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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12006855 No.12006855 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11998895

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Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
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Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.12006860
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Time for some sub loving?

>> No.12006864
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>> No.12006866

Sixth sub when?

>> No.12006871
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>> No.12006874

Useless modernization fodder

>> No.12006881

but she's very useful modernization fodder. Who else raises luck?

>> No.12006892

Your shipgirls respect you because you are a kind, caring admiral with great empathy and resilience. Please do not show them otherwise!

>> No.12006893
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>> No.12006894

Not worth it, or at least not now because we don't really know what are the benefits of high luck

I want a sub that can actually kill things and help me with dailies

>> No.12006895
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too young to be a sub, come back later.

>> No.12006904

Is it just me, or did the last thread fall to be pruned too fast?

>> No.12006938


I don't do sorties with Maruyu because it makes me feel so bad whenever she gets hit.

Probably I'm a huge faggot.

>> No.12007061 [DELETED] 

Seven months and 97 levels later I'm finally out of the no-Mutsu[/spoiler] club but what I really wanted was a Bismarck.

>> No.12007067 [DELETED] 

Seven months and 97 levels later I'm finally out of the no-Mutsu[/spoiler] club but what I really wanted was a Bismarck.

>> No.12007068

Nice spoiler tags

>> No.12007072

I thought I just messed up the first time, but the problem is on 4chan's end.

tl;dr: veteran player, wanted bismarck, finally got mutsu

>> No.12007087 [DELETED] 

Were you trying to do something likethis?

>> No.12007090 [DELETED] 

So I can't do it. Oh well, I'm an idiot anyway.

Deleting cause off-topic.

>> No.12007091 [DELETED] 

I think the problem was the dash-spoiler but I don't see how that could conceivably cause a problem.

>> No.12007093

Testing, one, two, one-<two>, one two <three four>.

>> No.12007097 [DELETED] 

>can't delete immediately
>you can't delete a post this old
>wrong password
What the hell 4chan.

>> No.12007099

why did they make kirishima k2 look like a pussy bitch compared to her original?

>> No.12007101


>> No.12007106
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For what purpose?

I'd understand if it was CV/Ls because of 2-2 but why the BBs.

>> No.12007108


>> No.12007111

But wouldn't you want the BBs at the top if that was the case?

>> No.12007113

Should be 3SS 3 BB

>> No.12007130

I decided to send the unlucky battleships grinding in 5-2 and my level four Mutsu with stock equipment took MVP over a pair of fully armed, level 95, Fusou-class BBs.

I guess in the end you can't fight rarity.

>> No.12007132

>Fusou class
There's your problem.

>> No.12007137

You should take a look at Fusou's stats.

>> No.12007140
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Once upon a time, an admiral decided that his Fusou-class battleships needed to have 30 levels on every other battleship if they were going to pull their weight.

Apparently that number is more like 140.

>> No.12007147

Well, flagships are more likely to get MVP after all, due to how the second shelling attack order works.

You are a good man for raising Fuso-class and should not feel daunted because of a mishap or two. They won't fail you when it really matters.

>> No.12007158


That's right, when times are at their darkest and you just have to sink those transport ships, Fuso class will always find a way.

>> No.12007185


Get your asses in line. One LSC bankrupted kuso TTK at a time.

>> No.12007186

It begins.

>> No.12007190


[April Fools intensifies]

>> No.12007192

The japanese do april fools?

>> No.12007193

Since they're silver rarity, is it better to just A rank the boss battles for Uzuki and pals? I'm tired of getting all these golds.

>> No.12007197

FUCK. Should I continue leveling Kirishima and Isuzu? I still have 90k to go for both.

>> No.12007204

That's quite a thing in Japan, actually.

>> No.12007206


I don't understand, is the event on 4/9 or in two weeks?

>> No.12007209
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Yes, but it's not even the 1st yet in Japan. Time to get hype and wish it'll be easy as pie.

>> No.12007211

But they're the same thing

>> No.12007215

4/9 till 4/23 lasting for two weeks.

>> No.12007220

2 weeks? Isn't that a bit too short?

>> No.12007219

Well, time to start doing everything with subs including pvp.

>> No.12007226

We already knew midway was coming, the announcement was made a while ago.

What I dont understand is why is that event starting on the 9th if they said the anniversary event would start on the 22nd.

>> No.12007228

I have 10more level for kirishima, then I need to do something about the tone sisters and dragon sisters

>> No.12007227

We could always ask the Chinese DDoS crew to get us an event extension.

Besides, a severe time limitation means that it probably won't be as monstrously hard as everyone imagined. If you're near regeneration cap and have a passable fleet, you can have a decent shot at it.

>> No.12007231

Arpeggio event only lasts two weeks, and it was a really casual one, not like the summer event and fall event(which originally planned for three weeks and get an extension).

>> No.12007232

Shit. I hope it's really April Fool's, I've been meaning to stockpile starting tomorrow.

>> No.12007237

But resources won't save you from compass trolling. What I think will happen is that the first two weeks will be piss easy, and at the anniversary they'll add the real deal.

>> No.12007240

50k is enough, right guys?

>> No.12007245
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Next maintenance will be on April 9th
Next end-of-the-month maintenance is the start of long-waited Spring event
It will be opened for approx. 2 weeks.
If you have prepared buckets & resources and received intel info about enemy fleet and compass routing, you can bruteforce it. The restriction is not about how long the event is, but how long you can awake to clear it.

>> No.12007246

Yeah, and don't worry about leveling your ships. As long as they are remodeled and modernized you're fine.

>> No.12007249

Think 760 buckets are enough?

>> No.12007253

Assume 150 steel per average repair, calculate how many buckets you need to use all your resources.

>> No.12007254

I've got 5k resources and 100 buckets. Midway's gonna be a piece of cake.

>> No.12007260

I've got 23k steel and 30k baux, should I continue to craft radars or stick to min recipes?

>> No.12007261
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I guess if i push a bit i can bump my resources to 100k and around 600 buckets. I'll be alright.

>> No.12007268

What was the average resources most Admirals had during Fall event? I know someone had to have save that kind of information.

>> No.12007269

Convert those ammo dump to steel.

>> No.12007272

RNG-blessed: <10k difference, on average: 20k-40k. That's disregarding Agano and Yahagi hunting.

>> No.12007274

what did you do to get those ammo.. mine is the opposite of yours.

>> No.12007275

Exp.2 all day everyday?

>> No.12007279

I wish you could convert resources you don't use into others.
Exp 2, 3 and 5
Exp 2, 5 and 21

Those combinations are the ones that make me the most ammo.

>> No.12007276

Fall event was not really a good indicator since it was mostly night battles. Heck, you could cheese the 4th map using sacrificial ships. I 'used' about 30k including E7, not accounting for regen.

>> No.12007283

So, while we're on the topic of hoarding and stocking up resources.

What expeditions are you doing/What are the best expeditions if you want to stock on resources fast?

I ended up with 50k everything except for bauxite that is at 30k and cant figure out how to get that to rise faster.

>> No.12007289

For bauxite i do Exp 6 and 11. It's slower than everything else but it gets the job done. It kills your fuel a little but you can always spam Exp 5 and 21 to recover it.

>> No.12007288

You can do resource run. 2-3 can effectively convert ammo to fuel, while 3-2 can create good amount of steel with additional expense of fuel & bucket.

>> No.12007290


I'm doing exp 3, 5 and 6 while I'm awake/on my PC, when I'm sleeping or out, I do 9, 11 and 18.

I have around 1.2k buckets, and I'm just doing some light grinding on 5-4-A and 2-2 so I don't really need buckets at all.

>> No.12007299

Are you not already doing expeditions that maximise gains?

If you have 4 daihatsu, Ex 35 sparkled for steel + baux along with Ex 6 for more baux. Always run Ex 5 sparkled.

>> No.12007302

Sub runs for 2-3. Do subs work for 3-2?

>> No.12007306

Have been doing 2, 37 and 38 here.
My fuel, ammo and steel rise really fast but my poor bauxite was left behind.

I only have one ZUNboat and doing LSC tog et more of those would be a horrible, horrible idea.

>> No.12007314

Running 2, 5, and 6 for the time being. I suppose I should swap out 5 for 21 given the ~50% great success rate with six drums.

>> No.12007318

For bauxite, it's my top priority to run Exp 6 sparkled and Exp 11 when I'm offline. I think 30k is more or less enough if you have more than 6 Reppu equipped, 150-200 per run isn't bad at all.

>> No.12007321

2+5+21 for day, 9+13+37 for night
The bucket expense is a bit higher, and that gold CL can force you to retreat. But that comes with nice amount of steel.

>> No.12007324

Recipe for Bismark?

>> No.12007330

I haven't gotten great success at all on expedition 38. How many drum cans do you need?

>> No.12007332

LSC all min with Z3 as flag for better chance

>> No.12007333

At least 10 I think.

>> No.12007337


>> No.12007347

4/6/6/3/20 with Z1 or Z3 as flagship.

>> No.12007349

Sparkle or not, ex5 is still better choice. The expense for ex21 is a lot more, the chance for great success is not that high, and with ex5 you can get small but still helpful steel & bauxite gain.

>> No.12007353

10 drums and 3 sparkle will give you an over 5/6 great success rate.

>> No.12007373
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>> No.12007381

I just hope the event won't have some bullshit requirement like 5-5 where you must have at least one Yamato-class ship. I tried this shit with two Nagatos and a Kongou but reached the boss ONCE and it was a D ranking. At the end, I lost 20k resources and 80 buckets for nothing.

>> No.12007386

>not doing the first quest at 2-2
It's your own fault.

>> No.12007388

With subs and my terrible luck? Line abreast + double line with a BB and 3 sub killers always make my subs cry.

>> No.12007389

The final event map will require you to have 5-5's medal to enter.

>> No.12007393

So... The event starts after late April's maintenance?

>> No.12007394

Bring 5 subs, maybe you have to use a bucket but its not a big deal. I usually get sent south instead of north anyway.

>> No.12007396

Well, even a single hit of the line abreast node is enough to bring Hachi to red.

>> No.12007397

I bring 6DD to 2-2 if I'm clearing the daily there. Most of the time you go directly south, but north is no big deal. Obvious refresh if you go to the boss.

>> No.12007398

It's cheaper to do it in 2-3, especially if you have other quests activated.

>> No.12007400

It's not cheaper if it takes an extra half hour because the compass is trolling you. 2-2 compass doesn't troll nearly as badly.

>> No.12007403

It is. You're exchanging ammo for fuel, basically. Besides, you should have spare subs to rotate either way.

>> No.12007406

What should I put on maruyu-kai?

I'm not good at sub and I want to make her at least somewhat useful. Torps?

>> No.12007414

Midget sub.

>> No.12007423

>no Wo

>> No.12007436

Thank you.

>> No.12007446

Seems like this event will be an easy event (and not midway). They have always been calling it 'spring event' rather than midway.

>> No.12007448

What if thats the april fools joke?
Making us think this is midway and then give us the real midway a month after

>> No.12007454

Or what if they make us think it's not Midway and then throw Midway at us- Re's on every node?

>> No.12007455


This event definitively is not Midway, but yeah, I have a feeling they'll announce Midawy's date at the end of this event.

>> No.12007457

What do you mean by 'this event'? There will only be one upcoming.

>> No.12007459
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Just realized that I accidentally scraped Yamato's stock seaplane. I don't even remember when. Although it's craftable now but still. What a pity.
But today is only March 31st. Why should they throw April Fools joke on March 31st?

>> No.12007460

Because throwing it on april 1st would make it too obvious

>> No.12007463

They mentioned midway even before Christmas event started. They always mention a lot of things, that either never happened (BBV remodel), or got delayed so many times (LSC).

>> No.12007466

And that's the one that will come at the end of April. I can't see why suddenly people suggest there will be different event other than that.

>> No.12007472

They did say "next event" would be Midway, so if they delay Midway we won't be getting any events for a while.

>> No.12007476

Then why they haven't mentioned midway in any of the announcements regarding the event that will happen next month?

>> No.12007477

they never confirmed the next event would be midway. Care to show evidence of that?

>> No.12007482

For LSC they first said it would come before Fall event, it ended up in December with the Christmas patch.

>> No.12007483

No idea about that, maybe it's just another thing they do.

Around Arpeggio event period where they said either something about Midway and that while the Arpeggio event will be easy, they won't be holding anything back for the next event, or something about the next event and that while the Arpeggio event will be easy, they won't be holding anything back for Midway.

>> No.12007488

Shit, that means not only was the event announcement a lit, we won't even get any event for Spring.

>> No.12007490

IIRC the theme 'Ironbottom Sound' for Fall event wasn't announced until one week before it starts. As for the clue about Midway, http://akankore.doorblog.jp/archives/34779935.html

>> No.12007492

Son, that was simply an interview with Tanaka explaining possible new mechanics like boss COMING at you.
He also confirmed that they are going to do midway at some point, revealing enemies might have their own AA cluster shell.

It never confirmed when midway event will occur.

>> No.12007506

>AA cluster shell
That one I haven't heard of before. I don't think it was that interview (did it have mines as well?).

>> No.12007509

Interviews are the worse. I don't recall anything that is actually implemented

>> No.12007512

As far as I can remember, it has something to do with VT fuzed shells.

>> No.12007513

Clues about LSC, marriage, and Taihou came from it.

>> No.12007518

It makes sense since it will be an anniversary event.
Why would they want us to suffer for the anniversary?

>> No.12007521

Because they're sadists

>> No.12007527

Is there any recipe with high chance of saiun?

>> No.12007532
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Why do you think that they should go easy on us? They already stated that they won't hold back anymore.

>> No.12007533


>> No.12007536

Because anniversaries are supposed to be happy, i guess.

>> No.12007541

Not on their watch.

>> No.12007554

I got a Tenryuu 2 days ago with 30, got another yesterday with 250/200, and got a third one today with the same recipe. All for the first daily. Is the game trying to tell me something?

>> No.12007560

You should be scared.

>> No.12007564
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Not him, but I don't think so.

>> No.12007573
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>> No.12007581
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>> No.12007584


>> No.12007619
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This is my fleet particulary my CVs in Midway

>> No.12007637

Anyone have the picture of that little girl cosplaying as Maruyu?

>> No.12007644

This exists? I must see.

>> No.12007649 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 600x902, 1395417052093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, this

>> No.12007656
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her twitter

>> No.12007658
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>> No.12007663

Would you let your daughter dress like this?

>> No.12007665

Is that for the entire event, or just E4? Because even if you're lucky, chipping out E4/E5 takes at least 10k resources each. I was incredibly lucky in E4 and it still took 12k/8k/12k/x (but then E5 evened this out by taking something like 35k/28k/32k/x).

