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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 500x500, FPS_500_1P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11964428 No.11964428 [Reply] [Original]

Rythm games thread?
I played IIDX for the first time yesterday and really enjoyed it. Is DJDAO the go-to webstore for controllers, or are there cheaper or better alternatives?

>> No.11964458

I'm going to make my own controller because I can't afford them, they are too expensive. I already have a shitty usb controller that I can use for it.

>> No.11964537

You can get the ps2 beatmania controller off ebay for a fraction of the price of a dao, but if you're playing on PC you will need a good ps2 adapter

>> No.11964707

Holy hell, I didn't know these things cost around 200$. Who spends that much on a simple game controller, especially one that can only be used for one line of games?

>> No.11964756

Well IIDX is a game you can spend hundreds or thousands of hours on, and depending on how serious you are you'll need a quality controller.

I've bought two $300 controllers they've definitely been worth the purchase.

>> No.11964771

>you will need a good ps2 adapter
I've heard USB adapters always have some delay because of the way they work. It also seems LPT (parallel port) adapters don't have this problem because it works with interrupts, so I was going to make one. Is it worth it?

>> No.11964878

Why is SPADA's soundtrack so good?


>> No.11965001

What is an arcin/USBemani and do I absolutely need one?

>> No.11965937

Does anyone have any experience with the Rainbow IIDX controllers?

They're about 1000 Chinese ¥. Link rainbow2dx.taobao.com/

>> No.11966172

You can adjust for the small delay within the options, so I don't think that part matters (though my adapter has very little to begin with). If your computer has a parallel port though I would just go for that, however I don't know if LR2/AC data will detect it?

What is your favorite song?
Also >>Rythm
Funny because the last thread was spelled that way as well.

>> No.11967762


and I don't even like fucking speedcore

\machinegun/ is also fine, as dumb as it may sound like

though in reality is hard to pick just one. I like like half of all tracks

>> No.11967763


Excuse my stupidity

>> No.11967998

>What is your favorite song?

Probably Elektrick U-Phoria, even though it's pretty much an upgraded (or downgraded, depending how you look at it), shorter version of Elektrick Universe. BGA is nice too.

>> No.11968021

I've been almost entirely discouraged from playing IIDX since I spent so long hunting for the ISOs for the JP PS2 releases to start with only for them to crash every other song when I tried playing them. I'd love to hook it up to my computer and just play Lunatic Rave, but as >>11964771
said, even the best I could find suffered from a lot of lag.

Well hey I still have ITG I suppose

>> No.11968024

They're replacement PCBs for dao controllers. It uses game controlled lights for HDD data and has absolute (analog) turntable control. You don't really need one, but it's nice to have absolute control (similar to the arcade) of the turntable. dao's turntable also have slight delay in them.

>> No.11968035

I never got around to playing Spada or the last Tricoro update. Gave up after spending too much time chasing 10dan.

>> No.11968065
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I should customize my controller someday.

>> No.11968068
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>> No.11968123

Please tell me how I would go about this.
I am on the verge of ordering a DJDAO controller and need a little extra push as I need to buy some other expensive things shortly.

>> No.11968128
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>> No.11968138

Template & walkthrough

How to put images in the buttons:

>> No.11968196

Thank you very much.

>> No.11968368

favorite song is anything by prim or mosaic.wav

get the fuck @ me

>> No.11968400

You guys should play Sound Voltex. So many Touhou songs!!

>> No.11968408

Have it, don't have a controller made.

>> No.11968448
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It's cheaper than I thought.

>> No.11968506
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>> No.11968729

Hiding your rival list, I see. But I assume you're kaiden, and there are only so many of you outside of Asia.


>> No.11969005

Did you take in account it weighs 7kg?

>> No.11969088

it's fun but i'm having a hard time tracking down a template image to make a decent controller
mouse+gamepad works surprisingly well however

>> No.11969229

Still having a hard time setting it up.

It's one network problem to the other

>> No.11969232

you got PSun setup right?
i'm assuming you've already disabled network devices

>> No.11969241

Has anyone ever strained one of their fingers from playing too much? I've been a playing a bit too much recently and my pinky totally gave out while playing.

>> No.11969268

I'm not so sure if I DID set it up correctly. I have my PCBID slapped in the ea3 config. Probably the service URL.

Aside from the WAN Miniports, yes I have disabled possible net devices that may interfere.

>> No.11969270

double check the service URL, i needed to switch twice until i got it

>> No.11969273

I'm used to it after having played StepMania for so long and having to deal with shit like this:


>> No.11969281

Which URL should I use?

Damn why is SDVX a bitch to configure

>> No.11969285 [DELETED] 


>> No.11969326

check if there's a space after your pcbid, caught me out

>> No.11969331

There's like 3 <services>, only one of them needs to be changed to PS.

>> No.11969881

so I have a programmed sun ID and everything, but I cant for the love of me find a single pop'n HDD. Found some dead torrents for 16 but that was it. Anyone run 20 or 21 on PC?

>> No.11969893


>> No.11969898

ive never heard of that, do ou have a link? is that the place that never accepts new people? I think I've heard of it...

>> No.11969904

>ive never heard of that
>I think I've heard of it

That was funny

>> No.11969907

thanks~ i always like to make jaypeesies laugh

>> No.11970067

so is lurking in the sows IRC the only way at possibly obtaining an invite? I filled out one for a PCBID and it was pretty easy. I have tricoro running fine but popn HDDs seem inexistant

>> No.11970180

I doubt you'll even get one that way anyways. I got a PCBID which was easy enough but sows invite requires major dick sucking.

>> No.11970192

I guess I can just..play the PS2 games or something..

>> No.11970276

I want it, and I'd pay that for it, but shipping it to me will be $500 through the only available option. Shit sucks.

DJ DAO controllers are expensive because they're for enthusiasts. If you're just starting you really ought to go for the simple PS2 controller to get a feel for it. If you enjoy it enough then spring for a DJ DAO. I went through two PS2 controllers failing on me within a year before I decided to get a DAO and that's been working fine for the last five or so years. Back then they were a lot more expensive, too.

Sows is probably one of those sites that bans people for giving out invites publicly. Plus there's risk in inviting anyone because of the ratio/points system it has.

I'd like to do this but I'm too scared of breaking something.

>> No.11970294

Fuck going to a con and sucking some bemani fag's dick for an invite though.

>> No.11970363

The main reason I don't want to buy a PS2 controller is input latency and this thing that I often do, where I will buy the cheaper version of something multiple times instead of buying a quality product once. I appreciate your advice though. I might just go for an FPS with some nice customized lights.

>> No.11970424

thank you anon! I will load up share, thanks again for the info.

>> No.11970421

You can find 15-19 on Share, and maybe torrents for 20 and 21 by searching for the game's project code (do note that 20 is missing some updates).

