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File: 173 KB, 600x590, 1395643283846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11991796 No.11991796 [Reply] [Original]

What would Reimu have for a pet if she had one?

Pic probably not related

>> No.11991809

My hair is a bird Your thread is invalid

>> No.11991822

You mean her yin-yang orbs aren't pets?

>> No.11991911

>having a pet ever
>not just eating it

She already gets no donations as it is and thus is probably in perpetual poverty, the most interest she could have in a pet is how filling it would be to consume.

Hey, at least it's better than starving for another night!

>> No.11991918

>nobody remembers Genji: the thread

>> No.11991923

She already has a turtle, a few domesticated fairies, feeds a stray cat, and she even kept a kobito recently.

>> No.11991934

>stray cat

>> No.11991936

Does Suika count as a pet?

>> No.11991943


>> No.11991946

>having a stage 6 boss for a pet
That seems...very dangerous.

>> No.11991953

Sukuna's completely harmless.
And she comes with a house and cute inchling slippers.
10/10 would domesticate

>> No.11991954

That sounds fucking adorable.

Sukuna thread?

>> No.11991958
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We've already discussed everything there is to discuss with her.

>> No.11991991

probably a cat, asians love cats

>> No.11992011

This is Reimu we're talking about. She beat a Phantasm boss who has an Extra boss for a pet.

>> No.11992039

Why is she wearing a fucking bowl on her head? LMAO

>> No.11992042

Actually, this is Yukari you're talking about. For all intents and purposes, Reimu is her pet too.

>> No.11992045

Reimu is overpowered, so all other Touhou characters essentially qualify as her pet.

>> No.11992131


>> No.11992194

Why do I want to feed her and clothe her and do cute things with her

>> No.11992197

Speaking of, how old were you when you grew out of non-sequitur, /jp/? I was 16. I tried and tried for years later to enjoy it, till I was like 22, because places like 4chan still loved it and friends did, but finally I gave up and realized I was the mature one and they were still immature children with slower brain development.

Anyway now that 4chan has caught up to my state of mind it became a better place, I think.

>> No.11992198
File: 319 KB, 718x718, sukuna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ying yang orb is a cat.

also sukuna is her pet, sort of.

>> No.11992202

Then why hasn't she eaten Sukuna yet?
Or her cat?

>> No.11992205

Well, look at what happened to the last fellow who ate Sukuna.

>> No.11992206

Her cat is also her yin-yang orb, so eating that is probably not the best idea.

As for Sukuna...wait she seriously has Sukuna and hasn't eaten her yet?

He/she had a good snack clearly.
That, or starved to death.

>> No.11992216

You don't know the story of the inchling samurai?

>> No.11992221

What, the one who probably got eaten by accident/on purpose or met an ignoble death when someone stepped on him?

>> No.11992225

The one where he gets eaten by an oni and cuts his way out with a needle from the inside.

Sukuna is definitely not edible.

>> No.11992226

The one who killed an oni by causing internal bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract with liberal use of a needle sword.

>> No.11992227

So eating her is a terrible idea.

What happens if you take good care of her then?

>> No.11992230

She's nice to you.

>> No.11992238

She'll hit you with the mallet.

>> No.11992258
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There are stage 1 bosses far more dangerous.

>> No.11992262

That seems mean.

>> No.11992264

rip old man

>> No.11992265

She used to be Stage 6 herself.

Clearly this means Youmu is a stage 1 midboss.

>> No.11992267
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She is.

>> No.11992268
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Reimu has a nuclear-powered maid

>> No.11992318

A filthy thieving rat oh wait Marisa is a person. wwwwwwwww

>> No.11992320

I wonder if reimu let her go or is she still at the shrine.

>> No.11992352
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>> No.11992506
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latest FS chapter shows that Sukuna is playing a Jerry on Reimu by pranking her constantly but the latter just bedgrudginly contains her anger.

