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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 550x504, ronery1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1185630 No.1185630 [Reply] [Original]

Considering this is an almost entirely monogamous society, if you do the math...

...if you work it out...

there are at LEAST as many ronery girls as there are ronery guys

>> No.1185638

slies and lander.

>> No.1185640

If only we could supress our powerlevels as well as them.

>> No.1185641

True. However, ronery females tend to look more pitiful than ronery males.

>> No.1185651

Ronery? No. (Temporary) Single? Yes.

There's a difference.

>> No.1185654

women are so mentally weak that they have serious problems being alone. moreso for asian women. you will never see them going longer than a month without a boyfriend.

>> No.1185672

or a fling.

no offence to women but i think this is why they say they like 'confident and impulsive men', it's so they have a guy that will do everything for them. Invent their own excitement so to speak.

>> No.1185695


>> No.1185722

TRUE. This coming from a ronery girl who knows many other ronery girls.

>> No.1185724

They like 'confident and impulsive men' because they exhibit power, which is also why "nice guys finish last." This is personally why I hate 3D women: they're all crudely Machiavellian and can never honestly love anything.

>> No.1185730

come to my house

i promise i won't cut off your tits

unless you want me to

>> No.1185734

I may be ronery, but I'm not lonely

>> No.1185738

so ronery ;_;

>> No.1185744
File: 41 KB, 480x640, Hisuicake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs 3D women anyway? Let them stay ronery.

>> No.1185750

please, let's meet in real life! ;_;

here is my email

>> No.1185756

Yes. Except on 4chan they all pretend to be men to fit in because girls who admit to being girls online are just attention whores.

>> No.1185757

Reported. Ronery threads are for ronery, not for hooking up with girls.

>> No.1185758


>> No.1185759

Ok, power is status fair enough.

But it goes beyond that.

Some of you must have conversed with a girl to the point where you're making arrangements, even with a group of friends, about going somewhere or something along those lines.

And you ask her something like 'so, any specific restaurant you want to go to?'

'Oh, I dont know, anywhere is fine'.

'Yeh, but surely you have some preferences in terms of food.'

'Oh, not really, I like anything.'

They like confidence because a confident man alleviates any responsibilities they have. I mean, I'm not really criticizing, that's just nature. But if you think about it, it must be a pretty nice situation to be in, you're completely powerless and devoid of responsibility because you DONT NEED either.

Think about that for a minute. You don't even need to THINK for yourself, a confident guy will make up your mind for you. You don't have to do anything, just be passive, non-responsive, live your life that way, until you drop dead.

>> No.1185761


>> No.1185765

>a t h e n s !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1185766

>Some of you must have conversed with a girl to the point where you're making arrangements, even with a group of friends, about going somewhere or something along those lines.

>> No.1185769

Every single person I have seen call themselves a "nice guy" has been a manipulative lying fuck who immediately starts calling women filthy whores who should burn at the stake when they aren't fucking him.

That's not a nice person, get it through your head. And yes, I'm male.

>> No.1185770

ronery is the point of no return where one can only see despair in the future. the scenario where going back and starting over with society is no longer an option. no matter how ugly a woman is, they always have a slight amount of hope that things will get better because there probly is a guy out there that will accept them.

tl;dr - women cant be ronery only mildly dissatisfied with their current state. however there is still a small percentage of cool women ex. - christine chubbuck

>> No.1185771

>a t h e n s !SysNpnp3nU
Not this shit again.

>> No.1185776

That is NOT very reassuring.


>> No.1185777

No matter how ugly a man is, there will always be a woman out there that will accept them. Sure, she may be horribly fucking ugly and have the worst personality available, but she will accept you. It's the exact same situation for women.

>> No.1185778

This. Now everyone shut the fuck up and let this thread die.

>> No.1185779

>'Oh, I dont know, anywhere is fine'.
Take me exactly where I want to. I don't know how you can find out. You SHOULD know where I want to go.
>'Oh, not really, I like anything.'
Yes, I like specific stuff. I just want to see what you're gonna choose and how much you gonna pay for.

