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File: 346 KB, 720x1215, Screenshot_2014-02-28-11-39-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11934033 No.11934033 [Reply] [Original]

Has /jp/ heard of Divine Girls? It's a new cute android card game where you take care of a cute little angel.

>> No.11934044

Viral marketing thread, go.

>> No.11934045
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, _21.27_[2014.01.22_13.17.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I haven't heard about it

>> No.11934120

>viral marketting
>f2p game
Fuck off.

>> No.11934134

You must be retarded. Luckily the EU will soon start to crack down on greedy publishers calling their cash shop games "free" so silly people like you won't get confused any more.

>> No.11934139

is it on ios?

>> No.11934142

Game's not pay2win though.

>> No.11934157

Can I bully her?

>> No.11934158

>Offers in-app purchases
Anything with that tag is pay-to-win.

>> No.11934161

>card game

>> No.11934163

You are truly a retard.

>> No.11934164

It's a card game in the sense that the girls just happen to be on cards instead of just being sprites or models.

>> No.11934165

League of Legends is pay to win?

>> No.11934167

Stop trying, nerd. I told you I don't want your pay2win card game.

>> No.11934168

I'm not even advocating for the game; it's not that great. I was just clarifying that.

>> No.11934169

Presumably. I never played a MOBA and am not going to lower myself to test it out.

>> No.11934171

I'd say it is, you're a retard if you think a full set of best in slot runes isn't a big advantage or let's not forget having the entire roster being able to be picked, being able to pick the strongest counter pick to something on your opponents team where otherwise you might not have them is a huge advantage.

>> No.11934172

If that app had a win condition it would be pay to win.

>> No.11934176

Just because it adds new voices?

>> No.11934184

You know how completionists get. Have to have every voice or else.

>> No.11934193

>requires a gyroscope and front facing camera

>> No.11934197

but you can earn everything in that game without paying a dime. How is that pay to win?

>> No.11934198

>you're a retard if you think a full set of best in slot runes isn't a big advantage
Except rune pages can be bought with both IP and RP and runes can ONLY be bough with IP (only acquirable by playing). Its like people who bash LoL never even bothered to research for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.11934203 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11934204
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>> No.11934206

I've played LoL since Beta I know the fucking game but it's not feasible to get enough IP to buy everything in the game, you're also ignoring the fact you can still go against people who have bought everything in the game while you still don't. Just because you can grind everything in the game doesn't mean it's feasible. No game is truly pay2win to the point you can't progress without paying, you just have to dedicate unrealistic amounts of time to it.

>> No.11934207
File: 81 KB, 570x489, trashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>android card game

>> No.11934226

You don't have to buy REALLY EVERYTHING, I've played far less than I could (less than 1k games in total) and yet I have more than enough for competition gaming. And I like this policy so the more I play the more I can own. I acknowledge though it seems like a real pain to start now, but I'm one of those people who like to be deluded by carrot on a stick.
>you just have to dedicate unrealistic amounts of time to it.
That pretty much sums up every mmo ever. And most gamers usually have that time.

>> No.11934229

The problem is you get pitted against people who have the power of money, hero selection is a huge advantage in MOBAs. DotA2's model of purely cosmetic stuff is a much much better model.

>> No.11934234

Let's get this thread going into a useful, non-/jp/ direction. What are good and cute card games on android? Here you can viral market me, I'm willing.

>> No.11934295

You are overestimate the power of money. Prior level 30 you are mostly paired with people of your level with limited available runes and champions and when you hit level 30 you have enough points to get 'best in slot' runes for fair number of champions and even a few champions. More importantly you are paired by your rating, so you play with people of your skill and many expansive champions can be countered by fairly cheap ones.

Hero selection is an advantage, but not as huge as it may seems to a DotA player, because DotA poorly balanced in that part and matches get very easily snowballed so it may seems that not having whole hero pool is setting you back, but in LoL your skill with hero by far more important than size of your hero pool since its quite possible to completely destroy your opponent if has a good counterpick but not really skilled with it.

>> No.11934338

>Com2us is a South Korean mobile and online game development/publishing company established in 1998.
Not gonna install any kimchi shit on my phone.

>> No.11934354

Game is made by com2us Japanese side though. Feeling better yet?

>> No.11934366

It keeps crashing after I finished a dungeon, what a buggy piece of shit

>> No.11934367

Android or Bluestacks?

>> No.11934369

Android, galaxy S4

>> No.11934371

You have the exact same as me. I had this problem yesterday, I reinstalled the game this morning and the problem was gone. Funnily enough the game started doing that randomly for no reason, so maybe it's a server issue instead.

>> No.11934377

By that I mean we have the same smartphone. Jailbreaken here though. The game worked fine until yesterday where it'd crash after every dungeon everytime. When I reinstalled this morning the problem was gone. In the end I don't know if it was because I had reinstalled or if the server is fucked up because I'd swear it started around the same time as you made your post.

>> No.11934385

I can confirm the game works on Bluestacks.

>> No.11934418

I see, at first it was only crashing whenever I access Holy Knight Development but it got worse just today, I'll try reinstalling first.

>> No.11934449

The development area is extremely buggy from what I've noticed. It'll usually crash pretty hard no matter what, though it seems random because I've noticed it would sometimes not crash for a few hours there.

>> No.11934475

How bad is the pay2win?

>> No.11934486

It's an android app. That should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.11934499
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-02-28-22-31-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine. You get a lot of crystals for free from quests and achievements and all in all the 'rare summon' gives you cards that you can find in dungeon or by fusing 2 cards together.

