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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 740 KB, 1920x1080, 131130_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11924646 No.11924646 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>11914203

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11924704

The countdowns sunk the Atsushi and Rinko ship really hard, damn, but I guess they behave like normal childhood friends that way.

>> No.11924718
File: 386 KB, 1306x768, fuck off, world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started R-10爆弾カノジョ last night. It's so offensive in so many ways. I love it.

>> No.11924779 [SPOILER] 
File: 162 KB, 800x1027, fh68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a change I read a moege and went with Flyable Heart. I thought I would get bored out of my mind but I thought the cast was actually charming. What a pleasant surprise.

Dual Piano Caravan track from the OST is 10/10 would 10/10 again.

Mayuri was probably my favorite. Next thing I'm reading is Kiminago.

>> No.11924783

what do you usually read

>> No.11924788

Yeah, it's pretty nice save for the drama in a couple of routes, Mayuri's was pretty weak in general since the route forces a dumbing down of her character's main issues

>> No.11924793

A VN with furigana? What is this, for kids now?

>> No.11924797


Furigana in VNs are pretty much standard.

>> No.11924798
File: 370 KB, 1920x1080, 28964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you really read so little that you've never encountered it before?

>> No.11924802
File: 100 KB, 806x644, 神樹の館.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It makes me sick.

>> No.11924805

Making an eroge for kids would be an interesting business decision

>> No.11924809

Just remove the ero, done.

I'm looking at you baseson.

>> No.11924820

I don't think some of those really needed the furigana.

>> No.11924826

None of the furigana in that was needed.

>> No.11924828

It would be like a sex education book for safe sex practices. You would need to wait until the heroine is an adult first and then marry her and use contraception until you are ready for children.

>> No.11924830

I like furigana in the names of places.

>> No.11924838

I tend to forget them easily, so yes, my brain hates japanese names.

>> No.11924835

Do you need furigana for names with obvious readings though?

>> No.11924840

Weird, aside from automatically reading 蘭 as あららぎ, I don't really have that problem.

>> No.11924916

Considering, her name was almost always used as アララギ, I don't see how you got used to that.

>> No.11924920

Oddly enough, I usually see it read as らん.

>> No.11924923

I mean, I think I've read two things with characters named 蘭(あららぎ), but it just always stuck.

>> No.11924952
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, 651614641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, I don't think my heart can take much more of this...

>> No.11924961

So how many chapters does the original genrin no kishouhin have?
It's been surprisingly imteresting so far, but I miss Celica.

>> No.11924975

The girl in this pic have a much better route in the alternative version that she's the main heroine and thank god no Yui, or whatever was the MC female counter part

>> No.11924976


>> No.11924978

Her VA is one of the best too

>> No.11924987

Yui may be pretty annoying but nowhere near as Suzuno.

>> No.11924991

riui is pretty weak compared to celica, but the game is fun

>> No.11924996

I guess the version that comes with the second game is summarized in that case, because I've read it for like 10 hours and am already at 6.

>> No.11925021
File: 292 KB, 800x600, kukiyamato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Yamato become Kuki Yamato by marrying Ageha instead of being a pedo?

>A-3 Tsubame After+ 2/28

>> No.11925097


Because Ageha is a heroine for Ren,

>> No.11925144

How do I level up haishera sword to another rank (she already has max exp)?

>> No.11925180

So after finishing the first chapter of IM Zero, I checked some walkthroughs and realized that I've fucked up that stupid amazon village and got it burned to the ground so now it will be no longer available to me anymore.
Is there anything significant in that village? I've overwritten all the saves before that point so not like I have a choice to go back now.

>> No.11925297

No, its same text. GnK1 is just short, I've played through both true and evil routes in like 20 hours.

>> No.11925301

You will miss H-scene and tons of events across the game.
I have full set of saves for every chapter, so I can send you chapter2 beginning save with all locations done properly if you want.

>> No.11925305

I would really appreciate it if you can do that.

>> No.11925315

Ok, uploading. Gonna take about 15 mins.

>> No.11925326

Well, stuff like 譚 isn't a super obscure kanji if you actually read a bit, but not all people read books. Remember, there are tons of retarded English natives that still can't get there, their, and they're right.

>> No.11925329

I think I've been reading too much nisio when I read that as Nadeko.

>> No.11925340

But 奇譚's a really common word, so I don't see why it would be needed.

>> No.11925343


>> No.11925348

>really common word
Really? It has zero occurrences in my quite-large vn texts corpus.

>> No.11925361

Thanks so much, you really saved me there.

>> No.11925364

No she isn't. Ren is never mentioned in Majikoi and even though she kisses him in kimiaru, she's not a heroine. Notice that there's no Kuki Ren there.

>> No.11925551


>> No.11925693

Not him, but I've seen it in 物語シリーズ as 怪異譚 and used as 譚(はなし)星界シリーズ. I don't remember if I saw it in muramasa, but I may have.

>> No.11925710

fun game try to find the least obscure kanji that don't appear in muramasa

>> No.11925746
File: 348 KB, 1288x753, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translating こちらこそ as "The pleasure was mine." here is the sort of thing that must make translating almost worth it.

>> No.11925757
File: 275 KB, 736x957, 1389614656353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any VNs about nationalism?

I want to read a VN about girls who love their country and hate the Chinese and Koreans.

>> No.11925767

Muv Luv has a nice long fucking arc about that.

>> No.11925835
File: 162 KB, 803x654, IM0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone encounters this error? I already tried re-installing twice but no luck. I suppose I could try re-extracting the file and see if that will fix it.

