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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 141 KB, 800x600, リアル妹がいる大泉くんのばあい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12000001 No.12000001 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>11987594

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.12000019

Why do male friends always have to go around saying the dumbest shit to reinforce their or the MC's fetishes? What happened to actual bros?

>> No.12000049

Bros don't have ero scenes. Broges are great though, no homo.

>> No.12000055

Because boys tend to talk about porn and stuff while still being supportive and bros.

>> No.12000059

I know but it's boring when they just spout unfunny ero jokes or are just used as the character who comically gets shit on at every moment.

>> No.12000064

I like those, implies the MC is someone who can tease and laugh at other people properly.

>> No.12000083

Lesbian side characters are the worst. Yumeiro has a particularly bad one.

>> No.12000087

I like what hitoren did to that archetype, makes you understand why she's all over her crush and then just gradually shifts it to the MC.

>> No.12000106

Seriously why even include them though, like they don't serve any purpose because they usually have no sex scenes, no threesomes, and outside of some groping scenes in onsen or locker rooms that would only turn me on if I was still 13, there is no point. They don't create interest, they usually make me hate whatever heroine they're stalking as well, and it's not even funny most of the time.

>> No.12000110

Fandisk potential if the game is popular enough I guess, converting a lesbian seems fulfilling.
Daitoshokan fd is having this for the only female you couldn't fuck in the main game.

>> No.12000119
File: 497 KB, 1360x768, capture_050_16062013_130454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Supporting male characters are usually just the same unfunny butt monkeys. I would prefer if the side-kicks got their own heroines more often, perhaps even full blown routes from their perspective. That would actually fix a lot of problems I have with regular eroge. More varied MCs, no silly harems where there isn't an actual harem ending (worse than Hitler) and best of all also lift the quilt trip I always get from playing more than one route. Or they could just make them actual characters instead of always resorting to the same "stupid ero-buddy" cliche.

Speaking of which do any of you have eroge with likeable male characters to recommend? So far from stuff I've read
Multiple protagonists with their own heroines: Swan Song, SubaHibi, ef, Kajiri Kamui Kagura
Male side gets his own love but no route: Grisaia no Rakuen, Asairo, Senshinkan
Leyline games also had pretty non-standard and likeable male characters and at least one of them could get his own love interest depending on how the final game turns out. Daru in Steins;Gate was bit of an ero-butt monkey but still managed to be a likeable character despite that.

>> No.12000135


レミニセンス had a pretty strong male cast imo.

>> No.12000140

I tend to prefer games with ensemble casts, or more than one male friend. If it's just one or two males in a sea of estrogen it gets to be too much. Unfortunately not many current games have this, and I feel like it will only continue to get more rare.

Clover Heart's has two protagonists, you might want to try that out. It's an older game though and I haven't personally played it so I don't know if it's any good.

>> No.12000144

All the male characters in Conboku were surprisingly interesting and their interactions with MC were hilarious.
Also, not eroge but I found K1 and Ooishi from Higurashi to be decent and likable characters.

>> No.12000161

The ratio of males/females is directly related to the quality of the writing. Casts with a high ratio of either female or males (especially) also tend to have the lowest quality writing.

>> No.12000171

With high ratio of male characters, do you mean otome games or regular eroge with an abnormally large amount of male characters? I'm inclined to agree either way though.

>> No.12000173

Yurige confirmed for worst writing ever.

>> No.12000181


>> No.12000182
File: 156 KB, 454x259, 47030a73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

46:1, this must be a horrible game.

>> No.12000184

Otome/BL games specifically.
I read an otome game once and it was the worst experience of my life.

And I can't really think of eroge with an absurdly large male cast. But a decent amount of male characters tend to roughly equal more focus on the plot.

>> No.12000186

And Akagoei is even better on that.
You should try Scarlett for multiple protagonists.

>> No.12000189

Never read it, I don't enjoy historical figures turned into cute girls plots unless it's a parody that doesn't take itself seriously at all.
Is it really that good?

>> No.12000190

But do you really know if it has bad writing? What if it's the masterpiece of our time?

>> No.12000192

Pretty much.

>> No.12000194

>Is it really that good?


>> No.12000198

yall niggas are gay

>> No.12000210

It's on the Chinese top 10 recommendation chart for new friends.
Among others are Josou Sanmyaku, Imouto Choukyou Nikki, 3days and White Album 2, just to name a few.

>> No.12000212

I'm just sick of constantly getting the same shit shoved in my face.

But yeah I do like men.

>> No.12000217

It must be. After all, the more dudes something has the more it focuses on plot.

>> No.12000221

Then maybe you'd be better off with a different hobby.

>> No.12000222

Yaoi and otome doesn't count.

>> No.12000226

How convenient.

>> No.12000229

Seriously dude. I was talking about eroge.

>> No.12000231

>But yeah I do like men.

Finding eroge which caters to your interest must be hell.

Speaking of gay, I find it quite astonishing how gayge have always a high ranking on vndb and even on nyaa the game with the most seeds is dramatical murder. Is it all because of those 16 year old girls? Or is this scene full of homos?

>> No.12000237


There are yaoi and otome games which are eroge.

>> No.12000238

I think it's just young girls that make up those download numbers, also the art for that was pretty good and it was made by an off-brand of Nitroplus, so I could see people looking into it if they thought it would have a good plot.

It doesn't.

>> No.12000243

It's also getting an anime adaptation.

>> No.12000244

Homoge is garbage, but it will always be highly rated by teenage landwhales who have absolutely no semblance of good taste.

The eroge that are catered towards us and this thread, fool.

>> No.12000247

I enjoyed it thoroughly.

>> No.12000250

I'm in too deep. Besides, it's a good way to keep my Japanese fresh.

>> No.12000255

What is a good starting point for someone extremely well-versed in Japanese? I'm looking for something difficult and challenging to read.

>> No.12000258


Dies Irae
Kajiri Kamui Kagura
Albatross Koukairoku

>> No.12000273
File: 371 KB, 1024x600, what the fuck am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dies Irae and 神咒神威神楽, but make sure to read the former first.
相州戦神館學園 八命陣
Or pick pretty much any raiL-soft game.

>> No.12000280

You should know better than to post screenshots in Chinese.

>> No.12000284

Please tell Masada to write his games in Japanese.

>> No.12000288

There really isn't anything that hard besides Mareni.

>> No.12000298

There's one の.

>> No.12000299

Just some non nonsensical chanting gibberish blabla. Is this why these chuuni games are considered hard?

>> No.12000318
File: 575 KB, 1360x768, capture_122_02032014_082152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't obviously speak for all chuuni games but at least Masada's stuff have more verbose text in general, not just "chanting gibberish".

>> No.12000410

Not him but, what you guys call Masada's "verbose" also isn't hard. It isn't like he's trying to simulate some 純文学 with a insane syntax and everything else as Mareni sometimes.

>> No.12000455

What's this Mareni game? Neither EGS or VNDB brought up anything.

>> No.12000472

Where are the all the releases?

Oh my god don't tell the the government finally shut them down? Is Japan in anarchy right now? How will this tread go on?

>> No.12000473

This is most retarded post I've seen in /jp/ for quite a while.

>> No.12000476 [DELETED] 

So he's a writer? Still couldn't find anything.

