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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 699 KB, 1004x1852, mgnq_huge_thread_200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12045249 No.12045249 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>12029074

Meguca edition

>> No.12045259
File: 40 KB, 990x646, jmejejttrwwrywryw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a self portrait I drew. It isn't kawaii because reality isn't kawaii.

>> No.12045260

thanks Danny-chan

>> No.12045264

I'm losing faith in you.

>> No.12045267

Serves you right.

>> No.12045277 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck back to /a/vg/

>> No.12045288

deep as hell

>> No.12045291 [DELETED] 

It's beautiful. Danny is being scolded by /jp/ autism force

>> No.12045295 [DELETED] 

Back to your shithole /a/spie.

>> No.12045299 [DELETED] 

What makes you think I browse G/a/ia?

>> No.12045342 [DELETED] 

>Dan Kim attentionwhoring in the OC thread
its fuckig over.

>> No.12045352 [DELETED] 

Dan and /ic/ need to leave

>> No.12045364 [DELETED] 

Janitor, please delete this thread.

>> No.12045370 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12045489
File: 136 KB, 486x831, cool cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this comic, please enjoy.

>> No.12045505

Change the brush settings at least Dan.

>> No.12045719
File: 14 KB, 597x361, robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not DAn I'm just a plagiarist

>> No.12045721
File: 238 KB, 2000x837, dan and his thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12045727

the proportions on your chairs are all wrong do it over

>> No.12045735

i only see a marisa with a gun and a homu

>> No.12045746
File: 40 KB, 1039x837, robot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is plagius now

>> No.12045762

you stole even my most secret nuances...

>> No.12045773

because I like you

>> No.12045861
File: 15 KB, 597x361, jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I could like you, too

>> No.12045919 [DELETED] 

OC thread how do I deal with the crushing feeling of worthlessness that I have always felt towards my own work and my abilities as a writer? I try to do stuff every couple of days which is rather good for me but afterwards I look it over and get all angry with myself for thinking that idea XYZ would have ever been good and I delete everything and usually give up and spend a day wandering around town aimlessly or watching pointless slice of life anime. Actually pitching ideas to other people is even harder to do since I generally hate talking to people and am afraid of failure and whenever I am rejected I always resolve to never talk to that person ever again out of embarrassment. This is directed to Dan Kim in particular since he seems to be able to produce work despite similar brain problems.

>> No.12045928 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 597x361, jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12045937 [DELETED] 

I suppose that might at least help with my anxiety. I will promise /jp/ to try and meditate tonight since I don't really know anyone else I am comfortable talking to about this.

>> No.12045940 [DELETED] 

I was lying. You have to drink until the embarrassment and shame leave your body so you can write again.

>> No.12045948 [DELETED] 

I already tried drinking and it just made me want to commit suicide.

>> No.12045958 [DELETED] 

that's pretty dark

>> No.12045969 [DELETED] 

you remember when you were a little kid? what was the nomal procedure to do anything apart playing?
1. sit down
2. do it
3. not good?
4. try again.
just that.

>> No.12045974 [DELETED] 

Okay. I will try.
I just need to force myself out of the following rut:
Sit down > do it > not good (?) > hate myself

>> No.12045989 [DELETED] 

Fuck off dude nobody cares. My god how was this not the first reply you got.

>> No.12045994 [DELETED] 

he's replying to his own posts, I checked

>> No.12045999 [DELETED] 

why, you can keep hating yourself while doing things. the trick is to not expect it to be good, just finished.
too bad that he quoted me.

>> No.12046004 [DELETED] 

>too bad that he quoted me.
anyone can lie on the internet you sad, sad little man

>> No.12046013
File: 115 KB, 934x721, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12046018 [DELETED] 

Thank you for responding.

>> No.12046016 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 1086x746, Immagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12046021

Completely wrong but interesting. I like it

>> No.12046032 [DELETED] 

That's some slick photoshopping skills but I'm sticking to my guns.

