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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 477 KB, 1000x708, 40527700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11779786 No.11779786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>11769809

Less than two days remaining. You might not get a chance to recruit the tanned loli for a while, if you miss out now!

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb (embed)

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Kancolle Anime: http://kancolle-anime.jp/
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/silfumus/KanColleViewer / https://github.com/dvdlesher/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: http://kancolle.sanaechan.net/
Sanaechan Logbook + Compiled Kancolle Viewer (Translated): sdrv.ms/1hbeYLg

Also, please try to keep emoticons, greentext, screenshots, and dumb questions to a reasonable minimum.

>> No.11779795
File: 424 KB, 765x1375, 40541479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shioi's adorable.

>> No.11779801

Disgusting Comic LO slut.
This is the Kancolle worst OP picture ever.

>> No.11779852


>> No.11779860

How come I never see as much hate for Musashi?

>> No.11779869

Because she actually looks good.

>> No.11779865

Because Musashi is actually pretty hot?

>> No.11779867

Because her design is eccentric, there is actually a good reason she is dark and glasses+bandages+big boobs

>> No.11779878

It's not Shioi that's weird, it's her sisters. Anyone who swims all day ought to have a tan of some sort.

>> No.11779880

Dark and big tits, I understand. But the glasses and twintails are something that bother me.

>> No.11779885
File: 428 KB, 1330x990, 38303105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just a bunch of people who aren't enlightened enough to see the glory of Shibafu's girls.

>> No.11779893

not if they swim that deep. we're not talking regular divers / swimmers at 10 to 50 meters depth here

No girl is perfect. Except Naganami. She is perfect.

>> No.11779902
File: 621 KB, 1005x811, Akitsumaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akitsumaru 改前 doesn't look too bad in black. That light grey outfit really makes her look flat and boring.

Oh well. At least I dote them with plenty of love. Having every last one of Shibafumusu feels pretty good.

>> No.11779904 [DELETED] 

Katawa Shoujo General, Kigurumi General and Kancolle General should be consolidated into KKK general, the hottest place for normals to meet up and talk about their feels, figurines, proprietary anime cosplay and garbage flash game.

>> No.11779908 [DELETED] 

nice blog dude

>> No.11779911 [DELETED] 


Make fun of me one more time and see what happens. I bet you're some elitist jp only prick who thinks people from other boards are so bad.

>> No.11779910

I don't think you understand how WWII-era submarines work.

>> No.11779921

Because you are.

>> No.11779923

I don't think you understand that metal does not get a tan.

>> No.11779920


It's probably because the black contrasts well with her pale white skin.

>> No.11779926 [DELETED] 


Yeah you're such an epic troll. Don't you have a life? Just get out

>> No.11779928 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 600x848, Akatsuki_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its amazing that the troll has to samefag now and argue with itself.
Posting best Akatsuki.

>> No.11779934
File: 282 KB, 354x500, 1387991612904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the only Shibafu that doesnt get all the hate?
What gives?

>> No.11779936 [DELETED] 


This is a worksafe board you fucking cretin

>> No.11779941
File: 317 KB, 800x800, 3684593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably mainly the way the pose is composed. That sack thing is kind of distracting.

>> No.11779942

Touché. I'm sure kanmusu can get tanned, though.


>> No.11779944
File: 65 KB, 799x489, nakachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11779945

It is a ship not a person

>> No.11779947 [DELETED] 

Why do so many normals play this game? It's made for normal people, like the ones who watch Naruto and stuff, right?

>> No.11779953
File: 65 KB, 1023x930, Nagato_Mutsu_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only hang out in /u/ its easy to forget that there are "worksafe" boards.
Not that I actually believe any board in safe since all of them have retards that try to spread their idiocy over to you.

Worksafe best kancolle couple it is then.

>> No.11779954
File: 249 KB, 800x817, 40762592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't fit in well with the rest of the subs visual-wise, perhaps? Who cares, these threads hates on specific Kanmusus for the dumbest of reasons.

>> No.11779956 [DELETED] 


Offboarders go here


>> No.11779959

did you say something? I'm sorry, your post was auto-minimized by my retard filter.

>> No.11779960 [DELETED] 


Did I say you could speak? I gave very clear instructions. Get your fucking ass out of my board.

>> No.11779964

Guys I scrapped every ship in my second account wherein Iona is the flagship and the only ship in my docks.

Let's see if the devs can figure this out after the maintenance.

>> No.11779967 [DELETED] 


Let's see if you can figure out when to shut the FUCK UP, normie.

>> No.11779968

so many auto filtered posts.

joke is on you. They already tweeted they will remove the ship and give you another ship ( your starter or some crap DD ) if you have no other ships but the fog ships

>> No.11779970

Don't you have school in the morning?

>> No.11779973

>「霧」が艦隊を去るタイミングで、彼女たちのいずれかを第一艦隊の旗艦としていた場合は、スタンバイ中の艦娘が交代して旗艦を努めます。(また、通常のプレイではあまり考えられませんが、交代できる予備兵力の艦娘が存在しない場合は、ある艦娘が第一艦隊旗艦となります) #艦これ#OWNED #BAKAGAIJIN #REKT

>> No.11779971 [DELETED] 


No, but I have THIS.

*whips out cock*

>> No.11779976

Sure, he will be enjoying his new Naka.

>> No.11779977 [DELETED] 


Hey retards, stop posting. There's no one here but you, a couple other normals, and me.

>> No.11779982

I like the ambiguous "ある艦娘"
I'll be amused if they give something interesting like Musashi.

>> No.11779987

they won't. it'll be one of the starter ships.

>> No.11779988

Hey, hey calm down there little missy, there's no need to be upset.

>> No.11779991 [DELETED] 

This game is:

1) built for normal people

2) bad

3) easy

4) infested with english-only retards (see 1)

>> No.11779998
File: 312 KB, 412x567, I sunburnt you're loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11779999 [DELETED] 

The irony of the reality that the spam troll is actually the most 'normal' person here.
It's gonna be world shattering when that realization hits.

>> No.11780008

Too red. Make it a bit browner.

>> No.11780004


It conflicts with the hair color too much.

>> No.11780005

Too orange

>> No.11780011


>> No.11780012

Scuttle it immediately.

>> No.11780013 [DELETED] 


Calm down, retards.

>> No.11780021

Great, now that Kongou is one defeat away from sinking, compass-chan keeps sending me to the steel node. Are they in cahoot?

>> No.11780031

You lack kokoro in your fleet.

>> No.11780051

And how do I give my fleet more kokoro? Throw money at them?

>> No.11780057

Have faith at them, and yeah that too. Hate money.

>> No.11780061

Sortie them at red. It is the ultimate form of kokoro and ai.

>> No.11780068

Ok got my Goya from E2... Should I grind E2 or E3 for BB drops? Though now that I think about it I'm pretty sure E3 still has a drop penalty for me...

>> No.11780078 [DELETED] 

Has anyone else noticed this game is shit?

>> No.11780090

it's just you and it's been just you for like two months

like you're single-handedly responsible for turning this thread into a hugbox since even non-completely retarded critics are mistaken for you

thanks for your support

>> No.11780091 [DELETED] 



>> No.11780094

You should know the game by now. Ignore him.

>> No.11780096 [DELETED] 


Why? You can't handle being wrong?

>> No.11780097

everything you unironically shit on becomes /jp/ culture you're pretty much the only reason these threads will never leave /jp/

thanks for all your hard work

>> No.11780099
File: 838 KB, 824x1134, 1388995989273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1's the previous upload. It's difficult to get skin tone right.

>> No.11780102 [DELETED] 


Why do you talk like that? Are you from tumblr?

Is it some kind of disability?


I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit about hue filters you spent two seconds applying in your pirated copy of Photoshop.

>> No.11780103

#3 looks more tan but I prefer #2

>> No.11780105 [DELETED] 


Please stop replying to yourself.

>> No.11780128

I doubt Musashi is online, but what I'd love to know is why KCV can only give timer notifications if you're running Windows 8. I'm running 4chan X on Windows 7 and every time someone replies to my post, I get a little pop-up with the text of their reply. Why can't KCV use something like that?

>> No.11780133
File: 174 KB, 235x466, 1388982024049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.11780135

You don't have friends

>> No.11780137

Murakumo needs to be scrapped, it says.

>> No.11780138

KCV uses Win8's native notification popup, IIRC.

The pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.11780140 [DELETED] 


Normies, hush.

>> No.11780141
File: 89 KB, 681x220, gumogumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autism cant handle her name.

>> No.11780147

The lottery is happening right now, right?
I'm not getting any fucking cats ;_;
Am I not allowed to try two days in a row or something?

>> No.11780148

Where's the best place to train level 1 subs?

>> No.11780150

somewhat loli
crazy eye color
double-sided hair colors
that voice
those sisters

she is perfect

>> No.11780153

Did you clear your cache?

>> No.11780158

How 'bout them crazy gumo sisters?

>> No.11780159

Refer a friend to get 3 dev kits each
It's probably from very early in the game

>> No.11780163

Will they implement a friend feature sometime?
How would a friend feature work?

>> No.11780168

Like all card game.
Call your friend fleet as support

>> No.11780169 [DELETED] 

This game is bad.

>> No.11780172

I have not seen any mention of the friend feature even being planned for implementation

>> No.11780176

They won't because it'd make their servers implode

>> No.11780177

Nevermind, it seems like I managed to get it without ever seeing a cat.
All the servers were red and I never thought to try clicking until I noticed that the last one was actually 5 pixels from being full.

>> No.11780184 [DELETED] 


They won't because there's no need when they can just sit and rake in the normiebux.

>> No.11780218 [DELETED] 

Don't quote me fag

>> No.11780220 [DELETED] 


Kill yourself.

>> No.11780226 [DELETED] 

I said don't quote me holy shit, are you retarded?

>> No.11780231 [DELETED] 


I'll do what I want.

>> No.11780232

I want to get into the game, but the lottery is quite a pain. How long does it usually take to win a slot?

>> No.11780236

A day, three, or a week, depends on your luck. The game itself is also very luck-based, fittingly.

>> No.11780234

one or two tries.
if you're legendary unlucky, up to a week or more but I only heard of 2 people ever to have that happen to them

>> No.11780238 [DELETED] 


Pretty much no time, it's just a measure to make the game seem more exclusive and desirable than it actually is. Their servers could easily support all of the demand.

>> No.11780246

If you try every consecutive day, it's set up to take at most three days. With the decrease in new users, however, I doubt it'd take the anon more than 1 try.

>> No.11780251

I got in on my second try, and my friend got in on his first try. It isn't that hard if you follow the instruction.

>> No.11780253

I got in first time, literally just login and click on the server with free space.
Gotta say my shitty luck in the game might be caused by this. Took me till lvl99 to get the cranes and nagato.

>> No.11780256 [DELETED] 

Normal Collection is my favorite normal-people discussion topic!

Anybody here watch last night's footy?

>> No.11780258
File: 52 KB, 600x800, Bcz_e3KCIAEWcN6.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the relationship between Yuugumo class and Kagerou class ships?
I got confused when I saw Akigumo isn't a Yuugumo class ship, and the only thing I can dig out on this is that she's been "replaced to Kagerou class".

>> No.11780260 [DELETED] 


What fucking garbage art. Sickening.

>> No.11780270

The only thing I can think of is that changes to the Kagerou class after Akigumo are significant enough to warrant their own class.

>> No.11780271

Had my second lottery today without any luck. I did get the waiting cat each time. Guess I'm just unlucky. Bad thing I probably can't attend the lottery tomorrow due to school.

>> No.11780278

> That there were 19 rather than the oft-quoted 18 units in this class, with AKIGUMO representing the nineteenth, will come as a surprise to many. AKIGUMO has always been placed firmly in the following YUGUMO class, and only the most recent publications out of Japan are beginning to buck that trend. This is due primarily to the research and writings of Japanese naval historian Tamura Toshio, who would go further in stating that this has really been more or less common knowledge for many years now.
> http://www.combinedfleet.com/kagero_n.htm

Combined Fleet should be your go-to resource.

>> No.11780283

The irony in this is fuckin hilarious

>> No.11780293

See that lonely greyed out button in the KC menu?

>> No.11780299

I wish E2 would drop me a Nagato, I'm starting to lose hope here.

>> No.11780302

If you don't have Yahagi and Agano as well, it's probably more economic to do LSCs instead.

>> No.11780303

Leftover from early development plans. Will likely never be implemented and taking it out is more work than leaving it in does damage.

>> No.11780306

It's less devastating to sink 1500 ammo over 7 or so sub runs and get nothing than it is to sink 1500 ammo into a single Ise/Fusou/Kongou

>> No.11780308
File: 738 KB, 960x720, LSC club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the LSC club
Everyone 10 E2 run you do is 1LSC attempt.

>> No.11780309

I bet all those "LSC club" people aren't actually doing LSC but trying to guile everyone else into it to ruin them.

>> No.11780320

This time it was Hiei.
I honestly don't know why I listen to you people, the odds to get anything decent out of the min recipe have to be astronomically low.

>> No.11780321

Indeed, now that you've exposed the web of their lies expect to be hunted down.

>> No.11780323

Maybe if you're talking about LSC minimum inputs, which can't result in anything really noteworthy. I run all subs so my cost per run on E2 is extremely low.

>> No.11780322

Why would a bunch of nameless strangers on the internet lie to you?

>> No.11780329

Well I got tricked into it and it got me a Shoukaku. It's a shitty consolation, but a consolation nevertheless.

>> No.11780331
File: 80 KB, 672x237, LSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets laugh all these pussies too chicken to do LSC. You lose when you chicken out.

>> No.11780333

Taihou is useful but not worth the ridiculous amounts of res you need to get her.

>> No.11780334

And I just crafted another three hours. Damn you guys.

>> No.11780337

The way I see it, she's endgame material. If you've got the resources laying around piling up, she's a good sink. If you still don't have 1-100, you probably shouldn't be wasting your resources trying to craft her.

>> No.11780340

You are right except cranes and nagatos are all craft failures from Taihou/Yamato recipe.
The drop rate at E-2 is actually not that high for them.

>> No.11780343

Unless it turns out I need her in Midway I'm going to wait a few weeks / months until the recipes are more solidly worked out

>> No.11780346

I already have both Cranes and Mutsu, all I need right now is Nagato.

>> No.11780348

I have completed 1-100, and all the ships I'm left with are obtainable from LSC. That doesn't stop RNG from giving me Hiyou or Junyou every single time I decided to try.

>> No.11780351

Think about how much you spend for Hachi and Musashi. Now apply this to LSC, there is no stress, there is no worry about ships sinking, there is no worry about boss health regenerating and no worry about running out of time.
You just need to throw resources at it until RNG gives you the ship that you want.

>> No.11780354 [DELETED] 


This game is bad.

>> No.11780359

It took me 13 tries to get Taihou and I don't regret doing it.


>> No.11780362

>there is no stress
Not getting the ship you want after many attempts is stressful.

>> No.11780370

Stress happened when my fuel is in three digit thanks to LSC. I kept telling myself never again, but I don't want to lose hope for Taihou.

Probably around 8 or 9 tries now, will keep trying once my resources are back at 20k.

>> No.11780372

Take it easy. I'm planning to do LSC once a week just below my natural cap.

>> No.11780374

What recipe are you doing?
4k fuel/lsc should not kill your fuel supply if you only do it once a day.
I am running low on steel and ammo because of 4 6 6 3.

>> No.11780380 [DELETED] 

This game is bad though, and for normal people.

>> No.11780384

I was using 4/2/5.5/5 20 dev mats from the chart earlier. That said, I've been low on fuel because I farmed event maps. Hopefully I'll get my shit together once it's over.

>> No.11780393 [DELETED] 


>> No.11780396
File: 112 KB, 900x1146, BdOOUqUCYAAXULc.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we Kako?

>> No.11780403

Come back when you are cool like Furutaka.

>> No.11780401

Kako has no setting between "off" and "high".

>> No.11780408 [DELETED] 


So why are you playing it? You like being a normie? Does it hurt? I have so many questions.

>> No.11780411
File: 505 KB, 955x1031, 33673598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sleep deprivation.

She will be Awakened Kako in her second remodel.

>> No.11780414

I can't get over the fact that even though Furutaka is so soft-spoken, she always has those 20.3mm cannons pointed right at your head.

>> No.11780419

She's a warship thus, she has a dignity to maintain

>> No.11780423

Speak softly and carry a big gun.

>> No.11780425
File: 527 KB, 800x800, 1386559062852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why Furutaka has a cyborg-like heterochromia eyes. But I like it, seems like it's one of her charms.

Hoping she will get a second remodel soon.

>> No.11780430

Apparently she turned on her searchlight and got blown the fuck out.

>> No.11780435

There's the searchlight theory, and then I think someone asked the illustrator about it, and he replied that it's "just a shading".

>> No.11780439

That "just shading" bit was regarding what people thought was a burn mark.

>> No.11780462

I wanna fug Furutaka

>> No.11780479 [DELETED] 

Sup mornie normies.

>> No.11780491

How many tries did you take to get Taihou, why do you still have so many dev kits damn it.

>> No.11780493

"I didn't get an incredibly rare ship out of my first attempt at crafting, clearly there is no possible reward here!"

That is how retarded you sound right now.

>> No.11780496

I've done it like 10 times now. Sure, it's not a huge sample size but I haven't exactly been getting anything good. The one decent craft I got was a Noshiro (which I already had from the event)

>> No.11780505 [DELETED] 


Normies mad at each other?

>> No.11780507

So far I have made CarDiv 2, Izumo Maru, and her drunken sister out of Taihou recipes.

As soon as I get another 4000 bauxite I'm going to roll the dice again.

>> No.11780514
File: 11 KB, 149x79, 615dev mats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started at 615
I did 2x100dev kits recipe which yielded shit no thanks to futaba.
I only do 20dev kits recipe now. You can make most of them back with dailies if you are only using 20 dev kits.

Got it on my 2nd craft, it was my xmas present.

>> No.11780519

>Got it on my 2nd craft
Fucking lucky.

>> No.11780522

Is there a guide anywhere on what I should be doing after getting through the tutorial? Because I am absolutely lost...

>> No.11780523

Fortune favor the brave nerd.
You guys were all too chicken and were busy waiting for the miracle recipe.

>> No.11780526

It's "He who dares, wins"

>> No.11780529

You see those maps son? Clear it. You see those pathetic empty boxes in your card library? Fill it.

>> No.11780533

They don't want to be cleared. How di I convince them to be cleared?

>> No.11780538

It's "Fortune favours the bold".

>> No.11780536

If I renew my API link, does it download everything from scratch again or not?

>> No.11780541 [DELETED] 

This game is populated solely by normal people who don't belong here.

>> No.11780550

Through faith and love. Trust your shipdaughters and there's no map you cannot conquer.

Except last event's E4. That map would break you.

>> No.11780553 [SPOILER] 
File: 267 KB, 800x480, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11780563

There should be a 1st craft was Taihou club for exclusive people like me.

>> No.11780565

Feels good man.
Those lvl1 Nagato faggots finally know how I feel.

>> No.11780580

No rare ships from newbie luck. Have to put in ton of resources to get ships you want.
Feels bad man.

>> No.11780586

Frankly I don't care all that much about new and rare ships. Sure, they make good trophies, but it just wouldn't do to abandon my common but reliable shipdaughters, especially after going through the hell that was the last event together.

>> No.11780593

How fast is Maruyu's repair time? I just used her to tank damage for my expedition fleet and I swear her repair is instantaneous.

>> No.11780596

Normal sub modifier. She's faster than usual because she only has 6HP compared to the 10HP of Imuya.

>> No.11780646

Does using damaged ships for expeditions affect the result of the expedition?

>> No.11780652

>going to work in tattered clothing affects my salary?

>> No.11780654

No. Read the wiki.

>> No.11780661
File: 210 KB, 326x732, 1389012547503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pretty cute if she gained a bit of color from I401

>> No.11780663

Depends on your line of work.

>> No.11780664

Finally sent Haruharu to the bottom of the sea.
I must've sunk 7000K each of fuel and steel plus a few dozen buckets to finally clear E-2.

So I had a question, my main fleet average at level 30 and consist of a fully modernized Kirishima Kai, Hyuuga Kai and Ashigara Kai plus Hiei Kai, Iona and Akagi. Considering that I'm out of bucket until the dailies reset or I get lucky with a few expedition, what are my chances for clearing E-3 before the end of the event ?

And if I can't is it a good idea to try and farm E-3-A for an Iku ?

>> No.11780668

Meant 7K or 7000...

>> No.11780665
File: 92 KB, 606x573, logbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new revised logbook is available at the usual place.

- english equipment names
- drop report now display english ship names
- expedition names changes

please report to me if there's missing/wrong ship or equipment names.

>> No.11780669

Is it still IE only?

>> No.11780674

no, and it never been.
where did you get that information anyway?

>> No.11780678

Heyo, Musashi.
Regarding KCV, what'd prevent you from having Win 7 notifications similar to how 4chan X has notifications for when someone replies to your post?

>> No.11780682

because i'm not a programmer, let alone an experienced one.

>> No.11780685

If you're lucky, you clear it within five rounds. Assuming you have three ships in the red/orange after each sortie, that would ~15 buckets in total. Your dallies should net you ~8 buckets, I think and if you're running expedition 2, you may have more than enough if you're diligent to keep sending fleets for expedition 2. So bucket issue is not really a problem, your resources will suffer though. As for farming Iku on E-3-A, I'm not very sure, maybe someone else will tell you his horror story.

>> No.11780689


>> No.11780693

Beating E-3 shouldn't be that hard since this map is easier than E-2, but farming Iku might be a problem, it's all RNG. Some people get her on their first few runs, others spend much more time and resources. Farming her at E-3 took me 4 days, 2 nodes per sortie, 3 nodes if NE route.

>> No.11780692

If you are getting noob kongou then E3 is easy with your fog ships.

>> No.11780700

Yeah I'm still below admiral level 30, started 2 weeks ago, so I'll give a try then.

Ok, I'll Poi the second expedition then. thanks for the numbers

>> No.11780746

That's it, huh. It's almost at the end of the event. I don't know if I can go on, knowing I'll never be able to comfort Iona again, assuring her she's not in that dark, lonely dock anymore. Nothing will ever be as cute as Kyu~soku senko~

>> No.11780752

I fucking hate it when those guys in pvp list put a sub among 5 others high level ships.

>> No.11780753

Still no Nagato ;_;

>> No.11780754

What if they're grinding, why should they have a pvp friendly fleet all the time?

>> No.11780779

Who cares about that bitch, we're talking about Iona here!

>> No.11780781

That's easy, as long as it's not Iona.

>> No.11780782

Just use Mutsu
They are the same anyway
Talking about Mutsu, I cant believe how common she is. Do 5-2 for rank, get Mutsu. Do 4-2 for weekly, get Mutsu. Do 3-3 for Ooi, get Mutsu. Do LCS or BB craft get Mutsu. think I probably gotten at least 15Mutsu in my whole Kancolle playthrough. Is the game mocking my luck?

>> No.11780783

I love my Mutsu even more than a Nagato, but I'd still like to have one for completions sake.

>> No.11780786 [DELETED] 

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.11780785

If they're the same why do they have different card entries?

>> No.11780788

They have to cater to people with different fetish.
Mutsu is sluttier with her shorter skirt and more tummy exposure.
Nagato is the prim and proper lady with long hair. In the battlefield they are the same.

>> No.11780789
File: 486 KB, 674x409, aaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Taihou as byproduct of my first LSC recipe on day 1 when i tried to go for Yamato.

Go big or go home teitoku's.
6/4/6/3/100 btw (yes 3000 Bauxite only)

>> No.11780800 [DELETED] 


No, they just make it so normies like it.

That's the way to get the most cash

>> No.11780802

Not quite, one of them has 5 luck and the other has a whopping 30.

>> No.11780829

Meh, after playing this game for few months, I conclude that luck doesn't do jack shit.

It doesn't feel like increasing the chance of better crafting, dodge or cutins for me. Then again, RNG might be playing with me during this whole time.

>> No.11780834

There are only 2instance where high luck is obvious
1) Cut-in
Nobody use cut-in setup for BB

2) Gain hidden stats ie evasion while critically damaged
Especially obvious when enemy flagships (gold) are in red, you tend to miss them more compare to when they are in full health. They have high luck considering the amount time they cut-in your ass in E4 and E5.

>> No.11780836

It's just RNG screwing with you. It increases cut-in rate, try night battles with submarines. Goya will have more cut-ins than anybody else.

>> No.11780842

Why is my kancolle viewere stuck on the floating ship icon loader? When I put the api link in the url it loads fine

>> No.11780870

More like "completely random bullshit."

>> No.11780871

Is this game free?

Is it IP blocked like most of dmm's shit?

>> No.11780875

i want to lick Iku's collar bones.

>> No.11780881


>> No.11780882

I want to eat Imuya's swimsuit.

>> No.11780880

>Fortune favours the brave
>The phrase means that Fortuna, the Goddess of luck, is more likely to help those who take risks or action
>Goddess of luck, is more likely to help those who take risks or action.
They were the pioneer that came up with the recipe and got their just rewards. You guys are just here whining about how shitty the recipe is giving you maruyu. Do you think the goddess of luck will favor such people?

>> No.11780883

It's read the wiki.

>> No.11780886


> I'm too lazy to type yes or no


>> No.11780887

Dude, I'm pretty sure it's not digestible.

>> No.11780901

No, I was also one of the first trying to craft the rare ships before any of the recipes were confirmed. I got Taihou through a Yamato recipe after about 20 attempts on the first day of LSC implementation. 10 more attempts later over the next few days, still no Yamato. Fortuna can go fuck herself.

>> No.11780917


Also a yes.

>> No.11780927

Anyone aware of a miracle Susei 12A recipe? The ones on the wiki have yet to give me one in 100 crafts.

>> No.11780933

21/60/20/131 so far seems reliable.

>> No.11780940

Tried that too, seen everything but Susei 12A multiple times.

>> No.11780962

I can vouch for 21/60/20/131, got a couple of 12A from that, 3 saiun (useless, I know), a Ryuusei-not-kai and many 2 star planes from less than 30 tries approx. Akagi Kai and HQ over 90 as reference.

>> No.11780966

I thought the individual ship didn't matter, only what class they were?

>> No.11780968


Both of my Suisei 12A come from 21/60/20/131. Compared to that I have 4 Reppus and 5 Ryuusei (Kais). The drop rate is just lower.

Dive bombers suck anyway.

>> No.11780973

Kaga gave me tons of Ryuusei Kais. Zuikaku gave me tons of Suisei 12As.

Maybe it's dumb luck but that's just how it has been for me.

>> No.11780984

no it's gotta be true, I was in doubt when that anon suggested the recipie because I've been crafting with kaga as flagship and only seeing Ryuusei kai's

>> No.11780989
File: 245 KB, 810x1000, need more suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All from miracle recipe
Akagi gave tons of green and some red
Taihou gave 3 of the ryuusei kai and greens
Didnt have a good experience crafting with Kaga

>> No.11780990

Shibafu's art has some mysterious power.

Shioi has actually grown on me, and I've been incredibly vocal in my disappointment with her art when I saw it first.

This genki, small-town girl idea they had for her even makes sense now that I think about it.

Imuya is still better, of course.

>> No.11780992
File: 82 KB, 400x565, 1388911736799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just a slut from a hentai magazine

>> No.11780993

I've been incredibly vocal about my dislike for her when I saw her first and I still dont like her at all.
I cant even bring myself to level her to 35, she will always be that disappointing plain brown sub for me.

>> No.11780996

Do it, anon.
Her remodeled lines are really damn cute

>> No.11780998

I have better ships to level like Shigure and Kiso.
And Kumano if I ever get her, someday I will get her.

>> No.11781003

Not like it's an effort to level her during 2-3 runs

>> No.11781005

That's weird. I have Kaga as my flagship and she has been crafting me nothing but Suisei and Suisei 12A.

>> No.11781008

I-401 is the sort of girl you'd take home to meet with your parents. She does stand out next to the other submarines, but it'll be fine once more submarines get added.

>> No.11781009

She uses 25 fuel/30 ammo while the other subs use 10/25 and has high repair times for being a SSV right from the start, its better to just use the other superior subs instead of her for fuel runs.

>> No.11781017

Lets hope that they stop giving subs to shibafu, he can draw all the carriers if he wants but I don't want to see another plain disappointing sub ever again.

>> No.11781022

Somehow, looking at Shioi just makes me feel at peace and at home.

Other subs makes me feel energetic, but sometime I just need to look at something more simple and calming like her.

>> No.11781026

Out of his designs his carriers are the best, others are just bland.

>> No.11781030

>Somehow, looking at Shioi just makes me feel at peace and at home.
Yes, you've nailed it. She's like the little sister you never had.

You can just imagine her baking cookies or peeling oranges for you in a cold winter day. That's the charm of Shibafu's art, plain or not.

I hope he's given more ships to draw.

>> No.11781033
File: 1.46 MB, 1367x1700, 1389028041659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the best carriers are not his carriers

>> No.11781043


Why is Shoukaku's damaged art so much better than Zuikaku's?

>> No.11781044

Zuikaku's is just terrbile

>> No.11781047

She's the more beautiful carrier of course!

>> No.11781048

I dont see the 'charm' in his art, the only word that describes her for me is Disappointment.

I dont mind if he's given more ships to draw but they also have to add ships with actually good art too, like Taiho.

This event was pretty disappointing in terms of new ships, sure the Arpeggio girls were perfect but they are time limited and 3 out of the 4 new girls have art that goes from terribly disappointing to ZUN-tier.
And the only ship that is great in both stats and appearance is a LSC reward that requires you to throw thousands of resources down the drain for a chance at getting her.

I hope midway is better than this or the suffering wont be worth it.

>> No.11781049
File: 384 KB, 700x700, 39222238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoukaku is just better in general. She's so pretty. One of the ships that got me into the game.

>> No.11781051

My nigga. Feels so good to get her finally at level 99 ;_;

>> No.11781052

Because she's pretty much better in everything aside from the luck, and even that can be changed with enough Maruyus.

>> No.11781055

Hello archer Takane.

>> No.11781057

She's pretending to be a ship, dont blow her cover

>> No.11781060

Yeah, but her voice is no good.

>> No.11781076
File: 203 KB, 572x475, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to feel nostalgic teitoku.
Show me your first ships and how much love you gave them,

>> No.11781080

She sank long ago, you asshole.

>> No.11781083

They're all expedition girls.

>> No.11781085

My first ship is Inazuma, and she's still one of my main force, level 57.

I need to get her to level 99 someday

>> No.11781089
File: 192 KB, 600x739, Ship list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine, logbook is useful for things like this

>> No.11781092
File: 100 KB, 337x290, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expedition and all.

>> No.11781095
File: 169 KB, 355x535, First Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My starter isn't at the bottom of the list because I sank her a few hours in.

There's another Murakumo five weeks and eight pages of ships later.

>> No.11781100
File: 64 KB, 429x329, I miss Samidare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11781104

My Goya sunk while ago, good thing that she dropped again in E-2 but it costed me a lot of buckets and resources to farm her back.

This also gave me my 13th Shoukaku, why won't she stop appearing? It would be better if it is Nagato.

>> No.11781123

>My Goya sunk while ago
How did you even managed to do that?

>> No.11781130


Stupidity, carelessnes, or both.

>> No.11781140
File: 149 KB, 430x380, KanColle-140106-19061259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Samidare is still active, and fully upgraded to boot.

>> No.11781144
File: 38 KB, 429x333, I_am_an_ungrateful_admiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Inazuma, Akatsuki and Murakumo are still used. The rest are take turn on expedition duties.

>> No.11781147

is there any easy spot to sink a sub for the event?

the wiki says that there are submarines in 1-4 but I still haven't found any yet. I'm still stuck on 2-4.

is the first event map even beatable for me if I still can't reach the boss node of 2-4 relatively intact?

>> No.11781151

Is it worth farming E3 for Naganami?

What do you guys think?

>> No.11781153

There's subs on 1-4 but you missed the event, it ends tomorrow.
Just continue playing as usual

>> No.11781158
File: 198 KB, 856x1200, 1384532678972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was my fault so it's both. I am a kuso teitoku.

>> No.11781154

Do some more 1-4.

Right now I'm sinking carriers for E-3, there's 30 hours until the event closes.

>> No.11781163

Minimum inputs can give Agano-class, Nagato class, and Shoukaku class I believe.

>> No.11781165

I'd like to try crafting Taihou but all my resources BUT bauxite are perpetually low.

Fortune favours he who has resources and is bold enough to use them.

>> No.11781166

I had resources and was bold enough to use them, but now I don't.

>> No.11781168

Sorry, didn't mean to split posts.

So Naganami drops at 3-2,5-1 and 5-3 and 4-4 boss nodes.

Guess I should farm E3 first node infinitely.

>> No.11781182
File: 68 KB, 449x375, beststarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked the best starter.

>> No.11781185

I used 20/30/10/90. It gave me good stuff like Reppu and Suisei 12A. Also it uses less resources than other recipes I used. And the failure rate is slightly higher so less dev kits used.

Never tried 21/60/20/131 due to lack of ammo; seems like it's also a good recipe though.

>> No.11781192

My starter is currently away on some expedition. If she's not on expeditions she'll usually be rotting in the docks somewhere.

Level 62 Fubuki, and my highest level ship.

>> No.11781199
File: 166 KB, 449x378, Starter is Fubuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.11781207

damn, well I wanted the submarine you get for clearing E-1 anyways, think that its possible once I beat 2-4 to beat E-1?

>> No.11781212

Go find that sub, but don't worry about the event. Instead, use Iona to try to cheese 2-4

>well I wanted the submarine you get for clearing E-1 anyways
E-1 doesn't give you a sub, it gives you items. For I-401 you would have to beat all three maps

>> No.11781213

The submarine you get for clearing E-1 will disappear when the event ends.

Iona is basically an underwater battleship in both stats and cost, though, so you can have fun with her for a day. Somehow mine is level 35.

>> No.11781214

What? What submarine? What meds are you on?

>> No.11781215

Imagine if Iona was able to fire the supergravity laser.

>> No.11781220

Never mind, you get her before E-1 even opens. I'm dumb.

I suggest you try E-1 anyway. I tried to do the August event with one ASW item and no battleship and got my face kicked in by E-1, but it was fun.

>> No.11781217

You should have no problem beating 2-4 (and even 3-1) with her, I started a week and a half ago and got to 3-2 because of her.

>> No.11781222

apparently a lot, I misread and thought I-19 was a reward for E1 december

>> No.11781223

I'm running Iona solo, trying to cheese 2-4, but I keep getting a C in the boss node. Iona is currently level 35. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.11781224

She could probably cheese 3-4 alone or something retarded like that if she got supergravity laser. Finally, a ship better than the torpedo cruiser.

>> No.11781225

Just keep trying 2-4 took me a while, although I did manage to do 3-1 in one attempt, it's just RNG.

>> No.11781228

Are you not going to night battle?

>> No.11781229

Maybe bring more submarine. That'll show em

>> No.11781232

Everything. Just level up an actual fleet and clear it.

>> No.11781240

But that requires effort...

>> No.11781246

I need to level my ships but I dont want to remove Takao from flagship position, I wish she could stay forever.

>> No.11781251

Well, they will help you in a day

>> No.11781253

You'll never have another Cruiser as perfect as Tsundere Heavy Cruiser. Let that sink in for a moment.

>> No.11781256
File: 180 KB, 1920x1080, Crying takao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this anon, you're making me sad.

>> No.11781259

Just so we're all on the same page, everyone agree that Arpeggio shipgirls > Kancolle shipsluts, right?

>> No.11781262

I like both of sides equally.

>> No.11781265

I think I just happened to find something amazing.


>> No.11781266

I'd take yankee Maya over CARNIVAL DA YO any day.

>> No.11781263

Goddess Harune > HaruHaru.

I can't dig with Haruharu design and outfit.

>> No.11781264

Hey, I wanna have Iona stay with me and sit on my lap forever too, but we all have got to move on
...however crushingly painful it is

>> No.11781267


>> No.11781271

>not wanting the loli
What the fuck are you, a normie?

>> No.11781273

this is probably better then the anime will be

>> No.11781275

So, they tell me to refresh every 5-10 minutes for the lottery, but not faster, but why even refresh, is it neccesary?

>> No.11781276

Kongou = Kongou
Haruna = Haruna
Takao >>> Takao
Maya > Maya
Kirishima >>>>>> Kirishima
Hyuga >> Hyuga
Iona >>>>>>>>>> I-401

For me
Arpeggio on the left and Kancolle on the right

>> No.11781277

I've been laughing for 10 minutes straight now, that entrance from KTKM, that ending, holy fuck.

>> No.11781280

You blind?

>> No.11781281

>more T&A then haruna and kirishima

>> No.11781282

We liked it a lot, back in the second or third thread.

>> No.11781285

>Kongou = Kongou
No. Yakumo Kongou is a million times better than the monkey.

>> No.11781286
File: 442 KB, 580x775, 40564745_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was doing E-3 for the first time, and during the second round of shelling I thought to myself "wait, did Kaga really not bomb anything out during the initial air raid?"

When I got to the second node I realized that this was because I forgot to give her any planes.

But then I thought about all that fuel and sparkle I'd waste if I turned around, so I went ahead and defeated the boss anyway. I'm going to pay out the ass for it in repair costs, though. Oh well.

>> No.11781287

3 was better.
watch this one

>> No.11781290

Arpeggio Kongou looks like a 50 year old ghetto whore.

>> No.11781293
File: 150 KB, 605x860, 40793649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Yakumo Kongou has no friend, and the bitch won't drop Mikuma or Zuikaku for me.

>> No.11781295

It's amazing how a few words going viral can completely shit characters for some people.

"Monkey" made kongou much less popular, and "plain", "mudskin" had the same effect on 401.

>> No.11781296
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1387907330316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude, she has friends now

>> No.11781297

There's also "mexican" for I-401, I hear that one more than mudskin

>> No.11781299

No, fuck you. She's an elegant hag.

Eh, I already disliked her before that. She's an annoying stereotypical foreigner type, which is a character archetype I've never cared much about.

>> No.11781300

People didn't like 401 ever since they saw Shibafu's then-unofficial preview for her because they were expecting something more flashy for the biggest sub ever (but actually because they wanted her to look sexy like all the other subs do).

