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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 1306x766, 14214562543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11831738 No.11831738 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11807129

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11831849
File: 368 KB, 800x450, taiken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's out.

>> No.11831903

Oh yeah more Hino goodness.
Too bad the download will take like 10 hours with that speed

>> No.11831981


My dirty internet tube is so slow for this.

>> No.11832253
File: 152 KB, 800x600, 1640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this game

>> No.11832304
File: 52 KB, 1296x778, rebeliontime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, let's see what this is like...

>> No.11832316

Can you upload it anywhere?
The download isn't advancing at all for me

>> No.11832355
File: 77 KB, 1255x241, interface menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, Mega said it's going to be 3 hours on my almost third world speed internet.

They added a spectrum visualization at the bottom...

>> No.11832638

Did they already upped it in other mirrors in holy seal?

>> No.11832650


I give up, Mega has restarted itself 3 times going 1-2 hours into uploading each time. Any better free hosts? Would love to have ftp support but know it's normally reserve for the paid subscription accounts.

>> No.11832655


I see two more mirrors added to the initial two.

>> No.11832669

I wonder if japan has something against efficient download methods.

>> No.11832770

First time I have to wait 12 hours to download a trial. Hope somebody upload it in other host.

>> No.11832786

Yesterday I downloaded the 1.1 patch for komorebi no nostalgica, 13 hours for 900+ mbs.

>> No.11832801

Wow...honestly downloading for so long with direct downloads is imposible for me, I can tolerate it a bit with torrents, but that's all.

>> No.11832805

The key is leaving it in the background and not even bothering to check. Since it runs so fucking slow, it doesn't hamper other downloads.

>> No.11832834
File: 311 KB, 976x553, c_girl0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Sugina kept his promise - a year later and here's our yuri game. All ages or not, I cannot fucking WAIT.

>> No.11832879

Why are you using Windows 8?

>> No.11832931

If someone else manages to dl it, please reup!

>> No.11833007

I want to get into VN's
But I don't know Japanese yet, I'm still learning.
Do any of you have suggestions for decent translated ones?
I have no idea where to start looking.

>> No.11833018

Use VNDB. You can filter by language.

>> No.11833025
File: 110 KB, 646x524, Is no gream as same as daed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giniro is pretty good and it was released with a translation. Of course I can't really say anything good about the translation besides that some of what I've seen of it makes it sound kind of cute.

>> No.11833037

If you are learning, I'd suggest you hold of until you can read them in Japanese. You'll just be ruining part of the experience by reading a translation.

Unless you are a complete beginner, why not try picking up some moege and going through with ITH&TA? It is actually a pretty good way to learn.

>> No.11833044

I'm in school for it, i'm doing a Minor in Japanese Studies. I'm only in the second part.

>> No.11833045

It displays both Japanese and English so you can try to read it in Japanese and see how close your understanding matches the English translation.

>> No.11833048

You're trying really hard to drive people away from VNs, aren't you?

>> No.11833047

I'll try these out.
Thank you.

>> No.11833058

Does anyone know where can i download a nodvd crack for スイートロビンガール -Sweet Robin Girl- ? i deleted .iso file and i dont want to download entire shit with deposit files again since there isnt any seeded torrent. one crack would be reaallly great.

>> No.11833071

What kind of protection does it use? If it's a simple cd check, you may as well crack it yourself.

>> No.11833075

i dont really know anything about protection or cracking, all i know its using TVP(KIRIKIRI) 2 core and im not even sure if it will help or not.

>> No.11833083
File: 20 KB, 620x321, ss (2014-01-23 at 10.03.04).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture,it just says this.

>> No.11833107


You need to reinstall - typically that message comes up because the installation creates some folders in your user directory under /user/name/appdata)or mydocument etc) and when it doesn't see those it will throw that error. Nodvd crack for DRM normally throws a different message.

>> No.11833118

oh shit.If there a seeded torrent i wouldnt care about it but now i have to download those shit deposit files again.And most likely the game isnt worth of it anyway,but still i will do it. Thank you very much.

>> No.11833139

What the fuck are you talking about. The error message literally says "Please insert the Sweet Robin Girl disc and restart".

>> No.11833162


I know what it says, but I had many cases where it's asking for the dvd not due to drm but bad installation.

>> No.11833247

Chuable soft usually have a special anti-gaijin block, I specifically haven't played this game, but other two from the same company was a pain in the ass to make it work.

Try checking this thread (http://www.hongfire.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-341410.html)) or newer games from the company in AS that when games have anti-gaijin protection they usually post the cracks on the topics, like this one (http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/torrents-47/5-%5Bnew-release%5D%5B130927%5D%5B%E3%83%81%E3%83%A5%E3%82%A2%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB%E3%82%BD%E3%83%95%E3%83%88%5D-%E3%83%8E%E3%83%96%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AA%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A5-noblesse-rouge-%5B3-13g%5D-w-bonus-drama-cd-fanbook-update-155264/).). I also searched for 10m on google but didn't find one, maybe the version you got came corrupted or something?

>> No.11833286


I actually read both Noblesse of Rouge (very poor) and Astraythem (better, but 1 route), having to enter the numbers weren't so bad. One of usual bbs mention this one too needed to enter jp verification, which is supposely "チュアブルソフト" (chuable soft). He can try that if he wants to.

>> No.11833301
File: 112 KB, 1286x749, nogaijinallowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just so happens that I started reading Astraythem a few days ago and took a screenshot of that anti-gaijin block.
I really don't think this has any effect though since I'm sure anyone who attempts to play eroge can at least figure out something as simple as numbers.

>> No.11833313


Not to mention the right answer is probably already being posted on many different sites/boards like hongfire. Still, for me it never stops being funny.

>> No.11833322

They should do things like randomly select things from a pool of kanji puns you have to figure out.

>> No.11833332


That would reduce it to people who actually want to read the game. But who else would download it?

No matter how you twist it, it keeps being ridiculous. What were they thinking?

>> No.11833354

Apparently it works.

>> No.11833365

Well, what did you expect? The vndb community is barely any better than fuwanovel's.