>> No.11992513
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maybe a certain someone took it away on during their game's tea party.

>> No.11992614
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Yukkuri. Nice ones only, of course. No deibu scum allowed.

>> No.11992632

Could be out in the village keeping a low profile.

>> No.11992637

i want one

>> No.11992663
File: 468 KB, 550x480, Star don't bully Shinmyoumaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu and her pets.

>> No.11992666

why are the faries so little in that panel

>> No.11992668

This sounds like the most adorable thing.

>be nice to her
>get hit with her mallet
Why would she do that?

>> No.11992682
File: 1.19 MB, 1416x1002, 1395681183983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, maybe because they're fairies?

Wasn't Orin hanging around the shrine at some point in cat form?

>> No.11992685

Why are the fairies hanging around in the shrine anyways

>> No.11992687

Probably some mysterious force like perspective.

I, for one, will continue treating Sangetsusei as the only valid reference for their physical appearance.

>> No.11992695
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OSP ended 2 years ago. ;_;

>> No.11992763
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>> No.11992776

Yes, that's what I was referring to.

>> No.11992778

Why is star bullying sukuna?

>> No.11992781

I kind of wish fairies were real. I would keep a garden just so they could frolic in it.

>> No.11992785
File: 230 KB, 850x601, sukunasuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little things are meant to be bullied.

>> No.11992787

I never particularly cared for surrealist humor in general, but I chuckle at it occasionally. Lighten up.

>> No.11992799
File: 285 KB, 969x800, reimurin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't Orin hanging around the shrine at some point in cat form?

but god forbid zun remembers what he even had for breakfast yesterday.

>> No.11992807

If they were real, real things would be happening to them, and real people would do things to them that real people do. It's best they stay in Gensokyo.

Beer. He had beer.

>> No.11992825

Why is Sukuna with Reimu to begin with?

>> No.11992828

Beat DDC on normal or higher with Reimu

>> No.11992830

Surely she hits you with the mallet and makes you tiny so you can do tiny things together.

>> No.11992836

Probably a cat, they can take care of themselves so Reimu wouldn't have to worry about the kitty if she went somewhere for a few days, and cats can get rid of any pests like crickets and all if any come to the shrine. Plus, they're very cute!

>> No.11992837
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Is this the tiny 2hu thread?

>> No.11992839

Suddenly I want to do nothing but this. Why is that the case

>> No.11992850

She'll be the type to make you shorter than her, i bet. Still mean.

>> No.11992851 [SPOILER] 
File: 232 KB, 952x716, th14 reimu ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992855

No! That's very rude and mean! You're supposed to give small things lots of love and soft things! Like little bunny toys and snacks!

>> No.11992874

Is Sukuna mean?

>> No.11992875


>> No.11992879


>> No.11992886
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>> No.11992891

Why is Sukuna so mean

I want her to be nice and do cute little person things, not make Reimu snap!

>> No.11992900

don't worry these things always end up in make ups like the latest WaHH chapter.

>> No.11992907

Why do people like Sukuna so much anyways?

She's the best DDC, but DDC makes TD look like SA or PCB in comparison.

>> No.11992906
File: 205 KB, 877x620, 1395689085241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do terrible, terrible things to Reimu's pets.

>> No.11992914

TD and UFO characters are so boring.

at least Sukuna has a gimmick.

>> No.11992916

>force Suika to go sober
>chain up the fairies and prevent them from having any fun
>step on Sukuna just enough to break the bones in her body but not enough to actually kill her
>set Reimu's cat on fire
>destroy the donation box, blame it on Sukuna

I am the worst person.

>> No.11992919
File: 1.02 MB, 1040x1470, 1390703316880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDC wasn't all bad, the bullets gave me ~30 or so hours of time killed. Which isn't much compared to the hours I have in TD or PCB, but that's still longer than what I've put into any other shooter.

It also brought us Sukuna and skbk.

