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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1080, ANGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11736265 No.11736265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11736270
File: 65 KB, 1351x540, trevor eat my tripples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11736276

Why do you keep posting this crap? Not even remotely funny.

I know we're in an asuka autist thread but show some decency here.

>> No.11736282 [DELETED] 

feelzo when asuka spammer will never be your gf

>> No.11736282,1 [INTERNAL] 

Goddamn Asuka spammer, stop samefagging your threads.

You are killing the magic dood.

>> No.11736282,2 [INTERNAL] 

Not him, Jan bans all reoccurring posts in his threads.

>> No.11736282,3 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, I'm not banned. Check the deleted posts, they're running a blanket delete on his IP.

With this samefagging and telling generals, it's like he's steeping down to 2kike's level, it's pretty sad.

>> No.11736282,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11736282,5 [INTERNAL] 

Consider this: All things are funny.

>> No.11736282,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11736282,7 [INTERNAL] 

Except Asuka spammer speaks the truth and is not trolling. He's like a single goodposter in a sea of shitty ones.

>> No.11736282,8 [INTERNAL] 

He has lied numerous times.

>> No.11736282,9 [INTERNAL] 

I used to think this too but he really is just another asshole.

>> No.11736282,10 [INTERNAL] 

Not trolling? Good poster? You have got to be kidding, check one of the threads when he said he was spamming /jp/ because the other boards don't even care about him, he's just an attentionwhore crossie.

>> No.11736282,11 [INTERNAL] 

He had to resort to samefagging and flaming generals because /jp/ doesn't really care about him anymore either, his threads have gone without replies for quite a while now.

>> No.11736282,12 [INTERNAL] 

And after /jp/ stopped giving him attention, he moved to warosu. Pathetic, I wish he just killed himself.

>> No.11736282,13 [INTERNAL] 

>He had to resort to samefagging and flaming generals because /jp/ doesn't really care about him anymore either
I didn't know that, what a sad cunt.

>> No.11736282,14 [INTERNAL] 

He doesn't post on warosu though. I wish he did, he's like my idol. People are constantly getting angry at him for understanding otaku culture.

>> No.11736282,15 [INTERNAL] 

He does.

>> No.11736282,16 [INTERNAL] 

Are you this new or did you just forget the yukkuri spam? What kind of fan are you? Just kill yourself.

>> No.11736282,17 [INTERNAL] 

yukkuri spammer = asuka spammer? wtf

>> No.11736282,18 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone is Trevor Including you

>> No.11736282,19 [INTERNAL] 

Le tokiko is creator of the Trevor meme face.

>> No.11736282,20 [INTERNAL] 

Sad, isn't it? Imagine just how damaged his psyche is.....

>> No.11736282,21 [INTERNAL] 

It's pretty pathetic. Yukkuri spam is one of the lamest things I've ever seen. The guy who spammed sjis art for a week or two was even lamer.

>> No.11736282,22 [INTERNAL] 

Gee, I wonder who's the guy spamming warosu when /ghost/ is making fun of the .PNG spammer.

>> No.11736282,23 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe the yukkuri spammer just really hates to see these threads.

>> No.11736282,24 [INTERNAL] 

That guy is Saten meta whiner. He's not right in the head either.

>> No.11736282,25 [INTERNAL] 

That was him? LOL. What a dweeb!

>> No.11736282,26 [INTERNAL] 

It seems like my bullying tactics have failed. Is this Auska spammer really not Trevor? I really trully believed it was indeed it was Trevor, just like all the other random ass anime this idiot posts still frames of. I thought if I bullied him I could defeat him. Do you even remember what its like not to have this sperglord around? This guy is the shittest thing to ever happen to /jp/ ever! Not trying to be funny trying to destroy trevor.

>> No.11736282,27 [INTERNAL] 

No one on /jp/ cares about Trevor anymore either, you can see by his stupid threads advertising his board getting no replies.

Honestly /jp/ doesn't seem to give a shit about Warosu at all. If you really want to troll them just start another 2hu vs kancolle thread, all the Sion imitators posting anime caps are old and busted now.

