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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 161 KB, 464x1500, yande.re 276519 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11931419 No.11931419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dakimakura thread.

How many do you have? Are you getting more soon?

I only have one but I'm waiting on this one to arrive from HobbyHeart in a few weeks.

>> No.11931423 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 462x1500, yande.re 276570 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other side

>> No.11931440

I've been hesitant because I hear you can get arrested in Canada for ordering a lewd one.

>> No.11931444

You could always order a custom one with two cute sides.

>> No.11931450

They are hard to find, but there are some really cute non-lewd ones out there

>> No.11931979

I will get one once i move out

>> No.11932045

My parents just ignore mine

>> No.11932054


>> No.11932055

They also ignore my 2 wall scrolls, my oppai mouse pad, and my figure

>> No.11932067


my mom only asked once and I just said it's just pokemon stuff and that was it

>> No.11932072

My parents just roll their eyes whenever I buy something new

>> No.11932525

My mom thinks mai waifu is cute. I do bring my Daniel down to the living room when we all hang out.

>> No.11933973
File: 53 KB, 680x455, 1393167239756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone interested, it looks like Sakura Ice put huge discounts on some of their dakimakura covers.


There's not a very large selection, but as far as non-bootleg 2WT dakis go, it's about as cheap as you can get. I asked them and they said they ship internationally, too. It's a good opportunity to directly support a circle instead of buying from the Chinese.

>> No.11934035

>How many do you have?

>Are you getting more soon?

>> No.11934364

>How many do you have
>Are you getting more soon?
Absolutely, at least one more pillow/cover anyway. From there I'll just buy covers and swap them out from time to time.

>> No.11934410

So is it impossible to get a proper sized pillow in the States without paying around ~$100 (Usually $50-60 for the pillow then another $40-50 for shipping)? Are there any alternatives, or would I have to sew my own and stuff it?

>> No.11934419

united pillow

>> No.11934420

$30-$50 for the pillow and $100+ for the cover.

>> No.11934424

Everywhere that I've checked usually has the pillows for around those prices, then the shipping for them seems to usually be around $40.
Any personal experiences with them?

>> No.11934425

my uncle sat on my daki when he came to visit

>> No.11934427

I think I paid around $15 for shipping from royal pillow.

>> No.11934432

is royal pillow any good?

>> No.11934433

>Any personal experiences with them?

yes I have one
it cost 17 + 15 shipping
I ordered one slightly bigger than the case for a snug fit

I can't communicate how it feels or how it compares to other pillows, but I consider the pillow and the case to be the best purchase I made in 2013, so I'm pretty satisfied

>> No.11934441


>> No.11934443

I would get one when I get money, and find a character I like that has good art and not to lewd...

>> No.11934447

Did you get a "Custom Polyester Inserts /w Non-woven Fabric Cover"? How much bigger did you get it compared to the case itself?

>> No.11934492

Are there any bootleg undressable dakis? The legit stuff is like 400$ a set.

>> No.11934708

Anyone can show their custom daki?
I'm curious to see how they look.

>> No.11934712

Not sure if I still have one. I left my Nami hug-pillow in NY and my mother may have thrown it out.

>> No.11935888
File: 57 KB, 374x600, sofmap being jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many do you have? Are you getting more soon?
Two covers and one pillow (not counting the chink bootleg pillow&cover), I feel like I made a mistake because by bed wouldn't fit two pillows and I.

Two way tricot is a pain to wash when hairs and stuff get stuck in it, I'm not sure the softness is worth it compared to one way tricot.

I was thinking of buying an eroge just to get the freebie daki that comes with it, but if I start buying every single daki just because the caracter on it is very cute I'll end up with half a dozen of them.
However, now that [picture] became unavailable I kinda regret not getting it. (well it's not that great to begin with, but I want to support the maker, and I can't decide between Sae and Mami. And there is no Hanako one.)

And I do wonder how nice it'd feel to have a slumber party with my three favourite touhou. I think I'd need money before biting the bullet anyway. I haven't found a nice Patchouli daki yet anyway, it's either ridiculous tits, a super genki face, or both. I guess the one from yumemiya's good enough.

>> No.11936478
File: 444 KB, 644x924, prof01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many do you have?

>Are you getting more soon?
would love to, but can't afford... ;_;

>> No.11936509

>How many do you have?
I have 10, but I have two of the same one, so I guess it's 9 different ones. I only keep 2 on my bed, though. 4 of them are bootlegs.

>Are you getting more soon?
I'm not planning on it, but I didn't plan on getting more than one, so who knows.

>> No.11936598
File: 406 KB, 1430x1750, 1393743589775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you had sex with your dakimakura? How often? Or are you the just-want-to-cuddle type?

Have you forged a loving relationship with her? Does your heart ache a little when she's not by your side in bed?

>> No.11936651

Please don't post loli or NSFW images it's too lewd

>> No.11937036

>Have you had sex with your dakimakura?
I tried having sex with it one time, it felt really awkward and uncomfortable, doesn't help that the only cover I currently have isn't sexual in anyway. I'll probably be purchasing one that is sexual, and reattempt having sex with it.
>Does your heart ache a little when she's not by your side in bed?
Definitely. Sleeping without her is usually uncomfortable and I usually have a hard time sleeping if I'm not with her for whatever reason.

>> No.11937418

Yes, once per month, I also like to cuddle.
Yes, Yes.

>> No.11941634

How do I put a daki safely on a wall without damaging her?

>> No.11941925

Use binder clips (loosen them a bit first) and tack the clips to your wall.

>> No.11942152 [DELETED] 

Is that OP one by Nakajima Yuka?

I wish I could marry her.

>> No.11942164

How firm are they? I often find myself every now and then hugging just a regular pillow because it feels nice but I wish it were a little firm. I don't quite get putting an anime character on it though.

>> No.11942199

I think I have like 10 of them or so, one bootlegged. I'd love to get more, there have already been so many released that I've missed out on but I just don't have the money anymore. I don't know if there's one character that I can say that I absolutely need a daki cover of though right now.

>> No.11942277

I didn't think of this.
Thank you for the tip.

>> No.11943836

I do not currently own one, but am considering on getting a custom one. However I hear that you are not supposed to put it in a pillow and sleep/ hug it, and that you should just keep it up on the wall. What do you more experienced people have to say about getting one. I'm also living with some room mates.