>> No.11992927
File: 209 KB, 1080x1080, reimumiko4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a fella living below Reimu's place that can check who's lying you know.

>> No.11992930

UFO had stuff like the nun who controlled the manliest cloud ever, the treasure hunting mouse, and Youkai Jesus. Extra boss is a goddamn space alien.

TD has Yuyuko, Youkai Anti-Jesus, and...uh...fuck. Extra boss is an tanuki.

DDC has...uh...
Yeah, can't remember anyone outside of the end boss, and "tiny person" is much more lame than virtually every final boss ever in this series. I can't even remember Sukuna's first name, and I can spell Yuyuko's last name with zero effort.

Extra boss is a drum.

I think it's obvious that DDC is shit.


>> No.11992936

>UFO had stuff like the nun who controlled the manliest cloud ever, the treasure hunting mouse, and Youkai Jesus. Extra boss is a goddamn space alien.
you can make anyone look cool with words, that doesn't make them cool, they're boring. Only somewhat outstanding tidbit of UFO was Ichirin with Unzan, but it's not like there's much to do with that.

TD had absolutely nothing, not even good music.

DDC at least had Sukuna who's ''curse'' can be exploited ala Tom and Jerry, in fact that's what's happening. >>11992886

>> No.11992938

Why does everyone hate TD and UFO so much?

>> No.11992939

Isn't that picture kind of lewd?

>> No.11992940
File: 301 KB, 1024x768, 1361501273546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even good music.

>> No.11992942

Who's ''everyone''?

For me I don't like them cause the characters are so goddamn boring and the music is forgettable barring Desire Drivers, Miyako's theme and UFO stage 5 theme.

>> No.11992946

okay stage 4 theme but that's it.

>> No.11992945

Exposed shoulders are pretty risque, I'm sorry, I'll try to have more discretion in the future.

It's cool and hip.

>> No.11992948

>It's cool and hip.
To like them that is.

>> No.11992950

>want Sukuna to give me a hug
>she's too small to hug me

Now I feel depressed.

>> No.11992953

>To like them that is.

There's maybe two or three people in the west who play TD. The only reason everyone has a knee-jerk hatred to it is because some good players trashed on it when it came out, and here we are today.


>> No.11992958

I see almost nothing but praise for those two around here, especially UFO.

>> No.11992965
File: 575 KB, 1000x1182, 1395690685408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I guess we're browsing this board at completely different times of day, if you're seeing widespread praise for TD here.

Everyone loves Miko, though, but that's a different story.

We're also getting off-topic a little, post pets.

>> No.11992967
File: 330 KB, 1536x2000, reimusukuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't she say she would eventually turn normal-sized again?

what if it happens while she's asleep inside her tiny room?

>> No.11992968 [SPOILER] 
File: 517 KB, 1000x848, 1382634308746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she can't hug you anyways

Do you even Sukuna?

>> No.11992979

I think my heart stopped.

Well dofk03wefkq

>> No.11992987

Damn that's adorable.

>> No.11993011

Is Sukuna the cutest Touhou?

>> No.11993016

That's subjective, dude.

>> No.11993018

What's an objective way to quantify how cute she is then?

>> No.11993020
File: 97 KB, 1000x790, 38769554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one remember her name?

>> No.11993024

Because her name is too long and Sukuna alone sounds cuter.

>> No.11993029

On a scale of 1-10, she would be too small to be measured.

She is very very cute.

It's too long and Sukuna is cuter.

>> No.11993030

I still mispell Yuyuko's last name.

>> No.11993037

>Sukuna is the smallest
>manages to be the most bullshit stage 6 boss ever


>> No.11993064

Someone with a small hitbox, good at danmaku? It's a mystery.

>> No.11993078

It'll obviously not happen at random. She needs to make a wish, which will presumably not take an unspecified time to work.

>> No.11993080

>She needs to make a wish

it's just her power running out.