Final tally: 2000 steel and 1200 fuel in repairs, 600 fuel and 900 ammo in resupply. Estimated net effect of this error: -500 fuel, -800 steel, +150 bauxite

>> No.11781302

Damn only two days left and I slept through a day of it because of a terrible headache. And Akigumo still won't drop.

Doing 5-2 while subs are resting, is it normal for the regular nodes to not drop anything at all?

>> No.11781307

>is it normal for the regular nodes to not drop anything at all?
Check whether your harbour is full. Other than that, it is possible but quite unlikely.

>> No.11781314

It's not full, I get drops from boss regularly. It's just that I noticed that the regular nodes don't give drops much for me even with perfect S rank.

>> No.11781319

I get that a lot. I don't bother going out of my way to get S on normal nodes as a result...

>> No.11781325

She's probably one of the most japanese one.

>> No.11781328

Kongou is mo different from Mikasa and many other dreadnaughts of the IJN. Japan couldn't build their own until WW1 because they didn't have the skills to do it.

>> No.11781332

Damn sorry, I had 401 and the mexican thing in mind. You're right about kongou, though some would see a charm point in that. Personally I can't give much fuck about kongou when there's Haruna.

>> No.11781334

The faux Britbong is the most Japanese? What?

>> No.11781346

>"Monkey" made kongou kai2 much less popular
the non-kai2 version is still as popular.

>because they were expecting something more flashy for the biggest sub ever (but actually because they wanted her to look sexy like all the other subs do).
I really didn't expect him to draw a plain COMIC LO sluts for I-401.
I thought I-401 would be someone with the ego like Musashi/Nagato and the body of Iku.

And considering her displacement, the least he can do is give her more in the tits department...

Oh, yeah. to the one requesting horizontal version of KCV, mind telling me what is your screen resolution?

>> No.11781357

Fog Haruna's cape... coat... thing is adorable. The cape is better than Kancolle's Haruna in every way. Haru-Haru herself is meh, though.

>> No.11781360

How do you get "comic LO slut" out of plain girl? She looks the same as all the other Shibafu girls and is by and far away the least slutty of the submarines.

Somebody post that one where Iku is a bad influence on the whole fleet.

>> No.11781367

The slut part is probably just an extra tag thrown in the for hell of it. She really does look like she fits on a Comic LO cover though.

>> No.11781374

And that's a bad thing, because...?

>> No.11781378

Never said it was.

It's a nickname, don't get so worked up over it. She stands out among all the other Shibafu lolis for how much she looks like she walked out of a Comic LO cover.

>> No.11781381

I'm pretty new, which maps do I farm for the popular stuff?

KTKM etc.

>> No.11781391
File: 174 KB, 1200x840, 00_Cover-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was awesome material

>> No.11781393

>KTKM etc.

You should try your luck with crafting, to a point. If you are brand new at the game, do 1x BB craft 1x rare destroyer crafts a day. You might be one of those lucky assholes that gets Nagato right away.

>> No.11781399

Poor I-401 gets so many nicknames
"Comic LO slut", "Drug sub", "Mexican slut", "Plain sub" and sometimes a mix of all of them.

She deserves all of them, worst sub

>> No.11781401

And there's also mudskin like that one anon above mentioned

>> No.11781407

This is a Christian imageboard for good Christians, please refrain from your sinful /a/theistic behavior here.

>> No.11781411

If its not yuri it can burn itself with the flames of my hatred.

>> No.11781433

Because people like black girls?

>> No.11781435

Good looking ones, not plain disgusting sluts like I-401

>> No.11781442
File: 207 KB, 488x700, 1389040015325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love I-401 and I call her Mexican.

She's a lovable Mexican.

>> No.11781445

She was dispatched to Panama on her first and only mission. I'm sure someone could make a joke out of that.

>> No.11781444

>Mexican sub
>Drug Sub

Stop trying to force this meme.

>> No.11781451

Shioi is a great girl with an endearing voice (especially after remodel), you're a bunch of genki girl-hating homos.

>> No.11781448

>And considering her displacement, the least he can do is give her more in the tits department.
Displacement/breast size correlations were always dodgy, you shouldn't expect too much from them. You used to have Ryujo, Zuiho, Shokaku/Zuikaku, Chitose-class, Atago/Takao, Tenryu/Tatsuta and Ushio as outliers, and now you have them plus I-19, I-401, Taiho and post-second remodel Isuzu and Yudachi. I don't think much has changed in that aspect.

Even the R-square value for that old breast chart was 0.7, so it's not like the "higher displacement means larger breasts" theory was well-founded to begin with.

>> No.11781449

Illegal immigration?

Yeah that was bad.

>> No.11781454

Whoa, whoa, what the fuck happened? Did /a/ thread die so everyone is shitposting here right now? I-401 is cute, how can anyone call her a slut?

>> No.11781455

>you're a bunch of genki girl-hating homos.
But im a huge fan of genki girls and childhood friends, I-401 is just terribly bad

>> No.11781456

It's ok anon, you can have your plain sub all to yourself.

>> No.11781463

So cute I die every time.

>> No.11781465

Finally someone understands

>> No.11781467

>I-401 is cute, how can anyone call her a slut?
Is this your first time here? Did you start yesterday and miss all the threads before this one?

And people that dont like your waifu are not 'shitposting', 'trolling', or trying to force the next 'epik meme'.
She failed to meet most people's standards and she sucks for resource runs because of her increased supply costs so its not a huge surprise that people don't like her.

>> No.11781470

Bunch of Arpeggio fags who are butthurt its nothing like their over powered anime sub.

>> No.11781472

I got a fusou on my first day.

I guess that about makes me the unlucky type.

>> No.11781473

She seems too pure to be a slut. I would adopt her.

>> No.11781479

you're not alone having good taste anon, we're here with you.

>> No.11781480

>Great girl
Plain mudskin sub, how is that great?

>Endearing voice
All of her lines are terribly annoying and having her as a flagship feels like torture.

>> No.11781483

KTKM was my second ship in the game. From a 30all craft too. Now she's the level 99 torpedo monster I keep iddle on my fleet, along with 99 Iku.

>> No.11781484

Could be worse; you could've gotten her sister.

Fusou seems like the superstitious new age hippie that reads horoscopes daily, burns incense, and reads star charts all day.

>> No.11781485

Yeah, I'd rather have a drooling purple slut with actually good, interesting and developed lines.

>> No.11781488

I guess people are only allowed to like something as long as they break the game then. It's not like subs won't be a necessity for more than cheating resources in the future with the rate they're giving them away. And there are plenty of ships that don't meet my standards but I don't go out of my way to shit on them at every opportunity. I know it's just because she's the latest thing and the attention will die out in time but we're going to get it back with every new unit in the 400 series. Most of the expectations were completely unrealistic or unfounded to begin with. And every time the argument seems to boil down to "I would have been perfectly fine with this design if it were drawn by Shobon."

>> No.11781486

Her idle line is cute. I'm afraid you suffer from condition known as "shit taste".

>> No.11781487

what's unlucky about getting a BB on the first day?

>> No.11781489

Not really, the design is pretty bad too, they need to change both the artist and the design for I-401 to be fixed.

>> No.11781490

Repair fairies exist so you can listen to sinking lines without losing the ship.

>> No.11781497

And that drooling purple slut is liked by almost everyone and will have more art on pixiv than your plain brown slut will ever have, how does that make you feel anon?

>> No.11781495

the design is actually more submarine related that the other subs, strictly speaking.

>> No.11781500

That actually makes more sense than I assumed it would

>> No.11781501
File: 58 KB, 600x600, BbYpS2-CIAAqKxV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop baiting.

>> No.11781505
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x2200, 40549540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When marriage (or whatever it's called) comes out I'm marrying both of them.

>> No.11781509

>prepare my sub hunting fleet for pvp
>opponent changes to torpedo cruisers

>> No.11781510

Protip anon : when you justify quality by popularity you lose the argument and your dignity as a sentient being

>> No.11781513

That happened to me three times. As in they kept switching from subs to a normal fleet to subs again.

>> No.11781511

that's illegal

>> No.11781514

I really like them but I can't get over their legwear, they just look too.. bug-ish.

>> No.11781519

Is that 900 points bucket contains 880 of everything? It appears to be way too cheap. Or random 880 of something?

>> No.11781522

*does ... contain

Jesus christ, what happened

>> No.11781523
File: 106 KB, 688x688, 39277828_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it.


>> No.11781526

Huh, she always struck me as passive and gloomy girl who nonetheless means well and constantly pushes herself to do her best for others. Rather than reading horoscopes, she seems to be more like the type who would chide you for not eating your bell peppers, but then cave in and eat them for you anyway.

But to each his own. I might be a bit biased towards her, too, given the almost Munchausenian feats she accomplished in my fleet.

>> No.11781533

But which one is it?

>> No.11781546

Does anyone know the exact time the event ends tomorrow?

>> No.11781542

I can see that.

Fusou has treated me well as well, but her rather mediocre armor and propensity to eat crits made me bench her when I got Ise.

>> No.11781548

If you're talking about the
>期間限定! 八八資源セット (燃880、弾880、鋼880、ボ880)
then yes, it is 880 of each resource. It's cheap because it is a limited time offer.

>> No.11781551

It ends at check the wiki.

>> No.11781556

The time isn't there, I guess I'll just see when maintenance is on the twitter feed if you're gonna be a ding dong.

>> No.11781563

>it ends on the 8th, 11 am JST (UTC+8 )

i don't know if it's true though.

>> No.11781565

【1/8(水) 11:00】の冬のコラボイベント:期間限定海域【迎撃!霧の艦隊】の全作戦終了を以て、お知らせしていた通り、「霧」の艦艇は艦隊を去っていきます。ただし、「霧」を1隻でも保有してい場合、同提督には【記念の家具】が贈られます。

>> No.11781566

Check the "Recent Updates" page, it lists the time for the upcoming updates there.

Or just use wikiwiki like a normal person, it states it right at the top of the page for the event.

>> No.11781568
File: 68 KB, 294x314, Screenshot 2014-01-06 22.14.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that hard?

>> No.11781580

Be sure to resupply and repair your fog girls before the maintenance. It'd be rude to them otherwise.
If I can't have them, I'm letting them go in mint condition.

>> No.11781583

I'm not throwing away 1.5k steel.

>> No.11781587
File: 154 KB, 961x587, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been this way since I finished E3.

>> No.11781590

Enjoy your grey goo scenario once the leftover nanomaterial from their wounds goes berserk without a master.

>> No.11781609
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, 1322964635253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's ready for XLSC?

>> No.11781616

the fucking flying fuck is this
An actual project or something ?

>> No.11781622

>grey goo
There are people that still believe it could happen?

>> No.11781624
File: 18 KB, 360x264, 1389045215872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you need to draw a line
Someone who played Alpha Centauri too much

>> No.11781625
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, 1322978655640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's HARD.
And it's coming to get YOU.

>> No.11781630

Most of the cannons seem unusable, though.

>> No.11781638
File: 285 KB, 1000x1000, 3667571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to hurt Haruna so I can see under her coat.

>> No.11781641

It's beautiful.

>> No.11781642

Good thing something that huge will never fit into the Malacca strait to get me.

>> No.11781643

Enjoy paying your 1000 steels. Girl eats more than Hotel Yamato.

>> No.11781652

150 HP
300 power
200 armor
250 AA
180 plane capacity
6 slots
1500/2000 running cost
Requires 5 buckets at one time
kai for 10k/10k at level 98
Allows for a 3rd shelling phase

... is Midway E6 boss. ha.

>> No.11781657

How else is everyone doing E3 runs? 3 CLT 3 SS?

>> No.11781656

no one would have been stupid enough to build or use such a monstrosity

>> No.11781660
File: 72 KB, 600x513, 40701412_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Six subs.

Rub cheetah blood on them so they have more evasion.

>> No.11781659

I don't

>> No.11781661

The very existence of the Montana-Class mean that while people weren't that stupid, it took getting bitchslapped by CV at Pearl Harbor to stop them from trying.

>> No.11781698

I just unlocked Iona after finishing 1-4.

Any tips for using her efficiently? Her repair costs and fuel usage are really high for me right now so I need to know how to use her without wasting all my resources.

>> No.11781707


>> No.11781710

> how to use her

>> No.11781708

she will be gone tomorrow. forever.

>> No.11781711

Thanks, her wiki page really helped me, now I know all the translations for the things she says! Thanks! My play is sure to improve now.

>> No.11781713

You're late to the party so you only have two choices.
A) Beat 2-4 with her help before she disappears tomorrow
B) Let her rest unused in your home base and grind while lamenting the fact that you missed Iona, Takao and Haruna

>> No.11781715

Glad I helped.

>> No.11781720
File: 55 KB, 738x328, uss-montana-bb67_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I love the Montana class and how it would have been one of the best BBs, if not the best BB if built, reality was (and is) that BBs were obsolete and they, like the Yamatos, would've been giant targets.

>> No.11781728

What are you experiences with 2-2 branching rules? According to wikiwiki carriers might increase your chance to reach the boss node, but it's unconfirmed/many people claim it's false (my japanese skill equals zero, that's what I understood from machine translation). Did anyone try this? So far I checked 2xCV, 1xCVL, 3xCLT once and 2xCV, 2xCVL, 2xCLT four times, every sortie ended on the boss node. I'm asking here because this sample is too small (unbiased runs would have 33% chance to reach the boss node), so it's very possible I'm just seeing things.

>> No.11781751

Try 300 runs with CV and 300 runs without. There.

>> No.11781754

Is there are gallery of all the girls ? Something that shows you all illustrations on one page or in one picture.
Or just screenshots from the game with the list of collected ships.

>> No.11781755

Well doing my dailies (before I had subs) I used 2xCVL and would almost always hit the boss node.

>> No.11781774

Do you guys really farm the 5 world 2 bosses on 2-3? I just finished my 10th run, never got to the boss. I know, RNG, but still.

>> No.11781779

2-1 is just as trolly
2-2 is even worse for subs because NE can have line aboob
2-4 hahaaahahahahahahahaha

>> No.11781786

I still need to finish my 50 transport weekly anyway.

>> No.11781791

2-3 is great. I always reach boss node at least 4 times in a row when I need transport ships and compass sends me south when I need the boss.

>> No.11781792

>because NE can have line aboob
From my own experience, every time I hit that node with my subs I got the line abreast node. Also, it's not just that node, the bottom node with transport ship has a fucking double line BB node.

>> No.11781797

It has a 1/3 chance of getting to the boss node. Rev up your luck.

>> No.11781801

Japanese battleships are only giant floating targets because the Japanese really suck at designing anti-aircraft weapons. If the Yamato and all her accompanying cruisers had been armed with hundreds of 40mm Bofors and 10cm Type 98s, instead of all those shitty 25mm cannons, it would have been much more of a fight.

>> No.11781802

Is it me is the game too "zoomed in" when using the api link to bypass the region block?

Everything just looks blocky and kinda low-res. Any way to fix this or am I just gonna have to use always use a VPN (not that I have a problem with that) and play the game "normally"?

>> No.11781803

resize the browser window

>> No.11781804

Just you, I prefer resolutions that aren't for ants.

>> No.11781805


Resize your browser window until it looks good or use a standalone flash projector.

>> No.11781808

Literally read the wiki

>> No.11781809

The flash just adjust the window. If you want to play with its native window, use Flash projector.

>> No.11781816

When you switch back to the main menu it takes a while for the options to appear, is that intentional or is my browser fucking up?

>> No.11781818

It's your browser, try using the flash projector.

>> No.11781821
File: 267 KB, 800x480, hachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strongest.

>> No.11781826

I've seen the opposite result way too many times

>> No.11781844
File: 153 KB, 892x525, 1389052110419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats insanely lucky, the best i've managed to do with a sub is beat 2-4.
The first time I did it was with a proper fleet, this one was just to see if it could be done.

>> No.11781853

I dont think I will ever be able to beat 3-4

>> No.11781857
File: 1.44 MB, 300x156, capture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried that out and I still have the same problem, I made a gif to show you what it's like.

>> No.11781863

Please anon, iku is cute too.

>> No.11781869

Don't expect good speed when the servers are in the other half of the world, it is the same for me.

>> No.11781870

That's intentional, if you use SC, it tells you that the game is checking stuff

>> No.11781874

Alright, thanks.

>> No.11781875

Damn, that's big. Too bad it's not from WW2.

>> No.11781890

What is that?
Not the guy you are replying to.

>> No.11781893

Sanaechan aka logbook

>> No.11781903

I don't have that, yet the stalling is present.

>> No.11781911

Time to take one attempt at 5-1 using all 3 fog ships, and then retire them afterwards without repairing/refueling.

>> No.11781916

Stop complaining and do it like Bittenfield

>> No.11781923
File: 361 KB, 692x381, 88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior team assembling, we still have space for you if you want to secure the existence of our fleet and a future for our kanmusus.

>> No.11781927

What I don't like about using Sanaechan is that it fucks up watching videos from NicoNico. It stops loading them at one point and I need to refresh the page.

>> No.11781935

learn to read. SC merely shows you why its lagging.

>> No.11781938

Some people have gotten good results on 3-4 with 6 subs.

Not me, though. Seventh sortie out and I haven't been able to get to the last node without someone getting one-shotted to red instantly. I've tried switching up formation, but echelon turned out to be even worse than line ahead.

>> No.11781946

that's why you need to use the PAC file.

>> No.11781955

>seventh sortie
Did you just start yesterday or something anon? That's not really enough tries to complain.

I did it with 5 subs though. Two of which (goya and Shioi) were under level 30. Make sure you have torpedos equipped and not turbines like a retard.

>> No.11781972

Is it really a problem for the PAC file? I thought it would only affect IE browsers.

>> No.11781980

Hey, I've been grinding the event maps for the rare destroyers until now. My subs are all in the 90s, save Shioi and Iona. The only reason my map progress has been so slow is that I stopping sortieing anything except 2-3 sub runs since the end of the November event trying to build Nagato.

>> No.11781982

Is there an english tutorial for logbook?

>> No.11781985

At the initial setup before you put PAC setting, all connection must go through the proxy for sanaechan. PAC ensures only Kancolle connection that goes through it.

Of course, if you're using setup for IE/Chrome, connection from other browsers won't be affected, and vice versa.

>> No.11781986

I don't understand, -wait you mean that I should get sanaechan and hopefully logs will point out the reason of lag?

>> No.11781988


>> No.11781991

are you for real
It lags because you're not in Japan
end of story

>> No.11781995

Oh thanks, I skipped that part from the tutorial.

>> No.11782001
File: 170 KB, 796x465, 13888774752261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11782013

to be more technical, it stalls because kancolle fetch the user data every time you load the main page. so unless you got a decent connection, the lag will happens.

logbook/sanaechan is just a way to find out about that behavior.

>> No.11782072

6th craft of 4/2/5/7 20 and it's Akagi. God damn it.

>> No.11782115

Started two weeks ago, rushed as hard as I could to try and do the event. Get PTSD episode every time I hear the word Carnival now. Do my best to progress as far as I can to level up as quickly as I can, get a solid fleet of 2 BB 2 CV and an assorted escort to level 30. Finally get Haruharu, thinking that I can still do it. I just got my 31st admiral level. I couldn't even kill noob Kongou once. I'm fucked now aren't I ?

Since I pretty much ran out of resources is it still worth it to try and log a few E 3 attempts ?

>> No.11782124

Feels bad man

>> No.11782136
File: 232 KB, 472x472, 1389021544315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gratz on Kaga

>> No.11782143

Why is Kaga so cute?

>> No.11782146

No, it had been going for 8 minutes when I took the screenshot. And I have every normally craftable ship besides Shoukaku anyway.

>> No.11782154

Start running E-2, I got loads of Shoukakus.

>> No.11782165

I'll try a bit more, although I feel like I've already used up all my luck for this event.

>> No.11782171

I know that, I've pretty much given up on trying to get a Nagato. If you want a recipe, I got both crane sisters from 330/430/530/430

>> No.11782177

I tried that like 8 times before the event and got jack. I figure it's not worth using that recipe now until I get Taihou, because Shoukaku drops from Taihou recipe but Taihou doesn't drop from Shoukaku recipe.

>> No.11782180

I started a week and a bit ago and got around the same point in the event. I think it's just better to go as far as you can (to 3-2 atleast) with Iona and start leveling/pooling resources for the next event, so you will be able to actually clear it.

>> No.11782181

Run sparkled expedition and do it over and over again using your normal BB instead of fog ships,Shioi is worth it and Iku might drop along the way.
Last E-4 is a lot worse and can take you 20 hours of continuous sortie, a few dozen lazers is not as bad.

>> No.11782183

Yeah. I got Shoukaku on like my 2nd try of that recipe a while back when it was popular. I tried it recently to get my Zuikaku and I got 3 garbage ships (light cruisers) and said "Fuck it, ONE more time" and bam, Zuikaku.

>> No.11782217

Have you said good bye to your Arpeggio ships yet?

>> No.11782229

Yes, I put them to use before they could take anymore of my resources >>11779632

>> No.11782267

No, the three of them still have to get me Shioi first.

>> No.11782289

There's another 2 hours?

>> No.11782291

Iku in that doujin, holy fuck. My body was not ready.

>> No.11782298

Would it be cheaper to repair and resupply them straight, or use a repair goddess on them and let them sink equipping it?

>> No.11782299

As far as I know there's another day left.

>> No.11782300

you mean 24 hours

>> No.11782302

24 hours left.

>> No.11782315

Most epic tactical victory ever.

>> No.11782319

He means seventh sortie at 3-4. You can't even unlock maps 3 and 4 doing just 7 sorties.

>> No.11782332

>E-1: 2nd Makigumo
>5-2: 5th Yuugumo
Dammnit Akigumo why won't you drop.

>> No.11782357

Just kill it with 1BB+5carriers

>> No.11782358

I've always wondered what 5 carrier runs would look like.

>> No.11782376
File: 210 KB, 878x1399, 1389061389332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when you forgot to check the map before sortie.

>> No.11782381



Very, very expensive.

>> No.11782386

Hah. I still need a Hiryuu for 6 carrier runs. She's a holo despite being plain and unremarkable otherwise. That, or craft a Taiho.

>> No.11782403

Funny you should mention that. I got Akigumo from 5-2 today (but I wanted Mikuma/Zuikaku)

>> No.11782414

She has high luck by carrier standards. It's the same reason why Zuikaku is holo.

>> No.11782415

It is cheaper on fuel and ammo.
You will get super air superiority in all node. The only reason why you think it is more expensive is caused you lose your planes based on % of total planes.

>> No.11782419

Yeah, I understand that. Still, Zuikaku is a mid-tier carrier (not quite as good as Kaga or anything, but better than Hiryuu)
I'm sure I'll get her eventually.

>> No.11782424

She deserves it since she's the only CV that did not job so hard at Midway
Still worth it for the Yare yare

>> No.11782425

Took me more than 8K resources to clear E 2, about 15 sorties, I just did 3 sortie on E3, one ended up on the steel node, the other two with Yakumo Kongou sunk. Did >>11782181 first, only using my Haruna and my Kirishima, they only went to yellow, did the second with my newly repaired CVs plus Iona and Haruharu, sunk everything but GapKongou before the shelling phase and HaruHaru critted Kongou in half.

They really fucked up the difficulty curve on that one. I want Iku so I shall not give up in the face of bankruptcy.

Let's see if I manage to love my Kanmusu very much.

Don't give up, the autist-completionist inside you long for the plain sub !

>> No.11782450
File: 417 KB, 691x344, ddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go E-2
>Final sortie
>Nagato Heavily damaged
>Ignore it.
>Night battle
>Nagato sunk by Kirishima.
>and then, KTKM's Furious torpedo attack
>Haruna sunken
>E-2 Clear

>> No.11782458

totally not worth it
kill yourself, you shitty admiral

>> No.11782463

This is what happens when you get lucky early on and don't appreciate your ships.

>> No.11782464


Too much green, and you lost a ship at an easy event.

Fuck off please.

>> No.11782461

Now do E-3 without Nagato. Have fun.

>> No.11782465

Are you mentally challenged or something? You didn't deserve a Nagato, I hope you never get another one or a Mutsu.

>> No.11782476
File: 338 KB, 1100x933, 1384825195053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahaha, really losing the rarest battleship after Yamato?
I couldnt even put it into words, leave it to your imagination. Thanks for making my day.

>> No.11782477

You don't sink your Nagato for fucking E-2.

>> No.11782480

Well, if you look at it from a materialistic viewpoint, it could be worth it since your ships are all low-levelled and Nagato is a byproduct of Yamato crafting now.

>> No.11782481

Greentext story and no screenshot of the sunk ship
stop giving him attention faggots

>> No.11782486

As someone that only got Nagato after 3 months of play.. you suck. Wish you get endless rows of Takao class/Furutaka from now on.

>> No.11782491

Use your damage control if you have to on the final kill if necessary,they will give some in the next event anyway otherwise you will suffer from
"Lets save this rare potion for the final final boss that I end up not using anyway" syndrome

>> No.11782495

Modernisation material? Sweet. I already have endless rows of
Takao class/Furutaka" ships.

Also, I don't even have a Nagato.

>> No.11782501


You know, I never understood this mentality.

This is fucking war people, some casaulties are gonna be had and there's nothing you can do about it. I love my shipgirls but I'm prepared for everything. I make sure they're as well prepped for each battle as possible but shit, some losses are gonna happen.

>> No.11782504

>and there's nothing you can do about it
End the sortie when one of your ships is red?
They literally will never sink if they enter a node green, yellow or even orange. You have to actively try to sink them by advancing at red.

>> No.11782510

>I make sure they're as well prepped for each battle as possible
>no damecon if you plan to advance on red
>advancing on red anyway

Nope. You're a shit admiral that is too shitty to appreciate Mutsu's wife.

>> No.11782513

Welp, i hope it is not real.

Anyway thanks guys I just going to kill myself now.

>> No.11782515

If it were something like a throwaway DD on E-4 or 5-3 I could see it but losing arguably the best battleship in the game to something weaker than 2-4 really is not an equal exchange. It took me five months to find her, I actually did it from hundreds of runs of E-2, and I'd probably just kill myself if that happened.

>> No.11782516

A sacrifice is something you consent to after weighting in the benefices and the cost. In Kancolle as of now there is no cost to simply going back to repair and protect your musu that cannot be compensated by a small amount of time.

Unless you have terminal cancer and will die in a week you have no reason to sacrifice any kanmusu to progress. If you do not have terminal Cancer and still kill your Kanmusu then I hope you get Terminal Cancer, just like that, without going though the preceding phases of cancer progression.

>> No.11782525

>In Kancolle as of now there is no cost to simply going back to repair and protect your musu that cannot be compensated by a small amount of time.

Except having to go through the whole map again.


See what I said above. Retreat and you have to redo the whole map again.

I dunno, I always liked darker interpretations of Kancolle as opposed to "happy shipwaifu simulator where no one dies"

>> No.11782528

Even when I prepared my suicidal BB fleet for E-2 I knew the danger going in.

You're an even worse teitoku than I.

>> No.11782529
File: 49 KB, 558x1000, elementary kaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not lose important ships in war for just a furniture fairy. If you are trading a Nagato for Hachi/Yamato/Musashi/Taihou then maybe yes sacrifice can be made.

You cannot lose any ships as long as you retreat in red. Pussies of course can retreat when they are in orange.

>> No.11782533

So why is Yahagi so hard to get compared to Nagato? For just one CL, I've only gotten one Agano in about 20-25 crafts, getting 3 Nagato's from it.

>> No.11782544

>Retreat and you have to redo the whole map
It's like 2 fucking nodes if you go NE and 3 nodes if you go SE. You're not getting fucked around by the compass, you're almost always getting a boss fight. This isn't some fucking map where "Holy shit, I FINALLY went through the proper nodes to get to the boss fight! This is my 10th run and this is the first time I've got boss node, I guess it's worth the risk."

>> No.11782555


Ah well, I wouldn't know the specifics of that map because I started playing literally JUST today.

>> No.11782558

Maybe he ran out of resources.

But that would be still retarded because the annoucement for the event came early enough to hoard enough resources to clear it three times over.

Hell, I only spent 6-7k of everything except bauxite and that was with using Musashi and all the fog ships.

>> No.11782577

Are you literally retarded? One glance at the map makes it obvious that it's a mostly linear path to the boss node. In addition, the screenshot has a level 86 KTKM. You can't get and level KTKM to 86 in a single day.
When the event started, I spent all of my resources on LSC like a complete retard (and got Maruyu) and I mean all. I was down to triple digit resources.
Despite that, I cleared the event by the 27th without a single lost ship.

>> No.11782582

>But that would be still retarded because the annoucement for the event came early enough to hoard enough resources to clear it three times over.
One of the problem with this event is that people think it's easy and indeed it is, but people forget that it is still an event. The player still have to spend the resources to clear it. Going in with the mentality that it's going to be inexpensive on any event map is a mistake.

>> No.11782584

>Are you literally retarded? One glance at the map makes it obvious that it's a mostly linear path to the boss node. In addition, the screenshot has a level 86 KTKM. You can't get and level KTKM to 86 in a single day.

Uh...I think you think I'm him.

I ignored that event map because there's no way I could do it given that I had started the today.

Seriously what the fuck are you sperging about?

>> No.11782587

To be fair the event is a walk in a park to anyone with a brain and subs.
Even E2 Fall Event is harder than all 3xmas maps combined.

>> No.11782589
File: 178 KB, 800x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibafu virus

>> No.11782590
File: 177 KB, 219x300, 矢矧改.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sakura holo or whatever it's called.

>> No.11782599
File: 139 KB, 800x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11782602
File: 62 KB, 720x433, nagato first craft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously what the fuck are you sperging about?
There are a lots of jelly high level admirals here that are in still in the No Nagato Club after months of playing. So they are going to be a bit tilted hearing how some noobs lose theirs in some easy maps.

>> No.11782603

I only had two real subs going into the event (I-58 and I-19)
I cleared it with a normal fleet, got I-401. Then I farmed E-1, which is piss easy, for an I-168.
You don't even need subs to clear the event, and even someone with no resources can manage (although I was stretching my resources to the limits, turning in as many quests as I could manage and running the most efficient expeditions I could)

>> No.11782610
File: 79 KB, 597x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11782616

The thing about Nagato now is that she's incredibly easy to get from LSC. Honestly speaking, LSC is a ton less painful than doing normal BB recipes I think.

>> No.11782619

You are damn autistic please scuttle yourself.

And go back to wiki or Facebook, cancer.

>> No.11782624

Please stop wasting the image limit by posting shibafu abomination pictures, thanks.

>> No.11782628

I'd call it more painful since I get the same shitty BBs at like three times the cost.

>> No.11782635

not plain enough

or conservative enough

>> No.11782636 [DELETED] 

le Shibafu face

>> No.11782638

Because her captain is the human Yukikaze who is also author of IJN torpedo manual

>> No.11782642

It's less painful when hunting for Nagato I mean. Not only that, at least you have a chance for Yahagi or Mikuma, which are pretty much impossible to get anywhere else.

>> No.11782644

/a/ please, stop.

>> No.11782647

Keep your eyes on the real target. Those failures are Yamato crafting failures. A Nagato would simply be a slightly less catastrophic failure.

>> No.11782648

Mikuma is pretty common though
I am at my fifth no.3 cannon

>> No.11782651

Mikuma is a 5-2 drop and 5-2 is basically all veteran admirals can do. rank farming.

>> No.11782654

We can't sink at orange but we can at red, right?

So what happens if I enter a node at red but the ship in red has a damecon, then she sinks in day battle and revives, is it safe to go into night battle then?

>> No.11782658

Why so plain face?

>> No.11782660
File: 46 KB, 600x850, 1389065306226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes it is. Also don't forget to embark again into the next node.

>> No.11782659

Too lazy to rank farm personally. I probably could do it, but I've been less excited playing without an event going on. Need a painful event to have any motivation.

>> No.11782662

There's no proof.

>> No.11782663

I'll only do that if I have 2 damecons on that ship, Wo. But this time I only have space on one.

Has anyone put 4 damecons on, say, Yuubari, and sunk her over and over again?

>> No.11782664

Are you scared?

>> No.11782665

So this hasn't been tested extensively enough?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.

>> No.11782666

It's safe to depart in red!

>> No.11782667
File: 394 KB, 1100x933, 1387938381203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equiping damekon in the first place
Not even once.

>> No.11782670
File: 90 KB, 432x288, always trust Wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equipping damecon

>> No.11782677

Let's go by the following popular assumptions:
1) Night battle and day battle is considered as one battle as the ship can proceed onto night battle in the red and not sink.
2) When damecon is invoked, the ship is invulnerable throughout the battle.

Since night battle and day battle is considered as one battle, we can conclude, based on 1) and 2), that the ship will be safe unless damecon has a special property that differentiates day and night.

Best Regards

>> No.11782678

At least he isn't sacrificing level 1 BBs like I was.

>> No.11782679

>unless damecon has a special property that differentiates day and night.
That's the question, dumbass.

>> No.11782681
File: 97 KB, 607x900, 1388767347017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Wo btw.

>> No.11782684

Why would it?

You are making the assumption with no proof.

There's no proof!

>> No.11782688

What's with the sudden Wo invasion in this thread? Are they too bored in their abyssal lair that they started to post here?

pls go

>> No.11782690

Wo stays.

>> No.11782695

I'm asking because it's the only part of ship sinking that hasn't been covered.

>> No.11782697

>1) Night battle and day battle is considered as one battle as the ship can proceed onto night battle in the red and not sink.

I know the rest of the post is bullshit, but is this actually true?

>> No.11782699

It's funny that whenever there is a confused admiral asking about ships sinking in red or orange, Wo always pops up.

>> No.11782702

Only if you are lucky.

>> No.11782703
File: 69 KB, 850x850, Why didn't you listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need to listen, teitoku.

>> No.11782706

Use your brain and think about it for a second.
Lets us look at the following sceneario.
Your Nagato with damekon is at 1hp and you decided to advance to the boss node. She got crit by a wo-class carrier at the start of the battle. Damekon came into work and she revived at 1hp? She is invulnerable for the rest of the battle. Day and night battle is the same.
People telling you that they are different are fucking trolls and retards.
Any question? If you are asking for proof, I cant give you any. I can ask you of the same, can you proof that day and night are considered different battle?

>> No.11782709
File: 840 KB, 1200x1200, 39586349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ships can't sink after advancing in orange. If they do, it's a bug.

Night battle doesn't matter

>> No.11782710

Which violates property 1, hence, a contradiction. Considering that extra effort has to be put into the coding to differentiate "red with damecon invoked" and "red with no damecon invoked", we can be a bit confident that no such property exists.

There's plenty of E-5 videos which shows players proceeding to night battle with ships in the red and survive.

>> No.11782715

>Considering that extra effort has to be put into the coding to differentiate "red with damecon invoked" and "red with no damecon invoked"
That effort has to be put in anyway, because of the situation here >>11782706

>> No.11782717

The trick to it is that Wo is always here.

>> No.11782718

W - Wo
I - International
D - Deceiving
F - Force

You won't trick me again, Wo.

>> No.11782748

This game just does not want me to S rank the boss node of E-2

>> No.11782760

For some odd reason I find myself compelled to grind and remodel Akatsuki.

>> No.11782765

It can't be helped, she has a lady charm.

>> No.11782768

No matter how you think about it, Akatsuki is the best.

>> No.11782772
File: 342 KB, 1259x2632, Wo Propaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Wo to leave.

>> No.11782776

Wo is my favorite meme

>> No.11782782

The irony is, the wo is telling the truth

>> No.11782789


Since when an Abyss vessel like Wo learns to post here?

>> No.11782792

I wonder if Futaba has the same Wo like us here.

>> No.11782796

They have their Plasma.

>> No.11782801
File: 63 KB, 465x800, Plasma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11782808
File: 213 KB, 1067x768, cable_map_big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple really,take a look at the fibre optic cable map and compare with location of known Abyss operations. They must have their NSA tapping your internet.

>> No.11782814

don't worry, A is fine
perfect S gives me tons of shit

>> No.11782818
File: 504 KB, 1200x900, 40351861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck a Wo and have little shinkaisei

>> No.11782819
File: 72 KB, 638x720, 1388852426327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw everyone here is an abyss vessel

>> No.11782820
File: 151 KB, 600x700, 1384103505698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of it is giving me Shoukaku

As do we all

>> No.11782821

What's the best expeditions to farm for a new guy, I've been farming 5 for the 200/200 resources

>> No.11782823

The cat god really doesn't want Maruyu to get modernizations. All my armor ones are failing.

>> No.11782824
File: 32 KB, 1024x576, 1389069074172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to fuck a rubbery, stale and putrid abomination

>> No.11782832

There's no proof.

Hint: One of them is the expedition you're doing.

Check wiki.

>> No.11782830 [SPOILER] 
File: 367 KB, 1200x951, fuckiona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for tomorrow.

>> No.11782831

Send at least one fleet on expeditions to the wiki

>> No.11782837

Make sure you're modernizing more than +1.

>> No.11782850

Expensive though.

>> No.11782874

I just departed at orange.

Wish me luck jpsies.

>> No.11782877

Oh, I somehow have two Akatsuki kai. It seems that early in the game I forgot about one I sent to an expedition and ended up raising another. Well, I love hearing her voice every time I sparkle run her.

>> No.11782885
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1385080256573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good.

>> No.11782914

I killed Iona + 4 subs with an unremodelled Kiso, Yahagi and KTKM.

Granted I got T-cross advantage but getting that S-rank in PvP is sometimes just soft-resetting till luck is in your favour.

>> No.11782936
File: 696 KB, 800x937, zuikaku get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever that gave me the advice of doing 5-2 instead of E3... thank you. Honestly, doing 5-2 is far more rewarding than to deal with lazor Kongou and that lousy preboss BB.

>> No.11782937

God dammit guys stop talking about Wo. Finally went back to farming E-3 and the first Wo took my Kaga to red with a single torp and nothing else. That single torp always misses, or hits for nothing since I shoot down most of the planes. You guys are making her actually try.

>> No.11782960

Why the two yellow planes?

>> No.11782967

Ganbatte Wo!

