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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12014610 No.12014610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here like to read academic papers, essays, books, etc about otaku culture? If so, which would you recommend? A simple search for "anime" in EBSCOhost returns over 1,000 results, and I'm excited to have so much interesting reading material to look over, but I'm a bit overwhelmed with where to begin.

>> No.12014612

>Does anyone here like to read

>> No.12014614

search hikikomori on jstor

>> No.12014616 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 500x500, 1285277652789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to make a /jp/-thread:
- start downloading a 2hu-pic (danbooru, gelbooru, ...), but rename it, so people don’t find out
- write: ”<name of the 2hu> is a <noun>”. The name is in the *booru-tag. For the <noun> you type in something like the animal name if the 2hu is an animal or something that sum up the appearence in one single word, otherwise use a fandom-fact from touhouwiki.net.
- Nazrin is a mouse!
- Sakuya is a maid!
- Patchouli is a smeller!

You’re now a /jp/sie, have fun posting.

>> No.12014615

I don't know too many, but I would love to write some one day.

I study psychology and the aspects of internet interaction, otaku culture, and the sexual workings of hentai fascinate me. If only Freud were here...

>> No.12014623

It would be wise to search for works made by japanese people, regardless if translated or not. Seriously, even if you can learn a lot of things by researching through the internet, only someone who actually saw the phenomenon being born take form to what it is today can really say anything about it. And you know... there's not many westerns who participated in that.

>> No.12014624 [DELETED] 
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Letty is going into hibernation!

>> No.12014637

Personally, I don't, but I know there are people who do. Gunlord500 from /m/, for example, has a blog that's mostly mecha-focused, but he also (for example) reviewed a collection of academic essays on otaku culture and Japanese perceptions of masculinity, recently. The book was called Manga Girl Seeks Herbivore Boy: Studying Japanese Gender at Cambridge, and I'm sure you can find more by looking up the authors represented there.

I guess those authors are otaku otaku. I wonder what that makes Gunlord. (or me?)

>> No.12014648

Worthless people don't get to submit to peer reviewed journals.

>> No.12014652

That isn't how Science works bub.

>> No.12014652,1 [INTERNAL] 

This should also include a guide on how to type fullwidth text.

>> No.12014667

>Does anyone here like to read
Are you a nerd?

>> No.12014673

I'm black so I don't know how to read.

>> No.12014712

I will read to you, friend.

>> No.12014712,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12014736

Every academic paper I've read on it has mostly just restated uninteresting things you'd already know from being involved in it yourself; e.g. escapism, regression, youth fantasy, overbearing social pressure. After a while the narcissistic high of having outsiders pore over your culture and people who sound like you wears thin and it starts getting boring.

>> No.12014745

Thank you.

>> No.12014808

This is the most disgusting thread that has been on /jp/ today. That includes the 50 or so Janny has deleted. I can not imagine someone would actually read academic papers on Otaku Culture. Sure I read academic papers on the Japanese population decline and yes sometimes they do mention things along the lines of otaku culture, but actually reading a paper solely devoted to otaku culture is disgusting. All of you get out of /jp/. You are not worthy to be in my presence.

>> No.12014809

I had nothing better to do with my time.

>> No.12014851

I like to surround myself with people who are more knowledgeable than me when it comes to my hobbies so that I can learn more through them. Lately I'm finding less and less new information that I can gleam from online forums, so I'm hoping the world of academia will offer me something new to explore.

>> No.12014857
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>I read academic papers on the Japanese population decline
>reading a paper solely devoted to otaku culture is disgusting

>> No.12014866

begin with this:
Otako are cool bunch.
very funny too when no hating oneself.
people outside will think a very sad life takes place, but these people can never see the full picture which is sad in itself
people in the inside think its not that sad, really, but these people cant either see the full picture with what they're missing
in the end people is all the same, talk and think when they know no much, really.
but is not bad is beautiful, human culture is beautiful in the mystery owned.
This why Otaku are cool bunch because part of human culture

>> No.12014873

Joke post, methinks.

Anyway there've been books written about otaku culture, and sociologists will apparently publish papers about anything really, so yes, somewhere there indeed are peer-reviewed papers about all this. No idea which journals, probably shit about newfangled media and demographics.

>> No.12014874

I'm gonna need a drilling rig to punch through the layers of irony in this post.

>> No.12014877

I'm interested in that topic as well OP, but haven't actively searched for anything specific. What would you recommend?

The latest pieces I've read, or rather watched was really only videos from VICE. I've since stopped after realizing how much biased bullshit they spew out every month, but they sure do know how to sell a story I'll give them that.

>> No.12014879

Otaku and the ``phenomena'' related to them are fashionable amongst latte-belt inhabitants as of late. Probably due to all of the expats returning from jobs teaching english to rich kids.

