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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11775177 No.11775177 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11775178

Is that moot?

>> No.11775181

moot is so poor he only got to vacation in Japan once this first week of 2014.

>> No.11775187

Normies go to >>>/soc/, normie.

>> No.11775200

moot is a Jew

>> No.11775194

I hope nobody buys his "I lose money by hosting 4chan" bullshit anymore.

>> No.11775195

And we still haven't known which 2hu would they fuck.

>> No.11775207

>→ 4chan Passes are on sale for the holidays! ←
This fucking jew. Holidays are over, Mr Mootenberg.

>> No.11775211

Again? Why does he do this to us? I can't tell if he's mocking us or supporting us.

>> No.11775215

they're obviously good friends

>> No.11775216


>> No.11775219

He's trying to piss people off, that's all. I bet he is OP of this thread too, there is no other way. He doesn't even play touhou or have any interest in it. He simply wants to irritate /jp/ for how it has treated him during the years. What other reason is there to even share such a photo otherwise? Non-/jp/sies don't know shit about ZUN and japs don't know shit about j00t. It's solely to piss /jp/ off.

>> No.11775222


Well he certainty isn't rich from 4chan and I for one am grateful for him keeping up this site.

>> No.11775226

>/jp/ for how it has treated him during the years

How has /jp/ treated moot in the past?

>> No.11775229
File: 167 KB, 1242x1242, 1380297143631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost got me, Winnetou.

>> No.11775230

This is what I think as well. Fuck you, jeewt. I appreciate that you run this site, but you obviously make enough money as it is, and I don't need to have you in my face all the time.

>> No.11775234
File: 127 KB, 750x801, 1380298309145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the shit he is.

>> No.11775233

It was posted on ZUN's twitter. OP can be any anon taking a pic from there or you or even ZUN!bar himself.

>> No.11775234,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janishite censoring the truth again

>> No.11775234,2 [INTERNAL] 

Not to mention they don't even have anything in common.
What do they even talk about?
Can they even communicate with each other without a translator?

>> No.11775234,3 [INTERNAL] 

Who needs communication when you have beer?

Actually wait, I thought moot didn't drink?

>> No.11775234,4 [INTERNAL] 

True. /jp/ is the only link between the two.

>> No.11775234,5 [INTERNAL] 

J comes just in time to save the ignorant masses of /jp/.

>> No.11775234,6 [INTERNAL] 

It really upsets me that someone like him, who doesn't know jap, doesn't have any talent, dropped out of college and doesn't have an inch of personality can get to live off the money of impressionable 16-year-olds.

>> No.11775234,7 [INTERNAL] 

Just always remember you are at least not a fag. I hope you are not.

>> No.11775234,8 [INTERNAL] 

It's like that always - just be at the right place at the right time, and things will go your way without ever lifting a finger again afterwards. Just look at Google, Facebook, Twitter and co. (You could argue that the Google guys at least were genuinely smart people).

>> No.11775234,9 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't you take care of him him at Comik

>> No.11775234,10 [INTERNAL] 

moot only ironically likes /jp/

>> No.11775234,11 [INTERNAL] 

moot loves us the most. It's why he's so harsh with us. We're the last bastion.

>> No.11775234,12 [INTERNAL] 

Indeed. The last bastion preventing him from having mainstream ads in his site. Not that he isn't already raking in tons of money from custom banners nobody sees and passes.

>> No.11775234,13 [INTERNAL] 

Don't forget all the money coming from viral marketers!

>> No.11775234,14 [INTERNAL] 

I bought a 4chan pass and disable adblock on 4chan.

You assmutilated, nerds?

>> No.11775234,15 [INTERNAL] 

It's your money to waste.

>> No.11775234,16 [INTERNAL] 

It's sarcasm. Jewt always complains about "muh server costs", "muh im so poor pls give me 20 bucks", but in reality he takes trips to japan every comiket and chills with Zun because he's filthy rich.

>> No.11775234,17 [INTERNAL] 

moot must cry himself to sleep every night. All he wants and craves is attention, for /jp/ to laugh at his lame jokes and treat him like a god. Similar to his reception whenever he makes a thread on any other board. He's just never going to get it

>> No.11775234,18 [INTERNAL] 

moot has always been this lame attention seeker wearing his team 4chan shirt around the uva campus and shit like that

he was 10x better when we all thought he was a chubby mexican

>> No.11775234,19 [INTERNAL] 

What kind of 14-year-old has the kind of money to host a website? Even considering he resorted to donations at some point.

>> No.11775234,20 [INTERNAL] 

Rich parents

>> No.11775234,21 [INTERNAL] 


moot begged for enough to host the site for 6 months or so, then 4chan got really popular and he was able to ask for donations at that point.

>> No.11775234,22 [INTERNAL] 

Moot is successful because he's a shameless normalfag. You or me might hate internet begging. You or me might question the ethics of spamming your own website and implementing a captcha system that requires users to fill out a new one after EVERY post and then charging people a ridiculous fee to bypass it. You or me might hesitate to complain about being poor to people on the internet and then go on frequent vacations around the world. You or me might even hesitate before stealing an idea for a website.

None of that phases moot. He's always been a prick, it was just a lot better years ago when he didn't have as much presence on 4chan and we weren't burdened by him. Once he figured out a way to turn 4chan into a money machine he hasn't stopped promoting himself for a minute.

