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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 101 KB, 512x512, Anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11696030 No.11696030 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11696044

I don't wanna.

>> No.11696047

you hafta

>> No.11696048


>> No.11696055

How many new cards you guys do per day? I just started with the core 6k deck and figured 30 would be good, right?

>> No.11696068

damn /jp/ i don't want too

>> No.11696085

Changes based on how busy I am, but I'd optimally be doing 100 vocab a day

>> No.11696878

However many words I get from what I read. I used to do anywhere from 100 to 200+ but now I rarely get to add 50 a day.

30 words per day is 10,950 words per year. That's pretty good. If you're aiming for educated adult native level then you're looking at something like 50,000, but that's a long ways off and not something you have to worry about right now.

>> No.11696886

I'm only aiming for high school dropout JAV star level.

>> No.11696896

Learn chinese and korean then.

>> No.11696900

I only want to study when my apartment is clean. The last time I cleaned was three months ago...

>> No.11696911

I do wanikani instead LOL

>> No.11700668

i tried it today, but I'm confused about their radicals:
ハ - fins (8)
丿 - slide

and then they quiz you on it. ok, i can learn these, but as far as i know they pulled these names out of their ass. why would i learn wanikani-japanese, if my goal is japanese-japanese.

>> No.11700744

Oh wow. Why would they even do this? Those aren't even unique, it's just ha and no, for fucks sake.

>> No.11700827

this was my problem with wanikani

What the absolute fuck? I thought it was a troll so I went back to anki, which is 1000 times more useful.

>> No.11700865

The radicals are merely used for mnemonics which help memorize kanji / vocab later.
They did pull those names out of their ass, but its not like you are going to read ハ as fins... it's just a tool for memorization. Either way, because of the radicals and their method of approach I've been able to memorize way more efficiently than Anki method.
Anki is just flashcards.

>> No.11700876

You don't need mnemonics past about 700 kanji.

>> No.11700879

What a coincidence, I just passed 700 kanji today. Not sure if I'll drop mnemonics, though, since I learn kanji by writing them and thus I don't review them very often.

>> No.11700945

How long did it take you to learn those with wanikani? What else are you studying?

>> No.11700954

Ah, I'm using Kanji Damage in fact. And besides kanji, I guess I review grammar once in a while, and constantly add words to my vocab deck. I do 10 kanji per day, so it took 2 months and 1 week more or less.

>> No.11700976

I liked what I did of Wani. It was like Anki, except you didn't have to set anything up! A feature I enjoyed since some of the decks on Anki that required both sound and pictures were hard to set up (well, at least I couldn't do it).

I think I got up to level four or five and then quit, because I have no willpower. But I still think it's a good piece of software!

>> No.11700985


I quit at level 10. I was no match for the alicrab.

>> No.11700988
File: 27 KB, 1314x313, 235245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe I'll go through it for fun today.

>> No.11700998
File: 170 KB, 1806x874, user synonyms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wowoow is this what I think it is? Fuuuuucking hope so because this is why I kinda stopped.

>> No.11701011

Shit! It is. Aww shit, now I can use heisig primitive names.

>> No.11701023

Wanikani devs still don't have pace propaganda yet?

>> No.11701120


I think I will stick with my hand made "basic kanji book" in anki

>> No.11701172


Ah, it doesn't work, I'm getting raped. I'm just too far in RTK to override the reading menomics to make any sense. This feature should have been here a lot sooner nonetheless.

>> No.11701231

wanikani is pretty good
remember that you can't learn without spending money

>> No.11701477

You also can't learn by going faster than the speed wanikani forces on you. Any faster would surely ruin you later on and is definitely not a ploy to keep people subscribed to wanikani for longer periods of time.

>> No.11709755

bumping for justise

>> No.11709831

50,000 is too high. I reached native level after about 30,000.

>> No.11709894

You're not actually at a native level.

>> No.11709935

How do you know? Show me your Anki deck with >50,000 cards.

And I meant native level vocabulary to be specific.

>> No.11710165

Where did I claim to have 50k cards? I'm just going off of basic statistics. I'm sure you have a native-like vocabulary in the things you read, but you're not on the level overall of someone who was born and raised in Japan.

>> No.11710178

>How many new cards you guys do per day?
I don't even have the fucking stuff installed.

Talking about anki, we should ask the programmers in the /jp/ project and/or artists of the OC thread to just make a Patchouly version of it. I'm pretty sure it'd be a good motivation factor then.

>> No.11710185 [DELETED] 

100 new vocab?

>> No.11710242

Probably, since Anon was asking about new cards. It's not even necessarily effort or time intensive. I do speed recognition reviews so the 200 new + X reviews I did when I started never went more than an hour.

>> No.11710245

I'm too lazy. Give me some motivation... A begger bey you, jp.

>> No.11710377

this seems doable

>> No.11710382

I often come across situations where I know a word where the other person doesn't. It's not that hard to reach native level.

>> No.11710428

That doesn't mean you're at a native level.

>> No.11710438

How do you define native level? Same as a university graduate?

>> No.11710444

Please post some good vocab and kanji cards. I'm using something from 2009 and afraid there are some better cards.

>> No.11710448

The ones that you make by yourself.

>> No.11710449

Make your own. Use Rikai, sub2srs and/or epwing2anki.

>> No.11710451

You can't be native if you're not native. Never delude yourself, natives can tell.

>> No.11710454

I've lived in Japan quite a while and rarely come across vocabulary I haven't seen before. If I do it's of the literary type which a lot of natives won't know. There is no way the average native knows 50,000 distinct words unless you're counting compounds of smaller words.

>> No.11710457

You probably talk to non-native English speakers on the web every day without realizing it.

>> No.11710458

Every single time I see someone misusing "your" and "you're" I know it's non-native English speaker.

>> No.11710460

Your wrong too.

>> No.11710462
File: 22 KB, 288x380, 20101029_1459932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you can get through this then

>> No.11710464

I have to say in my experience it's the opposite. Foreigners pay close attention to basic rules like that but get other more complicated things wrong.

>> No.11710468

What a dull mistake. Is this some kind of meme?

>> No.11710467

I'm 11710451 and I'm actually a non-native English speaker.

>> No.11710469

I'd say it's actually more common in native english speakers, because the pronunciation makes you fuck up. If you're pronunciation was sketchy, you'd never make this mistake.

