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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11907420 No.11907420 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11898819

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Please try to keep emoticons, greentext, screenshots, and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.11907430

Scuttle yourself abyss scum

>> No.11907436

No, you scuttle yourself, human scum

Poor Henderson-chan

>> No.11907439


Leave them alone, they're just lonely after the event and have no one to spend time with.

I'd be perfectly fine spending all my time with them. Every day. For the rest of my life.

>> No.11907442

So in what way do dev mats affect LSC? Does 100 make rare ships more likely or change the drop pool completely?

>> No.11907443

Since when did the abyss recruit so many Johnny Deeps?

>> No.11907447

Abyss ships are just paid stuntwomen. When they 'sink' they play dead. Like movie actors.

Why else do you think you always encounter the same fleets in the same nodes? Or the same boss multiple times?

So when one of them does play the event boss, she is basically unemployed when the event ends. Of course she'd be fucking lonely.

>> No.11907452
File: 609 KB, 968x752, 41677678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna marry an abyss

>> No.11907461

Since when we suddenly have Abyss supporter?

>> No.11907468

The abyss are recruiting. It looks like they'll be on equal grounds in strategy as well now rather than just bruteforcing us.

>> No.11907465


>> No.11907470

This OP image though, couldn't you have used a better one?

>> No.11907477
File: 153 KB, 1200x1600, 1392719033933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo will be the flagship of my heart.

>> No.11907475

What's wrong with it?

>> No.11907476

How? By using Futaba's flashy red-yellow picture like in their OP?

>> No.11907478

Wo always had a large following.

>> No.11907485

Better than your shipfu's.

>> No.11907486

It's a meme pic. Don't do this. It's generally really forced by now and makes us look more retarded than funny as a result.

>> No.11907487

Who gives a fuck.

>> No.11907488

It's a forced and an overused meme, it's already sickening at this point.

Those are still better than shitty overused memes. As long as the art isn't horrible.

>> No.11907490

It's not even that old.

>> No.11907491

>Johnny Deep
Every time.

>> No.11907493

Next maintenance tomorrow is only for Yokosuka server, right?

>> No.11907496

the update we are waiting for appears to be on the 26th.

>> No.11907497

What kind of update are we waiting for?

>> No.11907498

Other servers will be online tomorrow? I'm one click away from sending 24-hour expedition.

>> No.11907499

Nagato really grew on me in the few days I spent with her.

>> No.11907501

Are you also spending time with her sister?

>> No.11907500
File: 904 KB, 847x1200, aviation destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wos are qt are they are just defending themselves.
Why do you think you are always playing as the aggressors?

Shimakaze/Wo special feeling when?

>> No.11907503
File: 171 KB, 952x566, ss (2014-02-18 at 02.56.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this game start throwing rare ships at me when I don't feel like playing much?

>> No.11907504

It knows...

>> No.11907510

RNG's tactic to keep you from quitting this game...

>> No.11907511

Jitsuu kai ni and 5-4.

>> No.11907539

Overused, forced, sickening, and shitty do not mean old.

>> No.11907543

Why are you so mad over this? I am also a loveless virgin but I like that guy for being so unabashed about his love.

>> No.11907546

Overused would however imply that it already was used for some time.

>> No.11907553

I don't know man, maybe I used the word 'overused' twice because it meant something.
Maybe I've seen it everywhere or some shit until it got 'sickening' to look at another one.
Like seeing your favourite artist who never does these kind of things suddenly jumping onto the bandwagon kind of felt 'forced'.
How it came out to be sounded pretty 'shitty' as well, just because a girl is probably camera shy and some people thought it was cute or adorable.

I took the bait.

>> No.11907563

You're so bitter anon, how about a cup of sweet tea to calm your autism.

>> No.11907567

Why does Shigure have dark circles below her eyes before her Kai-2?

>> No.11907568

She cries too much. After Kai2, she finally accepts her solitary life.

>> No.11907569

5-4 is less confirmed, yet until now.

'll expect they'll be on different maintenance. Jintsuu K-2 may come as soon as tomorrow.

>> No.11907572

Heh. Took me some time to find the exact name of this meme.

>> No.11907574

Perhaps you should go outside and bask in the sunlight, breathing in some fresh air instead of getting needlessly worked up over how a small thing that people found cute is 'overused', 'sickening' and 'forced.

>> No.11907576

Maybe she always had trouble sleeping and having a nightmare of her sunk friends

>> No.11907580
File: 969 KB, 1200x796, 1392724112551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After K-2, she is not alone anymore

>> No.11907582

It's not even 2 weeks old. Memes are typically the most used early on before their use peters out.

>> No.11907591
File: 2.39 MB, 1260x1170, 39885730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when you thought you loved that one shipdaughter the most but now can't bring yourself to click the marriage button. Why am I so worthless of my shipdaughters?
How do you stop being a kuso teitoku?

>> No.11907594

He plainly just doesn't like it because that person is a riajuu with girlfriend.

As simple as that.

>> No.11907595

>no Samidare
>no Suzukaze

>> No.11907603

I don't have her yet. Lvl 98 ttk, got Nagato only a few days ago. No trace of her sister.

>> No.11907606

For me, it overstayed it's welcome in the first couple of days because of how much it was spammed. Might be because I never found it funny in the first place, so instead of going from funny to annoying, it went from slightly annoying to very annoying.

But unlike >>11907486, I'm not some nerd who gets mad over pictures.

>> No.11907608

Lvl 92. No Nagato but have her sister

>> No.11907624

Just treat it as something other than a marriage button.

As simple as that.

>> No.11907639

I can't make up my mind either. I have one specific ship that I want to make happy, but she's one of the most useless ships in the game stat wise, has basically no fan-art, very few in-game lines and no hourly notifications, so if I pick her, that means choosing away having a ship waifu I can use in my main fleet and who I can enjoy doujinshi and pictures of.

>> No.11907643

Maybe the devs will throw her some updates if enough people choose her?

>> No.11907656

I don't think a lot of people will choose her. Judging by the amount of fanart of them, it seems like her whole class of ships is just forgotten.

>> No.11907659

Who is it?

>> No.11907662

Why choose Myoukou class?

>> No.11907661

Hatsuharu-class? Ayanami-class?

>> No.11907664
File: 160 KB, 650x722, 41591628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9th Mutsuki-class destroyer, Kikuzuki.

>> No.11907669


>> No.11907667


>> No.11907670

What made you love her?

>> No.11907683

It's a Mutsuki-class that isn't Mutsuki or Kisaragi, you definitely feel something towards them somehow.

>> No.11907690

This shit is hilarious and if you get bored of wildly different variations on the same picture after a week and a half, it's fucking amazing that you're willing to sit through the Kancolle grind at all because it's infinitely more repetitive.

Neither of you are (presumably) going anywhere, so wait as long as you like.

>> No.11907691

But she isn't even cute.

>> No.11907705



>> No.11907704
File: 263 KB, 750x750, 40120727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like white/gray-haired characters, and she was one of the earliest ships I got, so I used her for a while in my earliest fleet, and grew to like her for her combat lines, particularly the way she sometimes says 運が悪かった really coldly when firing at an enemy. I thought she was kinda badass, while still being really cute, and ended up giving her a permanent spot on my destroyer fleet, even though there were better options stat wise.

That was all, until the marriage event came along and I had no clue who to pick, so I listened through the confession responses for all the ships I had an eye on, and came upon her line.

It made me realize that behind her cold attitude focused on combat, there's a girl who is afraid of being separated from the commander she grew so attached to throughout all those missions. Her sinking line (no. 22) really breaks my heart too.

I just want to hold her and reassure her that I'll always be there for her.

>> No.11907708

I like your dedication

>> No.11907711

You are a good T.

>> No.11907717

I like her somewhat refreshing grim demeanour.

It's a shame Mutsuki-class was obsolete during the war, and thus not likely to get more than art updates unless power creep really sets in.

>> No.11907718

Just marry her already.

>> No.11907727

Scratch that, you're more dedicated than me by far. Which was obvious to begin with, since mine's only level seventy.

Well, follow your heart.

>> No.11907735
File: 44 KB, 350x116, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a long way to go, though.

>> No.11907739

I lied to you. She's only level 53. I didn't want to look stupid in front of you.

Race you there.

>> No.11907742

Ah youth...

>> No.11907743

That's not far. 100-150 is far, 33-99 is like a weeks work.

>> No.11907746

Go murder subs with her and she'll grow quite fast.

>> No.11907749

I don't like having her watch assorted capital ships pound 3-2-A into powder from the flagship spot. She gets all her experience either leading a destroyer squadron, as an actual fleet escort, or through PvP.

>> No.11907760

How the hell can poi crit a flagship TA BB for 90 damage in day battle? Ok, T adv, but still.

>> No.11907768

5-1 or 5-2 sub killing works for me.

Poi can outdamage light cruisers in the shelling phase. She's the best in day battles!

>> No.11907770

Send a destroyer fleet to 4-2.

>> No.11907772

Assuming you have some other strong ships you want to level, you can go to 4-3 and do up to 3 nodes if you play your cards right. Just make sure she does the highest amount of damage against submarines and she'll be able to get the MVP on her own.

>> No.11907780

Worst Mutsuki.
She is the only mutsuki that I scrapped her on arrival. Cant let her corrupt other mutsukis.

Good news for you that destroyer is the 2nd easiest class to lvl after CLT. Easy to setup MVP and cheap to resupply. You can easily spam 5-1 for the whole day and your fuel/ammo would still be alright.

>> No.11907790

You know that CLs have a higher ASW, longer range and only slightly higher consumption right?

>> No.11907796

5 hours of 2-3 farm for dailies, reached boss node 2 times before the boss kill quest unlocked, 3 times after.
What the hell is happening, never had to spam this map for so long.

>> No.11907797

do they really have a higher ASW?

Not counting Yuubari

>> No.11907800

Pretty much just consumption difference. The range doesnt matter since all of them will get 1shot off unless you get the 4subs spawn and somehow everyone died before your flagship turn. If you put 3xsonar on your flagship and then 1xsonar+1radar on the other 5ships. Even if she is lvl20 with shit ASW stats, she is still going to get MVP unless she miss.

>> No.11907809

Is there some trick to 5-1 farming? I went with 6 DD but got redirected like 3 out of 10 sortie to the BB/CA node and got rekt, unless there's some formation requirement i don't see how you can avoid that other than pressing F5.

>> No.11907813

Yes, when max DDs have 59 base on average and CLs have 79 on average. There are exceptions though. Only exception is Bep (74) having a higher base ASW than Tenryuu sisters (69).

All the easier to sink gold subs during T disadvantage. It's just a slight advantage, but an advantage is an advantage.

Just F5 when you get directed to the wrong node.

>> No.11907815

what about fatigue?

>> No.11907816

Bleh, I meant that Bep having higher base ASW than Tenryuu sisters is the only exception to CLs having higher ASW than DDs. Exceptions to average ASW is a different matter.

>> No.11907820

Yuubari is the only one that has this advantage though.
I can put 4xsonar on her and 2+1 on the rest. Can easily S rank it without tagging a BB along for the ride.

>> No.11907823

There is no fatigue when you solo.

>> No.11907825

why are you comparing the stats for max-leveled ships? The purpose for using them was to level them in the first place. Besides, even the difference between 59 and 79 is what? 4 damage?

>> No.11907826

Can't do much about it I guess.

With 3 sonars on a DD I usually have no problem oneshotting gold subs in line aboob as long as I don't get T'd. On a CL I'm slightly more confident in doing the same even if I get T'd. There's this extra chance. Yuubari is an outlier here though, I must say.


>> No.11907828

wait, go solo on 5-1 subs node?

>> No.11907830

Go try it.
You wont win all the time but it works.

>> No.11907831

A good opportunity to bring out that stockpile of buckets that you're never going to deplete.

>> No.11907832

I'll try it now.. does kcv have shortcut key for refresh?

I only have 100 bucket left thanks for farming uzuki but still not getting her

>> No.11907833

When you got diverted and have to F5, you'll get fatigue. You lose and you'll get fatigue
I don't see how this is good.

>> No.11907835

Is 3 piece of ASW gear absolutely necessary for gold subs? Main thing I like about Yubari is that she can carry two pieces of ASW and still be able to rape faces at night.

>> No.11907839

But Yuubaris strength is somewhere completely different.

>> No.11907840

You bucket when you lose. I guess you can dual it and rotate with another ship if you dont want to tank your win rate. It works. Same concept with 5-3 sub grind.

>> No.11907848

If there's a gap, there's a gap.

I don't like losing any more than I have to. Nah, I'll stick with full fleet.

You got T advantage didn't you?

>> No.11907853

which should I prioritize?

Depth charge or Sonar for that 5-1 solo, just tried it with 2 93sonar and a type3.. 2damage on the subs but the exp is good.

>> No.11907857 [DELETED] 


>> No.11907858

2depth charge 1 sonar

>> No.11907863

>2 93sonar and a type3
What have you been doing?

>> No.11907864

Start up your makigumo farm. The rate for type3 is abysmal. I have never crafted one before in my kancolle career.
50% penguin and maybe 2% success rate from the db I think.

>> No.11907870

I haven't gotten over 3-4 yet because all my ships are terrible.

I usually go with these. It is a pain when someone gets crit and goes home but that's life.

>> No.11907871

solo with akatsuki lvl 40

I'll just have to remodel more of them then, had about 7 mkgm because she's too cute to be fodder.

>> No.11907874

If you are soloing, damage doesnt matter.
Go full turbine and get the B rank.

>> No.11907879

10/10/10/20 has given me no fewer than 9 type 3 sonars. I have never farmed a single Makigumo or other rare DD.

Welp, no choice but to 4-3 then. DD flagship and 5 filler.


>> No.11907918

That's shocking how many type 93's for each type 3?

>> No.11907927

Around 1:1 ratio. Never really checked.

>> No.11907925
File: 64 KB, 581x433, 1392733891279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone actually giving a shit about Nagara class ships, that's rare.

>> No.11907931

Well, it's not that they're bad, the only reason I don't keep them is because their art has major fuck-ups.

>> No.11907934

There are people out there marrying even Ashigara and myoukou class. You shouldnt be surprised.

>> No.11907938

but nobody will ever marry oboro

>> No.11907939

Why are Ashigara and myoukou class so unpopular.

>> No.11907945

They're neither hilariously bad nor particularly useful, so no one pays attention to them.

>> No.11907947

They drop too frequently and have no particular perks.

>> No.11907949
File: 573 KB, 800x480, shiratsuyu vs fumizuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism and too old.

>> No.11907952

Ashigara shows up a lot in joke manga, alternately playing battle freak and christmas cake. Nachi is used when you need someone astoundingly dense.

I've never seen anyone do anything with Nagara.

>> No.11907953

Lolicons are diseased.

>> No.11907955

You don't have to fuck them, you know.

>> No.11907958

You marry lolis, same shit.

>> No.11907959

Marriage (Placeholder)

>> No.11907964

You can't fuck them even, they are giant ships.

>> No.11907976

Not with that attitude.

>> No.11907991

How do they fit into your office then, retard

>> No.11907997

It's more like a harbor.

>> No.11908000

No it's not
It's clearly a human sized room with desks/chairs/kotatsu etc.
The kotatsu even implies that the ship girls are human sized.

>> No.11908006

The best identifier for that would be that one item that places a uniform on the floor, assumed to be Junyou's.

>> No.11908012

As of the newest update, they gave you a futon bed with 2pillows. It is time for acceptance.

>> No.11908056

I've seen Nagara portrayed as an avid track runner and general sports/fitness person.

>> No.11908158

So, no Taihou club how many tries are you at? 29 here.

>> No.11908163

I don't keep track. It would only make it more depressing.

>> No.11908195

Today will be attempt #10 using 3.5/3.5/6/6/20. What have you been using?

>> No.11908202
File: 625 KB, 1614x1142, 0218 report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should never lose hope.

>> No.11908207

I lost hope when I got 4 Maruyu's in a row from Yamato recipes.

>> No.11908215

Better than the twentieth Kongou-class.

>> No.11908217

For the most part 4/2/5/5.2, 4/3.5/6.01/6 and some other popular ones.
Thanks mate.

>> No.11908221

Kongou sisters at least have a higher % than Yamato, I wouldn't feel like I've been luck screwed so hard by being "lucky" if it was them instead.

>> No.11908219

Thank you, and may RNG have mercy of me.

>> No.11908222

27 probably. I stopped counting.

>> No.11908225

Its too late, I already lost hope and gave up on LSC.

Getting close to 30k~ average resources, aiming for 50k before midway gets here.

>> No.11908226
File: 694 KB, 600x1013, 能義たか好 - 瑞鳳ちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got her using 3.5/3.5/6/6/1 on my 7th attempt, was trying to kill two birds with one stone and get Zuihou at the same time.

Still no Zuihou though, after doing around 50 300/300/600/600.

>> No.11908227
File: 6 KB, 165x64, Screenshot 2014-02-18 20.02.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Kaga has a lower chance than Taihou, yet I managed to craft 8 of her. I got the last one yesterday. Taihou, of course, is nowhere to be seen.

>> No.11908228

>1 devmat

>> No.11908232

IS there a maintenance in like ~6hours?

>> No.11908237

Is there a way to get rid of the KCV region cookie?

Do I have to clear my IE cookies or is there something else I should do?

>> No.11908240

See >>11908202
Highest % chance.

>> No.11908246

You're clinically retarded

>> No.11908249

And we all know that was atroll nip

>> No.11908253

Why would you want to?

>> No.11908257
File: 162 KB, 512x512, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed it was just some "miracle recipe"

>> No.11908266

People always dismiss the 1 devmat recipes as an obvious ruse, but is there any evidence that 20 or 100 gives appreciably different results? I'm sure it's not 50% or whatever the charts used to report, but has 1 ever been given a fair number of rolls? People have just been using 20 in all variations from day one because muh Taihou.

>> No.11908268

As far as I remember, the devs said on twitter that it increases the chance on getting better ships. I don't have a quote though

>> No.11908272

I'm disappointed 100 turned out to be just a scam.

>> No.11908273

apparently, that guy >>11908226
got Taihou in 7 tries.
That's less than my 11 tries with more devkits

>> No.11908276

I wodner why they put that option in if they weren't going to make use of it. Even tricking their users into wasting their devkits doesn't seem like the devs at all.

>> No.11908278

RNG is still RNG though, 20 probably has a higher % chance and there's no reason to not use at least 20 unless you're struggling with devmats.

>> No.11908279

>but has 1 ever been given a fair number of rolls?

For Taihou/Yamato recipes? No.

>but is there any evidence that 20 or 100 gives appreciably different results?

There seems to be a difference, but not a big one.

>> No.11908286

you also have the option to use 999/999/999/999

true, but with the apparently pretty small difference between 20 and 100 devkits I think it might be possible that there also isn't much of a difference between 1 and 20 devkits. Not going to test it myself, though.