This event will probably take ~40k for the lucky and ~60k on average, which you can certainly grind within two weeks if you stay below the cap.

>> No.12007667
File: 40 KB, 534x800, BjVOv4JCQAEZcpI.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd WANT my daughter to dress like this.

>> No.12007669

Nice trap.

>> No.12007672

Jailbait that you cannot escape.

>> No.12007675

I want more of that error-ko

>> No.12007677

I placed two Searchlight in my Furutaka!

>> No.12007683

Don't forget that E-2 could easily take 5k of each.

>> No.12007687

I'm a novice TTK, HQ lvl 70. Should I bother with E-4 and E-5?

My resources are sitting around 15k each. Is that enough up to E-3?

>> No.12007689

The problem is while some T's only need 10k resources, some needed 100k. You don't want to miss an event ship because you got compass trolled when it matters

>> No.12007692


May as well try it. I thought I wouldn't get as far as E-1, then found myself finishing up E-4.

>> No.12007702

>My resources are sitting around 15k each

You can do it! Believe in your kanmusu, gambare!

>> No.12007705

This is a day event though, which means support fleets and no day battle trigger requirements. Resource variance will probably be lower now.

On the other hand, the support fleet will probably be much more important now. You better have hung on to these Stukas and vanilla Suiseis.

>> No.12007709

What if I have enough 12A to outfit sortie fleet and a support fleet?

But still only 3 Reppu.

>> No.12007714

then you should probably craft more Reppu

>> No.12007727

I'm working on it, but the crafting pool's full of these shitty fighter-bombers that I keep getting.

>> No.12007728

Just let the more experienced admirals try each map before you do and discover compass tricks and average resource consumption before trying it yourself. And of course, make sure you have some holo planes and remodeled ships of each class.

>> No.12007745

The event will last two weeks? isn't that a bit short for a supposed hard event

>> No.12007750

That's why they won't hold back anymore. It's time for those filthy scrubs to learn their place.

>> No.12007757

They could have removed the maps that required 20 hours of constant runs. And they've said the spring event will eat all your bauxite, which isn't an easy resource to build up even with three weeks. They've been hinting at it for so long that it could just be an event where you know from the start whether you have it or you don't. Most people didn't take four whole weeks to clear the fall event either.

>> No.12007763

I envy those people with 300k+ resources and 3k bucket.

I only have 160k+ and 1.4k buckets.

>> No.12007766

Remember the guy who got Hamakaze to level 99 in 2 days by grinding 5-5-A? Would 5-1-D have been faster, or slower?

Sure, the EXP gained per sortie would have been less (by 20% per sortie) and you would need more buckets, but even ignoring the possibility of you getting a B due to a lucky hit at the flagship or due to all subs missing and you didn't (heck, it's possible to get Cs here, and even they give more EXP than Ds), the battle animation goes through much faster (no air attack or second shelling phase, or having any enemies attack you in the first shelling phase); he could effectively shave off quite a bit of time, allowing him to do as many as 30 sorties per hour instead of 20. And even if (25% of the time) he goes SE instead of S, that's still (20 x 25%) + (30 x 75%) = 27.5 sorties per hour, making it an effective (27.5 x (100% - 20%) = 22 5-5-A runs per hour.

That is, unless I'm wrong and the time shaved off is not 33.3% = 1 minute, but {100% - [(100% - 33.3%) x 22/20]} = 26.7% = 48 seconds or less.

>> No.12007783

Why do you care? You'll do the event with 50k resources and then spend the rest on LSC.

>> No.12007809

Wow, and she's done Goya, Naka, and Shioi as well. Truly growing up to be a great cosplayer.

>> No.12007813

How do people even get that amount of buckets? I've run Exp 2 for weeks and I have like 130 or so.

>> No.12007817

Don't sortie. At all.

>> No.12007814

They accumulate over time, since you almost never use more than what you get. Alternatively, scripting.

>> No.12007815

Run it for months, barely use them.

>> No.12007820

This guy gets it. It won't start in 2 weeks. More likely on the 23rd as we anticipated.

>> No.12007834

I think most people were just busy laughing at the people freaking out, to point that out.

>> No.12007845

Nah, the event will start on April 1. The "next maintenance is on the 9th" part is the joke.

>> No.12007864

Tips for 3-4?

>> No.12007867

Sink all enemy ships, don't let your ships sink.

>> No.12007868

3BB, 1CLT, 2CV.

>> No.12007870

Send your best and pray for the rest

>> No.12007873

4BB 2CV, all line ahead all day, night battle every node if you didn't S rank in the day, proceed even on orange CV, just like Bittenfeld.

>> No.12007881
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Send ships, go make coffee.

>> No.12007887

I started doing 2-2 with Kaga at level 74. She is now 80.

I really hope she doesn't reach 85

>> No.12007924

How do you guys update KCV? Just extract the files and move your logs/api-link or overwrite the existing files?

>> No.12007927

I just overwrite the existing files each time.

>> No.12008030

I'm having trouble with 3-2. I can barely make it to the boss node without having one or two ships in orange and then I can't do enough damage to get higher than a D. All ships have been remodeled, but only Shimakaze has had significant modernization. I only have one turbine to go around. Should I grind for more cruisers for modernization to up my firepower/armor, or is this map just a real luck thing?

>> No.12008034

read the wiki

>> No.12008037

Max their stats except AA.

>> No.12008038

Ad maybe a damcon for good measure

>> No.12008043
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>> No.12008082
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Towyen, I haven't been around for quite some time now since I was pre-occupied with other things hue Pokemon. If you are still around and feel like typesetting, I can translate this one by Ababunch:


>> No.12008083 [DELETED] 

I extra the files and move previous logs over.

>> No.12008091

I extract the files and move previous logs over. Never thought about overwriting the existing files.

>> No.12008113

Don't worry about it, I'll start cleaning right away. There's been a lot of non-h stuff getting uploaded lately so I took care of what I could figuring I'd lighten the load when you got back.

>> No.12008122

This is another one I want to do. Nyagato 2 is pure retarded, so I'm not doing that one since I literally lose IQ reading it. You can find someone else to translate that since that one is pretty short anyways. I'll start translating the Aba one right away.

>> No.12008132
File: 810 KB, 1800x1080, 3-2 end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both. There are people who have reported clearing it with level 1 ships, but it's really not recommended. And yet, even if you do everything right, clearing it is still not guaranteed. You should just max everyone's firepower, torpedo and armor having remodelled them, that should be the base prerequisite.

No need for turbines, they're useless. If you have Yukikaze, put 3 torps on her. Formation stuff I trust you already know since you have no problems making it to the boss node. I used line ahead like a boss, but I recommend double line, which works wonders especially in red T.

The same wiki that recommends line abreast for the pre-boss node? Nah.

Line abreast for dodge, they say, because DDs have high dodge, they say, but that's only true for higher levels. Something like in the 70s or higher.

>> No.12008145

I feel like this is already the x time I'm seeing this picture

>> No.12008147

no, just the same wiki that tells you to fully modernize the ships except AA. Not all the information there is good, but his specific question would have been answered by it.

>> No.12008148

>Line abreast for dodge, they say, because DDs have high dodge.

Well it actually worked for me with lv30 Shiratsuyus so I think it can be trusted.

>> No.12008164
File: 682 KB, 1200x1705, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The preface part is kinda poorly translated, and I can't read a few words the fourth line. It's something about "In the end it's still a story with ??? as theme".

>> No.12008165

with pun as theme

>> No.12008168

every time someone mentions 3-2.

>> No.12008173

I like my achievement. Line ahead master race here.

My sister went line ahead all the way, got maelstrom both tries (pre-boss node B first try, A second try; damn it), and only failed to clear it on her first try because of the furniture box (but she wants furniture coins anyway). One ship hit to orange at the boss node (she S'd it), but I'd say passable level for her.

Bottom line: 3-2 is not hard if you make the right preparations. Your only enemy is RNG, but even if it's a bitch, just don't give up.

There's only one thing worse than something that's full of lies. And that's something that has truths mixed into the lies.

If you say so, but I don't have good experience with line abreast against non-subs, myself.


>> No.12008176

Well, not really pun but something along the lines of a comedy theme.

>> No.12008190

3-2 is all luck. If the elite BBs gets a good hit, you're going home, that's all there is to it. Line ahead is no better in that regard. I went double line myself and cleared it without issues other than compass trolling.

>> No.12008193
File: 590 KB, 1200x1701, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Nagato line on bottom left, it's along the line of "W-why haven't she made a sound", which implies she (Kongo) usually make a lot of noise but is shockingly quiet the entire time.

>> No.12008209

If it's about the enemy BBs getting a good hit, I'd say double line is at least better than line ahead in this regard, due to its higher defence (and it really works wonders in red T; even the BBs there can't crit you to red even if they get in a good hit). While line abreast reduces the chance of you getting hit, it's cancelled out by the fact that assuming you do get hit, there's a higher chance of getting hit to red, due to its low defence.

>> No.12008212

>can't crit you to red
Fuck, I could've sworn I typed it just now.

>> No.12008213
File: 602 KB, 1200x1696, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12008218

No confirmation on this, but based on my own experience only a true critical hit can one-shot your ship from full to red. If it's a normal hit, no matter how much damage you take you'll always go into yellow instead of red.

>> No.12008225
File: 628 KB, 1200x1695, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire in anger is a military term that means "to fire a weapon with the intent of causing damage or harm to an opponent", as oppose to a warning shot or practice shot.

>> No.12008228
File: 664 KB, 1200x1693, 007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I warned you about the submarines. Why didn't you listen? It keeps happening! Thanks for taking Slutkaze away.

>> No.12008234

This is intentional right? Right?

>> No.12008259

Interesting, I'll try this. It's the BBs that take me down to orange from green with line abreast, so I'll try double line next time. Plus you can't knock down the BBs quickly either. I'll grind for more cruisers for modernization material too.

>> No.12008260
File: 568 KB, 1200x1693, 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom left Kongo's bubble is hard to translate. She is saying "British style special equipment changing skills". Is there something relating to that historically, like them being good at remodeling or changing armaments?

The entire book just calls her Shimakaze. How I wish the author called her Slutkaze or Shitkaze.

>> No.12008268


>> No.12008290
File: 478 KB, 1200x1695, 011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The middle panel says "ship girls that makes me feel uncomfortable", but I feel "disgusting" would simplify things a lot.

You'll see.

>> No.12008291
File: 53 KB, 300x200, 1392778333967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully the hotel!

>> No.12008294

I really dislike the smug hotel in that comic. She's way nicer!

>> No.12008298

Everyone is a smug asshole in this series.

>> No.12008297

>titty destroyer drop
But I wanted Kaga-san.

>> No.12008301

I think she looks really high in this comic.
look at her face >>12008260 in the 2nd panel.

>> No.12008299

Fuck you.

>> No.12008302

No, fuck you, how am I supposed to do midway with 2 CVs?

>> No.12008305

Hamakaze gets an aviation remodel at level 55.

>> No.12008307

You know you're nuts when Kongou calls you crazy.

>> No.12008308

Wo pls.

>> No.12008312

git gud?

>> No.12008310

>aviation destroyer
What next, aviation submari...


>> No.12008311

And Shimakaze gets aviation remodel when you catch a Wo.

>> No.12008314
File: 904 KB, 847x1200, Aviation destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12008315

Craft Taihou

>> No.12008317

Is this that comic where Shimakaze drops, and implied Isuzu farming?

>> No.12008320
File: 485 KB, 1200x1699, 012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun fact: Shimakaze gets a battleship remodel when she sinks. She becomes Ta-class.

>> No.12008322

So does the monthly ranking reset at 12am JST or the usual 3am JST?

>> No.12008323

Her remodel has nothing on Ikazuchi's.

>> No.12008324

I actually felt bad for the destroyer.

>> No.12008332

I want Abyss Miku in my fleet! I would trade my admiralty for her!

>> No.12008347
File: 525 KB, 1200x1697, 013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black bikini automatically makes you an abyss battleship. Someone please tell Black Rock Shooter to change her outfit.

>> No.12008354

nah, you also need the white/blonde hair or it won't work

>> No.12008356
File: 591 KB, 1200x1696, 014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell Yuudachi about this party.

>> No.12008363


>> No.12008373
File: 309 KB, 1634x536, rarecvget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got Zuikaku from 5-2 yesterday
>got Hiryuu from 2-3 today
welp there goes my luck for this week and I already have them.

>> No.12008376
File: 535 KB, 1200x1690, 015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually felt bad for her. So young, so naive.

That's how you write 'desu' in Chinese. Of course, Chinese don't actually have the word 'desu', so it's intentionally added in there to make them sound more Japanese.

>> No.12008387

epic blog post I like it m8 :^)

>> No.12008389
File: 618 KB, 1200x1705, 018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare yourselves for the next page

>> No.12008395

Is there more of Abyss Miku? I really like her.

>> No.12008399
File: 468 KB, 1200x1675, 019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end. Thanks for reading. Tune in next time for more abyss ship girls, hot-spring, and WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO WO.

>> No.12008404

Fair enough.


>> No.12008424
File: 144 KB, 580x821, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I was gone so long now there's so much awesome ones that needed to be translated.
There's the hotspring abyss one, then there's this RAIDEN action, and then there's the second book of the awesome admiral.


She's shit.

>> No.12008434
File: 454 KB, 1200x1702, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome admiral soon.

>> No.12008446

There's also another one in this series http://exhentai.org/g/681766/bb75eccd7a/.. I'll even unfuck the colors.

>> No.12008459

I think the first are already translated and typesetted at /a/, and the second one is translated, but not typesetted at /a/.
Just letting you know

>> No.12008494


First one can be found at this site:

Second one is translated from the end of this thread >>>/a/104122098 to this thread >>>/a/104125233.

And for >>12008446, the first two pages were translated in the earlier thread, but the translator gave up.

>> No.12008532

Oops, it's 4 pages not 2, and that's the first half.

The second half is entirely translated and typeset.

>> No.12008587

Can married ships sink? n-night battol okay?

>> No.12008592

Yes they can. Sinking rules are the same as unmarried ships.

>> No.12008595

We'll find out on Midway.

>> No.12008601

I think I will play it safe.

>> No.12008608


>> No.12008612

Literally worse than Hitler.

>> No.12008633

>losing a ship at 5-4
I can't believe this.

>> No.12008638

What a kuso TTK

>> No.12008645

Once the event rolls out, we'll be swimming in reports like these.

For April Fool's I'm hoping that ships will be sinkable at orange. The next day, you get a full rollback and receive your ships back.