>> No.11710474
File: 41 KB, 240x215, 1376255956791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're pronunciation

>> No.11710476

Just do as many as you can handle. Having said that, 30 is a good amount and any more will be though. It takes (afaik) a few weeks before the amount of daily due cards reaches its maximum, so you can't judge the appropriateness of your new cards setting on just a few days basis.

>> No.11710480

Depends on your free time and how much you want to put effort on one card.

Voca deck can be done with 100 cards per day if you just glance them. But like me, I analyze and type every sentence, because I still might make some stupid mistakes and accidentally learn wrong, so I do 30 per day. + 30 kanji new on rtk. On these parameters it takes about 2 hours per day. Find the most suitable tactic for you.

Yesterday finished 2000 word vocabulary deck and 55 % are on mature status. I need to find or make new voca deck now but I am lazing today.

>> No.11710487

Are people actually using premade decks? Isn't the whole purpose to read material you like and then add the words you didn't understand and thus you have a context you are likely to remember for them?

>> No.11710485


4jijukugo aren't that difficult, there's a shared deck of of over 3000 on Anki.

>> No.11710489

Lies. You need mnemonics for a looong time, though for simple and/or very common kanji, such as many JLPTN1 kanji, you may notice the need for mnemonics drop away quite soon (anything from a few months to a year?).

>> No.11710492
File: 154 KB, 764x483, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11710496
File: 57 KB, 675x480, ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday was the first day that i did not do my reps, did not sleep the night before b/c of the neighbors.

i beg your forgiveness /jp/

>> No.11710502

I never used mnemonics at all ever. Just went through the book ignoring the stories in around 40 days.

>> No.11710503

by the book I meant RTK

>> No.11710516

me on the left

>> No.11710520

I use premade decks because have have translation sentences included. If I had started straight with my own decks, over half of the cards would probably had incorrect translation.

>> No.11710523

What are you talking about? Is it the default review limit? Reviews pile up the more you add and the more you have trouble with. A very rough estimate is that you'll get 10 times within a year if you keep doing a constant amount of new cards everyday.
Being careful in your studies is good but you might be overdoing it. You have plenty of chances to correct yourself while using native materials. I'm not telling you how you should study, I'm just saying that you might want to consider alternative ways of doing it.

>> No.11710532
File: 60 KB, 640x480, neverend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you /jp/! I will retake my japanese studies, you inspired me.
I stopped 1 year ago at 1500 kanji in heisig. I know the basics of grammar and like 500? 1000? vocab, so I'm just a babby, but I'll do my best. I want to finish heisig so I can start drilling vocab. I must do my reps everyday, and I will do a grammar lesson everyday too.
I will start tomorrow!

>> No.11710539

Personally I don`t like core 2k\6k, the theme looks like a old japanese textbook, in every moment and in every phrase you feel like you are in the 80`s listening to a conversation between mr.Smith and Mr.Tanaka while they eat sushi in front of the mont fuji. I prefer 8547 日本語文法辞典 the grammar and context is more varied although nothing bets a real personal deck made for and by yourself

>> No.11710543

>nothing bets a real personal deck made for and by yourself
sorry, I read that as ``a real personal dick'' and couldn't stop laugh

>> No.11710553

You're fucked. Good luck getting through all the reps anki will throw at you today and in the next couple of days.

Anki being a bitch is the only reason I do my reps every single day, even if I feel like absolute shit.

>> No.11710565

I do 30 a day but sometimes I skip days.

>> No.11710572

You don't need Heisig

>> No.11710587

It helps quite a bit when doing vocab I think, because I tried doing some reps as a test and it was way easier to memorize the words with kanji I knew from heisig that the ones I didn't. Way easier.
I think it's a bit terrible because heisig in a vacuum is completely useless, but if I finish it I'll do the rest better. It's like grinding a lot of slimes to breeze through the boss with a couple hits.

I know Heisig is not necessary, after all, most people learn japanese successfully without it.

>> No.11710590

Of course not, but it makes things easier.

>> No.11710598

Great, now I want to watch some old samurai and karate movies. We need a glorious website for this.

>> No.11710599

>I stopped 1 year ago at 1500 kanji
Why the fuck do people quit when they're already that far? I don't get it.

>> No.11710605

>most people learn japanese successfully without it

For 18 years of constant immersion including 12 years of school.

>> No.11710607

Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

>> No.11710612

>12 years
That really puts things into perspective. I still feel perplexed dismay when I see folks who've spent 5 years and have yet to go beyond textbooks though.

>> No.11710615

I wish I could actually follow this... I've spent 3 weeks in november doing pretty much nothing regarding japanese studies, and I just started back 2 days ago. I still feel kinda unmotivated, but I don't stop because I know that if I do, it'll be even worse. I'm a bit desperate, though. I feel like I have a good grasp at grammar, but my vocab sucks really hard. I've already tried those vocab decks, but I kept running into kanji I didn't know, and felt even less compelled to actually finish the deck, since I was learning kanji at the same time. I just can't find an effective way of learning vocab for me. Since my knowledge of grammar and kanji is much higher than my vocab, I feel like my studies are completely unbalanced at the moment, and kinda lost my direction.

>> No.11710626

Just study what you don't understand and be as particular as you need to. You're a whining faggot who probably just doesn't want Japanese enough though, but if you're not then try timeboxing.

Never put off for an hour what can be done right now.
A rep here and then is 8382 in a month.

>> No.11710737

I'm going to Japan in a few weeks so my motivation is extremely high right now.

>> No.11710761

How can a NEET like you afford it!?

>> No.11710811

Which shared decks does /jp/ recommend, apart from creating my own?

>> No.11710823

My mom and stepdad are paying for it.

I'm staying with my online girlfriend so free lodging and pussy :3

>> No.11710851

If know kana and basic grammar.


But remember flashcards don't get you far. Look for some real Japanese media and start reading it.

>> No.11710855

If you explain more of what that would entail I might do it.

>> No.11710860

flashcards do get you far

>read Japanese media
>add new words to deck

I do this everyday

>> No.11710905

Namasensei teaching osaka-ben!

>> No.11710919
File: 47 KB, 400x394, 1349988164091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't touched them for over 6 months now. And I feel like shit for not doing them.
I'll probably have to restart from the beginning to redrill everything into my head, but the thought of doing that shit all over again makes me feel like putting them off for another day. So I tell myself, "I'll restart learning tomorrow."
I've been saying that for the past few months now.

>> No.11710930 [DELETED] 

How do i into online Japanese girlfriend?

