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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11934177 No.11934177 [Reply] [Original]

Do MMDs belong into 3DPD territory or not?

>> No.11934180

They are ugly and look unnatural, so yes 3DPD lite

>> No.11934192
File: 74 KB, 1024x640, imcutekawaiisugu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look unnatural
Well, that's pretty strange claim, provided ur favourite waifu looks even more unnatural.

>> No.11934202

My waifu looks perfect in 2D, but MMD looks like 2D and 3D had a retardbaby with clipping clothes and poorly made animations for people who are too lazy to draw properly

>> No.11934205

3DCG == 3DPD

>> No.11934208
File: 44 KB, 487x365, 1308857469763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, some of them are really sexy (i jerk off to them)
i can't wait 'till someone makes a proper 2hu porn with MMD or other 3D animation software and not just a dance video

>> No.11934246

Did any of those models ever been used in games?

>> No.11934250
File: 142 KB, 370x641, mpc-hc 2013-08-09 21-18-37-68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My waifu looks perfect in 2D
Perfect ≠ natural though. Also, isn't "natural" look a main reason of 3DPD?
>poorly made animations for people who are too lazy to draw properly
That's applicable to chinese cartoons too.
I am not talking about jerking off 3DCG porn as a whole looks horrible, worse than 3DPD one, but I like watching dance videos of them. Especially with newest models which are 2kawaii4me, almost trance-like.

>> No.11934751

Some of them make my wee wee hard.

>> No.11936409

Was anyone else gawking at the frame rate or was that just me?

>> No.11936417

Doesn't matter.

>> No.11936435

Nah. It's 3D but not PD.

>> No.11936453

>Well, that's pretty strange claim, provided ur favourite waifu looks even more unnatural.


>> No.11936468

3dpd only refers to real life

>> No.11936477

3D CG is just as much of an abomination. All the cool games use 2D.

>> No.11936505

I don't like how the only body fat that jiggles is the titties
The ass, legs, and arms should be jigglin a little bit. Not as extreme jiggle as the boobs (jesus they have no weight to them) but some there.

>> No.11936518

MMD is fine though.

>> No.11936520

mmd models are ripped for mods all the time

>> No.11936843
File: 2.61 MB, 426x240, yuuka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11936847

They aren't Pigs, so no

>> No.11936857

I don't like how these videos are all clones of one another. Like one guy comes out with a model, another with a dance routine, and then you get 500 videos using that model and dance routine with different clothes and same song.

I know it's not just mmd and it's the same with all of Japan's internet fags, but damn it's horrible.

Like memes over here, they go like: Feels good man > feels bad man > that feel when > tfw

In japan it's just: feels good man > feels good man (2hus ver)
> feels good man (boob ninjas version) > feels good man (ship bitches version)

>> No.11936873

That purely depends on model. Most of old ones were pig dusgusting.

>> No.11936880

I only use MMD for faps. But, I have a lot of it. I wish they would come up with different 2hu models and use them more.

>> No.11936937


>> No.11936965
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>> No.11937072

>memes over here, they go like: Feels good man > feels bad man > that feel when > tfw

And in Japan, they go: take it easy -> entire established lore and thousands of doujinshi about bodyless heads

>> No.11937146
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And actually developed into dark side of Touhou fanbase.

Good lord those days already passed

>> No.11937151

It's just jissousekis with 2hu.

>> No.11937204
File: 64 KB, 774x600, 1180364858684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i want to let you fester here alone but moot won't let me back

>> No.11937213

It's come a long way for sure.

>> No.11939704

That looks so embarrassing.

>> No.11939792

At this OP's particular MMD is 3DPD

>> No.11939796

3DPD is /a/ shit. Go back to that goddamn shithole with that crap.

No really, why the fuck are these Captchas easier when you're intoxicated; I really don't understand it.

>> No.11939800

go blog about your drunken exploits in /r9k/ kudasai

>> No.11939803

Suck my dick. I contribute more to this board than you could ever imagine.

At any rate, I jerk off to MMD videos probably more than anyone in this thread.

>> No.11939806

since i imagine you contribute jack shit that's probably true

>> No.11939811

Why do you jerk of to 3DPG if you think it's /a/ shit?

>> No.11939817 [DELETED] 

I don't have to explain myself to you, asshole. Do you know who I am?

>> No.11939822 [DELETED] 

with that attitude? probably trevor

>> No.11939823

You don't seem to understand that -not- jerking off to it means you're /a/-tier, because they'd think it's 3DPD and not their pure, virgin loli waifu shit.

But more importantly, MMD videos are really erotic so it's hard not to. The string bikini ones are my favorite.

Don't be autistic, retard. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.11939826 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with pure virgin lolis?

>> No.11939830

/a/ likes lolis?

>> No.11939834

/a/ is full of lolicons. Thread about underaged characters is full of people who want to fuck them and all of their "sadpanda threads" are full of it.

>> No.11939841

I thought they did. Apparently that time is gone now. I don't know why I try going back to that place long after it's been overrun by fucking retards.

Not really. It's about virgin waifus and shit. talk about rape and you're a 3dpd lover freak or whatever, even though Japan cranks that stuff out. They're (/a/) fucking insane these days.

>> No.11939842 [DELETED] 

What about real lolis?

>> No.11939847

I've recently discovered that a large number of MMD videos were removed from vimeo. All of my favorite videos of the super cute Alice prancing about in the nude have just... vanished. I am very upset about this.

>> No.11939849 [DELETED] 

I'm looking for a virgin loli

>> No.11939852

That's why I save every MMD I like.

>> No.11939858 [DELETED] 
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They're too pussy to admit they're pedos, /jp/ speaks for and stands up for himself like a real man

>> No.11939992 [DELETED] 

Most all loli are virgins.

>> No.11940147

>pure, virgin loli waifu

And the problem is?

It's always hilarious when fags tell people to "go back to /a/" because of something that's either the boards' shared pre-split heritage or came to /a/ via /jp/ in the first place.

>> No.11943222

You still didn't answer my question, fgts.
My brain says they are 3dpd, but my dick thinks otherwise, so who is right in there?

>> No.11945365
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>> No.11945384

>-not- jerking off to it means you're /a/-tier, because they'd think it's 3DPD and not their pure, virgin loli waifu shit.
Or maybe he just thinks it looks like shit.
Crazy though, I know.

>> No.11945734 [DELETED] 

