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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11879177 No.11879177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did any /jp/s experienced this at one point?

Basically, I was a die hard Touhou fan starting from back in 2010 as I've done everything that is related to Touhou every day. This includes such as playing games, reading doujins, listening to remixes, watching Nico videos etc.

It was fun and dandy until around beginning of last year where I started to lose interest in Touhou slowly. You could call it "Touhou Depression or overdose" as I no longer sought new remixes/doujins, play less games and don't really do a lot of Touhou "activities". I don't know what triggered for me to lose motivations suddenly but I no longer feel any fun aspect from Touhou.

Nowadays, I rarely do anything that is related to Touhou. Maybe once every months I'll probably download few doujins or check any news of Zun releasing a new game.
I kind of like to go back being a hardcore fan again though whenever I try to, it feels like a chore to do any things that is related to Touhou. Now I shifted my attention towards anime and other real life hobbies, Touhou isn't really a "thing" for me... What a damn shame.

To summarize, I got bored of Touhou but I want to get back into again (if possible that is).

>> No.11879184

didnt read lol

>> No.11879189


>> No.11879194

Do you still enjoy the porn?

>> No.11879210

good. now fuck off

>> No.11879214

same here. also op is a weakling.

>> No.11879292

>Did any /jp/s experienced this at one point?
>Basically, I was a die hard Touhou fan...

Nope. Toho a SHIT.

>> No.11879294

announced sage a shit

>> No.11879300

Fuck off, moot.

>> No.11879372

I got bored of everything. I can't even watch movies or play games, all I do everyday is waste my time on the internet.

>> No.11879378

Same here.

I had a brief stint with touhou, but it didnt last, now i just sit in IRC and idle / occasinally submit a line.

>> No.11879425

At the beginning of 2010 I got excited about Touhou and played all the games and read all the comics and listened all the music. In the middle of 2013 I simultaneously started learning Japanese and lost interest in Touhou Project.

>> No.11879440

It's just another hobby. You don't need to like it your entire life.

>> No.11879473

Been in since 2007, can't remember when I started dropping it.

Never dropped the porn, arranges and IaMP though.

>> No.11879486

“LAMP” stands for “Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP”—a common combination of software to use on a web server, except that “Linux” in this context really refers to the GNU/Linux system. So instead of “LAMP” it should be “GLAMP”: “GNU, Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.”

>> No.11879493

are you dycslectic?

>> No.11879521

I've never been a fan of Touhou actually. I just like to browse /jp/.

>> No.11879523

gets me every time

>> No.11879528

I used to do more Touhou things but now I just post about their girl parts. Some time I will go back and get all those lunatic clears.

>> No.11879532

I lost interest in the secondary shit a few years ago. I still play the games when they come out, though.

>> No.11879533

I used to really like Touhou, read almost all important books regarding it's lore, even made a bunch of threads to discuss about it in /jp/. But then I simply started getting bored of playing the games, and then switched to reading VNs. I wonder if I'll go back to Touhou at one point, though. It's just that I don't feel like I'll truly get into it if I don't dwelve into the games, mangas and books. Secondary stuff is just too boring, mostly, except for music.

>> No.11879542

I still try them but the last two have lowered my enthusiasm. It doesn't help that they're 2 years apart now.

>> No.11879546

Interest comes and goes. I've never been a huge fan of the games though, I just stay around for the porn.

>> No.11879589

You can't expect to love the same hobby for your entire life, can you?

>> No.11879594

Over the past 5 years, I would read thousands of doujinshi, save pixiv pictures and grind the games every waking moment of the day. Now the only dose of 2hu I get is turning on a game for like 10 minutes before closing it out of boredom/depression once a week. It got stale, I stayed shit, and the past 3 main shooters were pretty boring.

>> No.11879606 [DELETED] 

god, why can't a girl just like me and my penis?

>> No.11879677 [DELETED] 

You don't want to be known as just a dick with legs, trust me. If you have a large penis and have dated a girl, chances are very high that she's blabbed about it to her friends and after you've broken up her friends will all be clamoring to see it and do weird things with it because now you're 'free'. Being recognized or garnering insterest from people for simply having a large penis is not fun at all.