>> No.11934502

its not f2p if it has a cash shop you retard. 'hey guys check out this mobile game thats unplayable withotu spending hundreds of dollars on gems its f2p

>> No.11934511

Some games are very playable for free and some games you dont need to spend anything to do well. Then there are the new mobile Dungeon Keeper....

>> No.11934516

I remember playing some Mobage games and the cost of getting top cards were huge they were all pay2win as fuck. I hope this one is better

>> No.11934523

Premium summon doesn't give you anything higher than 4-stars if I remember correctly. Max is 6 stars.
Read the fucking thread, retard. The game is not pay2win right now.

>> No.11934564

I don't like it

>> No.11934573

Once you played a couple of these, you've played them all. There's no slightily entertaining gameplay either.
Pretty much only worth looking at the card art anyways, and this game's seems a bit bellow average.

>> No.11934596

Baiting with cute girls is always effective.

>> No.11934638

How the fuck you get your angeel look like OP's pic?

>> No.11934646

By fucking the fuckity fuck fuck.

>> No.11934658

Get the first artifact to get new clothes.

>> No.11934778

I've noticed something important about when you choose your angel between the 3 types. In the end it doesn't matter, all it does is give D rank to 3 skills in either fighter, mage or healer. In the end it's something you can get easily for 3000 gold. So choose your angel based on your favorite hairstyle, nothing else.

>> No.11934799

I can't stand card games. Are there any Android games featuring cute girls that aren't card games? And are actually good?

>> No.11934812

Anipan? It's a game where you flip a little girl's skirt.

>> No.11935198

Starting up the game and completing dungeons have started taking up 10+ minutes for me. Sometimes it'll just straight up close. Dunno what to do.

>> No.11935298

Not for me, I tried it on two computers, one where I gave Bluestacks a lot more ram to work with, and on both the game freezes when I get to the first fight.

>> No.11935352

Crash seems to be related to the account. I was crash free until I registered for an account, then started crashing after each dungeon. Don't even try to sign in through a facebook account. Attaching to that seems to have locked me out, since Facebook doesn't work at all, yet my account is tied to it. So the only way to get my account back is to wait for them to fix it.

>> No.11935364 [DELETED] 

Yay, more normie phone games!

>> No.11935408
File: 999 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-01-21-05-43-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a $50 android phone and don't put a SIM in it.

Now you have a NEETphone.

>> No.11935422

Or just buy an Android tablet just like I did.

>> No.11935463

This just sounds worse the more I hear you talk about it. I left this thread open to remind me to install it later, but I think I'll just pass.

>> No.11935827

For anons using this game with bluestacks, did you have to do anything special? I can't even download the game, google store says my device isn't compatible.

Anyone know where I can download the apk?

>> No.11935835

Bluestacks seems to be really inconsistent with this game. Some guy had it work fine, but for me I could download it and play it like normal until I got to the first fight where it always freezes no matter what I do. I didn't have to do anything special.

>> No.11936322

Logging out from the settings/options and logging back in seemed to fix the long loading time for me.

>> No.11936502

Are you the guy from the other day? I tried very recently and bluestacks worked for me.

>> No.11936516

Yeah. I tried it earlier today and it didn't work, so I think I'm going to give it another shot later today. Maybe it'll end up fixed in an update, so trying it once in a while can't hurt.

>> No.11936619

Was able to synthesize my starting 3* with another one. Ended up getting a 4* warrior. Warriors really don't feel to useful at the moment. Seems like it's better just to kill everything with Archers and Mages.

>> No.11936663

Warriors are great tanks, but that's about it.

>> No.11936674

Who here has a smart phone?

I hardly even need my ancient flip phone because I use it about once a week.

>> No.11936692

What did you use as base card for synth?

>> No.11936711

Two different 3* magicians. You get a random result if they're not the same one I guess.

>> No.11936724

Just about everyone. There's always some thread about a smart phone game up. I even got my mom's old one.

Why haven't you installed the hottest new app yet?

>> No.11936735

You should get one, you're missing all the lewd android Japanese apps that are infesting google play right now.

>> No.11936745

Me. Might as well, it was free for me since I'm on my dad's family plan. I use it as a game console and for browsing /jp/ when I go for walks.

>> No.11936747

I don't understand the appeal of card games in a digital format.

>> No.11936750

It's the same as the appeal of card games in a physical format, except exponentially more accessible to the target audience of pathetic nerds.

>> No.11936752

What I don't understand is the appeal of card games that are strategically boring as fuck.

>> No.11936753

Then I guess I don't understand the appeal of card games in physical format either. I thought it was for socializing.

>> No.11936755

People like to customize their decks because they want to play the game "their way" and they play against other people IRL because trying to outsmart other people is fun.

And the socializing.

>> No.11936766

japan hurry the fuck up and make a card game that isn't shit and isn't grinding kudasai

>> No.11936796

is that tiger osaka in the op

>> No.11936807
File: 48 KB, 554x800, 33166638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda had too much "CONNECTING TO SERVER" for me, like Brave Frontier/Puzzles and Dragons.

Mite be cool someday though.

>> No.11936811


>> No.11936840

Sounds like you have shitty connection

>> No.11936841

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11936906

i have been looking for some cute games

the ones i downloaded so far sucked

i will look into this! thanks!

>> No.11936913

It's alright.

>> No.11936973

How the hell do you evolve cards?

