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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11787279 No.11787279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ghost posting will be disabled for /jp/ on 01/15 for a while. Think of it as a New Year's resolution.

Goodnight sweet prince...

>> No.11787293

One last call for the warosu bros to assemble...

>> No.11787297

will that shitty trevor meme die out? will sparky, milu, fake nagi and tokiko kill themselves? will you warosufags get bored and move onto reddit and tumblr?

>> No.11787297,1 [INTERNAL] 

They'll move to foolz and finally reunite with their /a/v/ friends.

So nothing really changes, but at least /jp/ archive will be clean.

>> No.11787297,2 [INTERNAL] 

>warosufags get bored and move onto reddit and tumblr?

Neither. I will wait and find something else to do.

>> No.11787310

The end of an era.

>> No.11787310,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is like every graduation arc of all the SoL cartoons that I watched....

>> No.11787310,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm kind of glad that it's over, time to move on to bigger and better things.

>> No.11787310,3 [INTERNAL] 

where we moving to bros don't leave me hanging here

>> No.11787310,4 [INTERNAL] 

i dont know im so happy posting here why does it have to be ruined

>> No.11787310,5 [INTERNAL] 

Hahaha. Fucking TOLD.

Nice one Warosuko!

>> No.11787310,6 [INTERNAL] 

Someone make a replacement where we can all have fun.

>> No.11787310,7 [INTERNAL] 

By the way this thread stayed up for almost 20 minutes at least and literally no one gave a shit. Proof that Warosu has nothing to do with /jp/ anymore.

>> No.11787310,8 [INTERNAL] 

We're all waiting for you at Foolz!

>> No.11787310,9 [INTERNAL] 

I'm kind of sad about this. I still consider myself a /jp/er first and a W-bro second... I feel like this place is the successor to easymoodo's /ghost/, which was mostly populated by old /jp/ers, but it seems like if Warosu /ghost/ dies now all you guys will possibly migrate to other sites and we won't be able to be together anymore... ;_;

All I want to do is post on a board that's populated primarily by 2005 or earlier 4channers, why is that so hard?

>> No.11787310,10 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone here is a newfag. All the old easymodo crowd is gone and this is just a shitposter hive for the kids who discovered /jp/ post 2010.

I'm so fucking happy to see it gone I actually jizzed my pants. Based Warosuko I knew you wouldn't let me down.

Let the cancer move back to Foolz so we can claim to be the best archive again.

>> No.11787310,11 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is dead. This thread and the three other shitposts were on the top threads on the front page for those twenty minutes. It isn't the archive.

>> No.11787310,12 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah but that's because /jp/ has changed. Every board changes over time but it feels like the whole userbase of /jp/ has been replaced by newshitters from other boards.

>> No.11787310,13 [INTERNAL] 

this post is ironic right?

I just can't tell anymore

>> No.11787310,14 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ has the same speed it used to have, but no one browses it by refreshing the front page anymore since it's full of your shit or 2hu shit.

Most people just stick to generals while keeping them off the front page.

>> No.11787310,15 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah and Warosuko is also turning off ghost ironically.

>> No.11787310,16 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't. The rate of "real posts" has declined and the rate of "shite post" has risen. Last year's image dumping may be an all-time high. /jp/ is dead and has been for a while.

>> No.11787310,17 [INTERNAL] 

[citation needed]

>> No.11787310,18 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think the whole userbase has been replaced yet, because there are still people who say things like you're saying right now in any given thread where this conversation comes up. Also, on a number of occasions when I've spoken with /jp/ers outside of /jp/, almost all of them have been old users.

Assuming you aren't being ironic, it's actually pretty hard to tell to what extent posters like Trev and the gang, and the people who follow them, are the old crowd being ironic versus new shitposters just trying to find a place in the clique. I have a feeling it's a little of both.

Remember, the threshold of irony that's "funny" is different for every poster, as is the type of post at which someone will look and believe "wow, look at that perfect caricature of a shitty post, I bet it will irritate and confuse the new shitty users who can't see through it" as opposed to "wow, look at that shitty post, it must have been made by a new shitty user." Half the time, people who look at posts and consider them amusingly ironic are in reality probably looking at posts not intended to be ironic, and vice versa; but, it doesn't really matter who's the person on the other side of the keyboard. If you interpret posts in an optimistic way you'll enjoy the board and you'll stay, and if not you'll get tired of the board and leave.

The problem for me is that I'm too optimistic, so I stick around thinking that all the shitty posts are old friends trying to be clever, until I realize that's not the case, it's too late, and all of my friends have left me alone for greener pastures. This is what happened to me on /b/...

>> No.11787310,19 [INTERNAL] 

It's easy to see. The post rate has declined in the past few years, that can be proven through foolz statistics.

Shitepost rising is evident.

>> No.11787310,20 [INTERNAL] 

I wasn't being ironic. Trevor is part of the scum that showed up during 2011 even though he likes to claim he was there before that. Plus all the people who tried to play the oldfag card on me failed pretty hard even though they are on a place where that information is just one search away.

Easymodo crew left after they figured out pretty early on that this was not a good replacement. You can find people saying this as early as 2012.

>> No.11787310,21 [INTERNAL] 

Declined compared to what? 2011? We're back to 2008 speed which is fine by me. /jp/ is far frkm dead.

>> No.11787310,22 [INTERNAL] 

The people you want to find are not on /jp/, either. Most of them grew up and got lives. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

>> No.11787310,23 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want to find anyone on /jp/, I'm just happy to see you mongoloids gone from there and ghost.

>> No.11787310,24 [INTERNAL] 

I dunno though, I mean, I'm here, and you're here, and the other people in this thread are here. None of us have any reason to lie about how long we've been here. I don't doubt that the Trever Ashton Richardson or whatever isn't actually a newer user than he claims to be, but as for the people who joke about him and such, I don't know; I know I've done it a few times in the past. Maybe that makes me a shitty poster by your standards, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm an old user...

>> No.11787310,25 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody will be gone, they will migrate. I think you want to toot your own horn, having nothing else to show for wasting so much of your life. It's a common theme among oldfags.

>> No.11787310,26 [INTERNAL] 

Foolz is waiting for you guys.

>> No.11787310,27 [INTERNAL] 

I put out T. impersonations in the past too but that doesn't mean this is the kind of thing I'd like to see here, it just means I got tired of expecting better from this place.

It has gotten to a point where I was trolling people who had legit concerns about /jp/ by calling them Trevor or Tokiko, it was pretty effective in shutting them up.

>> No.11787310,28 [INTERNAL] 

What you like to see here? Why are you here then? Nowhere else to go?

I'm sorry you were left out on the life deal. Maybe when we're shut down you should end it.

>> No.11787310,29 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing I want to see here, not anymore. It's more of a problem of what I don't want to see. And Warosuko took care of this problem.

Have fun telling me to off myself because I live a sad life, but I'm not the one shitting /jp/ with autistic dedication and dragging Warosu down with me.

How does it feel to be so TOLD by Warosuko?

>> No.11787310,30 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not bothered in the least since turning off archived replies will change nothing.

>> No.11787310,31 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ has already changed in that your stupid sgit doesn't clutter up the board anymore and is deleted with decent speed. Now if you retards are going to gather up on Foolz or whatever to continue your shitposting crusade I don't give a rat's ass. This whole thing just means Warosuko is not fine with this archive being associated with such cancer, and that's the good news.

We're all waiting for you at Foolz!

>> No.11787310,32 [INTERNAL] 

Subarashii. It's just like the good old days now, oldfag-san.

>> No.11787310,33 [INTERNAL] 

what does
>for a while

Is this a 'forever' indefinite?
or a 'not long' indefinite?

>> No.11787310,34 [INTERNAL] 

I don't ever want to call a site like Foolz home though, because I don't like the attitude of the people who run it.

