doesnt?
She is a LSC only ship, so maybe you will only need the new item to kai ni those LSC exclusive ones.

>> No.12053202

The game needs more time sinks (albeit artificial). This is the devs' answer.

>> No.12053203

But then barely any ships would need this new feature.

>> No.12053207

can you explain me what is a non artificial time sink in a game ?

>> No.12053208

As it is now, we need 2 months to be able to get a remodel blueprint for one ship, while they keep adding at least 2 kai ni every month, and not everyone can, or bother to clear 5-5.
Granted they will have to add the rest of Extra Operations for every world, but suddenly having that weird requirement for all the new kai ni just seems a bit weird.
And then we still have that new mechanic where you can select which type your ship will be like they promised with Shinano or Ibuki, I can see them require the blueprint for those too.

>> No.12053213

This is artificial in the sense that you can't clear the map multiple times to get multiple badges and be done with it.

>> No.12053222

Maybe the ranking rewards will be an extra badge.

>> No.12053223

Nevermind, finally got Goya from 1-5.

>> No.12053244

Which node?

>> No.12053287

Jesus, after playing from japan for the last two weeks, the delay here in the EU is painful as hell.

>> No.12053290

I don't know, since i always skip the get ship events.

>> No.12053296

I hate these krauts so much. Garbage ships with garbage Kai 2s that I need to get for kantaidex completion, when instead I could be leveling other, cuter girls.

>> No.12053299
File: 125 KB, 800x1131, 1397583011989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krauts are cute too ok.

>> No.12053303

You could do it later or you have nothing better to do.

>> No.12053319

Those had better be crane arms for landing craft retrieval down there.

>> No.12053320

i too live in europe and the only delay i have is when dismantling stuff or when going from the various subscreens to the home, other stuff is almost instant.

>> No.12053324

if you don't like them , just leave them alone, don't make blog on here attention wo faggot

>> No.12053357

4-1 is a perfect place to level carriers. 2 guarantied very easy nodes, easy boss node. Even on sub nodes carrier full of torpedo bombers will be MVP. Should've tried it before 3-2 borefest. 50 baux per boss node is a small price to pay.

>> No.12053372

Modifying fleets / removing ships 1 by 1 was instant from there. It's almost instant here as well, but it's bugging me a bit.

>> No.12053373

What fleet setup?

>> No.12053392

Taiho(3 Ryuusei Kai Zero fighter bomber in the smallest slot)
Ooi (1 sonar 1 midget both)
Isuzu(1 sonar 2 15.5)
Fusou(2 46 2 Type 32 radars)
Kaga(3 Ryuusei Kai Reppu in the largest slot)
Started with CLs fresh after first remodel, carriers at level 1 and Fusou at level 50something. Now CLs are 47-49, Fusou is 68(I sure hope those rumors about Fusou kai2 were true), Taiho is 72 and Kaga is 45, after 3 days of grinding. Every node is pretty much guarantied perfect S.

>> No.12053418

neet grinding or relaxed grinding?

>> No.12053447
File: 157 KB, 599x376, Bismarck desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good moment to LSC for her to level her before her kai zwei comes.

>> No.12053460

What if they make special remodels time-limited? So you get Tone, Bismarck and Chikuma but their special remodel is only available for 3 months and after that, a different set of 3 ships gets a special remodel

>> No.12053463

That would fuck new players over, so no.

>> No.12053466

Full NEET.

>> No.12053467

They would make them generally available after 6 months
And don't give me that shit about fucking new players over. Event exclusives always fuck over new people.

>> No.12053468

So how hard do you think this event will be?

>> No.12053472

Easy, 10k resources for completion.

>> No.12053474

>after 6 months
Even for KanColle that's too much.
> Event exclusives
Getting a good fleet and equipment is usually a bigger priority for young teitokus than getting ships whose purpose they might not even understand. And either way, by the time they're 80+ they would be able to get them anyway through drops or such.

>> No.12053476

So how are some special remodels different from event exclusives? If anything, not having access to some special remodel for which they'd need to farm medals for months anyway is less of an issue than starting after an event

>> No.12053478
File: 74 KB, 558x834, Lovett1398014702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this I will never need to avert my eyes from Iku.

>> No.12053481

To get event exclusives you have to spend a lot of time and resources, whereas getting medals won't be even hard most of the time. You don't think they will only keep 1-5 and 5-5 open for months, do you?

>> No.12053493

Wait for the Max Factory damaged ver. instead, it suits her more.

>> No.12053624

I want to kill myself for eating my medals for few measly resources.

>> No.12053632

Take it easy. There will be more EO in the future. No need to kill yourself now, you haven't even seen Re-class Flagship.

>> No.12053637
File: 207 KB, 308x788, Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best this week as well.

>> No.12053648

I ate one before the reward fix, at least it gave me a Mamiya, that's better than 1/4 Tone Kai2, right?
I'm not sure if I should be sad or not, I had to use some Mamiyas at fall event after all.

>> No.12053692

But only just finished the 24 boss quest and the 50 transport quest yesterday and today respectively because the former is such a hassle. I don't wanna do it again already.