>> No.11936983

Both cards have to be the same, level 30, and +5 power. It's exactly the same as synthesize except you know what the end result will be and the card will have a weak secondary ability (like +20 accuracy or -1 turn cooldown for their ability).

>> No.11936985

Get 2 of them lv30, then +5 them. I don't know if fusing them at higher level give better stats though.

>> No.11936996

Just to expand a little, you go through the synthesize menu to evolve them.

Also, 3*s begin dropping at the higher levels. While not super common, they are common enough where I wouldn't bother synthesizing 2*s.

>> No.11937004

Evolved 2* into a 3* is stronger than a normal 3* though.

>> No.11937030

From my experience, not enough to bother with. It's a moderately large gold investment to get 2x 2*s to power level 5 when you could instead be using those cards and gold to power up your 3*s.

Just for the 2 examples I know of, a superhuman type mage gets their own skill turn decreased by 1 which makes almost no difference because by that time the winner of the battle is basically already determined. A Devil type archer gets +20 accuracy but misses are so rare anyways I don't see why I'd care, plus equipment already adds accuracy.

Perhaps other types get secondary abilities that are more helpful.

>> No.11937322

Is there a trick in opening the chests?

I noticed that sometimes the reward stay still withour randomizing the initial position

>> No.11937334

I'd say it seems rarer for the more rare cards (as in if you see them rarely they're rarer for this stage) to NOT be in their initial position, but apart from that... But yeh 1* items do feel like they don't usually switch position too much, so if you like, go take it. Same goes for later stages where 2* items and characters are common.

>> No.11937540

Did we get a free healer with dispel at some point that I missed? This poison sucks hard.

>> No.11937557

You can farm those in the healer area. They have AOE dispell.

>> No.11937613

Must just have bad luck with the cards I have then. Do I just brute force my way through the first floor of Dark Cave? I haven't gone through a "Healer" dungeon yet.

>> No.11937717

Wait you're right. Paradise of Healing is much further. Try getting a few of those archers that have a skill that hit 2 units front+back, it's quite good for that level.

>> No.11937738

If you have a circle AOE attack mage, boost the skill to rank C or D and the card itself. Then place it into the first slot and watch all the opponents die at once, as long as you don't miss.
I can't remember if they're regular cards with that skill, though. I got a 3 star from the first free rare summon, which is quite strong against pretty much anything but holy knights.

>> No.11937740

Development is locked until I finish this area, I think.

Also, just been grinding dungeons and now I'm crashing after each one again, so I'm giving this a rest til the next update. Thanks for the advice though.

>> No.11937779

Magicians only game.

>> No.11937846

A team of multi damage archers and mages will take you fairly far into the game by simply killing everything before they have a chance to attack you (particularly killing high value cards in the back row such as mages, archers, and healers). I only started running into trouble when I was going up against teams of warriors plus holy knights and I wasn't able to kill all of them in a single round.

You'll die to holy knights like that, at least later on. Throw in some archers too for a 2nd damage type.

It's also important to understand turn order so you know where to place your units. It alternates between you and your opponent, starting with your left most top card. A team of 3x Piercing arrow archers in your front row will hurt or kill the entire enemy team. Throw in 1 final back row attack card such as a Strafe archer or Wall of Fire mage and you'll ensure that the entire back row is dead before they can get off a single shot. Then throw in your starting Magician as leader for +20% archer damage and a high damage single target spell for cleanup, plus an ally starter magician for an additional +20% archer damage.

It worked for me up to dungeon 21 where the tank/knight mix is causing me issues. It also let me get a kill streak of 17 in league. I'm going to try again later and see if I can get a 20 streak in league for +50 crystals.

>> No.11937898

Is there any way to remove items from heroes. Or is it equipped permanently?

>> No.11937917

Permanent, however don't sweat it too much as items drop fairly regularly.

>> No.11937926

Ah I see. Thanks!

>> No.11937927

Am I just really unlucky or is development a huge gold sink? I just ended up spending 20,000 gold trying to upgrade my Piercing Arrow. I finally got it from D -> C, which increases the attack power from 140% -> 160%.

>> No.11937934

>It's not feasible to get enough IP to buy everything in the game
>I've played LoL since Beta

I've played since the beginning of season one and I have bought every champion in the game, rune pages and all of the worthwile runes with IP and I still have 100k IP left.
The game still sucks though, it's like a spiral downwards that jut sucks you in.

>> No.11938189

I think I've found a way to farm crystals. I don't know if this applies to anyone past Cave of the Deep Sea, since I haven't gotten past it yet. Apparently achievements don't go away (I've done the "Acquire 3-star Hero (1): Reach Lv. 30 with a 3-star hero or higher" several times and it doesn't seem to go away, so you can just make a bunch of level 30 heroes and level them all to 30, and get 10 crystals each time

>> No.11938518

I got S for Hit upgrade in 5 tries, just hope RNG Goddess smiles on you

>> No.11938605

Well fuck. Now I need to start leveling some paladins. These mages have increased HP and my archers can't one shot them.

>> No.11938676

Fuck I stuck there too, gotta have 3 holy knights for tanking

>> No.11938700

Can you share some, please?

>> No.11938826

When I was at that point I just used 4 archers, 3 piercing attack and 1 that attacked the entire back row. A mage would work too.

>> No.11938857

Anyone got a Waifu yet?

>> No.11938944

It would be hard to get a waifu in this game until they make full screen pictures available

>> No.11939243

Does stage bosses actually drop their card?

>> No.11939284

I've seen a 4 star in the treasures, didn't pay attention to what it was, but I'm sure it was a boss.