>> No.11943840

Have 4. Want to draw my own eventually so I don't have to pay a fortune to get new ones after they wear out.

>> No.11943868

it's a pillow cover of course you're supposed to use it on a pillow and I don't know where the fuck you would read something like that unless it's fucking danny choo or something

it will likely wear in time but that's because you're using it as it's intended to be used, it just can't be helped
since it's a custom design you plan to get you can get a replacement whenever you want anyway

>> No.11943925

Daki's wear out? You mean over a course of years right?
This is the link to the bullshit

>> No.11943934

Find a better character.

>> No.11943970

I got my first daki about a week ago and the fabric (I think it is smooth knit) is already torn in some places. How can I prevent this?

>> No.11943977

While were at this point in the thread, can we talk about how to care for one as well? Or perhaps share a link.

>> No.11943998

depends on the material and how much you use it really
and if you really care about having a daki in absolutely pristine condition then just get a bootleg of the same one for using normally

>> No.11944010

Thank you for the information. I apologize but what might bootleg mean? Is it like the cheap but sturdy material? I really came to this board to research more about a dakimakura I will be hoping to order soon.

>> No.11944011

I just looked it up on amazon and apparently it's spandex and not smooth knit.
Here's the link tinyurl com/o3kgv8m

>> No.11944018

a knockoff, a replica, a non-official reproduction

plenty of people have the official print for the sake of collecting and a bootleg of the same daki that they can use without panicking over every loose thread

>> No.11944478

Where can i get some really REALLY lewd Dakimakuras?

>> No.11944872

You buy a fucking wall scroll, that's fucking how.

>Now, what is tricot exactly? It’s a [...] fabric, [...]. It’s a material [...]
Yeah, no it's not a material, it's the way the material is woven. Material is eslastane-enriched polyester microfiber. Sometimes without eslastane (roica/lycra is a brand name of elastane).

So this fag has like 5+ daki but somehow can't afford to buy the same twice, one to hang and one to use?
And he's telling us that hanging a daki and exposing it to diogyxen, dust and UV will keep it in "pristine condition"?
Yeah yeah 3 copies bullshit whatever, if you're not using it you have no reasons to own it besides pride (one might say ill placed pride but it's redundant and pleonastic).

There is only one way to be otaku, it's the way described in his blog so follow it by the letter or you won't be a true otaku© and you will not be part of the cool otaku© subculture :(

Oh yeah, and sticking a daki to a wall REALLY makes use of it being two-sided and is coherent with the fact that it's a pillow case, right?

I just hope that you're the guy who wrote >>11943836 and kept on trolling the idiot who replied to you.

Even if you weren't a main english speaker, you could look up fucking words.

Get the official ones from lilith soft off of getchu or something?
Or the freebies that come with some eroge's presales?

Are you really fine with a daki of a random character?
I know it's hype to be otacool and you need a "waifu pillow xD" to prove the world you're part of the otacool klub© but "I want a daki just because" sounds like a shitty reason to get one.
Get one from an artist you like, a circle you want to support, or from a character you like. Some artists do daki for the heck of it like Shouji Ayumu

>> No.11945138

invent time travel, buy this http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=CGD2-53656

>> No.11945371
File: 370 KB, 2000x1024, P8191038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my customized daki (commissioned drawing + ordered on hobbyheart) sometimes in October or November, I seriously can't imagine sleeping without her now.

>> No.11946337

if he's specifically asking for a lewd daki it's probably to spice up masturbation sessions, idiot

>> No.11946687

wow, go back to maintaining your shitty websight, sperg

>> No.11946903

>Shouji Ayumu
i've only known of one daki done by this artist. certainly wish she/he would do more...and make them more lewd...

>> No.11946905

she looks purty, would snuggle and kiss.

>> No.11946938

How much did that cost?

>> No.11947547
File: 151 KB, 500x392, 41286053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.11948501

So, I got a sudden urge for a dakimakura, and am looking for them online. Where do I get the best innings and covers?
Is hobbyheart my best bet? What do you guys recommend?
Customs in my country is really strict btw, so if a site could undervalue the package, I would really like that.

>> No.11948905

There are small scratches on my daki. I've been trimming my nails since I got it, but they still appear. I don't know what the hell I'm doing wrong, but it scares me.

>> No.11948976

Have you been bitten by a man or wolf lately?

>> No.11949862

100 for each side and 70 for the custom daki with 2 Way Tricot on Hobby heart.

>> No.11949889

Which country? Check the buyfag thread for more info but i just got a talk from hobbyheart. I provided the images and its two way tricot but it was $75 for it and shipping with a tracking number. If you just choose from their catalogue its just $65 for the same material and shipping.

>> No.11950318

Hey guys I have a couple questions. I've had my daki for about 3 months now and I haven't washed it yet. I live with three roommates so I can't really hand wash it and hang it up to dry. So can I wash it in a washing machine and dry it in a dryer? If so what settings should I put them on? Should I use fabric softener? Also there is a small stain on it. Any ideas what I should use to remove it?

>> No.11950342

i'm mad jealous bro

>> No.11950440

What do your care instructions say? Do whatever it is that they say.

>> No.11950496

Like >>11950440 says, follow the instructions on the tag. Usually you can turn it inside out and wash it in cold water on a delicate setting. I wouldn't put it in the dryer, though. If you can't hang it up because you're afraid of what your roommates will say, man the fuck up.

>> No.11950580

Cold wash, gentle cycle. Use Woolite.
Use the dryer on its lowest settings.

Wash alone or with your collection of panties. If you don't wear smooth, delicious satin panties, you're seriously missing out, anon

>> No.11950742

Does anyone know where I could get a Naruto daki? Not an actual daki of Naruto, but just of girls from the show.

>> No.11950746

please do not shitpost

>> No.11950803

I know it's not a good show, but I'm collecting trying to collect Dakis for every show I watched.

>> No.11952071

So I've been interested in getting one myself. I... don't really want to spend a hundred bucks on a fucking pillow case. I tried looking around and you can get one pretty damn cheap on Arts-cow for like 25. Has anyone ever gotten one from there? Is it any good?