>> No.11993090

The mallet's power. Once it recharges, she can use it again. She still needs to explicitly use it.

>> No.11993117

>DDC game portrait out
>/jp/: lol bowl on head, worst 2hu, into the trash it goes!
>6 months after
>weekly inchling threads


>> No.11993128

Because it turns out tiny girls are cute.

>> No.11993133

I take it you weren't here for Okuu.

>> No.11993139

FS hadn't come out with her yet you know.

>> No.11993144
File: 244 KB, 1280x1264, mima okuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was, all she got was ''evil reimu'' threads and people angry that she wasn't Mima as they hoped.

>> No.11993174

People only like her if she is tiny. No one wants the normal sized version from the game. Now there is enough tiny art for people to like.

>> No.11993178

but i want the normal sized.. how else will i fugg?

>> No.11993201

>wanting to fugg Sukuna

Get out, Sukuna is not to be sexualized.

She is to be cuddled.

>> No.11993209

I thought that was just Arc who spouted the whole evil reimu nonsense

>> No.11993213
File: 33 KB, 1200x218, dreamarc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny he later went onto have both reimu, okuu and aya as his touhous of choice and had dreams about them trying to get him high and calling him impotent.

>> No.11993231

Whatever happened to Arc?

>> No.11993234

he blacked out.

>> No.11993245

It happens every game. Almost.

>> No.11993429

This. Back when the game came out EVERYONE was calling her the worst stage 6 boss, disgusting even by newhu standards, and generally the public desire was for her to die in a fire.

Now we have her get threads and people want to actually be nice to her.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.11993434

If you could just maybe I dunno read the thread.

>> No.11993451

Which one of Reimu's pets is the best?

(i.e. Suika, 3 Fairies, Sukuna)

>> No.11993471

All of them. Suika to drink with, 3 Fairies to hang out with, Sukuna to do cute things with.

>> No.11993472

they all make trouble for her, especially the fairies.

>> No.11993474

Even Sukuna?

>> No.11993480


>> No.11993488

Bad Sukuna! Reimu needs to train her better clearly.

>> No.11993501

Look at her. She's fucking over Reimu in the most blatant of ways because she KNOWS she'll get away with it without anything happening to her.

Someone's being a very bad inchling I see.

>> No.11993507
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>> No.11993509

Why the hell hasn't she kicked her out if her own guest that she's taking care of is messing her host up?

>> No.11993517

...oh my fucking god.

Reimu is going to lose and there's nothing she can do about it.

>> No.11993529

actually Tom wins sometimes.

Southbound Duckling
Timid Tabby
Mouse For Sale
Million-Dollar Cat
The Vanishing Duck
The Year of the Mouse
Duel Personality
Love Me, Love My Mouse

and that's not counting the ones where Jerry also ''loses'' alongside him (like in Blue Cat Blues where they both commit suicide from being heartbroken) or the ones where they both have happy endings.

>> No.11993540

Isn't this true for most Touhou characters?

Besides when the games first come out people are concerned about gameplay and music more than character design and any bare bones personality ZUN gives the character.

>> No.11993556

This, and Sukuna committed the one sin.


She tripled it's size, thus condemning initial likability of her to the pits of Tartarus.

But a stellar theme and being a tiny cute turned everything around.

>> No.11993575

that was creative, I liked it.

>> No.11993705

How do I hug Sukuna

>> No.11994357

You step on her like a flea.

>> No.11994388

>not eating her alive

>> No.11994576

>not crushing every bone in her body, boiling her alive, and then eating her while she's still alive and laughing manically

>> No.11994584

>not blending her, Suika, the 3 fairies, and every other pet Reimu has into a single beverage
>not using it as a sauce for a meal
>not spilling the beans and revealing what's in that weird sauce while laughing manically

>> No.11994669

Maybe Reimu's motherly instincts are kicking in.

