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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11709463 No.11709463 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of starting a light novel magazine, /jp/. An online one. Short stories and serialized bits of light novels you guys have written put together as a monthly PDF file. Or non-4chan users, even. Shit, we could even have some of you guys do illustrations for each other. I think this would be a great way to get some serious OC on a regular basis, and shit, having people say "that was a pretty good story" is great motivation to keep writing. It would give some of us something constructive to do.

I'm posting this here because most people don't understand the concept of light novels, and I know there are some pretty godamn creative people on here. I doubt it could ever get popular enough to become print and pay people to write, but it's an idea.

Just a thought. If it sounds like bullshit feel free to sage/ignore/hide this thread.

>> No.11709465

I'd be down. I think /a/ has one that I considered submitting to but ehh...

>> No.11709471

I very, very vaguely remember something about a 4chan e-zine like six years ago.

>> No.11709466

I think you know what it has to be called.

>> No.11709480

Yeah but it was just a bunch of bullshit from /b/ and useless memes.

Anyway, eh, I don't know if I'd contribute, but I'd definitely read it.

>> No.11709483


>> No.11709489


>> No.11709484

The art will be utterly fucking horrible, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to prevent that no matter how hard you try.
If you're fine with that, go ahead.

>> No.11709491

Sounds potentially fun. If you can get it together you should definitely try.

>> No.11709493


I like it.

>> No.11709494 [DELETED] 

This already existed IIRC and was called nocturne or something. It failed cause the creator was a retard.

Anyway it's a good idea, I like reading and writing. You could do it two ways:

1) Establish a few trusted 'editors' who write stories for the magazine and are capable of high-quality writing

2) Accept story submissions from everyone using the board and read them yourself to determine whether or not they're good enough for inclusion.

#2 is harder in the long run because reading long things takes a lot more time than you think it does, even if you're just skimming.

>> No.11709498

I have a question. Why was Nocturnes spammed to hell and back? What was the motivation behind it?

>> No.11709499

OP here. If I make an email address for the mag would you guys mind emailing stuff there? Of course you should give a synopsis of your stuff here so other people can input/consider doing illustrations.

Sorry if I sound like a fag. I've never done this kind of thing before.

Let's here some ideas!

>> No.11709500

Are there are any /jp/ers that write stuff in Japanese?

>> No.11709505 [DELETED] 


Please don't use crossie language like 'fag' and 'OP' unironically in /jp/.

>> No.11709508

It was nice, and so people decided to use it to be epic, just because they liked it.

>> No.11709507

It could be an interesting medium to explore, just go for serials like in the old times of selling fiction to pulp magazines.
I would read it and contribute to it. Let me know if it ever gets off the ground.

>> No.11709510

So, would this be like a touhou fanfiction thing?

>> No.11709512 [DELETED] 


>If I make an email address for the mag would you guys mind emailing stuff there?

Like what? Art? Stories? If so, what kind?

>> No.11709515


>> No.11709519

The only issue with this is you'd have a lot of people who start novels and not finish them, having a lot of discontinued stuff. On the other hand, you could only accept novels that are finished/edited, or stick to shorts/novellas.

>> No.11709525

I'm working on a short story now, actually. It's about some slightly tomboyish girl who goes into the army so her life isn't completely meaningless and writes letters to this girl back home who has feelings for her. She mistakes her for a guy because of her androgynous name and comes back home. The bitch who wrote her approaches her. Turns out she knew the whole time but was too embarrassed to acknowledge it. They kiss. GOOD END.

It's not terribly original but it's short, concise and cute. Still editing it.

>> No.11709526 [DELETED] 

I get the feeling that I would be overly critical of any writing in a magazine line this.

>> No.11709534

Idea (Warning I am terrible at writing and ideas please dont't be too critical)

A very beautiful girl loses hope in life after her fathers death she becomes a hikkikomori and gains 200 pounds but then she meets a local boy her age and he helps her lose weight and deal with her depression.

>> No.11709537


I like this. A lot.


The weight-loss part is disgusting and turns me away, but the rest isn't so bad.

I like this thread. Any more ideas?

>> No.11709545

Just don't be a colossal faggot regarding what ends up in your magazine and what you turn away, basically accept shit that isn't only to your own tastes.

>> No.11709543

OP, if you really want anyone to look twice at this you need a base of sorts. An email is fine for primary communication, but you need somewhere to regroup for this stuff. Start a blog or something. or a new cicrclejerk in an irc channel

Would read. My skill is far too shitty to participate though.

>> No.11709546

Ah thank you for the feed back!

Could you please explain why you think the weight loss is bad though it seems like a good thing to do.

