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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11734041 No.11734041 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11734050 [DELETED] 


>> No.11734053 [DELETED] 

sauce pl0x

>> No.11734062 [DELETED] 

I remember one time I posted a screenshot of a doujin game asking a question about it and the game wasn't recognized so it kept getting deleted and I was banned (this was before mutes).

>> No.11734065 [DELETED] 

Last night I woke up with the weirdest thought in my head. For every physical being, there is a conscious or a soul attached to it. What if the opposite exists? What if bodies are an oddity? That could explain why people encounter beings without bodies when they do certain drugs, because those sorts of beings are the standard in the universe and not beings like ourselves with bodies.

>> No.11734070
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>> No.11734072 [DELETED] 
File: 580 KB, 771x900, 1381185592140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satori Komeiji loves METAL.

This is her favorite song


>> No.11734081 [DELETED] 

Upvotes for the epic DQN who referenced Le Mad Father on the Channel4 a few days ago! wwwwww (that means “lol”, not that you 4channers would know that)

>> No.11734085 [DELETED] 

Whoa dude, referencing Satori in conjunction with music is against the rules now for some reason. I guess the rule is invisible, but it's definitely banned.

>> No.11734096 [DELETED] 

I made a thread about this game once and it was deleted because I also posted a ZUN interview.

>> No.11734306 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 318x277, 1382761628997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow linking parkg
my fav band

>> No.11734696 [DELETED] 

girl I wanna fuck you

>> No.11734748 [DELETED] 

Nah man her favorite song is slipknot by psychosocial


>> No.11734761

i like the little portraits for dialogue, they're cute.

>> No.11737382
File: 232 KB, 850x680, 1346626630680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do a lot of normies like yume nikki and even go so far as to say they can relate to mado?

What the hell is that?

>> No.11737422
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>> No.11740787

Normies often have special snowflake syndrome.

>> No.11740814 [DELETED] 

i'm so fucked up /jp/, i don't even know what's wrong with me but every day is just one more paralyzing moment after another of indecision and self loathing and I can't take it anymore

i just hate everything and nothing that I can conceptualize is any better than how im living right now. I just want to die. nothing is good for me and i;ll just keep living this same routine until someone kills me or I starve to death

>> No.11740856 [DELETED] 

I'm imagining this having been written by Sparky, finally snapping under the pressure to keep up the act of pretending to be a manic retard.

>> No.11740873 [DELETED] 

sometimes i want to cry out for help, but then I realize no one is there to listen to me and i don't want to burden a total stranger because that would mean i would have to expose myself

there is no solution, only more indecision and pain

>> No.11743623 [DELETED] 

Anon you should right a story about this

>> No.11743676

Same reason normie girls say they identify with Tomoko.

>> No.11743693

Seriously? You're still doing this shit?
Goddammit athens.

>> No.11743701

Since when do normie girls even know about her?

>> No.11743699

What? It's true. Lots of girls say that identify with Tomoko and Madotsuki in the same way lots of guys on /a/ say they identify with Satou.

>> No.11743702

Isn't Athens' trip public anyway?

>> No.11743713

Madotsuki is one of the most popular characters amongst normie girls. Yume Nikki is pretty mainstream.

>> No.11743727

Don't play innocent. You know damn well what I'm getting at.
Look, I'm fine with you crawling back from /a/ or /r9k/ or /pol/ or whatever hole you've spent the last couple of years in, but just cool it, okay? The real world sucks, 3D girls suck. Whatever. We fucking know already. Jesus, I've heard this shit a thousand times and I just don't care anymore.

I'm so tired of it, man. I just want to take it easy now.

>> No.11743731 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 1274x1353, 1386692775821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's honor are you defending dude?

>> No.11743735

The HELL you talking about?

He's right, it's no different to /a/ going on about how much like satou they are because they stayed at home for one weekend.

>> No.11743736

She's popular on 4chan and 4chan is full of normie girls.

>> No.11743742 [DELETED] 


Nice body on that Vamp girl, dude.

>> No.11743743

Like >>11743735 said, I don't see how it's any different to mocking /a/'s whole "I'm a real hikki" thing. Tomoko and Madotsuki are to normie girls what Satou, Takumi or Madarame are to normie guys, at least within the context of 4chan. They're exaggerated points of reference that have become "cool" to compare oneself to in that obnoxiously ironic 4chan way.

