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11687354 No.11687354 [Reply] [Original]

Marriage system soon
Previous Thread: >>11678200

English Wiki
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Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics (wikiwiki): http://goo dot gl/FUMcz
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/

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>> No.11687365
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Kaga has an appealing, homey dumpiness about her. She is, by all accounts, a happy ship to serve on.

>> No.11687368
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>> No.11687367 [DELETED] 

Why did the janitor delete the other thread? Is he so petty that he'll delete thread just because he wants to be the OP?

>> No.11687371

I want to be dumpy with Kaga.

>> No.11687375

Lewdest sub.

>> No.11687376 [DELETED] 


I want to dumpy my load in your mom's dumphole, fag.

>> No.11687379 [DELETED] 


Why is this fan art so shitty? Who draws lines this way except retards fresh out of art class?

>> No.11687383
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best sub, tied with Imuya

>> No.11687388

Hmm.. trying to decide if it is worth it to get more ship space so I can have each unique ship. Does anyone else here keep at least one of each?

>> No.11687395 [DELETED] 



>> No.11687404

I try to, although I can only train 2 or so at a time. I haven't even gotten all the DDs to first remodel at lvl20 yet, that's with 2 months of playing time.

>> No.11687409 [DELETED] 


God you're so shit at this game. Why are you awful?

>> No.11687418

Hold on.
There is a anime where girls are guns.
There is a anime where girls are planes.
And now there is a anime where girls are ships and submarines?

How deep the rabbit hole goes? Did it dug all the way to China?

>> No.11687425 [DELETED] 


It digs right into the Japanese jews' pockets.

>> No.11687484

Janny, you missed one.

>> No.11687497

Girls and artillery when?

>> No.11687498

No, no, let him stay, his missing grammar is amusing at least.

>> No.11687545

I don't think I could bare to get rid of even the common DDs to make extra room. Much easier to part with $10.

>> No.11687564

>現在「アルペジオ」×「艦これ」コラボプチイベントを製作中です。年内X'mas前後にはお届けできるよう準備しています。詳細はまたお知らせします。「艦これ」も応援する「蒼き鋼のアルペジオ -アルス・ノヴァ-」との冬のプチイベントもエンドカードコラボと共に、どうぞお楽しみに!

>> No.11687570

Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later, unless there's a possibility of Taihou being included.

>> No.11687578


That made me smile. Also I don't think we'll need to save up very many resources for it--we'll need them for crafting Yamato instead like the terrible bad new players we are.

>> No.11687582

I believe it will last only for about one week, maybe getting both Christmas and New Years.

>> No.11687588

Probably a beginner friendly event, doubt we will need to actually save resources and stuff.

>> No.11687594

Whatever the reward might be, it won't be as good as say Yamato or Musashi considering the difficulty they plan this event.

>> No.11687600

I just want Iona.

>> No.11687603
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Blog time because I know /jp/ loves it.

Finally done with the god damn crafting in this game until they implement Yamato crafting, got every single rare ship now.

>> No.11687608


That would be nice, though after spending so much time leveling my ships for what I thought would be a difficult event I'm a little sadden.

At least I'll be able to breeze through it without too much resources spent.

>> No.11687607

I'm still missing Nagato.

>> No.11687617


I'm not quite getting it, what tweet is he referring to?

>> No.11687619


>> No.11687621

Character bots on twitter.

>> No.11687630

Wich one?
And my name isn't Janny.

I was just surprised that Japan was capable of making little girls anything.

>> No.11687637


Janny you are missing GuP

>> No.11687640
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The only character bot/RP on Twitter worth following.

>> No.11687648
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I made a Kongou right off the bat and she's making my destroyers seem useless. Are they just there to be cute?

>> No.11687654


You'll need them in 3-2 and they are pretty useful in night combat

>> No.11687652

What should my fleet look like for taking 1-3?

Like at least 6 light cruisers?

>> No.11687655

Yeah, they're useless especially on 3-2. Don't even bother.

>> No.11687656

Pretty much, the game is realistic in the sense that destroyers are only really useful during night and against subs. Their resource consumption is also really low so they're great for expeditions and such. Just wait until you get fucked in the ass by 4 hours repair time and 200 steel and 100 fuel to repair kongou, though

>> No.11687657

6dd can clear 1-3.

Seriously, 1-3 is a cakewalk.

>> No.11687666 [DELETED] 

So... this game is shit, right?

>> No.11687696

Is the 12.7cm Cannon better than the 14cm Cannon?

Or does range actually mean something?

>> No.11687708

Anything is seriously better than the 14cm gun. caliber is not really a measurement of gun quality in this game

>> No.11687716

Also, it doesn't seem like equipping torpedoes are worth that much early on, since torps always seem to clean up after. And it's more the cannon damage that's important at the start.

>> No.11687718
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>> No.11687723
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>> No.11687730
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fuck you i have crafted 3 hieis
still no kongou

However, when I finally do get muh Kongou, she will be having turbodyke tomboy for breakfast, lunch, and maybe dinner.

>> No.11687733 [DELETED] 

Why does this game's fanbase seem to think it's perfectly OK to fantasize about having sex with obviously underage girls?

Do you not understand this is morally wrong? Kind of amazing to me.

>> No.11687735

Oh hey, I just started playing yesterday and got her when I cleared the first level. Was surprised to see how good she is considering I got her.

Anyway, I have a question. Do I need to have the VPN connected at all times to keep playing? I like to play and leave these types of games. Also, staying connected to the VPN seems to kill everything but my browser in terms of usefulness.

>> No.11687738
File: 127 KB, 801x483, pvp trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like torpedo is only useful on submarine and certain DD. Torpedo really need a buff to make them relevant again.
I have everyone with 10cm just so they can shoot planes and depth charges.

Also is this the new way to troll in PVP? Stacking carriers and mixing it up with subs?

>> No.11687741

She's cute. I kind of want a Kaga now.

>> No.11687742

The only troll way was to put 2 lv1 ships on the first two positions and then fill the rest with high level ships.

>> No.11687746

Welcome. You only need to have the VPN connected when logging in.

Otherwise, using API link + Flash projector doesn't require a VPN at all.

>> No.11687751

>10cm just so they can shoot...depth charges.
I've never seen this anywhere.

>> No.11687753

Is there really no way to get the carpenter fairies beyond hating money and events?

>> No.11687755

Carriers are so easy to defeat, just load all your ships with AA guns or 46cm for BB's and suddenly planes are a little bit less harmless than fruit flies.

The most trolling lineup is 4 submarines + 2 battleships. This guy I fought had level 6 level 99 ships, it took me a few client abusing to get a good RNG roll to get an S-rank.

>> No.11687758

I haven't thought of using the API link, I'll go try that out next time I hop on. I'm assuming that I need a new link every time I reopen the game?

>> No.11687761

Link stays the same until you re-visit the game's page in the browser. Also, it's like your password, so keep it safe.

>> No.11687762

No. The API link last indefinitely until you access the game again through VPN.

>> No.11687767


You should really, really read the wiki.

>> No.11687768

Ah I see, thanks for the info. Any recommended projectors? Or should I just go with the basic Adobe Standalone?

>> No.11687770

I have, just double checking things. I usually fuck up when I don't double check.

>> No.11687771

Adobe's standalone works fine right out of the box. As the other anon said, all this information, including any possible troubleshooting while using the projector, is on the wiki. Good luck!

>> No.11687773 [DELETED] 


>> No.11687777 [DELETED] 


whew excuse me... nasty farts :)...

>> No.11687785

It generally is with exceptions- 15.5CM Yellow > 20.3CM, and 15.2CM Yellow (and red really) 14CM and 12CM are all shit.

>> No.11687796

Ahaha, I always thought they would change her lines when upgraded to Kai 2. Her ppoi speak and everything doesn't really fit the violent image.

>> No.11687800


I thought so as well, but it's actually cute when you really look at it.

>> No.11687801

But her tone is different. It is part of her act to be badass.

>> No.11687804

Who's dick do i have to suck to get a kaga drop? I've been doing 4-1 repeatedly, on that W route so i have two chances at getting her dropped. Been going for ages and nothing, but i've gotten every other carrier drop multiple times.

>> No.11687809

Even Hiryuu?

>> No.11687814

Thought i had her, but looking at the list i mixed a few up. So all i've got all but hiryuu and kaga.

>> No.11687818

Even Zuikaku?
I have probably gotten more than 10kaga with zero hiryuu.

>> No.11687824

No Kaga and 2x Hiryuu already from 2-3, if I remember.

>> No.11687841 [DELETED] 


>> No.11687844

Consider yourself too lucky. Hiryuu only drop in like 3maps while Kaga drops in almost every map and every node.

>> No.11687851

Really? Im in the same position as that anon, only missing Kaga and Zuikaku here.

I keep doing sorties and stuff but she just refuses to drop.

>> No.11687855
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5-3 can be sub cheesed?

>> No.11687859

Can you do that for other maps like 3-4 and 4-4?
Would probably save a lot of resources if I do 4 subs on those maps instead of going with the normal BB/CV/CLT fleet

>> No.11687862

Don't ask me, I only found that pic while lurking on Futaba.

>> No.11687868

I have sub cleared 3-4. It was too annoying to deal with the 4x battleship preboss node.

I don't think you can make it to boss node with all subs at 4-4. My real headache atm is that I don't have an ideal way to get S finish at that node. My lineup is Verniy, Shigure, 3xBB, 1xCA.

>> No.11687871

Why would you want to do that?
It is all about getting S rank on those maps. Wouldn't even do them if I cant get any rare drop from those maps.

>> No.11687876

Because I want to unlock world 5, can go back and do them for drops after I've cleared them later.

>> No.11687883

I know I need 2 CA for 4-3, but what should the rest of my fleet look like?

>> No.11687890

If you're trying to clear it, there's really no reason to deviate from the standard torpedo goddess + two tanky damage dealers (battleships) formula.

>> No.11687894

5-3 has a boss HP bar like in event maps?

>> No.11687912

You only need to beat 3-4 once and 4-4 before its final form is easy S rank. I am not sure how much resources you can save by cheesing with subs. You probably waste more time than whatever resources you can save.

>> No.11687915

I thought 4-4 by itself was already really easy, the only tough part was the compass trolling.

>> No.11687921

It has a troll sub and your BB can choke during night state doing single digit damage.

>> No.11687924

I thought you're only required to down the boss but not the sub? I swear I cleared it with an A rank, my CA ignored the sub as well.

>> No.11687951


Featuring: Fall Event 2013.

Those feels..

>> No.11687953

My ptsd came back from that chapter. Seriously, fuck the trolling compass.

>> No.11687963

Newish admiral here, I have no idea where to go from now.

Still at 2-4 in terms of map completion. I wanna do a lot of stuff but it seems I have a problem resources-wise. At first it was fuel, but now I have steel issues.

Current fleet regulars:
Lv32 Nagato Kai
Lv23 Ise Kai
Lv18 Hiyou
Lv17 Takao
Lv17 Atago
Lv14 Hiei
Lv11 Akagi

I also have a few I used to use, like Lv19 Isuzu Kai and Lv11 Hibiki. Lost my Goya a couple of days back, but got a new one from crafting recently.

Whatdo next?

>> No.11687965

I have been told for 4-4 I need 2 DD and 1 CA, what should my last three be? 2 BB and a CLT? I need to clear it (4 times, I guess) but will want to farm there for a while.

>> No.11687969

Train up Goya and solo 2-4 with her. Should only take 5-10 runs, maybe 15 if you are unlucky. From there 3-1 is easy as fuck and 3-2 is a good steel farming spot (again, with a sub).

>> No.11687971

Why not 1 BB and 2 CLT?

>> No.11687975

Fuck, I guess I'm so used to using 2BB that I didn't even consider that. That sounds solid, thanks.

>> No.11687974

Any recommendations for Goya training? I used to run my old one solo at 1-1, but if you have better suggestions that'd be nice.

>> No.11687978

Just run her at 2-4 a few times (you'll fail the nodes but it's like <10 minute repair) until she's level 10. At that point she can actually attack, so give her a turbine. You probably won't beat 2-4 with her that low level but if you keep doing that she'll eventually get to a level where she can (this is what I did, at least). Only downside is your sortie win ratio will drop, but in times of non-event that isn't a big deal.

>> No.11687982

I personally brought another CA along instead of a CLT for cheap AA since the boss' last form has those fortresses. Besides, they ignore the flagship sub as well, what's not to like? The CLT's AA stat are't impressive in my opinion.

>> No.11687985

Scumbagging 2-4 with a sub is great resource-wise, but honestly, I'd say he's better off leveling ships in 2-4-1. 2-4-1 drops all the BBs you'll ever need, and those levels will probably come in handy since the next event is probably due in a week or two.

>> No.11687993

See >>11687564

>> No.11688000

Yeah I did 2-4-A myself for a while, mainly to get Ooi. With Nagato, Ise, and Hiei though, I think he should be set for BB.

>> No.11688002

Thanks, I'll consider those. I'll probably mix those a bit since I wanna get the Kongou sisters for the 4th fleet.

I want a CLT too, what should I do for that?

>> No.11688003

If you run 2-4-A (first node, bail after it) you can get both Kitakami and Ooi. Ooi is rare though; I might've gotten screwed over in RNG but it took about 100 runs (though the xp is nice). Kitakami I got pretty quickly.

>> No.11688011

I've gotten at least 30 KTKMs. She even drops from 30 30 30 30 crafts. Ooi I never ran into until E-5 of last event.

>> No.11688014

How do you use kancolle-db? I want to add my attempts to the database to help out the sample size, but I'm not sure what you're suppose to put in "トリップ" and if you're suppose to put what you got in the "艦娘" slots, or are those slots for what girls you have in your fleet.

>> No.11688027

Really? I have like three Oois and I got an Ooi before I got a KTKM.

>> No.11688028

So who here is still crane sniping? How's your luck been in terms of hunting them, and did you get them from crafting or sorties? Personally at 3 Zuikaku's, all crafting.

>> No.11688030

Ah, screw you. I've been hunting for them forever and it's been nothing but CVL's and an Akagi from crafting.

>> No.11688034

What if they give an overpowered exclusive ship only to people who buy the vita game?

>> No.11688036

Good for them, they paid for it.

>> No.11688038

One Zuikaku from 5-2.
I don't bother crafting except daily all 30.

>> No.11688041

Only shoukaku and from the event.
No zuikaku

>> No.11688042

Just a single one wouldnt be too bad. Its not like the biggest part of the game isnt that one off ship getting critted, a single op ship doesnt help much against that.

>> No.11688045

I honestly wouldn't mind a trophy ship bundled with the vita game, more reason to buy it.

They would probably make her craftable later if they do give away a ship with the vita game because it would really suck if she sinks and it would suck for the people that want to have all ships but dont want to spend money/get the vita game

>> No.11688046

Got 1 Shoukaku from crafting, and 1 Zuikaku from 5-2, within a day's time. Luck hasn't been great from crafting and sorties after that.

>> No.11688051

Missing Shoukaku-hime, already got Zuikaku from my crafting. (Was my first carrier crafting)

>> No.11688059

Crafted Shoukaku after clearing E-4 and then crafted Zuikaku shortly after the event ended.

That small burst of luck was balanced out by no Musashi or Yahagi.

>> No.11688083

New player, is it worth just crafting a battleship to carry the early game?

Or should I just rely on drops? Aircraft Carriers aren't dying fast enough.

>> No.11688084

3shoukaku and 0zuikaku.
I am only missing zuikaku, nagato, mikuma and a few of those rare DDs at the moment.

>> No.11688089

So I've been really busy recently and unable to play in the last 2months bit I'm getting started again.

What exactly is the marriage system?

>> No.11688091
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Samidare is cute, I suppose.

>> No.11688095

You probably want to craft your first one

>> No.11688096

I'd say so, you're better off getting any battleship that isnt the fusou sisters.

>> No.11688105

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to get from that website.