I can click "yes" and play through it, but I don't want to be in the middle of a fight and the game quits on me.

>> No.11925846

Its Eushully DRM. Just keep clicking yes, it will not crash. Or use nodvd patch. Or buy and insert legal cd.

>> No.11925865

Are you using a dummy cut version? I got that too and had to do a proper reinstall with a 4gb version I think. Then it was all ok.

>> No.11925872

It's the common error you get in Eushully games when you use dummycuts or copy the files without installing properly. There was someway to remove it but can't remember how but it's just easier to use non-DC to install their games not like you save much space with them. Makes me wonder why people do them still in this age and day.

>> No.11925881

> There was someway to remove it
In exe in "3D 60 EA 00 00 7E 70 E8" change 7E to EB

>> No.11925890


This will give you a patch, I think, just put on the installation folder and run as administrator

>> No.11925896


Wow, thanks everyone. I'm gonna keep myself busy with this series until Rance 9 comes out.

>> No.11925905

Err, actually, its 3D 60 EA 00 00 7E. Other two bytes are game-specific.

>> No.11926104

In 2 days

>> No.11926117

相州戦神館學園 is pretty much the only VN I look forward to this month. I might try ハピメア Fragmentation Dream too if I feel like it.

>> No.11926120

This line has to be the definition of someone with no preferences.

>> No.11926138

Really? Because I'm in the same case, except I couldn't care less about the FD of Hapymaher
I guess I'll look at a few reviews of ひこうき雲の向こう側 since it doesn't seem to have a bad reputation but that's all, rest of the month is terrible

>> No.11926147


>> No.11926172

What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.11926221

It means you have shit taste.

>> No.11926234

I'm not even looking forward to Senshinkan, but what's considered good taste? The new PeasSoft game that's being released this month? Or perhaps Hapymaher?

>> No.11926239


>> No.11926258

I prefer http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=794369

>> No.11926265

anyone knows a good walkthrough for ikusa megami zero?

>> No.11926270

The one that g seeker/foolmaker has an event list by the chapter, also map list and item list.

>> No.11926271

This one is quite good, there's detailed walkthrough for each dungeon with all items and hidden rooms.

>> No.11926279

Art looks great. I should probably actually try it after senshinkan.

>> No.11926287

I preferred this one, basically the same as
With the addition of boss strategies

>> No.11926289

Hahaha, Celica did Diane so hard that she become loli, I can't stop laughing.

>> No.11926290

I remember using the verita version of that one, definitely good, especially because I was getting my shit slapped by a demon, this one>>11926289

>> No.11926298

Hello friends, I'm having some trouble finding a download for 信天翁航海録, the Sukebe torrent seems to have no seed and all the direct links I found are dead. Could anyone help me?

>> No.11926303


>> No.11926304


>> No.11926309

As I said, that has no seeders.

Oh, some of those links are apparently not dead. Thank you. I'm not a big fan of direct downloads but since I have no choice I might as well.

>> No.11926311

It has, you just need to be patient, I downloaded the whole collection in four days.

>> No.11926313

Celicas dick makes miracles come true. That had to be one of the funniest scenes in Verita for me.

>> No.11926316
File: 408 KB, 800x600, IMG_1573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

機種:PS Vita



>> No.11926321


>> No.11926324

Why are they even releasing this?

>> No.11926326


>> No.11926329

What I don't get is how Luna becomes pregnant with his child in the true route. I mean he basically cums inside anyone he's ever fucked so I assumed he was infertile because of his body but that's clearly not the case.

>> No.11926331

He can get them pregnant when he isn't trying to suck their lives like a dirty inccubus

>> No.11926332

So is there any hope for Melt to live till the end of the story now?

>> No.11926333

Happens all the time in Eushully games. Protag cums in everyone, but only his True Love becomes pregnant.

>> No.11926340

It's probably because Celica doesn't have his god powers when he fucked her.

>> No.11926342

It happened because they were at the Graveyard of Gods which fucks the way Celicas boody works

>> No.11926343

Was it ever mentioned 性魔術 prevents pregnancy?
That's a logical explanation, thanks dudes.

>> No.11926345

I believe this was even explained in Verita, and it was one of the reasons Marsterria ordered Luna to bring him there.

>> No.11926348

you mean pope jerkface

>> No.11926353

Is School Days worth reading? I saw the anime and thought it was good but not great.

>> No.11926356

Wait, afaik they only got sent there by chance.

Marsterria didn't order that, that was just the new pope giving an impossible order to make Luna fail.

>> No.11926357

So, basically they're changing the story to fit the oh so pure minds of who Sony makes games for?

>> No.11926365

Well, everyone knows what 歓楽街 actually stands for.

>> No.11926369


>> No.11926380


>> No.11926383

Red light districts.

>> No.11926628

I'm not a big VN person, Narcissu is the 2nd one I read through, after Katawa Shoujo, and goddamn, this one hit me pretty hard. Got me misty eyed here and there.

Not like I didn't like the ending but I thought the MC would either go with her or maybe stop her. Though thinking back on it now the latter probably wouldn't have been that fitting.

>> No.11926668 [DELETED] 

*farts in ur face*

>> No.11926738

New tonework's site has been updated with VAs.

>> No.11926754

is there a list or wiki somewhere about novelizations of eroge? they seem to be more common than I expected

>> No.11926780

IIRC, she has a route in ps2 version

>> No.11926859

Can one of you guys translate the new light game when it comes out? Thanks in advance.

