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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11961300 No.11961300 [Reply] [Original]

FAQ: http://www.tcgapp.com/viewtopic.php?f=206&t=3169

/jp/ comrades/alliance/AW killer/sender

Previous thread: >>11931412

>> No.11961369
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I have three Arcwitch killers and who does Amaterasu buff nearly EVERY SINGLE TIME? Herself, her own damned self. I'm getting really sick of this

>> No.11961392


At least you're not getting garbage SRs.

>> No.11961766

At least you're getting SRs.

>> No.11962067

At least you're killing AWs

>> No.11962359

New update makes it so that the AW notifications have sound and vibrate the phone. Not sure if I hate it or love it yet.

>> No.11962363

Are they on time yet? They're a bit pointless when they're always around 5 minutes late.

>> No.11962365

Nope. I still get notifications for FAWs I've already killed.

>> No.11962452
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My current Race to Zero team.

Well, even though I dropped to rank 294, my consolation prize isn't bad.

Penemue(2nd), Gabriel, Philosopher(4th), Asherah(2nd), Himiko(3rd)

Still no sign of Lilim though.

>> No.11962631

Wow you got HSR version of that card already.
Pretty lucky. Feels like Lilim is just on the Horizon

>> No.11962665

how to get 18 bp, again?

>> No.11962701

Magic school and ygdrasil, probably.

>> No.11962725
File: 257 KB, 640x896, DianaHSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it now? I still check my phone regardless of if I get a notification or not but I guess that'd be convenient for FAW off events. I can see how it'd be annoying though. There should be an option to configure it, shouldn't there be?

If you're under level 100, the only way to get 18 bp is a Lv 10 MS and 3 yggs. If you're over lv 100, a Lv 6 MS will suffice.

Also, to the comrade who was looking to join my alliance, a slot is going to open up. I talked to my alliance leader and he said that if I can get in touch with you later, then you're in. I think you know who you are, so talk to me on docs chat for more details.

In other news, I didn't expect to move up a rank, but I guess even the best can get tired. Thanks to all my wondrous senders, you guys know who you are, and since we only got 4 more days to go, that means my 6 hour sleep nights will finally return!

My last note is that I finally got my HSR Diana! I love her so much. Favorited, and even though I have better cards I will max her out just for the sake of making her absolutely perfect.

>> No.11962756

So should I download this?

>> No.11962798


>> No.11962811

Does anyone know if the boosted rates they're advertising for the birthday celebration would actually make it worth dropping some money for jewels?

I don't really want to drop the cash if its like, a 1% increase or something retarded like that.

>> No.11962830

the option exist in the settings bubble

>> No.11962834

I can't find it, care to link it?

>> No.11962837

How stupid are you?

>> No.11962841

A lot, I did realizeit just now. Anyway why are the screens in english? Does it have multilang?

>> No.11962850

yes it's in English. I will give you the only hint you will ever receive. Bluestacks

>> No.11962864

Boosts are negligible. Gamble is still a gamble. Don't expect drops, but it's a nice surprise when something does drop.

>> No.11963029

Speaking of Bluestacks

I play on an iphone, if I don't want to start over but I want to play on Bluestacks I'm fucked, yes?

>> No.11963136

You can transfer data to bluestacks.
Also other half of Second Realm is release. Time to finish the story?
What was the story anyway.

>> No.11963154

Going by the description on the SR card you get for beating the new campaign bits (not that I've gotten her, but it can be read on wiki), loli demon Hitler Satan is trying to destroy the world or something, but after you waifu the fuck out of her she takes a chill pill. I guess. More interested in getting a premium ticket for each castle and an ultimate ticket for the final castle, as well as the first (and only) SR card obtained strictly by campaign I believe?

>> No.11963171

Since it seems like we can only get 1 by campaign. Hopefully there's a way to get a second one for HSR without using summoning tickets.

>> No.11963365

Are single proc critters any good? I managed to 1* a Gabriel, but I'm not sure if switching out Arianrhod or Empress Doll for her is worth it.

>> No.11963426


I feel they're only good if you can already kill AWs reliably and want to overkill or something.

>> No.11963466

Critters require fewer buffs to reach their max damage. Towers inclusive, my critters only need 1x200% buff to hit 999,999. My 350%/all cards require 2x200% buffs to hit 999,999. It sacrifices proc chance in favor of fewer proc requirements for a successful match, and it really depends on which one you're comfortable with.

>> No.11963499

Sorry for noob question,i got invite to alliance can somebody tell me what i got if i join in?I skipped tips in past i regret it.

>> No.11963525
File: 526 KB, 1136x640, IMG_1655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got hiruko by assisting hiruko subjugate hiruko.

>> No.11963685

As far as I remember, those kinda droprate "boosts" are pretty much pointless, since they only mean that IF you get lucky enough to trigger a SR/UR drop, those cards are more likely to appear.
Kinda like how you're more likely to get the current AW as SR drop from their chests.

>> No.11963847

I would say so, I got a Fairy Princess through premium summon from those free 100 jewels they give out everyday.

Although getting another all skills proc card is pretty useless now since I already have a Jew girl.

>> No.11963858

I just started playing, I got to level 11.
What am I supposed to do?
It seems that resourses are the card's HP, and since I don't have many I can't do much
Can I join some alliance?
Is there something I should know? (aside from almost anything I don't)
Thanks for your time and have a good day!

>> No.11963873

Honestly I didn't know what I was doing either at the start. Just go with it man, enjoy the art and explore the features. Joining an alliance is a definite plus, I got lucky and managed to get a fairly active one. I also just recently started playing, maybe about a week ago? I'm about level 41 now, and really, the game's not that complicated.

>> No.11963889

I get that's not complicated it's very user and noob friendly, it's just that I can't fight if my cards don't have hp
Is there a /jp/ alliance or I should just jump on a random train?

>> No.11963893

What are you trying to fight, exactly?

>> No.11963896

Read the FAQ posted in OP.

Prioritize resource generation and storage if you can, while completing the initial quests that you get.
Pick your strongest card and only resupply that one. Let the others go to 1 soldier. Having 1 strong card is better than 5 mediocre ones.

Alliances give you more support on AW kills, bonus resources, the chance to donate to get goddesses, and participate in Alliance Battles. /jp/ alliances will recruit here from time to time, but there's only a few left. There's a 24 hour cooldown between leaving and joining a new Alliance, so decide if you can wait or just want the benefits.

Most /jp/ alliances are more active in the evening, so try asking here again later.

/jp/ Horizon is still full.

>> No.11963907

Stuff, I guess.

I see, thanks.
How am I supposed to deal with AW's exactly?
(sorry I promise I'll read the FAQ as soon as I'll have some time ;_;)

>> No.11963920

Last one I'm answering then, since every question you're asking is answered in the FAQ.

>Q: [Beginner] Damn, AWs are getting too hard to defeat, how do I defeat them?
>A: For beginners, it is recommended to simply find yourself some powerful comrades and let them do the killing.

>> No.11963937

Sure thanks

It seems It can't find people, when I lurk for the name nothing appears, meh.

>> No.11963942

Not her again... I'm at 8 Empress Dolls now and still only 1 Hiruko.

>> No.11963963

Sorry for the late reply but thank you sir. I will search for a guide to transfer my stuff to bluestacks. My connection at home is unstable.

>> No.11964176

try search then for their ID number.

>> No.11964211

There's room in Moe Gundan. 5chy6 is the leader if you comrade him.

>> No.11964475

User Lvl 84 here.
I never knew that /jp/ had an VC thread (I usually browser /a/). Just left my alliance yesterday because fuck them. Is there an /jp/ alliance available?

My code is: 5d7i2

>> No.11964569

Empyreal Guard has a few slots left! Invitation sent if you're interested.

>> No.11964863

I've yet to hit any AWs at all in the new campaign areas. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.11964951

Because it's not the event map. Apparently they no longer have those R AW anymore.

>> No.11965051

Oh god. 2 FAWs in a row?!

>BUILDING SALE, half off buildings.

>> No.11965055
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-03-13-19-47-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This FAW slapping machine is fueled by /jp/ senders. Thanks to all you wonderful people, I wish I could give back more to you for sending me so much stuff.

Yep. SR AWs will only appear in event map when an event map is available. Before, you used to be able to find R AW in the regular campaign map but after the big UR update back in December seems not to be the case anymore.

Enter their ID in comrade search to find them. Another way you could also find new comrades quickly is visiting people who have greeted you before on AW battles you have participated in.

I'd give you an extra Hiruko if I could. My inventory is clogged with them. Presents box is a box full of N cards clogging R cards clogging arcana and traps clogging Hirukos clogging swords clogging non-event SRs clogging jewels and summon tickets. Hmm, did I forget something?

Alas, if only there was a way you could hire comrades to clear out your inventory for you. I have 2 stacks of 98k medals from Saffron's event, and probably even more now from this event. If I could, I'd gift my generous senders this event each with a 40k medals parcel or one of my unused AWK cards.

Thanks for managing such an awesome alliance! You and Rikka are two of my favorite senders, and I'd add more from your alliance but I don't get to Lv 100 until a couple more days. Sadly, I had to delete Caeda since she was offline for 3 days, but I'm willing to add her again.

>> No.11965073

No rest allowed, man

Also, I couldn't help but notice that it said "UR" Oracle Ascendant. Does this mean the first UR Witch killing reward?

>> No.11965080
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Help me.

>> No.11965088
File: 487 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_2014-03-13-23-19-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... It does say UR. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!

>> No.11965133


...I just want to clean out my presents. WHY CANT I CLEAN MY PRESENTS?! UR FAW?

Sigh. There really is no rest for the weary. I just want to be comforted...

Oh my gosh, you indeed are struggling. I'll try to send you more stuff Kaz, but a lot of my FAWs get stolen pretty quickly even if I send them at full HP. I'll be in docs chat if you need me, since I recently started adding to a list of my favorite and most active senders.

Wonder if the building sale will count for building upgrades though. If not, maybe I'll just buy two airship docks for decoration and get it over with.

>> No.11965165

i'll ask my friend to send to you instead of random people.

>> No.11965252

I love you too man, I'm happy to send AW/FAWs when I can and it makes me feel good to be able to actually help you and other /jp/sies I actually like out a bit, even if it's still sort of selfish since it helps me too. I really like the sender/killer system in general though, it encourages a sense of camaraderie that is woefully absent in most browser/even downloadable games.

(I also love Empyreal Guard, starting a new alliance within 3 days of joining might've been a bad idea but I don't regret it in the least and I'm glad there are cool people there to make it all feel worthwhile)

I love you too Kazuko. Some bromo.

>UR FAW Oracle Ascendant

I don't even know who I'm quoting, but my body is ready. If I didn't already have 3 yggdrasils I'd be excited about the building sale too, but for now, ORACLE ASCENDANT!

>> No.11965258


It's gonna be crap.

>> No.11965263

Don't care, I like Oracle and I have a friend who REALLY needs a UR since he has shit drop luck and is getting frustrated at his lack of ability to kill, so the idea of a UR witch could be a godsend for him. Or more likely he'll just never get a drop, but hey, hope springs eternal!

>> No.11965269

Watch the UR FAW be something like "Near Death, Resurrect Ally"

>> No.11965270


I guess.

Feels good being able to 1 BP witches 90% of the time.

>> No.11965275

I can finally 1BP AWs most of the time, but I have a long way to go. He's just fucked generally at killing, and I'd like him to get SOMETHING nice for once.

>> No.11965320


Why don't you just take a rest next event?

>> No.11965323


I'll try.

>> No.11965327

It's cool they brought back some decorative structures. I haven't played in an event where they were available, yet. I guess the last one would be new years? I hope they keep putting up new ones for rewards.

>> No.11965430

Don't underestimate nubee's ability to pull off nubee things. HUR cards, to begin with, already have absurdly high soldier counts and stat caps. I can't imagine the skill to be terribly bad.

I probably am. Maybe I'll rank just enough everyday to get the ranking reward and then take the rest of the time to do things I haven't been up to date with lately: anime, novels and the like.

It could might as well change, depending on how the event goes and what kind of free time do I have.

I do find it a little amusing how much VC now encourages the camaraderie you speak of yet we're still lacking the most important aspect in the game: communication. Maybe they want to encourage us to make somewhat large communities like these or something like.

Not quite a bad thing per se, could be understandable for a couple reasons.

>> No.11965882

I have one question
"Connect to SNS(Please link to an SNS on the data that you would like to save before changing device)
We recommend you to connect to SNS for easy access to your game when changing device or retriving data when your phone is damaged"

Does that mean if my phone get damaged i need to start from beginning if i play from new phone?I don't have social network accounts and am somehow lazy to create it.

>> No.11965918

Yes, u start from the beginning in every device u use, unless u do that and u will be able to switch devices

>> No.11965964

I wish you could customize the Reinforcements list. Setting certain people to always default to top (or bottom), granting certain people priority when on, etc. It's a pain to scroll through the list to see if one of the people you actually WANT to send to is on once you start getting to larger friendlists, I'm discovering.

>> No.11966700
File: 1.03 MB, 580x812, Unknown_Light_UR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping this card finally shows up in the next event.

>> No.11966719

I invested 3000 jewels, whad should I use them for?
Draws? Buildings?
I've been playing just for a couple days so I'm guessing I'll be missing this event as I can't hunt witches or get good cards, nor do I have an alliance nor plas.
Feels lonely, ;_;

>> No.11966739

Prioritize on building, especially Yggdrassil, magic school, and workshop.
But that's just me

>> No.11966759

Sounds worth of the time, I'll do so
In what order and should I speedbuild them?
On a side note should I just deal with the fact that I'll stick with crap cards until forever or I can hope on miracles?

>> No.11966825

So, 5-2 it's the best place to farm progression points, right?