>> No.11688106


>> No.11688109

Depend on your luck
If you can get any gold BB from 2-2, then you are set. CV/CVL is more important for 2-4 compare to BB. Even the fusou sisters are good enough for 2-4, you can always scrap them later when you get to 3-2 or just sink them at 2-4 boss node.

>> No.11688110

Just a compilation of information with Samidare as your secretary.

>> No.11688160

I can't beat 1-4 atm...

What kind of fleet should I be looking at there? In terms of levels.

>> No.11688162

I cant seem to be able to beat 2-4. The game keeps taking me east then west after the first node.

>> No.11688165

So I crafted three Tenryuus consecutively with 30/30/30/30
Is the game trying to tell me something?

>> No.11688171

Level does not matter that much, 10+ should do the job. The only problem you will have is the carriers, so get some AA and choose diamond formation.

Yeah, she's the Naka of the Month, you will see her a lot more before the new one comes along.

>> No.11688175

I'm not even mad, 30/30/30/30 is worth it to listen to her intro line.

>> No.11688177

Well each piece of equipment in the game seems to be a single turret or mount, so the 14cm single gun and 15.2cm sponson gun are logically weak.

>> No.11688178

How do they even decide naval gun size? Why make a 20.3cm gun? Why not a 24.5cm gun for CAs?

>> No.11688184

Getting AA means trying to get AA guns through development?

>> No.11688187

Yeah, they are pretty cheap. The hardest thing for me when I was attacking 1-4 is the air raid.

>> No.11688193

Just put 12.7cm green gun on all of them.
Should be a common stock gun on most ships.

>> No.11688194

If the caliber is too high, or the turrets too many, you start receiving damage from the recoil. I think Mogami couldn't even fire all her guns without tearing at her seams, and there are incidents where careless sailors have been killed from the recoil of their guns (however, the effect of gunfire on ship movement is fairly negligible, so the ship as a whole does not recoil unless your design is ridiculously top-heavy). So that's your upper limit to size.

There have been attempts to circumvent these limitations, mostly involving steel rafts carrying the biggest cannons the engineers could think of. While the largest naval gun in history has been on the hugest battleships ever made, the second largest was instead equipped to destroyer-sized ships. These ships weren't seaworthy, since they could topple over at the drop of a hat, but held their own in coastal defense and shore bombardment.

>> No.11688207

Funny you should ask. The Washington Naval Treaty put limits the types of guns and displacements allowed for warships after ww1. Heavy cruisers by definition have guns of a maximum of 8 inch caliber (20.3cm) while light cruisers have 6 inch guns.

Also >>11688194
Is the reason we don't have Yuubari Ai.

>> No.11688215

Oh yeah, that too. My bad.

Another fun fact: Mogami-class was classified as CLs because they had 6-inch turrets, except the mounts were made to accept both 6-inch and 8-inch turrets. When war began, they dropped their 6-inches, equipped the bigger cannons, and set sail as heavy cruisers.

>> No.11688223

You mean red gun?

>> No.11688227

More fun facts. Those 15.5cm gun turrets (red) originally on Mogami became the 15.5cm guns (yellow) on the Yamato. I'm not really sure why they have different stats ingame.

>> No.11688229

I think he meant this: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?12.7mm%C3%B1%C1%F5%B5%A1%BD%C6

>> No.11688230

Don't have any, only the 7.7mm AA

>> No.11688231
File: 498 KB, 933x362, 1386492518659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this, maybe I'll be able to match Akagi and Kaga?

>> No.11688238

Poor RJ.

>> No.11688241

Seems pretty cheap: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%B3%AB%C8%AF#c2702c9a

I think planes recipes and 46cm yield them as well but considering that you're in 1-4, it would be too early. Just use what you can and pray.

>> No.11688240

why is RJ plane slotting retarded

>> No.11688242

Well you see, if we see the first slot as the head, the second slot as the chest and so on, I think we can rationalise that RJ is overcompensating for something.

>> No.11688246

Does that mean Kaga wants to have a bigger ass?

>> No.11688248

If you manage to get another two Reppus for the last two slots, she would tie Kaga's AA's stat exactly.

Ganbatte, RJ-chan!

>> No.11688249

Well, the 母 stands for mother after all so child-bearing hips?

>> No.11688251

What's a good way to buy DMM points without using a credit card?

>> No.11688252
File: 64 KB, 697x389, 12.7cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I mean this.
I dont even know how I get all of these. They are stock gun from common ships.

>> No.11688253

How exactly do you plan to pay?

>> No.11688255

It's just I can't use my debit card directly for some reason. So I need to use one of those alternatives they have listed, but don't know which ones the easiest for foreigners.

>> No.11688256

I remember the old guide which is pretty long winded and very troublesome. I think you can still find it in the wiki or the old pastebin link in the FAQ.

>> No.11688259

I was able to use a VISA debit following the instructions exactly. The way people used to do it was using Sutocorp to buy Bitcash to buy DMM points but that was obnoxious.

>> No.11688302

Chitose/Chiyoda stock equipment

>> No.11688304

jwpm is the best way I've found - it's the same general idea as sutocorp (web money), but -much- easier and far faster to do, with none of that verification shit. Literally you just pay (via paypal) and immediately download the code (they give you a .jpg that is an image of the code) and it works immediately.

There are a loooot of horror stories about sutocorp jewing people out of money or forcing them to contest paypal charges or just never getting their code, whereas I've yet to see anything bad about jwpm or (though I haven't personally tested it) cn-usa.

>> No.11688360

What's the best way to get AA modernization, Isuzu-Kai?

>> No.11688363

just farm for carriers

>> No.11688377

BBs from 3-2 grinding

>> No.11688383

You mean light carriers from 3-2 grinding. Junyou in particular drops like crazy.

>> No.11688386

My ratio of carriers to BBs are 1:8 from there. I'm convinced BBs drop more often than carriers

>> No.11688395

Farm boss for gold/silver bg ground

>> No.11688430

I googled jwpm, and didn't find anything that is of the like...

>> No.11688436

God, I wasnt ready for a damage sprite Yukikaze have. What a slut

>> No.11688439

She doesn't wear pants, what do you expect?

>> No.11688446 [DELETED] 

All DD daughters are pure, including Yukikaze. It's not that fault that their uniforms were made that way.

Please stop sexualizing the destroyers.

>> No.11688448

All DD daughters are pure, including Yukikaze. It's not their fault that their uniforms were made that way.

Please stop sexualizing the destroyers.

>> No.11688454

Something little bit lewder than normal sprite, not a face that needs to be diagnosed with dickslap.

>> No.11688455

She is trying to cover her pantsu
It is not her fault that she got blasted

>> No.11688459

But they are sexualizied by themselves. Can't help it.

>> No.11688461

...I'm a retard. Sorry. jpwm, not jwpm. japan webmoney.

My bad.

>> No.11688497

Start leveling your Kisos, she's becoming a torpedo goddess.

>> No.11688507

But Ooi claims that there's only the two of them.

>> No.11688515
File: 216 KB, 800x480, ohdear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, that would be most welcome. I am ready.

There are two of them, Kitakami and Kiso. I don't believe in Ooi anymore, after failing to get her for 4 months. Kitakami is just delusional about having a sister.

>> No.11688518

>After arriving at Maizuru on 10 November 1943, Kiso was also modified by having her two 140-mm gun mounts removed and replaced by a dual 127-mm HA gun mount. Three triple mount and six single mount Type 96 25-mm AA guns were also installed bringing their total to 19 (3x3, 2x2, 6x1).

>> No.11688521

Well, good thing she drops from all maps save one like a Rattata, then.

>> No.11688527
File: 425 KB, 797x607, Ooi is love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sore wa chigau!

>> No.11688531

>68 development material
How incompetence can someone be

>> No.11688536

All those depth charges, is that you afk team against sub cheesers?

>> No.11688539
File: 156 KB, 405x420, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18 levels above him but I only have a single ship in the 90s.

All these second remodels and visual updates don't help either.

>> No.11688548

There was a proposal to modify Kiso in the same way as KTKM and Ooi, but that was never followed through.

Kiso will get AA boost I think.

>> No.11688556

I don't do submarine runs or the sortie dailies, so my HQ level is pretty low. In fact I'd be still level 65 or so if not for the event and Makigumo runs.

No, I just have depth charges on all the time for submarines in PvP. I leave two high-level ships for PvP, as should every admiral worth his name.

>> No.11688576

If you want Ooi you gotta put some effort into it. Is your love for her so shallow?

>> No.11688579

For expeditions, should I just keep spamming the 5th one that gives the most fuel and shit?

>> No.11688582

She may be the lewdest sub, but is she more lewd compared to Kisaragi?

>> No.11688583

2, 5, 9

>> No.11688584

Wiki has a list of which are best for what. There are a number of standout expeditions, depending on what you want.

2 is you primary source of buckets, and really good for ammo+decent for steel. 3 is best for xp and good for fuel/ammo, VERY good for steel. 5 is a very solid standby for fuel/ammo. 6 is god tier bauxite and pretty good for furniture boxes. 9 and 13 are good for overnight fuel (both) or fuel/ammo (13).

>> No.11688586

Too bad kisaragi's form are not lewd.
With those quotes, she could use a bit more lewd appearance

>> No.11688590

She's trying so hard to tease the admiral, but she probably never saw a penis in her life and would be more embarrassed about the idea of sex than even the other destroyers.

Cutest destroyer.

>> No.11688598

Mah nigga

She seriously need to look more lewd honestly

>> No.11688627

I think her NOT looking lewd is a fair bit of what makes her sultry voice and lewd wording so striking. She looks like just a pretty girl, but beneath the demure surface is a raging beast waiting to be unleashed.

>> No.11688650

For that weekly with perfect S score, do I have to get it from boss node?

>> No.11688656

no, you can farm those on 1-1-A if you want

>> No.11688658

No, thankfully.

>> No.11688664

Good grief, thanks.

>> No.11688665


>> No.11688671

Despite never having seen a penis in her life before, she ends up learning so quick that her first night with the admiral ends with the admiral twitching and sniffling in the blanket while she swigs some fuel by a window, basking naked in the moonlight with a smug smile on her face.

>> No.11688674

I'd sooner give I-19 my torpedo.

>> No.11688681

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

I rather like that mental image.

>> No.11688688

I would if I hadn't sunk her

Sigh, this is why playing two games at once is a bad idea

>> No.11688691

When in doubt, bugger out.
I disengaged from a node because my Ooi was at orange and I wasn't sure if that meant she was sinkable next battle.

>> No.11688699

I had perfectly no idea at that time, and yes, you are right, I should have just bailed on that sortie. This is a really harsh lesson for me

Although to be fair, they could've just show the fleets health and condition in the "proceed/go back to base" screen. I mean, that's not asking too much, is it?

>> No.11688702

How many times have you gone into night combat with a damaged girl and had her punched down to 1 HP?

It's four times now and each time I swear I'll never do it again.

>> No.11688706

The only time I did it was E-3 when I my Hyuga was in the red and the boss was in orange. I took a risk and pin everything on my DD to take her out. Thankfully she did.

>> No.11688708
File: 132 KB, 799x484, crit magnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday 24/7

>> No.11688710

I don't feel bad about doing this, as long as I've calculated my risks and found them to be acceptable. These are ship girls, they are meant to fight. If this entails a glorious death in battle, then so be it.

Throwaway ships however are completely unacceptable and I have no respect for the sort of scum who use them. Falling in battle is one thing, but no one gets sent to their death on purpose in this admiralty.

>> No.11688712

You're a subhuman for risking Kaga and Akagi

>> No.11688713

Anon, you do know they wont sink at night right?

>> No.11688714

People that use throwaway ships aren't cut out for the map anyways. Their resources and level are too low to carry it out. It's a bad choice really.

>> No.11688715

Nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.11688716

CarDiv1 is better than 5. Suck it cranefags.

>> No.11688717

I can respect that. I'm too much of a carebear to do it, though.

>> No.11688719

If it was the 5th carrier fleet, they would have been critically damaged on the previous node and forced to retreat. They suck.

>> No.11688725

Too bad they all sunk at the Midway

>> No.11688727
File: 69 KB, 800x842, The sortie must go on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many times and i don't feel bad about it.

> they could've just show the fleets health and condition in the "proceed/go back to base" screen.
you need to rely on 3rd party application for that.

>> No.11688730

If it was the 5th fleet they wouldn't even come to the operation because Shokaku broke a nail again or something.

Fucking cranes, they are the worst ships in the whole IJN.

>> No.11688737

Oh fuck me why wasn't I aware of this things

Wait, is that only available on win8 metro app? Or is there an desktop app for it? (or alternatively, just tell me what to google and I'll find it myself)

>> No.11688742

Is this compatible with windows7 ?

>> No.11688743

You need win8 for compatibility, last I checked...

>> No.11688747

Fucking shitty win8. WHY.

I guess it's time to fire up shitty win8 on virtual machine then... What's the name if this thing? ... It's not that sanaechan everyone is talking about, is it?

>> No.11688751

It works with windows 7. There are 1 or 2 unusable functions though (something about expedition). Also I didn't know about an English version.

>> No.11688753


>> No.11688754

Different one, IIRC the feature is just same, only difference is the language and probably the setup.

>> No.11688786
File: 185 KB, 803x847, rjtorps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11688787

Why are you expecting an aircraft carrier to have any sort of torpedo stat?

>> No.11688790

carriers have 0 max torp stat, I don't know what you expected

>> No.11688793

What is torpedo bomber?

>> No.11688795

You guys can't miss the point this hard for real right ?
I'll admit the joke isn't much fun, but it's not hard to get what he meant by "torpedoes" given the rest of the fleet.

>> No.11688805

I thought that was what you we're getting at first but Noshiro and preremodeled Chiyoda threw me off. Would've been better if you switched one of them to Takao and Musashi or something.

>> No.11688808

But Musashi, being a battleship, has 0 torpedo stat.

>> No.11688814

The Chiyoda threw me way off

>> No.11688831

Tenryuu or Tatsuta would have been easier.

>> No.11688889

Hrmmmhh I can't get that english interface.

Looking at the code and recompiling it doesn't seem to help either

>> No.11688921

Looks like this guy's fork: https://github.com/silfumus/KanColleViewer

>> No.11688927

Am I the only one who prefer the simplicity of sanaechan over kancolleviewer? It also takes up less screen space.

>> No.11688966

I could never use github.
How do I compile shit?

>> No.11688969

When is the next lottery?

>> No.11689010


>> No.11689025

if anyone needed the binary: https://mega.co.nz/#!0pISASwC!Vv1yYUpdKDVPH9PxeToyljH9Aoh6h7huaCA5T19gdNc
please report back if there's any shitty english or anything buggy.

it would be nice if the information window moved to the left/right side of the game UI, but i can't code for shit.

>> No.11689068 [DELETED] 

Isn't this game casual, normie-centric and generally unfun? Can any /a/b/v/ immigrants offer insight on why they play it?

>> No.11689070
File: 687 KB, 961x662, 40180940_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Thank you for the binary. I wasn't gonna download Visual Studio just to compile this. (That's the only way I know how to, anyways)

>> No.11689082

On that github page, look for "Download zip" You know what fuck this explanation, just DL this one >>11689025

>> No.11689084

>5 Hiei, 6 Kirishima, still no Kongou, Haruna
Please kill me it hurts to live.

>> No.11689086 [DELETED] 


This is my favorite meme.

>> No.11689087

they might play it because of kawaii shipdaughter and popularity

As if they are even here and giving shit about this game

>> No.11689090 [DELETED] 


You're an idiot if you think /v/ isn't ~30% of these threads.

>> No.11689096

Hmm, I'm just learned to make some basic apps and a metro app on Visual Studio, let me give a shot at it.

Although at quick glance at the code, it's really damn unlikely I can figure out something

>> No.11689094

I'll assume you're the same shitposter that's been haunting the KC thread since the beginning of time because you failed lottery. You told you spent your precious limited life time to pick on KC players because it was a fun thing to do.
I think you can extrapolate from there why people do the things they are not forced to do, one being us playing this game.