>> No.12000485

Wait nevermind, couldn't find with EGS's creator search but googling "MARENI エロゲ" did the job. So you meant raiL-soft's writer.

>> No.12000486


It was my fault though.

>> No.12000490

I reported you, don't worry.

>> No.12000492

>couldn't find with EGS's creator search
EGS 101: there's second drop-down thing in search, which you should switch to furigana. Enter マレニ there and you get correct record.

>> No.12000505

That's useful to know. Thanks.
I'm not that familiar with EGS since the proxies I use stop randomly working and usually I can't be arsed enough to get a new one.

>> No.12000539

I'm reading SubaHibi, reached the 13th in Invention.

I can't read any more, I'm too scared. it's also 5 AM and I can't go to sleep.

>> No.12000548

Switch to a cute moege for awhile.

>> No.12000751

Will steins gate be out Sunday night at 12 or later monday? will it have to be cracked or is it drm free?

>> No.12000756

Have you played the game? Akira was a bro.

>> No.12000764

It's been out for five years.

>> No.12000768

They're called galge for a reason.

It's surprising how even in these threads there are some of that breed of Western fans who apparently don't actually like eroge but hang around anyway. I know you're going to say that you're into the medium for the select few "superior" plot-driven games, but damn it must suck to only like about 1% of the stuff that gets released. If I were you guys I'd just read sci-fi/fantasy novels or something.

>> No.12000772

Who cares what other people do. Where are the releases today?

>> No.12000781

Since you're so disinterested in the actions of others, why don't you buy them yourself instead of waiting for someone else to upload it for you?

>> No.12000784

Do I have to take care of your life now just to play my porn games?

>> No.12000787

Patience. Jesus. It's not even 5 PM, and day one uploads haven't been a guarantee for a year now.

Frankly I wouldn't mind it if all the uploads were delayed a week or so as a rule. Then maybe some of the people who are actually able to buy the games would fucking do so and the industry wouldn't be in the shitter.

>> No.12000789

I actually wouldn't mind either.

>> No.12000797

Make that "not even 4 PM". Simple arithmetic is not my strong point.

>> No.12000803

Looking forward to Clover Days and Daitoshokan Dreaming Sheep.

>> No.12000809

How am I supposed to buy the games if I'm using them to learn Japanese so I can buy them?

>> No.12000812 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 1920x1200, kill-la-kill-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you people read this shit or waste time learning japanese when you can watch masterpieces like kill la kill.

>> No.12000817

>How am I supposed to buy the games
1. Go to dlsite
2. Open page for the game you want
3. Click on add to cart
4. Click on checkout
5. Fill out forms
6. Confirm your order

>> No.12000821

that was fast

>> No.12000823

I have to justify the money spent though. If I don't know Japanese I can't read them after all.

they don't ship overseas though, checkmate

>> No.12000831

>they don't ship overseas
DLSite sells digital versions. You can download and play them as soon as you paid.

>> No.12000832

>Who cares what other people do.
I do when I end up reading through half a thread of people bitching about how games based on fucking girls have too many girl characters.

>> No.12000839

Isn't that only doujin games though? Moege keep me alive, I can't live without them.

>> No.12000841

You sound like someone who eats nothing but shit anyway, probably can't even appreciate a good deep story.

>> No.12000847

You don`t need to receive it, just send to some charity there or something. After that you can download your game somewhere with a sense of accomplishment: You helped the Develepers and saved kids.

>> No.12000848

No, there's huge selection of pro titles as well. Didn't check moege, but Eushully has its digital versions there, for example.

>> No.12000857

Do they really accept foreign credit card though? Something just feels wrong about a Japanese company like actually lets foreigners
buy stuff from them.

>> No.12000863

I didn't have any problems with my virtual visa cards issued by local bank.

>> No.12000873

If some VNs are challenging to read then you aren't "extremely well-versed"

Also you sound like a complete faglord

>> No.12000882

Are you from russia?

>> No.12000896

Will Kakei have sex with Nozomi or Sakuya? Is it NTR then in my Daitoshokan?

>> No.12000911 [DELETED] 

I accidentally swallowed some of my little sisters piss once.

>> No.12000970

It's not NTR if it's a dream.

>> No.12001085

I can still appreciate cute girls and SOL.

During hscenes I pretend they're traps.

>> No.12001087 [DELETED] 

Uhh... what happened with these guys in 2013? They've became so slow and always fail with their updates and dates.

>> No.12001090

Uhh... what happened with these guys in 2013? They've became so slow and always fail with their updates and dates.

>> No.12001152

ebin spoiler dude

>> No.12001161

Is this thread a contest about who's more hipster and dislikes more genres than the others now?

>> No.12001193

That is quite a chart

>> No.12001195

Just killing time till the new releases get uploaded.

>> No.12001198

>Male side gets his own love but no route: Grisaia no Rakuen, Asairo, Senshinkan
For Asairo that's kind of an exaggeration

>> No.12001210

Maybe Ayakashibito it has male characters getting their own girl and scenes for them but no route.

>> No.12001257

2014年4月25日 → 2014年6月27日
And trial out.

>> No.12001278


>> No.12001302

Of course it was delayed.

>> No.12001329

Guess >>11997028 was right.

>> No.12001333

(18禁ゲーム) [140328] [effordomsoft] 銃騎士 Cutie☆Bullet 初回限定版 (mdf+mds rr3%).rar OFAAFOV90kBdXtDl 1,915,270,203 859d55a181d49772ce785e4787173b784a20f392

First release of the month

>> No.12001349

中央値 0
平均値 26
Is that lowest full-price game on EGS ever?

>> No.12001354

Give it a week at least.

>> No.12001360

> 4ヶ月延期してCG35枚差分SD抜き
> 中古売りさせないための後日追加パッチ(最初からいれとけと)
So this version isn't even complete?

>> No.12001363

Fuck you pirates DLC, yes.

>> No.12001394 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 800x937, 1395988833144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading that there's a grand total of 49 CGs in it. Pretty underwhelming, but I'll give it a shot anyway. I'm not sure how that stops second hand sales or pirates, though, since they'll just download the patch when it's available.

If anything, it'll stop first hand sales.


There's also a few caps from some of today's games, though, so I'd refrain from opening this link if you don't want to get spoiled on those.

>> No.12001399



>If anything, it'll stop first hand sales.

I agree, not to mention it will get a bad word-of-mouth among its target buyers, and that usually means sales suicide. They aren't the only one releasing a VN on this self-established date. I do recall some words back in magazine interview about how most of the VN sales are pre-orders and first two weeks of retail. Obviously we do know big hitters have longer legs than that but those are exceptions than the norm.

>> No.12001404

Hello Lady is out in Share too

>> No.12001405


There goes my weekend, and I wanted to spend time washing/detailing my car, sort of counting on a delay "release" from the usual places.

>> No.12001702

I just need my Daitoshokan.