>> No.11908292

There's just _no_ way 20/60/10/100 beats the M recipe, in 100 crafts I got 2 three stars.

>> No.11908299

I got way more holos in 100 tries, your RNG seed was just garbage

>> No.11908300

is that your rate with the M recipe?

>> No.11908303

No with the new flavour of the month recipe.
Y-you too.
What was your flagship?

>> No.11908306

flagship doesn't matter
I used Kaga or Shoukaku or Chitose Kai 2 whoever was leading my farm fleet

And it's not a flavor recipe you disgrace to thought.

>> No.11908307

20/60/10/100 isn't a new recipe, and I get more than 2% 3 star planes with it.

>> No.11908313

Does flagship really matter? I haven't got a single Suisei12A in 6 months, but I usually get one Ryuusei kai or Reppuu in every ~10 tries.

>> No.11908314

I haven't gotten a Reppu since November. Got plenty of 12A and RyuKais

>> No.11908316

Since November I have gotten plenty of 12A and Reppu but only 1 RyuKai.

>> No.11908318

What about 50/60/30/100?

>> No.11908322

What about it?

>> No.11908327

craft more planes

>> No.11908325

Well, I'm glad that the circle is complete but how can we escape from it?

>> No.11908328

I share your pain. I have more 12A and Ryuusei/Kai than I can even put to use. Even if I fielded a full carrier fleet I'd have plenty left over. Meanwhile, 1 Reppu and 2 Shiden K2. Send help.

>> No.11908330

Craft Taihou and Kai her.

>> No.11908333

My results are more balanced than that.
5 reppus, 4 12A, 3 Ryuusei kai, 9 Ryuusei and 3 shiden kai 2.

I wish I had a bunch of Ryuusei/12A like you to fill my planes with.

>> No.11908335

If I have a general lack of holos, is that recipe good?

>> No.11908340

You won't be getting any yellows with it and you're wasting 20-30 fuel I think.

Here is something I copied from an old /jp/ thread which has prooved true to me thus far:

fuel is always 20
ammo is dictated by wether you want blue planes
30 for non blue
60 to include blue
steel 10
bauxite depends on type
catch all 110
eliminate saiun 100
eliminate ryuusei kai / ryuusei 90 ( also needs 60 ammo )
eliminate all but suisei 12A 40 but high penguin rate

>> No.11908339

Got my second Hachi off 250/30/200/30, the common recipe.

I tried 250/130/200/30 for a while with no results.

For people that care about times, I got the first one at 05:51:25 a. m. and the second one at 05:07:39 a.m.

>> No.11908344

I have a general lack of holos but I have 3 saiun...

>> No.11908343

You forgot the timezone

>> No.11908347


The times are in JST.

>> No.11908351

Enjoy twice the bootleg.

>> No.11908352

Then your recipe would probably best be 20/60/10/100 - this way you include all the holos except for Saiun, as far as planes are concerned.

>> No.11908357

For 150+ tries I haven't got a single sub with any recipe (mostly the default)
and now I got an Imuya and a Hachi from 250/130/200/30 in the daily 4 tries.

>> No.11908358

Just wanted to note that, as the guy who can't get Reppus, I've been using mainly Akagi and Zuikaku as Flagships.

>> No.11908359

烈風? いえ、知らない子ですね

>> No.11908362
File: 9 KB, 177x147, Screenshot 2014-02-18 21.23.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.
3th speedslut in 3 days.

>> No.11908363

akisumaru #4 27 crafts ago....

>> No.11908368

I also just got one

>> No.11908371

God have mercy, how long have you been at this?

>> No.11908373

I'm sorry., hang in there

>> No.11908407

Did the nips just woke up?
The game freezes for me every 5 minutes now on Rabaul, no error cat, just nothing happens.

>> No.11908413

you think they get up at 6am?

>> No.11908419

It's the land of waking up with the rising sun.

>> No.11908425

it's winter

>> No.11908455


I was going to use 50/60/30/120, while picking a random recipe from the list due to forgetting what the flavor of the month choice was.

But I accidentally mixed things up as 50/30/60/120. Which has been magical for me. From never having had a reppu, I got 4 in a week of doing between 4 and 6 crafts a day.

Don't know if it is Taihou paying back her LSC fees though. Because I have her as my secretary.

>> No.11908462

Using Taihou for daily crafting using miracle recipe works well enough for me,6 Shiden K2 and 4 Reppu in around a month.
T level 98,Taihou Lv81

>> No.11908465

I did one 3500/3500/6000/6000/1 and got Akagi.

>> No.11908469

One of my practice opponents has Musashi, Yamato, Nagato, Mutsu, Kongou Kai-2, and Hiei Kai-2 as his fleet. Someone really hates resources.

>> No.11908471

idle fleets don't eat

>> No.11908475
File: 314 KB, 885x689, 1391514136632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11908614

Looks like no maintenance today

>> No.11908627
File: 198 KB, 1067x650, quack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a dick

>> No.11908773

It's almost refreshing how obviously dickish that setup is.

>> No.11908777

is there a lottery on maintenance days usually?

>> No.11908829


>> No.11908846
File: 278 KB, 872x1128, planes 240114 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.
Taihou spits out green like candies. Have double of it compare to combined S12A and RKai.

>> No.11908864


Doesn't that mean they plan to open a new server tonighit?

>> No.11908865

No she gives me nothing but 12as

She keeps reppus and ryuuseis to herself

>> No.11908869

If you want, you can try 21/60/20/100. I got 2 Reppus in 2 weeks doing my dailies and in the same span of time, I got 5 Ryuuseis and 1 Suisei 12A. Though its rate for one star planes is somewhat high too. I kept getting Type 99 bombers in between crafts or a Zuiun. Flagship is Zuikaku and T-level is 75

>> No.11908880 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting

>> No.11908883

I gave up on reppus in normal plane crafts because all I get is 12a

Did 20/20/251/250 and got radars and reppus instead

Will continue radar reppu combination once devkits hit 200 in 3 weeks. I absolutely love the radars. They are the new in-thing for fatigue farming at 3-2a. That +8 on type32surface is some godsend, and type 14's are still the best accessory after all

I highly doubt midway would allow for anything beyond 3 reppu 12a on CV's due to the "bauxite-heavy nature" of the event so I'm fine with my 5-6 RS-K and 12a's

>> No.11908891

Did you use CVs for radars too? I kept using BBs using and using 10/10/251/250 and so far only 1 type 14 and type 33. I might as well need radars as I think it would really help the 3 reppus and 2 N1K-Js that I have to weather down enemy planes or even new enemy planes for Midway.

>> No.11908902


Posted my results 2 threads ago

Taihou Zuikaku
84 tries
63 devkit

3 reppus, 3 type32, 1 type14

>> No.11908921

I've been sporadically trying to do planes + radars, but I can't afford to spend loads of steel on radar. What bugs me is according to wikiwiki either BBs or CVs will get you either type of radar, but so far I've only gotten AA radars, while way back when I was foolishly trying to combine 46cm with radar (not knowing then it doesn't give the best radars) using BB flagship I only ever got surface radars.

>> No.11908930

I've gotten more surface32s from CV's than BB's, and the blog results of the akatsuki-TTK yielded much higher type14's so I guess it's a crapshoot. I did get higher than average reppus in my rolls so I guess that's nice

I'd say the main appeal of CV radar crafting is the reppu-isolation. No sub-standard shiden2 or extra RS-K's that will only have a place in 3-2a farm, and 12a's are 1-offs

10/10 gives nothing special with BB's, while 20/20 gives you reppu-isolation using CV's. I personally think it's a landslide for 20/20

>> No.11908944

Fucking 5-3; I managed to make it to the boss for the last kill only to discover that a single sonar on each DD (+ring formation) won't suffice for a flagship Yo like it did for the flagship Ka. So I fill my flagship with sonars, eventually make it back to boss, get green T, my flagship goes first and fucking MISSES. I eventually sank the sub but couldn't finish off the gold CL that got left at 1hp and wasted my night combat attacks.

I suppose that's what I get for having Mochizuki as the flagship of my heart, she probably got bored and fell asleep as soon as the night battles finished.

>> No.11908957

New-ish admiral here,
I find myself low on steel all the time. Like, it's the only resource I ever run out of. Everything else is abundant, enough for LSC even.

Where should I go for more steel? The FAQ on the Wiki barely gives anything worthwhile.

>> No.11908965

Spam the fuck out of expedition 3 while you're playing. Unfortunately nothing else really compares to it for steel generation, if you have a spare sub you can run #20 as well, also #17 for a less efficient version of #3 if you can't be bothered to check back every 20 minutes.

>> No.11908966

Thanks mate. I'll run both 3 and 17, I guess. I have 2 spare fleets so might as well.

>> No.11908968

Expeditions 2, 3, 17 and 20 are useful for steel, you can also use 12, 14 and 35 overnight. But generally you should just play at your leisure, you're probably just burning steel very rapidly because you're advancing through the maps. Once you slow down a bit and start grinding levels in 3-2 and PvP instead of trading blows with new maps, your steel usage will go down substantially.

>> No.11908972

At the moment yeah, trying to clear 2-4. Nearly got a fully remodeled fleet. It's making me burn through steel relatively quick.

>> No.11908990

Bullets should be the only resource that is hard to come by later, take my word for it

>> No.11908991

>Bullets should be the only resource that is hard to come by later
What. You can make around 6-7k a day without natural regen.

>> No.11908992

Tough it out until you get to 4-2.
I also scrapped every BB drop that I get.

>> No.11908994


But copper is the hardest to get.

>> No.11908997

I always found energy the hardest to farm. My ships are always listless after a 4-4 weekly sortie.

>> No.11909005

Tell me I have shit taste all you want, but looking at the cards in this game I can't say I like any of the cutesy cards you can use, but I love the enemy cards. Sucks you can't play them.

>> No.11909009

Best place to level subs? I haven't unlocked world 3 yet...

>> No.11909011


>> No.11909014

Then go beat 2-4 before doing anything.
That should be your top priority

>> No.11909019


>> No.11909022 [DELETED] 


>> No.11909025

Run 2-4 with your subs until you beat it, problem solved.

The only danger to subs on all of 2-4 (aside from green T that can fuck you over on any map) is the 1/3 chance of line aboob at first node, after that it's clear sailing.

>> No.11909028

Sometimes I hate you guys

>> No.11909029 [DELETED] 


>> No.11909037

You don't deserve those subs, go die, and also, if you use elipsis your wiki crossie camouflage disappears.

>> No.11909056

Your girls would be disappointed in their caring TTK.

>> No.11909079

stupid question but please do entertain me, please.

what are those green, yellow, red color in the LSC chart means?

>> No.11909086 [DELETED] 


>> No.11909089 [DELETED] 

>>11909086 how about letting me show you the way


>> No.11909094 [DELETED] 

I bet you don't even know what those chart mean, nice try ru

>> No.11909092 [DELETED] 


Leave, you autistic kindergartner.

>> No.11909096 [DELETED] 

IQ literally lower than a nigger. Let me guess, americlap?

>> No.11909103

You should try looking at the numbers and think about what they mean.

>> No.11909116 [DELETED] 

Remember those google polls? I Guess It's SEA/American posting time now.

>> No.11909127 [DELETED] 

As a SEAfag, I am insulted. Don't put us in the same level as those murrikans.

>> No.11909151

Expedition 3 and 17. 12 and 16 when you go to sleep or away for a long period of time. There are shorter time ones for about the same metal but 12 and 16 give you some other useful stuff too.

I'm a new-ish admiral too and I managed to recover from pretty hefty LSC crafts back to the same amount of resources pretty quickly. Not that I should be doing LSC but my eyes were bigger than my stomach and I tried jumping from being able to steadily jog to ultramarathon races.

I learned my lesson when I ran out of dev materials and went back to the good old rare dd/bb recipes. Don't do what I did.

>> No.11909152 [DELETED] 

dont compare me with those willies, I'm an superior australian who can drink beer like water

>> No.11909169 [DELETED] 


>> No.11909174 [DELETED] 

whats kanicolle?
what are the guides?
how to you play it?
what is it?
what is air superiority calculator?
what is the battle mechanics?
how come i dont see it on /vg/?

>> No.11909175 [DELETED] 

Funny that the type of faggots who crossboard to /jp/ and start /int/ shit could think they are superior to anyone.

>> No.11909198

No maintenance today?

>> No.11909201

Just on Yokosuka server.

>> No.11909203

Thanks T-san.

>> No.11909220

Is it normal for carriers to miss frequently at 5-2? If not, I guess I have quite a bit of leveling to do before midway.

>> No.11909241

Its probably due to their diamond formation

>> No.11909243
File: 273 KB, 1497x702, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fucking words.

>> No.11909245
File: 52 KB, 300x200, 1392738477359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you upset?
Fortune favors the brave.

>> No.11909246

Like he'll have the resources to actually field her

She will destroy his gains so hard

>> No.11909247

I got mine long ago after nearly 40 painful tries back when the recipes weren't confirmed. I just think it's ridiculous coincidence that someone so low level gets her on his first attempt. No offense to him though, he's quite brave.

>> No.11909253

Taihou is a reward best-in-class

Yamato is a resource deathpact or expensive secretary

>> No.11909258

Yamato technically is best in class too though.

It's just being the best battleship isn't comparable to being the best carrier.

>> No.11909259
File: 156 KB, 800x450, Iona LSC recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSC isnt that expensive anymore after they confirmed the recipe.

>> No.11909260


What part of this is brave? He didn't even use 100 dev mats.

>> No.11909265


The only problem is getting enough dev mats to craft daily without running out so often.

>> No.11909267

He is lvl33.
He doesnt have 4kongou.
I bet he is still stuck with kusou class. I don't think most newb will even attempt LSC at that point.

>> No.11909278

>after they confirmed the recipe.

>> No.11909282

Seems more like naivete than bravery.

I did the same thing only was 31 when I did my first LSC though granted I had my 4th fleet by then.

Wish I could be as lucky as this guy though.

>> No.11909283

Tragic matters usually get a lot of love from the devs, being a "what could have been" scenario

In that vein Taihou is amazing, and Shinano will probably be a real monster

>> No.11909285

Ten-go was more tragic than sinking from being buttblasted.

>> No.11909287

Buttblasted by a sub? You try topping that

>> No.11909290

Historically Taihou is viewed as a well designed carrier. It is not her fault she has an incompetence crew and a kuso teitoku at the helm with outdated planes.

>> No.11909292

"Alright, let's storm the enemy with all kamikaze power we have! Nippon banzai!"

>> No.11909294

>I don't think most newb will even attempt LSC at that point.
I'm lvl28 and I've done 4 LSC recipes so far. I'm the 4 Maruyu in a row from Yamato recipes guy. I swore off LSC until I get more fleets.

I did get both Kongou sisters from drops and a Mutsu on my third BB recipe though. First two were obviously both Fusou sisters. So I've had my fair share of luck so I can't complain too much.

>> No.11909295

What are those recipes for?
Sorry, just started playing a few weeks ago, still learning and reading new things from the wiki.

>> No.11909297

...the names of the ships are directly below the recipes.

Yamato and Taihou respectively

>> No.11909298

Hopes and dreams. Go for the one on the right after your 4th fleet and you're camping at 3-2a

Do not touch the one on the left

>> No.11909299

>Do not touch the one on the left

But she longs for the touch of a human being after being docked for so long.

Wouldn't you make her feel like a woman/warship again?

>> No.11909305
File: 1.75 MB, 2438x1432, kancolle artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really did found his real life pic and name.

>> No.11909307

I don't need Big O when I already have Big Duo

There is absolutely no foreseeable need for her easily replaceable abilities right now

The ability to launch at medium and not force a quick-retreat along with the 2nd-best plane arrangement in the game behind kaga (arguably first, due to the tiniest 8-slot) gives one enough reason to actually go for Big Duo

Fuck Big O

>> No.11909309

Takao and Atago were drawn by the might of demacia?

>> No.11909311

It's tragic precisely because the pride of the old admiralty drove her and her escorts to their assured doom.

>> No.11909314
File: 100 KB, 960x540, 1392769725483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? It said right there that mikoto akemi drew them.
My sides

>> No.11909331
File: 6 KB, 136x136, Taihou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to yell Zuikaku.. but this is good as it is.

>> No.11909339

how many tries?

>> No.11909344

this was my first craft today using the 3.5/3.5/6/6 20, been trying since the arpeggio event once a week.

>> No.11909349
File: 1.75 MB, 2438x1432, update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small update

>> No.11909350

You deserve her, now go get her to 70 for midway

>> No.11909358

I don't get this at all. Can someone explain this for me?

>> No.11909361

What's going on here? Artist doxxing?

>> No.11909362
File: 262 KB, 1125x1125, 1392766862340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They found dirt on the artist that drew the shiratsuyu class.

>> No.11909366


Wait, was this what they meant by tracing?

>> No.11909369
File: 185 KB, 954x800, 1392768659313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tracing is just a small part of what he did.

>> No.11909367

Ohh that. I'm just puzzled that the other artists are posted as well.

>> No.11909370

Oh no, what happened to Wo artist?

>> No.11909371


Holy shit, he traced some flowers? Fucking scum.

>> No.11909372


>> No.11909374

What does that kanji next to some artists mean

>> No.11909375

That's what happen when you show allegiance to the Abyss Fleet.

Death to Wo and to every disgusting Abyss!

>> No.11909380

Oh, and apparently Kongo class(also Yahagi, Yuubari, Shoukaku, and some other ship) artist is calling quits on drawing more ships for Kancolle.
Rumor has it that he took critiques on Kongo/Hiei Kai-2 pretty hard. (Much like TotalBiscuit with his channel comments I suppose.)

>> No.11909379


Well, that explains her looking like Yui a bit.


That's not tracing, that's more copy and pasting.

>> No.11909384


Who the fuck is that?

>> No.11909382

You're joking right?
Haruna kai 2 when..

>> No.11909383

Should've fixed the ears early.

>> No.11909385

They should remove his art and have 雨宮千遥 draw them instead, he's so fucking good dude.

>> No.11909388

plain DD's.

>> No.11909386

which kanmusu have the most boring design, /jp/?

>> No.11909387


>> No.11909389

say that again, I double dare you

>> No.11909390

He should learn from Bob and just keep trying to improve despite nobody liking his art.

>> No.11909394

Christmas Naka was very cute

>> No.11909395

Hatsuyuki looks like Kaguya, lol.
At least those Fubuki class are drawn cutely in that manga.

>> No.11909396

>and some other ship
Nigga, he drew at least a quarter of the ships in the game.

>> No.11909400

maruyu, even her lines are boring

>> No.11909405

inb4 shinano design boring as fuck

>> No.11909402

But I like bob.

>> No.11909410

I guess they are rich enough now to hire pros like Fumikane. Poor konishi, I guess no140 will forever be empty now.