>> No.11689095

Stay strong little buddy, I had Kongou and Hiei for 1 week, then Haruna joined me and 2 weeks later only I found a Kirishima.

>> No.11689099 [DELETED] 



The key difference here is I enjoy how I spend my time, it will eventually create larger enjoyment. You are spending your time on a shitty normal person game and a normie thread populated mostly by /a/b/v/ extradites. If you enjoy this, it can only be because you yourself are a normie.

>> No.11689112

You gotta admit, his persistence is admirable.

If he wasn't so dead-set on being a moron, he could've accomplished great things.

>> No.11689113 [DELETED] 


Why are you talking to me...?

>> No.11689114
File: 608 KB, 1200x1600, 38481754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know anymore.

>> No.11689117

Just ignore him. In real life, you'd ignore the weirdo charging into a library and shouting about how books are evil, yes? Same thing here.

>> No.11689120

I have still to understand why do you still respond to that imbecile.

>> No.11689122

Actually I wouldn't, I'm that kind of guy that can't let go morons ramblings about stuff I like or I think to be true.
But I'm too busy finishing my dailies now, so..

>> No.11689123 [DELETED] 


The key difference here is that there's nothing wrong with books, while Kuso Collection is legitimately shit.

>> No.11689127 [DELETED] 


Does it hurt to be from /v/? Can you explain the feeling?

>> No.11689129 [DELETED] 

in case anyone wondering, you can change the default URL by modifying the KanColleViewer.exe.config file.
change http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/application/-/detail/=/app_id=854854/ to your API link (including the http:// prefix).

>> No.11689133

I've never even browsed /v/ a single time. I won't fall as low as telling for how long I've been on /jp/, but you should calm down a bit.

>> No.11689136 [DELETED] 


>I won't fall as low as telling for how long I've been on /jp/

It's because the answer is 'since I found out about Kancolle'.

>> No.11689142

Stop trying that hard too fit in, it's pitiful.

>> No.11689146 [DELETED] 


What? Why would I want to fit in with a bunch of crossboarders...?

Are you even reading my posts correctly?

>> No.11689152

Argh figuring out this code layout shit is so annoying -_-"

I too would like that information stuff on the side of the game instead of bottom of it.

I can't even figure out where the hell the main form is at. Friggin metro app layout

>> No.11689154
File: 104 KB, 800x480, 1383456671522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11689155 [DELETED] 



lol :p funny face

>> No.11689160

>reading my posts correctly?
quick guys, let's give him attention and some love. he needs to be affirmed and given a pat on the back!

>> No.11689162

That's my habit when I'm slightly frustrated. Usually only limited to that emoticon though

>> No.11689163 [DELETED] 


What is your goal with this? Do you think you're hurting my feelings or converting me to le KanCrossboarder army?

>> No.11689164

I wish the kancolle thread was active from something else than shitposting.

What about the compass girl party ? have you guys tried it ?

>> No.11689166

The only instance where that interface is tolerable is with a tablet device. I loathe it for computing through kb+m.

>> No.11689168 [DELETED] 


>I wish the kancolle thread was active from something else than shitposting.

Maybe you should start participating in a non-shitty community.

>> No.11689170

you don't need to do that to make your self fit in, you are special the way you are.

>> No.11689171 [DELETED] 


I fit right into your mom's snatch pretty nicely, kid.

>> No.11689172

Wait what compass girl party?

>> No.11689173

but that's necrophilia. I am disgusted that you are into that stuff. (not that i really know my mom)

>> No.11689177 [DELETED] 


Was it cirrhosis?

>> No.11689178

Probably some sort of easter egg from the dev when you fiddle with the game parameters in chrome, or something.


>> No.11689180

It's not lupis.

>> No.11689182



>> No.11689189

Alright /jp/, which new mechanics do you want to see in the game? Taiho will apparently have some new trick up her sleeves, what do you think it will be? Are you planning to move one or more upcoming girls to your main fleet, or is your A-team more or less complete?

Which ship do you intend to marry, and is she level 99 yet?

>> No.11689190

... Wait what? I am so confused. Damn son.

I think I saw that posted before, but it was an image, so I thought it was just a photoshop

>> No.11689193

Taiho? Not that big of a crit magnet would be enough.
I don't know if the new bauxite consumption stuff is going to be work out ok, so we'll find out.

>> No.11689192


Why do these posts smell of crossboarders?

>> No.11689196

you can't play this on smartphone right?

>> No.11689200

>new bauxite consumption
Please no.
Do they really expect us to not use reppu or ryuusei and stick with tenzan and type52 zero?

>> No.11689202


You can. It's the standard fare for normies with phones.

>> No.11689203

easy to get banned, real easy. You need to cache the game contents on your phone if you want to play it reliably, and mask your header so that the server won't know you are loading from mobile browser.

>> No.11689205

do you mean the file or the UI?
it's on .\Grabacr07.KanColleViewer\Views\

>> No.11689206

Why do you smell of a disgusting crossboarder trying too hard to fit in and bear urine?

>> No.11689207

Planning on moving Iona to my main fleet if they give her away in the xmas event.

I have a event team but I want to improve it so im leveling some ships. Currently leveling Nagato, Shoukaku, Suzuya, Shigure, Shimakaze and Yukikaze to add to my main team but its taking a really long while to level them all.

For marriage, I think I'll go with Imuya, level 79 right now.

>> No.11689208



>> No.11689209

cause he wants to feel good about himself for a change.

>> No.11689213

Is it? Damn, I might be looking at the wrong thing the whole time then. I am currently looking at .\Grabacr07.KanColleViewer\ViewModels\ instead, maybe that's why


>> No.11689214


Why do you gotta go there? Do you feel good about making fun of my depression?


>> No.11689216



>> No.11689218

It was speculated last thread she could launch planes at heavy damage. I think that would make sense too.
>New game mechanics
I think players interaction is one of the most awaited features. Joint operation would be the best I guess.
The bauxite adjustment consumption rate is probably not going to happen since CV aren't going out on maps where's they'd be effective with tier 1 planes, so that change would be like directly raising carrier cost, which would be poorly received.
I think I'd like a 5th fleet eventually, it would be handy during event times when 3 fleets are used for completion.
Also, I'd want them to distribute more item per months. like, only the first few hundreds is pretty low given there's an average of 80000 ish players per servers. Or maybe giving 100 seiran to random people each month. Yeah, I want seirans but I'm lazy.
I hope this won't be a forever thing, like you can divorce or something, and re-marry afterwards, especially if it's a stat thing. A flagship =! Secretary system only is good.
for now, I can only marry KTKM and Ooi, but I'd want to marry Haruna I think.
I don't have that, I just level a lot of ships. But as a carrier lover, I really want Taiho.

>> No.11689222

Taiho's capacity might be only Hiryuu level at best. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she can only store about as much as the Chitochiyo.

>> No.11689230

All carriers can hold a bit more planes than they could IRL, and Taiho was Hiryuu-level.
But since she's a pretty special ship, I on the contrary wouldn't be surprised if they made her shokaku-level in term of capacity.
They like making prize ship excellent in some aspect, while terribad in others. I expect horrible luck and consumption, while kaga-like HP with some more armor maybe.

>> No.11689226

.\Grabacr07.KanColleViewer\ViewModels\ is used primarily for handling notification (e.g fleet condition, finished task notification). the lack of xaml files in that folder should give you a hint, though.

>> No.11689234

Why of course, I should have noticed that miles away honestly.

This is a good learning experience in my case at least, but goddamn I'm so dumb

>> No.11689237

>while terribad in others
definitely luck, i expect vanilla Mutsu's kind of luck.

>> No.11689241


Can you comment on what it's like to play this game as a crossboarder? Is it easier because you're used to everything you interact with being shit?

>> No.11689242

Would she be worse than mutsu or better than mutsu?

>> No.11689245

I'd like to see the whole torpedo cruiser thing fixed - both in terms of there being more girls that can remodel to that, and torp cruisers being not so retardedly powerful so you don't actually NEED them.

Actually, and I know this is never ever ever going to happen BUT I CAN DREAM DAMMIT, I'd love to see a Fire Emblem-ish dual promotion system. Instead of it being linear, let people pick between two upgrades that boost certain statsand/or grant rarer equipment. Let DDs specialize in night battles and gain bonus evasion there, or add half(?) their torp stat to firepower even during the day. Let light cruisers pick from torpedo cruiser (torpedo spam, duh) or escort cruiser for extra firepower or something. I have no idea how it'd work and I know it will never happen, but honestly I wouldn't mind if they stopped having certain ships arbitrarily be better in every way than others (Maya > Choukai, hell the entire Takao class is better than Choukai... why? None of them are rare.) and let players customize their fleets to a degree.

I'd be happy just being able to send fire support expeditions to help out friends, though.

>> No.11689246

Everyone who isn't a outright shitposter is a crossboarder these days. You should just get used to it.

>> No.11689247


So you're formally admitting you're a crossboarder and like crossboarders? Can I get this in writing rather than a half-hearted nebulous meta-admission? Thanks.

>> No.11689251

Torp cruisers don't need a nerf.
Subs need a buff.

>> No.11689253

I have exclusively browsed /jp/ on 4chan since 2010, and I am a shitposter.

>> No.11689254 [DELETED] 

this is what crossboarders truly believe

>> No.11689256

I'm saying the code for kancolleviewer is hard to understand, I'm not talking about the game. I mean for god sake the game is a friggin flash swf file, I can't do shit with that

And no, the game itself isn't that hard to interact if you have common sense.

>> No.11689258

Why are you so dead-set on labeling everyone here as a normie crossboarder ? say we all admit to be, what will you do ?

>> No.11689265

They should encourage people to help others if they add the ability to support friends.

Like giving you a bucket or a flamethrower for helping a friend and you can only do it X times a day so people dont abuse it.

>> No.11689268

I guess he wants to make himself look normal.

>> No.11689270

I wouldn't mind if there was some way that we can convert one resource to another. Say take x amount of ammo and trade it for bauxite.

Card trading though would destroy the whole economy of this game. Stuff such as trading buckets and so forth would be plausible to do really.

>> No.11689273

I think the limitation is there's two of them only, actually. Maybe they could give the theoretical upgrade to Kiso with lower torp stat, and at a higher level.
At least I don't want them to be removed - they are really useful to get cheaper S rank in drills, and made E4/E5 much easier to deal with.

>> No.11689274

I would like to see sub-chans be rebalanced in general, honestly - would be nice to be able to use one in an actual fleet without feeling like I'm wasting a slot. It seems like by design they're either ridiculously strong (soloing for free resources with no repair cost) or entirely worthless (good luck consistently going more than 1-2 nodes in a later world vs multiple elite/flagship DD/CLs with sonars etc).

Honestly I think it'd be better if they just used the torpedo stat to launch torpedoes mid-battle and got some more survivability in return for not being essentially free to repair and maybe normalizing their repair time - let them be usable in an actual battle while fixing ("fixing") sub node farming. For that matter, why the hell are subs the fast ones to repair, not DDs? I like the idea of DDs being cheap, quick, and fragile. I dunno. Just throwing out random ideas. I'd love to be able to use a sub as a primary fleet member without KNOWING that she's going to autodie on the first world 3/4/5 node that happens to have more than one or two elite ASW ships.

I suspect that people who are ok with sub node farming will disagree, though, and I don't blame 'em in the least.

>> No.11689277

I don't want to see them removed either, I just don't like how much focus ktkm/ooi get. I LIKE them both, but I'd like it more if they were just a valid option (and that there were more options among CL(t)s) rather than GET HYPER KTKM, WIN AT LIFE FOREVER. At this point it's literally just "not sure what to put in a slot? KITAKAMI READY!" and there's (arguably) no other ship or class that has that much consistent cost effectiveness+power, especially not for as (relatively) cheap as they are to maintain.

>> No.11689280

KTKM does have a real weakness, in that she has no real AA. I actually don't like the torp monsters on heavy AA map at all.

>> No.11689282

Some girls are just better than others. There are only five "real" destroyers but it doesn't stop everybody from using the ones they like anyway, even the godawful Mutsuki-class destroyers who are just like regular destroyers if you removed ten from every stat.

>> No.11689290

You can use chito/chiyo too. They can do pretty good as seaplane tender with two 15.5 and a minisub.

>> No.11689291

between 3 or 5. i doubt it could go lower than that.

it would be nice if player's friends could provide supporting fire during an event.
replacing those per sortie basis in support expedition for time-based would be nice as well.

>> No.11689292

Mutsukis are ok for expedition (although I now have an Imuya acting as filler as well)

>> No.11689296

I would like to see a sub buff or a kai2 remodel for a sub, preferably Imuya.

A kai 2 upgrade that trades low repair times for more evasion, HP and maybe a bit more armor for better survivability in maps that have ASW ships or multiple ships that can shoot at them

>> No.11689304

I know I'm retarded but please help me this one time.
I have flash projector and downloaded this binary.
Now, how do I hook them up? I should have everything, but when I try to run the exe, hardly anything happens.

>> No.11689305

Well, Kiso will probably get torpedo cruiser treatment soon, so that will be 1 more to choose from.

Aside from having the lowest AA stat, you're forced to give up a slot for mini-sub, so you end up with less potential AA from equipment, too.

>> No.11689307

Did you even get any error message? Installed net framework 4.0 and/or 4.5?

>> No.11689312

Nothing. When I tried installing 4.5, it said it's already the part of the system so no need to install

>> No.11689318

I use whoever I like regardless, Yamashiro/Fusou for life, but comparing KTKM's absurd torpedo stat to chitose/chiyoda's just isn't really fair. The power of CL(t)s isn't JUST their ridiculous early strike, it's also that ridiculous early strike being augmented by even more absurd night battle prowess, and the oneshot potential lets them actually deal with heavy armor where most other ship types (DD/CL/CA/SS/CVL) really can't.

Mutsuki at least have cheaper... fuel costs, was it? Cheaper in fuel or ammo, I can't remember, so they're GREAT for expeditions. And I love their personalities, by and large.

A tanky sub with tradeoffs, eh? That would be pretty cool actually, and I'd like to see that. Maybe if/when the 400 series comes out we'll see something like that.

>> No.11689319

why do people keep bringing up that Kiso will get a torpedo cruiser remodel? Kiso got remodeled for stronger AA in history, not into a torpedo-cruiser.

>> No.11689320

Wait, I extracted it again and now it seems to work.
But I guess it's impossible to use the api link with it and I need proxy for it?
When I tried to change the game link to my api link, the app failed to start again.

>> No.11689321

In theory, you shouldn't even need the flash projector since everything is already in the binary. It should just open a window when you click the exe.

>> No.11689325

Oh yay, at least it works now

Nah, I put my api link and it works just fine without using proxy

how about try redownloading again

>> No.11689330

Well, let's focus on what really matters: She'll probably get some really cozy winter clothes, and new lines/possibly an hourly.

She has been with me for so long that I don't care what sort of upgrade she ends up with. It's enough that she does get one.

>> No.11689329


>> No.11689338


>> No.11689334

don't do it, i deleted my previous comment because putting api link directly into the config file caused it to crash.

>> No.11689336

Did you change anything else or just pasted your api link, overwriting the default one here?

<setting name="KanColleUrl" serializeAs="String">

>> No.11689351

Kinugasa received an unjustified kai2, and the unlucky BBs weren't actually BBV, so it wouldn't be strange for them to remodel Kiso into CLt.
Though, I doubt they'll do it due to balance. Or with a class nerf, but that would cause an uproar.

>> No.11689354

We know from the official twitter that a 5500 ton ship that took part in the Aleutian campaign is getting an update. From the interview in Febri we also know that a 3rd torpedo cruiser is in the works. Kiso is the only ship that makes any sense in both cases.

>> No.11689358

Oh man, it's been a long time since I looked up my api link and I forgot how to do it

But basically, whatever link I use to copy to my browser/flash projector (the one that starts with "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/kcs...")), that's what I used

>> No.11689364

Nah it works. I'm using my api link in there.