>> No.12008649

That would be too cruel of a joke, I can see some people killing themselves over that.

>> No.12008655

>LSC will have 100% chance to give you Taihou/Yamato/Bismarck.
>They will be all gone next day.

>> No.12008668
File: 72 KB, 802x481, BjtPzuHCQAASCMV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12008675

Something's wrong with my sprite.

>> No.12008679
File: 940 KB, 1366x768, Glitched sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

And I meant my Imuya's sprite.

>> No.12008681


>> No.12008688


>> No.12008697

I don't get it.

>> No.12008700

Getting trolled by Pyon drops everywhere in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.12008706

>Tight hoe
Good riddance.

>> No.12008712

>マルマルフタマル。提督の皆さん、こんばんは! いよいよ新しい年度、卯月四月がスタートしました!今日はエイプリルフールみたいです…「艦これ」自体はエイプリルフール企画はないのですが、本当に素敵な方たちが「艦これ」コラボ企画を準備してくれているみたい?もうすぐ始まるかも?

>> No.12008718

How did he manage to do that?

>> No.12008713

But what about TM?

>> No.12008719

Collaboration with TM for one day? What the fuck.

>> No.12008721

TM always does something for April's fools, maybe they're thinking of doing a little 1-day event or some kind of IRL stuff with them?

>> No.12008723

The joke is that the collab is merely a ruse.

>> No.12008727
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x2304, Imuya pls..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one. I chuckled.

This problem happens with only this particular Imuya, and not with any other of my Imuyas, or any other of my ship girls.

During sorties, when I select the formation, for example, her sprite is missing. At the resupply screen, her damaged sprite is shown even if she has full HP.

Worst part is the customisation screen.

>> No.12008728

TM's April Fool's joke.

>> No.12008729

Try clearing your cache.

>> No.12008730

Did you try clearing your cache?

>> No.12008739

Screencap or bullshit.

>> No.12008735

Holy shit, I saw an event map icon just now, am I being rused or what!?

But I can't click it.

>> No.12008741

You have the cursed Imuya. That's why you are still stuck in LSC.

>> No.12008743

Can't be bothered, not like it affects gameplay anyway. Maybe it's because I've been using API link for so long?

Oh, and it seems like it happened to all my unremodelled Imuyas. Remodelled ones work fine.

>> No.12008745

>those resources
giving up on Midway?

>> No.12008747

That sounds like it would be fixed by clearing it though, sometimes shit happens but I've been able to fix all the shit so far.

>> No.12008759

Was trying to express grind Shoukaku and Souryuu in preparation for Midway.

Fuel and ammo are easy to get anyway, right?

Maybe next time; can't be bothered to do it now. Gotta sparkle all my DDs and some CLs for 5, 21 and 37.

>> No.12008808
File: 70 KB, 694x448, rip ammo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ammo and fuel would be the hardest resource to get. If 5-5 is a preview of what to come, you are going to need to prepare two support fleet for each attempt. Good luck feeding those yamatos and BB.

>> No.12008810

jokes on you i don't have a yamato

>> No.12008812

Well I'm very fortunate then.
I don't have any Yamato class.

>> No.12008820


JoJoxKancolle collab

>> No.12008828

Welp, all the more to do 5 and 21 then.

>> No.12008830

Expeditions 2, 5 and 37 right now. You'll get about 8k ammo per day.

>> No.12008863



>> No.12008879

I lost.

>> No.12008882

250/30/200/30 is the correct recipe for I-168 right? Feel like expanding my subs.

>> No.12008884


>> No.12008885

It is the correct recipe for all craftable submarines, presumably with equal chances each.

>> No.12008888

My luck must be shit then. Using 10/10/10/10 for barrels with a DD as flagship as well and that's never worked for me either.

>> No.12008900

I got all my barrels from the 11/30 steel recipe.

>> No.12008903

How do I check the monthly rankings when it gets reset later?

>> No.12008909

11 and 30 are for what resources, again?

>> No.12008915

He said steel.

>> No.12008916

I've also finally unlocked expedition 30 and all the quests which unlock the expedition 30 quest, only to discover I'm a fucking submarine short.


>> No.12008918

11 and 30 can't both be for steel, they're for the same recip.

>> No.12008921

get to crafting

>> No.12008922

Fuck this keyboard.

>> No.12008924

Pretty sure he meant 11 or 30, but I've gotten drums from all10.

>> No.12008927 [DELETED] 

he obviously meant 11 for fuel, since it is the first number. so 11/10/30/10.
Need a brain much?

>> No.12008928

So this guy >>12008924 needs a brain too?

>> No.12008929

I still need to craft Taihou, although with the next event looming I don't think I'm going to have any attempts at the moment.

Need more bauxite though, only got 17k.

>> No.12008932

11 steel or 30 steel, both work for me.

>> No.12008936

well, it's not like Z1 would be useful anyway

>> No.12008938

I've never understood the 1 in recipes.

>> No.12008940


>> No.12008942


>> No.12008947

No, but it unlocks Bismarck for construction at least. Bought a 10 ship expansion so I don't have to keep scrapping Naka-chan.

>> No.12008949

if he doesn't want to craft subs before the event, he wouldn't want to craft Z3 or Bismarck either

>> No.12008957

So it's recipes not recipe? Damn, threw me off.

>> No.12008956

The +1 is not always a placebo, eg you can get 46s from 10/251/250/10 but not from 10/250/250/10

>> No.12008962

really? I doubt that

>> No.12008964

Not him, but I doubt you could get type 93 sonars from all 10s (you can if bauxite is 11).

>> No.12008971


>> No.12008974

that also says more ammo than other resources, though

>> No.12008990

>280 bauxite for Shinden Kai
>Shinden Kai still uncraftable
How did they get all these figures?

>> No.12008998

Basically, craft recipe = 10 X scrap resource

>> No.12009004

inb4 Shinden Kai craftable before Midway to empty our bauxite stocks.

>> No.12009006

inb4 Shinden Kai needed for Midway

>> No.12009011

they said we will need lots of bauxite right.

>> No.12009014

>you can craft drums from submarine flagship

>> No.12009048

So out of these 3 stats, which is the most important:Armor, HP, or evasion? Personally I feel that evasion is kind too much of a placebo to be of any use but armor is more tangible. HP is kind of just the limit between orange and red.

>> No.12009093
File: 91 KB, 808x479, 1396290753400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this? Came out of baidu forum, 4-2 boss, ha-chan disappeared upon returning.

>> No.12009095

Armor is the only one you can gain a significant amount of, unless you feel like slapping a bunch of boilers on your fleet.

>> No.12009110

Did they advance in red or something?

>> No.12009121

>S-rank, Hachi still disappears
>Imuya with major damage gets undamaged sprite
Hacchan isn't the only problem here.

>> No.12009125

Something fishy must be going on in here, and since it comes from baidu, that makes things even worse

>> No.12009129

A photoshop trolling for April Fool's

>> No.12009130

That's probably a bug caused by tunnelling or whatever workaround chinks use.

>> No.12009138

from what I can gather, ended day battle with 401 19 8 moderate damage, then when he clicked on night battle, suddenly all three turned into heavy damage, and enemy ship that have sunk during day battle suddenly reappeared with minor damage.

Well it's clearly a defeat judging from the exp.

>> No.12009144

This here >>12009129

>> No.12009145

>Well it's clearly a defeat judging from the exp.

>> No.12009151
File: 31 KB, 302x341, pvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That good taste

>> No.12009168

Truly a gentleman

>> No.12009228

Good taste aside from those two ugly blue haired ones

>> No.12009233
File: 258 KB, 400x360, 1395194617631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12009246

Gotta love when the 2 CV(L) combination doesn't get to the boss in 25 runs on 2-2.

>> No.12009253

or when you can't get the wo pattern, or when you get the pattern but no hamakaze.

>> No.12009255

Is there something special about these subs in 1-5? I've taken more damage from their pre-empts than any other subs anywhere in the game. Even hundreds of 4-3 and 5-2 sub farming sorties haven't given me this much grief. Same thing happened my first time clearing the map last month. Level and formation be damned, these fuckers are the snipers of the sea.

>> No.12009261

You're too stupid to read enemy formation

>> No.12009304

That only applied to the first node. The echelon and abreast nodes fuck me up alarming regularity as well.

>> No.12009307

did you anger the RNG?

>> No.12009352

did Palau just got nuked?

>> No.12009353

There's another node that uses line ahead. Off the top of my head, I think it was the pre-boss node.

>> No.12009356

never saw line ahead in any node besides the first

>> No.12009361

The node before the "must be my imagination" node is line aboob. I know that the (en) wiki says it's line ahead, but it's incorrect.

>> No.12009362

It doesn't. You're thinking of node G, the one you get diverted to if you lack a carrier or seaplane tender.

>> No.12009403
File: 709 KB, 1000x1414, mutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like, we know Maruyu kai gives +2 luck when used as modernization material, but is there a luck cap for ships? I mean, is it possible to get my Mutsu to 99 luck or above? Mutsu is olev.

>> No.12009406
File: 7 KB, 90x216, Screenshot 2014-03-31 23.01.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12009407

there is a luck cap

>> No.12009412

There is. 39 for Mucchan

>> No.12009417

You mean 59.

>> No.12009420

I don't like giving ships better luck. I think their base luck is an important part of who they are. Mutsu and the Kusos just wouldn't be the same if they actually had a respectable chance to proc cut-ins.

>> No.12009433
File: 132 KB, 700x427, inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting more cut-ins and seeing your shipfu more
What are you, a dog?

>> No.12009437

Fucking 5-4, I ran it so many times to get Uzuki, finally got her and quit running it. Now I run it again to try to get Hamakaze, get another Uzuki in just 6 runs.

Also got to enjoy ending my last run of the day with the flagship transport critting Hiei for 50 damage with its cut-in, fuck.

>> No.12009455

I keep getting 24min timers and it's just Yukikaze. Where the fuck is Z3, damn it.

>> No.12009475

Are you using Z1 flagship?

>> No.12009482

Yep. Since her release day.

>> No.12009500

Fifty-one attempts later, I still have no Taihou.

Time to give up and fail at building Reppuus instead.

She'll be a drop in the next event, right guys? ;_;

>> No.12009507

Yup, can't wait to get my Taihou from the hellhole that is the last map.

>> No.12009515

Sure, but she'll be as rare as Yahagi.

>> No.12009523

Still way fucking cheaper than Large Shit-Crapping

>> No.12009540

Apart from subs, are there ships when you should boost luck by a considerable level? For surface ships, I usually go for double attack setup where luck doesn't really matter.

>> No.12009547

We don't even know what effect luck has on combat other then cut-ins. There is no reason not to max you favourite ship's luck just in case.

>> No.12009549

Mutsu. Give her enough 0yus and she'll become a second Nagato.

>> No.12009551

You should at least put cut-in setup on Shigure Kai 2 and Yukikaze.

>> No.12009575

So Tone, Yasen and Haruna are going to get remodels.

>> No.12009587

Admirals can get remodels now, too. 20% bonus to resource gathering, and you can now marry the equipment fairies. Married weapons perform at double rate, so if you marry the 46cm girl you get +52 attack and +10 AA on a single equipment.

I can't wait to marry the Ryusei fairy!

>> No.12009588

Jesus nigga, this isn't news. Do you only visit these threads to shitpost?

>> No.12009593
File: 302 KB, 900x900, 1393532261642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12009596
File: 183 KB, 600x800, good bWOy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip Wo.

>> No.12009599
File: 110 KB, 800x1066, 42061454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Aoba graduate from the lonely sister without a Kai 2 club.

>> No.12009602

> I can't wait to marry the Ryusei fairy!
Merry the Boilers. Can't wait to have my fleet 100% evasion!

>> No.12009604

Aoba needs no second remodel. She's perfect as she is.

>> No.12009607

Marry the repair goddess

>> No.12009628

So what's the best recipe for planes, 20/60/10/100 or what?

(saiun aside obv)

>> No.12009631


>> No.12009633

You should only marry the girl you like.

20/60/10/100 for no Saiun, 20/30/10/90 for no Saiun or torpedo bombers, 20/30/10/40 for no Saiun or torpedo bombers and higher chance for Suisei.

>> No.12009634


>> No.12009639

You forgot 20/20/10/90 for Reppus only.

>> No.12009688
File: 14 KB, 434x94, Dis fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I marry this fairy?

>> No.12009689


More obvious clues about upcoming ship, I guess.

>> No.12009699

Which one? There are three of them.

>> No.12009702

Which one?

>> No.12009716

Isn't that Ooyodo they're talking about? Fuck, the event might be Midway after all.

>> No.12009722

The one that looks she needs a hug.

>> No.12009747

Enter probably the most useless CL. At least I hope she'll be cute.

>> No.12009756

>most useless CL
But she got double the floatplane capacity of Agano class and high operational range,surely she will have extremely high scouting stats to make up for CA level consumption.

>> No.12009763

She could have infinite scouting capacity and she'd still be an unacceptably expensive CL. Scouting isn't an area that any fleet worth its salt will be lacking in.

>> No.12009765
File: 47 KB, 600x600, BYn7JimCQAAhfSL.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody please explain me how does the drum great success thingy works, please.

>> No.12009769

You fucking monster, why are you letting your Inazuma to live in a such frugal life?

>> No.12009774
File: 39 KB, 674x745, 1389796051055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But she got double the floatplane capacity

>> No.12009780

Won't those boxes burn?

>> No.12009796

Call me when floatplanes will be worth a damn.

>> No.12009798

She looks like she wants to kill herself.

>> No.12009802

I think it's like 5% great success chance for drum but I'm not sure at all

>> No.12009805
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Spitfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you wait ,once the Spitfire floatplanes are introduced Re class is finished

>> No.12009831

So how do I know if I've won something from rankings, will I just get something in like 2 weeks or something?

>> No.12009895

Is the Wo pattern thing for Hamakaze limited to 2-2, or is it the same for 5-4?

>> No.12009921

Does not bringing a BB decrease the chance of going to the boss node in 2-2?

>> No.12009941

If I'm reading that sentence structure right, that's CV, not BB.

>> No.12009971

So, has anyone below HQ 90 gotten Hamakaze? I'm wondering if there's an HQ requirement to get her to drop.

>> No.12009976


HQ lvl 100 and no Hamakaze.

>> No.12009978
File: 138 KB, 793x461, hamakaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12009980

Well, I guess that settles that.

>> No.12009988

I honestly think she looks really bad. Worse than the samidare sisters

>> No.12009986

There's a large RNG requirement

>> No.12009994

>calling Shiratsuyus 6 and 10 Samidare sisters
Fuck off, they're great girls.

