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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11791681 No.11791681 [Reply] [Original]

making "pads" jokes
>making "poor Reimu" jokes
>making "Sanae is a sl**" jokes
>making "Marisa is a womanizer" jokes
>making any dumb fanon joke not listed above

Congratulations, you are one of the most unoriginal people on the planet, and I hope Yukari gaps a train to run you down.

>> No.11791684

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11791682

Based anon tells everyone how it is

>> No.11791689

Who are you quoting?
Also everyone else in this board is tired of them too dude, lurk more.

Anyway they were 2007 stuff, in some time we'll get tired of shit like "Nazrin is a mouse!" and complain when tumblr will say it. (For example, doge was actually a /jp/ oc until it got spamraped)

>> No.11791693

Who the FUCK are you quoting, kid?

>> No.11791694

>(For example, doge was actually a /jp/ oc until it got spamraped)
No it wasn't

>> No.11791696

We have a term for those people but you wouldn't know about it since this is literally your first week here.

>> No.11791699
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check the archives

>> No.11791703

/jp/ made ironic memeposts so many times that they forgot they were being ironic.

>> No.11791705

Where have all the elder statesmen of /jp/ gone?

This republic shall not fall.

>> No.11791707

Doge was /s4s/, but the speech patterns ("wow", "such x", "much x") were from /jp/.

>> No.11791710 [DELETED] 
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Marissa was raped by her dad.

>> No.11791712

Is Yukari gapping in the tracks too? How else would it run you down?

>> No.11791719

FYI, this is an obvious troll or just someone so stupid that they shouldn't be able to breathe without conscious effort. Yukari's "gapping in signs and trains" is exactly the same level of Tumblr fandom idiocy.

>> No.11791730 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with tumblr asshole?

>> No.11791735

It was all tumblr.

>> No.11791734

>Yukari's "gapping in signs and trains" is exactly the same level of Tumblr fandom idiocy
except she actually does that in one of the games, so no.

>> No.11791739

In the fighting games, which are made by people in the fandom. Just because it's not fanon doesn't mean it's not fandom garbage. I never said "noncanon" or "fanon" - learn to read, secondary.

>> No.11791742 [DELETED] 

Seriously, what's wrong with it? I'm sick of everyone here scapegoating it for everything.

Are you just some hipster fag that thinks he/she's is so cool for hanging out on 4chan and not tumblr? Do you have a single fact to back up what you're saying?

The tumblr touhou fandom is far better than the shitposting that goes on in here.

>> No.11791748

i didn't say it wasn't fandom garbage, nor did i say that you said "noncanon" or "fanon." i was merely stating that it is not, as you said, the same level of idiocy, because it is canonical. please learn to read, quaternary.

>> No.11791746

>The tumblr touhou fandom is far better than the shitposting that goes on in here.
unlimited bait works

>> No.11791755

>because it is canonical
It isn't. Are you retarded?

>> No.11791760

>the game was listed as one of [Team Shanghai Alice]'s official works.
why haven't you learned to read yet?

>> No.11791763

[citation needed]

>> No.11791767

Oh boy, one of those guys.
Next thing you're going to say it's that the manga (that aren't the Inaba one or Dream Vision) aren't canon.

There's a fucking stamp on the cover dude, and the credits, and credits on the cd phamphlet, and more credits at the loading screen.

>> No.11791774


>> No.11791782
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>meme arrows
>making I hope Yukari gaps shit on you threats

Reisen is a rabbit.

>> No.11791801

The Inaba manga has credits and shit all over as well, so it should be canon right

>> No.11791816

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11791830

Nope. Shibe came from Japan, lolcatz came from Japan, and those speech patterns originated from here (but were bastardised into something barely recognisable by the likes of tumblr, reddit, /s4s/, and /b/). Oh, and some of the less cancerous "doge" OCs came from here as well, although that's not really something to brag about.

>> No.11791850


>> No.11791855
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i become very upset when people post memes on 4chan

>> No.11791856
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>> No.11791857
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I remember when I made this...
it was already cancerous at that point though

>> No.11791860

Poor Reimu jokes are canon, sorry.

>> No.11791861


that's terrible, please end yourself

>> No.11791862


Whoa, you surprised me!
And three months ago was so far away!

>> No.11791863

I have my "Japanese dog" folder in my laptop, most of them didn't have the comic sans text and they were just cute images of Shiba dogs, and the ones with the text were actually funny, instead of being just "wow, such x, much y, very z, wow" they were like "angry dog, you owken the dragon, wow, really furios, immenet bark"

>> No.11791868
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I always liked this one.

>> No.11791867
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some old english dude
i think he was like pope or something? anyway he said lots of famous quotes like "2hu or not 2hu" and "had I as many souls as there be stars, I'd give them all for Yukari."
His favourite 2hu was Yukari.

>> No.11791874

Yeah. it was cancer. I'm sorry.
I will end myself. See you in Gensokyo, anon.

>> No.11791872

Whoa, he sounds pretty cool for an old guy...

>> No.11791875

That one's from tumblr, you shit.

>> No.11791876

Yeah, it's from my tumblr.

>> No.11791878
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"This is our son's room. He's an Otaku by the way"

>> No.11791879

That one was very cute, I also liked the Toshiba one and the textless one of a Shiba wearing a paper helmet in front of a samurai statue/helm

>> No.11791880
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>> No.11791882

i found that a lot funnier than i probably should have.

>> No.11791884
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>> No.11791886

That one's from tumblr, you shit.

>> No.11791889

I wish the Janny were here.

>> No.11791976

Grow a thicker skin, weakling SRS weenie.

>> No.11794321

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.11794501

The fact that the same things get posted every single thread is what makes them funny, not the jokes or witty assumptions of the characters we like to make.

With Warosumin removing ghost, I think every /jp/sie should take a 'secret sage thread on page 7 thread' class

>> No.11794596
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➱come on /jp/
➱see a load of faggots greenin'
➱mfw when this thread is still up

>> No.11794811

I like doge. It makes me laugh.

I laughed. For real laughter. Maybe some people just have poor humor and shouldn't be on this website. They might find Law and Order funnier, I know a chick with shit taste who laughs at that show like she's dying.

>> No.11794817

No, because ZUN said it isn't entirely canon.

>> No.11794857

Everything is canon until otherwise overwritten by ZUN forgetting his own canon and contradicting it in the most recent game. Thats how it works.

>> No.11794941 [DELETED] 

ZUN has never apologized for jap war atrocities in WW2. Does he support jap imperialism?

>> No.11796855

memes only exist because of unfunny people getting a laugh for the first time ever

>> No.11796876

Every day I am thankful that I am able to find the same shit funny over and over again.

>> No.11796902

I've never laughed, does that mean maymees aren't real?

>> No.11796904



I pity the fool who can't enjoy the little repetitive things in life.

>> No.11799750
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>> No.11799784

Marisa can be a womanizer. But how does Alice still get most of the bitches?

>> No.11799787
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>> No.11799838
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fun fact, the first doges with 'doge speak' were not shibe.

>> No.11805743
File: 63 KB, 640x399, fake-names-tickets-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kochiya Sanae caught a train to Fuzhou!

>> No.11805754


Sanae makes it on Communist State Broadcast news.

>> No.11805928

Was she on her way to meet a client?

>> No.11806250

Yes. Sanae used to be at a firm but now she operates a private marketing consulting business.

>> No.11806254

Until the end of time, OP.

Sanae a slut.

>> No.11806365

I disagree OP. Sakuya a pad jokes are the best.