>> No.11710934

It'll be relearning, so it'll be faster and easier. Instead of actually learning it, it'll just come back to you after a while. You should start today!

>> No.11710937

The only progress I got it's with the listening decks.

>> No.11710957

I always thought this guy is cool. He isn't the best teacher out there though.

>> No.11710966

learn Japanese

>> No.11711055

I stopped doing reps midway through the semester when I got scared of going to class. I tried to start again a week ago and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The whole point of Anki is to make you remember things long-term, after all.

>> No.11711070

I liked the Iran part

>> No.11711204

I have no issue doing reps but my grammar is shit and I don't ever read so whatever grammar I know is slowly deteriorating.

>> No.11711239

Well then go and read genki/tae kim/japanese the manga way you fag

>> No.11711261

I've been meaning to go through Genki for a little more practice, finished Tae Kim, don't really like Japanese the Manga Way. I have no one to blame except for myself. The most I read in a day is like 5 pages of Yotsuba and get annoyed at how slow I'm reading and stop. Something about taking 1-2 minutes to read a page of manga is really frustrating for babbys such as myself.

>> No.11711288

It's taking me like 5 minutes a page for One Piece right now.

>> No.11711303

Damn it you guys. I can't even remember if I've ever been like you. I mean it definitely makes sense, but I can't remember. Just keep at it.

>> No.11711306

your vocabulary must be close to native level then

>> No.11711308

You can stop trying to advertise your channel now. Your pronunciation is shit.

>> No.11711313


if you want to learn a certain dialect then find some Japanese people from that region

my girlfriend is from Osaka so I have to listen to that shit all day

>> No.11711314

It's pretty demotivating man. I know the only thing I can really do is to keep reading and improve little by little, but something about me is making me hesitate. It's as if I think I can just do Kanji/Vocab reps, read about grammar, and then magically understand whatever I want.

Something like 「二ヶ月書くのが危険だけど一つの名作くらい書きたい 」 is about as complex of a sentence that I can understand and I wouldn't really say I fully understand it, just get the gist of it.

>> No.11711322

My girlfriend is also from Osaka, but she is so young that it turns that I know more Japanese than her.

>> No.11711334


Hara-kiri/Seppuku is such a great movie. I'm writing a paper on it as we speak.

>> No.11711337

ur fucked m8

>> No.11711336

2678 cards due.
What do.

>> No.11711344

>it turns out that I know more Japanese

I kind of know this feel. Sometimes I'll go through my flashcards with her and sometimes there will be words she doesn't know

>> No.11711353

Don't you have to pay to use wanikani?

>> No.11711356

yeah, don't bother with it

>> No.11711360

Seeing them trying so hard to promote on here is kinda amusing.

>> No.11711363

It's kind of like Anki for dummies. The main appeal I saw in it is that it gave you both Kanji and Vocab. Since it's structured you don't have to worry about running into Vocab that you don't yet know the Kanji for. It's decent enough but I don't think the benefits are worth the price. Maybe if it were cheaper.

>> No.11711365

The thing is I've heard good things about the site and its interface is nifty, but I'm sure as hell not paying.

>> No.11711378

What good things? The color theme hurts my eyes.

>> No.11711380

How do you effectively add new cards to your deck? I copied new words notepad while playing eroge on and then added them to Anki with checking the rikaichan. But adding 184 cards took me almost 2 hours (kanji version, kana version and English) . It seems really ineffective.

>> No.11711389

see >>11710449
I use rikai to mine as I read, with it I just press a button and it's saved into a txt file I can import.

>> No.11711395

I put all my new words into google translate and then use rikaichan to type in the definitions

>> No.11711397

>decide I want to learn Japanese
>learn Kana in two days
>start working on kanji and vocab
>feel I have a good enough base
>try to read something simple
>everything is in fucking kana
Fuck. I learned most of my words in their Kanji equivalent so it's hell trying to figure out what word is used, where one words ends and another starts, what is grammar and not part of a word, etc.

>> No.11711420

Use rikaichan or jparser.

Google translator parses, but I don't really recommend it.

>> No.11711424

>It seems really ineffective.

It doubles up as practice. If you want to add new words in batch without reviewing them, simply use existing decks.

>> No.11711425

Am I being rused?

>> No.11711437

/jp/ is a normiehaven now, like every other place on the internet.

Maybe you should try one of those /jp/ offshoots.

>> No.11711449 [DELETED] 

That's because they are learning linguistic skills for the first time. To think that you need anywhere near as much time to pick up a second language no matter what method is just wrong plain and simple.

>> No.11711451

Learning a new language after your teenage years is pretty hard though.

>> No.11711453 [DELETED] 


>> No.11711457

I've been trying to do that but most of what I'm reading is scans so the best thing I have is like KanjiTomo. I recently swapped to Rikaisama as well.

>> No.11711467

Then why do most US citizens speak only one language?

>> No.11711471 [DELETED] 

Unique/atypical historical and geopolitical situation

>> No.11711472

Because most US citizens are idiots.

>> No.11711475

Most US citizens can't even get a decent score in TOEFL.
If they can't into their native languages, how can they learn other?

>> No.11711476

No, less than half are.

>> No.11711479

Koko the gorilla has an IQ of about 70-95 for reference

>> No.11711477

The average IQ in the US is 98. People who are of average intelligence and above are the minority.

>> No.11711483

That's misleading. The average IQ for white males in the US is above 100, it's non-whites who are bringing it down. If it was racially pure like some east-asian countries the average would be respectable.

>> No.11711484

Americans ironically believe in IQ. This just prove how idiot they are.

>> No.11711487

Thanks for your input, /pol/. Nobody said anything about race, or sex. You said US citizen.

>> No.11711488

If scan has kana only text, just type it on some text field and check it with rikaichan.

That's how I translated manga chapters when I started, first I typed all possible text from scans to computer text and then analyzed it with the rikaichan.

>> No.11711491

Many of the people who have their IQ tested and contribute towards the average aren't actually legal citizens.

>> No.11711496


>> No.11711500

I bet far more mexican immigrants are bilingual than suburban whites.

