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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11869972 No.11869972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Finally a good game!

Patch when?

>> No.11869980

It just came out dude, give me some time. I should have the full patch out by the beginning of April.

>> No.11870013

How would you know it's good if you can't read it?

>> No.11870039

Overhyped shit full of porn.
Just because it has few votes on egs people think it's a masterpiece. it will go down in no time.

>> No.11870040

I think most of those people are joking.

>> No.11870042

what's supposed to be good about it?

>> No.11870058

The dicks that go into the vaginas.

>> No.11870059

The medium could be so much more!

>> No.11870073

It is full of rape. I love rape.
And the art is gorgeous!

>> No.11870077

Same Company did the Gangraped by the entire Village one.

I wonder if Feminists go crazy again.

>> No.11870112

120 scenes are not enough.
We need 365 scenes at least.

>> No.11870129
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>> No.11870151

It wastes too much time on character interactions for a nukige and at the same time it's boring as fuck to read since story is shit. I'm not sure what authors tried to achieve, hope all those talks will end soon and rapetrain goes full speed.

>> No.11873096
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>> No.11873116

I just hit CTRL all the time, I was very sad when the women were raped and the rapists didn't receive any retribution whatsoever. I hope a fandisc comes out that fixes this.

>> No.11875644

Rapists have a hard time in this one. In one scene they have to wait in a long line before they get their sweet time with her.

>> No.11875676

can someone explain the appeal of scenes where there's more dicks than females? are you gay and like dicks or are you double gay and imagine yourself as the girl?

>> No.11875694

more like cruel bastards who like to break girls.

>> No.11875698

None. Absolutely none whatsoever. It's fucking disgusting.

Having one man and multiple female is the proof of one being manly. Having one female and several male is only proof of one being beta and gay.

Japs like gangbang because they are a bunch of nuclear emasculated beta. Don't be a beta.

>> No.11875712

Rape is part of Japanese Culture!

Also don't you enjoy doing fun things with your pals? Why not gangrape some hot girl for the lulz?

Afraid of balls touching? then take turns.

>> No.11875716

There is nothing better than conquering a proud female and turning her into a submissive cumdumpster.
The higher the defense, the better the pleasure when you conquer her.

>> No.11875723

What the fuck are you even trying to say? If anything, it's harder to 'conquer' said proud female alone than with friends. More dicks is for gays. You might be gay.

>> No.11875731

Gang-rape is more humiliating than regular rape, that's just straightforward.

>> No.11875743

It's also easy as fuck. Not to mention you'll have to mingle with other men's fluids if you aren't first. And see their dicks. It's for homosexuals in denial.

>> No.11875756

That's like saying when one guy fucks a bunch of girls it means they're all closet lesbians.

>> No.11875769

Sharing is caring.
What better than toasting and celebrating today loot with some 3P and 4P with your bros?

>> No.11875770

Even if they were, and they still fucked you anyway, why would it matter? As a male, it just means you are highly successful.
See >>11875698
Only betas need to share their women. Homosexual betas in denial.

>> No.11875772

Would you let all of /jp/ have their way with your waifu?

>> No.11875778

Why not? We are talking about this game here right >>11869972 ? The girls here arent made by consensual sex in missionary position.

>> No.11875781

>Even if they were, and they still fucked you anyway, why would it matter?
Because if they weren't it would mean your logic sucks.

>> No.11875787

I'm not sure I can make it any simpler than this.
You are a male. As a male, having multiple women is a sign of evolutionary success. Sharing one woman with multiple men is not. It is not 'hot' in any way shape or form to have other men in your sex life. They are competition, speaking from an evolutionary standpoint, and should be avoided.

>> No.11875810

Where can i find CG of this.
Game is 7gb i wonder who is crazy to dl it for few faps

>> No.11875812

I would gladly share my 3DPD wifey

>> No.11875817

B-but the voice acting...

>> No.11875818

rape is bad mmmkay

>> No.11875821

This game only has positive effects on society. The creation of this game created jobs and released content to keep potential rapists busy while stimulating the economy. The free market does it again.

>> No.11875859

>Having one man and multiple female
That is boring and too vanilla.
I could fap to it years ago but now I've become desensitized to that shit. Humiliation is my fetish and gangbang happens to be a part of that, it has nothing to do with being beta.

>> No.11875902

I could download 7GB in like an hour.

>> No.11875909

What if I don't live in murica

>> No.11875912

America sucks at internet speeds so I don't see your point.

>> No.11875916

You= beta
Your subconscious knows you are incapable of pleasing a woman by yourself

>> No.11875922

I actually live in Hyogo. I pay around 50 bucks a month for the internet.

>> No.11875936

How fast is it? Also, $50 USD?

>> No.11875966

>mfw I can at most touch 1 mb/s

>> No.11876657

I enjoy these games because I put myself in the girl's position, so allow me to weigh in.

Let's make something clear first. I don't want to be a girl, I'm not into dudes, and the only dick I like is my own.

Now that we have that out of the way:

The reason I enjoy humiliation games is because I'm in control of my life. I'm not rich, I'm not famous, but my life has been going in a good direction for a long time and it would take some pretty freaky coincidences for it to derail. Why would I fantasize about things I have, things I experience? Why would I play a game that gives me more of what I see, hear and feel twelve hours a day anyway? You're assuming everyone who has some success in their lives is immediately possessed by a huge sense of fulfillment and happiness.

If our entire society were less organized and more anarchic, I'm sure my secret longing for a little chaos and helplessness would subside, but for the time being, my life is so predictable it bores me. Putting myself into the position of a girl totally at the mercy of others is one of the ways I can derive sexual arousement.

>> No.11876698

nice blog

>> No.11876977

He contributed to the thread.

>> No.11876984

There's no evolutionary reason to enjoy blowjobs, anal, or any other for of sexual contact with a person outside of penis in vagina with the sole intent of procreation.

>> No.11877725

I don't like anything but vaginal intercourse though. Anal is a complete deal breaker.

>> No.11877761

Well that makes you a rather boring person. Either way, watching pornography, using birth control when having sex, masturbation of any kind are all sure indicators of evolutionary failure as you are not spreading your genes as much as possible. In fact, pornography of any kind is just you watching another man manage to be more evolutionarily successful than you. If we're using the logic in >>11875787 this means you can't find pornography hot.

>> No.11877971

Just looked at the site's gallery. Looks like more typical Japanese "rape" rather than actual rape. I was so hopeful too.

>> No.11878207

Alright normie. We hear you.

Only faggy norms use words like beta. Fug off back to /r9k/ you cunt.