>> No.11926860

Sure. I'll have it done in a couple weeks.

>> No.11926862

Sure, I'll have it done next week.

>> No.11926864

If you two combine you efforts, maybe you could be done in a few days.

>> No.11926874

Sure, we'll have it done in a day.

>> No.11926907

I'll help too. That way, we can finish in half a day.

>> No.11927068

It's somewhat entertaining in a so-bad-it's-good sort of way.

>> No.11927079

Read it and make your own opinion

>> No.11927077

I want to read kiminozo but I heard it's shit.

What do I do?

>> No.11927084

That's not possible, I need /jp/ to make sure it's 100% not shit or I can't play it, I can't stand playing shit even 1% shit, unacceptable for this medium.

>> No.11927086

It's shit. There, now you don't have to play it.

>> No.11927112

You should follow Green Guy's opinions. He knows much more than us.

>> No.11927113


>> No.11927117



>> No.11927124

Wow Very cool, now I can only play good games from now on, thanks a lot

>> No.11927128

>imouto-obsessed faggot and everything-hating faggot
why do they even bother

>> No.11927132

I could understand if he just had very strict taste.

But he dropped Muramasa, so he's just stupid.

>> No.11927134

I dropped muramasa, but I still like other games.

>> No.11927141

I also dropped muramasa

>> No.11927143

It's not really about dropping Muramasa. It's that there's nothing he likes. At all.

>> No.11927136

I dropped muramasa too.

>> No.11927138

but muramasa is shit.

>> No.11927140

Who art thou quoting?

>> No.11927146

I'm sorry for you guys

>> No.11927147
File: 27 KB, 302x284, 1336690411832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this knave knows not whom I quoteth

>> No.11927151

kokoniaru got on my nerves after 3 times.

>> No.11927152

It makes me wonder why he's even writing for an eroge blog. Assuming he's actually serious, that is, which I have my doubts about.

>> No.11927153

i'm sorry you have to eat shit

>> No.11927157

>why do people read his blog?
I love laughing.

>> No.11927154

Then why does he keep writing that blog? More importantly, why do people read his blog?

>> No.11927164

He's tsundere for visual novels.

>> No.11927163

Whats the matter? TA can't help you get though that high level Japanese? Pathetic.

>> No.11927166

He likes Dies irae.

>> No.11927168

Yet he hates Senshikan? Does he have mental problems or something?

>> No.11927169

because he keeps getting attention from retards on 4chan every fucking time some shitposter links their blog

>> No.11927174

I only mentioned him because anon wanted to be spoonfed with opinions.

>> No.11927188

Does LOVELY×CATION -もうずっと初恋の日々エディション- include all the patches that have been released, or are there still more to download afterwards?

>> No.11927192

All of them.

>> No.11927198

Nice. Thanks.

>> No.11927219


>> No.11927248

Is there a VN where I can play as Eddie and go back to my home?

>> No.11927286

There's CG for the kiss on PS2, but as far as I've heard there's no actual route. Regardless, Ren is never mentioned in Majikoi, so it's clearly not canon.

>Yamato's dad
>Doesn't give a shit about lolicon, proud of his son for marrying into the world's richest and most powerful family

>Kuki family
>Have no concept of lolicon, welcome Yamato as a son and brother unconditionally

>Goes nuts and tries to find Loliconia

>> No.11927335

Spoiler that shit man.

>> No.11927603

Is there a way to unlock scenarios in Higurashi Matsuri? My saves got deleted and I don't want to have to skip to an entire arc and a half to get back to where I was.

>> No.11927719

Nevermind. Forgot how the route system worked in Kakera Asobi.

>> No.11927741

Is playing genrin that important for Verita? Because I'm really not in the mood for gameplay, unless it has Celica. If it's important I'll just play some moege and come back later.

>> No.11927743

Not exactly super important as they fill you in most of the actual plot details unlike with the zero stuff, still worth a play.

>> No.11927752

Install append for GnK2 and you can skip gameplay entirely.

>> No.11927757

It just kept dragging on with really dull exposition and pretty mediocre production values most of the time, and the overall silliness started really getting on my nerves. There were parts that were incredibly good, but they weren't good enough to make wading through the rest of the shit in it worthwhile in my opinion.

>> No.11927765

I have a feeling that Mayuri's route is filled with shitty drama. Maybe I shouldn't bother with it at all and play that spin-off where she's the main heroine.

>> No.11927766

Celica looks so high in his profile pic/avatar in Verita

>> No.11927769

It's plot relevant shitty drama, at least it doesn't last much. Worst route of the bunch.

The word you're looking for is autistic, picturing his sprite face and the lines he spouts is hilarious stuff.

>> No.11927771

Post it

>> No.11927784
File: 508 KB, 1024x576, Verita_26022014_215303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough about the autistic part, and yeah about the lines sometimes I think he's completely clueless other times I think he just want to fuck around (not literally, well guess both) with everybody.


>> No.11927791

Well, living for nearly thousand years, and having amnesias every second day is sure taxing, you can't expect him stay sane.

>> No.11927789

The extra clone characters you get from the append stuff can be really useful later on, you should have activated them.

>> No.11927793

Not like he remembers all that.

>> No.11927799

He actually recalls stuff from time to time, so technically his memories are all there.

>> No.11927797

I fucking hate having to collect all the append stuff for all of these games. It's why I haven't started this series yet.

Is there a place where I can just get them all at once so I can get all the content without missing shit? Or at least a list of all the append stuff for Eushully games?

