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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 59618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11822633 No.11822633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

previous thread

You know the drill

>> No.11822689
File: 227 KB, 900x600, top_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good new rape games to watch out for?

Still waiting for Syrups second game to come out at the end of the month.

>> No.11822734

私立さくらんぼ乳学校 a shit

>> No.11823071

Holy shit its actually gone masterup, no more delays, how long it has taken to get here but finally it's near.
Theres also Dark Lord this month which is Banaya so it should be good too and the new Tinkerbell game looks promising too.

>> No.11823119

I don't like the look of it personally, looks too similar to 籠女の繭 which wasn't that fappable to be honest.

>> No.11823466
File: 190 KB, 1298x778, Oboro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing 悪の女幹部. The story is quite fun for what I had expected to be mostly a brainless nukige. The sex scenes are good don't get me wrong, but the actual story and characterization tied to the sex is quite nice in it's comedic satire way.

>> No.11823474

The version with the fan disc constantly breaks for me, can't actually hook the text which is a shame since the scenes are nice.

>> No.11823488

You're in format and locale? That fixed my text output issue, ITH hooks fine without any patches if I recall. It was a crapshoot to get things working proper though. A clean install in format + locale is needed.

>> No.11824007

Currently set to Japanese unicode and Japan location, not sure if I was during installation. Don't really fancy downloading the thing again to attempt to sort it out.

>> No.11824049

I think it was a respectable nukige. Miso Oden is finally becoming a good artist.

>> No.11824065

Not trying to attack anyone or anything, but why is this thread separate from the VN general thread? Both are slow enough and similar enough in subject matter to be easily joined.

>> No.11824076

I created the first nukige thread because I play lots of nukige and the Japanese is easier I wanted a separate thread so I don't keep reading through posts about games that are beyond me that I won't enjoy. That's all there is to it.

I'm sure there's other reasons why people keep them around. I'm not the only one here after all.

>> No.11824083

name of the VN?

>> No.11824084

Every slutty trash pop band has his own general thread here. I don't see why we can't have more than one good thread on /jp/.

>> No.11824089


>> No.11824093
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>> No.11824626
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>> No.11825781


New Bishop.

>> No.11825846

I can't tell the difference between this and 90% of the rest of their catalog. It even has the same "partially stripped schoolgirls covered in jism cowering in fear while holding hands" promo art.

>> No.11825865
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x768, qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone else play this game? I didn't think it was that good but this one character is super moe.

>> No.11826296

Yeah, was pretty disappointing.

>> No.11826329 [DELETED] 

Any good nukige where you cheat on your wife?
This list is pretty shitty, I've played a couple of these and they weren't all that good

And this is even worse

>> No.11826357

Any good nukige where you cheat on your wife?
This list is pretty shitty, I've played a couple of these and they weren't all that good
Miinasan Kakei Desu was probably the only decent one in there but they weren't married, just boyfriend/girlfriend.

And this list is even worse

I was hoping maybe you guys knew some that just never made it to VNDB or were never tagged properly.

>> No.11827859

I wish I lived by myself so I actually had time to play my backlog of eroge.

>> No.11827891

My life sounds similar in that, "I need to move out so I can heartily enjoy eroge" bad way.

>> No.11830665

Been reading 机乙女, it's pretty confusing and I'm not entirely sure how the flags work, it's also a pain to machine translate since choices are on a different thread to the normal text. Art is pretty nice though and it's got the same level of choices as Silksys' training parts.

>> No.11830712

Why are translated nukiges so shit?

>> No.11830718

It's a ploy to make you learn japanese

>> No.11830725

Not knowing japanese hinders the enjoyment I feel.

Before I knew japanese I didn't like nukige at all. Now I nukige everyday

>> No.11830728

How much japanese should I know before I too can nukige everyday?

>> No.11830776


Only bargain bin nukige get an official translation because companies try to make at least some cash with their kusoge.

Good nukige don't get a fan translation because the scene is either busy being dead or translating some flavor of the month stuff for maximum e-penis.

>> No.11830814

I'm not sure if it's worth learning a lot of japanese just for nukige.