>> No.12009995

I was going to agree with you until the Samidare part so fuck you kuso TTK.

>> No.12009999

Pot calling the kettle black, much?

>> No.12009997

Sorry you have such shit taste

>> No.12010000

I don't get it, are you saying Samidare is indeed worse? What makes you disagree?

>> No.12010009

How many 2-2 runs? I think I'm about to hit 150 here.

>> No.12010013

I don't care for Hamakaze, but the Samidares are beautiful girls who deserve love.

>> No.12010015

you sir, have a great taste!

I bragged it before, I did for 48 hours straight

>> No.12010017

Don't be like him.

>> No.12010020

Yeah, so why do you disagree with his (not my) statement?
He's saying Hamakaze is worse than them, and you disagree that they're worse than her?

>> No.12010026

Apparently all it takes is a pair of tits on a destroyer to make /a/ and /jp/ go wild.

The implication is that the Samidares look like shit.

>> No.12010030

Apparently, you can get her in 3-3 boss. I don't want to waste my resources though.

>> No.12010031

But there such stonking great tits.

>> No.12010037

So did the extra operations maps reset already?

>> No.12010038

I'll still probably like her even without the tits. There's just something about the eyes being covered by bangs that I like.

>> No.12010040


>> No.12010041
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>> No.12010082

Did the 1-5 and 5-5 refresh for anyone? Or I need to change the local time on my computer to make it work?

>> No.12010089


Wait, you're playing with your PC set on JST, right?

>> No.12010094

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.12010096


NVM, the health bar still shows up after I clear my cache and refresh the browser.

>> No.12010122

April fools joke: all Hamakaze drops are replaced with Myoukou and Takao class for certain people.

>> No.12010156

No? Wax itself isn't flammable and that's all that might touch the box.

>> No.12010196

Level 37 Ise with 2x Prototype Seiran 2x Autogyro hits golden Yo class subs for 60 damage crits.

What the fuck.

>> No.12010204


>> No.12010209

Go away devs!

>> No.12010222

Oh boy, Chiwa Saito commentating the game. Might be fun to watch.

>> No.12010250
File: 490 KB, 642x356, Capture58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This won't end well.

>> No.12010257

I lost my shit when Nero brought her fleet to 1-1 and tried LSC with max resources.

>> No.12010268

Those ship crafts. Internal screaming.

>> No.12010271

7000/7000/7000/7000x2 for all resources
My sides.

>> No.12010287

I'm pretty sure whoever's account that is cried himself to sleep that night.

>> No.12010288
File: 453 KB, 800x571, casta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Caster's account.

>> No.12010293

Kongou and Nero are such a great match.

>> No.12010297

Just got Hamakaze from 2-2, Wo formation, I have no idea how many runs though.

>> No.12010299

20:38, best part. Well I'm pretty sure I'd cry from that empty bauxite too.

>> No.12010317

So many Maruyu

>> No.12010316

Huh. My 1-5 doesn't have a boss health bar.

>> No.12010340
File: 83 KB, 750x1061, BkG7M53CQAA8g-M.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Fatalpulse!

>> No.12010342

But Zuikaku is not that flat

>> No.12010343 [DELETED] 

What exactly does Zuikaku have to do with this?

>> No.12010396

So 1-5 and 5-5 aren't monthly? Fucking disappointing.

>> No.12010400

Who said it isn't? I'm expecting the bar to come back along with the monthly rewards.

>> No.12010404

Clean your cache, retards.

>> No.12010410 [DELETED] 


New Game !

>> No.12010416


>> No.12010434

Still nothing, faggot.

>> No.12010439

No u.

>> No.12010437

Kill yourself.

>> No.12010438

Then change the timezone or whatever, I cleared 1-5 again 4 hours ago.

>> No.12010441

>Taihou already

>> No.12010454


>> No.12010462

That Shibafu Saber

>> No.12010470


>> No.12010475

Clearing cache, changing timezones, changing time itself, nothing had any effect, both maps still empty. Any other ideas?

>> No.12010479


You fucked up, son.

>> No.12010480

>Any other ideas?

When in doubt, ask your shipfu. She may have all the answers you need.

>> No.12010483

Clear cache, then get new API link.

>> No.12010485

There's a guy named "teitoku" in my PVP list. Just why?

>> No.12010491

So uhh, I'm going to collect every single evil of the world as resources to alongside Saber? That doesn't sound right.

>> No.12010515

Can I use ZUNship for ex36?

>> No.12010517

New API link helped. Odd.

>> No.12010520

she doesn't count as AV.

>> No.12010524


>> No.12010535

This seem to apply today. Only quest left is boss ones, and I've yet to reach the boss node of 2-2 today with a CVL in fleet.

>> No.12010537


I almost always reach the boss node on 2-2 with 2 CV(L) on my fleet.

>> No.12010542

you need at least 2 of them

>> No.12010592

What do you bring, 4SS 2CV(L)?

>> No.12010600

I took me 70 minutes with constant runs to get the last 2 boss kills yesterday. But I earned at least 10 torches in the process

>> No.12010711

Is this the TM april's fool?
I could watch something like this with Caster all day.

>> No.12010738
File: 930 KB, 1366x768, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newbie question. I read the FAQ's.
So, when I press the obnoxious "Game Start" button, the game won't start. I don't think it's browser issues because I'm in Japan.
This is my first time trying the game to work.

>> No.12010743

What happens when you push it?

>> No.12010748

Nothing, it's like it's a defect button.

>> No.12010749

Did you try setting the local space limit to unlimited?

>> No.12010751

shit I don't have access to VPN now. Can you get a new api link using kcv cookie?

>> No.12010753

why not?

>> No.12010754


>> No.12010757

why would you need a new Api if you use that cookie?

>> No.12010758

I don't want to play with kcv bloat

>> No.12010769

Cleared cache, used KCV cookie, grabbed new API link, none of them resets the 1-5 boss gauge. I have no idea what to do now.
Do you guys need to be 大将 rank at least to have it reset?

>> No.12010771 [DELETED] 

You can get the API link in IE's cache folder. Just log in to the game with KCV cookie, go there and search "api", grab the newest link if there're more than one.

>> No.12010773

Odd, getting new API fixed it for me

>> No.12010775

Do you already met the boss?

>> No.12010781

Clear cache, set jap time zone, move time to future, get new api link.

One of those helped me.

>> No.12010782

I doubt it, my sister is nowhere near that rank and it's reset.

I haven't cleared my cache, and my time zone is set to 1 hour behind JST, All I did was to get a new API link. And it's reset for me.

>> No.12010784

grabbed new api link and now works fine

>> No.12010786

Welp, It's reset now, didnt notice that you have to run the map for the boss gauge to show up, I thought it would appear in the map selection screen like other boss gauges.
thank for the help.

>> No.12010805

For a famous night fighter Kirishima sure isn't the best at it, I haven't been able to bring her past the first node of 5-3 even once because Ri-chan keeps one-shotting her.

Such is the fate of searchlight carriers, but... "reduces cut-in chance" my ass.

>> No.12010806
File: 1.46 MB, 1408x2000, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the story of why you sparkle support fleets.

If no one else is doing it then I'll typeset the Akatsuki class one after we're finished with these. And as for the Yume no Owari one, I think Orange Compile was the same way. If we end up doing the first half then we might as well continue for consistency's sake. Though I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

>> No.12010808
File: 1.06 MB, 1411x2000, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12010812
File: 1.10 MB, 1413x1997, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone fears the kindly old admiral. This series has such a dark undertone.

>> No.12010815
File: 1.10 MB, 1416x2000, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, she just wants a friend. How can you get mad at that?

>> No.12010818
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>> No.12010819

I chuckled

>> No.12010821
File: 1.15 MB, 1418x2000, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When in doubt, strip". The Kongou way of life.

>> No.12010823

Just out of curiosity.
Those of you who use KCV, which his your preferred method? API-link or cookie?

>> No.12010827
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>> No.12010833
File: 842 KB, 1413x2000, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abyssal Miku needs to invest in some glasses.

>> No.12010835

API+KCV. Less resources consumption than cookie method. Since I have a shitty computer.

>> No.12010836

She's a baka. That's cute.

>> No.12010837
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>> No.12010840
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>> No.12010843


>> No.12010844

>New year party

>> No.12010846

Flash shouldn't care if you use Api or a cookie

>> No.12010847
File: 1.02 MB, 1420x2000, 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Live a baka, die a baka. She probably never figured it out.

November's close enough to start the partying, right?

>> No.12010848

/r/ Captain Phillips x KanColle crossover
Best TTK

>> No.12010852

>suta suta
Hehehehe, what does it mean anyways?Kanmusu footstep sound?

>November's close enough to start the partying, right?
Don't know.We should probably ask a britbong or something.

>> No.12010853
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>> No.12010860
File: 842 KB, 1433x2000, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna needs glasses too.

sutasuta's onomatopoeia for hurrying over. I'll probably go back and change that and the kuru's.

>> No.12010869

>sutasuta's onomatopoeia for hurrying over
Thank you for letting me know.

Plot twist:Yukikaze won't sink.
You never expected that,did you?

>> No.12010872

Their eyes are creepy, so dark

>> No.12010956

Good work. Since we ain't sure if other people are working on the second one/Orange, let's just jump to the AWESOME ADMIRAL one.

On side note
>Kanji recap
Jesus what.

>> No.12010961

That's in Chinese, not Japanese.

>> No.12010975

CV kai ni when?

>> No.12010981


>> No.12011023

Midway event for Ikkousen and Nikousen, obviously.

>> No.12011032

why would they boost Ikkousen?

>> No.12011049

because I don't have a Taihou.

>> No.12011064


Yes, that and 1 BB, 3 CLT (or just CL) and 2 CVL (or 1 CV 1 CVL)

>> No.12011067

because they sank there.

>> No.12011263

What's your 46cm recipe /jp/?
I'm lv 94 and so far, the 10/300/250/10 and the 10/251/250/10 has been giving me shit. Not a single 46cm or just a 15.5cm secondary. All shit.
I remember it was much easier when I was 8x.

>> No.12011267

I craft Yamato for dem

>> No.12011273

Not 8x
Fuck you, stop reminding me I'll never get my Hoteru ;_;

>> No.12011275

So I logged in today and I found out I'm at rank 200ish (probably from clearing 1-5 yesterday).

Would a couple 5-4 runs a day keep me within 500 for the rest of the month? Or would I need to be more competitive than that?

This is on Shortland, by the way.

>> No.12011276

Same as what you use except 30 bauxite instead.

Also, I heard Yamato class gives a higher chance of 46cm cannons, though I haven't tried it out myself (started after fall event, no Yamato from LSC).

>> No.12011280

>I'm lv 94
Well I have no idea how do you not have her then, I'm level 74 and I have both Yamato and Musashi.

>> No.12011283

8 runs every day.

>> No.12011284

I started in January and I'm 101, HQ level is not a representative of how old TTK is anymore.

>> No.12011285

Why are you still level 74? I started after fall event ended and I'm already level 100. (Slacked off after end January; I was level 95 by then.)

>> No.12011290

CBA doing anything else besides getting the newest girls once they come out or the events when they happen.

>> No.12011294

Unless you're incredibly lucky you'll have TTK 100+ just by grinding for new girls.

>> No.12011295

Pure bad luck combine with RNG. Seriously, RNG is giving me shit these day, everyday there's bound to be at least one A in my practice battle, everyday everything I crafted is shit, etc. At least I have every ship I can get with normal craft (except for Zuikaku) so ship crafting isn't a big deal anymore.
So is there any answer for my original question?

>> No.12011305

What was the last time you actually grinded for new girls? Doing 2-2 for 12 times didn't really give me much exp.

>> No.12011307

Multiple girl scrapping when? Shit's way too slow.

>> No.12011316

10/251/250/30 (also gives sanshiki)

On that note, is 6 46cm enough for main+2 support fleets?

>> No.12011322

6 isn't even enough for a main fleet.
And you need atleast 8 for a single support fleet.

>> No.12011324

The second one is supposed to have 251, not 250.

>> No.12011340

Try the last one just now, no 46cm but kinda positive result, will change it to my daily recipe.
I always afraid to try that recipe because I think is too expensive, and although I know that you probably just copy paste it from the jap wiki without pre-experience about that recipe. Now I think about it, it's just 360 fuel difference from my normal daily crafting. So thanks, for making me want to try that recipe.

>> No.12011345

Isn't that the one that gives turbines and stuff?

>> No.12011349

Yes, it gave me turbine and 41cm. A great improvement from 14cm, 7.7 and fucking nothing.

>> No.12011352

Radar recipe was 10/10/250/250, right?

>> No.12011430

The fuck just happened?

I went to send an expedition and then the API link failed. After I reset the link, the last practice match that I was planning to do after the expedition was sent out, had been completed with an S rank.

What gives?

>> No.12011436

And nope, no experience was gained. Akitsu Maru (experience point leech) was level 15 before I was to fight an all sub node with a level 74 Iku as flagship. She's still level 15, and a full exp bar to be gained to level 16. So that rules out API hijack as well.

>> No.12011443

Someone got your API somehow.

>> No.12011447

Go away Wo.

>> No.12011457

That's what happens to me when I renew the API in the browser and try to keep playing in the flash projector after, but it would make more sense if they got his DMM account, since you can't change the API just knowing the API. I would change the password just in case.

>> No.12011478

>23 minutes
Fucking finally a sub, hopefully it's not Iku.

>> No.12011489

You can't craft Iku

>> No.12011492

There is no 23 minute anything.

>> No.12011499

Thought you could? I remember someone complaining about constantly crafting her.

>> No.12011522

That's Hachi.

>> No.12011539
File: 59 KB, 554x840, imagejavascript.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question of the day: fastest way to get a seaplane tender?

>> No.12011542

It turned out to be Yukikaze....not that I'm complaining, I've also wanted her for a while.

>> No.12011550

Do a normal CV recipe or go grind

>> No.12011553

That was a 24 minute timer then.

>> No.12011556

Probably, got a 30 minute timer now on the same recipe.

>> No.12011563

Like I said, no exp was gained from the practice battle against the all-sub fleet (which I somehow got an S rank from), and the sparkles on my ships were gone (their morale was 50).

I don't think it's that simple.

>> No.12011568

You got yourself a Shimakaze.

>> No.12011569

Into the scrap it goes then.

>> No.12011660

Is 5-4 still the most efficient place for ranking grind?

>> No.12011699


>> No.12011708

3-4 gives more points and Hatsukaze, everyone should go there.

