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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11780029 No.11780029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>all the namefags of the old /jp/
where are these guys? how do they do? i remember old old /jp/ having quality namefags, but i can't even recall their names. and this makes me sad.

>> No.11780038 [DELETED] 

Speaking of fags one time a loli told me that I was gay. It wasn't in an insulting kind of way, but it was definitely meant to tease me.

And speaking of gay, today I saw two men holding hands. I've never seen that in real life before.

>> No.11780036

That jp girls thread gave ya some feels, eh? Glad to have you back brother

>> No.11780034

I miss Arc.

>> No.11780041

They returned to the earth

>> No.11780042

I miss Shameimaru Aya is my girlfriend.

>> No.11780049
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>> No.11780050

I can only speak for myself. As a former "big time" tripfag, all I did was stop using my tripcode. They could be on /jp/ right now, Anonymously, having their posts removed by j*n just like you and me.

>> No.11780056

I want a loli to call me gay and then I want to show her my erection so she knows I'm not gay.

>> No.11780050,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who is this mysterious figure, warubros?

>> No.11780058
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speaking of janny, new meido is utterly gay. i welcomed meido as our salvation from shitposters, but now she just deletes fucking everything funny or curious. and yet flanfly is right there on schedule.

old old meido>new meido>new old meido

>> No.11780062

Please post anime in /a/.

>> No.11780063

Is this the good old days otaku thread?

>> No.11780065

It's fine here

>> No.11780069

Wrong again.

>> No.11780065,1 [INTERNAL] 

This guy gets it! Now if only he could land on the site staff...

>> No.11780072

Why don't you guys take this outside.

>> No.11780079
File: 398 KB, 1920x1080, the old trips of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met sudo in person. He hasn't replied to me contacting him yet though. ZUN!bar went back to the military just before Christmas I heard. Arc was cool. Yama has a big league professional job now, Suigin has a yotube feel account where I assume he is making some money, pygma as expected dates non-stop trying to find someone who can hold all of her emotional baggage, Milk is engaged to whats his trip (can't remember his tripname), Uncle Mugen has a twitter and keeps people updated but I don't use that place, so anyone can look for him to see how he's doing.

>> No.11780081
File: 2.97 MB, 430x242, doublas bully.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11780069-san on the left

>> No.11780082

Did you get a motorcycle yet

>> No.11780095

No....I'm saving for Japan and Korea at this point. Hopfiuly I can get a paid internship after studying there for the last two months of summer. The bike I found is a 50cc, but not Honda. Its CB style still, $349. Pretty cheap.

>> No.11780095,1 [INTERNAL] 

What is this from?

>> No.11780117

What about all the anonymous people that you can still somehow recognize anyways? Did they all die too?

>> No.11780117,1 [INTERNAL] 

Robot Girls Z

>> No.11780120

Milf autist/good old days-kun is still here

>> No.11780129

This is almost some post-graduation backstory set in some SOL anime.


>> No.11780132

Last time I saw Ex-drugAddict/DJ-Bro4LIFE was a while ago before the bullies got bad. He sure was a cool dude.

>> No.11780144

ZUN!bar is on deployment in Afghanistan right now, and he's been there since at least September. I think he gets back sometime soon. Surprisingly, this is not fabricated.

>> No.11780149

You guys seriously keeping track of those tripfucks? Ya must be all new 'round here, for sure. Back in the days on /b/, people would ridicule you if you as much as thought of taking on a tripcode. But guess those soft new things that came to 4chan in '09 and later never got the message...

Only Anonymous is eternal.

>> No.11780151

My times limited here too.
>This is almost some post-graduation backstory set in some SOL anime.
Speaking of which I am creating a really poor "manga" partially based on /jp/ where we all are in high school. I always want to imagine /jp/ as a bunch of weebs and such going to a whacky high school together. I hope to somewhat instill that perspective into my work, like eternally young with /jp/, even as we all grow older and our beauty fades.

Nice song. Haven't seen that one yet. Japan always has to have a funny animated cactus in games, shows etc. I don't like that.