>> No.12046044
File: 14 KB, 360x283, reference it easy_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /jp/ I totally didn't copy this bad drawing straight from a reference

>> No.12046048


>> No.12046091
File: 28 KB, 714x719, Immagine2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we can reference it easy 2gether

>> No.12046096
File: 35 KB, 163x490, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this at the end of last year but whatever

>> No.12046106

Is she in the crew of the Jellyfish Pirates?

>> No.12046183

Since other people were posting their music.

>> No.12046218

Alice is a chuuni who thinks she's a magical girl. She also gets bullied a lot at school and has health problems. Be nice ;_;

>> No.12046256

>Alice is a chuuni who thinks she's a magical girl.
I have an issue with that. Why do all these girls believe that they're magical? Why are there none who fancy themselves to be Norse berserkers, Golden Age pirates or Roman centurions?

I want pretty high school girls to drink the hallucinogen-contaminated piss of other pretty high school girls and start mauling each other while thinking that they're bears.

>> No.12046273

Because magical girls wear pretty outfits with lots of frills, have a magical talking pet, and usually a love interest. Alice has none of these.

>> No.12046279

Sounds like something my dad would like, if these schoolgirls were tall buff black women.
So that sounds pretty gross to me.

>> No.12046304

I'd say it's more similar to the first Sonohana game, except instead of a blonde upperclassman, your onee-sama is the gallows-god Odin.

All-oneesama does not quite have the same ring as Allfather, though.

>> No.12046312

/r/ alice being bullied by bullycat

>> No.12046338

Some wonky anatomy stuff going on, especially with those legs. Cute face though, keep trying anon. I like it.

>> No.12046365

Very nice to drink tea to.

>> No.12046709

Indeedy, it is. After reading your post, I decided to listen to it while enjoying a cup.

>> No.12046909 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 872x1000, rabbit play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warning: very lewd

>> No.12046911 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 872x1000, rabbit play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warning: very lewd

>> No.12046935
File: 4 KB, 356x275, Kōhī.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12046951
File: 236 KB, 500x772, 19jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone going to Sakuracon? If so, maybe drop by the artist alley to say hello? I-It would be cool, we can talk about jaypee things. (´;ω;`)

>> No.12046964

I'll be there to throw an egg at you.

>> No.12046965

I'm in europe, thank god

>> No.12047163

The feet looks a bit too big.
Other than that, it looks excellent.

>> No.12047178

Did the anon who was working on the 2hus watching a movie ever posted the final thing? The last thread is gone.

>> No.12047180
File: 36 KB, 913x767, selfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you inspired me into making a self portrait.

>> No.12047181

Give him time

>> No.12047182
File: 189 KB, 340x471, eri_ak13_akuwarai4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you there, Erika.

>> No.12047191

you look really gross

>> No.12047195
File: 54 KB, 913x767, selfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. now /jp/ related

>> No.12047199
File: 57 KB, 384x348, 1389712668096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really epicly disgusting. I'm not gonna touch this thread even with a 10 foot pole.

Guess I'm waiting for the next oc thread.

>> No.12047200

No don't go, please don't leave me with him

>> No.12047202

I suppose the last he posted is final since it had the "small" in the title and looked finished. Check the archive of your trust.

>> No.12047206

I like the teeth

>> No.12047215
File: 627 KB, 999x1412, 1390044783327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a pilot ;__;

>> No.12047233

Why are the drawthreads such shit? Where do I go to draw with other people and actually have fun? Even the flockdraw is shit.

>> No.12047236
File: 32 KB, 767x500, Kaguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the thread is so bad then you make it not shit

>> No.12047241

I want to lick tewi's cummy crotch!

>> No.12047244

There's no point polishing a turd. I for one refuse to post any drawings until the all the "self portraits" are deleted. Self portraits aren't /jp/ related.

>> No.12047246

Wow so lifelike.
I showed my buddies right now and they think its funny as hell, they're gonna post it on facebook.