>> No.11833371

How the hell can people get stuck at such simple questions? Do all of they use ATLAS or something like that? I'd understand if it was something like a kanji pun or identifying radicals or something like that, but this is just plain retarded. You need to have like, zero japanese skills to fail this test.

>> No.11833374

Huh, so there really are people who just fire up Google Translate with zero knowledge of Japanese. I don't see how that could possibly be enjoyable. You might as well just download a CG set.

>> No.11833389

I'm fairly sure I've seen worse anti-gaijin measures, I don't get how this is anti-gaijin at all.
Do they think we are stupid and downloading the VNs without knowing even the basics of the Japanese language.

I honestly didn't think there were people who do not know any Japanese at all and just run their games through translators, they deserve to be blocked - it would save shitty reviews and discussions about something they cannot even understand

>> No.11833391

>shitty reviews and discussions
Do they actually discuss about shit they read using ATLAS? My fucking god.

>> No.11833394

Remember some of them browse this thread as well

>> No.11833399


Apparently, there is somewhere on vndb a Muramasa review from someone who "read" the game with ATLAS.

>> No.11833400

Please don't say such scary things.

>> No.11833408

I like this one.

>> No.11833413


They also probably post here as well. Scary huh?

>> No.11833427

They seem more prevalent in the nukige thread if that is any consolation, which disheartens me a bit as well.

>> No.11833452

Wait, there are people who use machine translations as an actual substitute to the real thing instead of a learning crutch?
Do they not know about the shit that adds furigana or are they just being silly on purpose?

>> No.11833496

I think they don't know Japanese at all so furigana wouldn't help them. Nothing else can explain not being able to get past blocks like the image from >>11833301

>> No.11833502


You have /a/nons who come here that only use machine translation and "review"/blog post about games they have played only with translators.

>> No.11833514

Have you ever been to Hongfire forums? Many games receive straight machine translations since people can't get arsed enough to properly translate. I can't blame them since most their releases are boring nukige anyways but I want to bash my head in when thinking people actually download and use them.

>> No.11833644

Atlas is used as a tool to enhance the story they make up based on the images

>> No.11833685

>She messes around a lot, and her goal is to become an old man

What the fuck?

>> No.11833698

fuck I can't stop listening to the Akatoki OST
Is the actual game itself worth playing?

>> No.11833701

Play it for Asami Imai

>> No.11833808

I played the game when it came out and it was pretty fun. Just don't take it too seriously and you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.11833916

he seems like he understood the game more then the people here, whats the problem?

>> No.11833921

It should require 大字 instead

>> No.11833929

Oh man, that would stop a huge amount of people.

>> No.11833943

Next, they'll start asking readers to solve multivariable calculus problems just to prove they're over 18.

>> No.11834003


Why is this like a generic moeshit opening if its 相州戦神館學園? Is it supposed to be ironic?

>> No.11834008

>Is it supposed to be ironic?

>> No.11834014

It's a joke video. The real OP movie is this

>> No.11834028

that's the 4th pv, dolt

>> No.11834069
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11834155


>> No.11834221

What a waste.

>> No.11834344

Is you considered an EOP if you use ATLAS?

>> No.11834350


>> No.11834362

If you just use a text hooker to look up words/kanji you don't know faster than usual, no. But if you use shitty machine translations or have to abuse romaji reading with the other ATLAS tools, yes.

>> No.11834366

Nobody actually uses machine translations except that Brazilian NTR guy from the old hongfire who released the giant ATLAS dictionary. This is a myth.

>> No.11834369

>actually, I played this by using ATLAS+AGTH

>> No.11834380


>> No.11834381

Machine translated shumon sounds like a terrible experience.

>> No.11834383

Is JParser alone machine translation?

>> No.11834385

>Nobody actually uses machine translations
I wish. I remember seeing posts on hongfire saying they "read" x number of eroge using machine translations. Hell, people read, aware or not, completely edited machine translated eroge.

>> No.11834386

Is it that function which enables you to read direct translations of the words in the text? Well, in a sense it kinda is, but it depends on how much grammar knowledge you have to comprehend the text. I find it easier to just use a text hooker and search for jp -> jp of jp -> en definitions though.

>> No.11834985

How do you guys find time to play VNs? Most descent ones are at least 50 hours. In the past 6 months I've only had time to finish 2 VNs.

>> No.11835036

Stop reading the internet

>> No.11835058
File: 168 KB, 816x659, zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this

>> No.11835070

I'm stuck at the climax of chapter 2 for a year and a half so far.
The OST is godly though.

>> No.11835077

Stop doing what ever is taking up most of your time.

>> No.11835082

>Most descent ones are at least 50 hours.
You mean around 20 to 30 hours. I think the longest game I read last year was c46+1 and that's only 40 hours according to EGS.
It's not hard to finish eroge when you spend an hour or two to read everyday. I finish about 2 per month.

>> No.11835101

I quit my job just to read eroge, best decision I ever made.

>> No.11835119
File: 41 KB, 829x474, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about money where do you get it

>> No.11835122

I get why it's supposed to be moving, but I didn't really feel it too much.

青姉ぇ should've gotten a route, though.

>> No.11835173


Like all things, it may not be the type that floats your boat.

Going through Hello Lady! trial, the MC reminds me very much of Yuuji from grisaia in style, the way he really seems to enjoy himself while holding supposely his (not-so) secrets. Of course he has Yuuji beat in flashy word prose, and it probably feel like a mini lecture often when he converses; for me this grounds his experience from his abnormal (?) upbringing, fleshes out a heavy scent of his character.

>> No.11835180

Is there mirror
i don't like downloading from official i feel bad leeching off their server while i will surely pirate their work

>> No.11835351

Bradyon Veda is uploaded.

>> No.11835371

nice i love military chicks

>> No.11835488

Masada once called it a 学園もの, and it became a joke in the Japanese community, with people going "学園・・・もの?" and the like while watching the chuuni previews.
PV4 is a response to that, and it's hilarious.

>> No.11835567
File: 342 KB, 1296x778, BreastSage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejoice, fellows! Mega stopped screwing up my upload like my attempts yesterday, here are the links to ハロー・レディ! (Hello Lady) trial - 4 part rar files.


>> No.11835574

Thanks, but now I only have an hour left from the getchu download, will use yours if it suddenly crashes (it tends to).