>> No.11782969

Well... I went to E3 prior to this with Kaga alone. Forgot to swap her plane. It hasn't been fun at E3 for me at all.

>> No.11782987

There's so many things wrong with this fleet's air wings.

>> No.11783005

Good job Wo-chan!

>> No.11783010
File: 253 KB, 1421x365, terrible setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was a total rubbish setup. I didn't even swap the zero type 52 for Shiden kai/Reppu.

>> No.11783012

A series of quests that requires you to kill 100 Wo's of each type ( normal, elite, flag ), beat a boss and sink a lvl 99 CV
your reward: your very own WO for your fleet. About as good as Akagi but consumes slightly less and has 0.5 less repair modifier than CVs.

would you do it? Is she /Wo/rth it?

>> No.11783016

I have more than enough resources except 5k fuel and four more E3 boss kills before event completion.

Can I still make it?

>> No.11783020

So I'm retarded, but is there any better way to farm than 3-2-A? I want to grind my Yuudachi, Shigure, Hibiki, Kiso and some other DD/CL stuff. I'd also like to grind my two Mogami CAs (Kumano and Suzuya)

>> No.11783022


>> No.11783023

Yeah. Be prepared to spend a lot of buckets and a lot of resources running 3x Fog ships, but you can easily clear it in a day if you have the resources.

>> No.11783027

1/2 the repair modifier to Akagi? Then why would I ever bother with any normal CV? She'll be all sorts of awesome, being able to launch attack at night if you get her elited.

>> No.11783028

>100 Wo's
Is there any sort of timer for this? If it's not on a timer I can see clearing this quest, it's like a mini event.

>> No.11783030

For DDs and CLs, submarine hunting at 4-3 or 5-1.

For CAs, I'd like to know that myself.

>> No.11783032

>Yuudachi, Shigure, Hibiki, Kiso and some other DD/CL stuff
4-1 subs node is a good alternative for DD/CL. It's a bit risky though. For CA, 3-2-A is probably the only one unless you bring them along for 4-1 subs node run.

>> No.11783038

4-3 is the best for both of those.

>> No.11783039

not 1/2 Akagi's modifier.
Akagi is a CV. CVs modifier is x2
Wo would have a modifier of 1.5x which is like Kongou BB, CVL or CA
And she wouldn't be able to launch planes at night.

No timer but 'kills' decay at 2 of each type per day. so you need at least 3 per day to progress. You need to beat the boss while the quest has 100/100/100 for the Wo kills.

>> No.11783045

>not bringing a BB
It's like you're asking to get torpedoed

>> No.11783049

I'll be bringing a battleship. I'm stupid, but not that stupid.

>> No.11783054

How does one go about grinding for 4-3? If it's for the sub node, isn't it a bit risky because node J will spawn a BB?

>> No.11783056

Can I swap Haruharu with my top BB instead? Her repair costs are insane.

>> No.11783061

Probably, but you're sacrificing a chance at a laser.

>> No.11783066


>> No.11783067

I'll just keep using her until resources are low or receives major damage then thanks.

>> No.11783070

You can field 2x Yamato class if Haruharu and Tsunkao's too expensive, but you would be playing for a while if you got those two.

Just bite the bullet and send Haruharu and Tsunkao out there. You will basically tread all over E3.

>> No.11783072

I think it's not very fatigue efficient for 20 extra base EXP. I think 4-1 has a higher chance of hitting the sub nodes.

>> No.11783073

Enjoy your ban

>> No.11783076
File: 422 KB, 800x480, sub pvp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to take advantage of all sub fleets in pvp.

>> No.11783077

Wo pls

>> No.11783081
File: 627 KB, 718x429, 57e4ffb4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better start learning archaic kanji, /jp/!

>> No.11783084

Enemy Wo spotted. Sortie start!

>> No.11783086

5-2 run is expensive as hell. How much does 3CLT, 2CV and 1 CVL cost? Because while running 3BB, 2CV, 1CVL really compensates the size of my penis, it really hurts my resources.

With the fog fleet going away tomorrow, S-ranking all subs fleet will be so much easier.

>> No.11783089

None of those are the flagship of my heart.

>> No.11783092

So who else will leave the fog ship as the sole ship in their dock tonight?

>> No.11783093
File: 276 KB, 1400x539, KCV r134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KanColleViewer r134 is now available, both in vertical and horizontal version.

- notification for damaged ship now only apply for heavy/severely damaged ships (< 25% HP left).
- simple logging function by taihou (after you activate option, it will store the result into log.txt).
- jpg/png screenshot option.
- internal settings to resize the flash window and scroll-able UI (horizontal version only).

>> No.11783094

Will not work, it's stated in the twitter already.

>> No.11783096

You don't need to battle first to reach the sub node in 4-3 unlike 4-1. 4-3 also allows you to do 2 nodes in one sortie and even has a chance to gain some bauxite.

>> No.11783099

No, I mean, just to see what ships they replace them with.

>> No.11783100

How rare is Imuya from E-1?

>> No.11783101 [DELETED] 

I heard they even paid pixiv artists to draw fanart for it and pretend they did so for free, holy shit.

>> No.11783104

Ah, I see now. Quite an interesting risk to take, I guess. Much appreciated.

>> No.11783105


>> No.11783112

I think you're mistaken, they payed some artists to do official game work, not fanart.

>> No.11783113 [DELETED] 


No, they definitely paid for fanart according to pixiv artists.

>> No.11783114

I already have Taihou.
She has a repair time of a DD and can launch plane at orange.
Why would I want an inferior CV?

>> No.11783115

report, hide.

>> No.11783120

Holy shit thanks, it was the only thing missing from KCV. Will download when I get back.

>> No.11783121

Because you might need to deploy more than one CV, richard.

>> No.11783128

it's very simple though, i think you'll be disappointed if you expect logbook-kind of logging.

>> No.11783130

>both in vertical and horizontal version.
Finally, I have been waiting for this
Thank you for this

>> No.11783132

Speaking of which, would the anthologies be considered fanwork or official or both?

>> No.11783136

I would say they are definitely official, but not "canon"

>> No.11783137

Good point Muhammad but still too much effort.
Seems like Shinano would be easier.

>> No.11783140

I am bracing myself for the suffering of trying to LSC the Shinano as we speak. It's coming, teitokus, I can feel it from my spine.

>> No.11783144

Shinano is the final reward from Midway.
You heard it from me first.

>> No.11783143

Won't she be an event reward? maybe if you fail to get her.

>> No.11783147

Enjoy your negative value luck

>> No.11783148

I think everybody is expecting that. However expect more rare DD for LSC, you'll be swimming in Ise and Hyuuga.

>> No.11783149

Wow where did you get that info?

>> No.11783151

I wonder if devs will ever do a "ranking reward only" ship.

>> No.11783152

You're just a couple of months behind.

>> No.11783154

Isn't that really old news? I could have sworn they announced it and it at least totally fits the pattern Yamato and Musashi have set. I don't expect them to release major ships as LSC exclusives in the future; Taihou was only because this event was so easy and people had to blow their resources on something.

>> No.11783161

>ranking reward only
I thought that's the monthly reward?

>> No.11783162

My father works for the Kadokawa marketing department. The artwork for Shinano is already done by Fumikane. They are already circulating shinano artwork to nyantype, megami and other magazine.
Just a matter of time now before they are announcing the event after 5-4 implementation with the new mechanic.

>> No.11783163

Well crud. At least 5-3 isn't that difficult to do now that we have 5 subs to clear it with.

>> No.11783167

I don't think there's ever been a ship rewarded from monthly reward, just equipment.

>> No.11783168

Oh fuck me silly, I fail reading comprehension. It would make the game more competitive than usual though. I wouldn't want that.

>> No.11783169

Awarding a ship would not be to the advantage of the devs. Equipments are fine I think.

>> No.11783179

Why do I chuckle every time I-401 gets heavily damage, her screams are hilarious.

>> No.11783182

My father works for the Kadokawa Abyss department and would like to remind you that you can't enter the Midway event unless you sink 4 CVs prior to the beginning of the event.

Please sink your CVs as soon as possible to make sure you get to participate.

>> No.11783183

Because you are a bad admiral.

>> No.11783184 [DELETED] 


But you guys know this game is bad, right?

>> No.11783185

Whats the latest odd for Yamato?
6 4 6 3 or
4 6 6 3 or
6 5 7 2?
Where is chart anon?

>> No.11783187

Wo, pls go and stay go.

>> No.11783190

I wonder what people would feel if Taiho became a Midway boss drop.

>> No.11783192

I'd think that what matters from a sinking pov is the state you enter the node. If you enter as red, with a damecon, and you sink during the day, then go to night, you can sink again. I can't imagine any other scenario.

>> No.11783193

And those smart enough to not waste their res on LSC: Glee and Bliss and Schadenfreude.

>> No.11783194

You mean as a real drop or a reward for clearing the map? I think they wouldn't have mind if it was a drop though as trying to drop her on repeated runs is can be more expensive than doing LSC. Overall it's just a matter of luck.

>> No.11783195

So just:
instead of something like
30/30/30/30; Hibiki
3-2; Kongou

>> No.11783198

>And those smart enough to not waste their res on LSC: Glee and Bliss and Schadenfreude.
And suddenly they realise they have to grind through the map again just to get Taihou. It's like the Yahagi scenario, except in reverse.

>> No.11783199

Like E-7.

>> No.11783200
File: 78 KB, 424x600, 1389071772892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be slightly upset but I would get over it.
Taihou is actually the best CV, I would not bereft other Teitokus from acquiring her easily.
However I am still upset with Yahagi being easily obtainable from LSC. She is practically useless and lost her status as a trophy when noobs can just get her now by doing LSC.

>> No.11783215

lets assume 500 steel, 200 fuel and 300 ammo plus 250 bauxite per run
how much is the average Taihou recipe? I'm sure you can do the math.

Plus the chance to get other rare drops from the boss.

>> No.11783213

Then I'd rather take LSC than doing several runs as you're in the mercy of RNG who can take you places, crit/cut-in on one of your ships, force you to retreat/refresh, and make you lose resources on re-supplying and repairing.

>> No.11783220

I couldn't see them doing that, what's the point in making a grindfest for a rare drop when the LSC already exists? If she's rarer on the map then no one will bother and with how they're hyping midway I really doubt its E-7 is going to be cheaper and easier than just spamming crafts. And unlike Yahagi she's actually really strong to back up her rarity and yet she's not anywhere near as rare as E-7 Yahagi was. I think they're going to leave her just as she is for a good while.

>> No.11783222

Night fighter planes when?

>> No.11783224

When they introduce Enterprise-chan which is never

>> No.11783227

~24 runs, I think. Resource-wise, it's good or probably even better but time is also a factor. The best case is zero compass faggotry which is almost impossible and besides, a rare ship like Taihou would probably be dropped in the later stages which you and I know wouldn't be easy. Unless you're really calm, patient and utterly convinced that every run is a futile run, it's going to be quite stressful to.

>> No.11783229

I'd still farm a difficult boss map over LSC just because I hate crafting. Also, devkits are also a factor and buckets are much easier to get than devkits.
Having Shinano might also help to farm the boss. And who knows what other shit they introduce until then.

>> No.11783230

So the event is almost over, did you get what you want?

>> No.11783233

To each his own, I personally hate farming and would rather take it easy with crafting.

>> No.11783234

Came in hoping to get Goya and Shoukaku, ended up getting Goya and Nagato instead. Can't say I'm too disappointed.

>> No.11783235

So it's just the RNG fucking with me, then

>> No.11783240

Got both cranes, this event was nice.

>> No.11783241

If your teitoku level is under 15 you could get different rates. Also S ranks help. I did the full map maybe 50 times trying to get Akigumo or Makigumo and I came out with 4-5 Imuya.

>> No.11783242 [DELETED] 


Neither matter, both are terribly drawn and emit an aura of normality.

>> No.11783243

New ships: I-401, Naganami, Shoukaku. Plus new Seiran and furniture fairy, the event is great.

>> No.11783245


>> No.11783248

252 E-2 runs after clearing the event.

Got Nagato(1), Yuugumu(5), Shoukaku(3), Zuihou(5), Goya(6), Suzuya(5), Maikaze (3), Kinu(1) and infinite shit.

12 E-3 'runs' (first node only)
Iku (2), Mutsu (1)
Didn't bother to farm more Ikus because what for? Already had a 90+ one and 2 extras is fine.

>> No.11783249

I didnt get Yamato.
Still missing Hatsukaze and Maruyu too.
Only thing that I actually got from the event are the yuugumos and another spare Iku.

>> No.11783251 [DELETED] 

This game is shit and only survives because it caters to normals and advertises extensively.

>> No.11783254

No, I'm getting the elite spawns.
Should I continue trying or just hope for the best through craft? I'm not high level enough for grinding for Iku, and I already got Goya.

>> No.11783255

I completed my Yuugumo collection and got Yamato/Taihou, good event.

>> No.11783256

Only wanted Suzuya, and it took 119 runs. Ah well, got what I wanted.

>> No.11783261

It came out at the same time the event started.

>> No.11783258

That sounds like the type of decision an admiral would need to make. You're an admiral right?

>> No.11783259

LSC isn't even part of the event, why are people acting like it is?

>> No.11783262

Nothing. I got her on my first try.

>> No.11783263

Came in hoping for cranes,got everything on the drop list except for cranes and Zuihou.
Must have burned my luck crafting Taihou,so overall win the battle,failed the objective.

>> No.11783266

Been amazing.
Entire Yuugumo class, Nagato, Zhoukaku, Zuihou, Spare Goya, spare Iku, and spare Imuya. Maikaze, Akigumo, Taihou, I-401

Zuikaku from 5-2. This event was way better than Ironbottom sounds.

>> No.11783267

LSC gave you 3new ships and 1unobtainable ship for new teitokus.
Event gave you 1slut from Comic LO that you can get in a day.
I am pretty sure LSC is more relevant.

>> No.11783268

Got Yuugumo-class and Mikuma out of those that I didn't have. Also a spare Zuihou. Still waiting for Kumano to finally show up.

Also cleared all world maps while at it. I was trying 3-4 prior to the event, and finally got through with Iona's help.

>> No.11783270 [DELETED] 

Isn't this the shitty flash game normals love?

Like farmville v2?

>> No.11783273

5-1 isn't nearly as farmable as 5-2 right? I wish Shoukaku dropped from 5-2 instead.

>> No.11783274

No actually. I find 5-1 to be harder than 5-2.

>> No.11783276

Same here.

>> No.11783277 [DELETED] 


Which is to say 'not at all', because none of this game is remotely hard, since that would frustrate normals.

>> No.11783278

I'm not sure. I'm only here to fuck ship girls?

>> No.11783281

No its not. Event is event, a time limited thing. LSC is just a new crafting pool thats there forever so its completely and utterly irrelevant to "How was the event"
Learn some grammar.

And the new ships? Half of them are shit
Maruyu - shit
Akitsumaru - shit
Yahagi - Lol trophy shit

>> No.11783282

You seem to misunderstand.
I want Shoukaku

>> No.11783284

Then do E2. With all subs. NOW.

>> No.11783287

Who gives a shit

>> No.11783289

Found Nagato (2) Yuugumo (2) Maikaze (2) Goya (4) Imuya (1) Makigumo (1) Zuihou (3) Suzuya (6), but don't need them.

Naganami (2), Shokaku (1), Zuikaku (1), 401, spare Iku, these were worth it. No Mikuma though, but there's 5-2 for her.

>> No.11783291

Been trying. I have a pitiful rate of making it to and S ranking the boss.

>> No.11783292

5-1 is cheaper since you just need 2CA+2DD for boss node. Do it with a Seiran BB and you can S the boss node.

>> No.11783295

Taiho is the new one. Yamato is the unobtainable.
LSC also gives you chances at Mikuma (hard to get, best 20.3 in the game) and Nagato.

>> No.11783296

Yahagi is one of the best light cruisers, and Akitsumaru brings a pretty good anti-sub item.

>> No.11783298

I agree with everything except for Yahagi being crap. She has really good ASW stats, much better than Yura. I have been using her as part of the ASW team, with Yoshino as well.

>> No.11783300

E2 with all remodeled subs and Iona was really great for me. I guess 5-1 with mostly 2xCA 2xDD 2xCLT would work fine too.

>> No.11783301

I didn't know 3 points more can be considered 'much better'. Why were you using Yura against subs in the first place?

>> No.11783302

So when will us newbies get the chance to et Hachi?

Midway or will it be craftable soon?

>> No.11783306

I tried it and it was impossible for me to reach the boss without ships getting red with 2CA+2DD. Thank god for E2.

>> No.11783307

I still want to get crane sisters and Akigumo. As well as Mikuma, but that's a pipe dream.

I can't reliably do E3 though, not sure what line up to use.

>> No.11783308

Should be craftable soon. If we were to follow the previous event, it should be a few months before event-exclusive are craftable.

>> No.11783309

My guess would be LSC 95% Maruyu 4% other subs 1% Hachi
Its the only gold sub after all

>> No.11783311

Urrr... cause I didn't have enough ASW.

Now it's easy. Stack seiren and whatever onto Hyuuga, Yahagi, Noshiro, Verniy, Isuzu kai2 and Yuubari. I didn't have this setup until recently.

>> No.11783312

It'd be nice if the subs will be craftable through rare DD recipe. I would try to do a few a day if there's a chance of getting another I-401...

since I really don't think that the devs will let us build Seiren.

>> No.11783313

Only I-401 and a spare iku, wanted to farm E-3 but ended up losing a lot of resources and decided to just stick to BB recipes. Managed to beat 3-4, 4-4 and 5-1 with fog ships too.

The event was kind of disappointing for me, the whole thing was too short, the reward was pretty disappointing and the best thing about the event is leaving tomorrow and never returning.

>> No.11783316

>cause I didn't have enough ASW.
Unless you're trying to sink subs in boss nodes, every CL and DD has decent ASW capabilities, it's just a matter of your equipment.

>> No.11783319

too short? Most people farmed everything they were missing from the boss nodes and finished the event in 1-3 days. Two weeks is goddamn plenty. The summer event was 2 weeks as well and fall event was only 3 weeks due to being extended a week.

the reward was disappointing? Not really? Considering how easy it was, a holo sub that has 24 HP and def is pretty damn good. where Imuya takes 7 damage, Shioi takes 2 or 1 depending on current hp.

I just wish they would've automatically prevented Iona from showing in PVP.

>> No.11783322

This event is much friendlier than Ironbottom sound. The E-4 and E-5 on Ironbottom sound were comparable to 5-3 at least, and it's made worse when Yahagi was announced as newly added drop to E-5.

There was this teitoku did more than 350 runs just to get Yahagi. Your chances of getting to the boss node was lower than E3, and you are paying for a support fleet as well as your own fleet in each run.

>> No.11783323

>Most people farmed everything they were missing from the boss nodes and finished the event in 1-3 days.
That's what he meant by too short.

I agree that the reward was great though.

>> No.11783324

>The summer event was 2 weeks as well
It wasn't.

>> No.11783325

And then that guy probably did a single min LSC craft and got a Yahagi.

>> No.11783326

You don't remember the time when you can't choose formation when you run into subs in PVP, do you? That was pure crap. I tried to get Yuubari cause of it. Can't craft any type 3 sonar/depth charges even if my life depended on it back then.

>> No.11783328
File: 2.41 MB, 800x2254, 3-3clearallcarriers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to try that. I'll have to wait until after the arpeggio ships leave, though, since Iona solo'd 3-4 and I need all my fuel for world 5. If you're still stuck on it, just keep throwing subs at it while Iona's here.

>> No.11783330

Yea, cause the game knows that he would've wanted a Taihou. It reads your mind somehow.

>> No.11783331

I thought I remembered it being 2 weeks.
looks like it was a little over 3 weeks. Time sure flies.

Would you prefer to get more PTSD ala E-4?

>> No.11783332

You basically give up on night combat if you use that many CVs. The real annoying thing too is that a CV gets useless if a random crit took'em to orange. (still would do opening bombing run, but that's more than half of the CV's dmg output gone)

>> No.11783336

>too short? Most people farmed everything they were missing from the boss nodes and finished the event in 1-3 days.
And thats not short?
E1 was piss easy, E2 was the only challenge because the end node was 2 tanky as hell BBs and preboss nodes that fucked you over while E3 was hilariously easy with the fog ships you were provided and your already leveled and prepared ships.

Fall event was a lot more fun, easier to farm and took longer to clear than this.

And the reward is pretty disappointing, I-401 is a terrible choice for resource runs because of her increased supply costs, longer repair times and then there's the issue of her design/art sucking and being a plain sub who is a total disappointment for people who were looking forward to the event and wanted a cool sub as a reward instead of this.

There's also the issue of I-401 being the only ship reward this event, the extra seiran was good but a new ship would have been better.

>> No.11783337

Huh, I just got six consecutive Kongou sisters drop in E-3. I wonder if the RNG is trying to say something.

>> No.11783339

The most memorable thing last time was a bunch of cool war stories. The most memorable thing this time was cheating every map with Iona. There was no sense of victory here and as much as I love Shioi no real reward. I'd rather get my ass pushed in on one map for a weekend than breeze through months worth of content in a day. As much as people like to cry about difficulty that's where the life of this game comes from. All the night battles felt cheap but that was mostly because we didn't fully understand how they worked for most of the event. And honestly the crying is pretty fun. Much more fun than bragging about the tenth Shoukaku that dropped.

>> No.11783340

Give me your luck, Kongou an Haruna refuse to let me open up my fourth fleet.

>> No.11783341

>Easier to farm
Only E3/E6. E7 was not easy to farm at all. I didn't bother to repeat E4 either. Fuck redirection just before getting to Henderson-chan.

>> No.11783344

Please stop flaunting your shit taste.

Also, why does it matter that she is bad for resource runs? There are already plenty of subs to do resource runs with. You only need 3 to be efficient. I'd rather have a sub fleet for farming/cheesing, and Shioi is great for that.

>> No.11783342

I once got all four of the kongou sisters in a row from 3-2-A farming. It was incredible. It started out with "Meh, it's another Kongou" to "Hey, a Hiei" and then "Holy shit, Kirishima. If I get Haruna this'll be amazing" and then I got Haruna.

>> No.11783345

I didn't realize he meant the actual time it takes to finish the event with 'too short', which is why I was confused that two weeks is 'too short'.

>> No.11783346

I would in exchange for Kumano. Alternatively, farm 3-2. They drop a lot there.

It's the same for me, and they are in order too from the youngest to the oldest. And then another Hiei and Kongou. I'm still trying to decode this.

>> No.11783348

Guess he's really hoping for something else. I find Shioi better than Yahagi tbh.

>> No.11783349 [DELETED] 

This game is shit that panders to normal people.

>> No.11783351

I have a Kumano, I would totally give her to you once I get her to kai if I could.

>> No.11783353

18 Hours until maintenance.
Say your goodbyes to your fog ships

>> No.11783359
File: 52 KB, 310x200, 1388882395016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading my 12 Shoukakus for a Nagato or Hiryuu.

Seriously? Fuck E-2, Shoukaku won't stop spamming my docks. All I want is Nagato.

>> No.11783360

It also bothers me that the ships I wanted to farm this event are E3 boss node drops only while E2 has other rares like Nagato and Shoukaku.

The main two things to do with a sub are resource runs and sub cheesing, I cant do resource runs with her and im definitely not going to do sub cheesing or sub runs with her when I can use one of my level 80+ subs instead.

The only reasons to level I-401 are for the seiran and for adding a 4th/5th ship to your sub team, the other subs are a lot better at everything else and will perform better.

So where exactly do you suggest I use her? In what way is she superior to the already existing subs?

>> No.11783361

>Seriously? Fuck E-2, Shoukaku won't stop spamming my docks. All I want is Nagato.
It can happen, Teitoku. E-2 is a far better bet than trying 3-2. keep at it.

>> No.11783363

Now if she looked as great as Yahagi too..

>> No.11783364

>higher level subs perform better
Wow, you should put that genius to use somewhere.

>> No.11783368

Shioi outperforms all other subs in terms of HP and defense and has better luck than Iku and better torpedo than Imuya. She is the third best sub. Goya is the best due to 50 luck and Hachi is the second best due to overall good stats and the second highest luck.

>> No.11783371

Not sure if it's just me, but my level 56 Shioi is a constant MVP in my subs fleet run. My other subs are level 77 at the lowest.

>> No.11783372

Why aren't you doing sub rotation?
I am doing 2-3 this way now, and having a fully remodeled sub teaming up with the not-remodeled spares. Taking 3 or 4 subs per run, rest/fix up a few, take some other backup and keep going at it.

>> No.11783377

My sub levels the day before the event:
Goya 98, Imuya 93, Iku 92, Hachi 68

My sub levels now:
Goya 99, Imuya 97, Iku 96, Hachi 88, Shioi 68

Only completely retarded faggots whine about the levels of their subs. Shioi is a great asset and those who don't know how to appreciate her should just sink/scrap her and shut the fuck up.

>> No.11783383 [DELETED] 


Nice blogpost. Get out.

>> No.11783384

Nice shitpost. Sink yourself.

>> No.11783386

Sub Levels Before Event: Imuya 27, Goya 0, Iku 4, Hachi 0

Current Sub Levels: Imuya 36, Goya 8, Iku 4, Hachi 0, IONA 39, Shioi 0

>> No.11783387

But I am doing 2-3 with sub rotation, the problem with doing 2-3 with I-401 is that she takes 25 fuel and 30 ammo while the other subs take only 10/25.

You only get a small amount of fuel for every 2-3 run and every bit counts so why would I add her to my sub fleet if she's going to eat all the fuel im going to be getting from that node?

Im better off using my other subs and rotate the Imuya/goya/Iku spares instead of adding I-401 just because she beats the other subs in stats.

Might as well add Iona to my sub runs too if im going to add I-401, she's a great asset to any team and beats the other subs in stats so she must be totally worth it.

>> No.11783389

I401 isn't useless, she just doesn't play a useful role.
Most people doesnt use her enough to build a rapport with her thus you see all the hate.
Mine has been cast aside after beating 5-3. I have enough clone sub to do 2-3 infinitely with iku goya hachi and imuya.

>> No.11783394

Basically Shioi is useless if you're a retard who thinks subs are only good for 2-3 fuel farming.

If you want to have good subs to actually use, Shioi is good. If you just want to efficiently beat 2-3 to do dailies, rather than spending hours farming fuel there, then Shioi is fine. They may also add maps to in the future with more use for having one or two subs in your fleet rather than cheesing with all subs or just using BBs and carriers.

>> No.11783400

Cept that Iona uses more fuel/ammo than Yamato. She's for 5-3 and other pesky bosses.

10/12 is the usual expense with Shioi (2 rounds)
10/15 is going straight to boss (going to night round)
4/10 is what I pay for each SSV usually.
4/12 is going to boss.

Don't drag Iona down here. She takes 30/30, eats more than Nagato.She is pure awesome though.

>> No.11783402

I would love to have another Hachi actually. 4x subs gives you far better reliability to get S rank at 2-3 boss. Quite justifiable tbh.

>> No.11783406

Things you can accomplish with 5 subs:
4-2 boss weekly, usually S ranking the boss
2-3 all sortie weeklies and S ranking the boss
3-4, roughly 2/5 chance to get to the boss and S rank it

Farm Bauxite in 4-3 while taking basically no damage whatsoever.

How to fuel-farm 2-3 even more efficient, since people keep shitting their pants about it:
take 4 ships, any ship, sortie to 2-3
if you go E, reload
if you go NE, wait until you reach the battle node, reload
repeat ad absurdum. 0 morale doesn't matter, just keep going. You can get like 500+ fuel a hour like this and its mostly watching anime / movies / streams or playing other games since you barely do anything except wait for the game to load.

And don't even give me that shit about "enjoy your ban". People, including japanese, have been doing this for over six months and aren't banned.

>> No.11783407

I have enough Makigumo and Hiryuu from 2-3 that I no longer need to go for S rank.
I am just running
Got enough Imuya and Goya to rotate around fatigue and scratch damage that poor I401 doesnt even get to sortie. Maybe if they release 5-4 and the map can be cheesed with subs then I have a reason to use her again.

>> No.11783409

20 type 3 sonars is enough. Do you have that many? and Hiryuu is nice AA fodder, why would you not want that?

>> No.11783410
File: 3 KB, 151x42, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I continue farming at E-2 with this resources?

>> No.11783412

People would have nothing to complain about Shioi is if she gets 3 slots instead of 2. If you can pack a type 3 with the 6x Seiren, she can actually do ASW duty.

>> No.11783413

>repeat ad absurdum. 0 morale doesn't matter, just keep going. You can get like 500+ fuel a hour like this and its mostly watching anime / movies / streams or playing other games since you barely do anything except wait for the game to load.
Fuck that, I'd rather just bot expeditions

>> No.11783417

Comprehensive List of Useful Ships:

BB - Nagato-class, Yamato-class, Kongou-class (Ise-class optional)
CV - Ikkousen, Gokkousen, Taihou
CVL - lol no (ChitoChiyo optional, Houshou for expeditions)
CA - lol no
CLT - everybody
CL - Isuzu, Yuubari, 3x Tenryuu-class
DD - Shigure, Verniy, Yuudachi, 6x Mutsuki-class
SS - 6x Imuya, 6x Goya, 6x Iku, Hachi

Scrap the rest after you have completed your composition quests. Please tell me if I've forgotten anyone.

>> No.11783418

You can easily handle E2 with that resource. E3 though I'd be a bit worried about.

>> No.11783419
File: 143 KB, 792x474, shioi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Shioi is useless, only good for stealing MVP from 3 CLT twice her level and tanking hits.

definitely useless

>> No.11783420

Do LSC and join the elite club.

I am running 2heli and 2seiran as my 6th member. I actually only need 16type3 sonar to fully deck out my ASW team. I have 8type3 sonar and since Iona would be gone soon you really wouldnt need that many sonar.

>> No.11783424

Nothing stopping you from doing expeditions and then botting this. I just can't find a way to reliably bot expeditions plus this at the same time. Also works with 2-2 and bauxite but not nearly as effective.

I don't even want to be on the same planet as you. Makes my skin crawl.

Suddenly gold subs, gold subs everywhere in 5-4. Right next to gold CVs and gold BBs.

>> No.11783425

BB: Ise is not really optional. They are good at support fleet duty, and stacking planes for ASW. They are versatile.
CA: Maya. AA. That's one CA that you'd want.
DD: Mutsuki not so important when you have subs to fill in the ranks for expeditions. Yukikaze/Shimakaze will be needed as your serious DD team.

>> No.11783430

But thats the point, she uses a lot of resources so she's only good for maps that require that extra punch. I-401 has a little extra in her stats and you pay the cost in resources but that little extra is useless in a map where do the job perfectly with the other subs. And I would prefer just using one of my existing leveled subs instead of taking the time and effort to level her just for that bit of extra HP and armor.

Like why would you bring your leveled Yamato/Musashi/Nagato to 3-2 training when you can bring a Kongou/Fusou/Ise class battleship of the same level that will do the job just fine and eat less resources? The extra stats are not necessary at all and you're just wasting resources for the sake of wasting resources.

Same for 2-3, I prefer to bring my other subs that will eat less resources for fuel runs, that way I can do fuel runs, clear my dailies and level them at the same time.

So how about you actually try to prove me wrong instead of crying how she's actually useful and calling me a retarded faggot?

I guess you can call me anything if it makes you feel better, but that wont change the fact that she's pretty disappointing for a event reward and a holo sub.

>> No.11783432

>BB - not the Fusou-class ones

>> No.11783435

>So how about you actually try to prove me wrong
No need. I'll just let you keep trying to powergame a silly browser game about collecting cute girls, and whining that you can't fap to the newest event reward. In the meantime I'll enjoy my Shioi.

>> No.11783438

enjoy your mexican slut

>> No.11783440

By your logic you wouldn't level that Yamato/Musashi/Nagato in the first place, because your kongou class are already leveled.

>> No.11783441

Nagato is lovely because of the balance in stats vs costs. They survive so much better than Kongous, and they aren't that inferior to Yamato in actual performance.

I-401 needs to have her deal sweetened I think. Wasn't she the largest sub Japan had ever made? More equipment options or something may help.

>> No.11783443

Why a beaner? Is she really that bad?

>> No.11783445

>cute girls
That is the point.
I401 isnt cute and her performance cant coverup her design flaws. She also came out at the same time as her I401 counterpart from arpeggio and got totally rekt in both performance and looks.

>> No.11783446 [DELETED] 


You think you're really funny being racist. But the mods won't. Read rule 3.

>> No.11783449

They probably find it hilarious.

Just because she doesn't have big eyes, big head, and big breasts doesn't mean she's not cute. You just have shit taste.

>> No.11783451

Kongou and Hiei have equivalent armor and a single chip hit's worth of difference in HP.

It's really just weighing whether you value fuel or ammo more and most will go with fuel.

>> No.11783452

But you require that firepower and armor for world 5 and events so you're leveling them to carry you through the tough maps that require that extra punch to beat.

Yeah, in a map where you need a powerful battleship and something that will survive hits, you pick Nagato but for 3-2 training or just grinding you go for a cheap BB that will do the job just fine.

She definitely needs her deal sweetened to make her actually worth it but they're going to just release a new sub for the new events and forget about her.

Then use her because she appeals to you or because you like her, the whole point of the game is leveling ship girls you like but you also have to understand that she's a huge disappointment for other people both in terms of stats and design/art.

>> No.11783453

We should hold a Kancolle unpopularity contest. The winner can be crowned the shittiest Kancolle of all time.

>> No.11783457

I vote Fushit.

>> No.11783458

Shit design, shit personality

>> No.11783461
File: 204 KB, 600x800, 40391635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitoi can only dream to be as cute as the other four subs.

>> No.11783462

Worst BB, shows up in LSC and ugly as sin.

>> No.11783463


fusou (unlucky at everything, bad at life)
nagara (ugly)
natori (ugly)
mogami (self-explanatory)
sazanami (utterly ignored, unforgivable for a starter)
shouhou (not even being zuihou's sister can save her)
zuikaku (kaga pls)
kinugasa (why did you get a kai ni anyway)
shioi (biggest disappointment in the world)
kongou (monkey)
hiei (boy)
akitsumaru (ZUN pls)

still taking nominations

>> No.11783465

>But you require that firepower and armor for world 5 and events so you're leveling them to carry you through the tough maps that require that extra punch to beat.
And what makes you so sure that events won't require that extra punch from I-401? I really wouldn't be surprised if we saw a map where the preboss nodes have at most 1-2 sub attacking ships, but the boss node has nightmare class CLs or something. So you would get a huge advantage by bringing a single sub that manages to survive to the boss node.

>you also have to understand that she's a huge disappointment for other people both in terms of stats and design/art.
She really shouldn't be a disappointment in terms of stats, the problem is you just place all your value on fuel cost. And everyone has their tastes. I don't think Musashi's design is that great but I don't complain about it all the time, I just am happy that I can get the superior Yamato class from LSC

>> No.11783466 [DELETED] 

Isn't this the pedophilia game?

>> No.11783468

Kongou kai2 wasn't a great proposition at first. She used more fuel/ammo than the Nagatos when introduced. It wasn't until the fix that Kongou kai2 became a good alternative against Nagato. If you need economy, you'll be using Haruna/Kirishima nowadays.

Granted, Kongou kai2 has the 'fast BB' stat going for it, which is a specific niche that's great for maps such as 5-3. This is the kind of thing that I-401 doesn't stand out against the other subs, for her higher plane count doesn't really translate into a specific niche to use her in (everyone just sticks torp tubes at her.)

tl:dr; Shioi isn't so special that she's a definitely must have member of the team. Not

>> No.11783469

Mogami is a cute girl and there is nothing wrong with Zuikaku. Please acquire better taste.

>> No.11783470

I like their designs at least.

Now Nagara, that is one ugly ship. Imagine if Yahagi had her stats. I have no idea why Agano class consumes so much resources and are still beat by Nagara, though I'll still use them anyway because I love their designs.

>> No.11783471

adding yamashiro and akebono

if you want to see young girls naked there are a lot of better choices

>> No.11783472

Nenohi, Hatsuharu, Ayanami, Shikinami and Hatsuyuki.

>> No.11783473

You think you are funny by calling her a slut?

I don't get why you fagtrons are hating I-401.

I can't see any reason to dislike her.

>> No.11783474

She's probably good if you're a masochist.
Let's not. These threads are bad enough already.

>> No.11783476

Fuck you. Akebono is pissed off at your incompetence, and blaming stuff onto her as a scapegoat.

>> No.11783477

Add in those shitty CA from Tone and Myoukou
Tone for being in the same pool as CAV and myoukou for being another mudskin ships.

>> No.11783478

They really do need to redo the whole seaplane system

>> No.11783480

nenohi i'll add because of that voice

i've never seen people really hate on hatsuharu, the other three are just not notable and if we added all non-notable destroyers the poll would have a hundred options

you don't have to vote for them

>> No.11783481

I would actually like it if there was a straight up "cheap" battleship, like closer to heavy cruiser stats in return for the low cost. Then again I think that there could be a LOT more variety inside classes all around - why do all but 5 DDs have nearly identical stats (Yuugumo class is nearly the same as the rest, they don't count), and you have entire classes (cough, Mutsuki) that are completely identical? Why are CLs completely useless in fleets compared to CLTs, outside of the fringe issue of wanting an Isuzu/Yuubari for subs? Why are CAs just generally shit at everything outside of night battles given their costs - only the Takao (and of them, really mostly Maya) and to a degree Tone class really pull their weight in terms of cost-effectiveness. Why is Choukai so shit compared to the rest of Takao class? Why is Myoukou class all completely identical except Myoukou herself? There could be a LITTLE variance in firepower/other stats, based on how much damage the ship actually did in the war or just throwing some fucking dice.

And dammit I know it would be broken as all fuck but I wish all DD/CL/CA could equip Type-As, with the caveat that Type-As would need to be nerfed (they already kinda do). Would at least give DD/CL/CAs with high torpedo stats a chance to shine.

Oh well. Back to leveling Choukai for being the cutest CA outside of Atago.

>> No.11783487

Overhaul the scouting and LOS mechanics so that it's actually worth a damn to sacrifice slots and a space on the fleet for seaplanes and BBV/CAV. There, I fixed it.