>> No.11952450

Try Hobby Heart or Otakusky
I can personally vouch for Hobby Heart, I got a 2 way Tricot daki for 60 bucks. It's a bootleg but honestly who cares, still great quality.

>> No.11952451

Shitty quality with cheap material (I think it's worst than Peach Skin) and their size differ compared to the normal pillow size.
Honestly don't use Arts-cow if you want something to sleep with, do yourself a favor and go with >>11952450 to sleep nicely with her in your arms.

>> No.11952513

I've never owned a daki before, but I'm thinking of ordering a custom one from Hobby Heart. The images I have work out to about 115 dpi, is that going to be decent image quality?

And for the pillow itself, should I order that from Hobby Heart as well, or am I better off getting it elsewhere?

>> No.11953015

Thanks guys. Will do.

>> No.11953234

The site says 150dpi. You could email and ask. When I ordered mine I had images that werebig enough but they checked anyway and found one of higher resolution.


Get the medium cluster fiber pillow.


>> No.11953533
File: 1.20 MB, 2688x1520, 2014-03-09 00.56.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>royal pillow
I just got a cluster fiber from them about a week ago, actually, and it's been great. Really puffy and fits the case perfectly. It's weird that it takes them a full week to even ship the thing (I can't imagine they're custom made, at that price...) but it's worth the wait and definitely worth the money. Also, the 3-way tricot from hobby heart feels fantastic, it's like satin without the cheap feel or scratchiness.

>> No.11954233


anybody out here that knows how to make custom made dakimakuras?


>> No.11954253

Read the fucking thread.

>> No.11954744

That's a really nice cover. What does the other side look like?

>> No.11955055
File: 1.29 MB, 2688x1520, 2014-03-09 13.43.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a version that shows a bit more, but I tried to get one that wasn't excessively lewd. Even the panties showing is a bit much for me, honestly.


>> No.11955145

Thanks. If only I didn't live in Canada.

>> No.11955168
File: 65 KB, 334x500, H642 K-ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's anything illegal about nearly-naked drawn women in Canada, but I'm hardly familiar with the laws. It's worth it, you should get it.

Now if only there were some decently drawn not-too-lewd K-on ones on there...

>> No.11955192

Haha you have donuits all over your hbed

>> No.11956741

>(I can't imagine they're custom made, at that price...)
No, but they're made to order.

>> No.11956768

They don't keep a stock of pillows? They must be smaller than I gave them credit for. I like what I got, though.

>> No.11957516
File: 245 KB, 980x1306, 1394463825546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custom sanya dakimakura

>> No.11957519
File: 83 KB, 980x1306, dZCyAtA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tho my eternal love is my original Sanya daki

>> No.11957525
File: 2.95 MB, 944x1389, 1394464066629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kuroneko one which came with a magazine broke in the first wash. Terrible quality, as expected for a daki bundled with a 3000 JPY magazine, dont buy any daki bundled with a magazine. Its cheap because its crap. I wanted an official daki tho, supporting my favorite oreimo and all.

>> No.11957530
File: 604 KB, 1224x1632, 1394464149703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite daki, not girl. But this daki cover gets a really sweet and long lasting wonderful scent by the comforter i use to wash. COSPA dakimakuras are the best quality wise.

>> No.11957538

One of my first dakis, dont have anymore. The material felt like hugging a bunch of nails. Dont have this one around anymore.

>> No.11957543
File: 2.44 MB, 1306x980, 1394464357340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11957550
File: 550 KB, 1224x1632, 1394464472212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other side of kud

>> No.11957553
File: 83 KB, 980x1306, YRxQLZO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other side of sanya

>> No.11957559
File: 434 KB, 1280x960, 1394464660069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this sanya one as well

>> No.11957563 [DELETED] 

*farts in ur face*

>> No.11957568
File: 552 KB, 1632x1224, 1394464771675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanya <3

>> No.11957580

More like sticking a badger in your chest and ripping hair from legs

>> No.11957975

I like that image a lot, though. >>11957550's shirosuku is really nice.

>> No.11957979 [DELETED] 

Can you post the original image used in that?

>> No.11957986

Can you post the original image used in that?

>> No.11958039
File: 19 KB, 380x321, loli sanya stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing taste.

>> No.11958053

They probably operate in a small shop. You might imagine how making a ton of pillows can consume space. Plus, wouldn't you prefer to get one that was recently packed and fluffed than one that had time to sit on a shelf, possibly losing their fluff if crammed with a bunch of other pillows over time?

>> No.11958056

DOwn at the bottom under shipping:
>We are a custom, to order, pillow manufacturer and do not keep backstock on our products

>> No.11958058

Is that a king sized futon?

>> No.11958059

I wish my bed wasn't on the floor...

>> No.11958071

I have a 160cm dakimakura, Will I have any issues if I buy the 72 inch (182cm) pillow and scrunch in the slack?

>> No.11958082

Yeah, probably. I got the 60" (152 cm) from royalpillow and it's a tight fit on a 150 cm. I wouldn't try 182 on 160.

>> No.11958089

even if it's stretchy 2-way tricot?

>> No.11958096

It would probably end up stretching out the image, even if you could get it on there.

>> No.11958097

Yeah, the one I got was 2WT and it's still a tight fit. It probably depends on the manufacturer, but if at all possible I'd get a smaller pillow. You're better off with it being too loose than too tight.

>> No.11958106

20x60 ordered. will report

>> No.11958108

Does this site ever restock their dakis? The one I wanted is out of stock. http://sengendo.a.la9.jp/index2.html

>> No.11958182
File: 654 KB, 1520x2032, IMG0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my Sanya when she was first released.

You don't want to see what she looks like now...

>> No.11958188 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 600x800, 1389306652169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can I be a dakimakura?

>> No.11958191

But I do.

>> No.11958202 [DELETED] 

That doesn't look very soft. It looks like it would be hard and boney.

>> No.11958215 [DELETED] 

sorry for not being soft and chubby... I find it difficult to put on weight

>> No.11958239 [DELETED] 

I'd use you as a pillow anon-chan

>> No.11958242 [DELETED] 

Its because he is a man and not a woman. Women always look soft and are soft even if they are skinny, they are made to be held and slept with and always smell nice. Why dont you have a female gf yet?