>> No.11835620

So for someone starting the series, is Baldr force EXE or the standard version better?

>> No.11835627

Standard, 18+ version, I think.

>> No.11835641

Standard has Tohru voiced, +18 keeps sex scenes and rape, while standard implies them.
I quite liked Akira Ishida as the MC so I'd say go with that.

>> No.11835820

I've been playing Chaos;Head but I saved in chapter 6 and it broke. I thought that was only supposed to happen in chapter 7 so I wasn't really prepared. What do

>> No.11836093

Thank you, my download stopped three times but your links only took me 5 minutes, you have my gratitude.

And goddam Hino is a GOD, the trial is awesome so far.
If it's solid all around it could become my favorite of his works

>> No.11836149
File: 339 KB, 1300x782, wordswords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I felt it was pretty fun as well, the trial ends with the ever hateful spoilerific video clip - why must they do this to us!

Starting Bradyon Veda

>> No.11836164

Is the MC voiced throughout in hello lady or something like &?

>> No.11836178


Yes, full-voice MC, at least for the trial.

>> No.11836187

Sounds great then, I remember being excited at &'s supposedly voiced MC then I was disappointed, though I guess it was the least of my complaints in it.

>> No.11836243
File: 670 KB, 1000x1033, shinri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11836259

He looks like a more pretentious gasai.

>> No.11836372
File: 713 KB, 1280x720, BSZ_2013. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite my love for protags with personality, I really dislike it when they have preferences like these, especially when they go against mine.
Though I guess seeing a guy who loves big tits get turned into a lolicon is entertaining.

>> No.11836386

You're the twisted one, we're made to suck tits since birth, not tables.

>> No.11836396

>You're the twisted one
I'm more than aware.
I'm embracing it.

>> No.11836401

Huh, taking a defiant attitude, aren't you? Mah, keep yourself out of 2d jail.

>> No.11836406

What kind of sick fuck doesn't like all breast types?

>> No.11836409

I don't like male breasts

>> No.11836419

I wouldn't say defiant, since I'm not going against anything at this point.
I don't mind tits as long as they complement the ass.
Tits =< Ass is what I want. Tits that are bigger than the ass are terrible and oppai loli is absolute heresy.

>> No.11836448

>oppai loli is absolute heresy
Whoa whoa whoa let's not get carried away here. Shortstacks have their place.

>> No.11836468

Bradyon Veda has full-voice MC as well, all-round chunni spell talk when fight comes.

>> No.11836477

Is it sci-fi chuuni or magic chuuni? I couldn't tell from the previews. Seemed like a mix of both.

>> No.11836482

Maybe I COULD work up a boner over it, but finishing would take a while.
At least I would avoid getting called a pedo in the odd chance that I'm spotted. Just a midget lover at most.
How is it?
Might give it a try if it's at least as good as light's non-Masada chuunigames.

>> No.11836492


It's magic spell incantation that puts out science damage. Yes, it's a mix.


It doesn't feel light's non-masada stuff (zero infinity/electro arms team writers) - this one feels little "colder". I am not far in so my impression is no more than a guess.

>> No.11836499 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 1300x782, Spell Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An example of above.

>> No.11836505
File: 131 KB, 1040x626, Spell Science1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An example as above.

>> No.11836553

How did you guys find all the time and dedication to learn Japanese?

>> No.11836559

By spending less time on 4chan

>> No.11836608


Learning Japanese was a tool, not the goal. It was on par with learning the proper use of items to beat games. I never saw it as something which required dedication.

>> No.11836637
File: 18 KB, 396x173, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this error when trying to open Majikoi S, any idea what's wrong?

>> No.11836654

Finished the trial of Hello Lady, now to wait for April.
Pretty long trial but damn I want more, I'd say it has a stronger start than Ruitomo and Comyu

>> No.11836675

Got me interested, I personally think Comyu=RuitomoFD>Ruitomo, but I seem to be the only one.

How is HL, could you give me a short summary about the trial and how long is it exactly?

>> No.11836685

>but I seem to be the only one
I agree with you, ruitomo left me unsatisfied plot-wise, too much stuff I didn't know about by the time akaneko's route ended.

>> No.11836701


Settec is good friend, otherwise know as Alpha rom. You need a no-dvd crack/patch.

>> No.11836715


I already had it cracked and i finished the game back in 2013, i just woke up today and felt like replying Koyuki's route and i got that error when trying to open it.

>> No.11836739

Everything was explained in the FD, but people always says both ruitomos were better than comyu, which in my opinion isn't, though the FD is equal for me and I can see people liking it more since Comyu had one route more than needed and Kagome could had been better.

>> No.11836795
File: 9 KB, 519x34, 2014-01-25-002945_519x34_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11836797

Two-three days late.

>> No.11836808

girlcelly is a faggot, bro

>> No.11836812

dun give a shit because (s)he at least seed older torrents

>> No.11836813

Have the getchu rankings come out yet?

>> No.11836858

Nemu and Haruka bitch

>> No.11836952

Which would you fuck, Nemu or Haruka?

>> No.11836958


>> No.11837027

Nemu. Or half of the Da Capos, really.

>> No.11837219

Is this just /jp/ hating everything or is there actually a reason not to download his shit?

>> No.11837223

FlowerTradeWinds or whoever the fuck is usually faster and more moe with his begging that people don't reupload his stuff.

>> No.11837245
File: 578 KB, 798x599, annoying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice is making my head hurt, for some reason. Will it get worse?

>> No.11837257

im playing shoujo to sekai to okashi no ken route of ayano and btw, i like ayano well enough, but i dont care for nana- can i skip straight to route of ichigo when ive finished this game?

>> No.11837262

she is a girl

>> No.11837264

the character itself is annoying, just finish it fast and go play kiminago

>> No.11837305

The new Hino is great, but it sure reeks of Looseboy.

>> No.11837422

-merely a reuploader: downloads others' releases and repackages them
-plasters his fucking name and logo over everything despite the above
-uses 'girl' in his handle despite being male

I think calling him a faggot is justified.

>> No.11837438

Just pretend he's a cute little girl and be happy.