>> No.12047249
File: 24 KB, 1105x844, jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12047252

very nice meme

>> No.12047256

only the finest memes :^)

>> No.12047261

I can't do that by myself. Posting art wouldn't make it better, it's the attitude in here, it's gotten horrible.

>> No.12047265

How so?

>> No.12047485

I wanted to try something a bit more different.

>> No.12047498

Please stop using that jewish emoticon.

>> No.12047732

I like them, I'm almost tempted to make an arrangement in my style.
The first one gives a feeling of soft motions, with sudden movements out of nowhere - like drunk boxing, but elegant and calm.
The way the second piece uses the same buildup with different endings gives me a feeling of looking at the same thing from different angels.
Especially the one nice sounding amidst them makes me picture the rare smile of a father, who spends most of the time scolding his son.

I really like letting associations run wild when I listen to instrumental tracks. It gives the music a little more personality for me.
That's also how I find my working titles for my own songs. I don't like telling them to others though, since I'm curious what everybody else is reminded of.
Also they are often quite silly and embarrassing.

Having said all that, here's a faster piece. No classical music. You have been warned.

>> No.12047748

Groovy, very relaxing but at the same time it has a sense of dread. Like I'm about to find out the unsettling truth.
Feels like a battle theme, I like it.

>> No.12047821

Too bad Dan is gone, I wanted to ask him to draw something

>> No.12047842

Go back to your coffin, Count Orlok. You aren't a NEET.

>> No.12047871

email him and tell him to give your request special treatment because you shitpost on 4chan

>> No.12047911

I can post the scores if you'd like, also nice melodies, I like how you develop them.

>> No.12047955

Someday I will contribute something to one of these OC threads. But not today.

>> No.12047973

Don't listen to them, selfie anon. I think it looks great except for that right arm.

>> No.12047979 [DELETED] 

Someday I will get some sick dubs like yours in one of these OC threads. But not today.

>> No.12047982 [DELETED] 


>> No.12047982,1 [INTERNAL] 


>You have been banned from /jp/ for posting >>12047979, a violation of Global Rule 3:

>Posting dubs/post number GET.
It was worth it :^)

>> No.12048082

I really like this
Please put up a download

>> No.12048223
File: 34 KB, 862x539, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much for the kinndness
actually it was my favorite movie when I was younger.

>> No.12048240

>it was my favorite movie when I was younger.
are you one hundred years old?

>> No.12048250


excellent work son

>> No.12048327

Uncensored please?

>> No.12048359
File: 70 KB, 615x362, jp monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this.

>> No.12048586

does anyone know what's happening with maid-street-fighter-developer-san? i haven't been following for the last few oc threads.

>> No.12048590

aside from MS paint, what's a good drawing program to use?

>> No.12048607


GIMP is crap

>> No.12048693

I was supposed to draw that girl from Zveza via request from anon.

general sketch is down but im too lazy to post. ill get around to it when im not as busy.

>> No.12048753
File: 45 KB, 400x1200, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made these.

>> No.12048755
File: 41 KB, 400x1200, cutegirl oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12048769

that looks like a grown up /jp/

why is she dressed like a slut? did something happen?

>> No.12048771

It's obviously a beach scene.

>> No.12048770

This isn't the first time I heard that. I just really like braids and glasses.

Maybe I should give her bows?

>> No.12048772

Please don't mention that abomination created by some roleplaying retards from /a/

>> No.12048774

Wasn't she created by someone from /v/? They made the /v/ vs /b/ comic.

>> No.12048775


It was made by /v/ and every comic she's in is about videogames.

>> No.12048777

How do you guys know this stuff
I tried reverse image searching it but nothing came up so I figured it was original

>> No.12048779

it's something completely different, unrelated to what was posted.

>> No.12048782

Consider using archives next time.

>> No.12048786

Google's Reverse Image Search feature will naturally find results from almost any of 4chan's archives.
I would really recommend trying it out if you haven't already, I've found a lot of stuff using it, and it only takes a few clicks.