>> No.11689361

doesn't work for me. i wish it did so my link wouldn't reset though.

>> No.11689367

A lot of things are broken though like easy dailies with subs and of course CLTs. However, they can easily fix it by making more line abreast fleets in 2-2 and 2-3. For CLTs, I am not sure how to really fix them without a direct nerf.

>> No.11689368

Interesting, it crashes for me

>> No.11689369

Me too, no prob here

>> No.11689370

Did you do anything else? Like set up the proxy in IE or something? Crashes for me too.

>> No.11689376

Before this, I used a flash projector. The only real change I've made in IE is to increase the cache size. I'm also on win8, for what it's worth

>> No.11689378

Just realized I don't have NET 4.5 installed. Going to try that (otherwise same as you with Win7).

>> No.11689381

They could introduce anti-submarine nets, which would greatly decrease torpedo damage/accuracy or even make the equipped ship a non-target for torpedoes, a la Henderson Field. Enemy bases could even have anchorage-wide torpedo nets that guard every ship from attack (though the presence of the torpedo net would probably have to be announced beforehand or marked by some other way, such as the presence of an abyssal netlayer ship).

CLTs and submarines can then be barred from certain maps by including a couple of boom defense nodes, and on the player side it'd be a boon when tackling submarine nodes.

>> No.11689383
File: 1.05 MB, 935x1036, Screenshot 2013-12-08 19.17.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well

>> No.11689389

That sounds fun as fuck. More craziness to deal with would certainly be a step up from the current stagnant "strategies."

>> No.11689390 [DELETED] 

I heard this game's devs pay Pixiv artists to draw fanart? What the fuck?

>> No.11689404

At least it's working, DarkStar.

>> No.11689415

Only changes I really want to see are:

1. Bauxite to refill at same speed as ammo/fuel
2. Mini subs being allowed on destroyers for initial torpedoes
3. Repair times to hang around more like 20 min to 60 min since 4+ hours is just ridiculous with how many and fast you can break the ships.

I think that would make it a lot easier to play with destroyers and carriers, instead of constantly feel like I should just bring BBs and torpedo sisters because everything else can't do damage or cost a fortune of bauxite.

>> No.11689417

Well, still not working for me. The regular link works, but I don't want to bother with the VPN every time.

>> No.11689418

They should introduce those ships in normal maps after the event so that people have to plan instead of blindly bringing CLTs in 99% of the maps.

>> No.11689421

How do you get kancolleviewer to run in the background like flash projector? I always alt tab while playing to at least make up for some productivity.

>> No.11689422

You believe everything you read/hear do you?

>> No.11689428

So when kancolleviewer says there's a ship with low morale, but there's no orange face, is that a calculated value, based on which, I shouldn't start a sortie?

>> No.11689429

>Mini subs being allowed on destroyers

>> No.11689433


>> No.11689430

let me guess, you've started like 1 week ago ?

>> No.11689434

>4+ hours
I don't want to tell you about my critted to 1hp, lvl98 carrier repair times

>> No.11689436

I know what fatigue is, and how it's calculated, but so far I thought that it's fine to go on a sortie if there're no faces.
Maybe I should use mamiya to judge instead of faces.

>> No.11689437

That's odd. Does it straight up crash, or are you just hanging on the loading screen? When you put your api link in IE, does it work?

Do bear in mind that every time you log in normally (via VPN), your api link will change.

Minimize it? Mine's running in a separate window.

They make money selling docks and shit. There's no way that repair times will ever decrease. Not that it matters anyways, as anyone that's played for a while will have some 300+ buckets.

>> No.11689441

About 30 hours?

>> No.11689444

A bit more

>> No.11689445

If you know that much about morale/fatigue, why are you still asking?

>> No.11689447

I was under the impression that the anon I was responding to was suggesting that as a possible way to flesh out mechanics, not claiming that it would be in the game.

Are you retarded, or just retarded?

>> No.11689450

the notification is a kind of replacement for the flashing mamiya icon, so 'low morale' isn't entirely correct.
i don't know any better terminologies to call them, feel free to suggest better terminologies if you have any.

>> No.11689454

Stalls for a second and then says it has stopped working, Problem signature: CLR20r3 blah blah blah. And yes, I went back to using my api link in flash projector instead of logging in with VPN.

Dunno what else to try, maybe something will come to me, or maybe it's just Windows 7 (which seems really weird given that the regular link works).

is what yours looks like, right?

>> No.11689460

Yeah that's what my link looks like. I guess it's some compatibility issue. That sucks.

>> No.11689461
File: 280 KB, 1521x546, Success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY I managed to move that information section in kancolleviewer to the side

Man that took way too long because I'm not a really smart person

>> No.11689463

so many carriers wow

>> No.11689471

Yeah, I'm grinding Yuudachi and Hibiki at 3-2.

With 4 carrier, I usually get perfect S, so I thought why not

>> No.11689472

Probably a grinding team. The more carriers, the merrier, especially when you're grinding them in addition to the DDs.

They certainly have a lot of ways to freshen the game, though they usually save these for new maps and events. 5-4 will probably have its own gimmick, I'm personally hoping for mine combat.

>> No.11689473 [DELETED] 


Most crossboarders aren't.

>> No.11689487

Why the fighters then

>> No.11689492

Here's the viewer: https://mega.co.nz/#!1I1xxDgY!c186akbgYkQEk2Sh4V7mYh1CK0RPO41KALcOUOq0LAc

My horizontal viewer has much more files compared to this one >>11689025
(I'm not sure why this one only have few files in it, but I can't be fucked to do it at this point)

Also here's the source code if anyone interested to reduce the file number thingy https://mega.co.nz/#!4AdXzBbL!c64eLh68wJjyRaVeAfBODEtGQq4PE-T--_jBV1v7ZWg

... That's actually a good point, but then again, I'm too lazy to go to equipment page just to remove and add different plane

>> No.11689500

Actually, I'm pretty dumb. Even if it won't work in the config file, I can just paste it in the address bar after opening it with the original link.

>> No.11689502

thanks for the source code, mind if i add it to my repo?

the >>11689025
is on release build config (dependencies moved to lib folder and cleaned up). i'm autistic about these kind of things.

>> No.11689510

Hmm, I tried compiling the release version, but I got something exactly the same as my debug folder. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Wait, are you the owner of that english version of kancolleviewer? Also yes, please go ahead and add it.

>> No.11689518 [DELETED] 


Only if you're retarded, like most people in this thread.

>> No.11689516

Late to the party, but KancolleViewer is not Windows 7 compatible?

>> No.11689519

I'm using win7, not sure if it's because of my OS, but see >>11689500

>> No.11689527

Also if you don't mind, can you explain to me about how you do release build + moving all dependencies to lib folder + the cleanup?

>> No.11689534

Has Kancolle used up every single ship in the Japanese Navy yet? If not, how many are left?

>> No.11689545

lots of smaller ships and submarines aren't in the game yet, just look it up on wikipedia and count yourself.

>> No.11689558 [DELETED] 


Don't tell me what to do. I'll do whatever the FUCK I want.

>> No.11689561

seems you don't really want to know it, then

>> No.11689562 [DELETED] 


Just get out of this thread. It's obvious you're one of those elitist /jp/-only faggots who doesn't want to help anyone.

>> No.11689567

by default, the difference between debug and release config build is small (release config has optimize code option on).


>> No.11689573

Ooh, I was not aware of this pastebin presence. Thanks!

I'll try it in my own time (or alternatively, I could just wait for you to release the reduced file version + you have the nice icon)

>> No.11689575

works perfectly without changing anything as long as you have .NET framework 4.5

/jp/ is for /jp/sies nerd

>> No.11689577 [DELETED] 


What the fuck are you going to do about it? Are you gonna kick me off the board? Yeah, no. I will come here when I like and you can't stop me.

>> No.11689580

They are actually quite far from exhausting all Japanese ships. There are several ship types that haven't been introduced, such as coastal defense vessels, submarine tenders, supply ships, minelayers and auxiliary carriers. These were probably not included because their direct combat capacities are limited, but coastal defense vessels are confirmed to be in the works, so the others too might be in the future. Also, the game very roughly follows the order in which the ships have been built, and "newer" ships (e.g. the remainder of the Kagero- and Yugumo-class and the missing Akizuki-class for DDs; Sakawa, Oyodo and Katori-class for CLs; Unryu-class, Taiho, Ibuki and Shinano for carriers) are yet to be included. In addition, a number of old battleships (Settsu, Shikishima, Fuji, Mikasa) were afloat at the time (but didn't see any military action, except very briefly by Settsu) and a couple of obsolete armored cruisers were refitted for the war (Tokiwa, Yakumo, Izumo and Iwate). As mentioned previously there are also a lot of unimplemented submarines.

And that's without going into the paper design territory, where the likes of Kii-class, Amagi-class, Tosa and Super Yamato can be found.

>> No.11689618

As a big fan of carriers in the game. I'm excited for Unryuu-class. Konishi already has enough kanmusu already, so I'm hoping that Shibafu is gonna be the illustrator for them.

>> No.11689635
File: 57 KB, 456x196, speedslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! Fucking finally. I was going for a sub, though, but that worked.

>> No.11689644 [DELETED] 

nice epic meme and GET post, crossiebro

>> No.11689659 [DELETED] 




>> No.11689684

>finally got into the game yesterday
>get Tatsuta and Jintsuu in the tutorial
>get Kongou and Kiso on the second try
Is this the beginner's luck or what?

>> No.11689686

Beginner's luck is first try nagato/cranes.

>> No.11689688

Only Kongou is beginner's luck.

Now please read the OP
>To non-/jp/-regulars: /jp/ has its own standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use it for bullet points: greentexting).

>> No.11689698

who are crane sisters?

>> No.11689701

Shokaku and Zuikaku.

>> No.11689702

That is true, but I would be content with getting all those quest-related light cruisers for now.
My bad.

>> No.11689704

oh okay thank you

>> No.11689711

Don't celebrate too soon. You might find yourself getting nothing but Naka for the next few weeks.

>> No.11689713

I already got some; she's good modernization fodder.

>> No.11689724 [DELETED] 


She's shit. Don't argue this, because you are wrong.

>> No.11689750
File: 72 KB, 804x483, Screenshot_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently all-ship sparkle still doesn't guarantee big success?

>> No.11689755

Just because we get a kick out of asking people who they're quoting doesn't mean it's actually discouraged.

>> No.11689756 [DELETED] 


No, idiot? Are you the only one who didn't know this?

>> No.11689757

Nope it doesn't. It's more like 75% chance.

>> No.11689758 [DELETED] 


>Just because we get a kick out of asking people who they're quoting doesn't mean it's actually discouraged.

...No, it really is actually discouraged. It's not okay to bring your shitty habits to this board.

>> No.11689763

Welp. I thought it's a 100% chance. Thanks for clearing this up.

>> No.11689765

1/6 chance per sparkling ship or something.

>> No.11689767 [DELETED] 


Learn Japanese so you can know this shit without us spoonfeeding you it, moron.

>> No.11689769

And you're complaining about shitty habits?

>> No.11689770 [DELETED] 


Shut the fuck up...?

>> No.11689775

Took a lookup from wikiwiki, did you refer to this part?

>> No.11689779

Pretty much. Also anecdotal evidence. I dunno if anyone's done a conclusive study on it.

>> No.11689785

why does kancolle viewer have ship names in japanese when everything else is english?

>> No.11689786

The guy who translated it was probably too lazy to translate the ship names too

>> No.11689790 [DELETED] 


Gayness prolly lol

>> No.11689793

i guess since the source code is available someone could just translate them themselves?

it'd be really convenient to have them in english for the ship construction spoiler.

>> No.11689794

Other than language, is there any more advantage of using Kancolleviewer than sanaechan?

>> No.11689799

as i said kancolle viewer lets you see what ships you're building while they're still building.

it also has a timer for fatigue so you know how long to wait between sorties to avoid fatigue entirely

>> No.11689804

They both have a couple of features the other doesn't although I'd say Sanaechan definitely wins that battle overall, especially if you're on Win7. Viewer has the advantage of being prettier and attached to the game itself.

I'm just running both because why the hell not

>> No.11689807

what does sanaechan have over it besides build/drop logging?

>> No.11689808

Alright, I'll check it up. That fatigue timer seems interesting.

>> No.11689810

I think its a matter of personal preference, the real problem here is that we dont know if those programs are against the rules or not.
Someone should tweet to the official kancolle account or email support to solve the mystery.

>> No.11689813 [DELETED] 

Why is this game so shitty and badly-developed that amateur coders have to create software to play it properly?

>> No.11689814

Fatigue restores 3 points every 3 minutes. You don't even need a program to tell you that anyway.

>> No.11689815

>They make money selling docks and shit. There's no way that repair times will ever decrease. Not that it matters anyways, as anyone that's played for a while will have some 300+ buckets.

That was exactly my point. As soon as it starts passing 1 hour people use buckets. Docks are mainly used for shorter times or if you go sleep.

You only need 1 dock in this game for things that take hours because those are bucketed. If you really wanted more dock sales, you need timers in reasonable sizes.

>> No.11689818
File: 218 KB, 718x432, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asshole of the day
I wish the game could just simple consider the two highest level of a pvp fleet for exp calculation instead of the 2 topmost

>> No.11689820

Then they'd use two level 1 submarines paired with Yamato, Musashi, Nagato, Mutsu.

>> No.11689819

guarantee he's from /jp/ or /a/

>> No.11689821 [DELETED] 

even if they were, how would they now you use it?

>> No.11689824

From my experience from Sanaechan, it only takes raw data like fatigue, not altering it. I'm sure that's still inside 'permittable' boundary. And it's not usable for things like macro-ing or botting.
Probably I'll need it, anyway, just like expedition timer.

>> No.11689828

they wouldn't know you use it anyway

>> No.11689831

They can't really detect you're using Sanaechan, as it just sniffs your connection.

>> No.11689836 [DELETED] 


Nobody who plays this game is from /jp/.

>> No.11689852

I just found out that medium-damaged Akagi requires 65 fuel to be fixed. Is this normal for non-destroyer ships?

>> No.11689856

You haven't even seen the worst of it yet.

>> No.11689857

if you think thats bad just wait till you get a 1HP mutsu/nagato

>> No.11689858

Somebody post up that image of level 99 1HP Yamato's repair costs.

>> No.11689859

Welp, now I'm wary about exploring harder stages with low-level girls.

>> No.11689868

Don't worry. A single enemy elite CA can sometimes get lucky and crit your carrier for full damage, on world 4.

>> No.11689878

Try to unlock the extra expedition fleets. Resource usage isn't a huge deal later on because you're floating thousands.

>> No.11689890

You don't know suffering until you need to pay 1000 steel to fix Yamato.

>> No.11689891

>crit your carrier for full damage, on world 4
Then I'll just grind on 1-3 until they're all 50+.
I only have one girl missing for both third and forth slots, but it will be long before I get to expeditions that get a decent amount of resources.
Hey, it's a good motivation to work on other ships.

>> No.11689908 [DELETED] 


x_x i know that feel

>> No.11689911

I keep getting 00:20:00 timers from Carrier recipes. What the fuck is this?

>> No.11689913

Really bad luck

>> No.11689912

The early expeditions are the most efficient ones anyways.

>> No.11689917 [DELETED] 


Nice blog.

>> No.11689919

Great argument.

>> No.11689923
File: 974 KB, 405x235, RNG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11689928

try a different carrier recipe for a change

>> No.11689981
File: 125 KB, 680x326, 5Gywz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is leveling my Shoukaku with 2-4 worth Iku taking the occasional heavy hit ?

>> No.11689982

I take it theres no way this would work with .Net 4.0 extended and WinXP?

>> No.11689987

I grind at 3-2 and 4-1 lately to get a Kaga too.

>> No.11689993

I haven't actually beaten 2-4 yet.
I just generally go to node 1 then return, and repeat the process.