>> No.11970544

A person in my city is selling 4th Mix on an eBay-like website. He says it needs new screens, but I think it would be cool to own a cabinet for it, even if it is a bit old.

>> No.11970866

Been waiting for Dao to ship my FP7 for the past 3 weeks. Christ this is killing me.

>> No.11970910

I know how you feel. I ordered mine on the 19th of Feb, but it finally shipped out on the 10th of this month. This seems to be the normal amount of time based on others' experiences in the 2ch dao thread

>> No.11970911

Just to add, this isn't a joke. Friends of mine have literally had to suck dick at cons for invites.

>> No.11971803

Is there a difference between the FP7 and the FPS?

>> No.11971849

The FPS has a smaller turntable, and you can adjust the distance from the keys to the turntable to be arcade distance or KOC distance.

Other than that it is just aesthetic differences

>> No.11971878 [DELETED] 


>> No.11971940

I love Taiko no Tatsujin, I put many thousands of Yen in the arcade booths when I was in Japan last year. Picked up the Wii versions pretty cheap, which play fine on my soft-modded Wii.

>> No.11972941

Can anyone post a screen of sows so I can know how the site looks like?

>> No.11974506

How am I meant to get ahold of Tricoro, without being on Sows?

PSun has information about setting up, but prohibits discussion relating to the acquisition of the game.

>> No.11974681

does this only work for the fp7 and c33 ?

>> No.11974873

a lot of hdd data for more recent styles is on public trackers
you just have to look

>> No.11975399

Finally got it working, thanks.
After slapping the URL, I ran again into an error which was solved by reverting one var I accidentally edited.

How are your set-ups while playing it? I heard dual mice is common, but damn I'm having a hard time with it.

Controller is another option, but I'm at a loss on where to start. Anyone here tried making a DIY controller for SDVX?

>> No.11975945

i currently play with an 8 button fightstick and a mouse, with the x and y axis bound to the two dials
it works okay but it's very awkward for anything on exhaust above difficulty ~11
might try making a controller but i have no experience with rotary encoders so that'll be fun

>> No.11976139

You can try buying two of these off ebay http://store.griffintechnology.com/powermate

and then use a beatmania controller flipped upside down for the rest of the controls.

>> No.11976601

I found magnet links for Tricoro and Lincle, but I dont want to download the wrong thing. Is the DJHACKERS one on torrentkitty 32.69 correct?

>> No.11976783

Only one way to find out. Good luck getting help with it though.

>> No.11976814

Thanks. Do you happen to know why, seemingly, the entire IIDX community on western internet seems to be very 'secret club'? I would assume it's to avoid lawsuits.

>> No.11976823

You assume correctly.

But expect a handful of responses saying that it's because they want a secret club because they're elitist assholes.

>> No.11976896

That's just the price for an empty case.
The complete version is expected to be around $400.

>> No.11976940

It's both, really. The club needs to be secret for protection but they're also elitist assholes about it.

>> No.11977081
File: 71 KB, 954x586, fp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it /jp/!

>> No.11977112

I'm really envious of that shipping cost.

M-Maybe we could be rivals?

>> No.11977126

Quite honestly, I have no experience in the IIDX series. I've played a couple of times at a local arcade, and that's it. How much was your shipping?

I would g-gladly be your rival.

>> No.11977148

>How much was your shipping?
About $300. The simplest controller back then was $500 too.

>> No.11977153

I.. what?
That's quite substantial. When did you order, what country are you from?

Do you feel as though you enjoy the game enough to justify that amount?

>> No.11977158

Around mid-2009, I think it was. And Australia.

I've gotten plenty of use out of it over the years, at least. It's been a good investment, especially since Konami's PS2 controllers were about $80 and the two of those I bought only lasted about a year each before becoming too fault to keep using.
I'm still only now starting to clear level 8 songs, so I've got a long way to go as well.

>> No.11977160

I see. I am in New Zealand, so I suppose I'm kind of lucky (?) to only be starting to play now.
It's my first controller, and the main reason, like you say, is it stands the test of time.

>> No.11977843

Arcade has been extinct in Toronto area, so are IIDX and alike. Sad.

>> No.11977889

i don't think a scene even existed in the first place in england

>> No.11978108

Yes that Tricoro is real. There's a set up guide on PSUN's forum.

>> No.11978274
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BeatMania GottaMix = the best

>> No.11978279
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Does anyone have a larger version of this image? I can't find one.

>> No.11978280

How do you handle slowdowns/bpm changes? Once things start getting too slow I can't hit anything.

>> No.11978296

Focus more.

>> No.11978308

Wear a hat.

>> No.11978317

That's what the speed selection is for.

>> No.11978335


If anyone wants to suck my dick for a sows invite, please let me know!!!

>> No.11978358

gib sows invite
i report u

>> No.11978360

I try, but I get impatient.
I'll get on that.
Doesn't really help when it's something like 40~200bpm.

>> No.11978379

What's your ITG setup like? I have Cobalt Fluxes and a local arcade machine, it's pretty sweet. I'm doing 14s now. I just passed Dokudenpa! I want to play lots of DJ Sharpnel stuff.

>> No.11978387

Play at a speed that's not too fast and not too slow. 2.5 is my sweet spot.

>> No.11978495

You can change speed during the song.

>> No.11978627

has anyone here played crossxbeats? and is it any good

>> No.11978663

>Playing on anything but the default 1.0

>> No.11978707

The songs are good (Aqualight, Azitate, and Lotus Love are some of my favorite), gameplay is decent, but nothing new. Good luck playing higher difficulties on anything other than a tablet though.

>> No.11978792


Enjoy the wait. Oh god the wait.

>> No.11978849

What? How? I'm playing LR2 if it makes a difference.

>> No.11978856

>I'm playing LR2
That's hilarious.

>> No.11979210

Nothing wrong with LR2.

Hold start and hit the black keys to increase speed and white keys to lower it. Keys 1-5 only. 6-7 adjusts sud+ value. You can edit how much you want it to increase/decrease in the LR2 set up window. Change the HI-SPEED MARGIN to 25-50 to make it similar to the arcade.

Max BPM mod is also useful for songs that don't have BPM changes or slows down. Use Min BPM for songs that speeds up.

>> No.11979306

I knew about changing the speed ingame before a song, I still don't really know what sudden+ is. What does the margin do? I tried to stay away from the bpm options because I thought it'd be kind of cheating.
I'm an idiot so setting up Tricoro seemed too hard, let alone getting invites.

>> No.11981496

How is Project Diva f?

>> No.11981844

Fun, but simple. It's also got a low skill ceiling thanks to the star notes and the miss detection is horrible and near impossible to recover from if you miss one note in a fast string.
But if you like Vocaloid it's worth getting.