>> No.11958251
File: 552 KB, 1632x1224, 1394487993998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a 180x220cm super king size continental bed with stock-less bottom beds. Or rather the two bottom beds has no wodden stock on one side which is towards the middle. So the sleeping area is totally smooth and soft. Two smaller matresses are squeezed together in a cover to form a 180x220cm matress on it, and then there is a 9cm thick matress on that matress. Easy to move around, like here when my new apartment got renovated, after i moved in..

No its not a futon, its an expensive luxury bed i bought for me and my dakimakuras

>> No.11958258 [DELETED] 

thank you <3

I am an anorexic girl

>> No.11958273

The image would be stretched, it would work for some days/weeks but then the seams would break.

>> No.11958299 [DELETED] 

No you're a fucking disgusting man pretending to be a woman, you're also posting on the wrong board. Get out of /jp/ and take your creepy hobbies elsewhere freak.

>> No.11958315 [DELETED] 

Can you take your attention whoring somewhere else and let everybody go back to talking about pillows?

>> No.11958323

Maybe a dumb question, but does anyone know where I can get a regular pillow with 2 way tricot? I just want something to put my head on that's as silky as my body pillow covering, but looking for it on amazon yields really nothing but dakimakura. Is there another name for it, or are pillows just not made out of this stuff?

>> No.11958331 [DELETED] 

I'd put you in my trash compactor, if that counts. You disgusting uneasy kusoposter.

>> No.11958334

I guess you could ask one of the bootleg sellers to sell you a blank one, don't expect any discounts though.

>> No.11958335

Yeah, but for that price I could probably just buy a silk cover and it would likely be even smoother. Shame.

>> No.11958357


Looks like I was wrong, it is a little cheaper than the regular bootlegs. A silk cover would probably be cheaper if you could find one, though.

>> No.11958388 [DELETED] 

Trannies are even less faithful than real women, their voices usually sound awful, no amount of plastic surgery will stop them from turning to hons, and you can't have children with them.
TL;DR die degenerate scum.

>> No.11958395 [DELETED] 

but I'm female... I have all the documentation to prove it

>> No.11958400 [DELETED] 

In any case you're not a pillow so please remove yourself from this thread.

>> No.11958405 [DELETED] 

I want to be a pillow

>> No.11958408 [DELETED] 

>In any case you're not a pillow
I get it

>> No.11958418

no i cant, i ordered it from an artist and the contract means artist keeps copyright. Its mine and mine only :3

>> No.11958432

> :3
Stop shitposting.

>> No.11958460

Alright. Who's the artist? I want to check some of his works then. I just thought that was badly proportioned, but it's hard to say because it's on a pillow rather than flat surface.

>> No.11958473

>>11958432 i am not a nolifer stalking 4chan, i dont fallow your vision of a perfect internet :3 .

>>11958460 The neck is a bit too long and the head too small. But when you lie there hugging it its like having sanya's daughter sleeping next to you. The proportions errors arnt noticable from those angles.

>> No.11958481

No, instead you're an obnoxious faggot that happily rolls around in filth, like a pig in shit. Why your ilk doesn't just stay on tumblr and SM, I'll never know.

>> No.11958497

Alright, now you're a confirmed shitposter.

>> No.11958521

At least he's nominally contributing to the thread, while y'all are shitposting outright.

>> No.11958523

pls no argue. arguing over what's shitposting doesn't reduce the shitposts as a whole.

>> No.11958528 [DELETED] 

Commenting like that isn't shitposting.

>> No.11958533 [DELETED] 

Accusing somebody who made an on-topic relevant response of shitposting and starting a retarded argument in the process is absolutely shitposting.

>> No.11958536

One day, I'm going to contact Kawakami Rokkaku and attempt to commission him for a Korbo daki.

>> No.11958544

>Kawakami Rokkaku

He did harvest right? That's actually a good idea.


>> No.11958546 [DELETED] 

Why would you want to? There are tons of Holo dakis out there that are more than adequate, and it's not like there aren't better artists out there that you could commission.

An on-topic shitpost is still a shitpost. You should try reading the rules some time; rules 3 and 6 exist solely for people like him. People who will disregard everything in place and create low quality posts whilst clinging to an abstract borderline concept of "on-topic". He blatantly trolls when he does this, and he's been doing it for a long time now because he knows he'll get responses, and because he knows that said responses will be deleted whilst his are left in place. That filename shitposter does this as well, with blatant bait in his filenames and extremely obnoxious posts that set people off. On any other board these people would be banned instantly, but for some reason they constantly get away with it here, and because of that they use it to shitpost incessantly. To be quite honest with you, I'm not sure why I'm even replying to your posts, considering that you're probably one of these people or a newshit yourself.

>> No.11958597

Well? Who's the artist? Please respond.

>> No.11958624

The artist name is Rutoro on Deviantart. However i would say he is not that good. The head is too small and the neck too long. Either way when you lie in the bed cuddling the errors in the proportions arnt noticable. If i have that one lying in between me and my original sanya its like having our daughter there kind of feel. But yeah there are better artists on deviantart to do dakimakura commisions.

>> No.11958637

This? Its not that bad.

>> No.11958658

Oh lawd, that's even worse than I though. Well, just what you'd expect from deviantart.

>> No.11958661

I would have sex with her

>> No.11958684

i didnt use the awake side, its another image/character there.

>> No.11958723

That's fucking awful. As to be expected of a deviant.

>> No.11958733
File: 299 KB, 500x750, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to find a marisa daki that's cuter than this one. Though I would prefer her to be barefoot.
Should I still buy it?

>> No.11958774

So how does the quality of bootleg and custom dakimakura compare to official ones?

>> No.11958777


>> No.11958779


Where is the dick?

>> No.11958780

I can't speak for anything other than hobbyheart, but the quality seems fine. It's not much different from buying chinese bootlegs of official t-shirts.

>> No.11958784

Depends on maker, COSPA beats all bootlegs. Hobbyheart makes excellent two way tricots and their prints are great. However their zippers dont go from end to end, so its hard to get a pillow in. After a while the seams start to break after a year or so.

but yeah COSPA beats em all.

>> No.11958791

There is none.
But it'd be a great addition.

>> No.11959069
File: 68 KB, 960x540, third purest form of love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just met her today.