>> No.12011715

But I already have Hatsukaze

>> No.12011716

Farm 5-5 for I-401 replacements then, clearing it gives 200 ranking points.

>> No.12011718

Let me tell you something, Wo.

More points ≠ more efficient.

>> No.12011722

Hatsukaze is more valuable than points, it gives you bragging rights.

>> No.12011723

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.12011735

He's talking about ranking grind only.

>> No.12011902

When I somehow lost one to modernization, I just did 1-5A node with a single ship. It's probably only worth it if you're under lvl 80.

>> No.12011922

Ready when you are.

>> No.12011932
File: 171 KB, 809x1280, 1381738009260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this? I'm considering crafting some type 32 radars.

>> No.12012072

Can someone post the LSC crafting reports?

>> No.12012081
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>> No.12012082
File: 156 KB, 800x450, 1395548502845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need to know.

>> No.12012084
File: 61 KB, 742x271, 1386793265626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't trust Iona. Just look at this face.

>> No.12012087

4/6/6/2/1 seems iffy, why is the chance for Yamato and Akitsumaru so high?

>> No.12012095

Don't you notice that sample size?

>> No.12012096

Sample size isn't large enough so a few lucky people are enough to skew it.

>> No.12012098

Oh, right.

>> No.12012105

8 35/35/60/60 and all I got were two Zuikakus.

I need a drink.

>> No.12012111

Should have listened to Iona

>> No.12012112
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1391928879319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting ready for Midway I see.

>> No.12012115

Fuck you Midway I finally got a Shoukaku.

>> No.12012123
File: 480 KB, 798x472, Screenshot 2014-04-02 00.38.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these petals

>> No.12012125

Midway will be easy, everyone is just hugely overestimating it. If you have 50k resources and level 50-60 carriers by the time the event rolls around, you'll probably clear it within a week.

You make it sound like Re-class will personally swim into your house and bring you down to her rape cave.

>> No.12012128

Manga Iona is different from anime Iona.

>> No.12012130
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 42285641_big_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and bring you down to her rape cave
Sounds good.

>> No.12012132

Fuck, exactly what I needed.

>> No.12012133

Manga Iona is how the anime Iona looks like without makeup.

Time for hay fever.

>> No.12012140

I mean the personality.

>> No.12012198

Iona you liar, I got two Junyous.

>> No.12012201

Iona got me Shoukaku today.
I am okay with this but upset at myself for LSC attempt.

>> No.12012205

>Doing LSC when midway is in weeks

Giving up before it starts?

>> No.12012207

Who wants an ugly carrier like Shinano?

>> No.12012212

I'll just buy resources if I get stuck.

>> No.12012236

Hard to resist when you got 160k resources and those 1k dev tool just screams 'do it faggot'.
Everyday I have to keep telling myself that Bismark is useless to avoid doing LSC.

>> No.12012240
File: 805 KB, 800x480, Marriage time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its finally marriage time for me, just in time for midway.

Now to level her to 150 and to get that special futon.

>> No.12012264

Funnily enough, the main reason I keep wasting my resources is because I didn't have Shoukaku until today (different guy here). I'm still missing Nagato and the LSC trophies, but it's easier to stay away from crafting now that I have all 'common' ships.

>> No.12012276

Why keep the censor marks?

>> No.12012298

Those who want lots of planes, maybe?

>> No.12012309

You would use an ugly girl just because she's strong?

>> No.12012311

She will get a kai zwei and you won't be ready when she does, do it now.

>> No.12012315


>> No.12012316

That's kinda sad.

>> No.12012319

I think she will be beautiful. What makes you think otherwise?

>> No.12012321

If I used only pretty girls not even a million of each resource would prepare me for Midway.

>> No.12012332

The design was already shown, but I meant in general, not just specifically Shinano.

That's not true, people likes different girls and some only use those they like, pvp practice shows this once in a while.

>> No.12012335

I need a little help here, what fleet should I be using to get a S rank in 4-3 for the marriage quest?

Last time I cleared the boss node was ages ago and all I have been doing in this map is training ships and killing subs.

>> No.12012336

Yeah, but do they go far?

>> No.12012337


>> No.12012339

Meaning that they don't.

>> No.12012338

If the RNG wills it.

>> No.12012433

Clearly, you just need better taste. Then you could do well in the game and enjoy the ships you like at the same time!

>> No.12012454

I wouldn't call it sad if Shinano makes it easier for me to get cute girls.

>> No.12012476

How is your bauxite? How much you think (or know, for those with spreadsheets) you get per day?

>> No.12012479


68k, I have no idea how much I do per day, I just do ex 6 whenever I can ande according to the wiki's hourly net earnings table that's pretty much the only option you have if you want to boost you bauxite.

>> No.12012484
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x1690, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the show will go on.

>> No.12012492

I am more attracted at the fairy than the ship girls.

>> No.12012504
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1691, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And awesome admiral appears.

I like the blonde compass fairy.

>> No.12012512

This guy is one of my favorite ttk.

>> No.12012518
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x1694, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much junk in the trunk, Yukikaze?

>> No.12012530
File: 70 KB, 404x404, wtfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unsinkable ship
>Can't swim
Yeah, this sure is one weird chapter.

>> No.12012529


>> No.12012533

I'm looking for a particularly lewd video of the sub I-19. Any video come to mind?

>> No.12012536
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1691, 007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't sink if it wasn't afloat in the first place.


>> No.12012554
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>> No.12012556

Keep it up admiral, please continue.

>> No.12012561
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x1689, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More admiral. So gar.

>> No.12012572
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>> No.12012577

I am more scared of Tatsuta than Tenryuu, I wonder why...

>> No.12012583

You and everyone else in the world.

>> No.12012584
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>> No.12012592
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>> No.12012600
File: 1.47 MB, 1200x1702, 013-(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An admiral every fleet needs.

>> No.12012602

Based admiral.

>> No.12012603

what does the scouter say about the admiral's power level?

>> No.12012604

Holy shit that admiral, I need someone like him in the upcoming Battle of Midway event as an ally.

>> No.12012610

I want to be a teitoku as great as he is.

>> No.12012611
File: 1.47 MB, 1200x1684, 014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopes and dreams all gone. Dammit Error-ko.

It's zero, just like his resources

>> No.12012617

Fucking fairy, why are the fairies so cute yet so hateable?

>> No.12012633
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1682, 015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't click the next page if you are faint of heart.

>> No.12012640
File: 252 KB, 900x900, 1391998280897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else having problems in KCV regarding the value of the default url in the .exe file? Every time I paste my API link and replace the default address on the .exe, KCV ceases to work properly or wont even open at all.

>> No.12012645 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x1696, 016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the end. Spoilered for your sake. Thanks for reading.

>> No.12012656

Thanks for the good read.

>> No.12012660

Thank you, that was adorable.

>> No.12012670

Replace ; with ;amp

>> No.12012674

My bad, replace & with &amp;

>> No.12012695


>> No.12012794
File: 16 KB, 452x118, Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.12012797

I'll kill her if I get another Kako.

>> No.12012808

Don't worry, it'll be Nachi next time.

>> No.12012840

I want to motorboat all the battleships.

>> No.12012844

I want the anime to have no ship girls, just fairies doing fairy things.

Which fairy is your favorite, /jp/?

>> No.12012850

The compass fairy that would rather be sleeping than telling my girls where to go.

>> No.12012857
File: 2.12 MB, 2100x1500, 48_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming soon

Is it still April Fools?
No seriously, I'll deliver, it might take some time though.

>> No.12012864

Sleepy fairy always sends me exactly where I don't want to go.

>> No.12012865
File: 213 KB, 700x700, 42637298_p44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more world 2 dechi.

I'll ram this up your bum dechi.

>> No.12012866

Those transports aren't going to sink themselves.

>> No.12012872
File: 66 KB, 575x800, BTuDSesCIAAhe9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryuusei Fairy, I want to mary her!

>> No.12012879

Fuck, I can't even imagine how I did 4-3 back in the days. My average fleet level is double, the ger is much better, yet at least 1 ship gets shat on on the preboss node or I get red T on the bossnode...

>> No.12012890


>> No.12012894

Also, it's my first time into mango, any recommended fonts?
Casual, serious, tension, sound effects, and such.
Many thanks.

>> No.12012895

>or I get red T
You could just prevent that.

>> No.12012900

But if he did that he'd be shat on the preboss node more easily.

>> No.12012903

With reppus? I seriously doubt that.

>> No.12012904

I don't remember reppus preventing red T.

>> No.12012906

So just put a single saiun in the smallest slot? It isn't rocket science.

>> No.12012908

And so I said >>12012900.

>> No.12012909

it has a 10% chance to occur and just means you get to kill more at night

>> No.12012912
File: 329 KB, 700x700, 1396420929127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, that was a depressing read. They not releasing the next part until summer?

>> No.12012916

Bring two carriers, shouldn't be a problem.

2 out of 3 compositions have an elite Yo-class submarine, you can't sink those at night that easily.

>> No.12012918

CAs are pretty good at that you know

>> No.12012920

Tell him that, then.

At what?

>> No.12012924

> CAs are pretty good
Re-chan go away pls.

>> No.12012923

At what? Normal CAs can't attack submarines.

>> No.12012928

Fine,now go fetch me steel from 3-2,slave su... I mean logistics team #2 will have to go find me a tittykaze.

>> No.12012940

Speaking of world 2 and subs, 3 2-3 sorties, 8 red subs after first node. Have devs stealthbuffed ASW yet again or it's just RNG fucking up with me.

>> No.12012946

rng, usually 2-2 is the one with the red subs with the random line aboob in the NE node

>> No.12012948

I had a maxed SS with steam boiler get downed to 1 HP after first shell in 2-2 today. I was afraid she'd get sunk.
RNG can be cruel.

>> No.12012952
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>> No.12012992

why are you using boilers on subs?

>> No.12012994


>> No.12013009

Counter poor evasion. I feel like subs are best as targets, so sometimes I just run with only engine improvements.
This mostly though. I also really like RADAR, SONAR, and shells. So it only makes sense to for me to pile on more placebo.

>> No.12013016

Type 32 surface radar is no placebo though, since I got one 4 months ago my hotel have never missed even once.

>> No.12013018

What, sonars aren't placebo.

>> No.12013043

So, what set of expedition do you run, /jp/?

>> No.12013045

he probably meant the accuracy part of them

>> No.12013047
File: 216 KB, 520x520, 41376080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I heard that there's a Kancolle TRPG.

What's it like? /tg/ won't talk about it.

>> No.12013048

2/3/6 when I'm awake, 11/18/35 when I sleep.

>> No.12013050

Well, if you know how to roll dice you can bend RNG to your favor, unlike the RNG we all know and love.

>> No.12013051

There are no placebos in this game, unless you press down+B while getting a new ship or something.

If you think radars/boilers/accuracy/whatever is placebo, you're a) retarded and b) haven't used that thing enough to see its effect.

>> No.12013056

> you can bend RNG to your favor

>> No.12013063
File: 662 KB, 1536x2048, 1396403995600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted some translations on /a/ earlier.

>For those small handful of people who actually cared about the tabletop RPG, here's a translated version of the rules. No art, no replay section, and it skips things that aren't essential to simply playing the game.


>> No.12013064

never heard of rigged dice?

you got the sourcecode to see how those mechanics actually work?

>> No.12013069

That's cheating, not "knowing how to roll dice".

>> No.12013072

I want Midway to start already.

>> No.12013074

calling it cheating would make it sound less magnificient

>> No.12013075

Rireba did a Kancolle book? Man, I haven't been keeping up at all.

...where the fuck are the raws?

>> No.12013081

Same here. Even if I can't clear the tougher maps, doing E1-E3 and hearing wartime stories is fun enough.

>> No.12013087

please no i need more Reppuu

>> No.12013085

Does it contain replays? I'd like to know what they've written up for it.

>> No.12013094

The ability of japanese to make trpgs that don't have even the slightest idea of what balance is never fails to amuse me.
No replays, just rules.

>> No.12013096

D&D still isn't really balanced, and it has been around for decades.

>> No.12013097

I know, but it at least tries, somewhat, to be balanced. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that part of jtrpgs, it's always fun to play broken characters when everything is broken.

>> No.12013099

Wish the game tells you which part of your encyclopedia was updated.

>> No.12013110

I thought balance was up to the game master. It's not like you have to run the games according to the books.

Also, tittykaze seem to be nagato rarity for me.

>> No.12013113

pretty sure the gamemaster can't simply balance what the authors couldn't balance for decades

>> No.12013114
File: 230 KB, 1000x1473, fontsheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you still need it then this is a good place to start out. And here's most of the fonts I use; they should be pretty easy to find. Just keep experimenting with them until you find something that feels right.

>> No.12013116

people who cry "balance, nerf, pls fix, balance balance this, overpowered, more balance please, too broken" don't understand the concept of fun

TRPGs isn't something you play competitively after all

>> No.12013121

It's only unfun if a single player has some optimal build and tries to outshine the whole rest of the party. You can't use easy encounters because he'll wreck them, and you can't use hard encounters because the rest of the party will be useless.

If everyone uses balanced characters that's cool, if everyone uses broken characters then that's cool too, you just adjust the game difficulty to the party. People with broken builds that let the rest of the party to do their thing instead of treating them like the background are good too.

>> No.12013124
File: 516 KB, 703x1000, 1396433606352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, got her after nearly a hundred runs on 2-2. Wo pattern, S victory. I was literally about to turn in for the night and decided to do one more run. Persistence pays off I guess.

Now if you excuse me, I'm going to relieve five days worth of frustration on those glorious tits.

>> No.12013136

it's not fun if your character is totally useless in nearly every fight due to one player making a next to useless spell incredibly useful for his own character only and then abuses it as much as he can.
Except for that one player, he had lots of fun, obviously.

>> No.12013143

> spell
Found your problem. Were you playing 3.X? Being always overshadowed by full caster is a norm, that's what the game was designed for.

>> No.12013150

wait, they managed to somehow get rid of linear fighters exponentional spellcasters in 4?

>> No.12013155

They solved it by making fighters mages too.

>> No.12013158

Is this the Kantai Collection thread?

>> No.12013159

I'll never get my very own titstroyer
60 S-rank wo pattern and nothing

>> No.12013162

i'm on the same boat, sadly

>> No.12013165

Yeah, me too.

>> No.12013166

Yes. They even made monk a playable class. Though 4e is tactical wargame rather then role-playing game.

>> No.12013167

Just keep trying, one day it will happen.

>> No.12013176

Where is the recommended place to obtain a pyon (pre-5-4)?

>> No.12013179


>> No.12013186

All patterns or only Wo?