>> No.11982041

I fucking despise the stars, it's the dumbest rhythm game mechanic ever. The rest of it is decent fun, although I find the song selection got worse over time, 2nd>extend>f.

>> No.11982453

I want to but I cannot find the download/torrent link.

>> No.11982497

Man, I wanted to like this game a lot but I just can't stomach Vocaloid music. I still have a lot of rhythm games on my PSP at least.

Taiko is fun as fuck.

>> No.11982525

personally i'd place extend above 2nd, but i agree that f had a weaker selection than both

>> No.11982540

I could never get into taiko games. I think it's mostly because of the UI. Having everything just coming down the one lane in rapid succession is too hard for me to track, and I've played IIDX for years.
For PSP I love the DJ MAX series, though they made some really questionable decisions with the RPG grinding systems and auto-correct in Black Square. And the piss-poor song selection in Portable 3.
Just gotta hold out hope that some day we'll see a new Portable on the Vita.

>> No.11982542

>Just gotta hold out hope that some day we'll see a new Portable on the Vita

PENTAVISION is dead, anon.

>> No.11982543

I started playing recently and I'm on normal so it's not like a can really comment on how hard the game is but from what I've seen on youtube I can't imagine me struggling with the game more than I struggle with IIDX. Also, I don't even care about being good I'm just loving the huge songs selection.

Weird that Portable DX is missing songs from the other two PSP games though.

>> No.11982549

The JP version doesn't have auto-correct.

>> No.11983139

Taiko was the first japanese rhythm game I played. It's still my best, but one issue I find is that you can't practice at home like you can with IIDX. Namely, because the Taiko home controller is so different to the arcade one.

>> No.11983148

I'm playing portable which is nothing like the arcade anyway. To being with I don't have a Taiko machine in my country too. Is the Wii version any good?

>> No.11983165

The Wii version is fine. It's pretty fun, I cracked my Wii to allow playing of games off portable media. The issue is in the controller; it's small and not very sturdy, so you can't play as though you're on an arcade cabinet.

I'm used to play Taiko on Osu, however, so I'm also used to using my fingers.

>> No.11983168

Well, is the WIi version even playable without a Taiko controller?

>> No.11983185

Yes. The Taiko controller plugs into the Wiimote in the same port the nunchuck plugs into. The kat (outer, blue) notes are represented by the up, left and 2 buttons, while don (inner, red) is represented by the right, down and 1 buttons. It will feel as though you're playing the DS/PSP version if you choose to play it with just a Wiimote.

If you have a Wii, I would recommend cracking it and setting it up. I've been playing the 4th Wii Taiko game, which has some of my favorite songs such as Ryougen no Mai, Saitama2000, Ekiben2000, and Dance Storm.

>> No.11983188

My Wii is cracked but I never used it to actually play Wii games so I just kind of assumed you beat the drums with the Wii remote or something. I'll see if I can find a cheap Taiko controller and If I can't I'll just play with the remote like you said.

I wish I could find DLC for portable and portable 2 though.

>> No.11983196

Also, another question. Is the PS2 Taiko controller any good? I have a PS2 to WIi controller adapter so I could use it and that way play the PS2 games too. Should I do that or just aim for the Wii one? I don't think there's any delay or anything but I'm not sure.

>> No.11983198

Take a look on Aliexpress. The website is reputable, the question is the quality. They're fairly cheap though. I got mine as a Christmas gift, but I believe it was from that website.

I can't help you with the DLC though, I'm sorry.

>> No.11983218

Personally I love it, simple but difficult on extreme. Song selection really makes or breaks it though, the 2nd f should be good as it has a pretty stellar soundtrack.

>> No.11983328

Found one on Dealextrme but I still don't know if to get that or a PS2 one and use my adapter.

>> No.11983342

I'd imagine that you're better off getting the PS2 one and an adapter if you plan to play both the PS2 games and the Wii games. I'm sure the lag wouldn't be anything substantial.

>> No.11983344

I was just wondering if there's a difference in quality between the two. Alright, I'll order it now from ebay.

>> No.11983352

can somebody explain to me what programmed sun is and how it works

>> No.11983369

Read the forums.

>> No.11983512

I have a Taiko 13th Mix Cab in my living room.

It's pretty sweet but I have to move soon and I have nowhere to go with it.

>> No.11984333

I wish SDVX wasn't so hard to get into.
I've been trying to get into sows and psun for awhile but it feels like I'm hitting dead ends. I know a few friends who use sows but they don't like to say much about how to get in.

And on top of torrenting the game, you need to use some kind of network connections to actually play the game, right? You can't just play offline?

>> No.11984406

I think there's a way to play offline, but why would you? PSun invites are easy to get and there's a lot of content to be unlocked online.

>> No.11984432

I got a PSun invite 2 days after I registered.

>> No.11984470

How do I get an invite? What did you say on the forums or IRC to get one?

>> No.11984791

PSun is public and all the invite details are explained on the forums.

You can play offline but you need to be with PSun to save your scores and unlock songs.

>> No.11984794

The only way you'll get into sows is if someone invites you.
I don't see the harm in explaining so I'll point out the problem here.

With Sows, everything is seeded to the brim such that it's impossible to gain any upload credit through normal means. Instead there's a point system where you earn 1 point for every 2 hours you're seeding anything (that is, you can't get more, no matter how many torrents you're seeding), and you then use those points to buy upload credit with.
This takes fucking forever.

The problem is that people want to get invited to download Sound Voltex or Tricoro which are ~30GB each, and then they can't bring their upload credit back up to 0.4 within one month and get banned. 10GB of upload credit costs 425 points, so that's over a month of seeding just to get your ratio to 0.3. Invites also cost 100 points for the inviter to get.

Obviously this makes it a lot harder for anyone to be willing to invite people to the site. You can't count on someone you don't know to only download freeleech albums and seed for over a month before getting what they wanted the invite for.

>> No.11984806
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Although the shipping is significantly cheaper than I expected. Only $85 for me.
I'm considering it. I'll wait to see what the people who've already ordered have to say about it.

>> No.11985198

Do they let you buy credits?

>> No.11985211

That sounds retarded. I'm sure they are aware of this. Why don't they do something about it?

>> No.11985471

does it ship from the US?
i might consider it as an alternative to the genbu controller

>> No.11985504

Maybe because they don't want people to download things and run off?

It's easy to get ratio if you jump on a new torrent which you think will be leeched for the first few days. (like a new bemani CD)

That or upload music and convert flacs to lossy formats. You can also upload requested albums, it doesn't need to be your rip.

Freeleeches are also common, maybe once every 4-5 months.

>> No.11985507

Have fun struggling for ages with dense patterns. High scroll speed makes reaction so much easier.

>> No.11985515

Looks like a dodgy as fuck site to me.

>> No.11985578


would invite you if i could talk to you beforehand

nobody does that, though

>> No.11985645


Who knows. The admin held a public discussion on it a year and a half ago but nothing came of it.

