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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 36 KB, 1066x333, torrents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11869016 No.11869016 [Reply] [Original]

I can see why it's a bad idea to torrent in Japan, but why do they still do it and how do they get away with it?

>> No.11869032

Because no one gives a god damn fuck. This isn't the fucking Japan board you fucking retard, go post on /b/ or maybe that /int/ board maybe that shit has something to do with this post.

>> No.11869031

>I can see why it's a bad idea to torrent in Japan


>> No.11869037
File: 111 KB, 400x679, 1390598976401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bittorrent itself isn't illegal. People really do use it for legal things everyday.

>why do they still do it

That should be very obvious. Aside from legal use, to get unauthorized copyrighted intellectual property like music, games, anime, etc.

>how do they get away with it?

I doubt it's treated as a big deal. You can probably just do it and most of the time no one will question it, just like anywhere else.

There's two main ways to not draw attention though, being to use private trackers where it's pretty much unheard of for copyright trolls[1] to be monitoring the addresses of peers. Or to use a freedom-respecting VPN from a different country, in which case all the ISP sees is a bunch of encrypted/tunneled traffic, and all copyright trolls see is your VPN's address.

You could also use shitty web proxies or channel it through tor, but it's unbearably slow, and everyone hates you if you use tor for that because it slows it down for everyone.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_troll

>> No.11869046

It's a bad idea to torrent movies in America, yet people still do it. It's a reverse lottery; only a tiny percentage will get busted for it, so people take their chances.

>> No.11869050

You can clearly see where they're from.

>> No.11869048

Why are you pretending to be mad?

>> No.11869068

Whoa HELLA cute pic dood

>> No.11869072

You mean a very rough idea of the general location they are in Japan?

That's not something to specific to Japan, when you use bittorrent other peers can see your address, and they can know your general location from it too.. No one can find your exact location or who you are from it without permission from your ISP, they just know the general area of where you live.

The way people get those stupid letters through bittorrent is a simple 3 step process.

Copyright holders pay people to log the addresses of peers on torrents with their copyrighted material
They send those addresses into their respective ISPs complaining.
The ISP doesn't really give a shit but sends you a letter with idle threats

It barely ever goes farther than that.

>> No.11869086

So you're telling, that if I went to Japan and missed the broadcast of let's say Downtown DX and I forgot to record it, I could just torrent it with no worries of getting a knock at my door in the recent future?

>> No.11869093


>> No.11869098

>The ISP doesn't really give a shit but sends you a letter with idle threats
>It barely ever goes farther than that.

Except thats the thing. While it barely goes farther once it does you're fucked.

>> No.11869106

I got one of those for downloading Queen's Blade of all things once. It was scary.

>> No.11869112

No one cares about you downloading chinese cartoons.

>> No.11869136

I'm not going to say "yes" because it's not impossible, but I will say "highly unlikely". If you're that worried buy a VPN.

It pretty much never happens though, and when it does it's for very popular brand new music/movies, for people on the initially distributing end.

>> No.11869146

Then why the hell have I never been able to find a good Japanese torrent site? I always though strict law was the reason.

>> No.11869170

Because Japs mostly use Share/PD. When they use torrents it's usually on Western trackers like Nyaa.

>> No.11869181

Wait, I thought Share died? Well, I'm out for now, thanks.

>> No.11869193

Hardly. Hell, even Winny is still alive and kicking.

>> No.11869240
File: 136 KB, 1192x834, perfect dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded PD. Where do the japs keep the animu links?

I really don't see why they use this anyway.

>> No.11869272

Tip 1: You have no Unity, so you can't download shit.

>> No.11869341

people have been arrested for that dude

>> No.11869345

i thought that was by extension (e.g. he was found out for something else altogether, but they found PD on his computer so they busted him on that too)

>> No.11869397

You should try connecting first.

>> No.11869399

Why did you download such an old version?

>> No.11869425
File: 15 KB, 639x256, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is you are favorite flow? Mine is the jews of the orient one.

>> No.11869545

What is even the latest version of PD? Mine says 1.16. I don't remember ever updating, but I found a site that claims 1.07 is the "latest"

>> No.11869671

1.16 is. It auto updates.

>> No.11871482

Once time I was downloading anime from TT and soon the authorities knocked the door. No arrest or charge though, just a first warning.

>> No.11871485


How do you know it's not just a VPN?

>> No.11871492


Torrenting through a VPN?

>> No.11871502

One time I was watching a trailer for the new Batman movie when SWAT busted through my window, shot my dog, raped everyone in my family, grabbed my computer and then took off on their jetpacks.

>> No.11871565

It works. You'll see some people on /g/ talk about doing it too.

>> No.11871948

Nah, at /g/ it's seedbox + SFTP/SSH connection for DDL
You're still paying to pirate though. A VPN might get more use out of it than a seedbox though.

>> No.11871974

/g/ just streams shit onto their smartphone.

>> No.11874685

I use XDCC cos I'm paranoid about possibly losing my student visa. I don't think they give 2 shits if you're a baka gaijin anyway.

>> No.11874764

What the hell? They didn't start jetpacking while still inside your house did they? That's rude as fuck.

>> No.11878771


Yeah might as well buy the real deal if you are paying to pirate lol.

>> No.11878811

Surprised no one has mentioned XDCC yet.

>> No.11879115

I only use XDCC for anime. Speed is amazing.

>> No.11879148

It's always a bad idea to download material that's made in your own country as they can track you more easily

>> No.11879169

Probably depends on the ISP too. I've had Comcast a few years now and they've done nothing no matter what I've downloaded. When I was on Century Link I got a letter just for using P2P, didn't matter what I was downloading.

>> No.11879175

It's not the ISP that makes the copyright claim, it's the company that made the product that you downloaded.

>> No.11879270
File: 607 KB, 573x809, 1391808807198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got letters from my ISP and 2K games a year or two back for torrenting Bioshock. I just quit pirating stuff for a little while, and when I started again stayed away from vidya and movies. No consequences so far.

>> No.11879277

Right but it's not the company watching internet traffic, the ISP is.

>> No.11879987

Comcast complies with every copyright infringement case they receive from the copyright holders. I haven't gotten any letters from them myself either, but that just makes us lucky. Some people receive multiple letters a year from Comcast. They however will not send letters just for torrenting however.

>> No.11880049

No, that's not how it works. There's a reason they only go after torrent users and those on public sharing networks 99% of the time.

>> No.11880057

Because it seems they're fucked when they upload, not when downloading. Torrents of Japanese shit are usually uploaded by Chinese or Koreans.

>> No.11880122

Not at all. The ISP doesn't care about you pirating shit. They get lots of money from people who pirate everything and buy unlimited data plans. It's the copyright holders that are upset. The ISP however does have to take ''action'' when the holders complain, which is why people get letters.

>> No.11881312


Err the normal response would have been change ISP ASAP.

>> No.11881330
File: 4 KB, 606x221, 2014-02-08 17-25-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11881753

Most Japanese are against piracy. If they saw you pirating or have a pirated copy of their stuff, they won't shut up and bug you.

>> No.11881763

Isn't that sort of like saying rarely ever do planes crash but if they do you're fucked? Is that supposed to discourage people? Risk versus reward at play. Negligible risk for both.