>> No.11711503

To those who haven't been doing reps for weeks/months: start reading random bullshit already even if you don't understand it - I honestly think words stick faster that way, in the long run, better than doing nothing at least. This is coming from an inconsistent bitch who has a habit of spending months at a time doing nothing, has always had a serious problem with anki, is probably ADHD and is now apparently capable of reading le eroge. (Also from my experience, not doing Heisig doesn't mean you're fucked, it just means it'll take you maybe a year - barring the months in which i haven't done shit of course - to learn the joyou instead of a few months, or something, along with the basic vocabulary necessary to actually read some stuff at something other than a snail's pace. Of course you'll be slower but you'll still eventually get there if you really want to, and i really don't know who could say otherwise. Probably beats doing nothing at all anyway, which was kinda my point). Also, well someone already said it, but average native vocabulary definitely isn't 50000 words (it probably isn't in any language honestly).

>> No.11711505

ADHD isn't real, you're just a faggot

>> No.11711514

How do you become a normal human being again after you've made an habit of procrastinating absolutely every activity including but not limited to eating and peeing?

>> No.11711515

Slow but steady steps.

>> No.11711519

what you lack is a strong Japanese spirit.

>> No.11711526

It's less than 50000. 50000 is a high degree of literacy.

The problem is in knowing the right words, necessary for everyday life, instead of hundreds of specialized terms related to each of your favorite fetishes.

>> No.11711545

Thanks i already knew it since i'm not murrikan

>> No.11711591 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1379434385226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully!

>> No.11711738

The only thing hard about learning Japanese is handwriting Kanji and grammar. Even then grammar isn't all that hard and unless you plan on living in Japan you don't need to memorize how to write all those kanji.

>> No.11711748

I find memorizing how to write them helps me learn them better, that might just be me though.

>> No.11711786 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1379434385226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully!

(this isn't "/b/ shit" you fucking janitor, if you aren't regular then don't stick your pussy in this)

>> No.11711795

Handwriting kanji revolves about a few simple composition rules and a handful of recurring elements, of which there are A LOT fewer than the actual kanji. If you pick any 300 random kanji, they'll contain most of the frequently used elements. The only hard part about handwriting is getting started and people who complain about it probably never did.

>> No.11711796

I don't think that's just you. Also i found recognizing kanji to be on a different order of "difficulty" than grammar, which is honestly pretty easy peasy and mostly a matter of immersion, while the other entails a fuckload of memorization, definitely moreso than languages which don't use ideograms and such (like, well, almost every other language i think). Anyway If you ask me the most difficult thing is actually being constant about it and delaying gratification, which i suppose goes for anything long-term anyway.

>> No.11711844 [DELETED] 
File: 912 KB, 4524x2060, 1384864455473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully!

>> No.11711852

It will be a challenge, every day. I'm at 700+ kanji and I'm still not used to writing. I write each one of them 40 times, and I still find it a chore to go through. But some of them end up so good looking that I can forgive the effort required to go through them. Besides, you may actually start liking kanji throughout your journey. I at least prefer them much more ever since I decided to write them.

>> No.11711878

I honestly don't get how you can write each kanji 40 times (I always thought that's a troll). I stopped writing them out after I was about 100, maybe 200 kanji in (and even then I wrote them out at most 5 times), since I started recognizing patterns (refer to >>11711795) and it just seemed like a waste of time. Maybe my retention rate would be up a couple percent had I kept writing every kanji out alongside with its keyword, but I don't think it would be worth the time.

Kudos for your determination though.

>> No.11711889 [DELETED] 

Stop posting that image.

>> No.11711891 [DELETED] 

Wow, so mean. /jp/ is a Bully Free Zone in case you didn't know, you meanie

>> No.11711895 [DELETED] 

Well, I wasn't going to post it again for today, because, why would I?
But I apologize if that picture upset you in any way.

>> No.11711924
File: 37 KB, 514x479, 1370779858131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jani stop bullying me, you're the one breaking the rules!

>> No.11711983

Here's a sample page of my notebook. I write 40 times because two lines are exactly 40 squares. It makes it look more organized. Also I think I do it more because it became a routine than it's actual usefulness.

>> No.11711985
File: 19 KB, 919x712, notebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot my pic.

>> No.11711986
File: 931 KB, 3264x2448, Ev41hwO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture, sorry.

>> No.11712022

That... Looks really nice. How many new kanji do you do per day and how much time does it take you to write them all out?

>> No.11712043

10 per day, which totallizes 400. Depends on their difficulty. If it's stuff like 一、二、三, it takes like less than 1 hour. But when I end up with 躍, 締 or 機, I may take 1 hour and a half to 2 hours. Once in a while I extend the amount I write so I can finish a group that contains a certain radical. Also, the order I'm using is from Kanji Damage.

>> No.11712054

That looks horrible

>> No.11712060

KD fucking sucks. It's one thing to have bad mnemonics, but it is an entirely different matter to have every single one packed with an obnoxiously awful sense of humor.

>> No.11712064

Only retards use KD, real NEET use Heisig

>> No.11712067


Should have gone Heisig.

>> No.11712068

That is insane amount of dedication. I am pretty sure I couldn't do that. For reference, just about a month ago I finished KD+ deck some anon made, doing 20 new kanji per day, which on average I would say took me ~10 minutes (disregarding reps, of course).

I ignored the mnemonics completely, and I'm pretty sure that most of the people that actually do KD do the same.

>> No.11712075

I liked the Eazy-E ones, but it is pretty terrible when he writes "This one is 'dry' and 'organ'. Think of your own damn mnemoic." Just leave the space blank if you're going to do that.

>> No.11712092

Is the guy who made it a nigger or a wigger, I couldn't tell

>> No.11712114

I found Heisig to be pretty dumb. I ended up just going grade order and making up my own mnemonics.

>> No.11712135

I think it's pretty dumb they made the sun into square. Drawing a circle is damn easier (which is what it used to be drawn as).

>> No.11712151

So far, to all native japanese speakers that have seen my writing, I've been met with positive feedback. My objective isn't to do something that looks nice anyway, but actually repeat kanji enough times so I can memorize them. How good it looks is just a secondary worry. If you do have any tips for me to improve the handwriting though, it would be helpful, considering the only guideline I follow is the jisho stroke order.

I don't even know how I can do it considering I used to use the KD anki deck. But that shit was awfully annoying because every single card had a duplicate for the sake of memorizing the reading AND the meaning of the kanji. It doubled the amount of work for pretty much nothing. Besides, I find it much easier to open a notebook and look at the kanji I forgot instead of separately searching for it in the website.

>> No.11712164

Here's a tip, when they say 凄い日本語!!!
It's not a compliment.

>> No.11712189


You don't have to be so mean to him, jeez

>> No.11712259

凄い - rikaichan definition
>terrile; dreadful; amazing; great;

I just don't know anymore...