>> No.11959071 [DELETED] 

If you're going to post images with nipples can you at least censor them

>> No.11959079

Why does your wall look so dirty?

>> No.11959122

Because it is dirty.

>> No.11959136

I don't have one now, but I own one and she's on the way.

>> No.11959606

Same here. Only 2 more weeks until we're united.

>> No.11960281

i asked a question like this in a previous thread, but when ordering a custom cover - which seller is the best to go to in terms of overall quality?

i already know that most people recommend the 2 way tricot material but in a lot of cases different vendors have different quality of product. i'd really like to make sure that i'm buying the best quality product i can.

>> No.11960434

Read the thread, Hobby heart.

>> No.11960476

I hope you feel good hugging her. Asuka was my first daki and I love my waifu.

>> No.11960670

Why is it okay to post male nipples, but not okay to post female ones?????????

>> No.11960674

It feels really, really good.

Everyone should own a daki.

>> No.11961085
File: 172 KB, 616x800, nonnon1_sample02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I want this.

>> No.11961543

I have a question.
How many dakis do you guys have? I have one of my waifu, but I was thinking of getting a nonlewd one of my daughteru.

>> No.11961989
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, Photo Mar 12, 10 42 36 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It arrived. It is extremely soft. I only have another one but it's made of Japanese textile. I think I'll stick to two way tricot now. The printing is very nice and the fabric is thin and a bit stretchy.

>> No.11961996
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x1536, Photo Mar 12, 10 46 18 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11961997

Not a native English speaker?

>> No.11962033

That's rude.

>> No.11962036

Yeah, the 2WT is pretty great. I haven't tried any of the other fabrics, but I was really happy with the quality when I got mine.

>> No.11962151

I am thinking of getting natural velvet for my next one. I washed my other cover in the washing machine and ibdidnt notice any fading.

>> No.11962836
File: 77 KB, 539x800, Stocking Daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I want to get a daki of my favorite anime character, Stocking. I need one for psychological reasons, as I find I hug on to pillows or blankets in bed. I want to get a more non-lewd one, but this only style I can find.

I'm probably going to buy it from here.

I will just contact them to get the 2WT and have the non-lewd side on both sides.

Is there any other place I should get it? Where can you find images that fit Hobby Heart's custom cover?

I also really like and was thinking about getting this Yuuka cover.

Where can you find more non-naked Touhou covers, specifically Yukari, Yuuka, Alice, and Tenshi?

>> No.11962844

What is "Japanese Textile" supposed to be anyway?

>> No.11962847

Glorious 100% cotton, woven over one thousand times.

>> No.11962862

I bet it slices clean through bad dreams.

>> No.11962870

I trust absolutely nothing from ebay

>> No.11962909

Thank you very much.

>> No.11962971
File: 83 KB, 626x1277, 1394680099720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really the only Utsutsu "daki" out there?

The girl's most notable character trait is being comfy so how can this be?

>> No.11963274

The show wasn't super popular among the kind of otaku who purchase this stuff. Doesn't matter what kind of character they are if they're not popular.

>> No.11963279

God, I'd forgotten about that show. Gatcha-MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN

>> No.11963705

My cover has some horizontal wrinkles. I guess because the pillow isn't stuffed enough. So I washed it and dried it hoping the wrinkles would go away. I even ironed it (with a cloth between the cover and the iron) but the wrinkles won't go away! Has anyone else experienced this?

>> No.11963714

I am not sure. It was my first daki and I bought it at a con. I feel the seller may have lied since he only had bootlegs.

>> No.11963861

Wow, you just asked OP's question in a retarded way, your parents must be proud.

Minor character in a shit show.
You should be happy there's even a daki of her.

>> No.11963886

Only chinese bootleg website use the elusive "japanese textile", just hope it wasn't lead-paint they used.

>> No.11964546
File: 161 KB, 604x800, 40135440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered a bootleg version of this from some random Taobao seller recently, and it just arrived. The material seems fine, but the level of detail on the picture is worse than I expected... She doesn't even have fingernails. It was only $38 for a 2WT, though, so I guess I got what I paid for.

>> No.11964936

Around what resolution would I need to make an image to have it printed nicely somewhere like hobbyheart or the like?

>> No.11964976

I want an aigis one, but there aren't any. Can you help me find one?

>> No.11964988

Something about the fact that Aigis isn't soft in the slightest makes that seem off to me.

>> No.11965010

I could fill it with some of the finest scrap metals. I just want a design that I can print out.

>> No.11965041


>> No.11965352

150dpi. I found the images for mine >>11961989 online and sent those to them when I made my order. They surprisedv me with higher resolution images.

>> No.11965475

>dots per inch
Fuck inches and feet and dongs and whatever archaic units of measurement.

What's the actual pixel resolution for that going to be? For a normal 150cm dakimakura, that is?

>> No.11965482

You're not much for math, are you?

150cm=59 inches. At 150 dpi, that's 8850 dots (pixels) lengthwise. Hopefully you can figure out the width with some basic multiplication.

>> No.11965492 [DELETED] 

Thanks, I really didn't want to tab into google for a simple conversion when I could have someone here spoonfeed me while I bash imperial units. :^)

But seriously though, I have to wonder why units like ppi/dpi are even used.

>> No.11965501 [DELETED] 

Because the physical size makes a difference. How else would you express it in physical terms? If you're going to print an image on a pamphlet, it doesn't need to be as high of a resolution compared to an image used for a magazine cover. But both of them need a high dpi.

>> No.11965507 [DELETED] 

Because American runs shit and other people follow suit.

>> No.11965518 [DELETED] 

I meant why pixels per (random body part/imperial unit) are commonly used instead of pixels per millimeter.

>> No.11965524 [DELETED] 

I don't know. Not like it's particularly difficult to convert. I think the imperial/metric horse has been beaten enough.

>> No.11965775 [DELETED] 

Death to america.

>> No.11966961

If you go to hobbyheart it explains what you need.

>> No.11966974 [DELETED] 

Because Silicon Valley is in America and not some silly European country with your base 10 measurements.

>> No.11967001 [DELETED] 

Tell that to the NASA next time they crash something because american scientists are too stupid to convert stuff in your shitty units.

>> No.11967027 [DELETED] 

B-but NASA already uses SI units and they haven't even crashed anything in a while because of them! I think they're getting used to them.