>> No.11780156
File: 275 KB, 920x920, Get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ya must be all new 'round here, for sure. Back in the days on /b/, people would ridicule you if you as much as thought of taking on a tripcode.
You must be the new one around here.

>> No.11780157

Just by curiosity, has anyone else noticed that the less tripfags there seems to be on 4chan, the least good the site is?

>> No.11780160


>> No.11780167

I feel more sad when an anonymous poster I could identify disappears than when a trip user does. I don't even have a good name to call them.

>> No.11780174
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i'm not sure if you are being le ironic, but sure, that was true back in the day, when you could actually, like, post on /b/. after all the quality boards got as fast as the old old /b/ you really want to keep track of quality posters and good things amongst all the garbage that gets posted.
the quality of the internet as a whole degrading since social networks started growing and more and more normalfags pour in everywhere.

>> No.11780171

I've thought about using a tripcode but I have too many recognizable gimmicks and posting styles and I think it wouldn't be as fun

>> No.11780178

>when you could actually, like, post on /b/

I've been here since 2005 and /b/ has always moved incredibly fast, but threads were able to be followed and posted in.

>> No.11780181

I used a tripcode for a while, but I'm sure some of you still recognize me. I use the same words a lot.

>> No.11780189

I occasionally think about using a trip as well, but I like the anonymity. I try to switch up my posting style regularly to downplay my identity while still contributing.

>> No.11780190
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Post em' as in post your trip

>> No.11780217
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I got banned for telling /jp/ happy new years with pic related/

Apparently, centaur girls are not allowed in /jp/

>> No.11780228

Have you ever tried to imitate another anonymous poster? I thought about it earlier today but decided against it.

>> No.11780230
File: 301 KB, 1067x800, dakimara lol centurian waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good thread. Sorry that happened to you. I did respond. Happy New year

>> No.11780230,1 [INTERNAL] 

Since when was Sean off of his neet bux?

>> No.11780240

Yeah, sort of. I try to pick up on how others post and imitate it. I've never tried to imitate anyone specific, although I've also thought about that.

>> No.11780245

Did you consider the possibility that what's not allowed is making a celebratory threads for an unrelated event when the board is already being spammed with them?

>> No.11780250

Who did you want to imitate?

>> No.11780254
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Happy new year to you too.


Pic related; what I posted then had nothing to do with the charges given to me. I didn't deserve to be banned. At the very least, they could of just deleted the thread.

>> No.11780265

Yiff in hell.

>> No.11780266

Well, that was stupid. Assuming unedited.

>> No.11780268

I also got banned for saying happy new years but I guess I was a little TIPSY so my spelling wasn't the best.
Then I got double banned because I posted again before it went through and they thought I was evading.

>> No.11780287

Centars.....are not pony.....They're Greek mythology relating to heros and epics of old. Come on.

>> No.11780289
File: 846 KB, 1075x720, more_like_watamoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got banned for telling /jp/ happy new years with pic related
and rightfully so, because telling /jp/ "happy new year" with image of half anime horse half girl girl is, by the level of retardation and shitposting, on par with "youmu is a girl" threads(and thank jesus these died off).

>> No.11780295

>on par with "youmu is a girl" threads
Next you'll tell me that the "Wriggle is a boy" threads are bad too? Do you even like /jp/?

>> No.11780304
File: 62 KB, 362x332, rabit - oh my what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling /jp/ "happy new year" with image of half anime horse half girl girl is, by the level of retardation and shitposting, on par with "youmu is a girl" threads

That's pretty harsh man.

>> No.11780307



>> No.11780310

Posting new years threads with a picture of the relevant zodiac animal in anthromorphised 2D girl is /jp/ tradition, though.

>> No.11780311

Too bad janny doesn't know about /jp/'s rich tradition and culture.

>> No.11780316

Its always fun to have a target. Tripfags do it for the attention, and anons eat it up because they have someone to repeatedly vent their frustrations towards.

After the great purge its hard to post with a name on /jp/ because janitors/mods have always hated them. Jealously over the boardwide efame.

>> No.11780317
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>> No.11780319

They have centaur/faun general threads on /mlp/ from time to time, so I guess they've been incorporated into the containment strategy.