>> No.11689995

Kaga drops from 3-2? Or is she from 4-1?

>> No.11689997

You should try to solo 2-4 with Iku, I solo'd it with Imuya.

3-2 boss drop and 4-1-A drop too.

>> No.11690007

I don't know if it's a good idea.
I still don't fully understand how her attacks work, and what ships can hit her. People say that subs with your flag are really good for grinding on 2-4-1, but I don't see it.

>> No.11690008 [DELETED] 

Basically this game is made in flash, has awful art, caters to pedophiles and normal people, has no skill required to succeed, and the programming and design is so bad that the players had to make third-party programs in order to play it properly?

Why is this garbage still played? Just because it's the hip normie thing to play, right?

>> No.11690017

It's simple, only destroyers, light cruisers and light aircraft carriers can attack submarines and since your flagship can't be sank you have nothing to lose but some time and maybe adding a few defeats to the count if you have bad luck.

>> No.11690018

Don't worry mate we're just pretending to bait the pedo unskilled normie third rate programmers and make fun of them ! you can go to sleep and leave them to us.

>> No.11690038

Probably not, but it's working on my windows 7 if that helps

>> No.11690042

I'm solo grinding 2-3 with I-19, how do I avoid getting fatigued?

>> No.11690047

How could you get fatigued with solo grinding?

>> No.11690048 [DELETED] 


Shut the FUCK up.

>> No.11690053

Enemy light carriers can't even attack subs. Only in pvp does that happen.

>> No.11690059

Even better then, just said that cause my Zuiho always attacks subs, never noticed the enemy CVLs can't.

>> No.11690062

damn, guess I am out of luck until I build a new PC that can handle win7.

>> No.11690064

Maybe the one fatigued is the admiral and not the ship

>> No.11690065 [DELETED] 

Um? Kancerkids?

>> No.11690071

Unfortunately, I suppose so.

Well, perhaps sanaechan is available on winXP

>> No.11690072

Okay dude you're not getting this thing.

You're some shitty-ass third-rate attention whore who makes thirty posts under six different personas on every Kancolle thread because other people replying to your retarded antics gives you a sense of validation.

You just got replied to. You succeeded. Someone fell for your cleverly-designed, reply-attracting faux-complaint, and decided to give you a honest response. You have been treated as an equal, a fellow human being, instead of the worthless sack of shit that the rest of the society considers you to be. You ought to feel thankful.

You don't just go ahead and tell your benefactor to shut up. That's just crass.

>> No.11690074 [DELETED] 



What the...

>> No.11690076

why don't you just try it and find out? can't you get 4.5 on XP?

>> No.11690085

anyone else been getting a lot of crashes lately?

>> No.11690086
File: 72 KB, 625x626, 1385884126639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people it's a ship game but that doesn't mean we're fishing

>> No.11690089

At this moment, no. I got lots of them few days ago, but I suspect that was my internet connection, not their server's problem.

>> No.11690092 [DELETED] 


My favorite crossboarder meme!

Crossbros, where we at?

>> No.11690097

"not a valid win32 app" with .net 4.0

microsoft are dicks, .Net 4.5 is vista/7/8 only.

>> No.11690099


No, it works fine for now

>> No.11690100

At first I thought you were a bit violent there, but the more I read it the more I think it should be included in the OP.

Is that some kind of joke ?

I got some today but that's probably because I was torrenting and nico²ing like crazy. Regardless, I'm on Truk.

>> No.11690107

oh if that's the error then i guess you do need win7.

>> No.11690113


Why not just upgrade? 7 at the very least isn't terrible.

>> No.11690117

Flash always crashes.

>> No.11690131

i would, but a 2.0ghz dual core and 3gb of ram is scraping the very bottom of win7 system requirements and would run like crap.

my pc is a frankenstein monster of parts right now, its just a waiting game until i can afford to buy a MB/CPU/RAM to build a new one.

>> No.11690132

This. Your pc might be too weak for the Win7 Ultimate, but Starter is fairly lightweight.

>> No.11690133

What if you could get equipment in place of a ship drop? For example, instead of getting a destroyer you could get a 10cm gun, or instead of a CA you could get a 20.3 or even a 15.5 yellow. In place of a battleship, you might get a 41cm or even a 46cm, and in place of an aicraft carrier you'd get a 2-3* plane.

>> No.11690138

doubling the possible drops just makes it more frustrating for finding rare ships
also you can't use equipment for modernization if you get something useless
no thanks

>> No.11690141

Hah, I'm imagining a bunch of seaplanes and 12.7cm in place of nakas dropping. The anger and frustration from every teitoku would be enough to power a small city.

>> No.11690142


Oh god no please no

>> No.11690148

I prefer sanaechan because it offers more info at a glance. Plus the logging.
Plus, I'm on osx and I prefer not running parallels just to get a bit prettier interface.

>> No.11690150

i'm too shitty to code for it and probably wouldn't look too good considering how much UI space their names would take.
The admiral rank could be easily translated but i refrain for the same reason.

>> No.11690149
File: 137 KB, 730x1032, syoukaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning admirals

>> No.11690152

Well the idea is that shitty drops like seaplanes and 12.7cms would be very rare outside of World 1. As you scale up in worlds, the drops get better. You'd have a hard time getting anything less than a 20.3CM in World 5 and getting a 46cm would be about as likely as a gold ship.

>> No.11690158

that would be pretty bad since I get to farm torp modernization in world 1, while seaplanes would be a burden.
As for gold drop, I got 7 today while casually grinding. It would make it too easy.

I'm not against putting 46 or holo planes as very rare boss rewards, though.

>> No.11690160

i'm wondering if having all the ships of one class in your fleet makes it more likely to get the one you're missing as a drop.

for example i just got kongou as a drop while having the other 3 sisters in my fleet, and this is how i got sendai back in the day as a newbie teitoku too.

>> No.11690164

It's not like equipment's that hard to come by via rolling. Since they don't have timers, you can just sit and roll for hours if you want to. I don't really see any benefit to adding it. The rare ships are already hard enough to come by without increasing the size of the drop table.

I like kancolleviwer because sanaechan's proxy shit doesn't work properly on my comp. But yeah, sanaechan does have a lot more information. I'd personally be content with just shrinking a lot of the ui elements in kancolleviewer (a lot of shit way larger than it needs to be), and maybe adding more useful info to the status bar.

People think this all the time, but it's honestly just shit RNG luck.

>> No.11690169


No, it's all luck. I've been using the same farming fleet to level up Hiei and on some days I get nothing, on others I'm swimming in rares and holos, especially ones I'm missing.

>> No.11690170

Would be really helpful if someone translated the ship names and quests if you can see your quests in it.

I know its all in the wiki but it would save you time and would be some pretty useful info to have in it.

>> No.11690173

starter is shit, better to stay with XP and just wait to upgrade, I even have a win7 pro ISO and code waiting from a college class, just need the hardware.

still say microsoft where assholes keeping the multilanguage on ultimate only.

>> No.11690174

All that is meaningless when you can just torrent Win 7 off of Pirate Bay.

>> No.11690177

yeah this would be nice
you could easily make room for the ship names in the UI just by reducing that huge ship name font

>> No.11690186

Yeah, and get personal data stolen by 'additional software'.

>> No.11690191 [DELETED] 


If a 'trusted uploader' uploaded something containing malware of any kind they would be:

1) found out way, way before the 4-5 years that windows 7 has been out

2) banned from the site

>> No.11690238

Unless Windows 7 itself is a clever attempt by the NSA to collect data from unsuspecting citizens, which it is.

>> No.11690243 [DELETED] 


Windows isn't made by the government.

>> No.11690251

Poi Poi Poi!

>> No.11690256

Please, its not as if XP doesnt already have glaring holes in its security due to its age. The great majority of malware infections are on XP because old fogeys are afraid of change.

Its also not difficult at all to find clean repositories. You've never seen anyone on /g/ ever complain about a certain one, and i've used it myself.

>> No.11690270

I am really in agony over not having Nagato, now that you mention this. Having Mutsu isn't quite enough...

>> No.11690272

Neither is Google, but they mine data off of it anyway.

Please refrain from using "poi". This is the official /jp/ abyss ships thread. Only the following expressions are acceptable: Wo, Wa, Ta, Ri.

>> No.11690275 [DELETED] 


I data mine your mom's asshole with my scraping tool.

>> No.11690276

Remove Abyss.

>> No.11690290

So you want to get on with monsters now? How incredibly disgusting.

>> No.11690294

Can someone explain the Remove ____ meme to me?

>> No.11690300

Okay, I've seen a lot of people say they grind 3-2, but what about before you have world 3 unlocked? Where's the best place to grind CVs in world 2? 2-2?

>> No.11690301

Google is your friend

>> No.11690302

2-4 first node

>> No.11690309

Akagi from the quest, and if you need a second you can easily craft a CVL.
Otherwise probably 2-4-1

>> No.11690316

And what's the fleet composition of this?
Along with two carriers I have a coule mid-20 leveled BBs, an SS, and some other decently leveled CAs.

>> No.11690321
File: 677 KB, 1099x551, 2-4 fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fleet composition doesn't affect drops as far as I know, but this is the fleet I used to clear 2-4.

>> No.11690318

For 2-4 you want to train BBs and CVs, just worry about beating it first and you can grind your ass off on 3-2 later

>> No.11690324

No, just the general composition for grinding.
Say I want X as my flag to level, what other classes should be in my fleet?

>> No.11690325 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna be in the world of warships beta and it has the full japanese tree so please respond: what is the best japanese ship

>> No.11690328

Sub flagship, CV, BB, ships you want to level.

But you should worry about beating 2-4 first so you can get to world 3 fast

>> No.11690329

Depends on where you're grinding. At 2-4, something like 2cv 2bb kitaooi would work, where the 2cv 2bb are ships you're leveling.

Basically you just want something that won't take too much chip damage, or where a sub can tank all the damage.

>> No.11690331

I'm not sure how hard 2-4-1 is, but I use 2BB, 1CA and 2CLT for my 3-2 fleet along with a flagship I want to level and it's probably a bit overkill, so I'd go with that (swap the 2 CLTs for CAs and maybe a CV if you don't have Midget subs)

>> No.11690334

Reminder to everyone that 3-2 is complete luck and bravery. I had all ships but Murasame sparkled, went through the whirlpool, and advanced with Shimakaze in orange.

>> No.11690337

Is there any way to see how much exp your ship has aside from taking it on a 1-1 sortie?

>> No.11690347

And how do you avoid fatigue, because within three runs, two non-sparkling ships are orange.

>> No.11690349

You dont, you just wait and go do something else.
Or switch out the fatigued ships for other ships and sortie.

>> No.11690355

If you use Kancolleviewer (I'm running it on Win7) it'll tell you how long the fatigue will take to recover.
It's anywhere from 5-15 minutes usually, in which time you can shitpost in the thread or watch a youtube video.

>> No.11690357

... Wow, apparently we kinda molest Zuiihou if we have her as secretary.

I think im liking this

>> No.11690358

The admiral likes to molest all of his secretaries. Some of them enjoy it.

>> No.11690362

the admiral has some skirt fetish it seems.
Shoukaku and Noshiro are the prime victims of that

>> No.11690366

>his secretaries
Her secretaries, you mean.

Even the staff become girls when giving interviews. Did you think you would be excluded? Enjoy not having a penis and being harassed by all the lesbian ships.

>> No.11690367

Does your flagship determine drop rates?

I've been doing 1-4 all day, and it still won't give me a heavy cruiser.

>> No.11690372

And you probably won't get one from 1-4, try crafting one or doing 2-1.

>> No.11690376 [DELETED] 

>lesbian ships
I am definitely okay with this even though I am de-penised

>> No.11690378

Will DD and CL do alright in 2-1?

>> No.11690379

It doesn't. Look up the drop tables in the wiki.

>> No.11690380

Nobody cares.

>> No.11690386

They won't do extremely well, but I can't see it going horribly wrong. Give it a try to test the waters, you only have to do the first node of combat.

>> No.11690405

Nope, you aren't. Do you think they'll leave it there? First you'll get used to not having a penis and having pretty girls doting on you, next you'll start talking like a girl and wearing dresses, and before you know it you're being called onee-sama by the shipdaughters while overseeing your fleet in an office surrounded by lilies.

Don't let this happen to you. These girls aren't for you, there's no going back if you give in to them.

>> No.11690406

By 2-1, it's probably worth getting a carrier to gain air superiority against enemy fleets and make your life a little easier. Craft a carrier (any carrier will do) and complete the two quests (A11 & B10) needed to get Akagi. Heavies are nice to have for world 2, but you get a ton of those from drops.

>> No.11690447

It would be nice if this happened only when you had all your 100+ slots filled with ships already. Then, instead of nothing dropping, equipment would.

>> No.11690453 [DELETED] 

Wow this game is shit. wtf

>> No.11690461

I just tried to craft twice, both times didn't get a light carrier or carrier.

>> No.11690467

Not even a seaplane tender? That's pretty awful luck. Well, it'll pop up eventually.

>> No.11690482
File: 217 KB, 465x298, RKmcTQx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to destroy this fleet?

>> No.11690484


>> No.11690485
File: 162 KB, 1033x798, 29291098 - 八月十一日.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/sies,

I'm late to the party and I'm just registering now. The tutorial on the wiki for How to Play says I need to register through the lottery. There's an announcement on the twitter that I'm pretty sure is for the lottery but it says the following for date and time:

What time is this supposed to be?

Here's a link to the original tweet: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF/status/409816536606470144

>> No.11690486

It means you wait for further announcements. Anyone know which historical this "単冠湾泊地" refers to?

>> No.11690487

How is it that a CVL get no planes shot down in 1-1 but CV planes do?

>> No.11690488

I think it's a bit too late for that, don't you think?

>> No.11690489
File: 1.10 MB, 1254x1771, 33936909 - 保健室.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reply.

>> No.11690491

It also says sometime in the evening. Updates can come suddenly and minutes before the lottery begins, so good luck to you.

>> No.11690492

With the detection stage of combat, what does it look like when it succeeds/fails?

>> No.11690498 [DELETED] 

Anyone know how to get clumps of shit out of their ass hair? I tried subs but they're ineffective.

>> No.11690515

Can you continue the story? I'm highly amused and that story just makes me want to be female teitoku

>> No.11690523

That's not even that good of a fleet.

It's either red text or green text. Easy to tell.

>> No.11690544

What development recipe do you guys spam?
I was going for radar with 100/x/251/251 but it seems like it is penguin after penguin after I hit the jackpot with 3ss holo the first time I spam it.
Go with 100/300/250/250? Anyone know the ratio of gun to radar/engine with this?

>> No.11690566

Here are 9 results from 10/300/250/250
1x Type 97 Torpedo bomber
2x 46cm
1x 14cm
1x 15.5 Yellow
1x 20.3cm
1x Sanshiki Type 3
2x Penguin

>> No.11690578

Is 4-1 a good idea if I want to train a bunch of light cruisers without having to bother with fatigue?

Planning on doing two nodes in there for exp but not sure if its worth it

>> No.11690582

The jap wikis have all the info

>> No.11690584

Look like it is either radar or penguin.

Seems like adding ammo actually decreases your chance or getting radar from the sample found in kancolle database.

>> No.11690585

It's worth it. 10 less xp than 3-2 per node, but you get two nodes instead of one, so it's far more fatigue efficient. Also, if you equip enough asw on your light cruisers, you can control who gets MVP on the sub node if you get the 5 sub spawn.

>> No.11690591

Don't mention it, I've started keeping a log of all my crafts and drops for personal use and if I can help people out with it, why not?
I think the big reason ammo decreases radars is because it increases the chance of getting a gun.

>> No.11690592

I guess I'll give it a try, thank you.

>> No.11690615

You may want to try 10/10/251/250 if you're just after radars. Beware though it yields shitty AA guns.

>> No.11690624


>> No.11690625

Oh, thanks.