>> No.11939299

No I mean, an actual drop.
Not a reward from the chest treasure.

>> No.11939305

No clue then. If it's possible it might just be really rare.

>> No.11939438

Stop /jp/. You giving me to many cards game to play.

>> No.11939572

Would anyone please upload and share the APK for this game? Google store isn't letting me install it for bluestacks and the one apk I've found won't install.

>> No.11939579

Get it yourself


>> No.11939615

So I evolved two of the same 3 star archers wanting to get 4 star version. Got a random 4 star instead. I guess it's because it already had a subtype?

>> No.11939622

>Playing Korean shit
>Picking the worst girl

>> No.11939630

Thank you kind anon. I was so busy searching for the apk of the game I didn't realize there were sites that would simply download the apk file from the google store.

So when I download the apk from the above website I get an "Apk Installation failed: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK" error. For those who managed to get it to install are you using a rooted version of bluestacks? Or perhaps an older version?

>> No.11939644
File: 1.76 MB, 2048x1024, atlas_character.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was poking around in the apk file and found the asset for the angel artwork if anyone would like to see the different dresses and such. I didn't rename this file, for some stupid reason most of the images are named png.jpg.

>> No.11939754

The angel girl isn't enough for you?

>> No.11939762

If you already evolved the card you can't get it further up. I tried it with one of those mega-aoe water 1* and got a random 3* instead.

>> No.11939887
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x640, f0027756_52ad388834192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean shit can be nice though.

>> No.11939890

I aint plugging that shit into a google image search. Are you kind enough to share the name?

>> No.11939895

Looks like shit to me.

>> No.11939897
File: 843 KB, 1024x640, f0027756_52ad395ff004c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you be weary to? It's on the fucking Google Play store for crying out loud (just likely locked away from your country).

Anyway, I think it's 언리쉬드 but I don't fucking know Korean so I'm probably wrong.

>> No.11939902

And all of these phone games are, especially from Asia. It's the softcore porn that's important.

>> No.11939919

Well, if the only good thing is the images and people are already posting all the good ones, what's the point?

>> No.11939920

It would had been better if the girls weren't drawn by a terrible artist.

>> No.11939950

Game of the year.

>> No.11939968
File: 459 KB, 540x756, sorcery_223_normal_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Not Million Arthur. It's Japanese too.

>> No.11939972

That's not nearly as lewd.

>> No.11939994

Look for the Million Arthur thread, there's more to it including sexy micro-bikinis. It's also coming out in english (SEA only though, but I'm sure we'll see people posting the APK).

>> No.11940005
File: 420 KB, 540x756, sorcery_210_normal_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11940122


For some reason, whenever I want a card in the shuffle, I usually pick the chest in the opposite side of where the card started out in. This gets me the card I want at least half the time instead of 1 out of 6.

>> No.11940257

I usually pick the same chest unless it's a 3* or more. So far I've gotten one 3* since I started playing.

>> No.11940301

She's everyone's waifu right now, so shes a slut.
so no.

>> No.11940304

Only if 2 anons share the same angel with the same name.

>> No.11940331


>> No.11940333

Wow, lewd!

>> No.11940365

There's this one as well:

>> No.11940799

Million Arthur SEA is the only English option, right? No word on an NA version?

>> No.11940852
File: 771 KB, 540x756, fairy_32_normal_021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has zero chance of being released here in the US and especailly by Square Enix USA, so yes and will likely be the only English option ever.

>> No.11940862

What is SEA? I thought I would be able to play it on my iphone, but I'll need to look for the .apk once its out?

>> No.11940865

It's the acronym for South east Asia, which is why it's being released in English.

>> No.11940870

that means I won't be able to play it on my iphone? I need an emulator, right?

>> No.11940879

I don't know how iphones work, but the game is not going to be released outside of the SEA Google Play and iphone App stores--more specifically, it'll exist on the singular stores that Google and Apple run, but your phone won't be able to access the page if you're not in SEA and you won't be able to queue it for download from your PC because it'll say your phone model is incompatible.

>> No.11940913

Just change your iphone store to singapore and you should be able to dl it.

>> No.11941418

Show me your teams /jp/.

>> No.11941451
File: 948 KB, 720x1280, 2014-03-04 03.20.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much wasting time evoluting those 2 stars

>> No.11941511

Do hearts refresh daily?
Is 30 the max level?
Is it better to level two of the same cards to 30 to combine, or is two different cards better?
How do you get the other outfits/hairstyles for the angel?

>> No.11941538

Yes. (If you evo them They will get +1* and a special skill)
Dunno, clear all dungeons?

>> No.11941631

its not available on my phone, im crying so much right now

>> No.11941793

Buying 5 rare hero rolls costs 90 crystals.
There's a package for 55 crystals: Contains 5 rare hero rune and 5 heart hero rune.


>> No.11941860

How does experience work in this game? Clearly it's not the same for every card. One of the cards I got at the very start of the game is 8 levels behind another card that I got at the same time and used the same amount. I suspect that it's because the lower level card is a 3 star while the other is just a 1 star card.

>> No.11941872

The more stars it has, the more exp is need to level up.

>> No.11941890

I see, and then I'm assuming it's the standard get more experience for killing things higher level than you as well.

Also, is there a way to get rid of the friend slot it's annoying knowing I'll always be a member down because I don't have any friends that play tthis

>> No.11941901

Nope, you can choice to play w/o a friend, but that will leave that hero space empty.

You dont really need "friends" to play, you just can choice some random people for the free 5 hearts.