>> No.11787310,35 [INTERNAL] 

He already said it's not permanent but it will be long. He literally said you people aren't welcome anymore and is sitting this down to see if you guys will leave forever.

>> No.11787310,36 [INTERNAL] 

But Woxxy loves you. Plus Nagi and Siztra ppst yhere already so it's like the good old days again.

>> No.11787310,37 [INTERNAL] 

Well I think Woxxy is a faggot regardless of how much he claims to love me, but I might go to Foolz /ghost/ for a while while Warosu is down just to fill the gap in my life.

>> No.11787310,38 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw my fuuka.warosu.org theme stopped working

What a fucking faggot.

>> No.11787310,39 [INTERNAL] 

Stay owned.

>> No.11787310,40 [INTERNAL] 

Are we really that much trouble?

Nagi and sixtra are circle jerking faggots who do nothing but metapost and talk about shit I don't care about. The fact that I have to read their posts here is bad enough.

>> No.11787310,41 [INTERNAL] 


I wasn't owned...

>> No.11787310,42 [INTERNAL] 

>Are we really that much trouble?

Nigga do you even have to ask this? You better start sucking up to your new Foolz overlords, boy.

>> No.11787310,43 [INTERNAL] 

please do not call me that racial slur

Fuck foolz. I hate that gay little loading bar.

>> No.11787310,44 [INTERNAL] 

ive been shitposting for almost a decade and nothing has stopped me so far

>> No.11787310,45 [INTERNAL] 

sup moot

>> No.11787310,46 [INTERNAL] 

The point isn't too make you stop, it is to make you do it someplace else.

Seriously why aren't you all on Foolz already? Early birds catch the worm, why wait until the 15?

>> No.11787310,47 [INTERNAL] 

>>11787310,21 et al.
Post count by the end of the year (determined by the number of the first "happy new year" post after midnight the next year):
2008: 1858159, 1858159 posts in 315 days, 5878 posts per day
2009: 4032881, 2181022 posts in 365 days, 5975 posts per day
2010: 6730868, 2697987 posts in 365 days, 7391 posts per day
2011: 8327179, 1596311 posts in 365 days, 4373 posts per day
2012: 10236326, 1909147 posts in 366 days, 5216 posts per day
2013: 11763043, 1526717 posts in 365 days, 4182 posts per day

/jp/ is slower than ever, but still only marginally slower than 2011, the year of the shitposter. And every post rate decline after 2011 can only reasonably be attributed to removal of shitposting and assorted off-topic.

>> No.11787310,48 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,49 [INTERNAL] 

This doesn't even include "shitpost" vs "real post". The number of useless shitposts outweighs even generals on modern /jp/.

>> No.11787310,50 [INTERNAL] 

"cliques" are the worst fucking thing to happen to archives since archives. Foolz only reinforces that shit with its internal board.

>> No.11787310,51 [INTERNAL] 

I don't try to think about it in a meaningful way, to avoid disliking /jp/. If I think too much about why I enjoy it, it will stop being fun.

The clique behavior makes me think about it. "well is there something I'm missing out on?" "why don't I get this reference". It's a constant struggle to understand what exactly is being written, and if it's even something that I should care about.

>> No.11787310,52 [INTERNAL] 

Rate of shitposting is unmeasurable unless you literally go through every single of the 11 million posts and categorize them. But if you think there's more of them now than two years ago, you're completely delusional.

>> No.11787310,53 [INTERNAL] 

The number is fewer, the ratio is greater. Who has been driven out?

>> No.11787310,54 [INTERNAL] 

He probably thinks 2hu image dumps are shitposts. I mean that's a pretty gray area but if you take it out of the equation, most posts on /jp/ are done inside general threads, so there's no reason to think shitposting us overtaking actual discussion. Yes we might have slowed down but remember, /jp/ material has been scattered across other boards like VN discussion. We could pretty much add a couple thousand posts a day by making /jp/ the official board for Katawa Shoujo alone, but who the HELL would want that.

Things are fine as they are.

>> No.11787310,55 [INTERNAL] 

It would be interesting to get number of non-deleted posts per year. 2010 was PUDDI which should account for those numbers rather than being a year of increased activity. Same with 2011, faced with no moderation there's no reason to repost the same image over and over so the post counts are not inflated.

Warosu is doing a good thing by torching down this nest. But the mentality and people will live on just as they always have. There will always be people whose only goal is selfish entertainment by pretending to be idiots and ruining things for everyone. So this is not going to improve anything, but it's not doing any harm either so burn it down. Perhaps it will at least prevent new people thinking this is how /jp/ really is.

>> No.11787310,56 [INTERNAL] 

>He probably thinks 2hu image dumps are shitposts.

That guy who made this should set up a new archive. Or not. Whatever.

>> No.11787310,57 [INTERNAL] 

I can't wait to see you retards try to migrate to foolz and have woxxy put the smackdown on you

>> No.11787310,58 [INTERNAL] 


There's literally no point in posting if I'm going to be under someone else's thumb

>> No.11787310,59 [INTERNAL] 

>entertainment by pretending to be idiots
That's, like, de facto the whole point of 4chan.

>> No.11787310,60 [INTERNAL] 

>the entire 4chan is defined by /b/ and /s4s/

Did you find about 4chan through 9gag, reddit or something of the sort?

>> No.11787310,61 [INTERNAL] 

I found it on the Star Wars Galaxies forums in 2004.

Do you think it's an informational website designed to foster serious discussion and friendship between named users?

>> No.11787310,62 [INTERNAL] 


get in here warosu girls

>> No.11787310,63 [INTERNAL] 

No, I think it's an anonymous image board centered around various interests, nothing less, nothing more. If you think acting like a retard is the accepted behavior on the entire 4chan, you must be incredibly new and full of shit.

>> No.11787310,64 [INTERNAL] 

And /jp/ always took pride of being unlike the rest of 4chan. Ignore GETs, sage is not an insult, posting slowly is best.
Not gonna go on a whole "good ol' days" spiel now, but it did upset me to see people that should be from the board raiding wiki pages and trying to doxx people. That was beyond low and the moment where I realized that this is not the /jp/ I want to be a part of.
Warosu culture now is no better than /b/ and that's disgusting.

>> No.11787310,65 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is better than /b/ because they're only doing it ironically.

>> No.11787310,66 [INTERNAL] 

Every board has a chan culture derived sense of humor. What is accepted has been traditionally determined by the userbase, not moderation. Mockery and satire has always been accepted on every (non porn/image dump) board.

/jp/ was pure idiot culture since day one.

>> No.11787310,67 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ was pure idiot culture since day one.

Fucking stop pretending not to be new already. Who cares.

But if you think the /b/ behavior defined /jp/ before 2011 you are talking out of your ass.

>> No.11787310,68 [INTERNAL] 

Have you never seen /jp/ change wiki articles before? Half the tripfags have been doxxed to some extent as well. The difference was in a tastefulness. The janitor deserved doxxing. It's alright to dox brigs (an innocent girl and complete stranger to chan thinking) but 4chan staff? Over the line.

/jp/ was literally made to stop /a/ reject shitposting nightsquad spreading shit all over.

>> No.11787310,69 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was literally made to stop /a/ reject shitposting nightsquad spreading shit all over.

What the fuck. /jp/ was made to get non anime/manga content out /a/, mostly 2hu. How can even fuck this up?

Also for a long time after the split /jp/ was regarded as the board for hardcore weebs while /a/ was dominated by naruto and normals.

Head to foolz and search for /a/ threads about the split. And do us a favor and stay there.