On top of that, having a large penis limits the potential amount of enjoyment you can derive from living a normal life. For instance, you'd have to wear weird underpants to go for a jog. When you crouch down you need to make sure your dick isn't hanging out of the leg of your shorts. Your penis dips into the water when you take a dump. You need to order special condoms because the FDA has literally banned condoms that fit you from being sold in the US. Onahole selection is severely limited and you constantly worry about breaking the ones you do have. Pants fit oddly and leave an incredibly apparent bulge that people WILL look and stare at. People WILL make comments about it, especially in the work place. It's no fun being sexually harrassed for something you have no control over. Even worse, when you complain or say/do anything you're just told to "man up" or "stop being a bitch" or are told to just enjoy it. Telling someone who doesn't enjoy having a large penis to enjoy having a large penis is like telling someone who likes riding in cars to enjoy the ride to the hospital after being involved in an accident that will leave you disabled for your entire life.

Perhaps the worst thing is that people constantly think you're lying or bragging whenever the topic of penis size comes up. Guys get jealous and become angry. Women become too curious and you end up feeling molested or raped whenever they bring up the topic. I would never bring up a girl's breast size as a topic of conversation so why is it fine for them to speak about penis size?

>> No.11879687 [DELETED] 

No one gives a fuck, dude. Just start a blog already.

>> No.11879690 [DELETED] 

That sounds pretty good

>> No.11879694 [DELETED] 

>I would never bring up a girl's breast size as a topic of conversation so why is it fine for them to speak about penis size?
Because it's not rape when girls say it.

>> No.11879698 [DELETED] 

It's not. You can never, ever live a normal life if your penis is not normal-sized. It's as simple as that.

Like I said, guys tend to get jealous and angry whenever it's brought up.

>> No.11879711 [DELETED] 

I've spoken with women before about large breasts and then they spoke to me about large dicks. We had wildly different ideas. They all mostly liked the slightly larger dicks, while I preferred the smaller flat like breasts.

>> No.11879723 [DELETED] 

The only one that sounds like a real problem is
>Your penis dips into the water when you take a dump

>> No.11879742

I've had something similar, but I'm getting back into it surprisingly.

I kept playing "Marisa Stole The Precious Thing" while reading untranslated doujinshi or played Melty Blood and a bunch of anime-esque MMO's.

I felt kinda happy.

>> No.11879743

I went through a general otaku culture high, which lasted until maybe 2008 and peaked at 2007 back when niconico douga was at its finest, touhou was amazing, and a lot of iconic anime was still fresh.

Since then it's been a gentle slope towards indifference.

I'm still into everything I was before, just not as intensely. I think I need to branch out into more stuff to keep things fresh.

>> No.11879744

Switch to Kancolle. I never cared about Touhou to begin with.

>> No.11879747

I feel the same. Maybe I grew up or some gay shit like that.

>> No.11879759

Nice blog and all, but shouldn't you already be at the age where you understand that overconsumption ruins your hobbies, and that you'll have to abstain from it if you want to feel the same enthusiasm as you did before? It's incredibly rare for somebody to find their calling, a thing that they won't tire of, but that doesn't mean that you can't moderate yourself to maintain enthusiasm in things that aren't your calling. If that wasn't the case, things like marriage simply wouldn't be a thing, and you certainly wouldn't be hearing about "mad scientists" that've dedicated their lives to discovering/inventing great things.

>> No.11879763

Is it just me or popularity has been declined significantly over the last couple of years?

I don't see any hypes from both Japanese and Western sides when the new games are released.
Despite how Touhou is still number one in Comiket (in terms of participation), I don't see a lot of contents from artists/circles. Not to mention the amount of videos and popularity in Nico Douga has decreased... Especially last year when KanColle came out with massive hypes and popularity while Touhou is just chilling.

To me, Touhou boomed around 2007~2010. After that, it's just not that popular anymore to be honest.

>> No.11879765

I'm especially sad about NND. Ever since they tightened up the restrictions, MADs just aren't MADs anymore. I don't relate to the userbase at all.