>> No.11966830

speedbuild? they are instantly built, AFAIK. If you want you can spare some jewel to upgrade those 3 buildings.
Yes, you upgrade them with jewels

>> No.11966836

I meant the castle, I realized you upgrade them with jewels, well now it's a weight off
I still have 1500 left, and no resources again so nothing to do atm

>> No.11967071

So do you guys reckon if it's worthblowing my amusement park coins on 2 premium tickets?

Only considering it as one of my tickets this event got me a SR and thinking maybe drop rates are just that much better.

>> No.11967124

That's what nubee wants you to think.

It's entirely up to you, personally I think the SR coin rewards aren't worth it considering how long it takes to get enough coins for 1, and you'll need 2 of them. Their skills aren't unique either.

>> No.11967148

I am considering a Sekhmet for her 30% skill, but it's only a minor improvement as I already have a full aoe team for AB. Matador isn't needed as I have a Resistance and Empress Doll.

The SR I got was Saketoke. This is the first time I've gotten an event SR (and I'm enjoying it!), and first time I got one from Premium Summon. Will probably get the tickets then, I'm 20 Maiden tickets away from an Ultimate ticket.

>> No.11967151


Try and get into a good alliance that would kill off your arcwitches and put some killer on your comrade list so you can send them your AW/FAW, hopefully you'd get some SR before the event's over

>> No.11967219

I need some help deciding who should be on my team.
I have one open slot available right now.
My team right now is:
Wisp(HSR), Hiruko(HSR), Empress Doll(HSR), and Eir(HSR), and I use either White Night (SR) or Cocoa(SR) to fill that last slot.
The SRs that I currently have are Birthday, another Empress Doll, 1* Resistance, Asclepius, Teiaiel, White Night, Cocoa. and Aries.
All of those SRs that I just listed have a lvl 1 ability, aside from Cocoa(lvl. 10), White Night(lvl. 10), and Asclepius(lvl. 4).

Also, I plan on doing another step-up summons soon, so that I can hopefully get another White Night and evolve her.
If I get that chance, should I evolve her to White Night(HSR) or Polar Night? Which would be better for my team?


>> No.11967314

What's the difference between 5-4 and 5-2, in terms of how many progress points can be earned?

>> No.11967734
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Thanks to everyone for the help, but I may be a lost cause. Guess it's better than going down a rank though, haha.

>> No.11967749

Just got my first Snow White and I was wondering if I should max both the stats and use it for battle?

>> No.11967776

I sent you so many FAW but you only kill like 2 because ema kill it so fast.

>> No.11967808

Also, I just got a Himko from a AW drop.
Would she be good to use?

>> No.11967816

A +200% attack buff on a critter is 600k to 880k damage. Do you consider 800k damage good?

>> No.11967818

Your best team right now is probably Eir, Cocoa, Himiko, Empress Doll, and one of your choice.

Neither Polar Night nor White Night are amazing, but White is more useful.

Not a very strong team, but should be able to occasionally take down an AW if you get your buffs up and a string of delays.

>> No.11967825 [DELETED] 

Yes, I do, because I only started playing about a month ago and I on average only do around 500k to 600k for regular archwitches per BP.
I guess since White Night's is a critter, I'll try to HSR her rather than getting a Polar Night. even though Polar Night's stats are higher.
Alright. I'll give it a shot then. Thanks for your input.

>> No.11967836

Stats like attack and defense are meaningless in this game, just use a few +atk or +def arcana. Soldiers don't matter a huge amount either, it doesn't matter if a card has 9000 soldiers or 9200 soldiers, what matters is if the card can survive 4 attacks from an AW or 5.

That 600k to 800k is based on a critter with max attack (19,999).

>> No.11967861

Whoops, double posted and accidentally removed both of my posts.
Well, I'm still relatively new to VC, so I'm still learning, but that's a good thing for me to know, because I was under the impression that it did matter.
Are arcanas still effective on cards that have been max leveled, by the way?

>> No.11967866

Yes, you can fuse N cards into something with atk/def arcana even if the card is already max level. It ends up costing a lot of gold though if you are still early/mid level.

>> No.11968398

Final 48 hours! How's everyone doing?

>> No.11968452

About to get the 13k point ticket, then I fuck off to the normal campaign map 2 to try to clear as much of that as I can while waiting for next event/new event map.

>> No.11968453

Got my Ultimate summon ticket.
Can't be bothered with anything else,
The low drop rate is just depressing, at least for me

>> No.11968459

Still around 8k point mark. Fuck, I dunno if I can manage to reach 13k.

>> No.11968461


I want to kill myself. No decent SRs the last few days.

>> No.11968491

Get a copy of it and then HSR it if possible. Snow White has a pretty low soldier count in her SR form, and dumping DEF into her won't do much use since she's still pretty much a 2 hit smack.

Any time you send a FAW to me, expect that thing to go down in at least 40 seconds! I'm warning you. Only thing stopping me from complete subjugation of a FAW is an ember or stepping in with the wrong team. Usually the former, sometimes the latter if I'm particularly absentminded.

Yup. Given you've amassed the right cards, however. Cards such as self-buffers get proportionally more powerful the more ATK arcanas are dumped into them. The jump to dump in arcana for a SR card, however, is somewhat expensive if you don't have quick means of acquiring plenty of spare SRs to medal. Given the frequency of FAW however, it doesn't take too long to amass a stash of medals if you have an active alliance.

I'm a little dizzy. Not from this game, but I was out in downtown earlier this afternoon and I'm rather sensitive to smog and smokers, getting rather bad migraines as a result of that.

That's why if today a sender sent between the hours of 5 to 8 PM PST I couldn't attend because I was resting in bed and forgot to change my status. Though, I'm sure there are some people out there that appreciate that I take a rest. My health is a lot more important, after all. And in addition they don't get their FAW stolen from a slapping machine.

One more thing to add. I went pruning my list for a little so as to prepare for the next event, and as such I now have 3 to 4 open slots. If anyone's interested in being comrades, my ID is 5fht4! Be wary though, I have a rather strict comrade policy of only 3 days inactivity now, more or less depending on how much interaction I get via kingdom visits or AW sends.

Thanks as always, guys, and good luck to everyone ranking in the top 500!

>> No.11968520

I was trying to get into the top 500, but missing over half of all the FAW my generous killers send do me has crushed that idea.

>> No.11968564

I'm tempted to buy Jewels to do the step up summons. Need a decent multiproc critter.

>> No.11968670

Don't do it in hopes of getting something useful

>> No.11968731


O-okay then.

>> No.11968750

Same here .

>> No.11968822 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11968897

Been playing for three weeks now, still can't get a second Empress Doll or any Hiruko (no friends that are FAW killers), annoying,

>> No.11969296

Add killers from the list in first post

>> No.11969379

I guess it's worth a shot. I'm in GMT+9 so I hope those people near my time zone will respond.

>> No.11971020

Final 24 hours. Just broke 40k points and missed my 10pm Revitalize, so I guess I won't get the super attack card.

>> No.11971075 [DELETED] 

>play this game for 6 months
>finally realize what a waste of time this game is
>download a package with all cards images
>fap to them

>> No.11971078 [DELETED] 


>> No.11971169

It's just the worth of 10 regular ATK arcana. The most it'll probably save you is 5 minutes of your time, a little gold and a couple N's, and a medalworthy SR's worth in medals.

Nothing to stress over. I started adventuring into the new map instead of caring about that ATK+ arcana just so next time I'll be prepared for if they ever have another WAY UP summon selection I'm interested in.

>> No.11971237

I'm still short for the ultimate ticket myself...

>> No.11971456
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2014-03-16-09-43-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use 35k point Ultimate ticket
>got her
>inb4 event is almost over
at least she's cute
dat blush
dat vag bone

>> No.11971480


>use Ultimate ticket
>get R


>> No.11971798

Story of my life. The rates for even getting a SR/UR are shit, even beyond the likelihood of getting one you actually WANT.

Never gonna happen, but it'd be interesting if there was a way to "wishlist" a card and get slightly higher droprates for it or something. Presumably with certain cards (cough Lilim) banned from the list. I'd kill for three more Fox Spirits though, never gonna be able to fucking 6card HR her.

>> No.11971838

Is there any worthy R cards out there? I wanna do something with my inventory which is loaded with them and I don't wanna take my friends advice who kept saying "HAH WELL MEDAL THOSE BITCHES!!1! XD"

>> No.11971861

I'm still 6k short of the ticket, what's the fastest way to get it? Just spam the later stages? Hurts my soldier count though.

>> No.11971918

I should say Delphinus if you don't have any ATK debuffer, otherwise she's just a collection card because i have a Penemue
Super Soldier might have some use in AB

>> No.11971979

Anything else? And are debuffers that important?

>> No.11971991

It is useful for new players to 1bp archwitches.

>> No.11971998


If you want to start 1 BPing AWs as a beginner.

>> No.11972015

Hey guys, I'm a player who started halfway through the last AW event. I have 188 cost limit atm and want to kill AWs reliably. Right now I'm using the following:

HSR Teiaiel, HSR Agreas, HR Shikigami, SR Uriel

Problem is if Uriel fails to proc, it will take me a few BP to beat AWs. I have the following other SRs:

Birthday (like everyone else atm), Noel, Empress Doll (only got one, pls game I already have 250 AW kills and almost 200 assists on this AW...)

Also got s bunch of R cards but I don't really know which Rs are good to use against AWs. I do have an R Muse and R Millionaire as possible healers.

>> No.11972025

Is it true that you get a higher AW drop rate if you ace the battle?

>> No.11972032

Did you already maxed your Teiaiel? If not, Empress Doll is a good choice to max if you got another one
Together with Uriel or any team buffer, she can kill AW in 5 turns

>> No.11972047

Max, do you mean skills or stats? I got Teiaiel's skill to Lv6 but I haven't added any atk or def cards yet. Wouldn't Agreas be a better candidate because of crit? Or is the single proc too limiting?

Still trying my best to get an Empress Doll before the event ends, I got Uriel, Agreas and Noel from this event but a second Empress Doll? Nope. Hiruko is basically a pipe dream at this point.

>> No.11972056


I wish I was you. All I got this event were Empress Dolls.

>> No.11972060

I'd happily trade one of those three for another Empress Doll.

>> No.11972161

Also Cassandra and Dog Sled Girl have an ability that, if it procs, grantees that you'll get a n card/sacred treasure chest after a normal campaign battle (doesn't work on AWs or LE). It's a good ability for unlocking secret areas or getting a few extra sages for medals.

>> No.11972181

>It's a good ability for unlocking secret areas
Secret areas?

>> No.11972189

On map 2 there are a few secret areas that are unlocked if you reveal all the war trophies (n cards and sacred treasures) in specific areas.

I don't have my phone on me atm but off the top of my head its areas 11-2, 13-2, 15-4, and possibly more with the areas that haven't been explored yet. The 3 secret areas off of 15-4, for example, give a +500 atk arcana, a +500 def arcana, and some random trash arcana. If memory serves the secret areas for 11-2 and 13-2 only gave crap rewards.

>> No.11972411

Oh, so they're only present in area 2? Crap, I'm still at area 4-4 due to distraction from the event (and my friends sending me AWs and FAWs for me to leech to)

>> No.11972419

I feel you, I haven't budged from finishing area 5 because I can't get that second Empress Doll to drop.

>> No.11972490
File: 68 KB, 469x563, 1372404344705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't get that second Empress Doll to drop.
This. Exactly this.

>> No.11972690

How do I unfuck my beginner mistakes? For example, evolving my starter unit so that she is back at 100 units now, or spending all my resources on upgrading a card I collected?

>> No.11972723

They stop mattering really fast. Your starter unit will probably be replaced entirely within a week, and resource income ramps up pretty hard if you focus on upgrading it so "all your resources" now is more like what you get every few hours in a week or two.

That said, in general for the first week you want to focus on upgrading resource production moreso than the campaign and unit soldier count. Yeah it's kinda boring but focus on resource production upgrading and getting 1 attack on every Archwitch you see, from alliance or other people you have added, so you can start getting a good card income.

>> No.11972730

Thankies. Guess I'll just not do the campaign for a while then and instead wait until I have some more resources.

>> No.11972739

It's worth noting that for early campaign, you're best off with one strong (preferably aoe damage) unit, and the rest can be 1 soldier turn skippers/maybe damage. The important thing is that they're there to take hits for your main card, since 1hp units don't cost anything to resurrect (happens automatically) and utility skills (turn skip, etc) don't care if you have 1 soldier or 10,000.

>> No.11972756

If you want to attack the current arcwitch just stick to 1-1 in the event map and don't go any further. You'll also level up pretty fast which restores your vitality and battle points so if you can you can use that to your advantage.

Don't spend jewels though or swords or shoes, you'll want those later.

>> No.11972763

I just hit 280 kills and I have work in a few hours, argh.

>> No.11972774

So, how does that work? I'll get killed if I engage something with seven quadzillion HP, right?

>> No.11972789

That's what you have the turn skippers for, so your one good card has more chances to proc.

It only really works in reasonably easy worlds and you'll have to keep upgrading the main/aoe card to keep up, but it's a VERY cost effective way to clear the first few worlds early.

>> No.11972792

Hey guys I'm wondering is there any specific guide for newcomers about getting a specific SR card using the premium ticket thing when you first start the game? Kinda like rerolling for a good leader at the beginning of Puzzle and Dragons? Or should I just use the ticket and let it rock no matter what kinda card I get?

>> No.11972819

I don't think so, honestly. Premium tickets have a HORRIBLE chance at a SR at all (about 3% I think, ignoring chance-boosting events), and there are SO many SRs of varying strengths that there just isn't much point. Even the best card in the game (Lilim) is pretty shit without a team that can make use of her ability, while many of the other good cards are good for AWs ONLY (infinite crit procs are nice vs AWs, but nigh useless in campaign where AoE is king).

If you REALLY want to restart hundreds of times, aim for a 30% proc / 350% damage card, it'll be the most useful for everything. Realistically though, just play the game. You'll get good SRs soon enough.