>> No.11941906

>5 free hearts.
What do the hearts do? I was never explained, or even mentioned.

>> No.11941911


Summon trash heroes or trash items.

>> No.11942000

They aren't always trash, I've seen a 4* in the heart pool before, though I didn't have many hearts at the time so didn't manage to get her.

>> No.11942008


They need to raise the mininum star levels of the cash pool. 2* is a joke, this game isn't pay2win, it's pay2notgrindallweek

>> No.11942206

I fail to see why MA SEA is blocking NA/EU considering the game won't be licensed in these countries anyway.

>> No.11942215

Yeh the cash pool is a huge joke, I'm using all my free crystals to get cards slots instead. I'll probably use the next to get gold since gold actually is more useful in the end.

>> No.11942239

i dont even understand why square japan blocks the original. who knows.

>> No.11942275

Anybody else getting free crystals gifts from com2us in their inbox? Must have gotten like 20 like that today.

>> No.11942280

wait, is this thread still about the cute little angels in OP? I kinda want to look after a little haibane with a cute halo and wings.

>> No.11942315

I just found out an alternative way to get gold for players with too many cards. The game apparently takes level into account when selling stuff, for example a level 1 2* sells for 200 while a level 30 sells for 6000. A Level 30 1* sells for 3000.

>> No.11942324 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 300x400, guesswhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>android card game

>> No.11942329 [DELETED] 


>> No.11942538

why? square enix

>> No.11942626

What? It still says it'll sell for 200 or whatnot. Or does it sell for more but just doesn't say it?

>> No.11942649

No, it says 6,000 gold when I go to sell a level 30 2* healer that has no power ups and no items.

>> No.11942706

Oh, then you gotta keep them clean I guess.

>> No.11942747

Is synthesis random? I just combined two bandits and they turned into a magician.

>> No.11942808

Yeah, evolving is the only way to know what are you getting

>> No.11942970

wow, how do people get these 6* heroes?

>> No.11942982

By evolving 5* one

>> No.11942983

Money. Loads of money.

>> No.11942991

Money is useless, the cash pool is shit. Unless you go and waste $100+ you won't be able to get much more, especially since 3* drop in later dungeons.

>> No.11942995

By not crashing every few minutes.

>> No.11943018

And pretty sure to get 4* you need to evolve 3*.
Shit takes alot of time.

>> No.11943413

So is it better to buy card slots than the 55 crystal 5 pack? I'm doing -okay- ish, but if 3* or 4* cards become regular drops later on, I don't want to bother with the summons.

>> No.11943436

This game is starting to eat into my FAW time in Valk Chronicle. Now that I know what crashes the game, it's just a matter of being completely gimp because the Development screens make me crash.

>> No.11943438

Is there a database of this game?
Yes buy hero slots instead.

>> No.11943440

Just came out last month, so there probably isn't one yet. We could always get a Wikia started. Don't look at me to do it though.

>> No.11943482

Are "Team Slots" like in VC or PaD where you can put together another 5 card team? Seems kind of useless.

>> No.11943510

Just buy hero slots. I'm going for 40 total. Friend slots and additional party slots aren't that useful.

>> No.11943513

It's another 5 card team, I tried it and raged at the wasted crystals so I erased my data and started over.

>> No.11943530

Are 3* and 4* also a drop from late dungeons or just a chest reward??

>> No.11943911

I'm not that far, but I've only seen 1 3* card, and it was from a chest reward. Didn't get it.

>> No.11944080

Wow, hero drop rate sucks badly.

>> No.11944175

If you synthesize a evolved 3 and a normal 3 of the same card together, will the result be an evolved 4 of the same type?

>> No.11944245

im not understanding this game at all
i got two 1 stars and a 3star

you dont seem to control anything except placement though i have no idea why i would want to change anything

when the hell do you actually play this game? everything seems automated

>> No.11944253


There's a bit of strategy that comes into play later, but all in all, it's not an action game, just a strategy game w here you have to know where to place what unit.

Decent game to play while distracted.

>> No.11944653

Placement can matter a bit when you have let's say archers to hit front+back for +180% damages and you're fighting against high def warriors and high resistance paladins. Better have those archers be able to hit all the paladins out so all your mages have to do is nuke the warriors that are left to kill.

>> No.11944795

im stuck in dark cave due to poison killing me at the boss fight
is there any strategy to get past this or should i just go back and grind levels

>> No.11944882

Use archers with penetrating arrows and buff them so they destroy every mage.

>> No.11945039
File: 439 KB, 1080x1072, GO VIRAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11945044

Does this imply that your angel will eventually no longer be a loli?

>> No.11945066

I want to rape her

>> No.11945082

Show me the loli

>> No.11945099

No, someone posted the full data and she grows wings but never grow up. I guess even Korean can understand what was wrong in Princess Maker: the fact your cute daughter grew into a slut.

>> No.11945132

Am I wasting my time hitting the 2x EXP dungeons to try to merge my 2* cards up into 3* cards? I'm in dungeon 12 now, getting 3 Archers for the stupid Strategist quest.

>> No.11945140

Archers are great so yes make 3* archers asap. The ones that have the skill that hit 2 enemies in front of them is god-tier.

>> No.11945176

>5 second bgm loop
>no log book to keep track of which cards you got
>no description for any cards aside from name
Do you even know your autist market?

>> No.11945192 [DELETED] 

*farts in ur face*

>> No.11945218
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I guess you can get 4* as drops.

>> No.11945228


I wonder if it's possible to get 6* in the end game that you never use later on because dungeon dropped cards have shittier stats than self evolved cards.