>> No.11879835

I "switched over," if you can say that, I'd been burned out on Touhou for half a year when Kancolle got popular and I jumped ship.

Mine was a shallow love anyway, I mostly liked the world and the characters in official and derivative works both. I have a hard time starting new series so it's why I stick with one for a long time (well, only in the sense that three or four years is a long time... it isn't really).

>> No.11879853
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I still like Touhou

Maybe you guys just aren't involving yourselves enough?
I spend a lot of my money on doujin content, I traveled to see some of my favorite doujin artists, I went to see ZUN in person and sign my game, paint Touhou garage kits, and am even working on my own drawing and Japanese skills. Alongside playing the game and spin-offs and music and all that.

You guys should try new things instead of just masturbating to them.
In Japan, a lot of people get to go to things like Reitaisai or Comiket to be more involved and social with the fanbase. And go to doujin shops in person. Which sucks for Westerners, but if you try harder to get involved, it's actually pretty fun.

And don't over-does Touhou either. I still play other video games and listen to other music. All things in moderation.

>> No.11879870

>jumped ship
I appreciated your pun.

>> No.11879891


I am aware of that feeling.

>> No.11879900

you grew up

>> No.11879906 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11879946

I got into Touhou a while back, but I ONLY played the bullet hell games. Then after a while, I quit because shit is difficult.

I got back into it again last month, and I've been reading all the doujins, listening to music, and playing fan games.

I'll probably stick with this as opposed to Kancolle because I like having a huge amount of fanmade material to play around with

>> No.11879951

I wish I had never grown up. How come when I was little it was alright for me to live with my parents and not work but now I can't? What changed?

>> No.11879966 [DELETED] 

/jp/, I had nothing for breakfast today.
How do you feel about this? Will update when I have decided whether I'll skip lunch or not!

>> No.11879977

Sounds like you're not powerful enough yet friend

>> No.11880595

>I was a die hard Touhou fan starting from back in 2010
>I got bored of everything. I can't even watch movies or play games, all I do everyday is waste my time on the internet.
>i just sit on IRC and idle / occasinally submit a line
>Never dropped the porn, though.
>now I just post about their girl parts

>I've never been a fan of Touhou actually. I just like to browse /jp/.

This thread is 2014 /jp/ in a nutshell.

>> No.11880605

I only ever shitposted in regards to 2hu. I was always here for the eroge.

>> No.11880678

Do you think that makes you any less of a faggot?

>> No.11880684

Maybe not, but at least I can rest easy knowing I'll never be as much of a faggot as you.

>> No.11881085
File: 128 KB, 640x640, 1336193272382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is absolute fucking shit.
Get into iM@S, a franchise with actual substance, fucking nerd.

>> No.11881095

I hate Touhou. I prefer MORE original doujin.

Touhou is like naruto. Both of their fans are idiots.

>> No.11881106

>comparing Narutards to Toubros

>> No.11881115

Whoa, that sure scared me.

>> No.11881118

only secondaries like touhou
move on

>> No.11881131
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I really haven't liked a Touhou main game since Fairy Wars.
I lost interest somewhere in 2010. My interest was rekindled when GoS got wholly translated in 2011 and I participated in the many threads we had about it. I genuinely had more fun with it than with the main games.

I hate the majority of the Touhou fan music we get these days. I usually open my old music collection folder and indulge in nostalgia.

>> No.11881163

I haven't been been very interested in 'otakushit' lately. My interests have turned to skateboarding, Supreme Clothing and Odd Future.

It's just a phase though. I personally blame a computer failure.

>> No.11881165

There really isn't anywhere to go but on to VNs or back to anime though. Or reading obscure manga.

Talking about secondaries and primaries with Japanese Media just sounds stupid to me, because it really isn't that limited.

>> No.11881169

That's what you should do. Don't indulge in stupid shit without substance, i.e. Touhou.

Learn moon and read good VNs.

>> No.11881187

>read good VNs

What if I've already read all good VNs Japan had to offer? (All 0 of them.)

>> No.11881197

B-But m-muh 村正, Dies Irae and Liar-soft VNs anon!

