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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11837503 No.11837503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, /lit/ has got to be the worst board on 4chan.

All the kids trying to sound smart by using big words and spewing "literally" and "ironically" a dozen times per sentence.
Bloody caitiffs, the lot of them.
Have they ever been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? I say no.
The board is literally warosu with books.

>> No.11837512

>All the kids trying to sound smart by using big words and spewing "literally" and "ironically"
>The board is literally warosu with books.
>it isnt shitposting if it is ironic

>> No.11837515


>> No.11837514 [DELETED] 

have you seen this on 4chan?

*wips out the dizzle*

>> No.11837522

Nice irony bro

>> No.11837570

You are literarially a faggot

>> No.11837597


>> No.11837618

What's the most /jp/ approved non-/jp/ 4chan board?

>> No.11837621

This place is crawling with /a/ and /v/ kids right now you know, how about we discuss this on the W?

>> No.11837624

Holy fucking shit my sides.
This Arcueid tripfag is comedy fucking gold


>> No.11837628

>big words
Do you not know English?
Read more.

>> No.11837629

My favorite femanon pretending to be a weed smoking nigger on the internet.

>> No.11837635


>> No.11837636

/u/. Not because there is anything great or even good about /u/, but because it's the least terrible of many terrible candidates.

>> No.11837637

>As if anyone would argue with you, o Holy Arbiter of All Things Literary. Allow me to crawl on my belly, like a common garden serpent, out of this thread for even daring to impugn your worldly knowledge with my rank ignorance.

>> No.11837652

Fuck off /u/. That place is fucking awful worse than /a/.

This, they get shit done

>> No.11837660

I can't fathom how anybody could find /u/ worse than /a/ unless they really hated yuri.

>This, they get shit done
/prog/ is a shit board if there ever was one.

>> No.11837670

This happens when newfags don't know what they're talking about.

/jp/-/prog/ connection has been severed since 2011, now it's just a extension for /g/roskis, compare: /jp/'s /ghost/.

>> No.11837683

smh just lmfao if you don't love to literally post about ʙʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴇᴅɢᴇ by Thomas Pynchon on /lit/ for ironic purposes because you're a trill hipster. Wait, wut?

>> No.11837698

yet you say it was severed in the past, funny.
/u/ is still shit.

>> No.11837748

You're the only one who still browse it that's still on /jp/. The guys who crosspost there before moved w4ch.

>> No.11837772

/prog/ and possibly /tg/

>> No.11837819
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But yuri is worthless, they discriminate against girls with dicks.

>> No.11837913


found the /lit/eral faggot

>> No.11837923

How does that excuse ignorance?

>> No.11837925

Girls don't have dicks, retard.

>> No.11837960

I do!

>> No.11838041

Who's being ignorant?
If you're trying too hard, you're trying too hard.

>> No.11838104
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You'd never fit in in Gensokyo.

>> No.11838138

Those words aren't big and it's a board dedicated to literature, what the hell do you expect? Dr Seuss?
