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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1201559 No.1201559 [Reply] [Original]

If characters of /jp/ had to fight against the other boards of 4chan, who would lead its army?

And does /jp/ have a chance against the others?

>> No.1201563

I fucking love Diabro 3

>> No.1201576
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>> No.1201577
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>> No.1201590


sorry shiki, you're shit tier compared to the tops of /a/, /m/, /v/ and /tg/

>> No.1201586

She is more than powerful enough to win against all the boards, but /co/ and /tg/ will be a fierce resistance.

>> No.1201599

if mewtwo and hollow ichigoku fought each other who would win?

>> No.1201604

Thanks for the shitty thread.


>> No.1201601


>> No.1201613


>> No.1201606

shit tier? you do realize that he can 1 hit ko anything right?

>> No.1201625

/tg/ would win you just can't compete against 1 billion motherfucking planets!

>> No.1201620


>> No.1201627

a Crisis happens

>> No.1201638


>> No.1201640


>> No.1201644
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No one stands a chance against /a/.

>> No.1201655

Is that the most powerful being of /a/? Even Cirno is more powerful than that.

>> No.1201669

EXTERMINATUS > gold experience requiem

>> No.1201684
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>> No.1201687

Does /a/ even know about Jojo anymore ?

>> No.1201700

Nothing would happen. Yukari, Doomsday (been out of the /co/ loop here, probably a better choice these days), Char, and Big Boss would join forces after realizing they could never kill each other and rule the universe with an iron fist.

>> No.1201708

Yukari would just merge all the boards and go back to sleep.

>> No.1201712

Is haruhi considered /a/ or /jp/?

>> No.1201713

They are too busy CODE GEASS'ing to watch good anime, so no.

>> No.1201723

Ah crap, Dio completely slipped my mind.

>> No.1201725

/y/ would win because everyone would run away.

>> No.1201728
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Intel for the upcoming battle.

/a/ - Doubt the generic powerlevel'd anime villain has anything special to offer.
/b/ - Commander in chief: None. Since anon is the supreme decisive force in any board war, /b/ stands without a champion.
/d/ - Yukari invented /d/.
/f/ - Yukari probably invented da hood.
/gif/ - Aka /pr0n/. Not a threat.
/h/ - Commander in chief: Faceless rapist.
Somewhere in the Yakumo manor, there is a locked closet containing row upon row upon row of jars. Jars of pickled eyes.
A legion of eyeless rapists hear the name Yakumo and weep.
/k/ - Even the Super Youkai Warhead bows down to Yukari. /k/ might put up a fight bringing out Tsar Bomba, otherwise not.
/m/ - Needs moar hotblooded.
/r/ - Allied. You don't bite the hand that can just PORTAL in anything you ask for.
/y/ - With Yuyuko in the house, neither Kira nor L will be much of a problem.
/tg/ - Depending on whether the champion is The Emperor or Doomrider, /tg/ would pose a mild to moderate threat. Against Yukari, Doomrider would probably have a better chance.

>> No.1201736

Imperium of Man orders exterminatus on Earth
Virus Bombs are dropped all life on Earth is destroyed in less than 1 minute.
The core of Earth is blown up.
Anything surviving is hit with warp missiles and trapped in the warp forever.


>> No.1201738


Originally started as light novels, which I'd (technically) put in /jp/'s category.

I guess it all depends on whether you consider Higurashi as being /a/'s or /jp/'s.

Either way, why has no one mentioned motherfucking Zelretch?

>> No.1201748


master spark fags

>> No.1201757

Because we got MOTHER FUCKIN' ORT

>> No.1201766


and he'll never get the chance to even touch anyone from mid tier and up

fucking typemoonfags are ignorant as fuck

>> No.1201768


Most overpowered character?

>> No.1201783

If we count out true omnipotents, since that's just a never ending crapfest of "I'll remove you from existence..NO I removed you first, NO U"...then probably /tg/ will be the strongest

It says a vampire survived because it was undead, so at least alot of characters will be able to stale him then

>> No.1201785


I like how God can be killed by a weapon he (presumably) forged himself - or one of his angels did anyway.

