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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 640x480, パンドラの夢.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11807129 No.11807129 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11786681

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11807143
File: 123 KB, 797x597, carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Carival, I love reading Manabu's inner monologues, even during fellatios.

>> No.11807159


I was counting on it to be my main timesink for this month but I guess I have to find something else to waste my time with now.

>> No.11807172

What's the history they're going to do anyway? They already defeated Cthulhu, is there anything beyond that?

>> No.11807191


There are Gods on the same tier and above Cthulhu in the Cthulhu mythos you know?

>> No.11807204

Yeah I do know that, but you see, in that history Cthulhu was the creator of the world. So, it would be kinda of an ass pull they just say "Oh, you know the guy who created everything and shit? I actually was his boss and I was just letting him play around", at least for me.

>> No.11807257

How is Pandora no Yume anyways?

>> No.11807260

Pretty enjoyable overall and really depressing in the last chapter.

>> No.11807268

Can you post these 115 links here? Because the last time I've visited this site I was able to download files without any problem.

>> No.11807269

Crazy Umineko fangirls can be useful at times, nice to hear this again after so long

Make me want to go through Himawari again

>> No.11807274
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x768, chinchin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game tries to hurt me on a very personal level.

>> No.11807276

Just started playing Senjou no Folklore last night. It's pretty fun so far.

>> No.11807278

More games need heroines that make fun of the protagonist's penis size.

>> No.11807283

Were the ones I found.

About the same as a homo sex scene bad end.

>> No.11807284

I'm waiting for her revenge on the sequel.

>> No.11807287

No, no, no. Homo joke bad end ok, sex scene? No.

>> No.11807295

You don't want a pure boy's love to be fulfilled?
You're a horrible person

>> No.11807299

If I wanted that I would download a yaoi game or a trap one.

>> No.11807305

It's not the same, the bro has to compete with super cute girls to win the straight MC, it's harder and therefore more fulfilling.

>> No.11807306

I almost didn't find this thread because OP didn't type VN general on the opening post.

>> No.11807308

You have a point but I still disagree because that's not my interest, at least for now.

>> No.11807313

You could find the other one and look the last post which linked for this one.

>> No.11807344

Original anon who asked for it here. Thank you so much, I greatly appreciate it.

Where did you end up finding it, out of curiosity? I sifted through what seemed like every link available for it and no dice.

>Wish I could find 流行り神 too, but only found the same 115 link the original poster mentioned.

It baffles me how difficult the links for any of the series are to find considering its apparent popularity.

>> No.11807357

What this anon said, please stick to the format.

>> No.11807358

>I sifted through what seemed like every link available for it and no dice.
The nyaa torrent, took a day, but finished downloading 210 mbs since the VN version of the game should be enough, otherwise I can see it never ending.
Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.11807523

Unfortunate. The battle trial they released was actually really fun as they greatly improved the combat from the first game.

>> No.11807636

Should I remake it?

>> No.11807752

Are there any VNs that take place during the Japanese Empire ?

>> No.11807795

Before the shoguns? There are some. Between the opening of Japan till WW2? Probably there are one or two crazy doujins.

>> No.11807807 [DELETED] 

Second one.

>The Empire of Japan (大日本帝國 Dai Nippon Teikoku, literally "Empire of Great Japan") was an empire and world power that existed from the Meiji Restoration on 3 January 1868 to the enactment of the 1947 constitution of modern Japan.

I know Kara no Shoujo 2 has a portion set in the 30s, but I wonder if there's anything else.

>> No.11807811

Second one.

>The Empire of Japan (大日本帝國 Dai Nippon Teikoku, literally "Empire of Great Japan") was an empire and world power that existed from the Meiji Restoration on 3 January 1868 to the enactment of the 1947 constitution of modern Japan.

I know Kara no Shoujo 2 has a portion set in the 30s, but I wonder if there's anything else. Wartime or not.

>> No.11807824

The problem is that the empire is still resented because the lost the war and it become kinda of a taboo for some japanese, so making a visual novel with the empire setting not being the smartest strategy if you want to sell. That's why I'm afraid you aren't going to find a good title in this setting.

>> No.11807831


You could wait for 相州戦神館 like the rest here. It's chuuni though.

>> No.11807837

Like this guy said >>11807824, but there are some few games that have at least some part related to the imperial japan like Muramasa, I can't remember any other though.

>> No.11807843

That makes it better, considering who is writting it.

>> No.11807844

Is Kakera Asobi the better version of Higurashi Matsuri? I've alrealy been playing the original Matsuri for eight hours but it seems Kakera Asobi has more content. Can you transfer saves or something?

>> No.11807847

The thing is I think the setting has unparallelled potential for VNs if good writers got on it considering games with military elements like Badlr Sky and MLA do well.

>> No.11807849

Actually I can't really make that connection. It could just be because of robots. I think the setting has potential though.

>> No.11807856

What, invade China, rape the girls? People might throw a shitfit about that one.

>> No.11807858

I think his point is that an alternative scenario such as war and military worked when dealt with creativity and careful planning, something such as a japanese empire setting can also be done well if good writers embrace it.

>> No.11807861

Sakura Taisen

>> No.11807859

I agree, but considering how Japan was pretty brutal in Asia and they did some twisted shit with chinese and koreans that they still hold a grudge against them to this day and they simple pretend to ignore, or that's at least what I've seem when they mention the conflicts, also how they lost the war and left the country devastated made a large part of population resent the empire even if they dominated that part of the earth for so many years...

>> No.11807864

So what is 相州戦神館 supposed to be about? I just know it's set in Imperial Japan.

>> No.11807865

time travel shit, chuuni shit, people dying shit.