>> No.11909414

Shouldn't have experimented with the artstyle in a commercial project. I hope they'll be handed over to a better artist.

>> No.11909411

best damage art? I'd say Naka

>> No.11909412
File: 2.48 MB, 2400x1719, Shinano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already don't like it if it's in the same style.

>> No.11909417

Bob is a goddamn champion. Same goes for UGUME. It's a really satisfying feeling seeing an artist improve like that, especially in the context of a game I play daily. But it's not like Konishi was a bad artist to begin with and he's so ingrained in the franchise that I wouldn't trust a rumor like that.

>> No.11909418

Naka kai 2

>> No.11909416

they should've asked ZUN to design ship girls, lol

>> No.11909420


What is with people like this that can get praise for most work, but when they screw up they can't handle the truth.

If people like dozens of your ship there is no need to worry about dislike about one ship. But that only applies to sane people.

>> No.11909422

If only he fixed Tama.

>> No.11909426

UGUME went from Minamitsu to Harlock. I guess it will takes some time for them to migrate from their touhou days to kancolle.

>> No.11909427
File: 122 KB, 1200x1695, 1392578812146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With every new image the style looks better. It's a good thing her design was leaked so early because at first I had no interest but she's started growing on me.

>> No.11909429

If I'm to try understand the badges beside certain artists as their current activity in drawing for kancolle, does that mean shibafu is considering stopping? What about tenryuu's artist? They both have so many ships people love.

>> No.11909428

doesn't help that we just have Patchy and Koakuma

>> No.11909432

still boring, better than the first one though

>> No.11909435

As someone who hasn't remodeled his kongou whom he loves due to the horrible sprite I can't even be happy about this, I really like Hiei-Kai2 and not to mention all the good work pre kai2 fuckup he did.

>> No.11909436
File: 146 KB, 500x567, 1392730743027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really love making weird edits.

>> No.11909442


>> No.11909440

No, Izumoman is the real Kaguya rip-off.

>> No.11909446


>> No.11909451

Please practice your japanese somewhere else.

>> No.11909453

So none of those artist are grill?

>> No.11909458

where's the source on this bullshit

>> No.11909463
File: 83 KB, 521x203, burnt_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw artist finally burns out
>yfw you will never see Haruna kai 2

>> No.11909467

is this how it works? Please let me know so I can sleep, I haven't slept in 36 hours TTK's.

>> No.11909469

Who cares about that

I want my kiri島

>> No.11909471

Take your stupid epic faces and green text back to /v/ or /mu/.

>> No.11909476

shibafu and yadokari are hentai
ayaki is a half price slut
konishi is killed
oguchi is at the bottom of the ocean
shiratsuyu artist is heavily damaged
shiratusyu artist

>> No.11909477

Fuck off crossie.

>> No.11909480

What's the difference between 轟沈 and 撃沈?

撃沈 shows up over the portrait when they are sunk but does the game ever actually show 轟沈?

>> No.11909497

He stopped merely drawing Wo.

He became Wo.

>> No.11909517

Sendai and Natori pinups, huh. Might be cool.

>> No.11909520

LOGH anime tie-in event ships

Shiranui Oberstein-Custom
ZKMS Mittermeyer-Custom

>> No.11909527
File: 299 KB, 643x900, 41720307_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akebono a cutie.

>> No.11909533

They should stop with the anime events and go with historical wars already. I don't want a Kancolle anime tie-in or an Arpeggio S2 tie-in, just give me Midway and a Russo-Japanese War event after that.

>> No.11909542 [DELETED] 


They've only had one though.

>Kancolle anime tie-in

How does that even work?

>> No.11909544

Tie-ins are good for business

Arpeggio sold a very, very healthy amount and there was a huge influx of players

Of course it's just me liking logh and being biased

>> No.11909547


They need a Strike Witches tie-in already. It's perfect. Kancolle girls are based on real ships, the Witches are based on real ace pilots using their respective planes.

>> No.11909549

Well, yeah, we're both talking about our tastes here. To each his own, I can see how anime tie-in events can be profitable.

Though I guess everyone can agree that there should be more events in general. I hope Midway is on March instead of later.

>> No.11909552

IIRC Madhouse didn't like crossover stuff unless it's CLAMP or Marvel shit.

>> No.11909554

I'll slot my fumikane planes onto my fumikane ship

>> No.11909555

Please no, I'm still not out of the pit that's LSC

>> No.11909558

The problem with tie ins is that the game's been pretty boring since Ironbottom Sound. I'm not that anon but I wouldn't have a problem with it if they'd release new content faster or even not waste a quarterly event on something for beginners. At this point they've probably hit market saturation and should focus more on keeping their existing players. If they made them tough and rewarding there are some shows I'd love to see tie ins with but I'm even more interested in the historical aspect and KanColle becoming its own thing rather than riding on each other's shoulders.

>> No.11909567

How about weekly map with the map is adjusted with Pacific War battle on same date? And adjusted I mean, unless you put exact same ships that participated in that battle, you won't be able to get to the boss.

>> No.11909569

I hope it's as soon as possible, but that they give us 2-3 weeks notice for me to start stocking fuel.

>> No.11909571

I'm at 60-all, but once I hit 80-all I tend to go crazy on the development-side sometimes

Let's hope my levelled carriers and CLT's are sufficient. I honestly am terrified that BB's will somehow play a huge role. But it being midway, it's revenge-fantasy CV party time

>> No.11909572

more like a month.

>> No.11909574

轟沈 is a more 'disadvantage' word.
we sink enemy ship : 敵艦撃沈
our ship was sunk : 我が艦轟沈
our ship was sunk (by enemy) : 我が艦撃沈され

>> No.11909582

you mean "passive"

>> No.11909584

I hope that BBs do play a decent role - I love my BBs, and have like 7 of them leveled enough to be useable, and have an abundance of 46cms.

On the other hand, I couldn't get Taihou, and I only have one CV above level 70.

Seems like he meant what he said.

>> No.11909585

that's Wo

>> No.11909591

The talk of CV-event was there since December, and even the recent chocolate being bauxite-rich was said to "be used for the next awaited event"

Maybe BB's can bruteforce through like christmas, but I have a gut-feeling we'll get bonuses for certain CV-related matters like 3-dan previously

>> No.11909599

Well, I'll have 80k bauxite or so by event start either way, I just hope my low levels and selection won't cripple me too much. Hiryuu, Souryuu, and Shoukaku are level 1.

But at least I have wagahai leveled for when she gets her second remodel just before midway.

>> No.11909600

CV get pretty much slow to level once I've reach over 50 doing 3-2-A.. hardly mpv the flag

>> No.11909602

You can kai them and fully modernized them in a day. They are pretty much the same as lvl99 CV.

>> No.11909605

Actually, CV 3-2a fatigue farm with best torps is one of the fastest farms currently in place

>> No.11909609

Bonuses for CVs with Saiun?

>> No.11909613

80k bauxite? Did you not use them at all or what?

>> No.11909614

Did I do it wrong? 3CV 3CLt,
one CV as flag and they all equiped with just blue planes.
CLt goes as usual, type A with green yellow.

>> No.11909619


>> No.11909621


>> No.11909629

Huh? I'm only at ~50k now. But yeah I haven't been using carriers much, and I run expedition 6 constantly. Gave up on Taihou after about 10 craft attempts because I ran out of dev mats, and was also crafting for planes at the time. And now I'm low on fuel and ammo because I'm raising a hotel to 99.

>> No.11909633
File: 144 KB, 680x480, taihou error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bauxite is the easiest resource to hog.
I dont even run ex6 and I am at 55k bauxite. The people that complain about bauxite are the people still stuck in the no taihou club.

>> No.11909634


I wouldn't mind error cats if this was the screen I am greeted with.

>> No.11909635

I've been using a strong flag + 4 dd + ss rotation for 3-2A exp, quite cheap, not one shot, but you've 100% chance at flagship MVP, and you get more exp per resource used.

>> No.11909636

I can only hope I get Taihou soon, I'm constantly under 10k bauxite

>> No.11909638

stop trying until you have over 30k res

>> No.11909639


Unless 10k is your resource cap, don't until you do.

>> No.11909640

or people who think green planes are a waste of a slot on carriers

>> No.11909642

craft only when you reach autoregen cap on bauxite, much safer.

>> No.11909644

26k actually, I craft when I have enough baux for a try every day.

>> No.11909646

From my own experience, I got both Taihou and Yamato when I nearing the bottom.
Keep at it.

>> No.11909649
File: 516 KB, 893x1169, 39462524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, your chance of rare crafts increases as your resources get lower, which is why newer admirals always end up getting things like Nagato and Zuikaku quickly.

Also, I heard doing lots of crafts just before an event compounds the bonus!

>> No.11909650

really? I should go crafting now

>> No.11909651

When I was going for her I could get one try every 1.5 days, the hardest cap for me were devkits

I've still not recovered from the devkit whirlpool

>> No.11909656

No please, this is a fucking joke, i just got Yamato from regular 4/2/5/5.2 Taihou recipe, and i already have one too, how much chance does it have, less than 1%?

>> No.11909657

I dont see any report of Yamato in the chart.
Were you drunk when you input the numbers?
It is a good thing anyway now you can keep 1yamato with sock and one without the sock kanji.

>> No.11909659


Extremely low, but at least you got Yamato unlike my end result being a Kongou from a Taihou recipe.

So fuck you.

>> No.11909660

It's a 46cm at least.

>> No.11909661

Haha oh wow, I'm not sure if you're super lucky or unlucky

>> No.11909673

>hiring Pixiv artists
>don't expect that half of them are cheap tracers

>> No.11909688

Is there a point in farming oois and ktkms to kai ni for the holo torps? Or is it too much effort for a small gain?

>> No.11909695

I become pretty stoic after about 40 unsuccessful Taihou attempts and now I just pop one when resources are hovering over the regen cap, but I guess that would make even me cry

>> No.11909698 [DELETED] 

As much chance as pic related?

For your subs, beaver and PTSD.

>> No.11909701

it's your decision if it's too much effort for a small gain

>> No.11909703
File: 509 KB, 800x896, kongou from all 30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much chance as pic related?

For your subs, beaver and PTSD.

>> No.11909704

When your original torpedo monsters hit 99 and you didnt buy ring for them, your experience need to go somewhere else right? Level a few spares incase you sink one of them at moderate damage.

>> No.11909710

maybe this dog just posted his Api on /a/

>> No.11909711

He doesn't sound like he got Musashi.

>> No.11909717
File: 614 KB, 600x849, 1392807901746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just fiction.
We only believe solid facts with proof over here.

>> No.11909732
File: 45 KB, 425x764, jan reward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taihou 10cm gun
Wow it is fucking nothing,.

>> No.11909739

only the first 3 get decent items, I'd pay to have more 53cm torpedoes

>> No.11909742

To get into top 3 you have to be some kind of sleepless monster

>> No.11909743

I want the shindens myself. Hopefully they'll make them craftable some day

>> No.11909745

大発動艇 wouldn't be useful?

>> No.11909747

21-100 get daihatsu at least.
I fail to see how that fucking bulge is actually useful. Is there some hidden perk that we dont know?

>> No.11909754

That's what i want to know, it would be extremely cool if they greatly reduced cut-in damage, for example.

>> No.11909756

Were you expecting something good out out of ranking rewards that aren't top 3?

Sadly even though this is a precedence in introducing the event equipments, I doubt they'll ever give it to anyone not at least among the top 10.

LEC when? I want that Shinden Kai already. Even Reppu Kai would be good, and perhaps a better fighter-bomber like a hybrid of Suisei and Shiden Kai.

>> No.11909758

Anyone translate the rewards? I mean taihou gun, 53cm torpedo is easy to make out but I can't tell what the other stuff is

>> No.11909762

bulges, daihatsu

read the wiki etc etc

>> No.11909764

remember those items that increase armor and decrease evasion? other than that, see >>11909747

>> No.11909768

>Rank 1-3
Bulge (Large)
Bulge (Medium)
53cm Torpedo
Boat (Daihatsu)
>Rank 4-20
Bulge (Large)
Bulge (Medium)
10cm cannon (Improved) (Taihou Kai stock equipment)
>Rank 21-100
Bulge (Large)
10cm cannon (Improved)
>Rank 101-500
Bulge (Medium)
10cm cannon (Improved)

inb4 spoonfeed

>> No.11909769

Nice, I was in top 100. Boats are always welcomed.

>> No.11909775

I hope February ranking gives us some nice planes like reppu kai or a shiden kai

>> No.11909779

You probably need to get into top3 for those planes.

Previous month at least gave us 20.3 That gun is actually best of its class and useful. I fail to see how that taihou gun is useful when you cant put it on DD.

>> No.11909780

shiden kai is shit

>> No.11909781

I might be able to stay top 100. Top 3 is completely impossible. I don't have a second person to play my account while I'm asleep which is what all the top rankers do.

Did I mix up shiden and shinden again? crud.

>> No.11909785

The funny thing is if you were actually doing 5-2 for rankings you would have quite a few 20.3cm gous already.

>> No.11909788

Shinden Kai is good. Shiden Kai 2 is shit.

>> No.11909789

I'm ranking top 100 and I don't do 5-2.
Doing 5-2 for ranking is only useful if you have the cash to buy res to support your non-stop 15 hour 5-2 farm every day

>> No.11909791

what server and what strats

>> No.11909792


>> No.11909797

I think I got like 5 or 6 so far.
It is pain to swap them out between CLT and CA so having more is always welcomed. Zero Type62 is pretty good too.
Good thing I didnt bother ranking last month because of LSC. Going to try for February since I am farming for Uzuki anyway.
Only need 336points in tawitawi to get into top500 and I am only like 4points behind.

>> No.11909801

Top ranked has 1260 points
500 cut-off is 360 points
I'm somewhere between 548 and 573 right now, points which is 81-90

>> No.11909802

what strats?

>> No.11909804

Those 4 digit pointers are definitely some hard item buyers

Almost unthinkable

>> No.11909809

Subs spam 24/7

>> No.11909810


>> No.11909812

I dont know, I am not him.
I was subs spamming for Yayoi this week. I went from 700 to just below 500. If I played 24/7 I could probably be inside top100.

>> No.11909813

Probably 2-3.

>> No.11909817

What server are you guys on and what's the cut-off point for top 500, 100 and 20?

>> No.11909820

Doubt it. I spam 2-3 a lot and my rank sucks.

>> No.11909821

what were you spamming? 4-2?

>> No.11909823

Yeah 4-2.
Is 4-3 easier?

>> No.11909830

I haven't heard people farming 4-3 with subs.

>> No.11909832

do you guys even work or go to school?

>> No.11909833

Do you even know where you're at?

>> No.11909834

Confirmed where, exactly?

>> No.11909837

You can play the game anywhere with just an API link. What is your excuse?

>> No.11909842

Top 500 357
Top 100 530
Top 20 732

>> No.11909843

I have life

>> No.11909844

Then why are you here?

>> No.11909845

If you'd had, you wouldn't be here

>> No.11909848

I'm at work right now playing through kcv

>> No.11909849

What is the admiral experience difference between 5-1 and 5-2? Just 360 vs 380?

>> No.11909852

half an hour before midnight, no more life out there.

you're lucky

>> No.11909856

I have her standing on my homescreen.
Besides I trust futaba more than wikiwiki random submission. I also got Taihou on the 2nd day before any of the recipes were confirmed.

>half an hour before midnight
>have life
You arent even out clubbing and having drink with your buddies? Working and studying like a slave during the daytime != life.

>> No.11909860

> clubbing and drinking = life
poor life interpretion

>> No.11909863

good future plan

>> No.11909973

>Working and studying like a slave during the daytime != life.
This is what jewslaves, envious of the truNEET master race, actually believe

>> No.11909982

Jokes on you, i play kancolle and read manga at work, for almost 8 hours straight.

>> No.11909992

Are you greek?

>> No.11909995

No, I'm just a regular sysadmin that does night shifts.

>> No.11910002

what's your job then? Watching that the system keeps running?

>> No.11910006

more or less, there's also other stuff like configuring new systems, do checkups, run update batches, but during night shifts that's all you've to do.

>> No.11910025
File: 631 KB, 772x1092, im3789018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, I work in technical support, pretty much the same thing. Kancolle and translating all day to stave off the boredom.

>> No.11910098

How many spare torpedo monsters do you have, /jp/? I'm thinking of stopping at 5 each.

>> No.11910100

You need one more, though. Then you'll have enough to arm a full wolfpack.

>> No.11910102

Unless you meant 5 Kiso as well, but that's a bit much, ain't it?

>> No.11910103

Why so rich?
How many extra dock space did you buy?

>> No.11910109

For what purpose?

>> No.11910117

Quint farm is a different matter.
Nah, getting one Kiso to 65 is tough enough.
I'm still gonna have at least 10 free slots. Unless you have over 20 subs, I don't see how that couldn't apply to you as well.

>> No.11910126

I only got two pages of subs. I only keep a quarter of the CL and CA class and I am still running out of space even with 110slots.
It is hard to free up slots unless I scrap some of my current DDs (3pages).

>> No.11910127

>DDs (3pages)
There's your problem.

>> No.11910134


>> No.11910143

I also keep around 3 pages of DDs so having 10 spare CLTs is no good.
But I need those DDs because I have 3 sparkled expeditions running at any given time.

>> No.11910178

BS. I look around and learned that Konisi was actually fixing Kongou Kai Ni. He took a break from drawing new ships.

>> No.11910254

Anyone else at Hitokappu experiencing lag? It's lagging like mad here.

>> No.11910260

Fix your internet connection, I'm doing fine.

>> No.11910297

Well shit then, because everything else is running fine.

>> No.11910320

I wish all expeditions had such high returns as exp 5.
360 fuel and ammo + 36 steel and bauxite in 90 minutes? That's something

>> No.11910326
File: 288 KB, 600x800, BgseimxCAAEQ8oH.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ooi a crazy psycho lesbian? Is it historically related?

>> No.11910327

300 if sparkled, aniki.Pre refuel.

>> No.11910332

boats, onii-chan.

>> No.11910333

I'm running it with 4 daihatsu

>> No.11910335

AV stronk

>> No.11910337
File: 193 KB, 749x437, !Inbox 1703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11910342

That leads us to the question: if you sparkle for exp 5, are you running it with 4 or 6 girls?

>> No.11910344

6 has slightly better returns if you're willing to go to the trouble for it

>> No.11910346

Can't they only be used on AKSM/ST? Wouldnt using those ships actually lower gains due to refuel costs?

>> No.11910347

how much time would the resparkling take though?

>> No.11910353

Using multiples of that equipment should cancel that out, I'd think.

I only have one because I can't afford many Taihou crafts.

>> No.11910354

You mean, 5 ships isn't enough?

>> No.11910356

Why is Akitsu so shit? can't even use her for AV expeditions

>> No.11910357

Chitose/Chiyoda would be easier to sparkle, and you will gain more resources than it cost to field, resupply and repair them, since the sparkle lasts for a long time.