>> No.1185785

Alright, to the point where you are talking about interests then. It's the same story every time. Except with the odd few who, you know, actually have opinions and interests and aren't afraid to talk about them.

Like, most of the girls who like anime like it because a guy they know or were romantically involved with was into it.

>> No.1185790

>This coming from a ronery girl who knows many other ronery girls.
>ronery girl who knows many other ronery girls.
>who knows many other ronery girls.
>knows many other


>> No.1185791

>a t h e n s !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1185794

Yeh, alright, you've made your point...

>> No.1185795

I can never tell if you people are seriously this delusional or if it's just constant trolling. I'm a sad ronery fucking male too. Do I need another five years before I lose the part of my brain that handles logical thinking?

>> No.1185798

Let it be. Most people think being NEET or ronery is the new fad and they try to fit in. They don't know the dark of it ;_;

>> No.1185800

>a t h e n s !SysNpnp3nU

>> No.1185801

Being ronery is incompatible with actually wanting company

Ronery is a state of advanced being-alone within which one transcends the need for human contact, and can exist on a diet of online interaction and 2D fantasies.

>> No.1185802

So does that mean if I lose weight, brush my teeth, take frequent baths, wear decent clothes and become fucking rich, I would likely get a nice hot-looking waifu?

>> No.1185803

Ronery is when you don't even have friends on the internet.

>> No.1185804


Okay girls let's all stop pretending to be angry men. Just for this thread. Then we can go back to bawwwing and posting Touhou shit or whatever.

Anyways- YES. It feels so good to play the shy, unconfident girl. It totally turns guys on because they feel all empowered and shit. It's just kind of fucking annoying when they start trying to pay for your shit because they want to make you feel guilty enough to have sex with them.

Though to be honest I don't really think "oh man this is awesome I am totally acting shy and dependent just like men like"...I'm just thinking "fuck I don't really know what I want to eat, I'll just let him figure it out because he'll choose something he likes and I'll probably be fine with it so that's win/win. If it's terrible we can laugh about it later or try somewhere else. I don't want him to choke down shit he hates trying to impress me."

But yeah in a broader sense I like pretending I'm a loli being taken care of by my onii-chan.

>> No.1185806

Did angry anon ever figure that I might have meant ONLINE?
I 'know' next to no one irl.

>> No.1185811

I wouldn't say it's that machiavellian. It's just a complete lack of confidence on their part. If you have no confidence yourself don't expect some dude on a bristling stallion to ride up and sweep you away. You're no better than a blow up doll if you don't even have the confidence to tell someone what kind of food you like.

>> No.1185813

>become fucking rich
>get a nice hot-looking waifu
That is all

>> No.1185815

>a t h e n s !SysNpnp3nU


>> No.1185816

There's a complicated equation for this shit. But basically the combination of your social class and appearance will determine the average level of your waifu.

>> No.1185818

what do you do

>> No.1185823

>I'm just thinking "fuck I don't really know what I want to eat, I'll just let him figure it out because he'll choose something he likes and I'll probably be fine with it so that's win/win. If it's terrible we can laugh about it later or try somewhere else. I don't want him to choke down shit he hates trying to impress me."

Well if it's like that then it isn't forced in the first place. As I said, you really are no better than a blow up doll if you are THAT demure. Because what it makes it even worse is that said girls posture at equality when it suits them. No, you are not equal if you completely lack confidence and need a man to make up your mind for you. That flies in the face of reason and logic. God damn it, if you expect someone to be open with you, chatty, confident whatever.... Then you should at the very least have the decency to returm the favour.

>> No.1185826

But I like athens for doing that.

>> No.1185827

I'm a gigantic loser. I am normal in most social situations, but I can't girls out because I got rejected anf humiliated in front of my friends by the first girl I confessed to. That was 9 years ago, and I can't still get over it. I know that if I don't ask anyone one, I'll fail 100%, but I'm still afraid.

>> No.1185829

Wallowing in my own filth and never leaving my room when family is home?

>> No.1185831

You know shit about men. Or the men you've met they are just as bad as those whores out there.