>> No.11690628
File: 539 KB, 685x459, 1386559260227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit woman get out of my face, im only trying to double check if i've got that one quest activated.

>> No.11690662

How do I into AA? I took 41 Type 52 fighters into 3-2 as well as a Mutsu with two 46cm guns and a Mogami Kai decked out with AA guns and Sanshiki, and used Diamond formation (which I'm convinced is absolutely worthless for everything) and I still got my shit pushed in by C node.

>> No.11690666

What are you doing in 3-2?

>> No.11690669

Diamond destroys subs and planes. You should bring more ships with AA.

>> No.11690670

Grinding experience. I just wanted to see if it was possible to get the steel node and survive the fight against the CVs without serious damage.

>> No.11690674

Just go with vertical formation and kill them before they kill you. Air superiority is kind of overrated. You actually just need to not lose the air phase.
Also just reset after the steel node. No point losing steel for repair.

>> No.11690681

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.11690686

Type 52 isn't enough, use Reppu or at least Shiden-Kai2

>> No.11690690

That one guy who abused the 3-2 steel node live on stream for weeks is not banned so im starting to wonder if its really against the rules or just frowned upon with no real consequences.

>> No.11690694

Just dont F5 every 10sec. The people doing it after every 5mins is safe.

>> No.11690695

Fair enough, I haven't been able to craft a Reppu yet.

>> No.11690742

I've seen like red text like 20 times, never green.

So it's failed every time? Is it not worth using recon planes?

>> No.11690759

You sure about that? There are a couple times that red/green text will show up.

The first time is for the recon phase, where a seaplane flies across the screen.

The second time is for the air superiority phase, where red/green text will show up if one side gets superiority, or no text if neither side wins.

The third time is for the "engagement formation" (T-crossed, opposite directions, etc.). Unfavorable T is red, favorable T is green, all others are white.

So are you sure you've been looking at the right stuff? It's highly unlikely that you've failed 20 in a row with a seaplane equipped.

On recon planes: they give you a boost to damage and accuracy if they succeed in scouting. So it's worth using until you get carriers (which have long enough sight range that you never need recon planes again, unless it's a saiun)

>> No.11690763

So, basically, I'm using a heavy cruiser atm, that has 2 recon planes slotted.

She's solo doing 1-1 for exp. But every time it's the recon phase, the seaplane flies, then it's some red text saying somethingsomething "DOWN".

I'm assuming it's failing.

>> No.11690765

I didn't even know a heavy carrier in 1-1 can fail to recon, especially with 2 seaplanes but yes, you're failing the recon phase.

UP is successful recon, DOWN is a failed recon

>> No.11690766

It'll fail almost every time.

>> No.11690767

What determines the fail/success rate?
Do I need more recon?

>> No.11690771

Yeah that's failing. Although the game does sometimes allow you to scout successfully because your plane gets shot down...

Which heavy is it, and what level? I believe sight increases with level.

>> No.11690772

Average LOS I'm guessing. Your ship's levels probably are too low to succeed even without help from recon planes.

>> No.11690773

At the moment, it's a lvl6 Mogami

>> No.11690774

Finally got that third party app to work. I actually want to try to have all the information underneath the in-game viewer. Has anyone found out how to do that?

>> No.11690779

Yeah that's not gonna cut it haha. In any case, you don't really need the scout phase to succeed if all you're doing is grinding 1-1.

On that note, why are you grinding 1-1?

You're gonna have to be more specific

>> No.11690786

Was just for the first 4 or 5 levels, I can only barely beat 1-4 with my fleet, and I didn't want to waste time repairing stuff.

Also sparkly boats.

>> No.11690794

Fair enough. Have you crafted a carrier yet? Getting Akagi from quest completions is more than enough to get you through everything from 1-4 to 2-3. Seeing as enemy carriers start showing up from 1-4 onwards, that's where I think it's optimal to start getting your own.

Preemptive damage is king.

>> No.11690797

I tried 3 times, and I've not even had a light carrier.
I'll try again when my expedition is back, otherwise I'll be out of oil to resupply.

>> No.11690799

Gotta agree with this, I never knew how useful KTKM and Ooi could be until I leveled a Chitose and put Minisubs on them. Now they're an integral part of my fleet, regularly killing 2/6 ships in 3-2. I've actually had a few battles where my Akagi killed the other 4 ships and the battle was over before shelling even began.

>> No.11690850
File: 442 KB, 693x341, 5GSV7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone offer me advice? I'm trying to beat 4-4 but struggling a lot. From what I've read my fleet setup seems more or less correct, and everyone is fully modernized (except Kongou has 98 AA instead of like 104 AA, I'll fix that eventually). I keep having someone get shot down to red one node before I hit the boss, is this just bad luck or is there soothing I can fix?

>> No.11690853

Put damage controls on each and keep advancing

>> No.11690859

I had that exact same fleet albeit much lower leveled and with Shimakaze instead of Hibiki and I didn't have any trouble with it. You probably just got unlucky.

>> No.11690861

Another light cruiser... ;_;

I guess I will never do the Akagi quest.

>> No.11690869

What recipe did you use?

>> No.11690873

Just rolled a Kongou class, hoping for Kongou or Hiei. Doubt it'll be either of them since RNG hates me.

>> No.11690874

Used 300/30/400/300 three times.
300/30/400/401 once.

Plan on using 350/130/400/350 next.

>> No.11690876

I personally replaced a torpedo monster with a carrier just to soften the blow from the enemy carriers. The enemy BBs can still crit you to death, unfortunately. My main goal was to hit the enemy BB to orange hp to try and lessen the potential damage. CAs and below have too little firepower to do this.

But overall, your composition's ok. Just need some more luck.

If you need damekon for 4-4 you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11690878

Ah, sorry. I was referring to earlier screenshots where some teitokus had a vertical set-up for the app, game above, fleet status info below. I think I'd prefer this set-up instead.

The megashare link I grabbed from above came default with a horizontal set-up, game on left, info on right.

>> No.11690886

Look higher. There's another megashare link (should be the first one on this page) with the vertical setup.

>> No.11690893

I got Hiyou Junyou and Shouhou from 300/300/600/600
Sure, it's expensive as fuck, but it works.

>> No.11690904

600 bauxite?

I might wait til tomorrows dailies...

>> No.11690914

Yeah. I'd like to attach the disclaimer that no, it doesn't ALWAYS give an Aircraft carrier. I also got a Chikuma from that recipe and a Chiyoda, although Chiyoda can be remodeled into a light carrier at level 15 so if you're willing to put in effort she'll count.

>> No.11690921

I personally just use 350/30/400/350 because it's cheap, and it works often enough (since I only need AA fodder these days). The failure rate on carrier recipes isn't too bad, but it can definitely hurt when you're resource strapped early in the game.

>> No.11690926

I've used similar recipes and gotten 18 minute destroyers, so be prepared for some pain unless RNG smiles heavily upon you.

>> No.11690929

Was messing around with the viewer settings, and checked a box that apparently tells you what you're building... I got a Hiei.

>> No.11690931

I'm pretty sure it also netted me a 24 minute timer which I thought would be Yukikaze but it turned out to be Shiranui.

>> No.11690933

Give her to me, I still need a Hiei for my 4th fleet and the game keeps giving me Harunas.

>> No.11690942

Should've said so earlier, I keep trying to craft Kongou, kept giving me 3 Hiei's

>> No.11690949

I'll give you one of my Kongous, I think I have three now.

>> No.11690954

If you're aiming to just get any carrier or light carrier you should be using the cheapest recipe possible. Light carriers are incredibly easy to craft, really.

It's only when you really want that last carrier you don't have that you start spending more resources for a slightly better chance to get her. Even then it's arguably not worth it.

>> No.11690959

But I've failed 4 times already, which recipe is the cheapest?


>> No.11690964

4 times is nothing, come back again when you've failed 40 times or over a hundred times.

>> No.11690966

I dunno. While rolling for a specific ship is expensive, late in the game, you start to float a lot of extra materials. Continuously running sorties is time consuming as hell, and unless you're bucketing everything, repair times become an issue too.

Basically, rolling for a single ship is resource expensive, but time inexpensive.


>> No.11690969

But you're saying it's incredibly easy...

>> No.11690971

Don't worry, your chances are relatively good. It's just that the RNG can be a cruel mistress sometimes. I'm still rolling for Nagato...

>> No.11690976

300/30/400/30 gives light carriers 30% of the time, and regular carriers 10%

>> No.11690978

Are you going for S rank or are just going for normal clear?
Vertical on all node
Horizontal on sub node
Double vertical on pre boss node

You wont get S whenever there is a troll sub at the boss node but you will win easily.

>> No.11690992

I don't see a point of crafting carriers to unlock Akagi.
Akagi is given for free to help newbies who have unlocked area2.
You were supposed to go sortie without carriers though area 1. CVLs start dropping around 1-4 and 2-1 then you'll unlock Akagi and finish 2-2 where having carriers increase the chance to go boss node.
By the time you unlock Akagi you should have enough baux unused to operate her for a while.
Get another CV and some BBs around 2-2, 2-3 and grind 2-4-1 to prepare 2-4. Go finish 3-1 and unlock 4th fleet at 3-2.
That's how this game works in early stage.
You're just wasting resources and throwing baux away.

>> No.11691015

Yeah, that's why I don't want to keep crafting, but I'm kind of getting destroyed in 2-1, atm. My Mogami is at level 9 now, so maybe when it remodels I'll do better.

>> No.11691024

Then grind at 2-1-1 till you think you're ready to beat 2-1.
It's drop table has 5 CVLs.

>> No.11691031

How do you know you've reached your maximum amount of ships?

>> No.11691037

The maximum is 100. You will know when you:
a) Have suspicious red text appear on the sortie page
b) Open up the ship list to switch out ships and see that page 10 is full.

>> No.11691062

#4 on the picture


>> No.11691078
File: 72 KB, 639x345, makigumo farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this is how Isuzu farmer feel like.
Leveling a ship up to 30 just to discard and throw her away later. Feels bad man.

>> No.11691077

You know, I think Mogami is supposed to be bad statswise but I've found my Mogami-Kai to be super reliable.

>> No.11691081

It's her max stats that suck. You're not quite there yet.

>> No.11691086

Leveling makigumo was painful enough that I was happy to see her go, personally.

Seriously, having 15hp blows.

>> No.11691087

No, because Isuzu only needs to be leveled to 12. Much less hassle.

>> No.11691088

Or pull up the teitoku stats page.

>> No.11691091

Mogami has been part of my main fleet through 4-4 and event maps without issue. Stats don't actually matter very much at all.

>> No.11691096

Is it confirmed Kiso will get a remodel?

>> No.11691100

If I'm grinding exp (and Kaga) on 4-1, should I proceed to the second node? I think it's better exp with less fatigue that way

>> No.11691106

That's one of the speculation for future update. Though I'd suspect either Sendai-class or Nagara-class more. Maybe Naka 2nd remodel at level 48.
The point of 4-1 grinding is you can get into 2nd node.

>> No.11691108

If you have DD's/CVL's to take out the subs

>> No.11691111
File: 61 KB, 697x418, kiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows.
Been seeing a few of the poeple on my PVP list leveling her.

>> No.11691114

It's like 99% certain based on the hints they've given out.

>> No.11691120

Any hint other than 5,500t class they mentioned previously?

>> No.11691131

Interviews on latest Febri magazine

>> No.11691133

Stats do matter, but the heavies are all very close in stats for the most part. It's more noticeable with CVs and BBs.

>> No.11691134

Oh, you mean >>11689354 ? Time to focus on her for now, lucky I already have her at 30.

>> No.11691142

Bring 2DD too so you can farm fuel too and reset whenever you get sent to the BB node.

>> No.11691155

Do 2DD's increase the chance getting the fuel node? because I've been sent there anyway.

>> No.11691160
File: 305 KB, 450x880, 23_3_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when your ship gets sunk for the first time... along with your best equipment...

>> No.11691161

According to wikiwiki 2DD is 100% fuel node

>> No.11691162

2DDs will guarantee you to go to that node. For grinding, it's better to go to subs node, so having them will lessen your chance to go to subs node.

>> No.11691165

Newbie here, is there any way to acquire buckets effectively other than spamming expedition #2?

>> No.11691169

Doing expedition #2 and other expeditions as well that makes buckets

>> No.11691170

Just do all your quest and use a sub.
With sub you have no need to for bucket until you decide to farm tough boss map.

>> No.11691172

You're a terrible admiral and you should feel terrible.

Commit sudoku.

>> No.11691173

Okay, thanks.

>> No.11691179

I want her to come back. ;_;

>> No.11691194


Something about Kancolle doujin and copyright?

>> No.11691204

Don't do "too much".
Don't make a game.
Don't use in-game materials.
Typical mild warning as usual.

>> No.11691214

Is there any reason to use a yellow cannon over a red one?

>> No.11691216


>> No.11691218

Does it let you shoot twice?

>> No.11691220

You trying to ask every thread or something?

>> No.11691224

15.5CM yellow does the same damage as a 20.3 red, but has +2 accuracy.

>> No.11691225

In addition to stats, they can help with getting the type of night combat attack you want. Check the Combat page on the wiki.

>> No.11691228

Will Kadokawa ruin C85? I remember few months ago they did something stupid with Kancolle doujins, or so I heard.

>> No.11691230
File: 658 KB, 1200x1697, 32490405 - ふたりの温もり.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lottery in a hour and a half. I hope I get in!

>> No.11691234

welp, there goes my hope of seeing a virtual on/magical battle arena, super robot wars or GoS type game.

>> No.11691242

I've got a quick question about accuracy, i cant find much about it at all on the wiki. Is it a global accuracy bonus, to that specific ship its equipped on? Like 15.5cm adds 2 accuracy, does that make gunfire more accurate or does it extend to torpedos too?

Does that also extend to sonars? It adds accuracy as well.

>> No.11691248

I hope you get in too! Which ship will you pick for your starter? Who do you want to craft first?

>> No.11691256

If Kadokawa is smart about this, they'll try to spin it off into an SRW-type game before the web game falls off the radar. And turn that into a series of games, effectively replacing the web game as the "main" platform. It'll give the franchise a lot more longevity at least.

>> No.11691260

Will they make a mobile version first?

>> No.11691264

There is a speculation that the vita game will be something like monster hunter.

>> No.11691267

Fuck me, i might buy a vita if they do it correctly. I havent liked the trend monster hunter has been following lately.

>> No.11691269

They have developed excellent desire sensor, that's a nice start.

>> No.11691271

Nice, that is a good idea. They can make endless sequels for a MH-style game, so it already has the web game beat on longevity.

>> No.11691275

Fuck the Ho-class CL so fucking hard.

>> No.11691324

Aren't they only banning games for systems? If they're banning doujinsoft outright they're just a bunch of greedy cunts.

>> No.11691329

Is it worth leveling up Hibiki, Yuudachi, Shigure?

>> No.11691331
File: 442 KB, 600x800, 37863330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want in life is Shoukaku

>> No.11691333

Farming in 3-2-A is easy and all. But having to wait for 10 or more minutes after 1 or 2 run because of fatigue is killing me.
Yes. Anyway, you can just leveling whichever girls you like.

>> No.11691338

You are clearly ill, please seek medical attention immediately.

>> No.11691343
File: 301 KB, 691x345, DDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As somebody who finished yesterday: Yes. It sure feels worth it.

>> No.11691345

I want the crane sisters too. Right now I'd settle for a Kaga drop though.

>> No.11691346

Yes especially for Shigure. Luck is a difference maker especially for night battle. You can live without the other 2.

>> No.11691348

Same here, leveling these CA's and others is awfully slow. At least there's 4-1 for DD's and CLs

>> No.11691349

Ahh, Hiei is a really uppy girl, I like that. And man battleships are super strong, now I just need to level her somehow... Should I just spam 1-1? Only have up to 1-3 so far.

>> No.11691350

>You can live without the other 2.

There's no meaning in your life without Poi.