I'm not stopping you taking it easy, I'm not even criticizing girls exclusively. I think you need to stop getting vexed.

>> No.11743756 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, 1351836958105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think you can get in my panties just because you said i have a nice body

>> No.11743759

Alright, alright. Fine.
But I'm keeping my eye on you.

>> No.11743764 [DELETED] 

>3D girls suck.
I know that from your mom

>> No.11743836 [DELETED] 

Get in your panties?

I'd rather you abuse me instead please.

>> No.11743868
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>> No.11743959


>> No.11743959,1 [INTERNAL] 

janjan is going nuts!

>> No.11743959,2 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck?

>> No.11744045
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>> No.11744385



>> No.11746248

your scorn is adorbs

>> No.11746252

So is anybody gonna talk about the game.

>> No.11746257

No thanks

>> No.11746456 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11746533

Regarding the 2nd puzzle

Why was the answer 7? I didn't get what the question meant, I just guessed starting from 1.

>> No.11746539

here's one dilemma for you

if you're not a normalfag you're vulnerable to a plethora of other degrading slurs

there's literally no way to come to 4chan and not be offended.

>> No.11746606
File: 55 KB, 500x500, mary!36219570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior to the superior.

>> No.11746956

>Madotsuki is one of the most popular characters amongst normie girls. Yume Nikki is pretty mainstream.
Outsider here. First time on /jp/

This is a huge lie

>> No.11747252
File: 36 KB, 402x236, fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's literally no way to come to 4chan and not be offended.

Why this is not required reading before you go on the internet is beyond me

>> No.11747258

I really enjoyed this Alice. Still... WH was much more better.

>> No.11747268

You should be filtering all trips anyway after zunbar went MIA.

>> No.11747277

Answer is 7 because one would have to ferry enough times to prevent loss. If you leave the plant with the sheep, it will eat the plant, the same goes for the wolf and the sheep. So one has to ferry in such a way that all can get across without losing any.

>> No.11747287

>Madotsuki is one of the most popular characters amongst normie girls

News flash: people who use the term 'normie' unironically by definition have no idea what 'normies' do or don't do.

>> No.11747288 [DELETED] 

!bar was a normie piece of shit who sucked up to female trips like milk. He even went to see her IRL. Dude was a massive fucking normie.

>> No.11747297 [DELETED] 

You jelly, bro?

He went to defend our freedoms.

>> No.11747301

Yume Nikki is popular on most Japan-related or video game themed boards. It's about as mainstream as something like Death Note.

You're really stupid.

>> No.11747333

Gaia Online Search Results:

Yume Nikki - 103 Topic Results
"Death Note" - 2,802 Topic Resuls

>> No.11747342

>anime community
>search threads for shitty rpgm game
you wot mate?

>> No.11747340

>as mainstream as something like Death Note.
Either you're saying they're popular on those "normal" websites, or you're pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.11747354

site:neogaf.com "yume nikki" - 283 results
site:neogaf.com "death note" - 1,960 results

>> No.11747357

How did this whole argument start anyway?

Lots of socially awkward girls like to dramatize themselves and act like they're Madotsuki or whoever. It's like little kids who pretend to be Naruto or whatever.

>> No.11747382

Yume Nikki is so 2 years ago, all fujoshi jumped on the Saki train.

>> No.11747455

Cant we all just get along... Who cares about what's popluar and what isn't? You make your own meaning for the thing you enjoy.

>> No.11747461

Has there been any good freeware RPG maker horror games lately? I've only played Yume nikki, .Flow, Witch's House, Irisu Syndrome and Ib.

>> No.11749908

>dramatize themselves and act like they're Madotsuki

how to dramatize yourself and act like madotsuki:
step 1: don't do anything
step 2: repeat step 1 for the rest of your life

if girls actually did act like madotsuki, then the world would be a lot better

>> No.11749965

Crooked Man is another one. I'm not too sure about Mermaid's Swamp

>> No.11749985

.flow is good

Sabitsuki is good

>> No.11750142
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i like her too!

>> No.11750187
File: 984 KB, 406x100, 1340448771277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.flow was 2spooky

>> No.11750410

Run around holding a knife with their eyes closed? I don't like your definition of "better".

>> No.11750413

Mermaid Swamp is creepy. There are also some chase scenes that are scary, died a few times.