>> No.11972833

Alright cool, thanks for the answer. I just need to look away from P&D right now, godfest was shitty for me this time around.

>> No.11972838

that's what friends are for, let them kill what you can't. You'll still get something out of it and so do they so it's good for everyone all around.

>> No.11972852

Oh jeeze I misread that. Yeah, the point of attacking AWs is that you DO NOT have to replace soldiers after the battle (losses return after battle) and even just doing 1 damage is enough to have a chance at getting a N/R/SR card.

In order to actually KILL them, you join a decent alliance and add killers from the spreadsheet, and call in alliance+other killers as reinforcements. They love you sending them AWs to ace and get stuff from, you love them killng your AWs for you, everyone's happy!

>> No.11972879

I may have a question I'm sure it wasn't int hte FAQ and if it was and I missed it I apologize.

If I level up a card with another of the same type, should I do it with both at their max level?
Should I feed lvl 27 slimes to a Metal slime?
How many levels does a lvl 27 slime cover?
I like the shikigami, it's my only card that's able to kill witches, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get the 6000pt prize one in time, will I be doomed forever?

On a side note I just started but I'm positive I'm not shitty as I can somewhat kill lvl 80 witches
(IIRC I'm lvl 28 or something) if someone wants to add me It would be lovely, I don't know how do you find people tho.

>> No.11972964

yes, you HAVE to max level both card. evolution of both max level card will yield extra 10% stats. 15% if you add arcana succession

no, just amalgamate with gold girl

in experience point? i dunno

>> No.11972970

Okay thanks!

>> No.11972986

Let's see...

>If I level up a card with another of the same type, should I do it with both at their max level?
Are you talking about card evolution? If so, then yes you want to have both cards at max level and also use an arcana succession to get the most stats transferred to your resulting card.

Otherwise, just level up cards with lv 27 slimes.

>Should I feed lvl 27 slimes to a Metal slime?
No. Amalgamate your metal slimes with gold girls to get medal girls, which you can medal for 1500 medals.

>How many levels does a lvl 27 slime cover?
A lv 27 slime will give enough experience during fusion to level a card from lv 1 to 30 with no arcana. Use an arcana blessing or succession and that's enough to level a card from 1 to 40. Use both and that's enough to level a card to 50.

>I like the shikigami, it's my only card that's able to kill witches, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get the 6000pt prize one in time, will I be doomed forever?
Not really. In the future you'll be able to attain much more powerful cards than the event R card.

>I don't know how do you find people tho.
Go to comrades, put their ID in the search bar, and from there you can visit or send a comrade request.

>> No.11972990

>Use an arcana blessing or succession

Woops, I meant to type arcana blessing OR training. Didn't catch that.

>> No.11973002


Okay thanks!
What are exactly friend poitns for anyway?
I'll keep the metal slimes safe then
Also just realized the ID is not the nick, that explains everything.
Thanks a lot!

>> No.11973013

>What are exactly friend poitns for anyway?

Normal summon and goddess worship. Use them for upgrade fodder or gold fodder. You have a chance at getting slimes or gold girls from normal summon.

>> No.11973024

Sorry my bad I meant those the cards have, that sometimes go up by one after battles

>> No.11973150


More stats if you max friendship. Small increase, but still an increase.

30 to max though.

Also read the FAQ, should answer most simple questions.

>> No.11973189

How do I put down a yggdrasil? It says I need a miniature garden. Do I just build the decoration garden or something?

>> No.11973520

Just put the yggdrasil to your kingdom with 2x2 empty space. You do not need other stuff to build it.

>> No.11973956

Its been ages but I think a free workshop is needed.

>> No.11973998

/rant on

Alright guys, some of you newer players need to add some killers from the list in first post. I went through and added some senders a few days ago, but what I'm seeing is I apparently am the only one killing anything for some of you. I just came back to see several about to expire, and have had some do so before. I can't always be around so it's up to you to fill out your list.

Don't be shy about it. We put our name and ID there for a reason.

/rant off

>> No.11974004

What if they just wanted you to feel like the hero that they needed, but not the one they deserved?

>> No.11974056

5 HSR hiruko any good for AB?

>> No.11974065

Not as good as, say, 5 HSR Sekhmet.

Okay as a starter AB team if you don't have any of the 350/30 HSRs.

>> No.11974074


So what's the best AB team? 4 350/30s, and a UR AOE buffer?

>> No.11974082

How long does it take for someone to have 5 HSR sekhmet? I only gain at about 700-800 coins per day

>> No.11974086


You're better off shooting yourself.

>> No.11974091

Well, I doubt anyone actually uses a 5 Sekhmet team. That's about the average rate. You'll get them faster during the 2x coin events though.

Some other 350/30% cards include: Snow Man Mk II, Arianrhod, Yukionna,

A 400/20 HUR can also work, but 90% of all AB battles are decided on the first turn, so the higher percentage helps. HURs offset this slightly if they can survive being hit buy one or more AoEs from similar AoE teams.

>> No.11974128

The long awaited FAW UR is here

>> No.11974135

Aaand it's over. 320 kills and 300 assist and only one Empress Doll to show for it.

So, what's better to max out first for beating AWs for a beginner, HSR Teiaiel or HSR Agreas?

>> No.11974141


Got anything better?

>> No.11974145

Honestly? Neither. Wait for a more suitable card and save up your medals. If you hit 50k medals and STILL don't have a good one, then start wasting them

>> No.11974147

Holy god Oracle Ascendant is gorgeous.

>> No.11974151

Dear god I hope Orchestra is decent.

>> No.11974155

What's considered a suitable card for maxing first? I want to be able to 1bp AWs as early as I can.

>> No.11974157

15%/250% all damage. Oracle Ascendant is 10% crit damage. No idea on procs.

>> No.11974161

the SRs I got this event were: Hiruko, Empress Doll, Uriel, Noel and Agreas (2nd, turned into HSR)

>> No.11974178


Honestly, wait a little while longer. Oracle Ascendant sounds very good, if you get her this event max her.

>> No.11974181

I hope it's 3 or infinite proc. The x2 AW card this time is pretty bad though, so I'm going to be really reliant on the people I added from the doc to kill AW and FAW. Some of them haven't responded for a while now though.

>> No.11974191

Fuck. Downloading Game Data (again) right AFTER I started the free fight with my first Oracle Ascendant. Oh well, I have plenty of swords for this event.

>> No.11974196

URFAW don't start showing up until after you're killing lvl50+ AWs apparently. I think that's new for this event.

>> No.11974193

Connection Error 7!

Used all my BP and no FAWs anyway.

>> No.11974197

Server down right after I sent my first Oracle to comrades

>> No.11974199

I had literally just clicked the button to fight my first oracle when server asploded. Gonna be kinda mad if server is down 30min and I never even got a chance to try to fight her.

>> No.11974201

FUCK. Got in, killed a FAW, and got game update again. Which means no credit. wtf.

>> No.11974202


I better be compensated for this.

>> No.11974206

I wonder if they'll just keep tuning the HP up til we can't kill it.

4 million is beginning to near tedium.

>> No.11974209

So, is Amp worth maxing in level and 4*-ing for the event, or just straight 4*, for someone who has a group buffer and crit / aoe HSR (not maxed?) Shikigami was pretty good but Amp seems pretty bad, HSRs might still do more damage.

>> No.11974213

My performance on FAWs is slightly better since the AW doesn't one-shot my unupgraded debuffer.

>> No.11974215

saw a cute mummy N card

>> No.11974264

Black moon background! Excite!
Strategist. Letdown of the year.

>> No.11974265
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I'm simultaneously happy and feel bad because I robbed you of the drop ;_;

>> No.11974273

You should be ashamed. Medal her immediatly!

>> No.11974285

What's Oracle Ascendent's skills? Like all other FAWs? AOE attack and debuffs?

>> No.11974291

Ice Shard, the cool version of AW Burn.

>> No.11974295

She has the usual buff remover as well as an ice-themed version of Archwitch Ember named Archwitch Ice Shard I believe - appears to do roughly the same damage as Ember, just ice element.

>> No.11974330
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, 2014-03-17 04.29.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got muh first Oracle, thanks Lycene!

I can't wait for getting 5 HUR for AB

>> No.11974331

any senders active now? I need to use up my swords

>> No.11974335

2 procs. Oh well, good enough.

>> No.11974348

how do some of you do so much damage to archwitches? is there like an advanced guide? or do i need one of THOSE cards that make it possible?

>> No.11974351

I think it's pretty much having cards with 19999/29999 atk. And Lilim or other atk buffers.

>> No.11974353

Keep in mind, the cost of an HUR is ~75. You'll need 375 troop cost to have a full team.

>> No.11974354

Oh, I guess I can live with only 4 HUR

>> No.11974367

Of course, you could always save your gems for the upgrade, it's pretty cheap for a +50. My unit cost is 412 right now.

>> No.11974382

Alright. Doll Rumble SR drop Roundup

Venus x2
Thetis x2
Queen of Pirates
Gabriel x2
Philosopher x3
Sea Princess x2
Queen of Amazons
Agreas x2
High Elf
High Priest x2
Amefurashi x2

Still waiting for that Lilim.

>> No.11974385
File: 900 KB, 1280x720, 2014-03-17 05.04.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kind of works, but I might go back to my Nyx and some healer.

>> No.11974389

i got a bloody mary... she works on all archwitches right? should she be my first max attack defense even though she is one star?

>> No.11974409

>no UR


>> No.11974425
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-03-17-14-24-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a glass cannon team. Start by maxing out the cannon part (ATK). Then work on improving the glass part (DEF).

Generally, you want either 3xTeam/Other Buff and 2xCrit/350% DMG; or 2xTeam/Other Buff and 3xCrit/350%.

Once you get 1 or 2 cards maxed in ATK and DEF, your failure rate will plummet down to ~5%.

>> No.11974435


That's never gonna happen in a million lifetimes.

>> No.11974439

With 2 million players and one chance like this already taken, there's an empty spot right here

>> No.11974447


Yeah well, don't have the time nor the luck.

>> No.11974494

who is a good candidate for maxing attack on first? self buff 350% or crit damage?

>> No.11974497

Lv60 max is x2 27 Slime and both arcana ups right? How about 70? 3 slimes?

>> No.11974529

4 slimes with both arcana for lv 70. 8 slimes with both arcana for lv 80.

But if you intend to max out a HUR card, please dump arcana into her when she's at lv 1. Her upgrade costs are stupid expensive at max level.

>> No.11974537

If you don't have any way of consistently buffing a critter, maxing a self-buff is probably the next best choice.

>> No.11974578

I only have like, 10k medals though, and no other card worth maxing yet. Been selling shitty rares like mad.

>> No.11974595

>2 FAWs
>no URS


>> No.11974640



>> No.11974730

So, anyone give this box summon a try?

>> No.11974732

I did, only got two Rs.

>> No.11974737

Yeah, thought so. I really want that UR, though ;_;

>> No.11974746

Hey, beginner here, if I manage to get a UR from this event would you recommend using it for a defensive AW setup? I already have HR Muse and the HSR from event (Birthday) as possible healers as well as SR Noel, also got HR Metronome from event for atk down, still need 1 more atk down card though. Beastmasters are easy to get but I feel like it'll just be killed in one hit. I do have a Millionaire but no 2nd copy yet for HR or evo accident. And I'm a moron and exchanged my Ginger for medals.

>> No.11974760


Are you man enough to spend 29700 jewels to guarantee yourself a hole in one?

>> No.11974761

So is this supposed to be your Oracle waifu's ultimate form?

>> No.11974766

Well, it's only 29100 now. But I'm indeed tempted to get the 3200 package. And I already know that I won't get the UR then doubt my sanity for spending ~23 EUR to attempt get some card.
Somebody stop me, please.

It's her form from an alternate timeline where you didn't NTR her and thus she didn't turn into Chaos.

>> No.11974769


I'm planning the buy the 10k jewel pack to upgrade all my jewel buildings and castle.

>> No.11974842
File: 287 KB, 1280x720, 2014-03-17 10.33.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Oracle, thanks Silverlink
Finally I got use for those 99x arcanas

>> No.11974848


Can I say fuck you?

>> No.11974849

please don't be mean

>> No.11974851
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-03-17-19-54-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it to me too

>> No.11974853



How many Oracles did you kill?

>> No.11974854

12 self kills, probably triple assists. I also just got a 4th.

>> No.11974857

Hervor a good candidate?

and it costs 40k medals to max attack?

>> No.11974858


3 Juliets ! OMG
How many bucks have you thrown Anon ?

>> No.11974859


Eh, that's a lot. Only have a quarter total kill/assists on my side.

>> No.11974860

I've only pulled 3 URs from summons, and they've all been Juliet. Not that I'm complaining. She's really good when stacked.

>> No.11974866

You got them from Premium?

>> No.11974870

1 from Premium, 2 from Ultimate. I swear, all my luck in life is channeled into this game.

>> No.11974871


I want to quit right now.

>> No.11974893

>send 5 oracles
>some guy gets an Oracle UR in each of them, stuck with Ns and Rs

I need better luck.

>> No.11974898

Wait, you're Shinon? Well, then there's no need in sending you things anymore, is there?
I'll still send you regardless, you lucky fucker

>> No.11974909
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>literally my first FAW encounter
>wasn't even the one who killed it

Thanks RNG!

>> No.11974913


Stop making me feel like a piece of shit.

>> No.11974920

Well, he already made me feel like one.

>> No.11974922

Do you need more killers or more feeders? If killers, I can help. I'll be breaking the poop sock back out for this event.


>> No.11974930


I need luck. Lots of it. I have enough killers on my list that I can rely on 24/7.

I've just had real bad RNG that's all. 25 Oracles and much more prodding and nothing from them so far. Frustrating to see other people get oracles.

>> No.11974936

Keep in mind, the people getting oracles early on are Acers/Killers. Ace gets higher chance of pulling the good drops. Your time will come. It's only day 1.

>> No.11974939


True. I just want them now so I can finally have a proper rest pattern.