>> No.11691352

Why don't you rotate?
I can go on for hours on 3-2.

>> No.11691353

So there's no rush to level them up, until you've reached 4-1?

>> No.11691355

Do 1-3, Hiei should be able to smoke most of the ships there with ease.

>> No.11691357

The only CA that need tons of lvl to reach their full potential are kumano, suzuya and kinugasa. You can kai most of them at 20s.

>> No.11691359

Mogami hits at 10, but I've found most of my CAs are 25. Not that 25 is a huge amount of levels.

>> No.11691360

Will do, is this solo or with other ships?

>> No.11691362

I'd take at least 2 CAs, 3CLs or 5 DDs. Or a combination of them, the more ships you have the better chances you have of clearing the map.

>> No.11691364

I've only got a huge mass of DD's, 2 CL's and 1 CA. Seems sufficent though, I'll do a run and see how it goes.

>> No.11691370

4-1 makes leveling faster since there's a chance for them to get MVP at the all sub node and you can do 2 nodes.

>> No.11691371

I want one of her too.
I didn't give any flying fuck until Zuikaku popped up out of nowhere.
I want sisters to be together.

>> No.11691372

My other ships' level are still pretty low. Guess I should start training some of them. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.11691375

Hiei, your CA and both CLs would probably be sufficient. I'd add two of your favorite DDs though so they can get some exp and maybe do a little damage too.

>> No.11691377

I got her today on a whim craft and was excited at first because of the 6 hour timer. Than I spoiled myself with kancolle viewer and was sad. I was really hoping for Zuikaku.

>> No.11691382

Everyone is seriously obsessed with carrier ships, especially Kaga.

What about other ships? Don't you think they deserve some love too? Especially after you molest many girls many times

>> No.11691383

I love Mogami.

>> No.11691386

Also, I want Inazuma, but she's still far away from lvl 99

>> No.11691388

I remember talking about that AA stat allows green planes to perform better for CV's.

Anybody knows something?
It might just be my wishful thinking though.

>> No.11691389

Because she is the best carrier and the steadiest.
Nothing faze her.

>> No.11691390

I'm a big fan of Musashi and Kirishima.
The CVLs also all seem really fun, especially Junyou.

>> No.11691395

Why not Hiei then? She seems pretty fun too

>> No.11691397

Anyone got a good experience at 3-3 farming Nagato?
High chance to reach the boss node and even if the compass fuck you up you can still get some cash.
Thinking of ditching 4-4 to farm her at 3-3.

>> No.11691400
File: 274 KB, 800x483, 1384522322062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I dislike her, especially since I have her and Kongou too. It might just be the glasses that underline their seriousness to their playfulness which Hiei for example doesn't have - she's significantly more hyper.

>> No.11691401

Have you been farming 4-4? did you perhaps get a Shoukaku there, I'm thinking of running this map after the event for a chance at Nagato/Shoukaku.

>> No.11691402

The compass really fucks you up though. I don't think I've ever gone to the boss through the three way split.

>> No.11691403

Oh I said Hiei because you said Junyou seems really fun (she might be a bit too wild for me though)

>> No.11691415

I think I got a Zuihou and Mutsu off it before.
I just dont like the boss node once you cleared it. Need too much luck for it unlike 5-2. With T-disadvantage, you cant even kill the sub with horizontal. I am not even sure if beph with 3xtype3 sonar with vertical can kill the sub.

>> No.11691427
File: 608 KB, 800x1182, 1386586374527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got in first try on the most recent lottery.

But now I'm stuck on naming my Admiral. When I click the button nothing happens and it kinda locks down (though I can tab to the flash buttons, I can't really do much except change the name).

Anyone know what is going on?

Pic is the starter battleship-girl I'm going with

>> No.11691429

You can't use your API link for that.

>> No.11691432

Read the wiki and Murasame is a Destroyer.

>> No.11691433

That's Murakumo, fag.

>> No.11691434

FFFFF, the VPN was taking years to load up so I figured It'd be okay to switch to the API. Thanks for that.

>> No.11691437

Still not a Battleship.

>> No.11691438

Yes and 'battleship-girls' is just an affectionate name for the set of anthropomorphised ships... I'm well aware she isn't an actual battleship classed ship.

>> No.11691439

Being that there is a type of ship called Battleship, using "battleship-girls" is completely incorrect to use even as an affectionate name. Just use "ship-girls" or "kanmusu".

>> No.11691443

Colloqiually refering to all combat ships as 'battleships' is pretty standard practice...

>> No.11691444

Ship girls or fleet girls will do. There's no need to try so hard.

I apologize, I've never used those zero dere ships.

>> No.11691445

Not if you've ever actually served in the navy or even served around ships.

>> No.11691446

Sitting on the black screen with the battleship bobbing up and down... how long should this take through the VPN? It's just like before. I thought it would load quick now that I had fully loaded it once through the API.

>> No.11691447

What does 'colloquially' mean?

>> No.11691450

>Ship girls or fleet girls will do. There's no need to try so hard.
Try so hard? It's the exact opposite, I didn't try at all. Almost all english references to the game calls them 'battleship girls', just google "battleship girls" and you get heaps of stuff about KanColle with 'battleship girls' in the title. So it's just the first thing that popped into my head.

I can't believe this is being made into such a huge deal, wow.

>> No.11691451

Uhhh. I haven't seen much of anything calling them battleship girls. Shipgirls yes, shipdaughterus/waifus/whatever yes, but battleship girls... not so much.

It's not really a big deal though. Welcome to the game!

>> No.11691454

Mutsu is a real battleship girl she's ALL woman. Damn.

>> No.11691455

Maybe you should look around and see what board you're on. Its like calling a character "dan" because thats what the god awful dub called it, and every shitheaded weeb goes by it.

>> No.11691456

The term Battleship has been around for a century and more, colloquially, why would someone refer to all kinds of naval combat vessels as battleships? Unless you're telling me the people around you call them Battleships, if that's so could you tell me which country are you from? It bugs me and interests me at the same time.

>> No.11691457

He's probably an American from a state with exceptionally poor education.

>> No.11691458

Or I could google the term 'battleship girls' and draw my conclusions from there but I would prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.11691459

I've been in these threads for a long while, and the only people who call every girl a "battleship" without regard to ship class are secondaries who think VPNs are wizardry and that the game is too difficult to play in jap, so they just masturbate to fanart on danbooru.

Associating yourselves with those guys is a great way to get along the people who arent shallow weeaboos.

>> No.11691461
File: 96 KB, 1277x625, Screenshot_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see where it starts...

>> No.11691464

I spend almost all my time on the internet, so the people around me are internet people from all over.

I'm Australian.

Seriously just google, in quotes, "battleship girls" and you get KanColle stuff

I'm not calling every girl a "battleship", I even pointed out I know what the classes are... seriously why is this such a huge issue?

I refer to them in general as "battleship girls" once, because "ship girls" sounds stupid and "kanmusu" is try hard, especially since I'm not Japanese (and then why not かんむす?) and I'm not going to spend an hour thinking up a more correct name just to make a short post asking for a little help. Suddenly autism... seriously guys?

>> No.11691468

I'm a retarded weeb who understood literally zero katakana/hiragani/whatever getting into the game, and even I made the effort and I actually understand all of the game mechanics and can play the game fully, even if I still struggle a tiny bit while I scroll through my ships and try to figure out who's who.

>> No.11691470

>Suddenly autism
It's /jp/, we're always autistic.
You should probably go back to /a/, I'm sure they have a Kancolle thread up.

>> No.11691472

Its us who are autistic when anyone with an ounce of empathy would realize outing yourself as an obnoxious newfag isnt going to get you a warm welcome. But sure, keep on thinking its us who are autistic.

>> No.11691475

Yeah, that's basically me. Just by doing some research and reading it's really not hard to understand the game pretty quickly even if you can't read a word of moon runes.

>> No.11691476

It shows that you didn't lurk enough nor did you bother to do your own homework (wikipedia calls them 'fleet girls', the English wiki calls them 'ship girls'), that's a capital offense.

Yes, you're the obnoxious new guy who can't help but show it.

>> No.11691477

Even /a/ loses their shit if you call Shimakaze a battleship. I don't understand how ship girl can sound stupid but battleship girl is completely different. It's not a matter of preference, it's complete ignorance. Using the autism card in this situation is just throwing stones in a glass house.

>> No.11691480

Use an loose term lightly on a whim and suddenly you're worse than retarded weeaboos. I seriously can't believe that you faggots are shitting up your own thread, which was quite nice, just to be autistic about phraseology.

How am I supposed to ask for help regarding setting the name of my admiral without outing myself as a newfag?

I'm obnoxious because everyone jumped on me to correct a mistake I didn't even care for not fully commit to so they can feel superior? Cool.

/a/ isn't allowed KanColle.

>> No.11691481

>Suddenly autism... seriously guys?
First time in /jp/ I presume?

>> No.11691482

What if Shimakaze was a battleship with a full, healthy body?
Her clothes would stay the same

>> No.11691484

>I'm obnoxious because everyone jumped on me to correct a mistake I didn't even care for not fully commit to so they can feel superior? Cool.
Almost as bad as correcting typos that are obviously typoes. Unintentional, not reflective of the user's ignorance or lack thereof, but prime material for autistic superiority.

>> No.11691486

You realize you're anonymous, right? You can just recognize you fucked up, drop it and post like it never happened (without ever using the phrase "Battleship girls" again.)

>> No.11691487


>> No.11691490

Also, her night attack quote is hilarious

>> No.11691491

>/a/ isn't allowed KanColle.
Keep outing yourself, at this point your only recourse to not look stupid is to shut the fuck up and lurk more, and read the wiki.

You'll either learn quickly that only people who have enough observation and intuition skills to look past their nose are welcomed, or run away crying about /jp/ being autistic elitists.

>> No.11691492

You mean, exactly like I did? Even pointing out that I don't think they're all battleships and that I recognise that Murakamo is a destroyer. It was just a loose term used loosely on a whim. And then people kept jumping on me. Why don't you think this convo ended here

I was playing the game at that point. Now I'm not.

>> No.11691494

Why ask for help in /jp/ in the first place? The wiki was made for newfags like you in the first place. These threads are for circlejerking and ostracizing people who act obnoxious.

Also >>>/a/98026753

>> No.11691495

>an loose term
>/a/ isn't allowed KanColle
I never realized that Aussies online had terrible Aussiaise!

Seriously, you're just embarrassing yourself now. Go follow the suggestion of (>>11691486)

>> No.11691496

>Now I'm not.

>> No.11691497

Are you fucking retarded? I've made threads there and they get dropped pretty quickly unless mods are asleep. You can maybe make a thread on manga but post about the game and you get banned pretty quick. Shit on newbies all you want but don't spout rubbish.

>> No.11691498

Find on the wiki where my problem was solved. I already spent hours on there looking for the solution.

Reading comprehension.

>> No.11691499

Take a look at >>>/a/98026753
Notice the 500 post thread that is with healthy discussion.
Maybe it failed because you're an obnoxious newfag who doesnt know how the community works?

>> No.11691500

Have you gotten in yet? The same sequence of events happened for me a bit ago: win lottery, get stuck on naming admiral screen, load api and try again, switch back to dmm and floating ship on black screen instead of white. Now I just get a server connection error whenever I try to load the game.

>> No.11691501

Autism. Autism forever.

There's a 500 post thread about Kancolle full of game discussion on /a/ literally this very second.

>Colloqiually refering to all combat ships as 'battleships' is pretty standard practice...
What you're thinking of is "warships". Anybody who refers to a PT boat or an aircraft carrier as a battleship is a retard.

>> No.11691502

It physically pains me that you took a slot that a more deserving person didn't get.

>> No.11691503

>because "ship girls" sounds stupid
Shipgirls is stupid, but add the word BATTLE FUCK YEAH onto it and suddenly its fucking awesome?

>> No.11691504

Yes, using the API/No-VPN for naming the admiral apparently doesn't work. Switching the VPN back on, logging in normally, naming, renewing API, turning off VPN and using API link worked fine. The floating ship took ages but it eventually went through, I'm not sure why it took so long. When you relog using the VPN you generate a new API so you need to renew that.

>> No.11691505

He's still right, though. What you need your VPN for isn't stated anywhere.

>> No.11691508

Ship girls doesn't imply the fact that they're combat ships. Why aren't you guys spamming autistic comments at all the news announcements on various anime/gaming sites that call KanColle a game about 'Battleship Girls'.

>> No.11691509 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ you're a fucking crybaby. yes /jp/ has a population with a larger-than-usual number of autistic elitists, but these topics are usually actually pretty decent outside of when retards come to shit them up. You're shitting this one up even when people are trying to help you. Fuck off.

jesus christ and I thought I was bad at dealing with /jp/'s shit

>> No.11691511

The fact that he needed to be told is something depressing. "Oh hey, VPNs are a pretty crucial part, i stopped using it and now nothing works? Maybe theres an exception to the rule and i should spend 30 seconds to boot the VPN again" Is what any intelligent person would think.

>> No.11691513 [DELETED] 

Nothing will stop the autism train now that it has started.

>> No.11691514

You can call them fleet girls if it makes you feel better.

>Why aren't you guys spamming autistic comments at all the news announcements on various anime/gaming sites that call KanColle a game about 'Battleship Girls'.
Because we don't read them. If they came here and called them battleship girls they'd get shit too.

>> No.11691516 [DELETED] 

Because those guys are content in their shitholes and stay there. You come in and proudly strut it off instead of going "oh okay" and then continuing on.

For all the autism you're talking about, you cant understand other peoples mindset well yourself.

>> No.11691517

Then don't tell him to read the wiki. Tell him that the answer to his question is obvious (it isn't, really).

>> No.11691518

I'm pretty sure the wiki told me one way or another, even if it was just implied, that I would need to start the game with my VPN and after I got into the main screen and started dicking with my fleet was when I could switch over to API.

>> No.11691520
File: 354 KB, 979x1027, kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "nobody looks at the talk section anyway"

Well then you could've just asked again you tremendous faggot

>> No.11691521

Which website was it again that called Shimakaze a battleship? It is obvious where this retard come from.

>> No.11691522

To be fair. I'm just shy of tech retarded and can't read moon runes worth shit, have never even touched a VPN before and barrely understand how they work, and I still managed to get into the game and understand it just fine. Wiki guide is actually pretty good for understanding the entire reg process and wiki in general lets even the mentally deficient figure out the game.

I mean, fuck, I'm a goddamn crossboarder from /a/ and I pretty much never get yelled at in /jp/ kancolle topics because I don't post retarded shit (this post excluded, arguably) or ask stupid questions that five seconds on wiki or some experimentation can't solve. This retard is shitting up the topic rather than back off of one poor wording choice.

>> No.11691525

Nobody fucking reads the talk section anyway.

It's like wading through YouTube comments to see if anybody said anything useful. Even if it happened it's just not worth it.

>> No.11691527 [DELETED] 

Apart from the nice individual who helped me out with the naming issue, who has been helping me exactly? Note that I instantly admitted that, yes, she isn't a battleship, and 'battleship girls' isn't a technically correct term. I also pointed out that I know what the classes are and which girls are of which class, and it was just the most trivial of word choices that I didn't even spend a billionth of a second thinking about because I didn't think people would shit on about it so much.

The conversation then ended with 'It's not a big deal' and I was playing the game... then I see more people replying to me and shitting up the thread making a huge deal of the most trivial of phrases. How is that helping me?

I'm not 'crying' I'm just really disappointed that the thread which was really good up until now completely degenerated, even after an amicable finish, solely because some assholes decides to dial up the autism even further.

>> No.11691528

I'm going to go post extremely helpful and relevant comments in all of the talk sections that answer every single question anyone has ever asked in the thread.

>> No.11691530

>The floating ship took ages but it eventually went through, I'm not sure why it took so long.
when you are loading the game for the first time and have shit connection, the game fails to trigger the loading screen and makes you stuck at the ship floating page.
But as long as you give the game enough time to download most of the data, a refresh after 5 minutes should fix that problem.