>> No.12048794

do you only watch new movies?

>> No.12048806

we know this stuff because we've been on 4chan a long time, duh.

ive been here 9 years. almost everyone whos been here a long time knows about the /v/ comics

>> No.12048816

Only us oldfags eh

>> No.12048832
File: 31 KB, 640x400, bertramroom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah I wish I could create music this nice. So far music has been the hardest part. Hearing the same music over and over also makes me really tired so I can't work on it for long.

>> No.12048844
File: 30 KB, 320x200, bertram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was too hasty in posting.

>> No.12048889

And they're shit.

>> No.12048900

Its shit indeed, but I find her pretty cute.
do next one /jp/ related. or lewd.

>> No.12048906

I like them. They're probably shit but they're cute enough for me to enjoy.

>> No.12048997

these are really really bad

>> No.12049005

Silly faces aren't an excuse to draw poorly. Even silly faces need proper perspective and consistent (not necessarily life-like accurate) anatomy.

>> No.12049074

no but I'm older enough to have watched Yokai Ningen Bem and Ogon Bat
why did you save that
braids are cute. that is all I can say

>> No.12049193

Reminds me of horror movies, like a dark hospital scene.

>> No.12049428

Its just me or its a bit too dark?can't see shit

>> No.12049463

probably your monitor needs to get readjusted

>> No.12049510

But it's not hard at all, and you don't have to listen to it over and over, I didn't at least.
Can you post your music? I want to hear it.

>> No.12049512

What is that thing on the lower left?

>> No.12049674
File: 9 KB, 500x500, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I do need to put more effort into these. Even if I'm making them unfunny on purpose, but why am I doing that anyway..?

I'll make the next comic funny and put more effort into it.

>> No.12049738


>> No.12049746

Today I came up with something for an instrument I actually play.

I'm a bit rusty, it doesn't sound as clean as I'd like it to be.

>> No.12049797

I like it.

>> No.12049802

don't worry, rage-comic-kun
I still like your art

I feel that /jp/ would rather leave the old /v/ behind though

>> No.12049812

You can't draw.

>> No.12049816


>> No.12049833

I don't understand why you'd put so much effort into what's basically still a stick figure. Try drawing their head normally. And quit putting unfunny things on her shirt.

>> No.12049875

the exit back to the blown out hallway.

It's not very good but here are the two I have so far.



Today I work on GUI though so today will be an easy day.

>> No.12049907

>what is stylized art

>> No.12049919

Not that.

>> No.12049930

greentext is only for memes you idiot lol

>> No.12049934
File: 69 KB, 1191x824, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a drawing inspired to your song.

>> No.12049944

Oh god, thank you. I'll edit this as the album cover of the mp3.

>> No.12049955

I'm glad you enjoyee it
feel free to edit it as you please

>> No.12049979
File: 32 KB, 600x480, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12049986

This makes me hungry

>> No.12050040

You coul try repeating the same idea on different diatonic intervals to make it more interesting.
The second one is pretty good except for 0:33, it just sounds really harsh.

>> No.12050083

You could also try syncopating the drums before they get too boring.

>> No.12050118
File: 336 B, 52x48, GUI_button_normal_big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay. I will have to fix those when I go back to working on music. I'm not sure how to reduce the harshness. although I'm not really sure what I wanted. I guess I want some sort of distortion that doesn't go too far.

>> No.12050146
File: 1 KB, 52x48, pictures for imenoptera.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12050225
File: 104 KB, 515x677, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12050289

>although I'm not really sure what I wanted
This is very important, stumbling in the dark is not fun.

>> No.12050296

I like her expression. Arms and hands are incredibly small though.

>> No.12050299

What is that expression supposed to convey?

>> No.12050312

"I can't draw"

>> No.12050318

is cirno on heroin?

>> No.12050320

aren't you?