>> No.11985651

It really does, but the thing's being run by a guy from Sows who is known to be trustworthy.

>> No.11985855

Looks like it's run by chinks to me though.

>> No.11986405
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Sows fag here. Ask me literally anything about iidx/popn hardware/software.

>> No.11986470

How does one acquire a physical IIDX HDD? I mean one out of a machine, not a rip and upload.

>> No.11986681

It's no longer possible outside of winning a yahoo japan auction for an older, dated mix. The current bemani mixes (spada, sunny park, etc) now only exist on a contracted lease from Konami.

>> No.11986769

How do Sows, DJHACKERS etc have access to Tricoro and Lincle, if you can only get older versions via Yahoo Auctions?

The reason I ask is because I saw Tricoro HDDs for sale on Taobao.

>> No.11986893

Spada and Sunny Park are newer than Tricoro and Lincle.

>> No.11987050

We have a connection in Korea that rips us the data.

>> No.11987113 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 829x1200, vofan - Fly to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won the PS2 one on an auction from youtube. It seems to be a legit controller so even though it was a little expensive I guess It's better than a Chinese one.

What games do I get? I'd rather get the conclusive one for the PS2 and Wii but as far as I know they always remove a few songs which kind of sucks.

>> No.11987119

>Sunny Park
Oh, my mistake. I'm sorry.

Interesting. I wonder who they are.

>> No.11987123
File: 405 KB, 829x1200, vofan - Fly to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won the PS2 one on an auction from Ebay. It seems to be a legit controller so even though it was a little expensive I guess It's better than a Chinese one.

What games do I get? I'd rather get the conclusive one for the PS2 and Wii but as far as I know they always remove a few songs which kind of sucks.

>> No.11987270

Is anyone using the official eamoose service with SPADA? How do you unlock the missing Tricoro songs with it?

>> No.11987650

Concerning DJDAO controller - are the Sanwa buttons actually worth paying additional 88 dollars?

>> No.11987670

If you don't get them you might be stuck like me wanting to order them separately but not wanting to pay for the ridiculous shipping cost again. You should get both and some extra LEDs as well because you can't find those either.

>> No.11987867

I wouldn't say they are worth the extra 88... but they are definitely nice if you can afford it. You may also regret not getting sanwas in the long run. This would probably help you - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyTYiEhMYG4

Just purchase them from somewhere else besides djdao's website. They're not the only place to get arcade parts and LEDs.

>> No.11987931

Thanks a lot for the replies. The video was really helpful.

>> No.11987941

are there any other places besides gamo2 where you can buy omron microswitches i accidentally got honeywell

>> No.11988357

You can get omron microswitches almost anywhere - try mouser or digikey and just look up the part number you want.

>> No.11988620

Where can you buy sanwa buttons and not have to pay a ton for international shipping? Pretty sure you can't.

>> No.11989238


on official eamuse servers, you must get 150 Tran medals in spada to get your Tricoro unlocks back.

>> No.11989262


You wouldn't believe how many users will be invited, download Tricoro, Sunny Park, and SDVX, then never be heard from again.

There's also examples of users running their own arcade and charging to play on PSun (mostly in Korea, but also in Japan). More than simply profiting off of piracy, this attracts Konami's attention. The last thing we need is more C&D letters...

>> No.11989354

How come they aren't on the official eAmuse network, is it exclusive to Japan only?

>> No.11989372

is there any SPADA sows yet?

>> No.11989378

The BMSes are up, the hard drive update data is uploaded but encrypted, so you need the dongles and shit. DJ HACKERS is working on a release atm.

>> No.11989388

Please do not attempt to answer questions beyond "no" if you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.11989404

Is this some kind of le epin bait?

>> No.11989416

Thanks. This works for everything including Cafe de Tran, right? It ended recently and this is what the english wiki says:

"The Café de Tran event will end on March 3rd, 2014. It is currently unknown how the songs will be available after that."

and the official site:

"なお、beatmania IIDX 21 SPADAで解禁する場合は、本サイト上で楽曲をゲットした後、beatmania IIDX 21 SPADAをプレーすることで解禁することができます。"

Also, does this mean Dellar isn't needed to unlock songs at all? I was wondering if I should just blow all of them on making my avatar kawaii.

>> No.11989540

>Also, does this mean Dellar isn't needed to unlock songs at all? I was wondering if I should just blow all of them on making my avatar kawaii.

This reminds me, how do you unlock stuff that isn't songs in Tricoro on PSun? The dellar shop only has songs. How do you get more frames, menu voices, and avatar parts?

>> No.11989671

if people used seedboxes?

I might use seedboxes in the end if I can get into sows

>> No.11989713

I saw a bunch of customization options (frames, fonts, menu BGM, explosion effects, parts) on the front page. Or does it not have everything yet?

Speaking of customizations, the official service requires a monthly subscription if you want to change anything that isn't the avatar. Fucking bullshit

>> No.11990289

Everything that isn't a q-pro part is unlocked already. You will need to play step-up mode for q-pro parts.

>> No.11990290

Anyone know any good R21 ITG songpacks with decent doubles charts rated between 9 and 12? Whether or not the song selection is good doesn't really matter to me.

>> No.11990693
File: 275 KB, 2048x1152, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIDX Controller Akira Yamaoka Edition.

>> No.11990701
File: 220 KB, 1280x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamaoka and me.

>> No.11990704
File: 251 KB, 1152x2048, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11990716

How did you get to meet him? Did you drool over him and comment on how amazing all the Silent Hill music is?

>> No.11990835

I don't play doubles, but I asked a friend who does and plays usually 9-12. She says lately she's been going through the charts recommended on this thread: http://r21freak.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=20132

I think they're available as one pack on DivineElegy? I didn't test this out, though. http://divinelegy.com/simfiles/telperion/Doubles%20Tournament%20Expansion%20(r1).zip

>> No.11990895

no, SPADA will not be released on programmed sun until the next version of IIDX is out in arcades. This is a request from the provider of the data.

The BMSs will always be around, just like stepmania packs of every DDR version.

The encrypted HDD of Spada was uploaded for preservation reasons.

Spada is on programmed world. use http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcades.php to find participating locations (not including LA's Round 1).

I'm not entirely sure when songs will be available in the EA dellar shop (probably after Qprogue).

>wait for sherlok's birthday
>weekend freeleech
>invite new users galore
>no hurt feelings
I'm seriously considering this.

All QPro parts are now pre-unlocked on PW and Psun. DJH was looking into the req's for the spada qpros and just said 'fuck it'.

>> No.11990915

scratch that, only PW qpros are unlocked

>> No.11991222
File: 69 KB, 607x640, 33333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scratch that

>> No.11991433

Many thanks. I've been mostly venturing into ITG3 files and making my own, but I'm not accustomed or skilled enough at doubles to know how to make a proper chart myself. Cross-pad patterns I think would be okay turn out to be much harder than I expect them to be, but I also feel having them be to streamy and nontechnical to be boring and lacking character.