>> No.11974999

RNG is strange today - got my HSR orchestra already sadly no oracle-chan tho

>> No.11975018

I wish I had a card ;_;
All I have is the Shikigami at evolved 3/4 and the two birthdays
Just when will I have fun

>> No.11975022

And for the record: 13 box summons, 11 normal rares, 2x Riff. Not surprised or anything.
Also: Fuck that guy in the top 50 who's already sporting the HUR Hole in One.

>> No.11975052

>All I have is the Shikigami at evolved 3/4 and the two birthdays
Are you me?

>> No.11975053



>> No.11975060

>see a newbie in guild
>has a Hole-in-one

Fuck my life.

>> No.11975062

Probably, but maybe you have friends and a guild.

Why are jewel draws so expensive?
I wouldn't mind them if I didn't have to pay 30 bucks for 10 cards.
And why are rare cards something only someone with rare cards can get.

>> No.11975069

So, how many do you think a sender has to send/kill/assist to get the HUR? I really want one so I have something to consistently kill future AWs with.

>> No.11975070


Too many. 100 maybe? Took me that long to get 6 Hirukos.

>> No.11975073


Might as well go the distance.

>> No.11975077

I just need two. Last event gave me a Hiruko in 11 kills and ~20 assists.

>> No.11975080


Ah. Expect 50 kills and double the assists if you have my luck.

>20 kills, x2 assists
>no fucking oracle

>> No.11975086

My luck involves only one Empress Doll in ~320 kills and ~280 assists. Life is suffering.

>> No.11975127
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No worries, anon, you're not the one spending 60k jewels to get that so I hope you can cheer up. Think of all the things that you could do with 60k jewels worth in real life cash.

Also, this Connection Error 6 thing is infuriating me. Come on, I have 38 bp and a giant pool of vitality to burn through before 11 today.

And then requests. I get requests even if I say I'm away, and first day of FAW events are always the most hectic. Already at 5.035 million points. Not every night you wake up right from sleep and then there are already 4 FAW requests sitting right there to attend.

Well, not for me at least. I wouldn't know about Mika, and I see him on all the time.

By the way, 3 comrade slots available, just as in the pic. My ID is 5fht4... and I will slap your FAW if I see it. Good luck to getting all your Oracle Ascendants, everyone!

>> No.11975187

Wow. I got about 7 Dolls in about 400 kills and ended up with like 15ish Hiroko's in about 100 kills.

>> No.11975243

Anyone? Got HR Metronome for possible atk debuffer already, HR Muse and HR Birthday for healers and a bunch of R cards with heal/atk down waiting for a partner. Guess I won't be using that beastmaster.

Also I guess I should be maxing the HUR at lv1 to save on gold, but I don't know the HUR stats at max level when evolved with max level + succession, and I only have 12k medals...

>> No.11975260

Do AWs apear on all maps, or just on event maps? I ask because I have been doing many of the chronicle maps, and haven't seen any, but they appear frequently on event maps.

Next question: I received a SR card (Birthday) on my first day, which seems decent at first glance. I leveled her up to 25, so is there any point in going "down" to things like Android now?

>> No.11975271

The wiki at http://valkyriecrusade.wikia.com/wiki/Oracle_Ascendant says that Oracle Ascendant has 13910 ATK and 14724 DEF at max level with no arcana dumped in yet.

What you do is take the maximum (29999) and subtract it by the base at max level, divide by 50, and then get the ceiling of the number.

(29999 - 13910)/50 = 321.78 -> 322 ATK arcana

(29999 - 14724)/50 = 305.5 -> 306 DEF arcana

It is rather expensive, but it is better to upgrade her now rather than in the future if you value your medals and plan to use her extensively in the future. Just continue smacking FAWs and medal all your spare Hirukos and eventually you'll be able to get up to speed.

We've all been through this stage, so we know how hard medals are to get when you're starting out: the lack of aces and good drops. But eventually you'll get to the point where medals are too plentiful.

>> No.11975282
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I'm not sure who to replace on my team, Scylla or one of my buffers? I can already somewhat consistently 1bp FAWs but the amount of buffers might be a little overkill.

>> No.11975304

The FAQ says:

> go duel people for the treasures you don't have, and get yourself a Shaman and a Medic. Make HR of each.

Don't I get only one Shaman/Medic for relics? I got myself a shaman, and the next card I could get was completely different.

>> No.11975312

There are 3 chests for every relic and so far the pattern I see is: Something, Metal Slime, Something
And "Something" is always the same.

>> No.11975327

Both cards are 180, right? So that makes ~110k medals needed total. This is going to take a while. (Also Hiruko was last event, heh.) At 16 FAW kills now and around the same amount of assists, no UR in sight.

Also, I guess I should just medal the extra event URs once I get the HUR? (And extra event SRs as well once HSR, I don't really need that many aoe attackers)

>> No.11975331
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Dropped my first Oracle, thanks Rai.

>> No.11975337


>> No.11975348

>Damage: 0
>Gets a UR
Somebody please explain

>> No.11975349

The app crashed in the loading screen.

>> No.11975350

I think that if you disconnect mid-fight, you still get credit for attacking it but displayed postbattle damage is 0. I'm not 100% sure if you have to d/c during first turn (aka before you actually do damage) or if you can do damage and it gets "wiped" on DC, but I've had that happen to me once before. Was like "wat."

Also, lambda, DAMMIT why is everyone in EmpyG getting Oracles before me? I AM WORTHY.

>> No.11975364

I'm here receiving awards from March 3rd while everyone is getting their Oracles.
When will Nubee implant receive 10 awards at once? please

>> No.11975395

The damage you deal gets wiped on a full DC until you hit the Victory or Defeat screen. Thankfully if you only have a partial disconnect you can tell the game to keep trying to reconnect and if it eventually goes through the damage is counted.

>> No.11975402
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Just wanna say thanks for Oshiri for the clutch assist with the FAW.

>> No.11975415

>> Use 4 BP, only do 100894 damage.

Why would you use 4 BP when you do so little damage. Did you get Ember all 4 times at 1st turn?

>> No.11975442

No, it was a minute left till it vanishes and it still has around 100k health, so I did what every sane player would do
I panicked

>> No.11975488

Is there anything you can do to update your last login time without restarting? It sometimes updates but I don't know what triggers it.

>> No.11975557

Oh yeah, I first saw that thing when it was close to expiring. And of course I had a few rounds of terrible luck on it. But I'll be damned if I let one expire. Not when I got over 100 light swords.

>> No.11975566
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HAHA, and I just went and opened the box for it myself too. I guess it was worth it after all.

>> No.11975589
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Holy cheesus, what are the odds of that!

Wait whut?

>> No.11975604

Since building stuff takes ages and I can't waste my resources on new buildings/upgrading, what else do I spend them on? I kind of want to upgrade my Rs, but I have only ~50 Ns .

How can I collect more Ns when my stamina is barely enough to get me a few steps into any given map?

>> No.11975608

This kind of also applies for leveling on the world map. Good times when I still had beginner infinite stamina...

>> No.11975610

Nevermind, you just changed name

>> No.11975637 [DELETED] 

Anyone know how many points rank ~300 and rank ~500 finished at?

>> No.11975662

Two buffers is fine. I'd say replace your both SR critters with HUR critters. But if you have either of the SRs maxed, wait to max the HUR before replacing.

>> No.11975689

With Fairy Princess that team has a potential of 4x 200% team buff and 2x Lilim buff, while Scylla already starts critting for 999999 at 2x 200%. That's why I'm not so sure.

If FP procs early the battle is already over but if she procs after the other buffers it's largely pointless.

>> No.11975693

Fuck, that was for you.

>> No.11975726
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I barely made it.
The final rush was very scary.
I went down 60 ranks in 3 days

>> No.11975764

I was mistaken, I thought Vesta was a CRIT for some reason. Yeah, swap out of buffer first.

>> No.11975785

Thanks for the screenshot. So that means a player needed to average 2,966,678 points per day for rank 300 this event.

Would anyone happen to know how many points rank 300 had yesterday? I'm curious how many points they gained during the final 9 hours.

Also does anyone know what rank ~500 finished at? Someone was asking how many points were needed per day for that range.

>> No.11975791

oh my GOD, thanks for posting. I checked an hour ago and thought I didn't, but I'm at 279.

>> No.11975798
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Yesterday, rank 300 was just below 40m.

I remember because I was 600k short before I decided to go all out and farmed up 3m in the last stretch.

>> No.11975842

Looks like i will take it easy in this event, because i have midterm exam next week and the Ranking rewards have been subpar lately.

>> No.11975871

i am pretty new here lvl 24
What should i do with Rare medal?? Should i spend it on my HSR/HR/R card or safe it for something bigger?

>> No.11975881

Find a card with either self buff, crit, or dmg target/suck in %. Buy ATK arcana, and feed them all to that card. Hold firm to your decision--do not stray (unless you get UR oracle, in which case lol fuk dat other card).

>> No.11975897
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I couldn't see rank 300 yesterday. I was 282.
The difference between me and the 297 was around the 700~800k points.

It is a little sad for the people who made a last day effort and didn't make it.

>> No.11975930

They weren't in it to begin with. If they could do that in 12 hours, it's entirely their own fault they didn't make it.

>> No.11975935

It's just a shitty card game.

It's just a shitty card game. That's what I keep on telling myself.

>> No.11975971

So I just got another angel, is HR Angel better than HSR Birthday for a beginner AW killing team? (I already have HR Muse but the FAQ said double healers)

>> No.11976010 [DELETED] 

HR Angel has lower soldier counts, atk and def but has unlimited procs on heals.

HSR Birthday has higher soldier counts, atk and def but heal only procs 3 times.

Both of the cards heal for 45% and has a 15% chance to proc max level.

If you are a turtle team i'd say got for HR Angel.

>> No.11976012

At face value, you get the survivability of an HR. But then again, if you don't have anything that can ace an archwitch, it's best to go barebones with HSR Birthday (always max soldier) and the rest as riffraff. Birthday being HSR will give you good early game survivability, and she'll be able to hit campaign enemies hard. Your focus should be kingdom building.

Remember that when a building finishes leveling up, and when you collect resources, you get an EXP bonus. When you level up, your campaign vitality and BP are restored to full. Try to time your level ups to maximize the amount of VIT/BP you're getting.

>> No.11976036

I'm around Lv40+ so I think it's a good time to start hitting AWs hoping for SRs.

My current team can 1BP AW if the stars align (Uriel procs, self buffer procs, critter procs and self buffer doesn't get focused, and I get healed enough times). Was hoping to get the UR/HUR from event so I can start on a team that can kill AWs more consistently. FAQ said 2x healers, 2x atk debuffers and 1 damage dealer for it.

If I used the event UR/HUR as a focus for a beginner team (x2 healer, x2 atk debuffer, x1 dd) which would be better? I do have Uriel though but my current ability to kill AW is inconsistent since without that buff I can only do 100k-200k damage.

>> No.11976063

Oh, well I thought I was giving advice to a literal newbie!

Event UR/HUR will outlast every card on your team currently. I highly recommend getting at least 1 HUR, if not 2.

>> No.11976091

Someone recommended I max the event UR as soon as I can, but that'll take more than 100k medals if my math works out right. Should I keep four URs (for two HUR) or just medal as soon as I get 2/4?

Also my current team is HSR Agreas, SR Empress Doll, HR Shikigami, SR Uriel, HSR Birthday. Thinking if I should replace Shikigami with HR Cinderella.

I asked the other person but post seems to be deleted, do you recommend the event UR being used for defensive team (x2 healer x2 atkdown x1 dd)? Or am I better off gambling that Uriel procs?

>> No.11976143

Not the one answering your other questions, but...

HURs will have about 16k in stats before you start maxing. So about 60k to get the attack up there, which should be your first focus. If you're swimming in medals, you can do defense at the same time, but that can wait. Focus on tapping every FAW you can and you should have plenty of medals by the end.

The event HUR would do terribly in a turtle team. With a 2 proc limit, you won't do enough damage for a FAW.

You've got some good pieces, but just because you can kill the occasinal AW, doesn't mean you're quite in AWK range. Uriel, while a team buffer, is too inconsistent to be used in end game teams, unless you're big IAP using the 10x cards and aiming for speed kills.

What's your full SR list look like?

>> No.11976150

If you want, I'm hanging out in Docs chat. Easier to converse there.

>> No.11976197

Not really swimming in medals, I have like 12k at the moment. Not looking to solo FAWs really, just need the ability to kill my own AWs instead of having to rely on other people for them, I have killers added for my FAWs. Is it fine just to max atk of event HUR? People said I should max both before leveling it to max level to save on costs.

Other SRs I have are HSR Teiaiel, SR Noel, SR Hiruko. Got a bunch of various Rs. Not much SR at the moment.

Google docs has a chat? I never knew.

>> No.11976199

Would a himeko allow me to kill AWs at a consistent rate? I have a Max attack Artemis. Should I just max its defence also? Or Max attack and defends of a self buffer instead?

>> No.11976205

You'll know the Max natural stats of the HUR. From there you will know how many arcanas you need to get max stats.

>> No.11976231
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> Is it fine just to max atk of event HUR?
I have not maxed the DEF of a single card. Only ATK.

>> No.11976232

So my current team consists of one 2* Resistance, 1 HSR Eir, 2 SR Eir and 1 HSR Chocodevil.

Is there anything I can optimize without a team buffer? I'm sitting on ~70k medals and threw some arcanas on Resistance. Should I continue and max her?

>> No.11976248

Oh, I guess that's fine then, I won't bother maxing DEF. Just want solo AW capability fast so I won't have to bother the FAW killers too much with my AWs.

I actually have you on my comrade list, I think.

>> No.11976246

Yep. Click the colored boxes in the top right for chat. It's anonymous.

If you just want to kill AWs, then you should be fine with a more aggressive turtle team.
Try for 2 damage, and remove either a healer or a debuffer.