>> No.11971221
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-02-03 12.52.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about three of mai waifu, all original and shit

I still haven't found time to get the pillow yet though

>> No.11971223
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-03-05 12.31.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11971261 [DELETED] 

please no loli titties

>> No.11971857

I disagree, we need more.

>> No.11972118

brb calling the cops

>> No.11972139
File: 214 KB, 1199x899, wifi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's another official one, but there's probably no point in looking for it

>> No.11972156

can I have a link to this?

>> No.11972158

What's the material?

>> No.11972160

The right one is from hobbyheart with "2 Way Tricot", it's smooth and stretchy
I don't know about the left one, but I prefer it

>> No.11972176

My dakimakura is very dirty and it smells of body odor. I currently don't have a working washer, so what would be the best way to handwash her?

>> No.11972480

pee on it

>> No.11972561

Put it in the sun light.

>> No.11973341

Just put it inside out with some bedshets and go to your local laundry place. Wash it in cold water in the gentle setting and hang at home to dry. Also bathe before bed. I use mine everynight and after 5months it doesn't smell bad.

>> No.11973853
File: 550 KB, 2448x3264, 1395016104352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved from /a/

>> No.11974997

I've been looking forward to getting one I wanted but the site won't sell to Gaijin overseas. Does anyone know of a good proxy service or site? Anyone do this before?

>> No.11975039
File: 564 KB, 968x1296, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had a good experience on ebay. Perhaps I just got lucky. Quite durable.

>> No.11975044
File: 31 KB, 264x320, ginko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eyes are the wrong color though. How do you stand knowing your waifu pillow isnt correct? Too red, not pink/purple enough!

>> No.11975059
File: 767 KB, 512x288, 1391932986987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are a bit more red than I'd like on the daki, but they aren't quite as purple as what's in your image.

>> No.11975065

depends on which version of gin, but they're definitely more pink than red. Oh well.

>> No.11975066
File: 190 KB, 500x281, Suigintou_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they changed her eye color in the 2013 version. But I imagine it being her after she becomes Alice.

After all, she is best doll.

>> No.11975089

Holy crap, I didn't realize how much her eye color had changed between seasons.

>> No.11975096 [DELETED] 

i've got news for you.
She didnt become alice, but shinku killed herself to stop the alice game and awaken the other dolls. Then jun and co set out to resurrect her.

>> No.11975124

Ugh, I got spoiled but it's my own fault. I need to work on my manga backlog.

>> No.11976759
File: 59 KB, 232x214, 1357502253064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where can I buy a Bernkastel dakimakura?

>> No.11976983
File: 390 KB, 729x500, 1325055533775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you idiots?

NOMAD's version of Suigintou is done with her having purple eyes because of muh stupid revenge must kill Shinku shit that happened in Ouverture.
In fact, if you go back to the OVA you'll see that her eyes are red to begin with, before Stinku calls her JUNK JUNK JUNK and shit. Only then they switch to purple.

Which is fucking bullshit. Since NOMAD twisted the fucking story away from the original material, she always had red eyes to begin with and these never changed.

But fuck me, man. Even the original material is a fucking mess so at this your opinion on what's accurate is fucking irrelevant.

However, get your fucking facts straight and get a fucking clue about why is shit like this the way it is and stop making half-assed assumptions.

Also, stop using my fucking image.

>> No.11977587

>Stop using my image
>Responds to 3 posts

>> No.11977692

Threesome with the witches!

>> No.11978423

I think he meant that all the pictures of Suigintou belong to him.

>> No.11978436
File: 618 KB, 1333x1000, dog X mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11978471 [SPOILER] 
File: 276 KB, 1200x1702, img_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11978486
File: 1.62 MB, 2048x1536, P1010060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, I used to have a weiner dog too. I wouldn't recommend letting them touch your pillows much though. Mine got poop smeared on one of mine (thankfully it had no covers on it at the time). Its claws might also damage the cover, so be careful.

>> No.11978559

Anyone know where I can pick up a Misaka 10032 daki?

>> No.11979005

enjoy your snags and accelerated pilling

>> No.11979009


>> No.11979013
File: 46 KB, 300x268, mjYAyYk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When small pieces of the fabric bunch up into tiny balls on the fabric. Like this. It's pretty common and my favorite shirts are heavily pilled.

>> No.11979016

Oh never heard that referred to as pilling, thanks for the clarification.

>> No.11979056

You should work on getting autismbux so you don't have to live with your parents

>> No.11979417

How can I prevent pilling?

>> No.11979431

There's two official ones with backgrounds.
One is Mio and Azunyan, the other is Mugi and Yui. I could have the characters mixed up.

>> No.11979953

Do you/does anyone have the full size art for the other side of this? I want it so bad but it doesn't seem to be on hobbyheart anymore

>> No.11980093

if a fabric is susceptible to it then it's most likely inevitable; it just happens when you wash it over time. so keep it clean and treat it nice so you don't have to wash excessively, and you can slow the process greatly.

>> No.11980102

The colored official ones were: Azusa and Jun, Mio and Ritsu, Yui and Moogs

>> No.11980352
File: 1.36 MB, 840x1120, 1395242684446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I had this one made at hobbyheart. >>11961996 I have slightly higher resolution copies if you want them.

>> No.11981134
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1920, 1395266241925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this Kurisu daki from my gf for Xmas a couple months ago

>> No.11981222

you must have a pretty cool gf if she gets you these pillows with the anime women on them. most girls wouldnt do that

>> No.11981230

That'd be awesome, I'm gonna get one made there too, only having 4 Ruri covers in my life isn't good enough.

>> No.11981312 [SPOILER] 
File: 204 KB, 1127x1936, c1OXSiK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step up sempai.


>> No.11981324

Is this some sort of meme now or are people just dumb?

>> No.11981331

I was trying to think of joke involving kurisumasu but I'm not clever enough.

>> No.11981334

it truly was a merry kurisumasu

>> No.11981340

both are correct. Dont start shit for the sake of it.

>> No.11981348

I was honestly just curious.

>> No.11981358

What the fuck. I bet you also say "BI-RU-" because that's the only way they can adapt a word not native to their language.