>> No.12013194

>implying pattern makes any difference
>implying you can pick which enemy pattern to encounter

just perfect s the boss every time and stop believing that enemy pattern bullshit, you'll get her eventually, most likely she'll drop from most event boss nodes anyway, making all the 2-2 farming pointless.

>> No.12013196

>implying people got hamakaze out of non-wo patterns

>> No.12013200

>implying perfect s matters for drops

>> No.12013201

but i did that

>> No.12013206

It's been a while since the threadly survey guy posted, what happened?

>> No.12013207


>> No.12013210

Last I remember someone proxy spammed the surveys.

>> No.12013212

Sounds like a stupid way to waste time.

>> No.12013224

Sounds like pretty much anything 4chan ever does.

>> No.12013243

Based on my sorties, world 2-2 is 100% random and there are no ways to change where you are going.

I have 2 CV in one group and 2 CVL in the other and going with both I usually reach the boss 1 in 4 attempts. 1 out of 3 of those bosses are Wo. So overall I need 12 sortie per Wo encounter on average.

Forget Midway, they have perfected the way to waste resources already.

>> No.12013247

Sasuga devs.

>> No.12013250

"Destroyer Hamakaze, reporting. From here on I'll be attached to this proud fleet."
"Hold still, I'm going to jack off onto your tits."

>> No.12013252

1xCA 2xCVL 3xSS and I get boss almost the 90% of the times

>> No.12013257

It's her fault for having such a magnificent rack.

What can a man do when confronted with these tits, but to zip off his pants and stick his penis in between? Her very existence is obscene and she needs to be punished for it.

>> No.12013282


Kancolle ranked #1 game of 2013 by Dengeki.

>> No.12013321

Well obviously the right thing to do would be for us to crossboard to /tg/, then.


2-2, but only for this month.

If it really was random you'd be getting there 3 out of 8 times, not 1 out of 4. And I get there like half the time (according to wikiwiki, it's 52.5%, or 21 out of 40).

>> No.12013346
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"please, help yourself"

>> No.12013367

Tested with 1xBB 2xCVL 2xSS 1xCLT and 1xBB 2xCV 3xSS a few times. 3 bosses in 8 attempts.

I'm still sticking with completely random and you people are just soaking up the good luck streaks. (Alternatively I'm just getting all the bad luck and you get normal runs)

I'd drop the BBs, but Kirishima and Haruna need their Kai Ni levels.

>> No.12013371

I get there most of the time with CLT/CVL/4xSS. Resource-friendly and enough firepower to take out the Wos. Using BBs will only kill your resources if you're trying to farm.

>> No.12013373
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I'll be right happy to.

>> No.12013379

Just bring them to PVP. Flagship+MVP gets about 20k exp a day, so you'll get to Kai Ni pretty fast.

>> No.12013464

Still a small sample size, but 4 bosses (1 Wo) in 14 sorties. I'm almost willing to accept there is a hidden "BB = North" bonus rule on this place.

>> No.12013497

The 70-30% with CV/CVLs and 30-70% without were from the API data.

>> No.12013512

I ran 3 CA 1 BB 2 CV(L)s and 1 DD 2 CA 1 BB 2 CV(L)s.

It's a surprisingly nice place to train my CAs, they keep taking scratch damage there.

>> No.12013530
File: 2.76 MB, 1858x3303, 20140402_164008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next step. Learn some fking Japanese

>> No.12013535

I assume that is only the bauxite node. First choice is most likely 50-50 and if you ended up north it is probably 50-50 again to reach the baxuite before boss.

Managed to get an Uzuki duplicate from a Wo at least. So I think I've gotten everything but the new ship now from those Wos.

>> No.12013537

Running 2-2 with CLT, 4 SS, CV, still no luck here. The only downside for me is when you get sent to the far east node.

Scans first, then learn nihongo.

>> No.12013539

I want the Subs tank.

>> No.12013553

Yeah, only the preboss bauxite node has any modification to the 50-50 random rule.

>> No.12013555

I did roughly 3000 sorties in 2-2 in february
50% is NE, roughl 50% is E and from E it's more or less a 60/40 ratio for E / SE
its fucking random

>> No.12013560

Why would you do this?

>> No.12013569

For Yayoi I suppose.

I crafted mine after just 6 tries of all 30.

>> No.12013573

No way you'd need 3k sorties for yayoi, it's ranking I bet.

>> No.12013575

Wait, Not!Patchy is craftable?

>> No.12013578

Yes but I never crafted her in dailies.

>> No.12013591

Before they introduced 5-4 I kept in top 100 ranking with that
little cost. no repairs. baux goes at +/- 0, quick
No. See above

>> No.12013653

Can someone that knows how to do it translate the latest logbook? The latest one I heard of being translated doesn't even have the german ships

>> No.12013674

RNG is a bitch sometimes.

Yes she is, Uzuki's the uncraftable one.

Oh, ok then.

>> No.12013678

I just use the jap one.

>> No.12013695

It seems Yayoi and Uzuki and Tittanic are all very rare. I've only seen one of those so far in doing 2-2 for 3 days.

>> No.12013700

Got 2 Yayois and 1 Uzuki from 4-5 hours of 2-2 yesterday; I wouldn't really say they're that rare. No Hamakaze though.

>> No.12013701

in about 120 runs I got 3 Yayoi and one Uzuki but of course I can't get the one I don't have.

>> No.12013714

How severe is red face stat drop?

>> No.12013717

Both from Wo?

>> No.12013722

Forget about the stats drop, you won't be able to hit anything in red fatigue

>> No.12013727

Not him but I got Yayoi not from wo.

>> No.12013732
File: 196 KB, 830x205, notaihouclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does game do this to me?

>> No.12013737

Can't remember. Don't think all were from Wo though.

Time-based RNG.

>> No.12013745

Tell me about it, I have every single LSC kanmusu except Akitsumaru.

>> No.12013748
File: 122 KB, 718x737, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, never noticed Maruyu has the same weird ass font they use for numbers. I guess it's only logical.

>> No.12013771

Seems half lucky to me. It is the only ship worth getting again if you already have it.

>> No.12013775


>> No.12013780
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And what a show it was.

>> No.12013784
File: 629 KB, 1419x2000, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be bad because Nagato is a cannibal. She isn't gonna modernize herself.

>> No.12013786
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>> No.12013789
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There's the obligatory beaver.

>> No.12013794
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>> No.12013797
File: 861 KB, 1421x2000, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's such a "Maybe I could be your admiral tonight?" pose.

>> No.12013798

Yukikaze is a submarine now?

>> No.12013799
File: 647 KB, 1413x2000, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing's never going to be used right, is it.

>> No.12013800

It's just you using shitty chinese fonts, there shouldn't be any difference.

>> No.12013802
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>> No.12013804
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>> No.12013810
File: 936 KB, 1410x2000, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do we get admiral kai 2?

>> No.12013817

I think that "yuki" and "kaze" on the float should be left untranslated.

More like the flagship is on him amirite?

>> No.12013821
File: 725 KB, 1425x2000, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think, she's refereeing every battle. Probably laughing as your girls get crit or make a wrong turn.

I feel like it's needed for Tenryuu's line. Though I almost had it as zekakiyu.

>> No.12013823
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>> No.12013830
File: 797 KB, 1415x2000, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a kiss on the cheek and he's feeling horny.

>> No.12013828

>I feel like it's needed for Tenryuu's line.
If you say so, although I'd have left the ゆき in her line untranslated too.

>> No.12013884

It's over. Japanese gaming is finished.

>> No.12013984
File: 707 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140403-03205463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought that Bismarck replaces Yamato in the LSC pool when you use Z3/Z1 as flagship.

>> No.12013986

Congrats on that 46cm

>> No.12013992

Time and recipe?

>> No.12013995

Nevermind, RNG won't help me anyway.

>> No.12013996

04:19 JST 4/6/6/2

>> No.12013997

Nope, she just gets added in.

Why not? RNG is time-based after all.

>> No.12013998
File: 7 KB, 326x88, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I'm finally free of this hell.

>> No.12013999

I wonder if it replaces something with Z3. Would be nice to know if I had to get a sub or something in the craft to get a Z3, because it sure isn't Yukikaze it replaces.

>> No.12014001

I've been wondering but why do people usually hide their username?

>> No.12014010

Because I don't want to leave any trace that can be tracked back to me anywhere.

>> No.12014012


>> No.12014087
File: 80 KB, 713x390, midway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the true face of E-5?

>> No.12014100


>> No.12014106

Just replace instant repair with buckets

>> No.12014123

What's the point?

>> No.12014121
File: 78 KB, 713x390, buckets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better? I don't have the font.

>> No.12014128
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>> No.12014131
File: 68 KB, 713x390, 1396469990953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. But it's the same thing really.

>> No.12014181

The true face of E7 will be 0 of one resource and 30-50k of the others

>> No.12014323

This anon here.

I've been doing Poi Kai 2 flagship, then 2 CAs, then 1 BB(V), then 2 CV(L)s. It's a really effective way to farm 2-2 (and to grind CAs and low level CV(L)s). My CAs have taken nothing more than scratch damage, allowing me to keep rotating between 2 Pois, 6 CAs, 3 BBs and 6 CV(L)s. The paper ones are my Poi and my CVLs, but nothing serious; every time they take more than just scratch damage, it's always at end nodes.

I put 3 torps on one of my Pois, but never once has any of my fleets gone into the torpedo phase.

>> No.12014327

That sounds to be an extremely resource inefficient way of farming. 1CA/CLT, 3SS, 2CVL is so much better

>> No.12014328

Like I said, it's efficient for grinding CAs so I'm not complaining.

>> No.12014332

Then I misunderstood effective

>> No.12014337

It's resource inefficient if you only look at it in terms of farming 2-2, but I did say before that it's not my only reason for doing it with CAs instead of subs.

>> No.12014343

Chinese scanlators.
In China scanlating is serious business, no kidding.
You get paid providing raws, translating, and publishing them.

>> No.12014525
File: 89 KB, 579x818, 42636724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endless 2-2 runs will make me crazy, at least I'm getting some nice bauxite I guess...

>> No.12014533
File: 108 KB, 709x449, idle fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never free until you get everyone

>> No.12014536

Can't get Musashi. Z3 still refuses to be crafted.

>> No.12014539

Not him, but I missed my chance at Musashi and now have Yamato, I wonder if the devs will be bros and pull something like if you use Yamato as flagship the chances of Yamato change into Musashi, trying to get her otherwise will be a pain in the ass.

>> No.12014551

I feel ya. I keep telling myself to stop but I can't. It's already too late to stop.

>> No.12014561

Considering you can get the hotel from Z1 flagship the answer is a BIG NOPE.

>> No.12014564

Well, the chances are much lower and Bismarck gets most of them, something like that would still be nicer than the old 5 and 6 hour troll timers giving you always the same of the Nagato and crane sisters.

>> No.12014640

2-2 Stats:
3 Yayoi
A fucking billion Myoukou class and Fusou class
0 Hamakaze

>> No.12014645

Don't forget the Takao class, I have gotten 10 from the boss today.

>> No.12014656

I'm only missing Yamato now and there's no way I can get musashi for the time being.

>> No.12014660

Musashi will be LSC when Midway comes out. Save your resources so you can build her instead of doing the event.

>> No.12014665

Wo pls.

>> No.12014679

Thanks for the advice m8.

>> No.12014695
File: 72 KB, 1000x1080, 42281160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good idea, I approve!

>> No.12014706
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Go away Re, no one likes you

>> No.12014711
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>> No.12014708

But she really will be added to LSC, what are you guys on about?

>> No.12014713

>doing LSC instead of completing the event

>> No.12014762

She's just getting the treatment Izumi Curtis got.

This treatment will make her stronger and turn her into Re Kai.

>> No.12014764

>wanting 4eyes shitnano
she is even worse than kirishima

>> No.12014767

What if they scrapped that one design?

>> No.12014770
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E-5 and E6 boss' bodyguards say hi.

>> No.12014780

>not wanting to clear the event for bragging rights
>not wanting Shinano for her plane capacity

>Re Kai's LoS lower than Re's LoS
Confirmed for being 'shopped.

>> No.12014783

Can't see shit with those blue flames.

>> No.12014784

Wo Kai could.

>> No.12014786

She also has one eye uncovered, that's not fair.

>> No.12014790

You and I both know that Re Kai would have no excuses simply by being Re Kai alone.

>> No.12014815
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Another update incoming.


This time we've got the following:
>Overview - 3rd column now has a max width. Shit should word wrap now.
>Ship Roster - You can show/hide the additional stats for evasion, Anti-Sub, and LoS
>You can also save your filter settings (just not the ship types)
>Filter reset button in said menu as well.

Not much, just some things people have been asking me for.

>> No.12014822

I'm still anxious with my 200k+ resources for the upcoming nightmare.

>> No.12014829

Same here, but I was for the Arpeggio event too and it was easy in the end.

>> No.12014844

Arpeggio was boring, I was waiting for an event like this.

>> No.12014854

How can I keep my DDs from getting demolished in 5-3? Seems that half the time, at least one of them gets critted to red from a cut-in at the first node.

Also, what's the best way to get rid of that gold sub at the boss node quickly?

>> No.12014855
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What if Akagi ate all of your other CVs' planes?

>> No.12014862
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You don't. Just bring Yuki and Shigure for a chance to get cut-ins frequently.

>> No.12014868

What's the best radar recipe again considering I don't need anymore Reppus?

>> No.12014872

Can't do anything about cut-ins other than hope and pray. Maybe equip a searchlight if it actually does what it claims to do.

>> No.12014878

10/10/250/250 or 10/10/251/250 if you are superstitious.

>> No.12014906

Ring formation, ASWer as flagship. Searchlight on anyone that isn't the flagship, if you want.

>with troll sub still alive
Wo pls.

I think the searchlight works well enough if the nips say it does.

>> No.12014909

Does having multiple searchlights help? I wasn't sure whether the benefits stack across your fleet.

>> No.12014911

If you have, for example, 5 searchlights, 1 on each ship that isn't the flagship, it could work as the equivalent of ring formation, I guess.

As for the effects to cut-ins, I don't think anyone tested it yet.

>> No.12014963

>>with troll sub still alive
>Wo pls
Getting to the boss is the hard part, not beating the boss.

>> No.12014971

Have you done 5-3? There's not a sub on every node, anon.

>> No.12014975

Meant to quote >>12014906

>> No.12015022

All these Hamakaze's 2-2 hunting really scare me. There's no way they'll add formation-specific drop, right? Right?

>> No.12015030

That's one of the best way to rob you of your resources and keep you playing. I don't see why they'd stop at Hamakaze.