>> No.12014882

Not really.

>> No.12014883

>I've since stopped after realizing how much biased bullshit they spew out every month, but they sure do know how to sell a story I'll give them that.
VICE is a left-wing New York Post
People get paid in peanuts and indie cred
"Oh yah, I'm a freelancer. Maybe you've seen my stuff on VICE." People toss that around like nothing else.

Do you think that they would actually post accurate stuff for otaku? They do publish decent comics I guess.

>> No.12014888
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I don't understand? I want to learn more and I feel like /jp/ has little left to offer me.

>> No.12014899

I think you should sign up for 2HU 730 - Advanced Jaypee Theory. Topics will include solving fundamental quotation polynomials, Janny's theorem, and cyclic thread groups.

>> No.12014907

what a lewd chart~!

>> No.12014914

>otaku otaku
It's all just weeb shit from an outside perspective, and the nihonjin are just consuming their national media just like we consume adult swim shows in the west. It's entirely a different style than western animation of course and it should be preserved as a world heritage.

>> No.12014913

Time to learn Japanese.

>> No.12014924

Vice was good before they started this youtube business around 5 years ago and now an HBO show. They totally sold out hard. Now it's got articles like "The top 7 good goys and why you need to be like them".

>> No.12014937

Papers about otaku culture are much more /jp/-related than papers about fucking population decline, or anything else for that matter.

>> No.12014939

I think you'd learn more from engaging in your hobbies.

>> No.12014945

Now that I think about it, I've never seen any discussion about otaku culture in /jp/ besides a few rants in denpa threads. Step it up.

That aside, I'd say there's very few material in English, weebs aren't interested in learning about things like Akihabara or old otaku media and its roots.

>> No.12014944

He was speaking from a level of personal disgust, not /jp/-relatedness.

I engage in my hobbies all day and don't learn shit about otaku culture.

>> No.12014947

There have been discussions from time to time but for the last few years retards would consistently come into them and drive everyone off, so people stopped.

>> No.12014957
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I read Database Animals, it was pretty okay. He makes some interesting points.

I've been looking through http://www.cjas.org/~leng/toppage.htm, some of the stuff is interesting.

I don't have access to actual academic sites though.

>> No.12014983

There are tons of free-access academic articles on Google Scholar.

>> No.12015009

I don't support Google and their anti-privacy practices.

>> No.12015020

I always see posts about math on the jay. I wonder if it's the same person each time. Are you that person?

>> No.12015024

What's the point?

>> No.12015051
File: 171 KB, 656x602, renamed file from danbooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to learn new things!

>> No.12015091




>> No.12015098

Have you checked out mechademia? it's available as a torent somewhere (can't remember exactly where i found it). It's got some pretty interesting articles and according to wikipedia it is a peer-reviewed academic journal, but the articles aren't difficult to read for laymen.

>> No.12015104

From what little I've seen (and I don't really claim to be an expert here, I just read enough to give up on it) all the westerner otaku "research" is garbage.

I patiently do my reps in hope I'll some day be able to read the Japanese scholarly articles, and in the meantime, there's always the translation of Database Animals. It only got more relevant with time.

>> No.12015368

I remember when I was in college, a couple people did some sort of paper that involved interviewing a few members of the anime club, and they stuck around for a showing as well. I wish I had kept track of what it was so I could help you, but it's probably lost in time.

>> No.12015377

For a social science, none of this seems even slightly scientific. I have yet to see a single western source publish anything other than demagoguery, opinion pieces, or shock entertainment about the topic. These kind of papers say a lot more about the west than they do about Japan.

>> No.12015378

>I've never seen any discussion about otaku culture in /jp/ besides a few rants in denpa threads.

>> No.12015379
File: 81 KB, 590x679, a really cool OTAKU in Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love your family, stop becoming OTAKU.

>> No.12015383
File: 14 KB, 400x335, 1361853861559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to write one on the Ainu with a jaypee, but he hasn't contacted me since November.

I was really looking forward to it too.

>> No.12015387

I was about to mention it, some of the articles they cover are interesting.

I especially like the concept of narrative consumption presented in Database Animals, in the sense that there is a grand totality beneath every fragment of otaku culture.

>> No.12015481

He probably fuckin' hates you, dude.

>> No.12015487

no bully

>> No.12015597

fuck u

>> No.12015633


>> No.12016014

Miyazaki is dead, dude.

>> No.12016616

Cultural studies are fun even if they're not particularly scientific. A lot of the articles I've been finding from English sources are specifically about Western consumption habits of anime and manga, and I think this is interesting as well even if it's not at all reflective of what's going on in Japan.

>> No.12023312

Anyone read Susan Napier's stuff?