>> No.11831401
File: 386 KB, 980x660, saiminjutsu_re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudegaki-soft is going to release a new saiminjutsu game.

The plot and character summary doesn't seem like anything new but then again that was never really their strength to begin with.

>> No.11831411

Character designs are okay. The mother's got some kind of long double ahoge that's goes downward. Looks silly to me.

>> No.11831412

3 wasn't that interesting in my opinion, but that's because I'm mostly interested in the scenes.

>> No.11831468

Are you saying 3 didn't have good scenes? I thought they were great.

If you mean just the plot then I agree, the ero scenes are always creative but when you step back and consider the story as a whole none of the games really sound interesting at all. I was reading the character profiles to get an idea of what this one would be like but came up dry. That shouldn't have surprised me.

>> No.11831717

Just the scenes, hypnosis was never my thing though.

>> No.11831854

>The plot and character summary doesn't seem like anything new

Maybe that's because it's a remake of the first game.

>> No.11831867

New Tinker Bell coming soon motherfuckers. Are you ready.

>> No.11831916
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 8363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I guess I can see why they would do that.

>> No.11832119

how does the training in those games work? is it the kind where you have stats you have to raise to unlock more scenes? I played two of their games but apparently they weren't ones with the system people talk about.

>> No.11832716
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, empress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New Empress.

>> No.11832750

The day I stop being excited about Black Rainbow releases is the day my penis has fallen off.
Looking forward to this and the new Eushully game, though I guess that wouldn't fit in a nukige thread.

>> No.11833031

One of them beside the one on the far right better a have a dick.

>> No.11833095


My penis when.

>> No.11833682

I hate how all the games from this guy have tranny dick. I didn't mind bible black as much since it was magical satan cock but genderchanged males is too homo for me.

>> No.11835281

Waiting for the dirty pirate editions of 3つの催眠 and 催眠性精飲中毒~お嬢様だから、えっちにしたい~

>> No.11835462

Apparently there is a protag ntr a la Saiminjutsu 2's ending. You're beautiful face. Ugly face will use hypnosis to try to ntr you.

That makes my dick hard like diamond, though I would have preferred Ugly face to be the protag.

>> No.11835770

To each his own. I love them.

I find it significantly more interesting on a psychological basis than 'magic penis' or one being born with both organs, the character doesn't really have to think twice about it.

Though it'll really comes down to the individual character, design/personality/etc, whether they are likable. If there will be one anyway.

>> No.11842509
File: 1.42 MB, 1296x758, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit 美少女万華鏡 has incredibly good music. I regret putting it aside and not reading it right away.

>> No.11844637

あにラブ ~女装美少年革命!~
Fuck yeah!

>> No.11844658
File: 791 KB, 723x1023, topbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, so they're all traps eh?

>> No.11844663

There will be orgies.

>> No.11848037 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 1040x1264, Cute crossdressing boys are the best..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't wait.

>> No.11852376

Oh SHIT that is hot.


I fucking hate you. What am I supposed to do till then?

>> No.11852402

How much do you think it would cost for a free trial of an upcoming nukige game to be translated? I really want to see non machine translated into english, and would be willing to save up for it.

>> No.11852406

One game being worked on as a fan translation .... correct me if I'm wrong but I think it was Yosuga no Sora.

They sent out a cease and desist order to the translators but said for $20,000 they would work on a collaboration to release it officially. So I'm guessing about that for rights to work on a translation.

>> No.11852588

To expect something to be translated by their mother companies? You'd have to pay them in something around the thousands probably. Translating shit is expensive.

>> No.11852598
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1292246327424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k for incest

Why not

>> No.11852602

I don't imagine most of the people posting in this thread can read the language at all.

>> No.11852617

Any game in particular? And why just the trial?

>> No.11852793


>> No.11852811
File: 49 KB, 600x413, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be lost.

>> No.11852916

More like homo master

>> No.11855564

I don't mean I want an official translation or to buy the rights (I'd have to win the lottery) but I mean to pay a freelance translator to translate it into english. I'm wondering realistically how much that would set me back.
Jooubachi no Oubou. It'd be just the trial since the full version of the game hasn't been released yet and as of now I'm pretty sure thats all I could afford.