>> No.12015031

Do they thing we're all masochists?

>> No.12015032

I expect E6 to drop a new loli BB only from S rank on the "final" formation, which has 2 flagship Re class and 4 flagship CA, starts in night battle, and only appears 1/4th of the time after clearing the map.

>> No.12015033

Aren't we?

>> No.12015039

Scripters/autists; how many hours do you run expeditions for each day?

>> No.12015040

>how many hours a day
Do you actually need to ask?

>> No.12015044

> autists
At least 17 hours of short(<hour) expeditions a day.

>> No.12015045

Sound pretty easy, you should at least add a troll sub first then we can talk.

>> No.12015048

I run 2 and sparkled 5/6, for 16 to 18 hours per day

>> No.12015049

what is going on here?
I started at gensui and now I an at chuojo.
The fuck why are people still so active?

>> No.12015053

Because event is coming and the game isnt as dead as you think.

>> No.12015054

I'm more worried that drops might have always been formation based.

>> No.12015090

Well the devs did mention Nagato only dropping from a particular formation in 3-3, didn't they? I don't think anyone believed them back then, though.

>> No.12015101

In this thread some people mentioned a while ago that on 5-1 Shoukaku only dropped from Wo formations.

>> No.12015137

I wanted Iku but 1-5 gave me Hacchan instead. Man I really fucking hate this game sometimes.

>> No.12015141

I don't quite understand, how are players chosen for PVP, aside from being near your rank.

>> No.12015143


>> No.12015144


>> No.12015148

So, 19 days left to stockpile.

>> No.12015150

Is expedition 6 the only efficient way to farm bauxite, or am I missing a completely better way to get bauxite somewhere else?

>> No.12015154

Isn't that good though? Hacchan seems to be one of the harder subs to get dupes of.

>> No.12015156

You can slavedrive subs to 4-3 bauxite node easily, but that's boring. Running ex6 and ex11 24/7 sparkled is the most efficient way to farm bauxite.

>> No.12015157

he's just bragging

>> No.12015158

4-3 grinding? It's not as efficient, but it's a lot faster I think.

>> No.12015159

Kind of reminds me of E-7 grinding. I remember trying to get that Yahagi only to get Nagato.

>> No.12015168
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Just rely on minute based rng
22 and 23rd ship

>> No.12015170

21 and 22*

>> No.12015174

Sparkled and boated exp 35 is a great way

>> No.12015175

not this shit again, please

>> No.12015180

why does the 2-2 boss keep on giving me souryuus?

>> No.12015184

Because you're going to have to sink her at Midway.

>> No.12015182

Because you are lucky.

>> No.12015183

Even the abyss are telling you to stop farming and to prepare for Midway.

>> No.12015186

but i spend almost nothing in 2-2 and actually get bauxite out of it

>> No.12015199

Thanks for the tips! I'll try them out.

>> No.12015201

Resource hoarders and poor people; how will you feel when I clear the event with regen cap and damcons?

>> No.12015205

Nothing, you are still shit.

>> No.12015208

But clearly my method is superior and does not involve freeloading off gooks

>> No.12015212

We'll see how well you farm the drop only ships on bauxite regen after they add VT fuzes and rework plane rarity.

>> No.12015214

That's definitely going to happen. Have you seen how easy 5-5 is with damcons?

>> No.12015215

Every regenfags logic, they are so stupidly conceited.

>> No.12015217

clearing isn't the same as farming

>> No.12015222

>how will you feel when I clear the event with regen cap

That's how I cleared the fall one, it's not impossible at all (assuming your cap makes sense)

>and damcons

>> No.12015225
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Desire sensor knew about your desire for tits and gave you the wrong one.

>> No.12015226

This is all I ever read from both sides of the hoarders vs regens

>> No.12015227

I will be impressed more by whomever can clear the event with at least 1 started during the event

>> No.12015240

some guy here on jp started playing two days after November event start, spent $100 in resources, docks, etc. and cleared it.

>> No.12015246


>> No.12015249

It's easy enough to get to the boss node with double attack. What you have to watch out for is the enemy's cut-ins, not your own.

>> No.12015257

I started playing 2 days before the november event and cleared E7

>> No.12015262

Thanks man.

>> No.12015265

Has anyone ever experienced login in inssues on dmm? even when yr password is correct? and when you send password reset it doesnt arrive at yr email? Please help!

>> No.12015266
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Started playing in January, cleared November event in a week.

>> No.12015267
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Wo please go.

>> No.12015269

I'm having this problem too. Then I tried creating an account and it made me an entirely new fucking account
Now I'm pretty much screwed since the only thing I can fall back on is my API, sent an email to DMM awaiting their reply. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
By the way, I strongly recommend you not to remake your account just in case.

>> No.12015273

It happens when you have logged in from several different IPs. They will lock your account until you reset your password (you can still set it as the same as your old one). Keep on requesting for a password reset and you'll eventually receive one. Don't use VPN when asking for reset and try both the EN and JP site.

>> No.12015274
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Never forget.

>> No.12015277

Im currently falling back to my api link, i have requested for both password reset from the en dmm as well as jpn dmm. No new updates on my email though? is there is a certain waiting time for the email to be sent out?

>> No.12015279

Just keep on clicking until you receive one.

>> No.12015280

wouldn't that casue multiple oens to be sent to your email?

>> No.12015284

Yeah, but you can just ignore them.

>> No.12015285

What do I do if I accidentally recreated my account?

>> No.12015287

Should i try to reset the password option in eng or jap? because both doesnt seem to be working?

>> No.12015289

Any will do.

>> No.12015291

Recreate your account? each kancolle acc should be locked to 1 acc each. if u crate a new acc and login to it, it would be a new acc? so in theory if u ahve 2 acc for dmm, you would have 2 kancolle acc i suppose?

>> No.12015290

gmail? spam filter?

>> No.12015293

I probably can't clear midway because I couldn't afford to sit on computer all day.

Should I just try clear the easy map?

>> No.12015295

Hotmail acc bro, not in junk mails

>> No.12015296

I lost access to my previous account, now I don't know how to get it back. Shouldn't an account be locked to the email?

>> No.12015297

I had the same problem once. Just keep requesting until you get one, sometimes they just don't send it to you.

>> No.12015298

yup it should be locked to an email acc i guess. are u using multiple acc?

>> No.12015300

I used the same email to create the account again, now I'm stuck with the new account, and I have no idea what to do now

>> No.12015304

Lol i just request a password reset like abt 13 times? no emails, would be funny if they all arrive suddenly. im trying to get a new api link because of the reseting for 1-5 and 5-5 monthly

>> No.12015308

May i ask how many times you tried before u managed to get it? did they send multiples or just one? Does this mean that they lock our acc if login to our acc from 2 diff AT THE SAME TIME? or smth like that?

>> No.12015316

Nah, enjoy being banned.

>> No.12015321

Who the fuck cares? People spend 50k, 70k all farming for Yahagi and two months later everybody trying to craft a Bismarck gets like nine of them.

>> No.12015325

but that was the point, that farming can cost a lot of resources. More than just beating the map costs.

>> No.12015328

yeah, most important is to get the main prize ship so less trouble with LSC but others will be easy to get sooner or later.

>> No.12015336

Fuck off to Wiki, retard.

>> No.12015345

can anyone help me with this, already sent an email to DMM but no response as of yet

>> No.12015348
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now this is shit..

>> No.12015359

Kancolle has always been shit. What's new guy?

>> No.12015362

I have already done the same i sent an e mail in jap with regards to the locked acc due to multiple Ip address, hopefully they reply? If not then just request for a change in password?

>> No.12015389

I'm so going to be flooded by these titty monsters in the event after I get mine from 500 2-2 runs.

>> No.12015399

I don't "get" the craze over "getting" Hamakaze. Sure, she's a cute as fuck titty monster, but her merits as a warship are underwhelming at best.

If I want to look at her majestic tatas, I can get on pixiv.

>> No.12015401

You can't poke her on pixiv d00d

>> No.12015409

I've yet seen any art on pixiv that is giving justice to this divine rack

>> No.12015415
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>A fleet with 0-1 DD, and 0-1 CA will always let you reach two SS nodes (F->K or F->D).

I was trying to do the weekly sub quest in 4-3, yet got sent to golden BB node with this setup. Why?

>> No.12015419

because you didn't read all the info

>> No.12015420

never used CA for 4-3 sub hunting and always got sent to southern nodes.

>> No.12015422

It's up to RNG whether you get to hit the submarine nodes directly or get your butt kicked to the battleship node.

>> No.12015425

Yah, no way to avoid node J 100% of the time.

>> No.12015426

But there is a way

>> No.12015428

>I was trying to do the weekly sub quest in 4-3
1-5 is a 100% chance of encountering subs, even with the wrong fleet. Are you just in it for EXP and drops?

>> No.12015429

To got north?

>> No.12015430


>> No.12015451

1500 buckets, should I continue?

>> No.12015456

no, you've won the game now, no need to continue

>> No.12015457

No, just F5 when you're sent south. Basically 100% sub node every single time.

Depends on how much steel you have.

>> No.12015463
File: 1.68 MB, 800x1440, free at last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKING FINALLY, I'm out of this 5-3 shitfest. Thank you, Akebono, for dumping the ace in the hole, you are completely forgiven for whiffing the 3 HP transport like 40 sorties ago. Unexpectedly the support fleet almost crushed the transport by itself.

5-4 is... surprisingly easy, I almost crushed the boss with 4x DD 2x CV no support.

>> No.12015475

Marry her!

>> No.12015476

I thought about it, but any way you slice it that would be a weird relationship.

>> No.12015477

I got 110k steel and 1500ish buckets and stopped, with 4 repair docks I'll never use them anyway.

>> No.12015478

but you can have up to 3000

>> No.12015488

Without the resource to ever use it all up. Even if we assume a generous average repair cost of 50 steel, he's still short by around 40k.

>> No.12015491

>not attempting midway with destroyers only

>> No.12015497

>not having 300k res of everything and 3k buckets and still be able to LSC every few days


>> No.12015534

There is some sort of admirable autism involved for LSCing for Maruyus just so you can max out luck on all your level 150 ships but that's not normal.

>> No.12015576

I can do a Taihou attempt every 4 days while gaining devkits and maintaining 300k max res

>> No.12015595

Ah, I remember your fleet, you are the guy with that 70+ Arashio. Congratulations, now enjoy farming 5-4.

Good taste as always, stay classy TTK.

>> No.12015602

All the true-autism admirals have Taihou already.

>> No.12015644

Replace Bismarck with a torpedo carrier and you're good. I bring babby ships to 4-3 and get scratch damage at most.

>> No.12015659

Don't bring CAs, retard.

>> No.12015672

what CA are you talking about?

>> No.12015676

CAV in his case. Bringing one means he'll go south after the J node.

>> No.12015681

while bringing a CAV is a bad idea, 1 CA is fine to bring along.

>> No.12015712

Doing J node at all is retarded idea, just F5. 2CVLs+BB+whatever you want is enough to clear all sub nodes.

>> No.12015719

And you're the one saying that fighting J node is retarded?

>> No.12015725

Wo pls

>> No.12015730

You need 2nd shelling phase. BBV targets subs first, and torpedo bombers do not destroy those 2 DDs every single time, you need something to mop the remaining one. Scratch damage piles up fast when you're grinding.

>> No.12015735

it doesn't hurt your route, you don't need a full ASW fleet for the sub nodes, so it's basically free exp for the CA. Where do you level your CAs? endless 3-2-A?

>> No.12015738

Support expeditions work on every map?

>> No.12015740

no, fifth.

>> No.12015741

You don't need to S-rank it if you're simply doing the quest.
>you need something to mop the remaining one
That's what CLTs are for.
>Scratch damage piles up fast when you're grinding.
To kill 15 subs you only need around 3 runs. Your ships won't get damaged every single time, and even if they do it's still cheaper than bringing a BB.

>> No.12015748

> That's what CLTs are for.
Good luck hitting anything in Line Abreast.
> simply doing the quest.
Sorry, my bad. I thought we were talking about grinding 4-3.

>> No.12015750

>Good luck hitting anything in Line Abreast.
In my experience it does not affect their firepower much.

>> No.12015757

That's a CAV.

>> No.12015761


>> No.12015763

your experience is utter shit then
Line aboob has a 60% damage modifier and torpedo hit chance is very low

>> No.12015770

>not using any of the Super 5
Oh well, who can argue with success?

Congratulations, anon.

>> No.12015778

If it's that 15 subs quest, wouldn't 2 runs of 1-5 be easier?

Since when do torps hit consistently in line abreast?

>> No.12015794

4-3 can't crit your BBV to red on the first node.

>> No.12015801

how often happens that to you in 1-5?

>> No.12015811

Level your BBVs more

>> No.12015816

Red crit is somewhat rare, but orange happens in 1 out of 4 runs. Both suck dick.
Why do I need to do that if there's 4-3?

>> No.12015818

The only ship that pos sub can cri to red is the CVL, any decent BBV would just shrug off that torpedo.

>> No.12015823

they can be level 150 and still gets critted to red

maxed out level 55 Hyuuga, 52 damage crit from the troll sub. You clearly don't know your shit.

>> No.12015831

RNG is a bitch isnt it.

>> No.12015834

The chance of getting subs is still worth it.

I want more Hachis at least.

>> No.12015836

Why line aboob

>> No.12015839

So I just said.

Joke is on you assturd, that was double line.
And a 42 damage crit on Echelon.

>> No.12015847

Guess you deserved that with that attitude

>> No.12015854

We were talking about doing the weekly, mate. Grinding for subs is a separate issue.

>> No.12015858

So edgy
Too bad your edginess is worthless in an adult discussion

>> No.12015863
File: 46 KB, 451x386, hachi where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that?
3Iku 0Hachi

I am starting to doubt about the validity of hachi dropping off 1-5.

>> No.12015876

They may possibly remove the gauge regeneration, so that you can tackle a difficult map over the whole event instead of accumulating resources and going for a do-or-die clear.

Remember the pain of sinking Henderson after depleting her gauge? Now imagine having to do it five times to see how merciful the devs are.

>> No.12015895

>remove the gauge regeneration
Please god.

>> No.12015909

I rather have the regen and just have to take the boss down once after the bar is depleted.

>> No.12015911

I just hope they will balance bosses with the new gauge system.
The regeneration is one thing, but chip damage is gone ever since arpeggio. I'm pretty sure a lot of TTK would have failed fall event if the gauge mechanic was identical to arpeggio.

Since the extra operation keep arpeggio gauge system, we better pray the gods they aren't giving us more of henderson, or we are screwed to many levels.