>> No.11927798

I've both ap01 and 02 installed and didn't get to see this event where you can get those characters yet, unless they're in that dungeon where you get some cheated equips in the beginning, in this case I didn't go there

>> No.11927804

rutracker/pornolab torrents have all appends included.

>> No.11927802

At the start, they ask you if you want to activate clone units in the options, like Haishera

>> No.11927811

Ah, those? I don't like to use them in eushully games in the first playthough, though I agree that Riui side is pretty weak and getting past some parts was a pain in the ass.

>> No.11927814

Just wait till that one map in Celica's side by chapter 7 I think, it was the only part of the game I used clone units, so fucking frustrating how everything just kills you.

>> No.11927816

I'll probably take a break from the series and play some moege, I need some cuteness.

>> No.11927815

That doesn't sound dodgy at all, I want to get into all the companies series though without missing shit I doubt they have the older games and the appends.

>> No.11927817

I should have noted I want the raws too, not the shitty translated versions.

>> No.11927820

>That doesn't sound dodgy at all
Its biggest russian tracker with several millions of users. Bigger than nyaa for sure, and its strictly moderated.
> I doubt they have the older games and the appends.
I've downloaded GnK and GnK2 with appends there, they are well-seeded despite age.
There are no translations of any IM-related games, wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.11927823

You sound like a moron.

>> No.11927824

Well I've seen links on rutracker for the translated versions and Russians don't speak Japanese. There is no reason for me to assume the raws would be on a site like that to begin with.

>> No.11927831

I'm Russian and I speak Japanese.

>> No.11927834

Yeah, man, we discussed Verita for 10 pages because we cannot read any of it, suuure.

>> No.11927835

A whole new level of moron, really.

>> No.11927840

A super moron.

>> No.11927837

Yea well I don't speak Russian so I can't get on this site. I was talking about the majority though.

>You aren't allowed to be critical of a strange Russian site you've never heard of before
Well, I'm glad you've shown me the error of my ways, hopefully one day I can make a post just as stupid as yours.

>> No.11927842

If you don't know shit about it you probably shouldn't criticize it, yeah.

One for the history books.

>> No.11927848

If anyone needs all IM games, here's good torrent with all of them with all appends and plenty of seeds, pornolab.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1503555

>> No.11927852
File: 290 KB, 307x270, 1369206404058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.11927857

Is rutracker reliable enough to get torrents of uncommon titles? Sometimes it's too much of a bother to wait weeks to get shit downloaded from torrents or having to download 8 parts from mirrors.

>> No.11927863

Regarding VNs — yes, VN section has two its own jp-speaking mods, who check each upload. Speeds are usually good enough to download in a day even with 1-2 seeds.

>> No.11927868

Time to learn Russian.

>> No.11927866

Hmm, I'm in the last map of chapter six, I'll let you know if I get my ass beaten there,

>> No.11927869

Guys please

>> No.11927876

What are the rules? It's obviously not a public tracker.

>> No.11927883

I don't think anyone wants the dummycut versions.

>> No.11927881

be a comrade

>> No.11927882

Seems Google Translate actually does pretty well with Russian.

>> No.11927884

When you reach chapter 7 you'll see how they take your best weapons and then gimp you both and Luna Clear hard, it's annoying as hell.

>> No.11927886

I was interested in the language, so it's a nice opportunity.

>> No.11927887

cheeki breeki

>> No.11927888

For downloaders? None. DL limit was removed few years ago.

>> No.11927893

Well yea I intend to seed but I mean specifics some sites throw a fit if you don't keep 1.5-2.0, unless you mean be Russian, in that case I'm fucked.

>> No.11927897

I don't think that has all the arterial appends or any of them really.

>> No.11927931 [DELETED] 

Those aren't dummycut, but it have the perfect guidebook append patches.

>> No.11927934

Those aren't dummycut, but it doesn't have the perfect guidebook append patches.

>> No.11927940

go to the anime-sharing thread if you want it

>> No.11927943

Oh shit, I encountered a hagure majin that I could capture but she just steam rolled my team in two turns.

>> No.11928013
File: 228 KB, 1472x1544, 74238462784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take /jp/ to finish a vn on average?
I'm talking like the amount of days, not hours. I usually take my sweet time on almost every game, sometimes putting it on hold for quite some time and coming back into it hard.
Probably takes me about 1 - 2 months on average to complete a game.

I think I read all of YU-NO in a week though.

>> No.11928022

Around a week/moege, more for harder stuff.

>> No.11928023

Depends, it takes several months for me to finish moege or nukige, since I play only a bit each time. For plot-heavy/gameplay titles which are interesting for me, its usually 2-5 days playing non-stop.

>> No.11928024

Depends. If I'm really absorbed in a vn, I'll skip class and work to finish it within days. Otherwise, it could take me several weeks.

>> No.11928032

If it is one of the few series i really enjoy? Marathon until it's finished
If it the game manages to grip my interest? 3-4 day max
Standard Moege is about a week
Nukige depends on the content/game but normally 2 days max if I'm not playing it alongside a moege, if i am playing it alongside a moege it can last over 2 weeks

I think that covers everything but games with proper game play (JRPG-like stuff) which is a case by case situation

>> No.11928072

Usually takes me a week or two. Sometimes on weekends I just spend the entire day reading VN.

>> No.11928082

Depends entirely on how you define "Finish".
If you mean finish all the routes, for anything but scenario important games, it generally never happens.

If you mean "all the routes/whatever I'm interested in", a week or so for moege usually unless it winds up being one of those that I'm enjoying too much and end up putting it off forever so it never technically ends.
For plot important stuff, it really depends on how long/difficult/interest I am in it.
Nukige depends on how much my dick can and how much free time I have.