>> No.11787310,70 [INTERNAL] 


Not really. I'm not going to go look through whatever bullshit you're talking about since I've actually been here since the day the board opened. We were shitting up /a/ with ronery and random crap and 2hus et al. Slowly /jp/ developed a type of accepted content, that content has narrowed into today's few generals. Not only that, you can't even hold a natural conversation without being banned now, you have to be very nice to everyone. Surely you don't believe that to have been the case before moderation insanity.

>> No.11787310,71 [INTERNAL] 

Dammit, I really have to go to sleep now... but seeing this many people talking so passionately about 4chan and /jp/'s history makes me hopeful. Please don't go anywhere guys, or if you do, at least tell me where you go.

>> No.11787310,72 [INTERNAL] 

I have no idea of what you're trying to prove but /jp/ didn't being on January 1st 2009, dude.


>> No.11787310,73 [INTERNAL] 

I'm trying to show you all the random xD bullshit that has been allowed on /jp/ from day 1 until /q/.

>> No.11787310,74 [INTERNAL] 

>jaypee is da shitposting bored xD
We have /s4s/ for that now, please leave [i]kudasai

>> No.11787310,75 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone have a html dump of the original whaambulance sticky? I thought easymodo kept it up but apparently not

>> No.11787310,76 [INTERNAL] 

I'd rather have everyone who thinks warosu is the cool place to hang around leave forever. Thankfully this place will be dead for a long while.

>> No.11787310,77 [INTERNAL] 

2hu shit, while still shit, is not /b/ level LOLSORANDUMXD shit.

Also most of the threads you linked barely had any replies, so to use that to prove this was the accepted behavior is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.11787310,78 [INTERNAL] 

Cherrypicking evidence is easy, you can bump all the threads you want and it'd prove nothing.

Moderation is more strict. This continues to be a response to the increased spam and low quality posting that has in turn escalated to "upset the janny" (>>11316503_1)

Are you trying to say that ironic shitposting dominated the board culture from the start? Or that /q/ outsiders forced /jp/ to be a no fun allowed zone? Because I honestly don't get your point

>> No.11787310,79 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not saying either. Culture evolves. I just want it to be clear that you revisionist fucktards have no clue.

>> No.11787310,80 [INTERNAL] 

Most of his examples are threads started by poolshmer idiots, who are actual retards and not people pretending ironically.

Also they acted nothing like /b/tards. He was trying to prove that all of 4chan acted like the same /b/ hivemind but I'm not really sure anymore.

>> No.11787310,81 [INTERNAL] 


Get in here warosugals

>> No.11787310,82 [INTERNAL] 

i remember posting loli threads on /b/ a lot

also i would find haruhi doujins and spam threads with them

honestly most of these people shit talking /b/ are prob from 2010 on

real /jp/sies grew up in /b/ anime/random and then moved over to /a/ once the not your personal army shit started happening then we got kicked to /jp/ because most of us went to "real" threads and spammed 2hu and shit like that and made the rest of the board hate us.

then we shitposted on /jp/

so lol at thinking we were some noble enlightened internet posters who were beyond funposting on wikis and "doxxing" people who fucking dont know the first part of online anonymity

>> No.11787310,83 [INTERNAL] 

You and all the people who think like you will be welcomed warmly on Foolz. I'm getting out of this oldfag debate since it leads nowhere and it doesn't matter anyway.

>> No.11787310,84 [INTERNAL] 

show of hands who was here when eksi had to disable ghostposting on ye olde easymodo because the shitposting on /jp/ ghost had reached critical mass? no posers please

>> No.11787310,85 [INTERNAL] 

>yfw sparky makes the new warosu
>yfw the shiteposting army comes stronger than ever

>> No.11787310,86 [INTERNAL] 


>Posting was disabled for the /jp/ archive due to the low quality of posts; it was mainly being used for complaining about being banned, complaining about the state of /jp/ and the actions of 4chan's staff and vanity posts made by the worst trip users on /jp/ after being (rightfully) banned. If you have questions regarding 4chan bans, please email banned@4chan.org. If you have questions regarding 4chan moderation, please email moot@4chan.org. If you have questions regarding the archive itself, my contact is futther below on this FAQ. If you're mugen, go choke on an onion~

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it.

>> No.11787310,87 [INTERNAL] 


Also take note how this happened in 2011 so we are still dealing with the same people.

>> No.11787310,88 [INTERNAL] 

yeah obviously that way to "fix" the problem is wrong

fucking owned idiot nerd fag

>> No.11787310,89 [INTERNAL] 

All my efforts finally paid off!

>> No.11787310,90 [INTERNAL] 

If I found 4chan in 2005 does that give me some kind of authority over anyone who got here in 2006+ ? How much voting power do I have in the debate over whether shiteposting is /jp/ culture or not? Also do I need to provide proof or is oldfag status accepted just on my word?

>> No.11787310,91 [INTERNAL] 

Also if I was here before /jp/'s creation but didn't browse the jay until 09 or 10 does my 4chan oldfag status supercede my jay newfag status?

>> No.11787310,92 [INTERNAL] 

If you can remember the good old days you can tell off revisionists. That's pretty much all you get to do!

>> No.11787310,93 [INTERNAL] 

maybe go back to gaia lo l

>> No.11787310,94 [INTERNAL] 

Only your mind will be clouded by nostalgia, so you'll probably be wrong!

>> No.11787310,95 [INTERNAL] 

I made all the posts on this thread. It's sad really, that no one on /jp/ cares about this so I have to resort to samefagging...

Warosu really is done for...

>> No.11787310,96 [INTERNAL] 

>warosu posting stops working
>foolzfags retreat back to their archive
>warosu acquires "oldfag status" among them
>warosu becomes increasingly more popular among the retarded masses the longer it's ghost posting remains disabled
>warosuko finally re-enables ghost posting
>every single fucking foolzfag abandons their nest and establish on warosu while making their claim at oldfaggotry

Unless this is some clever scheme to put woxxy out of business. In that case, I guess it is actually pretty clever.

>> No.11787310,97 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu already has the reputation of a cesspool, nothing will make it worse than it already is.

>> No.11787310,98 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu always had the reputation of a cesspool.

>> No.11787310,99 [INTERNAL] 

We're on /jp/ and not going anywhere, we're just here now to celebrate warosu throwing retards out and becoming the board's proper archive again.

Even with all the new year's spam you can see how many on-topic threads were being posted all the time. You can also see all the shit dying after a few replies. Do the same search for contemporary /jp/, and you'll mostly get /pol/, /a/ and meta bullshit, that will get bumped over and over by the same few people unless deleted.

You were shitting up /a/, moot misidentified the problem and made /jp/, then you proceeded to shit up /a/ for the next few years, then you found /jp/ exists, then puddi happened and /jp/ was left with no moderation, so you just moved there and treated it as your summer vacation house.

>> No.11787310,100 [INTERNAL] 

>Even with all the new year's spam you can see how many on-topic threads

2 weeks earlier

Literally /b/.

>> No.11787310,101 [INTERNAL] 

>Literally /b/.

You are really fucking clueless, aren't you? Stop trying to prove what you can't.

>> No.11787310,102 [INTERNAL] 

You can't talk about loli anymore on /jp/ without being muted, so what's the point? You might as well post on Something Awful, as you can only post on /jp/ if you like eroge etc. ironically.

>> No.11787310,103 [INTERNAL] 

That's (almost) all on-topic, nigga.

Of course a few years later retards like you faggots came and treated every thread that wasn't a general as an invitation to post shit, so they stopped being made.

>> No.11787310,104 [INTERNAL] 

I know it's on-topic. Moderation staff does not.

>> No.11787310,105 [INTERNAL] 

You can still talk about 2hu and FSN like you always did. Or are you talking about the other shit that was borderline? We were Japan/General ALL JAPAN THINGS WELCOME back then so the janitor couldn't really get rid of them as they do today.