It's fine to just max the Attack on the HUR for now and max defense later. Will just cost a bit more gold, but gold isn't really a limiting resources in the long run.

For maxing a stat starting at level one, just consider the stats before you start. If you do it right with the Succession arcana, a level 80 OA will have 13910 Atk. 16089 to get from Arcana, so you'll need 322 Atk arcana. Just do them in sets(like of 20 or 50 etc) to keep track. 57960 medals!

Himiko? A team buff is one part of a good AWK team. The other is a good DD. You'll want either a 300% self buff, 300/30% AoE card, or a Crit/15% card, preferably. Been a while since we've had an event card with these stats though. The New Year event, I think.

>> No.11976260

>I actually have you on my comrade list, I think.
Don't be afraid to play in off-hours, then. I'm playing in JST.

>> No.11976267

I need advice to improve my team. My team consists of HSR Empress Doll, HSR Komainu Twins, SR Omoikane, SR Asherah and SR Penemue.

If I get hit by AW field my team technically fails and I need help to prevent that.

I can usually 1bp AW but also fails sometime because of AW field. I am halfway through maxing atk on empress doll but should I just replace my empress doll with oracle ascendant?

>> No.11976269

It won't let me type anything though, I just see a bunch of anonymous users.

For the second attacker in a more aggressive turtle team I guess I should use HSR Agreas for that onetime crit? Since if I use my Empress Doll / Shikigami / Cinderella it can dispel the atk downs I put on it. I only have one HR atk down card (Metronome) so I guess it'll be two healers. Should I use Birthday + Muse/Angel or Muse + Angel?

>> No.11976273

It's fine, I'm in GMT+8. JST in a few months, probably...

>> No.11976276

Got Max attack Artemis, should I use that or upgrade to self buffer or are they equal?

>> No.11976295

I'm leaving JST in a little over a month, what's your code? I figure after you get your team set up I canj start sending to you if I fail to kill.

>> No.11976313

It's 61jf3, IGN: Mari. Thanks for killing those AWs, I sent a FAW but I think you didn't get a hit in before it was killed.

>> No.11976316

If you can manage it, I'd suggest getting HUR Oracle x3 and using your team buffers. If you can only get two then keep Penemue. If just one then keep Penemue and the Twins.

>> No.11976326

>6 oracles dropping

Fuck. Yeah right.

>> No.11976353

If I manage to get a HUR Oracle should I max level first or should I stack atk at lvl1? Adding atk on my empress doll takes up a lot of my gold.

I am only level 48.

>> No.11976355

I'm on my 3rd right now just in one day, it's clearly possible to have shitload of them in one week.

>> No.11976417

I'm juggling this and Kantai Collection. Bad timing, I guess ;_;

>> No.11976426

Welp dropped money on 10k jewels. Can't quit now.

>> No.11976477

That's happened to me before. Try refreshing, then testing to see if anyone's around. I'm there now, just back from dinner.

The turtle team protects against AW Field by depending on debuffs and healing to stay in. No buffs means nothing to trigger the field.

Artemis for turtle team. Unlimited procs works well with slow grind.
Self buff in race to 0 team. If you have other team buffers to boost the self buffers damage.

If you can wait, start stacking from level 1. Feeding a level 80 HUR costs 1660 gold. For 322 Atk arcana, that'll set you back 534,520 gold, and 322 N cards.

For everyone getting a hard on for HURs, remember that they have high cost. Figure out if your current team even has room for one or start upgrading your barracks now.

>> No.11976479

>can't connect


>> No.11976487

25 faw and 0 oracle

>> No.11976524

I'm at about 50, 50-70% of them aces, and 0 oracles. We can be in the bad luck boat together! And sink when it springs a leak and drowns us all.

I just want HUR Oracle man is that so much to ask.

>> No.11976539

150 FAWs for my first UR. RNG-sama must be displeased with me.

>> No.11976552

Mein neger. Kancolle in KCV on right side of screen, Bluestacks with Valkyrie Crusade on the left, click between them as needed. I should be studying, but instead I'm leveling up twice as many wonderful girls!

>> No.11976561

I'm hating these events, no one wants to kill my AWs.

How am I supposed to send then FAWs if they don't kill my AWs, duh.

>> No.11976570

I usually kill AWs that I see, once I get my own AW to 200. Mostly spending my vit on Campaign Progress points right now anyway.

>> No.11976575

Are you me? The only difference is that I use my phone to play VC.

>> No.11976586

You must be me. Except I use two different monitors, with work/whatever on one and KC on another.

>> No.11976610

People just prioritize attacking FAW over AW.

>> No.11976639

My phone was shit back in 2006, I don't think it could play Minesweeper now. Bluestacks is my only salvation.

...I JUST realized I have a spare monitor I was meaning to set up for a dual monitor setup. I should do that tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for reminding me!

I've been trying! Most stuff dies so fast these days that I'm having trouble keeping up with anyone's FAWs and no one sends me AWs that I can tell.

>> No.11976659 [DELETED] 

It just feels like senders were divided into AW senders and FAW senders with rankers only wanting the former for obvious reasons.

>> No.11976675

It feels like senders were divided into AW senders and FAW senders with rankers only wanting the later due to obvious reasons.

>> No.11976738

I kill AWs. 41e9a

>> No.11976825
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It could happen for anyone.

>> No.11976826
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The third one I've gotten without aceing. I'm completely unapologetic now.

>> No.11976868


Luck of the cards.

That said, anyone have a hole in one?

>> No.11976914

I'm also playing it, VC is on my phone since I like playing it during breaks at work.

Thanks, also, you didn't answer so I'll ask again, for that particular team, Birthday + Muse/Angel or Muse + Angel?

pls giv UR ;_;

>> No.11976924


It's not that great.

Who am I kidding. Being in denial is fun.

>> No.11976926

If you have HURs, Birthday is fine. 3 procs should be plenty. If you don't you'll want more, but I'd use Birthday anyway.

>> No.11976936

Well, if I can get two HURs, I'm not counting on it. (And I think I can only max one before I need to start hunting AWs harder)

>> No.11976937


How many Oracles do you have at the moment?

>> No.11976945

0, after 21 kills (no aces since I just send) and around the same number of assists. For that matter, are the assists per AW tracked? I don't really count them...

>> No.11976955

Expect about a 1% rate for the UR.

>> No.11976958

i have 4
2 of them are medalled because i'm sort of arcana to max the first HUR

>> No.11976962

Oh geez, this will take forever then, since I can't kill my own AWs yet so using up BP is a slow process.

>> No.11976966


Feels like everyone else has a 20% rate.

>> No.11976967

Even if you can't kill, you should be pulling about 80 AWs per day if you use all the ones you get from Regen.

Some have 20%. Others have 0.05%. RNG is RNG.

>> No.11976968


RNG is cruel. They should just give everyone a UR at event's end.

>> No.11976991

More like ~20 a day really, regular weekdays I have work so I can't kill that many considering that I have to wait for others to kill them.

>> No.11976992

Try finding a good alliance? Ours don't stay up for more than a minute on average.

Or just ask here for killers who will still handle AWs.

>> No.11976998

I'm in an alliance with friends, only one of which is high level (I'm at second highest at 4x), so can't really move on that point.

I did add a few people here but most I added only kill AWs when they have BP to spare. My list is already full too, don't really want to delete anyone remaining since even people lower level than me send me AWs/FAWs to poke.

>> No.11977007

We'll just say you're playing on Hard Mode then. Those handicaps might make it hard to get the URs you need.

>> No.11977027

Yeah, and my luck is bad too. Just deleted some people that don't send anything and added two more people from the facebook fansite page, hope that helps. Don't really want to budge on the alliance thing. Time to pray to the RNG.

>> No.11977044

Why add people from facebook page when there are people here

>> No.11977047

More people from my timezone there

>> No.11977052


Where are you from?

>> No.11977060

I still think the people here are a better candidate to be your comrades. They are probably more dedicated than your facebook people.

>> No.11977075

GMT+8, there are a few of the same or near my time zone in the document that I added but some of them are full or didn't respond for more than three days.

Some people there are pretty crazy, I added someone with a maxed HSR Ensemble.

>> No.11977084

Too bad none of us will be crazy to spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to collect cute girl cards.

Maybe someday once I have a high paying job.

>> No.11977085

>yfw someone dropped 60k jewels to get three Hole in One cards

>> No.11977086

Crazy as in having money to spent on getting HSR cards.

>> No.11977087
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Hahahahahahahahaha, awesome. Well at least I helped someone else out, yeah? And there'll be plenty of chances to get one later

>> No.11977089

Turns out they only spent 900 gems

>> No.11977093

Basically, dedicated enough to spend that much money on a cute grill card game.

Wish I could add Mandi though, but she's full.

>> No.11977097


My alliance is shit, but I'm only staying in it because of the high level alliance hall. Call me if any of the /jp/ alliances have spots open.

>> No.11977107

Dedicated enough to spent money doesn't mean they are dedicated in playing the game actively(helping people to kill AWs)

Those people are less likely to be active in my opinion. They want those event cards for collections. Once they got it, they become less active.

>> No.11977116

Still, maxing a x15 AW card seems to say they're dedicated to this event (probably buying swords as well), they've been killing my AW/FAWs semi-consistently.

>> No.11977124

>> Theyve been killing my AW/FAW semi consistently

That's all I need to know. You say you just added them and I argued /jp/ are a better choice and since they are actually helping you then your choice was good. Good luck.

>> No.11977132

I'll add more people from here when I get more comrade slots anyway. The fb guys I added are pretty helpful, they actually hit my AW/FAWs more often than the jp people.

>> No.11977161


That hurts.

>> No.11977164
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Oracle Ascendant isn't hard to get though, really. I've only started opening boxes past 12:11 AM since the morning of the event and I've gotten a bunch of them.

But if you call that non-ace reward good luck, I call mine insanity. I have absolutely no idea why I need more of these on top of the ones I already have.

>> No.11977170


Stop rubbing it in dude. Stop leeching all the luck from us.

>> No.11977178

Yup. I got nothing good after I accept his invite to be my comrade. Don't accept his invite guys.

>> No.11977202


>RNG for you not being a shithead
>must not be hard to get

>> No.11977250

I need one more to HSR it
give me your luck Ema ;_;

>> No.11977254

>no Orchestras
>200+ AW kills


>> No.11977259

>beginner friend I introduced to the game lately
>gets UR on first Oracle summon
>I'm at 26 now with 20 assist, no UR
>earlier he got SRs of previous event within ten pokes at them

fuck this gay earth

>> No.11977265

Well, since everyone's blogging, I might as well!

> still no Oracle drop
>finally get the first dark sky from an Oracle box after 60+ kills.
>it's Snowman Mk. II

Why do you mock me so, Oracle-sama ;_;

>> No.11977279

same, 279 self kill of orchestra and at least 10 or 20 of assist, no orchestra

i got a feeling nubee totally forget about it

not gonna complain though, 6 oracles so far, and assorted SR that's potentially more useful than orchestra

though i do need medal fodders

>> No.11977312

Fret not, for soon you'll have a killer that you can collaborate with!

>> No.11977412


I added you.

>> No.11977421

Question, do you lose the AW cards that you get from previous events if you leave it in the presents?
I can't find my extra Empress Doll which I was supposed to medal since I already got 2 HSRs.

>> No.11977424


They only show the most recent cards. You'll have to dig through all your cards to find it.

>> No.11977445

Found it, thank you.

Just got Aries SR as well.
Seems useless, as expected of my luck.

>> No.11977532

Also, just now:

>open Oracle chest
>dark sky
>could it be
>get Nuwa

>> No.11977537


I finally got my first Oracle. Hope you get yours soon.

>> No.11977560

Is it okay if I go with 3 HUR oracle(not maxed) and 2 SR atk buffer or should I just wait until I max them first because I feel like I need to deal as much damage as I can to get more medals and cards.

>> No.11977567


Do what you want. You'll have more medals than you need anyway.

>> No.11977581

Well, you got a cool element critter at least!!

>> No.11977584

Oracle Ascendant's skill can only proc 2 times?

>> No.11977591

I hope so too. Friend also somehow got two Orchestras already just poking at mine, pfffffft.

But I already have an HSR Agreas!

>> No.11977598

What kind of team can 1bp FAW usually?

I can 1bp AW just fine but FAW is just too tanky for me to 1bp.

>> No.11977601


Max atk multi-critters, AOE buffers, lilims.

>> No.11977623
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>> No.11977629

2 buffers, 3 critters. The critters are being passed out like candy, so that's one already down.

>> No.11977632


Just got an oracle recently, can wait another couple of days to get another.

>> No.11977640

I hope I have enough time to get 5 more though. Only have one oracle right now.

>> No.11977668

So, when will Nubee stop making ranking AOE URs?

>> No.11977719

I've already started medalling spare Oracles.

>> No.11977779

how much do URs medal for? 3500?

>> No.11977810

Yeah 3500 for regular UR, 5000 for HUR

>> No.11977842

Did the server get extremely slow again or is it just my connection?

>> No.11978064

What is Ascendant's drop rate? Same as Cacao/Hiruko or lower? I wish I could play right now and test it myself.

>> No.11978185

So far this event: 14x Oracle, 3x Orchestra, 2x Himiko, Librarian, Skadi, Strategist.

Never leave my side again, RNGoddess.

>> No.11978416

AW ranking are tougher in this event, you need 3,2m-3,5m per day to maintain rank at 300.
Help, i need more senders

>> No.11978420
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forgot the pics, silly me

>> No.11978435
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Haha, I ranked right at 502, so here's the other break point for 1 UR. 2.5m per day.

>> No.11978484

The fuck is bluestacks?
I mean I have the game but I'm curious, it's some kind of android emulator if I can trust google right?

>> No.11978504
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It finally happened 30~ kills later. Thank you to my regular killers.
Good thing I didn't leave this till the very end like I did with Hiruko when I grinded for 6 hours straight till the event ended and got fucking nothing.