>> No.11837439

Seems like a pretty good reason to hate the uploader, but it seems like a very petty reason to hate the uploads.

>> No.11837471

What if she is actually a cute little girl?
Plastering her name over everything looks more like the action of a cute little girl.

>> No.11837492

Oh shit, girlcelly is a guy? I swear, they originally uploaded by the name "gircelly x alpha" or something. But then it was just changed to just "girlcelly" and I assumed they broke up. Hah..

>> No.11837545


The account was originally owned by a girl and then she gave the account to the guy currently running it.

>> No.11837557

You forgot how he spends so much time downloading and re-uploading eroge despite not being able to read the language.

>> No.11837563


Source required for that statement.

>> No.11837577

You'd have a point if he weren't making money off said uploads.

>> No.11837580


He asks someone to translate the guide to run the game because he can't read Japanese.

>> No.11837585

Why would he use Google Translate so much if he knew moonrunes?

>> No.11837591


Fair enough.

>> No.11837594
File: 229 KB, 1280x720, booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys care so much about x or y uploader?

He gets from whatever posted and reuploads and keeps some servers seeding the fucking torrents a lot of them being only him that seeds, I'm glad with that and I don't care if he's a transvestite chimpanze or the king of faggot land as long as he keep uploading.

>> No.11837617

Same here. I grab the 2DGF torrent for new releases because I've had enough of Nemu and Haruka, but for older stuff girlcelly's torrents are usually better seeded, and for that I'm grateful.

Most of the time they're both just reuploading from Share or wherever anyway.

>> No.11837627

How he make money with the uploads?

>> No.11837634

What is the best place to start?
I've only played KS

>> No.11837642


>> No.11837644
File: 622 KB, 1293x1905, how to be an eroge master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11837653

How do I get out of the endless moege road?
Help me, I'm tired of the every game with the characters with the same personality that have the same hair color and he same VA and the same jokes.

>> No.11837655

Prison Battleship wasn't good for my dick.

>> No.11837675

Maybe try playing something that isn't a moege?

>> No.11837695

Just finished Kara no Shoujo. Waiting for sequel to finish translating.

>> No.11838075

Kamaitachi no Yoru has received an official English translation on iOS.

The Super Famicom original is the game that inspired the Zero Escape series.

>> No.11838417

I didn't know Daitoshokan was actually getting an anime. Every time I went to getchu I thought it was some kind of mistake and never thought of googling it. So silly.

>> No.11838546

Baldr Sky Zero FD - "Extreme" from the usual places. Didn't even know they had one released last Dec as my focus was for BSZ 2.

>> No.11838628

Do you all of you only play JP eroge? I've only started in the ways of eroge so I don't know.

>> No.11838688
File: 428 KB, 806x626, bk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, this scene felt good.

I hate Takuji, I just want to finish this arc and get back to cute lesbians.

>> No.11838689

You only have one more lesbian route.

>> No.11838690

As long as I don't have to deal with more Takuji. This turd is like Shinji 2ch ver or something, but somehow worse.

>> No.11838692
File: 233 KB, 800x600, capture_25032012_235851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11838740
File: 147 KB, 1275x716, Sorako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the trial fro Hello Lady, super interesting and seems like the kind of game I'll probably read more for the main character than for what the heroines can do.
Just hope Sorako's route is unlocked somewhat soon after her almost sex scene and her evident crush on Shinri and the connection to his past, evidently.

>> No.11838769
File: 154 KB, 800x600, capture_003_25012014_071852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate Takuji
Why does everyone on this board have such terrible taste?

>> No.11838773
File: 115 KB, 616x135, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wasn't expecting to see a reference to him in any VN honestly

>> No.11838778

>get back to cute lesbians.
oh you

>> No.11838791
File: 52 KB, 300x425, 2013-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, actually not:
>2014年 3月頃

>> No.11839100

I'm pretty out of the loop myself, what do you use to keep updated on new releases?

>> No.11839111


>> No.11839120


>> No.11839156

Nico's monthly eroge releases.

>> No.11839222

this thread

>> No.11839318


>> No.11839326

can anyone recommend me some lewd yuri VNs?

>> No.11839472


>> No.11839526

>Heisei 26
>Using vndb

>> No.11839530

DJT cancer pls go

>> No.11839534

I don't see what's the problem with vndb to keep a track of what novels you want to read and what not/have read and what not. I'm tired of being blocked for no reason on egs month to month.

>> No.11839540

the stupid scores

>> No.11839543

It's not like the scores on EGS are much better.

>> No.11839573

What are you trying to imply? There's plenty of retarded shit on egs score that have scores way higher than they deserved, on top of my mind favorite and navel games, the later having a higher median for tsuritou than oretsuba, also novels that have less than 50 different users scores allowed to show up in the overall ranking, etc

>> No.11839640

>the later having a higher median for tsuritou than oretsuba
But oretsuba has a higher average and they both have the same median despite oretsuba having more than twice the votes.

>> No.11839716

Why is "stupid scores" a remotely good reason not to use a VN tracking system? Why are you looking at the scores?

>> No.11839911

leaf got aoyama in WA2 only to read the flying announcements in the airport

>> No.11839925

Most relevant character in the whole novel, you may say.

>> No.11841009

At least they don't read with machine translators.

>> No.11841299

Has Ami Koshimizu done any roles in eroge? If not, what eroge seiyuu sound similiar to her?

>> No.11841357

>also novels that have less than 50 different users scores allowed to show up in the overall ranking, etc
There's an option to change that.

>> No.11841390

Seems not. You can try Dream C Club for almost-ero though.


>> No.11841417

haven't been on egs for a while, also using vndb solely to record games I played...

those scores don't really mean anything to individuals imo. my favorite game from 2013 has an average score of 78.

>> No.11842137 [SPOILER] 
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, You need two umbrellas. One for the rain, and another for the tears..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went through the 放課後の不適格者 trial. I wasn't expecting much and ended up being very pleasantly surprised. And frustrated because I'm going to have to wait until April to continue.

Started with entertaining slice-of-life sections narrated from Yuugao's perspective, which felt long but honestly didn't drag on at all and were quite pleasing. It had a relaxing atmosphere, though of course that didn't last forever as the game starts to drop hints that something is wrong. Before long, a "mark" shows up on Yuugao, which means that something will happen to her. Cue the poor girl saying her goodbyes before that "something" happens.

