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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11901197 No.11901197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it odd that I feel physically warm and cozy when visiting this board?

Honestly, whenever I have a shitty or lonely day, at least I know at the end of it I can get into bed with my laptop, movies, and anime, and have you guys open in another tab to make me smile and show me new things.

You guys are awesome. Keep doing you.

>> No.11901211
File: 173 KB, 800x600, blushy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get into bed with my burger

>> No.11901215

a while back whenever i had a bad day i would bully a little girl and she would bully me back and then we would cuddle together and it made me feel better

>> No.11901221


Well, me too,

>> No.11901222

lol, np

>> No.11901225 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 985x711, 1375579515489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to feel safe until the jan...

Now I post with constant fear of when he will bully me.

>> No.11901273 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 1000x1200, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this in my heart. I can never post about my feelings anymore, the /jp/meido is very restrictive.

>> No.11901294

You did this to yourself, /jp/.

>> No.11901298
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1391363062195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Moot is to blame.

>> No.11901303

I don't remember moot crying his eyes out about how /jp/ lacks moderation on /q/.

>> No.11901308

Nobody who posted on /q/ came from /jp/.

>> No.11901311

They even crosslinked /q/ threads on here, if you argued against their complaints, you were labeled a shitposter. Tough times on /jp/.

>> No.11901314
File: 219 KB, 496x296, rip_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here remember the day /jp/ died?

>> No.11901320

Wrong again. The people who use /jp/ as their shitpost dump did this to /jp/. All the people who post off-topic stuff in /jp/, spam/post anime screencaps, greentext, and abuse spoilers have all done their part in turning /jp/ into what it is today. Those are the people who ruined /jp/.

>> No.11901330

What was this, the day we had pudding, that time /jp/ had its name changed to something or some other things I'm forgetting?

>> No.11901334 [DELETED] 

tfw i haven't seen purplegirl in a while

>> No.11901344


I hated /q/ but sometimes it was fun, it was like a car crash or dead and deformed baby images, or maybe even goatse.cx, it was horrid, vile and vulgar but I couldn't look away. I know it was just monkeys just flinging shit at eachother but it was entertaining.

>> No.11901343 [DELETED] 

The janitard got "hired". Jewt can go suck a dick


>> No.11901345

Except for like, fifty people who alternately tried to force the new rules and/or tell everyone they were shit.

>> No.11901355
File: 394 KB, 768x1024, 1390182377887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ will be deleted soon and the internet will be too shit to move somewhere else.

I tried programming a self learning bot and feed it with the whole /jp/ archive so that I could talk with /jp/ forever.

But I got a better idea. I'm working on a multiplayer VR game for /jp/s only. Everyone looks like a litle girl and we can do lewd virtual stuff together. There is also modular sound so that your voice sounds like a child's.

I know that it sounds like a pipe dream but I WILL make it work because I have nothing else in life. Nothing.

>> No.11901359

y-you know
we could make our own chan

>> No.11901366

There have been countless replacements for /jp/ and they all died. It all goes downhill from here.

>> No.11901368

SEVERAL people have done that already. But apparently the autisits don't find shit posting fun unless there's someone around to babysit and delete their threads

>> No.11901370
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>> No.11901376

well i'm going to be very sad when /jp/ gets deleted
i liked 4kun when it was up for around 10 days

>> No.11901384

Well it can't be shitposting unless a garbage man is around to clean up the mess afterward

>> No.11901391
File: 8 KB, 390x299, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more like this

>> No.11901403

There's only like 5 people left here at this point. I wonder where everyone else went...

>> No.11901422

probably out with their girlfriends or something

>> No.11901427

They went to non-anonymous communities and took their friends with them.

Because /jp/ is shit.

>> No.11901429

To gensokyo

>> No.11901456

What a joke. There are at least a hundred people and most of them are huge homogay normies.

>> No.11901465

I'm downloading tinyboard right now
but you can't come on my site

>> No.11901471


Can I?

>> No.11901472

Well yes, the actual community is dead and has been replaced by attention whoring retards and teenagers who think they're hot shit for posting on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.11901478

I'm compiling php-imagick though for the website

>> No.11901481

Why are you advertising the existence of a board you don't want anyone to visit? Are you an attention whore?