>> No.11780338

You shitposters wiping your ass with "board culture" left the term devoid of any meaning.

It's ridiculous that unrelated boards have to suffer because /co/, /b/ and /v/ have cancer.

>> No.11780339

That's really too bad. I'll never understand mlp and I hope I never do. The culture is for..........autists?

>> No.11780341

I think certain off-topic threads should be left alone. Remember the thread where /jp/sies post a description of their otaku self and the artist draws them as schoolgirls? The first thread was allowed till the very end, but consequent threads were deleted. /jp/ moderation is too strict and stupid; that's what happens when moot let normalfags be janitors and mods.

>> No.11780342

You'd fit right in.

>> No.11780345
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>> No.11780355

I still post here, as Anonymous. I was never a big name though. I am just glad that homo Suigin is gone.

>> No.11780356 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11780364
File: 35 KB, 537x338, 1388995889646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposters basically swarm the thread
it's like they know
yea, well it's still better then whole "jaypee is le place where i go to shitpost XDDD" attitude of the new old /jp/. don't forget that /jp/ has actual discussion threads with actual discussions about faggotories like kankolle and comiket threads.

>> No.11780369


>I am just glad that homo Suigin is gone.

Seriously, what a fucking cancer that guy was.

>> No.11780375

>yea, well it's still better then whole "jaypee is le place where i go to shitpost XDDD" attitude of the new old /jp/.
Warosu's current events are vandalizing Wikipedia and worshipping Nagi. It's still pretty fucking awful.

>> No.11780388

Most people might agree with me but /jp/ is much better now without all the name brand name friends. I think the board isn't all that bad now to be honest.

>> No.11780397

>I think the board isn't all that bad now to be honest.
it's just general threads and shitposting threads and sometimes the shitposting gets in the general threads

it's not great

>> No.11780406

Man, that suika guy was such a fag.

>> No.11780412

oops, left my trip on.

It's more fun posting anonymously. I'm not really sure why I thought it would be a good idea to trip, and I don't regret it, but I probably won't do it anymore. Not on here anyway.

>> No.11780416

I like you more on warosu, to be honest.

>> No.11780418

hong meiling...

>> No.11780421

The shitposting has been a hell of a lot worse before 2014, that is for sure. I don't see the problem with generals either, helps me avoid kancolle fags and idolfags.

>> No.11780421,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you give up you're a coward!

>> No.11780421,2 [INTERNAL] 

i'm extremely disappointed that the disability-san character got started up again because of this thread

>> No.11780421,3 [INTERNAL] 

That's alright.

Me too.

>> No.11780421,4 [INTERNAL] 

How much money do you make a year?

Before taxes that is.

>> No.11780421,5 [INTERNAL] 

This show is surprisingly entertaining. Seems to be lots of loli characters in weird outfits, with lots of pantyshots and other lewd things.

>> No.11780421,6 [INTERNAL] 

You live in great nippon don't you? What will happen if I get caught torrenting shit? Will I get kicked out of the country?

>> No.11780421,7 [INTERNAL] 

Very, very little. I live almost entirely off the good will of others. I've had a few small seasonal jobs, and I was a trash-man for a while. That's actually a fun job, if you don't mind smelling like garbage afterwards.

Yes and no. If you use plain old P2P, no security at all, and you download popular stuff, like episodes of Kamen Rider and AKB48 albums, there is higher risk, as I understand. If they actually link it back to you somehow, you can get in trouble.

PD, Share and Winny are all popular, but they've been thrown into question lately into whether or not they're actually safe. I don't use them, so I can't really talk about them too much, but those are your best options.

>> No.11780421,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11780421,9 [INTERNAL] 

When does this happen? It's just the one episode so far, right? I can't find that sequence and it's bothering me.

>> No.11780421,10 [INTERNAL] 

oh its fromt he preview

>> No.11780421,11 [INTERNAL] 

What're you going to do when /ghost/ dies?

>> No.11780421,12 [INTERNAL] 

It's from the pre-release episode 00. It had some different scenes.