>> No.11945231

When does p2w comes in? I'm ready to drop a thousand.

>> No.11945233

It doesn't. Because you could do fuckload of summons and get a 6* card that'd be shit-tier and rage from getting trolled.

>> No.11945234


Just farm hearts by failing item upgrades. You get 30 hearts each time you fail and it's fairly cheap provided you're upgrading a shitty item and it's at a low upgrade level.

>> No.11945302

So I made my starter into the healing type, and after a couple hours into the game I'm starting to wish I had gotten the mage. Am I fucked?
Also, which spell is good?

>> No.11945309

Doesn't matter, the starter only gives you D rank skills in healing instead of magic. You can get those for 3000G once you unlock progression.

>> No.11945564

What's that hero's class and ability? What's her leader ability?

>> No.11945569

She's a mage, I dunno her ability, she's in the holy knight+mage area.

>> No.11945722

Always get cards that can fucking obliterate the back row. This way you won't be stuck just hitting a tank to 1 bar of health and having one of the healers heal them to full and wasting your damn time.

>> No.11945919

Sorry, Eeehh... She's a mage with buff for warriors ( 50% hp ) and her skill is Apocalypse.

>> No.11945936

Thanks kind anon, I'll see if I can get her.

>> No.11945945

Also, if anyone interesed I got her as a drop at "The lost island Atlantis - Irresistible Temptation" dungeon.

>> No.11945946

Drop rate isn't so bad. I got 3 4* just today from grinding levels and money in late dungeons.

>> No.11945948

Do the 2x gold/exp bonuses continue on up through all the dungeons?

>> No.11945957

They seem to move every hour or so. I usually grind in either. Even more so now because I still have 2 4* and 2 3* to max.

>> No.11945962

The drop rates must be higher on the later dungeons or something. I spent every single energy on Gorge of Wind - Precision for the past 2 days trying to get the 4* rogue that rarely appears in the chests and haven't gotten crap.

Yes they rotate around.

>> No.11945973
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You mean this one? That's the one I got 2 copies off. Then I somehow got one copy of the mage in Temptation earlier.

>> No.11945982

Anyone else suffer crashes whenever they go into Development mode? Seems I can upgrade one or two things before it crashes.

>> No.11945987

It's very bad here too yeh. It's like they don't want you to blast your gold.

>> No.11946164

Is it better to synthesize low stars into high ones or just start with the high stars? The high stars have nicer art, but they make upgrading the low stars seem pointless..

>> No.11946176

For the guys who run the app in BlueStacks: The game always freezes in the first battle, or you have found a way to fix it?

>> No.11946180

Still freezes like that for me too.

>> No.11946185

Isn't this an obvious marketing thread?

>> No.11946189

Beelzebub looks so delicious.

>> No.11946215

You figured it out anon, every thread ever posted on 4chan that likes something is actually done by marketers rather than people who might actually enjoy the topic in question. People on 4chan are filled with nothing but hatred and don't like anything.

>> No.11946224


If you really want to convince people you're from /jp/ don't do this.

>> No.11946253

Is pretending to have a problem with "anon" going to be the new thing?

>> No.11946254

anon please...
You're drunk, go to sleep.

>> No.11946260

Probably. It's the same thing on how lots of anons like to pretend that being on 4chan is some sort of obscure secret club, lots of /jp/ like to pretend that their board is separate from the rest of 4chan and it's own secret club. Basically hipsters.

>> No.11946409

Just missed the 3 star card twice in a row from these chests. Never wanted to spend the 5 to pick again so much.

>> No.11946426

Does anyone know how the pick again works? Do you have to pick from all 6 chests or is the one you already picked removed from the draw?

>> No.11946433

Don't, it's not worth it
The latter

>> No.11946439

That's good to know, thanks. Next time I see that 4* rogue in chests I'm using gems for it. I already have plenty of slots at this point.

>> No.11946456

I don't understand special dungeons. They say chance at better loot, but so far it seems like garbage. Not to mention the limited amount of times you can run them per day.

>> No.11946512

How did you get so many already?

>> No.11946522

When you get 3* heroes, start leveling them to 30 in the 2x EXP dungeons. For each one that hits 30, you get 10 crystals!

>> No.11946553

Wait, seriously? How? Is it an achievement?

>> No.11946559

Yes, repeteable achievement.

>> No.11946690
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>> No.11947181

That 4* rogue isn't that great though. If he it had the skill that takes down 50% HP it'd be good though. Especially against those fucking high HP mages. I only managed to beat the first level so far.

>> No.11947598

I just got an evolved hero by synthesizing 2 diferent heros.


>> No.11947603


>> No.11947611
File: 510 KB, 600x1024, 2014-03-06 09.04.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Material heroes were: Mermaid siren and some warrior girl-

>> No.11947618

If anyone wants to add me, add 'aquilos'

>> No.11947637

Where is the best place to farm 2*¨heroes?
I want to get some crystals.

>> No.11947723

I figured a 4* rogue would be a decent damage card to fight the tank mages. I'm stuck on tank mage #2 and a team of 4 3* paladins + 1 3* archer doesn't have enough damage to beat it. Guess I'll have to upgrade a bunch of these paladins to 4*s.

>> No.11947740

High HP Mage have no defense, what you need is cards that can tank them and card that can one-hit them almost. The first level was doable for me but the second has mages that do AOE in the back, so my DPS got murdered. Trying to put the tank in the back didn't help much either sadly. I currently have a 5* mage with the 200%+ skill, hopefully it'll be enough to one-hit mages.