>> No.11901484


>> No.11901509 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 850x531, 1369386450232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are engaged in a struggle against the militant autistic minority who seem to have omnipotent power on /jp/. This autistic power has taken over our whole board and seized key positions of power through the autistic lobby that they formed in /q/. From these key positions they were able to control and monitor all of /jp/. This power also gave them the power to persecute anyone who attempted to stand against them.

It is now clear that this conflict can only end with the destruction of /jp/ or the expulsion of the militant autistic minority from our board. They have denied all attempts at a peaceful resolution to this conflict and they cried out, "No reconciliation! No understandings! Only war!" Well, now you will have your war.

We know our enemy well and I am sure that everyone here has witnessed their moderation tactics of indiscriminate post deletion. The otaku did not respond for several months because we were of the opinion that ultimately they would stop this nonsense. The autistic tyrants perceived this as a sign of weakness. They will surely understand that now we will be giving our response night after night, and at an increasing rate.

Should these autistic devils delete 10, 20, 30, or 40 posts then we will respond with 100, 200, 300, 400, yes, 1000, posts in a single night. And should they declare that they will greatly increase their attack upon the otaku of /jp/ then we will utterly erase them from the board! Perhaps then they will be cured of a peculiar form of insanity. Namely, the insanity of believing that they are faced by the weak and docile posters of /q/. Autistic demons, today you are faced by every otaku of /jp/!

The hour will come when one of us will crack and it will never be the otaku of /jp/!

>> No.11901513 [DELETED] 

>The hour will come when one of us will crack and it will never be the otaku of /jp/!
Your information is outdated, all the otaku that were here have already killed them out of /jp/.

>> No.11901518

>The hour will come when one of us will crack and it will never be the otaku of /jp/!
Your information is outdated, all the otaku that were here have already killed themselves out of /jp/.

>> No.11901531
File: 86 KB, 611x650, 1392525944270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel warm and cozy only when I discuss loli with /jp/.

>> No.11901540


Saying you will purge all the autism from /jp/ is like saying you're going to go purge all the niggers from Detroit

>> No.11901542


>getting rid of autistics on /jp/

but then the board would be empty

>> No.11901561
File: 17 KB, 938x330, jp_history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something that attempts to reflect (roughly) what has been happening

>> No.11901562

Cute loli, dude.

>> No.11901568

>/jp/ was only ever shitty for one weekend in 2014
No, I don't think so.

>> No.11901569

That shit is harmless. /jp/ stagnates because of lack of on-topic content.

>> No.11901573

Are you saying there's a lack of on-topic content for /jp/ to discuss?

>> No.11901574

It's not like there's any lack of shit to talk about. People just don't want to talk about it in a community where they think everybody is retarded.

>> No.11901575

Good thing I was under a rock when AWA happened, whatever that is.

>> No.11901586
File: 300 KB, 777x1097, 30668762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few notes:
- Green is enjoyable, yellow is tolerable, and red is unusable. AWA is simply provided as a reference point for everything else.
- This graph does not include the seasonal variations we used to suffer, especially back in '08 and '09 when a moderate number of high school students from /a/ could be expected wander over. Small spikes also usually happen in the week immediately following Comiket and Reitaisai.
- This graph reflects the reality that /jp/ is rarely enjoyable, and the existence of engaging, enjoyable discussions is primarily dependent on the creation of new Touhou content.
- Finally, 4chan's popularity is slowly killing us. /jp/ functioned best when its userbase was small. As more people flock to 4chan, more eventually flock to our board. This has given rise to factionalism between a self-appointed vanguard of old-timers and a common rabble of lurkers, danbooru image dumpers, and secondaries. Autists exist on both sides.

>> No.11901589

>self-appointed vanguard of old-timers
All dead for at least a year.

>> No.11901590

The only reason this thread is allowed to exist is because it's saturday night and jen is getting lit at the club.

>> No.11901592

I bet if you try really really hard to shit it up and shit up the rest of the board at the same time you can get it deleted.

>> No.11901593

I bet I don't have to try really hard.