>> No.11783488

>Why are CLs completely useless in fleets compared to CLTs, outside of the fringe issue of wanting an Isuzu/Yuubari for subs?
Because CLTs are stupid overpowered.

>There could be a LITTLE variance in firepower/other stats, based on how much damage the ship actually did in the war or just throwing some fucking dice.
Most of that gets rolled into the luck stat.

>And dammit I know it would be broken as all fuck but I wish all DD/CL/CA could equip Type-As, with the caveat that Type-As would need to be nerfed (they already kinda do). Would at least give DD/CL/CAs with high torpedo stats a chance to shine.
The only minisubs that these ships historically equipped starts with a "K" and ends with "aiten" and they're not going to be in the game.

>> No.11783490

The reason so many ships are identical statistically is so you can pick your favorites without caring about stats.

Of course, this all collapses once outliers like Kai II DDs show up but they're all so cute that they're favorites anyway.

>> No.11783494

The kongous are the closest to that. I think that the Kongous are pretty much the best for the role of workhorse affordable BBs. The CLs are some of the most useful ships of the IJN, although guess what? We only fall back on Isuzu and Yuubari.

I won't argue about CAs being stupid, for they really didn't do much for the IJN. I don't have your problem with DDs, as they do shine in night combat.

>> No.11783495

Maybe they can throw in an enemy support fleet mechanism. Low LOS, your fleet gets shot to hell. High LOS, you avoid those.

>> No.11783498

Most DDs outside of fubuki class are cute as hell so people just choose their favorites.
The number of subs are limited and when the newest member ended up being such a disappointment people will voice their complains.

>> No.11783499

That would be good. Or have it so if one side's LOS is much higher, they get "initiative" advantage, which has two levels like air advantage. Highest level gives 3 attacks before the other side get's their first attack, then trade off from there. The milder level of initiative gives 2 attacks.

>> No.11783500

Or High LOS gives you better target priority so that all of your ships can fire the first volley (total surprise,) as well as an evasion bonus.

>> No.11783501

>And what makes you so sure that events won't require that extra punch from I-401?
Then I'll level her but I doubt there's a event where they will require you to use subs instead of actual fleets.
Its pretty much the other way around, they add ASW nodes to prevent you from using subs to farm stuff so her only use would be as a 4th/5th member in a sub farming fleet for events IF they allow us to farm that map with subs so im in no real rush to level her.

>the problem is you just place all your value on fuel cost.
Well, ammo is easy to get and subs can be rotated so fuel costs take a higher priority here for me.

I would like that, a BB that grants that second shelling phase but has the firepower/costs of a CA.
It would do the job perfectly for those maps where you need a cheap/affordable BB to save resources and stuff.

>> No.11783504

I imagined the enemy support fleet system would work if they implement coastal defense maps. Make sense if they attack you and has a support fleet.

>> No.11783505

>High LOS
>evasion bonus.
I thought it does just that? If you manage to pass the recon phase, you will be able get a buff in accuracy and evasion.

>> No.11783507

Buffing LOS stats wouldnt solve the problem. CV would just sacrifice 1slot for it.

>> No.11783510

But Japan doesn't exactly have anything in-between CA and BC. They don't have the panzerschiffes. No Japanese CA was armed with anything more than the 20cm guns.

If the Deutschland class makes it to the game, then we'll have an answer to the cheap and affordable BB problem.

>> No.11783512

>I would like that, a BB that grants that second shelling phase but has the firepower/costs of a CA.
Mikasa might make it into the game eventually, but with the stats of a light cruiser or worse.

You have to have no planes and no radar to fail that phase, everybody passes that shit.

>> No.11783514

The problem is that it's almost impossible not to pass the recon phase, unless you're doing a pure sub fleet.

Seaplanes aren't as important if you have CV anyway. I want them to buff SSV, CAV, BBV

>> No.11783515

you don't use seaplanes because seaplanes fucking suck compared to real planes

you might as well ask the kancolle devs to make the 15.2cm yellow gun better

>> No.11783517

>but with the stats of a light cruiser or worse.
If its something like Kuma then im perfectly okay with that.
Being able to hit subs would be a great thing too, it would make her a great addition to any grinding fleets.

>> No.11783520

Pre-dreadnaught. Her making it to the game would be sad. She really couldn't compete against even the best CAs. Her broadside is not light at all however, having 2x2 30.5 cm guns. Her firing range would suck though (no more than medium)

>> No.11783522

>I want them to buff SSV, CAV, BBV
Just simply buff ASW capability of seaplanes and make evert sub nodes filled with flagship SS so that they force you to need a second turn.

>> No.11783524

If it's realistic at all, her stats will be positively abysmal, I don't think they even considered pulling her out of retirement for the war. And they were really scraping the bottom of their arsenal.

Not that they give a shit about realistic stats.

>> No.11783528

Then she might be the Maruyu of BBs, poor girl.

>> No.11783531

They didn't pull her out of retirement for the war because she had been filled with concrete and sand as part of her conversion to memorial ship.

Also, she's still alive, so having her resurrected as a fleet girl would be more than a little bit weird.

>> No.11783533

Urr... She actually isn't terribad. She has the stats that would rival Tone class in tonnage, but much slower as a ship. She is better armored than Tone class CAs, eats up roughly the same fuel than CAs of WW2, and has heavier caliber guns. Broadside weight is about 3,400 pounds, vs 2,216 of Tone class.

Actually a good choice, strange for me to say.

>> No.11783535

I should add that Mikasa has torpedo tubes. This is standard even up to WW1 (Kongou had'em)

>> No.11783539

I have literally never seen the scouting phase fail ever since world 2.

It really needs a major changeup because right now it is a mechanic that no one cares about and may as well not exist. Tiers of scouting success, much more significant scouting effects, different effects like crit chances/defense, increased chance to reach the boss, better gains from resource nodes, an ambush mechanic allowing for extra shelling. There are a ton of things you can do with scouting and instead we just get an evasion/accuracy boost with stages that have no discernible effect and that activates every time regardless of what the player actually does or chooses.

>> No.11783540
File: 472 KB, 850x2551, kancolle popularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only outlier in this popularity list compare to gaijin taste is Atago

>> No.11783541

Deutschland class would have the broadside weight of 3966 lb. Scharnhorst has about 6552lb. Those two would fit the bill as intermediates that are inbetween CA and BB. Not sure if this kind of ship will ever make it in-game.

>> No.11783545

what are the colors and huge numbers meaning (search hit? works done by artists?)

>> No.11783547

... I guess that would do it.

That surprises me, I thought they were hopelessly obsolete. Well, combat doesn't always reflect paper.

I looked around a bit, and it seems that of her "contemporaries," the pre-dreadnought Asahi was used as a repair ship, and the dreadnought Settsu (Kawachi-class, succeeded by Fusou-class) was used as a target ship. I'm starting to doubt any of them will show up anytime soon.

Poor Hatsushimo.

>> No.11783568 [DELETED] 


Yo, /v/bies: off my board. Now.

>> No.11783573
File: 10 KB, 120x180, 6cyzy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryuujou has friends!

>> No.11783578
File: 530 KB, 586x803, LSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more the merrier.

>> No.11783579


>> No.11783582


>> No.11783586

>Mogami and Hiei
I question your taste now

>> No.11783587

So /jp/, is anybody swimming in Mutsu's? How often does she drop in E-3?

>> No.11783589

Got maybe 3 in 50~ runs.

>> No.11783591

I can't find Yuugumo...

>> No.11783592

I've gotten her from 3-3-A more often than from E-3.

>> No.11783594

That sounds pretty good actually. Might as well try it out.

>> No.11783596

I am swimming in Mutsu from LSC and repeated 5-2/4-2 runs.

>> No.11783597

A question to the lottery, am I supposed to empty my cache each time before I reload the page?

>> No.11783599

I'm farming 3-3-A now and no drops so far after 37 runs. I guess I will send another fleet for E-3.

Let me guess, you have Mutsu earlier on?

If I remember correctly, you're supposed to clear your cache before you enter the lottery.

>> No.11783603

No, just before you start

>> No.11783606

She's pretty lackluster for an event clear reward I think this fueled people's hate more than it should.

>> No.11783608

Yeah, got the first one from 3-3.
She has been dropping everywhere thereafter.

>> No.11783609

What did you expect from a petit event?

>> No.11783611

I can't stop fapping to Mutsu.

>> No.11783612

This event was actually astoundingly easy. E-4 last time kicked my ass up and down the block but E-3 is about as hard as, well, E-3 was.

>> No.11783613

I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.11783614

Why is she so much hotter than Nagato?

>> No.11783617

Because she has a rather explosive introduction.

>> No.11783618
File: 76 KB, 700x550, BdOSFV5CMAA7jDt.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Haruna was never heard from again.

>> No.11783619

Sure it is but the presence of Arpeggio makes it seem grander.

>> No.11783620

I mean the reward. You can't expect something flashy from it.

But I agree, the event is so damn easy. Probably I wasted time in last E-2 more than this whole event.

>> No.11783622

I actually thought E-2 was harder than E-3 was. The first dozen times I went through, Maya and Kirishima kept busting fucking huge gravity lasers out of nowhere, crippling half my fleet and sending me home.

But then suddenly they stopped doing that and I got four successes in a row (even when they did, it stopped doing damage) and Maya has yet to do anything exciting in E-3.

>> No.11783623

It should be like that, you don't want those filthy scrubs waving a trophy ship.

>> No.11783624

Surprised at the interactions between the other Kongou sisters. Hiei is older than Haruna and Kirishima but she doesn't act that part.

>> No.11783627

The little sister has to be the serious one because all her older sisters are crazy. It's the same with Kiso.

>> No.11783628 [DELETED] 

This game is apparently really bad and only normal people from /v/ and /a/ play it? Why is the thread here if that's the case?

>> No.11783629 [DELETED] 

It's the short skirt. And that she bends over in her damage sprite, with emphasis on her cleavage being pressed together. For me personally, the gloves are also a factor.

>> No.11783630
File: 82 KB, 620x413, 1388458099982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find everyone in the Kuma class have some kind of brain problem.

>> No.11783631

My problem with E-2 was I couldn't kill that annoying laser fast enough. But at E-3 I had Haruna with very long range, which really helped a a lot.

>> No.11783634 [DELETED] 


I had my dick in your ass which felt real good.

>> No.11783636

Maya sure loves to crit my carriers everytime.

>> No.11783640

How can I obtain more Construction Fairy?

>> No.11783641

Didn't make it to the lottery, oh well next time.

>> No.11783642


By hating money

>> No.11783643

Devs have been giving 1 out every event so far.

>> No.11783645

That's always the solution, huh.

But there's a gazillion furniture that needs it...

>> No.11783646

Tama's a schizophrenic because she denies being a cat while acting like a cat.
Kuma's a bear
Ooi's a psychotic lesbian
Kiso is suffering from chunibyo and up its ante when she remodels.
Kitakami is pretty normal. In a class where brain problems are the norm, that is pretty abnormal.

>> No.11783647 [DELETED] 


Oy, retards. Simmer down.

>> No.11783651

Really good event, I got 3 submarines out of it. Would play again.

anyone else thought E3 was a lot easier than E2? It took me over a week for the former, as opposed to a couple hours for the latter. Bringing Iona in was a good idea.

>> No.11783652

Not sure why people think that. My first run I got quad lasered, but still managed to beat E2 in 4 tries no problem. Well, aside from that quad laser.

>> No.11783654

E-3 was much easier for me because of Haru-Haru. Well, it's a bit more frustrating because I got sent to the steel node a couple of times.

>> No.11783656

I ran all subs for all maps and never had to deal with a laser. Now that you guys finally have a decent number of subs don't be afraid to use them on any map that you can.

>> No.11783657

I only brought Iona with me to divert lasers. Fog ships are good but really too heavy on resources, and I didn't take the time to stockpile ( I barely had 10K at the start of the event )

>> No.11783662

Yeah, I'm slowly grinding my subs up along with my several Isuzu's at 3-2-A. Once they get high enough I'll send a couple off to grind in 2-3.

>> No.11783663 [DELETED] 


>Would play again.


>> No.11783666

Go ask the Commie guy about how to 'play again'.

>> No.11783668

I hope the next event would be harder than the fall event so people like you wouldn't be able to clear it.

>> No.11783670

You just want to go through E7 again.
Well fuck you. It's as if 16 hours of doing E5 isn't enough for you, right? It's like 12 hours of E4 is shit that you love to eat in spade.

Seriously, fuck that shit.

>> No.11783672

E-4 took me 20 hours and E-5 took me 16 because of horrendous luck. It's trauma inducing but looking back, that shit was fun as hell,

>> No.11783673

Not really since I decided not to go fog ship ahoy. E2 was easier to me.

>> No.11783675

How much time is left for the ending of the Arpeggio event?

>> No.11783676

Anything new we'll get next maint? maybe a Haruna remodel

>> No.11783678

How will they ramp up the difficulty? Night battle and compass troll, then maybe 6-node map?

>> No.11783681

Sub boss at night.

>> No.11783684

Wouldn't that be impossible to beat?

>> No.11783686

>6-node map
How could we even->>11783681
>Sub boss at night.
Ahaha, CLt's are out and you eat constant cut-ins.

19 Type 3 sonar is needed

>> No.11783687

It was suffering and eyesight ruining.

Let me refresh your memory. Your definition of 'fun as hell' seem to include the endless 1-1 sparkle grind (used as sacrifice, etc...,) that annoying task of scrapping or modernize ships, sending out support fleet and have them being massive waste of time and resources, and the shits + giggles from that infernal cat o' disconnect.

The actual 'fun' of doing E4 and E5 goes by in seconds, with some random CL/CA critting you to red, and then there's the fuckin' compass.

The 'fun' of 3 minutes comes with at least 15 minutes of getting your fleet ready to go again. That's what your spend each run doing. And then, bam! Yahagi came along so you have to do this shit all over again for god knows how many times.

>> No.11783694

Naval mine nodes,anti sub net,enemy support sortie,patrolling boss like pacman,whatever sinks your boat since Midway is an ambush after all.

>> No.11783697

Didn't they say something about introducing VT fuze AA guns? That'll probably make enemy AA more accurate and more easy for them to shoot our planes down.

>> No.11783699

It's Midway after all

>> No.11783703

Oh, and don't get me started about fighting the timer.

The only reprieve that we had initially was to put ourselves at the dialog screen during boss fight so that we can actually SLEEP. That went away. We had no choice but to burn through 100+ buckets like a drop in the bucket just so that the health regen doesn't ebb away our sanity, never mind our efforts. Novel ideas such as using sub cheesing have been raised, but the sheer lack of damage by subs would slowly drive you insane with how abysmal the shaving rate is.

E3 was comparably more 'fun'. You can jump straight to E6 to try farming for the crane sisters and whatnot, without fighting against the clock. No suck luxury with Warcrimes-chan, Musashi and Yahagi later on.

>> No.11783711

Since the event is said to be bauxite-heavy, probably that plus lots of fighter cover. Who knows they might even introduce land-based Abyssal heavy/medium bombers that will do bomb runs between nodes since if they're going to base it from the historical battle, land-based bombers were present during the opening phases of the battle.

>> No.11783715

That's the whole point. Make an event so hard that not even experienced admirals can clear it.

>> No.11783722

It's not hard. It's just massively time-consuming. What part of 1-1 grind is hard? No, not really.
What part of scraping ships is hard? Nope. Not hard.
What part of decoy tactic or any trick is hard? Not terribly at the end of the day.

Any experienced admirals would have the resources to do this easily, but what they always have is the fuckin' time.

The point is not difficulty in setup, but the arbitrary demand on TIME. Being stuck in front of the computer for more than 15 hours is about the only thing that separates "making it" and "not making it" for the event. It becomes a case where experience doesn't do diddly squat. No. It's your willingness to go no-life, seriously no-life for a whole day on 1 map that determines if you pass or fail.

You are throwing away two consecutive days on very monotonous course of actions basically. That's what I am still pissed off about the whole autumn event.

>> No.11783726

Oh I love the designs of many DD/CL/CAs so I use them extensively, I just feel bad knowing that when I need to do a hard event, Kisaragi is going to do SHIT for me, and I WILL have at least one or two out of KTKM/Ooi/Kiso in my party.

Who knows, maybe the marriage system will let you do some crazy shit like getting a 99 firepower DD with enough work. IKU THE BATTLESHIP.

>> No.11783727

I have two Yahagi but still no beaver, goddammit.

>> No.11783728

You guys must be doing something wrong
I was massively underlevel but it took me 10hours for E4 and 6hours for E5.
When the sanshiki bonus became common knowledge, clearing it was only a matter of time.

>> No.11783732

Subs are night are hard. Sub bosses will higher in the difficulty scale with higher hp. How is that not hard?

>> No.11783733

Anyone still 3-2 F5 grind?

>> No.11783734

>I was massively underlevel but it took me 10hours for E4 and 6hours for E5.
You got lucky. Even with Type-3 ammo will not help you from getting fucked around by RNG.

>> No.11783735

You got lucky. We didn't.

>> No.11783737

It's just RNG. E-4 was hell for me, E-5 however was a breeze even using a weaker ships combination.

>> No.11783738

Never thought elitism and masochism will go in hand.

>> No.11783739

Not doing the F5 because I'm sitting on a mountain of steel. But yes, still grinding like Chiyoda so she get big tits.

>> No.11783741

You're playing Kancolle and discussing it on /jp/, what do you think?

>> No.11783742

The only non LSC ship that I don't have. I'm disappointed she wasn't in the drop table of this event while speedslut was.

>> No.11783743

Come to think of it, will they keep the regenerating health gauge or use the method like this event and 5th map?

I'm quite sure being obliged to give killing hit to boss 10 or 20 times to clear the gauge will be harsh.

>> No.11783744

Nothing you can do when RNG thinks its funny to send you south instead of the boss for 4 hours straight right before delivering the final kill.

>> No.11783745

It was the same with everyone.
I took risk.
I even called in support.
I lost 3damekon and the 5star repair goddess
I really think too many people are holding on to the repair hammer like they are ether in RPG.

E5 on the other hand was very easy compare to E4 as you only have to go through 2node with high chance of getting Perfect S.

>> No.11783746

Using subs run, only if they gets red from that yellow CL bastard.

>> No.11783748

I got 2x Yahagi from E7. No Agano in my LSC tries. That's just typical RNG.

>> No.11783751

Funny, the time was reversed for me, E5 took about 5 hours, E5 10.

>> No.11783755

E5 became massively easy once I ditch horizontal formation. That formation is shit.

>> No.11783754

*E4 took

>> No.11783757

At that point there were tons of debates whether orange is safe. Now that seems to be common knowledge.

>> No.11783758

You think I didn't took risk? I lost as much damekon as you only to see my ships doing chip damage on boss. I set my ships for double attack and on some occasion everyone do less then 10 damage on freaking abyss ship which does not even makes sense while their elite destroyer doing crit damage to my battleships and turn them red at the first node. I had full health ships survived all the node only to be sent southwest and when only one of my ships are heavy damaged are they allowed to face the boss at E-4.

>> No.11783761

E-1 - non-regenerating, can chip off boss gauge
E-2 - non-regenerating, cannot chip off boss gauge
E-3 - regenerating, can chip off boss gauge
E-4 onwards - regenerating, cannot chip off boss gauge

>> No.11783764

I used horizontal for E4 but vertical for E5, nothing can save you from cut-ins and lolcrits.

>> No.11783779

Please no more chip damage and no more regeneration.

>> No.11783781

Lots of paranoia going on around that time and plenty of trolls saying how E5 day->night battle is considered separate battle.

>> No.11783782

Shut up, chip is awesome.
At least if they keep those 500hp boss around.

>> No.11783784

What's the best way to get a Light Cruiser?
Ran 1-1 eight times and got nothing but Destroyers
30/30/30/30 doesn't seem to be giving them either, and 250/30/200/30 is pretty resource-heavy for a beginner

>> No.11783785

Yeah, without chip damage I think it would have been way harder

>> No.11783786

No, scared of getting banned.

>> No.11783787

Do 31/31/31/31

>> No.11783788
File: 62 KB, 720x578, IMG_326643216313836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this for real? Will we say goodbye to our ship daughters tonight? Sounds like it's true from what I heard so far.

>> No.11783791 [DELETED] 


I hope so. Maybe offboarder retards will stop flooding out into the board from this point of entry then.

>> No.11783792

Why is the fusou class so ugly?

Why are they so useless?

>> No.11783797

What about API link users? I haven't touched my VPN since the day I passed the lottery

>> No.11783798

At least they don't have great stats so you're not forced to use them.

>> No.11783799

Default recipe is fine, RNG is just trolling you. You might even get Yuubari.
250/30/200/30 is awesome if you can afford it. Got Goya, Shimakaze, Yukikaze (twice) and Abukuma in less than 30 attempts.

>> No.11783802

If this is true, I'm glad I didn't spend any money on this game.

>> No.11783805 [DELETED] 


Stop blogging

>> No.11783806

Why are you even listening to retard from wiki?
Nothing is going to happen.
They are going to ban people with the same IP. If it was the case, one household can only have 1account which is fucking stupid.

>> No.11783809

Good thing I'm moving to Japan in less than a week.

>> No.11783815 [DELETED] 


Why did you feel it was important to tell us this?

>> No.11783818

I'm not blogging you retard, I'm encouraging him to use 250/30/200/30 because it's worth it.

>> No.11783820

Ignore him, he's been at it forever. It's a shame because he doesn't even attempt to be funny or clever, he just spews whatever inane shit he can.

>> No.11783821

Thank you janitor

>> No.11783824
File: 255 KB, 1864x1148, Fuso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you expect the first domestic battleship made by inexperienced workers will turn out to be some sort of high quality miracle ship?
The pagoda got something to do with rangefinders or something.

>> No.11783831

Where in the wiki did you find this post under?

>> No.11783834


>> No.11783838

>that pagoda
Holy shit, I've seen Jenga towers that are more stable than that.

>> No.11783842

If I emailed Kancolle staff about changing my admiral name, do you guys think they'd help me out?

>> No.11783844

Yeah, I don't know how well they did but that pic really makes it looks like the engineers had no ideas what they were doing

>> No.11783849

Pagoda masts were in use before radars became widespread, it became sort of the trademark of Japanese battleships. You can find remants of it even in the Yamato-class' design

>> No.11783851


>> No.11783853

What software did those nico users use to capture footage of their game?

>> No.11783855
File: 102 KB, 740x568, Yamato crew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What,afraid of height? Look at these guys
Lets not judge people of that era using our common sense when we are born in an era of 3d modelling,computer simulation and rapid prototyping.

>> No.11783857 [DELETED] 

Only if you change it to faggot.

>> No.11783864

I still haven't got Suzuya, Kumano, Mikuma and them Gumo sisters from this event.

Are they actually easier to get in the event map compared to normal compaign map though?

>> No.11783865
File: 230 KB, 750x372, map4-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for people doing 4-3, how big of an impact does bringing AV/CAV impact B->C/D/F/?
Do you get sent more often to D with them in your fleet?
Any confirmation? Even wikiwiki is not sure.

>> No.11783868

My bad,that one is Nagato

>> No.11783870

Can get Mikuma, Aki/Yuugumo from 5-2
Makigumo from 2-3
Naganami would be the most difficult since you can craft Suzuya and Kumano quite easily.

>> No.11783871

Does Iku even drop in E3's noob mode?

>> No.11783872

Yeah Yamato wasn't nearly as top-heavy

>> No.11783875

5-2? Oh here we go again...
Thankfully I got Makigumo and Naganami already at least.

Now that I think about it, considering how cute she is, I wonder why no one mentioned Makigumo at all in this thread

>> No.11783876

Yep. She drops in all nodes.

>> No.11783877

Jesus Christ, I just got Ise and Yamashiro in a row on 2-3

>> No.11783878

>since you can craft Suzuya and Kumano quite easily
Wait what? Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I've been using a lot of BB recipe before the events and I never get them

>> No.11783882

Even in the noob version? Stop playing with my heart like this!

>> No.11783883

Ctrl + F, every single time someone mentions Type 3 SONAR, they're actually talking about Makigumo.

>> No.11783884

Makigumo is farmable in 2-3.

>> No.11783887

We only talk about ugly ships around here.

>> No.11783892

Ohh yeah, I've forgotten about that. I'm not sure if leveling her to level 30 is worth it though just for the sonar.

>> No.11783896

You'll understand once you try to craft sonars.

>> No.11783897

Same here, not sure there is a miracle recipe for them

>> No.11783899
File: 77 KB, 699x378, kumano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't count on yuugumo from 5-2 though.
My 5-2 count is probably in the hundreds.
So far my relevant drop count for Mikuma is at 3, 2 Mutsu, 1 Zuikaku and a bunch other common holos but 0 Yuugumo. Luckily I got her from E2 while clearing it. Akigumo drops in all node though.

Yeah really. You just have to want Nagato really really hard while crafting for her. I got Suzuya on my first BB recipe too.

>> No.11783904


Nips are still living in a PC world 10 years ago.

>> No.11783907

>common holos
Is Yukikaze among them? because the rare DD recipes aren't giving me shit.

>> No.11783910

I've not gotten Mikuma ever. Been thinking if I should actually bother with E3 for just her or do 5-2 instead...

>> No.11783911

Don't worry about it, I got Iku on the very first node of my first sortie on E3 with a S rank

>> No.11783912
File: 73 KB, 798x480, yukikaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course
Dont be like those scrubmaster that get her on shitty blue background.

>> No.11783913

What's your fleet for farming 5-2? I don't think I can sub cheese it since wiki says I need 2CV and 1CVL to get to boss node

>> No.11783914

Define 'noob version' ?

>> No.11783919

If you want to capture, just use Dxtory and OBS.

>> No.11783921

Below HQ 45

A-am I being trolled?

>> No.11783922

1bb 2clt 2cv 1cvl
Just bring the ships that you want to level and if you skip on huge repair bills, just F5 when you hit G node

The 3clt thing is a lie, I dont see it at wikiwiki at all.

>> No.11783923

>The 3clt thing is a lie
Can you explain more?

>> No.11783924
File: 10 KB, 550x56, random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see 3CLT?
I only see random.

>> No.11783925

Alright /jp/ I thought it was just rng so I've avoided shitting up the thread for 2 weeks but after like 30 attempts of never reaching the boss once I'm sure it's me, I'm trying 3-3 and my fleet is in this order:
Every single time before the boss one of them is hit to red, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.11783927

Does Nagato drop often in the E2 boss node? I just got one on my second try. Already had her though.

This event overall seems like a great occasion for farming. Too bad it's not any longer of I'd have tried to go for Zuikaku in E3

>> No.11783935

Try to substitute your kongou for a fog ship. Iona can absorb a lot of fire for you.

>> No.11783932

>Every single time before the boss one of them is hit to red, what am I doing wrong?
What's your formation and your general level of the fleet? Getting crit by pre-boss node BB is rather normal.

>> No.11783933

>drop often
Only if you have her.

>> No.11783934

That compass part? I also don't know if CLT is involved.

>> No.11783936

Why is Akagi at the bottom?

>> No.11783940

Not often. She does drop though. I never had any luck with E3 when it comes to Zuikaku.

>> No.11783946

Stack more CLT?
3-3 should be very easy though. I was farming for Nagato and leveling my CV with just 1BB+3CLT+2CV. I either made it to the boss node or furniture box. Did you made a typo? It is 3-4 isnt it?

>> No.11783949

Got 3 Mikuma from E-3 in about a hundred sortie,too bad Zuikaku is the one I'm after.
All those repair bills could have gone to LSC attempting her instead.

>> No.11783958

I was in the same boat tbh. I got frustrated with E3 and did 5-2 as advised, and out came Zuikaku.

>> No.11783959

Should I go 20 or 100 dm for Taihou?

>> No.11783956

I farmed the fuck out of E-2, and despite getting like 4-5 Shoukakus I didn't get a single Nagato.

>> No.11783965
File: 178 KB, 956x573, Zuikaku GET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11783964

Go big or go home
Good luck, we are waiting for you to join the Taihou club

>> No.11783969

Grats. How long were you without her? I got her at day 100.

>> No.11783970


>> No.11783971

Nope, 3-3 and my kiso is just a level 20.
Average ship level is 58, using line ahead.
Going to try that now
I figured having akagi in the "worst" spot would be better than a clt because higher armour and hp.

>> No.11783974

Yes, she drops at all node, but you must pretty lucky, or RNG at your side, because for some of admiral, she is pretty rare, and some could get her like 4-5 times

>> No.11783978

I don't have enough dev kits for sustained 100 usage.

>> No.11783979

These look nice, thanks.

>> No.11783981

Are you getting owned by the planes? Are you getting air superiority?
Stack more reppus.

>> No.11783982

Use 3 Carriers, 4 if you can afford it.
Actually, it's best to use 6, but it might be a bit expensive.

>> No.11783983

Respond please

>> No.11783985

I have reppus in 2 slots on each CV and had a green shell on kongou, and was still taking quite a lot of damage from the shell phase.

>> No.11783988

about 11 to 12 hours

>> No.11783986

11 hours 30 minutes left.

>> No.11783989

I craft Zuikaku as my first CV, even before I finished the Akagi Quest, but since then I didn't have any luck using CV recipe(even that miracle recipe), and usually now I got CVL if I craft them.
and until now no Shoukaku

>> No.11783991

>I figured having akagi in the "worst" spot would be better than a clt because higher armour and hp.
I prefer having the stronger day fighters near the top positions to take advantage of firing order, but if it works for you that's fine, as well.

>> No.11783992

how much is your air superiority value.
~130 is enough when i cleared 3-3 until 5-2.


>> No.11783995

Deos firing order even work like that in daytime? I've tried to abuse that strategy to level ships up fast by making sure one ship would get MVP but others fire before it and it's not a matter of range either.

>> No.11783996

Thank you

>> No.11783997

You have 2BB right?
That is 4x46cm + 4reppus slot
How are you getting raped by planes? That is some silly RNG shenanigan considering you did that map for weeks.

>> No.11783999


>> No.11784010

How do I tell what my value is? Is it the formula on the wiki with enemy FP?

>> No.11784012
File: 13 KB, 603x226, e9588a0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sqrt # of plane x AA stats

>> No.11784014

Ahaha, I was right not to give up, Finnished E 3, got BURNING LOVE Kongou on boss node and now I have a plain sub !

Didn't get Iku though, so now if I want her I can only try to craft her right ?

>> No.11784016

the normal one, before that "miracle recipe" appeared, maybe just newbie luck

>> No.11784017

Just do first node of E3. You will get her sooner or later.

>> No.11784018

keep farming E3. She isn't craftable yet, and since she drops in E3, there is no guarantee she will be craftable any time soon.

>> No.11784020

Ok thanks, hopefully the familly members I sacrificed to the RNG recently will keep giving me perfect S on the node.

>> No.11784025
File: 375 KB, 865x512, oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit

>> No.11784026


>> No.11784027

You prepared to get rekt?

>> No.11784028

a challenging battle lies ahead

>> No.11784029

Run 6 BB against that monster

>> No.11784030

You get free sparkles for that.

>> No.11784031

Just S-ranked it, 2 exp. My flagship got 3 exp and my MVP got 4exp.
I guess I appreciate it though, easy sparkle for my expedition fleet.

>> No.11784033

130 FP is 169 Reppus, right? Do you run 4 carriers or what?

>> No.11784034

Well maybe I messed it up but each of my carries has 340 apperantly, should I maybe swap out some reppu for some Saiun? I just had _both_ nagato and akagi crit to red in firing phase due to T cross.

>> No.11784037

Bring Kiso along and see what her reaction here.

>> No.11784041

Tried daily for 3 weeks without any success,probably karma for crafting Nagato on my first week.

>> No.11784042

pretty much

>> No.11784043

oh I did AA stats of the carrier, I have 108, should I swap one set of reppu out regardless?

>> No.11784044

Three whole weeks? I've had bad crafts of that recipe, sure, but I got both my Shoukaku and my Zuikaku from it in under 15 tries.

>> No.11784045

Eh what are you talking about?
Kaga highest slot with reppu give 67.8
Taihou is 54.7
Chitose is 49
For 5-2, you just need 3reppu slot and you can get air superiority for all nodes.
I dont know about 3-3 since it is not listed but wo only has air superiority rating of 28.

>> No.11784046

Not him, but when I was trying to get Shoukaku, I went around a month with everyday dailies for her before getting her.

>> No.11784047

40 tries here, got two Zuikaku from it but of course I already had her.

>> No.11784057

Yeah,to add insult to injury my roommate went "Doing CV recipe,might give it a try" and he got Zuikaku right away.

>> No.11784059

You guys fucked up.
Should have saved all those resources for LSC instead of suffering now.

>> No.11784061

>my roommate

>> No.11784067

Well, in any case I got her and I'm happy now. I got another one at E-2 too.

I'm still going to do this until I get Taihou. And then save resources for Midway, I guess.

>> No.11784070

Daytime firing order

First round: range (BBs first, 46cm first among them)

Second round (battle must include BB, can be in either fleet): top to bottom

>> No.11784073

Did Ranko or Chata do any kancolle tracks?Haven't listened to much c85 releases yet.

>> No.11784074

Oh yeah, bad math. It's sum of FP of each carrier.

Is air supremacy worth it?

>> No.11784076

Any idea about DDs? when trying to get an MVP on a certain one it just seems random which of them attacks first.

>> No.11784086

Pretty sure it's random. Or at least all my sparkles run seems to prove so.

>> No.11784088

Do you hate bauxite?

>> No.11784091

How many Isuzus farmed to Kai is too many? I've been saving all the ones I'd have for a while but I have like 9 there ready to grind up now. Is it even worth it? Are those radars that good?

>> No.11784092

If it'd make my carriers more effective, then yeah. I take it that air superiority is enough then?

>> No.11784097

You lose less planes of course you will hit harder
If you do get 制空権確保! though the wos would be sitting duck

>> No.11784100

I'm asking if it's worth sacrificing plane slots and the corresponding loss in attack power for air supremacy.

>> No.11784109


or 3.5/3.5/6/7?

resources are not the bottleneck here, I need to knock them down badly but I don't have enough dev kits.

>> No.11784111

How much resources can you guys make per day?

The best I can do is like 5-6K of one resource if I focus on it, unless I do weeklies in which case it can go a bit higher.

>> No.11784112

That's what he explain, son.
Air supremacy prevents you to lose too many planes.
More planes: more damage.

>> No.11784120

24 radars should be enough

>> No.11784124

Yes, exactly. More planes, more damage. You get less attacking planes when stacking so many fighters.

I think we're getting a bit mixed up here. I'm asking if gearing up for air supremacy is better than gearing up for air superiority.

As I said, it's a balancing act because air supremacy does require a lot of fighters, at which point could outweigh the advantage of having less attack planes shot down because you didn't have a whole lot of attack planes to begin with. If it provides only a marginal benefit over air superiority, then stacking fighters for air supremacy could be a net loss in effectiveness.

>> No.11784127
File: 61 KB, 498x373, musashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want type14 or type32
Say no to Izusu farm.

>> No.11784129

I'd probably be able to get that soon enough. By the time I get one to Kai two more have dropped. Guess I'll keep it up then.

>> No.11784133

Air supremacy means less bombardment damage to your fleet as well, though.

>> No.11784136

air supremacy = wos cant attack you
ie they cant launch their planes
Unless you have access to shinden, I dont know how many green planes you need to stack to get that much air power.

>> No.11784140

Isuzu has been flooding my deck this event. Man, not being in the > 3 subs club sucks.

>> No.11784144

Not really, you should be aiming for the better radars. There's not much point in farming Isuzus for that type 21 radar since you'll get so many of them when trying to craft the better ones anyway.

>> No.11784149

Does every single ship of yours have their AA stat maximized?

If yes, don't bother.
If no, you want that AA.

>> No.11784150

How do you not have 4 subs already from this event. I-168 drops all nodes E-1, I-58 all nodes E-2, I-19 all nodes E-3. I-401 is pretty much handed out as a Christmas present.

>> No.11784152

Oh, I see. I'll finish this one and drop them all into modernising then. It'll be ncie to have more space.

>> No.11784154

What is the point of this?

Shouldn't you spread those radars between the fleet and let her have a cutout?

>> No.11784157

I wonder why they're not giving away Shindens anymore.

Makes me demotivated seeing them hand out less than amazing stuff like Stukas and 20.3 (no. 3)s.

>> No.11784167

It's for him to brag, as long as he's happy.

>> No.11784170

Attack power cap out at 150
She doesnt miss.

>> No.11784173

I'm still trying to get Iku since the RNG Goddess hates me, please don't bully

>> No.11784177

>I-58 all nodes E-2
oh my, now i feel bad for not farming E-2.

>> No.11784180

You have a little more than 11 hours left, good luck.

>> No.11784186

What's the best place to farm for KTKM

>> No.11784193

>(Applies After All Pre-Cap Modifiers)

So what happens when your ammo's run dry and you meet the boss? Also, no double attack.

>> No.11784194


>> No.11784196

Easiest way to get KTKM is to try to farm Ooi. You'll get like 10 of her.

>> No.11784199

Everywhere? She's like one of the most accessible assets in the game

>> No.11784202

She'll come naturally, she's not insanely rare like Yuugumo-class destroyers, Mogami-class, and the like.

>> No.11784206

I dont sortie with her, just PVP

>> No.11784209

Is it weird that I got Ooi first, on my first day? My first Kitakami was weeks later.

>> No.11784220

No. Like how some really nice people get Nagato first and can't find Mutsu until weeks later.

>> No.11784230

Is it strange that I still haven't gotten Taihou after using the Taihou recipe once everyday?

>> No.11784238

Yes, most people get her on the first try.

>> No.11784240

No. Like how some really nice people get Taihou after using the Taihou recipe once and only once.

>> No.11784263
File: 632 KB, 1150x482, taihou recipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off futaba. Is this the birth of a new Taihou miracle recipe?

>> No.11784272

What the fuck. What is even the point of all those random tens?

>> No.11784274
File: 420 KB, 1614x960, 0107 report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new.

>> No.11784279

Thanks as always

>> No.11784280

Some nice crafting recipes does have 01s. I can see LSC also has that, though I won't try until my resource hits 50k.

>> No.11784287

Let me guess, 100% craft chance because 1 out of 1 tries.