When I'm with a girl, I want to be with an equal human as me, not some alien being. If she can't decide what to eat, well the same is for me. I don't want to take responsibilities for her, nor to have a "shy" girl by my side, just an honest human being. Also I strongly believe that half the "ronery" guys here don't look to get laid, they look for a loving partner. At least the guys who are over 25 years old.

>> No.1185835

hmm fair enough
was it always like this? are you fat or disfigured?

>> No.1185838

ya could teach that guy the importance of touhous and type-moon, he'd have no time to be ronery y'know?

>> No.1185839

It has nothing to do with a lack of confidence. Making the guy choose is merely a tactical decision (yes, it is tactical whether they're completely conscious of it or not) that anyone who's even mildly socially conscious can figure out.

>> No.1185841


Am I doing it rite?

>> No.1185843

Yeah I was friends with a nice guy for a while. We played two-player Seiken Densetsu 3 and it was fucking awesome. Then he flipped the fuck out when he saw me talking to my Japanese teacher and said if I wasn't his girlfriend then I wasn't his friend because he couldn't handle it emotionally.

I was really sad afterwards because I lost the only friend I could be a weeaboo and play Seiken Densetsu 3 with because I wouldn't have sex with him.

Yet on 4chan there's apparently millions of guys who would love to "just be friends ;_;" with girls? I don't believe it. I think after a year or so of being content with watching animu and playing videogames with you they'll get comfortable and want to stick it in or whatever bullshit meme they learned from the internet and...fuuuck.

And all anime fans who are females are just fat lesbian yaoi freaks or socially awkward Asian fobs.

BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWRGH. (I do not know how else to express my ronery + rage.)

>> No.1185846

Since about fifteen, underweight, the left side of my face is covered in acne while the right side is fine for some reason.

>> No.1185847

What do you mean? For a living? In my spare time? What?

>> No.1185849

Seriously, women aren't this machiavellian. They dont care about money anyway, which is kind of a shame because my parents are pretty wealthy.

>> No.1185853

Given the slightest opportunity women will try to reveal their sex on the internet. Attention whoring is why we got the 'no girls on the interbutt' rule to prevent shit like this. Stick to it, faggots.

>> No.1185859

>dont care about money

>> No.1185862

he was friends with you because he wanted to stick it in from the beginning, the weeabooing-out is just a means to achieve that goal

>> No.1185866

>a t h e n s !SysNpnp3nU
in the good old days this fag would have been permbanned

>> No.1185869
File: 39 KB, 544x384, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be unattractive in this world where beauty means absolutely EVERYTHING for a girl? How does it feel to watch the guy you have a big crush on chase religiously after a HOT girl like me, and completely ignores you no matter how hard you try to get noticed? How does it feel to be never able to have your prince charming, and happily ever after, like you always dreamt? How does it feel to be with a loser boyfriend who you try very hard to like and only because you are way too sad and lonely? ;___;

Unattractive girls CANNOT BE HAPPY. It's true, because beauty means EVERYTHING for a girl. It's different for guys, a guy can be ugly, but if he's strong and brave (Shrek), has a big heart (Hunchback of Notre Dame), or makes a lot of money (Trump), he can always get the most amazing beautiful girls and be happy. When is the last time you had an ugly or fat female protagonist in a story? Ever? It's "BEAUTY and the Beast", you never get "the Prince and the Manatee". For girls, if you are ugly, no matter how successful or how much of a good person you are, no one will ever want you. It's the sad truth. ;_________;

You try to find a place to belong, you found /b/, you found a bunch of anti-social virgins. But guess what? Not even the anti-social fat and ugly basement dwelling virgins want you!!!!! No one will ever truly love you, no man can love an ugly girl, EVER...

Picture related, ME, an attractive girl guys would actually want to be with. Ask yourself, do you look like that? Do ya? =)

>> No.1185871


lol they actually dont, the sooner you poorfags realise that we're in the same boat as you because we lack confidence the better it will be.

Maybe when your generation is looking to get married or whatever, but who the fuck wants some sleazy money-grabber as a wife when they've rejected you for the rest of your life?