>> No.11901601
File: 312 KB, 519x778, 1366569335238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you seriously believe that you may be literally retarded. There's tons of stuff for /jp/ to discuss, and there are even threads up right now. With exceptions, things related to Touhou, Kancolle, Vocaloid, iM@S games, all VNs, all doujin works, Japanese artwork and the creating artists, kig, onaholes, figures, dolls, idols, tea, Japanese net culture, Japanese trains, ect. all belong on /jp/. There's even somewhat questionabl stuff like itasha, TV shows, and ASMR. There are very many topics for /jp/ to discuss. If you think there's a lack of stuff to discuss on /jp/ then in all likeliness you probably just don't have an interest in the things on /jp/.

Think of it as a person who loves dogs (posters complaining about lack of content) visitng a bird convention (/jp/). The dog lover is not going to find much of the stuff at the bird convention entertaining or interesting because he does not like birds as much as he likes dogs. If he went to a different sort of convention, perhaps a dog convention, then he'd have a blast and be much more likely to find more interesting things at the dog convention.

>> No.11901610

None of that matters if nobody is making the threads.

>> No.11901620
File: 46 KB, 658x688, 25850183_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth be told, there's too much to talk about. Our problem is an ever-increasing amount of white noise; as our userbase expands and diversifies, the lowest common denominator of common discussion sinks. This is accelerated when people react by forming their own communities in running threads (nukige thread, various character threads, even kig general), which draws new viewpoints outside of the general conversation and yields it further to the white noise.

Yeah, most of the old old-timers from 2008-2010 are gone, dead, or just don't post as much. Even the 2011 cadre of shitposters is largely dead.

I have no data to back this up, but my guess would be that our userbase is at the point where it largely replaces itself in its entirety every 6 months.

That's incredibly lewd, anon

Also, you could expand the bird convention metaphor to say that the bird convention is populated by finch otaku, sparrow otaku, corvid otaku, and other small cliques that exist in self-contained communities within the convention and increasingly do not interact with each other in any sort of substantial manner.

>> No.11901625

For a long time I've been making threads about various doujin circles but interest fell off a cliff a year or two ago and I don't bother anymore.

>> No.11901627

A lot of those topics have threads up right now or at least have a couple of threads per month. If there's no thread related to what you want to discuss, why not make your own thread?

>> No.11901641

General threads are always kinda shitty but people figure that that way at least the thread won't get hijacked by retards who aren't even interested in the topic of the thread. Why is why we have so fucking many despite being a board that nominally hates such things.

>> No.11901676
File: 363 KB, 826x1151, 34067249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cycle that feeds itself.
- An influx of new users lowers the quality of discussion on the board.
- Some users react by clustering their favourite discussions into threads devoted for those discussions.
- The quality of discussion in these threads is high (relative to the rest of the board) in the eyes of the people who use the general, since they are now consuming more content that suits their tastes. This prompts them to spend more time in general threads, and less time in other threads.
- This self-segregation means that the non-general threads receive a larger portion of attention from inexperienced users, further lowering the quality of the discussion and making it more attractive for people off-board to migrate to /jp/.

>> No.11901684

I wish loli threads were allowed on /jp/. I don't want to discuss it with anyone else, mostly because they're really weird. They want to hurt children and trick them into doing sex with them or just raping them. On top of that they have these weird tastes in loli too.

/jp/ is perfect because we all share the same sort of mentality. Oh well. There's always the ghostboard.

>> No.11901687

I'm one of the old timers I suppose. I've always been more of an anime fan than a VN/doujin game one (though I dabble in /jp/ things here and there), but I always felt I was too deeply into Japanese culture to really fit into /a/. I ended up becoming fluent in Japanese and permanently moved to Japan but by that point I felt that getting into any more (Japanese) internet communities wouldn't really have much of a positive impact on my life so I'm still hanging around here.

I would love somewhere to talk more frankly about my general life and thoughts sometimes but I've probably become too niche for any message board.

>> No.11901706

This is totally right.

>> No.11901717

/jp/ is bad because for the last four years a team of 2-3 retards has been dedicating 16 hours a day, every day, to making it bad.

>> No.11901718

Everybody in this thread is the reason /jp/ is so shitty.

>> No.11901746

>/jp/ is shit because no fun allowed
>/jp/ is shit because of shit posting
>play now to see the ending of this epic battle
Fuck off.

