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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11751782 No.11751782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you up to, /jp/?

>> No.11751788

refreshing the first page and watching threads disappear

>> No.11751789
File: 384 KB, 880x623, 35848706_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking bout stuff

>> No.11751791
File: 39 KB, 300x278, 13558142664049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use the catalog?

What stuff?

>> No.11751791,1 [INTERNAL] 

3 years of planning

i'm going out with a bang

>> No.11751804

3 years of planning

i'm going out with a bang

>> No.11751805
File: 198 KB, 315x419, 13589645863565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11751805,1 [INTERNAL] 

I took too long choosing a picture and the thread was deleted before I could post, sorry friends.

>> No.11751805,2 [INTERNAL] 

that's too bad. please talk to us next time.

>> No.11751805,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm hoping to have a first edition of the /jp/ loli girlfriend guide out by spring, so it can be refined and employed by all of /jp/ once school gets out and there are plentiful lolis outside.

>> No.11751805,4 [INTERNAL] 

Do you need any help with the guide? My loli gf and I could brainstorm ideas and tip for the guide with you.

>> No.11751805,5 [INTERNAL] 

It was originally intended to be a community effort, but it seems there's not much interest in lending help to the guide as much as there is simply posting about loli. I guess the stories and various posts can be distilled into a simple guide, but something like that would take a while.

You're free to help if you want, as well as anyone who feels like it.

>> No.11751805,6 [INTERNAL] 

fuck yes when i asked what was for dinner my mom said pizza and then told me to order it so i got a large with double pepper oni and then an order of wings this is going to be the best dinner ever thanks mom

>> No.11751805,7 [INTERNAL] 

im gonna shoot up my school

>> No.11751805,8 [INTERNAL] 

Doubt. Where?

>> No.11751805,9 [INTERNAL] 

west point

>> No.11751805,10 [INTERNAL] 

post pics of guns please

>> No.11751805,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11751805,12 [INTERNAL] 

I think I have strep throat. Strep throat would disappear and I would be fine without anti-biotics, however there is a about a 3% chance I will develop rheumatic fever 1-5 weeks later if I don't take the anti-biotics.

It is more common in children through early teens, and I don't fall in that demographic. It is said that 20% of cases occur in adults, so the chance is probably more like 1%. However I do not know how accurate these statistics are, and have read conflicting statistics from different sites.

The issue comes in because I do not want to take anti-biotics, I fear the side-effects. Anti-biotics all come with potential side-effects like death/seizures/heart-attack/going_crazy, often ranging in the same chance percentage as rheumatic fever. Not only because of that, but because of changes in my mental state and body, it will causes severe mental distress and anxiety for me. Thus I would rather not take anti-biotics.

If I let it heal by itself, for weeks I will be worried that I am developing rheumatic fever. Once you develop rheumatic fever there is no cure, only treatment. It can permanently fuck up your life and you might have to take anti-biotics for years or your entire life, or suffer severe heart damage.

Gambling with this choice has stressed me out.

I am pretty sure it is strep throat, however it might be a virus and just tonsillitis. Which is actually what I am hoping it is. I have decided to go to the doctor tomorrow and ask for a test to see whether it's strep throat or a virus causing tonsillitis. I question the competency of them though, as this is a place that just wants to get people in, vaguely look at them trying to see what's wrong, and throw them out with a script for something as fast as possible. They are very busy and crowded because of low-class people flooding this place with their medicare bullshit, but there's not much choice around here.

According to wikipedia, antibiotics taken within the first 9 days of strep throat are effective at preventing rheumatic fever. But what if I get them after 9 days? Am I fucked and forced to face the gamble of rheumatic fever?

I don't want to do this. I want to take it easy.

>> No.11751805,13 [INTERNAL] 

>shooting up a military school

gl dude

>> No.11751805,14 [INTERNAL] 

Uhh.. Testing for strep vs viruses is a pretty easy thing to do. I doubt a licensed medical facility would be unable to accurately diagnose you.

>> No.11751805,15 [INTERNAL] 

And I doubt this place even has a rapid strep test on hand or competent people.