>> No.11752989

Well, this was a confusing game. Saw all the endings at least. Talking about Alice Mare

Also heavily spoiler filled lowdown on everyone in the game I think.

Letty's family was poor and she wasn't treated or fed well. Then her mother left her in the woods. Split personality Ricky was born and then she came back to her house to burn it down and kill her parents.

Chelsy went to her grandmother's house and let a seemingly nice man accompany her since he wanted to. Guy killed her grandmother. Chelsy or her father killed him with an axe. Her father might or might not be passed away and imaginary. This slight confusion comes up from the book in the special area and Chelsy's ending.

Joshua always told made-up stories to his mother. Then their rich family fell into shambles. Due to lightning apparently? Father committed suicide, Joshua was the first one to notice, but wasn't believed by his mother while his other siblings were when they found out. Mother may have also then committed suicide. Not entirely sure, might just be cat demon messing with him in the dream world.

Stella was the only one in a village immune to a very deadly disease. Moving from one family to the next as each one died from it. Syringe in her ending seems to indicate some people tried manufacturing a cure, but were never able to. She is offered suicide, but declines, and is eventually the only one left.

David/the teacher's deal was that he was trapped as well in the dream world before, but then Fiona, his sister I guess, somehow managed to save him, but got lost or stuck while doing so. He then researches heavily on it, but ultimately does nothing but fall into the dream world again while bringing all the kids along.

Allen/the protagonist had his family murdered. Cat demon implied to be responsible.

Cat demon is a liar, rabbit demon might be too, Fiona seems to hang around in an archive room with details on everybody's circumstances.

XXXX seems to be love.

>> No.11754349

If you make your own meaning for the thing you enjoy, why do you care if we all get along?

>> No.11757554

Wait, witch version is this? I don't remember this part.

>> No.11757662

The secret ending

>> No.11757723

The one where you have to finish the game without saving? Never bothered with that one.

>> No.11757815 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 640x480, majonoie ellen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11758021

Got the Cheshire Cat ending on my first try. It's the worst one, isn't it? I sure have a talent for this.

>> No.11758036

This scene only happens when you're searching in the dark and before you leave through the exit, go into your menu and this will appear. When you try it again, it returns back to normal. That's how I remember it anyways.

>> No.11758051

Ib was the best of these translated games so far. No jumpscares but a certain level up pressure is upheld. The puzzles are also decent.

>> No.11758086
File: 293 KB, 1920x1200, Corpse.Party.full.858722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is the only one that can evenly tie it

>> No.11758129

What is it with this thread?

Of course young girls and teenagers love 2dark2edgy stuff or/and things like Justin Beiber & Twilight. No wonder most of them would identity themselves as some Madoka or whatever "i'm so problematic but so powerful don't hit on me silly" mainstream anime girl of the season.

>> No.11758144

I don't know. I was on the second chapter when I put it on my backlog because finding the correct triggers constantly felt like such a pain.

>> No.11758168


I dropped it because it was too scary for me.
I'm not good with horror games.

>> No.11758192
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1358514829923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. Spooky things are something I'm absolutely bad with. I even had problems playing Half-Life originally, though Corpse Party was more guro and grotesque than outright scary in my book.

Now I just wish I had friends to hold hands while playing then laugh together after a scare or something.

>> No.11758221


I was playing it with my sister, we still couldn't finish it.
I can deal with .flow, but not Corpse Party. Maybe it's the voice acting.

>> No.11758237
File: 273 KB, 1200x845, 1388446556263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure hired some big names for an ancient RPG Maker game remake.

>> No.11758261

>guro and grotesque

>> No.11758267


>> No.11758413

I love those two.

>> No.11759769
File: 92 KB, 960x544, screen00029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is spooki

>> No.11764012

> XXXX seems to be love.

It's funny, on my first playthrough I was sure XXXX meant kill, this way sensei's pages filled with "Bad people should be xxxed. Today I XXXXed him and then I XXXXed her. Why doesn't no one XXXXed me? The bat says the cat is bad and but frog is a lie." stuff made him sound like that guy from Se7en. That's why everything getting resolved with him sticking a knife in his stomach made a lot of sense, didn't the rabbit insisted on stabbing the bad guy with the key anyway? .

Then the second time the cat explainedhow it didn't really matter whom you're gonna send into a comma, they just want some human souls to eat. .