>> No.11787310,106 [INTERNAL] 

easymodo felt like a part of /jp/, I could go there and recognize names and what people were discussing. warosu is just a bunch of kids forcing the most pathetic memes ever shat out combined with other human waste like siztra.

>> No.11787310,107 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ itself feels completely alien. It's like /ag/.

>> No.11787310,108 [INTERNAL] 

I wish it was like Anime/Technology

>> No.11787310,109 [INTERNAL] 

>that will get bumped over and over by the same few people unless deleted.
I don't know when that happened, but it's fucking retarded. People actually refuse to let shit threads fall of page ten.

When's the last time any of you actually discussed eroge of any kind in those threads?

>> No.11787310,110 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,111 [INTERNAL] 

pleb experience (99% of current /jp/)
>unironically using pooshlmer, tumblr, equivalent 2hu cancer source
>unironically using /jp/ after the split

Patrician Experience (1% of current /jp/)
>Posting random shit on old /b/
>Spamming /a/
>Shitposting on /jp/ since the split
>Having lulz on /ghost/

face it retards, shitposting is a beloved pastime and only oldfags know it. all your good/fun/cuteposting shit is carebear faggotry from recent years.

you cannot stop the shiteposts. we will shit up foolz until /ghost/ comes back, all the while shitting up /jp/. we do not forgive or forget. expect our shite.

>> No.11787310,112 [INTERNAL] 

nice trips brah

>> No.11787310,113 [INTERNAL] 

vtec just kicked in yo

>> No.11787310,114 [INTERNAL] 

>we will shit up foolz until /ghost/ comes back
Will anybody actually care?

>> No.11787310,115 [INTERNAL] 

They won't, that's the joke.

>> No.11787310,116 [INTERNAL] 


(Only true oldefigs will get this reference)

>> No.11787310,117 [INTERNAL] 

ahahah is tath like the aids niggers' meme llo

>> No.11787310,118 [INTERNAL] 

You people sure resignated to Woxxy's personal army pretty quickly. I was expecting denial to last a bit longer.

Guess that's how much you actually enjoyed this place.

>> No.11787310,119 [INTERNAL] 

It's literally impossible to use /jp/ now. There's only boring ass huge generals.
Might as well call it /jpg/
You can't even imagedump touhou on the fucking touhou imageboard. Apparently posting a touhou image without text is not acceptable?
I've even gotten banned for adding ``kudasai'' to the end of a (saged) retort, and my post deleted, something about enforcing ```quality'''? where do you think you are? this is an anonymous imageboard with disposable threads, for kamisama's sake... why don't you run a fucking forum with sigs, janny? wait, you probably do...
This archive was cool because you can actually take it easy and post without the police around, but I guess it's over.
It's depressing... I remember complaining about the shitposting in 2011 or whenever there was no moderation, but one thing is posting /pol/ memes with 3d images which have absolutely 0 to do with otaku culture, and should be obviously deleted and another thing is deleting everything that is not some sugar coated post about touhou canon or some 3dpd gook.
/jp/ is done for. I wish /ota/ moved faster.

>> No.11787310,120 [INTERNAL] 

Together, or not together.

These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.

>> No.11787310,121 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how much moot is paying her.

>> No.11787310,122 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah that one. It was on kotori.warosu.org. Now it's gone! Was it a sign?

>> No.11787310,123 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody will miss you.

Newfriends being melodramatic over the temporary loss of their circlejerk. Amazing.

>> No.11787310,124 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks bro. I'll try to find another quote. to spam. I'm thinking Fate, or should I stick within the tsukihime universe?

>> No.11787310,125 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuko's NYR is to take down /jp/ once and for all. She's trying to kick us out of the nest so that we (re)start shitposting in earnest.

>> No.11787310,126 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, rude. I hope someone misses me!
People like you who cannot take it easy are the worst, and should stop talking... please stop being so mad all the time, asspained faggot...!

>> No.11787310,127 [INTERNAL] 

I seriously wonder how many layers of irony would be behind such a moronic post. Do you mean these insults for real or are you just trying to look cool?

>> No.11787310,128 [INTERNAL] 

>still unironically posting on /jp/
>not posting seriously on /a/ and /pol/ and just shitposting on /jp/

my keks are in orbit

>> No.11787310,129 [INTERNAL] 

>unironically posting on 4chan


>> No.11787310,130 [INTERNAL] 

01/15 can't come soon enough

>> No.11787310,131 [INTERNAL] 

Who wants to have one last /teenbro/ raid for old times sake?

>> No.11787310,132 [INTERNAL] 

Do you even need to ask?

>> No.11787310,133 [INTERNAL] 

You know, there's something curious about this post here. Virtually nowhere else on the internet tolerates such lowbrow and inane behavior. They don't understand the relief--the spiritual and mental cleansing--this type of post provides. I'm gonna this place.

>> No.11787310,134 [INTERNAL] 

What site should we hit up?

>> No.11787310,135 [INTERNAL] 

warosu is therapy. Of all of the daily habits that comprise my life, warosu is the only good one.

>> No.11787310,136 [INTERNAL] 

I've been on /jp/ since 2009

>> No.11787310,137 [INTERNAL] 

uh why dont we just go ghostpost in foolz ?who cares about waroshite

>> No.11787310,138 [INTERNAL] 

shut up newfa*....

>> No.11787310,139 [INTERNAL] 

But /a/ and /v/ use foolz. You know about /a/ and /v/ right dude...?

>> No.11787310,140 [INTERNAL] 

w/e man they have a ghost jp post too right? fuck i need to cum

>> No.11787310,141 [INTERNAL] 

With two ghostjups down already, why hasn't moot deleted the real /jp/ yet? He has done nothing despite throwing fits over how he's going to do so for years.

>> No.11787310,142 [INTERNAL] 


Ooohhhh I like it DENIAL! That's the first part of the grieving process, brothers. Now let's all hold hands, huh?

>> No.11787310,143 [INTERNAL] 

We give him endless lols.

>> No.11787310,144 [INTERNAL] 

No, we provide him the necessary bridge of contact with japan.

>> No.11787310,145 [INTERNAL] 

Did that stop you from posting on easymodo?

>> No.11787310,146 [INTERNAL] 

How's it going, anonymous? Taking it easy?

>> No.11787310,147 [INTERNAL] 

warosuko = woxxy = /ota/min = trevor same

22 days to go

>> No.11787310,148 [INTERNAL] 

wthat fuck is easymodo

>> No.11787310,149 [INTERNAL] 

Literally no one cares.

>> No.11787310,150 [INTERNAL] 

Saya is so excited that we'll be moving to foolz. I wonder why.

>> No.11787310,151 [INTERNAL] 

I will be waiting for you all at /ic/.

>> No.11787310,152 [INTERNAL] 

This can't be happening.

>> No.11787310,153 [INTERNAL] 

We will all be waiting for you at /bun/!

>> No.11787310,154 [INTERNAL] 


Good. Fuck you all. Thanks warsou admin, hopefully it will be down for months.

>> No.11787310,155 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, this guy

>> No.11787310,156 [INTERNAL] 

Let him vent out his frustration; he's probably just lying to himself right.

>> No.11787310,157 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,158 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,159 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone want to check my final dubs?

>> No.11787310,160 [INTERNAL] 


Official wwarosu theme song

>> No.11787310,161 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,162 [INTERNAL] 

Mine first

>> No.11787310,163 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have any idea what you just did?

>> No.11787310,164 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,165 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,166 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,167 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,168 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,169 [INTERNAL] 

Can we sing this together one last time?

>> No.11787310,170 [INTERNAL] 

No one cares.