Turns out that people with this mark lose control of their bodies and develop supernatural powers, so Itsuka (the protagonist, who also has supernatural powers and has already had to kill 10 of his classmates) has to kick their asses before they murder everyone else. I say "kick their asses" with a light tone, but it's a pretty gloomy scene since this time it's someone who is special to him. After a fight between them, which naturally doesn't end in a pretty way, the protagonist is left mourning the death of his childhood friend.

It was pretty mean to end the trial there. Still, I'm hyped and think this has the potential to be one of the best titles this year, but it can also fall on it's head if it drags on withmultiple long goodbye scenes and if it ends up turning into an angsty mess.

>> No.11842350


Cheers, going to try out the trial myself. I am in for something that switches up the mood.

>> No.11842380

Relay broadcast or Himanatsu?

>> No.11842407

How many vn's have you guys completed around how many do you complete a month?

>> No.11842491
File: 196 KB, 1276x719, bradyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with Bradyon Veda, thought it'd be more action-y with lots of battles and stuff like that from the get go, but was pleasantly surprised by the pseudo cop stuff with investigations and all that it has going so far.
The character interactions are pretty good too, which is always a plus, Naoto and Kaede are pretty fun to read about when they go on a job. The music so far has been quite great too, really set the atmosphere.
That said, the choices so far are killing me, quite literally.

>> No.11842545
File: 343 KB, 1290x772, gaaaaay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started it completely blind without knowing anything about it just because it came out when I happened to be looking for something to read. One of the biggest positive surprises I've had when it comes to eroge so far

>> No.11842552

You know, I'm quite thankful that Wakasugi got killed. there was something in his voice that made me want to punch him hard.
I'm still waiting on a walkthrough or something, just to check the routes in it mostly.

>> No.11842564

I wasn't big on what the writer did before but I guess I'll try it too.

>> No.11842590

What did he do in the past?

>> No.11842591

I tried to access their website but was greeted with gaijin block. Thank god for Getchu.

It feels like more and more company are keeping foreigners from accessing their sites, which is just ludicrous.

>> No.11842605

What is Matilda from Anarchy Reigns doing there?

>> No.11842635

STEEL, I played about a hour of it before dropping, it was chuuni stuff too but the text was really bland, he also did 終わりなき夏 that was equally bland

>> No.11842865

Himanatsu by miles.
Relay broadcast a shit.

>> No.11842875

What dating sims have a nice and cozy atmosphere? I want to feel like I'm falling in love.

>> No.11842895

k, thx. I'm going with it.

>> No.11842906

Don't use a guide.
Let things happen somewhat organically.

>> No.11842949

too old

>> No.11842996

Go play Tokimemo 2, it has better production values than most things released nowadays.
Or if you really want something new I guess Tokimemo 4 works too though it's not as good as 2

>> No.11843005

why is everything so old, did love died nowadays?

>> No.11843007


>> No.11843010

As a genre dating sims have more or less been on life support since 2004.

>> No.11843026

Take a look at Amagami and Lovely Cation 1 and 2. Only recent ones that I can think of at the moment.

>> No.11843402

This is the worst chart ever.

>> No.11843403


I think it was made with that intention.

I hope so, at least.

>> No.11843406
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>> No.11843439


I can't believe I've played a majority of those games

>> No.11843638

The point is that
1. Charts are best left for >>>/a/ and >>>/vg/ that feel a requirement to put everything in charts
2. Taste is of utmost importance when choosing a VN and thus rather futile in exercise
3. It's easy to learn how to use EGS and/or VNDB to suit your own tastes
4. EOPs don't really have a choice

>> No.11843643
File: 423 KB, 1024x576, capture_061_27012014_032117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to cancel the text messages in Steins;Gate before you send them? The short hyperlinks don't really give a good idea about what Okabe's going to write and you can't go back with the usual right click or any other button as far as I know.

I also noticed the game tends to crash quite often when trying to load a save.

>> No.11844122
File: 110 KB, 654x529, shoin_yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game has a lot of scary moments, but this one definitely takes the cake.

>> No.11844238

And with that, I finished Shoin. Honestly I'm left with more questions after the endings, though chances are it might just be me misinterpreting the text. If anyone feel like it, please clear up/discuss these points with me:

1. So in the end, 4rd Love reflects the real world and the metaphysical thought of the characters in these two stories right? If that's the case, then would all the endings be part of Akira's delusions where he is either X and hurting the girls or Akira and loving them? So in the end, what is the actual story?

2. Who is Hinata? Is she part of the girl that got locked in the basement? Young version of Yukari?

3. Are these girls part of Akira's psyche or are they real? All the girls are self-aware in the stories, and Yukari seems to be based off from the actual doctor. I'm not sure what their purposes are, asides from Misa.

It's a great game, but I think I need play it all over again just to pick up anything I might have misunderstood.

>> No.11844490
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Recently finished playing Yandere.
That was quite the experience, I legitimately felt anxious.
I enjoyed it immensely. It would be nice if the best girl had a good end, but that's probably besides the point. All the death flags that guy was tripping was ridiculous

>> No.11844533

Just save before choosing a reply and load if it's not what you wanted. Kinda annoying, but I think there's no other way.

>> No.11844578

Should I go with the PS3 version or the PC version of steins;gate?

The PC version looks like a lower resolution. Or is it just that the console version is upscaled to 720p?

>> No.11844692

Been a while since I played it so not entirely sure how accurate this is, but I always took the story to be pretty much all Akira's PTSD delusions after Misa died and was eaten by him. Yukari was the doctor that was trying to "cure" him and decided to play along with his delusions, eventually helping him overcome it..

Can't say I know anything about Hinata.

>> No.11845022

Which is the hottest new game (since October) on the block right now? I have been out of commission for a few months and erogamescape is not reachable for me.

>> No.11845024
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>> No.11845094
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>> No.11845400

English only pleb

>> No.11845406

Thanks, i sort of gave up on getting a reply to that

>> No.11845426

isn't it English only peasant?

>> No.11845430

No, it's English only prole.