>> No.11736282,28 [INTERNAL] 

>If you really want to troll them
In all respect I think you're still missing the point. The endless assault of shit posts all stemmed from trevor and even if it isn't trevor it was part of his plan to leave us in a constant state of confusion in point fingeres in blame.

I don't ever want to troll /jp/. I just want to take it easy with them again and enjoy niche interests surrounding Japanese culture. I just want to post in peace...

>> No.11736282,29 [INTERNAL] 

He may not be the yukkuri spammer (I think that guy is just some goof trying to slide cp off the front page) but he does post on warosu. Check the ghost posts on kancolle generals, they are usually him.

>> No.11736282,30 [INTERNAL] 

its a no brainer that trevor is just tokiko posting under a new name because he's kill on sight with his old identity

like, seriously, who the fuck *is* trevor? where did he come from? what does he do? why should we care about him / them?

>> No.11736282,31 [INTERNAL] 

You can still take it easy these. The janitor is even allowing some NEET threads lately as long as they don't disturb the rest of the board.

Really don't pay attention to anime Soudan, few people on /jp/ still care about that.

>> No.11736282,32 [INTERNAL] 

2kike pls go

>> No.11736282,33 [INTERNAL] 

The inconsistency is what makes me unable to take it easy on /jp/ anymore. One day I could be safely posting in a NEET or other meta thread and have some fun before it dies out, next day I get banned for simply posting in it.

>> No.11736282,34 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah let's all just get together and say mean things about the best posters, real funny guys.

Except tokiko, he really is shit.

>> No.11736282,35 [INTERNAL] 

I trust you /jp/. I won't post anymore bully images again in these crap posts with no meaning. All the pop a cap and such images will stop from here out then. One last thing though...
I only here rumors about tokiko. I never had a problem with him when I was a trip, but there are stories about hime being a bully. One of you just said he gets killed on site when he uses his name/trip of tokiko. Why is that? I don't understand. Does he really have a personal vendeta against certain posters? It just doesn't seem anything like him. What the heck did I miss in his fall from grace?

>> No.11736282,36 [INTERNAL] 

His fall from grace? He was always a shitter trying to start drama. It doesn't help that he literally thinks of himself as a genius.

>> No.11736282,37 [INTERNAL] 

You noticed it too? It was a single person (or a group of people) who astroturfed until /ghost/ played along. It didn't make sense that people suddenly started caring about him overnight. And it's still a bit weird to this day. But whatever, it added an... interesting dynamic to say the least.

>> No.11736282,38 [INTERNAL] 

Anons are usually just jealous of him. Sounds pathetic, but that's the truth. Ignore them and that's all. As a matter of fact, stop listening others and try to form your own opinion. Tokiko- is one of the good posters.

>> No.11736282,39 [INTERNAL] 

The best posters are gone.

Asuka spammer was outed as the kancolle shitter, he's no longer cool.

Trevor lost his touch when Siztra, Nagi, BRs and Finns started following him everywhere.

The Saten autist is sperging on /vr/ now.

2kike is 2kike

The last decent personality we had was !Bar. Why can't we have more chill guys who can take it easy like him around here?

>> No.11736282,40 [INTERNAL] 

Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.
And I don't know why people still refer to Tokiko as an alter-ego of Robert instead of a group of posters with an agenda.

>> No.11736282,41 [INTERNAL] 

I bet you're that goon who just comes here for the 4chan Culture. People like Tokiko really need to go away.

>> No.11736282,42 [INTERNAL] 

This gets more confusing every post. Well I guess I may never know until I get a direct response from him when hes using his trip or for that matter replying to me when I have my own trip up. Good day mates.

>> No.11736282,43 [INTERNAL] 

Trolls like this guy needs to be ignored. Robert, aka Tokiko, is a perfectly fine poster.

Uhm, I think you have me confused for someone else. I've never been to SA. I came to 4chan in 2007 thanks to TTGL and I've been on /jp/ since day one.