>> No.11991607

Does that mean there's no frames or menu voices to unlock for Tricoro? Kind of disappointing.

>> No.11991677

if anyone wants a programmed sun operator account (the ability to generate pcbids for connecting to programmed sun) invite hit me up with your email address on tumblr

if you're expected to maintain a leech/seed ratio on any private torrent tracker, you're expected to provide content. the second-easiest thing to do (behind waiting for months of seedpoints) is to pull out non-shitty rips of all your god damn touhou and kancolle donjon music and create torrents other people would want to download

also, there's close to no punishment for inviting someone who gets banned

for some reason, i was under the impression that you only had to have the subscription to change settings, but you got to keep them even if the subscription expired? i could be totally wrong about this

>The BMSs will always be around, just like stepmania packs of every DDR version.
if you want bmss with keysounds, you're gonna have to wait until the hdd is decrypted

>wait for sherlok's birthday
>weekend freeleech
>invite new users galore
>no hurt feelings
>I'm seriously considering this.
invites are disabled while freeleech is enabled, fyi


>> No.11991686

Also, forgot to mention, a couple of Pop'n mixes playable on Programmed Sun have been uploaded to blackcats if you have any luck getting on there.

>> No.11991690

>if you're expected to maintain a leech/seed ratio on any private torrent tracker, you're expected to provide content. the second-easiest thing to do (behind waiting for months of seedpoints) is to pull out non-shitty rips of all your god damn touhou and kancolle donjon music and create torrents other people would want to download
Wouldn't shitting up a Bemani-focused tracker with unrelated torrents be a quick way to get yourself kicked out, instead? That makes as much sense as putting movies on Bitgamer.

>> No.11991700

>I'm not entirely sure when songs will be available in the EA dellar shop (probably after Qprogue).
Shit, looks like I'm not playing Cafe de Tran songs for a while.

Keysounded SPADA BMSs have been up for several months already.

>> No.11991709

Would a tracker really kick you out for providing tangentially related content, though?

>> No.11991807

I met a guy at my local arcade today who said he had met Dolce while in Japan. Apparently Dolce really likes drinking. The guy also managed to AA a 12 Another.

>> No.11991858


a lot of arcade data that isn't bemani related gets uploaded, as do various japanese electronic albums, and i've personally uploaded a few totally unrelated console games to the tracker because they were at some point requested

we've had decrypted data for about as long as the keysounded bmss have been around

what do you think programmed world cabs are running on?

>> No.11991871

Konami discontinued the console versions after Empress. For arcades, since tricoro you can't start the game offline, it need to be connected to e-amuse to even run. The western world has no official e-amuse and the games are not even licensed for US/EU. Despite this, in the western world there are arcades with Spada and people play tricoro at home. All thanks to the dedication of a few people, they've litterally saved IIDX for the entire world outside of asia. Because of that, it's quite stringent and hush-hush. If it goes down, it's bye bye to IIDX for the western world. And that is pretty much the worst nightmare of a lot of players.

>> No.11991893


>> No.11991895


>> No.11991899

Are you looking for something special?

Because I got a "rock candy" ps3 controller from best buy for $15

>> No.11993004

My hands are retarded

>> No.11993659

I tried to watch a replay in lr2 for the first time and now all the music notes are stuck with every song I play. Restarting my computer and switching skins around doesn't help. My judge timer was reset and my high speed selection thing is broken. Fucking piece of shit program, I'm going to have to reinstall it and lose 10 months worth of scores.

>> No.11993680

does anyone want to play osu?

>> No.11993904

If you played online and remember your ID/password you can probably recover your scores.

>> No.11994380

we can be friends! http://osu.ppy.sh/u/1132728

>> No.11994396

all offline

>> No.11994698

Do you still have an operator invite to spare?

>> No.11995006
File: 34 KB, 639x219, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My FP7 is didn't take 3 weeks to manufacture, to my joy.

>> No.11995067

okay! im new to osu so be gentle!

>> No.11995203

the first thing thats going to strike you when you open the box is the smell
its like they use motor oil to lube it up
it made me imagine smog filled china

>> No.11995216

Did you get Omron switches? You'll regret it if you didn't.

>> No.11995233

that's not true.

omron switches can be easily obtained for much less than dao charges for them

>> No.11995259

I know, point was just that using Honeywells is gonna suck when you get up to like 9s or even some 8s or 7s. Pretty much any TaQ or L.E.D. song or other stuff with double-taps or jacks will be impossible to enjoy. Get it from somewhere else if you want to save some bucks and can be assed.

>> No.11995272

>Pretty much any TaQ or L.E.D. song or other stuff with double-taps or jacks will be impossible to enjoy.
This is true regardless of what microswitches you have.

>> No.11995298

I like to play TaQ/L.E.D. stuff. Even some SLAKE songs are fun.

>> No.11995359

I fucking love TaQ. I wish he made more songs for IIDX.

>> No.11995450

i totally agree

but that's gottamix 2 anon

i wish NaHaNaHa vs Gattchoon was in every beatmania ;_;

>> No.11995464

Too bad he left after 10th style.

>> No.11995469

I look forward to it then. I have insense in my room so I will use that.

Yes, I got 50g ones. I think I might have posted above; its an FP7 with green and white LEDs.

>> No.11996291

Didn't he have a song in empress?

>> No.11996497

just got into sows without sucking dick
got invited by someone i asked for iidx controller advice once.
feels fucking GOOD

>> No.11996527

Man what the fuck's up with SPADA's charts
It's like the dark souls of bemani

>> No.11996908

difficulty creep. happens with every rating scale rhythm game as time passes and the game still stands

>> No.11996917

Is there a list of good taptap games for PC floating around anywhere? I'm new to rhythm games and I've yet to find any.

>> No.11997235

here's a few
DJMax Trilogy
Osu osu.ppy.sh
Lunatic Rave 2 (https://mega.co.nz/#F!5UoSnAaD!Y9Fp9BLHVqEdJ4ubGDXWtg for BMS files for it, google Lunatic Rave 2 guide)
IIDX 20: Tricoro, http://pastebin.com/97ie1u0E

That's everything good around.
Tricoro takes alot of effort setting up.

>> No.11997317

O2Jam/O2Mania is alright too.

>> No.11997334

Also that tricoro guide is very outdated and will not work anymore as you now need to get a PCBID from someone with an operator account on psun, following that guide will just give you an error when trying to start the game. And that torrent does not have the full data (red/blue/yellow etc) so it doesn't have all songs. Bemanitools is now in 4.21 as well.

>> No.11997350

Only way to get full data is to go on sows.
I followed the guide and it brought me to the psun forums where everything was explained, with a bit of effort they could've found out for themselves.