A single ship needs 3 runs of 1-1 to get from 49 to 85, which takes about 5 minute per ship.

>> No.11910361

ex 5 sparkle only lasts for 18 hours
that's not a long time

>> No.11910365

Well, fielding 2 AVs with 4 boats yields an additional 60 fuel and ammo and some other res.
A sub costs 1fuel/bar while chitochiyo is 3.5/bar. Exp 5 takes 5 bars, meaning adding 2AV to the standard 2DD, 1CL, 1SS takes an additional 35 fuel. So you get +25 fuel, 60 ammo, 6 steel and baux for every run.

>> No.11910367

Is the glass half full or half empty, anon?

>> No.11910368

Long enough for you to see the positive returns for fielding the extra AVs. If you're lazy just sortie 4 ships instead of 6

>> No.11910380

That's 12 runs, meaning an extra of 300 fuel, 720 ammo and 72 of steel and bauxite.

>> No.11910396

I want to echo this question. People seem to be implying that when using AVs they're running expedition 5 with six ships, but wouldn't 1CL 2DD 2AV be sufficient?

>> No.11910399

That got me thinking though.
How much fuel/ammo does it take to fully sparkle 1CL, 2DD, 1SS and 2 AVs?

>> No.11910400

Never mind, I'm too tired to think straight. Those are boat bonuses, not sparkle bonuses.

>> No.11910408

fielding an extra SS costs little and gives you 15% more chance to get great success, and will yield you more resources in the long run.

>> No.11910424

I'm too lazy to do the math, but do you think that 1 AV with 3 boats is better than 2 AVs with 4 boats?
When I did the math for 1 boat 1 AV it not barely breaks even

>> No.11910428

It breaks even for fuel and a gain for everything else.
But there's a chance you can get better returns elsewhere

>> No.11910430

You will barely break even in fuel gain, but do note that ex5 give you other resources too.

>> No.11910614
File: 744 KB, 1091x486, taihou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is it already over?

>> No.11910621

Can you not talk like a retard?

>> No.11910623

He is typing, retard.

>> No.11910624

Congrats man.

>> No.11910625


>> No.11910628

Didn't know you could get yayoi from 30-all, can you get her twin too?

>> No.11910631


>> No.11910632

You can get Yayoi from 30 all but not Uzuki.

>> No.11910638

Today is the fucking day guys, 3 holos in 9 crafts 20/60/10/100, but my curse of no RyuKai since november lives on.

>> No.11910678

What. That's a pretty low number of attempts, man. I'm going into 40 soon.

>> No.11910684

Almost 50 Yahagi attempts in failure. I knew those early 8-10% ratios were nothing more than lies. At least the new 2.9% is a bit more realistic.

>> No.11910713

How the fuck do you beat the final boss formation on 5-3, just run it 500 times until you get a lucky target of the transport in night battle? I had no trouble getting the first 4 kills but the extra gold Ta is making the last one impossible. My last attempt I actually reached the boss with no one getting critted en route, Yuubari sank the sub with the opening attack, then I have 3 DDs get critted straight to red and all I can do is pray for a miracle in night battle (but instead I get single-digit double attacks). And support fleet is fucking worthless, it hit one Ta for 8 damage and that was it.

At least I finally built Hachi, so I guess I might just try subcheesing it like I originally intended to; I was waiting and waiting for Hachi before trying it then finally gave up and ran it with DDs instead.

>> No.11910719
File: 267 KB, 800x480, hachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing Hachi can't handle.

>> No.11910721

Should 3-3 cost 145 bauxite after hitting node A, E and I with 245 air superiority?

>> No.11910729

I guess you lost too many green planes along the way and got air superiority instead of air supremacy at the last node

>> No.11910733
File: 81 KB, 423x100, Screenshot 2014-02-20 00.15.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for blogging, guys, but I seriously teared up right now. 48th attempt. 48. fucking. attempt.

>> No.11910735

Congratulations anon.

>> No.11910738

Congratulations. 48 attempts is quite something, damn.

>> No.11910745

But this leads me to a question.
How do you guys see the future of LSC? I mean, sooner or later they'll add Musashi. And other event ships. How will they handle that? Will they remove the older crafts such as Yamato? That I doubt. Will they reduce the chance of Yamato and add Musashi with Yamato's current rate? Will they leave Yamato as is, and just add Musashi with the same chance? Becasue that'd mean that in the future, LSC will be a surefire way to get an incredible ship.

>> No.11910750

Hmm, might just have to start using 4/2/5/5.2

I've been using 3.5/3.5/6/6 until now but I'm pretty much convinced at this point that the "16-20%" that the LSC chart says is bullshit.

>> No.11910751

They'll probably add Musashi in the same pool as Yamato and just split it. For those that have Yamato now, hoping for not Yamato when seeing an 8 hour timer will be exciting.

>> No.11910752

I didn't tear up when I got her

I ordered pizza and beer. You should celebrate dammit

>> No.11910753

Yamato + Musashi will have the same rate as Yamato now, evenly divided between them.

>> No.11910754


Third Hachi using 250/30/200/30. Time 08:24:30 JST.

>> No.11910755

This is exactly the reason I'm not attempting Yamato right now. I know that I'd tear my face off if I spent an ungodly amount on her now then they add Musashi then I craft Yamato again.

>> No.11910757
File: 657 KB, 1920x1348, yamato 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LSC will be a surefire way to get an incredible ship.
That isn't going to happen. The chance to get the 8hour timer is the same as of now but you will have another RNG roll the timer being either Yamato or Musashi. Just look at sub crafting for Hachi as your case study.

>> No.11910759

It's well in the night here, anon, and I have some work to do tomorrow.
Might call in sick to level Taihou though

>> No.11910760

Grats anon.

I really wish I could mean that too, but when your buddy who literally started the game last month and got Taihou off his first LSC at HQ lvl 31 you start wondering if all of this is just a giant exercise in futility.

>> No.11910783

What are the fucking odds of that actually working? Making it past the 2nd node intact, then 25% chance of winning the compass, then actually targeting the transport.

With a full fleet of subs I don't think it should be that hard except for the compass since the ASW ships are at the bottom at 2nd node and could get killed before firing, then final boss fight has just the single CL instead of 2 DDs.

Unfortunately I think I used up all my targeting luck when I was grinding 2-4 with 4 subs and had all of them target the flagship BB with opening attack; the first thing I thought was "Like hell that will ever happen for me on 5-3!"

>> No.11910787

And that's why I started with Yamato crafts and not with Taihou ones (I already have Musashi).

>> No.11910790

I used 1 Kongou class BB, 3 CA, and 2 DD. Line ahead with everyone set up for double attacks. Your DDs will be useless for the boss fight, but their job is to help kill ships on previous nodes and soak damage. Took me around 10-15 runs to get the boss meter from full to zero. Also, don't equip any seaplanes on your CAVs if you're using them.

>> No.11910791
File: 152 KB, 797x465, 5-3 cleared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have done it with Iona like everyone else.
You are basically doing E4-lite with no hp regen. Good experience to have.

>> No.11910809

Would be E4 if the demon princess thing and transport swapped places.

Is there anything that can kill that thing? My subs can only do like 50-70 damage to it with cut ins.

>> No.11910825

>10-15 runs
Boy I'd like your luck, it takes me 10-15 runs just to make it back to the boss again without one of my DDs getting critted to red. I don't see how using BBs and CAs will do anything to improve things on earlier nodes other than waste more resources when I eat cut-ins. Not to mention always needing to bucket, I've already burned about 70 buckets using DDs.

I started out using 6 DDs with double attack and one sonar on each, using line ahead then ring formation at boss. I actually S ranked my first run, then got boss 3 more times after that, but the last time I fucked up and clicked line ahead instead of ring; ever since that the RNG gods seem to be punishing me for my stupidity.

I eventually got the 4th kill, then found out I needed more sonars for the upgraded sub. Tried piling sonars on my flagship but lack of double attack was fucking me, so I switched to Yuubari for double attack + 2 sonars. The basic problem now though is I simply can't get to night combat without 3 red ships.

>good experience
I quit KanColle for months after giving up on E-4, E-2 was already hellish enough for me

The weird thing is I get crits on it during shelling phase from DDs even at red HP, it's basically just chip damage but the game calls it a crit.

>> No.11910838

I used up one damecon on Bep. Out of all the tries, she was "sunk" on the last run, by the submarine's torpedo. You better use one on each of your DDs.

>> No.11910844

The CAs are there because the strategy I use on the boss node is to completely ignore the sub. CAs can't hit subs and they have good firepower during the day and great power at night. You can replace the BB with another CA with this method, since the boss node has a BB of their own.

>> No.11910850

I guess now that you mention it, I'd might as well put damecons on my DDs instead of sonars now, they're already only doing chip damage to the sub and I have to count on Yuubari to kill it anyway.

If only the RNG would quit fucking me, last try I got red T and the battle was decided before it began.

>> No.11910862

That was what I tried doing originally back when the map was first added before I gave up; the closest I ever came was Haruna hitting the transport to 3 HP during day combat then no one touched it at night. The problem is, if even one CA gets hit to red during the day, my chances of killing the transport at night go to shit, with the 2 DDs already being useless from the start, it's the same as if I run it with DDs and have 3 red ships.

I just wish I could have things go like they did my first 4 runs, the CA cut-ins were only taking my DDs to orange, I had BBs cut-in for single digits, etc. Now it's ships going straight to 3 HP from the first cut-in I receive.

>> No.11910885

Wouldn't running 6 DDs be more risky though? With 3-4 CAs, you would be able to damage or take out some ships, but with 6 DDs the enemy BBs and boss will be firing at you with nothing to stop them.

>> No.11910905

I can't recall ever managing to hurt a gold BB with a CA unless there's green T, it's hard enough even with a BB. I could take out the CL but that's about it. Really the main advantage is being able to kill the transport during day combat instead of counting just on night.

>> No.11910907

6DD is cheap.
Both CA and DD cant take out the BB so just roll with the DD. If the support can take out 2scrubs, the stage is basically cleared once you hit night battle with a few survivors.

>> No.11910933
File: 638 KB, 938x1362, 41631746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4-3 refuses to cooperate with me. If it's not the compass, it's one of the Wos in the pre-boss node troll critting one of my ships to red while half my fleet has to focus on the sub.

I want that futon.

>> No.11910956

Remember to use Diamond formation for the boss node.

>> No.11910998

Unfortunately, the final boss formation doesn't have 2 DDs to kill like the initial fights, there's just the sub and a gold CL. If I'm lucky, Yuubari or Poi can kill the CL but there's always at least 4 enemies left going into night combat.

>> No.11911008

See http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21975093

>> No.11911010
File: 229 KB, 643x829, ss (2014-02-19 at 04.46.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for blogging, but my boss has been endlessly bugging me to do LSC because I've been stockpiling.

Finally got convinced to do 2 crafts and now I can finally graduate from the No Taihou club.
5th attempt with 4000/3500/6010/6000/20.

>> No.11911011

taihou and zuikaku you lucky bastard

>> No.11911012
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See also, my work desk before I caved in.

>> No.11911013

I thought the nip called it OCN?

>> No.11911014

In order of the five crafts:

>> No.11911015

You aren't sorry at all.

>> No.11911032

two zuikakus and akitsumaru. oh my god

>> No.11911033

my first 4 crafts with that recipe were:

fuck you and your luck

>> No.11911035

>No Taihou club.
>5th attempt
You aren't in the club.

>> No.11911037

Which recipes did you use?

>> No.11911042

5 attempts using only 4000/3500/6010/6000/20

>> No.11911045

Tried one just now and got a dragon...

>> No.11911046

How many 46cm most of you guys have?
2x46cm for a BB and 8x46cm for support fleet?
Should be more than enough right?

>> No.11911055

what recipe do you use and who is the secretary?

>> No.11911057

I have enough to outfit a full BB fleet. But in E-7 I used 2BBs, 2 CVLs and 2DDs.

>> No.11911062

Never thought getting Taihou was that hard. Now I'm starting to think that you the chance of getting her in a single craft is boosted by the amount of resources you have.

>> No.11911064

yeah, its like she's judging your resources before she comes to you.. those girls that only comes to rich guy.

>> No.11911066

I think it was said somewhere that more construction whatevers equals better crafts, but I'm not sure.

Because seriously why else would you buy any?

>> No.11911068

It was confirmed on the twitter that more slots increases better LSC results

The exact percentages though? That's going to be a rough call, unless chartman does separate rundowns for 空きドック:1 and 空きドック:3

>> No.11911072

What the fuck, no double attack on any of his DDs? He's a lucky bastard to be able to kill as much as he did on the first two nodes. And interesting that he used line aboob at boss node instead of ring formation.

But in any case, that video doesn't show anything to counter what I just said, that was a video of one of the earlier fights, which I already cleared easily using 6 DDs and no support fleet. Last run the two DDs get replaced by a CL and second BB; the support fleet doesn't do shit against the BB while eating loads of extra resources every time you fail at the first two nodes.

>> No.11911078

Since we're all blogging now... level 70 admiral here, got Taihou on my second craft using the formula here >>11909259 with 20 dev.

I only had 13k/20k/20k/13k and I don't think that counts as rich. RNG's a bitch, that's about it.

>> No.11911083

Got both Taihou and Yamato when my resources drop below 5figures. I was getting pretty frustrated with Yamato after a month of failure that I sometimes do 2craft in a day.

>> No.11911087

I have 5 or 6 I think. I don't see the gain in equipping more than one per BB.

>> No.11911095

>I only had 13k/20k/20k/13k and I don't think that counts as rich.
I am very poor then

>> No.11911099

Support shelling fleet.

>> No.11911102

Talking about support fleet, which setup is the best? I saw a lot of 2 CVLs, but does it need 3 carriers to trigger air support?

>> No.11911103

Read the wiki, bottom of expedition page

>> No.11911113

So it counts the stat for combat with all modifiers, not just the raw stat. Got it, thanks.

>> No.11911121
File: 528 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140219-21483402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With regards to the 2-4 anon from a day or two ago, this was the fleet that I finally beat it with. The 2k repair fee was fun.

>> No.11911122

what is this about?

>> No.11911155
File: 69 KB, 800x480, Burning Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took ages just to grind her to 99. Nevertheless, I'm satisfied with this accomplishment, and I'm going to buy more rings for future purposes.

>> No.11911162

Monkey Love.

>> No.11911218

Congrats TTK, hope you stay loyal to her.

>> No.11911235
File: 245 KB, 448x455, 1391840502988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I won't. My harem is waiting for me.

>> No.11911238

What the hell? You need sleep, admiral.

>> No.11911247
File: 23 KB, 227x400, Taira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a terrible teitoku.

>> No.11911271

I hope one day in your office, you'll get stab.

>> No.11911281

Can't expect much from someone who blogs, posts reaction images, and uses a tripcode.

>> No.11911282
File: 211 KB, 464x480, fifth cardiv girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ho ho ho kaga what now

>> No.11911283

Actually, it was my boss plastering those sticky notes all over my work area(under mouse/keyboard, coffee mug, notepad, monitors, hot sauce bottles, calendar, chair) in an effort to persuade me to craft in LSC.

>> No.11911284
File: 184 KB, 684x336, 5-3 fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave 5-3 one more try for the night and finally beat it despite support fleet doing 0 damage and going to night combat with 3 red and 2 orange. Fortunately my red ships ate all the night attacks and Shigure got a lucky cut-in on the transport after Yuubari and Mochizuki tried to kill the hime. Now I feel like an idiot for wasting time swapping planes around for the support fleet, but it feels good to have that over with.

I think those himes are resistant to torpedoes or something, I know that my CLTs always do shit damage to them on regular maps. Yuubari did 142 damage on her first hit of double attack though, and now that I think about it I S-ranked my first 6-DD run with two DD double attacks killing her.

The troll sub makes S-ranking with a sub fleet impossible anyway, so it's not really a big deal if you can't kill her with subs, other than the fact that she can keep making you waste attacks.

>> No.11911285

Oboro is an endangered species, she will never give me crabs.

>> No.11911286

Are you the guy who said all his coworkers are playing Kancolle?

>> No.11911288

>at least2 CVL in pvp

>> No.11911289

I hate bauxite and I hate myself, what can I say.

>> No.11911292
File: 264 KB, 435x1514, 2014-02-13 15.21.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hating on Akebono, son? I will cut you.

>> No.11911293

I see a kikuzuki and kirishima I think.
Couldnt be anymore hipster.

>> No.11911294

It's what she would have wanted.

>> No.11911297
File: 555 KB, 800x480, taihouhachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou and I-8 in 2 consecutive builds. What are the chances?

>> No.11911300

at that Admiral level 100%

>> No.11911303
File: 308 KB, 819x819, 1389949901370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to brag about it, just post what recipe did you use for them.

>> No.11911305

>just post what recipe did you use for them.
That isn't any better faggot. Everyone already knows the recipes.

>> No.11911306
File: 260 KB, 500x350, 41062071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mic Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

I'll be honest, she won because she was first.

>> No.11911309

Posting the recipe you used to get it is helpful to other people.
Posting that you finally got her without recipes or anything else is useless and its stuff no one cares about.

>> No.11911311

>Posting the recipe you used to get it is helpful to other people.
No it isn't. We already have a chart telling us what the common recipes are. It doesn't help to see people repeating things off that chart.

If someone gets Taihou with 1 dev mat then I'm interested. If they get it with something that has already been tested several thousand times by the japanese I don't care.

>> No.11911313

wikiwiki reports have massive sample size but we don't know that they aren't skewed (see also: 41% Taihou recipe)

>> No.11911316

And you think reports by single people are better?

The one with 41% doesn't have a massive sample size.

>> No.11911317

Massive sample size is supposed to be a good thing.

A report like, "I got X, with recipe Y, after Z tries" is more statistically relevant than an individual "I got an X" report because a lot of people probably only put shit up when they get something exciting.

>> No.11911321

>A report like, "I got X, with recipe Y, after Z tries" is more statistically relevant than an individual "I got an X" report because a lot of people probably only put shit up when they get something exciting.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. People just saying "I got X with Y popular recipe" aren't contributing anything extra. Saying "I got X" is at least reasonable in cases where people spent 50 million resources and need to brag to relieve their suffering.

>> No.11911324

With 3 tries.
I tried 3.5/3.5/6/6/20 5 times and got 2 CV's and 2 maruyu's.

>> No.11911329

Not sure if someone else had something similar, but yes, a good number of our devs(60~人) play it at work.

...Which is why I think DMM.com doesn't care about 60+ accounts coming from one IP, granted it does show up as the company domain name to them

>> No.11911351

Is there a way to submit our results to help with the sample size?

>> No.11911353
File: 735 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140220-02271832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is going to give me nightmares.

