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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11853357 No.11853357 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11853357,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11853357,2 [INTERNAL] 

as fucking stupid as the josh maymay is i was just watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1mC9hxnLyM

>> No.11853357,3 [INTERNAL] 

i wil never have mey own family

>> No.11853357,4 [INTERNAL] 

im the guy in the theater watching the movie


>> No.11853357,5 [INTERNAL] 

the w is my family

>> No.11853357,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11853357,7 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the actor playing josh

>> No.11853357,8 [INTERNAL] 

warosuko will be the single mom

>> No.11853357,9 [INTERNAL] 

did josh really run over all those people

>> No.11853357,10 [INTERNAL] 


holy moley this guy is dumb

>> No.11853357,11 [INTERNAL] 

ghost dancers slay gays together

>> No.11853357,12 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11853357,13 [INTERNAL] 


guys /jp/ is shit because of crossie - crossie

>> No.11853357,14 [INTERNAL] 

> /g/ had always /v/ tier posting but never this much and this low quality,
/g/ has been a shithole for loli-hating norms and their dumbphones since before 2013 what the fug is this gaylord saying

>> No.11853357,15 [INTERNAL] 

>The 8gag crew really does agood job at using 4chan as toilet all while trying to "devide and conquer slow boards with no strong community" to gather more shekels for their fucking cripplejewcocksucker and twitter war.
This is some commie-level propaganda.

>> No.11853357,16 [INTERNAL] 

is 4chan even relevant anymore? i don't even like 8chan but it seems like the place is slowing down

>> No.11853357,17 [INTERNAL] 

um regardless of how relevant 4chan is 8chan has literally no relevance at all

>> No.11853357,18 [INTERNAL] 

didn't answer my question faggot

>> No.11853357,19 [INTERNAL] 

unless you treat the W as a place for /jp/terans there's (currently) no place for refuge, everybody could either kill themselves or pack up and go [b][i]norm

>> No.11853357,20 [INTERNAL] 

4chan was never relevant. The sooner newfag summer ends for good and all the normie boards are closed due to inactivity, the better.

>> No.11853357,21 [INTERNAL] 

I tried going norm I can't do it all the normies know I'm not like them and things get weird please help

>> No.11853357,22 [INTERNAL] 

'normals' are really just 'life otaku' when you get down to it

hope this helps

>> No.11853357,23 [INTERNAL] 

what i mean by that is if you cant see yourself being motivated and feeling validated by the same shit that drives them just dont even try.

>> No.11853357,24 [INTERNAL] 

Why am I even alive.....

>> No.11853357,25 [INTERNAL] 

Normalfags don't leave, kid.

>> No.11853357,26 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I could love life like norms do I keep clinging on life even with the mutual hate for each other

>> No.11853357,27 [INTERNAL] 

The idea that crippelechan as some secretive Illuminati-esque website working behind the scenes and making 4chan bad sounds fucking funny as shit.

>> No.11853357,28 [INTERNAL] 

he posts on the w btw

>> No.11853357,29 [INTERNAL] 

I can't stand that guy since I read an interview where he said he's always been a fan of "internet culture and memes".

>> No.11853357,30 [INTERNAL] 

it's true

>> No.11853357,31 [INTERNAL] 

4chan was a toilet long before 8chan, dude

>> No.11853357,32 [INTERNAL] 

help the spam is holocausting me

>> No.11853357,33 [INTERNAL] 

chill out

>> No.11853357,34 [INTERNAL] 