>> No.11807868

Blackholes, vampires, destroying earth and then universe.

>> No.11807875 [DELETED] 

The school is 千信館 when it used to be 戦真館 (hence the 戦(イクサ)の真(マコト)は千(アマタ)の信(イノリ)に顕現する。 tag).
Not entirely sure why it's 神 in the title, but I'm stupid and probably forgot something important. Also, because chuu2.

>> No.11807881

Also, does anyone have any links to the original Higurashi. I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.11807886

I want this too.

>> No.11807889

And don't forget the NAZIS. They are the definition of KAKKOII

>> No.11807899


>> No.11807951


>> No.11807961
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0236v220201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished White Album 2.
I cried a lot, to say the least.

I'm fairly new to the VN scene, with only about a dozen titles under my belt. I'd say this trumped just about everything I've read so far. Kazusa's normal end is probably my favorite.

Could anyone recommend me a few titles that's preferably on par, if not above this in the tear-jerk department? Crying by myself to 2D is something I enjoy.

Something translated would be preferred, at least in Chinese. I could barely make it through SDR2 with my moon-reading level, anything with serious and meaningful writing would be way beyond me.

>> No.11807966

Check the other maruto novels.

>> No.11808008

Playing Harukoi Otome. Ayaka is retarded.

>> No.11808185


So that's what you need to DL from 115 site:
1) Login (of course);
2) Open the link with the file you need and click 存至网盘 orange button;
3) Click 移动到这里 button;
4) Click 马上查看文件 button;
5) In the new tab you've been redirected to you select the file (check it in the box) and click 下载, then 普通下载 (the green one in the middle).

That's the thing I've discovered quite recently though.

>> No.11809551

Looks like I have another game to look forward to next month:

>> No.11809594

>potential NTR

>> No.11809596

Kill with fire instead.

>> No.11809653

Not potential, definite NTR.


>> No.11809689

We're talking about MINK? Is this 2003 did I time travel back am I in a chunnige

>> No.11809697 [DELETED] 

Please don't misuse the spoiler feature.

>> No.11809770
File: 350 KB, 1296x778, rejectiondenied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is to hope for a fappingly good VN.

On a side note, playing folklore, a RTS. I have no idea what the choices for the routes, though it's nice at times to be able pick a choice to kill certain characters.

>> No.11809789

The game only has one route with 6 endings, 1 for each girl and the best friend char.

>> No.11809820


Thanks, so the choices are essentially ending-unlocking points? Like if you accummulate enough they become available for selection?

>> No.11809824

Yeah, there's a sound effect that plays if you pick a choice that increases ending points.

>> No.11810129
File: 122 KB, 802x599, sumomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished playing nanatsuiro drops.
The game was so cute, I just hated that fucking protagonist and that blue haired bitch who was also annoying.

>> No.11810305

Can you recommend me something really difficult to read? I'm already comfortable reading most things and am looking for something that will really give me a challenge. The genre doesn't really matter, just that the language level be high.

>> No.11810327

Yuyukana is actually pretty difficult to read.

>> No.11810346

Dies Irae

>> No.11810349

>Hard for a nukige

>"Weird writing style"
What a - /Steampunk series

>Hard mode
Hino/jackson/shumon/chuunigod(masada) novels, Muramasa

>Kanjispam fuckfest/inability to understand anything at some parts of the novel
raiL-soft novels, ruitomo, asairo.

>Romeo on drugs
Saihate no Ima.

>> No.11810386

>raiL-soft novels

Oh fuck, I just started reading one. This is going to be a hell of a ride.

>> No.11810391
File: 433 KB, 816x637, IMG_12012014_195908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far some people go for the sake of describing a hair color.

>> No.11810396

Is albatross really that hard?
I started reading it and I'm not thinking it is hard until now, while in muramasa I could barely read the first 5 sentences.

>> No.11810402

It has more unique kanji than Muramasa and it's script is much smaller. If you know your way around kanji though (like, 3.5k~4k), you might not have such a hard time. It's still pretty insane though.

>> No.11810414

I haven't read any raiL-soft games yet, but I'm starting to see why people call Mareni the king of purple prose.

>> No.11810736

What makes Albatross hard is that it's written like a pre-war novel in addition to using a lot of obscure terminology, but if you have a strong grasp of the language, it's a really fun read and it's bound to teach you some new words and kanji.

>> No.11810747

>inability to understand anything at some parts of the novel
Maybe if you don't know anything about Chinese philosophy

>> No.11810755
File: 299 KB, 800x800, Crai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys help me by chance?
I need a VN that has a English sub and has a good story, something that isnt revolved around sex. something exciting or sad or even horror is fine, i don't mind if there is hentai in it I just get bored with a all hentai VN. I want something a bit more interesting.

>> No.11810764

>hentai VN
The word you're looking for is nukige

>> No.11810765

Sure. This is one of my favorites.

>> No.11810768

>ちぃ !Chiiiil8Do
>English sub
>hentai VN

>> No.11810786

Requesting the comfiest VN you can think of, /jp/.
Please, help me.

>> No.11810791


Dunno what you consider as comfy, but thought 夏空のペルセウス was pretty comfy. Big tits, scenery- and real porn and not much story to worry about.

>> No.11810797

Seconding this, the music's really comfy too.

七つのふしぎの終わるとき was also super comfy in a cold snowy winter way. Plus great art.

>> No.11810804

Don't the screenshots spoil the ending?

>> No.11810805
File: 77 KB, 800x600, 49142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, this looks like a true work of art. I think I'll start with the prequel, though.

>> No.11810861

How do rating works on vndb?

>> No.11810869

Curious, are you damaged in the head?