>> No.11994699

I think Reimu just resigned herself to the fact that all those youkai around her are just not going away no matter what she does.

>> No.11994701

But what I asked was why keep and take care of one that was making her life a mess. That's different from youkai coming in sometimes for parties.

>> No.11994718

I was referring to how she tried to kick the fairies off for years, with zero success. They're just not going away, period. Better to be on good terms with them.

>> No.11994726

But she never tried to kick away the fairies, she didn't even know they lived near her till near the end, and when she knew where they were, the first thing she did was give them sake.

Also, again, this is nothing like that, there's a huge difference between youkai coming in every now and then for laughs and you TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE.

>> No.11994769

This. The three fairies are minor pranksters and exist to be such.

Sukuna instigated a major incident that if left unresolved would have royally fucked up Gensokyo, and when Reimu was nice enough to take her in afterwards rather than stomping on her she turns around and starts pranking Reimu like no tomorrow.

Why keep HER in the house?

>> No.11994792


Maybe she likes her.

>> No.11994801
File: 407 KB, 850x1283, reimusukuna5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot response pic.

>> No.11995001

Reimu x Sukuna when

>> No.11995011

I don't really see how a single 4koma about Sukuna eating Reimu's senbei and blaming it on the mallet constitutes "pranking like no tomorrow".

>> No.11995013

draw it yourself, no matter how shit you are at drawing, it's the intention that matters.

>> No.11995018

And then we get masterpieces like My Sweet Hakutaku.

>> No.11995020

>eating Reimu's senbei
there's just one panel, there's also the rest of the 4koma, it's pretty obvious what's happening in general.

>> No.11995038

But she's not doing anything before the last panel, she's just saying how it is. The gohei was moving on its own even before the events of DDC, and the rest is unlikely to be directly caused by her either given that she can't use the mallet now that it's out of power. As far as I know, she does not possess any other means of animating household objects.

>> No.11995041

>she's just saying how it is
And that's annoying.

She also steals Reimu's food, and judging how this is grouped with the rest of the panels as well as the other 4koma where a gift is just a cleaning duty, it's pretty obvious Sukuna's doing more than just that, being an annoying little bitch all around.

>> No.11995044

So basically, she isn't even being a prankster, she's just being a brat.

Next she'll be stealing coins from the offering box.

>> No.11995045

>she isn't even being a prankster
Suddenly stealing the food you're eating is pretty prankish, as is the left 4koma's story apparently.

>> No.11995074

reimu should squish sukuna a bit with her dick to show her who's boss.

>> No.11995154

...I suddenly just realized why Reimu tolerates Sukuna.

Because of what she does to Reimu at nighttime.

>> No.11995163

Well, Reimu can't really do anything to Sukuna without breaking her bones or downright killing her. A damn chihuahua is damn frail, how much more so a girl the size of a mouse?

>> No.11995179

Sukuna is still a youkai and would regenerate from being stepped on pretty quickly

>> No.11995189

No, she's an inchling.

Her species got wiped out not just because it used that mallet, but because it was so fucking unfit to live that they had to use it just to not get wiped out by basically anything that wasn't a plant.

>> No.11995209

Where exactly are you getting that whole "the inchlings got wiped out" thing from?
Also, inchlings are fantasy creatures that mainly live from the believe of people, just like all the other youkai in Gensokyo

>> No.11995214

Wasn't the mallet that Sukuna the downfall of their race?

>> No.11995218

*that Sukuna used

Also name one reason why Sukuna deserves to live with Reimu.

>> No.11995222

No, one inchling just used it to wish for a castel and reign over all inchlings, after that it got turned upside down because the wish was too big and sent to gensokyo.

I assume that most inchlings simply live there now.
The way the wiki words it Sukuna was not the only inchling living in the castle, she just was the easiest to manipulate for Seija

>> No.11995224


>> No.11995227

>Also name one reason why Sukuna deserves to live with Reimu.