>> No.11857020
File: 56 KB, 184x253, g02bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tinker bell's new thing came out. anyone buying? downloading? getting the cg set and masturbating to them?

>> No.11857029

>not learning jap solely for fapping purposes

>> No.11857031

who ya quoting?

>> No.11857046

In the first line I'm quoting the current year, in the year of our Lord two thousand and fourteen.
In the second line I'm quoting a behavior that I hold an incredulous disposition toward, particularly at this juncture in time.

Hope that helps clarify things.

>> No.11857047
File: 14 KB, 431x163, 1390229028417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What with this realistic door-gap's light?

>> No.11857055

I am quoting me being a faggot.

>> No.11857051

The second one is not a quote, it is you being a faggot.

>> No.11857064

That is not a quote either.

>> No.11857078

Yeah it is.

>> No.11857084
File: 48 KB, 451x167, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not

>> No.11857118

It hasn't been said by another person.
It's not exact words from anyone.
It's not from a writing or speech.

>> No.11857123

Yes, that is what I was suggesting.

>> No.11857228
File: 170 KB, 1074x892, potentialability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Site was updated. (Warning: music auto plays)

It's in 1080p and the main writer is Izumi Banya.

Speaking of him he updated his site with details on Dark Lord, turns out he only actually wrote the second route (Sophina POV).

>> No.11857302


Nice, hope there's lots of shit.

>> No.11857370

>the main writer is Izumi Banya
That's interesting.

I don't normally go in for Sei Shoujo games though.

>> No.11858045

I want Mizuki's oppa.

>> No.11859181

are the girls all going to poop on the guy again?

>> No.11859184

Probably also one of them is definitely going to have a dick

>> No.11859192

Just finished fapping to dark lord holy shit my dick I spurted cum all over my keyboard and I haven't cleaned it up yet.

>> No.11859196

I am eagerly awaiting syrup's new gangbang game to be uploaded. It looks delicious.

>> No.11859198

im waiting for that game to finish right now. cant wait to tug it to the blonde loli.

>> No.11859200

Congrats on being a lazy slob, I guess?

>> No.11859427

looks like mikocon just uploaded syrup's new game.

ive been checking in and out for tinker bell's.

>> No.11859832
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, 主人公_性転換後@私服_男_喜び_z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seitenkan first partial patch is out.



Have fun.

Also, I had a LOT of fun with 爆乳淫乱家庭教師, another excellent game by Erectlip but without a lot of corruption. A great /ss/ game.

>> No.11859844

I like playing Nukiges but skipping through all the routes sometimes takes forever. Also I've been eagerly awaiting the release of one but the company keeps pushing the date back every couple of weeks. I have no patience.

>> No.11859851

As it happens I happen to be open for commissions for nukige translation. Standard fee is 1 cent per character in the translation industry, but I'm open to negotiation. Leave a comment with your email on my blog and I'll get in touch with you.


>> No.11859856 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 386x384, 1379538823079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skipping through routes

>> No.11859862

Doesn't really seem like you like playing them that much if you're skipping through everything.

>> No.11859868

Sometimes they make you play through routes of people you don't care about to get to the routes of people you do.

>> No.11860082

I was curious so I downloaded the trial to see if it would be easy to work on.

It's on the kirikiri engine, so that's a plus. And no encryption which makes everything very easy. Then I extracted the script and ran it through a python program to strip out the coding junk, leaving me with just the stuff that needs to be translated. There's 61745 characters total. Definitely within the realm of possibility. Leave me a comment like I said above. I'd leave an email address here, but I'd rather not leave my email on 4chan for obvious reasons.

>> No.11860096
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, 39789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuranbo Shougakkou

They often use photo backgrounds.I don't know that that's what they did here but it's likely

>> No.11860132
File: 89 KB, 977x452, 1391242479335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new kamige is born.

>> No.11860211


>データ数: 2



>あんたん「ゆうりさんは・・・うんスカート丈も問題ないわね」 えっ

Yeah, whatever.

>> No.11861004
File: 630 KB, 1024x768, capture_001_01022014_173350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nukige of the year (maybe) is here, time to break my dick.