>> No.11845450

That makes sense I suppose. However, Yukari's end in Ushinawareta Yume has this one scene where Akira asks her if this is really just a story, which I think implies that Akira remains crazy and that Yukari's end is just another ending in his own stories.

I dug around Google a bit for the Japanese's take on Hinata, and can't say I found anything that seems conclusive. Hinata seems a bit too complex to be Akira's creation, and her interaction with Yukari leads me to think that she is either Yukari's creation or an actual person that plays along with them during the treatment.

>> No.11845505

Bradyon Veda is pleasant surprise for me - it read rather "cold/cooler" than a normal chuuni, and has an analytic feel that stoods out for me. The MC also feels, a bit mechanized at times, as if he's too used to taking things literally (this is explained). Haven't finish yet so can't really say if it's a landmine or not.

>> No.11845623

I find his ASC otakuness really endearing.

>> No.11845729

Is there anything o the routes? My guess is that there's one for Kaede and Shion, both have choices in chapter 4 and an unlockable one because of the invisible choice during the ending of said chapter.

>> No.11845950
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>> No.11845968

黄雷 not first....japan has quite the shit taste.

>> No.11845988

The number of votes in 2013 is really pathetic but I guess that reflect the quality of that year

>> No.11845994

Did you visit the VN general thread last year? Even on this board only like 2 people put that game on their top 3, and no one put it as 1st.

>> No.11845996

I didn't actually read it until my copy shipped in february, but I'd put it as my first from 2012. That said, 2012 was pretty bad too.

>> No.11846025

You guys are right, Bradyon Veda is pretty cool.
Hopefully it will hold up till the end though

>> No.11846038

It improves as it gets going, the fights could use less explanation after every single move, but at least once you see it it doesn't get explained again.

>> No.11846963

Finished Bradyon Veda Kaede route last night. The conclusion was disappointing so I hope other routes will deliver better. Still a great VN overall in my opinion so far. Looks like it's forced play order as I'm quite sure I got into different route from doing the exact same choices.

>> No.11847092

Yeah how dare they rank it second instead.
Why are liar-soft fans so insufferable?

>> No.11847117

Are you blind?

>> No.11847121

Ataraxia is getting a Vita port.
Finally voiced after 9 years? I guess I'll have to buy it

>> No.11847122

Madou Koukaku doesn't really deserve to be in that list.

>> No.11847134

You don't deserve to be alive.

>> No.11847142

Vita port being released before the crappy translation. this is rather funny for some reason

>> No.11847152

Saw it in a thread in /a/, reminded me how much I hate the TM fanbase.
But voiced FHA is cool but I would rather have Mahoyo 2

>> No.11847254

Do you guys think it will be possible to get the voice files from FHA's vita port and put them in the PC version of the game?

Something similar happened with the original FSN and the PS2 voice files...

>> No.11847278

Have any of you guys actually started to enjoy manzai after being exposed to it so much? I used to thing it was terrible, but nowadays it's pretty funny.

>> No.11847316

Manzai and oyaji puns make me laugh too much now, although my favorite is still smart wordplay. You'd think 4koma would be boring as well because nothing really happens a lot of the times but I find it hilarious too nowadays. What the hell.

>> No.11847323

On the contrary, I used to like the idea, but I can't stand tsukkomi anymore. I could figure out it was supposed to be joke without you pointing out the joke, thank you. Manzai comedy is on the same level as laugh tracks and neither of them should still be around.

>> No.11847491

Mahoyo 2 takes actual effort to make.

>> No.11847603

I prefer when the whole cast is boke, but bakage seems like a extinct genre by now.

>> No.11847817


I can't stand it no matter how much time passes. Boke can be funny, but the sadly inevitable tsukkomi destroys any effort made by the boke. I can figure out people being unreasonable and silly, I don't need someone pointing that out.

Witty prose is way better anyway.

>> No.11847942

Nope, still don't like it.

>> No.11848316

What are some easy VNs for a beginner to read in Japanese? I'm fine with nukige too.

>> No.11848333

manga, ln

>> No.11848343

LxC and H2O are the easiest novels I've ever read, dunno if there are easier out there

>> No.11848364
File: 106 KB, 800x600, capture_017_28012014_151241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H2O was pretty fun. Hayami's after story had one of my favorite h-scenes too.

>> No.11848388
File: 45 KB, 800x600, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the after was the best part, when they finally decided to focus on the characters and let the silly to the side, well I hate those village settings so I'm a little biased.

>> No.11848391

I think I remember reading somewhere that scaji was actually the person who wrote her AS, but I don't remember where I saw that or if it's actually true.

>> No.11848399

When will scaji release sakura no uta anyway? Also will have subahibi graphs or himanatsu?

>> No.11848408
File: 184 KB, 800x600, capture_010_16122013_101445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember him tweeting about how they were going to announce something about SnU at some point this year. I'm not sure if I understand that second question, but if you're asking something about the visuals, I hope they keep the ones they already did because the trial looked really nice.

>> No.11848413

So many years and still terrible sprite aliasing.

>> No.11848411
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, BGI 2014-01-28 21-28-48-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant will they use the older visual, as you said, or newer ones like they did in the recent Makura novels.

>> No.11848425
File: 135 KB, 800x600, ev9001_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling that they will end up redrawing them because I don't think they'll release something with an 800x600 resolution. I liked a lot of the art in himanatsu, but I still prefer their older stuff. Either way, I hope they go back to using a lot of SD art.

>> No.11848435

Sincerely I prefer the newer style, especially when compared with subahibi (hope they use just one artist), though I haven't played the trial yet of SnU so I can't say for sure aside one cgs and sprites I've saw here an there.

About the sd they got prettier but in a lower frequency... Not sure if they will change that in a more serious story.

>> No.11848482

Is Muramasa really a kamige?

>> No.11848490

>but I don't remember where I saw that or if it's actually true.
I just remembered I read it in that artwork book that came with subahibi.

>…それを言うのでしたら『H2O FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND』ですかぢ氏が担当されたははやみアフタールートの方が『終ノ空』の思想と相反すると思われるます。

>> No.11848491

Why don't you read it and find out?