I just got out of the boss node at 5-3 trying to kill it for the last time. I went line aboob so i defeated the sub but three of my heavy hitters got damaged and could not participate on night battle.

Should i always aim to kill the sub with line abreast? or maybe just go line ahead and pray my two CA's will hit somebody?

I just used 2DD, 2CA, 1CLT, 1CL (Yuubari with double attack and sonars)

>> No.11911355

Kind of wish there were more accurate sources for recipe success rates. My luck has always been bad with these things so I figured before I started LSC I'd at least try to do some research for the long run.

The LSC chart that gets posted/updated in these threads doesn't help either. The past several iterations have all seen an increase in Taihou percentages with the recipe I've been using though just looking at my LSC record up until now and running some quick math I can conclude with 99% confidence that the value is significantly lower than even the lowest estimates.

It's not surprising given that people that actually get Taihou/Yamato are more likely to report it than those who are still stuck in LSC hell, just wish the I could get some more solid values to work with before I continue destroying my resource reserves.

>> No.11911368

In my opinion, there is no significant advantage in using the expensive LSC recipe. I probably did around 50 LSC attempts and I can say that the success rate reported in the LSC chart is bullshit.
Go with the Iona recipe >>11909259

>> No.11911372

TTK Lvl39. Prioritize crafting for subs or LSC for Taihou and Yamato?

>> No.11911376

Go for the LSC anon, try your luck

>> No.11911382

LSC for sure, Subs are useless

>> No.11911383

Just craft some subs in your dailies. You'll need them to grind efficiently on 3-2. As for LSC, do it in your own accord.

>> No.11911379

Low level I see, I suggest you go for LSC.

Fortune favors fresh admirals.

>> No.11911385

Subs drop like candy once you start doing 3-3 and 4-2 for weekly. If you have no problem clearing maps, go for the trophies.

>> No.11911386

People are going to tell you to stay the fuck away from LSC until you're higher and there is some logic behind that. Though if you are REALLY gunning after an LSC ship (I know I was) then you can go ahead and try your luck. Just make sure you are still leveling your other ships and being somewhat productive while you stockpile resources.

>> No.11911389

Speaking of which, my first LSC at TTK Lvl15 using the base recipe gave me Nagato.

Should I try the Iono recipe? >>11909259

>> No.11911391

Dont stop til you get Iona

>> No.11911392

If you are doing LSC go for Taihou unless you have a hardon for Yamato. Not only does she eat through resources faster than a fat girl eats cake but when they eventually add Musashi you run the risk of getting trolled by 8:00 timers if you end up crafting for Musashi too.

>> No.11911393

Of course, as of now I'm going to try it as well using my low level account.

>> No.11911395

while everyone want taihou/yamato, any recommended recipe for akitsumaru?

>> No.11911397

Taihou recipe.

>> No.11911399

Just craft Taihou, you'll be swimming in them.

>> No.11911400

Use the right recipe from Iona. It also gives ZUN ship.

>> No.11911404

But anon, I got my Taihou first try, is there any recipe that use less resources?

>> No.11911406
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>> No.11911410

Wo pls go.

>> No.11911411

Thank you kind sir, just what I needed

>> No.11911418

You should cough up a little extra to go for Taihou.
Better to keep an extra red skirt Taihou and get the free reppu.

>> No.11911420

Z, my KCV stopped working. After I load up the game the menu doesn't "hook" and stays as the information menu.

>> No.11911461


>> No.11911464


>> No.11911466

Those butthurts from APIcalypse, I think.

>> No.11911467

This is going to be fun. RIP in pieces gaijins.

>> No.11911468

Oh come on. Chinks again?

What kind of people would actually do this

>> No.11911471

Does being lvl100+ halve your chances at getting a rare ship from LSC? I'm sick of this bullshit

>> No.11911476

But why only target a single server?

>> No.11911479

I don't know why, but is that server often mentioned along with login server?

>> No.11911480

Because Chinese Scum that's why.

>> No.11911481

I was Lv 106, got Taihou from my first build, and Yamato in 20 builds.

>> No.11911489

So, who are we assassinating this time around?

>> No.11911494

Either pure luck or there is some bias against resource hoarding.
1st craft 100devs ZUNbie
2nd craft 20devs Taihou
Got Yamato 1 1/2 month later at lvl103 after wasting 200k+ of resources and 600+ dev kits.

>> No.11911496

>>Implying Chink bother about API
>only gaijin use API

>> No.11911523

Thanks for the two new aviation battleships, Iona.

>> No.11911524

I would go all-out one way or the other, either bring 4 CA/BB with 2 DDs just for compass and go line ahead, or go all DD/CL and line aboob and hope to kill in night combat. Unless you really want to level your CAs in the process and don't care about spending more resources, in which case still go line aboob. Only go line ahead if you have 4 non-ASW ships. I had cut-in on Shigure and Beaver and double attack on everyone else here >>11911284
with 2 type-3 sonars on Yuubari and damecon on everyone else.

And personally I don't even see the CA cut-ins anymore, watching the preboss battles is too infuriating, I always switch windows until the battle is over and then check the result.

Unfortunately the steel requirement for ZUNship makes it hard to save many resources. Since I already have Taihou I just switched to building Yamato (using 3k bauxite) even though I don't really need a hotel.

>> No.11911532

Your gains must be horrible

No event-paranoia?

>> No.11911533

Iona confirmed for new Wo?

>> No.11911544

Iona pls go

>> No.11911547

Put away those hot pockets, commander. You’ll get fat. - Iona, canon dialogue

>> No.11911550


But I needed to preform physical activities with Iona and see what making love with nano materials feels like.

>> No.11911554
File: 711 KB, 1540x846, 1392882467769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would be really nice? If Ooi didn't eat criticals like it was her only fucking purpose in life. What's that? Your face is all orange, are you too upset to fight? Well, maybe that wouldn't be a problem if you weren't so goddamn useless after the torpedo phase. You don't deserve to be in my fleet. The only reason you stay is because Kiso is still upcoming. I hope you're prepared. Once I've replaced you, I'm scuttling you. I will be done with your garbage forever. Your clock is ticking.

>> No.11911555

Put her in the second slot.

>> No.11911556

You sound a bit upset admiral.
Its time to relax and take it easy.

You'll regret not having 3 CLTs for midway

>> No.11911558

Three BBs seems really overkill for doing world 2 dailies.

>> No.11911559

You have 2monkeys at kai2 and no CLTs?
You need to get your priority straight anon.

>> No.11911561

His KTKM is holo.

>> No.11911562

I can so foresee fleets with CLTs being redirected away from the boss node at Midway.

>Ooi and Kitakami
>no CLTs

>> No.11911563
File: 78 KB, 1020x574, 1392882796969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously using your main fleet in world 2-3? You reap what you sow, dude.

>> No.11911565

Ooi isnt even kai2

>> No.11911568
File: 148 KB, 687x335, ss (2014-02-08 at 01.22.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't love her enough.

>> No.11911570

Technically she's Kai so still a CLT.

>> No.11911574

What? That's 2-3? Why the fuck he is bringing an overkill fleet into that shitty place?

That's wasteful and retarded.

>> No.11911576

Teitoku, your love for Ooi has moved me. I'll stay her execution for now.

>> No.11911577
File: 304 KB, 815x539, 39582981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Junyou's art was better. She's really cool.

>> No.11911582

Just got my ranking reward; +1 Daihatsu

>> No.11911583

>Why the fuck he is bringing an overkill fleet into that shitty place?
I'm half a year in and have approx. zero submarines. Their purpose in this stage is to go directly to the boss node for a roll at dropping a sub. Rinse, repeat.

I'm getting desperate. ;_;

>> No.11911587

Crafting would be cheaper. Chance to get hachi too.
Farming is better if you want a specific sub drop.

>> No.11911588

Bring AV or CLT to hit boss node more often not BB

>> No.11911590

2-3 for Imuya? try 3-3 instead if you want to farm

>> No.11911593

ok /jp/ who is your most dislike kanmusu?

>> No.11911594


>> No.11911597

I forgot to put mine, Haruna

>> No.11911598


>> No.11911599
File: 148 KB, 796x496, LSC yamato desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11911602

>I'm half a year in and have approx. zero submarines.

I don't know if you are joking but that's horrible.

Dude here try this 250/30/200/30. Do it for daily craft attempts.

It may net you Imuya, Goya and Hachi.

>> No.11911604


>> No.11911606


>> No.11911609

Yamashiro and Akebono.

>> No.11911615


>> No.11911619


>> No.11911626

Yamashiro and Yamashiro did I say Yamashiro?

>> No.11911627


>> No.11911628

Does this look like the face of a teitoku that would lie about this? Really, it's my fault. I'd be sitting on a mountain of subs if I'd just do the damn events. But for the past 3 months I've been filling out the daily crafting quests with noting but 250/30/200/30.

RNG has no problem giving me Shimakazes, though. I decorate my office with her "Kyaa!"

>> No.11911634
File: 120 KB, 850x637, web_3731617497_2efc1e11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really want 大和

>> No.11911635 [DELETED] 
File: 615 KB, 1248x480, KanColle-140219-23513144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what freedom feels like?

>> No.11911638

>half a year
So August? You have 2months to prepare for Hachi. Your own fault.

>> No.11911642

Grats, what about Yamato?

>> No.11911643

Don't forget Iku, who you could get with a level 10 fleet.

>> No.11911648
File: 1.34 MB, 2000x1413, 41589787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should bring kittens as offering.

>> No.11911649

Meant to quote >>11911565

>> No.11911650

Well that's a whole bunch of boats at least

>> No.11911651

This is not related to Kancolle at all, but did you play that?

>> No.11911657


I still don't have her. Going to spend some time with Taihou before I start crafting for Yamato.

At least I can now stockpile my bauxite.

>> No.11911661

Speaking of stockpiling bauxite, any tips or what expedition should I do for it?

Bauxite is the shittiest count in my resources.

>> No.11911668

Grind Taihou with total air superiority.
Finish all your quests including weekly.
Ex35+boats 24/7.

>> No.11911669

6, 11, 35

>> No.11911670

Don't craft carriers or radars, don't use carriers outside of 3-2. Choose any bauxite expedition, depending on how often you want to resend it. Your bauxite will shoot up by the day.

>> No.11911672

Wow rewards really? Going to refresh.

>> No.11911676

So I saw people suggesting Haguro was getting kaini at some point, did the devs actually mention that somewhere?

>> No.11911674

Kaga or Haruna

>> No.11911679

10cm(improved) and bulge? Boo.

>> No.11911682

Wow, was the 53cm hull torpedo the top 3 reward?

>> No.11911686

Haguro? wasn't it Tone class

>> No.11911687

I wonder why.

>> No.11911688
File: 83 KB, 696x377, patchy strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>11909732

>> No.11911689

They also mentioned Fusou and Tone class at some point, but I already have my Wagahai at 60 now. Jintsuu is almost there too. I'm looking for new people to add into my 3-2 fleet while I raise my flagship.

>> No.11911690

There is also a rumor about a 5slotted super Yamato

>> No.11911701
File: 35 KB, 349x306, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got that covered.

>> No.11911704

I am now missing Mikuma and the zunship. I get the feeling that trying to go for this will deplete me of all the sanity and bauxite I've stored up, so I'll decline for now. I don't need the zunship now.

>> No.11911707

her firepower is good but even with radar x 2 she still missed a target 20lvl lower than her.

>> No.11911708

Sounds plausible. The API actually returns 5 slots, but the 5th is always empty.

>> No.11911721

So... is that supposed to be with 1 or 20 devkits?

>> No.11911727

Futaba believes that # of devkits doesnt matter but still most people do it with 20. You spend too much on resources already to cheap out on dev kits.

>> No.11911740

Is the cookie bypass usable to purchase and use point?

>> No.11911747

Welp, I just realized I fell to the Rear Admiral rank.

I don't even bother with dailies anymore, does anybody else is having this fallout?How about nips, is there anything similar with them?

>> No.11911748
File: 20 KB, 380x98, 20140220012755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I guess I didn't lurk enough to find out about the new, more efficient recipes. 20 4663 and nothing, tried one 4673 and boom! Now onto Taiho...

>> No.11911749

Honestly, just look at your fucking ranking and that'll tell you the answer.

>> No.11911751

But that's what all battleships do.

They are just there only for the double shelling phase

and your heart.

>> No.11911754

Can you send updates of it to my e-mail everyday, Onii-chan?

>> No.11911756

sent ;)

>> No.11911758

No, I mean I lost interest, I need to fuckin sleep.

By fallout, I meant losing the drive to play more.

>> No.11911761

Not like Yamato class suffers from any slot deficiencies. Although I'd stack 2 guns and 3 radars since 3 radars bring a big boost to accuracy.

>> No.11911762

It happens?
I've gone through several long periods where all I do is crafting dailies and long expeditions. Helps with building up resources too. Then I get into it again when something interesting like an event happens.

>> No.11911765

Why not AP ammo?

>> No.11911766

Guys, Shouho or RJ?

>> No.11911769

anyway I love Shouhou.

>> No.11911771

I saw a chart where some guy on futaba did a test on how accurate 1, 2 and 3 type 32 radars were. 1 and 2 had barely any difference but 3 radars was something like 90%+ accuracy. Yamato-class has good enough damage output but they need to be able to hit consistently.

>> No.11911772

RJ, that flat chest is a win

>> No.11911774

Yes, look at your ranking and you'll realize that even on your "off days" you're still ahead of like five hundred thousand admirals. I haven't done my dailies in four months.

>> No.11911795

Zuihou > Shouhou

>> No.11911801

Zuihou > RJ

>> No.11911805

that feel when you are one of the converted passenger liners and don't even get mentioned even CVL wars

>> No.11911806

Bullshit. I did over 500 runs of E2/E3 and the rarest ship I got was Maikaze.

>> No.11911809

he mean fall event, not Christmas, where you could get Iku as reward for completed E1

>> No.11911814

They fall into the not good enough to be a CV and not cheap enough to be CVL category. They are good starter ships though, I cleared 2-4 with them when Akagi was my only CV.

>> No.11911819

Zuihou is the only hard to get CVL, so people desire her more than the others that get thrown at you, especially when you wanted Zuihou or a CV.

>> No.11911824

Zuihou best flat CV

>> No.11911826

Yes, fuck Taihou.

>> No.11911830

holy shit you must be completely retarded to use that expensive fleet for 2-3 dailies

>> No.11911835
File: 14 KB, 360x640, Kancolle Mobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /jp/ think about a HTML5 mobile version of Kancolle?

>> No.11911836

No, Zuihou is popular because she is very cute.

>> No.11911837


>> No.11911839


What's the point if I don't get to see my cute girls?

>> No.11911840

I'd rather script.

>> No.11911847

On a scale of Wo to Commie, how illegal is this?

>> No.11911850

It's not commie, it's chinese tier.

>> No.11911855
File: 283 KB, 888x800, 1392836190475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the verdict on Mogami? Why is she the only ship that wear pants?

>> No.11911858

lottery #9 passes and i'm still not a new admiral. morale is lowered

>> No.11911862

>Why is she the only ship that wear pants?

>> No.11911863


>> No.11911867

Fucking no.

>> No.11911868

But Kiso is the most useless CLTs

>> No.11911869

But that's wrong you fucking retard.

>> No.11911877
File: 577 KB, 1022x462, Bg6jrgSCUAALDdq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally something worth noted from gooks.

>> No.11911883

Explain what that is.

>> No.11911887

Logbook combined with reverse-proxy Commie style, maybe.

>> No.11911888

Kuma and Tama wear pants too. Kiso doesn't.

Now what does that tell you?

>> No.11911890

Anyone had LSC dreams?
I dreamed that I got Taihou's timer and couldn't even believe it, then I double checked and it became a three hour one. it's driving me mad.

>> No.11911893

I have no idea what you're talking about or if there's something wrong with your Ooi.

My Ooi must've come with hidden stats or some shit since she ALWAYS outgun everyone that's not a battleship, piss around KTKM in torpedo salvos, and generally stealing MVP like a crackwhore.

That's why I tend to just bring the other two CLT when leveling, bitch loves to outdamage everyone and crit everything everywhere everytime.

>> No.11911896

At c86 there will be doujins of taihou femdom wearing a leather mask. She'll summon hoards of hyahahs, kagas and chiyos to brutally mindbreak poor TTK

>> No.11911897

What? Even in your dream Taihou doesn't appear to you?
No, I don't touch LSC anymore, too scared to try

>> No.11911906

It means she loves you mate.

>> No.11911907

My ranking reward just came in.

>> No.11911908

Ooi best CLT

>> No.11911910

Dream related. The first day I got into Kancolle I dreamt that I built a zkms. I was so shocked I almost bit my tongue off.

>> No.11911911

KTKM best CLt

>> No.11911915

since everyone talking about dream, I dreamed of Kongou(arpeggio).. got caught by some guys in black suit and she rescued me and we proceed blowing the whole city after that.

It was fun seeing the city on fire but later it turned to tears when I woke up the city is still fine and there was no kongou next to me.

>> No.11911917

>and we proceed blowing the whole city
Not sure if gay or just a chink

>> No.11911918

Well I don't! Bitch is making it really hard for me to get together with my beloved, stealing MVP from her all day long like it's noone's business. I just want to get my love to 99 in peace, fuck.

Her stats are identical to KTKM except for luck, right? In that regard, on paper KTKM should be the best. Fucking hidden mechanics.

>> No.11911920

>we proceed blowing the whole city after that.
Did you two proceed to blow each other as well? This is important.

>> No.11911921

At least we all agree that Kiso is the worst

>> No.11911923

about to, the damn alarm clock ruin it all.

>> No.11911927

She's the worst when it comes to torpedo, but her higher AA is nice.

And she's the best in my heart, fuck you mate.

>> No.11911929

The males that are the truly feminine ones?

>> No.11911931

She wants you to look at her. She doesn't want you to get married to someone else.

>> No.11911932

She's sacrificing her body to save KTKM from you.

>> No.11911935

This game is about specialization.
A jack of all trade like Kiso is no good.

>> No.11911940

Kiso isn't a CA

>> No.11911941

Kiso isn't a jack of all trade, she's just a weak CLT.

Regardless Kiso has never had a problem matching up to KitaOoi for me. She sometimes steal MVPs from opening torp salvos only battles.

>> No.11911948

You have only 3 CLTs. One have to be the worst.

Not that I said she's the worst Kanmusu.

>> No.11911949

First she kept drooling over her KTKM on-duty and telling me to frig off, then she threatened to blow me up, and now she's all passive-aggressively clingy? You wot m8?

Well whatever she's doing, she's got it all mixed up, since that's the wrong CLT!

That doesn't stop her from being number one in my heart.
This is a waifu game, and I want to be Kiso's w-waifu...!

>> No.11911956

I'm also seeing this. Ooi is pretty much the MVP of all battles I deploy her in. Even if I send her with Nagato, assuming there's so second shelling round.