I'd rather be alone thanks.

>> No.1185876

what now there's two of you?

>> No.1185878


except it's so mind-fuckingly-obvious i wouldn't have bothered mentioning it

that's the stupidest shit anyone not-trolling has ever said

>> No.1185882

Honestly, women are only in to me when I treat them
with complete disdain. The moment I make any sign of actually loving them, they get bored and leave me. I like 2D women because they can actually love back, don't see everything as a power play, and don't make their psychology so disgustingly apparent. Even if the loli in my eroge is simple and innocent, she isn't as fickle and needy as the women I've dealt with. I don't even know why I suppress my power level anymore.

>> No.1185883

>"just be friends ;_;" with girls?

It's funny because I've always been just friends with girls. I've always hated team sports so I would just do free play with the leftover people (usually girls). However, something always happens that makes me disappear. Either they go weird on me or my withdrawal kicks in.

>> No.1185885

a walloftext needs to be interesting enough in the first line to bother reading, otherwise nobody will

>> No.1185886

>that's the stupidest shit anyone not-trolling has ever said

What use does a woman of college age have for someone who is from a relatively well off family? Can you name one thing? It's not like we're house-hunting or looking for a new car together or anything.

>> No.1185890

>wouldn't have sex with him
oic, so you're not THAT ronery. way to be a hypoctire.

>> No.1185891

>Seiken Densetsu 3
>fucking awesome
I concur.

>Yet on 4chan there's apparently millions of guys who would love to "just be friends ;_;" with girls? I don't believe it. I think after a year or so of being content with watching animu and playing videogames with you they'll get comfortable and want to stick it in or whatever bullshit meme they learned from the internet and...fuuuck.
Now you're just talking shit. Like I said, you know shit about men. Or at least a part of them. I'm friend with many girls, oh wait this is 4chan, I'm not. I'm not a 15 year old boy full of hormones that wants to fuck everything that moves. I'm a 25 years old single guy who looks for a steady relationship. Having fun and being loved as a partner are two totally different things and it's not a woman's privilege to understand the difference.
>And all anime fans who are females are just fat lesbian yaoi freaks or socially awkward Asian fobs.
And now you're confusing the "jokes" in 4chan with how people comprehend reality. At least half the people here are enough educated and smart to know that this isn't true.

>> No.1185893

You wouldn't have sex with a horribly fat ugly woman, prove me wrong.

>> No.1185896

It's true. Women actually make money now so they could care less about how much you have. This is different if you're marrying a third-world woman.

>> No.1185902

>At least half the people here are enough educated and smart to know that this isn't true.
Yet this thread and yourself prove this sentence wrong.

>> No.1185904

face facts

you're undesirable DESPITE being a rich-kid

that's at least a few times more undesirable than your average poorfag anon

don't think you're not at a huge advantage, because you are, sadly your looks and personality drag you way down

>> No.1185908

I'm a pedophile and not attracted to women. So, I'm always "just friends" with women, because I don't see them as sexual individuals; they just... are. I see them in my mind exactly how I see men - they're just people - and it doesn't occur to me that they're of the opposite gender unless I have a reason to notice it.

I'm forced to be "just friends" with the girls that I'm sexual attracted to, however, because I don't want to hurt them.

>> No.1185912

Rediculously obese = lonelyfailfemfap. cool personallity + decent looks = a shot at happiness

>> No.1185919

why's that?

>> No.1185924

you'd be surprised, dry spells lower standards

>> No.1185925

A person your age hanging out with girls their age is pretty suspicious. Eventually, you won't even be able to be "just friends" with them.

>> No.1185922


After this shit happened everyone at school called me a slut for leading him on. (EXCEPT LOL I WAS THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF A SLUT WASN'T I?)

Shitfuckshitfuck this is why the second I graduated high school I made an extreme effort to not talk to anyone in college for fear of this kind of shit. Now I pretend I'm an angry asshole on 4chan because that's the only way I can fit in with any sort of social network.