>> No.11712286

that's a lot more genuine than 日本語が上手ですね

>> No.11712296

Davido-kun video made it unforgettable for me


>> No.11712362

>not すごい
Don't be that guy

>> No.11713779

But circles aren't stackable, I hate them.

>> No.11713789
File: 7 KB, 616x600, 2 CIRCLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patent pending*

>> No.11713818

It is actually often written into a circle when handwriting fast

>> No.11713828

Only upwards, if you make several columns you're wasting space. It's impractical as fuck.

>> No.11713836

In what direction did you want to "stack"?

>> No.11713837

Stacking goes upwards, but what if you want to make multiple stacks?

>> No.11713839

what an obscure kanji lol

>> No.11713997

It has bad meaning only when used in sarcasm

>> No.11714021

I did my reps today, feels good. They only thing that bothers me is that I learned to read a difficult language and the only thing I do with it is read non-h touhou doujin-shi

>> No.11714054

You can read other things.

Make Japanese friends?

>> No.11714059

Probably because you can't actually read a difficult language, you can just read the basics and can't progress passed porn.

>> No.11714080

>can't progress passed porn.
A I don;t read porn and B I am passed porn in my opinion. I can do all the standard weeaboo shit without a tl. That doesn't mean I am proficient, or even passably good. This is more lamenting that I don only one thing with my free time.

I can't even make american friends.

>> No.11714115

Saying 七時 is really a tongue twister.

>> No.11714129 [DELETED] 

Twist your tongue around this.
*whips out dick*

>> No.11714141
File: 352 KB, 1200x900, IMG_20131216_174324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh my notebook is so messy compared to yours.

On otherhand I am writing just to remember the shapes. I believe I'll never write Japanese.

>> No.11714157

place the emphasis on the chi

>> No.11714161

You should try getting into anime or manga.

Or if you live in Gensokyo only, the music.

>> No.11714161,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11714178

That is horrible. Please stop writing like that and just do the shapes with your finger in the air.

>> No.11714188

No bully.

>> No.11714188,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11714202
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>> No.11714205
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>> No.11714207

School won't let me...

>> No.11714211
File: 308 KB, 1200x900, w5oyd0ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these even supposed to be? 反?

>> No.11714216

Probably that "R"

>> No.11714218
File: 49 KB, 340x460, arrest him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think your funny kid? I was posting here before you so you can't just copy me and expect to be funny.

>> No.11714219

I'm stealing all your images.

>> No.11714225


>> No.11714231

Okay, I feel like I made a fool out of myself here.

>> No.11714238 [DELETED] 
File: 692 KB, 1280x960, sara and her ketchup cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steal THIS
*unzips dick*

>> No.11714460
File: 109 KB, 400x400, 1383377155949,ra2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had 3 cards in a row marked as leech today because I guess I missed them too much in the past,
the very next card was actually バカ

I think anki is trying to tell me something

>> No.11714501

Why would you add a card as バカ and not 馬鹿?

>> No.11714532

My vocabulary deck right now is entirely composed of things as introduced in Tae Kim's guide, and that's how it was presented. I did think it was a little strange that it would be written in katakana though when I added it

>> No.11714566

Just use Rikai

>> No.11714574

>Tae Kim

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..

>> No.11714581

Is it THAT bad? What is the best alternative for basic grammar?

>> No.11714584

It's good, don't listen to him.

>> No.11714589

docchi dayou?!

>> No.11714590

A real textbook. Like, any of them in any of the bookstores around the world.

Says the beginner who probably has no idea.

>> No.11714595

You're just trying to make him waste money with a shitty textbook. Tae Kim works fine.

>> No.11714601

Okay Mr. N5.

>> No.11714607

Oh come on. You're venting because you found N5 that hard?

>> No.11714608

You forgot your #rekt hashtag.

>> No.11714610

Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar

>> No.11714628

How reliable is that dictionary? Sometimes I feel like Tae Kim's explanations are too short or he tries too hard to explain concepts that would be better dealt with by more technical details.

>> No.11714669

What wrong with Tae Kim?

>> No.11714670

>Learning grammar from "Grammar" books

>> No.11714694

that dictionary series if pretty good

there are a lot of example sentences

>> No.11714697

People who's first foreign language is Japanese do everything so horribly wrong.

>> No.11714722

Americans are just naturally stupid.

>> No.11714740

If anything it's too technical for what most people are looking for. And as a first exposure it's not great because it is a dictionary and therefore unordered. But if you have the very basics it's fine.

>> No.11714947

If you find DOBG hard to follow you should just fucking give up.

>> No.11715166

Right, I better learn 2-3 other languages first to make it easier.

>> No.11715250
File: 26 KB, 500x321, 230994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch please.learning languages is about constant trial and error..obviously after covering the basics

>> No.11715293

He's saying it's the learning you do wrong, not the language.

>> No.11716255
File: 241 KB, 1483x767, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shift + S on anki to see stats, please post yours.
I plan to do 50 per day this christmas vacation until 3000, so 8 more days

>> No.11716258
File: 225 KB, 633x867, sample card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the deck

>> No.11716269
File: 487 KB, 1263x2643, anki-stats-2013-12-17@15-12-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me again >>11710496

>> No.11716297

How do guys remember ALL of the readings for kanji? Some of them have so many.

>> No.11716315

You only need to learn the most important ones. And they're like 2 at max.

>> No.11716316

I tackle them one by one either through a word that uses a reading or moving on to the next once the previous is familiar.

>> No.11716325


Good or bad place to start?

>> No.11716332

I can't even describe how dumb someone must be to start through non-general kanji or jinmeiyou. So the answer is: The only place you can start (unless you're thinking if you should start kana or jouyou kanji, in which the former is what you should do).

>> No.11716341

kana is overrated

learn chinese first

>> No.11716344


Do you mean starting from nothing? Fuck no, that's retarded and impossible. You obviously learn kana first.

>> No.11716345

I meant starting there after learning kana and beginning kanji.

Sorry about that.

>> No.11716377

This dude's been in Japan for over 20 years and can barely read the newspaper headlines. Study more /jp/

>> No.11716430


why learn words like this?

>> No.11716433

But he conduct high level conversations in Japanese which is something 99% of people learning Japanese on 4chan can't do.

>> No.11716435

Maybe he hopes to lose his virginity to an older woman?