>> No.11810882

It uses math. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.11810895

They've made a binary analysis data mining tool that instruments all submitted visual novels and automatically runs them on all combinations of choices while picking appropriate tags and measuring writing and art quality, fun, ero and some other aspects that determine its final score that you see. Pretty neat.

>> No.11811056

What the fuck, I always get the bad end first everytime there isn't the name of the heroins in the choices.

>> No.11811099
File: 395 KB, 640x480, 1389842986677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Watanabe-san made it?

>> No.11812573

I want to play a Wikipe-tan vn.

>> No.11812626

Most games usually list the choices in the same order for which heroine they correspond to, you know. when they don't just list their names in every choice.
Hell, it's not like most games even have bad ends anymore.

>> No.11813147

Guys, did anyone read Paradise Lost ? How long is it compared to Dies Irae ?

>> No.11813159
File: 46 KB, 256x353, rakuen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Lost Paradise. Does this count?

>> No.11813171

It's very good, Milton's writing is excellent. Be prepared to root for Satan though, God is a terrible character thanks to conventions of the time and therefore has to be a boring literal deus ex machina.

>> No.11813177

>God is a terrible character thanks to conventions of the time and therefore has to be a boring literal deus ex machina.

So like most God characters?

>> No.11813212
File: 739 KB, 1274x715, img_507233_8990245_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just chose to show ritsu's dick to orietta and I got a bad end in this shit.
I can't wait for the sex scenes of this bitch.

>> No.11813215

She's pure and sheltered, you know, the MC makes a lot of emphasis on the whole step by step thing.

>> No.11813220

She has a sister btw

>> No.11813237

fuck you

>> No.11813244
File: 106 KB, 644x364, Orietta sd smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad

>> No.11813252

Show your dick to her sister.

>> No.11813259

he can't until true route

>> No.11813830

Satan always gets the cool lines and badass speeches. I wonder what a Japanese translation of Paradise Lost would look like.

Reminds me of the SMT games

>> No.11814015
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x768, waste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only girl who is genuinely kind to Hidetaka has no route. This is so sad, I could vomit.

>> No.11814021

Still no route in the upcoming fd either. ;_;

>> No.11814306

I downloaded G-senjou no Maou because "political intrigue" according to vndb summary. I ended up just holding ctrl for ten minutes watching all of the text and environments speed by and I thought to myself "I would have wasted two hours reading about some boring high school schlock with 1/50th interesting stuff happening if I had actually read that."

To anyone who has read it, s it even worth it?

>> No.11814313


>> No.11814387

If the climax action wasn't such an asspull, and the subroutes weren't so drearily uninteresting, it would be a better game.

>> No.11814454

G-senjou no Maou is great.

>> No.11814469


Loose can't into proper pacing. Or good twists.

>> No.11814470


>> No.11814477

It'd be better if you don't waste your precious time with VN in general.

>> No.11814481


Slightly above average but at the very least the soundtrack is good.

>> No.11814685

Best moege of all time incoming

>> No.11814698

Moege of the year, all the years. Masada never betrays us.My sides ended up in the orbit

>> No.11814742

Brilliant! Now it's only a matter of time till it reaches 1st place in getchu's pre-order rankings.

>> No.11814920

It needs to use those chibi designs, they feel like a waste otherwise.

>> No.11814969
File: 265 KB, 808x500, 004_eb462f59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11815024

All of them are genuinely worried about him, aside Aki, they just like to tease him from time to time, a heroine doesn't have to put the MC on the high pedestal all the time, stop being this insecure.

>> No.11815029

senshinkan confirmed for having more sd than subahibi

>> No.11815030

Who are the woman of the bros?

>> No.11815031

What's with this OP, I thought this was a chuunige.

>> No.11815035

it's like brava

>> No.11815047
File: 789 KB, 851x471, 2swag4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eroge of the year confirmed.

>> No.11815051

That only /jp/ would play.

>> No.11815068


They look so happy! Salute Masada!

>> No.11815077

Just to make sure, I don't need to have played the Dies Irae series to enjoy this, do I?

>> No.11815138

Some jokes in the trial were about Dies Irae, but the writer said the game itself won't be related to the Throne series.

>> No.11815139

Sure, just like KKK right?

>> No.11815166

Fair enoug, KKK is related, but Senshinkan isn't aside some jokes here and there you aren't going to miss anything, neither Ren/Lotus/Yato or Hajun would appear there to be the last boss (or so I hope).

>> No.11815176

Did Masada outright say KKK wasn't related to DI? I didn't follow his twitter back then
The Yatsukahagi were a pretty clear hint some shit was going on anyways, this is a completely different cast

>> No.11815183


I think half of them will die

>> No.11815220

I've played eustia for like two hours and I have to give up. This is too dark for me. I will just go play my usual moege as always.

The system is very nice though, I love it.

>> No.11815229

Now this isn't something I usually say, but damn you have some shit taste.

>> No.11815234

It keeps getting darker during most of the game, so rejoice on jumping off the boat.

Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai uses the same engine with all the same fancy features, so give it a shot if you haven't already.

>> No.11815237

Considering the throne-series is fighting game in Senshinkan I doubt they will make any proper relations between them.

>> No.11815238

Life is already hard enough as it is. I don't need to know more about prostitution, drugs, torturing and killing people.

It is my intention.

>> No.11815244
File: 481 KB, 1364x1104, leaning on the 4th wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first trial had boatloads of blatant Throne series references, jokes and other fanservice.
But if this is to be believed there won't be anything else. It would be probably be too stupid even for a chuuni game if they somehow ended up being related after that hilarious Dies Irae video game segment.