Why would there be need for a reason? Reimu just decided it and that's how it is now. Eventually the mallet will regain it's power and Sukuna will use it to become big again and do her own thing again

>> No.11995234

this isn't something new, Reimu took in Suika and Reisen 2 for a while when the former had nowhere to go and the latter was unconcious out in the open in the middle of the night waiting to be devoured.

>> No.11995248

>implying that Suika left Reimu

please tell me it ain't so ;_;

>> No.11995258

she did, she went to heaven but found it boring, she still stayed there it seems.

she like everyone else still comes to storm reimu's place from time to time for laughs and more recently because Kasen.

>> No.11995275

How an oni can hold any interest in the one fun-killer even WORSE than Eiki is beyond me.

>> No.11995279

it's not so much interest in Kasen's character and acts but rather the fact that she's, you know, an oni in disguise.

>> No.11995286

>an oni

If she was an oni, she'd admit it the second someone asked her.

What if she's one of those things like Seija?

>> No.11995297

nobody has asked her.

also there's an oni in japanese mythology called Ibaraki sooooo...

>> No.11995295

She owns a oni artifact like Suika and Yugi and she admitted indirectly that she went underground to visit her friend Yugi for some sake.

It's pretty much confirmed that she is one of the 4 devas of the mountain, unless ZUN decides to pull a big unexpected twist on us.

>> No.11995369
File: 119 KB, 480x640, sukuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she grows back, where will she go?

>> No.11995396

Nowhere, she'll keep making excuses to freeload off of Reimu because love.

>> No.11995410

I imagine that will happen at the end of the manga and when it does Sukuna will be like ''oh yeah can I stay here?''.

>> No.11995465
File: 849 KB, 954x664, sukuna0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But both Suika and Kasen have lied.

>> No.11995650


>> No.11995746


How much is the manga pushing that secret? Is it merely small implications or is attention starting to get called to it?

>> No.11995755

Only Komachi and Yukari seem to be aware of the fact that Kasen is not exactly what she is pretending to be.

Miko and Seiga even referred to her as "fellow hermit"

>> No.11995759

>Only Komachi and Yukari seem to be aware of the fact that Kasen is not exactly what she is pretending to be.
And Suika.

>> No.11995769

Where was it implied that Yukari knew? Komachi called her out on it to her face and Suika apparently knows, but what about Yu-

who the fuck am I kidding it's Yukari she would probably know even without it being shown to us

>> No.11995778

yukari didn't know her tryhard attempt to make something look cool (a radio tower) to reimu and marisa wouldn't work normally.

she's not king crimson.

>> No.11995786

The whole "I thought you are on our side" thing gave off the impression to me that she knows, but now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure myself

>> No.11995795

Seriously, all that needs to happen is for her to trip and have her hats fall off and the secret is out.

>> No.11995822
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How much candy should one feed a Sukuna?

>> No.11995888

As much as you can until she explodes like a pinata.

>> No.11995918

That amount is so far past too much it isn't even funny.

No more than a milligram of candy a day, otherwise she starts going hyper.

>> No.11995928

that's a myth.

>> No.11995936

but imagine having a speedy little sukuna running around the house.
*race car sound effects*

>> No.11995943

don't do that.

>> No.11995961

If reimu were a dog, what kind of dog she would be?.

>> No.11995965

OP here-

>thread is now a Sukuna thread

What happened

>> No.11996004
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>> No.11996006
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thread is about reimu pets, sukuna is one of them.

>> No.11996026

I was expecting a Suika hijack if anything.

>> No.11996087

Reimu had a ruff life

>> No.11996773

Because she's boring and no one cares about her

>> No.11996790
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I'd want a pet Suika.

>> No.11996796

Oh god, what would happen if you had a pet Suika and a pet Sukuna?

>> No.11996813
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Suika, unlike other pets, is not a docile youkai and will fight with other pets, regardless of their size. >>11992785

>> No.11996901
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I wouldn't mind being tiny 2hu's tiny pet.