>> No.11928084

>Marathon until it's finished

How long do you need for that?

I think 6 - 7 days is my standard for a long VN when I'm really into it. But I still can't read that fast.

>> No.11928088

>it generally never happens.

There is never a game which grips you that much that you just have to know what happens in the other routes?

>> No.11928089


Last thing i Marathoned was Majikoi A-2 and it took me about 20-30 hours, with a few 30 minute breaks for food etc

>> No.11928096

I finished zero in 3 and half days, 38hours.

>> No.11928107

>Nukige depends on how much my dick can and how much free time I have.
It took me almost two full weeks to finish Jellyfish's Sisters because of this.

>> No.11928141

Anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending on how absorbed I am and how difficult it is to read. I'm a relative beginner at Japanese so my reading speed still sucks for anything beyond moege, but plotge tend to hold my attention better so it more or less evens out.

The fastest I can remember going since starting untranslated stuff was Koichoco for some reason, which I finished all routes of in about 4 days. I guess it was like the perfect storm of being very simple to read, keeping my interest just high enough to not get too distracted, and having very little else to do at the time.

>> No.11928163

About a week or two. Depends how much it hooks me in.

>> No.11928265

Outside of scenario heavy stuff, not really, no.
I mean, moege/charage I find really dependent upon character design/VA more than anything else because not matter how good the writing is I'm not going to sit through a 3-6 hour route with the most prominent character being one voiced by my least favorite VA or with a design I really can't stand, and it'll be rare that I like every character's design and VA.
Nakige and the like if not really scenario heavy depend upon actually liking the characters in order to have an impact, and it's frequent that at some point one of the characters is either going to rub me the wrong way, or just fail to capture my interest especially after going through one of the other routes.

Where as, I guess for scenario heavy stuff, I can look past any other issues I'm having so long as I'm enjoying the actual plot itself.

>> No.11928464

Depends on my sexual will, sometimes I pause vns for weeks in h-scenes that I don't want to skip but I don't want to fap too

>> No.11928618


Generally I finish all routes, however I am not afraid to use forced skip if the character route is of low interest, especially in enforced route order. It can be range to a week to 2-3 months, depending my priority reading. VN with substantial gameplay element (Baldr series, Senjou no Folklore, Rance and so on) will be tackled as a game than a VN with more intermittent pauses.

Nukige is the same though I will gauge how fappable it is via a save file before venturing a normal start. There are exceptions, for example Kyonyuu fantasy series, which were very entertaining stories for me, far more than the common moege/charage. The ero scenes felt like a side show to me on this series. I also liked how some train molester VNs have MC that are far more nicer, and just outright better common MC where they just sleepwalking into a girl/route with little effort.

>> No.11928666

I've been reading a moege for about one month because it's my second title in japanese, plus I've been lazying out for a while. There are days I don't play it at all and the days I do, I play like 15 minutes. I would take one week when I was still reading translated titles though.

>> No.11928671

Is Luna=Clear the reincarnation of Satia or not?

>> No.11928674

I tend to bounce back and forth between 5 or 6 titles at any given time, so it generally takes me around a month to finish one unless it was written by a scenario writer I really like or I'm just enjoying it a lot.

>> No.11928702

No, but she does have her soul.

>> No.11928733

Please fuck yourself. He's not a moron for not being familiar with your dodgy Russian shit. You're not normal. This is not a Russian site.

>> No.11928740

It took you 10 hours to come up with that? You're an extra special kind of retard.

>> No.11928739
File: 527 KB, 1280x1100, FaiVw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet Ukraine before we incite rebellion.

>> No.11928744

I'm not him. I don't even browse the normal board I keep the thread open in the live archive, but seeing that made me want to comment.

Try to be more creative Russhit.

>> No.11928747

>I'm not him
Sure you aren't.

>> No.11928779

Why are they painting over the rust?

>> No.11928914
File: 292 KB, 1054x821, trial2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11929003

(18禁ゲーム) [140228] [light] 相州戦神館學園 八命陣 Disc1 (mdf+mds+rr3).rar 9a7ee5RitzkXmyE 3,734,630,844 3
(18禁ゲーム) [140228] [light] 相州戦神館學園 八命陣 Disc2 (mdf+mds+rr3).rar 9a7ee5RitzkXmyE 4,542,958,800 b

Most likely legit considering the uploader

>> No.11929015

With that size, probably legit, hope a torrent doesn't take much.

>> No.11929024

light announced the master up for 3 discs and recommends 12GB of free space, even if it's legit it's probably not complete.

>> No.11929033

I hope it's DIAA's length with a fuckton of CGs and songs to justify such size.

>> No.11929036

(18禁ゲーム) [140228] [light] 相州戦神館學園 八命陣 Disc3 (mdf+mds+rr3).rar 9a7ee5RitzkXmyE 4,195,855,997
Here it is

>> No.11929037

Supposedly has around 100 unique CGs, so a bit less than Dies.
Also it's a bit shorter too, around 3mb of text based on what Masada said.
And it's been confirmed that all the routes are unlocked from the start.

>> No.11929054

So it's time for pretentiousness?

>> No.11929152 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 1024x576, Verita_27022014_122002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me that Celica will kill this fucking god.

>> No.11929156

lolno although she gets reborn as the blue-haired woman in memoria just like shamara was reborn into marinya

>> No.11929157

It hurts, doesn't it, her only good end is light route.

