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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11915087 No.11915087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does anyone here feel like these little people are some of the many poster girls for the next kind of world religion. I know it seems far fetched but look at how often these characters are associated with spirituality, then consider the fanaticism that spawns from it. even here, language like 'the goddesses' and those 'divine ones' I'm not at odds with this in anyway way, but what do you all think? A big Thought for the start to the weekend

>> No.11915090

first allow me to rectify my error, no two 'ways' are needed.

>> No.11915095 [DELETED] 

I'm gay

>> No.11915099
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no srs guys really. think about it........ first you see this....

>> No.11915101
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then before you can escape it goes like this

>> No.11915105
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The Scarlets are good, God-fearing folks.

>> No.11915114

but be honest, don't they all become these vibrant parts of your own imagination? it's like all animation seems to captivate some part of the brain. through perhaps the color of there clothing? or maybe in there eyes? people fall in love with fantasy characters, but those involved here, have a devotion like I've only seen in religions. Otaku seems more like the title Zealot honestly

>> No.11915115
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A witchy miko would be needed

>> No.11915122


Dude that picture is super cute

>> No.11915129
File: 52 KB, 600x480, 718779-konachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's seems like it comes to play though. I mean I've met others who were actually offended when I didn't know something about it. Like it was already cultural knowledge. Even when I was new the allure was powerful. it's hard to think about other things somedays, I'll watch like 10 episodes straight of various shows. I don't even watch tv more than 10 percent of a week. yet I can't stop after one episode of this stuff, (yes I know that touhou doesn't have like an official long-standing anime, but in reference to other stuff)

>> No.11915146
File: 368 KB, 1000x413, Remilia-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would put this perspective forward. The pushing of values, you watch something or play a game. The characters go through struggles and grow as people. The strife teaches lessons. Then the spiritual aspect. Ghosts, Oni, mystic spirits engaging in seeming earth like places or on earth, the list goes on. Some 'mock' religious already exist.

>> No.11915178
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I'm not sure if you out there aren't taking it as a real thought, but I for one had thought a long time about it. I kinda figured the idea might get 'laughed off the stage', but what about the Iliad? considered real during it's inception, but then cast out as myth today. Why is that?

>> No.11915193
File: 524 KB, 828x539, CirnoPerfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omgosh.jpeg, this autocorrect on my phone will kill my arguments before I can place them forward. forgive these mistakes people, please.

>> No.11915205


>A big Thought for the start to the weekend


I wonder how deluded you must be to seriously think people will suddenly
gather around and worship made up anime

>> No.11915220
File: 1.77 MB, 1295x1721, 1380237202454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should study some real Theology.
Or get some fresh air.

>> No.11915226
File: 348 KB, 575x669, 1392-500308740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's less deluded to believe in a giant man in the sky whom plans to rain fire on earth after his son who was born of a virgin after he has saved those who would worship him? Such ideas aren't so radical to those who were born and told such things, I'm not saying it's fated to happen, but instead I ask you to think about the 'possibility', is that so hard?

>> No.11915227

I just threw the idea out there. I wondered what others thought, and besides, I love being outside. why would one pose such ideas unless he was bound to his confinement as of the frozen night?

>> No.11915232

From an occult standpoint: Egregore. Google it.

Every time you think about or fap to Flandre you give the Flandre avatar thoughtform (NOT tulpa) more power.

>> No.11915234

Simplifying Christianity doesn't make the possibility of people suddenly worshiping anime characters with any level of seriousness any more plausible

Christianity has been around for thousands of years and has persisted and been rooted in many societies all across the world. Its roots trace back to the very beginnings of religion itself.

meanwhile 2hu is a shmup

It might seem fun to you to play in your world of delusions but don't talk about it like anyone with a brain needs to take the notion seriously

>> No.11915246

this idea seems to bother you, I really do understand how ludicrous this idea sounds. really I do. it may have been pointless to ask even. yet instead we discuss. that more than anything is my purpose. no one seemed to have thought it, and certainly no one spoke the idea, but I put it forward to see what YOU thought. I frankly wasn't quite serious about it, but I wanted to see what was thought of the idea.

>> No.11915250

you sir, gave me something new, for that,I truly am thankful. This information is much appreciated