>> No.11716440


a word like that really shouldn't be in a deck that has days of the week in it

>> No.11716529

>japanese girlfriend invites a friend to our Skype call
>goes into heavy osaka-ben
>can barely understand anything anymore


>> No.11716538


I wanted to actually learn Osaka-ben first for some reason. I'm kind of glad that I didn't though.

>> No.11716866


is this actually a good way of learning Japanese?
Got Hiragana and Katakana down, but it's about now where the resources I use become more important.

>> No.11716935

the only way to learn a language is to expose yourself enough to the language such that you start internalizing the grammar and vocab

>read simple grammar explanations to introduce yourself to basic grammar
>add words you see for the first time in an anki deck (no matter what level you're at)
>read raw manga or whatever you want alongside a translation in order to better understand grammar and sentence structure
>watch anime or whatever you like for listening practice, making use of both japanese and english subtitles
>talk to Japanese people (or find a Japanese girlfriend like I did)

there is no magic way

>> No.11717031

It can be. Maybe it's the first time he saw that kanji or reading. When I had an anki deck I would add anything with a new reading for a kanji (or a new kanji of course).

>> No.11717396

Is there a video I can watch with a native comparing standard japanese with osaka-ben and possibly other dialects?

I always love watching them and listening to the various nuances between them.

>> No.11717421 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 265x265, kamisama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many kanji.
Such difficulty.
Much hard.

>> No.11717422 [DELETED] 


>> No.11717428
File: 590 KB, 993x3509, anki-stats-2013-12-17@23-56-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my stats
The large amount of mature cards in the 2 month range (and the resulting higher number of young and failed mature cards is because I recently screwed around with the database to basically transplant the stats from the old core6k deck onto the new core10 one while rescheduling everything to between 1 and 40 days)

>> No.11717426 [DELETED] 

So angry
Much fear

>> No.11717484

Osaka-ben is fucking easy, you just have to exchange desu with ya and say some nandeyanen randomly.

>> No.11717498


do them

>> No.11717785

What is "standard japanese"?

>> No.11717832

I went for a month. Did not know any Japanese and got on great with the locals.

So many qt 3.14s

>> No.11717858

Anki is literal torture. Fuck that damn thing.

>> No.11717861

Tokyo-ben, perhaps?
Being the capital and the highest concentration of people in the country must throw it some weight.

>> No.11717882

I'm doing japanese core 2k on step 3 right now. is this a good idea or a bad idea?

>> No.11717951

step 3 should be step 9 or something

just stick to it

>> No.11718189

I was going to comment on how you've spent about 1/4 of the estimated time to learn Japanese by a certain government organization on Anki alone but remembered that it took people over 4000 hours just to get to the old jlpt1.

>> No.11718255
File: 253 KB, 1280x994, notepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My list, i enter words i don't know in that notepad first before listing it in my anki deck.

I research each and everyone of those words so the meaning there is not by the dictionary but by my own understanding

it's in katakana because hiragana is so easy and common

I have weird word like

or noun from game just for the sake of onyomi

>> No.11718273

Researching is good, own understanding is good, but keep the dictionary definitions handy for the situations where you misunderstood.

>> No.11718309

>fumin fukyuu
Yeah fuck you too buddy.

>> No.11718325

How do you study, /jp/.
I've been trying off and on to learn Japanese for four years. I managed to learn 70 or so kanji and some vocab, but quickly lost motivation. Especially working with grammar that I can't seem to remember no matter how many times I read it.

Things like Anki take me hours to complete even when I only have like 30 or 40 cards. Wanikani constantly has reps for me and I never manage to finish before getting more pilled on me. What am I doing wrong?

I've been writing notes from Tae Kim's guide and I feel like I've about burned out again now. The furthest I've made it to is the multiple nouns chapter.


>> No.11718341

Don't try and make it work, just study inbetween other stuff or whenever you have some down time between games/anime. With any studying you really have to make it enjoyable and take lots of breaks otherwise its going to suck.

>> No.11718360

Understand before memorizing (Know what a cat is before trying to memorize neko or why there is a word for 上履き)
Put in the hours (10000)
Get lots of examples.
Learn incrementally, go build large cities from small insignificant grains of sand if you have to
Switch between emphasizing quantity and quality, breadth and depth, and other aspects from time to time.
Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses by tackling reality then work on what you need to.

>> No.11718387

I think those 2200+ hours were just classroom hours, they probably expect them to study outside of that time?

>> No.11718411

That's what I've been doing. I haven't found a way for it to be enjoyable, though.

>> No.11718417

Don't listen to him. No pain, no gain.

>> No.11718521 [SPOILER] 
File: 670 KB, 686x2872, anki-stats-2013-12-18@10-16-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11718526 [SPOILER] 
File: 679 KB, 686x2872, anki-stats-2013-12-18@10-17-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11718545

Lewd. also
reviews from 4 days ago
reviews from 10 days ago
reviews from 25 days ago
reviews from 63 days ago
reviews from ... days ago
and that's if you hit good on the default settings every time.
Add X new a day for a year and you get 10X reviews a day blah blah blah.

>> No.11718563

How do you do it, anon?

>> No.11718580

I didn't understand a word of what you meant.

>> No.11718583

Studying isn't supposed to be fun.

>> No.11718588

How do you do it, anon.

>> No.11718597

>Add X new a day for a year and you get 10X
reviews a day
>Add 100 new a day for a year and you get 1000
reviews a day
You'll be spending hours just reviewing on Anki at the rate you're going

>> No.11718618

Reviewing is the reason we are using Anki dude. What is point of reviewing if it doesn't take hours? My reps already take 2-3 hours per day.

>> No.11718621

Get a life.

>> No.11718634

It's like you're trying to laze off or something. Just write out every word you don't know onto a list that you write out again everyday. Quadriplicates and above are recommended.

>> No.11718649

I still don't understand your point.

>> No.11718672

I used to use my phone to do my reps.

For unrelated reason, I've not been able to use it for a week, until today.

I'm scared to even look at the thing

>> No.11718764

How can people have less than 300 reps per day and think they're making any sort of progress (with Anki at least). You might as well not even do it if you're memorizing so little.

>> No.11718772

What I meant to say is you might as well not even use Anki if you're memorizing so little. Almost everyone in this thread has like 100 reps a day, which means they're adding what, 10 cards a day? Just don't even bother.

>> No.11718815


>> No.11718842


Please fuck off back to /a/ with that retarded elitist attitude.