>> No.1185927

You didn't answer the question. This isn't the 19th century anymore, haven't you noticed dating outside of your socioeconomic class is at an all time high? It simply doesn't matter how much you make, or how wealthy your background is or stuff like that. It's of zero importance.

As for my personality, that's subjective, our personality is just our experiences and interests really, as well as things innate to us like shyness and so on.

And as for my looks, eh, I can't comment. I'm not fat if that's any advantage. In fact I've been trying to put on some weight.

>> No.1185931

>Shitfuckshitfuck this is why the second I graduated high school I made an extreme effort to not talk to anyone in college for fear of this kind of shit.
Wrong move. Enjoy not having weeaboo friends. Yeah, most of those guys are the honest friends you could have ever meet.

>> No.1185932

I don't know about that. Otherwise the numerous virgins here would have slept with something after getting desperate.

>> No.1185936

Is this directed at ronery girls or ungrateful whores? Because I couldn't tell.

>> No.1185934

From what I can tell your personality is abhorrent even taking into account the fact you're simply a troll.

>> No.1185937

Just ignore it.

>> No.1185938

Most people here don't look for sex but for a loving relationship.

>> No.1185939

Crudely Machiavellian does not necessarily mean rationally self-interested. I merely meant that they are attracted to mostly power and only rarely anything else. This is why when you take control and act confident, or sometimes even treat them like completely shit, they will be all over you.

>> No.1185940

If I was a girl and had just finished reading this thread. The last friend I'd want is a weeaboo.

>> No.1185944

See >>1185890

>> No.1185946

It'd be nice to have a friend who doesn't want to just use you for sex and brag to /jp/ that they got it with an Asian girl?
The only way to be a ronery girl is to have high standards. Sure I could go be a party whore, nobody cares who they're fucking when you're all drunk. You hear tons of guys say they got it with some ugly chick because they were desperate.

I'm ronery because I want a male friend who can maybe not push me into doing shit I don't want to do yet after they think they've put enough weeaboo hours into my hobbies. Because of this I'm "playing hard to get" etc

>> No.1185941

But you're weeaboo too

>> No.1185942

look, it's not your fault, but you need to realize that for us antisocial nerds, contact with women = omg chance for sex, because we don't get a lot of "normal" contact
it's a pretty shitty situation to be in for both parties

>> No.1185943

You don't have to be physically or mentally defective to be ronery

you just have to

- never go anywhere
- never initiate conversations
- refuse invitations to go out
- practice less-than-ideal personal hygiene
- be sexually attracted to preteens

I've been following this list for 3 years now. I couldn't be happier.


>> No.1185949


>> No.1185950

I'm not friends with myself.

>> No.1185948

My reputation is undeserved. Regardless of what I post I'm written off as a troll on /jp/.

But you STILL haven't answered my question.

Do you think girls, in their early 20s, care about stuff like that? Don't be stupid. When people are looking to get hitched up for good, yeah sure it figures in because women want financial security. But before that it's not such a great boon to have.

>> No.1185952

I know I did



>> No.1185956

Haha. The funny thing is that those men don't go outside and instead coop themselves up inside their rooms all day. The world is such a funny place.

>> No.1185954

>I'm ronery because I want a male friend who can maybe not push me into doing shit I don't want to do yet after they think they've put enough weeaboo hours into my hobbies. Because of this I'm "playing hard to get" etc
You are just as egoistical human being as most of us here. Our "high" standards pull people who would really be good friends away.

>> No.1185955

You know, if you didn't use a name, people might actually take what your write seriously rather than just ignoring you because of your reputation.

>> No.1185960

This. I'm not rich but I can imagine that must be horrible.

>> No.1185961

>I don't want to do
>I don't want to do yet
there's a world of difference between those two, and it's in your best interest to make it clear from the start if it's the former. otherwise your friend will assume the latter out of hope/desperation

>> No.1185957

No you don't get a loving waifu if you're rich, it could help, but more often than not it works against you.