>> No.11901750



>> No.11901754

no fun allowed

/jp/ users are why /jp/ is shitty stop the presses

>> No.11901759

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11901770

>If this board were 2d/random it wouldn't be so bad!!!
^ everyone in this thread

>> No.11901781

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11901812

I can't believe people are still trying to use this excuse

>> No.11901822
File: 144 KB, 500x543, 1392084552491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I am feeling sad, /jp/ will always cheer me up. /jp/ is like an imaginary friend that is real, you know?
I love you jaypee, goodnight. Maybe tomorrow we can talk about burgers again.

>> No.11901831


It's more pathetic than /pol/ blaming the Jews for everything.

At least they have a point.

>> No.11901835

I know! I want to talk about lolis being happy and doing cute things, but then people come and bully the thread. They say mean things and accuse me of things that aren't true at all!

But in reality, THEY are the ones defiling lolis!

>> No.11901839

I love those burger threads.

>> No.11901845

What is your annual income?

(before taxes that is)

>> No.11901841

There's one of them now.

>> No.11901842

It's true. Sad world we live in where we can't even discuss something like that on /jp/.

>> No.11901843

/jp/, I think we should stop being angry and try to take it easy. Please do not yell!

>> No.11901853
File: 67 KB, 640x480, bake_it_easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, for the most part so do I. This board has been my primary outlet for socialization for years and it fits my needs just right.

I've got special needs.

>> No.11901868

Dude those are cute yukkuri squares, did you make those yourself? Why are they square?

>> No.11901878

I made them

>> No.11901884

Radical dude.

>> No.11901925

I have a pretty comfortable upper-middle class lifestyle though I am still on the outskirts of society due to being a weirdo.

>> No.11901934

When someone asks a direct question its rude to give a wishy washy indirect answer.

Well if it isn't everyone's favorite ota-cool blogwhore.

>> No.11901941

Your post is rude

>> No.11901957

I'm a very angry, frustrated person. I get even more so when people can't answer a simple fucking question without beating around the bush.

>> No.11901963

Chill out bro

>> No.11901968

He clearly didn't want to answer your question directly, and asking direct questions is rude anyway.

>> No.11901978

Then he shouldn't have said:

>I would love somewhere to talk more frankly about my general life and thoughts

I am unable to take it easy.

>> No.11901981

>I would love somewhere to talk more frankly about my general life and thoughts
Apparently not to you.

>> No.11901987

Then he should have been ``frank'' and said so instead of trying to humor me like a goddamn 4 year old.

>> No.11902002

He wanted to give you some of the information you wanted without revealing the exact details of his financial situation.

That you ended up acting like angry 4 year old in the end was just a happy coincidence.

>> No.11902017

>I have a pretty comfortable upper-middle class lifestyle

That tells me literally nothing at all. What is comfortable upper middle class? Is he referring to Japanese standards where he lives or standards from his home country?

>> No.11902025

I miss Zun!bar and Sion

>> No.11902030

Zun!bar was a liar. Fuck him.

>> No.11902055

!bar had a tiny dick

>> No.11902052

gigsbar is still here though.

>> No.11902084

That just made it all the easier for you guys to suck.

>> No.11902113

gigs doesn't have a shred of !bar's bravery

>> No.11902117

!bar just turned into a bitch after he got banned and became gigs.

>> No.11902129

That's it.
That's why /jp/ is so shitty now.
It lost all of its epic shitposters and tripfags who made everyone like or hate them (mostly hate!). /jp/ is completely boring without them, as well as not having enough off topic shitposts, everyday/hour-until-you-like-it posts, and other types of spam. Let's not forget the loss of sage.
Without those things, /jp/ is just a Touhou image dump board / VN board with other not as interesting but relevant general threads.
We need these heroes and villians of the night to keep things interesting around here, as well as repelling crossieshits and making OC content that isn't unfinished boring as hell shit.

>> No.11902151

>OC content that isn't unfinished boring as hell shit
We have never done this one single time.

>> No.11902158

Also, Original Content content

>> No.11902165

>It lost all of its epic shitposters and tripfags who made everyone like or hate them (mostly hate!)
It used to be a community effort and free-for-all, but eventually most people left and all that was left over was a few ultra-persistent (and super unfunny) retards.