>> No.12001726

Eiyuu Senki is out too

>> No.12001867
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, Naname_28032014_095558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished ojousama wa gokigen naname.
As I said before, it was pretty interesting being the all-powerful butler, and he was pretty interesting, though a little too hard-headed at times.
Naname and Shiaya were pretty interesting, the former being the main source of comedy in the game, and the latter of moe. The imouto and Touka were average, and I wish the MC had punched the tsundere in the face.
I didn't really like much the idol routes, because I'm too possessive to handle my girlfriend being fap material for the nation. The imouto route brought some nice closure to the main antagonist. Naname's route was by far the longest, was a little annoying to read due to all the economy, and I felt it lacked in emotio compared to all the others, but her and the MC's interactions were still pretty fun. Shiaya, the route I started the game for, surpassed my expectations. It had some great S&M that reminds me of Nana to Kaoru, and even managed to make the shota likeable.
The weakest point of the game were the H-scenes(other than in Shiaya's route), I had to really apply myself to cum to most of them.
I mentioned mostly the weak poinrts, but it was still an interesting game, and I even managed to learn sone economy. I'd definitely play Shiaya's route if you're into M heroines.

>> No.12001884

Is there a multi-route plot or can you easily read the heroine you're interested in then drop the rest?

My bet is on the latter, but I'd like to make sure.

>> No.12001895

There's 2 different common routes, one for the idols, and a slightly longer one for the other 3, but it's pretty interesting, and has actual plot.

>> No.12001917

So what should I wait to play dreaming sheep until this patch is out then?

>> No.12001923

Isn't that from Cutie Bullet?

>> No.12001928

Yea I only took a quick look but then re-looked at it a now I feel like an idiot, a spoiled idiot.

Anyway should I wait for the patch or play it now? I've been looking forward to it for quite awhile but if the patch is just that 5th character I can wait.

>> No.12001962

Damn. Well, that may be a good thing. April was looking a bit too busy.

>> No.12001966 [DELETED] 
File: 1018 KB, 470x353, skele.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruins is a pretty good band from Japan

>> No.12001981

Does this have any S heroines or are they all varying degrees of M?

Totally ruins my image of master-servant relationships if they swap roles in bed.

>> No.12002001

AVG keeps warning me that the .exe files from eroge I install are viruses. Is it safe to ignore?

>> No.12002003

The only actual M heroine is Shiaya, the others are normal.

>> No.12002004

it probably detects the cracks to avoid dvd detection or something like that
probably being the keyword here since I don't know where you get them from and if you have shit on your computer to begin with

>> No.12002041

Could be, I haven't applied any cracks but maybe it detects if the file has already been cracked. It's not letting me make an exception for the .exe, so I guess I'll never find out.

>> No.12002055

Finished Dengeki Stryker. Shit was fun. Heroines were meh though.

>> No.12002065


Run the patch/crack in a virtual machine (XP/Vista/7), your antivirus/antimalware won't trigger.

>> No.12002069

Is he listing a long sequence of names?
Looks like chinese to me if it weren't for the no particles.

>> No.12002073

Yeah sure sounds like names to me dude.

>> No.12002071

It's a buddhist chant

>> No.12002140

I can't seem to find it, you sure?

>> No.12002157

The only patch I'm seeing about is the wakasa patch or are they making another one?

But isn't that normal? I mean last month there was like what 3 games with DLC that you needed the serial code for.

>> No.12002250

>implying I can read that pile of random lines

>> No.12002256 [DELETED] 

That's just evil

>> No.12002258

What is this?

>> No.12002262

How jew can you get: the hobby.
I hate these people, the links aren't legit either probably.

>> No.12002267

Well, if those are legit (big if) then it shouldn't be long before they show up on Torrent sites as well.

>> No.12002268

Guy uploaded some nukige, both links require premium accounts. Hilarious stuff.

>> No.12002280

I haven't paid one cent for porn since I was 12, and probably never will.

Why would anyone subscribe to these terrible, terrible sites?

>> No.12002285

I've honestly thought a few times of getting a rapidgator account. At least depositfiles is still great for the usual ones.

>> No.12002304

Oh yeah Hello Lady started moving again.
97% now

>> No.12002306

Definately not legit, they are just trying to cash with fake files. Been like that for sites like that and the files sizes just seem way too wrong for some of the games.

>> No.12002309

Hopefully torrent soon, after so many years I still haven't managed to set up share correctly.

>> No.12002319

I finally figured it out several months ago, but it's not significantly faster than torrents anyway, so I still don't bother with it unless it's something I just can't find anywhere else. For new releases you might as well just set up an RSS downloader and point it at Nyaa.

>> No.12002329

That's what I tend to do, but since 2gf and gircelly release the same stuff, I get paranoid just leaving it and downloading the one that comes later/ downloading it twice.

>> No.12002334

>setting up rss downloaders
>Implying I even know what rss is

>> No.12002400

kool greentext bro

>> No.12002436

I'm planning to play 家族計画, which version would you guys recommend?

>> No.12002534

Eiyuu Senki is up.

>> No.12002642
File: 188 KB, 800x600, f13655434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone familiar with the Maou to Odore series, is there a continuity, or can I start with 2?

>> No.12002676

how would Dra+KoI rank in difficulty from 1 to 10?

are there any lists out there ranking a lot of VNs in terms of Japanese reading difficulty?

>> No.12002683

10/10 couldn't read even if I were a native.

>> No.12002695
File: 245 KB, 1440x810, CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every games is out but Daitoshokan, even Clover Days has already finished the slow as ass download. Guess I will have to start with that first.

>> No.12002700

Is there a guide to setting up share?

>> No.12002707

I think google has a few

>> No.12002737

>Version 1.00
There's a 1.01 patch you probably want to get.

>> No.12002741

Why? How can a game this simple possibly have any problems.

>> No.12002749

Have you never downloaded patches before? Lots of eroge get patches to fix stuff like typos or other problems in the script. Clover Days' patch seems to fix something with the engine which is actually a bit more uncommon.

>> No.12002752

It's literally pictures with text, what could possibly go wrong.

>> No.12002759

The text obviously. It's some megabytes worth of text, is it really so inconceivable that they would make a spelling mistake somewhere in there?

>> No.12002760

Syncing issues, interface issues, Cg's not loading etc

>> No.12002761

Are you new or just retarded?

>> No.12002763

So the people who make these pieces of shit are incompetent as well, great.

This is literally the most simple shit I've seen in my life I have a hard time they need to patch it.

>> No.12002765
File: 4 KB, 512x512, curve with dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guy, you dropped this. No need to thank me.

>> No.12002766

He's obviously just shitposting. Report and ignore.

>> No.12002768

I'm being serious though.

>> No.12002771

Looks like your post is going to need a patch. How could you fuck up something so simple?

>> No.12002796

Google leads to http://uguu.org/share/, and all links to share itself there are dead.
Tried to seach for it on 2ch.net, but all I get either threads for tracking new share uploads or threads like http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/download/1380276397/ which says to download share from share.

>> No.12002821


>> No.12002830
File: 265 KB, 800x600, capture_001_28032014_212424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe like a 5 or a 6 at the highest. Haganeya's main intention in a lot of what he writes seems to be to write things that are cool, so it can be a step or two above you're average moege, but it really isn't that hard.

>> No.12002844


I'm just about done with this game too. I was a bit disappointing with Shihaya's actual H-scenes, there was so much potential. Nanami's are good though, more reasonable voice acting than normally and pretty cute.