>> No.11784323

Or perhaps it's just bullshit placebo whose only purpose is to provide a veneer of differentiation so that he can claim he made a new amazing discovery.

>> No.11784366

Fuck Chihaya Gunzou.

>> No.11784382

I put my Haruharu as the sole ship in my first fleet, can't wait for my free destroyer.

>> No.11784388

Put in all three, maybe you'll get three free DDs.

>> No.11784392

Seconding this. I only used VPN for the lottery and that's it.

>> No.11784395

Looks like the 4/2/5/7 recipe kinda died off.

>> No.11784400

It didnt. People just went from that template and started to reduce the # of bauxite

>> No.11784403

5-6k total or 5-6k each?

>> No.11784420

What should I sacrifice to the RNGod to stave off this chain of bad luck? Yukikaze?

>> No.11784432

I can't really manage that during the event. Positive gain in ammo I can do, but it's been flat progress for me.
Went up in fuel by only 1000, ammo by 6000, steel by 2000 and bauxite by 2000 from 4 days ago.

>> No.11784447

監督:草川啓造 (なのは、ロウきゅーぶ!、問題児、他)
シリーズ構成:花田十輝 (中二病、ラブライブ、シュタゲ、他)
アニメ制作:ディオメディア (イカ娘、問題児、ぎんぎつね、他)

Hanada Jukki, interesting.

>> No.11784451

Got 3 spare Mutsus from E-2 boss runs, what should I do with them?

>> No.11784456

If possible, give them to me. ;_;

>> No.11784457

Shove them up your lying ass since E-2 doesn't drop Mutsu.

>> No.11784459

That Nanoha? Magical Lyrical Nanoha? Oh man, the abyssal fleet is going to get befriended hard.

>> No.11784461

Try harder again next time faggot.

>> No.11784462

Wish I could.

Got her from Boss node before clearing E-2.

>> No.11784501

You mean epicaricacy.

>> No.11784515

i'm a lucky bastard i got her with that recipe in the first try

>> No.11784520

I wonder if I am the only one that took more than 90 days before getting Nagato and the cranes. I didn't have any drop-only DD (except Makigumo) until this event...

>> No.11784521

The guy was on the staff for the original series, and director for A's and StrikerS.

Welp, it's a coin flip on whether the anime will turn out well then.

>> No.11784522

Getting her as a drop is better. That holo background and stars make you happier than a blue background and some fireworks.

>> No.11784523

No, you're not. There's definitely way more casuals in this game than you think.

>> No.11784525

Three Ikus, one Shoukaku, one Zuihou, one Suzuya, one Maikaze, one Kinu. I guess I'll farm (most of) the rest at 5-2.

I don't have Yuugumo, Nagato, Akigumo, Makigumo, Naganami, Mikuma, Kumano, Hiryuu, Zuikaku. And Sazanami, for some reason.

Naganami I can farm at 5-1. Can't do much about Kumano though.

>> No.11784529

I got my Shoukaku and Nagato this event after about 3 months of play time.

>> No.11784530

meant to quote >>11784520

>> No.11784533

I'm at 2-1 on my second day of play, fleet levels are around 10. Should I keep pushing or farm any specific levels?

>> No.11784534

are you me? Shoukaku and Nagato from E2. Did you get Zuikaku?

>> No.11784537

1. It's just a mini-event, it's supposed to be short.
2. There was actually an intention to make it friendlier to newbies. An event the scale of Fall 2013 wouldn't have been friendly to them.
3. Please keep your masochism to yourself. Not everyone likes ridiculously difficult events like you do. 90+% of players won't share your sentiments, myself included.

>> No.11784538

I was lucky to get her from the last event.

>> No.11784539

>I'm at 2-1 on my second day of play, fleet levels are around 10. Should I keep pushing or farm any specific levels?

Lvl 35, 2-4. Make fleet of BB and CV. remodel them.

>> No.11784543

So I'll just resource farm in the meantime?I only have a single BB and CVL

>> No.11784544

nagato is craftable without the large ship constrction?

>> No.11784545

if you can get to 2-2, go for it

>> No.11784547

Focus on unlocking your fourth fleet.
Do 1x BB craft, 1x rare destroyer craft, and 2x all 30 craft for your dailies. You should have 4x BBs and 2x CVs (you get Akagi as freebie) when you do 2-4.

>> No.11784549


>> No.11784550

Yes, although the odds of getting Nagato through LSC is pretty high. If you have no BB, do normal BB recipe and hope that you get her.

If you got your 4th fleet unlocked and still no Nagato, then LSC is the cheaper way to do it.

>> No.11784554

I am more worried about getting AkiZUNmaru. It doesn't look too good odd wise.

>> No.11784567

Satsuma-class and Kawachi-class dreadnoughts both precede Fusou-class. It's just that they didn't exist long enough for problems to arise (scrapped, decommissioned, converted according to the Washington Naval Treaty) and later on in life, the Japanese had issues when they tried to stick more armament on less tonnage.

If you're bringing Musashi anywhere you're almost certainly just planning to smash face in day battle.

>> No.11784601

I'm curious about the rare destroyer craft. Is it for the subs?

>> No.11784608

Maybe if you weren't sitting on 100k all resources with level 95 everything, the event might actually have been difficult to you.

>> No.11784612

If you get rare DD or subs, congrats.
If not, then you have most of your CAs and CLs done from this.

>> No.11784617

1-1 boss node drops KTKM. Also, 30all recipe.

>> No.11784622

I really do not understand the Shioi hate-train.

She's so cute I smile every time I look at her.

She has a bit different design from the other subs. So what.

Or is it just cool now to hate her until we move on to the next target?

>> No.11784622,1 [INTERNAL] 

tfw no iku ;_;

>> No.11784627

People built up their expectations like crazy and they were not fulfilled, so they are frustratedly crying while masturbating. They'll get over it.

>> No.11784628 [DELETED] 

It's because you're a Mexican yourself. Don't worry, not everyone can be white.

>> No.11784633

Fucking hipsters admiral making a new hype-hate train which I find stupid.

>> No.11784643

Do you really want to start that shit again.

>> No.11784647

Compare her to Iona.

There you go.

>> No.11784648

But that's where a lot of players are at. The last event sort of equalized things with night battles but they clearly said there would be a difficulty spike halfway through with content geared towards older players while newer ones got a free Iku who was incredibly useful. This event was pretty much just the free Iku. LSC was the attraction for people who had been around a long time but while that might be more forgiving it certainly feels a lot less fun. I know the point of the event was probably to attract the Arpeggio crowd who would be too new and get frustrated at being unable to unlock some content but I hope this was a one time thing. Even people starting this week will eventually get enough resources and high level ships that a mini event like this won't be enough to tide them over for a few months. Even just one more ship to unlock would have made it more interesting.

>> No.11784663

That's where hardcore, rank grinding 5-2 everyday, sparkling expedition all day "I tried the Taihou recipe 17 times and still have resources to spare" admirals are.

The vast majority of players aren't like that. 500 people rank but there are 50,000 players on my server. I've been playing since August and I had fun getting to know the fog girls and watching them gravity laser everything to death while my resources vanish.

The only thing actually left for you guys to do is farm Maruyus.

>> No.11784667

For expeditions does the level of your ships have much to do with the success or is it the different combinations of ships thats more important? I have stuck on expedition 15 for about 3 days.

>> No.11784670

Read the wiki.

>> No.11784671

Flagship level and fleet composition can guarantee success.

I'd tell you to look it up but bashing your head against things you don't understand is more fun. The first people to do 3-2 must have had a fucking field day.

>> No.11784672

In my humble experience if you meet the condition as detailed in the wiki : Fleet composition and flagship level, then the expedition will always suceed.

>> No.11784676

Oh, and it's better to look at wikiwiki. You can always switch a CV for CVL.

>> No.11784680

His definition of "lots of player" is different from your definition. The top 500 tryhard are the ones with no. 1-100 filled up long ago.

>> No.11784692


The character is fine and I like it. But there is nothing in the pose and presentation that is good.

Look at Maruyu. She is much more dynamic and interesting, and if they swapped the art between them so the boring one was the useless one, and Maruyu was the awesome one, it would have been an improvement.

>> No.11784698

Should've gave her optional Iona skin.

>> No.11784707

How come servers are still up, shouldnt maintenance have started?

>> No.11784711

The primary appeal of the Christmas event was for everybody to sit back and have fun meeting and fighting the Arpeggios. If you were looking for a hardcore gameplay experience suitable for somebody who's ranked 350 in Rabaul of course you're not going to have fun, I don't think adding a mediocre E-3-only drop would rescue the event for you.

I guess they could have made Maruyu drop from the E-3 boss at 1%, and then the super-elite could E-6 all day and feel good about themselves.

>> No.11784712


>> No.11784713

no, why would it?

>> No.11784716

You still have 7 more hours.

>> No.11784727


I think it just started, or something else ruined my connection to the game.

>> No.11784733

that says 3:00 jst start time, but its 4:05 jst right now

>> No.11784736

This man gets it. The fall event was fun because you gained a sense of camaraderie with your ships and fellow players as you struggled through difficult maps, the entire /jp/ admiralty had a common enemy in E4 and we were all in this shit together. The novices were given advice to clear E1 and E2, experienced players traded their stories of victory and defeat, and it was all around a good time.

Now people just breeze through the entire event and act condescending to the new admirals while farming E2 and E3. There's no challenge to this event.

But I am pleased because it has been hinted very strongly that the next proper event will be quite something indeed. I am looking forward to it.

>> No.11784739

no, it says 11 jst, which is then translated to local time, most likely cet

>> No.11784746

that's his time-zone, not jst

>> No.11784747

ah alright, i get it now.

>> No.11784749

Midway wilL re-ignite our PTSD, in a very very odd fashion I think.
The simple mention of that enemy AA new shell doesn't bode too well, which explain the lack of bauxite the devs implied.

>> No.11784754

>現在実施中の冬のコラボイベント:期間限定海域【迎撃!霧の艦隊】は、【1/8(水) 午前11:00】開始の全サーバ群共通メンテナンス実施を以て、終了となります。同メンテナンス作業完了は、同日【夜19:00】予定です。長時間メンテ作業…ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。
Damn, I thought it would end earlier and sent my expedition fleet too early. So what are the chances that the maintenance would extend?

>> No.11784771

Which server are you in? Mine's down as well.

>> No.11784776

Not much, this is apparently just a minor maintenance to end the event, hand out furniture and some voice lines

>> No.11784778

What ship do you think they'll give you if you left Tsunkao, Iona and Haruharu in your first fleet?

>> No.11784787

Takao, Imuya/Goya and Haruna

>> No.11784788


>> No.11784794


>> No.11784798


>> No.11784803


I'm with the other 104k or so people on Rabu-whatsitsname.

>> No.11784807

I'm from Rabual as well. Anyone else?

>> No.11784810

Yamato, Musashi and Taihou.

>> No.11784816

I'm fine in Palau.

>> No.11784817

Naka, Naka, and Naka.

>> No.11784833

Tawi tawi here, was able to log in and say goodbye to Takao before she goes away

>> No.11784834

Powaaa aaapu

>> No.11784851

Have you said goodbye to your fog girls?

>> No.11784857

I can't because the server is down on my side.

>> No.11784855

Why is Hiryuu holo and Kaga is gold?

>> No.11784862
File: 329 KB, 600x849, 40040524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Yuudachi's birthday. Let's have a lovely party.

>> No.11784864

Too bad that the servers are down on her birthday, I wanted to sortie with her

>> No.11784873

Which servers are down? I'm on Paramushir and I can still access the game via API link.

>> No.11784875

Burunei is also fine

>> No.11784879

Rabaul here. I'm >>11784807 and >>11784771 . It seems to be down.

>> No.11784882

Looks like its only Rabaul then

>> No.11784883

I take that back. I can access it again. Apologies.

>> No.11784889

Do you know though if there's a game maintenance coming up? Or do they not need to bring the game down to take out the Fog event/ships?

>> No.11784894

Refer to >>11784754 . Maintenance immediately after the event until 1900 JST so plan your expedition accordingly and be ready for extension, just in case.

>> No.11784895

Rabaul was shit all day, I got more error cats today than in the previous 4 months together.

>> No.11784901
File: 524 KB, 793x999, 1389124718223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you much.

>> No.11784905
File: 210 KB, 800x1274, KanColle 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11784925

Time to craft today's Maruyu

>> No.11784933

Strange, you guys say Natori and Nagara are ugly but not to Isuzu.

What? Is it because she remodel earlier? Kai2? That's not relevant, since we're talking about the character art here.

Explain yourself, /jp/. Otherwise you guys are clearly contradicting yourself (unless you don't hate Natoli and Nagara from start)

>> No.11784940

Aside of her torpedo tits, Isuzu has a better pose, and doesn't have a fugly front like Nagara has.
I never had any problem with Natori though. A bit bland but cute otherwise.

>> No.11784946

I don't like Isuzu either, though her remodeled version looks decent.

>> No.11784953
File: 80 KB, 442x99, Screenshot 2014-01-07 21.14.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who might it be.

I love you, Kaga, but I don't need 5 of you, one after another

>> No.11784954

Nah, I think people probably don't like Isuzu art either, but didn't bother to mention it.

Although it's a bit strange indeed to mention everyone except for her in the same class

>> No.11784959

I like Isuzu for her tits and twintails

>> No.11784963
File: 29 KB, 445x121, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this say?

>> No.11784966

It says to pick up your daughter at the lost child center you dingus.

>> No.11784970

You have too many ships. Come on, common sense.

>> No.11784971
File: 61 KB, 592x171, 405da90d2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11784972

3.5 recipe?

>> No.11784973

The wiki exists, go read it before playing and acting like a retard

>> No.11784976

No, that my seventh 4k/2k/5k/7k/20 recipe. Now I can stop LSC at least until midway is over, I feel so relieved.

>> No.11784977

Fuck yo-
I mean congratulations, faggot

>> No.11784980

I'm on my 6th but thought about switching to that 3.5 since it uses 6k bauxite.

>> No.11784988

My fourth Maruyu.. I don't believe she has lower chance than Taihou.

>> No.11785062
File: 363 KB, 800x600, 40824582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five hours or so left. How will you send off your ships? Will you supply and repair them (at immense cost) for the long trip home? Put them all in the first fleet and hope for something exciting happens? Hide her under the kotatsu and hope they don't find her?

>> No.11785070

Celebrate the fact that I now have three more open slots.

I'll miss Iona for help me clear 3-4 and 4-4. That's about it.

>> No.11785072

Is rapid fleet switching now a thing?
I lost 2 pvp battles yesterday and 1 today becasue the admiral kept switching between a single ship and single sub. When I clicked the battle, it was a ship, when the map loaded, a sub.

>> No.11785082

They're all fully supplied and repaired. And unequipped. Just in case. Iona and Haruharu are sparkling.

>> No.11785090

That's so cute. And sad.

Also, repairing in progress. Haruharu just ate 600 steel.

>> No.11785093

Put Iona as flagship. Sure they won't be able to remove 1st fleet flagship, right?

>> No.11785100

What if...
Damage the fog girls to red then put them into the baths right before the maint. starts.

Who am I kidding, I think they are ready to deal with shit like that

>> No.11785104

They're resupplied and repaired. Well, except Haruna who is slightly damaged. Maybe they won't notice...

>> No.11785107

they already said they will even if she's the last ship you have

>> No.11785110
File: 103 KB, 360x216, Screenshot 2014-01-07 20.47.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is useless

>> No.11785111

But who'll greet me after maintenance?

>> No.11785114

let them surprise you

>> No.11785123

Please do not ignite Shioi bullying.

>> No.11785129

Just crafted a Yuubari, is she any good? She's gold.

>> No.11785132

best asw and cute navel

>> No.11785140

4 1/2 hrs left right?

>> No.11785143

You can stuff her with lots of things.

>> No.11785144

ASW, and most fuel efficient CL (only if non kai, but she uses more ammo than tenryuu, so use her for exp requiring fuel only).

>> No.11785154

So what level are your fog ships? my Iona at 66, Haruharu 14 and Takao 16. Iona was the most useful for me, farmed E2, E3 and cleared 5-3.

>> No.11785161


>> No.11785167


>> No.11785169

Iona: 72, Tsunkao: 23, Haruharu: 21

>> No.11785171

41/30/15. Iona at max stats, Takao maxed except AA, Haruna +6/+0/+1/+6.

>> No.11785181

This is gonna sound stupid, but how does one get midget subs? Get Chitose/Chiyoda to level 12 or is there a recipe that can give one?

>> No.11785182

18/17/14, all at max stats except for AA.

>> No.11785187

25, 23, 1. Haven't touched any of them after getting I401.

>> No.11785198

46cm recipes give minisubs. You better level up those Chiyodas.

>> No.11785204

35 Iona, 25 Haruna, 24 Takao. They were useful for event maps, but that's all.

>> No.11785213

How many times do you estimate I would have to run E-3 before I got any of the following: Naganami, Ooi, Yuubari, Mikuma, Kumano, Shoukaku or Mutsu? I only have a heavy fleet for it and I'll just go back to rolling crafts if it's going to take thirty or so.

>> No.11785235


Well, guess it's the only way then. Thanks.

>> No.11785238


In my experience it takes about 100 runs to get 1 rare destroyer/cruiser. But in the end it depends on your luck.

>> No.11785240

Except Shoukaku I got all of those once or multiple times in about 60 runs.

>> No.11785246

Iona has been replaced by Maruyu on my PVP list it seems.

>> No.11785252

be the player or what?

>> No.11785267

What kind of compositions with fog ships should I use to beat 3-4 and 4-4?

>> No.11785272

Iona solo for 3-4. Can't say anything about 4-4, though.

>> No.11785279 [DELETED] 

So I use line abreast or something so Iona doesn't get hit?

>> No.11785291

You can't choose a formation if you have 3 or less ships.

>> No.11785292

Any formation is fine for solo run.

>> No.11785302

This is what the wiki actually believes.

>> No.11785303
File: 13 KB, 150x60, ss (2014-01-07 at 05.21.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no tan loli
RNG won't even let me get the last sink of E-2

>> No.11785310

You shouldn't need fog ships for E2.

>> No.11785323

If you don't bring Iona then all the trash cruisers can laser your face in, which actually matters for low-level admirals.

>> No.11785334

Why won't it let me fight on the event maps anymore?

>> No.11785338

That was almost me, but I managed to clear E-3 with enough Satanic rituals.

Shioi is built from the blood of BBs.

>> No.11785339

He has like >100 devkits. So he shouldn't be too low level.

Also just Iona shouldn't dent you that badly. Even I used Iona for all my runs and I never dropped below 9000 fuel.

>> No.11785340
File: 1.29 MB, 312x294, Yukipo message.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11785349

Jesus Christ, I just found out about the thousands of XP I was missing out on in training.

>> No.11785354

Did you just not do your dailies? You're an idiot.

>> No.11785362

At least you didn't discover it on the beginning of the event, few more hours and training fleets will be free of fog ships.

>> No.11785365

When I first started I looked at the battles in training and thought it was just for battling other admirals and that it was better for me to use my resources on sorties instead, but I just found out that your ships can't sink in training and that you don't need to repair them afterwards.

>> No.11785386

I never do my pvp dailies, not even on the rare occasion that I actually do pvp.

>> No.11785390


>> No.11785396

PVP is for homosexuals. That is a proven fact.

>> No.11785397

Nigga what are you doing,Naka or Isuzu Kai blood sacrifice is enough for events and crafting. I crafted Taiho after sacrificing my entire Isuzu farm when the new year fireworks went off.

>> No.11785399

Endless E-1 runs, I think I'll never see cheeky smile-chan.

>> No.11785402

[citation needed]

>> No.11785415

Well, this is it. I can't do anymore sortie.

Goodbye Fog ships, at least none of you are super high leveled in my fleet.

>> No.11785418

Hey, I pvp and I'm gay too. It all makes sense now...

>> No.11785418,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck, I wish my threads had so many replies like the Kantai Normiection threads.

>> No.11785473

I call bullshit on Iona solo 3-4.

>> No.11785498

Same here, last sortie just gave me two DD... No Iku in sight, well at least I got 401 today.

>> No.11785537

Both Takao and Haruna at 1, never used them. Iona at 34

>> No.11785549

I'm down to 1400 fuel. Is there a low level setup I could use to farm E-1 before it goes kaput?

Every time I use a CVL it gets crit, but my fuel is too stressed to load up on Fog ships.

>> No.11785559

CLT and subs.

>> No.11785571

>Every time I use a CVL it gets crit,

You either have terrible luck or your ships are weak as fuck. I brought Zuihou on my E-1 run and she took 0 damage the entire run. What's your level?

>> No.11785580
File: 15 KB, 226x82, Screenshot 2014-01-08 00.45.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about setting long expeditions

>> No.11785594

The maintenance this time seem to be short though, 6-8 hours.

>> No.11785601

Indeed, I factored in some extension. And I'd rather have 1-2 hours left on a sortie than my girls sitting in the dock for hours.

>> No.11785610

Just hit 30.

Shouhou, Hiyou, and Junyou have all experienced identical fates, multiple times.

>> No.11785629

Jesus fuck, that's the first time Imuya dropped from the 2-3 boss. That's about 300 kills.

>> No.11785633
File: 708 KB, 799x418, before she leaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11785635

Repair her, faggot

>> No.11785636

I know that feel bro. I dropped way more goya than imuya, not counting the events.
Hell, I'm counting 4 Makigumo drop for only 1 Imuya

>> No.11785637

2 Akagi, 2 Hiryuu, countless gold drops
1 Imuya

>> No.11785639


>> No.11785641
File: 702 KB, 1800x1200, handy haruna guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need two more hits on Kongou but don't have enough fuel to do so.

Guess I'm not finishing.

>> No.11785647

4 Hiryuu, 3 Souryuu, 6 or 7 Makigumo, tons of Wagahai.
But really, she must be the rarest ship from that map.

>> No.11785651

Don't give up, keep expedition 5 going.

>> No.11785656

Haruharu is a cute.

>> No.11785667

I hope the furniture will be worthy

>> No.11785694

She's nothing but damaged goods now, can't return her like this.

>> No.11785721
File: 773 KB, 800x480, Again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im tired of getting Yamashiro and Destroyers as a reward for grinding E-2.
I have nothing against her but i have gotten like 15.

>> No.11785722

What does one do with six Ryuujou?

>> No.11785728

turn them into a very big table.

>> No.11785733

15 Yamashiros means like 800 steel, be grateful.

>> No.11785735

Touch delicious flat chest.

>> No.11785755
File: 721 KB, 800x480, Final Run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. I think this will be my final run trying to get something worthy out of E-2.
Thanks, Arpeggio ships.

>> No.11785756
File: 388 KB, 695x370, yamato_pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Round 31. It's time.

>> No.11785762

You can do it!

>> No.11785763

Open a Mcdonald franchise

>> No.11785766

and use the RJs as trays?

>> No.11785768
File: 11 KB, 449x593, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4:00 again. M-maybe next time. ;_;

>> No.11785770

she's a lucchini clone.


>> No.11785789

You got Taihou from that recipe. God damn it.

>> No.11785815

I got 2 Imuya in a row yesterday

>> No.11785822

I can't believe I got 6 Kongou from E 3 but ZERO I 19. Well at least it makes for some nice modernization ...

>> No.11785837

From 2-3? I swear, this RNG is fucking crazy.

>> No.11785840

I really dislike Isuzu.

>> No.11785850

Natori's okay. She's cute if anything but yes, there are better. The less that can be said about Nagara though the better.

Isuzu looks cute but she annoys me.

>> No.11785859

Isuzu normal is ok
I find Isuzu kai2 disgusting

>> No.11785863

As an oppai gourmet, Isuzu Kai 2 is much better than regular Isuzu

>> No.11785876

Are Ise/Hyuuga kai holo bgs?

>> No.11785887




>> No.11785948
File: 467 KB, 800x480, End of the Line.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-5 and E-6 are over for me, too.

To think that at the beginning of the event I was an LSC high roller.

>> No.11785952

Are they going to give a free ship or just put one random girl from your docks as your flagship?

>> No.11785958

something random from your docks

>> No.11785973

Last LSC before maintenance. Got Akitsumaru from 4/2/5/7/20 and a Nagato--class from minimum recipe.

Oh well, I like Akitsumaru and she was one of my targets anyway.

>> No.11785992
File: 671 KB, 800x494, nofuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Gunzou brought some fuel.

They were good ships. All event objectives achieved, and got up to 5-3 before the oil crisis.

>> No.11786018

Doing last minute E-3 farming runs and got another Iku in the process. I have 4 now.

I guess the other ships I lack will have to wait.

>> No.11786019

My last LSC got me another 3:00 timer. Seriously, it feels like no matter which Taihou recipe I use, I get the 3:00 timer.

>> No.11786024

Welp, I have three pages of damaged Kanmusu and 6 fuel. E-3-A dropped every single Kongou sisters for me. Wanted Iku but Oh well.

Did you get her at E-3-A ?

>> No.11786035


I wanted 5 Ikus in total but 4 will have to do.

Also, I'll be running one last fog fleet sortie before maintenance.

>> No.11786039

I'll use my mamiya to make two. Wish me luck.

>> No.11786052

The maintenance is about to begin tho.

>> No.11786053
File: 1.18 MB, 1640x974, 1389146476763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, fog fleet, and thank you for these two weeks. You guys would be missed. Especially Iona who helps a lot with everything.

Do you have enough time? There's barely 2 minutes before maintenance.

>> No.11786061

I hope I have enough time, last time it started a few minutes after schedule. Like 5 minutes or something.

>> No.11786063

So are you gonna reload that page or what.

>> No.11786066

RIP Arpeggio girls.

>> No.11786070
File: 869 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140107-18040941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss you all dearly! Iona is MVP of the event. Good in virtually all maps!

>> No.11786072

And the maintenance finally started.
Good bye, Iona, Takao, Haru Haru...

>> No.11786073

Nope, I didn't.

Bye Arpeggio girls. ;_;

>> No.11786075

Oh well, did 2-3 run with just the fog fleet and hit the transport ship node. And then I put Takao for repairs on mistake (though it was just from 9 damage taken). Good bye, my Tsundere Heavy Cruiser, Flagship of my Heart and Crash Diver.

>> No.11786079

So, 4 days of non-stop E2.
4 Suzuya
8 Shokaku
2 Yuugumo
3 Yuubari
2 Abukuma
2 Maikaze
0 Nagato

I basically got about every notable drop off that damned map EXCEPT Nagato, when Nagato was the only one I actually want. Desire sensor is a terrible thing.

Still, Iona helped me beat 5-3 and get Hatsukaze/Mikuma, so I'm still thankful.

>> No.11786083

Kuma get... Well that's it started the game two days in the event, followed /jp/ advice, cleared the event, I'm a level 32 rear-admiral with about 20 kanmusu level 30 +.

I'll send Gunzou a Iona level 37 a tsundere heavy Cruiser level 26 and a Haruharu level 20 all of them in dire need of fuel and repairs though. Felt guilty about it but I just didn't have the resources...

All in all I must've sunk around 14K each in this event. and got my four fleet plus 10 BB and 6 CVL, and only one Sub, a plain sub.

>> No.11786086
File: 728 KB, 1600x1133, 40830147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, would you be happy if we get the Arpeggio 400/402?
Would you be happy if their stats are comparable to Shioi?

>> No.11786092
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, 1389113352584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look weird and smell weird, I'd rather have Iona.

>> No.11786105

It hurts every time I see a successful Yamato craft reported on wikiwiki. Why can't that be me.

>> No.11786112
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x2000, Blue Steel Will Never Die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I miss them already.

>> No.11786114
File: 3.00 MB, 604x340, RIP subs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they're dead, RIP subs

>> No.11786115

My total tally from event:
1 Suzuya
1 Shokaku*
1 Yuugumo*
7 Goya
4 Iku
1 Maikaze*
1 Nagato*
1 Imuya
1 Zuikaku*
1 Makigumo
1 Akigumo*
1 Naganami*
1 Akagi
2 Zuihou*
1 Hiryuu

Some Yuubari
Some Abukuma
Some Mutsu

I've gotten more new (*) ships than in the Ironbottom sound event. Finally doing something meaningful to page 3 and finishing up page 1... after day 90.

>> No.11786119

Nah, they'd be more comparable to Arpeggio Iona.

Arpeggio second season when? (So we can have another mini-event like this.)

Now that our time of being Gunzou for two weeks is over, what're you going to do? I plan to get three sets of CLTs (Ooi, Kitakami, Kiso) up to Kai 2. Or as many Ooi-chans as I can get, anyway. She's quite the rare drop.

And craft more subs. I need more subs. I can never have enough subs.

>> No.11786120

as many sets as I can get Ooi*

>> No.11786122

Whoops, how did that even get there.

That's the RNG for you. I only managed to get Kumano on E-3 on the last day of the event, after 12 days of trying. Still no Akigumo from E-1 either, but I'll try 5-2.

>> No.11786123


I wish the collab included the manga in some way or form. Ashigara, Zuikaku, U-2501, there's so many other ships they could have included.

>> No.11786125

I cleared all maps, got 1-100 full.
I need to Kai some of the new ships and finish my sortie / composition quests for which I still need Zuikaku.

so, 5-2 farming occasionally. Mostly gonna save up res for Midway.

Anime has a higher profile than manga for these things.

>> No.11786130

Are they normally slow with taking the servers down?

>> No.11786131

I got the crane sisters and Taihou to train. Got a feeling that I need them for Midway.
I need to fully modernize around 2 sets of subs for 3-2 fuel runs. I have 1 spare set ready atm. Not enough.
Nagato is remodeled and modernized, but she's just lvl40. Mutsu as well.
I have no Kiso kai2 yet.

Plenty to do.

>> No.11786133

who's the one directly beside Iku?

>> No.11786138

Level shigure, level Kiso and continue trying to get Kumano. Someday she will join my fleet, someday.

Doing BB crafts for her every single day, getting excited over a 1:30 timer only to discover its Tone/Chikuma/Mogami is pretty painful.

Might try to farm 5-2 for admiral rank and Zuikaku if I find a good fleet that can do it without spending too much resources too.

>> No.11786139

It's time to prepare for the next event. And for me all that means is leveling Taihou and spamming expeditions all day.

>> No.11786141

I am hoping for more collab events. Strike witches when? Zipang when? Space battleship Yamato when? Gundam when?

>> No.11786142
File: 991 KB, 1250x5000, 40808774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akitsumaru a cute.

Finally get around to getting Hibiki to Kai 2 (only 7 more levels to go). Other than that, just saving up for Taihou LSCs and farming 5-2 for Akigumo.

>> No.11786144


Really, I don't know

>> No.11786145


Well, with that kind of hat and the T on it, it's probably the maintenance engineer.

>> No.11786146

They politely ask you to refresh the page to get helmet girl.

>> No.11786149

Has a small hat with a T on it.
Make an educated guess.

Maybe some day since it's essentially girls as planes.

>> No.11786150

Female Teitoku since the T on the hat.

>> No.11786152

Probably an Admiral, judging by the T in her hat.

>> No.11786158
File: 814 KB, 960x1280, 40819199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I guess we can still pull carnival dayo of our own.

>> No.11786162

What if they are the only ships you have, like that one guy from futaba?

>> No.11786164

So two Nightmares of Solomon?

Hoo boy.

>> No.11786171

1. Get DDG Mirai
2. Win Midway.
3. Do 5-2.
4. Do 5-3 S rank at sub

>> No.11786172

they remove them anyway and give you a level 1 DD
enjoy your worthless level 1 DD

>> No.11786174

Gato x Yuudachi OTP? I feel for Nagato though. Dat light would upset her.

>> No.11786175

I need to train my all my CVs to level 90. That's six CVs, and I don't know how to handle this in between trying to craft for Taihou. I'll have to run endless bauxite expedition, I guess.

Need to train Makigumo and Naganami to level 30 too. And remodel Mikuma and Kumano, at least.

>> No.11786176

Will it at least be a good DD like Yukikaze? I will feel bad for him if they give him a level one Fubuki.

>> No.11786177

sorry, didn't notice it was T for teitoku.
at first glance, i thought it was just a hat similar to the akatsuki-class.

>> No.11786179

A manga/anime where a modern warship (can't remember type) gets sent to WWII era. Read/Watch it, it's great.

>> No.11786182

Any crossover art for them?

>> No.11786183

No, one of the starter DDs, most likely the exact starter they originally picked

>> No.11786184

I was seriously getting E7 déjà vu this couple of days.
The only reason I even went back to try for Yahagi is because I thought I can maybe get Nagato even if she didn't appear. I ended up bankrupting myself for 6 dozen Chokais (only holo I got was a Mutsu).

Then LSC came along, and I bankrupted myself again trying the Yamato recipe (when I actually wanted Nagato). Got alot of Ises and Kirishimas.

Sometimes I wonder if Nagato only appears for players who doesn't like/appreciate her.

>> No.11786185

I can imagine the rage if the random ship he got turns out to be Yamato, Akitsumaru or Taihou.

>> No.11786187

Get Kiso to Kai2,raise Mikuma and Naganami for Type3 sonar and 20.3cm cannon,farm 5-2 for Zuikaku and level Taihou.
You forgot Macross,itano circus dayo

>> No.11786191

I've been after Nagato for a long time and did 252 runs on E-2 until I got her. I wanted her badly because Mutsu was lonely without her wife, so I outlasted the RNG. My love for my ships is that great.

>> No.11786189

Get DDG Wirai, final target is an atomic bomb loaded Yamato.

But honestly I'd doubt a Zipang event, the manga's already finished in Japan, season 2 never, the only date of note left is the last few tomes will soon be out in France, and that's completely irrelevant to Japan.

>> No.11786193
File: 470 KB, 700x912, 39125299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's the best. I refuse the 'man collection' ver. of the nightmare of Solomon.

>> No.11786197

I am only missing 4ships as of now.
What is the chances of me getting them all before the next big event? Letting my resources hover around 15-20k and doing the LSC recipe everyday. Probably at around the 15th craft now and I got another fucking 4:20. Fuck off kusou class.
Figures 20k should be enough for anything unless they pull another Yahagi or have a short 1week super tough event.

>> No.11786198

they already said its a DD. Last I checked Yamato, Akitsumaru or Taihou aren't DDs.

>> No.11786200

I'm afraid this is how I'll be with Taihou. RNG please, I'm at your mercy.

I got Nagato as my first LSC craft, and they said she's not as hard to get there, so hopefully you'll meet her one day.

>> No.11786203

There was this strip where the non-DDs tried to pass off as DD in order to do 3-2 boss somewhere...

>> No.11786208

oh fuck. I need to see that. Do you have a link? Trying to find that on danbooru or pixiv among 15000+ images would take aeons, even with filters and tags

>> No.11786217
File: 236 KB, 799x937, NAGAMON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Nagato from E2 after having feint hope that E2 will be my salvation from 3 months of No-Nagato membership.

It was so much fun when I got her. Nagato is incomparable really. Going duo with Mutsu, toss Kongou Kai2 to the mix when needed... she's indispensable.

Don't give up, fellow teitokus.

>> No.11786221 [DELETED] 

She uses あたし dammit. I'll pass over this.

>> No.11786241
File: 92 KB, 475x368, Sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11786247

Admit it. You skipped sleep to spend more time with the Arpeggios, didn't you.

In before someone posts more Kaguard.

>> No.11786248
File: 104 KB, 522x775, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11786261

I didn't get Nagato either, but I'm not intending to use her much even if I do get her. My Mutsu's still at level 1.

I should get around to training the Kongou sisters though. Fast BBs are always a plus.

>> No.11786263
File: 1.77 MB, 1999x967, 40820839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet that teitokus would do E7 all over again, and do countless LSC, if they have a shot to keep the Arpeggios in our fleet. I know I would.

>> No.11786268

Nagato you'll get a ton once you LSC a lot. I've gotten more Nagato's than Agano's, Noshiro's and Yahagi's combined.

>> No.11786272

I just want Iona
Could care less about that haruharu or that tsundere cruiser.
I missed kyosoku senkou already

>> No.11786273

The LSC table clearly shows that your odd of getting Agano isn't really good.

I frankly will forget about getting Agano through LSC. She'll be on the drop list of some future events.

>> No.11786278

But Tsunkao is much better than Iona

>> No.11786280

So how much do we have left until the next event?

>> No.11786283

How much "what"?

Time wise, I don't expect Midway to hit until late May early June.
Resource wise, quite a few teitokus are tapped out.
Space wise, 180 max. Go hate some money.

>> No.11786284

if Midway comes when I expect it to come, about 3 to 4 weeks. The mini-event might push it back a bit and it'll be 5 to 6 weeks instead.

The other possibility is that it launches when kancolle 1st birthday rolls around in March.

>> No.11786287

May spring
August summer
November fall
February ???

>> No.11786295

are the servers down for you guys? I'm getting an error message other then server connection problem.

>> No.11786297
File: 305 KB, 900x600, 3620252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this with the minimal resources recipe?

I've tried several 3000/all which supposedly yields more Nagato. Everytime I come close I get hit with the turn-into-Mutsu-beam.

>> No.11786302

>what is reading news so I know when maintenance is

>> No.11786303

You are probably banned, fellow teitoku.

>> No.11786305
File: 368 KB, 637x900, 40820945_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... about the new voices getting today, will Yuudachi finally get more poi poi poi? Or is it just the other new years greeting stuff they promised?

>> No.11786307

No, im logged in and playing.
You were probably banned, they said they were going to crack down on rule breakers this maint.

>> No.11786308




>> No.11786328

Probably Верный giving orthodox chrismas greeting,its supposed to be around this time if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.11786332

Devs actually making Verniy Orthodox... I thought that Japan can't distinguish between different Christian denominations!

>> No.11786333

I've never encountered it but it seems pretty easy to counter. Just exit the game when the wrong ship comes up.

>> No.11786336

>new years greeting stuff
New Year's is already over, anon.

Yuudachi already has poi poi poi. If anything, Shigure and Kiso Kai 2s need different lines.

>> No.11786340

Shigure would be PTSD material.

>> No.11786341

Mutsu finally gets timekeeping.

>> No.11786345

Did you watch Seikon no Qwaser?They distinguished it really well

>> No.11786350

Mutsu and Nagato hourly lines are long overdue.