>> No.11848503

Depends if you're talking about a Buddhist kamige, a christian or a pagan one.

>> No.11848508


>> No.11848583

Do you guys look down on people who read english translations? I always feel inferior...

>> No.11848586

I only look down on people if they always mope, but don't do anything about it.

If you have the will and you're making an effort, there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11848587

It's true, you are inferior. But don't worry, I don't look down on you because of it.

>> No.11848590

I do not look down on them because everybody had to start at some point and at least, at some point, some of them try to start learning moon, though I'm not sure if it works for people trying to start now without much prior knowledge.

>> No.11848602

Wouldn't that make every game a kamige?

>> No.11848604

Just one game per sacred area and Japan isn't that big.

>> No.11848618

Yes, because translations are a great offense to the original writer and people who rely on them are the worst.

>> No.11848624

I'm sure many /jp/sies didn't just start reading vns in Japanese, they probably discovered them in their native language then decided to commit and learn Japanese later. (like myself)

That being said, how many of you could understand Japanese before you got into eroge?

>> No.11848623


Are there any "translations" that are genuinely good?

>> No.11848627

>That being said, how many of you could understand Japanese before you got into eroge?
Anime/Manga → LNs → VNs

>> No.11848633

Book translations, and only some of them.

>> No.11848634

What about that thing about objects being used by a long time gaining a soul? Or is that another religion?

>> No.11848635

Yeah, I had at least 6000 anime episodes before I even tried learning japanese, at some part you start learning through hearing them repeating the same words a thousand times.

>> No.11848642
File: 701 KB, 1920x1200, Tokita.Chidori.full.1485225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translated may feel stilted at times, but most of those eroge writers aren't the most skilled bunch of authors in the world to begin with. I mean, they have to use anime characters and porn to sell their work. They know people are only downloading they can promise you hot child sex. I don't think anyone gets into VNs for good writing and therefore don't see any problem with mediocre translations.

>> No.11848647

Do those objects hold a god inside them? Are we talking about modern religions or some old shit?

>> No.11848651


Isn't that a staple good of almost any pagan religion?

>> No.11848661
File: 162 KB, 1024x576, Muramasa_28012014_234821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that I won't get my answer.

>> No.11848665

translate is woebos

>> No.11848672

The amount of silliness in what I read was part of the reason I probably won't go back and finish reading it. I really don't understand how people in these threads seem to like the humor in it so much.

>> No.11848679

It is impossible to translate Japanese into English, you can't even get past the 6 trillions of Japanese first person pronouns without a lot of TLs notes or half translated text.

>> No.11848680

The "humor" in thread or muramasa?

>> No.11848683

In muramasa. A lot of it really just felt really silly to me in a way I just couldn't get into.

>> No.11848688

I'm barely in so I can't give you any impressions yet, but I agree about being overly silly with the kids but nothing happened yet and comedy isn't the major point of the game so I don't know...

>> No.11848700

I think you can get across that a girl is a tomboy without boku.

>> No.11848703


You're thinking too literal. It is possible, albeit not completely. Those personal pronouns could be translated with a vocative roughly equivalent in terms of politeness (or the lack of it), like "boy", "man" or "sonny" for example. Most translators are simply too incompetent for that though.

>> No.11848707

Then how do you get across a boy correcting his ore into a boku in a formal situation?

>> No.11848713

Have him switch to passive voice.

I think that... I mean it would be better if we were to...

>> No.11848714

Wait, that example isn't in passive voice. It still works, though.

>> No.11848716

What about changing his usual boku to an ore when he gains some "character development"?

>> No.11848720

If that's the only indication that the character is acting more mature, then the VN isn't even worth translating.

>> No.11848724

Boku is the formal term used by young males, when they start using ore is to show their "masculinity". I personally would use 私。'

>> No.11848727

You do admit that you have to lose some stuff when you translate it though, right?

>> No.11848732

So how many VNs do you guys have installed that you haven't played yet? I think I'm at around 30.

>> No.11848734

Well, it's natural you lose some idioms, but that hardly makes it untranslatable. I could figure out that a character dotes upon his cute girl character without the -chan honorary, for example.

>> No.11848736


That happens even with closely related languages like English and German or Dutch. That doesn't mean it's untranslatable.

>> No.11848741

I wasn't the guy that claimed they're untranslatable. I just feel you lose out on a lot of details, specially with bad translators, because the language can be really descriptive.

>> No.11848786

You aren't losing out on that much. You can figure out a lot from context.

>> No.11848864

What about people who don't bother to learn the language?

>> No.11848924

That's not something one should judge, but I do question the reason that he lacks the motivation to start learning and yet he decides to spend his time with this topic.

>> No.11848926


They might consider looking for a new hobby. Reading translations becomes sooner or later a dead end. Seeing the current status of the translation scene, I tend to say sooner.

>> No.11848969

Waiting is part of the fun. It makes it more exciting when a translation project you were looking forward to is finally finished ten years later.

>> No.11848975

And then it turns out to just be a machine translation.

>> No.11848984

But my hobby is reading fantranslations, not reading VNs.

>> No.11848985

If only I understood hacking I could make my own machine translations.

>> No.11849001

You should just put them on youtube. Make sure you choose a game with lots of sex.

>> No.11849005

On the topic of badly translated VNs, how difficult is the Japanese in Clannad?

Also, is Clannad worth playing?

>> No.11849029

It's not hard at all.

I liked it a lot, but it was also one of the first VNs I ever read, so my opinion of it is probably a bit skewed.

>> No.11849056

How would that extract the text to be machine translated? Text hookers don't always work.

>> No.11849107

Reading はるまで、くるる。 right, I am about half done. Nothing makes me shit the bed worse than the suspicious/reveal music it has.

>> No.11849132
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I can sympathize with that.

On a side note, the most hilarious translation I've ever seen was probably Rapelay. Really shows you what happens when Hongfire sets it's dirty hands on something.

>> No.11849171

2 days until the new minori tittyge. I'd love to read the trial but it seems dirty foreigners can't access their site.

>> No.11849306

Just make shit up at that point, no one should have any problems with that

>> No.11849541

try holyseal

>> No.11849989

is there any game actually worth playing on iphone? (preferably japanese) aside from noesis/himawari

>> No.11850115

If you're still interested:


Password is "12eve".