>> No.11947888

3rd stage has high HP mages with Storm.
I am stucked there.

>> No.11948247


Damnit I want that warrior bunny girl so bad. I've been grinding her dungeon all day to see if she drops.

>> No.11948331
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And happened again...

>> No.11948336
File: 278 KB, 600x1024, 2014-03-06 14.54.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there's a chance to get evolved cards from

>> No.11948510

Does the 3rd boss of "Training of Light" drop?
I've been trying for a while now to no avail

>> No.11948553

I haven't see a boss drop.
So I guess the only way to get her in that dungeon is from chests.

>> No.11948626

Is one of you EXKeine? I added you as soon as I saw it. It's exciting to probably be playing with a /jp/sie

>> No.11948677


From chests is what I meant, she just seems to either be unobtainable or a really low drop

Curses, why are all these glasses on just 1 star

>> No.11948700

Not sure which girl do you mean, but I am pretty sure she becomes reg stage 1&2 sub in the latter dungeons.

>> No.11948801

So for anyone who cares, the first time you pick again for a chest is 5 gems, then 20 gems, then 40 gems, then 80 gems. Also if you don't have 80 gems and you press the pick again button, it doesn't give you an option to buy more gems, it just says you don't have enough.

On another note, I missed getting a 4* I needed to get past this damn high health mages level. Fuck this buggy ass game.

>> No.11948819

Is not worth to use crystals for that.

>> No.11948953
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So apparently 4*s can drop from mobs. I just got pick related from Gorge of Wind - Load the Gun from a mob (not from a chest). I would assume the boss was the one who dropped it though I wasn't watching the fights. They are really rare though. I don't know exactly how many battles I've fought there but it was enough to get 8 3*s.

>> No.11948957

Check this

>> No.11949013
File: 480 KB, 600x1024, 2014-03-06 21.15.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To sell her or not to sell her.

>> No.11949172

Anyone know's how does the Event Dungeons works?

>> No.11949181
File: 54 KB, 500x329, now thisisshitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayakashi on the android
>Getting hyped

>> No.11949235

Level to 30 first, then sell to maximize value.

Please post back with results.

>> No.11949293

I logged into their service for friends now all it does is crash each time I try to start the app.

>> No.11949304

Lvl 1 for 70,000
Lvl 15 for 70,000

Looks like there won't be any change, but still I'll max level her and post results.

>> No.11949843

How are you getting so much money?

Trying to power up my heroes to synthesize them is killing my funds.

>> No.11949854

2x gold dungeons

>> No.11949921

Anyone find a good use for bandits yet?

Right now, any combo of Warrior/Holy Knight + Archers just fucks up everything

>> No.11949923

Anybody knows how to finish the quest "Special Strategist (1-5)"? It says to beat 1-5 with 2 archers or more but it doesn't seem to work at all.

>> No.11949939

In DotA you do not have to buy a single hero or ever unlock anything that effects the gameplay that can also be bought with money.

>> No.11950057

Did you do it with a facebook account? Did the same to me and I had to abandon that account.

Using a regular registered account seems to work fine though.

>> No.11950062

Having the same issue. Gave up on it for now.

Has anyone actually seen/gotten a 3* or 4* from Common Hero summons?

>> No.11950075

I've seen 3* in common summon, never gotten it.

I've also seen 5* in rare item summon.

>> No.11950120

Have any new players gotten around the first-time development crash? They say they're aware of the bug but it's been a good 10 days since their last update.

>> No.11950138

Yeah it was facebook. Thanks for confirming.

>> No.11950143

I work for a company that runs a certain MMO. Our release schedule is pretty much two weeks up to two months, but not because fixing things takes long, but because the people responsible for doing the actual release are either lazy or overworked. Fuck you, release manager guys.

>> No.11950162

I see. Well, if it comes with the industry then I can only be patient.

Guess it's time to prepare for the next Kancolle event instead.

>> No.11950448

Ugh, every 2* to 3* Synthesis I've done has yielded a mage. I even have 2 of the starter mage now. I just want a strong 3* archer. Please.

>> No.11950457

So far I got:
1 5* single target mage
2 5* warriors
1 5* holy knight
Still not a single archers I wanted though.

>> No.11950461

I'm about to give up and just start using the 1* archers I'm pulling from the common summons.

Not being able to 1 shot the healers that can take a card from empty to full is infuriating.

>> No.11950473

You'll be fine. I'm currently using +9 2* archers and they blow the fuck out of everything apart from DEF warriors and High HP Mages. I'm trying to get stronger archers to kill those mages because I'm pretty much stuck there now.

>> No.11950560

Is the party slot expansion an extra 5 slots that I can use for storage?

>> No.11950562

I thought that "party slot" said "panty slot" at first. I was about to download the game if that was the case.

>> No.11950575

Doubtful. I don't have one, but look at how your current cards still take up inventory space.

>> No.11950589

Ah, right. I don't know how I didn't even notice that. I was considering buying the 70 crystal bundle, but I'll just get two expansions instead.

>> No.11950835

Last night there was a 4* mage in the common summon that I decided to go for. I'd been saving hearts up till now and was going to wait for something specific but the 4*s are so rare in the heart summon, I decided to just go for something. I spent 8000 hearts and only like like 6 2*s, the rest 1*s. The odds are so shit, I would have been better off waiting for a pool that was mostly 2*s and gone for that.