Good game overall, pretty funny and some decent plot and MC. Economy infodumps were pretty tedious considering it's all concepts i already know but not a big deal.

>> No.12002907

Second one is only tenuously connected to the first and 1000 years after it I believe.

>> No.12002965
File: 246 KB, 1440x810, CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy replied to you is not me. I got the 1.01 before I downloaded the game, just forgot to patch it before I took the screenshot and couldn't be assed to do it again.

>> No.12002971

Thanks for the blog update.

>> No.12003043

Haha, Memoria (1位) outsold Rance (2位) on amazon.
So apparently at least amazon users have good taste, should pay more attention to their rankings.

>> No.12003046

And the bait has been set. I don't think you're going to get anyone with that one though.

>> No.12003052

Why the fuck Sengoku Rance, 英雄*戦姫, デモニオン, 魔導巧殻 and 三極姫 are sold as "アダルトPCシミュレーションゲーム", along KISS and Illusion shit?

>> No.12003055

To hurt your ego.

>> No.12003067

That's not quite correct. At least for Alicesoft and Tenco.

>> No.12003070


>> No.12003073

Well, all I'm saying is that Amazon is labeling it incorrectly, e.g. lazily reducing the whole 地域制圧 part and using the SLG part alone.

>> No.12003076

because in japan tactical games are counted as simulation and so fall under the same umbrella? the s in srpg isn't for strategy

>> No.12003090

Shame it isn't popular around here, guess I'll go with the unvoiced PC release and the PSP one then.

>> No.12003096

Just get the remake?

>> No.12003106

I heard it lost the charm of the original after the overhaul, was it okay?

>> No.12003113

>中央値 0

Damn. How's that anti used sales strategy working out, Effordom Soft?

>> No.12003117

What did they do?

>> No.12003119

Honestly, again all I see is that wakasa patch, and since December companies have been doing these patches that require you to enter the serial key.

Giga did it with kissato where you need a first edition serial key or miss out on epilogues for all the heroines, ひとなつの had one where you had 30 days to register your copy or miss out on a whole route, バカ燃え had 2 fucking 2 of these a whole route and also extra scenes, released at different times.

And I keep seeing more and more copies keep doing it. Is there something I'm missing here or are people mad about something they've been doing since D.C.III?

>> No.12003122

That is pretty bad actually.

>> No.12003126

So then, real question was 恋騎士 any better?

>> No.12003127

35 CG in total, 25 HCG... Would that mean just 10 non-HCG?

>> No.12003129

Heh. That one guy who rated it a 90.

>> No.12003130

Eh those replies reminded me of EGS and the rest of the internet, I'll stop being retarded.

>> No.12003137

How many CGs are there usually in your average full-price game? I never really counted before.

>> No.12003140

The game I'm currently playing has 145 base CGs.

>> No.12003142

well, most games I played recently had 12-16 cg per extra menu page, with 6-8 pages of stuff, maybe more

>> No.12003143

Venus Blood has 90 base CG and several hundreds with variations.

>> No.12003145

Err, Venus Blood Abyss. Gaia has more.

>> No.12003144

Holy shit then I can understand the outrage.

>> No.12003149

Honestly I want to see how long it is for myself before making a decision.

Length has always been the prime factor of my enjoyment and I remember playing a nukige awhile back that was like 500MB or something but I got a lot of playtime out of it and really enjoyed myself even though there was like 2 CGs per heroine.

>> No.12003150
File: 624 KB, 1280x1080, eve_030501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the norm, or are those on the higher end?
I have the CGs of Eustia extracted here, and it has only about 50 non-HCGs, not counting all the other variants of the same one like pic related.
Didn't feel inadequate at all, honestly.

>> No.12003168

50 non-H base CGs isn't bad, and Eustia also isn't a bottom of the barrel moege that people only bought for the art. Cutie Bullet has 10.

To add a couple more data points, Hapymaher, a game that was also criticized for having a low number of base CGs for its length, has 84 total (H and non-H, not counting SD). Dracu-Riot has 100.

>> No.12003181

Not to defend cutie bullet but does anyone know exactly how long it is? If it's like 5 hours to full clear, then yea I can see the problem. It's kind of the same problem the video game industry has today where they focus too much on graphics or some kind of controversial story they forget the about the main gameplay, length or general longevity of the game.

Putting aside cgs for a second can we at least get actual length answered?

>> No.12003188

Looks like it's 6-10 hours according to EGS.

>> No.12003235

It's not labelled incorrectly at all. They're SLGs. egs, Getchu, etc. also label them SLG.

Eroge makers always assign overly-specific "genres" to their games. That doesn't mean sites should give HappyLoveCutegirlHeartthrobbingAdventure its own category instead of just calling it an ADV.

>> No.12003246

TBS is widely-recognized genre through, and its silly to call it SLG, since "simulation" is totally different beast.

>> No.12003300
File: 87 KB, 500x375, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat 3D Sakuraba.

>> No.12003306

Nice, thanks. Now to find it.

>> No.12003320

Daitoshokan is up on Nyaa.

>> No.12003361


>> No.12003374
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 1396091449015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been at it for 3 hours or so and I'm still in the common route. Unless all routes are super short (which I guess wouldn't be that surprising at this point) it should be a bit longer than that to fully complete, but of course that also depends on your reading speed and how much time you spend getting distracted by the Internet. According to a walkthrough, there's 4 routes for each heroine and one final "Grand Route".

It's kind of weird. I have the feeling that it doesn't know what it wants to be. There's been abductions, thievery, assassination attempts, betrayal and revenge so far... but many of those try to be silly comedy even though they are apparently also supposed to be serious business. There's this flashback early on depicting the protagonist's father on his death bed, but the entire scene is spent fooling around. Then the flashback ends and the protagonist says that his father died right after that like I'm supposed to take it seriously.

I'm not sure I like the ornamental d-pads on the guns. Too many of them lined up together looks a bit uncool.

>> No.12003437


Sounds like they are trying too hard for genre shift but failing it, so bits and pieces don't link up.

>> No.12003448

Koikishi was like that too

>> No.12003459

Hello Lady still stuck in 寸止め地獄
99% and no hint of it starting again

>> No.12003472

Hope it ends soon so someone starts a torrent.

>> No.12003477

Convert the archive with CacheDumpEX and repair it?

>> No.12003482

Yeah I thought of doing it before but I hoped it would start again.
But I guess I'll try now

>> No.12003494

Clover Days is up on nyaa as well.

>> No.12003495

Boring shit.

>> No.12003547

3 hours later, not even 1%.

>> No.12003551

Well winrar finished rebuilding it, now to see if it works

>> No.12003561
File: 485 KB, 1296x758, librarytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for nonchalatant fun!

>> No.12003587

What games made you actually laugh out loud? Not just smirking or thinking "that's funny", games that you thought were positively hilarious. I'm trying to see if japanese humor can actually get me

>> No.12003589

I found hitoren's non stop retarded humour hilarious. Oretsuba's too, but that's due more to character interaction than actual jokes.

>> No.12003590

Konboku. It was hilarious all the way through.

>> No.12003591

Yeah, it can be really fun.

Grisaia made me laugh quite a lot during its comedy scenes throughout the three games.

>> No.12003600

Like >>12003589 said, hitoren. One route in particular.