>> No.11997368

>being smaller than Sukuna

Good luck doing that!

>> No.11997572

Explain how you would end up smaller than Sukuna

>> No.11997610


>> No.11997622
File: 429 KB, 723x1023, reimu cat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat would suit her.

>> No.11997628

I wish to be stepped on by tiny touhu

>> No.11997722

Now I'm imagining lying face down and feeling those tiny hands and feet crawl their way to the top of my head

Well done

>> No.11997759

A fox I supposed.

>> No.11997761
File: 197 KB, 500x463, shinmyoumaru sukuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the mallet? It will take a while for the mallet to recover it's powers and Sukuna is being led by Reimu now, not Seija.

>> No.11997762

A pet rock. She's poor.

>> No.11997804

Frobidden Scrollery download where?

>> No.11997817

Which chapter is this?

>> No.11997887

Why did I suddenly have a heart attack from this picture

>> No.11997892

A-anon, are you okay? Please take care of yourself.

>> No.11997896

cause you like dicks.

>> No.11997937

She'd have a ferret, since it'd match her own musky scent.

>> No.11997955

Soft squishy Sukuna pussy.

>> No.11997972

Don't forget that when it comes to fanfiction you can just write whatever you want.

>> No.11998230

is she gonna be a shot type in a future game?

>> No.11998301

No, she'll be a playable character.

Her hitbox will be 1 pixel big.

>> No.11998441

Finally i can 1cc Lunatic.

>> No.11998716 [DELETED] 

The first is from chapter 13. As for the second, that's a fucking good question. As far as I'm aware, it's the sixteenth chapter, so it should logically have number 16, but the title page says 17. It's a mystery.

>> No.11998717

The first is from chapter 12. As for the second, that's a fucking good question. As far as I'm aware, it's the sixteenth chapter, so it should logically have number 16, but the title page says 17. It's a mystery.

>> No.11998768

maybe in future she will be a partner, like in SA

>> No.11999234

Touhou 15 will probably be something in that vein. I hope.

>> No.11999374

How long till TH15?

>> No.11999411

>something in that vein

I just pictured PCs getting shrinked enough to enter a cardiovascular system.

>> No.11999808

2015 probs.

>> No.11999810

we will probably get a demo of HM expansion of new 2hu game in reitasai

>> No.11999854
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A rabbit of course!

>> No.12000183
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Karma's gonna get her and an animal will start pursuing her since she's out of her cage so much.

>> No.12000230

Rabbit are food not pet.

>> No.12000889

Is Sukuna food or pet?

>> No.12001725

>not eating your pet

>> No.12001844

Wasn't there some video in which it was basically Tom & Jerry, only with Tom being Reimu and Jerry being Sukuna?

>> No.12001894

You're thinking of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEn_Od4nyg

Someone should probably pester the author to replace Remi's model with Shinmyoumaru.

>> No.12001901
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ᵂʰᵉᶰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᶦᵏᵒ'ˢ ᵃʷᵃʸ, ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᶦᶰʸ ᵀᵒᵘʰᵒᵘ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵖᶫᵃʸ⋅

>> No.12001977

Oh no, what is Sukuna planning today?

>> No.12002448

she seems to mess around even when reimu's right in front of her though.

>> No.12002855

Is there even a sukuna model yet?

>> No.12002943
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I want to sit/step on Sukuna!

>> No.12003450

And kill her?

>> No.12003510

I want to be sit on by Seija

>> No.12003621
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She's probably used to it.

>> No.12004358


>> No.12004771

This pic reminds me of Mankanshoku.

>> No.12004777

There was one like a month after DDC came out

>> No.12005066

>eating your pet

>> No.12005478

>not eating your pet

>> No.12005900
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The mallet.

Look at her wee, tiny slippers. Hnnnnnnggggg.