>> No.11997444

So I was following that guide and have the Tricoro torrent but am yet to set it up. Do I miss out on anything apart from the red blue yellow events, and those songs associated with them?
I do have a PCBID but now I'm concerned I won't be playing full Tricoro.

>> No.11997450

You're missing a few songs, but once you get serious about beatmania, you'll be able to get 'em.
If you really want to play the Tricoro songs without getting serious about bemani, you could always get the BMS files for tricoro with lunatic rave 2, it just would not be as good.

>> No.11997470

Right then, thank you. I'm focusing on playing rips of the official games, but I'm more just starting out.

>> No.11997471
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11997494

The rips are a lot harder than BMS files in LR2, so it would definately help starting on rips.

One more thing, think about switching to an ASC early, like, as soon as you can complete 4's and 5's, because all your skill in playing on a keyboard will be irrelevant when you switch to a controller.

If you make the switch too late, you will be frustrated by having to do songs you could already complete early again before becoming as good as you used to be.

If you're going to play KB, there's a certain key binding that can help you if you don't play on a mechanical KB (on some KB's, chords of 3 or more keys wont register if you don't use this) and it has about the same keyspacing/handshape as when playing the controllers.
TT (turntable) shift
1 Z
2 E
3 C
4 8
5 K
6 0
7 ;

this will make switching a bit easier when you do switch.
Also, IF you switch, DO NOT GET HONEYWELL SWITCHES, I can't stress this enough.
I prefer the 100g's, but alot of people swear by the 50g's.

>> No.11997498

If anyone needs advice/help, I'd be happy to induct people into the IIDX cult.

>> No.11997495
File: 21 KB, 350x280, pandasan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, plus Winter Fantasy, Miracle Moon, Manmachine Plays Jazz, and goddamn Hell Scaper.

>> No.11997650

Of course; I find it very difficult to actually play on a standard keyboard, and am waiting for my controller to arrive. It should be here within a few days. I ordered 50g Omron switches. I think someone above said the DAO standard springs are 40g; I watched a video that recommended using 150g total of resistance, so I'm probably going to pick up some 100g springs when I can. My experience thus far comes from playing on a local arcade machine, and other rhythm games that have taught me to read notes and predict approach rates. That keyboard binding guide is good though; I would like to try and convince some friends to try out the game so that might be a good idea.

What makes LR2 easier? I quite like alot of the BMS of Fighters songs and wanted to play them. I have tried out LR2, and it seems a little clunky, but it's okay apart from that.

>> No.11997663

Most of the chart's timing are set to EASY which is wider than IIDX timing windows. You can also hold down on charge notes instead of letting go at the end.

>> No.11997681

From what I've heard they're already 80-100g on both DAO and Sanwa buttons so it's probably not needed to get new springs. I've had both DAO and Sanwa buttons and they both feel great with Omron 50g's, Sanwas feeling a bit better but not hugely different.

LR2 has different timings ("judgerank") which is defined in the BMS files. You'll see when selecting a song that there's a field that says either EASY, NORMAL, or HARD (EXPERT?). EASY is a lot easier than normal IIDX timing, NORMAL is about the same, HARD is harder. What I've done is I've edited the files to all be NORMAL (can't do it in the game unfortunately) to roughly match IIDX.

A side note, not all IIDX songs have the same timings - a bunch of them have custom ones depending on factors such as note density and type of sounds used. The prime example is GAMBOL of course, which has a ridiculously tight timing window on H and A (I think it was really a mistake that ended up as a joke when it got into the game). This was probably the reason why LR2 made the judgeranks and had it to be specified by the BMS maker.

>> No.11997717

If you can somewhat read Japanese this is a pretty good overview of different switch/spring combinations and their feeling.

>> No.11997741
File: 128 KB, 681x435, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSun has every qpro unlocked now.

>> No.11997745

western world has e-Amuse in Round 1, can't believe you're even saying this

>> No.11997757

I've never been there(never been to 'murrica in fact),
but from what I heard, Round 1 runs the machines on Programmed world.

>> No.11997765
File: 1.65 MB, 1726x950, ripika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripika is so cute

>> No.11997813

Nope, that's wrong. Round 1 has legitimate e-Amuse. People have to pay for Paseli to get rivals etc. Both SPADA and GITADORA are both on official eA.

>> No.11998141
File: 9 KB, 125x140, thwack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked through all the new stuff but in the end I decided not to change anything.

>> No.11999554

So is DDR dying?

>> No.11999757

DDR is dead, long live ITG.

>> No.11999887
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 20140328_011654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tough...
Gotta keep on going!

>> No.12000034

Round 1 is a huge exception. Konami isn't selling Tricoro/eAmuse to Americans. The only reason Round 1 has official cabs is because Round 1 is a Japanese company that already has Japanese agreements; all they simply did was place a Japanese cab owned by a Japanese amusement company a little further away from most of the other Japanese cabs. That being said, I can safely say that Konami does not give a shit about Programmed World as a competitive threat at this current time. Evidence of this would be the fact that they released their OST internationally on iTunes (a first) despite the fact that no one should know about the game's existence outside of Japan.

>> No.12000067

It's so hard to find cabinets anymore. Best I've found is sub-par upgrade cab with thirty minute drive.

>> No.12000513

>all they simply did was place a Japanese cab owned by a Japanese amusement company a little further away from most of the other Japanese cabs
Then why don't we have Sunny Park and SDVX2 yet :(

>> No.12000767


Is anyone looking forward to this?

>> No.12000804

look annoying

>> No.12000814

Yes. I'm also impressed that they've got 60 songs for their debut. P4D should take note.
The gameplay looks a bit iffy though. need them to release another trailer showing whether it's just a new skin on Gitaroo Man or not.

>> No.12000878
File: 22 KB, 350x280, 57turntable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad habit to do this?

>> No.12000886

Looks better than Project Diva at least. I would try it out if I had a vita

>> No.12000912
File: 58 KB, 834x481, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The non-sows rip guide pastebin says that Psun will ban my IP if I play without freeplay on. Do I need to do anything for this, or do I only select freeplay?

I am also having issues with pic related, but I'm not sure what the issue is.

>> No.12000984

Disable all network adapters other than the one you use to connect to the internet

>> No.12001387

that sticker on the turn table is really good at peeling off halfway and cutting your finger open

>> No.12001428

How shittily do you treat your controller? I've had mine for four years and the sticker is still totally fine.

>> No.12001465



>> No.12001647

Not as long as you still can hit 567 chords. Many good players do that.

>> No.12001816

he looks so comfortable playing

>> No.12002131

Any ideas why tricoro would crash upon attempting to load into full screen?