>> No.11978577

Not that guy, but yes. I use it since I don't have a smartphone/tablet/whatever. It's a little bit laggy and crashes every so often, but works fine for VC otherwise.

>> No.11978601

Fuck, I'm at 30+ myself, nothing.

>> No.11978608

Is it just me or is VC running like shit today? Seems really laggy, getting lots of connection errors, etc. Other net stuff seems to be working fine.

>> No.11978670


UR should've been a 400/15 AOEr instead of a crit one IMO, maybe people won't be so crazy to get one.

>> No.11978683

Same here. Looks like nubee can't keep up with the popularity of oracle.

>> No.11978692

I thought they fixed it? What the hell nubee

>> No.11978700

Ace own URFAW, get 2 shit Ns. Fuck you too Oracle.

>> No.11978717


Please anon. 200 Orchestras, zero orchestras, 1 strategist.

>> No.11978726

I'm having shit luck this event too in general, just I usually have enough trouble 0BPing Oracle that doing 4m with free attack was cool... right up until I get absolutely nothing of value from her.

On the bright side, at least Orchestra is pretty bad isn't she?

>> No.11978746

That's no bright side, anon. Please find the real bright side.

>> No.11978769

Bright side: I just got a second Oracle! ...From doing like 20k damage on turn 0 with 0 procs before getting ice sharded.

>> No.11978780

>turn 0 with 0 procs before getting ice sharded.
This is the worst. Turn 1 Ice Shards should be illegal.

>> No.11978785
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I can't play with all the timeouts I get when I am in the AW screen.
My rank is going to fall pretty hard.

>> No.11978786

Especially multiple FAWs in a row. I swear, I was moments away from snapping my phone or putting it through a wall. I need to play a different game.

>> No.11978787

Try that 7 times in a row.

I don't know why I didn't send her after 3 times...at least I got her in the end.

>> No.11978794

I dunno, 60 turns in a row of a 20% skill not going off is pretty close. Spread out over multiple AW/FAWs mind you, but 60 fucking turns before Spell Master decided to get off her butt and pull her weight had me almost as mad as turn 1 ice shards.

And I've gotten a lot of those this event.

>> No.11978847

On the bright side, a same-element HUR can survive Ice Shards, which might be enough to pop off that last crit. It's happened to me once already. Lucky as hell.

>> No.11978875

I hope they go back to regular AW hunting next month. Its just so hard to rank up with FAWs ice sharding my team.

>> No.11978918

At 40 now. No Oracles in sight. Nuwa the only SR I got in that many kills (and 153 Orchestra ones). Not counting assists but I have a bunch. Life is suffering.

But hey, at least I broke 5k rank this time.

>> No.11978926

After posting that I got an Orchestra. I guess bitching does work sometimes. Still want Oracle though.

>> No.11978969

Does the general SR rate seem higher on the FAW to anyone else? Been getting lots of random SRs.

>> No.11978972

Remember, Be Kind, Please Rewind. Or at least unfilter the spreadsheet when you're done.

>> No.11979037

Iris infinite proc. Wish I had an alliance that donated regularly.

>> No.11979080

>Be Kind, Please Rewind. Or at least unfilter the spreadsheet when you're done.
Put this in the spreadsheet and/or next OP

>> No.11979410
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-03-18-23-13-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back into this. Anyone have a decent alliance so I can get in on some of these goddess worships?

Also, how should I be building my team? I've currently got:

HR Coronis (holdover from the event before I quit)
R Cinderella
SR Empusa
HR Ent
HSR Aphrodite

Ent and Aphrodite do some heals while Aphrodite (used to be Coronis...) or proc'd Cinderella do damage. Empusa...absorbs hits and occasionally decreases AW defense. Coronis revives someone if the healers didn't fucking proc.

>> No.11979474
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Sacred treasure

FUCK. They'd better give us some nude cards in the future. All the best cards are gone

>> No.11979633

Holy shit

>>11979410 here. Just got the UR. Thanks, King!

>> No.11979639
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Pic related

>> No.11979732

Empyreal Guard has 2 slots open and... eh you'll miss the first friend point goddess (the worst but cutest one!) but we fill dem bars up pretty quick and have several killers and a lot of senders. Just be prepared to be jelly of Mr. LOL 16 ORACLES.

No I'm not bitter what are you talking about

>> No.11979738


Still got a slot for Empyreal Guard?

>> No.11979743

Just apply. Or give me your id and I'll invite you, doesn't matter which, I'm just sitting here crying tears of blood as I slowly feed hundreds of forced attack arcanas to my new HUR Oracle.

>> No.11979746


My ID is 5lomr.

Still in an alliance though.

>> No.11979755

Oh, alrighty. Turning off autoaccept to make sure there'll still be room when you do deign to drop by!

>> No.11979760


Ok then. Is there a waiting period when you leave an alliance or something or can you just join a new one immediatly?

>> No.11979768

24 hours wait time I believe.

>> No.11979775


Yeah, just read the wiki.

>> No.11979952

What is the best use of coins? Should I get the SR with it or the premium ticket?

>> No.11979955


Which SR?

God no not the premium ticket, god no.

>> No.11979957

I am not quite sure which SR to get too but I already have a HSR empress doll so maybe sekhmet?

>> No.11979958


Yeah sure, Sekhmet is always awesome go for it.

>> No.11980025

Is there any active alliance out there? Mine is a ghost town with almost nobody but the leader and 2 or 3 other members that are pretty active.
No, it's like they give zero fucks about AWs and the likes.
ID: 4ymlu

>> No.11980040

45 days inactive ? Who don't give a fuck to the game ?

>> No.11980047


But building a great town1

>> No.11980063

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.11980067


Building a great looking town.

>> No.11980085

Nah, it's still cramped as hell

>> No.11980104

53 Oracle kills, no UR, game pls.

>> No.11980180

Ah, that sounds good. Mind saving the slot for me? I'm Kotters 4oj4c

>> No.11980303

Nubee pls fix servers, why you lag.

>> No.11980347

And #58 gives me Lock Heart. Pretty nice, but I don't really know what to do with her, and I wanted an Oracle more.

>> No.11980349

>all these people with HUR oracles unable to 1bp their own AWs

How awful.

>> No.11980374


>> No.11980409


>> No.11980417

No, anon. It really isn't that hard to get. People just complain because they slapped some double digit number of Oracles and still haven't gotten her in the first 3 days. You'd expect the drop rate for Oracle non-ace pokers to be somewhere around 2-3% anyway, so I don't see what's the problem.

That, and if it REALLY hasn't dropped for you yet, you probably don't play enough to invest the medals into maxing her out. I know there are some senders out there working extensively to get the most OAs they can to medal so they can medal dump into their own OA.

This game doesn't hand good cards on a silver platter, but I can vouch that it drops fairly often. Maybe a little less frequently than Hiruko last event, but still frequent. Enough that I have to now max cards I don't even use when I want to clean up my presents stockpile.

If I could, I'd hand everyone an Oracle because I've gotten some 15 of her and I'm only up to the afternoon of the 17th in boxes. It isn't that RNG is being a bitch, it's just some people are damned impatient. So impatient, in fact, I think it's a little impertinent to the people that actually work their ass off to get great cards. As lucky as I am, it didn't take only 500 FAW/AW to get 7 Lilims.

>> No.11980485

Not that anon, but sometimes you just have terrible luck. As a sender, last event, I sent more than 300 AWs (I can ace if everything procs the first turn) and assisted around 250 but only got one Empress Doll. Doesn't seem that many but I was just starting the game back then and couldn't send a lot.

This event seems to be looking at a repeat of it with 223 sent Orchestra so far and only one Orchestra, which I got from poking at someone's AW. Oracles are at 60 sent and nothing to show for it. Really want to get it so I can actually start making an AW killing team.

Just complaining a little since I have friends who I roped into playing the game recently and they got their SRs and URs just poking at others' AW/FAWs once in a while, including mine.

>> No.11980576

I got her I got her! I finally got ..... Flu? God fucking dammit. Full moon got me excited

>> No.11980581

Oh SHIT! I just got Oracle after saying that. 44 kills. I was getting worried.

>> No.11980608

Empyreal Guard has one slot left and is quite active, killers and senders alike. Goddess worship goes pretty fast and plenty of AWs. And THAT GUY who got 16 of the stupid things within 48 hours of event start, no I'm not jealous what are you talking about?

>> No.11980630

Are you by any chance the same guy? And yes, you seem VERY jealous.
So, how do I get in?

>> No.11980665

Same anon, yes. I invited the user id you posted in your first alliance request post, so to get in you just have to leave your alliance, wait the mandatory 24 hours between alliance swaps, then accept invite.

(and I love Rikka, just being silly. And jelly.)

>> No.11980677
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Kotters here. Just figured out how to leave my Alliance. Here's hoping you guys are keeping that slot for me.

>> No.11980680


>> No.11980690

S'ok anon, mistakes happen. That does explain why you're not a 46 day inactive person though. I was kinda wondering why someone who hadn't played in a month and a half knew what the activity in his alliance was, haha. But no harm done!

>> No.11980703
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Many Tom Hanks, anon!
Now, time for the waiting game

>> No.11980733
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Hey, uh, Mister Empyreal Guard from >>11979732
, you've got a slot for me >>11980180

>> No.11980739

I actually missed that message, my apologies, but we had one inactive I could kick to make sure there was room so you're golden. Between you three those will be the last three slots though. I'll invite you now so I don't forget and you don't have to wait longer than necessary.

>> No.11980741

Yay! I can't actually accept it until 24hrs pass, right?

>> No.11980751

Just how likely are AW encounters? I have been running 2-4 up and down like a madman, but nothing found. Did the interwebs lie to mie?

>> No.11980752

I think part of that is that people REALLY fucking want Oracle, as compared to most FAW drops. Like, honestly - UR with a multiproc crit, or... Hiruko, who had some shitty AoE skill with a shit proc chance that Artemis was like 10x better than? Cacao with a decent heal? Not BAD cards per se, but underwhelming to average. Then comes along the first ever UR drop for those of us who don't have amazing summon luck and don't want to drop 50 million shekels on the rigged summons.

That doesn't mean it's ok to expect one every AW, but I can see why people would get antsier after 50+ with no drop. It took me almost 100 FAWs, about 1/3 aces, to get my first Oracle. The FAW seems to spawn a little rarer than usual (~2/10 FAW out of 10AW, compared to ~3-4 FAW per 10AW usually, or maybe that's just me) and the actual drop rate seems a bit worse as well.

But yeah, I do think that actually persevering and sticking with it is an art that has been somewhat forgotten. Can't blame people for venting a bit when they can't get it though, a lot of people can get HUGE benefits from a UR/HUR.

>> No.11980753

What's the best way to rack up progress points?

>> No.11980757

You can accept the invite exactly 24 hours after you left your last alliance. If you left ~12 hours ago, still got 12 to go.

Some events, including this one, are special - you can ONLY find the event AW, Orchestra, in the event map. Most events let you find them anywhere, but those with event maps often restrict AWs to the event map only.

Just farm event map 1-2 if you want AWs, low vit costs, easy enemies, and decent progress point efficiency though 5-2 will always beat the shit out of it progress efficiency wise, just not AW efficiency wise.

>> No.11980760

I left only about thirty minutes ago, couldn't figure it out. So I'll be there tomorrow.

Why is 5-2 the choice for progress points?

>> No.11980761

Short answer, see >>11980757

Long answer: in previous events, used to be that you could fail to kill 5-4 boss and get 130+ progress points each time. They fixed that this event, so your best options are 5-2 (best for progress points, shit for AW) or 1-2 (worse for progress, but much better for AWs - for dual purpose farming). Those are the "big" places based on stamina breakpoints.

>> No.11980765

Thanks for the advise. I thought there would be different AW to be found at any time, but guess I was mistaken.

>> No.11980769

Between SR Birthday/HR Necromancer for healing, HR Android for doing damage, what should I run in the last slot for AWs? I could go with % ATK/beginning of battle or -% enemy ATK/5%, or more healing. Don't really have any other decent cards.

>> No.11980778

USUALLY you can find AWs in the normal campaign, both campaign map 1 and campaign map 2. During events with event maps, it's usually event map only.

I don't remember any of the exact numbers off the top of my head, but basically 5-1 and 5-2 are cheaper vit-wise than 5-3 and 5-4 (6 vs 7 cost), but have almost as much progress point reward. To put it another way, 5-3 and 5-4 generally aren't rewarding enough to be worth the vit increase. 1-2 is about the second best option due to being 1/3 the stam cost for close-ish to 1/3 of the progress point reward per stamina, but 5-2 is a bit more efficient that way in return for being worse for AW farming.

Heal/stall teams rely on attack debuffers in order to work worth shit - otherwise the AW will rapidly outpace your healing output. Only takes a few turns of no heal procs for them to nuke someone, or multiple if they get a lucky witch wave.

To be absolutely brutally honest with you, you're probably better off just accepting being a sender until you get some decent SRs and can actually pull off a good atk debuff/stall team. Penemue, Harariel, Nyx if you had one. If you're determined to start now, atk down will help you more. Just be sure to max the more important skills (healing, enemy atk down) for better proc rates - check wiki to see exact rates and what you get from leveling it so you can make an informed decision.

I feel you though. I was right where you were a month ago, but I got lucky with Penemue/Harariel drops so I could get started, and once you can start 1BP acing, even inconsistently, your SR drop rate goes WAY up. Self-feeding loop so to speak.

>> No.11980794

Thank you, I really appreciate your detailed advice. My alliance disbanded two days after I joined, so I don't exactly have many options for sending AWs to. Guess I'll just try for ATK down for now, then.

>> No.11980800

I cannot strongly enough recommend adding killers from the spreadsheet. Also the good alliance thing, but I've done enough shilling for one day. Spreadsheet (when it's actually working - is it just me or is it busted right now?) has lots of killers clearly labeled who will be happy to murderize your lovely witches for you.