You should read them anyways though. Paradise Lost is usually considered inferior to others and you seemingly don't miss as much major plot points, but Dies Irae is absolutely essential before reading Kajiri Kamui Kagura.

>> No.11815246

I do plan on reading them, but I've only got good enough to read Moege around 3 months ago, so they're a little too difficult for me right now.

>> No.11815345

Was that an ayaproject "troll" face I saw there or am I crazy?

>> No.11815465

Senshinkan isn't going to be any easier really

>> No.11815472

I guess I'll go play the Baldr series or something then.

>> No.11815474

Start with force and don't pick the all ages version.

>> No.11815478

I'd say go with the all ages version, a voiced MC makes things better than the terrible sex it has.

>> No.11815476

I'll be careful, thanks.

>> No.11815491
File: 649 KB, 797x597, asterlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are always talking about Albatross, but how good is this? Been in my backlog for a while but not sure if I should play it yet.

>> No.11815522

If you enjoy purple prose ("In literary criticism, purple prose is written prose that is so extravagant, ornate, or flowery as to break the flow and draw excessive attention to itself. Purple prose is sensually evocative beyond the requirements of its context. It may also employ certain rhetorical effects such as exaggerated sentiment or pathos in an attempt to manipulate a reader's response.") it's pretty good, that said, start with 霞外籠逗留記.

>> No.11815602

not really recommended if you haven't played the previous raiL-soft games before

>> No.11815676
File: 221 KB, 1034x816, lc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there furigana for almost every word in this game?

>> No.11815689

I was playing a novel that had two gaijins who talked with an accent and everything they talked was in "accented" katakana

>> No.11815694

Why do you care? It's completely arbitrary.

>> No.11815695

It feels like they are insulting my intelligence.

>> No.11815697

Stop being insecure about your intelligence. Just being in this thread probably means you're pretty smart.

>> No.11815699

I remember hearing someone say the same thing about Shoujo Shiniki, which did have a ton of furigana, much more than LxC2 from what I remember.

>> No.11815708

Shoujo Shiniki had furigana in every name, all the time, no matter how many times it appeared.

>> No.11815715

I'm not insecure, I was just wondering why they've had furigana for basic words like 一昨日 or 側. I guess it's good for people who are still learning.

>> No.11815722

Even the illiterate have the right to fap.

>> No.11815723

If he can't figure out how to turn off the furigana, he's probably not that smart.

>> No.11815768

I need some help here, guys.

I just downloaded some old game using share. The files are mds and mdf. But the game locked by some shit called alpha-rom.

Is there a way for me to crack it? Patch or something...The game keep requesting the "real cd" everytime i try to play.

>> No.11815780

You've to say which game you're trying to play if you want help since they have different patches/cracks;

>> No.11815781

Try googling it, mongoloid.

>> No.11815810
File: 29 KB, 256x368, Fucking_Crack_Where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game.

They redirect me to some sites hosting weird small programs in japanese. Still can't play the game.

>> No.11815815


>> No.11816061

Try playing France Shoujo then.

>> No.11816144

Any other games with house exploration like jitaku keibiin and biniku no kaori?

>> No.11816777

It's been like 15 years now so I don't remember correctly but I think Shusaku gives options to go around the house placing cameras and whatnot.

There's another very old one, solving mysteries, but I don't remember the name anymore.

>> No.11817051
File: 404 KB, 800x600, IMG_1401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11817080

What? As if their eroge aren't selling...

>> No.11817212

A little out of touch with VNs for a while.
What are the notable VNs of 2013 and 2014 so far?

The number of VNs I need to catch up on are too many now, I used to play every VN that came out as it came out with /jp/.

>> No.11817228

From last year I liked Kara no shoujo 2, natsukumo yururu, daitoshokan no hitsujikai, otome riron (sequel), chusingura, leyline 2 and futagoza no paradox.
Then also stuff like karumaruka circle, electro arms, magical charming, fureraba, prism recollection and amairo islenauts were neat.
The closest notable release for 2014 I guess is senshinkan on february and maybe bradyon veda this month.

>> No.11817251

On top of the games other Anon mentioned there's also all ages rerelease of Kajiri Kamui Kagura with added content if you didn't read the original in 2012, Grisaia no Rakuen and Baldr Sky Zero.

>> No.11817441

Waiting warmly.

>> No.11817462

What's so good about Takahiro? Sure, i like majikoi? but it's not really masterpiece..

>> No.11817492

I think it's more like anniversary titles have usually big budget and attention behind them so it's more probable it'll turn out good.
There's no one raving on the writer in the posts you quoted

>> No.11817669
File: 283 KB, 1296x778, bestending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish Folklore, glad battle skip function unlocks once you finish one, as it only has one route and 6 endings with minor difference between them. The way it mixes battle reminds me of baldr sky series, not too much to be repetitive and not too few to feel like just jaw-boning "battle". Since it's not a full RTS, the lack of depth beyond stats raising can be looked over. This is probably one of the few VN that I read without the MC winning everything, like from a lowly village head of security becoming the king. A pleasant experience though lacking depth, 7/10.

If people want a more proper RTS, try 百機夜行 which was released in 2012.

>> No.11817678 [DELETED] 


>> No.11817683 [DELETED] 

A truly contributory post!
Please never post again, I think that post is everything on topic and meaningful that you will ever post.

>> No.11817685 [DELETED] 

What's your deal dude? This entire thread is blogging about VNs.

>> No.11817688

>try 百機夜行 which was released in 2012.
That game really could have used a multiple unit select function. Still had a lot of fun with it. Sequel pls.

>> No.11817693

Glad to see I'm not the only one that enjoyed that game.
Shame it got a pretty bad score on EGS, mostly from people complaining about the lack of ero.