>> No.12003604
File: 224 KB, 810x648, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as the ones I've read recently are concerned, I'd probably only be able to go with WLO. Mainly the parts with Yuriko.

>> No.12003612
File: 222 KB, 1024x600, M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard pressed to think of any one game that was consistently funny. Usually it's unexpected funny moments in otherwise fairly serious games that get me.

Especially choice jokes. I love those.

>> No.12003730

Playing Sharnoth right now, loving the music and the minigame is good too; are the hidden voices really that important? And how do you find them?

>> No.12003735

>are the hidden voices really that important?
>And how do you find them?
The four counters are steps left for their respective voices, alternatively, search for the maps in google.

>> No.12003739

But there's that fifth voice with no counter on it, how do I find that one? Or is a map the only way?

>> No.12003742

Pretty sure that after you get the four voices, the map changes and you just need to go to the exit.

>> No.12003766

not really a surprise considering rance is getting badder by each release

>> No.12003781
File: 169 KB, 1278x718, daitoshokan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a year, she's still bad for my health.

>> No.12003790

Man I have been downloading for like 6 hours now and it's still not done. I want my Kanasuke dose so bad.

>> No.12003867

The funniest games seem to be the ones where the writer is actually good. Muramasa, asairo, oretsuba, etc
Grisaia was probably the funniest game I've played, although I hated the character routes.

I've never liked the humor all that much in any of the pure moege that I've played.

>> No.12003881
File: 199 KB, 800x600, 朝色.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't list muramasa with Asairo and Oretsuba. I couldn't stand the humor in it, and just seeing it alongside games with humor I actually enjoyed really tickles my autism.

>> No.12003887

Murasama had better humor than Asairo

>> No.12003914

It's ok anon, you just have bad taste.

>> No.12003978

I don't see how Asairo was funny. It's good, but some of the jokes make me cringed like the Araragi ossan thing or Hiyo going yandere.

>> No.12004014

I know this is a stupid question because dreaming sheep is the fandisk but is the common route enough to play it?

I remember I went through the whole common route was finally on a route and then my stupid AV software blacklisted the exe and I couldn't play anymore until I installed to to a new HDD.

I guess what I'm asking is do I have to play everyone routes or does it pick up from some common point because I think I know all the plot points of the common route. If it doesn't I guess I'll just work on the first game.

>> No.12004017

It's filled with after stories for the cast, so you'll need to play the original.

>> No.12004027

Damn, I was afraid to hear that. I guess I'll get back to work on it then.

>> No.12004034

Does anyone know if Asapro is working on anything new? I always loved their games.

>> No.12004048

I found Princess Witches and Twinkle Crusaders (particularly the latter) laugh-out-loud funny. Also a lot of Romeo's humor, and some of Maeda's.

YMMV, though, I seem to have rather, uh, non-mainstream taste in humor based on shows and things I thought were absolutely hilarious that no one else seems to like and vice-versa.

>> No.12004049
File: 410 KB, 1280x720, 1396119125346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about the the others, but for Ureshino's you need her route and for Aoi's and the club's stories you need, I think, at least halfway through Kodachi's. They start after the MinaFes event, and unless I'm remembering it wrong the story only reaches that part in Kodachi's and the True routes. I assume it's the same for the other heroines.

Cheer up, you'll get there eventually.

>> No.12004064
File: 236 KB, 1286x764, soregashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pronoun.

>> No.12004065

>I assume it's the same for the other heroines.
Or rather, chances are you need the True endings, unless they would drop them as non-canon for some reason.

I should probably think more about what I'm saying.

>> No.12004354

does this game still has single Ending or did they added some different ending as well? even if its still single ending i hope they changed it as a sweet harem at least.

>> No.12004414
File: 100 KB, 799x1061, About.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interested, I updated the Steins;Gate VN flowchart I made several months ago. And yes, I know that there's the walkthrough at ibm5100.net, but it's shit.


This is just a beta, the final version will be when I update it to match the official translation. I'll get that done ASAP after I get my hands on the official release.

>> No.12004477

Hello Lady is finally complete.
I guess you guys will see the torrent soon

>> No.12004487

It's up

>> No.12004488

It's now out.

>> No.12004491

>2.9 gbs
Awesome compression or is it just somewhat short?
Also Saku did end up being the main heroine after all.

>> No.12004497

Saku is the last route.
Order seem to be Tamao/Sorako, finishing them unlock Eru/Ell, finishing her route unlock Saku

>> No.12004500

I really wonder why Tamao is a heroine, Mitori was way more interesting than a hot blooded violent red hair.

>> No.12004653
File: 143 KB, 816x659, Professor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Asairo just recycled the same jokes until they got stale for the most part.

>> No.12004661

That's part of the fun, anon.

>> No.12004669

I would like to go back in time and strangle whatever Japanese entertainer said that the key to comedy is repetition. And then come back and see if they managed to figure out humor.

>> No.12004778

Neat. Thanks.

>> No.12004910

I just recently started reading the Higurashi VN after watching the first season on the anime.

>> No.12004919
File: 239 KB, 1061x598, what the shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering about that myself, it feels like CGs were cut from the content.
Especially for the Miyabi's route, I was expecting CGs for the massage event as well as more HCGs too the bunny girl suit sprite should have seen more use. I don't know if they cut those out or just added that route after a second though, I'm betting it's the latter.

>> No.12005016

>Additional patch to add in the stuff they removed to prevent 2nd hand sales
>Doesn't give a date for said patch release


>> No.12005075

The patch is an extra route for some sub-character.
Or there is other patch that I don't know?

>> No.12005080
File: 81 KB, 397x541, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they did announce an upcoming patch
>「銃騎士Cutie☆Bullet」本日発売ですカウントダウンボイス発売当日を公開しました若桜ルート追加パッチの配布が決定しました 2014年4月4日(金)配布開始予定です
They'll probably release more "patches", hopefully

>> No.12005081

That's the patch >>12005075 was talking about. we don't know if that patch will restore those missing CG's though, hopefully it does.

>> No.12005100
File: 144 KB, 800x452, wow fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it doesn't take long to complete, like the patches append of the LxC series

>> No.12005102

>append patches
Fixed, I need more sleep.

>> No.12005123

No matter how much Cutie Bullet is being shitted on, it is still selling pretty well.

>> No.12005139

Only because most of sales are preorders and day-1. Eroge consumers are known to hold grudges, their next title will inevitably flop, even if they actually bother to invest some effort into it.

>> No.12005198

But their first game was terrible. The only good thing about it was the art.

>> No.12005219

that seems good enough for some people

>> No.12005221

What's your method for reading VNs?

Do you do something like set aside a little notepad document on the side of your screen and copy-paste any unfamiliar vocab into that document so that you can later study these words?

I can "read" VNs but I'm worried that I'm not really reading them because I depend so much on programs like TA to understand all of the vocab that I don't know. I'll get through a VN and maybe only really remember a handful of new vocabulary from that. I feel like I'm doing something really wrong, but I don't know what the most efficient method would be for correcting this bad habit.

>> No.12005222

> Do you do something like set aside a little notepad document on the side of your screen and copy-paste any unfamiliar vocab into that document so that you can later study these words?
There's handy program called 'anki'. Use it.

