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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11706043 No.11706043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11706043,1 [INTERNAL] 


This is how milk spent her 21st birthday!

>> No.11706043,2 [INTERNAL] 

That's probably how I'll spend my 21st birthday.

>> No.11706043,3 [INTERNAL] 

>He isn't over the age of 21 yet

What the hell

>> No.11706043,4 [INTERNAL] 

You're slipping up, old man. Losing your touch. Don't blame it on the youth.

>> No.11706043,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm only 19. Are you jelly? :^)

By the way, who are you quoting?

>> No.11706043,6 [INTERNAL] 

Milk is gross.

>> No.11706043,7 [INTERNAL] 

i want to drink the milk

>> No.11706043,8 [INTERNAL] 

I liked the feeling of once being one of the youngest, but now Im getting older. I don't want to be the lost old person surrounded by younger people that think I dont belong

>> No.11706043,9 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone under the age of 25 needs to stop posting on warosu and /jp/.

>> No.11706043,10 [INTERNAL] 

I'm 19 too.

Anyone over the age of 25 needs to stop posting on warosu and /jp/, and learn how to start showering and shaving, and get a job.

>> No.11706043,11 [INTERNAL] 

well if tokiko says it it must be wrong

>> No.11706043,12 [INTERNAL] 


damn kiddo, looks i hit a nerve right there. one day you'll grow up and maybe even lose your virginity too (lol)

>> No.11706043,13 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11706043,14 [INTERNAL] 

Tokiko is going to stay exactly the way he is until he dies.

>> No.11706043,15 [INTERNAL] 

You need to stop smoking that shit, fag boy.

>> No.11706043,16 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit kid you really got some nerve trying to stir up shit with a post like that.