>> No.11881209

Before touhou, I was suffering from depression and found no meaning in anything.
Touhou has brightened my life a little bit. The thought of no longer being interested in Touhou scares me greatly. I just don't want to go back to those days filled with depression and suicidal thoughts (which I'm slowly getting back to).
I'm just being honest here. Any /jp/s experienced the same thing?

>> No.11881229

How do I get into Touhou? Should I just play all the games?

>> No.11881231

play the games, read official mangas and written materials, listen to Touhou arranges.
Or you can choose to be a secondary and enjoy it however you want. I don't see anything wrong with being secondary.

>> No.11881232

Thanks man

>> No.11881233

It's spirituality, Anon. Some people cope with the meaninglessness of their pitiful existence by fantasizing about a powerful invisible sky fairy. We use cute girl-sized fairies in frilly dresses instead.

>> No.11881238

I always think that Touhou characters are cool. Thinking about how cool and badass they can be gets me all excited.
It helps me get through all kind of mental problems, from depression to chronic procrastination. It's literally the only thing keeping me continuing with my works, thinking that one day I'll be able to depict Touhou characters in their full glory.

>> No.11881242

I agree with this post.

>> No.11881249

You know you're at the bottom of depression and apathy when you don't even want to be into sex, porn and masturbation anymore.
It's probably very disturbing to find out what is even lower than that point. Keep yourself fired up, being interested in anything so you don't fall even lower.
Touhou is good for that purpose, since the canon restriction is pretty much non-existent and there're lots of potential to expand further. It's like a very durable power source for life though I'm afraid it's not limitless.

>> No.11881678

2hu ovahdose!!!

>> No.11881734

Yes. I too am honestly scared of not liking Touhou.

>> No.11881748


>> No.11881829

My interest seems to come and go, like with a lot of other things in my life.

>> No.11881834

The game is too hard for me.

>> No.11881844

touohou is sh!t thumbs up if u agree

>> No.11881856

I've been that way with a shitload of franchises before 2hu. It's just a thing, you get attached and eventually you move on. Right now I'm still enjoying Touhou, but I know in a few years I'll move on and wonder why I was even into this weird shit in the first place. It just happens.

>> No.11881863
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You're just burnt out.
Forget about 2hu and do something else for a while.

>> No.11881876

is this turbonerd really bemoaning losing interest in this gay nerd shit? get a life and grow a pair!

>> No.11881903
File: 39 KB, 455x500, 1369407350723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, how sad.
It seems touhou really is reclining, after all.

>> No.11881910

I agree with this guy.

You sound super cool, by the way.

>> No.11881981


you know you've hit rock bottom when you wish for an actual mental or physical illness to justify your failures and start fishing for cig butts in the trash to smoke the tobacco cuz poor

i still love touhou, but i cant say im in love with touhou

>> No.11881982

It was around 2006-2007 when I knew about Touhou. I must admit I don't play the games on a daily basis anymore. But I still enjoy all the doujinshi, arranges and games that are released.

I think you didn't waifu properly.

>> No.11881991

I've been expanding into VNs myself.

Kamige like Muramasa and Baldr Sky have me thinking about them for months. I still can't get the OST out of my head.

>> No.11882008

Fuck you.

OP seems to have unrealistic expectations for things.

>real life hobbies.
You're better off not coming back.

Why are you just getting into them now?

>> No.11882015

*tips witch hat*

>> No.11882019

Hi Marisa!

>> No.11882051

>Why are you just getting into them now?
I just wasn't as interested in them. I played stuff like Higurashi when I heard the original was better, but I hadn't really bothered to look at stuff that weren't related to franchises I already knew. I was already satisfied with what I had.

Now that I need a bit more stimulation, I'm exploring LNs, VNs, novels, etc...

>> No.11882055

Well shit happens, I guess. As long as you don't ask for help here like most retards, You're good.
Google is your friend.

>> No.11882056

L-Let's explore them together, anon!

>> No.11882058

fuck i quoted this shit bag instead

>> No.11882063
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Well... If it's you. Don't get the wrong idea though!

>> No.11882070

Heh, can't even quote correctly. You're 100 years too young to be trolling me.

>> No.11882088

I love you too, anon.