>> No.12005225

I liked Tamao, especially as a foil to everyone else being so high-class. Her common route scenes suffer from the usual male acceptance denial shit, yeah, but she looks like she could find lots in common with Shinri.

>> No.12005224

The best thing to do would be to kill yourself.

>> No.12005226


Why are you reading anything before finishing Core10k?

It only takes 50-100 days at a pace of either 100 or 200 new words a day.

>> No.12005228

> either 100 or 200 new words a day
Why so slow? I'm sure any decent human being could do at least 1000 new words / day.

>> No.12005234

>look mommy I told someone on the internet to kill himself, I'm so amazing

>> No.12005236

And what implies he doesn't know that vocabulary? There are still heaps on heaps of unknown words beyond Core10k.

That would still take too long. I think, it would be best to complete it in one day.

>> No.12005238
File: 233 KB, 1063x589, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more of a charage and I find it decent, especially Yuu route. Don't expect Muramasa or something.
Opinions aside, they really went out with the references in their new game, like Equilibrium's Gunkata and Code Geass

>> No.12005244

So there's unskippable prologue-before-game-menu thing in hello ladies too. Is it some kind of trend in VNs now?

>> No.12005346
File: 819 KB, 1280x720, hero_redi_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss patch for the game?

>> No.12005354

Typos and mistakes with scripting make it into eroge all the time.

>> No.12005367
File: 208 KB, 1919x1079, 14314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senshinkan - all bros got routes where they end up with girls.

>> No.12005369

Not really, Narutaki didn't have guts to go for Yurika, and Oosugi sacrificed his love.

>> No.12005397

Wow, hello lady is unexpectedly cool.

I hope Hino can keep it up like this till the end.

>> No.12005412

How does it compare to &?

>> No.12005427

definitely better, & was kinda weak
I'm not sure it trumps ruitomo, but it's one of their best efforts

>> No.12005432

As long as it keeps a more constant quality, it should be better, ruitomo had a couple of pretty crappy routes midway through.

>> No.12005431

Zero Infinity has a true bro, who has a love interest and gets some impressive moments.

I read that Yoshiya's mother dies in one of the routes, does that happen in all of them?

>> No.12005435

Senshinkan routes are fake. Definite reply would be major spoiler tho.

>> No.12005438

She dies during the trial, so I'd assume it happens in all of them.

>> No.12005469

I finished the first route of Hello Lady (Tamao) and while it was pretty good, it kind of felt rushed.
Game seem shorter than Ruitomo and Comyu as well.
I hope the other routes will deliver something a bit more consistent

>> No.12005474

my judgement might be biased since I didn't like comyu that much except for a few scenes I guess

>> No.12005507


It's fine, whatever floats your boat.

Personally this has the same problem of me liking it and wanting more. I truly curse writers that tick all my boxes with their forte.

>> No.12005558
File: 1.04 MB, 1024x600, nobunaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eiyuu Senki is fun

>> No.12005636
File: 409 KB, 1280x720, 30022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The production values for this game are high but they still couldn't fix those faces.

>> No.12005647
File: 243 KB, 800x600, root069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through Root Harem, and I'm enjoying it more than I expected. For a moe/nukige, anyway.

Sayori's designs are a pleasure to look at, and the mouths in particular are very nicely done. Pic related, and I can't help thinking that the expression on the right would look great in a rape scene.


>> No.12005848

EGS down again?

>> No.12005858

Not down here.

>> No.12005859

Works here too.

>> No.12005863
File: 84 KB, 1254x432, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Odd, the website isn't loading for me at all, yet everything else is working as per normal

>> No.12005883

Maybe there is something with your proxy?

>> No.12005890
File: 155 KB, 1233x691, EGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm having no problems.
Yeah, or maybe he got lucky and managed to get in without a proxy. I used to be able to do that with my old computer.

>> No.12005887

I'm not using a proxy, never needed one to access EGS

>> No.12006009

maybe he got you, owner's been banning foreign proxies for some time now

>> No.12006015 [DELETED] 


Anon the page doesn't even load when i put it through a proxy.

>> No.12006030
File: 35 KB, 1252x182, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't i get something along the lines of this if my IP was blocked?

>> No.12006047

No, you just can't access the site and fails to load, unlike other bans.

>> No.12006052 [DELETED] 

Guess i got blocked then, i can access it through the normal proxy i use.

>> No.12006055

Guess i got blocked then, i can access it through the normal proxy i use, Thanks for answering my questions.

>> No.12006082


>> No.12006078

Why is EGS blocking foreign IP anyway?

>> No.12006295
File: 498 KB, 1280x720, beauty in glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This jo sudo, that made the screenplay with hino in HL, have another good works?

>> No.12006441

It's not like repetition in comedy is exclusive to Japan. Pretty sure Mike Myers is a big fan of it, as well.

>> No.12006447
File: 824 KB, 1280x720, hero_redi_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel ashamed, /jp/?

>> No.12006448

What a cunt. Fuck her.

>> No.12006466

At least the game is self aware.

>> No.12006493
File: 392 KB, 810x630, asdfasdfasdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This VN is toying with my feelings.

>> No.12006512

do they? i can go there directly

>> No.12006563

What is she saying in the last two lines?

>> No.12006584

probably just preemptive action to avoid bullshit, he had no problem unbanning a guy that asked him directly
this is perfectly normal, pls don't go on racist/xenophobe autismdumps

>> No.12006588


>> No.12006600

Preordering your VN is the investment and protection VN makers need to have hopes of making money and insurance to produce new games.

>> No.12006603

That's pretty deep.

>> No.12006618

OK, Just finished 終の空II.
The fuck did I just read.
What the fuck was that ED.

This is like watching eva for the first time again, but even weirder.

Just when I thought shit was making sense.

>> No.12006623
File: 172 KB, 1277x709, eru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So www sounds like a sheep dying after bashing its head multiple times, good to know.

Give it a couple more of goes since it's short, it starts making some sense after that.

>> No.12006626

Also, it might be helpful to reflect on what happened in the other endings.

>> No.12006651

So it's not that everything was basically inside of Ayana's head? A daydream? A day-lucid-dream-theater? That single soul thing reminded me of 人類補完計画.

I just want Tomosane, Yuki, and Hasaki to live happily ever after.

>> No.12006655

Apparently there's neither 美鳥 nor 菱吾 route in hello lady. So retarded to omit best girls. Plus unneeded forced order, with 朔 being last.
Good thing writing is good even with otherwise horrible heroines, so I'll probably endure this.

>> No.12006662

>Plus unneeded forced order, with 朔 being last.
More like completely needed, she has to be the main heroine for a reason and spoiling the whole thing because you did her first is retarded.
There's a reason there's no Mitori route and Hashia is barely in the game for her to be a heroine.

>> No.12006677 [DELETED] 

Oh god, no, no. Why does everyone comes to this conclusion.
Although you can say that. As you can say everything was inside Tomosane, Yuki, and Hasaki's head.

>> No.12006682

Oh god, no, no. Why does everyone comes to this conclusion.
Although you can say that. As you can say everything is inside Tomosane, Zakuro, Yuki, and Hasaki's head.