>> No.11787310,171 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,172 [INTERNAL] 

             ´::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`:: 、
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          |:::∧___ .....==、::::|:リ|::::::::::!:l :|       このスレのことは桐乃には内緒ですよ?
       ,. -―-、 .> ´    \ノ、:::::::::!:!::|       お兄さん。
      /ヽ \\_)          |::::::::::|::|
   , ⌒>ヽ_).ー' ー'           |:::::::::::|:|
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    /       |   :|、       ヽ |    ∨|  \ \

>> No.11787310,173 [INTERNAL] 

I care.

>> No.11787310,174 [INTERNAL] 

This is honestly the worst news I've heard in years. I don't know what I'm going to do anymore, I stopped posting on 4chan after ten years because the people there are no longer the same type of people that brought me to the site in the first place. Warosu has been almost untolerable over the past month or two as well, but at least there are still some old timers around here, and I don't have to watch what I say on every god damn post like /jp/. Rest in peace warosu, and thank you for hosting us as long as you did warosuko.

>> No.11787310,175 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuko can you add a countdown timer until /ghost/ posting ends?

>> No.11787310,176 [INTERNAL] 

lol @ that one anon still steamin mad all day long telling people to go to foolz and warosu dying is a good thing

>i-i'm only ironically posting here to p-p-pwn you fag shitters ;_;

warosu army lives forever. i'll keep shitposting until we're together again or 4chan finally shuts down #outlaws #fuckthemods

>> No.11787310,177 [INTERNAL] 

Keep up the good work.

>> No.11787310,178 [INTERNAL] 

Where are we gonna go when /ghost/ dies, w-bros??

>> No.11787310,179 [INTERNAL] 

I'm probably going to use Trevor's shitty website more.

>> No.11787310,180 [INTERNAL] 


We're all waiting for you at Foolz!

>> No.11787310,181 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,182 [INTERNAL] 

i say we shit up foolz until their crossdressing boypussy mod closes the /jp/ ghost board

it will be ebin

>> No.11787310,183 [INTERNAL] 

The faggot mods delete posts there.

>> No.11787310,184 [INTERNAL] 

wait... the ghost boards have mods? the fuck?

k i guess go to /ic/ then

>> No.11787310,185 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you think foolz is known for being a complete shithole, they delete ghost and archived posts.

>> No.11787310,186 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gonna be browsing /ota/ and maybe /bun/.

>> No.11787310,187 [INTERNAL] 

Why the HELL are you all going to be posting on the /ic/ ghost? Do you even intent to post on the main board at all or are you just going to do some crazy crossboard epic scheme?

This sounds like a really fucking dumb idea but let's see how it will play out.

>> No.11787310,188 [INTERNAL] 

We'll make our threads on /ic/ and bump them.

That'll teach Warosubitch a lesson.

>> No.11787310,189 [INTERNAL] 

warosubitch needs to pay
if xie closes /ghost/ we'll take down every other ghost board with us

>> No.11787310,190 [INTERNAL] 


You must be the legendary internet warrior I keep hearing so many rumors about.

>> No.11787310,191 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,192 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't mind these retards warosuko, they're just trying to get this place shut down. You seem like you're pretty quick on the uptake though, so I guess you already know.

>> No.11787310,193 [INTERNAL] 

Or maybe we can use /ic/ archive to discuss art-related things?

>> No.11787310,194 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off warosubitch

>> No.11787310,195 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you have to be such a fucking child?

>> No.11787310,196 [INTERNAL] 


You know, your shit only affected /jp/ because it always had strong ties with /ghost/ before you ruined ghost culture.

I don't think anyone on /ic/ is going to give a shit if you are ruining their archive since they barely use it. You'll just be building an even more autistic echo chamber.

>> No.11787310,197 [INTERNAL] 

Why /ic/?

>> No.11787310,198 [INTERNAL] 

>supporting the bitch will shut down this board

shouldnt you be licking the moderator's ass in some IRC channel?

>> No.11787310,199 [INTERNAL] 


beats me

>> No.11787310,200 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11787310,201 [INTERNAL] 

Shouldn't you be sucking off Nagi or whatever tranny lead you to warosu?

>> No.11787310,202 [INTERNAL] 

It's ironic because all the mod's ass lickers in the recent past have been Warosu mongoloids trying to ruse Janny.

If you hate Warosuko so much, why not just leave to Foolz today instead of waiting a week? Really.

>> No.11787310,203 [INTERNAL] 

>not liking Nagi

LOL guys look at this newfag! LOL!

>> No.11787310,204 [INTERNAL] 

>supporting the bitch will shut down this board

The board is not being shut down, retard. Only ghostposting is, the archive will continue doing it's good job.

She's just trying to shake off the parasites that hung out on this place for far too long.

>> No.11787310,205 [INTERNAL] 

GTFO warosubitch

>> No.11787310,206 [INTERNAL] 

How about this board? Literally anything is allowed here except CP.

>> No.11787310,207 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope this works out, even with provoking the kids like this, most of them will still be uninterested by the time we get our warosu back.

>> No.11787310,208 [INTERNAL] 

hi otamin

>> No.11787310,209 [INTERNAL] 

It worked so well the first time.

Warosuko is not stupid enough to repeat the same mistake twice, the downtime has to be for another reason.

>> No.11787310,210 [INTERNAL] 

It's just going to have to be a really extended downtime.

>> No.11787310,211 [INTERNAL] 

>don't think anyone on /ic/ is going to give a shit if you are ruining their archive since they barely use it.

We aren't trying to ruin anything. Calm your persecution complex, weeb.

>> No.11787310,212 [INTERNAL] 

you are exactly the kind of shitlord that warosu needs to lose before ghost will return

>> No.11787310,213 [INTERNAL] 

mess with some wiki bitch for one night


lol what a nerd faggot

crying tears of a weeb fucker he stared at hte crowd and shouted, "this isnt the anon i know. /jp/ is a ssacred place where we only post on topic and either in the idol megathread, the kancolle megathread, or the kig megathread. the rest of course is 2hu." a tiny erection pops up as the idiot admin tries to stroke himself, "we dont cyber stalk pretty weeb girls online NO that is not okay. we dont funpost about how dumb and autistic someone has to be to try to cleanup /jp/. andm ost of all we dont publish personal information that these dumb attention whores who get trips or become a janitor throw up fucking everywhere because that is not okay."

the crowd was silent except one idiot who ran up to start sucking the little clit that man called a dick just to try to troll the rest of the userbase.

i masturbated

>> No.11787310,214 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,215 [INTERNAL] 

*starts slow clap*

>> No.11787310,216 [INTERNAL] 

My posts are actually well mannered, unlike yours apparently.

>> No.11787310,217 [INTERNAL] 

The dickspammer was one of the people behind warosu's demise, go figure.

>> No.11787310,218 [INTERNAL] 


Beg your pardon? I don't mean to indulge anyone's ego by saying there is an effort to ruin ghost. It's just that your mere presence here did it.

>> No.11787310,219 [INTERNAL] 

>all of this happens right after we out nuedere as RJ

hehe nice

>> No.11787310,220 [INTERNAL] 

Posting dickspam on /ic/ is a really fucking stupid idea. Do you know anything about the /ic/ userbase at all?

You children are insufferable.

>> No.11787310,221 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is easily one of the most autistic posters on /jp/, he doesn't represent us.

>> No.11787310,222 [INTERNAL] 

Well some one said it was a good dick model. He was contributing unlike you.

>> No.11787310,223 [INTERNAL] 

All I see on warosu is bullying and spam. Why not do this on /jp/ and give the janitor more work to do?

>> No.11787310,224 [INTERNAL] 


Because Warosu has 4 people regularly posting and moot made it impossible for large scale shitposting with such few hands.

>> No.11787310,225 [INTERNAL] 

Are you implying they don't like dicks?