>If people want a more proper RTS, try 百機夜行
IMHO Folklore has the more polished RTS system, it actually has group select, pathfinding among other things.

>> No.11817700

Trying to download the Bakuane trial. 2 mirrors, both of them slow as fuck. Why is downloading from Japanese servers such a miserable experience most of the time.

>> No.11817715 [DELETED] 

About as "contributory" as your post is.

>> No.11817730 [DELETED] 

We can keep going! it'll be a chain of shitposts - Whee I won't let you have the last say!

>> No.11817753

I always get the last say. Too bad.

>> No.11817908

Use vpngate or tor set to a Japanese exit node with a download manager in case you get disconnected and have to resume.

>> No.11818146

Talking about restricted to japan sites, anyone has a good proxy site to use egs to share?

>> No.11818153

Proxynova? Right now egs is open for all because maintenance, but login is disabled by the way.

>> No.11818157

I use anonymox, that has like 8~10 different proxies, just for egs, in there you can figure only x or y site you want the proxy to work and since it's an addon you don't have to configure shit with new ips and shit, though not sure if it's the most secure option, well, if you're using chrome you already gave on that anyway.

>> No.11818429

I just ended up contacting hiro_in through twitter and he was very understanding in adding my IP to a whitelist so I could access the db. I think it's better than to have to be switching proxies which I had to do before.

>> No.11818433

I guess that's a solution but I would have to get a twitter account

>> No.11818438

It's rather handy. I rarely use it to actually microblog/tweet but when I do it's useful for stuff like the aforementioned and being in more direct contact with small creators. Not to mention Japan is infatuated with twitter anyways so a lot of news goes through those channels.

>> No.11818865

Do you guys know any novel that the heroine has a brother, younger or older doesn't matter, and he's already in a relationship with other girl and he picks on her for her still being single, but when the MC makes advances on her he kinda don't like it?

>> No.11818869

>A foreigner talking about errors with consistency and grammatical mistakes in a text written in Japanese by a Japanese writer.
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.11818875

What, you think only natives can learn the language well?

>> No.11818889

I don't know, what are you reading?

>> No.11818896


I'm always baffled at the inability of some native English speakers to get things like "you're" and "your" right despite not being a native speaker. Why should it be different in Japanese?

>> No.11818904

Because engo is easy as fuck and chinese is hard as as fuck.

You understand that line because english is just this stupid shit language that I can throw all that words and nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.11818910


>> No.11819376

you mean pure slut

>> No.11819388

The reason why people get them wrong is because they sound exactly the same. Reading through your work aloud in your head to see if you made any mistakes wouldn't do anything.

>> No.11819506

>harder and therefore more fulfilling

Now I'm aroused.

>> No.11819515
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>> No.11819530
File: 14 KB, 325x35, xca cute2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if a heroine tries to complement the MC by describing his penis as small and cute?

>> No.11820077
File: 108 KB, 650x145, penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like they care about the size

>> No.11820246

She has no route on the fd... ;_;

>> No.11820262

There's absolutely no possibility of consensual sex with her.

>> No.11820267

Hatesex route would work, like the teacher route on shumatsuron. Hell it's the best route in that game, with the best hscenes too.

>> No.11820274

At least Reminiscence was a good novel.

>> No.11820394


Though it doesn't stop them to add in a short scene in the FD, like the surprise, butt sex! That came out from no where.

>> No.11820410

We got drunk and fucked would be the most realistic way to start a route ever.

>> No.11820454

Is there any particular order to liar soft's steam punk series? For example, should I read beautiful people before beautiful tomorrow or does it not really matter?

>> No.11820459

Release order (Celenaria, Inganock, Sharnoth, Valusia, Sonya-Nyl, Gahkthun), you may ignore valusia if you don't like the style.

>> No.11820464

I wouldn't say that you should ignore Valusia. It really isn't as good as the others, but when Sakurai decides to revisit Kadath in future games, there might be some important references to it. Then again, they've included encyclopedia things since that release, so I guess you'd be able to get by without it.

>> No.11820478

I didn't ignore Valusia, but I saw a lot of people saying it was strange, even for steampunk standards, which put them off. I think it's about the same level of Celenaria, nothing great but it's good, if you can accept the more weird style.

>> No.11820487

My main problem with Valusia was where in Kadath it was some of the influences on the setting in combination with the fact that I reread it after I finished a class where I had to read a lot of Middle-Eastern feminist literature of all things. Before that, I did like it. I still like Celenaria more though because it was a lot more fun and was pretty important in terms of introducing a large part of the setting.

>> No.11820489

Do each of the steampunk games cover specific regions of the whole continent or do some places get revisited?

>> No.11820494

For the most part, they take place in pretty specific areas. Celenaria is an exception and you spend a lot of time traveling through Kadath.

>> No.11820498

Though you do spend the whole novel traveling you don't really spend a lot of time in an area that the other novels showed later.

>> No.11820572

>Middle-Eastern feminist literature
...Those exist?

>> No.11820583

Considered that women's right are kinda suppressed in the muslim word, it's not very surprising.

>> No.11820586

Well, they were suppressed everywhere aside america, where you guys just ignore them.

>> No.11820722

Hm... I was thinking of trying Shiei no Sona-nyl when it came out for PSP but if you have to play all the other games before it, I'll probably pass. Why would they port just Sona-nyl if the previous games in the series are required to understand it?

>> No.11820730

*when it comes out

>> No.11820770

All the novels of the series are standalone stories and don't have much relation with the other aside the setting. You'll have a nice experience reading each one of them, but if you read in chronological order your experience will be a lot improved. If you want to read Sonya-nyl at least read Sharnoth before that.