>> No.12006708

That was my original conclusion until suddenly the point of view 私 magically shifted from Yuki to Ayana at the end.

Oh well, I guess I'll re-read later on.

For now, what shall I read next? Thinking of Oretsuba, Baldr Sky Zero, or Grisaia series.

>> No.12006715

The three are completely different genres, I'd advise BS0 for some action though.
Now that I remember, 2 still hasn't been uploaded.

>> No.12006722

If you're ok with the shit art and kind of annoying sound quality, Oretsuba is definitely the best of those.

>> No.12006729

Coming from subahibi I'd say it's a bit overkill.

>> No.12006990

>Apparently there's neither 美鳥 nor 菱吾 route in hello lady
And it's dropped. I hate to be that cunt but I play games for the heroines.

>> No.12007037

Done with Tamao, pretty good, thought it'd be worse since she's the introduction route, but aside from 'it ends here, if you want more try in another two routes' ending, enjoyed it quite a bit, seems promising.

>> No.12007047
File: 576 KB, 1280x720, hero_redi_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your loss. Game is quite awesome for story alone.
Best protag ever.

>> No.12007066

I do like the protag so far but I am an impotent manchild when it comes to some characters I like having no routes and enforced playing order. Unless there is a fandisk and a reason for the playing order.

>> No.12007125

Don't worry, I've dropped VNs for similarly petty reasons.

>> No.12007151

Just because you're a pathetic loser who needs moeshit to stimulate not being a pathetic loser doesn't mean I can't enjoy VNs that aren't cliche-drive regurgitated moeshit.

>> No.12007152

both were faggets if the history was worth, in case of moege or weak plot whatever

>> No.12007156

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

>> No.12007178

Jooubachi no oubou kaguya-hen has been uploaded in the bl general on /vg/ if anyone's interested in that sort of thing. Otome game, the three boys you can date are a do-s, do-m and a shota.

has a bit of a dark plot, for those that way inclined.

>> No.12007183

forgot to mention that it is in fact straight. the main girl is a cutie.

>> No.12007235

Dry vocabulary lists are terribly boring and not the most efficient.

>> No.12007251

Yeah, that's why you should do Core10k and not a vocabulary list.

>> No.12007280

Sure would be cool if there was already a thread up where people could talk about learning Japanese instead of shitting up other threads with it.

>> No.12007291

Calm yourself.

>> No.12007295

You calm yourself.

>> No.12007478

I feel kinda bad for people who have been here for years and have been tolerating these people who keep asking for ways to learn japanese or simple to read titles. I mean, it's seriously easy to search the archives to find methods recommended by other people. And if everything goes wrong, just study some grammar and learn the rest by playing VNs.

>> No.12007494

Of course, people who ask about Japanese language questions here are essentially beating a dead horse, especially now that there's that one image list. But the people who make posts declaring how the first group of people are idiots, lazy, etc. are a bigger problem from the perspective of someone who finds any post not about visual novels ever so slightly annoying.

And yes, this is one of those posts.

>> No.12007552 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, IM_Verita30032014_235711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, when are they goung to stop teasing and give me my damn Rita already.
Also, Eclair(?) is pretty samn cute, didn't expect that at all from GnK.

>> No.12007565

Aren't most females in IM super BBA given how ridiculously long the time scale is?

>> No.12007613 [DELETED] 
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Was hoping to stream some Umineko playthrough (with voice-acting). Just playing music until some more people show up.

>> No.12007823

I'll propose a compromise: I'll allow you to enjoy the "non-cliche" VNs if you stop whining about the majority of the medium not suiting your tastes and stop using "moeshit" outside of /a/.

>> No.12007827
File: 316 KB, 1280x720, 278364364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can we all agree that Rosebleu is only good for their Dungeon series?

It's what...their 5th game now? I'm still loving it.

>> No.12007859
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I would even complain about some individual omakes, but god, the banter on this harem route is perfect.

>> No.12007885
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>> No.12007889

Yeah, honestly the only good think they did is the Dungeon series... man I love all the characters.

>> No.12008143
File: 789 KB, 962x564, gizzzaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I missed Giza

>> No.12008149

>Aoi makes him go full M
Such a great cat.

>> No.12008163

Insulting Giza sama is unforgivable.

>> No.12008182

Just finished Sorako route. It was great, but wtf with this ending? Did I miss something or there's no conclusion at all after Sorako leaves church?

>> No.12008392
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x600, うわ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god

>> No.12008431 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 1024x576, IM_Verita31032014_100201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What route is considered canon in Verita?
And even if Louie did succeed in putting Irina's soul in Ekuria, wouldn't it be something like Luna Clear, with a different personality?

Those faces really turn me off.

>> No.12008432

True history is called like that for a reason.
And for the later, you'll see in the dark route.

>> No.12008555

is that supposed to be scylla?

>> No.12008560

[ 2014/03/31 ] 皆さんにお知らせです。






>> No.12008562

It's Alvida.

>> No.12008588

Is that an Eiyuu Senki original character? I'm not familiar with the name if it was mythical or historical figure

>> No.12008590


It's that time of the year again.

>> No.12008597


>> No.12008602

wow gay you could at least have put up a warning

>> No.12008609
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>> No.12008613

>Kou not with Eiji
I want my money back

>> No.12008622

I'm not sure if I completely like some of the new character art, but Rina is still best girl, so I'm happy. I hope it actually gets released.

>> No.12008626


At least this time we aren't so spoiled for choice like the last one. Long live bromance!

>> No.12008636

I'm going to be depressed when this turns out to be a joke.

>> No.12008642
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Nine/Dual-tail having fun again this year.

>> No.12008673
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>> No.12008685
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>> No.12008704
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>> No.12008709

It would make for an amazing game.

>> No.12008724

Isn't Alvida the name of the evil witch from the little mermaid? Really shooting in the dark here.

>> No.12008733

Look up アルビダ on Jp Wiki.

>> No.12008758

Nice, thanks

>> No.12008781
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>> No.12008790
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>> No.12008793

The shit companies advertise for april fools' tends to be super interesting, shame they never happen.

>> No.12008865


That would be awesome.

>> No.12008867
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>> No.12008869

As expected from the main heroine.

>> No.12008871

Looks like a popular character in Japan. She was also in Daiteikoku.

>> No.12008875

That's not Amane.

>> No.12008877

This one is actually probably

>> No.12008886

I guess it was a good call to still keep it in the backlog.

>> No.12008891
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, capture_098_26052013_221248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vomit kiss confirms main heroine status.

>> No.12008907

Aside her va she doesn't have any other interesting point

>> No.12008910

That's Ursula.

Also in One Piece and PazuDora.

>> No.12008948
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, capture_052_26052013_023824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you name another eroge heroine who keeps vomiting through the whole game? Didn't think so!

But yeah, seriously speaking it seemed the writers didn't really know how to handle her apart from filling the useless dunce of the group / comedy relief role. I find it funny she still managed receive so much spotlight, even getting her unique ending song in Meikyuu and pregnancy epilogue in Rakuen.

>> No.12008984

Maybe she was the second favorite from the developers after Yumiko or something, Amane, Kaijitsu and Meikyuu, and Kazuki, Rakuen, always dominated the character polls and are the closest of main heroines the game had, especially the former, considering she had the last, cannon, scene too.