I'm not 'rich' rich but i make okay money, and I always try to hide my powerlevel in terms of money. Having girls attracted to you because of your money is much worse than being ronery, even more so when they are beautiful. There's nothing more horrorifying than making love to the girl of your dream, but realising in horror that rather than your face reflected in her eyes, it's cold hard dollar bills.

At least when you're ronery you can fantasize that girl treating you coldly is actually tsundere.

>> No.1185958

ITT ladder theory

>> No.1185959


>> No.1185967

Stop labeling people and you'll have a better opinion of everyone, as well as a better life for yourself.

>> No.1185968

Yeh obviously, I'm also leaning towards the feeling that masochism may be hard wired into some women through evolution because of the obvious 'lengths' the first homo-sapiens went to to make sure their women stayed monogamous.

But I think you've got to draw a delineation between 'confidence' and 'taking control'.

Plenty of people are confident if they meet another person they hit it off with and find they share interests with, you simply click as a matter of course and start chatting away.

'Taking control' is different, it's about the alleviation of responsibility. Leading to an ultimately blissful state of existence where you dont even need to think anymore.

>> No.1185962

>And now you're confusing the "jokes" in 4chan with how people comprehend reality.

Try to find a local female /jp/-goer who isn't socially awkward.

PROTIP: They are all suppressing their power levels because they know if they don't that dumbass with the Naruto headband in their Japanese class is never going to stop talking to them.

>> No.1185965

>I don't like girls who have sex with me because I'm rich
I don't like girls who don't have sex with me, which is all girls, because I'm fucking broke

>> No.1185966

Holy shit.

Fuck off "femanons". You have no place here.

This thread is reported.

>> No.1185973

Not related, but athens, where do you live?

>> No.1185970

This is why people hate "nice guys"

>> No.1185972
File: 40 KB, 562x437, 1219576111266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls don't want rich guys

>> No.1185978

I just fuck an equally rich (or poor) girl then. No problem.

>> No.1185974

MEN: Oh my god, all women are whores. I'll just stay in my room and post in 4chan about how ronery I am and how manipulative are all those women out there.

WOMEN: Oh my god, all men are hypocrites. I'll just stay in my room and post in 4chan about how ronery I am and how every men out there wants to get in my pants.

>The world is such a funny place.

>> No.1185975

i think it's clear he's american from his toxic ignorance

>> No.1185976

Okay, here.
>If I was a girl and had just finished reading this thread. The last friend I'd want is anybody who has anything to do with any of this.

>> No.1185977

People don't ignore me, I have a string of copycat trolls currently running around various boards for some reason.

It's more 'infamy' than being written off. Mostly it's just one guy sageing on /jp/ though.

>> No.1185979
File: 39 KB, 604x597, 1219576235091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just one guy

>> No.1185982

>There's nothing more horrorifying than making love to the girl of your dream, but realising in horror that rather than your face reflected in her eyes, it's cold hard dollar bills.
This is one of my deepest fears.

>> No.1185983

At the moment? London, I go to university here. Finished my BA.

>> No.1185984

define "This"

>> No.1185991

Oh. That's too bad then.

>> No.1185992

What girl?

>> No.1185987

that 'fear' stems from watching Tom and Jerry cartoons as a child

how can you take yourself seriously?

>> No.1185988

Why hasn't that girl been saged to death and this thread reported?

Fuck. What's wrong with you /jp/?

>> No.1185989




>> No.1185990

There's at least two. I can tell you that.

>> No.1185993
File: 166 KB, 600x600, 1219576379978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you ronery
pic related

>> No.1185996


>> No.1185994

Way to fail fag.

>> No.1186001

>>LT suggests that a man who attempts to appeal to a woman through intellectual stimulation or entertainment runs the risk of, rather than becoming or replacing the woman's sexual partner, becoming what Allen satirically depicts as an "intellectual whore" -- someone sought out solely for their intellect, with no interest on the part of the woman in broadening the relationship to other dimensions.

Holy shit. This is me. And probably some of you.

>> No.1186002

4chan needs an ignore tripfag option

>> No.1185999

Fuck off troll. In case you're not, then what I'm afraid of is not the literal meaning.

>> No.1186004