>> No.11861038

>nukige of the year
>has more ugly males than heroines
Not for me. Still 2 months to go.

>> No.11861057


>> No.11861894

I broke my laptopkeyboard like that.

>> No.11862191

Didn't know Liquid had a new work, their fantasy works are usually interesting whilst their High School ones are a bit generic.

>> No.11863632
File: 75 KB, 656x518, Fille Guerre 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey I hadn't seen this thread!

>> No.11863957

I'm looking for more good imouto/loli eroge for untranslated or not is fine.

I'm done with Naisho No Naisho and Yuzuminatsu, anything you guys think resembles those two well?

>> No.11863978

Is there a lot of gangbang in this like Machigurumi no Wana? If so, picked up.

>> No.11863980

is that an RPGmaker game with cute lolis?

>> No.11864031

It's mostly loli yeh, there's a few jailbaits and adult girls though if you're into that too.

>> No.11864053
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, 52897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futago Ecchi
Crayon Tulip
Santaful Summer
Musumaker (very sad, you whore out lolis for money)
Maiden Breeder 2 (I could never get it to work on my computer, it kept crashing during the first sex scene)
White ~blanche comme la lune~

Anything by Rune (their Cage imprint is shotacon and traps; unfortunately they went out of business and Musume Shimai was their last game in 2008)
Anything by Magical Girl (Hardcore monster rape)
Anything by Sakuranbo Shougakkou (artwork in the early games is 'meh'; added bonus that it's the only company that tells you the girl you're fucking is 9)
Tanuki Soft
they took one of the Rune artists after Rune died. Some people think they're loli ... they're borderline.

>> No.11864128
File: 384 KB, 640x480, ルゴーム砦の脱出.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a thread for rpgmaker hrpg's and related stuff but the last time I did no one replied.

Last thing I played was this and it was pretty fun. I couldn't get one of the items because I ran into a bug, but other than that the choices of how to deal with the enemies and stuff was entertaining (sneak, be a slut, stealth kills, etc). When you pick up the crossbow, certain situations you can do stealth snipe shots and take out a couple of enemies before engaging the rest, which I thought was cool.

>> No.11864176 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 803x644, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maiden Breeder 2
Don't do it, unless you want H-scenes like this on max settings.

>> No.11864188
File: 159 KB, 644x484, putidu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's lot of cool rpgmaker games.

>> No.11864231
File: 46 KB, 340x620, 1390509349331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's out motherfuckers!

>> No.11864275

Maiden Breeder 2 really didn't age well. Reminds me of the last time I tried playing FF7. The h-scenes in Maiden Breeder 1 actually look much better but you can't really do anything in them.

>> No.11864336
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, cgt04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please revert back to your titty/DFC/orgy formula, Complets. It is the true winner.

Just leave off the little girls with futa dicks, please.

>> No.11864351
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0226e01_019_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm looking for more good imouto/loli eroge for untranslated or not is fine.

Any of the Yagai Gakushu games by Complets. They also do some other primarily loli games. Don't read unless you like the idea of little girls joyfully being filled up by multiple little boys, though since YG2, they've done less orgy and more protagonist-only scenes with fewer guys.

Immoral Little and its sequel by apricot cherry. Only read if you like a little blond girl treating you like an adorable pet.

That's just two of my favorites from recent memory.

>> No.11864374

Complet girls most of the time don't particularly look loli, you really gotta stop obsessing over this garbage company. Also there are hundred of eroge that have token loli imouto too.

>> No.11864481
File: 18 KB, 1000x419, topimg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed that new nukige brand:

Artist and one of the two writers are from Lilith and the web design is very similar.
Either they opened a new brand and didn't announce it yet or some people left.

>> No.11864868

What's that loli from? Immoral Little? Or Yagai Gaskushu? She doesn't appear to be from either.

>> No.11864870

Does she have polio or something? What's up with those legs?

>> No.11865077

Waiting warmly for the new nukige by Kaguya to be uploaded. The return of choco chip!

>> No.11865703

Is the 8 gigs size due to the fact that Japs cannot compress file efficiently, or does the game have tons of content?

>> No.11865721


Lots of dummy data, I guess.