>> No.11929161

That "blue haired woman" is the reincarnation of their unborn child actually

>> No.11929163

Someday maybe, he hasn't dicked with Celica enough yet. Whenever we get IM3 or later we might see it happen.

>> No.11929166

So aside Astraea and Aidos he didn't killed any other god?

>> No.11929168

If you count the light route of verita, you can add another pseudo one, but canonically 2.

>> No.11929169

oh ok. I just assumed she was luna because she had the same voice and introduced herself the same way as her.

>> No.11929171

In IM2 he kills atleast one more or maybe more I don't actually remember anymore who killed who in there as there was few gods dead by end of it.

>> No.11929179

Well it's not like gods just pop up everywhere, they mostly let humans do the fighting for them.

Although Celica didn't kill barouhart directly, it was said he weakened him severely by killing off his followers and the grand priest infused with his powers.

>> No.11929185

Barouhart was a cunt, no wonder.

>> No.11929191

Well, he killed the main city of his belief, no wonder he weakened since there are a lot fewer believers than before.

>> No.11929193
File: 310 KB, 1296x758, yourdiary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to love the hell out of this VN aren't I?

>> No.11929200

You should wait till the backport of the psp version to read it, more routes.

>> No.11929203

Weren't there less than 10 gods to begin with? He's going to kill all of them at this rate.

>> No.11929206

He should, they're fucking terrible at their job.

>> No.11929207

Quite a lot actually:

>> No.11929209


>> No.11929210

There's shitloads of gods but only few have large enough influence to be worth of note.

>> No.11929211

Wow, great page, thanks for link.

>> No.11929208

When does that come out?

>> No.11929261

So what order are you guys going for in Senshinkan?
Based on what I saw Akira > Ayumi > Rinko > Mizuki seem to be a good order

>> No.11929269

I just entered in the last chapter and finished the dungeon with the thief and the luiu grandchild, now I don't have any other open event and can't switch to Celica, can someone enlighten me?

>> No.11929273

Basically, it's the one I plan to follow unless Mizuki is magically a better opening heroine, which would meant I'd leave Akira for last, but doesn't seem so.

>> No.11929275

Senshinkan is almost out and I'm still not well-versed enough in moon to read it.
Wait for me guys...

>> No.11929303

How reliable are those magazines which give news regarding eroge?

>> No.11929305

100%. Stuff they publish comes directly from devs.

>> No.11929792
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, Amairo_27022014_164605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Yuzusoft's games never have anything really special, but I always enjoy them so damn much.

>> No.11929963
File: 33 KB, 480x272, snap164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Ayatsuji's route. Thank god that's over. With this I finished all main routes in Amagami so now it's time for some delicious hidden routes.

>> No.11930013
File: 113 KB, 931x739, これでよし.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal difficulty is way too easy. Is there also a hard mode?

>> No.11930015

Real mature dude

>> No.11930022


There are none.

Did you really dislike the main routes that much?

>> No.11930026

Don't bully Hinata!

>> No.11930031
File: 1.92 MB, 2507x3541, 明治 - *アマガミ*.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Miya and that one stalker girl. And I loved most of the routes, I just hated Ayatsuji's route specifically. It was weird playing it when the rest of the routes were all so lovely and this one was full-on abuse.

Nanasaki's route might have been the one I enjoyed the most.

>> No.11930039
File: 129 KB, 931x739, ほら.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But she likes it.


Her VA really grates my nerves. I don't think I will go after her.

>> No.11930041

Yep, Soyogi is better when she sounds high.

>> No.11930044

You don't like Soyogi? What kind of faggot are you?
Although I admit Hinata is one of her weaker roles.

>> No.11930099
File: 55 KB, 406x328, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start my voyage

>> No.11930105

Not the same anon, but I like Soyogi...the thing is that maybe I'am a little tired of the same tone she use in most works, it seems like she is half-asleep when working. She needs more roles like in Renai 0 and Jinki Extend RE:Vision (I was surprised with her voicing an antagonist).

>> No.11930106

Hope there are torrents soon.

>> No.11930158

All hail 相州戦神館學園.

>> No.11930217

I tried to download YU-NO, but it says "This file cannot be opened in archives". What do I do?

>> No.11930254

That's why Haishera on his side.
So she will remember everything and explain things to him.

>> No.11930264

Doesn't she forget stuff due to his influence too? Like Amdusias.

>> No.11930272

If I'm remember correctly, Haishera's mind is still intact after become his sword, so she didn't got influenced by this amnesiac effect.
(Although their soul were linked).

>> No.11930275

She probably just simply forgot since it was like 600 years ago

>> No.11930295
File: 101 KB, 960x544, 2014-02-18-134942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, currently I'm heading to Nanasaki's Best End.

I thought Ayatsuji's route gonna be good, so I decided to play it later.

>> No.11930371

So the people reading all the untranslated VN's are all Chinese, Koreans or some other form of non-Jap East Asian right? I find it hard to believe any crackers or niggers have the patience to read either moonrunes or machine translated tripe.

>> No.11930378

Just because it's hard to learn the language, doesn't mean it's impossible. I don't think there are more than 20 people here, maybe even less considering that 2013 ranking. Considering this thread naturally attracted more people who learned at least how to read japanese over the years, of course some posters here will be western. Also, (hopefully) almost no one here uses ATLAS. At least ITH for easier vocab and kanji look-up.

>> No.11930379
File: 65 KB, 960x544, 2014-02-01-225226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but Ayatsuji's route was far and away my favorite.