>> No.11980846

> During events with event maps, it's usually event map only.

Usually, there is some R placeholder AW while the main SR AW can be found in the event map. Normal campaign missing its AW has only been around for the last two/three event cycles.

>> No.11980982

I just maxed out an Amp and...man, she's kind of underwhelming. That triple damage will give her a place on my ghetto SR team but after this event...I might go back to Coronis just because I have her and she's better.

>> No.11981067

>Heal/stall teams rely on attack debuffers in order to work worth shit

Is that what I'm missing from my team? Hmm...

>> No.11981073

It depends on your exact team comp, but basically, assuming you're running Rs/SRs mostly rather than a full team of HSRs/URs/HURs, your primary problem is durability - depending on elemental matchups, the enemy AW is generally going to be able to 2-3 shot your girls. That's fine if you can full heal them every turn, but realistically your healer, ESPECIALLY R healers with meh proc chances, will not proc every turn. eEven with a full team of SRs and a HSR attacker or two, enemy AWs, even sans archwitch wave, are going to do more damage than your healer can recover every turn - and if your healer gets witch waved, you die pretty fast.

Attack debuffers give your healers drastically more leeway - if the enemy AW is doing 200 damage a turn instead of 2000, it's suddenly not a huge deal if your healers don't feel like proccing for 10 turns straight, and believe me that WILL happen. I found the most midgame success with a team of 1 healer, 2 atk debuffers, and 2 attackers, all the better to get atk debuffs applied as quickly as possible - even just 1 atk debuff lowers enemy damage substantially, and stacking them makes the AW harmless. Around 4 -25% atk debuffs, some HSRs can survive a witch wave. At six, even high-soldier-count SRs and all HSRs can survive a witch wave. Being able to heal up after that, instead of instantly losing because your only real attacker got oneshot, is what lets those teams eke out a slow victory.

There IS an alternative in turn skippers, but those rely on you having a strong killing card that can consistently kill in the skipped turns, whereas heal/stall teams are fine with any level of damage so long as you can kill the AW within 99 turns.

THAT ALL SAID you should find what works for you, and of course that also depends on what cards you actually have available, as well as how strong your killer(s) are and how safe you want to be. If you have a strong HSR Artemis and that's it, maybe replacing attacker 2 with a healer will help.

>> No.11981074

It's a really weird time to be starting. Nyx has left the goddess rotation, and she was a key piece of most stall teams. On the other hand, FAWs mean that as long as you can pull FAWs and have others kill, you'll be swimming in Rs and SRs. And FAWs.

>> No.11981119

Not that guy, but if I only have R Healers and Debuffers (since Birthday isn't infinite proc and Iris is a long time coming), what would be good offensive cards to use?

>> No.11981125

Not that guy, but offensive cards to use with debuffers would be any instant damage ones, rather than self buff ones. AW Field is triggered by buffs on you, so if you never buff your attack or defense, the AW/FAW will never clear her debuffs.

>> No.11981150

This anon (>>11981125) is spot on re: buffers, so I won't bother repeating what he said. Generally speaking, the damage per turn averages are pretty close between endgame crit and endgame 30%/350% cards, but I like critters more for setting up overkill. HOWEVER. In your scenario, a R or preferably SR with 30%/350% will be much better because infinite procs (most critters only have 1-3 procs) and it makes you a LITTLE bit less RNG reliant. Standouts are Hathor/Masquerade/Hustler and similar Rs who have 30%/350% at max skill rank, or Artemis/Yuki Onna etc in SR, though you are unlikely to get either of the latter, so SR/HSRs with 20%/350% are ok substitutes as well.

Again, stay away from self-buffers, they don't play well with atk debuffers due to AW Field. Healers... Muse and Angel are iirc among the most common and best overall chance/power R healers if you can HR them especially. But whatever you have is what you can actually use.

>> No.11981153

So, are one proc crits ok or should always be multiple (like Oracle)? What about infinite proc AoE like Hiruko / Orchestra / Teiaiel?

>> No.11981165

Single proc crit cards are fairly bad, and only really useful with atk buffers to get max overkill. Multiproc critters are mostly URs with a few SRs, and again mostly want atk buffers but CAN function without with good stats. Infinite proc critters (only Snow White and... some UR, Machinist or Mechanic or something I think) are hilariously strong and work with everything.

In terms of infinite-proc 20-30%, 350% cards: IF POSSIBLE you really want a 30% proc vs a 20%, but 20% is ok if you can't get anything better. They'll still be more useful than single proc critters in a stall team simply because they can proc often.

>> No.11981174


No UR has infinite proc.

>> No.11981177

If you're not maxing the stats, a single proc won't get you very far at all. Until you reach the tipping point and become an actual killer, stick with the more consistent infinite proc cards.

Don't forget Scylla!

Should be noted that a lot of this information is already covered in the FAQ.

Look at the Team Setups section and build similar teams.

>> No.11981183

To add to my last post, just think about it numbers wise. A crit is (roughly) 1000% damage. A 350% damage is... well, 350% damage. It takes 3 procs of a 350% skill to match that single crit - but if you can only crit once, but can proc the 350% infinite times, and you're in a stall team that can take 30-70 turns to kill the AW...

Critters mostly come into their own later on, when you can get cards with multiple procs, have better % proc rates (ex. Spell Master UR has a 20% chance of crit with 3 procs, while even most UR damage skills usually max at like 20%/400%) and most of your battles are much shorter (1-10 turns) so there's less time for infinite procs to make up for crit damage after critters run out of procs. And as mentioned in my last post, there are a few infinite critters that HAVE no downsde, so they pretty much outdamage everyone else.

>> No.11981189

Oh, my bad. Must've been a bad wiki entry when I last checked (like a month or two ago) but at the time I remember it saying one UR had infinite crit procs. Fixed now I guess.

Eww, Scylla. But yeah, point taken.

>> No.11981190

I see. I have HSR Teiaiel actually that I leveled the skill to Lv6 and leveled to max, can it actually kill an AW on a stall team or do I have to give it more ATK?

>> No.11981196

If you can get her attack up more it'll be easier, but yes technically you can. It'll be pretty luck based until you get better cards though. Even with HSR artemis 2x sr penemue/harariel HR angel and a spare attacker, I still only managed to pull off something like 50% winrate until I could slowly replace them with better cards/HSR versions.

>> No.11981197

>No UR has infinite proc.

>Number of procs: 3
>Number of procs: 2
>Number of procs: 3
>Number of procs: 3

Multiproc is not infinite proc.

>> No.11981200


To make it simple, let's use 10k tap, and 40k proc every 5 turns(20%). Assuming Teiaiel never dies, Every 5 turns, you've dealt 90k damage, or an average of 18k per turn. Given a 1 million hp target, you'll need to survive 55 turns.

Plug in your own numbers, and decide if you can live long enough.

>> No.11981201

Disregard, I stuck a comma after >No
Changes the whole meaning of what you said.

>> No.11981202

I think he was responding to my erroneous claim near the end that there was a UR infinite proc critter, not the earlier comment about multiproc UR critters.

>> No.11981213

Don't have Teiaiel on my AW attacking team right now, but she has similar ATK to HSR Birthday, so that'd be 3k a turn in normal damage, maybe 12k per skill proc, so 5400 per turn. I need at least 9450 to kill the AW, so not nearly enough. Maybe I'll wait for another Orchestra so I can max atk starting at lv1 to save on gold, or two Oracles for HUR, max its atk and hope the two crits plus regular hits are enough?

>> No.11981241

Max Attack Crit is in the 300k range. So, it should be enough for an AW. Maybe not the most consistent though.

If you've got nothing else going for you, a pair of HUR Oracles would make for a good start.

>> No.11981273

Even that isn't going well for me at the moment, RNG is being stingy. And I just got a Librarian, that dark sky sure got my hopes up.

>> No.11981284

>find oracle
>send it to people
>everyone who pokes gets an oracle except for me

Man, seeing that shit pains the fuck out of me.

>> No.11981577

Stop sending it to pokers then.

>> No.11981660
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2 UR from one FAW.

>> No.11981667


I've seen worse.

>> No.11981669


>> No.11981678

What did you see, anon?

>> No.11981731

Does Oracle have higher drop rates for SR/UR than previous FAW or something? This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.11981732

How many HUR oracle should I get before I medal the rest?

>> No.11981733

Two is a safe bet, three at most. Your endgame team will have at least 2 team/other buff cards in it.

>> No.11981739

Realistically: she is worthless for alliance battles (single hit skill when aoe is king) and near-worthless for campaign (same reason), so you only really want her for AW killing. Most late/endgame AW killing teams are gonna have 2 buffers 3 killer (or 3 buffer 2 killer, or 4 buffer 1killer, depends) - so you will probably never need more than 3, and may need no more than 1. Considering that any other crit HUR is better than her she will likely be replaced eventually as well.

Realistically, 3 HUR is a safe bet that you will likely get good use out of if you don't have any better HURs, but I wouldn't bother with more.

>> No.11981758

So I just need one more UR then since I already have 5 of them. I just started last month and so far oracle is the first UR that I have gotten and will probably be the only UR I will have for some time.

Is snow white better than oracle or should I just stick with HUR oracle? I just got her from FAW chest and I heard that snow white has infinite procs while oracle only has 2 procs.

>> No.11981769

If you can kill an AW/FAW with only 2 procs from a card slot, Oracle (as in using 2 or 3 of her). If you need more procs than that to kill the AW/FAW, Snow White.

What buffers do you currently have, if any? Also I assume you are talking about an HSR Snow White?

>> No.11981774

The fun part is maxing them. About 115k medals to max each, or 345k for all three HURs. 1900 N cards to feed!

>> No.11981784

Depends on what other cards you get. While no 'good' deck would use more than 2 or 3 of her, if your only HSR is the free Birthday healer that came out recently, you could make a crude AWK deck with 4 Oracles and 1 healer until you get a SR buffer or two.

>> No.11981820

No, I only have SR Snow White and my buffers are SR Omoikane and HSR Asherah. I can kill AW and FAW(if procs) with 1bp with my HSR empress doll but AW field is really getting in the way and I plan to max HUR oracle before using them on the near future so is it okay to go 3 HUR oracle and 2 buffers for FAW killing?

>> No.11981830

Yes, though you'll want to replace your SR Omoikane with a buffer that has more health as soon as you can.

>> No.11981831

Random math. Damage potentials.

Crit UR: 1000%x20% = 200% damage/turn, limit 3
Oracle: 1000%x15% = 150% damage/turn, limit 2
AoE UR: 400%x20% = 80% damage/turn, unlimited

In 10 turns:
CUR: 30x damage
Oracle: 25x damage
AoEUR: 18x damage

In 20 turns:
CUR: 50x damage
Oracle: 40x damage
AoEUR: 36x damage

Due to the low proc rate of AoE UR cards (20%), the Crit URs tend to outclass them unless you're in a very long fight, due to lack of team buffs or otherwise using an UR based stall team.

>> No.11981955



>> No.11981961


2 Lilims obviously.

>> No.11982414

>get premium ticket from progress
>let's try summoning something! probably a shitty rare though
>nearly drop my phone

I guess this partly makes up for all the lolnoSRs from AW/FAW. Anyway, I should use her on my team, but who to replace? Using SR Uriel, SR Empress Doll, HSR Agreas, HR Cinderalla and HSR Birthday at the moment.

>> No.11982416



>> No.11982420

...I guess that makes sense, for the SR bonus too.

>> No.11982431

If you have the resources and stumble across another Ensemble before the event ends, give a shot at maxing her ATK for the AW bonus. You'll be surprised.

>> No.11982448


Well you should be able to 1 BP witches I think.

>> No.11982455

1-2 (if unlucky with procs / field) BP now, yeah.

Just started the game last month so not that many medals.

>> No.11982460

Your stars aligned early. Take full advantage of that. I wasn't able to kill my own AWs for 3 months.

>> No.11982463

Back to having people kill AWs for me after this event though, unless I get an Oracle maybe.

>> No.11982465

If you keep at it and can ace the FAW sometimes, you will get multiple HURs. If you can't you'll probably get an HUR plus a spare UR. It's not a question of "if"

>> No.11982472

I need another Himiko. My 0* Himiko keeps on getting molested by Orchestra.

>> No.11982473

I think I can only ace if Uriel and Ensemble both proc the first turn and stay unsharded and unfielded. Still sending FAWs like mad hoping for Oracle though, but I should be getting more drops from Orchestra now that I can ace consistently.

>> No.11982483

In my 8 months playing, I've only ever gotten 1 Himiko. In that time, I've gotten 2 HSR Omoikanes, 3 Juliets, and a 2* Polaris. It is with full confidence and clear conscience that I say, "Fuck Himiko."

>> No.11982511


Well...maybe I'll get lucky! Maybe I'll get it before I get a ranked UR!

>> No.11982516

Hopefully the next event won't involve an event world.

>> No.11982528

This, I have been stuck on 8-4 for some time because of the event world and I really want to finish it and get those premium and ultimate tickets.

>> No.11982669

Anyone else unable to connect? Been getting error 2 and 7 for a while now, even restarted my phone and router.

>> No.11982670


Seems to be fine.

>> No.11982673

Not getting disconnects (yet), but the server got quite slow again. That's been happening for me around this time ever since the new event.

>> No.11982697


What's your ID?

>> No.11982717
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-03-20-22-16-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocodevil or Scylla?

>> No.11982718

Hmm, my phone can surf the internet just fine. It's just VC that can't connect.

It's 61jf3, IGN: Mari.

>> No.11982725


Try out both?

>> No.11982732


Shame you have a full friends list. Misery loves company, would've loved to add you.

>> No.11982737

Yeah, I add people from the jp list or the fb page as soon as I get more slots.

>> No.11982799

Just got an Orchestra. Woooo! Is she any good?

>> No.11982813

Another unlimited proc AoE 350%/20% SR, useful in campaign / alliance battle / duel. Unless you already have five HSR/HUR AoEs she'll be useful.