>> No.11865731

What's the max resolution? Image data is basically incompressible because it resembles random data. The file format they're saved in usually already does a good enough job compressing them. They're also almost certainly lossless, so if that game is made to fit modern 1080p standards I wouldn't be surprised if they had 5-10MB to an image, with more copies for each supported resolution.

>> No.11865743

Then I don't know.

>> No.11865748


Just wait for the dummy cut.

>> No.11865766

Most games use bitmap files for Event CG and raw wav for voices. It adds up with every little line, song and event. The 8.x GB size does indicate dummy data though, for it to cleanly be able to fit in a DVD DL.

>> No.11865934

>Standard fee is 1 cent per character in the translation industry

Seems like it would add up with drawn out moans and wails.

>> No.11865949

Any good nukige with the majority of the scenes being ffm threesomes? Impregnation/pregnancy is a nice plus.

>> No.11866104

>Complet girls most of the time don't particularly look loli

In what universe?

>you really gotta stop obsessing over this garbage company
>garbage company

Also, in what universe?

They've done a lot of things wrong, but their gems are amazing. The censorship is vomit worthy, but what can you do. They've done the same censorship for years.

>> No.11866678

Yeah but it keeps price negotiations really simple and easy to agree to. If things get too complicated it makes it much harder to do business.

>> No.11866712
File: 17 KB, 306x268, Evil Women Exyikesecutive 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would the price negotiation even be for something that is actually quite wordy? I'm currently reading Aku no Onna but I'd figure something along the lines of that could easily be in the 3k or higher range. Seems like money that could have been spent toward learning japanese then reading it rather than paying a translator.

>> No.11866745

I'm not exactly sure, but maybe up to 1.5 cents per character? I'd imagine it depends on the translator and the company or commissioner that wants it. So far I've only negotiated for one nukige series.

Something like a good novel probably pays a LOT better than nukige.

>> No.11866754
File: 924 KB, 960x722, Evil Woman Exyikesecutive 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I meant total price range. Not character per cent. I wouldn't say this vn is comparable to a good novel though. It's a nukige at heart, but it's characters are fun and the story is a nice satire of shonen and super sentai. There's a lot of talking and comedy segments which flesh out the characters inbetween the sex scenes. Which makes up the length of the game.

>> No.11866765

Eh I couldn't tell you then, I haven't played that game. VNDB lists it as long, 30-50 hours though. Chichi Miko Plus 1 was listed as short, 2-10 hours and it was a little over $1000, so you're probably right.

The usual 1 cent per character is probably accurate enough, though, so it just depends how long the script is.

For one person, yeah they'd be better off just spending the money on Japanese classes instead of commissioning a translation. But if the cost is split between multiple people, or it's a company who's going to sell localized copies, then it becomes more affordable.

>> No.11866936

120+ hscenes, 3900+ cgs
I think it's a new record

>> No.11867847

I guess being a tripfag makes it so you'll be retarded AND have shit tastes.

>> No.11867916

If you have no idea what you're talking about and are just digging for abuse, then go to another thread. I'll destroy you there. Leave this one alone.

>> No.11868240

I downloaded the game but couldn't figure out how to work with the game engine. All the game data is stored in .med files and I'm only familiar with xp3 archives in the kirikiri engine.

>> No.11870185

Looking at the CGs...Tinkerbell's new work is literally gore porn, great.

Guess I'll give that Syrup work a shot.

>> No.11870197

Currently sacrificing my dick to ばくあね

>> No.11871501

Does anyone have a torrent for 変態刑務所24時~懲役2年 イキ続けた少女~ that's not just a cg pack?

>> No.11871504

Think I looked in the past and didn't find one, a lot of oneone's works don't get uploaded.

>> No.11871507

Ah, that's a pity. At least people are uploading their newer works now.

>> No.11871517

There's a few upload threads with it on AS with it. This one looks like it has the most working links.


>> No.11871524

Alright, thanks. Thought it would be a lost cause after all this time.

>> No.11871527 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 800x600, 05_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at the nature of OP's picture, I can't believe no has mentioned Tsurumiku. I just played Osaka Crisis and Hound and it was the most lascivious experience of my life (although maybe that's not saying too much)...If the goal was to talk about new games, then I apologize, I'm too lazy to read this thread...Anyway, they will soon release (or already did it) a new game with the most popular heroines...