>> No.11930383

I'm from South America, though not a nigger. Languages aren't that hard to learn when you really want to read the stuff made in it.

>> No.11930386

Don't know about anyone else, but I'm as white as they come.

>> No.11930389

South Asia here.

>> No.11930393

>maybe even less considering that 2013 ranking
I didn't participate for example, because I didn't read any 2013 games.

>> No.11930394

Japanese is not exactly that hard of a language apart from requiring some raw memorization for kanji. Even knowing the basic 2000 is more than enough to get you through most eroge and as you keep reading and improving you'll be reading the harder stuff over time. It's no rocket science.

>or machine translated tripe
You're thinking of Hongfire.

>> No.11930398

I'm actually a spic, come at me.
I have the feeling most people reading untranslated VNs are usually crackers. I wonder if there are any niggers in the community.

>> No.11930400

Same. I only read a few from 2013 and didn't feel that qualified me to give a fair ranking.

>> No.11930405
File: 1.03 MB, 1296x832, 包茎野郎.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find it hard to believe any crackers or niggers have the patience to read either moonrunes

We don't. We're just making up our own stories to go along with the pictures. I think it's certain to say those two in my picture have a excited discussion about Nietzschean aphorisms.

>> No.11930434

Poor people can afford to spend time reading Powerpoint Porn? Preposterous!

>> No.11930438

I am one too I guess.
I know Europeans and Canadians that are into this too, though. One is going to go buy Senshinkan from Toranoana today, even.

>> No.11930446


>> No.11930460

The opening for Hapymaher FD(?) looks ridiculously well-done, even for Purple's standard. Kinda makes me want to go back and finish Hapymaher now.

>> No.11930456

Importing new VNs isn't something poor people can do, so I don't think anyone here is that bad off.

>> No.11930461

Poor people can be just as lazy as rich people.

I haven't spent any money on anything VN-related despite years of reading them.

>> No.11930464

How do you satisfy yourself with only trials?

>> No.11930466

Okay, now I know you're joking.

>> No.11930476

Do people here actually import all of their VNs? It seems like such a hassle. Also it appears Japs don't want dirty gaijin money anyway so I don't bother.

>> No.11930486

Yeah man.

>> No.11930491

Of course, don't you support the industry that makes what you love? It doesn't matter if they don't want my money, I still throw it at them.

>> No.11930495

My wallet doesn't contain nearly enough for me to import every single VN I play.
I do generally import things by companies I like though.

>> No.11930492

like the ff13, great opening, terrible everything else, well guess it's a pretty good sleeping method if you have insomnia

>> No.11930493

Agreed, it's a really nice OP video.

I'm going back and reading Saki's route since I skipped it before. Still don't like Aoyama, and this is easily her worst performances I've heard. Saki herself is decent enough, though, so it's bearable.

>> No.11930506

If it's a game I greatly enjoyed, I'll import it. For example I got Daitoshokan and Eustia a while back. I'm not putting down $200+ and effort into importing subpar uninspired moege #459345 with terrible routes.

>> No.11930509

>Also it appears Japs don't want dirty gaijin money anyway so I don't bother.
I'm sure they want to on the back of their heads, but VN's have never been a profitable thing outside Japan. Add to that the infamous Rapelay incident and studios and publishers have been skittish in regards to overseas sales. That attitude is slowly changing though.

>> No.11930564

I want three copies of Memoria but I'm just a poorfag living of wealthfare.

>> No.11930588

I occasionally import some of the ones I really like. Not the moege or nukige I read to kill time, though.

>> No.11930593

I buy digital versions from dlsite for most of stuff I play. Hardcopies are too bothersome to asquire.

>> No.11930632

Why would you import stuffs from famous companies like Nitro+ and Light if you want to support the industry though? If I have limited funds, I would probably order stuffs I really like from lesser-known companies instead of powerhouses that sell 20k+ copies.

>> No.11930639

Having the boxes for stuff you like feels good.

>> No.11930653

I bought supipara so I can have a copy of the game that nearly killed minori. Other than that, I've really only bought doujin games and some liar/railsoft titles.

>> No.11930652

Lesser-known companies have been pretty shit lately. There are so many that come out of nowhere, put out one or two subpar titles and then fade into obscurity. At least for me August and Light have been putting out some decent games lately, so I buy their stuff.

>> No.11930662

Plenty of 0228 games on nyaa, but still no Senshinkan. I guess everyone is too hooked up to upload it.

>> No.11930753

Will Will make a cameo in La Dea, or in the sequels, like Emilio did in Verita?

>> No.11930762

I've been reading chusingura almost for a month and I am still in second chapter. This is really slow for me.

>> No.11930763

How would anyone know? He's not in characters list or trial.

>> No.11930767

It's fucking huge, so I'm guessing not everyone can upload easily.

>> No.11930768

Hold ctrl for focused movement!

>> No.11930855

Speaking of this months uploads, which will win the most generic award?

>> No.11930859

Senshinkan. I don't understand why everyone's so excited for shitty gakuenmono.

>> No.11930947

I'm black and have read something like 30 VNs.

>> No.11930952

Can you sell me some drugs?

>> No.11930953

All hail 相州戦神館學園.

>> No.11930958

Very mature.

>> No.11930962

Still no torrent.

>> No.11930965

Is that a no?

>> No.11930968

I would if there was a torrent. It's been a while since I used Share and for some reason it can't even find the first disc with the right hash code and the second and third don't download at all.

>> No.11930970

It's most likely that Roka will atleast mention him but I don't see him personaly apearing as he has no reasons to leave Yuidora.