>> No.11981387
File: 62 KB, 600x800, ken-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Nihongo whenever possible. It is the most kawaii way to converse.

>> No.11981400
File: 110 KB, 726x621, 1345074046167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most kawaii way to converse

>> No.11981425


>> No.11981444

uh oh
pull the weeb alarm!

>> No.11981485
File: 1.22 MB, 1536x2048, 2013-09-29 09.41.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have pictures? I want to get more. I have that one and this one. I want to try natural velvet for my next one.

>> No.11981500

How does one go about having sex with a daki without ruining the cover or modifying it?

I jerked off once and kinda finished myself on my daki, while wearing a condom, once and it was kinda nice, but mostly defeats the purpose.

>> No.11981505

You could just yank it aside and cum on the bed or something. It's not like you're inside anything.

>> No.11981516

Easy just tie an onahole to it with a towel

>> No.11981528

She's so cool!

>> No.11981532

Don't be retarded just for the sake of it.

>> No.11981533

I didn't think it was possible to turn a dakimakura thread into normie central.

>> No.11981534
File: 22 KB, 255x756, DozTmew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that one too, both versions of it, and also this one from Dengeki G (pic related) and this one http://i.imgur.com/jBK8NA2.jpg

Unfortunately i only have one inner pillow atm

>> No.11981539

All the crunchyroll-watching normies are into it. Honestly, I kind of regret getting mine since it's so over-saturated with convention-going normies, but I sleep better and I really do love my "waifu" because she keeps me company and doesn't say annoying stuff. Hopefully I'm not a big memer.

>> No.11981594
File: 745 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my pillow from Royal Pillow finally arrived. I'm surprised at how big it is compared to the cospa pillow. It's really thick and I had a hard time getting the cover on it. The length is fine and it is comfortable, though.

My only complaint is that it's a little too puffy for my taste. Maybe I'll get used to it or it will flatten out later.

>> No.11981620

Does it stretch the cover? I mademy pillow so I could adjust the amount of stuffing.

>> No.11981637
File: 1.13 MB, 1536x2048, 2014-03-19 22.17.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted that one. What's on the other side? I have another smaller pillow, I think it also came free with a magazine. The other side has Kirino. I'll probably get a new daki around my birthday in october. I have a twin bed so I can only have one at a time but I wanna switch them up every so often.

>> No.11981638

Not really, it's just a snug fit. Tricot is already stretchy anyway.

>> No.11981645

Has anyone tried hobbyheart's duvet covers and sheets? I was thinking of getting one. And they also have a few undressable covers.

>> No.11981684

There's nothing on the other side :( was a little disappointed when it came, but it was pretty cheap and because i only have one inner i just display it like a poster so i don't really mind.

I have a similar issue but its even worse, I'm in a single bed in Halls of Residence :/

Also, are those pictures you posted further up a high enough resolution to have a cover made? I've not bought a custom one before.

>> No.11981730

> :(
> :/
Get the fuck out and stop blogging, you filthy emoticon spamming pseudo-normal.

>> No.11981767

The links I provided from yande.re are high enough.

>> No.11982312
File: 194 KB, 1000x750, you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three covers, one pillow. My Dakemakura one is by far the best. I melt when I cuddle her. Don't fuck around with Peach Skin. Shit is wack.

I wish there were more Yuno covers out there. The ones available don't really capture her likeness all that well. And I'm not about to buy a cover of any other character (though I am tempted sometimes--those sexy lolis, man).

What is up with dakimakura threads attracting some of the worst posters? All this memeing is making me feel a little sick.

>> No.11982579

Your girlfriend is fugly.

>> No.11983658

It's a repost from Reddit. Unfortunately you're not insulting anyone.

>> No.11983667

Got the 20x60in (152cm) pillow for my 160cm daki. The thing isn't even 140cm. Now I have over 8 inches of slack. Whoever confidently told me the 72 inch was a bad idea, fuck you.

>> No.11983693

Murican quality! Thats what you get for buying low quality stuff.

>> No.11983824

I got a 20x60 for my 150cm case, and it fits perfectly. There's no way you should have that much slack. Where did you buy the pillow?

>> No.11983949

Royal Fucking Pillow. fucking quality control.

>> No.11983957

I have one from royal pillow. The size is perfect.

>> No.11983963

Yeah, that's where I got mine too, I haven't heard anything bad from there. What kind did you get? The microfiber bundle one is the puffiest and was what I saw recommended the most.

>> No.11983975 [DELETED] 

just finished fapping and threw away my cum rag more or less randomly, sadly it landed on my dakimakura and now she's got cum on her. Fuck

>> No.11984379

Why aren't you using tissues? I feel bad for your dakimakura.

>> No.11985390

I ordered the cluster fiber one the one that is frequently recommended in these threads. They plain flat out goofed. The care tag is clearly labeled 54" when I ordered 60".

To the least they should refund me the $5 difference in products I received. I emailed the only support address i could find on their site and so far haven't heard back.

>> No.11985419

Well yeah, if they sent you the wrong one, that's an issue, but it has nothing to do with the recommendation of people in this thread as you said >>11983667

People make mistakes, hopefully you can get this resolved quickly.

>> No.11985500 [DELETED] 
File: 645 KB, 2448x1836, 1395399213001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related?

>> No.11986525

So there's a character that I really want a daki of, but there are no official ones and almost no fanart either.
However, almost half of the show is in CG so I was thinking about writing the CGI director a message to see if he would be willing to provide me with two high-res images to make a daki out of.
Do you guys think this is worth giving a try, or am I wasting my time?
I also wanted to see if anyone from the staff would be willing to draw at least one side but people told me that the staff wouldn't take me seriously.

>> No.11986530

If it's independently produced, you have a chance. Can you write in Japanese?

>> No.11986537

I don't think it's independently produced, it's http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=15094..
I can't write in japanese so that would probably be a bit of a hurdle, I haven't been able to find anyone that could help with it either.

>> No.11986721

Also going to sleep now for today so I'll reply tomorrow morning if you or anyone else replies.

>> No.11986838

I doubt production staff would hand out IP for free. You'd have better luck with finding an artist and sending commisioned work to hobbyheart or janelee.

>> No.11986900

This pains me. Please get that mutt off of Mokou.