>> No.11871581

Are you an AOP (ATLAS only peasant)?

>> No.11871588

I'm a Rickaichan peasant, but I don't really use it anymore.

>> No.11871598

I'm a JParser only peasant.

>> No.11871631

I'm a stop-putting-so-much-bureaucratic-wall-of-text-political-jargon-into-your-dumb-chuuni-action-nukige-lilith-no-one-is-reading-this-shit-and-im-trying-to-beat-off peasant.

I always start skimming their games after I'm halfway through.

>> No.11871651


You mean Yukikaze? That shit was really needlessly difficult to read. But it was worth it... but not for the story.

>> No.11871723

I mainly had that experience reading Taimanin Asagi 3. The jukugo gets so dense at some points it starts looking like Chinese, especially early on. The game also takes itself way too seriously and the plot nonsense and the ero content just get in the way of each other most of the time.

Yukikaze was actually good in the sense that the overall story itself was sexy and thoroughly fitting for a nukige even if the reading was sometimes hard.

>> No.11872341

>I'm a stop-putting-so-much-bureaucratic-wall-of-text-political-jargon-into-your-dumb-chuuni-action-nukige-lilith-no-one-is-reading-this-shit-and-im-trying-to-beat-off peasant.

Fucking Lilith's writers are something else.

>> No.11874335

That wasn't even a real horse so it's a bit pointless.

Their work is alright, but their scene viewer is ****

>> No.11874542


No, It wasn't...It's just my favorite CG (the MC's cock seemed as big as a horse's penis, if that's your point)

>> No.11877438

How enjoyable are Norn games? Swan is shit now and someone mentioned Norn is pretty good about impregnation.

How good are they for inbreeding? I see some of their games have incest. Are they pretty fun?

>> No.11877504


No substitute. They're all damn short and made with a terrible low budged. Even the bgm is always the same.

>> No.11877521

well shit

>> No.11877617

Sounds good, how much nip do you need to know to play this game?

>> No.11877628

65,000 kanji

>> No.11877707

Anybody else having trouble getting ばくあね to run properly? It keeps crashing on the title screen for me.

>> No.11877715

That's not so bad. I know at least 489, 000 kanji.

>> No.11877746


Those comments.

>> No.11877781

Any nukige with a good amount of foot content? Tired of going through one with just a half-assed footjob.

>> No.11878569

set format to japan

>> No.11879046


Jesus fuck.

>> No.11879367

It's unsettling to me that I haven't seen a single Japanese person give a negative opinion on this game and that it reached Amazon's top 10 sales rank and got #12 on Getchu.

>> No.11879389


No sad panda access here. What game is it?

>> No.11879394

>no sad panda


>What game is it
Fuka no Jugoku Tinker Bell's new thing; it's on regular e-h as well.

>> No.11879882

The Japs tend to not give a fuck if it's something benign and only affects their sensibilities. Western idiots could learn a thing or two from them.

>> No.11880511
File: 408 KB, 800x308, ev201a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terribly low budget. Although the artist they have doing most of the CG is pretty nice. They also have all sorts of scenarios and girl types to choose from. If you like impregnation/pregnant sex they're nice 2-3/5 titles.

>> No.11880523
File: 225 KB, 440x347, ev501a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes and as far as inbreeding goes. I don't think they ever did any brother/sister incest that was blood related. Atleast one that isn't lolis. The did do blood unrelated bro/sis impreg sex though.

>> No.11880747

Is there any eroge-store where you can use payment methods that are not credit cards or weird Japan-only konbini points?
Wanted to buy (and then share) www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ129648.html

>> No.11880843

I don't live in Japan and I can buy stuff from that site just fine.

>> No.11881023

could you tell the game please? I found absolutely nothing...

>> No.11881056

Gonna have to brush up those Googling skills, mate.
My best guess is 女神とLOVE! ~5人の女神様とイチャハメ孕ませ新婚生活♪~

>> No.11882218

thanks mate, I found only a chinese name and it was unusable.
I searched again just now and indeed it wasn't that hard to find... need to focus more. Thanks again mister.