>> No.11787310,226 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, T...

change domain("fuuka.warosu.org") to domain("warosu.org")

>> No.11787310,227 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11787310,228 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't have recommended it because I only made that board for complaints and there's nothing to complain about since I do a good job! I don't want to drive traffic there.. You guys are welcome on /ota/ proper, of course. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

>> No.11787310,229 [INTERNAL] 

Because the only actual shitposters left lack the basic level of creativity required to get away with it on 4chan. Everyone else just comes to argue with their friends.

>> No.11787310,230 [INTERNAL] 

/Ota/min shows his true colours, I guess you're gonna get the traffic you wanted from the beginning aren't you?

>> No.11787310,231 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure what true colors you're talking about, but I doubt this is going to drive anyone that isn't already using /ota/ to come visit us.. Are you just being sensationalistic for the jigoku of it, shitposter-san? ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

>> No.11787310,232 [INTERNAL] 

But you guys have always been welcome, if you meant that you didn't think that was the case! (๑・ω-)~♥

>> No.11787310,233 [INTERNAL] 

Zunbar comes home from Afghanistan in like a few weeks. This was the only place he had left and he is going to be confused as HELL when he comes home to a ghost town. Is this how we treat are war veterans now?

>> No.11787310,234 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,235 [INTERNAL] 

>I hope HM ends up like IaMP: abandoned for the next fighter that's superior in every way and gets an expansion later on.
Was replied to twice with people that agreed.


>> No.11787310,236 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not a shitposter, you definitely derailed this place though.

>> No.11787310,237 [INTERNAL] 

are you brand new here??? lol

>> No.11787310,238 [INTERNAL] 

Postpone the deadline warosuko. !bar atleast needs a few days or two with /ghost/

>> No.11787310,239 [INTERNAL] 

I'm really going to miss posting here. Foolz isn't even an option and never has been. When this ghost board disables posting, I guess I'll just stop posting on the ghost board.

How long is it supposed to be disabled anyway?

>> No.11787310,240 [INTERNAL] 

We can't come home until we take out moot.

>> No.11787310,241 [INTERNAL] 

We have to liberate /jp/ from the nazis that have taken it over.

>> No.11787310,242 [INTERNAL] 


Get off your high horses, Foolz is just as terrible as Warosu, and Warosumin is trying to improve it by driving you out. This silly elitism over the best archive has been meaningless for a while.

>> No.11787310,243 [INTERNAL] 

Aside from the terrible admins on foolz.

>> No.11787310,244 [INTERNAL] 

A 250 post thread over literally nothing. The board is just going to be disabled for a bit while it gets worked on. We're going to get an update. You are all f*cking retarded.

>> No.11787310,245 [INTERNAL] 

Yet none of the other boards are being "worked on."

>> No.11787310,246 [INTERNAL] 

epic, just epic. this place is gonna be gone for good. what do you guys like about this place anyway? we could just make our own archive with ghost posting!

>> No.11787310,247 [INTERNAL] 

lol he fell for it


>> No.11787310,248 [INTERNAL] 

ill make the website

>> No.11787310,249 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,250 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,251 [INTERNAL] 

It will fit right in with Warosu's terrible userbase. Everyone wins.

>> No.11787310,252 [INTERNAL] 

I told my life story to /jp/ when SOPA thing was the headline three years ago, I feel stupid whenever I remember.

>> No.11787310,253 [INTERNAL] 

A terrible userbase doesn't want active moderation.

>> No.11787310,254 [INTERNAL] 

Foolz is slow, filled with literal bot spam, and has a horrible userbase.

>> No.11787310,255 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,256 [INTERNAL] 


So is Warosu, minus the bot spam. We have captcha instead to make up for it.

>> No.11787310,257 [INTERNAL] 

Almost three years of Warosu captured in a 1 minute and 44 second video. It's been a lot of fun everyone.


>> No.11787310,258 [INTERNAL] 

shut the fuck up gigshit

>> No.11787310,259 [INTERNAL] 

That was so le funny gigs ><

>> No.11787310,260 [INTERNAL] 

>Warosuko is not stupid enough to repeat the same mistake twice

Then I guess ghostposting is never coming back.

>I don't have to watch what I say on every god damn post like /jp/

And just what the fuck would you have to watch out for? "Janny this, Janny that"? "*whips out dick*"? Is your "every god damn post" like that?

>posting seriously on /a/ and /pol/
>shitposting on /jp/

Is there even a difference?

>You can't even imagedump touhou

You can't be serious. I guess this is that irony thing I keep hearing about.

>> No.11787310,261 [INTERNAL] 

After that guy said boy cock, he said girl cock, and I had to stop the video because all I could think about was sucking the cock of a girl, especially one of a little girl. God how I wish I could do something like that and hear those stiffled grunts as she came.

>> No.11787310,262 [INTERNAL] 


>feel when this song plays when gigs gets owned out of the solar system

>> No.11787310,263 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor deletes fucking everything, I'm not even a bad poster he just fucking deletes my posts.

>> No.11787310,264 [INTERNAL] 

This is not a common problem. Disclose what you're posting.

>> No.11787310,265 [INTERNAL] 

He seems to carefully ban request. I reported my own post here to try and commit suicide and he just deleted it.


>> No.11787310,266 [INTERNAL] 

It totally is a common problem janishit, I don't why you think your deletions are fine. I went for years without having a single problem then you and your faggot predecessor showed up.

>> No.11787310,267 [INTERNAL] 

Probably just because of the tripcode, had I made that post I would have gotten a three day for sure.

>> No.11787310,268 [INTERNAL] 

What's the matter, ashamed of all those "not bad" posts that keep getting deleted?

>> No.11787310,269 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not willing to go look posts up just to prove you wrong.

>> No.11787310,270 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you're following the conversation at all

>> No.11787310,271 [INTERNAL] 

Of course you're not willing. They'd show what a not bad poster you are.

>> No.11787310,272 [INTERNAL] 

A while ago I got banned like, ten times in a week, and then suddenly it stopped. My posting has stayed the same the whole time.

Verdict: janitor has autism.

>> No.11787310,273 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, and of course I'm not willing, why would someone thats been around as long as I, care about demonstrating that I'm a good poster. I'll give you a response because I'm not rude, but thats about it.

>> No.11787310,274 [INTERNAL] 

I owned the fuck out of the janitor here.

Someone posted a screenshot of a ban screen that was months before and the janitor believed it and requested a ban for ban evasion for me. Then halfway through he realized it was months old and he cancelled it.


>> No.11787310,275 [INTERNAL] 

the swan song of the trevor

>> No.11787310,276 [INTERNAL] 

>thats been around as long as I

It's been almost three years now, man!

>> No.11787310,277 [INTERNAL] 

>I sort of realize that I should have moved on from this shithole two years ago.

>> No.11787310,278 [INTERNAL] 

I got banned for saying that toddlers turn me on. Anyone who doesn't get turned on by toddlerkon should get out of the jay.

>> No.11787310,279 [INTERNAL] 

Nice dude.

Ten and a month.

>> No.11787310,280 [INTERNAL] 

Put on your trip, #faggot.

>> No.11787310,281 [INTERNAL] 

bitch trevor - the one who keeps pointing out that he didn't give you permission to talk to him
anime trevor - the one who keeps posting those dumb screencaps
super shitposter trevor - niggies and walnuts
autism trevor - the one who bravely fights normies at every turn
#trevor trevor - the one who "just happens to like trevor a lot" but is totally not trevor

what will he come up with next

>> No.11787310,282 [INTERNAL] 

Woah I'm like three of those.

>> No.11787310,283 [INTERNAL] 

five is almost like three

>> No.11787310,284 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking Nuedere

>> No.11787310,285 [INTERNAL] 

I like surfer trevor that just wants to chill

>> No.11787310,286 [INTERNAL] 

Of course you would, you made him up after all.

>> No.11787310,287 [INTERNAL] 

>the one who bravely fights normies at every turn
Ironic considering the "true trevor" is a college-attending EET normalfag.