>> No.11911959

Is it common for a lv101 admiral to still not have a Nagato?

All these Kongous, Ises and Fusous that are being thrown at me from default min LSC. I was told there would be Nagato.

>> No.11911963

I got mine at level 98, maybe it's not uncommon at all.

>> No.11911964

I didn't get mine until lvl 99, from the Christmas event

>> No.11911969

I'm in same condition, just two levels below you. No-Nagato club is always open.

>> No.11911968

>default min LSC.
Go big or go home.

>> No.11911971

Is it possible to get Makigumo from 2-3 sub farm if I get B/A rank instead of S rank?

>> No.11911972


>> No.11911973

if you want nice drops, go S-rank or go home

>> No.11911978


Oh well, let's hope that Hacchan will finally come to me after all this time.

>> No.11911979

Actually, despite what these two says

You can get Makigumo from 2-3 sub run with A rank IIRC, but you should aim for S rank anyway by using 3 subs

>> No.11911985

No, Imuya/Makigumo are only S-rank at 2-3, later worlds have more generous A-rank pools

>> No.11911986

Do you perhaps know if it's possible to get other rare destroyers like Uzuki from A rank?

>> No.11911989

Hmm... I guess I got her in S-rank then, I do usually go to night battle whenever I hit that node with 3 subs just for the heck of it.

I heard that Uzuki drops at A rank in either 3-4 or 4-4, but then again, I have no solid proof since it's damn hard to finish that map to test that statement. Neither of them are subcheese-able, I swear

>> No.11911993

Got her at lvl97 from a min LSC

>> No.11911994

10cm10cmTorp on Ptsd
10cm10cmMidgetAirRadar on Poi

This is fine right

>> No.11911995

10cm/torp/air radar for high luck
10cm/10cm/air radar for poi

>> No.11911999

on ppoi use her stock 12.7 with a 10cm and a surface radar like type 22 or 33, fuck AA, better focus her on firepower.

>> No.11912002

that 1 more firepower will make a big difference

>> No.11912015

AA Radar actually does something... unlike surface Radar.

And yeah save your Poi-guns for your support fleet DDs

>> No.11912018
File: 63 KB, 442x642, watdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11912020

Keep the 12.7

>> No.11912022

Sanshiki is useless, use the 12.7cm

>> No.11912023
File: 22 KB, 223x375, air radar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this instead.

>> No.11912025

>hidden stats
I swear, this must be true. And each ship must have different hidden stats. Even for the same kind.

I have a sub fleet consisting of level 30-40 subs that I'm currently using as my main 2-3 fleet, and when Imuya gets injured I switch her with a level 10+ Imuya. The level 40+ Imuya misses half the time, especially at night, and never once got MVP. The level 10+ Imuya hardly ever misses, and has stolen at least 3 MVPs.

The most interesting is what happens when you remodel them. I think that once you remodel a ship a different set of hidden stats is taken, which could explain why the performance of some ships dip when remodelled.

>> No.11912027

depends on the rest of your slots

>> No.11912028

Funny how I tend to put the 12.7cm on almost every ship that can use it despite it being complete garbage IRL. I wonder if the 10cm has some sort of hidden edge over it?

>> No.11912033

I'm level 96, still in the no Nagato club, and am more than content to stay here. To me, she and Mutsu (which I do have) are just a waste of space.

>> No.11912037

My comrade. I'm also in the no Zuikaku club

>> No.11912039

Now Zuikaku (and Hiryuu), I do want.

I guess I'll try getting them in the process of getting Taihou in LSC.

>> No.11912047

lv99 TTK here and proud no Nagato club member, but got most available ships except for Taihou (still gambling with LSC), Hatsukaze, Yayoi/Uzuki and Musashi.

>> No.11912048

So, what's going on TTK's?

>> No.11912049

Is it me or is 4-3's boss node rigged? I turned on the marriage quest and 10 out of 10 tries I've never managed to land on the boss node.

>> No.11912053

yokosuga server was experiencing a massive access attack, probably chinks using third party browsers or something like that.

>> No.11912054

Oh god, I hope it doesn't come back to bite us in the ass, fucking chinks.Thanks for translating, T-san.

>> No.11912061

Next update we'll get Ryuujou idle lines. Time for Kai ni bust upgrade?

>> No.11912065

You wish, RJ.

>> No.11912069

You are just supposed to go on 2-3

>> No.11912071

Just give her the bust upgrade

>> No.11912073

10cm and 1 torp make a cut in?

and i type 22 enough?

>> No.11912075

You do that before your marriage. This one's after.

>> No.11912078

read the wiki

>> No.11912079

Wiki. Read it.

>> No.11912084

I always forgot that 10cm is a main gun.. My bad.

>> No.11912091

Oh, the futon.

Do you use 2 CA?

>> No.11912095

Is it advisable to craft a battleship early on?

I'm not a newbie but I'm trying to give advice for my sister who is, and I've long forgotten how it is to be a newbie. She just crafted Hachi as her first sub, and I also crafted her a Yukikaze.

Now, the problem is that while I breezed through the first two worlds without a BB, she's struggling quite badly due to RNG woes. She can't even get a Sendai and so can't get her 3rd fleet, because so far over 90% of her drops have been DDs (the rest are all CLs). Her strongest ships are 4 CAs, all of which are crafted. She just cleared 1-4 so I told her to tackle worlds 2-1 to 2-3 using 4 CAs, Hachi and Yukikaze. Is this sound advice, or should she just cheese everything with Hachi (which isn't level 10 yet)?

And in her PVP matches she keeps encountering fleets with Kongou class BBs so she's really tempted to get one. Her friends who also play Kancolle are also advising her to get one. But I also know that BBs are resource hogs, and after repeatedly doing rare DD/sub recipes she's low on resources, especially fuel. And she can't get Akagi without getting a CVL first, which also refuses to drop for her.

>> No.11912097

And before you ask, yes, we both read the wiki quite extensively.

>> No.11912098

Just try a Yamato recipe

>> No.11912100

No 3rd fleet, can't unlock the quest needed to unlock LSC.

>> No.11912101


>> No.11912103

Ask her to grind 1-1 to get Sendai. Should be easy with a remodeled DD

>> No.11912104

Firstly, you're not supposed to bother with crafting subs or rare DDs until you get at least one BB and one CV/CVL. Any BB will do for now, Kusou class or Ise class too.

Secondly, it's completely possible to go up until 2-3 with 4 CAs.

About leveling Hachi, don't worry about that because you're going to run 2-3 over and over again later on with your Hachi she'll probably be your first to hit 99.

Also Sendai is a CL.

>> No.11912105

btw I'm a grill

>> No.11912107

I went big (Soryuu Hiryuu Junyou Hiryuu Kaga Junyou) and went home.

I know six isn't very many but I don't even run expeditions around the clock and I still need to craft Shoukaku / Radars / Reppu so it's really a big deal for me.

>> No.11912108

Then get a Sendai first before even crafting a BB.

3rd fleet helps in expedition a lot,

>> No.11912116

1 BB, 2 CA, 2 CLT, 2 DD. It's the troll compass.

>> No.11912117

What's reddit about? I've heard of it quite a lot of times but I haven't actually gone there before.

She did 1-1 60 times, one Naka drop, rest all DDs. Gave up after that.

>you're not supposed to bother with crafting subs or rare DDs until you get at least one BB and one CV/CVL
Really? I didn't even do any other recipe (including all 30) until way after I finished world 2, and her doing 250/30/200/30 wasn't even my advice (although I admit I'd have advised her to do so anyway). And not like her crafts weren't good.

>Secondly, it's completely possible to go up until 2-3 with 4 CAs.

>About leveling Hachi, don't worry about that because you're going to run 2-3 over and over again later on with your Hachi she'll probably be your first to hit 99.
Fair enough. Right, so leave subcheesing for 2-4.

>Also Sendai is a CL.
Well yeah, Sendai is a CL, but it's not one of the CLs she got. I don't think she even got a silver or rarer background, ever.

Yes, and?

Alright then, I'll tell her that.

>7 ships

>> No.11912119

Why the two DDs?

Just change one to a CV / another CL.

>> No.11912121

1 DD, typo.

>> No.11912122

Doesn't 2 DD send you north every time?

Just build a fucking CVL, for fuck's sake.

>> No.11912123

Talking about troll compass.
Its been half a day now since I started running 3-2 with Yayoi. 3 NE to furniture, 2 N to steel node and like 3retreat because flagship got shot to red.
I swear everytime you tick a boss quest the compass will just send you elsewhere.

>> No.11912125

Just wondering, which formation to use on node G, again?

Haven't touched the stage for a while, so im using the / formation.

>> No.11912127

>She did 1-1 60 times, one Naka drop, rest all DDs. Gave up after that.
Keep trying. It's better than wasting dev mats and resources on all 30 crafts that early, which can go to BB/CV recipes.

>> No.11912128

Line ahead, kill them before they kill you, especially since I'm bring CLT along.

Also, 11 tries, 11 failures.

>> No.11912129

but wasting resources on 1-1 is okay?

>> No.11912130

And ignore all the subs?

Or a fully ASW Melon-chan can one shot the sub even in line ahead?

>> No.11912133

I meant Sendai is craftable from all-30s because she's a CL.

>> No.11912134

An elite sub insta-red your ships unless you're unlucky. Just count on the evasion bonus from line ahead and kill the rest.

>> No.11912136

Three fucking times in a row getting to the boss node in 2-3. I have the transport quest active.

>> No.11912137

>Just build a fucking CVL
Heh, I never thought someone would say that. Ever.

Alright I'll tell her that.

She doesn't want to touch 1-1 again. Not for farming Sendai, anyway.

No luck getting her from any recipe, either. I'll tell her anyway I guess.

I was considering advising her to farm Sendai in 2-4-A if she still doesn't have her by the time she clears 2-3. Or is it better to do so by 2-3 with subs?

>> No.11912138

There's no evasion bonus in line ahead.

>> No.11912142

You're either drunk, half asleep, or Wo.

>> No.11912143

1 main DD and keep rotating dropped DDs, how much resources can you waste?

>> No.11912148

Sendai even drops from a B ranking at 1-1 boss. Just keep sparkling your lone DDs and you will eventually find one.

>> No.11912149

Does she call you お姉さん?

>> No.11912151

Why dont you play the game for her instead?

>> No.11912158 [DELETED] 

>Heh, I never thought someone would say that. Ever.
Junyou carried me all the way to 2-4. They're a joke in the endgame but the ability to torpedo the small fry is fucking amazing when you first get it.

>> No.11912160

I got ktkm and Sendai from 1-1 during sparkle runs, but they're extremely rare, only got them once, while i got multiple tatsuta and tenryuu.
Anyway, just let her go through content, she'll probably drop a BB and CVL while cleaning world 2 maps, i never cared for ship construction, got most ships i wanted from drops in 2-4A and 3-2A.

>> No.11912163

>Heh, I never thought someone would say that. Ever.
Junyou cut up world two for me like a knife through butter even before I unlocked the Akagi quest. They're a joke in the endgame but the ability to torpedo the small fry is fucking amazing when you first get it.

Not to mention that you can finally put away those fucking floatplanes which fail half the time anyway.

>> No.11912167
File: 76 KB, 812x351, 2-4 fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are basically good common starter ships that will help you beat world2. I didnt bother doing any CV recipe after I got Akagi. Got the other 5 all from drops.

>> No.11912172

World 2 is unlocked, so just keep grinding 2-2 for sendai/cv/bb etc.

>> No.11912177

Or all three!

What would you do if there's a drunk, half-asleep Wo in front of you? You wouldn't do anything inappropriate, would you?

>> No.11912179

I'll scuttle her.

>> No.11912181

I'd do the responsible thing and put her to sleep with the fishes.

>> No.11912183


>> No.11912184

scrap her for materials

>> No.11912185

I would quietly put her back into the sea.

Then I'd pack my briefcase and write my farewell letters to the fleet so that when the military police come to arrest me I'll be ready to go.

>> No.11912189

brave admirals with true nippon spirit

treasonous scum

>> No.11912190


I'd ask her to procreate with me and raise our child, who will be appropriately named Ika.

Then convince her to help me create the ultimate harem made up of Abyss ships.

>> No.11912192
File: 65 KB, 632x372, LSC rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So about those Nagato crafting rate...

>> No.11912193

I'll be the one leading the arrest. Make sure your office is locked so I can kick the door.

>> No.11912195

>Make sure your office is locked so I can kick the door.

Don't kid yourself, you'd just hurt yourself trying to look cool. Leave it to the big boys.

>> No.11912199

I was hoping you'd knock and do the "please come with us" thing, but if you really want to break in and unceremoniously haul me off I guess that's fine too.

>> No.11912205

But the local nippon police will never hesitate to apprehend traitors.

>> No.11912227

What setup do you guys use for CLTs?

>> No.11912241


>> No.11912248

3 bulges

>> No.11912249

Type-A, 2x sonar. I can't be bothered with changing equipment every so often, so they do back-up submarine duty for PvP.

>> No.11912254 [DELETED] 

3 Turbines, they're pretty useless once they hit orange anyway.

>> No.11912255

3 Turbines, they become useless once they hit orange.

>> No.11912272

Does anyone still has the chart that show the damage type multipliers for the formations?

>> No.11912278

She's sick of 1-1 for the time being.

She's older than me.

Because I have other things to do as well.

>ktkm from 1-1
Holy shit.

I see.

Well she got a Mogami and Chitose from 2 attempts of crafting CVs. I told her to train Chitose up to level 15. But unlock 2-4 first.

Somehow I feel that I should've told her to stick to rare DD recipes. Oh well.

Wouldn't clearing up to 2-4 and grinding at 2-4-A be better?

>> No.11912279

1. Formation to actually land opening torpedos
2. Formation for little girls
3. Formation to not get air-raided
4. What the fuck is this
5. Formation for 4-3

>> No.11912280

Agano rarer than Yahagi?

>> No.11912282

For that guy probably, I've gotten 3 Aganos and no other Agano-class myself

>> No.11912284

Wiki. Read it.

>> No.11912285

100 samples

>> No.11912287

4 is night battle formation, anon.

>> No.11912289

If you'd be so kind to tell me where it shows the exact multipliers for offense/defense/anti-air/ASW, Onii-chan.

>> No.11912290

read the wiki

>> No.11912291


>night battle formation
>night battle

>> No.11912292

You obviously don't know about 5-3.

>> No.11912296

Oh look, it's some retarded newfag that hasn't participated in the november event or has tried 5-3 with a non-sub fleet

>> No.11912320

>2. Formation for little girls
So the one that everyone one /jp/ uses?

>> No.11912325

No one recommended it during november event, dude

>> No.11912328

Sure they did. About halfway into the event people started using echelon for E-4. I was one of the first to run it all the time and then posted about clearing E-4 with it, people tested it and it worked.

>> No.11912336

All I remember was people mentioning vertical, double line and some calling horizontal shit. I did it with vertical myself

>> No.11912341

Anyone know where I could look at the Weiss/Schwarz Kantai Collection cards?
They look pretty neat

>> No.11912342

It wasn't a widespread thing and most veterans were done with E-4 when echelon gained popularity for it's defensive value

>> No.11912346

At least it wasn't ring formation they recommended, that one is the most shit at night. The formations you listed are in ascending level of effectiveness at night.

>> No.11912355

What the fuck, 5 times SW in a row in 4-2. This is fucking bullshit. Is there some compass requirement that I'm not aware of?

>> No.11912356

Just RNG being a bitch
I once needed 40 runs to get 12 boss wins

>> No.11912361
File: 59 KB, 796x551, ef81aabb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midway reward speculation

>> No.11912362


What composition are you doing 4-2 with?

>> No.11912364

what the hell is that even supposed to be

all subs. Not worth it otherwise.

>> No.11912365

Complaining about it on /jp/ seemed to solve the issue, got the boss node instantly afterwards.

Man, I think I'll just complain a whole lot more just to boost my luck.

>> No.11912367

Are you me?

I complained about not getting Hachi using 250/30/200/30 here and got her on my next craft.

>> No.11912371

I'll make a rant post later in 2 hours.

>> No.11912374

>all subs. Not worth it otherwise.
All that sweet exp.

>> No.11912375

five married subs
enjoy wasting all your fucking res

>> No.11912376


4-1 or 4-2 if I don't have a sub fleet?

>> No.11912377

How do you not have a sub fleet? And I wouldn't fucking bother with the weekly in that case

>> No.11912378

Not everyone hated enough money to marry a fleet of subs, you know.

>> No.11912381

Started out mid-Jan, got tons of Imuya and one Goya, still trying to craft Hachi.

>> No.11912394
File: 20 KB, 372x197, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is strange, that quest is translated inside the quest file but KCV doesn't show the english text.

>> No.11912412

I'm starting to believe that targeting is not really random. My girls tend to prioritize low-danger shit all the time. Gotta love when 2 CLs somehow survives the opening salvo with 1-2 hp, and my BBs make sure to take those out instead of heavier ships

>> No.11912430

Your CLTs will target the ta-chans and your BBs will first-strike the transports

Welcome to kancolle

>> No.11912440

Are your low-danger ships in the lower slots?

>> No.11912459

Before I gave up on ranking, I can't believe how many 5-2 runs I failed to S-rank because my CLTs spent the entire shelling phase shooting the onis, and I'd go to night combat with 4+ ships alive and of course only 3 ships capable of attacking due to compass requirement. I even got raped by a DD cut-in once because no one would kill the DD even in night combat.

Depends on how much repairs you feel like doing. I run 4-1 with 2 DDs, 1 BB, and 3 CLT and F5 if I get the deadend nodes and barely have to do any repairing, the only danger on the boss route is the gold CA boss (and very rare bullshit crits from a red/gold CL or red CA).

4-2 with normal fleet is only really worth doing if you want to grind your CVs anyway, or if you want to farm for Zuihou. I did plenty of that back before we had all these subs.

>> No.11912461

This shit is why I don't do 5-2 for ranking
I can't get into top 20 but I've been sitting in top 80-90 for three or four days now

>> No.11912468

I've stopped daring to f5 for some time, resources are taking a notable hit

>> No.11912479

I've done about a hundred 4-2 boss nodes, S rank of course, and I'm still in the no-Zuihou club. This shit's suffering.

>> No.11912486

What are you doing? I'm doing 2 4 sub S rank boss fleet rotations of 2-3 18/7, not even top 1000.

>> No.11912489

I probably did over 150+ S ranks there and haven't got Zuihou either, maybe she has a really small chance. thankfully I got my from an event

>> No.11912498

I would tell people what I am doing except then everyone would start doing it and the ranking would get even harder so I am not telling anyone.

>> No.11912540

I got up to like 1100 and gave up, it's not even worth trying on fucking Maizuru. The top player and 500 cutoff are always higher than what people report on other servers.