>> No.11718859

Sorry if you interpreted it that way, but really I'm trying to help. I think after a year of not pushing your self very much people will look back and ask themselves why they aren't as fluent as other people. I'm not advising burning yourself out, but I think anything less than 300 reps per day isn't really trying, at least if they're just vocabulary recognition cards. If you're doing kanji cards, well I'd first have to ask why because it doesn't really help very much, but I guess those statistics are a little different. But that's just in the realm of Anki, I think Anki should take up 25% of your study time at the most. In short, I just think people should push themselves rather than just doing the minimum and calling it a day because it's technically learning Japanese. お頑張りください

>> No.11718882

Anki is just one of many tools you should be using to learn Japanese. Just because someone isn't doing 300+ reps a day of Anki doesn't mean they aren't doing other things.

>> No.11718888

Why would you use anki over wanikani, anyway

>> No.11718903

Because wanikani is for beginners

>> No.11718910

I used Japanese as a means to procrastinate over other study I really didn't enjoy. That and the fact that I knew that my future would have been terrible if I hadn't learnt it. I had to do it to leave my home country in order to change my life for the better. Also Japanese girls and media of course.

>> No.11718927

Are you in Japan fucking cute anime girls?

>> No.11718931

not him but I'll be leaving for Japan a week from Friday and will be staying with and fucking a Japanese girl I met online.

>> No.11718936

Japanese girls don't really resemble anime but they're not too bad for company.

>> No.11718943

You said that before. At least provide some new information if you're going to blog your oriental exploits.

>> No.11718952
File: 14 KB, 299x400, kaisho-sen-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good resource on handwriting kanji, it covers most of the relevant components


your angles and proportions are off, but they're just legible

I can read most of these pretty easily! You might check out the link too, but specifically I'd like to point out some stuff:
言:the first (top) stroke is just a dot, the first line should be noticeably wider than the rest, and the second fairly small.
斤:the vertical stroke of the "T" should be fairly vertical with a slight slant _left_

here's a helpful diagram from the aforementioned link and if anyone is confused about stuff ask away

>> No.11719016

I'm saying it's pointless to even use Anki at that point because you're learning so few things that it would be hard to forget with just reading.

>> No.11719083

i think there's something off with お頑張りください

>> No.11719087


>> No.11719109

Oh, that will be a very helpful link, thank you. Regarding questions, then:
Should I keep practicing in that 1x1cm space or would it be more handful to reduce the number of kanji per day, so I can write it in a bigger space? (and thus improve my accuracy, perhaps)
How does using a brush for kanji pay off, compared to writing it with a pencil or a pen?
近 / 通 / 辺 should I write the left - bottom left radical with 2 or 3 strokes?
Should I increase my kanji per day (from 40 to 50 for example) or focus more on improving where I'm lacking? I think I'm mostly halfassing kanji nowadays because of how tiresome it is. I mean, when I have shit like 臓 showing up I take a much longer time due to the high number of strokes, compared to the average 常用.

>> No.11719112

It depends on if you can use the stem form of a verb interchangeably with the -te form. Otherwise he's saying please give effort, which may make sense in english but in japanese, it's really strange.

>> No.11719165

It isn't pointless. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.11719169

How do I stop being lazy /jp/? This has been a serious problem recently with Anki - I stopped doing it for a week and then never picked it back up again. Seems really hard to start again once you've quit.

>> No.11719179

Do it. Open up anki, pick your desired deck, and start doing it. There really is no secret. If you want to, look at the VNs / games that make you really want to learn japanese. Look at their OPs. Think of how much fun you'll have when you are able to go through them.

>> No.11719186

Now imagine this, for everything in a persons life. That is my life. I only managed to finish uni because it was shit easy, and even that was a close run thing.

>> No.11719210

Dunno.. I just realized there is just nothing to do if I don't know Japanese.

>> No.11719211

Do lazy cards then. At 3 seconds a rep you can do a hundred in 5 minutes.

>> No.11719247

I don't understand how someone can claim to be a high level otaku yet not have the motivation to put in a few hours a day into Japanese.

>> No.11719279

this is what pisses me off about /a/

they're so elitist about their anime yet they can't even into japanese

>> No.11719282

Is /jp/ really any better?

>> No.11719294

Please don't respond if you have no idea what you're talking about please. 頑張ってください is an extremely common phrase, and お+連体形+ください is a polite form for making requests.

>> No.11719307

the guy you're responding to is wrong, but お頑張りください isn't nearly as common as the regular 頑張ってください

that's probably why the other guy said it sounded off

>> No.11719317

I know it's not as common, but don't respond if you literally have no idea what you're talking about other than basic grammar, not even knowing if you can replace て form with masu stem.

>> No.11719337

I didn't remember you could do that, sorry.

>> No.11719450

How fat is she?

>> No.11719454

This is what too much anki does to people. At some point anki should just be a minor part of learning with a bulk of it just reading the language. You can't just grind 300+ words every day and expect to just magically know how to read and converse.

>learning kanji doesn't help much
That alone should show how little you know.

>> No.11719467

she's actually on the verge of being anorexic

5'1" 83lbs

>> No.11719485

Most who do "too much" Anki actually spend less time on Anki and have much more free time to spend on everything else that matters.
/over generalizing end
Maybe you should actually read what you're replying to and not just pull out meanings that are most convenient to your world view.

>> No.11719497

Oh wow. She has the perfect height but is a bit too skinny. Though if JAVs are anything to go by, I don't think I'd want to sleep with a native japanese girl.

>> No.11719506

We've already had mutual masturbation sessions via Skype and I can definitely tell you that the noises they make aren't limited to JAV.

>> No.11719515

Do you mean a limit of 300 reviews per day, or 300 new cards per day?

>> No.11719532

Is she just a gaijin hunter?

>> No.11719537

doubt it

it took over 8 months for her to feel comfortable enough with me to do something like that

>> No.11719543

She has to have some flaw.

>> No.11719553

Whatever he exactly means it's definitely not new cards. >>11718772
I think it's reviews because it looks like he's using the X->10X estimate

And if you're thinking of putting a limit on your reviews, don't. Of course if you know what you're doing then feel free to ignore my unsolicited advice.

>> No.11719558

Not that anon who wrote the long post criticizing /jp/ers, I don't think anyone should put up a limit for reviews, and this is more because if you keep doing them every day, you'll reach a point of consistency. Why limit yourself to what you can review everyday?

>> No.11719564

I'll find out next week.