>> No.11885771

癒しん母 The Motion

Good read. At least until the main heroine screams お帰りなさい while getting fucked by here son. That was really strange.

>> No.11885823

>good read

Maybe you didn't mean that in the narrative sense, but the MC suddenly having a priapism condition and requiring someone to sexually tend to him is pretty laughable even as far as nukige excuse plots go.

Also, that artist has a serious problem with sameface. And the animations were creepy as fuck.

>> No.11885828

>in the narrative sense

You silly goose.

>> No.11885840

Well, there was slim chance you meant you were deeply moved at the story of a lonely widow finding solace and true joy in habitually jerking off her kid.

>> No.11885853

The dropping acid on the girl's nipples, genitals, and teeth got me.

And the burning that one from the inside with the tubes or whatever the hell was going on there. I don't think I want to read what the text says and I'm positive I don't want to hear the voice acting.

>> No.11888390

Grammy award winning plot right there

>> No.11889519

is there a way to fix the video tearing during the animated scenes in 美少女万華鏡2? i'm getting horizontal tearing where the text box is. it does go away if i left click and temporary remove the text box though. this didn't happen in the first one.

>> No.11889590

I don't remember such.

>> No.11890453


Best prego stuff now after Swan became yet another run of the mill-nukige maker comes probably from Tanuki Soft. They need some more variety with their heroines, though.

>> No.11891187
File: 63 KB, 256x368, syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this game has a patch, does it do anything noteworthy, because if it doesn't then I'll probably just leave it alone.

>> No.11891224
File: 144 KB, 656x369, cg99[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of swan, why cant I replay scenes in this game?

>> No.11891354

I figured this would be the right place to ask, Does anybody have a link to a walkthrough for マコ ハンター?

Not having any luck finding one at all.

>> No.11892960

I keep downloading Softhouse-Seal titles because I like the art and they never cease to disappoint me. The artist is really wasted on them.

Except ぜったい遵守. That shit was glorious.

>> No.11893422

Explain further. Are they really that bad? Maybe I should just grab the HCG packs.

>> No.11894933


They aren't "that bad", just really mediocre and usually with pretty boring H. The art is just misleading because it's suggesting quality where none is. But as I said, ぜったい遵守 is a big exception.

>> No.11895704

Hyped as fuck for nukige this month

New GJ, frill, ole-m etc

>> No.11895786

are nukiges a good way to improve my japanese grammar? or should i stick to VNs?
if so, any good list for recommendations by genre?

>> No.11895790

Nukige and VNs are not mutually exclusive labels.

>> No.11895792

The reading level varies by developer just like other VNs. Use vndb's search function to find what you want.

>> No.11895796

thanks qts

>> No.11895804

as a hardcore 異種姦 fan, delta's new game is putting me to sleep

luckily cyclet will get the job done

>> No.11898896

What new work?

Cyclet's hit and miss for me, and some of their works are simply gore.

>> No.11900012

>hit and miss

>> No.11900485

The one with the seafood wasn't that great for me.

>> No.11902545
File: 531 KB, 1020x720, Kukuri Hara Par.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SwanMania's HaraPara nukige finally got another update, the Harachuchu heroine route.

So I guess that brings Swan translation stuff up two almost two games

Harapara ( vndb.org/v7060 )
HaraHara route
Haramin route
Harachuchu route

Mamankyoushitsu ( vndb.org/v2748 ):
Saera route
Honoka route
Mimeri route
Emiko route

>> No.11902700

where do I get the translations for those? I found a website with updates about the translation but no downloads

>> No.11902714

Stop asking to be spoonfed, assmonger.


>> No.11902718

I am indulging myself in eushully's nukige game "ikusa megami zero". It is pretty good if you like to rape women.

>> No.11902719

So it's only good for rapists, huh? Well god damn.

>> No.11902720

Well there are a few love scenes but the majority are rape. On the plus side all of them start enjoying it halfway through.

>> No.11904509

apparently illusion is coming out with a new game next month. this time it's really supposed to be a rapelay sequel but I bet it will still be shitty.