>> No.11709550

It's just, I can't picture a lot of people who would care about that or want to visualize it. I mean, especially in /jp/. We don't want to read stories about landwhales. Stories about people losing weight tend to be emotional circlejerks directed at middle-aged women in general, and I hope that isn't your target audience. Just some food for thought.

>> No.11709554

I actually wanted it to be emotional(But not super serious more like comedy drama) story would progress like this

Girl meets Boy

Boy earns her trust

They have fun outside even though she is scared
She starts to lose weight

They become closer as friends and he convinces her to go back to class

She is bullied by class bitch

Then the captain of the girl soft ball club protects her

They become fast friends and she starts to exercise with her

Thus losing more weight

She starts looking happier as she gets back to her old self and starts to notice the boy in a more romantic way

She wanted to confess but the class bitch does instead leaving her heart broken

And I'm kinds stuck here but It seems like something that /jp/ers would like.(They like Kimi Ni Tokode right?)

>> No.11709562

>It failed cause the creator was a retard.

No, it failed because people wrote shitty stores, got rejected, and then poured their hurt feelings all over the board in autistic hatespam against the idea.

>> No.11709565

Said retard detected.

>> No.11709568


Losing that kind of weight would be the process of YEARS. And as such the female lead would be fat during most of the story! This is unacceptable! And don't try to pull the whole "story was just her reminiscing thing either"!

Reading about far people is not up my alley. Not matter what it is,if I'm watching/ reading it I must be able to fap to it. No exceptions! I fap to browsing /jp/! I love you!

>> No.11709570

Why'd you stop spamming?

>> No.11709574

This sounds like a reckless idea. I'm down.

I have some suggestions though:

1. Start quarterly first, and then if there's a giant surge of submitted stories you could bump it up to monthly.

2. As much as this might hurt your pride to admit, but don't keep this a 4chan thing. /jp/ and /a/ aren't the only places that would be interested in it, don't be afraid to market this to other forums. Sure there will be more shit, but there's a chance that there's something of passable quality.

3. Find someone with an excellent grasp of the English language to copy-edit. Nothing screams "half-assed project" like spelling and grammar errors. A little editing will go a long way.

4. Since this is going to be a Light Novel magazine, there needs to be artists. Hopefully you could find some committed artists, but if anything there could be a submission process like for stories. If the art isn't completely shitty they could have their pick of stories to draw for, and hopefully they could even work together.


>> No.11709579

This is what would happen.

Girl meets boy

Boy earns her trust

They have fun outside even though she is scared
She starts to lose weight

They become closer as friends and he convinces her to go back to class

She is bullied by class bitch

Then the captain of the girl soft ball club protects her

They become fast friends and she starts to exercise with her

Thus losing more weight

She starts looking happier as she gets back to her old self and starts to notice other boys in a more romantic way

With boosted self esteem, she fucks the boys in the baseball team.

Original boy that helped her out of her despair gets shafted and friend zoned.

"You know it really hurts to have your hymen torn"

And I'm kinds stuck here but It seems like something that /jp/ers could envision as happening in a reality if they ever tried.

>> No.11709580

So what If instead of being fat she was a recovering teen prostitute?

>> No.11709584

Used goods are also no good! For me!

How about just make her really autistic or something?

>> No.11709586

You can't recover from being used goods.

>> No.11709589

If this isn't a /jp/ only thing I will not be assisting!

If you hide the outsiders from me I will never forgive you!

>> No.11709594

Another Idea then

Mimi is one of 5 prototype Androids sent around the world to try and imitate natural human learning she is sent to Japan to be left in the care of Kazuma a soft and kindhearted scientist she is sent to learn about pre-school-elementary school kids and once she has finished the program her data will extracted and her body recycled.

>> No.11709604

I like it

>> No.11709610

The ending will make me cry! I can live with this!

>> No.11709618

I'd write for it.
If it manages to last for a while.
And I wasn't so lazy.

>> No.11709621
File: 302 KB, 850x1131, 5b9775cde573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your editor and we can get mugen to draw stuff.

>> No.11709622

I'd write for it. Or at least I have short stories and longer works that I can contribute to help get this off the ground.

Beyond the light novel theme, is there anything else? Is this oriented more towards realistic or speculative fiction? Or does it not matter?

>> No.11709640
File: 79 KB, 500x224, 1387089163267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like an interesting idea my suggestions are

1) Have a minimum word count and a maximum word count.
2)Keep it as polished as possible.
3)Accept all stories as long as they are well written.

>> No.11709660 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread seemingly full of /a/ and /v/? Or is it just the guy who made it?