>> No.11820798

Wow, I can kind of sympathize with the guy a few threads back who was put off by how dark Eustia is. Not that I'm not thoroughly enjoying it, but I have to admit, coming off of a long string of moege, the tone of this game caught me off guard. Especially since my image of August was Daitoshokan-like games... I knew Eustia was going to be a more serious story, but this really was out of character for them.

I can't help but wonder what the August faithful thought of it when it was released.

>> No.11820806
File: 54 KB, 636x477, ayakashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started ayakashi, the production values are really surprising, tons of sprites for unnamed characters, animated stuff and even small background changes like a doorknob being broken in one scene.
If the character designs were a bit better it would be perfect

>> No.11820832

Our best release! Probably the one who will sell the worst.

>> No.11820887
File: 490 KB, 640x480, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love TOMA's art, even if it's crude. Especially in nukiges.

>> No.11821042
File: 11 KB, 370x134, 201411917155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitesoft opened the site for their new game, 猫撫ディストーション 恋愛事象のデッドエンド.

Everyone is voiced by 佐本二厘.


>> No.11821065

Well, obviously.

>> No.11821066

I have no idea what the Nekonade Distortion games are about, but this sparked my curiosity.

>> No.11821096

Just wondering, is there something like rlvm for Siglus engine? Or do i just fire the game up in Wine and hope I won't have to winetrick anything?

>> No.11821600

I played it. Didn't like it. But I've never liked any games from Whitesoft.

>> No.11821638

I played the trial when it came out and I liked it. Felt that it had a lot of potential. But then the full thing came out and everyone was slating it hard so I thought it wouldn't be worth my time.

Did it delve further into the philosophical side of things, or...?

>> No.11821650

Does anyone knows how to fix the error "Script System Library stopped working" from 月光のカルネヴァーレ? I already tried four different torrents and still couldn't get one working.

>> No.11821818
File: 266 KB, 800x600, ev58a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Ai Mai Misuto. It was a fairly entertaining lighthearted genderbender eroge. Its art could have been better, but I thought it was worth playing overall.

>> No.11821890
File: 111 KB, 320x460, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this game any good? It's been on my HD for god knows how long, and I've been too lazy to install.

>> No.11822014

If you like cakes. And fun.

>> No.11822366


>> No.11822449

confirmed eroge of the year

>> No.11822465

Was quite surprised that new eroge from softhouse actually made it to top 3.
Also, wasn't that one from Alcot really bad?

>> No.11822503 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 110x220, 1390223189096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11822556

I suppose he posted it because people expected that Takahiro announcement to be an AgK VN. But since it isn't, no one cares.

>> No.11822603

Yeah, it was. The only good title of the month ranked first, so I guess that doesn't matter.

>> No.11822605
File: 298 KB, 1200x1200, main_03_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna watch it when they release.

Also, I'm still wondering what is this.

>> No.11822609

Lots of people also praised Moteyaba so I guess it's 2nd place is well-deserved too.

>> No.11822622
File: 553 KB, 1280x720, capture_007_10122013_041320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I played it too. It was above a lot of other moeges I've played but didn't have that special "thing" that some others had and makes them memorable, at least for me.

>> No.11822661

Also I'm interested in 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ - anyone tried reading that? It didn't get in the top but it's 日常描写 were praised in one comment on the bottom of the page.

>> No.11822886
File: 32 KB, 637x477, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is actually pretty cute despite its simplistic design and destructive potential.
Would have one as pet.

>> No.11822890

Don't know, those huge eyes in real life seems a little disturbing and useless.

>> No.11822892

It's mostly why I find it cute, really round and somewhat empty, would stare at you all day long.

>> No.11822894

Does it have eyelids?

>> No.11822898

I don't know, only appears in CGs and those don't have eyelid movement, my bet would be that it doesn't.

>> No.11822903

You can have it them.

>> No.11822931

what is it?

>> No.11822947
File: 37 KB, 635x477, takoyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ayakashi, it likes takoyaki and biting spoons.

>> No.11823048


>> No.11823128
File: 7 KB, 273x201, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these would you guys recommend if I just want to read something cute, with as little drama as possible? Thanks in advance.

>> No.11823134

Fureraba and hitsujikai have the least amount of drama.

>> No.11823135

Fureraba has little to no drama whatsoever.

>> No.11823207

What is that character from?

>> No.11823217

Alright, Fureraba it is, thanks.

>> No.11823219

It's from Minatosoft site (http://minatosoft.com/t4p/)), but I don't know if it's from a new series/from the Romeo game or if it's a new character in Akame ga Kiru or they just put there because they had nothing better to do.

>> No.11823351

I started reading it. I'm in the middle of something else at the moment so I'm putting it aside for now, but I plan to go back to it.

It's pretty interesting, a fresh break from all the school life stuff at least. Certain aspects remind me a lot of Air. Decent soundtrack.

>> No.11823428
File: 51 KB, 256x362, 18418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss something? Is this not going to show up sukebei?

>> No.11823431

Is egs offline or these guys blocked the ips again?

>> No.11823462

You must have missed something.

Works for me.

>> No.11823469

I'm talking about the FD, pretty sure that one's not in that torrent

>> No.11823470


>>11823428 was referring to the FD featuring the "route" of the said girl, supposely released Dec 2013.

>> No.11823477

Oh, my bad. I guess I'm the one who missed something, because I didn't even know they were doing a FD.

>> No.11823478

because it wasn't released

>> No.11823500
File: 158 KB, 500x310, tg_jfashduihf_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the heroine from that all-ages Daitoshokan spin-off will get a ero scene in the upcoming FD.