>> No.11982827

Does any of the various /jp/ alliances still have open slots? Mine disbanded a few days ago. Feel free to invite me. ID is 69dwy.

>> No.11983067

I have a question: What does "Poker" means?

Oh, and for the /jp/ list, I don't know who I should add or even if they would be interested in kill low lvl AW (I'm a new player and I can't kill AW after lvl 80 more or less). Any tips about that?

>> No.11983100

It's someone who enters a AW fight, do minimal damage to the AW, then send it to their comrades/alliance.

Add people who are listed as Killer.
Though some are trying to rank so they probably avoid killing your AW unless it's near full health.

>> No.11983102

Think of pokers as semi-killers, people who can sometimes kill or deal a chunk of damage to AWs with procs but not consistently enough to call themselves killers.

As for killers who also kill regular witches, it depends really on how many sends they're getting at that time. They'll always prioritize FAW over AW.

>> No.11983117

Perhaps the spreadsheet needs to start differentiating killers and rankers, with rankers adding a note saying whether they'll kill AWs or not.

>> No.11983127
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I...I think I'm supposed to junk this one. ..

>> No.11983131


how l-lewd

>> No.11983140

Not that anon, but if they have poker then what's a sender?
If pokers are those that does minimal damage and send witches to others then doesn't that make Senders=Pokers?

>> No.11983141

So, is it considered bad form to assist with an AW kill if you only do miniscule amounts of damage?

>> No.11983142
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Not very good though

>> No.11983156

The game is a jungle, people do whatever they need to to get more drops/points. Do what you want, really.

>> No.11983163

Basically a poker is someone asking for people to send them AW and FAW even though they lack the ability to kill said AW, as they want a chance at an SR. This can work out if 2-3 pokers share AW amongst themselves while using the last 2-3 send slots, or their alliance, to send the AW to a killer.

>> No.11983171

They are essentially the same. I figures /jp/ must have call it Poker but people from other sites call it Senders and now you have both on the spreadsheet.

Don't worry about it. Just try to enter as many AW battle as you can so you can get those SR/UR to become a Killer.

>> No.11983212

Do two cards with Autoskill Exp+% stack?

>> No.11983232
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Better than vampire!

>> No.11983243

So /jp/, what kind of new card effects would shake things up from the usual 20%/350% rewards and the eternal hunt for multiproc critters? An autoskill that adds 5% to every other card's proc rate? A 50% chance of 150% damage? A low-% skill that can stop a single Archwitch Ember/Ice Shards/Archwitch Wave, or maybe an autoskill/higher % proc that redirects all Ember/Shard/Wave damage to that card until it dies? A proc that boosts ranking points for that battle by X%? A very low-% (like... 1-3) proc that boosts the reward from that archwitch by one tier of rarity, presumably maxed at SR for non-URFAWs?

I know most of those are SR/UR abilities or just plain broke as fuck, but I'm kinda curious to see what people would actually see as potentially interesting enough to maybe break the mold of 3buffer/2attack or 2buffer/3attack that most endgame teams seem to be now. Not that it's BAD that there's a "best" setup, there will always be one of those, but it's still boring.

>> No.11983297
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Lol, nice waifu picnic

>> No.11983303

Any tips for leveling? No slimes. Just grind boss monsters? Fusing Ns only takes you so far before they run out.

>> No.11983323

Depends on where you are in the game. Archwitch kills give absurd amounts of XP so they're basically the fastest non-slime way, but if you can't do that then yes slimes and N cards and battles (especially vs bosses) are the best.

>> No.11983357


What's needed are more elaborate AW encounters. 100 million health range, perhaps multiple 2 to 4 subordinates with the AW that have various skills and regenerate each time you engage the AW, stuff like that. to keep low level players active in the fights, perhaps for each person that attacks the AW beyond the first everyone gets +5% attack and defense, or something like that.

Dat staff

If you have BP to waste, weaken an AW down to 5k health then attack it with a team that has cards you want to level, slimes, and +exp cards on it.

>> No.11983377

That would be really cool. Would be awesome to see a super ultra archwitch that actually has 100mil hp where you can expect to spend multiple BP even across alliances, though I dunno how they would actually reward that without just giving out 50 URs to everyone who participated. Maybe if you do X damage (10mil+) you can only get SR+ or something. It would certainly be really interesting to have archwitches with subordinates though, would mayke the UR 20%/400%s a little more useful than where they are now vs UR critters.

>> No.11983398

Basic rewards could be things like +500 arcana (more of a time saver really), max level slimes, 5 jewels, and whatever card the AW is.

For more advanced rewards, I'd rather see some sort of progress point or ticket based system than something based on luck. Regardless of how the points are measured, it should work out the X amount of work equals Y reward, with paying players being able to earn points 50% faster so nubee still gets payed.

After 6 weeks of moderate work, points could be exchanged for a SR universal evolution card. Such cards would have to be coded to not work on rank rewards.

After 12 weeks of moderate work, points could be exchanged for a UR universal evolution card. Such cards would have to be coded to not work on rank rewards.

After 24 weeks of moderate work, points could be exchanged for a UR card of your choice. The pool of cards would only be those found during normal summons. No rank URs, no limited edition URs, no ultimate summon exclusive URs.

Then thorw in a few basic options like a weeks worth of points gets you a premium summon ticket, 2 weeks worth for 100 jewels, basic stuff like that.

Would have to be balanced though so players still have an incentive to pay money. By making the points take a moderate amount of time to earn, and offering payers a way to earn points faster, it should hopefully balance out.

>> No.11983514


Why couldn't they be 400/25?

>> No.11983581

Well, finally hit 99 light swords, and they're going into my presents.

I've got about 10 or so open spots and swords to burn, whether you send a level 1 or 200 AW, if I see it I'll kill it. I wouldn't mind if you forwarded the occasional FAW either.


>> No.11983642

>go to add
>already in my list
>already in my alliance

>> No.11983655

It's the thought that counts.

>> No.11983656

Finally got a second Orchestra at 305 kills, still no Oracle at 85. Well, at least now I have another HSR for the next alliance battle, but I need the Oracle more.

>> No.11983695
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Any active alliance out there with a free slot? My ID is 4ohpp.

>> No.11983700

Also looking for tips on what to do with that team, beyond the obvious "replace Teiaiel with a second Oracle".

>> No.11983710

Unless you've already maxed the attack on your 0* himiko, 0* polaris, and 0* lilim (which is something I'd advise against) I'd suggest replacing lilim with either another 200% buffer or a 3rd Oracle. Max the attack on all 3 oracles, then work on their defense.

Lilim is a fantastic card, if all 5 cards on your team are at max attack. If they aren't, she's difficult to rely on.

>> No.11983723


How many medals to max HUR Oracle?

>> No.11983728

Yes, she's there just because I don't have anything better for now. She's lovely when she procs, though.

>> No.11983733

Should I medal my SR Nuwa? I already have HSR Agreas for cool element single proc crit. How about Librarian? I tend to level my Slimes using N cards so I don't know how useful she can be.

>> No.11983769
File: 1.68 MB, 1550x547, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me out with building my team? Right now it's a ghetto healing group, using Ent and an HSR Aphrodite.

Also, what skills should I look for in Rs? I've got too many and need to start medaling them, but I have no clue which are good. How are the high damage on single target ones?

>> No.11983782


Medal all of them. Keep the ones you like looking at.

>> No.11983790

I'm still trying to assemble some sort of useful team, though.

>> No.11983807

Skill-wise, you want the same stuff that you'd want from an SR/UR team. Team ATK buffs, single target crit, and, failing those two, DMG single target/suck in x% can be fairly powerful to a young team.

Basically anything from these lists:

The third list has a large variety of cards you don't want, though. Look for cards with skills like Kelpie's.

>> No.11983818

Far less convenient to browse, but at least the category page on the wiki has all the Suck Damage cards listed:


>> No.11983841

>Suck Damage

>> No.11983850

the third list is identical to the second

>> No.11983854

Copy/paste fail

>> No.11983878

Is there any way to earn player experience other than collecting resources from buildings and finishing quests?

>> No.11983919


>> No.11984013

Do senders want me to instantly obliterate their FAW?

>> No.11984021

If not you, someone else will. The quicker their AWs die, the sooner they can pull up another one.

>> No.11984078

Fast is good, but it's annoying getting to the "Start Battle" screen the moment you see it, and getting a "someone else killed it lol" message when you try to start.

>> No.11984261

With a 6 Mbps wirelss connection, I should just give up on ranking in FAW forever. Your spot on your comrades' list is partially determined by that, right?

>> No.11984271

No. Your spot on comrade list by how recently you are log on. So just force exit your game and re-enter game every 20 minute if you want to be up there.

That or some people have specific people they like to send to. I only send(rarely) to people who had send to me.

>> No.11984299


Well it depends on how you order your list.

>> No.11984311

Hahahahaha holy shit, atk debuffers are the shit. When they proc, I can even manage to take out the archwitch on my own! Now, my only attacker does slightly more than 10k on a hit....(Amp), so it's a race against time...but still! I did it!

>> No.11984341

The vast majority of senders order their list by last login. It's rather silly to send to someone who hasn't logged on for over 12 hours unless you know for sure that their login has bugged out.


>> No.11984381

Back to back Orchestra and Oracle.
It's finally happening.

>> No.11984478


>inb4 5 day SR drought

>> No.11984505

That's okay, I have enough Orchestras now. I want two more Oracles just to be safe.
And slimes, fucking hell I don't even have enough to HUR Oracle.

>> No.11984508


How many Oracles do you have?

I'm content with just 4. I'll get something better by the time I max them out.

>> No.11984510

Two so far from over 50 sends and lots of assists.
This is making up for my 40~ Hiruko sends (on one day) that got me nothing.

>> No.11984528

What I ended up doing was using a single level 30 slimes with 2x arcana on Oracle which got her to level ~50, which was enough so she could survive 2 to 3 hits from the FAW, then just threw her on my FAWK team to level her. It was slow going, but not a whole lot of options with few slimes and no desire to burn swords.

>> No.11984538

Hopefully the next AW won't be another 350/20 AOEr.

>> No.11984539

I cant kill. If anything, I auto sometimes just so that I can send as fast as possible.

I will just keep normal summoning x10 later and hoping for the best.

>> No.11984557

I start them in my AWK team from lvl1. It can kill FAW with 4 cards plus a crutch, so why bother with slimes.

>> No.11984571

Shit, I'm at 88 sends, no Oracle.

>> No.11984624

You will get her soon.
I believe in you.

>> No.11984697

91 now, I'm sure my FAWs at least like me because of all the Oracles and SRs they've already gotten from my sends ;_;

>> No.11984717

FAWKs, my bad.

>> No.11984793

Hello >>11980608, >>11983695 here. The Alliance browser says Empyreal Guard has a free slot again. If it's actually free, well, I've just applied.

>> No.11984796
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12 FAWs and 77 AWs have been sent.

Got another Oracle A. and Orchestra, which means that I have 2 of each now.

Is the droprate really this high or is it luck?

>> No.11984815

It's luck. You'll have days like those and then you'll go half a week without a limited SR.

>> No.11984819


Luck. Everything is luck. You get a better shot if you ace it, but it's still luck.

>> No.11984960

Luck, I finally got an Oracle myself after 96 sends. Slime-leveled to 50, I'll just hit AWs to get her to 70.

>> No.11985008

In January, I got 4 SRs in as many minutes. I spent 2 weeks of February without any SR drops.

RNG turns to favor you, is all.

>> No.11985427

I keep waking up after 4 hours, exactly when my BP has recovered. What have you done to me, nubee?

>> No.11985479

What would be a good time to use the summon tickets? Just use them off the bat and hope you get the event-related ones? Already have SR Ensemble though.

>> No.11985485

Early in events if you need the x10/x5, whenever if you don't. You could wait for "increased rates" events but who knows what nubee's definition of increased is.

>> No.11985488

Well, I already got the x10 for this event so...maybe save for next event and hope I get lucky again? SR Ensemble sounds nice but I don't like the odds of drawing a second...

>> No.11985501

Sounds good. Ensemble will be available from AW/FAW drops anyway once this event is over, so if your goal is to draw another I don't recommend it.

>> No.11985524

After over 200 orchestras and like 50 oracles I finally got a MOTHERFUCKING!! Slime.....

>> No.11985537

Very much appreciate the interest but Empyreal Guard is horribly full now, got >>11984793 in but there's no one else even 2days inactive for me to kick so pls no more apps for now, I feel bad having to deny people.

Better than nothing!

Just remember, you're here forever.

>> No.11985546

Yay, thanks for accepting me. Will log in as soon as I get out of class.

>> No.11985605

>> 2 days inactive for me to kick

Bad Alliance to be in

>> No.11985617

I don't actually kick until 7 or 14, my point was that there was no one inactive, even by a few days. Chill out, anon.

>> No.11985649

Why don't you kick sooner than that? That one person not logging in to donate to the goddesses is a detriment to the other 19 members. It only takes 5 minutes to donate, even if a person is busy.

Do you really have so little regard for the other 19 members of your alliance? Why are you such a horrible person?

>> No.11985652

Back under your bridge, friend.

>> No.11985736

just started playing this again since my old phone broke, is there a chance to get older event cards from sacred treasures?

>> No.11985929

Sacred treasure cards, as long as you have at least 1 treasure from that event, you can duel for the rest of them and cash them in for the event treasure card.

>> No.11986012

Ahh too bad i really wanted that lASSer demon card.

>> No.11986054

If you registered your previous device on facebook/twitter, you can recover your files by connecting your current device to the same account(s)

>> No.11986066

It's funny that I score higher on work days, since I play at work, than I do on weekends. I tend to spend the weekends asleep or gaming, so no points are gained.

>> No.11986184

I hope I don't regret 1*ing my Himeko.

>> No.11986312

I wouldn't have done it unless you have another team buff to step in and replace the Himiko you lost.
