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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 27 KB, 616x555, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11883766 No.11883766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unofficial /jp/ original content thread.

This is unofficial so it isn't numbered or has any links or anything.

Post drawings and other stuff. Please don't hate me, I just made this because there wasn't an actual one.

>> No.11883786
File: 10 KB, 800x600, 2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go easy on me here guys.

>> No.11883795

that looks like a fucking amorphous blob you sarcastic prick

>> No.11883800

Maybe it's a slime girl touhou? It lacks a headgear though, so it's shit.

>> No.11883803


>> No.11883807
File: 55 KB, 384x350, 3333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11883820
File: 11 KB, 800x600, 2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay I modified it, what do you think about it now?

>> No.11883818
File: 142 KB, 809x793, ss (2014-02-09 at 04.26.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11883830


>> No.11883832

The armpits are not sexualized.
Still weak.
Give her different colored eyes for maximum sexiness.

>> No.11883838

it's strutting to the left of that image. You can't unsee it.

>> No.11883846

I always guffaw at people that say I can't unsee things. I always unsee things, in fact I very rarely ever remember things.

>> No.11883850

That's sad. I'm sorry.

>> No.11883851

Good for you.

>> No.11883853
File: 11 KB, 800x600, 2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, am I missing anything?

>> No.11883860

This thread is shit.

>> No.11883863

make it better

>> No.11883866

Its unofficial so I won't bother.

>> No.11883872

Not before I let you know how shit this thread is.

>> No.11883871

then bugger off!

>> No.11883874


>> No.11883896

This thread has a higher image to shitpost ratio that normal OC threads.

>> No.11883962

what about now?

>> No.11883996

Thats why this is secretly the shitposter MS paint containment thread untill the people making decent OC make a new thread.

>> No.11883999

if you can't make pretty pictures with ms paint you can't make pretty pictures

>> No.11884021
File: 269 KB, 1430x1540, pixiv chat 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Pixiv draw-chat stuff drawn by me, made in the company of fellow IRCers in Nanoha's room.

I highly recommend trying out that Pixiv's chat room drawing tool, it has a pretty good feel to it despite being such a simple binary tool.

>> No.11884570

why is futo's hat floating?

>> No.11884842

It lags worse than flockmod for me.

>> No.11885137

When will the official be back?

>> No.11885142

When someone makes it.

>> No.11885146

Can you make it?

>> No.11885154

I dont have anything complete to post.

>> No.11885231
File: 334 KB, 842x915, reimouaeuaeouh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11885264
File: 24 KB, 766x316, SnipSnap3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11885293 [DELETED] 

snibbity snabbity :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.11885323

What's wrong, Reimu?

>> No.11885344

Why do they all have boners?

>> No.11885347 [DELETED] 

too many niggers on /jp/

>> No.11885351


>> No.11885535

hi mags. same here
damn, and it was so smooth with my old wonky connection and junk laptop.

>> No.11885795 [DELETED] 

This thread is SHIT. SAGED.

>> No.11885812

I wish the real OC thread is here... ;_;

>> No.11885856

Come on, let the jay-creators rest a little!

>> No.11885918

But I draw and paint everyday; I'll lose motivation when there is no audience.

>> No.11885928

at least you're honest about being an attention whoring boy-slut

>> No.11885996

Are you that bitch artist? I guess you're also some kind of lewd exhibitionist.

>> No.11886031
File: 264 KB, 550x526, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every kid wants her crayon up the fridge.

I'm not that kind of person.

>> No.11886035 [DELETED] 

Could someone draw a picture of Vladimir Putin slaying homosexual Touhous with his righteous fury, thank you. (You could depict the Touhou's homosexuality by having them locking arms or something)

>> No.11886037 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah and I meant to request that Putin be in space marine power armor slaying the subhumans with a chainsword.

>> No.11886040


>> No.11886041 [DELETED] 

This isn't the typical thread with the typical circle-jerkish rules.

>> No.11886067


>> No.11886074

Fuck off

>> No.11886082

>being this rude
Go back to /r/ude

>> No.11886104

Who are you quoting? If you want to use greentext go to >>>/v/

>> No.11886109

>>being this rude
>Go back to /r/ude

>> No.11886117

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11886128

Why does it look like her spaghetti is falling out?

>> No.11886134


>> No.11886160

it's a self-portrait lmao

>> No.11886164

So she's a flat girl? I see... *takes notes*

>> No.11886169

i'm still waiting for the cute girl sitting in front of the fan from the end of the last thread. well, i hope she's cute.

>> No.11886172

You should go wait in /a/.

>> No.11886182
File: 130 KB, 500x596, very_tired_bitch_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a little bit of breasts, according to this pic. Of course, assuming it's a self-projection.

>> No.11886198

I wonder why she's so tired all the time...

>> No.11886202

please, the artist requested requests and already said he was working on it. He seems like a nice guy.

>> No.11886204

Do you even bath-shower?

Yes I do it is one of the most amazing things in the world.

>> No.11886224

There's something strangely attractive about a worn out, self-deprecating, jaded girl. I don't really want to talk to her or get to know her or shit like that but I do want to try out all of her holes.

>> No.11886234
File: 107 KB, 484x210, mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she can be pretty aggressive with her opinions. I hope you enjoy femdom.

>> No.11886235

Which is why I said I wouldn't want to talk to her, have her talk to me or get to know her. Girls like that are usually mean and bitchy since they're tired all the time. It's even worse if they're artists. Artist girls have the worst personalities.

>> No.11886340

Why are all you warosu runoffs bullying bitchguy? Go back to hating Magister or something. These threads need more people who draw lolis and not dicks and tits.

Although bitchguy needs to stop drawing so much and put some work into making his characters look better.

>> No.11886346

It's bitchgirl.

>> No.11886377

They most likely aren't female and bitchgirl is redundant anyway.

>> No.11886384

I hate it when people use they as gender neutral. It's he or she. Nothing else is grammatically correct.

>> No.11886391

Don't give them any more attention. This isn't even our usual threads, just ignore them and this thread.

>> No.11886396 [DELETED] 


>> No.11886405

The normal threads suck and have been overruled by the community

>> No.11886411

>This isn't even our usual threads
So what? Why do they need numbers and to be made by someone notable? That's as bad as /vg/ and their generals which can only be made by tripfags(which the OC threads are structured after anyway)

Just post some pics and stop arguing about nothing like you do in the "official" threads.

It most likely isn't female. Deal with it.

>> No.11886418

>So what? Why do they need numbers
Archival purposes, you slobbering retard. Some people like to preserve good works, and those getting started.

Instead we get completely off-topic garbage like gender-neutral pronouns and inane /b/ level posting.

>> No.11886423 [DELETED] 

You really are the biggest of the shit eating newlord crossboarders. I wish faggots like you would kill yourself back out of the jay again, all you do is ruin what used to be a place of greatness.

>> No.11886425

What kind of autist saves and archives threads? Why would you be browsing threads older than the last couple in the archives? The pictures would have been purged possibly. Numbering is dumb and pointless trash that should stay on /vg/.

I wonder if the touhou roll&draw thread gets this kind of shit.