>> No.11736282,44 [INTERNAL] 

Le 2kike is creator of all memes face.

Seriously, T. people are unironically thinking you're him now, come back before you get owned out of the atmosphere again.

>> No.11736282,45 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny because these two post just like Tokiko. You're not "good posters".

>> No.11736282,46 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you for the input. It was dully noted.

>> No.11736282,47 [INTERNAL] 

Robert lies a lot. I spoke to him one on one and the information he told me was far away from the truth, despite claiming that it wasn't...

He already cleared up that using Tokiko as a name instead of bobbyjkl was an attempt to get an unpopular Touhou into the light, which is just about one of the only things that he can be trusted on.

But you know, all this business about tying in trips/names into the real world and bringing the real world into the drama is no good at all. It's even worse because Robert has a legion of mindless followers to whom he gives links to secret hangouts and those hangouts become polluted by garbage as a result. I already don't have anything left to do on the internet! Stop taking the last final few things away from me!

That's all I have to stay for now. Alright, peace.

>> No.11736282,48 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck Tokiko.

Fuck Tokiko.
Fuck Tokiko.

Fuck Tokiko.

Fuck Tokiko.

Fuck Tokiko.

Fuck Tokiko.

Fuck Tokiko.

>> No.11736282,49 [INTERNAL] 

Forced anonymity is fun, but it can impede serious discussion and is in a way very anti-social.

He also said that 4chan was better when more people were using names, which really didn't make sense to me since then it doesn't differ much from a regular internet message board... ?

Well anyway. Don't fret. Robert does have weak points despite pretending to be emotionally distant and smug. It's the best feeling in the world when you get him angry.

>> No.11736282,50 [INTERNAL] 

Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.
Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.
Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.
Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.
Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.
Just a reminder, every post mentioning Tokiko is made by Tokiko.

>> No.11736282,51 [INTERNAL] 

>Forced anonymity is fun, but it can impede serious discussion and is in a way very anti-social.
Precisely. Look at what anonymous has caused. Even moot argues that people use anonymity only to do thing they would otherwise not dare doing IRL. Message boards are infinitely better nowadays.

>Robert does have weak points despite pretending to be emotionally distant and smug.
Everyone does. However while you are a loser with weak points, he is a philosopher and thinker with weak points. Just don't get angry now. ;)))

>> No.11736282,52 [INTERNAL] 

Is this faggot tryhard really here? Jesus I can smell the samefagging from a mile away.

Don't you have shii's cock to suck somewhere?

>> No.11736282,53 [INTERNAL] 

Oh jeez, I didn't think it would be this easy. You're slipping up.

>> No.11736282,54 [INTERNAL] 

>to do thing they would otherwise not dare doing IRL
That's not a bad thing. Sure it means some people will just do stupid shit like spam "kill niggers!" but ultimately it leads to people being more honest. With an identity you're pretty much forced to pretend to be someone you're not because everything you say can be held against you. I know a complete upstanding young normie like you doesn't have to worry about that though, Tokiko. You're probably loved everywhere you go for being so progressive and anti-degeneracy.

>> No.11736282,55 [INTERNAL] 

>ultimately it leads to people being more honest
Hehe, it's like this is your first day on 4chan. Where the fuck is the honesty? Both 4chan and warosu are overrun by irony, roleplaying and trolling. Honesty is scarcer than ever. Whereas if you go to a regular forum or even Reddit, you will see people are predominantly honest. Don't kid yourself that anonymity leads to anything good. It's basically just like communism - unattainable utopia.

>> No.11736282,56 [INTERNAL] 

>progressive and anti-degeneracy

Umm... Those two are mutually exclusive.

>> No.11736282,57 [INTERNAL] 

I'm absolutely honest in all that I say. If I had to have an identity I would just end up lying myself into a corner out of fear, where I'd be stuck and have to play along for as long as I have that identity. I think this is true to some extent for everyone, but especially for anyone who wouldn't be able to post honestly on sites like reddit without being hated and doxed. I know people like you take all honesty you don't like to be irony and trolling though.