>> No.11850118

Pretty much every games.

>> No.11850378
File: 412 KB, 1024x576, ev147_全裸ポージングする雷蝶_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The humor in Muramasa made characters feel a bit more human to me. When the characters are all business, all the time, you can't help but feel tired of it after a while, especially in such a long and dark game as Muramasa. But when the characters throw silly jokes around or demonstrate their comical faults, it doesn't break your suspension of disbelief and keeps the read entertaining. It's not like the jokes break the mood of otherwise serious scenes, they're pretty well-paced.

>> No.11850625

Muramasa makes me depressed that I will never write such a game.

>> No.11850641

>oh noes I must kill must loved ones
>depressing wut

>> No.11850650

Are there any recommended games to play before the Ikusa Megami remake, or can I start from there?

>> No.11850658

It's recommended to play at least Zero and Verita before it. You might want to read the novel versions of Genrin no Kishougun games too.

The first game (the remake) starts mid story and right where Verita true route ends.

>> No.11850665

I'll download and make sure to finish them before the release in that case, thanks.

>> No.11850670

Although the the Ikusa Megami was the starting point of series I think it now asumes though that you have atleast played Zero&Verita before as thats how they chronologicaly go. You'll have enough of time to go through both still. Although it's the most standalone of the games in revelance to others so it could work as standalone, depending on the ammount of rewriting done tough.

>> No.11850773
File: 181 KB, 1290x772, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Bradyon Veda. A really interesting read.

I really don't know how I would recommend it to anyone though. It's definitely not something you would want to read because you like one of the girls and want to read her route. It's probably the theme of the VN that makes it worth reading. If you're into SF and modern physics it should be quite interesting. If you're not into those there will probably be a point in the story and its scale where everything just becomes too big/ridiculous/stupid to make you want to continue (although that point probably is in the later half of the VN). It also feels a bit long while at the same time it left you make want more of some things.

At least for me it was quite a refreshing read as it was very different other eroge/VN I've read before. The soundtrack was quite good too

>> No.11850783

How were the routes besides Kaede? I remember you posting the conclusion was somewhat disappointing. I'm still on her route and enjoyi g it a lot so far.

>> No.11850834

Shion route had a better conclusion and was more satisfying than Kaede route for sure. Make sure to read the epilogue after Shion route too.

>> No.11850943

Good to see that the protag is more proactive this time, trying to string the events together and all.

>> No.11850952

Only 2 routes?

>> No.11851707

Damn I donwload it only for eye patch heroine and no she not have route?

>> No.11851845

I'm not that good with japanese so maybe this is a stupid question. This is spoilers.
At the end of the True route Teo was comunicating with what the novel call "Bradyon Veda"? some kind of entity that lives in higher dimensions?
And after that, the Viva, Komoe and Shion that appear are from other universe, right?

>> No.11851967


Great, thank you.

>> No.11852021

Can someone use their share/perfect dark magic and upload the original higurashi somewhere.

>> No.11852623
File: 614 KB, 1280x720, 1391045549367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to stay awake in the true route or is it even worse that the heroine routes?

>> No.11852744

>At the end of the True route Teo was comunicating with what the novel call "Bradyon Veda"? some kind of entity that lives in higher dimensions?
The opposite. I'm quite sure Bradyon Veda stood for all beings that live/operate at under the speed of light. So in other words probably anything observable in three dimensions (and under?). For Ruki/Shii/the higher dimensional beings the speed of light was the smallest speed/unit possible.
>And after that, the Viva, Komoe and Shion that appear are from other universe, right?
Quite sure those were the vector gene children Naoto asked Gofel to send into the most peaceful dimension possible.

By the way after the credits of the true route the screen goes dark and if you wait a while without clicking or pressing anything, instead of going back to the title screen the VN will continue a little bit. Was not what I was expecting though. If you didn't see it the scenario select will mark the last part of the last chapter of the epilogue as ???.

>> No.11852859

Done with 凜's route in レミニセンス.

What the actual hell. I have the feeling it just ended halfway through. I hope the other routes are a bit more complete. Still, the common route was probably the best thing I've read so far. I'm all fired up for the fd.

>> No.11853011
File: 113 KB, 260x578, アーチャー01c(遠).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to extract all of the F/SN CGs, backgrounds, characters, etc. The characters are fucked. The BMPs of the characters, when extracted, all have this strange aura around them. I don't know what the deal is.

If there is already a pack with all of the character sprites in them I'd appreciate it, or at least some instructions on how to extract the data properly.

>> No.11853153

Can't wait to start this!
Anyway, I passed n1. Thanks VNs and VN General thread <3

>> No.11853161
File: 170 KB, 260x578, アーチャー01c(遠).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In case anyone was going to help me, don't bother anymore, I got it. It took a good two hours dicking around on hongfire and other shit downloading a dozen different programs that were all completely broken, but I finally got all of them. To save you some time in the future if you happen to find this on a google search looking for help: xp3viewer. It works.

>> No.11853173

Oh shit!
Now I understand why the last chapter is still like that, I'll check that.
I think the same, I recommend BV for those who cares more about the setting and Sci-Fi fans.
Thanks for the answers.

>> No.11854054

Do you like to read VN after ingesting a lot of liquor? It makes the experience great.

>> No.11854076

I like moege when I'm pretty drunk, but anything that goes above that level of writing I try to stay away of. My memory gets kind of fuzzy when I drink a lot so it's annoying if I forgot what I read the day before. Also I tend to fall asleep while reading them.

>> No.11854101

Well yea. It is great for KID ang âge works. It allows you to feel more. Maybe they were written drunk on rice wine. It would make sense to honour the writing/writer this way.

>> No.11855092

I was doing just that last night. It's the best way to read moege.

>> No.11855367

New thread >>11855364

>> No.11859326
File: 588 KB, 1615x1408, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I'd study a bit moon playing Hanahira and... WTF is this translation?? There's so much fail here it makes my head spin... What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.11859333

why are you posting in a dead thread?

>> No.11859340

Why not let him post in the dead one rather than shit up the new one with a machine translation?

>> No.11859356

it felt too lonely