>> No.1201788
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>> No.1201790
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Michael Jackson says hi

>> No.1201800

I just read that entire article. All I can say is


We're fucked.

>> No.1201814

It wasn't a regular gun, apparently it was forged out of the Angel of Death's sword.

>> No.1201829

in b4
Super Gokuverine

>> No.1201831

why would God let one of his creations make a weapon capable of killing him?

>> No.1201846

Who would win in a fight Goku or Superman or Shiki or Naruto?

>> No.1201850


In that particular universe, God not on his throne does not possess his true powers or something. The Saint shot him somewhere else

>> No.1201856

fair enough, I suppose. It's a bad loophole, but acceptable.

Still, I'd wager some of the touhous can do better.

>> No.1201873


Strongest versions of Superman > Goku > Naruto > Shiki

Shiki is the slowest and physically weakest of the bunch, despite having a good ability


>> No.1201875
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>And does /jp/ have a chance against the others?

TTGL is invincible. TTGL can attack the past, present, and future. TTGL is bigger than galaxies and can change the laws of probability. Noone, and I mean noone can defeat TTGL.

/r/ing the Flash copypasta.

>> No.1201880


>> No.1201888


Samefag is same

TTGL is definitely top tier, but not god tier.

>> No.1201903

Strongest versions of Superman < Strongest version of Goku.

Towards the end of Dragonball GT Goku had the ability to blow up the universe.

Back when Goku and Vegeta's power level was towards 13,000 Vegeta had enough power to destroy the earth. Goku's power level in GT is in the billions so do the math.

>> No.1201905


name something's that god tier then.

oh wait, you can't. Being able to manipulate the past, present and future. I don't see how you can beat something like that

>> No.1201916

Been a while since I abandoned /a/, but I'd kinda placed TTGL above God-level. In a sense, spiral power means being able to kill anything as long as you have the drive to do so, including killing a god.

>> No.1201921

Read the thread and you'll find plenty.

>> No.1201928

But then he doesn't exist anymore. He's waaaay past dead.

>> No.1201931

TTGL is constantly evolving so its power level is not fixed. GG Gainax. Way to think ahead

>> No.1201940

Crimson Moon.

>> No.1201938


>> No.1201948

/tg/ has god tier shit.

Lady of Pain is basically a walking plot device. She can kill you by thinking about you. People have tried to worship her, but they got to close and she decided to kill them. If you really piss her off, and she doesn't find you or she's busy saving entire planes of existence from unspeakable horrors, she may just teleport you to a pocket dimension from which there is no escape.

Cthulhu is so hideously evil that looking at him makes you go insane. Batshit insane. No possible form of recovery, your mind is just fucking done.

>> No.1201951

>oh wait, you can't.
No, YOU can't. I absolutely love it when retards like yourself who base everything on your own ignorance.

Let's go with /co/ first shall we

Fully fed Galactus
Thanos with infinity gauntlet
Lucifer Morningstar
Living Tribunal

List goes on

TTGL couldn't even take a big bang level attack without one of its most prominent crew sacrificing itself. There countless characters who toss out big bang level attacks casually

>> No.1201954

explain how ttgl is so powerful that a bunch of kids with giant robots can beat it?

>> No.1201958
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Thanos with the infinity gauntlet is basically god... too bad he lost it like a stupid fool

>> No.1201962

>Towards the end of Dragonball GT Goku had the ability to blow up the universe.

The strongest Superman is a multiverse threat

I despise comics bullshit but I've seen the evidence, as lame as they are

>> No.1201964

How is this /jp/ related?


>> No.1201973


rofl xD

>> No.1201974
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Plus it can move faster than the speed of light (don't forget that time when Simon warped half way across the galaxy in the blink of an eye).

TTGL is a God. Simon is capable of giving and taking life. He's also capable of bending and/or manipulating physics using his willpower. If that's not a God, I don't know what a God is. Lord Genome made Viral immortal. So that also means that Simon has the ability to make things immortal. The only limitation to Simon's power was that he was trying to not be a god. Hence the reason why he didn't bring Nia back to life.