>> No.11950862
File: 320 KB, 600x1024, 2014-03-07 19.02.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, still 70,000

>> No.11950891

Jungle's Hunting Field - Accurate Shot has the 3* archer "Proud Archer Lejel" in its chest pool who has Strafe (the archer ability that attacks the 3 back row enemies). Her leader skill is +50% warrior health, her evolved ability is +20 accuracy.

Gorge of Wind - Load the Gun has the 3* archer "Elemental of Wind Sylph" 3* archer in its chest pool. Her ability is double headshot (attacks 2 random enemies). Her leader skill is +50% holy knight health, her evolved leader skill is +20 accuracy.

Gorge of Wind - Load the Gun has a 3* archer with piercing arrow (the ability that attacks the 1-2 enemy units directly in front of her). She seems rarer than the other 3* as I've gotten 4 Sylph but 0 of this one.

Assassin's Valley - Invisible Arrow has the 2* archer Devil Hunter Jungle with piercing arrow. The evolved version has leader skill +50% warrior hp with +20 accuracy.

>> No.11950974
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>> No.11950987
File: 963 KB, 2936x1024, RiverOfHell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I finally managed to beat Pendemonium - River of Hell. I ended up using 4 holy knights and 2 +50% holy knight health leaders. The leaders both died before turn 1 ended, but aside from using 4 God's Blessing knights with a 3* healer I don't think I could keep any card other than holy knights alive.

On fight 2 I went up to turn 15 and just barely won (you auto loose if it goes past turn 15). The boss fight was comparatively easy. I'm sure there's a better way to do this but these were the cards I had.

>> No.11951064

Nice! Thank you. Gives me a good idea of where I'll need to farm.

>> No.11951392

Basically the last 2 are the ones I need to grind. Piercing arrow is truly god-tier.

>> No.11951441

For anyone curious on what to look forward to, the next mission is called "Locked" and is just a bunch of silence casting mages. 3 holy knights up front with archers/mages in the back will wipe the floor with it.

The mission after that is "Slowly Encroaching Evil." Poison mages all around. Poison still does a moderate amount of damage, so my attempt with 4 holy knights + 2 50% leaders failed. My attempt with 3 holy knights plus 3 mages also failed, as the mages died in 2 turns from poison.

Looks like long term this game is going to require a person to have 4+ of each character class, which is a lot of annoying grinding.

>> No.11951444

What are some good places to farm Holy Knights? I've been using an Archer/Mage party up til Pandemonium where I get wrecked.

>> No.11951469

Land of Knowledge - The Legendary Sword has God of Heaven Odiness holy knight with Armageddon and a leader skill of +20% magician's magic power.

Gorge of Wind - Precision has Tsukuyomi, a holy knight with armageddon (246% magic damage) and a leader skill of +50% warrior health. The evolved leadership skill adds +10 defense.

I'd suggest getting 2 of each so you can evolve them and have leadership options.

On an unrelated note, Garden of Red Roses - Magician of the Bloody Rose has the starter 3* mage if you want a 2nd so you can evolve.

>> No.11951476

The poison mages are high HP too I suppose?

>> No.11951487 [DELETED] 

Yes. I don't think a high dps team can burn them down fast enough, short of 6 5* dps cards. My team of 4 4* archers, a 3* archer, and 2 +20% archer damage mages couldn't even clear the first wave.

Anyone have experience with the healer that removes debuffs? Is it AoE? Percentage chance? Any idea where they drop? Such a healer in the 6th slot might help a ton, though I have no idea where they drop.

>> No.11951488

Yes. I don't think a high dps team can burn them down fast enough, short of 6 5* dps cards. My team of 3 4* archers, a 3* archer, and 2 +20% archer damage mages couldn't even clear the first wave. All cards were level 30.

Anyone have experience with the healer that removes debuffs? Is it AoE? Percentage chance? Any idea where they drop? Such a healer in the 6th slot might help a ton, though I have no idea where they drop.

>> No.11951509

It's AOE, not sure if purcentage though. Are your 4* archers also +9 with +4 or better weapon? Guessing they use the skill that hit front+back?

>> No.11951522

No, most of my upgrades have been going towards trying to get more 4*s. My archer development is C, the equipment they have are 2* or better, however they didn't have any power ups and I haven't been powering up the weapons. If I thought it'd make a difference I'd try it but the archer fight wasn't even close. At the end of wave one all my cards were dead while the enemy had 3 half health mages. There's another full wave after that plus the boss fight.

The poison deals 196 damage every time you move, so that's 1176 damage to basically all your cards each round, plus the mages regular attacks. The mages have around 6,000 health each.

>> No.11951527

Considering +9 2* archers take around half of their HP, I'd say it's a possible good idea. An even better idea would be single target mages with high stars +9 that could one-hit every single mage in front of them.

>> No.11951551

Cleanse is percentage-based, but it's high, somewhere between 80-90% and is cast on your entire party. It'd probably be a great idea to look into having one or two in your group in case one member doesn't get cleansed or something. Also, has anybody made a database or wiki for the card drops yet?

>> No.11951568

Tsukuyomi also drops in Load of Gun too apparently. Probably a good area to farm the good high level archers/holy knights.

>> No.11953123

This one is pretty cute

>> No.11955498
File: 494 KB, 1042x1320, Screenshot_2014-03-09-20-33-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first 6* card and it was exactly the type I wanted, a mage that hit 3 cards randomly.
I believe 5* and 6* dps card are better off using % weapons, but I'm going to wait for lv30 and test out my 102 ability and 15% ability weapons to see which adds the most.