>> No.11902186

Gigs served in the US Navy, don't you disrespect a service member who actually did good by protecting the sea, in which the majority of goods are shipped by, as opposed to gaybar who just murdered kids in the Middle East.

>> No.11902191 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.07 MB, 5000x5000, big josh 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some heroes are real

>> No.11902194

Max file size is 3mb, step it up.

>> No.11902283
File: 478 KB, 499x281, bird_toothbrush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squares are objectively more delicious but, no, these are not from my oven.

I'm someone's favorite!

>> No.11902306
File: 145 KB, 1010x810, 1343973112435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every story has its end anon, you have to learn to let go

>> No.11902312

this board is garbage. I barely even come here anymore because you are all boring normals trying to act like old /jp/edos

>> No.11902317

No, he didn't, you faggot. He's just a hipster who lives in the new york area

>> No.11902318

You're one to talk

>> No.11902320

you don't even know me, you whack ass nigger

>> No.11902321

lol there is no where else to go to funpost about the weeb shit. the offsite jps are filled with gay fucks who just roleplay flirt and though i thought warosu was fun the remnants left are pretty slow. when textboards were a thing sure those were probably better in quality but now all of them are just graveyards. ive been posting on 4chan since 05 and no matter how gay moot tries to make it so he can fit in with yuppies he thinks himself to be ill keep shitposting away

>> No.11902328 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 534x723, 13916394479014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is shit lmao

>> No.11902331

I just masturbated with one of those clear onaholes. It's both interesting to see how angry/engorged your penis looks while inside of an onahole, and also a bit disturbing how tightly the shape of the hole seems to squeeze the head of the penis. It's really neat to blow your load inside of a clear one too because although you can't really see it shooting out of your penis, you can see it appear deep inside of the onahole and that's interesting enough. It's also interesting to note that when I first ejaculated and removed my penis, the semen stayed inside of the hole, stuck to the walls of the very back. It was incredibly sticky at first. Now that I look at it, the semen behaves much more like an actual liquid now.

Semen is neat.

>> No.11902340

I use KY jelly, and it always turns my semen green, so it looks a lot nastier than it is when I have to clean my ona out. It's really bad because it stains the ona if I don't clean it for a few days

>> No.11902357

go back to your twitter brigade and danny jew blogroll and your easy life of taking pictures of stupid little plastic figures with an expensive camera.

grow up you child.

>> No.11902365

What's wrong with easy lives? Is your life hard? Do you want to talk about it?

>> No.11902369 [DELETED] 


combination of people like that who take themselves far too seriously and complete autists like crazy anon drove this board into a hole it will never recover from

>> No.11902374

Watch out dude you'll get banned for posting about him

>> No.11902380

post the swedish last.fm guy

yes my life is hard. I'd rather endlessly bitch and moan about it vaguely than provide actual details though. hows yours?

>> No.11902383

Yeah, I think it is pretty weird because this board has some especially unpleasant threads and a lot of people that say gross things. They probably posted in this thread too, but I'm not gonna bother reading it.

I guess that's understandable if you like it though since everyone has different kinks. Mine is

>> No.11902385

>>11902369 you sound like a huge faggot but you're actually right this time around
>>11902328 if you're not autistic you're retarded so i hope you're autistic
>>11902306 blatant troll, which is still better than being blatantly retarded
>>11902283 how is it that you've been on the internet this long and not adopted an asshole personality yet
>>11902017 being elitist and angry all the time is great if you have interesting things to say but i don't think you ever will

>> No.11902386


>> No.11902392
File: 60 KB, 256x256, 1392442183126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you, will you be my internet friend?

please respond

>> No.11902394

If you think about it really hard these could all be the same people.

>> No.11902397 [DELETED] 

Is this the blog thread?

>> No.11902399

i type in lower case when im shitposting

>> No.11902406 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 135x150, 1390274735173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know you. Do you actually think I care what you have to say?


>> No.11902414 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 360x400, 13924366387306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>grow up you child

How is this related to anything?

>> No.11902417

I saw your mistake.

>> No.11902421

if it smells like shit it is shit

>> No.11902423 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 419x248, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay! what internet friend activities can we do tghether now?

>> No.11902424

Does that mean you're shit?