>> No.12002153

wrong resolution?
possibly desktop composition

>> No.12002160

I suspected resolution. I'm running 1920x1200 which is 16:10, would that affect it? I tried editing the .bat launcher as below

launcher -k iidxhook.dll bm2dx.dll -u -i 1002:7146 %*


launcher -k iidxhook.dll bm2dx.dll -u -i 1200:1920 %*

but to no effect. What do you mean by desktop composition?

>> No.12002170

You're only supposed to use or add -w. Nothing else. tricoro runs at 1280x720 windowed and fullscreen, you can't force anything else.

>> No.12002187

Ok then. Apparently the crash is being attributed to a file called bm2dx.dll.

>> No.12002275

im always wiping mine down with a microfiber towel while you wipe yours down with your cheeto dusted fingers, you rude son of a bitch

>> No.12002279

mine was already sticking out when i unboxed it

>> No.12002313

If you use dual monitors then it can cause the game to not load if you are not running in window mode. Turn off one of the monitors in windows diplay options or put -w at the end of that launcher line in the bat file.

>> No.12002372

I only have a single monitor, and have never used more than one.

>> No.12002424

would this be a good place to beg for a sows invite
i can provide proof of being able to keep a ratio

>> No.12002431

what do you want to download?

>> No.12002434

updates for tricoro, mainly
i'm not the type to just download whatever i want without any regard for ratio though

>> No.12002440

how big are the updates?

>> No.12002445

i-i don't know i'm not on sows

>> No.12002958

how big should sunny park be roughly?
found a torrent with shoddy speeds but a promising filesize

>> No.12002988

I found the yellow update (and all the previous ones as well) from a Chinese source, but it requires a Chinese captcha to download. Maybe some kind soul with enough ability to look up via radicals would be nice enough to reupload somewhere less shitty. I tried looking up via radical but I was too slow and it kept timing out on me.


>> No.12003120

works fine here without chinese captcha

I'll reupload it on mega later if you wait for a night or more

>> No.12003123
File: 44 KB, 861x196, baiduIsShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12003196

Will it work if I apply LDJ-2013090900 on my LDJ-2012100900? Or do I need to get two other updates first?

Just use google translate handwriting input for chinese.

>> No.12003453
File: 11 KB, 1365x87, deliverLDJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will deliver soon

>> No.12003768

you need to do the updates in order

>> No.12003904

I'm thinking this Baidu one will work even without the previous updates as it looks like it includes a lot of files that don't make any sense for it to include like the sound files for the base songs. Not to mention this "update" is 2GB whereas other ones were only a few hundred MB. I think whoever uploaded it initially meant for it to be a drop in replacement to update from the base game.

>> No.12004022

the update works for my LDJ:J:A:A:2012100900

>> No.12004036


>> No.12004045

Found a copy of PnM 19, but it had some weird files instead of the usual bemanitools. Copying pasting bemanitools files into it and running them doesn't work either.

I guess this is fucked? Original file had a SD and HD bat file which works but I'd rather get it connected to PSUN.

>> No.12004130

is there any way to download this without the stupid download manager

>> No.12004183

No idea, that's where I got stuck. I even made an account on a trash e-mail to see if I could use it but I'm stuck at activating on the Chinese captcha. Even looking up via Google translate isn't doing any good.

>> No.12004356

How long did the activation email take to come?

>> No.12004374

Not long, practically instantly. I'm the anon that posted the link initially so I've been trying off and on for days to actually get in. I just held off on posting it here because I understand where the sows exclusivity comes in, but I'll be fucked if I don't want it and figured someone might be able to get it. Looks like my gamble paid off if mega-kun delivers.

I still have no idea how to download the batch without the accelerator, though, and the single files keep timing out on me when I try to download.

>> No.12004976

i just activated a baidu account and the only captcha was when i had to enter my email and it was in roman characters
i'm gonna try to download it now just in case mega-kun isn't coming back

>> No.12005049
File: 27 KB, 1366x189, fuckyouMega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Mega fucked me up and I lost progress of my 8 hours of uploading 2 GB

I'm splitting the file to 500MB now, but still your best bet is to get it straight from Baidu.

>> No.12006352


>> No.12006357
File: 51 KB, 1365x286, fuckThisShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12006368

thanks mega
i tried using that chinese downloader and my speed maxed out at 30kb/s, you're my only hope

>> No.12006400

your hope is 4 hours away... probably more since I'm going to sleep and this thing probably fail again...

I'll leave the 5 link here
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5

>> No.12006429
File: 5 KB, 190x102, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure you did it right

>> No.12006432

i made an account and got the file to start downloading
unless i had to go through the settings to remove limits then i'm certain it was set up correctly

>> No.12006851

I don't know what the fuck happened but that chinese download manager ended up downloading 34 gb, full tricoro probably. Copied it over my 2012100900 and everything is working.

>> No.12007029

That's quite impressive. How long did it take? It took me about 2 days to torrent.

>> No.12007032

im a bit new to the rythm game scene only played osu! and djmax trilogy
could someone recommend a game? free would be nice but it can cost too

>> No.12007115

About the same I guess.

>> No.12007161

buy a IIDX controller and play that forever

>> No.12007168

Any chance you could upload the blue, yellow and red data? Or are you that guy with abysmal upspeed.

>> No.12007212

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5

>> No.12007234

thank you

>> No.12007372

as long as you have 2012100900 or follow the torrent on the pastebin it will work
at least I played in Yellow Phase and no problem found so far, no damage on psun too...

>> No.12007643


The owner of sows usually puts on freeleech during his birthday, April 26th. Invites are disabled during freeleech, but I could probably invite some of you a few days beforehand. Keep an eye out on the /jp/ thread.

If any other sows members would like to help other anons out, be my guest.

>> No.12007646

what's the timeout for accounts being deleted for inactivity?
not-so-subtle invite request

>> No.12007657

yep, I do. Game can get stupid after level 70s, highest difficulty atm is a 90, some guy full combo'd somehow. Songs are good, but atm half of the events are just giving out shit songs,

>> No.12007822

Is there any way to keep Tricoro from freezing every time I hit the ALT key?

>> No.12007855

If you guys who need sows invites mention you're from /jp/ in your introductory posts on PSun I'll see what I can do.

>> No.12007860

Press ALT again?

>> No.12007876

Stop pressing ALT.

>> No.12007879

I take it freeleech is where you don't need to upload proportional to the amount you download?

>> No.12007961

I get my FP7 tomorrow. It left customs about 3 hours ago, but it's nighttime.

>> No.12007996

I don't think I could separate Updates from the 2012100900 files reliably.
Anyway, looks like other anon finally uploaded everything on mega.
But what if I already have PSun? (got an invite a week ago)

>> No.12008271

they're expensive as fuck so yea
i would if i would have enough money

>> No.12008840

>But what if I already have PSun? (got an invite a week ago)
Edit your post then. Or just say who you are there.
I'd just tell you to PM me but I don't want to get done if Sows is against discussing invites in public places.