>> No.12050329

whos the autistic guy critiquing everyone's work without contributing anything of his own?

>> No.12050330

Probably the same guy who used to spam
"maginigger" constantly when Magister used to post.

>> No.12050331

i like to call him mr. awkward because he loves using the word awkward to describe things he doesn't understand

>> No.12050335

It's not just one person, I post a couple of the critiques. I just want to see people improve. Saying it looks awkward sounds nicer than saying it looks fucked up, I'm worried someone would end up dismissing it as "bullying".

>> No.12050368
File: 83 KB, 746x595, uh oh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cirno just wants to feel good again!

>> No.12050373

i get where you're coming from but saying a limb looks awkward or not right isnt exactly constructive criticism as its just saying "something off here" instead of saying "the limb looks weird because the perspective is off/you need to work more on getting the depth of field looking more natural"
I totally get what you mean, but being vague about things not only shows you dont know much about drawing but also shows that whatever critique you give wont help much since, its vague.

Aside from criticism these threads are more about fun and taking it easy than anything else, if they want to have someone scrutinize their drawings from a drafting standpoint they can go to /ic/, it should be a no brainer that the quality in these threads is not so good, and everyone who contributes knows they arent great, so most of the folks here who arent 100% autistic are aware of how poorly they draw.
Not every drawing needs to be analyzed unless they ask for it. its just a general doodle thread and nothing serious.

>> No.12050385

If only more people read your post.

>> No.12050416
File: 155 KB, 850x1212, 1394322088072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys making music? I can't play an instrument.

>> No.12050625

I haven't posted any music in here, but I use a synth and digital piano running into my computer where i then mix and master.

However, I'm pretty much a dying breed with any electronic music production. Some artists (especially EDM producers) have never used any "traditional" instrument - these guys can make music entirely in the DAW of their choice. MIDI music can be done with even simpler software.


>> No.12050648

ah sorry, i was meant to expand on with this >>12050625

You could probably make music yourself if you've got the drive to do so. A kinda /jp/ related example is CombatPlayer who did the music for Juniper's Knot (sorry for OEVN). Quoting his page though:
>I was never educated in music, and know no fancy terms or techniques - I am 100% self taught. I have tried many different DAW's in the time I've worked with music, but so far my DAW of choice is definitely FL Studio.

I was taught the basics back in high school but this guy learned everything through sheer determination (and I'm pretty sure he produces everything in FL too).

>> No.12050821

This made me feel pretty bad...

>> No.12050848

What became of that Marisa game?

>> No.12050958

wasn't that finished?

>> No.12051120

Get a DAW and learn to use it, the only difference between them is the workflow, you don't even need to play an instrument.

>> No.12051317

I don't know I haven't looked at these threads for a while and the archive, well it's down.

>> No.12051584
File: 73 KB, 400x734, vagina bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12051589

Would love tenderly.

>> No.12051679

Reminds me of DIO
dunno why

>> No.12051693

I can see why, the outfit.

>> No.12051743

Oh, you're right

>> No.12051743,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12051743,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Dan "Waste of Atoms" Kim
>That /v/ ragecomic retard who came here 2 months ago and is now posting his "kawaii" stick figures


>> No.12051743,3 [INTERNAL] 


I remember that

Somebody owned him hard with their own art

>> No.12051743,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12051743,5 [INTERNAL] 

>huge deletion spree at the start of thread
>janny poats >>12046909 despite censored pornography still being illegal
>deletes his own post
>janny then posts >>12046911 within spoilers, not realizing it's also against the rules
>not deleted
>Janitors are NOT interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only and personal motives should never influence deletion. They are objective, not subjective.''

>> No.12051743,6 [INTERNAL] 

>>Janitors are NOT interpreters: Rules are to be enforced as written. Janitors enforce site policy only and personal motives should never influence deletion. They are objective, not subjective.''

this is the funniest thing moot has written imo

>> No.12051743,7 [INTERNAL] 

You know you can delete your own posts, right?