>> No.11787310,288 [INTERNAL] 

Anime trevor is kind of fun, the rest are retarded.

>> No.11787310,289 [INTERNAL] 

Anime trevor and autism trevor are the same person who isn't actually Trevor.

>> No.11787310,290 [INTERNAL] 

The only one in that list that was Trevor was the early anime one and the bitch, which were done at the same time.

>> No.11787310,291 [INTERNAL] 

So they're actually four separate people?

>> No.11787310,292 [INTERNAL] 

Who gives a shit

>> No.11787310,293 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuko fucking pull the plug already

>> No.11787310,294 [INTERNAL] 

Check my doubles.

>> No.11787310,295 [INTERNAL] 

Nice, check mine.

>> No.11787310,296 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,297 [INTERNAL] 

>This silly elitism over the best archive has been meaningless for a while.
You are actively making this the "worst" archive, then complain when someone wants to make it better?
This entire fucking thread is the most autistic ramble i've seen in my life.

>> No.11787310,298 [INTERNAL] 

Dude I'm not the one posting camwhores and making 2000 posts about them, roleplaying as Trevor and indulging in that sort of idiocy, giving Foolz rejects attention to make sure they never leave, calling for dox and raids and other /b/-level hivemind activity, what right do you have to say I'm making this place worse?

>> No.11787310,299 [INTERNAL] 

>Dude I'm not the one posting camwhores and making 2000 posts about them

>> No.11787310,300 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,301 [INTERNAL] 

Because that's exactly the kind of thing /b/ would do. Find some camwhore, put her on a pedestal, make her their queen. You may think you're being ironic because you post in silly ways, but the sentiment behind it is exactly the same.

>> No.11787310,302 [INTERNAL] 

It was a generalization because we're all anonymous here. If you actually care to make the distinction between yourself and the rest of the garbage here you'd be some trip or namefag. But clearly, you're better than that.

Even if my ramble was misdirected, you obviously agree that nearly everything that goes on here is completely nonsensical and worthless, going against the initial purpose of archives, right?

>> No.11787310,303 [INTERNAL] 

I don't try to distinguish myself, but since you quoted my post I figured you were replying to me. Which seemed odd because I'm praising Warosuko for trying to improve the quality on the archive

>> No.11787310,304 [INTERNAL] 

>everything that goes on here is completely nonsensical and worthless
Now you get it!

Do you expect constructive activity? It's a creative outlet.

>> No.11787310,305 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you here then??? :SS

You sound exactly like janny trying to force his unwanted ideas on /jp/.

>> No.11787310,306 [INTERNAL] 

>but muh creativity
I forget there are actual "artists" who shit in a can and people praise it.

You don't have to post, you know. You can just go about your day without posting. There is no daily quota to fill.

>unwanted ideas
Stop breathing.

>> No.11787310,307 [INTERNAL] 

should have shut it down swiftly and unceremoniously instead giving all the asylum patients time to squirm and plan on where to drag their shit next, now you'll probably have to pull the ghostplug on all of warosu.

>> No.11787310,308 [INTERNAL] 

Nice kerotexting /a/niki! F*ck those warosu sh*tters let's have a nice kancolle general instead :3 Thanks #based Janny for protecting us

literally lolling out loud at how steamed you are every time you post

>> No.11787310,309 [INTERNAL] 

We were on /a/ and they said, "Nobody likes you! Get out of here with your nonsensical offtopic posting!". We moved on.

We were on /jp/ and they said, "Nobody likes you! Get out of here with your nonsensical offtopic posting!". We moved on.

We were on easymodo and they said, "Nobody likes you! Get out of here with your nonsensical offtopic posting!". We moved on.

We were on warosu and they said, "Nobody likes you! Get out of here with your nonsensical offtopic posting!". We moved on...

When will moot give back our rightful Israel? Our nijiura?

>> No.11787310,310 [INTERNAL] 


such craytivity

much memes

what comedy

very community


>> No.11787310,311 [INTERNAL] 


tumblr has its own archive.

>> No.11787310,312 [INTERNAL] 


imply from tumblr

much embarrass

many insults

such oldfag


>> No.11787310,313 [INTERNAL] 

I love suigin's autism macros, my favorite part of old /jp/ bar none

>> No.11787310,314 [INTERNAL] 

Suigin was one of /jp/'s best posters, and he truly loved /jp/. Rest in RIP bro. ;_;7

>> No.11787310,315 [INTERNAL] 

Suigin is the only person to date to repost one of my posts. And he had that funny cat image as his formspring avatar too... heh...

>> No.11787310,316 [INTERNAL] 

WOAH! What's this? An imageboard without an RJ? Hooray! http://jp.webs.pm/ Remember, no bullying!

>> No.11787310,317 [INTERNAL] 


hash tag loving every laugh

>> No.11787310,318 [INTERNAL] 

Doesn't work.

>> No.11787310,319 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you people want to host the next shitposting hangout so badly? You know that fighting the moderation is the whole point right?

>> No.11787310,320 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,321 [INTERNAL] 

Are we going to have a big party on 1/14?

>> No.11787310,322 [INTERNAL] 

"warosucrump" is hilarious

>> No.11787310,323 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,324 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone else killing himself on the 14th?

>> No.11787310,325 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe if we all kill ourselves and list warosu as the reason we can bring national attention to our cause

>> No.11787310,326 [INTERNAL] 

were making this happen


>> No.11787310,327 [INTERNAL] 

Why kill yourself when you can kill other people?

>> No.11787310,328 [INTERNAL] 

>foolz internal board has honest to god father son and the holy ghost unironic twitter rashtag linking

all paths lead to nowhere

only death is real


>> No.11787310,329 [INTERNAL] 

me and currybutt just had sex

i'm going to bed, goodnite

>> No.11787310,330 [INTERNAL] 

any collegebros here want to simultaneously shoot up their schools in the 14th?

Hit me up for hardware 538-4419

>> No.11787310,331 [INTERNAL] 

I'm in high school can I still join?

>> No.11787310,332 [INTERNAL] 

Only college anikis can join the the operation outoto, sorry.

>> No.11787310,333 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

We're all migrating to T's site, right?

>> No.11787310,334 [INTERNAL] 

We're all migrating to T's site, right?[i]

>> No.11787310,335 [INTERNAL] 

But it's going to die after this month.

>> No.11787310,336 [INTERNAL] 

Area code?

>> No.11787310,337 [INTERNAL] 

510 Hit me up i got mac-10s and glocks hit me up 538-4419

>> No.11787310,338 [INTERNAL] 

>California area code
>i got mac-10s and glocks

Got pics?

>> No.11787310,339 [INTERNAL] 

Not if you click his ads. What are you waiting for?

>> No.11787310,340 [INTERNAL] 


He's not going to survive childbirth.

>> No.11787310,341 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,342 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11787310,343 [INTERNAL] 

Called the cops on you.

>> No.11787310,344 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, citizen. We'll take the rest from here.

>> No.11787310,345 [INTERNAL] 

>We were on easymodo and they said, "Nobody likes you! Get out of here with your nonsensical offtopic posting!". We moved on.
Much like the holocaust, this never happened.

>> No.11787310,346 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck, how long has posting without entering the captcha worked?

>> No.11787310,347 [INTERNAL] 

Why is captcha disabled and is it only this thread

>> No.11787310,348 [INTERNAL] 

Is it?

>> No.11787310,349 [INTERNAL] 

>Why is captcha disabled
I don't know

>is it only this thread
No. Try it in another thread.

>> No.11787310,350 [INTERNAL] 

Where do you see that captcha is disabled?

>> No.11787310,351 [INTERNAL] 

try posting retard

i guess this is warosuman's final gift. we can spam the hell out of ghost for one last week.....