>> No.11902427


>> No.11902429
File: 31 KB, 1034x107, capture(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 mistake?

>> No.11902432
File: 121 KB, 632x382, forgot my sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis one

>> No.11902433 [DELETED] 

my own clone! now neither of us etc

though this thread is so shit i don't even feel like shitposting in it anymore

>> No.11902436

very interesting, wonder how come i cant see that yet i can still that hilarious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Benlisquare post.


>> No.11902442
File: 196 KB, 800x640, le ⁄ b ⁄ humor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a funny pic I made.


why does posting this get your poast deleted?
is User:Benlisquare the retard janny?

>> No.11902448

I feel ashamed of myself for being such a worthless sack of manchilder babyfaced shit every time I visit this board.

>> No.11902456


>> No.11902542
File: 136 KB, 599x800, 1386349940203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meta thread fags

>> No.11902570
File: 786 KB, 1000x1000, 13896118742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Access and sift through any archive of circa 2008-2011 /jp/. What you will find yourself confronted with is a spirited, playfully nihilistic, semantically innovative community dripping with self-awareness, subtlety and the capacity to regulate the direction of its own intellectual content and contextual purpose.

I do not intend to dispense here the rather tiresome and feeble "/jp/ was meant to be x" argument, but to encourage recognition of the prevailing forms and topics of discussion, user behaviors, dispositions, communicative styles, and dominant moods characteristic of and ultimately enabled by the existence of the board. /jp/ was not successful because of a collective desire to engage in a serious, moderated discussion of defined elements of a pre-defined, singular topic. We are, citing the narrative some users are fond of regurgitating, in essence displaced elements of an already unstructured, chaotic, though culturally vague and untempered brew of digital shit. There is no demand for the rigid, tone-deaf board model that is currently being imposed upon the community; the userbase does not need, and in fact can not exist under present conditions. The population will be severely culled and the dynamics will alter entirely. What you are creating is banal and already satisfied by thousands of other generic communities that have been in operation and catering to the boring demands you have artificially decided are priories and impetus of the board.

tldr; fuck whoever decided autocratic despotism was a valuable mechanism to regulate intellectual content in an anonymous, self-regulated fringe image board created to appeal to deprived, aggrieved elements of a thinly veiled pornography exchange ring. I would very much care to see you emulsified into a slurry and force fed to members who furnish the higher echelons of 4chan's pointlessly obtrusive, retarded bureaucracy.

>> No.11902576
File: 314 KB, 1263x3403, 1392551940000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I make myself sound pretentious enough everyone will think I'm smart!

>semantically innovative community dripping with self-awareness, subtlety

>> No.11902589

>the /jp/meido

literally new

>> No.11902591

literally did not read

>> No.11902594

wow did people use half width all the time?

>> No.11902604
File: 1.11 MB, 165x115, c8a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your image macro :)

>> No.11902603

tldrtldr: janitor turned /jp/ into generic shit after 2011

>> No.11902608

counterpoint: /jp/ was already shit in 2011

>> No.11902611

No, the tldr is that the janitor as an instrument to control the creation of content serves no functional role in the community, which I agree with. The shit you observe is the stultified result of awkward regulatory mechanisms.

>> No.11902612

But it's the same shit.

>> No.11902621

(1) janitor -> shitty user experience
(2) janitor -> interactions that are constrained and stifled -> a resulting shitty user experience

But as long as the dullards among us can comprehend that the janitor exists in that causative chain, then what you reduced it to is fine, I suppose.

>> No.11902623
File: 172 KB, 308x435, 1359879303259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was posted by by a normie iphone user looks like.


>> No.11902626 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1173x720, freedom fighters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that there a lot of newfags in this thread, or at least at the start of the thread there was, all mumbling about things they don't really understand so please study this image. These people are your friends and they fight for /jp/ against retard j*nitor every day.

>> No.11902631

So you're agreeing that /jp/ has always been shit?

>> No.11902636

No, I am trying to contend that the shit becomes sharply pungent and completely inedible when you introduce redundant, destructive regulatory mechanisms that exist as basically the antithesis of the shit in its essential constitution.

>> No.11902654


what are they made form?

>> No.11902667 [DELETED] 

i want milg to be my wife!


>> No.11902676 [DELETED] 

hi trevor ;^)