And if Kamina was piloting TTGL towards the final battle, who knows what type of crazy shit would have happened. No one is stronger than TTGL. I never thought it would be done, but Gainax created a God tier weapon.

Note: The only reason why TTGL was struggling towards the final battle, was because it was fighting against another TTGL type weapon.

>> No.1201979

>lol im gonna pretend i didnt read the feats that far exceed anything ttgl has done

>> No.1201993

Fucking Marvel HAX characters


>> No.1201984


Doesn't change the fact that it struggled against an attack that was merely the power of the big bang.

Basically, 3 Gold Saints of Saint Seiya can beat TTGL if there's no Genome there to sacrifice himself.

>> No.1201986

>/k/ - Even the Super Youkai Warhead bows down to Yukari. /k/ might put up a fight bringing out Tsar Bomba, otherwise not.

You know very little of /k/, so I shall tell you.

/k/ would put up PUTIN.

Nothing can defeat Putin, not even if you made up a character with inherent abilities to specifically defeat Putin.

>> No.1201997

TTGL power is faith and will.
Shitty overpowered comics characters can not beat that.
Sage for shit thread.

>> No.1201999

This thread.

>> No.1202001


Not even Putin can defeat Putin. It would be an eternal stalemate.

>> No.1202017

what about 2 Putin's?

>> No.1202024

What happens when an irresistible force meets an irresistible force?

>> No.1202025

Keep in mind that Simon was still a teen during that fight. In ten years, once Simon becomes GARlock his power will probably multiply.

>> No.1202031

/v/ would win
they'd just make some horribly unbalanced MUGEN character that one hit KOs everything

>> No.1202035

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable determination ?

>> No.1202041


Irrelevant. We haven't seen it, Gainax never said anything either, it doesn't exist.

>> No.1202038


getting kind of butthurt dere. In case you forgot, TTGL is constantly evolving. It managed to survive a big bang attack formed with the merging of two entire fucking galaxies. Helix king gave them a hueg supply of spiral power when he died. And guess what? They are now fucking stronger. Big bang attacks probably won't work anymore

>> No.1202045


You're forgeting time travel. TTGL just have to fire off lazers into the past and kill them

>> No.1202049
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/tg/ always has the Chaos gods. Entities so powerful, they can create massive rifts in space thousands of light years wide where reality stops working properly.

>> No.1202048


>> No.1202050


did you not see his eye? fuck

>> No.1202053
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Choose better hax.

could defeat
Especially wielded by Galactus, who existed before time began.

>> No.1202054
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>where reality stops working properly


>> No.1202059

/m/ do to Demonbane and Dis Astranagun
two mecha that can DP all the touhous and make Shiki shit his pants.

>> No.1202065

>fighting against another TTGL type weapon.

WHO LOST BECAUSE HIS POWER LEVEL IS FIXED. like all other inferior fictional heroes

>> No.1202069
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>What happens when an irresistible force meets an irresistible force?
The Hulk usually wins.

>> No.1202074

Yes sure, accusing me of butthurt now...there's your first sign of desperation

You're resorting to using non-existent things to your argument (he SHOULD be stronger! even tho there's nothing to show!) instead of things that are actually shown.

Even getting that big boost after Genome sacrificed himself, he still couldn't beat his opponent head on and had to basically kill the pilot.

Anything thata can use big bang level attack > TTGL

>> No.1202080


the fact that you mentioned shiki shows how narrow your scope of knowledge is

>> No.1202079
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Oh of course...


>> No.1202082 [SPOILER] 
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the irony in your post is overwhelming

>> No.1202086

Or they could just use the Kobold Pun-Pun and win.

>> No.1202089
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Tetractys Grammaton...
You don't exist now.

>> No.1202108

Guys stop making me feel so weak and insignificant, im crying right now /jp/ I'm seriously crying right now.

>> No.1202117

>i have no arguments
Ah don't flatter yourself now, not everyone is that emotionally moved by you

I certainly rage very often but powerlevel discussions against people who are clueless is something I find rather relaxing and amusing

>> No.1202116

And you Sir dont know what two Elder Gods and a Time Diverv are capable of.