I went ahead and fought at the deadend nodes for a week or so, but eventually I got too sick of the normal BBs critting my ships (I expect it from the red one). The NW one is a definite F5, fighting at the south one at least lets you keep the fuel from the fuel node.

I actually never got her from it in all my tries, I eventually got my first beaver instead and then my next 300/30/400/300 finally gave me Zuihou. Took at least two months to get the kanmusu that made me start playing in the first place.

>> No.11912551

top 500 on Brunei 393 points
I'm sitting at 599-618 points, not sure where exactly probably just above 599
This is without 5-2 and still gaining buckets and all 4 res every day

>> No.11912557

Let me guess

But I really do disagree about 5-2 being bad (even when I run with 2 BBs), but then I always sparkle my ships.

>> No.11912669

How do I beat 3-4 without getting raped by compass-chan or critted to red on the pre-boss node?

>> No.11912674

Offer your first born to the RNG gods.

>> No.11912697

Line ahead errywhere.

>> No.11912767

So if I want to level 3-4 CV(L) at the same time, what's the best solution? 3-2 fatigue runs?

>> No.11912818

The enemy often targets my heavily damaged ships, sometimes aiming at them several times in a row while ignoring the others. It seems like all ships try to finish off severely damaged ones instead of going after things at full health.

>> No.11912893

Getting "Screenshot save failed: Generic error in GDI+" when I try to save a screenshot with KCV latest version, is there a way to fix this?

>> No.11912899


>> No.11912907

What recipe does jp use to craft radars?

>> No.11912959


>> No.11912962

New planes
Reppu Kai and possibly Shinden Kai
also Bulges

>> No.11912966

Bulges? They're going to start appealing to the faggots that like traps?

>> No.11912964

What happens if you marry Kongou before second remodel and then decide to remodel her later?

>> No.11912968


You had so much time in between to decide whether or not to remodel her. Either take the chance or don't.


>like traps

If it's cute, it's not gay.

>> No.11912969

From what I've seen from Futaba, your ship will still get benefits from marriage, but in glossary your marriage ring is bound to Kai1.

>> No.11912972

So she would lose the ring if I give it to her now before remodel and remodeled her later?

>> No.11912976

Dunno. I once glanced someone's glossary with exact case. Kongou-Kai has the ring, Kongou-Kai2 doesn't

>> No.11912977

No. Read his post again.

>> No.11912978

Ah I get it now.

>> No.11912991

You're a giant faglord if you like traps, no excuses.

>> No.11912997

Actually, screw that "your ship will still get benefits from marriage" part. Re-checked at wikiwiki, that part is still not included in the page.

>> No.11913005

If the benefits drop it's going to be bullshit once they start rolling out more kai nis.

>> No.11913015

There probably won't be submarine K2s, time to marry your subs.

>> No.11913020

Imuya will get a Kai 2 so she can truly be the umi no snaipaa

>> No.11913028

First time trying LSC. What flagship do I set to craft for taihou?

>> No.11913030

Yamato-class, Taihou won't show up otherwise.

>> No.11913031


>> No.11913033


>> No.11913034

6 CV fleet. Make sure they're all 3 star planes, as well.

>> No.11913040


>> No.11913043

Yeah no shit, read the damn wiki.

They were even gracious enough to bold and underline the answer to this stupid question.

>> No.11913055

Should I remodel my Goya even though it doubles the repair time?

>> No.11913060

That's up to you, remodeling gives her the ability to cut-in and actually kill shit though.

>> No.11913061

If you are gonna use her in a position to kill things, sure.

>> No.11913067

Searchlight which will attract enemy's attention.

>> No.11913071

new item to become crit magnet?

>> No.11913074


Might be useful if my cute little girls can survive a shot from ane enemy BB.

Maybe stacking armor/evasion might help, even if a little?

>> No.11913076

Haha time to test Yukikaze on action

>> No.11913081

that wo nodes before boss on world 4-4 is annoying..

>> No.11913083


Should have given her some chocolates during Valentines.

>> No.11913086

Japan's culture is to have females give the chocolates though.

>> No.11913090


But the Abyss are Americans.

>> No.11913101

Furutaka kai ni stock equipment?

>> No.11913104

Dev says Jintsu related, so it should be either a searchlight as a special/joke item or 13mm quad machine gun.
We already have all other weapons Jinstu equips when remodeled.

>> No.11913132

The gold sub at the boss node is more annoying. Trying to get an S rank with it seems too difficult for me at the moment..

>> No.11913141

Try Diamond formation.

>> No.11913159

the guy you quote,
I have no trouble getting S rank on boss node, I bring 2BB CA CLt 2DD but either one of the DD or Clt will get crit red by Wo or the occasional BB before boss node.

>> No.11913170
File: 149 KB, 809x488, 3-2 zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50buckets and 1damekon
This Mamiya is damm expensive.

>> No.11913175

Why did you put your leveled ships in the high spots?

>> No.11913173

Probably something useless like +3 accuracy -3 evade

>> No.11913178

Or gives sub aggro in night battle

>> No.11913183

There's no way the 5-3 boss chance is higher than 10% with a sub fleet.

>> No.11913181

So that they go first and kill shit. All of them have damekon anyway, I just need to beat the compass.

>> No.11913186

>using a damekon for a simple quest

>> No.11913195

>implying there's anything better to use them on
When I did it I put my high level Mochizuki as flagship and put damecon on the other 3 Mutsukis, I advanced with Kisaragi at red and beat it in only a handful of attempts. Worth the 1 damecon not to waste my time, it was the first one I'd ever burned too.

I didn't put damecon on Seal or Beaver though since I figured I'd lose the boss fight anyway without them healthy.

>> No.11913196

Save them for coming events, fag.

>> No.11913197

What are you going to use it for anon?

>> No.11913202

There will be more events after midway.

>> No.11913205
File: 37 KB, 479x396, damekon everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and they also give out damekon like candies.

>> No.11913207

If you think nine are a lot you are in for a nice ride.

>> No.11913211


Where's your goddess? Did you actually use yours?

>> No.11913213

Gone because mutsu third turret exploded.
End up using like 3 or 4 for E4. Worth it.

>> No.11913215


I've used damecons on E-4 for testing purposes, but goddesses? I don't even think you would need to use it.

>> No.11913217

>relying on damecon for events
Nope. Considering you need to kill each boss multiple times and you might not even beat the boss after reaching it (even more likely if you advanced with red ships) that's not a sustainable strategy anyway. At most I might use them on the final kill if I don't need that slot anyway.

I have 15 repair crews and 2 goddesses still left anyway.

>> No.11913218

I was a lowbie during E4. With shit RNG luck and no rare ships to clear formation quest I didnt have enough to equip all 5ships.

>> No.11913225



>> No.11913234
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140220-23464790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. No more fuel to try again.

>> No.11913236

Do you have any Type 3 sonar?

>> No.11913237

is diamond formation good against subs?

>> No.11913238

I only have 2, I put one on Shigure and Poi. I have them with 10cm x2 also.

Should be good enough.

>> No.11913239

You never did 2-3 with subs?

>> No.11913240

Stack everything ASW you have on one ship only. I used Isuzu with 3x Type 3 and she one-shotted the sub with diamond formation.

>> No.11913242

Why do you need to S rank 4-4? Farming for Uzuki? Why not 5-1?
No compass troll and sub is weaker where you can 1shot it with a single sonar.

>> No.11913244

since when 2-3 has any enemy subs?
do you even read ru?

>> No.11913245

Not them but I have S ranked 5-1 probably 50 times since U-chan came out. No luck yet. I agree that it is probably the easiest map.

>> No.11913247

Replace Kiso (torps are useless in diamond) with Isuzu/Naka K2 and put both sonars on her. Also, you might want to replace Poi with Beaver and put cut-in setup on your DDs.

Second best formation against subs, after line aboob.

He might want Zuihou or Zuikaku as well.

>> No.11913251

Same here.
Shoukaku, kinugasa, yuugumo and naganami all dropped already but still no pyon.

>> No.11913248

I got crit before the boss node.. cockblock from uzuki

>> No.11913252

Do you worry about running ASW for the possible sub on the boss? I don't, but I do feel bad about just an A. I'm not sure if I could even kill it since the DDs will probably be red by then

>> No.11913258

How did you get a free goddess? E-3?
How does a turret explode?

>> No.11913255

Diamond on boss node fucks up your subs.

>> No.11913259

do I need sparkled fleet as well?

>> No.11913262

Since when did subs actually do damage against subs? (In the game; I know that some WW2 subs were sunk by torps)

Up to you.

>> No.11913266


Yeah, E-3. I though it was nice but seems like a waste if your ship gets hit into red in the next node. I don't even think I'll ever be using it.

>> No.11913269

>Since when did subs actually do damage against subs?
when did I said that? I was asking about how effective using diamonds to fight against subs and that anon translates them as using subs in diamond formation.

>> No.11913272

It seems you never really did 2-3 with subs. Don't you know about one of the setup used in the boss node there?

>> No.11913273

Jesus Christ your stupidity is terminal.

>> No.11913276

>using subs in diamond formation
What? Where?

>> No.11913281

do explain.
I've run 2-3 with full subs and never used that formation at all.

>> No.11913285

This guy.

>> No.11913297

When the fuck did he say anything about using diamond formation when running an all sub fleet?
(Captcha: mean MAdmen)

>> No.11913298
File: 255 KB, 795x950, fresh off uzuki farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you dont get fuck by red T, even a medium damaged DD will rape the sub.

>> No.11913300

did you get uzuki?

>> No.11913302

I wish!!!!!!!!!
I think wikiwiki messed up the entry and she doesnt actually drop at 5-1.

>> No.11913306

they know 5-2 is much easier and never put her there

>> No.11913307

But aniki, 5-1 is easier than 5-2.

>> No.11913309

First node can spawn BB in vertical formation half of the time. You have 50% chance of rolling into the 2BB node instead of resource node. You are forced to carry 2deadweight CA to rig the compass.

>> No.11913312


>> No.11913313

Thanks for the laugh retard

>> No.11913319

Anon pls, I've never had problems with using CAs. You just aren't using them right.

>> No.11913321

Right, thats why everyone agrees CAs are useless and why they had to buff them twice.

>> No.11913322

In World 2?
Yes they are very good.

Otherwise, just stop posting you are embarrassing yourself.

And they are still irrelevant sadly.
CAt when?

>> No.11913324

It is not a coincidence that 4-4 and 5-1 are both considered harder maps compare to 5-2. You arent forced to waste a slot for CA in 5-2.

>> No.11913325


I wonder if people foam at the mouth in anger when people mention they married their CA/V shipfu.

>> No.11913327

Why would they?
They married to the ship they love.
That is all that matters.

>> No.11913328

maruyu, maruyu, yamashiro..
thank you rng, it's not like I want yamato or taihou at all

how many maruyu do I need to increase luck efficiently?

>> No.11913329

I dont see the problem. Suzuya and Kumano are both qt.

>> No.11913331

All the better for me then.

At least they don't get crit to red 80% of the time like CLTs do.

You mean it's not because of the troll subs?

>> No.11913334

5 Maruyu Kais guarantee an increase in 8 luck.

>> No.11913335
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I know about that, but I was looking for something like this, but with numbers.

>> No.11913337

thanks, one more then

>> No.11913339

If you scrap about 20 of her it should increase your teitoku luck to the point where you get a Taihou every other craft. Trust me, I have pages of Reppus now.

>> No.11913340
File: 298 KB, 900x1196, 39806464_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you scrap them you get a boost to crafting luck. It's like if you modernized yourself.

>> No.11913345

Sortieing in 3-3 for Nagato and completing that weekly quest.

What are the odds that Kaga drops for me 3 times in a row the 3 times I went to the boss node today?

That's it, I'm marrying Kaga.

>> No.11913346

I wish CAs were better too, but in the meantime I use Atago and Choukai anyways because they're cute as fuck. It's not like you really need to min/max perfect fleets for most content, and a lot of world 4/5 maps require a CA or two anyways.

I'd still like it if CAs had something unique to them instead of just being much more expensive CLs with marginally better firepower and survivability, though. There's no reason to ever use a CA outside of Maya unless you really like them sadly.

>> No.11913347

Is the ranks has been reset, nii-sans?

>> No.11913349

Sorry, you are in the wrong thread on the wrong board, there's only little girls here, aniki.

>> No.11913350

Imagine this, even if they had 5 slots, they would be still useless.

>> No.11913351

>You mean it's not because of the troll subs?
Forcing you to bring CA that cant shoot sub is why it is hard in the first place. They are useless in day battle since they can only kill CA/DD. My DD can do the same thing and kill sub as well. CLT can 1shot BB and still kill sub.
So why CA? Scratch damage take hours to repair and they still get blown to hell by BB.
Unless the devs make more henderson field type of map, I rather bring DD/Yuubari than CA.
Besides, most CA are ugly and not cute.

>> No.11913356

>Besides, most CA are ugly and not cute.

Those sounds like fighting words.

>> No.11913360

He is partially right though
Atago is love, but Chikuma is a fuckin skinwalker.
Choukai is cute but Myouko is weird.

>> No.11913359

>most CA are ugly and not cute.
I'll fight you.

>> No.11913361

>Scratch damage take hours to repair
If you repair scratch damage you're an idiot to begin with. Don't repair till your girls are close to orange.

>> No.11913362

Thats it. Rest of them are pig disgusting.

>> No.11913363

I'd replace Kinugasa with Choukai and Maya.
Dont care about the rest

>> No.11913366

You talking shit about Kinugasa and Kako?

>> No.11913368

That's going a bit far, with 5 extra slots you could get an extra 35 attack on them, which would be fairly close to an underequipped battleship, and actually pretty close to the daytime attack power cap. Sans the armor piercing, but incredibly powerful for the cost.

CAs are bad mostly because they don't have any niche - they can kill other CAs a bit better than CLs can, but that's about it, and they're not even good at that.

I want CA buffs too, anon, but they aren't THAT bad. The minor firepower buff they got a few maintenances ago was a good start, but I think the just need a more defined role and minor buffs.

>Besides, most CA are ugly and not cute.
ill glass ya cunt

You have good taste on who to like, but you must've forgotten to include the entire Takao class by accident. It's okay anon, we all make mistakes.

>> No.11913370


One is hot and the other is cold.

>> No.11913369

what's the difference between blue plane and red plane?

shelling and torpedo?

>> No.11913372

Read the wiki.

>> No.11913373

me again, sorry I mean for the opening attack

>> No.11913374

See >>11907420
Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html

>> No.11913375

>5 extra slots you could get an extra 35 attack on them

Stopped reading there, pray tell, how much firepower does a single 41cm gives?

>> No.11913379

So I just dinged 60k all resources bar bauxite, 900 buckets, I was thinking of just sending all 3 fleets for bauxite until that reaches 60k too, think that'll be enough? It's twice what I used for fall.

>> No.11913382

We're discussing CAs, not BBs, and CAs can't equip 41cms. The best they can equip are 21.3cm reds/15.5 yellows, which are +7. 7x5=35.

Battleships with 5 extra slots would just equip a bunch of radars anyways.

>> No.11913381

I think he meant stacking 20cms, 5x7 =..?

>> No.11913383

He said five extra slots, not five slots total. Which isn't what was being discussed anyways, but whatever.

>> No.11913384

Get to 100k just in case. There are really no disadvantages to hoarding, and if that amount proves to be too much, you can always spend it on grinding/LSC.

>> No.11913387

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, pal but my Maya was the star of the show during fall event.

>> No.11913388


I think you guys missed the point.
If you want firepower, you field BB and you pay good fuel and ammo for that.
For puny 35 firepower, using 5 slots is madness at its finest.

CAt is the answer.Would it be historically correct though?

>> No.11913389

Unless you stack 20,3cm Gous

>> No.11913392

>CAt is the answer.
Error-ko please.

>> No.11913395

I had reached 80k as my all time high and spent it all on LSC for nothing in return, made it to 50k again and spent it, got both yamato and taihou with 10k to spare, this is what the remains became, thing is I think I will be busy with less time to gather resources as I do now up until midway so I was thinking it might be a good idea to focus on baux right now since if the event hits and my bauxite is lower than 50k I probably wont make it considering how much can be drained in just a single node with only one or two carriers.

>> No.11913396

If CA can do ASW duty as well as CL/DD, it will make them on par with them. As it is, there is no point fielding expensive CA when CL/DD can do the job.

>> No.11913398

Haven't seen anyone talk about this, does the accuracy bonus from radar affects the whole fleet or the ship that it's equipped on only?

>> No.11913399

Aren't pre-emptive torps useless in formations that aren't line ahead due to the fact that they keep missing?

You mean Furutaka and Kako right? He already said Kinugasa wasn't pig disgusting.

Not Beaver?

>> No.11913400

Field 6 carriers, you'd have a lot more space for Reppu or air supremacy and your carriers will do a lot in the opening phase with the amount of Ryuusei Kais you can have in your fleet.

>> No.11913404

Yeah, i meant Furutaka and Kako.
It's getting late.

>> No.11913406

How do I field 6 carriers in a night map? It's the whole shroud of mystery around this next event that has me so spooked, all you can say for sure about it right now is that if you didn't have the mettle for fall event, and you don't have a stack of bauxite you are completely fucked.

>> No.11913412

There aren't going to be night maps in a carrier heavy event. There was barely any night fighting at Midway to begin with. Just don't worry about it and focus on carrier related preparations. All the devs have told you to do is stockpile bauxite like a madman, so if you're doing that you're A okay.

>> No.11913409

IJN had night fighter planes, they will be released in next update.

>> No.11913411
File: 659 KB, 228x271, 1391369993135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic attached

I say CAt, for a nice start.
If I'm not forced to, I wouldn't use a CAt since CLt is cheaper and they can evadetank.
It would be a nice start.That's it.

Firstly CL's are cheaper;secondly one extra equipment will not make a drastic change.

Say for example if you combine these two, maybe CA's might become an acceptable choice.

>> No.11913414

Honestly, I would love it if every class had something it was actually good at rather than JUST cost efficiency vs firepower. CL(t)s are kinda broken but a great example of something special, it'd be interesting if CAs could choose to equip depth charge (and had no ASW attack without them) OR weaker preemptive torpedoes or something, where you could choose to specialize them in something.

>> No.11913418

But CLTs cant evade tank, they're crit queens and always the first ones to get to red/orange.

>> No.11913419

Yeah, and guess what? Out of the 228 Aircraft the Japanese lost something ridiculous like 50 or so of them crashed trying to land at night, cant wait for my bauxite prices to skyrocket tenfold because I'm sure everyone here knows that fairy pilots love suicide a hell of a lot more than the average Japanese solider.

>> No.11913432

The CA haters can't be this stupid right ?
They are way better off NOT being able to ASW, for they don't have to shoot at subs should there be one or two.
That alone makes them good.

They're not bad, just less versatile than ohters. If you can't figure out when you can use them, how and with what, it's your loss - just play with your bestEvah 3CV3CLT fleet and shut up.