>> No.11786403
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>> No.11786439
File: 1.82 MB, 1600x1536, bin1998 - 龍驤改改改改 !!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is she getting kai ni? Midway?

>> No.11786441


>> No.11786451

Kai Ni will never give her a bigger cup size.

>> No.11786485

I know the servers are down, but I downloaded the viewer, but it won't work, it just tries to open a file when my API link is entered, but if I just use a browser or flash player itself I just get an error cat.
I haven't been in these threads for months so I had no idea about the viewer

>> No.11786491

Clear your cache?

>> No.11786502

Install/Update IE and Flash player plugin for IE.

>> No.11786504

Oh that's probably my issue. I think I disabled it a months ago.

>> No.11786507

install the flash player plugin for IE.
and no, don't clear your cache if you want to test it out while the servers are down.

>> No.11786521

Once I get my sixth Ryuujou in a day.

>> No.11786535
File: 30 KB, 217x312, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to do PvP.

>> No.11786540

As Midway is a major event and focuses on carriers, it may be that the new equipment introduced will be a plane (I know that the previous one was a torp but w/e). What wunderwaffe would you like to see? Suisei launchable from Ise-class? Saiun torpedo bombers? Night fighters/bombers?

>> No.11786559

Strike Witches as equipable planes. They could change their carrier's airstrike launch lines, too.

>> No.11786579

I want (seaplane or not) bombers on BBVs to add bombing damage to the BBVs' shelling damage, some kind of hybrid of shelling and carrier damage calculation. As they are right now, BBVs' aircraft are only good for ASW.

>> No.11786594

The 501, each is a unique plane.
Yoshika provides increases AA, Eila increases luck, Erika and Trude hybrid torpedo/dive damage, etc

>> No.11786602

I was able to register an account and I see the maintenance notice. Does this mean I could start playing as soon as the maintenance is over or do I have to still go through the lottery process?

>> No.11786603

I left my 53cm on Iona, planning to take it off this morning but I overslept. They'll give it back... Right?... /jp/?...

>> No.11786605

everyone needs to take the lottery

>> No.11786607

I see. Thanks.

>> No.11786608

Then again, new server tomorrow, I think. So the lottery process will be easier.

>> No.11786609

Death ray Ku-Go,shinden map clear reward, or some of their rocket artillery.
Rocket armed planes as alternative to dive bombers is also nice

>> No.11786612

That's good to know. I'll just keep my eyes on their twitter page.

>> No.11786614

I hope you have a plenty of 5-barrel ones instead.

>> No.11786625

So how much longer until maint is over, 5 hours?

>> No.11786627

Assuming it ends on schedule.

>> No.11786667



Yeah nah, I'd rather they actually include the other squads for promotional purposes or something.

>> No.11786697

what is people referring to when they say E-7? sorry for being so new

>> No.11786700

Farming E-5 of last event.

>> No.11786712

thanks. so E-6 is farming E-4, yes?

>> No.11786714

No, E3. Maybe only a couple farmed the PTSD inducing E4.

>> No.11786716

no E-3.
E-6 was going back to E-3 to farm Agano who was boss drop only. It was the next 'logical' step after finishing E-5
Then they added Yahagi as a E-5 boss drop only thing in the last week and thus farming E-5 became E-7. See the logic in the labeling?

>> No.11786725

Would we call the Christmas E-2 farming "E-4" then?

>> No.11786729

Technically, yes. E-2 farming is E-4 and E-3 farming is E-5

>> No.11786738

Nobody calls it that though. Arpeggio event was not the clusterfuck that was Ironbottom Sound. E7 is going to be associated with how much crap farming for Yahagi for a few more months at least.

(that feel when you get her at LSC with ease)

>> No.11786742

I already scrapped my Yahagi out of anger.
The devs better not pull this shit again

>> No.11786830

I failed my E-4 and thus i haven't do E-6.

I feel stupid now, should just give up on E-4 and get Agano instead.

>> No.11786838

The whole E6 and E7 thing was a clusterfuck and just leads to confusion, why cant people just call it farming E5 or farming E3?

>> No.11786840

they're lazy. E6 is a lot shorter than "farming e3"

>> No.11786848

Will they make us gaijins be able to play Kancolle without having to resort to VPN?

>> No.11786852

Why not just add a F for farming then? Makes a lot more sense than confusing everyone.

>> No.11786866

>The whole E6 and E7 thing was a clusterfuck and just leads to confusion
It was tongue in cheek that caught on. The fact that farming itself is a event on its own was amusing and the idea latched on.

>> No.11786881

As long as you're using the API link, it's okay. Not sure about hating money though. I'm pretty sure they would only ban those that repeatedly access different accounts using the same IP as they are the easiest to catch.

>> No.11786889

Confusing new admirals is half the fun. The other half is the joke of farming being such a big deal.

>> No.11786896

That's the joke
Why do you thnk there are so many people reports of people getting banned for refreshing and people losing their ships from full health from a single crit?

>> No.11786909

So what did you do with the fog ships other than for clearing the event? Did you use them to clear the normal maps?

I used them to clear maps 3-1 to 5-2 (except for 3-2 of course). 3-4 took 3-4 attempts to subcheese with 5 subs (including Iona).

>> No.11786917

Farmed event maps with Iona + subs for E-2, Iona + normal party for E-3. Also finished 5-3 with six subs.

>> No.11786919

Cleared 5-3 with subs + Iona. I only need 1 more kill and it was getting annoying with a normal fleet.

>> No.11786921

cleared 5-3 with 5 subs + Iona except first kill
already had everything else cleared.
I pity the fools that didn't use Iona to clear 3-4 and so forth

>> No.11786926

Which reminds me, why is the term used for clearing a map with subamarines "cheesing"?

Also, am I the only one to use line ahead for all nodes in 3-2?

>> No.11786929

I beat 3-3,3-4,4-2,4-3,4-4, and 5-1 with the help of Iona and Takao. Haruna joined in for 5-1 and missed every time, but at least her klein field tanked a bunch of damage.

>> No.11786928


>> No.11786931

It is considered cheap and heavily luck based compare to normal fleet. Since most boss nodes do not contain ASW ships, you can easily score tactical victory.

In 5-3, you only have a 25% chance of going to the boss node with all subs.

>> No.11786934

I wanted my fleet to go through 3-4 under its own power. The Arpeggios picked up Shioi, Naganami, and Makigumo for me, that's enough.

In exchange I let them go home carrying enough WWII era vintage equipment to equip a small fleet.

>> No.11786935

No, I think the question is why use the word "cheese"? Not sure if cheese is cheap

>> No.11786936

Real men fight face to face on the high seas with big guns and battleships. They aim for honorable S ranks and glorious fair tests of strength.

Submarines are for little girls.

>> No.11786938

most boss nodes contain ASW ships. world 3 and 4 in particular are full of gold CLs that rape your subs instantly. world 5 is just as bad.

It's cheesing because its possible to nuke all ASW ships with opening torpedos since ASW ships are fairly weak defense and HP wise however.

"cheese" has always been attributed to cheap and borderline unfair / overpowered routines in games

>little girls
this is /jp/. I see what you did there, anon

>> No.11786939

I still haven't got Mikuma, Suzuya or Kumano, I just want to clear that annoying quest that bugs my eye for ages.

Well, at least I got 4 decent sub team to cheese stuffs now

>> No.11786941

So submarines are for real /jp/sies, got it.

>> No.11786944

Just to confirm, I can just delete the important swf files after maintenance, right? I don't want to waste my importandt bandwidth.

>> No.11786949

>'Cheeser' and 'Cheesing' are terms meaning someone in gaming who spams imbalanced attacks or uses lame methods for a quick win.

I am sure the devs didnt envision the hardest map (9stars) being this easy. If only we have 6subs for E4 and E5, if only....

>> No.11786950

It's not like anything less than corrosive torpedoes would be of any use for them.

>> No.11786951

wouldn't matter shit since the E4 boss was literally immune to torpedos. Her defense was also so high that torpedos would've done barely any damage even with cut-ins. You would need 6 cut-ins on the boss to sink her and even that would be questionable without Iona.

>> No.11786952

You couldn't cheese E4 even with six subs because boss couldn't be hurt by torpedoes.

>> No.11786954

Cheeses are not unfair or overpowered, they're simply lazy and easy to execute compared to conventional strategies while being easy to counter.

Even though Kancolle is entirely luck based and PvE it's not hard to stretch the traditional RTS definition of cheese to encompass sub runs. Lazy? Yes. Easy? Yes. Counterable? Diamond formation nodes.

>> No.11786956

diamond formation can still be nuked by premptive torpedos and unless they have sonar, you can still dodge
6 gold CLs would be pretty much a death-to-subs node. Lineaboob is also guaranteed death to subs.

>> No.11786964

I see, thanks.

I've come across so many games and never heard of this term until Kancolle.

>> No.11786967

let me update that statement.
the win7 notification will be added, since it's already implemented in another fork of KCV.

not sure about others, but i don't clear the cache after a maintenance unless something go wrong.

>> No.11786973

Flying torpedoes anon.
Were you even there ?

>> No.11786975

I didn't need to use support expedition for it.

>> No.11786977

They can always fire their corrosive torpedoes out of a nice shiny hull-mounted launcher, 1945 state of the art. (Well, I took it off her before the maintenance started... the armaments that were used during modernization are staying in some form or another, I suppose.)

"Human techniques are always advancing. I was a bit surprised that I could be strengthened even without nanomaterials" - Iona, being nice to you because laughing at your pitiful armaments would be rude

"I'll carve our weapons' pride into your memory!" - superdreadnought Kongou, desperately trying to figure out how to use a gravity laser against submarines

"0300 hours. It seems that if humans eat at this hour, they'll get fat." - Iona, telling you to put the hot pockets back in the freezer

>> No.11786976

That depend if you prefer to send in throwaways or use sub to chip down her health.

>> No.11786984

Midget subs will allow level 1 to 9 Iona to launch a preemptive torpedo strike though, how are they useless?

Also damecons for extremely incompetent teitokus. With the emphasis on extremely.

>> No.11786981

wasn't maint supposed to end like 7 hours ago?

>> No.11786986

Why are they so shitty even in manga?

>> No.11786988

It BEGAN 7 hours ago.

>> No.11786989

Maintenance hadn't even started 7 hours ago.

>> No.11786992

my bad, realised as i saw the 4chan clock when i posted, my windows clock is in 12 hour for some reason now and i thought it was 05am in japan and not 1700

>> No.11786993

I know there was one guy who had a level 99 Iona, but did anyone grind all 3 fog ships to 99?

>> No.11786995

What if the replacement ships given are based on your fog ships level?

>> No.11786997

shigure stole all their luck

she's wearing it on her head

>> No.11786998

why would someone waste their resources like that?

>> No.11786999

>the win7 notification will be added
Sweet, thanks. Any idea when to expect this?

>> No.11787000

Masochism and bragging rights.

>> No.11787008

Torpedo cut in hit her, I mean.

>> No.11787014

That's really odd.

>> No.11787011

There are people with lvl99 maruyu on the first day of LSC
Do not doubt the autism of most kancolle players.

>> No.11787020

That was seven hours ago?

>> No.11787021

Not sure where the term first originated from but I do remember that you'd get a cheese icon for chipping someone to victory in Street Fighter Alpha games.

>> No.11787027

Wasn't it a cherry icon? Hence the trope "cherry tapping".

>> No.11787038

no. 6 hour 30 minutes right now. Maint is scheduled to last another 90 minutes

>> No.11787041

Godammit, that event map battle music and boss music is stuck in my head now, is there a Mp3 download anywhere?

>> No.11787043

I think it might've been a cherry for regular chipping and a cheese for chipping with a super move.

>> No.11787045

Give or take, and it made the point. Should I have said "6 hours, 17 minutes and xx seconds at time time I press the submit button" instead?

>> No.11787046

Guys, help me improve my custom autism event.

First node: Shioi, Imuya, Iku, Hachi, Maruyu, Musashi (night start, day finish)
Second node: Isuzu (ASW x2 + rockets), Yuubari (ASW x3 + rockets), Ikkousen (all red), Gokkousen (all green)
Final node: Nagato, Mutsu, Yamato, Musashi, Akebono (endless shit-talk), Nenohi (asks you what day it is every time she dodges, hits, fires, or generally does anything)

Please give suggestions to make this event any more annoying than it already is. Compass trolling and vortexes are a given.

>> No.11787047

I'm not that guy, but i can also attest that this is my first time hearing the term "cheesing".

Normally people would just use "OP" and be done with it, I think

>> No.11787055

Just set the enemy fleet to be all yellow submarine and only night battle. Done.

>> No.11787060

the boss music is just the OP for the arpreggio anime
savior of song
the regular music I don't know.

unless thats the boss battle, use all subs, done
if its not boss battle, full ASW

>> No.11787058

The boss music is just arpeggio's OP.

>> No.11787059

It probably depends on the game. Cheese is used commonly in fighting games and in RTS games(cheese strategy, etc.)

>> No.11787061

It's a term that was used sometimes for fighting games, but really took off with Starcraft I and was used to describe "dumb shit" strategies in a variety of games thereafter.

... yeah, that would do it.

>> No.11787063

Why are subs practically invincible in night battle? Isn't night nattle suppose to boost attack? Do they get some kind of special boost that my other ships don't have?

>> No.11787067

ASW is dumbed down during night battle.

>> No.11787075

Oh, well that explains it then since I don't usually play either genre. I was into SC2 for few months, but still didn't hear that though.

I would imagine hitting submarine during daytime is hard already. If you do it at night, it's probably even worse, you know, visibility issues. But that's just my opinion and I have no naval battle experience whatsoever to back that statement up

I was actually implying that for every enemy node, all of them consists of 4-6 yellow submarine and no other ships other than that.

I was going to say all yellow battleship for every node, but clearly there's a hole in that kind formation.

>> No.11787078

You can convert nicovideo links using nicosound. Name of the track is the same as the event name.

>> No.11787079

>But that's just my opinion and I have no naval battle experience whatsoever to back that statement up
I have four years experience as a submarine commander during the Second World War with over ten thousand tons of shipping sunk, get on my level.

>> No.11787080

they're not. Not if the battle starts at night
The main factor here is that durig night -after- day battle, the formation is set to a unique night battle one (that is how they manipulate the lowered defense and such, simply because it was the easiest way to do it) and that has horrible ASW modifiers mostly because when they made night battle, subs didn't exist and they haven't patched the code to accomodate for them. It's become a feature at this point instead of an oversight.

>> No.11787089

That's great but are you backing up my statement or demolish it?

>> No.11787095


Postponed by 20 minutes.

>> No.11787098

Delayed to 19:20
Good job sending Iona and friends to long expedition guys

>> No.11787101

>The main factor here is that durig night -after- day battle, the formation is set to a unique night battle one (that is how they manipulate the lowered defense and such, simply because it was the easiest way to do it)
I don't believe so. Certain classes do get boosted (see CA night battle boost patch). So code to boost certain ships do exist. Subs probably get evasion boost at night by design (Imuya's flagship night battle line)

>> No.11787108

Explain the infinitely nerfed damage at night then.

>> No.11787110

>I would imagine hitting submarine during daytime is hard already. If you do it at night, it's probably even worse, you know, visibility issues. But that's just my opinion and I have no naval battle experience whatsoever to back that statement up
Don't they do it by sonar? I don't think visibility is an issue.

>> No.11787117

We're all little girls here on /jp/.

>> No.11787115

you will never look across the raging war and feel the steady beating of your heart again ;_;

>> No.11787121

Evasion boost at night? (Scratch damage)

>> No.11787123

Out of all those night battles, a gold CL has never hit me for more than 1. Never. despite sonar + depth charges. Not even a lvl 1 sub. I don't believe thats just an evasion boost. ASW stat is effectively massacred.

>> No.11787140

Half and hour to go and still no information about the update.
It isnt happening isnt it?

>> No.11787158

They're starting go release info about the update.

>01▼冬イベントの作戦終了 期間限定海域【迎撃!霧の艦隊】が終了しました。また、これに伴い、艦隊から「霧」の艦艇が去っていきました。 ※本件の補足情報があります。
Winter event has ended.

>> No.11787159


>> No.11787163

>02▼冬イベントの作戦終了 ※「遠征」についての捕捉 「霧」の退去時に彼女たちを「遠征」に組み込んでいた場合、その「遠征」そのものに出発しなかった形で処理されます。 ※予定の仕様と変更になり大変申し訳ありません。 ※「燃料」「弾薬」の消費、及び遠征「疲労」はありません。

For people who sent the fog ships on expedition. Looks like they made it so the expedition never happened in the first place.

>> No.11787165

So expeditions are never happened.
No equip lost.

What if I left her like this >>11785633?

>> No.11787169

you just need 1fog ship for the furniture
Fucking hell, should have scrap everyone but iona

>> No.11787178

They weren't worth anything.

>> No.11787175

So it won't be a Iona/Takao/Haruna specific item.
Very bad end to finish an event.

>> No.11787183

I wanted a cute haruharu furniture item.

>> No.11787179


Who the fuck does that?
Those ships consume a buttload of resources, not something you want to spend a lot of on expeditions.

>> No.11787182

1 firepower / 1 ammo for modernizing / scrap
not even worth the time

>> No.11787185

If you scrap Haru-Haru, you'll have gattai HaruShima appear in every map in the next event, and they have a 100% chance to fire the combined supergravity cannon in all phase.

>> No.11787186

Perhaps they wanted to try if they could keep Iona that way.

>> No.11787187

Idiots who thought they could cheat the system.

>> No.11787190

It'll be Gunzou dakimakura.

>> No.11787192

I wonder what it will be. If it's just a crummy wall scroll I'll be a bit irked.

A coat rack with her coat?

>> No.11787193

Trying to cheat, duh.

I left Takao as the single ship in my 1st fleet and flagship position so that she can be happy.

I expected one item for each girl specifically something related.
Like Haruharu coat or Iona model or the Otome Plugin.
All of them at once, if you had them all.

>> No.11787195

what if the furniture is a big image on the wall, showing Takao, Iona, HaruHaru without coat and Hyuuga?

>> No.11787199

New 1.5million player commemoration

>> No.11787200

Yeah I'm a bit disappointed you don't get something special for each of them.

>> No.11787201

Nah, she is not a ntring bitch.
Gunzou never made her his flagship but I did.

>> No.11787202

Maya's piano? With CARNIVAL DA YO and YA DA YA DA sound if you click on it (or even when you just leave it alone).

>> No.11787208

I would rather have a pair of Kongou's delicious shoes.

>> No.11787209

It's back up!

>> No.11787212

>07▼「大型艦建造」からの直接アイテム屋さん導線の排除 「大型艦/新型艦建造」システム画面から、「アイテム屋さん(課金アイテムの購入が可能)」へ行ける導線を廃止しました。※申し訳ありません、ご不便をかけることもあるかと思いますが、何卒ご理解頂けますと幸いです。 #艦これ
Something about LSC?

>> No.11787216

Wait, did I have to have fog ships in my inventory before maintenance to get the item? I scrapped them just before it started.

>> No.11787220

From Google Translate, presumably removing the direct link to the item shop (to further prevent players from spending for LSC)

>> No.11787221

On the one to ten scale of "is retarded," you score somewhere around a 300.

>> No.11787217

They removed the button to go to the shop from LSC screen.

>> No.11787222

Looks like they are serious about not wanting players to hate money.

>> No.11787223

Get to work on those tweets, weeb

>> No.11787224

I didn't clear my cache and I can still do event maps.

>> No.11787229

I can still get drops from it too...

>> No.11787230

You mean you don't want to hear CARNIVAL over and over and over and over and over again until your mind plays it for you manually every single waking second? What are you, gay?

>> No.11787231

Takao comes in,Murakumo comes out.

Fuckin magic I tell ya

>> No.11787232

Yep me too, more iku farming!

>> No.11787233

Oh, new furniture items other than the scrolls are added.

Is Murakumo your starter?

>> No.11787234

enjoy ur b&

>> No.11787235

Wonder if you guys will get banned.

>> No.11787237

Didn't expect Mutsuki and Kisaragi will get additional voice lines.

>> No.11787238

Did that commie get banned for getting Yamato from the old maps?

>> No.11787239

people who claim they can still farm the event map are lying
it's going to give you a connection error the moment you deploy to a removed map.

>> No.11787241

No and no.
I want to be Kongou's CARNIVAL and play with her over and over and over and over and over again until she begs to be my flagship.
And I will say yes.


I also sense that it might be a trap.
How many players got banned at total for various reasons anyway?

>> No.11787242

No it isn't, you can still fight the fog ships

>> No.11787243

Nope, legit could do E-1, got an RJ drop from one of the nodes and a Tama from the Boss.

>> No.11787244

Mutsuki Kai (Supply, Placement)
Kisaragi Kai (")
Nagato Kai (" & home port x2)
Kiso Kai 2 (" & ")

>> No.11787245

video proof where
screenshots could be old

>> No.11787246

>I also sense that it might be a trap.
They have better things to do. It's probably the devs being lazy and removing the interface.

>> No.11787250

Wait, what the fuck, why? Kiso and Nagamon, sure, but those two...?

>> No.11787252

I'm not trying to convince you, believe what you want.

>> No.11787256

Kisaragi, extra slut upgrade soon.

>> No.11787253

Kai 2's soon baby

>> No.11787254

>until she begs to be my flagship
Well too bad, get in line

>> No.11787255

Time for sluts this month.

>> No.11787259


>> No.11787262

Did those two's namesakes did anything significant in the war?

>> No.11787263

She sounds like having hiccups when poking her repeatedly

>> No.11787267


My dick

>> No.11787265

New intro line by Nagato as well.

>> No.11787266


>> No.11787269

Should have farmed E2, nerd

>> No.11787274

How can that much woman be that fucking moe?

>> No.11787281

Kisaragi: Got bombed right in the depth charge storage and first warship taken out by small bombs on fighters

>> No.11787283

Hmmm, Should I farm Akigumo from E1 or not... Don't want to get banned.

>> No.11787287

email to dmm about people still accessing the event maps is out
it so pays off to have friends that can write jap.

>> No.11787286

So where's that Arpeggio furniture?

>> No.11787288

We'll get it later.

>> No.11787289

I'm not him, but I farmed E-2 extensively and didn't get her.

>> No.11787292

Iona, Takao, and Haruna went in. Ikazuchi came out because Murakumo Mk. I is somewhere on the seafloor

The boss bars are refilled, the text is all "undefined," the resource list is four buckets and I'm terrified to actually sortie it because I'm afraid I'll get banned. Hyuuga does the intro before you actually get there, though.

>> No.11787300

Can anyone explain the significance of the new window?

>> No.11787303

Every season will bring in a new furniture window, nothing much to explain.

>> No.11787304

Should have did LSC like all the cool kids
Also it is time for a new thread so that we can post cute pics

>> No.11787305

Oh fucking no.
I had the arpeggio girls in my main fleet to see them off.
My starter was out on that 15h expedition.
So they just reset the expedition to put my Sumidare to my main fleet.

>> No.11787308

kirai de nai~~~~~

>> No.11787312


What >>11787304 said. >>11785973 finished during the maintenance and I got a third Nagato.

>> No.11787313


>> No.11787314

What's the arpeggio furniture reward?
I don't see it.

>> No.11787315

破魔矢の窓 [Hamaya Window] (http://eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp/modules/xwords/entry.php?entryID=325))

One of those cultural things that filthy gaijin wouldn't understand.

Ouch. Guess "first girl not on expedition" was too much work for them to code. Kadokawa pls

>> No.11787319

They are giving it out at 8pm
Read the tweets

>> No.11787320

Redownloading everything everytime I clear the cache is such a pain with this slow internet of mine.

>> No.11787334

Don't you mean 9pm?

>> No.11787339

Yes, my mistake 40mins from now
Hope they give out my the monthly reward too

>> No.11787342

Give it to me straight guys, how likely am I to get banned if I keep farming the event maps?

>> No.11787345


>> No.11787343

It is going to be hilarious if you guys got banned right after getting Nagato

>> No.11787346

As likely as getting banned for f5ing and botting expeditions

>> No.11787347

Reported it to DMM, enjoy your last moment fuckers.

>> No.11787349

I just want an akigumo or crane sister.

>> No.11787350

>Give it to me straight guys, how likely am I to get banned if I keep farming the event maps?
Better question, how good is your odds to get what you want before the devs found out and pull the plug?

>> No.11787354


>> No.11787352

extremely likely
farming that map is going to cause an ungodly amount of serverside exception errors since you're not supposed to access the map anymore.
They will notice that.
They will ban the people abusing it.

>> No.11787353

>akigumo and 5th cardiv sluts
Dude just go to 5-2 and shoukaku is just a common LSC failure

>> No.11787357

If it makes you feel any better, I just got a Yamato from the same recipe.

>> No.11787358

On the one hand, they're outright said on twitter that manipulating the client on your side to mess with your account on main server is grounds for a ban. People initially got nervous about things like Kancolle viewer and sanaechan when that tweet appeared, but it's probably more like this situation: keeping the cache uncleared to access stuff you're not supposed to.

On the other hand, I don't think I've seen evidence of anyone banned for violating rules here. You could probably F5 for steel while automating expeditions playing the whole thing on a cell phone and they won't touch you.

>> No.11787359

You're from Commie, aren't you...

>> No.11787361

Not really, considering that with the exception of a single Noshiro from a min LSC recipe, all of my LSC crafts have resulted in shitty battleships like Yamashito and Kusou.

>> No.11787362

Damn, both sides have compelling arguments about bans.

I guess, I'll just wait and see if they mention anything on twitter.

>> No.11787363

Does refreshing clear the cache or something? Because I sure don't see any event map here.

>> No.11787364

not to mention it's going to dump loads of corrupted data into their database. stop it guys, even if you don't get banned, you're likely to cause problems for other users.

>> No.11787365

Why would it dump corrupted data?

>> No.11787368

Getting Nagato and other common drops should be ok
But can you get I401 if you didnt finish it?

>> No.11787369

All it comes down to is, do you want to risk months of progress over a slightly increased drop rate for the short time before they fix this?

>> No.11787372

worse than that, if too many unhandled exceptions pop, it could even crash the server and we all know that devs get very suspicious if suddenly a server crashes

>> No.11787375

Personally, I don't think it's likely that they'll ban people. Possible and justified, yes. Likely, no.

If anything, they'll probably do something to prevent the API links from working permanently to prevent this from happening in the future.

>> No.11787379

If *that* guy could get a Yamato from that event map, certainly.

>> No.11787380

did "that" guy get banned?

>> No.11787381

>that spoiler
Aren't you ashamed, saying such things?

Welp, maps are on.

Why did they screw up, in prior events map icon would show up, but unusable?

>> No.11787384

Maybe he got it from LSC?
Why so much distrust?
If he really did cheat, just report his ass.

>> No.11787382

I don't think he did. At least, I haven't heard of any news of him getting banned.

>> No.11787385

it depends on how their backend is structured and what things they store etc. but I think it's probable, for example if they log sortie information or things like that

and then there's >>11787372

>> No.11787386


>> No.11787387

He got it before LSC was introduced and on a server that was released in October.

>> No.11787388

This was during the fall event, months before LSC was a thing. Plus he streamed everything live so it's not like there isn't proof. I don't know why no one never did anything.

It's like I'm really on the wiki!

>> No.11787390

looks like he's fine, judging from his twitter.

>> No.11787389

Do your part as an upstanding citizens.

>> No.11787396

naisu aitemu, its like the nagato cabinet...just better

>> No.11787399

Oh nice, time to refresh.

>> No.11787397

for those interested

>> No.11787402

What model is it of though?

>> No.11787407

It's a ship from Arpeggio
You've probably never heard of it though, it's not very mainstream.

>> No.11787405


>> No.11787406

Arpeggio's I-401 model

>> No.11787408

Oh nice, Iona model. That's what I was hoping for, she's the only one not ruined by the anime's tacky additional markings.

>> No.11787409

when i got taihou from LSC.
just kidding, probably in a few days.

>> No.11787410

I have 4 46cms total, I want to use 3 BBs for pvp
one being Nagato, the other two are Kongou class, should I equip nagato with only one 46cm because of the damage cap and put a 15.5 on her? 2 on one kongou and 1x 46 1x41 on the other?

>> No.11787411

Put 4 on the one you want leveled up the most.

>> No.11787413


It doesn't match your carpet.

>> No.11787415


She's there to mock you about your loss; you shall never send Iona out to a sortie again.

>> No.11787416

If by damage cap, you mean the soft cap for firepower, sure. Unless you're going against a level 99 Nagato or Yamato class ship, it should be enough.

>> No.11787418

The carpet's the only option though, every other floor looks uncomfortable.

>> No.11787419

Jokes on her, while she's lovely and all, I still prefer my subs.

>> No.11787420

How do you not like the scribbled floor or red carpet with a tea set?

>> No.11787421

What and how did that guy do exactly?
Mine still showing the repair screen

>> No.11787422

People laughed at me when I admitted I like even I-401 more than Iona. Prepare to be laughed at.

>> No.11787423

It's okay, I never liked using her anyway. She was the lowest level out of the fog ships that were usable. I didn't like the idea of subs not being able to contribute during daytime shelling phase and costing only second to Yamato class to sortie.

>> No.11787425

>I didn't like the idea of subs not being able to contribute during daytime shelling phase and costing only second to Yamato class to sortie.
She's a torpedo monster. Any premptive strike is a godsend for me.

>> No.11787424

My sides.

>> No.11787428

Even when I was reading Arpeggio I never cared for Iona all that much but the anime version was such a downgrade. I'm right there with you, she was just a cheat tool to me.

>> No.11787433


Why do I not get the option to place fog markings on my Takao model. She will be missed.

>> No.11787435

She won't be missed
Get rekt Iona

>> No.11787438

I think I'm gonna buy that cabinet, got to spend all those coins from bauxite expeditions on something and the current additions aren't expensive.

>> No.11787440

You're reminding me of how stupid the damaged Iona sprite looks. Another reason to not like her.

>> No.11787439


black wall and circular window has to be the most overused combo ever

>> No.11787441

It always bothered me how the teaset is just sort of there on the floor. Isn't that dirty? Do you people really just lay them on the floor in Yurop?

>> No.11787443

New additions this time is so cheap, you'd get enough coins to buy the next expensive ship model in an instant if you're still running bauxite expeditions.

>> No.11787444

Yuropean here, we have coffee tables for that, which are like half the height of a dinner table

>> No.11787448

I don't wear shoes in the house so I don't find it dirty.

>> No.11787449

Maybe, but it's quite comfortable and visually pleasing.

>> No.11787452

At least the new furniture this time actually look decent

>> No.11787453

Yurop here. No, we don't.

>> No.11787455

So it's just Japan being silly?

>> No.11787456

It's a bit of a shame that the new plant gets blocked by our ships almost completely.

>> No.11787462

Kaga wins again

>> No.11787464

I have the teset, but its just not fluffy and comfy enough, and the scribbles is pretty childish, and I scrap Akatsuki Class on sight so I dont have any kids in my docks so it would look silly.

>> No.11787468

I don't even know why they put that pointless plant there. Give me a 200k furniture to buy, bauxite farming has given everyone an endless stream of coins with nothing to spend them on.

>> No.11787470

does is _have_ to be a daytime rank S in order to get my fleet sparkled in PVP or does nighttime work too?

>> No.11787474

Has anyone actually gotten good drops from illegal event farming so far?

>> No.11787471

Yeah, I hope they add more plants in the future. My office lacks them.

>> No.11787477


What do you think?

>> No.11787475

4000/6000/6000/2000, 20 dev mats, built Akitsumaru.

>> No.11787476

Fatigue in battles still apply accordingly except you don't have to add a -15 when they return to port.

>> No.11787478

No Shimakaze or Tenryuu? Interesting.

>> No.11787479

>another 2:50:00
T-thanks devs, I-I needed another RJ anyway...!

>> No.11787480

yeah I saw that, it's just that 5 sub fleets is really annoying for me it always seems like the flasgship escapes with less than 10hp.

>> No.11787481

You can get RJ from LSC?

>> No.11787486

I never have this problem when I deploy BBV and ASW units.

>> No.11787488

Stop running line ahead against subs.

>> No.11787489

I'm using the anti sub formation with 6 DDs with depth charges, the issue is that my expo fleet is all ~level 30

>> No.11787492

> 次回の「艦これ」全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、来週【1/15(水) 11:00】実施の予定です。ここでは、「艦これ」関連初のカラオケ配信(しかも好調とのこと!)を記念して、ある軽巡の(高い練度での)さらなる改装(改造)が可能になるかも……お楽しみに!

Time to level your idol, guys.

>> No.11787490

Guess who is getting a kai2 next week?

>> No.11787495

>6 DDs
There's your problem, add a BBV for two shelling phase.

>> No.11787499

Yeah but then I dont get the entire fleet sparkled, but yeah I've been resorting to that but I just got tired of running 1-1 for the last ship so I asked to make sure I wasnt wasting time.

>> No.11787500

Mine is 82 already.

>> No.11787497

Goddamn. I loathe the sight of her and yet I can't help not getting kai2s.

>> No.11787498

Nice, finally a kai 2 by bob. I liked his Christmas Naka.

>> No.11787502

I wish this wallpaper wasn't so dark, should've bought the 20k one.

What expedition are you running that requires 6 DDs.

>> No.11787504

Didn't realize they made a typo for the Iona furniture.

>> No.11787505

Go buy the new wallpaper.

>> No.11787506

Sometimes I send her with my sub-farming fleet. Time to make her flagship this time.

>> No.11787507

sorry 5 DDs 1 CL, exp 13.

>> No.11787510

I hope his other ships get updated art, Christmas Naka was great.

>> No.11787511

S-ranking PvP gives you only 1 fatigue point, not even worth it unless you are doing 1-1 in conjunction.

>> No.11787512

The art better be good. Never a fan of bob's art, and his Christmas Naka.

>> No.11787516

what's with all these rumours about "that commie guy" popping up all the time?

RHExcelion didn't even start the game when the Yamato event was on, he started right at the start of the November event.

I swear, there's a new "commie boogeyman" every week. Last week it was "I heard a guy from commie got banned from F5ing on 2-3", and the week before that it was something else.

>> No.11787517

Any ideas what her remodel level will be?

>> No.11787518

Bob sure can do different kind of texture and coloring.
If anything, the Admiral's winter break doujin is an evidence of that:

I wouldn't mind Myouko sisters in this fashion.

>> No.11787520


>> No.11787521

Every new voiced line for Nagato increases her cuteness by several orders of magnitude. Christmas, New Year and now this. I'm afraid I'll never be ready for next update.

>> No.11787522

48, of course.

>> No.11787524

Oh god, I want that Ashigara.

>> No.11787527

I miss her old resupply line and I hate that Japan has to turn another strong confident woman into a blushing maiden at the first sign of physical intimacy. I'm not even an M but would it kill them to let a girl stay dominant?

>> No.11787528

His illustrations and sprites are a world of difference you wouldn't think it from the same artist. The funniest part of that link is the Kongou(Nagato) pocketwatch

>> No.11787529

Welp, the guy definitely did few things that caught attention:

we all know this isn't possible. Also, I really wonder if he did buy resources for the fall event.

Heck... by the 6 december, he is already lvl98...

>> No.11787531

Why do we care what some chink does?

>> No.11787532

yep. That was a laughing stock on nips kancolle hashtag.

It seems officiel stuff are always bound to mishaps like the "official" artbook.

>> No.11787538

Even Choukai looks good
Maybe it is time for them update some of these pig disgusting in game card illustrations

>> No.11787541

Anyone been banned for botting yet. I've heard of F5 bans a lot.

>> No.11787543

My alternate account. It was too late before I find out and the error-ko starts to appear(not the connection problem warning).

>> No.11787545

They did said they are banning alt account
How did they find out?

>> No.11787546

Same IP repeatedly logged to different accounts.

>> No.11787547

So they were nice enough not to ban his main one.

>> No.11787548

She doesn't have to be a one-dimensional character either. I love me some strongmoe

>> No.11787553

I don't mind Choukai that much (dem vagina bones).
However, I agree they need to update some arts. For instance, Maya is still quite weird (esp the eyes), despite she is vastly better in the arpeggio end card (still with the same artist) and the winter break doujinshi.

>> No.11787555

As expected of niggersubs, stealing my resources like it's nobody's business.

>> No.11787559

Choukai's nose and invisible glasses bother me the most.

>> No.11787562

I like the frameless glasses.

>> No.11787567

>Maya is still quite weird (esp the eyes)
her eyes are fine as it is and i'd rather have them fix her legs.

>> No.11787565

Nothing wrong with those, it's just that she looks like she has an enormous pointy nose.

>> No.11787572

Yeah, that or she has a band-aid on her nose which looks like a pimple.

>> No.11787574

speaking of kai 2, I'm trying to figure a pattern to why there are some of them, while others don't.

Kongou and Hiei got several reconstructions IIRC, but we know the main reason for monkey kongou was due to her popularity.

Poi and PTSD-chan are a given as well.

I'm still not sure why Kinugasa, Isuzu and Kiso got a remodel though. Especially Kiso: as far as I can remember, only Kitakami and Ooi were remodeled as torpedo cruisers (then latter as transport ship...), but Kiso, Kuma and Tama couldn't, because the navy scrapped the torpedo cruisers plan due to the hit and run tactics being ineffective by the time they did the changes.

>> No.11787579

I don't understand how you guys deduced that Naka is getting a remodel.

>> No.11787578

If I'm not mistaken, Kinugasa got a remodel on her sunk date. Maybe that's the reason?

>> No.11787581

There was a proposal to mod Kiso into a torp cruiser. She sank before that could happen. Kinugasa did get refit, as did Isuzu.

Kongou class is justifiable. They were the workhouse BBs of the IJN. Honestly, Kirishima should be getting a remodel (one of 2 BB v BB fight in WW2)

>> No.11787583

So is the replacement ship a starter DD?

>> No.11787585

In celebration of the first Kancolle-related karaoke being released, a certain light cruiser (who has practiced a lot) is getting a kai ni.

>> No.11787586

learn2moon, also bob replied to that tweet.

>> No.11787587

Did you miss the karaoke part?
Who else actually sing?