Fuck Shuu can fuck /jp/ up all on his own.

>> No.1202123

I'm well aware of what Demonbane can do, I'm just mocking you for putting shiki in the same sentence

>> No.1202128


wut. The Anti-Spiral is the mech, you fucking retard. Simon did not kill the "weak old pilot". He killed a single entity embodied with the wills of an entire planet. Anti Spiral created the mech just to beat Simon with equal power in order to throw him into despair. He lost because he didn't have the fighting spirit aka Spiral Power which signifies evolution.

>(he SHOULD be stronger! even tho there's nothing to show!) instead of things that are actually shown.

Spiral = continuous. = A growing power level. GG. Faggot. Why do you need to see something like that? Do you not know what implied is? Or do you need every bit of information hand fed to you?

>> No.1202131

ITT: Rampant Fanboyism.

>> No.1202139

> i have no argument so i resort to imaginary things and what-ifs

sage this shit for newfags who think blowing through dimensions is impressive

>> No.1202134
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>> No.1202138

>Anything that can use big bang level attack > TTGL

1.TTGL was weak after days of fighting on the battle feild.
2.TTGL actually used the attack to power themselves up. Meaning it has the ability to absorb such attacks. Even if Genome wasn't alive Simon in theory could revive him if he wanted to.
3.Simon was about to do something before Genome sacrificed himself. Do you really think Simon would have let everybody die? He would have done some crazy Kamina homage and ended that battle.
4.Simon and the team had a drop of faith right before he used that attack. Meaning they weren't believing in themselves. It was only after Genome died that Simon remembered the strength of willpower. Kinda like that part when Kamina died. Had Simon been believing in himself more from the beginning of that battle he would have deflected that attack with ease.
6.Simon was fighting against a person who (at the time) was stronger than him. Meaning he evolved to reach his level. Now that Simon has defeated him, his power is stronger than it was before.

>> No.1202143

>1.TTGL was weak after days of fighting on the battle feild.

What happened to evolving? Will and determination? I guess it doesn't evolve constantly after all

Don't contradict yourself next time retard

>> No.1202145

I don't know who's the strongest in this thread, but when it comes to being pathetic, all of you are pretty much god tier.

>> No.1202146
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>> No.1202157

>Anything that can use big bang level attack
7.Very few people have big bang level attacks.


>> No.1202152


> i have no argument so i resort accusing reasonable posts to being about imaginary things and what-ifs

fixed your post for you

>> No.1202161


is this true?! this is crucial anonymous

>> No.1202159

>Simon and the team had a drop of faith


>> No.1202165


i lol'ed

>> No.1202167


sage for /b/ faggotry

>> No.1202170
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>but when it comes to being pathetic, all of you are pretty much god tier.
No one here is god-tier.


>> No.1202172
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>but when it comes to being pathetic, all of you are pretty much god tier.
No one here is god-tier.


>> No.1202174

TTGL gets removed from existence by the big boys of /co/, /a/, or /tg/, Nia is put into a tentacle dimension and raped repeatedly, Yoko is tortured for eternity for being a whore

Try again when Gainax comes up with a stronger mech in 10 years

>> No.1202176

TTGL would lose, because it's only from a solid 8/10 series. Better giant robots or characters from higher quality series would easily destroy it.

In before Gurren_Lagann_Expert_(less_than_100_anime_seen:_last_Code_Geass)

>> No.1202177

Yes, you posted this several times before.


>> No.1202178


sign of desperation

>> No.1202190


I refute you.

>> No.1202195


Start naming names faggots. I'm waiting.

>> No.1202203

TTGL is mid tier by /m/ standards why is this fag arguing for a mid tier mecha?

>> No.1202210

another quality thread ruined by Gurren faggotry.