>> No.11986932
File: 973 KB, 1067x800, 1376161711635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Daki coming through

>> No.11986955

What do you do when the girl you love is from a obscure series and there is no daki of her? Do you just buy daki of popular girl who you like the most?

>> No.11986960

if you love her you can find people to make custom daki's if you have a large enough image of what you want. I'm pretty sure there is a link to someone on ebay who does it on /a/'s buyfag FAQ

>> No.11986964

It's bad because she's from manga and there is just the manga art of her. I will try to get someone to draw her someday so I can order custom daki. Thank you.

>> No.11986970


>> No.11986994
File: 564 KB, 1824x1028, 46 dakis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few but I won't open them or use them

I prefer Nomad's version of the story

Too bad the whole thing went on haitus due to that Birz bullshit so now everything feels horrendously disjointed.

>> No.11987073

I have too many Daki's. Are we counting covers or covers with pillows?

>> No.11987086
File: 562 KB, 1667x495, 9020230923423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all of them including the very new Azusa-only one. Mio-Ritsu, Yui-Mugi, Azu-Jun, Yui-Mio, and Azu.

>> No.11987346
File: 11 KB, 232x276, japlaughingreactionface1 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11987732
File: 674 KB, 442x593, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was surprised to learn girls get dakis too
Cuddling with pillow children is not only limited to neckbeards

>> No.11987799

>very new Azusa-only one
Is it new enough to where I could actually order it? I don't see this one on hobbyheart or amazon jp just taking a quick look.

>> No.11987801

She has good taste. Though I'd rather cuddle with an actual Shinku doll instead.

>> No.11988028
File: 31 KB, 600x450, Bib0it9CcAALl31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came from pre-ordering the k-on bdbox, i think.

>> No.11988065

I find these non-standard dakis really interesting. I've seen the giant 2 meter Yugi one, the ones with "clothes," the ones with arms. Any other silly stuff out there?

>> No.11988092

i only want official ones, is there a site that only sells those?

>> No.11988100
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1152, glorious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any you find on sites like hobbysearch or amiami or specific stores like the kyoani one are going to be official. Price is also a good indicator of it being official. They usually range from 6k-12k yen or more.

>> No.11988106
File: 68 KB, 448x600, CGD2-85241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I would totally buy her.
It's sucks being poor.

>> No.11988124

Oh, so it's not a nice cospa one or anything. That's fine then.

>> No.11988125

It sucks having poor grammar as well.

Just kidding, but how much do you need to get it?

>> No.11988210

Yeah, it's also reserved for attentionwhore "nerds."

>> No.11989004

Who hurt you, Anon

>> No.11989887

no bully.

>> No.11989964

Is it genuinely possible to own a daki in a manner that is neither childish or emotionally fragile?

>> No.11990239
File: 86 KB, 740x604, touch fluffy tail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original idea do not steal

>> No.11990245

Has anyone ever cut a fuckhole into they're dakis?

>> No.11990254

why would you ruin a 50$ pillow like that?

>> No.11990258

Why would you buy a Chinese knock-off like that?

>> No.11990974

So does Hobby Heart have the best quality for custom dakimakura, or is there somewhere else that's better?

>> No.11990978

No, they suck.

>> No.11991151
File: 61 KB, 720x960, good night, asuka-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first daki the other day. She's very soft and nice to cuddle with. But I was wondering how I would go about washing her safely (it'll probably be a while but still). Everywhere I've searched only has washing tips for removable covers.

>> No.11991197

Where would you recommend then?

>> No.11991527

considered it many times. i know i could sew her labia shut again someday afterward, and she would maybe look mostly good as new. but still, the thought of cutting into her makes me hesitant to ruin her unspoiled fabric.

>> No.11992609

Would you ever go on a date with your daki?


>> No.11993125 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 428x650, 39600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you Daki gods know where I can get an authentic <pictured cover>? Evening Call is out of stock on their website, and YJA / Mandarake have got nothin. No bootleg pleas :)

>> No.11993132
File: 80 KB, 428x650, 39600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone knowledgeable help me out? I'd like to buy pic related but I'm very concerned about authenticity/quality. Anyone know any good sources?

>> No.11993142

I'm not interested in bootlegs, and it's not on HobbyHeart anyways. YJA/Mandarake don't have it.

>> No.11993396

Evening Call is pretty good, I have two Orin dakis by them, one (two actually, but I gave one away) of which I bought from Mandarake (a reputable seller, they know how to spot bootlegs and don't sell them, they have an English site and ship internationally) and the other from Yahoo Auctions Japan (pretty much Japanese eBay, you shouldn't have any problems with the site so long as you check seller ratings and read the item description before ordering, you'll have to use a proxy service to order from them though).

>> No.11993741

thanks. in my reply to my first post i mentioned that i wasn't able to find this cover on either of those sites, but I am still refreshing. do you happen to know of any other possible places where I could find it?

>> No.11993748

Yes they do.

>> No.11993760

Have you tried searching in Japanese? And there's Rakuten, I guess. A ton of bootleg sellers on there though.

>> No.11993762

As long as the quality is good, what's wrong with a bootleg?

>> No.11993766

Lower resolution images and lower quality material are a given with bootlegs.

>> No.11993907

all at a low, low price!

>> No.11994245

After years of procrastinating I've finally ordered my first dakimakura and cover.
I'm getting a bootleg cover as a starter.
They had 4,800 images to choose from.
My GF wasn't exactly thrilled but she wants me to order a Mikasa cover for her Titan collection.

>> No.11994629


It looks like it has sold out. I wanted to get one. Iliketheir artwork.

>> No.11994635

yeah. i really like this one in partic. so i've been searching mandarake and yja, hopefully one will pop up. i also contacted EC about maybe having extra unlisted stock by accident or something

>> No.11994816

>about maybe having extra unlisted stock by accident or something
get a load of this guy

>> No.11995191

I've been looking for a good Patchouli dakimakura for a couple of days now. I've had no luck. Please help me, /jp/-san.

>> No.11995710

They're spoonfeeding on reddit.com/r/dakimakuras.
this guy >>11993132 went there before posting here, and decided to spam us thinking we have a "secret stash" or something.

>> No.11995710,1 [INTERNAL] 

I managed to get through the whole thread without a single one of you having my waifu. (Asuna - SAO)