>> No.11787588

Things like lines and sprite updates are probably as simple as matching schedule of artists and voice actors. Ayane Sakura must have been free so they called her in to do all the unique Xmas and New Years ones. But remodels are pretty random like you said. I'm glad they don't go entirely off of popularity but there are some like Kinugasa that makes you wonder why they bothered. The Kongou remodel was a tie in with the event but if I remember right it was Kirishima who was the most successful in Guadalcanal. Kiso probably got hers because CLTs are such a dominating force and yet there's no variety so they needed someone to step up. Basically it comes down to whatever the game needs and whoever was historically significant.

>> No.11787593

My sides

>> No.11787594

I've seen the karaoke part, and I couldn't derive anything from that.
Don't tell me it is "being the idol of the fleet" shit.

>> No.11787595

That's one mystery solved, then.

>> No.11787596

Main character got replaced with main character.

A fair trade.

>> No.11787597

Fubuki will get a 2nd remodel once the anime airs.

>> No.11787598

hahahahaha stupid nip

>> No.11787599

Yeah, I always thought it was weird that Hiei got a remodel, but not Kirishima.
Can't look for it yet, but did Haruna do anything special that would warrant a remodel as well?

Yeah, not only I couldn't care less about Kinugasa to begin with, but her remodel doesn't even worth the efforts, as Takao class CA are still better than her (unless you really do want Kinugasa 20.3 gun).

As for Kiso, I really think they should put more CLT, BUT somewhat nerf them at night. It is sort of ridiculous to have them as staple.
Not like I don't like them, but it feels like gimping yourself not using them.

>> No.11787600

If I remember correctly, Haruna received got night camouflage paint-job near war's end.

>> No.11787601

Just look at the official twitter's photos.

>> No.11787602

Anyone's gonna buy that window?

>> No.11787604

It's almost as if he created a new account except he has shittons of resources and no dev mats.

I hope so, the joke of Fubuki being forgotten is getting old. Unless the devs still think it's still fresh and make Ise get a K2 instead.

>> No.11787606

I'm putting 2 low level CA's along with Exp 30(48hour long one) necessity 4 SS/SSV.

Reasoning is that they are already sparkled.This is not retarded, right?

>> No.11787609

Just consumes more fuel and ammo than needed.

>> No.11787611

Not worth the furniture token

>> No.11787613

Do you guys always sparkle your fleet before sending them to an expedition?

>> No.11787615

Oh shit. Not sure if want, after how Zuihou and Zuikaku kai2 looked like.

>> No.11787616

On a longer one yes.

>> No.11787619

Ex5 and anything longer than it with 6ships
You still can fail with 5

>> No.11787621

I'm aware and okay with that.

>> No.11787624


Agreed. I prefer the reddish costumes to the darker alternatives.

>> No.11787625

Expedition 5 and longer is a must. Anything shorter, you have to be autistic and a NEET.

>> No.11787626

I like those camouflage patterns. What bugs me is that why the jungle camo with all those green/black stripes and splotches. It doesn't for something out in the big blue sea. At least the haze-gray camo of USN looks better.

>> No.11787627

It looks fine on Zuihou and Zuikaku but I don't think the colour scheme suits Haruna.

>> No.11787635

B-but I'm both. The repair and refueling cost doesn't seem to justify it for shorter expeditions, however.

>> No.11787636

What if it was Musashi's

>> No.11787628

I may not bother sparkle expedition 5 at times. Certainly when I am playing in front of the screen...

>> No.11787629

It's not, filling up the slots with sparkled ships is worth it for long expeditions. Why are you not using 2 DDs insted though.

>> No.11787630

It doesn't fit I mean.

>> No.11787631

Ex30 is shit
Isn't the reward just 100bauxite? You are trading in 2CA supply for 50bauxite.

>> No.11787632

tasteless plebs, miko colours are overused.

>> No.11787637

Because they look best.

>> No.11787639

Musashi black skirt is an upgrade
It looks good on her. Maybe cause she is a nigga?

>> No.11787640 [DELETED] 

Assuming the 1/6 chance per sparkled ship is true, you have a 1/3 chance of gaining 50% more resources, or on average an extra 17 bauxite. All for the low, low cost of ~70 fuel and ~120 ammo.

>> No.11787641

It would've worked better if they kept the white tops and changed just the skirt color.

>> No.11787642

I like her red skirt more

>> No.11787646

Wasn't Haruna the Emperor's Flagship at one point in time? I thought that itself would warrant a second remodel.

>> No.11787648

Assuming the 1/6 chance per sparkled ship is true, you have a 1/3 chance of gaining 50% more resources, or on average an extra 17 bauxite. All for the low, low cost of ~70 fuel and ~120 ammo.

On the other hand it's a 48 hour expedition that you're never going to do again, so who cares?

>> No.11787647

Although that means that you should take the time to sparkle for expedition 6, even if it's not even 1hr. The gain of +40 bauxite from 40 minute run is pretty huge.

>> No.11787652

Yamato-class is never going to get a kai2.

I would prefer Haruna simply get hourlies since she's already plenty cute design-wise. I haven't remodelled either of the Kongou kai2s either because I dislike monkeys.

>> No.11787649

Well according to combinedfleet:
1 January 1945:
At Kure. BatDiv 3 is deactivated. HARUNA is reassigned to the reactivated BatDiv 1, Second Fleet. During 1945, HARUNA's battle damage is mostly repaired and she is camouflaged gray with very pale gray stripes on her turrets.

>> No.11787653

I do 4 for Ex5
5 for Ex9
6 for anything 4 hours+

>> No.11787654

It does for expedition 6. You always end up with a surplus of resources by the end of the day anyway.

>> No.11787658

Hiei was for sure. Mutsu, Haruna, Kirishima and Hiei all hosted the emperor, but Hiei was the dedicated ship for the job.

>> No.11787659

>camouflaged gray
Please no I'm scared of gray after the ZUN ship

>> No.11787661

Maybe when I have boats.
2AV+4SS for Exp 6 with sparkles sounds actually nice.
Though I need Maruyu too.

>> No.11787663

I was talking about style of the color change (forgot the question mark) since, if I remember correctly, Musashi's color change to black was also because of camouflage.

>> No.11787664

I just crafted her as a failed Taihou attempt. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I don't even want to press the GET button.

>> No.11787665

Man, I know that feel. I remodeled Kongou because of the hourly chats, but currently grinding a normal kongou. I just don't get how Konishi could fuck up that much, despite how lovely the Agano, particularly Yahagi look like ;_;

>> No.11787668

Do it, Akitsumaru a cute.

>> No.11787672

That is why you don't remodel your Kongou unless you really liked the art. I'm probably going to do it after she hits 99 though then I'd be focusing more on the other BBs anyway.

Konishi's arts are extremely inconsistent, look at Suzuya's implants after her remodel.

>> No.11787673

Oh right. It fits her better I guess, though she doesn't wear much clothes anyway; I hardly noticed the change compared to Zuikaku and Zuihou.

>> No.11787678

Is it her voice or lines? I'm in the middle of preparing myself for having a zombie as a secretary for a while.

>> No.11787680

Speaking of colors, I didn't notice that the Kongous wore different skirts until I watched an MMD with them.

>> No.11787684

How did you not notice it? Hiei was wearing a green scottish kilt and stood out from her sisters.

>> No.11787690

I just really like her (Kai) design, boy's uniform+skirt+oppai is a winning combo. I do kinda like her lines though her voice is a bit deeper than I imagined it to be.

>> No.11787691

weirdly enough, I wasn't that shocked by Suzuya's implants for her kai form considering her non kai default pose suggesting a large bosom.

That said, I don't really like Suzuya and Kumano Kai default pose. I vastly prefer their non kai versions.
Heck, Kumano Kai has... night vision or something? Her iris are bright as fuck in kai form

>> No.11787692

It's funny how she looks so pale, and then her voice is kinda boyish in a way.

I love Suzuya a whole lot, but I can't stand her Kai damaged sprite either.

>> No.11787695

Her face ruins it for me. Would it kill kuu ro kuro to take some lessons on how to draw good-looking faces?

>> No.11787696

Why do I find Kinugasa and Aoba looks like they are late 30s women?

>> No.11787697

I'm not sure myself, I guess I just didn't pay attention.

>> No.11787700

H-hey at least he improved there a bit, I hated his older faces a lot.

>> No.11787701

I just finished preparing myself and oh shit that voice and design don't match each other at all.

>> No.11787703

He is a ZUN fanboy

>> No.11787704

Yuubari Kai2 when?

>> No.11787705

Should Ise get a Kai 2, they'd probably include radars plus a rocket launcher as her default equips. And probably have her clothes modified with olive green with dark green, yellow, gray and red-brown splotches since she camouflaged that way near the end of the war.

>> No.11787706

Eh her Kai's face is not that bad.

>> No.11787713

Oh man, Maruyu's lines are so horribly pathetic, I don't know whether to laugh or feel really bad for her.

>> No.11787716

IJA ships were seriously laughable, so they got that right at least

>> No.11787718

the most hilarious part is how she described the first time she met Kiso.

"what, you can submerge?"

>> No.11787722

She's voiced by Mamiko Noto.

>> No.11787723

I didn't like her at first, but now I really want to protect her.

>> No.11787726

what if 2-4-11 kai 2 turns out to be a CLT

>> No.11787730

Why is Akitsumaru so bad? Even in her remodel form she can't really do anything right?

>> No.11787732

Because >>11787716

>> No.11787733

She's only good for taking away her equipment.

>> No.11787735

You tell me

>> No.11787738

Yeah, but not only can't she do anything right, she also has low self-esteem and no friends. Well, not really since Kiso became her first friend in the end; I found that incredibly adorable.

>> No.11787741

Why does she even have a *2 modifier to her docking time?

>> No.11787745

I dont think I will even bother leveling her to 25 if I get another from LSC failure
The heli is pretty shit compare to seiran.

>> No.11787748

Although it has a higher ASW stat?

>> No.11787750

The funny thing is that she actually starts to have some semblance of life and cuteness to her face when she gets badly beaten up.

>> No.11787754

Sometimes I wonder how they choose their Kanmusu artists.

>> No.11787756

I seriously wonder if they accidentally switched her's with Taihou's.

>> No.11787759

How is it not yet fixed after the maintenance?

>> No.11787760

Yeah, her kai damaged sprite actually doesn't have gray skin.

>> No.11787761

If you are just hunting sub then yeah it would be better. But if you are trying to clear a mixed map like 4-4 or 5-3, I would go with double attack and seiran.

>> No.11787763

Must be makeup on her face then.

>> No.11787764

It is by design.

>> No.11787769

should I repair ryuujou
or use her for modernization

>> No.11787770

I really hope that messed up repair time isn't intended.

>> No.11787773

Feed her to a good carrier.

>> No.11787777

Use her as modernisation to an actual carrier.

>> No.11787778

Do you hate shorter repair times that much?

>> No.11787781

I don't, but it just doesn't make sense. It'll probably take them as long as they did to fix CV/CVLs being able to launch planes at medium damage though. Better abuse it while you still can I guess, to the Taihou club.

Sucks being in the No Taihou club.

>> No.11787782

you heard the good man
time to be useful for once ryuujou

>> No.11787784

>Taihō was the first Japanese aircraft carrier to feature an armored flight deck, designed to withstand multiple 500 kg (1,100 lb) bomb hits with minimal damage.
>minimal damage

>> No.11787785

Repair another ship and modernise her with them

>> No.11787787


I love the Kongou sister designs but I hate Kuuro Kuro's (ref. Chitose) drawings except for maybe Ryuujou.

>> No.11787790

I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before. Being armored means she takes less damage from the same attack. Not have a shorter repair time.

>> No.11787796

What if they translated that into her having the ability to launch planes at orange instead.

>> No.11787803

Is Goya a crossdressing boy?

>> No.11787804

No, Mogami is.

>> No.11787806

But Goya has a penis?

>> No.11787811

Yes and?

>> No.11787812

I was that guy actually.
Anyway I was under the assumption the devs took the comparison of RN armored carriers vs. USN regular carriers when it comes to repairing the damage done by the same attack. They could've also thought that hits to a carrier in-game means hits to the flight deck. That, or the repair time was simply an error committed by the devs. Then again less damage = less time; scratch damage that can easily be swept and patched up versus a gaping hole with resultant fires and explosions from underneath the flight deck that'll take hours, weeks, to months to repair.

>> No.11787813

No, my school swimsuit does the same thing when I wear it.

>> No.11787817

That is caused you are boy thinking that he is a little girl

>> No.11787821

You mean that's not a mini-torpedo she's hiding?

>> No.11787823


What do you think is faster to repair?
A flat flight-deck or rekt internals?

>> No.11787825

This. Suzuya was the one who drew me into the game and I love the girl, but Konishi goofed with the breasts; I mean, okay, she has reasonable sized breasts in her non-Kai pose, but then nearly reaching the size of Takao is just silly. At least his style is consistent (as in, you could tell what Konishi's designs look like).

>> No.11787826

He is wearing a girl's uniform and swimsuit, how is he not a crossdressing boy?

But you have a penis!

>> No.11787827

As much as I wish my penis was that big, it's not.

>> No.11787831

They're both cross dressing boys.

>> No.11787838

I've seen enough fanart to suggest otherwise.

Does that mean they're cuntboys?

>> No.11787840

If I'm reading what you posted (>>11787784) correctly, then the flight deck itself is the one that can withstand massive damage Going with this, the devs translated that into her crossbow being harder to break than CV's puny bows which is why she has the ability to launch at orange.

>> No.11787841


>> No.11787842

Does equipping multiple midget subs allow for extra opening torpedoes? or am I just wasting construction materials?

>> No.11787843

Hey now, just putting it out there.

>> No.11787844


>> No.11787850

Mogami is a boy

>> No.11787865

I got Mikuma from last event, is she really good? Even though she's more rare than her sisters her stats are identical. What's the catch?

>> No.11787871

She gets a rare gun when you remodel her.

>> No.11787874

Is that a guest artist? It looks terrible.

>> No.11787883

Ugh. People roleplaying as IJN ships now. Why is this a thing?


>> No.11787885

don't spread autism please

>> No.11787886

Does anyone have that chart that was being posted from a week or so ago with the efficiency of submarines in WW2? Had it listed for each county as Number lost, number of ships sunk by subs etc.

>> No.11787888

b-but I thought RHE was a pasty white guy

h-his voice sounds like a white guy voice

>> No.11787891

Blame the Facebook crowd. I'd hate to see the day when KanColle becomes as obnoxious as pony shit. These people always have to ruin everything.

>> No.11787892

Please stop posting your stupid cancerous forum.

>> No.11787897

Then why are you linking that disgusting forum here? This only implies that you are a member there.

Pls go and stay go.

>> No.11787898

>SEA in charge of not being stupid

>> No.11787899

Am I not allowed to play World of Tanks?

>> No.11787904

The hunt for Naka-chan begins. I'm using those BB recipes.

>> No.11787905

No one cares, go back to whence you came cancer.

>> No.11787906

So how come submarines are cheap and has a low repair time? Are real-life WW2 submarines like that?

>> No.11787907

Are you for fucking real

>> No.11787909

Just try crafting for Shimakaze. She's bound to show up there.

>> No.11787910

Is this too bad of a pun

>> No.11787913

You're trying to fit in a bit too hard. If you think there's a super strict criteria for fitting into /jp/, you're not from around here, so you can either lurk a bit more, or return to your original place.

If you can't take it easy here, don't shit in here, pretending you know the place.

>> No.11787916

999/999/999/999 will net you a Naka-chan guaranteed

>> No.11787922

i don't get it
explain in clear english please

>> No.11787923

I don't play pokemon, what's the pun here?

>> No.11787925


On'yomi reading for the kanjis used to write Inazuma and Ikazuchi.

>> No.11787935

What is akitsu maru repair time multiplier again? is it really 2?

>> No.11787939

still dun get it
be more clear please

>> No.11787942

that's a pretty uneconomical way of getting a Naka.

>> No.11787949

What's the slider you can On/Off on the docking selection screen ?

>> No.11787952

fast make ship fixed
slow make ship fixed

it's like the "turbo mode" button on your old Celeron computer

>> No.11787954

Taihou trigger. You see, most people forgot to check this on, which explains the large membership count of the No Taihou club.

>> No.11787958

That ugly genie-like pokemon is based on Raijin.

>> No.11787959

>Turbo mode

I miss that. Then again I probably left that button constantly on on my old computers.

>> No.11787961

It didn't really do much. It overclocked your CPU by, what, 15 MHz? Just enough to increase the speed in Wolfenstein 3D by a few frames.

>> No.11787962

you're losing me here
what is it you are trying to communicate?

>> No.11787968

Still have the event maps. Is it safe?

>> No.11787981

How did he get Yamato then?

>> No.11787983

LSC like everyone that missed the august event?

>> No.11787984


>> No.11787987

You can't actually get it from LSC. It's just a myth.

>> No.11787990

How do we know he even got a Yamato, other than that tweet? Did he post a screenshot, or did someone managed to get a grab when he was streaming?

>> No.11787991

Except he already had her before the LSC.

>> No.11787999

Why would anyone lie on the internet about a one player game with nothing to gain?

>> No.11788008

I dunno, to brag? It runs in the Commie circle, after all.

>> No.11788010

I remember seeing a screenshot, also someone said people on futaba noticed him in pvp list with a Yamato.

>> No.11788011

How do I get to the boss node at 4-3? The 2 CAs aren't helping me to the boss.

>> No.11788012

There's video evidence of the guy F5ing, I don't see why you don't just report his ass to DMM to get him banned.

>> No.11788014

>also someone said people on futaba noticed him in pvp list with a Yamato

People in moonland know the username of one of the members of an obscure (in Japan terms), foreign subtitle group that translates anime?

>> No.11788018

Don't bring any carriers.

>> No.11788021

I don't buy it. With screenshot and using an unobtainable ship in PvP he would be banned

>> No.11788029

Do they prevent you from going to the boss node? How am I suppose to defend myself from planes with no carriers?

>> No.11788034


>> No.11788037

It seems so many people are onto RHExcelion and his alleged cheating. If that were the case, then surely someone would have evidence to prove it? To me it seems that a small bunch of people started up the hype, and a bunch of other people bought straight into it without thinking twice.

>> No.11788038

No. Seeing someone with a Yamato that was not available on a server because the server was released after the August event is not strange at all.

>> No.11788040

I haven't been able to actually hit anything with the midget subs' opening attacks. Do I need radars or something to make it not suck?

>> No.11788043

your mogami class sluts are not CA

>> No.11788044

You wont get to the boss with carriers in your fleet. Get lots of AA and pray.

>> No.11788046

Vertical formation.
Anything else significantly decrease torpedo damage and accuracy

>> No.11788048

This wouldn't be the first time he cheated in a game. Back when I played Tera he and his guild would do shady things all the time like trading wins.

>> No.11788050

Thats nothing, what about his stickied post where he begs for free TERA stuff on the commie news page?

>> No.11788053

regardless if he had Yamato or not, I don't get how he could climb to level 69 within only 2 weeks, then 90ish with an extra 2 weeks, while event maps are really not contributing much to ranking.

>> No.11788054

Always clear your cache after an update. If you use KCV then clear IE's cache not your current browser.

>> No.11788057

Don't forget he uses commie donation money to buy resources.

>> No.11788058

He outright streamed himself steel node refreshing and generally F5ing during the event, for what it's worth. It's just that everyone else here does it so it would be hypocritical to report him on it.

>> No.11788065

By using your brains and equipping your ships properly for the map with AA guns/equipment.

>> No.11788066

Even if one of you wanted to report him on it, you would have had to record his stream, and then submit it as you make your report. They're not just going to take your word for it, if you tell them "I saw this guy and he was F5 spamming!" just like that.

If that were the case, then anyone can report someone they don't like, and get them into trouble.

>> No.11788075

found it

>> No.11788072

Why is a nice looking wall decoration that doesn't cost a fairy too much to ask?

At least you can get nice windows or wallpapers if you have the money

>> No.11788079

How else would they get people to buy it if they don't purposely make the nice ones use the fairy?

>> No.11788106

I can still use CVL for 4-3 instead of CV right?

>> No.11788112 [DELETED] 

All of you would have done the same thing if given the chance. You're just mad that RHE got away with it and is much more good looking than you.

>> No.11788117

Go work on anime instead of shitposting on a /jp/ thread, commie has a long backlog of stuff to do

>> No.11788133

I hope I'm not the only one who keeps disconnecting. Server overloaded again?

>> No.11788143

Are you sure you've not been banned instead?

>> No.11788145

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.11788149

Nope, it disconnects every 10 minutes or so. Sometimes 5.

At least it hasn't disconnected mid-sortie... yet.

>> No.11788152

It's telling you to farm steel.

>> No.11788176



>> No.11788213

Are you on Rabaul? It's like that here since yesterday.

>> No.11788238

I'm on the 14th server I think, can't into moonrunes yet.

>> No.11788255

Paramushir? I'm on that one and everything seems fine.

>> No.11788261

What is this

>> No.11788272

Disregard the above posts for now, it's not as bad now.

>> No.11788283

comparison of weapons on a CL?

>> No.11788304

What the... bigger crit with Yuubari crappy gun...?

>> No.11788313

who knows? it's not like we know if he got a green T or not.

>> No.11788315

So at what time is this? 18.30JST?

>> No.11788327


When I wished for a Kishida Mel/Kancolle collaboration, this wasn't what I had in mind...

>> No.11788330

Please refrain from asking stupid questions.

>> No.11788365

Can you not delete posts anymore? I tried to delete some stuff to free up image limit but it wont let me.

>> No.11788367

Looks like I can still do the event maps. If I get banned, tell my daughters I love them.

>> No.11788377

Good luck anon.

>> No.11788380

>If I get banned
You probably will, exploits like that are the kind of thing people get banned for and you deserve it if you're stupid enough to run the event maps after everything is over.
All your ships will end up like in fatalpulse's latest doujin

>> No.11788388

Becoming wo and coming back to fight me(unbanned)? Just kidding, I'm probably not going to risk it.

>> No.11788398

Midway E6 boss, fight the zombie admirals that fell in battle for shinano

>> No.11788428

Why? Just do a few runs in your desired E-map if you need something there then fucking clear your cache afterwards.

>> No.11788429

I was an ensign fresh outta Etajima, it was my third hour on the job, she went red so I clicked the "do not pursue" button on the left, and then clicked again to "continue advance" (shouldn't both retreat options be on the left...)

I haven't lost one since then. I'm still an eternal failure as an admiral, though.

>> No.11788436

That fuckin single water droplet

>> No.11788453

I ended up sinking a bunch of ships on the past E4, I sent them all to their deaths and they died for me with a smile.
They're always going to haunt me, poor ships.

Im using the two survivors from that on a expedition fleet because I feel bad for them.

>> No.11788459

You remind of a doujin of Murakumo. You are very similar to that kuso teitoku who lost her.

And now she came back as a disgusting Abyss vessel that will haunt her admiral back.

>> No.11788479

Do you know if anyone uploaded part two yet?

War makes demands of us all.

They're not just ships, they're also characters. People write fanfiction about them too, both in English and in Japanese. You'll get over it eventually.

>> No.11788505

Okay, so now there's gonna be a Kai2 for Naka, what will the devs do for her? Make her into a torp curiser or have her be an equivalent to Yuubari?

>> No.11788507

Naka kai2 will be like Kinugasa kai2

>> No.11788509

But everyone loves Naka and no one cares about Kinugasa anyway.

>> No.11788514

There will be an option for you to purchase her CDs with in-game money, and the more you buy the higher her luck stat will become.

>> No.11788521

>People roleplaying as IJN ships
*punches wall, is 5,000 tons*

>> No.11788522


The button layout had me confused at first.
They really should put the retreat button on a fixed position.

>> No.11788528


>Using forum threads like a fucking chatroom.
They're like a bunch of tripfags.

>> No.11788541

Damn, does anyone have the boss music from the August event?

>> No.11788542

Not Isuzu Kai 2?

>> No.11788582

So is a Battleship considered a large ship construction? Do I need to unlock building quest f10 to craft a battleship?

I checked the wiki, sorry I couldn't find it.

>> No.11788585

look harder

>> No.11788587

To make a battle ship with non-LCS you need to use 999/999/999/999

>> No.11788591

Try checking your head first.

>> No.11788602 [DELETED] 

why the hell are these threads allowed here when we have a whole board for video games generals

justify this

>> No.11788605 [DELETED] 

Justify THIS *whips out dick*

>> No.11788606 [DELETED] 

Because it's a Japanese video game that's untranslated, fuck off back to where you came from

>> No.11788611 [DELETED] 

Touhous a vidya gaym.

justify this

>> No.11788623 [DELETED] 

who gives a shit go translate it on /vg/ like you're supposed to instead of filling the board with more worthless generals

>> No.11788626

So whats the point of using a BB with ASW equipment?
I just tried equipping Hyuuga with Zuuins/Seirans and decided it was a stupid thing to do after one run of 4-3

>> No.11788628 [DELETED] 

Kancolle is Otaku Culture and I don't think anyone wants to go to the shithole that is /vg/

>> No.11788630 [DELETED] 

we don't have TOUHOU generals like this thread that belongs on /vg/ if you want to post what robot girl you want to fuvk or which one is the girlest that's cool but this is a really not/jp/ type of thread

>> No.11788634

/jp/ is a shithole too. Also, stop talking to it.

For 12 ASW attacks in PvP.

>> No.11788636 [DELETED] 

Please stop replying to the shitposter like its your first time here

>> No.11788639

Oh, to use it against all subs fleets on PVP?

>> No.11788643 [DELETED] 

you can post kancolle shit all you want but video game generals should go on video game generals board any sane person knows that

/vg/ will have more people that want to play the game not just jerk it to doujins

>> No.11788652

And to grind DDs in world 4 maps.

>> No.11788658

But im grinding DDs/CLs in world 4 and she does no damage at all to subs.
Im still taking her along to deal with non sub ships and that second shelling phase.

>> No.11788665

Is there a way to make the KCV notifications work on W7?
Logbook has working notifications so there has to be a way

>> No.11788668

No. LSC can yield battleships, and it is advisable to do a couple of minimum LSC crafts because the chance for rare ships is rather high, but you do not need LSC to craft battleships. 400/30/600/30 is the common recipe for crafting battleships under the normal crafting menu. They also drop frequently from World 2 maps.

>> No.11788693

Thanks, I haven't had any luck getting one to drop but I have only made it to 2-3 so far.


I heard that there were a couple of recipes for crafting, and that the one from the jp wiki was better. Have you heard that too?

>> No.11788700

Different anon here but is there a recipe with increased chance for CAV? There's one for everything so I wanted to ask.

>> No.11788702

yeah, the BB recipe

>> No.11788710

Yeah, build this guy's notifyicon branch: https://github.com/morokosi/KanColleViewer

Or just wait till it's added to the main codebase.

>> No.11788711

What equips do you use for the 5 special DDs?

>> No.11788716

Depends on the map.

>> No.11788718

the same as any other DD

>> No.11788720

You mean 510/120/730/50? There are a couple of miracle recipes floating around for Nagato and the cranes, but since you're new and aren't particularly shooting for a single BB, going with the cheapest recipe is ideal. You can worry about the rarer ships after you get a good A-team going.

Most of the recent recipe discussion has been about LSC, the workings of which are not yet fully deciphered. The generic recipes in contrast have been tested extensively.

>> No.11788728

check kancolle-db

>> No.11788731

Shimakaze/Bep/Yuudachi: Double 10cm + radar/sonar

Yukikaze/Shigure: 10cm / double torp 4

>> No.11788732

6th Kaga in row.

>> No.11788736

She's just protecting you from Taihou.

>> No.11788739


Honestly, damn trophy ship afkers. This fleet is pretty damn hard to S rank.

>> No.11788746

3 CLT, 2 BB, 1 ASW
reload a few times if necessary
night combat

>> No.11788748

should replace her with Hatsukaze.

>> No.11788750

>reload a few times if necessary
Doesn't work. The game calculates the fight for you.

>> No.11788751

I probably reloaded at least 10 times now with that lineup, using echelon and aiming for night combat.

Not as easy as one might have thought.

>> No.11788753

>開放日時:【1/9(木)】夕方以降 ※予定 着任方式:【抽選】による多段階着任方式 開放規模:新規【5,000名規模】 開放サーバ:【幌筵泊地サーバ】他

They're only letting 5k in? I thought they got a new server.

>> No.11788754

>using echelon
Use double line.

>> No.11788755

No dedicated ASW needed, equip two sonars on one CLT and she'll take out the Hachi even with line ahead, unless you get T-crossed.

Yamato is unremodeled and Taihou, Yahagi and Hachi are all sitting ducks, I don't think that fleet is too hard.

>> No.11788756

Not yet.

>> No.11788758 [DELETED] 

wow that is crazy a moderator deleted my post even if im telling the truth.

why the heck are kancolle generals OK but jap mmo isn't or other random jap shit general that is freaking messed up. this is hurting /jp/ so much do you guys when browse the board except this thread? it belongs on /vg/ completely not on a regular not generals board
. please delete this crap. this isn't the Japan general know and love its the Japan Generals i can only hate. start a wiki or go to /vg/ this does not make sense here.

nue plz

>> No.11788759

line ahead, with 3 CLT you use line ahead and only switch to line abreast if you face a full sub-team

>> No.11788764

That only is the case for sorties, not for PVP.
Please stop being new.

>> No.11788767

>That only is the case for sorties, not for PVP.
>Please stop being new.
No, refreshing never worked for me. I've tried about one hundred times but every time I came back to the PVP selection it showed as either "defeat" or "B victory".

>> No.11788770

You're embarrassing yourself, stop.

>> No.11788771


Either you're full of shit, they patched it this update, or you refreshed it when the battle finished.

>> No.11788773

When do you refresh? I usually refresh whenever red T-cross appear.

>> No.11788774

I just reloaded, worked fine, you're reloading at the wrong point you noobcake.
SPOILER: Reloading when it shows you the battle rank is too late

>> No.11788780

Nothing more embarrassing than cheating in Kancolle.

>> No.11788782

I already tried reloading at the beginning (t-cross, etc), middle (shelling phase), and end of a fight ("want to proceed to night battle?") and it never worked. This game hates me or it's just a browser-only thing.

>> No.11788784

nothing more hilarious than elitist faggots who try to tell people their way of playing is better

what browser are you using? because that sounds impossible.

>> No.11788789

Chrome. I'll try making a video when I get t-crossed.

>> No.11788794

try in firefox or even IE
chrome lol

>> No.11788795

Welp, double line worked much better than line ahead. CLTs can't afford to take even a single hit from a BB otherwise they'd be brought to orange.

>> No.11788798

Why yes, playing without relying on methods of cheating is better than playing with cheating.

>> No.11788799

Why aren't you using flash player or KCV?

>> No.11788803

After I clear my cache. It's a pain to download everything again.

>> No.11788805

The description for the "Deploy a seaplane attack fleet!" quest in KCV is untranslated.

Leaving it here so it can be fixed for the next release.

>> No.11788813

Thats what you believe.
I believe its the dumber way of playing.
And neither of us can prove the other wrong.

>> No.11788818 [DELETED] 

I'd like to believe I'm not cheating unless I'm using it to gain a leverage over others.

>> No.11788822

>And neither of us can prove the other wrong.
Have you tried reading the terms of service and rules for the games you play?
You know, the parts where they explicitly state that using exploits, hacks, glitches and third party programs are against the rules?

Its okay if you want to suck the fun out of games and cheat your way to everything but don't try to pretend its the "smart" way to play.

>> No.11788829

The TOS and rules mean absolutely nothing in terms of how to play "better". It's just means you play "fair" which has nothing to do with the above.

And cheating the system without getting caught is obviously the smart way to do things.

>> No.11788836

are you one of those admirals who complained that the christmas event was no fun because your level 99 2k buckets 100k resources fleet pasted it in one hour?

>> No.11788837

While I also don't agree with scripting, those who use script don't give jack shit to those who don't, so why bother? Non-scripters aren't cheated by that. If anything, those game devs are the one who have right to complain us because they clearly forbid that.

Players who are complaining about script users are just being jealous.

>> No.11788842

Something in them probably changed after the November event, you can't blame them after going through such heavy compass trolling only for the Christmas event to have virtually zero compass trolls.

>> No.11788844

do the rules say that using a normal function of your browser is an exploit? I somewhat doubt it, so it's just an ethical question.

>> No.11788849

>cheating the system without getting caught is obviously the smart way to do things.
Likewise, "better" doesn't mean "smart."

>of superior quality or excellence
>morally superior; more virtuous
>in a more appropriate or acceptable way or manner

Don't get me wrong, play how you want. Just be aware that playing honestly is objectively better than cheating.

>> No.11788861

> Just be aware that playing honestly is objectively better than cheating.
No it's not. Dictionary definitions don't always apply like you're trying to make them apply. Online games are the prime example of this. The results justify the means, always.

>> No.11788869

What's a good setup for poi ship kai?

>> No.11788871

Double attack setup. Unless you're willing to max out her luck, in which case you can try cut in setup.

>> No.11788877

You just denied facts and standard definitions only to provide an argument that has no basis. Congratulations.

>> No.11788898

Get her to kai 2

>> No.11788908


>> No.11788914

Make sure you do it properly, i.e. 4-3 submarines.

>> No.11788961

means: you cheated
ends: you won

wow much skill superior player

>> No.11788977

>all RNG game
pick one

>> No.11789028

I'm fine with refreshing since it's using an in-game loophole.
Using third-party stuff like scripts on the other hand though, is just pure faggotry

>> No.11789030

This would be a valid complaint if the means were anything but a dice roll.
When PvP consists of nothing more than a dice roll beyond a retarded setup, refreshing is the more skilled and dedicated option if anything.

>> No.11789043

Same here, refeshing to avoid doing a node that will wreck you or because you accidentally clicked advance is okay but using actual exploits or scripts is just pure faggotry.

>> No.11789051

your elitism tears are delicious
please whine more

>> No.11789055

I'm actually not sure if the other one is being sarcastic.

>> No.11789061

I tried being a man and not reloading when I got to the transport ship node on 4-1. The fucking ELITE CA crit my Kaga to red, while the TA class hit my other ships to orange. Jesus fuck, I just wanted to do my sub daily.

>> No.11789065

I tried not reloading when doing grinding runs in 4-3, was sent to the BB/CA node every single time and every single time it forced me back.
It was terrible

>> No.11789115

I miss Takao already. ;_;

>> No.11789153

Refreshing for steel/fuel nodes is just as bad as scripts. The only difference is scripts don't waste as much of your own time.

>> No.11789160

So, do you have your Taihou yet?
If yes, how many crafts did it take?
If no, how many times did you try?

I still don't have it after 6 tries

>> No.11789163

Taihou in 2.
Yamato in 1.

>> No.11789166

8 tries.

>> No.11789169

Got her in 5 tries

>> No.11789171

Oh my, how I love when some not-even-elite DD manages to crit a 99 sub to red with parallel engagement on 2-3

>> No.11789173

No Taihou, 8 tries. Now I'm pretty poor.
At least I got a Akitsumaru and several Maruyu's.

>> No.11789175


Taihou on the first 3.5/3.5/6/6/100 after four failed 4/2/5/7/20

>> No.11789176

Not him, what would you share your recipes?

>> No.11789178

7 tries
5 kagas

>> No.11789184

>what would you share your recipes?
*would you share your recipes?

>> No.11789186

Taihou in 1 try.
Yamato in 4 tries.

>> No.11789190


>> No.11789212

3 craft,Hiryuu,Kaga,Taihou

>> No.11789251

20, was not aiming for her, but for Yamato (4/6/6/3/20).

>> No.11789268

Did you get her yet?

>> No.11789276

Not yet, see >>11785768

>> No.11789284

8 tries and counting. Need more bauxite.

>> No.11789309

So there's a lottery announcement on twitter for tomorrow, but there's no time in the post. Am I missing something or have they just not announced the time yet?

>> No.11789312

The tweet says the time, It's at 1/9(木)

>> No.11789314

Finally, got Naka-chan from 1-1 boss. Now to level her up.

>> No.11789317

She's the best, keep in fleet at all times.

>> No.11789325

no, 4 tries and i don't even got the consolation prizes.

expect it to be 17:00 JST ± 2 hours

>> No.11789328

Now you brought it up, what might be her remodel level?

>> No.11789334



New requirement: You must have her sisters at 75 to remodel her.

>> No.11789343

>Level 75
I can't even, what are you smoking?

>> No.11789349

I'm still waiting for a Yasen Kai2 that gives her massive boosts during night battles.

>> No.11789352

Taihou in 2
Yamato nowhere to be seen after 10+
Does 4/6/6/3/20 even works?

>> No.11789356

So who is your favorite expedition leader?

I love seeing Akigumo's grin when she comes back from expedition 5.  お疲れちゃん~

>> No.11789358

I didn't write it down, but yeah Sendai is acceptable for 2nd remodel in my book.

I'm still eagerly waiting for them to announce that the following 2nd remodels will be from composition quest requirement ships.

>> No.11789359

And another one dropped on the next run.

>> No.11789362

Isonami. She always sounds so happy.

>> No.11789369

I got to 83 in 4 weeks.

>> No.11789372


LSC, hell of a drug

>> No.11789393

B-B-But I can stop at any time.

>> No.11789400

Do you not know how to post a picture?

>> No.11789404

Image limit.

>> No.11789408

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.11789411

You still have bauxite.

>> No.11789419

Someone make a new thread. I don't know how to get past the spam filter.

>> No.11789420

We're on page 8, this thread can still last for a day or two.
Use imgur or go to /a/ if you want to dump images.

>> No.11789422

There is no reason to flood the board with new threads every time we reach image limit, just post with imgur.

>> No.11789424

How does it feel to be new here?

>> No.11789430

It's more my computer is real shitty, and 2000 posts in one thread is making it slow.

>> No.11789437

My iPod can load the thread, if you're computer is that shitty just use 4chan x with the update feature instead of refreshing the page.

>> No.11789438

Note to whoever makes the next thread, remove Resher's github, he has confirmed he won't be updating it anymore.

Also Musashi has already made the horizontal version of it.

>> No.11789445

You're full of shit, kancolle takes a lot more resources than a 2000 post thread.

>> No.11789460

Entered 2-1 for the first time, Lv14 Myoukou immediately got crit for 37 damage at the first node and sustained heavy damage
2 hour repair time and over 100 steel and fuel down the drain.