The saddest part is we created this monster.
Don't tell him that though, he has been trying for years to eliminate the 'old userbase' and replace them with smartphone browsing 17 year olds with access to dad's credit card.

>> No.11775234,23 [INTERNAL] 

moot was 5million dollars rich last year

I wonder how much he has made this year

>> No.11775234,24 [INTERNAL] 

>charging people a ridiculous fee
$15 for a fucking year is nothing.
Or wait, you're crying because you ban evade and therefore can't even use one. Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say.

>> No.11775234,25 [INTERNAL] 

If it were a one-time fee, it would be worth the charge. Charging fifteen dollars a year when all it does it remove the captcha is insane. I'm willing to pay ten dollars a month for cellphone service and fifty dollars a month for Internet service, but paying $1.25 per month for captcha service is going too far.

>> No.11775234,26 [INTERNAL] 

$20 to post on 4chan is retarded. The website is hardly even pleasurable to browse anymore and you are paying for something of "imaginary value" because he himself has set up the captcha system. Not to mention it alienates the poor people in other countries and NEETs.

You sound like someone who fell for his hand rubbing.

>> No.11775234,27 [INTERNAL] 

>pay for 4chan pass
>stay on topic, don't flame anyone, post pics
>get ban because i have a trip on
>can't use pass anymore and can't refund my pass


>> No.11775234,28 [INTERNAL] 

Can you please stop using public trips to deceive poor /jp/sies?

>> No.11775234,29 [INTERNAL] 

Moot didn't think the 1-year thing through.
Buy it on a holiday, and next holiday it will be on sale again just in time for it to expire.

I'm a fucking NEET, all I do is waste my life arguing with shitsticks like you on 4chan. Worth the 15 for me.

>stay on topic
Nigga you couldn't circlejerk any harder unless you had a penis. Get the fuck out.

>> No.11775234,30 [INTERNAL] 

Why not just type out the captcha? Especially considering you have no income. It doesn't take very long and you'll have to do it on the archive whether you pay or not.

>> No.11775234,31 [INTERNAL] 

No neet has literally zero income from any source. Otherwise they wouldn't be alive for very long.

Mooch off parents? Just hoard the couple of dollars they give you for your mountain dew and chips every other day untill you get enough to throw on a prepaid visa.
Christmas/birthday gift money is also a possibility.

>> No.11775234,32 [INTERNAL] 

I think he was hoping people could take advantage of the discount as much as possible with this plan because he loves us.

>> No.11775234,33 [INTERNAL] 

Are you people seriously advocating for a ridiculous yearly fee that lets you bypass captcha? Relying on discounts is no valid excuse, either.

>> No.11775234,34 [INTERNAL] 

in this thread: HELLa made jealous losers who wish they'd made the english futaba clone first

>> No.11775234,35 [INTERNAL] 

i really don't give a shit about typing the captcha so i'm fine with it

>> No.11775234,36 [INTERNAL] 

If he's such good friends with ZUN why doesn't he just make a dedicated touhou board already?

>> No.11775234,37 [INTERNAL] 

Poor ZUN doesn't even know who he's hanging out with

>> No.11775234,38 [INTERNAL] 

moot is able to take vacations to japan because he has a real job that pays money

just because you live by scamming epics by pretending to be a girl in WoW doesn't mean everyone else is living on such a shoestring budget

>> No.11775234,39 [INTERNAL] 

yeah hah cunt i make 40k quid a year for almost no real work and i still tink moot is the biggest fagit of all time

>> No.11775234,40 [INTERNAL] 

You know...............

ZUN is old enough to be moot's father... could it be that he's infertile or something or that his wife is unable to give birth to a child so ZUN started seeing moot as his own son?
it's possible, there's no point in a middle-aged person like ZUN hanging out with a teenager like moot...

maybe ZUN is teaching moot japanese... maybe they're having a REALLY good relationship, I mean, I've never seen ZUN take so many photos with a single person before, not even his wife...
This is really weird...

I just hope for the best... I just wonder if ZUN's wife will accept her new son?

>> No.11775234,41 [INTERNAL] 

you're just jealous because moot is better at getting retards to send him money over the internet than you are

>> No.11775234,42 [INTERNAL] 

remember the internet before everything had a captcha on it

>> No.11775234,43 [INTERNAL] 

Why not how. Gifts don't count as income either because they aren't steady. Nor does your parents feeding you so you don't starve.

>> No.11775234,44 [INTERNAL] 

>real job
moot has never worked a "real job"
he wasted time in college until he sold his soul to some investors, then the whole captcha pass thing

and he makes a little money on the side from that drawfag shit but he didn't have much to do with it

>> No.11775234,45 [INTERNAL] 

-Hey, they're talking about us!
A few posts later:

Stay classy, Janiturd.

>> No.11775234,46 [INTERNAL] 

He's playing it cool in the other thread but you can spot him a mile away. He isn't even deleting anything so people assume he's not around.

>> No.11775234,47 [INTERNAL] 

getting a million dollars from a rich venture capitalist by starting a company may not be "a real job" but it pays more than real jobs do

the janitor probably hates moot because he won't rangeban the people who he's mad at

>> No.11775234,48 [INTERNAL] 

It was more like $600k
And I heard through the grapevine that the investors were a little upset over how he was allocating the funds.

>> No.11775234,49 [INTERNAL] 

Paying for male strippers every week would piss off any investor.

>> No.11775234,50 [INTERNAL] 

i'm going to laugh my ass off if it turns out he's expensing these japan trips to canvas