>> No.11823508

Kanamakura is love.

>> No.11823748

Which order should I play the ikusa megami series in? I want to get ready for the new game.

>> No.11823772

zero>genrin novels>megami

>> No.11823773

Verita*, then you wait for the remake of the original IM.

>> No.11823945

Probably not too related with this thread but the drought of good eroge in the past few months made me go back to games.
So after finishing Drag on Dragon 3 I started Fate/Extra and I'm surprised by the amount of text it has, it's basically a VN as far as I read.
The writing is also surprisingly not bad, you can see that it's Nasu but the style feels stronger and more refined than what he did in FSN, he really did grow up.

Well pleasantly surprised so far, I have to choose a servant now choose, I guess either Saber or Caster.

>> No.11823952

Nero is the best saber iteration in the franchise, I'd go with that.

>> No.11823968

Yeah she seems like a nice character from what I saw of her.
How long does a second playthough take in general? I'm not big on replaying games several times but if it not too long I'll do both

>> No.11823972

I couldn't handle the terrible gameplay more than once, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.11823989

Optionally one could also add MadoKou after Zero but before IM2, it isn't necessary but I think it adds nice additional lore about Melkia and you can see certain kind of connections with it and IM2 Melkia parts if you want to continue from IMM.

>> No.11823995

I've tried playing it a couple of times, I wanted to kill whoever tested the gameplay.
Just the first battle is bad enough and it doesn't improve.

>> No.11824010

I didn't have that much problem with the gameplay but I can see people not liking it. If you can't stand the gameplay then it really isn't something you would need to play, but if you can stomach it I still think it nicely supplements IM lore partly which is why I tend to recommend it.

>> No.11824037

I really have to stop reading Japanese eroge blogs. They spoil stuff without batting an eye.

>> No.11824471
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x768, homo route where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No interest in women whatsoever
Lots of homo lines

Could it be...?

>> No.11824483

He has a homogagending;

On a side note those 768 pixels mildly irritates me.

>> No.11824950
File: 280 KB, 1280x994, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening to Aoyama Yukari

>> No.11825758

My first playthrough was with Caster, so a second playthrough with Saber felt like a breeze, especially since there isn't that much new dialogue, so you can skip most of it.

And for the record, I actually liked the gameplay, but I'm just a fan of pattern recognition in my games.

>> No.11825778

CCC is really easy in that regard, started with Caster and only did the battles that came my way and you could actually win with ease, especially since she gets her caster kick, break included in it.
Her NP+5 kicks are the best way to use her by the end.

>> No.11826128


3rd project will be announced in G's Magazine, does that mean new vn from minatosoft?

>> No.11826253

does anyone know how to get agth to work with Shoujo to Sekai to Okashi no Ken route of ayano?

>> No.11826359

It's here!

>> No.11826382

I would love see it if these 読み込み失敗 stopped.

>> No.11826400

That's rather early. Don't these usually come around early February?

>> No.11826401

What a boring year.

>> No.11826479
File: 213 KB, 1277x719, Literally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. trap in paris
2. c46+1
3. VB -Gaia-
4. Kara no Shoujo 2
5. Daitshokan
6. Hapymaher
7. Fureraba
8. Magical Charming
8. Raggio di Sole Nostalgico
10. Hitoren
11. Rakuen
12. Madou Koukaku
13. Totono
14. Tsujidou Virgin Road
15. Gensou no Idea
15. Gleam garden no Shoujo
17. Love Replica
18. Monobeno
19. Secret Game 2nd stage boosted
20. Love Sick Puppies

>> No.11826497

To be honest, with the exception of totono, that list works for me. 2013 was a pretty shitty year.

>> No.11826515

natsukumo and reminiscence should've ranked higher. wtf.

>> No.11826519

from all the games listed in this part of the list I've yet to read VB (the whole series actually) love replica and Nostalgico, all the others I've read at least one part of the novel, but they putting reminiscence and natsukuru bellow half of this list is practically a offense

>> No.11826537
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1388544785525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since when has Japan had good taste anyway?

>> No.11826561

Different communities have different tastes wow we've learned something new today. These are like "best albums of the year"-lists anyway, they inherently don't make sense.

>> No.11826575

Thank you Captain Obvious, we won't be needing your services again today.

Anyway OT, what is the general opinion of 恋剣乙女?

>> No.11826579

I dropped it pretty early on. The interface was pretty nice from what I remember, but I wouldn't say it's worthwhile by any means.

>> No.11826590

dropped after the tournament, still have on my pc and put on auto when I'm with insomnia.

>> No.11826717

Only thing really notable is that the main heroine is voiced by Nakamura Eriko, sort of average otherwise I guess.

>> No.11826875

>1. trap in paris
>2. c46+1

Didn't we get that as well in the short joke poll we had a few threads before? I guess Reminiscence (31st) got punished for its endings, as it got rated fairly high for story

Anyway, here is to hoping 2014 to be a better year.

On a side note, started Witch's Garden and its emote system works for me, makes it feel like something of much higher production value and VA seems to put in nice effort.

恋剣乙女 has a FD coming out in a few months

>> No.11826885

I got tired of the emote system by the time the common route finished, it just doesn't make up for how fucking boring the VN is.

>> No.11826887

He finished Koiken, if he can do that, there isn't any novel that can stop him.

Also, stop being a fagget.

>> No.11826906


Well I haven't even hit a choice prompt yet, so I am not anywhere near.

>He finished Koiken, if he can do that, there isn't any novel that can stop him.

Hahaha, I am flattered, praise or not. I did finish koiken and posted about it in the thread - I felt the writer dropped major balls - 2 of 4 routes were crappy, the other two were felt like it got cut short. MC isn't even worth a mention.