>> No.11930982
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x933, はいたか - 茜さす 帰路照らされど・・・.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the first hidden route. Well, it's hard to call this a route, more like an ending which felt really really pointless. It was interesting and the girl was cute (although possibly fucking crazy) but I don't see the point in introducing an entirely new character just to shed some light on an event that is entirely non-important to the actual game in most routes and give her own ending instead of giving her an entire route to flesh her out. Next is Miya's route and I'm finished.

Well, it's not really bad. I appreciate a lot of the finer points of the routes but it just wasn't my thing so I couldn't really enjoy it at all.

>> No.11931057


It's up

>> No.11931060

Thanks. It will take at least four days to download though...

>> No.11931061

Thanks for the heads up. I can finally go to sleep and hopefully wake up with ready.

>> No.11931062


>> No.11931064


Now just the wait for A-3

>> No.11931069

Is Innocent Girl gonna be worth a read?

>> No.11931098

How many unique kanji do you think 相州戦神館學園 has in it?

>> No.11931105

All of them.

>> No.11931124
File: 337 KB, 1024x576, wee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get past the 20th of that tower in Verita, it asks me to level up my sword, but I already have it on A with full bar and there are no interactions to level up it again, did I miss anything?

>> No.11931129

None of them. The full game will be written entirely in hiragana.

>> No.11931161

Need to level up Celica to 400

>> No.11931185

Guess I'll re read the trials while I wait, since I doubt I can play till tomorrow.

>> No.11931317
File: 258 KB, 1680x1050, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to skip through 3 chapters

>> No.11931347

Which 相州戦神館學園 wud u fuk?

>> No.11931357

All of them.

>> No.11931380

So what games are worth looking into this month, other than 相州戦神館學園?

>> No.11931417


>> No.11931422

Some nukiges and that's it, well if you don't mind copy paste moege there's plenty of them from some companies that have yet to deliver a good game

>> No.11931435

Ah, my bad, there's one moege from Flat, who did some good novels, but that's not their style and while I do like their novels art isn't their greatest point and character interactions either unless you like whem people murder each other in moege, not that ever happened though

>> No.11931478

劣等姦 from CYCLET.

>> No.11931483

I have the owasekaxfutapara fandisk too.

That's next month.

>> No.11931500 [SPOILER] 
File: 330 KB, 1024x576, whoa, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can do this, why don't you use it more often, Celica?

>> No.11931502
File: 320 KB, 1680x1050, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well going for Akira first.
Though it looks like there are some route order going on since Mizuki pantsu choice in chapter 3 that was in the trial didn't appear.

>> No.11931504

It's a shit-tier moege. Don't expect Grisaia quality.

>> No.11931525
File: 457 KB, 249x121, hahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11931526

By the walkthrough posted at seiya, there seeems to be a gran route with an individual end for each heroine

>> No.11931532

And obviously Sera is locked till after the other three heroines.

>> No.11931547

What did you guys use to get past the 1503 error?

>> No.11931560

I just used the one I got with Electro Arms

>> No.11931567

That worked. Thank you.

>> No.11931869

Mature thread for mature people like myself.

>> No.11931873

Eroge was made for mature people! 18未満禁止です!

>> No.11931927
File: 1.47 MB, 480x270, sukima273727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11931934
File: 1.45 MB, 480x270, sukima273728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11931941
File: 1.12 MB, 480x270, sukima273729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11931943
File: 1.87 MB, 480x270, sukima273731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11931973

Personally I'm looking forward to the bad end where Kanami got raped to death.

>> No.11932080

Looks like it's Hapymaher all right

>> No.11932088

oh no not again

>> No.11932112

It just wouldn't be the same without it.

Speaking of which, still not uploaded yet or should I put some actual effort into searching?

>> No.11932156

This is one of those rare non-nukige games where more sex and less words would be nice.

>> No.11932515

Heh, this thread is really deserted since Senshinkan got released. I wonder when the first one is done with it.

>> No.11932544

Currently in chapter 5, still common part I guess.
I will report when I'll see an end but it seems like a pretty long game to, maybe DI level

>> No.11932551

The thread is usually like this unless something sparks a discussion for a while, though. I'm sure it will be Senshinkan Happy Hour when people start completing routes.

>> No.11932572

Yeah, I remember people just throwing out a random subject and a lot of people would show up. I imagine there's also the fact that it takes a bit to go from a finished VN to another one. Not everyone reads routes in one day, so they might take longer to come back and post about the most recent title they've finished.

>> No.11932581

Not to mention moege doesn't exactly generate much discussion beyond best girl/route.

>> No.11932769

Oh, Innocent Girl is out.

Is the trap in this one as good as Lemon?

>> No.11932800

Anyone know any tool to get Senshinkan running?

>> No.11932805

It's called read the thread.

>> No.11932817


ok done
now about that tool, Alpharom doesn't seem to work for me/the game

>> No.11932830

You click the 'it's not a reallive engine' thing, dump the exe into the program window and that generates a shortcut to it, if you run that shortcut, it works.

>> No.11932840


That makes the process appear in my processes list but the game doesn't actually come up

>> No.11932848

Weird. You updated and all right?
Try killing the process for the game and try again.

>> No.11932905
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, kowai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the most horrifying thing I've witnessed all week.

>> No.11932921

What is love, okama don't hurt me~

That one pose where this fine maiden points right at you makes me slightly uncomfortable.

>> No.11932923

The 3DPD in the background scares me a little bit more.

>> No.11932948

New thread