>> No.1202213


An animated movie entitled Movie Version Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Crimson Chapter (劇場版 天元突破グレンラガン 【紅蓮編】, Gekijōban Tengen Toppa Guren Ragan [Guren Hen]?), once again directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi, and written by Kazuki Nakashima, will be produced by Gainax and released on September 6, 2008 in Japanese theaters.[14][15][16] The movie will be a compilation of the events of the first arc of the series (episodes one through fifteen) with some newly animated scenes. In conjunction with the release of the movie, Gainax has released series of music videos entitled Gurren Lagann Parallel Works which contains alternative stories of Gurren Lagann set to songs from the original soundtrack.[17] A second movie has been announced.[5]

>A second movie has been announced.
>second movie

I swear. If these 2 movies have the quality of episode 15. I'll cum buckets upon buckets. Realistically. God damn, I wonder how they will make the final scene even more epic that it already is

>> No.1202229

We have Touhou, that means we have Yukari. Which means we win.

>> No.1202223


now look at what you did, you faggot

>> No.1202236

The /m/ and /co/ have things like her so no.

>> No.1202232


TTGL helped ruined an entire board, so we got off lucky.

>> No.1202233

Wait, so the movies are just recaps with extra scenes?

>> No.1202246

Noone is forcing you to read it

Probably /a/ too.

Powerlevel is really unfun the higher you go. At low-mid level, you actually have some interactions. At the high level it's an endless one-shot kills

>> No.1202247

Recaps with less scenes, really.
Unless they're gonna be real fucking long.

>> No.1202248



looks the fucking same

>> No.1202261


the way they did the trailer was great though. Would cum loads if I saw this in movie theatres

>> No.1202276


high res version.

enjoy fags

>> No.1202285


You must have low expectations

>> No.1202289


compared to this anyway >>1202248

>> No.1202317


isn't hotblooded enough

>> No.1202320

Not more recaps.

Why does Gainax keep releasing recap movies? I'm sure everyone here will agree with me that Gainax animu has the most rewatch value out of any other animu. Those classic moments in Evangelion, FLCL, and Gurren Lagann get rewatched 10 or more times during your first view of the show. Some people on /a/ claim that they've watched the Kamina death scene 20+ times. So please explain to me what's the logic behind making a recap of the events that people have already rewatched a thousand times?

The rebuild of Evangelion movie for example. We all know the history of the Evangelion DVD releases. First there was the VHS release. Then there was the digitally remastered Evangelion VHS release. Then there was the Eva DVD. Then there was the remastered DVD. Then there was the Platinum DVD release. Not to mention the countless limited offer collection releases. Combine that with the first time we watched the Eva fansub. Then combine that when we first watched the Eva dub.

At what point does it seem like a good idea to make a recap movie of Eva?

Fuck you Gainax you fucking fucktard fucker.

>> No.1202328


eva movie isn't a recap. Shinji is gonna become GAR. Just look at what he did at the end of the first movie. He made a choice on his own fucking ass. FUCK YEAH!

Gurren lagann movie is still great though. Solely for listening to some of its tracks on hueg ass speakers

>> No.1202396

What, you didn't like Mahoromantic or Abenobashi?
Screw you too.

>> No.1202418

9 more days

>> No.1202467


Oh that reminds me..I've had Rebuild downloaded for a while now...guess I'll go watch it now

>> No.1202488

>eva movie isn't a recap.

Last time I checked, it was a recap? Am I missing the punch line?

>> No.1202491

And another thread derails into gainax dicksucking.

>> No.1202515

You say that as if /jp/ isn't /touhou/ 90% of the time.

>> No.1202523

And yet, its still better than the cancer that is Gainax.

>> No.1202530


wut. you didn't watch it in the cinemas?

>> No.1202532


Why is /gif/ full of porn? Because it's got the most material

Go blame ZUN and the elevens

>> No.1202540
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Thread needs more chibi touhou.

>> No.1202559
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This man.

>> No.1202589

Are u all stupid or what?lelouch can make all of your "heroes" do whatever he wants with his geass and he also has good partners.

>> No.1202688
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Come on, Archer just snipes him before he can use his Geas . . . However, the worst part would be fighting Guts.

>> No.1203146

Would rage again.