>> No.11709665
File: 578 KB, 500x284, tumblr_m3enuje6Fo1r8kmk7o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this thread has people who have an interest in something other than touhou and kancolle or AV idols

>> No.11709670 [DELETED] 


No, this thread pretty obviously contains 1-2 retards from /a/ or /v/.

>> No.11709675 [DELETED] 


Funny haha I lol'd heartily at this

>> No.11709673
File: 983 KB, 500x305, shut up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11709741

I'm somewhat of a creative writerly type, but I'm more of a fantasy/sci-fi guy. Is this just kawaii /jp/ type stuff, or is it open season?

>> No.11709749

There are fantasy/sci-fi light novels.

>> No.11709752 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 900x900, [001462].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking of starting a light novel magazine

Stopped reading right there.

I like it.

>> No.11709770

Speaking of, what does a "light novel" format exactly mean? Publishing a continuing story chapter by chapter?

>> No.11709773 [DELETED] 


I think he just wants to have a fan fiction collection but calls it light novel so it's /jp/-related

>> No.11709855

Wait, this thread wasn't ironically created?

>> No.11709866
File: 203 KB, 874x634, IMG_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though you can write fanfic with this format i think OP is talking about original content.

It's basically a novel with images in between, usually set up to be easily read and falls somewhere around 200 pages. The main focus group is teenagers but due to their popularity you can find all kinds of genres (although not all in english) You could find better information using google.

pic is of my personal Love Hina The Novel 1

>> No.11709873 [DELETED] 


Holy shit. This post is... maybe the most /a/ post I've ever read.

How did you do it?

>> No.11709889
File: 245 KB, 500x266, god.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be a god sent talent

>> No.11709938

I see. Well, if this shit ever actually becomes a thing, I'm on board, I guess.

>> No.11710524
File: 104 KB, 545x823, ss (2013-12-15 at 04.33.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does no one remember this actually existed before? It was done by /jp/ and /a/.

>> No.11710540


>> No.11710575

I remember it being nice and epic.
I liked it.

>> No.11710582


No only you you're an epic oldfag haha

>> No.11710593
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RIP in pieces

>> No.11711172

If need be, I can try to write down a small story concept I've been playing with for a long time now, about a lamma (those are minor Sumerian goddesses tasked with arranging court formalities and managing the affairs between mortals and the divine) who decided to travel to Japan because she was thrown out of the Kaaba alongside all the other idols back when Mohammad did his spring cleaning. Since the Far East is one of the few places where polytheism continues to thrive and she still has a chance to get a proper shrine there, she grabs her belongings, jumps into the Tigris and starts walking along the river floor with the hopes of first finding the Persian Gulf and then making her way East on the open ocean (Since her body was originally a stone figurine, she doesn't need to breathe and can use submarine travel both as a convenient shortcut and a way to avoid undue attention.)

Obviously, she gets lost. Some 1400 years later and after many misadventures, she manages to surface in Japan and makes herself a somewhat unwelcome guest in the local shrine, maintained by the family of a no-nonsense class president type shrine maiden, who first reacts to the idol's claims to be a deity by calling an insane asylum and then attempts to mail her back to Assur once she is convinced that she's really dealing with a goddess. Sumerian mythology infodumps and various misunderstandings ensue (for example, the lamma would most likely think that old TV sets are gods, because Mesopotamian gods wear horned hats and are placed on raised altars with offering tables in front of them. Clearly, a kotatsu with a basket of oranges placed on it represents an offering table to the august TV-god with its horn-antennae sitting on his table-altar.)

>> No.11711749

Hmm? It looks like interest has already dwindled. Congratulations, /jp/!

>> No.11712962

towers aren't built in a day

>> No.11712965 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 450x400, 1387176759621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.11713037
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>> No.11715741

I'm working on a short story now, actually. It's about some slightly tomboyish girl who goes into the army so her life isn't completely meaningless and writes letters to this girl back home who has feelings for her. She mistakes her for a guy because of her androgynous name and comes back home. The bitch who wrote her approaches her. Turns out she knew the whole time but was too embarrassed to acknowledge it. They kiss. GOOD END.

It's not terribly original but it's short, concise and cute. Still editing it.

>> No.11715747

In minecraft they are.

>> No.11717436

This is a horrible fucking idea, on par with that Another Dream shit from a couple of years back. Go to fanfiction.net if you want an audience for the abortions you people think pass as writing.

>> No.11717442

Another Dream would have been a great idea if it weren't for the fact that all the participants sucked.

Well, this sounds like it's going to be the same thing.

>> No.11717492

Self made works are a vital part of otaku culture.

>> No.11717510

These ideas all sound horrible, not to mention something like this already existed.

>> No.11723625

Might be worth a shot.

>> No.11723631

But I go to 4chan for that.