>> No.12053712

will there be a medal quest?

>> No.12053714

No, serves you right for listening to Wo and using them to gain resources.

>> No.12053715

Yes, clear 5-5 with Mutsukis.

>> No.12053721

But I never did that!

Great, thank you!

>> No.12053746

It can be farmed in the event, though we don't know how hard it will be.

>> No.12053775

More like it will give you one for clearing each map.

>> No.12053776

I bet this *is* branching remodel. Tone-class were CAVs historically, so devs could give us a choice between converting them and getting a god-tier CAs. That doesn't explain why Bismarck is included as well, though.

>> No.12053784

Unless they changed their minds branching remodels happen at level 1. It'd make more sense to introduce it with brand new ships, like Shinano and Ibuki. Though they could just really want people to suffer by having to go through LSC for another Bismarck.

>> No.12053790

>branching remodels happen at level 1
Shit, I forgot about that. In that case I hope bob upgrades regular Tones too.

>> No.12053817

Tone-class were regular CA based on Mogami-class design, but since Mogami-class had serious stability problems, they made the design from scratch since Japan was already out of the Washington Naval Treaty, some major changes were the full frontal guns displacement and the aft completely dedicated to float planes operations.


>> No.12053888
File: 203 KB, 320x320, chikuma_kai_ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I kinda regret I don't even have a Chikuma.

>> No.12053891


>> No.12053897



>> No.12053899

I can't grind two at once

god damn it

>> No.12053900


>> No.12053902

I'm glad I leveled her, really.

>> No.12053904

She will need a 4 medals anyway, so you'll even have time to level up her.

>> No.12053905

Thank god I leveled her.

>> No.12053906

CAV confirmed.

>> No.12053919

Don't tempt me Chikuma, Tone is enough, really!

>> No.12053920

the game derives from historical classifications anyway, and Mogami-class get listed on Wikipedia as CA, too.

>> No.12053922

Maybe, just maybe.CAVT?

>> No.12053926

bob, you beautiful bastard, you've done it again. A certain fast battleship artist should be taking notes.

>> No.12053929

Do you think we could get refunds on medals?

>> No.12053930

Is her mask real or not?

>> No.12053932

They told you you might get something else if you stack them.

>> No.12053934

Really? I don't remember hearing anything about this.

>> No.12053937

IIRC that's when they introduced x-5 maps.

>> No.12053953

Stop talking bullshit about Fumikane.

>> No.12053955

you must sit on your eyes then

>> No.12053962

I was busy at the time so it must have escaped me. Such a waste.

>> No.12053968

No Sendai or Haruna kai ni remodels.

Poor girls.

>> No.12053970

Yes you can

>> No.12053972

If they take remodel blueprints then I'm guessing they'll be much better than their sisters anyway. Patience pays.

>> No.12053976

Her new sprite will be shit, anyway.

>> No.12053978


>> No.12053979

monkey ears

>> No.12053989


>> No.12054011
File: 394 KB, 1100x1600, Comic_Alive_2014-04_0216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's confirmed that the next event isn't Midway but the prelude to the famous Battle of Midway.

The new recon planes mechanics make sense in this context because they were a crucial factor.

>> No.12054032

So, Midway for Fall 2014? Would make a lot of sense...

>> No.12054034

No, it's for summer. We can't have another break this long.

>> No.12054039

Also, Battle of Midway happened in June, right?

>> No.12054040

That's right.

>> No.12054075
File: 213 KB, 513x320, chi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried some mirroring.

>> No.12054080

It's been almost 4 months since the Arpeggio event and ever since people have saying how Midway is right around the corner because it's so unthinkable that there'd be such a long downtime between events. I suppose if they just keep saying it they're bound to be right eventually.

>> No.12054087

I was thinking of fall too (mid-September maybe?) because that would match with the anime's airing.
You know, like they had an Arpeggio tie-in event just when the first BD for that one was coming out.

>> No.12054093

This break is definitely not normal, so it's no surprise that talk about the next event has started so early. Midway is also an obvious choice since it's been hyped up by devs for a long time now.

>> No.12054097

Don't forget that there needs to be a summer event.

>> No.12054099

Why would you make a nightmarish event coincide with a massive advertisement. The anime event should be as simple and beginner friendly as the Arpeggio one, probably with a gimmick like giving starters a massive buff on event maps. Also another five months is an intense wait. They need to stick to the seasonal pattern and lite events need to not count.

>> No.12054129

didn't they say the event would scale with level? they could easily hand out rewards like candy for the new players and make it a nightmarish hell for the old players.

>> No.12054137

How retarded must you be to not understand how level scaling works? Something that's easy for you can easily rape a new player, like 2-4. They're not going to give newbies feeble destroyers and a transport as a flagship on every map, the firepower of the enemy fleet would be proportional to your development.

>> No.12054181

So, I noticed that the 1-5 boss bar did not reset for me. What can I do to fix this? I'm using API link.

>> No.12054184

Clear cache, stop using the API link.

>> No.12054189

Stop using it? What else can I use to play?