>> No.11913439

Unfortunately, yes, they can.

>> No.11913448

Why does my Maruyu keep getting hit?

>> No.11913451


Closet masochist.

I masturbate to the thought of abusing her weak, frail body while Kiso watches.

>> No.11913452

Except the devs forced you to bring useless CA for maps with trollsub. They cant do shit during day battle and you have to bring in dedicated ASW ships. This in turn severely limit your day battle potential and by the time night battle hit, you might not have enough ship left to S rank the map.
They are severely underpowered and even after 2buff they are still seen as dame dame ships.

>> No.11913471

In cheap maps, CAs give BB benefits without BB costs. That alone makes them worth deploying. They're also the best night battle ships bar CLTs, their usefulness is only underestimated since we don't have enough night battle maps.

What they need is better guns, if 28cm guns get something like +11 attack +4 AA they'll be much better than what they are now.

>> No.11913477

Level them up scrub

see >>11913322

>> No.11913478

Kitakami is level 87 and she still eats crits like akagi eats bauxite.
Same for Ooi

>> No.11913483
File: 1.66 MB, 500x157, rng2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My KTKM and Ooi very rarely get their dresses broken.

>> No.11913485

Red planes are 3x faster.

>> No.11913486

Not him, but where are you sortieing? They, especially Ooi, are always the earliest one who get orange in 5-2.

>> No.11913487

Fuck off fungus

>> No.11913488

I don't 5-2.
5-1 and 4-4.

>> No.11913493

When sortieing, you should load up on red planes only as it prevents your carriers from getting hit. It has hidden bonus effects, like boosting various like evasion and rare ship craft chance. Green ones do somewhat the opposite. It's best to leave them behind on sorties and PVP exercises because they need a lot of resources to repair. If you don't want to be crying about your bauxite, then I suggest to stay away from greens in general until you hit level 87 or so.

For PVP exercises I find it best to bring 6 standard carriers loaded with reds. It wins every single time and I have never lost any exercise doing this. It makes doing the dailies for PVP so much easier.

>> No.11913494

They also need horn and psycommu for that.

You being a shitty admiral doesn't make CAs bad.

>> No.11913497

thanks, btw 87 for Ttk level or CV level?

>> No.11913498


At the end of the day, how well a ship preforms is still at the mercy of RNG.

A maxed out Musashi is still going to target the elite CA instead of the flagship BB, who is going to rape your poor DDs.

>> No.11913501

It's fine if you have a battleship with 4 46cm guns. You only need a high level if the rest of the fleet lacks equipment. I'm running Yamato and Musashi with all 46cm on both, and haven't had any problems supporting green planes.

>> No.11913520

Radar accuracy only applies to the equipped ship

>> No.11913529

Level 87 TTK, since it's the halfway point of EXP between 1 and 99, since with each level, the increment enlarges exponentially. I know it's going to be a long grind, but trust me I've wasted so much resources using green planes when I first started months ago. Even with the worst green planes, it's best to just scrap them for resources so you can began LSC (large ship construction) and craft for Taihou and Yamato.

To be honest I find that every TTK has a different strategy. I've tried using Yamato-class ships to support my CVs with green planes before and it's a great strategy. However some new TTKs find that they like to spend more resources on LSC, like say five or six maxed crafts daily while running their 6CV red-plane fleets all day, just so they can get Taihou and Yamato early. I hear you have a much higher chance of receiving Taihou and Yamato with low TTK level. It's what all newcomers should be doing off the bat. Unlock LSC, begin crafting for it. I'm a special case since I got both on my first craft, but I think it's a 68% chance to receive either one with the max recipe when you've just started, as confirmed on the japanese wiki.

TL;DR When you first start playing, run 6CV red-plane fleets in sorties and PVP while crafting for Yamato and Taihou using the maxed recipe when you've just started. It's best to get those ships for very cheap when you still can as opposed to high level TTKs who are not able to get them at all without spending lots of resources.

>> No.11913538

does this mean I should switch the 3-2 grinding using reds instead of blue?

>> No.11913548

Not him, but 3-2's pretty easy, so the difference might not be big. Personally, I usually just keep my 5-2 setup out of convenience.

>> No.11913555

Not the teitoku who you are replying to, but it would be more beneficial to use only one red on each of your CV(L) so they don't steal MVP on your flagship. When you become a higher level, or if you already are a higher level, you can switch out your red plane for one single green plane (preferably Type 96) in the smallest plane slot (once again, so it doesn't steal MVP).

If you are leveling your flag, it's best to load her with all red guns to get that extra accuracy bonus to increase hit chance.

>> No.11913560

I put my greens in Ryuujou's 5 plane slots. Costs a lot less to repair them since there's only 5, and Ryuujou's cute too.

>> No.11913571

Thanks for advise.
so its flagship with all 4 slot red plane while other carriers brings only 1 red plane and 3 empty slot? hope I got it right what you mean.

I'm currently leveling at 3-2 with 5carriers 1 subs and all carriers are equiped with all blue 97 while flagship carry all blue tenzan..

>> No.11913578

If only you'd notice it..

>> No.11913583

did I get it wrong again?

>> No.11913590

Look at the poster's name that replied to you earlier

>> No.11913597

fuck. lol
but seriously guys, if it wasnt waiting for the repair I would have tried it

>> No.11913599

I dunno, an aircraft carrier seems like a pretty legit source of advice for using aircraft carriers and planes. I think we should trust that helpful Wo, I'm sure she has our best interests at heart.

>> No.11913600

Yeah, flagship has the most planes, and the other carriers only bring one. And yes, best to remodel that sub into an aviation sub so you can place a Type 0 Recon plane onto it as well.

You are getting everything right...

>> No.11913608

It's actually beneficial for your flag.

I'm Anon, you're Anon. We're all Anons.

>> No.11913661
File: 220 KB, 803x571, ss (2014-02-21 at 01.52.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, managed to squeeze in at the last minute in tonight's lottery. Going to pass it to a friend who always has work around the normal lottery times.

>> No.11913666

For Yukikaze it is better to equip 2 torpedoes instead of 1 torpedo 1 10cm, right?

Not that she have a good AA status anyway

>> No.11913668

Torpedo cut-ins > Regular cut-in.

>> No.11913671

And this is why I use CAs instead of CLTs.

CLTs eat crits way too damn frequently. By the time I get to the boss node my CAs would be in green or yellow. CLTs? I'd be lucky not to be forced to turn back because they got to red.

>> No.11913673

Then why do people recommend 1torp 1 10cm for Shigure?

>> No.11913674

Hidden and passive stats.
Why do you think people use yuudachi 12.7 gun even though it only has +1firepower?

>> No.11913675

Why are you only using 2 slots? Please tell me you aren't talking about pre-kai for all this.

>> No.11913676

Because last slot is usually sonar by default because most people use her for 4-4, 5-1 or 5-3.

>> No.11913682

To take advantage of the huge AA stats she has.

>> No.11913695

Last slot is either radars/ASW/turbines anyway

>> No.11913722

there aren't many targets where the difference would actually matter

>> No.11913736

So what's the actual difference between rocket launchers (or similar stuff) and AA main gun?

>> No.11913739

only one of them can shoot at ships

>> No.11913744

Wiki. Read it.

>> No.11913825

how do i farm 46cm's in crafting

>> No.11913827

You farm Yamato in LSC

>> No.11913837

i cant do it using fusou or kongou?

>> No.11913838

They don't come with 46cm stock equipments.

>> No.11913840

Read the Wiki.

>> No.11913841

i meant crafting weapons

>> No.11913845


>> No.11913846

Finally spent total 6 months in Kancolle, I'm proud that there's still no casualties from my admiralty.

>> No.11913851


>> No.11913848

Shigure best Shiratsuyu

Samidare second

>> No.11913853

You see, they're asking you to LSC for Yamato, because apparently she has the highest rate for crafting 46 cm cannons when you have her as the flagship when you craft for equipment.

>> No.11913854

>He actually likes the Samidare family

>> No.11913855

ah, okay. thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.11913857

I have 4 46cm all from Yamato class

>> No.11913858

Not this again.

>> No.11913882

Which historical battles did the first 3 events (May, August, November) cover, again?

>> No.11913886

I have 8 46cm, 2 from Yamato and 6 from crafting, then? Just craft them, you also get 15.5cm yellow as bonus

>> No.11913890

Are we bragging about how many 46cm and where we got it from?

I have 10 46cms all from crafting.

>> No.11913894

I only have 5 radar type 32. No 46

>> No.11913900

Time to use a different recipe. Maybe one that includes less bauxite.

>> No.11913902

I only have 2, and no 32 radar but I got Taihou last night so I couldn't care less

>> No.11913910

For every 251/250 devkit you throw into equipment crafting, you throw away 1/20 of your resources for a chance at Yamato.

>> No.11913914

Why would you brag on a single player game?

>> No.11913919

Ask the scripttards who find some sort of enlightenment in posting 200k+ resources

>> No.11913922

There are legit players with that much resources.
Nice stereotyping there kouhai-chan.

>> No.11913923 [DELETED] 

I don't quote anyone, so it's for everyone.

I just find it hilarious.

To be expected from a thread full of crossboarders, anyway.

>> No.11913938 [DELETED] 

No there aren't.
Nice damage control.

>> No.11913939

Like German Assassin-chan.

>> No.11913940

You are just mad because you have a shitty amount of resources.

git gud

>> No.11913946

Huh. I could have sworn I already completed the S rank two 5-2 bosses quest this week, but I got it after I finished the sink 15 subs weekly.

>> No.11913951 [DELETED] 

epic win xD

>> No.11913952

There's no quest that involves 5-2, what are you smoking?

>> No.11913957
File: 109 KB, 799x478, full autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.11913961

How do I become great like you senpai!

>> No.11913959

>1006 devmat
>no script

>> No.11913960 [DELETED] 

Do you have a twitter? I'd like to follow you. Also get a trip so that no one impersonates you and harms your reputation.

>> No.11913964 [DELETED] 

Oh my god, you are amazing. Share your secrets please.

>> No.11913966

Teach me your ways.

>> No.11913968

Wait till you see Kuugen-chan, scrubs.

>> No.11913969

You're awesome, Onii-chan

>> No.11913972

Damn, best player right here. I wasn't expecting someone so good to be a westerner.

>> No.11913975

I gave my e-mail countless times and none of you send updates to it.

I am disappointed, Onii-chan.

>> No.11913979

How is that impressing? I used more than that before finding Yamato (yes I have terrible luck but that's not the point)

>> No.11913981

According to his name he's not even a westerner, so cool to have an elite Japanese among us.

>> No.11913985 [DELETED] 

Randolph? Sounds pretty western to me.

>> No.11913988

This is some kind of futaba-tier player, you should go there Japanese elitist.

>> No.11914000

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.11914008 [DELETED] 

It's not shitposting if you're posting on /jp/.
But you, nor anyone here, wouldn't know.

>> No.11914004

We know.

>> No.11914009

It's still shitposting if you're posting in /jp/.

Posting in /jp/ is shitposting almost by definition.

>> No.11914012

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

>> No.11914013

What part was idiotic?

>> No.11914014

I keep getting connection errors on Hitokappu. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.11914015

Wo pls.

>> No.11914019

Chinese scum are attacking it.

>> No.11914023

Time to sink some chink

>> No.11914024

Really? Fuck, I'm also on Hitokappu.

>> No.11914028

See >>11911461
You can put this into google if you cant read it.
RIP in pieces gaijins.

>> No.11914029

They've been doing that these past few days.

Kancolle_staff even tweeted about the issue.

>> No.11914031

Are you still in the game?

>> No.11914032

Fuck this shit what's going on in Hitokappu!?

I'm getting sick seeing that error girl bitch's face.

>> No.11914041

Anyone here put 30bauxite into 251/250 to get shell? Are shitty recon planes added into the craft pool with 30bauxite?

>> No.11914043

Tawi Tawi having random crashes and lags as well.

>> No.11914046

About an hour ago.

>> No.11914045

News to me, when did this start?

Haven't had any trouble past few daws.

>> No.11914047

30 baux for sanshiki, ap shell comes out with regular recipe, add 100 fuel for turbine.

>> No.11914048

Not that anybody is still putting recon planes on cruisers anymore, but is it:

- recon plane gets shot down = failed
- recon plane comes home = success


>> No.11914050
File: 76 KB, 500x700, BhAEvv2CIAAag4A.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife sure is cute.

>> No.11914053

Not that anybody is still reading the wiki anymore, but is it:

- ignore the wiki = failed
- read the wiki = success


>> No.11914056

Where on the wiki si it?

>> No.11914057

There are at least 4 different scouting messages that the English wiki fails to mention, I don't know if the success ones have any meaningful differences other than planes shot down though.

>> No.11914060

somewhere inside the comments.

>> No.11914064

Combat section of the english wiki.

>> No.11914062

So I take it you don't read the wiki either.

>> No.11914071

All it mentions is the obvious success and failure. I know there are different kinds of success, without planes, with planes, with planes, but some planes were shot down.

>> No.11914070

I read it in the comments there, but why should I remember on which page it was?

>> No.11914074

>Requires planes or high detection stat.
>Success increases hit rate and evasion.
>Failure prevents participation of allied planes in the aerial combat phase.
That really doesn't say shit. That's like "Firepower: increases damage". No shit it does.

>> No.11914077

>Even if allied planes secure air supremacy, planes can still be lost due to the subsequent anti-air defense stages.

>> No.11914082

Funny how the guy telling people to read the wiki can't even be bothered reading what the conversation is about in the first place.

>> No.11914080

>recon planes
They don't do shit. Only total Los stats matter.

>> No.11914081

We're talking about recon stage, not air combat.

>> No.11914083

that's after the recon phase

>> No.11914084

Then why have different messages/levels of success depending on whether or not you have scout planes (and possibly the number/type/enemy AA or LOS stat).

>> No.11914085

meant to say depending on whether or not you have planes, I forgot any plane can do aerial scouting

>> No.11914088

成功: enemy found
成功 ―
未帰還偵察機有り: success but some planes shot down
失敗: enemy not found
索敵機未帰還: recon planes did not return (RIP)

>> No.11914090

Does the autogyro even do anything? I mean it can't even be used to bomb subs.

>> No.11914097

What are the differences between all the green messages? Is it essentially just the bauxite fee?

>> No.11914101

pretty much? but sometimes it's more than just bauxite fee, if you lose planes that can impede your battle performance

>> No.11914106 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 768x435, 5-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11914110

Either you're trolling or that's some ugly map.

>> No.11914115

So they're gonna release it next week?

>> No.11914121

What is even the point of all those dud nodes.

>> No.11914123

Wasn't it already confirmed in the tweets?

>> No.11914133

What's the point of this game? Cute girls. Those nodes are there to see the cute girls in action

>> No.11914134

Wolf packs
Armored carrier princesses with VT fuzes
That octopus from the game files

Choose one.

>> No.11914146

I think at least two of those beginning nodes are duds.

>> No.11914153

I wonder what kind of compass rigging requirement it will have

>> No.11914158

4 CAs on a sub-centric map (CAVs will be banned to a 6 Ta-class node).

>> No.11914194 [DELETED] 

Single or Twin?

>> No.11914197


>> No.11914226

Morning everyone! Don't forget your dailies and to run expedition 6!

>> No.11914236

Still 2 hours until the daily reset.

>> No.11914250

Do you guys use 2 or 3 CVs for 3-3? I can fit enough air superiority on 2 but then I hardly have worthy slots for bombers after zuiun

>> No.11914286

Back when I cleared it I only had a level 20 Kaga and 18 Hiryuu, didn't even have 3 star planes, you should be able to do it easily.

>> No.11914293

I want to farm it for quest, mutsu and exp, so some sort of "efficiency" would be good.

>> No.11914310

2 CVs, 3 green 1 red per CV (used to be 2 green 2 red for 2+ CVs until further testing told me that 1 red per CV is enough).

I don't bother with blue because personal experience tells me it's shit.

>> No.11914316

what about the zuiun?

>> No.11914319

Do I need it?

>> No.11914321

I you want to S all nodes, you might?

>> No.11914326

I have no problems S-ing all nodes without it. And guess what, that's when I send 1 BB 3 CAs.

But if it really concerns you, change one CV's setup to 2 green 1 red 1 yellow.

And you mean Saiun right? Zuiun is the seaplane bomber, and CVs can't equip those.

>> No.11914328

Yes. Time to grab a fucking coffee.
Also, 3CA? You level them there or why?

>> No.11914343

Not the same anon, but CAs are cheap alternatives to BB, and they're less prone to damage than CLTs

>> No.11914353

Flagship is the CA I'm grinding, the other 2 are Kai'd and fully modded so I'm not really grinding them, since only Kinugasa has a kai ni.

I get S ranks in day battle half the time, sometimes with an enemy with low HP that my flagship CA finishes off with night battle. My grinding setup isn't optimal (all my Kai'd CAs have1 red 20.3, 1 yellow 15.5, 1 green 12.7 high angle, 1 radar, and my un-Kai'd have 2 20.3s and some junk); I figure by going 1 red 2 yellow 1 radar for each of 3 Kai'd and fully modded CAs I should be able to grab S ranks in the day quite consistently.

I should get to switching the junk to a radar.

>> No.11914357

get around*

>> No.11914380

Oh wait, Aoba is an exception because I'm currently testing 4x torps build on her. So far she only got to attack once in night battle, but her cut-in did 344 damage.

>> No.11914394

Another batch of dailies, another not-green holo plane. Whose dick do I have to suck for Reppu around here.

>> No.11914401

Miracle recipe for planes is still 21/60/10/131 is it? I've finally finished with LSC so I can focus on the more important matters.

>> No.11914416

Sigh, when will they fix this bug with redeeming more than one quest and getting no resources..

>> No.11914418

there's no such thing.

>> No.11914477

Poor guy in Brunei has
>I need ammo
as comment.

>> No.11914499
File: 36 KB, 474x166, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in bigamy, are the wives also married to each other?

>> No.11914525

they're exclusively married to each other

although that is a terrible couple if i've ever seen one

>> No.11914532
File: 9 KB, 239x71, This is getting ridiculous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I could send him some, I really do.

>> No.11914570

Where do you farm ammo?

>> No.11914576

Expeditions 2, 4 and 5 give more than 4k each day.

>> No.11914659

Does getting to the boss node at 4-3 have a lower rate than LSC exclusives?

>> No.11914663

Is there any additional requirement to get the damaged sprite in the album? I'm pretty sure I managed to get poor Taihou to red once, yet her damaged version is nowhere to be seen.

>> No.11914667

Seeing it in practice doesn't count.

>> No.11914673

That explains it.

>> No.11914674

Your wives aren't even max modernized. What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.11914676

Surely you can't be this stupid.

>> No.11914685

New Thread

>> No.11914722

That's in PVP, the ship's stats is lowered