>> No.11787310,352 [INTERNAL] 

its finally time for us to up the level of posts are ound here

>> No.11787310,353 [INTERNAL] 

You can post without entering the captcha. Try it out.

>> No.11787310,354 [INTERNAL] 

You don't have to enter the captcha to post.

>> No.11787310,355 [INTERNAL] 

You don't have to enter the captcha to post.

>> No.11787310,356 [INTERNAL] 

what the fug

>> No.11787310,357 [INTERNAL] 

So this is how warosu ends.

>> No.11787310,358 [INTERNAL] 

Please stop spamming we're trying to have a discussion here.

>> No.11787310,359 [INTERNAL] 


Hundreds of posts were deleted!

Stop censoring us!!!!!!!!

>> No.11787310,360 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure about a MAC10 but Glocks are legal and easy as hell to buy in CA.

>> No.11787310,361 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.11787310,362 [INTERNAL] 

wow look at this dumb cum dump talking like a person lol

>> No.11787310,363 [INTERNAL] 


It happened to me too.....My posts are gone. WTF

>> No.11787310,364 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

You just mad because Warosuko never delete my posts.


>> No.11787310,365 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Fuck you warosumin!

>> No.11787310,366 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,367 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11787310,368 [INTERNAL] 

east side feeladelphia when ur shit was too shite even for warosu

>> No.11787310,369 [INTERNAL] 

I want to sleep with Timmy-tan...

>> No.11787310,370 [INTERNAL] 

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
The warosu archive, /ghost/ board
Take me home, country roads

>> No.11787310,371 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

I don't know what I'll do without /ghost/...
Perhaps it's time to end it all?

>> No.11787310,372 [INTERNAL] 

So tired that I couldn't even post
So many dweebs I should have ownd
Promised myself I wouldn't weep
One more promise I couldn't keep

It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep
There's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray

Warosu train is never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be posting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there

>> No.11787310,373 [INTERNAL] 

I'll never forget you

>> No.11787310,374 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,375 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,376 [INTERNAL] 

                 /             \       \
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>> No.11787310,377 [INTERNAL] 

So this is it huh..

>> No.11787310,378 [INTERNAL] 

I know,
I know I've let you down...
I've been a fool to myself...
I thought that I could live for no one else...

>> No.11787310,379 [INTERNAL] 

"Ideas spread, you can't stop them. An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government!"

-Ron Paul

>> No.11787310,380 [INTERNAL] 

bye everyone!

im going to bed, i wonder if it'll be dead when I wake up.

>> No.11787310,381 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11787310,382 [INTERNAL] 

Finally /jp/ will be good again...

>> No.11787310,383 [INTERNAL] 

Warosuko, it was a lot of fun. I made shitty posts sometimes, but I'd like to think that at least some of my posts here also brought happiness to a few other users. I guess I can kind of understand why you're doing this, but it also makes me very sad to see another /ghost/ go. If you open the board back up again, I'll most definitely be back.

Thanks for giving us this place for as long as you did.

>> No.11787310,384 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I kind of wish that just not myself but more people cared and respected more for /ghost/. I want to thank you for stepping up to the plate and starting this place after Easymodo died and I wish you the best of luck running the site for many years to come.

>> No.11787310,385 [INTERNAL] 

Forced anon too. It's truly over.

>> No.11787310,386 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.11787310,387 [INTERNAL] 

You can't use tripcodes anymore.

>> No.11787310,388 [INTERNAL] 

I wish it had forced anon...

>> No.11787310,389 [INTERNAL] 

Or maybe it was a glitch. Whatever.

>> No.11787310,390 [INTERNAL] 

Shitposters getting OWNED

/ghost/ getting WRECKED


>> No.11787310,391 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, I look forward to /jp/ fulfilling it's final mission by becoming just a place for general threads for Japanese groups, visual novels, Kancolle and floods of rejects from /a/ coming in.

>> No.11787310,392 [INTERNAL] 

>floods of rejects from /a/ coming in.
That was its first mission

>> No.11787310,393 [INTERNAL] 

>a place for visual novels and floods of rejects from /a/ coming in
/jp/ is finally coming home

>> No.11787310,394 [INTERNAL] 

You mad? Time to head off to some Japanese/Random board on some other website, cocksucker. But I'll miss your lelsorandumb janny-wrecking threads sooooooo much on /jp/ bruh

>> No.11787310,395 [INTERNAL] 

Hurr Durr, I think we are all aware of /ota/ and every other piece of shit that has spawned off of /jp/ after six years.

Anyone with any sense has already left 4chan and /jp/ a long time ago.

>> No.11787310,396 [INTERNAL] 

gigs falling for such an obvious troll yet again. Lmao looks like he will never learn

>> No.11787310,397 [INTERNAL] 

Just for the record this post is not me

Since I know you fucks like to namefag/tripfag and samefag as anonymous and vice versa

>> No.11787310,398 [INTERNAL] 

Getting owned into the stratosphere, the literal fucking stratosphere.

>> No.11787310,399 [INTERNAL] 

wait so where is everyone going

where can i update people

>> No.11787310,400 [INTERNAL] 

>where is everyone going

>> No.11787310,401 [INTERNAL] 

It's called gensokyo

>> No.11787310,402 [INTERNAL] 

Do you mean me? Why do you people blame so much on me? Don't blame this on me. I never bumped those threads on the w.

>> No.11787310,403 [INTERNAL] 

Probably live /jp/ and the /jp/ spin offs. Some bros are thinking about inhabiting the /ic/ or /vr/ archives

>> No.11787310,404 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,405 [INTERNAL] 

Sure, bro...

>> No.11787310,406 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome back, /ghost/.

>> No.11787310,407 [INTERNAL] 


I can't believe it, 2 months..

Those months seem like eons.

Welcome back Big W.

>> No.11787310,408 [INTERNAL] 

/ghost/ remained in my speed dial
I missed it a lot more than I thought I would

>> No.11787310,409 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome back, guys! :3

>> No.11787310,410 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,411 [INTERNAL] 

(ʃƪ ˘⌣˘).。o♡

>> No.11787310,412 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,413 [INTERNAL] 

>Posting on shitosu after he called you all cancerous faggots and shut it down

Man, these J-List ads really enhance the experience.

Thanks but no thanks :)

>> No.11787310,414 [INTERNAL] 

Mad that people didn't click your ads? That someone else is more successful than you will ever be? Nah, I guess you are just being ironic. Heh.

>> No.11787310,415 [INTERNAL] 

This is probably going to shock you, but I unironically never had ads. Because I'm not a flaming jewbag. Unlike a certain someone.

This place is reddit now as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy your life-like texture ;)

>> No.11787310,416 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, you are very mad. I kind of understand though.

This place hasn't changed at all, save for the ads. You can block them if you want, that's up to you. Then the site would be exactly as we left it. However you just have you (part of the autism) spread your bile around. Fuck off already.

>> No.11787310,417 [INTERNAL] 

>Fuck off already.

Right, I'm the one who's mad here :)

Enjoy your ads and captcha :)

>> No.11787310,418 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm mad because nobody clicked my ads

>> No.11787310,419 [INTERNAL] 

>being this passive-aggressive

>> No.11787310,420 [INTERNAL] 

I guess today is the day that the soap bubble Trevor was living in had to be popped. It's almost like I am watching a funeral.

>> No.11787310,421 [INTERNAL] 

Wasn't Trev supposed to kill himself? Why is he still here? This is just pathetic.

>> No.11787310,422 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11787310,423 [INTERNAL] 

shut hte fduck up

literally give me your fucking addresss

i'll teach you to bump pointless threads on my double u

>> No.11787310,424 [INTERNAL] 

epic meta is epic

>> No.11787310,425 [INTERNAL] 

miss the flipping himabros...