>> No.11719572


>> No.11719706
File: 7 KB, 177x350, kaisho-sansetsu-94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure it's え and this fellow, I think it's more productive to use them in sentences or at least properly spaced so you have practice writing in general--there's info on that on that link plus it's good reading.

I write stuff like 臓 in semicursive (check out 行書 section) and it makes it a lot more fun/less tedious. I'm still not so fluent, but since I had stroke order down really well, it wasn't hard to work on my handwriting.

I'll try posting some stuff from my phone later.

>> No.11719818

I wasn't saying to limit anything, I was saying the opposite. I think you should be getting at LEAST 300 reviews per day, not at MOST.

>> No.11719850
File: 69 KB, 800x1280, Sketch18313267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11719884
File: 68 KB, 800x1280, Sketch183134315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11719891

ㄟ( ▔∀▔ )ㄏ

>> No.11719974

>doing 300+ reviews means you spend less time on anki than someone who does less than 300
Am I reading this correctly? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.11720280

they probably mean that after a certain point it becomes a routine which doesn't take up more than a certain amount of time once you're used to doing it regularly.

i like reading/writing stuff and making paper flashcards more though~

I try to make decks of 80~100 flashcards and rotating as I get comfortable/bored.

>> No.11720492

You know, a lot of people who do both anki and reading make their own anki deck.
Which means the amount of reps they do is determined not by what they set it as, but by how often they add new words. Also, you're just making shit up.

>> No.11720552

He's most likely from the japanese thread on /a/. The posters is that thread or so terribly ignorant that it's baffling.

>> No.11720588

I make my own deck too, I fail to see your point. Are you saying you can't get over 300 reps per day by adding words?

>> No.11720620

No? But I'm saying if you add X words per day from reading, then the amount of reps you do per day is determined by X. And for me 20 new words per day corresponded to a bit over 100 reps a day. If that guy thinks that you'll remember all 20 of those words a month later just from having seen them once, he's either a genius or an idiot.

>> No.11720656

You're retarded. Sorry.

>> No.11721249
File: 480 KB, 1263x2664, anki-stats-2013-12-19@17-10-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, so far my 50 per day is running smoothly

557 cards in 31 minutes for today

You can notice that my answer button are all 2, i drill them to my brain

>> No.11721266

>that cram
Is there any reason you're doing it the way you do? Of course not, you're pressing 2 on all your right answers. Just edit your settings to get more frequent reviews or additional learning steps. You'll find out soon enough why you shouldn't do so soon enough anyway.

>> No.11721302

Is cramming on anki bad? i recently discover that cramming, and since i start using it i have more ease answering new young cards

>> No.11721340

Cramming is for when you need to memorize something for the short term like maybe you have a test this weekend. It's horribly inefficient in the long run though. Same issue with pressing only button 2 on all your right answers. All the buttons are there for a reason, to make you review harder cards more frequently than easier cards. Another issue is that you're going to see a very large jump in the number of your reviews within a month, probably something like an additional 200 at least though if you don't actually continue adding 50 past the holidays then that won't happen.

>> No.11721665

I like how you think you're special because you started adding 50 words a day for a couple days, cram, and hit 2 for every word. I do 50 words a day too, but I don't cram and hit 3 for almost every card, and I still get 94% of young and 92% of mature, and I'm not just doing it for 2 weeks whatever. I like how you're still getting less than 100 reps a day too, really puts it in to perspective how slowly you're learning even after doing this plan of yours. If you're doing anything less than 10k words per year, just fucking give up.

>> No.11721725

i am currently enjoying my harvest. i just add vocabulary every now and then

If i add all my list from my notepad, it will only reach up to 3250.. 10k is so far.

Well it can reach it if i copy the whole dictionary. But what's the point?? i plan to enjoy it while learning not to memorize everything possible

>> No.11721888

Don't mind that guy too much. He's either trolling or has issues beyond learning Japanese. I think you're slow too but then again you've just begun (again? It looks like you've only just started adding recently anyway). The point of "10K" (or any other large number) though is to get a working vocab for reading stuff earlier, but don't sweat it if you're in no kind of a hurry. You'll get there faster than natives anyway.

>> No.11722095

Then you need to read more. You should just read for at minimum 3 hours per day, and especially, now this is important, do not sit on words like you're doing, keeping them in a notepad or whatever. You learned them while you were reading, so there's no point in waiting a week, forgetting them, and then adding them, just add however many words you get the day you get them. It doesn't matter if it's 20 or 100, you shouldn't just let them sit like that, otherwise it's no different than just adding from a random word list because you'll probably end up forgetting most of them. And if you don't end up forgetting most of them, there isn't a point in adding them to Anki in the first place. But yeah, back to my first point, if you aren't reading enough to get a decent amount of words per day AND you only know 3000, you're barely spending any time at all with Japanese, which makes me wonder why you're even learning it to begin with. If you don't have enough motivation to even read for an hour a day, which at your level could easily net you the 30 words to get you to 10k per year, it doesn't seem like you even want to learn Japanese that much at all. And please don't say you don't have an hour a day, you probably waste an hour on 4chan everyday anyway.

>> No.11722103

idiot cant be used as an adjective, only stupid can

>> No.11722109
File: 696 KB, 799x3122, anki-stats-2013-12-19@17-41-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a self-made deck, it has per kanji one card for writing it out, one for the onyomi (with meaning, if any) and one per kunyomi (with meaning). It contains most the jouyou kanji (with the jouyou readings) plus some additional kanji and readings, 2337 kanji in total.

>> No.11722111
File: 912 KB, 4524x2060, 1384864455473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully!

>> No.11722112


>> No.11722141

>do not sit on words
Seconding this one. You could extend it to a few days if you're really busy and only get to read once a week if only to avoid having days where you do hundreds one day then zero the next. There's really no reason to let the memory of context fade for cards that you're planning on adding anyway.

>> No.11722151

You made 4000 cards in advance yourself?

>> No.11722225

i didnt mean to sound rude, i just know what it's like to mess up synonyms in an L2

>> No.11722289

Yes, though certainly not in one go. For most jouyou cards, everything except the English translation is autogenerated from the jouyou table in Japanese wikipedia. Knowing the deck is incomplete bothered me in an autistic sort of way, so I made a point to chip away at it every day if even a little. Eventually it got done.

>> No.11722360

In was referring to the 4000 unseen cards.

>> No.11722624

I was referring to the whole deck, including the unseen cards.

>> No.11722709 [DELETED] 

suck my cock

>> No.11722722

refer to

>> No.11725757


This seems like a fun way to learn.