>> No.12008987
File: 325 KB, 1280x720, the shit I've to put with.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is egs down or did they banned my ip and my six proxies?

>> No.12008995

It's up for me.

>> No.12009054


>> No.12009065

In the eushully one is that Will, kamidori, being Solomon?

>> No.12009073


>> No.12009078

>Vista/7/8 Pentium4 4Ghz以上
Oh Scaji.

>> No.12009085

I'm getting used to ChiRal getting better than the main branch at this.

>> No.12009120

Well, one actually puts out the games it's expected to.

>> No.12009165

You're doing it wrong. It should be like this:

I've liked the one (Nyarlathotep-themed one) from previous year much better though.

>> No.12009316
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>> No.12009334

That image reminds me of those tycoon games.

>> No.12009350

That pic of the BETA Superior and Kasumi in a baby carriage. Holy hell I can't breathe. Age always seems to do the best April Fools'.

>> No.12009355

It's one of the school books. I can't remember what exactly it was though.

>> No.12009363

Well, the redone art isn't as bad as I feared, though I miss that sort of ultra-high-contrast coloring style from their older stuff. But I'll reserve final judgement for when we have some CG samples. I'll still play it regardless, of course.


>> No.12009388

What (if anything) was wrong with the original Sakura no Uta? It's been on my backlog, is it worth waiting for the slim future hope of this happening?

>> No.12009395

Last year's were way better.

>> No.12009396

It was never released.

>> No.12009454

Well that answers my followup question.

>> No.12009485


i guess typemoon will add some more videos tomorrow since red saber said the next videos will come at tomorrow noon or something.

>> No.12009537

Not sure if this is the right place but I'll try asking anyway. Does anyone know where in the computer are the save files from Eiyuu Senki Gold being stored? I'm buying new computer and I kinda don't want to replay it again.

>> No.12009542

Download a savedata and check the path in the obligatory readme file.

>> No.12009543

User>Saved games

>> No.12009553

Man, this is the first game which stores save files there. Well, I didn't even know there's folder like this just until now.
Thank you very much.

>> No.12009585 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 1275x716, what the fuck sorako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect stuff like this in this game, not so early either as the second route. Sorako's route was really great nonetheless but caught me off guard in its developments.

Now to the bad ends as per recommendation of the game.

>> No.12009612

Cocoro@Function! stores saves there too. Some video games do too, but not many, yeah.

>> No.12009711
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Am I not seeing properly, or is this text what I think it is?

>> No.12009791 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 1024x576, IM_Verita31032014_205106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I can't believe this guy is still alive, he's worse than a damn cockroach.
Also, from what I'm geting, the god's graveyard is the remains of the old world(our) before fusing with the world with elves and shit, which would explain the ruins, it being a big wasteland and there being no gods. Do they ever explain it clearly?

>> No.12009801

He REALLY wants to fuck Celica's body, it's a family thing.

>> No.12009815

Well I can't not understand his desire to do that, Celica is a hottie.

>> No.12009824

All goddesses tend to be hot, same with Femirins and Cessare, you need to be really hot to make a guy raise a super demon army.

>> No.12009864

That reminds me, I've been wanting to play the IM series for a while now and I have a text file named "ikusa megami play order" on my computer that I guess I made a few years ago that says "Zero->Verita->Genrin no Kishougun->IM 2->Genrin no Kishougun 2". I have no memory of why I chose that order, but to anyone that has played them, does it sound okay? It's confusing because they're not in order of release so I must have had some sort of reason.

>> No.12009871

You're messing it up bad, it's zero->genrin 1-2->verita->IM 1-2m if you want a proper chronological timeline.

>> No.12009873

I'm going by chronological order, Zero>GnK1>GnK2>Verita.

>> No.12009884

Alright thanks, I'll go with that. I didn't want to trust my past self.

>> No.12009981

im not the >>12009864 but i want to ask one thing about IM series too. which games i have to read for understanding the new memoria thing? to be honest since Genrin no Kishougun series are too old i dont want to read those two, but if i have to read for understand memoria i guess i will bear with it.

in short i can just go as zero>verita>memoria ? or whats the minimum requirement for memoria?

>> No.12009985

GnK2 is great game, don't skip it.
You can skip gameplay there and just read story if you find gameplay boring, but story itself is good.
Doing Verita w/out GnK2 isn't good idea, since Verita happens right after GnK2 end and is based on GnK2 conflict and its characters.

>> No.12009991

i see,then should i just go as Zero>GnK1>GnK2>Verita or do i need im series too which game in 1999? By the way what happens to heroines or other characters in those games? i know that the main protag is the same in every game,but how about others does they just die or casted away for new ones?

>> No.12010002

So is the Daitoshokan fandisc any good if you enjoyed the game only for Kana and Kodachi?

>> No.12010004

IM 1 and 2 are after verita.
About the characters, you should just play it and see. A lot of people live very long lives though.

>> No.12010003

You could probably skip GnK1, since most of its events are briefly explained in sequel and there's no major plot elements, just character development.
Other games are later in timeline than Memoria, so they aren't needed.

There are two protags in Verita (thats why you can't skip GnK2): Lue and Celica. Lue is GnK1/2 protag, Celica is Zero and Memoria protag.

Other games in the world like Madou/Himegari/Kamidori have different protags.

>> No.12010014

i see,thank you very much.Then i will go with zero>gnk2>verita

>> No.12010021

Their routes are really short.

There are more characters you can go for so give it a try if you are interested.

>> No.12010033


Well, maybe later. It really isn't big on my priority list if the routes of those two aren't a big thing.

>> No.12010698
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Even h-scenes are fun to read.
Are other Hino games as good?

>> No.12010927

I finally found 魔王と踊れ2, but it needs a crack to play, and from what I see people have been looking for one for a couple of years now. Is it a lost cause, or does anyone know where to find one?

>> No.12010954


I'm sure this update has nothing to do with Juukishi.

>> No.12010959

Can you post a pic or something? My proxy is being lazy.

>> No.12010982
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Basically, they are saying how many CGs and H scenes the final version will have, that the script size is above 2 MB, that they will keep adding content through the Appends and that they are the nicest people in the entire world and you should entrust them with your expendable income.

>> No.12010994

Sounds good, the constant support is what I like from the series, hope they also add more lovely calls to it.

>> No.12010999

Considering recent apology from ABS2 boss himself, I'm sure there was already appropriate <<処理>> applied.

>> No.12011046

At least now I understand why eroge devs bother with multiple sub-brands.

>> No.12011051

Well, actually, Chiral releases stuff way less often than the main branch, and that's saying something.

>> No.12011253


>> No.12011308

I'm tremendously thankful. I'd been looking for that for three days straight.

That OP sure is catchy.

>> No.12011405

no surprise

>> No.12011411

Retarded shit like juukishi selling better than best game of month is surprising. Surely there has to be a limit even to japs shit taste.

>> No.12011439
File: 943 KB, 1280x720, hero_redi_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kinda annoying that there's no other clothes drawn for protag. He even sleeps in his school uniform.

>> No.12011446

It's that or naked for him, as he has absolutely no shame.

>> No.12011450

New thread:


>> No.12011617

preorders don't depend on the game actual quality though