How am I supposed to prevent this? I went in with CV, CL, DD and 3 CA and Double Line formation

>> No.11789458

I don't have problems, but firefox takes about 3 times the memory of kancolle for me.

>> No.11789464

Stop having so many porn tab open, it helped for me and really, that excuse is used EVERY time a kancolle thread hit the image limit on /jp/ it's getting very repetitive.

>> No.11789469

I don't, I just have 3 4chan tabs open. Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and make a new thread JUST because it bothers you.

>> No.11789472

There isn't anything much to do until 2-4. Just try to find biggest ship you can get. As for CV, put best plane you can find. One green in the largest slot, then the rest can be filled with blue planes.

>> No.11789476

All the cool kids use 3 CLT and 3 subs.

>> No.11789484

Kill yourself retard

>> No.11789486

Popularity poll winners to get Petite Nendoroid figures:

Kongo, Haruna, Kitakami Kaga, Zuikaku, and Shoukaku.

5th Carrier Division wins 2 to 1.

>> No.11789487

Did 21/61/20/131 twice with Kaga as a flagship and got two Type 96 Fighters, so I figured it was a problem with my Admiral's level

>> No.11789494

No thanks, but I won't make a new thread since it seems the spam filter doesn't like me either, and I don't care enough to try to get around it.

But more seriously, you should see a psychiatrist.

>> No.11789495

Please use a prettier picture this time.
I dont like mudskin slut.

>> No.11789496

That can't be helped. For early maps, blue plane is more favored because there are more lighter ships. Leave the big ship like CA and above to BB's cannon.

>> No.11789505

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11789500

Wiki is bullshit, there are no flagship specific recipes.

>new here
>everyone but me is the problem

>> No.11789511

Yeah, my bad, I was on /g/ a minute ago.

>> No.11789507

Please don't call other people new if you don't know how to use the quote function

>> No.11789512

Please leave.

>> No.11789551

poi poi

>> No.11789558

Hi Yuudachi, I'm Tenryuu.

Fu, fu, fu. Ya scared?

>> No.11789576

Maybe because it's a valid excuse. Why do you have a problem with being wrong?

>> No.11789573 [DELETED] 

Scared? I don't know that child.


>> No.11789596 [DELETED] 

That feel when you are posting in /jp/ and suddenly the board is invaded by /a/spies who insist on enforcing an aspect of "/jp/ culture" that has nothing to do with the actual /jp/.

Also, feels were imported to 4chan through /jp/, so they're /jp/ culture.

>> No.11789607

Also I'm going to hold off on making a new thread until the front page ceases to be awful.

>> No.11789623


>> No.11789630

What I'm actually doing is making a perfectly accurate assessment of these threads.

>> No.11789632

I don't think a post like that can be projection, unless he does it but hates doing it.

Personally I only ask people who they're quoting because it makes me laugh.

>> No.11789637

How about the daily resident Kancolle thread shitter, is he a "/jp/ culture"?

>> No.11789640

How long will you keep playing this game?

>> No.11789643

I don't know, I assume that's just one guy.

So probably not.

>> No.11789644

It only counts as /jp/ culture if more than one person likes it. So no.

>> No.11789645

who POI here?

>> No.11789649

When 2hu is officially dead.

>> No.11789658

So, does anyone have the cache files from the Fall event? I'd like to get myself an I-8 and a Musashi like Commie got his Yamato.

>> No.11789661

If we were actively enforcing actual /jp/ culture we wouldn't even be having these threads. Generals are about as far from /jp/ as you can get.

>> No.11789665

About as /jp/ culture as niggy. He shouldn't slack as much as he's been doing lately though if he truly wants to be culture material.

>> No.11789672

should be fixed in the next release.

about the quest title and description, anyone else want to report?

>> No.11789677

>Generals are about as far from /jp/ as you can get.
/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.11789688

Exactly, the whole board was already a general (for funposting). Having generals within a purposeless general is just wrong.

>> No.11789692

True enough. Well, for various reasons, they've been in /jp/ for a while though and everybody got used to it.

For Kancolle in particular I think most people don't give enough of a shit about the rest of /jp/ to go outside.

>> No.11789698

>for a while
If by that you mean "since the dawn of time" then sure

>> No.11789704

Fuck, I just scrapped a Makigumo by mistake.

>> No.11789705

Will this game ever get an EN release?
or atleast have IP restrictions lifted.

Having to go through VPNs is the worst.

>> No.11789702

Idol threads don't count.

>> No.11789709

>Having to go through VPNs is the worst.
That's why we only do it once.

>> No.11789711



>> No.11789713

Which one is that?

Can't see messages, can't leave messages, can't see names. Overseas a shit.

>> No.11789717

dvdlesher, remove that.

>> No.11789734

Does sanaechan work with Flash Player?

>> No.11789741

Yes, set it up through IE

>> No.11789761

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.11789766

There's a good few hours left in this one. If people want to post images they can use Imgur or similar.

>> No.11789770

Fug you. You're all guests here, don't overstep your boundaries.

>> No.11789781

If you want a new one make it yourself

>> No.11789798

Akebono's pretty cute, actually. Just starting to level her.

>> No.11789806

Damn maso.

>> No.11789812

Are you sure it's not 48?

>> No.11789824

Look in your library, no.48

>> No.11789818

pardon my honest cluelessness, but what's that joke with 48 anyway?

>> No.11789827

A couple of Naka's lines are AKB48 references

>> No.11789828

Naka-chan is an idol.

If you can't get it from here there's no hope for you.

>> No.11789829

feels like an idiot. I thought it was like rule 34 or answer 42 kind of joke.
Thanks for the answer

>> No.11789831

Who the hell uses imgur on an imageboard?

>> No.11789836

Try posting an image, dingus.

>> No.11789833

not this shit again, leave.

>> No.11789834

people in a thread that has hit image limit

>> No.11789839

Yeah I'm leaving. I'm going to the new thread.

Then for what are we not creating a new thread?

>> No.11789838

Nobody ever listens to the personal blog image recommendation.

>> No.11789840

Because fuck spam detection for OP

>> No.11789842

If we created a new thread for every time we hit the image limit, there would be like 4 active Kancolle threads on /jp/

>> No.11789844

Go back to sleep Trevor.

>> No.11789841

Is there anywhere I can find a list of how much air superiority I need for each node/zone?

>> No.11789845

see >>11784012

>> No.11789857

Hmm, doesn't seem to work. It works while IE is set to always go through a proxy, but once I tell IE to use the script it stops working.

>> No.11789858

IE11? Upload the pac to puush or somewhere, then put its address.

>> No.11789871

And then another one promptly drops from 2-3. Oh RNG.

>> No.11789874

It's like you never even scrapped her!

>> No.11789879

What if the ship's that good at karaoke is actually talking about mic check?

>> No.11789883

Neither Kirishima nor Haruna will ever get any love. Never.

>> No.11789892

But mic check isn't a light cruiser.

>> No.11789893

More like one active thread and three dead threads.

>> No.11789919


fucking finally, 18 try to get both. 3.5/3.5/6/6 for gas leak & 4/6/6/3 for hotel, use 20 dev kit.
good luck to those who are still trying
now back to farming resource

>> No.11789932

Well yeah, when I said active I meant somewhere on /jp/ that isn't page 9

>> No.11789943

KCV r138 is available at sdrv.ms/1hbeYLg

- implement KCV notification on Windows 7.
- correction to the quest description.

on the contrary, both of them have been spared from the art degradation.
that alone should be counted as love from the devs.

>> No.11789948

The only thing that is off on Hiei K2 is her right eye being too close to the side of her face, otherwise, she's quite an improvement.
For Kongou K2, monkey ears thing has become almost a meme now. She looks fine.

Konishi's so damn inconsistent that Haruna and Kirishima K2 could look as gorgeous as Yahagi, anyways.

>> No.11789954

Speaking of consistency, I would love for him to go back and clean up some of the dodgier sprites, namely Yura's sprites, and remodeled Suzuya's damaged sprite. I love Suzuya; she's my favorite girl in the whole series and was the one who brought me into the game, but those knockers are a bit off putting.

>> No.11789956

You got Taiho awfully quick.

>> No.11789970

maybe it's just personal, but Hiei's new hair (and monkey ears, i just notice this) are awful.

nah, just kidding. i don't expect her to come anytime soon.

>> No.11789977

Did the new thread just get deleted?
What the fuck.

>> No.11789979

faggot concentration too high

>> No.11789983

OP forgot title and so requested for deletion.

>> No.11789981

What new thread?

>> No.11789984

There was none, just ignore the shitposter.

>> No.11789987

op forgot subject line and didn't start it with a cute pic

>> No.11789988

Make a new thread faggots, I want to post my Taihou timer

>> No.11789989


>> No.11789992

Is it possible to get the r138 version with the WebSizeMod configuration ?

>> No.11790000

it's on the horizontal version.
if you want it on the vertical version as well, i guess i have to compile it again.

>> No.11790005

It's crashing for me on win7 for some reason. Didn't happen with r134. Will test with my win8 machine.

>> No.11790015

We can make one with the proper subject now. Yay.

>> No.11790016

Also crashing for me on Windows 7. No problems had with r134. Feels like its crashing at the time it loads the info from the game and displays it.

>> No.11790029

Try refreshing during the torpedo phase.

>> No.11790038

Just tried it. r138 runs fine on windows 8.1 (surface pro 2)

>> No.11790065

i tested (and re-tested) both version on W7&W8.1 and didn't encounter any problem.
make sure you are doing a clean install.

>> No.11790068

I haven't had any issues on Win7 so far, I'll let you know if any pop up.

>> No.11790075

Same story. Clean install, win7, crashed.

>> No.11790085

Same here, no Issues with a clear install.
If it helps I increased the cache size for IE and cleared the cache before launching this new version.

>> No.11790089

I wonder how the anime will work.
I hope it's something a bit more than a slice of life.
Preferably something like Strike Witches but I have no idea how that would work.

>> No.11790093

I just imagine Strike Witches.

I doubt we'll see the actual ships often if ever, it will almost certainly just be kanmusu flying around and fighting Abyss.

>> No.11790118

Trying installing in a different folder, that fixed it for me.

>> No.11790123

Win 7. Now working.
different folder,
cleared cache.
increased ie cache size.

>> No.11790132

But how would that work if the Arpeggios showed up without problem? Wouldn't that mean that the girls indeed have physical ships with'em as well?

>> No.11790135

Win 7
This is working nicely.

>> No.11790138

Kongou standing on Kongou shouting BURNING LOVE while she fires her cannons would be fantastic

>> No.11790139

I'd want them to have actual ships because the idea of ship maneuvers doesn't work with a bunch of girls running on top of the water. The problem is, what do you do with all the equipment they carry around?

Maybe if it transformed Autobot-style but that's getting really stupid

>> No.11790147

New KCV is crashing on me constantly, I can barely even get into the game about 1/3 of the time before a crash, and when it does it's already crashing again within a minute. All previous versions worked fine, changed folder, cache size doesn't help, cleared cache to no avail. Halp? Notifications on win7 sound pretty nice.

>> No.11790164

Question: Where is the best place for a noobish teitoku to level?

I've gotten all the way up to 3-2 and have only just gotten 3 destroyers to their kai upgrade, nothing that else that close (that I want up there that is). Just got Shimakaze a few days ago and am trying to level her, but I feel like there could be a faster way of doing so and with a group of them as well.

>> No.11790170

Should've unlocked 4-3 with Iona.

>> No.11790173

New KCV started to crash on me again, this time only when an expedition is complete. Last versions worked fine, changed folder, cleared cache, cache size set to max and crashes with completed expedition regardless of if notifications is on or off. Windows 7

>> No.11790179

Get a sub,grind 3-2 with said sub+2CV/CVL loaded with torpedo bomber and then abuse the steel node,repeat ad infinitum and then blew all the steel on LSC.

>> No.11790201

>The problem is, what do you do with all the equipment they carry around?
The manga handles that pretty well; pocket-sized versions of their real life counterpart, depending who you ask, that is either pretty awesome or turrets-on-head retarded.

>> No.11790208

Maybe it'll just be like Ars Nova.

>> No.11790216

Do you guys go red + main green or double torp on Kitakami?

>> No.11790218

Windows 7 64-bit, KCV138 crashes me randomly too.

Switching back to 100+

>> No.11790225

Minisub + double yellow guns for double strike at night.

>> No.11790224

Haven't taken off double yellow since last event.

>> No.11790230

I equip her with 20.3 and 12.7 vice. Double yellow is probably the best though. Then again, if I remember correctly, KTKM has higher than average luck so if you wish to take a risk go ahead. That said, her firepower+torpedo stats are ridiculous so a double attack would be enough to take down anything.

>> No.11790234

Yellows? I'm guessing the higher spec yellows are stronger than the reds she can use?

>> No.11790236

Any updates to the LSC report? Wondering whether to use 4/2/5/5.5 20 for Taihou

>> No.11790241

Accuracy is a placebo stat. Just think of the time you left some ca or cl at 1hp due to insufficient firepower

>> No.11790245

15.5cm yellows have the exact same stats as 20.3cm reds (7/3), but also add 2 accuracy.

As for what to equip her with - depends. For grinding 3-2-a or 4-1 or whatever, 2x 15.5cm yellow. If you're going into areas with AA, you may wish to use 15.5cm+a 10cm or 12.7cm green dual purpose gun, either setup will still let you double attack at night.

>> No.11790246

15.3 vice has the same stat as 20.3 except with +2 accuracy.

>> No.11790252


>> No.11790257

Ah, my apologies. I always mixed it up with 20.3.

>> No.11790264

God damn it Hatsuyuki, step it up.

>> No.11790267

SSV counts as CV for expedition 15 right?

>> No.11790269

Go to wikiwiki and look under expedition.

>> No.11790278

ah oops, thanks

>> No.11790296

What's the magic recipe for 46cm, again?

>> No.11790301



>> No.11790303

oups, meant to link http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11761434/#11767850

>> No.11790315

try reading the OP

>> No.11790314

Where do you get hi-res transparent images of the kanmusus?

>> No.11790316

Sorry about that.

>> No.11790327

Ah I missed that, thanks.

>> No.11790373

Have you started leveling your Naka chang yet?

>> No.11790391

She's still at level 25

>> No.11790405

I just saw two players having Naka as their flagship in PvP. The grind for Naka has begun.

>> No.11790406

Naka is the highest level cruiser in my fleet because she was first and first girl wins.

>> No.11790418

What what? Is she getting a kai 2?

>> No.11790424

I wish people would read the thread first before acting stupid.

>> No.11790426


>> No.11790434

The thread is some 2000 posts long. Not reading it in its entirety is excusable.

But then he could still have searched for Naka, so you do have a point there.

>> No.11790430

Ah that explains it now. thank god I never scrapped her and actually use her

Suck on that, Naka hater.

>> No.11790436

After I get my hibiki to 70

>> No.11790438

I always use her as modernizing material damn I guess its time to look for her.

>> No.11790441

>But then he could still have searched for Naka, so you do have a point there.
He couldn't have. I tried. Note how the post >>11787492
does not actually say 那珂 nor does it say naka.

>> No.11790442

I don't think anyone actually hates Naka but this remodel is going to be hell on her one trick joke since her popularity came from her infamy. Or maybe the stats will be completely awful and it'll be an album remodel. We've already got enough talented light cruisers so I'm hoping for something good.

>> No.11790445

I hope they do heavy cruiser remodels next. Takao, Tone, and Atago especially

>> No.11790446

The beaver should get a 70 upgrade into another ship, but of course the more popular stockings one will get an upgrade instead.

>> No.11790449

>I don't think anyone actually hates Naka
Are you kidding me? Look at all the fanart and all those crafting post. The scapegoat is always Naka (although not for LSC)

If that doesn't mean "hate", I don't know what that means then

>> No.11790450

Her track record is not very impressive. If anything the dev is late because of the battle of Christmas Island. Here's hoping for an art update instead.

>> No.11790455

No, the beaver is practically guaranteed a second remodel to Tan Yang.

Shimakaze's isn't guaranteed. If she does get a second remodel it'll be because of her popularity.

>> No.11790453

Eh, I'll grind her anyway

>> No.11790458

Not really. Naka had quite the service with the IJN. Quite a lucky ship too. Her captain didn't have to go down with her at the end, losing 240/450 crew at the end.

She had a record of not getting hit by torpedo, and getting away just before the USN drops the hammer.

>> No.11790461

That's like saying people hate Akagi for eating all their resources. She's the poster girl of crafting sure, but it's more like teasing than anything else.

>> No.11790462

ZKMS 2nd remodel better give her the quintuple oxygen torpedo. That setup rightfully belongs to her historically speaking.

>> No.11790463

Super Shimakaze?

>> No.11790466

You're a funny guy.
Chinese ship? In my nationalist Jap game? Come on now.

>> No.11790472

Beaver remodel into Tan Yang will see her stripped of equipment I think. Historically speaking, Beaver didn't get the 10cm gun until ROCN slapped them onto her after the turnover. The 10cm guns were IJN leftovers that were in Taiwan.

>> No.11790468

That's... Actually a good way to put it. Fair enough, I can understand that

>> No.11790469

Aviation destroyer

>> No.11790476

Naka is a joke character. Real hate is reserved for ships like yamashit and kusou. both of them actually show up in LSC to cuntblock your Yamato.

>> No.11790475

Technically it's not chinese. It's complicated, really.

>> No.11790477

More likely than you think, cause Tan Yang didn't go to Red China. Them Japanese nationalists do like to cozy up with the Taiwanese you know...

>> No.11790481

I had the impression they did already.

She should... but getting a 2nd remodel comes first.

Nah, not yet I think.

Taiwanese actually, and Japan has quite the good relationship with Taiwan.

>> No.11790483

Chinese, Taiwanese, isn't it all the same shit? You guys all eat rice, right?

>> No.11790489

Nope, they have a very bad relationship with each other.

>> No.11790490

Tan Yang, the flagship of Chang Kai-shek's navy. How lovely.

Nationalist China fought the Sino-Japanese War, and it was the Nationalist Navy that received Yukikaze after the war.

The Taiwanese, sure, but when the Nationalists set up shop in Taiwan after fleeing the Chinese Civil War, they treated the existing population (who were on the whole pretty pro-Japan) like utter shit.

>> No.11790492

So if I set IE to always route through localhost rather than using the script, does that affect firefox too? Because I would rather just do that to get logbook working since I never use IE.

Also what happened to the other thread? Did mods actually delete it?

>> No.11790493

The OP asked for it to be deleted, so they obliged.

>> No.11790495

OP requested its deletion because he forgot the subject title.

>> No.11790496

>OP requested its deletion because he forgot the subject title.
Yeah I remember the he messed up. I didn't realize mods actually helped out with that.

>> No.11790503

Super Shimakaze was a different class of ship that is only based on the Shimakaze, kind of like how Unryu-class is the mass production model of Hiryu. If anything, they should be separate ships.

>> No.11790504

ROCN actually gave the anchor of Yukikaze/Tan Yang back to JMSDF after she was retired and had to be scrapped from typhoon damage.

And guess what? History is kind of a bitch to the nationalists that went to Taiwan by '49. The KMT got fucked over by Lee Tung-Hui bad. Having said that, everyone + dog are now trying to make dough in China...

Chinese and the Taiwanese are about as ambivalent to each other as the Basque is to the Spaniard or Quebecois to Canadian. Your nationalist side would be Canadiens vs that of Quebecois.

Then again, this shit might be beyond your comprehension.

>> No.11790510

How did it go again? "The wheel of justice grinds slow, but fine" or something like that.

Also nobody actually cares about Quebec.

>> No.11790511

As a Canadian, fuck Quebecois

>> No.11790517

My ``mad chink'' radar is going off the scale.

>> No.11790518

That's pretty much his point, actually.

>> No.11790523

mad Chinks would be spreading shit about Japanese imperialism right now. they use this as a strawman all the time when this stuff comes up.

>> No.11790527

I'm sure the RNG is more of mocking the IJN than anything else? Nationalistic pride? More like the opposite, amirite?

>> No.11790536

Have you guys preordered your Shimakaze girltoy yet?

>> No.11790537

They have to make a game out of it somehow.

PRC, KMT, greens, it's all chinks. Although I guess nobody who's not Chinese would care too much.

>> No.11790535

I agree. The RNG and the compass are better than the IJN high command, who fucks even with expeditions. Their shipbuilding (naval planning) was about as bad as leaving it up to the RNG for LSC...

>> No.11790542

There are chinks all over the world. I'm pretty sure most of us don't really like China much.

>> No.11790539

no because

Kongou scale please.

>> No.11790544

Nips do, cause they live right next door.
Gooks do, geopolitics.
Slavshits do, geopolitics

Amerifats don't.
Yurup don't.
Sandniggers don't.
Niggers don't.
Latinos don't.

>> No.11790551

All the Chinese in these threads are race traitors anyway.

>> No.11790548


>> No.11790555

Considering LSC even gives you a crappy IJA sub its probably even worse than IJN command.
You are missing Charlie there,they are stocking up Kilo subs out of fear.

>> No.11790552

Make Nagato figurine
Calls her Kongou
Calls it a day.

Typical Kadokawa.

>> No.11790553

Bushpeople really aren't a part of this world, huh...

>> No.11790557

Thought 4chan is b& in China. Only traitors to the party like filthy HK, TW and whatnot can trash talk over here.

>> No.11790562

I want Iku so baaaadddd

>> No.11790564

And I'm glad for it. Thank goodness I wasn't born in that shithole.

The Great Firewall doesn't extend to HK?

>> No.11790566

Well why the hell are you not farming E-3 then

>> No.11790568


You had a chance in two events, the last one being easier.


Don't do that.

>> No.11790571

24hrs late.

>> No.11790574

"not yet".

>> No.11790575

The first one was much easier for getting Iku. You could do it with level 1 ships.

>> No.11790577

I refreshed my cache.
During the event I spent all my resource to get Shioi, who turns out is only good for trafficking drugs.
I'm new and a kuso teitoku.
>Don't do that.
Fight me, nerd.

>> No.11790579

Iku should've been in-game by August. Kumano and Suzuya had to be rushed cause the voice wasn't ready. That's partly why Iku was a freebee in Ironbottom Sound.

>> No.11790581

As far as I'm concerned, the only excuse for not having Iku was not having an account during the fall event. I had shit for ships and resources and still managed to clear E-2 for a Noshiro.

>> No.11790585

what if, in the future, they implement a feature for the abyss fleet to chase YOU?
if you choose to retreat, they can force you to night battle. it will be counted as a new battle as well, just for kicks.

>> No.11790584

According to a PRC poster in /int/ the problem is not the Great Firewall but captcha uses google services so the only way to post is by having 4chan pass.

>> No.11790588


That's what I meant. Fall E-1 was a guarantee Iku while Christmas E-3 required farming, though there was a chance of getting her from the first node.


It is nice getting 2 subs from one event though.

>> No.11790586

And we all know that Google services are not kosher in PRC.

>> No.11790587

I'd like to inform you that just clearing E-3 (depleting the bar and getting my Shioi) netted me two I-19s.

>> No.11790589

Why is Mootles such a shrewd and calculating businessjew?

>> No.11790590

Did anyone actually dare to farm the event maps after maintenance without clearing their cache?

>> No.11790591

Can't have capitalist pigdog search services operating in glorious China, you see.

>> No.11790592

Yea. Not when the party has its own capitalist search services such as Baidu that's operating on home turf.

>> No.11790599

You can bypass any region block with a pass

>> No.11790596

I thought moot banned PRC from 4chan entirely.

>> No.11790602

/kancolle/ - chinese people

>> No.11790604


Commie dev got Yamato before LSC by exploiting old event maps apparently, so for the most part most people are safe.

Even doing steel node exploits on stream. I'm surprised he's not banned yet.

>> No.11790607

on stream means nothing. They aren't gonna go look him up from his stream. Either they get some automatic script to detect people or they do nothing.

>> No.11790608

>Chinese people

There's peeps here that go on Komica, gamers, and 2ch/futaba here. We know that they know that we know about this. They post translations, you see.

>> No.11790613

If this is true, shouldn't you be able to download cache files for the fall event and get I-8 and Musashi?

>> No.11790615

I'm expecting ambush battles where your fleet cannot do pre-emptive attacks or airstrikes, and the Abyss fleet attacks first instead of your ships. Also, an Abyss-only torpedo net equipment that nullifies or greatly decreases all torpedo damage, anchorages with anti-submarine booms that prevent submarines from attacking, minefield nodes that randomly damage your fleet and require minesweepers to clear out, mined battlefields that do the same when your ships try to attack, a round of Abyss-side bombardment support just after your own support fleet, and Abyss ships with multi-target attacks.

There's a lot that the developers can do to make our lives miserable, and they did say that they weren't going to hold back at Midway.

>> No.11790616

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they did.

Enjoy creating server problems for everyone else, I guess.

>> No.11790620

Mirror match when?

Captcha: when eypefo

>> No.11790626

After all the hyping up for Midway, part of me hopes it won't be an event, but an expansion with some event only stuff for completing it fast enough. If they do use such interesting mechanics, it'd be a shame for it to go away after a month.

>> No.11790629

Maybe after the event they'll add extra maps that all use different portions of the hell they unleashed earlier. I'd prefer it remain an event so admirals can talk about how it ruined their lives, much like they do about the fall event.

>> No.11790631

So a guy on my pvp list at 36 has a Taihou...

>> No.11790633


Yes, people get lucky, what else is new?

>> No.11790635

It is your own fault for not joining the LSC club like what everyone is saying here.

>> No.11790647

My resources are now less than 10k. Am I in the LSC club yet?

>> No.11790669

Failed the lottery.
such is life.

>> No.11790665

Well, there's always 5-4 and World 6. The latter is especially likely to have a new ship type or mechanic, since each new world brings new gimmicks to the fray.

I'm kind of wishing for a ship design event, too, since a lot of talented artists have switched to drawing Kancolle and there are a lot of good shipdaughter designs floating around. A design contest would certainly create a boom in popularity, and other online games (Madoka Online, off the top of my head) did pretty well with this sort of event. I for one am religiously following the オリジナル艦娘 tag on Pixiv for BB/ACR/PCR designs, yesterday's Settsu design in particular had a really nice take on the ship's history:


Though the poor old battleship, true to her original luck, didn't even get to be a shipdaughter, she's just this vaguely feminine hulk of iron that is remotely controlled by the destroyer Yakaze.

>> No.11790672

About to do my first non-minimum LSC. Someone give me a decent Taihou recipie, haven't seen any of the charts posted in a while.

>> No.11790671

>Though the poor old battleship, true to her original luck, didn't even get to be a shipdaughter, she's just this vaguely feminine hulk of iron that is remotely controlled by the destroyer Yakaze.
Jiangshi Kancolle when?

>> No.11790673

Same here. Better luck next time for the both of us.

>> No.11790675


>> No.11790677

No idea why that linked. Perhaps it's too late to be posting for me.

>> No.11790679

>Jiangshi Kancolle when?
Isn't that Akitsu Maru?

>> No.11790680

Me too. Back to PAD.

>> No.11790692 [DELETED] 

I was expecting a CV cosplayer, since Settsu's other claim to fame is that she imitated the radar signals of six CVs and two CVLs in order to deceive potential listeners regarding the position of the IJN's carrier force. But we already have puppeteers in Chiyoda and Chitose, and magicians in Hiyo, Junyo and Ryujo, so a jiangshi isn't all that unlikely.

4/2/6/7/20 and 3.5/3.5/6/6/20 are the popular recipes. I've gotten my Taiho from the latter.

>> No.11790699

I was expecting a CV cosplayer, since Settsu's other claim to fame is that she imitated the radio signals of six CVs and two CVLs in order to deceive potential listeners regarding the position of the IJN's carrier force. But we already have puppeteers in Chiyoda and Chitose, and magicians in Hiyo, Junyo and Ryujo, so a jiangshi isn't all that unlikely.

4/2/6/7/20 and 3.5/3.5/6/6/20 are the popular recipes. I've gotten my Taiho from the latter.

>> No.11790701

Tried 3.5/3.5/6/6/20, got a 3 hour timer. Time to wait another week and try again when I have the Bauxite.

>> No.11790704

2 days spamming expedition 8 is more than enough for a craft.

>> No.11790706

> 3.5/3.5/6/6/20
Akitsumaru. Well, at least I finally got something besides Kongou class

>> No.11790708

I want them to add more weekly and daily quests
How about some weeklies to sink Battleships? What about a daily to score two world 5 boss wins?

>> No.11790710


Here's the 03/01/14 chart, if you still need it. It was 4/2/5/7 for the bauxite-heavy recipe, by the way, my bad on that.

>> No.11790714


Her second remodel is cute, and the boat is the best thing ever.

>> No.11790711

And by 8 I mean 6 of course.

>> No.11790715

Chinks can't even protect beaver from a typhoon, wow.

>> No.11790717

>zuikaku 5.2%

well that certainly explains why I got 2 zuikakus and still no taihous from lsc

>> No.11790719

Just like I got 4 Maruyus but no Taihou.

>> No.11790721

Hmm, too bad I mostly just run 2,3,5.
I guess when I need fuel I I can stick it on a level 1 chitose and run expedition 9.

>> No.11790722

Should subs be equipped with torpedoes or turbins for subcheesing?

>> No.11790724

A zombie with six bows strapped to her back, wearing Ryuujou's military visor-cap thing over Zuihou's hachimaki, with a flight deck talisman stapled to her face. Super design clusterfuck. Make it happen.

Admiral Halsey lost three destroyers to a typhoon in 1944, and Tomozuru capsized in a big storm. Mother Nature is some serious business.

>> No.11790725

Can we please get a new thread, this is killing my computer.

>> No.11790726

Midget subs.

>> No.11790727

torps or go home.

>> No.11790728

torps, according to the japs turbines are pointless

>> No.11790729

An overwhelming majority of people don't believe in turbines, it seems like fleet positions ruin all that.

>> No.11790731


Expeditions when you sleep. 16 is a nice payout with 3 boats.

92 bauxite from 6 is also nice.

>> No.11790733

Post your specs. I want to know what toaster can't handle this thread.

>> No.11790736

but my script runs expeditions 2-5-6 for me when I sleep for maximum profit.

>> No.11790737

Chidori class when?

Would they be CLTs or something else?

>> No.11790745

>protect (snip) from a typhoon
Not knowing about how serious shit a typhoon can be? You are stupid as fuck. Let me educate you.

Kamikaze was a typhoon. So serious that the entire mongol fleet got fucked over.
Cargo ships sink from Typhoon like dime in a dozen. read http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1296662/typhoon-utor-sinks-cargo-ship-hong-kong for example.

USN lost 3 destroyers, 790 fatalities, with 9 ship damaged. 100 planes lost. to a typhoon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon_Cobra_%281944%29

In the words of Admiral Chester Nimitz, the typhoon's impact "represented a more crippling blow to the Third Fleet than it might be expected to suffer in anything less than a major action".

It took a typhoon to get rid of Yukikaze. Pretty bad ass.

>> No.11790742

Make one yourself.

>> No.11790746


Then you'll get even more profit with boats. If I actually use scripts my bauxite payout would be incredible.

>> No.11790748

>All the Chinese in these threads are race traitors anyway
The only race traitor is one that supports the reds.

>> No.11790756

new thread: >>11790744

>> No.11790754

the boats require AV or zunbie. too expensive to refuel on short expeditions

>> No.11790760

I tried, but I don't know what's getting spam filtered.

>> No.11790761

> First for
scuttle yourself.

>> No.11790764

Expedition 6 gives 120 bauxite if you sparkle. That's huge.

it's getting to the point that I'd want to run script honestly... getting bauxite in my sleep would be good.

>> No.11790768

Might still be worth it if bauxite is really your limited resource. Too bad fuel is also pretty hard to get compared to other resources by botting.

Do the boats stack if you put more than one on a single ship? Or do you have to bring multiple seaplane tender if you want to get higher bonuses?

>> No.11790772

>It took a typhoon to get rid of Yukikaze. Pretty bad ass.
Yeah, and even then she didn't sink, she only ran aground. Unsinkable ship, indeed.

>> No.11790773

Are you running on an Intel Celeron 233Mhz with 256MB of RAM with a VooDoo 7 graphics card, with Windows 95 installed?

How would it be different from having a communist slav ship? And wasn't Yukikaze treated better in comparison to how Hibiki was treated by the Soviet Navy?

>> No.11790780

IJN's ridiculously top-heavy designs were part of the problem, too. They tried to tone it down a bit after Tomozuru, but some of their heavy cruisers were still affronts to any sort of reasonable warship design. But then naval history is full of affronts to ship design, so they can't really be blamed for it.

And even if you don't topple, the risk of accidents is greatly increased in stormy weather, e.g. there was an incident where a small minelayer (Shirakami?) decided that it would not do to abandon patrol duties in stormy weather, and handled the incoming typhoon pretty well, but then failed to avoid the ship it was escorting and rammed into it. The escorted ship was unharmed, but the minelayer, being one-tenth its size, promptly sunk.

>> No.11790781

20% of expi 6 is hardly worth it and that requires either akitsumaru or two AVs which cost a decent amount to resupply. each boat is only 5% and it caps at 20% so imo its worthless for anything shorter than expi 5 and 9.
you can stack boats on one AV but AVs at most have 3 slots and you need 4 boats for the cap.

>> No.11790778 [DELETED] 


Having 100+ bauxite per 40 mins is extremely nice and well worth the fuel cost of sortieing 2 AVs and zunbie. At one point you can swap expedition 2 for another fuel expedition once you get the amount of buckets you desire.

>> No.11790779

Boats stack up to 20% per expedition. So you need 4 boats.

>> No.11790783

100+ requires great success
80*20% is only 96
120+20% is 144 which is nice but not worth the extra cost imo. Unless you really hurt for planes and Taihou you don't need bauxite with such urgency.

>> No.11790784

But does it work if you put 3 boats on a single ship? I don't think the extra fuel for a more expensive ship just to use a single boat would be worth it. But if you can just bring one more expensive ship along and load it with 3-4 boats, then it might be.

>> No.11790786


>> No.11790788

Why are we using that word to describe a country where eating pork is a staple food? You might offend the few on /jp/ who are orthodox Judaism followers, you know.

I wonder what the kind anon who usually makes these charts would think when he sees that filename.

Is there a point to put them on subs that aren't sub-Lv.10?

>> No.11790790

what is more economical is to go for the 120 bauxite payout with subs. Maruyu, Imuya, Goya and Iku plus two DDs would be the best bang for the buck.

>> No.11790793

Yes. Midget subs have +12 torp. That's pretty much as good as it gets. Your 53mm bow torps would be too invaluable to be used.

>> No.11790795

If you're using sub as sparkle helper in 1-1, better don't put anything. But if you take her for normal farming, more chance to pre-emptively kill enemy is more favorable.

>> No.11790796

Ah ok cool. If I get 3 then I guess I'll stick Chitose in the expedition 5 crew.

Also, decided to go for one more craft to go broke, but I'm glad I did it (4/6/6/3/20)

>> No.11790797

I have 112k bauxite and barely ever sparkle my expi 6. I do run it pretty much 24/7 though. its roughly 2800 bauxite a day from expeditions and another 300-400 from quests. If you really hurt for baux, get 4 ships and do infinite 2-2 bauxite node refresh runs or even automate that with a script.

>> No.11790800

grats. how broke are you though?

>> No.11790807


I forgot boats caps at 20%. 96 still seems nice, especially when you do 2-3 while you're on to make up the fuel costs along with fuel expeditions.

>> No.11790806

I was under the impression that you can't get night battle special attacks with midget subs, but you could with any torpedo combo, which is why I'd usually put in oxygen torps.

>> No.11790808

>how broke are you though?
It's in the image. Thanks though. Now I can happily prepare my anus for Taihou taking 20 more crafts to get.

>> No.11790819

Yes, you can't get a cut-in with midget subs but it's still useful for unremodeled subs since they can't cut-in anyway thanks to having only one equipment slot.

>> No.11790820

Night battle specials won't work when your sub isn't remodeled. Your will just fire a shot with a torp. Therefore, getting as much torp stat as you can is the best course of action.

Imuya is no issue (remodel and it's still SS,) but every other sub takes the SSV penalty if you remodel. Cut-in is important if you are using the subs seriously, but for 2-3, I think you don't need it.

>> No.11790826

One of these days I'll automated 2-2 bauxite runs while asleep and actually check how much you get on average
probably less than automating expeditions while asleep
sadly, doing both at the same time is nearly impossible.
I could make 1 bauxite run per expedition script loop though and that would essentially eliminate part of the sleep time because of load times, hmmm... worth a try. would work for 1-2 ( ammo) 2-2(baux) 2-3(fuel) as they all have a green node at the start and 4 ships trigger the formation selection so you just need to account for the delay of hitting the node, add five seconds and then refresh via script, have sleep time to load and loop it

I actually got a good idea, thanks anon

>> No.11790831

I think someone posted a pastebin to a script in the /a/ thread yesterday that actually runs legit 3-2 or 2-3 trips for you while you sleep.
I wouldn't trust any script that sends things on sorties without me watching. Even with just my expedition script I leave only a flagship, in case it goes retard and starts sending shit on sorties on accident - which I have had happen, although it just got stuck at the advance screen, and didn't keep sending them forward (and 1-1 isn't all that dangerous anyway).

>> No.11790837

I think that automating the whole of 2-3 is not really a great idea, since you can lose a sub from it. 2-3-A I can understand I guess.

>> No.11790845

Talking about scriting, is the Kancolle keyboard shortcut application from wikia legit?

>> No.11790847


>> No.11790869

This my second time now, third times the charm hopefully.

>> No.11790898

I'm posting this from a 2003 Mac PowerBook G4 laptop with a 867MHz CPU, 256 megs of RAM, and OS X 10.3.9 with Safari 1.3.2.

>> No.11790971

Is Akitsumaru actually good for anything else than +5% bonus from expeditions?

>> No.11790985

LSC's Isuzu. Only good for her equipments.

>> No.11791094

I wonder how bob is going to pull the kai ni off. I hope he fixes her face.

>> No.11791295

No, Akitsu Maru + Maruyu = Naka + Isuzu.

>> No.11792446

For the KCV-horizontal, to make it load directly to your api link do you just replace it in the value tag? I tried replacing it but it won't run if I do.