>> No.12005909

where did Reimu get that little room anyway, did she make it?

>> No.12006480

Why do I want a Sukuna? I don't even like her damnit!

>> No.12006952

Because Sukuna is love.

>> No.12007273

Reminder that Reimu would never take Sukuna in for a pet, because Reimu already has too many people messing around in her shrine as it is

>> No.12007305

then why did she do just that?

>> No.12007307

There's nobody living at Reimu's house, Suika did for a while but not anymore. Sukuna is the only one staying at her place besides herself now.

>> No.12007322

Sukuna is clearly Reimu's Suika replacement.

>> No.12007352

Suika was more of a bum loafing around whereas Reimu is actually taking care of Sukuna to the point of making her own little house and sucking up Sukuna's mischief.

>> No.12007376
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>> No.12007435

>tfw you will never give sukuna a bukkake bath

>> No.12007456

>not giving sukuna a regular bath
While giving her privacy obviously.

>> No.12007812

>not playing with Legos instead of Sukuna
Have fun getting my attention now!

>> No.12007960

Oh yeah, I remember when this was happening

>> No.12008333
File: 115 KB, 850x530, Sukuna Lego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not helping Sukuna build a Lego fort, pleb.

>> No.12008350
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Attack on the shortstack-hu.

>> No.12010019

where would she bath in?

>> No.12010088

the sink

>> No.12010309

>not having that be her swimming pool

>> No.12011235

There aren't any curtains her size is it? She could be seen by anyone.

>> No.12012249

Too big, she might drown in there. Try a big soup bowl instead.

>> No.12012467

Reimu would need to keep a watch over her in case she drowns or gets attacked.

>> No.12013640

>implying that Reimu won't end up dead at Sukuna's hands one day

She wants REVENGE

>> No.12013662

You could also give her a semen bath while respecting her privacy. I mean, your cum isn't permanently stuck to your dick, you can ejaculate in a cup and hand that over to her.

>> No.12013968

>kill Reimu
>barrier collapses
>Sukuna uses mallet to make it so all the things trapped in Gensokyo aren't affected by whether people believe in them or not

Mankind is fucked.

>> No.12014505

>not instead making Reimu a dress

Sukuna should be a good Sukuna instead of a bad one.

>> No.12016779

>Sukuna is misbehaving
Why hasn't Reimu just crushed her in her hand already? Sheesh, it's not like you're dealing with someone dangerous

>> No.12017101

With the addition of Sukuna, Reimu now has as many pets as Satori.
and Mima sealed under a stone in the graveyard

>> No.12019181

>implying that Suika is still there
>implying that Genji wasn't made into soup
>implying Mima wasn't exorcised
>implying Sukuna isn't about to become Reimu's next meal

>> No.12019222
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>Sukuna uses mallet to make it so all things trapped in Gensokyo are BIG

>> No.12019302

motherly instincts kicking in.

>> No.12019306

hu u quot

>> No.12019340

>Sukuna uses her mallet to shrink Touhous and humiliate them

>> No.12019371 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves back to >>>/v/.

>> No.12019379
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>> No.12021775

Sukuna worst pet

>> No.12021793

RIP, died to shitty Japanese people being too unintelligent to deal with a situation properly.

>> No.12023082

>RIP, died to people being too unintelligent to deal with a situation properly

FTFY; this sums up everything ever.

>> No.12023918

she's on miiverse and the plaza.

>> No.12025932
File: 1.33 MB, 1413x1100, 1396864735449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sukuna best pet.

>> No.12026016

Domino's best pizza.

>> No.12026954

>using an dropper to sate Sukuna's thirst
>not giving her a tiny glass instead

>> No.12028182

Best way to end a thread.

>> No.12032108


>Not having her drink your semen directly from the tip of your urethra, her eager mouth struggling to fit over the tip of your penis and vigorously sucking the juices out

>> No.12032166