>> No.11826914

>2 of 4 routes were crappy, the other two were felt like it got cut short. MC isn't even worth a mention.

Which were horrible and which were good?

So far the drama in Touko's route is pretty terrible and the MC is missing all the obvious ques. Yves was better but still in the average tier. Haven't started on Akane nor Yuzu yet.

>> No.11826921

I'm happy to see VBG that high up. But not like there was that much competition this year.

2014 is shaping up to be pretty good year, potentially the best year since 2009 unless there ends up being lots of flops.

>> No.11826930


Well Yuzu and Touko belonga to the crappy, Akane is sort of better by very average means and I felt Akane/Yves ought to have more content, really.

>> No.11827039

How was Nostalgico anyway? Gave me some Sora no Otoshimono vibes but didn't seem particularly remarkable.

>> No.11827060

>Gave me some Sora no Otoshimono vibes but didn't seem particularly remarkable.

You won't get the minazuki suu quality buildup and suffering from Nostalgica, unfortunately! Not really fair to compare the different medium.

>> No.11827067

I suspect it's just the designs have the same color scheme more than any rational thought. Is it at least an entertaining read? Scores look decent enough.

>> No.11827070

>and suffering from Nostalgica
I'd doubt someone would play something that is a moege then you get to the true route and your whole cast is killed one by one in horribly cruel ways while saying how much they love the MC.
Unless it's ML.

>> No.11827453

Huh, I'd have expected Amairo Islenauts and LxC2 to be higher than that.

>> No.11827822

I tried to start it, but never got far on it, I don't know it's not my type of novel

>> No.11827940

I just started Fureraba, and it's been really long since I've laughed this much. Does it manage to keep the humor up for the rest of the game? Because it's been funnier than hitotsu tobashi so far.

>> No.11827959
File: 463 KB, 1024x576, Fureraba0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, especially if you like her snaps. Just a tip, don't go for the black haired route until you finished the others.

>> No.11827968

I was planning on going for red haired first, but thanks for the tip, I'll do that.

>> No.11827999
File: 434 KB, 1024x576, Fureraba0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she has the weakest route because of their character doesn't allow much jokes and may hinder your enjoyment. My favorite route we're the one I posted and Rina.

>> No.11828153

>only 48 votes for the highest one
2ch is dead

>> No.11828173

The bit in ethics class where he stumps the entire class with his "bus full of old ladies that are all going to die" scenario is amazing.

>> No.11828288

The 4th one was 48pts, unless you're implying that the best was KnS2.

>> No.11828293

- votes pts
01 48 104 36 35 08 7 01 1.70 乙女理论とその周辺
02 33 074 30 14 12 2 00 1.60 ChuSinGura46+1 -忠臣蔵46+1-
03 26 055 00 07 02 7 26 3.73 VenusBlood -GAIA-
04 21 048 14 00 15 9 01 2.04 虚ノ少女
05 27 046 02 19 18 1 00 2.74 大図书馆の羊饲い
06 27 039 15 14 14 8 00 3.29 ハピメア
07 26 038 02 25 03 4 02 2.96 フレラバ
08 21 037 12 06 06 0 13 3.19 Magical Charming!
08 21 037 19 12 03 5 00 2.14 木泄れ阳のノスタルジーカ
10 26 030 08 21 01 1 00 2.03 ひとつ飞ばし恋爱
11 24 029 14 15 05 2 00 2.12 グリザイアの楽园
12 18 029 03 09 03 2 16 2.50 魔导巧壳 ~暗の月女神は导国で咏う~
13 16 028 07 00 11 0 10 1.75 君と彼女と彼女の恋。
14 17 026 07 09 03 0 00 2.17 辻堂さんのバージンロード
15 14 026 06 10 05 3 00 2.28 幻创のイデア
15 14 026 12 08 00 4 00 2.07 グリムガーデンの少女 -witch in gleamgarden

>> No.11828295

I didn't like Rina's route too much because the art seemed to get worse and worse as it went on.

>> No.11828319

I agree that the art has their flaws in some cgs, but her route is the second better in my opinion, the puppy love with childhoodfriend and the expressionless romance with senpai was kinda weird, I don't know.

Well, Hiragi was the best by a huge margin, specially when she went deredere on the classroom with the mc to the point of sitting at his side and bitchy with everybody else, the jokes involving her dog to.

>> No.11828921

Well hearing this I'll probably start with Rina and leave Hiragi for last, since I like to end every novel on a good note.

>> No.11831214

You mean eroge are dead.

>> No.11831344

Can anyone suggest me a vn where the girls fight over the mc?

>> No.11831367

Physically or verbally?

>> No.11831380

I mean fight over like as in each other, and I guess either will do.

>> No.11831400

What do you think of VNs where two girls engage in a sex battle over a man by trying to make him feel more pleasure than the other girl?

>> No.11831469

hey man, no need to be hostile I just want suggestions to fill my fetish

>> No.11831471

What? I wasn't being hostile.

>> No.11831473

Looks pretty hostile to me Mr. sarcasm.

Are you going to give me a suggestion or not?

>> No.11831482

X-change Alternative had a sex battle.


>> No.11831488

Well I actually meant like fisticuffs or slapping or even bickering. That would be nice.

>> No.11831501

Shouldn't someone make a new thread soon?

>> No.11831519

Maybe take a look at the love triangle tag on EGS or VNDB. It's not exactly what you're looking for but I'd assume that fighting over the love interest would be a pretty common theme in love triangles.

>> No.11831711

You make it, I'm out of good screenshots.

>> No.11831739

New thread: >>11831738