>> No.12015923

I wouldnt beat E4 if I actually needed 5complete kill. I only sank her twice back then.

>> No.12015988

What if they just gave Midway-chan 1,000,000 health like a lot of other games do?

>> No.12016001

Then some teitokus will fail their exams.

>> No.12016005

other games don't have a tight limit on battle rounds, it's not comparable.

>> No.12016023

Most of the games actually allow you to choose a target to hit.

>> No.12016032

>but chip damage is gone ever since arpeggio
Because Arpeggio was a piss-easy event that did not need it.
>Since the extra operation keep arpeggio gauge system
So do 4-4 and all the other maps with a gauge. There's no reason to add chip damage capability to a map that you have a month to clear.

>> No.12016031

How do I beat the desire sensor?

125 2-2 boss kills and no titty monster.

>> No.12016050

they got rid off chip damage to discourage suicide fleet tactics. I doubt it's coming back.

>> No.12016058


>> No.12016084

That's just upgrading desire sensor to even higher "no fuck you" level.

>> No.12016089

There are easier ways to do that. Just adding a troll sub immediately fucks over any suicide fleet relying on something weaker than a heavy cruiser. Or just don't make maps that are all night battles. And aside from the obvious moral issue, I don't think there was enough of a problem with suicide runs to change a major mechanic around them. They took way longer than doing it normally and it's not like it wasn't possible to sink Henderson with a fleet of 4 level 1 DDs and 2 Kongous. If they remove chip damage I think we'll soon reach the point where maps can't get any harder.

>> No.12016086

Did they state it in some interview or is it just speculation on your part?

>> No.12016092

Nah, it will confuse the RNG goddess and you will either get lucky at LSC or get better drops.

>> No.12016093

>2 weeks long event
>No chip damage.
>gauge regeneration.
>Have to sink boss 5 times to clear.
Final destination.

>> No.12016109

The reward for completing better be my psyche treatments.

>> No.12016110

people here claimed the devs said they wanted to counter suicide fleets, and the chip-damage removal was something they did in the next event.
So, Chip-damage-removal to counter suicide fleets is my interpretation, that the devs wanting to counter suicide fleets is not, but might have been false information.

>> No.12016128

>people here claimed
That's not a legitimate source and you know it.

>> No.12016132

just like people here were telling the devs were going to introduce LSC, oh wait, that actually happened.

>> No.12016137

Z3 flagship 4/6/6/2, Yamato first try yesterday, Bismarck first try today. I'm out of LSC hell guys!

>> No.12016140
File: 199 KB, 1252x1252, ttN6_CSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you forgotten about me? You don't even try to craft me anymore these days? Don't you want me anymore? I see...

>> No.12016142

LSC was in several interviews, dipshit.

>> No.12016152

for now

>> No.12016163

why would I craft for ships I already have?

>> No.12016161

Fuck off slut, give me back my wasted resources.

>> No.12016174


Can't get Z3, desire sensor detects it.

>> No.12016179

Cat shower here on Buin, anybody else?

>> No.12016187

51 times, honey, can't say I didn't try.

>> No.12016182

I'm proud member of No-Taihou No-Yamato No-Bismark No-Yahagi RNG Hates Me club. Do you honestly think RNG will let my membership be voided this easily?

>> No.12016186

Desire sensor works in my favor, I get them when I think I'm really going to get it.

>> No.12016195

She knew you'd call her that. She knew you'd treat her badly. She knew this whole time.

>> No.12016203

Today is special, it's 4/4/14

>> No.12016228

Try with this recipe 270/150/370/50, got her in two tries after almost giving up from 70-80 tries of the 250/30/200/30 recipe and I've heard from a lot of people getting her easily with it too.

>> No.12016269
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Now that's a first

>> No.12016300


lol. First try Z3. Thank you.

>> No.12016303

Congrats, ttk.

>> No.12016404

How hard is 4-4 to beat? I don't want another nasty surprise like 2-4.

>> No.12016410

Worry about 3-4 instead.

>> No.12016412

I already did it, got very lucky with boss node.

>> No.12016447

My quest page didn't refresh.
Anybody know anything?

>> No.12016454

Because it's still 1 hour for daily to reset?

>> No.12016458

Try time traveling, it helps.

>> No.12016460


Well, sorry.I got confused somehow.

>> No.12016474

Set your time to JST to never be confused again.

>> No.12016481
File: 53 KB, 300x200, Yamacat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you be this confused?

>> No.12016482

There is no DST in Japan.

>> No.12016527

Arpeggio is one thing. 5-5 is another. This hellhole is the worst map ever, and chip damage is still denied.

>> No.12016556

I swear, you can't do it without Yamato class unless you are incredibly lucky.

>> No.12016562
File: 319 KB, 800x450, 1394804030754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it for her.

>> No.12016571

but there is no Iona recipe

>> No.12016578


>> No.12016582

4 Kougous, 1 Isuzu, 1 Taihou, no support fleets, always line ahead.
See how far your luck can carry you.

>> No.12016588

I could reach the boss with 3subs 2xKongou(kai) and Nagato. But just did scratch damage to Wo.

>> No.12016594

Midway is going to be so horribly depressing if its anything like 5-5

I hope they at least make the last event map beatable instead of something only the most autistic and luckiest with every single ship and item in the game can beat

>> No.12016596

Shit, gotta level my Yamato more if they pull this kind of shit for E5

>> No.12016607

Aiming for 5% completion they said.
Did you use support fleet if you were going with 3 subs?

>> No.12016610

Did they really say that?
They were aiming for 10-15% last time

Are they just going to aim for 1% with the next event?

>> No.12016625

But I crafted her long ago. Now I'm trying my hardest so I can marry her as soon as possible

>> No.12016626

Yeah, with support fleet.

>> No.12016631

If Midway is supposed to be the hardest event so far then it makes sense they would aim for 10% or lower.

>> No.12016635

I just hope they dont go crazy ramping up the difficulty and actually remember to make the maps do-able and fun.

No one really wants to see a map where every node has elite RE and then the boss node is a mixed bag of flagship RE, BRS wo and a stronger version of that faggot airport

>> No.12016639

As long as completion means getting a Yahagi-tier ship, I'm fine with that. But if they put a flagship RE on the preboss node, I'll be mad as fuck. Because that's just shitting on people's fun for no reason.

>> No.12016647
File: 267 KB, 640x458, totally not ugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad faggot, this is what you'll get.

>> No.12016649

I really hope she'll look better. That's just terrible

>> No.12016654

Event is still an event, it makes sense for 5-5 to be complete bullshit since it means to stay there forever, but for a supposedly 2 weeks long event I think they would at least throw the players a bone. Not to mention they keep opening new servers, so even with level scaling they cant really make some bullshit map that require 2 Yamato class BB to have a chance to clear, since that pretty much fucked everyone who didnt join in time for the fall event.

>> No.12016670

>it makes sense for 5-5 to be complete bullshit since it means to stay there forever
That's what people said about 5-3. Midway probably won't have scaling either, because so far it's only been on beginner maps. They can't focus on new players all the time or old ones will get bored and newer people will find it easier to clear the game. Midway won't take two Yamatos but I doubt people who started recently will stand a chance like they did back in Fall's night battles. Events aren't about throwing bones and the people expecting Arpeggio again are in for a shock.

>> No.12016671

This exactly, I hope 5-5 is hard like that because you have all the time in the world to clear it and is aimed towards the people that want to get #1 in the ranking boards but E4, E5 and E6 (Because we all know there's going to be a E6) being filled with elite/flagship RE and BRS Wo would be a huge dick move and shitting on everyone that doesnt play the game for 24 hours a day or for people that dont have maxed everything and 100k of every resource.

>> No.12016682

I very much expect it to have some sort of scaling. I'll get fucked by it with 100+ TTK level, but I don't mind the newbies having their fun. The more people playing the game, do more update and attention will flow into it.

>> No.12016687
File: 16 KB, 164x53, Screenshot 2014-04-03 22.15.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*the more update

It's easy to hoard 100k resource though. I only started stockpiling 2 weeks ago and I have more than 2 to go.

>> No.12016695

They could at least have Yoshinori redrawn her.
Though that glasses + braid combo ticked me off.

>> No.12016701
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indeed, 3 weeks of resource hoarding, i'm even doing expensive daily crafts and sortie 3-2 for exp.

>> No.12016711

What expeditions do you guys run? Do you do your dailies?

>> No.12016719

And how many hours a day do you play?

>> No.12016725

2, 21 and 37 when awake (2 for more buckets, I'm sitting on 989 at the moment).
11, 36 and 37 when sleeping.
3 boats on 21, 4 on 36, and I sparkle 36 with pvp. For the rest, the drums provide a sufficient great success chance
I do all my dailies, do some leveling and attempt 4 10/60/10/100 ever day for more holo planes and farming 2-2/5-4 for titstroyer.

Actively 2-3 hours a day, maybe 4. But I can resend expeditions from work most of the time.

>> No.12016732

Where exactly do you level?
I should be leveling Kongou and Hiei to kai2 level and maybe mutsu and nagato to level 70 but I dont know where to level without spending a huge amount of resources/buckets.

The only safe grinding place I know is 3-2 and I swear i'll go insane if I have to level 2-4 ships to 80 there

>> No.12016737


I use 5-4-A.

>> No.12016741

Do you go all the way to the boss node or only do one node?

>> No.12016745

Fuel 5, 21, 38
Mixed 5, 37, 38

This way i only have to check for exps every hours and half

Too much, probably, since i can play at work.
Usually i run dailies early in the morning then just alt-tab to send out my ships for expeditions, or do random 2-2/3-2/4-2 runs for exp/weekly quests.

>> No.12016747

Depends on the class really. But mainly PVP, 4-3 (just send a fleet that can roll over the occasional J node, I do it with random ship, 3CLT with depth charge, 10cm HA and minisub, 1BB with 46,46,sanshiki, AP, 1CV with 1 reppu, 1blue, 1 red and a saiun), and 5-4 north run.

>> No.12016748


Just one node, I think if my isn't on red I could do 2 noded.

>> No.12016750

Well I guess it's time to activate my autism and find the way to get maximum gains on a spreadsheet.

>> No.12016752

How are your buckets though? I'd prefer to drop exp 2, but I always fear the bucket count.

>> No.12016756
File: 96 KB, 1344x516, Screenshot 2014-04-03 22.36.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.
Yes, the consumptions are not updated everywhere and 15h is pretty stupid for short expeditions. I should find a way to account for downtime.

>> No.12016759

How exactly do you guys get your bauxite up with those expeditions?

Do you just get bauxite from dailies or farm it somewhere?

>> No.12016765

1 CV 2 CLT 3 Subs
401 actually using planes

Why the fuck would anyone even use this setup, especially when the ships are all 90+

>> No.12016766

Note that you'll need to check the game every 10 minutes or so for maximum gains. Autism ho!

>> No.12016772

Dailies, 2-3, scrapping drops, and my nightly runs yield 810 of it. But I'll start focusing it a bit more after I get fuel and ammo over 120k.

>> No.12016776

Maybe he put it there because he knew it would piss you off.

>> No.12016777
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i dropped 2 because i've enough buckets for this and the next event, and since they added an upper cap i don't really see the point of farming 2k+ buckets at this point, i'll just sit here, i get more than i can use every day anyway thanks to dailies and weeklies.

>> No.12016783
File: 35 KB, 213x87, Screenshot 2014-04-03 22.41.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of devmats shows how much luck I had with Taihou.

>> No.12016788

Now that we're on the topic, how exactly do I get a S rank on 4-3 for the marriage quest if I have to use a sub as a flagship?

Have no idea how to do it because I cant remember how I did 4-3 back then.

>> No.12016795


>> No.12016796

1xSS 2xCA 2xCV 1xBB ?

>> No.12016797

Today has been glorious. 100 2-2 runs and 5 Wo patterns.

>> No.12016802

amazing. Someone give this man a drink.

>> No.12016804

I got Yamato after 12 crafts but still miss Taihou, i was doing enough crafts per week to keep my resources under regen cap but no luck, best CV i got from LSC is Kaga.

>> No.12016811
File: 2 KB, 53x65, lsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my luck

>> No.12016810

I'm waiting out with Yamato as I don't have Musashi either. I only started with 1 week remaining on the event. But Taihou took 48 attempts. At least I got 6 daihatsu out of it.

>> No.12016825

Should have waited too and farmed for Taihou instead, but i really wanted my trophy waifu, she's kind of useful for easy pvp wins and to smash faces when you're bored and want to clear a map fast and clean, but at lv98 a crit can cost 800 steel, while a taiha costs around 1500 steel.

>> No.12016833

You're not alone, 70 runs and 2 Wo bosses here.

>> No.12016836

Good luck sinking the enemy submarine or getting to the only one composition of the three without it.

>> No.12016844

Thats the one I used but I cant sink the sub with that comp because nothing there can hit subs.

>> No.12016860

I don't remember getting the sub formation, but you can also go 1xSS 1xCL 2xCA 2xBB or 1xSS 2xCLT 2xCA 1xBB and put 2 sonar on the CL/CLT.

>> No.12016862

I'll try that one, thank you

>> No.12016881

Melon with 2 sonar and double attack setup can one shot the sub in ring formation provided that you don't get red T-crossed or get shot to red. You'll still be able to kill the sub even with orange HP. Once you get past the pre-boss node safely you should be fine.

>> No.12016913

You can also try and have some fun with 1xSS 2xCA 1xCV 1xCVL 1xBBV.
CVL with Akitsumaru ASW planes, 1x Ryuusei and 1x Reppu, BBV with 2 red cannons and 2 light green planes (Seirans or the new Zuiun type 640), CV loaded with 2x Reppu 1x Ryuusei Kai and 1x Suisei 12A, CA with a red main cannon, 2x15.5 yellow and a radar, or a third 15.5 yellow.

>> No.12017039
File: 3 KB, 301x91, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ridiculous.

>> No.12017095

No we don't

>> No.12017119

Does this picture have anything to do with kancolle anyway ? I really doubt we're going to get that design.

>> No.12017138


If I recalled, it was in a Kancolle book with several designs by Shibafu and others.

The design itself is not terrible. The one on the right looks fine. It's probably the left people don't like. It's may be the eyes and lips.

>> No.12017149

That one's obviously a rough sketch compared to the other two drawings we've seen of her by youki. I'm not at all a fan of the glasses and braids type character but I don't see anything wrong with her design. I feel like we go through this cycle with every major ship they reveal; where it didn't meet someone's exact expectations and therefore it's complete shit and the event isn't even worth doing. And then a month later everything's dandy.