>> No.12008973

1 month under ratio, you're dead

>> No.12009216

Edited my post to mention jaypee. Waiting warmly.

>> No.12009250

My username is bigmouthbillybass if you feel like sending out a PM.

>> No.12009323
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>> No.12009402


very nice. You should buy an arcin board to get that analog TT and you'll be set for life.

>> No.12009502

Why is there a $100 difference between the FP7 and the PEE? The turntable seems to be the only difference.

>> No.12009663
File: 202 KB, 927x465, please god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just edited my post in the introduction thread
my username there is trappedinlimbo j-just to make sure that someone sees it
here is also an image of my ratios on 3 trackers (1 private and 2 public) and in utorrent (if it would make any difference i'm really desperate)

>> No.12009826

banned ;)

>> No.12009861

Aside from playing a lot how to I get good?
I'm currently using LR2 with 9th Mix BMS and the PS2 ASC, and I can't even pass songs using an easy judgment.

>> No.12009869

Continue playing a lot.

>> No.12009904

is it against the psun forums rules to conspire to receive an sows invite with someone off the forum using the forum as a means of contact

>> No.12009913

It's against the rules of most private trackers to ask for invites in public spaces.
Go lurk in the irc like everyone else that's a member did.

>> No.12009914

in a way as public as this, yes. it's also strictly against the rules to solicit invitations publicly, as well as to upload game data to places other than sows

i assume that's why >>12009250 was banned

>> No.12010039

Alright, found you guys. That's all the invites I can send out at the moment.

He hasn't actually been banned; you guys gave me a scare there.

>> No.12010050

You guys probably ought to delete your posts though, just to be on the safe side.

>> No.12010051

Whether they have or haven't, I wouldn't think of it as a good idea. Sows members watch these threads and keep track of who breaks trust by giving out (what i refer to as) candy-invites. Hell just trying to get an invite to a public tracker on a public forum is enough for people to write you off.

>> No.12010053

Bit too late for that one. Already archived via foolz.

>> No.12010057

i actually got banned

>> No.12010060


in that case... could i also get one? name's sirhelmet lol

>> No.12010063


>Please note that the selling, trading or public giving away of our invitations is strictly forbidden, and will result in you and your entire invite tree being banned. This includes offering to give away our invitations on public forums.
Well, now I'm paranoid.

>> No.12010066

Exactly, and that is why you don't do it. now go lurk in the irc, be a decent person and make some friends. Guaranteed method for progress. (It just might take a bit longer than you'd expect)

>> No.12010067

nice going dongo

>> No.12010073

I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone talk in the IRC.

>> No.12010075

Then you haven't been lurking for long enough then. Hell, just try talking to people there. We're nice folks that all share a common interest in rhythm vidya. Shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.12010080

it's pretty silent sometimes, but if you idle you'll find that conversations happen throughout the day

>> No.12010090

Wouldn't it be obvious if someone came into IRC trying super hard to befriend anyone just to get an invite?

>> No.12010093

Dont mention ever being there for an invite. Just say you're new to all of this and be a normalfag.

>> No.12010100

>be a normalfag.
/jp/'s ultimate challenge.

>> No.12010103

jesus, you guys don't exactly know how to needle your way into a private tracker do you?

>> No.12010106

Apparently not.

>> No.12010234

When you say the IRC, do you mean the PSun IRC?

>> No.12010236

psun irc tends to be more active than sows irc

>> No.12010237

Yep, that one.

>> No.12010239

Which is precisely why I'm not a member there despite knowing about it for years. I just lurk the web in hopes for reuploads elsewhere.

>> No.12010241

Dude, I was talking about Sows. No wonder, then.

>> No.12010243
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You just do it like this, right?

>> No.12010244

They're both the same server, just different channels.

>> No.12010245

Huh, I must have gotten lucky somehow, I managed to get an invite not on sows irc lol

>> No.12010254
File: 3 KB, 293x107, 1396325894471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of...

>> No.12010710

I spent five years straight playing Stepmania every day.
I tried playing Lunatic Rave 2 and got my shit pushed in.
Time to start practicing I guess.

>> No.12010720

LR2 is a poor way to play anyway since the timing is off compared to real IIDX.

>> No.12010761

>implying sows or psun irc discussions are ever about anything other than hard drugs or who we raped this week

the music game community is charming, really

>> No.12010789
File: 51 KB, 222x268, 1394617518588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took apart and repaired(?) my fourth key after it started screwing up on me in my DAO. First time I've done that. No idea what the problem was, but it seems to be working fine again now.

Those hex screws were a pain in the arse to undo, though. And even after undoing all the screws on the silver parts I still couldn't take those off, so I guess I won't be making a custom cover any time soon.

>> No.12010909

it's still good for learning patterns and reading.

Make sure you're using a key setup where it is spread if you're playing on a keyboard.

>> No.12010969

Is Dao the best choice for a Pop'n ASC

>> No.12011006


>> No.12011145

A good percentage of active users on sows are not normalfags, just sayin'. Quite a few of us go on /jp/ to talk about our foot appendage prostitutes and onaholes and vn waifus. Don't worry about not being a rave kid or a furry or not having a con presence.

Just don't be annoying or a dick.

>> No.12011348

Hey guys, thought I'd mention that bemanistyle is back up! Go download some simfiles!

>> No.12011630

Are there country restrictions for Sows? I don't live in the US, Europe or Asia.

>> No.12011881

Oh shit tricoro.net seems to be back as well.

>> No.12011938

Not really, but there are region restrictions for Programmed Sun--don't live in an area where real eAmuse is in abundance (South Korea, Japan).

>> No.12012942

any sows here? What's the latest pop'n append data on it?

>> No.12013125
File: 25 KB, 309x272, koreawat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit you what?

also wtf captcha

>> No.12013310

And now while playing I heard the nuts fall off two of the screws inside the controller. I get the feeling early DAOs didn't really have the best build quality.

>> No.12013509

Get into sows and find out yourself.

>> No.12013754

How far can you get /jp/?

>> No.12013777

I guess this is mostly Stepmania stuff? I didn't recognise much of it.

>> No.12013781

DDR, I mean.

>> No.12013916

I can almost instantly recognize iidx songs. But that's it. I've played a little DDR but it was long time ago so I remember very few songs and can't distinguish shit ton remixes of paranoia and trip machine.

>> No.12013974


420,610. Haven't played since Extreme.

>> No.12013974,1 [INTERNAL] 

does anybody has a invite gift(?) to join programmed sun?

>> No.12013974,2 [INTERNAL] 

Sure here you go:


>> No.12013974,3 [INTERNAL] 

wtf man not cool

>> No.12013974,4 [INTERNAL] 

My mom saw that you asshole!!