>> No.11691532

It's gotta be sankaku right? Good old shitkaku.

>> No.11691533 [DELETED] 

>I didn't think people would shit on about it so much.
They're offended that you think you shouldn't get shit for it.

>the thread which was really good up until now
These threads are never really good.

>> No.11691534 [DELETED] 

This guy >>11691486
was helping you out.

>> No.11691535 [DELETED] 

I didn't come for anywhere, I literally came from the wiki and /jp/, though I don't frequent Kancolle threads at all really. I just decided to join today because it looks awesome.

More of this 'rather than back off', what the fuck thread are you reading? When I DID, INSTANTLY, back off and the conversation ended perfectly amicably... then others came in and fucked everything up. How is that 'shitting up the topic rather than backing off'?

It's just more people jumping on the end of the superiority train without even considering what is driving it.

>> No.11691537 [DELETED] 

To be fair, I was the "not a big deal" person trying to be friendly/defuse the situation a bit and hadn't posted anything on the subject before that, so I assume whoever you were arguing with is continuing the fight. You aren't helping matters at all by doing so as well. Seriously. Just ignore the people shitposting, stop shitposting yourself, and the issue will die down pretty quickly; /jp/ has about five seconds worth of long-term memory when it comes to these little ego shitstorms.

Just play the game and avoid these fights and these topics are actually quite good.

>> No.11691539

It wasn't the first time I loaded the game, it was like the 50th as I had loaded the full game through the API (while refreshing and trying to get my name to work) a bunch of times and it loaded instantly in those cases. I 'm sure it was an issue with the VPN but I'm not sure it was a downloading thing, unless it caches differently with the VPN on.

>> No.11691541

I just figured that if it was useful it would be in the main article. I never scroll down that far anyway because I don't use the English wiki at all and I've heard that the comments are full of dumbs.

>It's just more people jumping on the end of the superiority train without even considering what is driving it.
People are offended that you are not curled up in the fetal position, crying for mercy as you shield your head with your hands and wet yourself.

>> No.11691542 [DELETED] 

I will admit that that guy was trying to help. However the end result was not helpful because I had already done exactly what they suggested, the instant I was called out on it, infact.

>> No.11691543

Welcome new teitoku. Enjoy the game and treat your kanmusu nicely

And don't be an asshole and intentionally send them to their death because that is disgusting

>> No.11691544 [DELETED] 

Yet you continued to respond rather than ignore them.

>> No.11691546

Look, I'll give you an introduction to 4chan etiquette: if you say something wrong, people will call you a fucking retarded who was dropped on the head as a child. Your job, as a 4chan user, is to accept that criticism, not complain that it was overdone. That's how things work around here. Welcome to 4chan. Enjoy your stay. Or not.

>> No.11691549 [DELETED] 

No, you fucking degenerate. You didn't do just that. You wouldn't be posting right now if you had done just that. Stop shirting up the thread and go play the game for a while.

>> No.11691554

Thank god.

>> No.11691559

It's not against the rules to be new or stupid. A ban was uncalled for.

>> No.11691560

No one is banned, the posts just got nuked.

>> No.11691563

>People are offended that you are not curled up in the fetal position, crying for mercy as you shield your head with your hands and wet yourself.
I was busting his balls, but i have to admit i laughed at this. Might as well start beating him with a bag of frozen oranges like the old days.

>> No.11691565

No balls busted, why do you think I was posting here and not playing the game? Because you guys made this more fun than the game at that point in time.

>> No.11691567
File: 199 KB, 565x800, 40176810_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> zero dere
She just needs a bit of time to open up.

>> No.11691569

I was hoping for a more kuu voice honestly but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.11691570

"modernize them by sacrificing unwanted ships"

What the fuck, how can I ever do this? This is horrific...

>> No.11691573

Supposedly you just take the equipment and the now-decommissioned shipgirls return to civilian life.

That, or Akagi devours them whole. You can pick which you like better.

>> No.11691574

You'll get over it. I place next to no value on DDs that don't have a Kai 2, unique Kai art, or aren't Shimakaze/Yukikaze. CLs don't have much value either, and I throw away the trash CAs like they're nothing. I still have a hard time modernizing my extensive supply of battleships or a CV though.

>> No.11691577

Say that again when you your warehouse is 100/100 and it's filled with 4 pages worth of Nakas and furutaka/myoko class.

>> No.11691580

At least here they have a valid explanation for it, you're taking the armaments off the girl and applying them to the next. In other browser games with this mechanic it's straight up cannibalism. Plus if you buy into the school of thought that if a girl sinks then replacing her with a duplicate just isn't the same then you should have no problem feeding clones to originals.

>> No.11691582

>sacrificing unwanted ships
Come back here a month later when you start to sacrific rare and holo ships.

>> No.11691585

I don't want to sacrifice any of the girls or declare any of them unwanted...

>> No.11691586
File: 352 KB, 1246x878, Not Murakumo Route.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiocy of this level should warrant a ban, honestly.


>> No.11691587

Best choice for perpetuating the status quo, definitely.

>> No.11691588

>And don't be an asshole and intentionally send them to their death because that is disgusting
Do people actually do that?

>> No.11691589

They do. A lot. In event time.

They call it suicide fleet.

I still have no idea how that shit even works

>> No.11691590

During the event when there were time constraints and boss health regenerated, suicide DD fleets were an economical but morally devoid method of dropping the boss' health so that your well-prepared, high resource cost fleet could kill the boss once and clear the map.

>> No.11691592

Would you follow your favorite fleet girl into the abyssal fleet?

>> No.11691595

Of course.

>> No.11691596

In a heartbeat.

>> No.11691597
File: 82 KB, 656x317, who are you killing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you going to kill once you hit the max cap?

>> No.11691598

Not sure if I have a favourite. I don't know of one that is particularly my type.

>> No.11691600

Looks like she got substantial boost in tits department. Ru-class BB Murakumo is perfect.

>> No.11691603
File: 738 KB, 1485x840, 1386591599505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only had to think of yourself, maybe, but don't you have everyone else back on the base waiting for you? Treason isn't such an easy thing, you know.

>> No.11691605

The difference between my favourite and other kanmusu that I'm fond of is quite slim. I won't be able to abandon the rest of them for her alone.

>> No.11691606

They're all coming along.

>> No.11691609
File: 2.33 MB, 1800x1200, 37635920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what have we been fighting so hard for all this time?

>> No.11691610

For fun.

>> No.11691611

Can't argue with that.

>> No.11691613
File: 113 KB, 480x854, kaga... san.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to win is to join the abyssal fleet.

>> No.11691617

I bet the abyssal fleet is like all those fatalpulse doujin.

>> No.11691620

if my shipgirls going to have similar design as abyss-mode Kaga, i think it's worth joining the abyss fleet.

>> No.11691635
File: 45 KB, 690x374, error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys i need help, i'm having a issue with flash projector. Basically it doesn't show the correct time left in the timer of expedition and docks too. Any ideas?

>> No.11691670

How do they decide what gets a 2nd kai?

>> No.11691675

Spin the wheel, ask compass fairies. RNG, in other words, with some bias towards ships with art done by Konishi.

>> No.11691680

Adjust timezone, sync internet clock, clear cache, reset computer, etc. One of them may be the solution.

I suspect it's based on the illustrator. Among Shiratsuyu-class, only Yuudachi and Shigure has notable achievement, yet Shiratsuyu and Murasame still get new sprite for them. Similiar case also happened in Nagara-class, where IIRC not even single ship from them got a spotlight, yet 3 of them got updated sprite. So I guess DMM paid illustrator to draw additional sprites.

>> No.11691684

So in your professional opinions which DD is going to get 2nd kais?

I'm actually pretty surprised the starters didn't get any special treatment.

>> No.11691689

All of those starters are drawn by different illustrator. I'd love to see Kai2 for them, but I doubt it will happen.

As for DDs with Kai2, most probably Yukikaze with same treatment as Verniy. I could also see Asashio-class will get special treatment like Shiratsuyu-class.

>> No.11691691

I need my chink ship in cheongsam.
It is time someone put a pants/skirt over her.

>> No.11691698

And fix her retarded face.

>> No.11691699

Isn't Yukikaze already like the best DD?

>> No.11691704

Getting a kai2 doesnt mean it instantly becomes great.
Look at those monkeys and kinugasa.

>> No.11691709

She has a historical reason for a name change kai2 though. Might be a better idea to nerf her regular luck a little bit, then give her a little more than her current luck when she goes Tan Yang.

>> No.11691711
File: 41 KB, 600x360, 1384326491665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overshadowed by DD with Kai2 at this moment, only her luck that makes her worthwhile. Even ZKMS is pushed to common tier due to that.

Of course, Yukikaze-Kai2 will make her best DD. She's DD with most notable achievement, even post-WW2.
Kinugasa-Kai2 has best new remodel sprite, though.

>> No.11691718

Yukikaze going Tan Yang will give her unparalleled level of AA (if she gets to use the bofers.) Tan Yang was used as a capital ship for that matter.

It'd neat if Kancolle devs actually do this. She will easily match the likes of Yahagi.

>> No.11691720

Not really. Her luck makes her the best ship to use for night battle.
Only Bephin and Shigure gets an advantage over her because of the current maps called for ASW and AA. Gotta feel sad for poor ZKMS. Mine has been shelved since I got all the other kai2 DD.

>> No.11691723

I want more buffs for poi

>> No.11691731

Nonsense. Kisaragi should get it. Sexpot loliboat needs all the power she can get to take down the admiral every night.

>> No.11691733

I still wish for a Mutsuki class remodels which further cheapens their resource cost.

>> No.11691739

Is anyone else unable to register their credit card?

>> No.11691744

You just want them to have 0 fuel 0 ammo cost, don't you?

>> No.11691746

They go down any further and the whole class is gonna be speedboats that somehow don't sink when you strap naval guns to them.

>> No.11691747
File: 773 KB, 1085x910, 1386595663975[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ship girl are you prepared to spend your lonely christmas with?

>> No.11691750

I still dont understand how ktkm/ooi kai2 became so powerful when they were modded to be transport boat.
Their torpedo stats should be nerf until they equipped themselves with kaiten.

>> No.11691751

All of them.

>> No.11691754

You don't understand just how much rape the long lance can truly be, do you?

>> No.11691756

>Their ten quadruple torpedo launchers are reduced to six (a total of 24 tubes).
They got removed when they turned them to transport ships.

>> No.11691767

How prepared are you all for the upcoming event, /jp/? Been stockpiling?

>> No.11691772

I'm preparing for my Christmas gift from this week. Currently at 20 brown coin boxes, hopefully it goes beyond 99 by the weekend.

>> No.11691773

Not much, busy leveling and remodeling my ships. Done with all the kai2 DD's last week.

>> No.11691774

I am keeping my resources just slightly below my limit to get the passive regen.

>> No.11691775

I have everything I stockpiled for E-4 still sitting there because I fell asleep and didn't wake up with enough hours left to do the run, but it's only 20k all (except bauxite which is at 2k).

>> No.11691777

beside that, equipping the oxygen torpedo should have negative effect on the ships, like +30% getting critical hit.
seeing as many ships getting sunk because of their own oxygen torpedo exploding, i'm a bit surprised they didn't implement this debuff.

nope, i'm not going to sortie to those event maps when i can play happily with my shipdaugthers back in the base while celebrating christmas.

>> No.11691779

Stopped stockpiling after 40k of each, figuring nothing they release would be worth more than that. I'll actually try to enjoy this event this time around.

>> No.11691780

I'd be okay with that if oxygen torpedoes got better at sinking things equipped to non-torpedo cruisers.

>> No.11691781
File: 315 KB, 1104x663, event prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Iona... and hopefully the event maps can give me yet another chance to get Nagato, Agano and the crane sisters.

>> No.11691784

No, not that much.

Made me chuckle

How many days have left before the event anyway?

>> No.11691785


Is the Iku/Hacchi remodel worthwhile?

>> No.11691786

>100k resources
>412 development materials
Just craft them.

>> No.11691789

>I'll actually try to enjoy this event this time around.
I told the same thing before the previous event. Then come compass chan

>> No.11691790

I find it essential. It would've been impossible to use subs to beat maps if otherwise. I did it when I was using the subs for E5, and it's gotten me through 3-4, 4-2 and 4-3.

>> No.11691792

i haven't remodeled a single sub yet. did 4-1 and 4-2 with them yesterday. it's not necessary.

>> No.11691794

Do you even want S rank?

>> No.11691796

The torp rating boost is worth it to me I suppose. There is doubling of downtime, but to me it's worthwhile.

>> No.11691799

Does the resource cost go up as well, or just the repair time?

>> No.11691800

>S rank
Now that you mention it, I have gotten many more Makigumo with S rank clear at 3-2 boss than previously. Hiryuu dropped for me at S rank finish as well.

>> No.11691801

Ammo goes up by 125%. Fuel consumption remains the same.

>> No.11691805

I am at 5Makigumo and 1Hiryuu since the event ended. Best drop I got from A rank is just Ooi.
It is probably like E7 where rare DD only drops from S rank.

>> No.11691808

That's not bad then. Guess I'll remodel them to try for S-ranking bosses.

>> No.11691815

In no way I'm going to lose this event now. I couldn't get Hachi so I'm going all out and hoarding resources/buckets. Been doing nothing but low-consumption PVP, sub sorties and expeditions for the past week.

>> No.11691820

You and me are in the same boat. Only I have been spending a bit more resources toward leveling with sub tanks.

>> No.11691825

I ended up falling asleep and missing the lottery. Oh well, I'll try again today.

I'm starting with Sazanami and I want to craft the Kongous since they seem rather popular.

>> No.11691829

I'm not sure Yukikaze will ever get a Kai 2, it would be weird for her to become Chinese.

>> No.11691833

Is it just me or whenever the compass stops closer to E than NE on 2-3 boss node, its fleet composition is always 2x Wo class, 1 BB, 2 CA and 1 DD?

>> No.11691840

Yukikaze becoming Taiwanese bothers you, but not Hibiki becoming Russian?

>> No.11691847

Come on dude, why would Bep ever bother you?

>> No.11691913

Actually, I would Kinugasa Kai 2 is pretty good. Her main appeal is that she's cheap to run compared to the other CAs with stats that are decent enough that it's hard to tell a noticeable difference.

>> No.11691914

Well, if you really wanted ships in cheongsam, there's always Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

>> No.11691915

Other guy here but,
Bep > Hibiki (of course in look)

>> No.11691916

Her whiter everything is great.

>> No.11691934

They are actually siblings to Yuubari from what I remember.

>> No.11691935

I cant wait for the red navy (I want to belive). Aurora, Marat, even the fucking Kirov unf. Ww2 navy doesnt end on the murikaxjapan admirals.

>> No.11691971

Chinese ships are weird because China and Japan have bad history. The Soviets rolled over the Kwantung Army but that was practically a footnote to the war, and Japanese had been killing Chinese (the other way around too, but less) for eight years by then. For the "miracle ship" to be handed over to the nation that you'd been kicking the shit out of is a bit...

Also, the 4koma made me not want to remodel Hibiki. I still haven't decided yet.

They were redesignated the coastal defense ships we were supposed to get, right? But those are weird too, technically we stole them from the enemy (after sinking and refloating them).

IJN = abyss same

>> No.11691975


>> No.11691980

I want a fucking Kirov airship. KIROV REPORTING motherfuckers.

>> No.11691981

>the 4koma made me not want to remodel Hibiki

>> No.11691982

Taiwan =/= China.

>> No.11691984

That game was so awful. Not that I didn't sink 500+ hours into it.

>> No.11691993

It made the other Akatsuki-class destroyers unhappy.

Nationalist China went to war with Japan and Nationalist China was given Yukikaze as reparations afterwards. It was only after they lost the Chinese Civil War years later that they had to flee to Taiwan (at which point they treated the existing, Japan-socialized inhabitants who had been living there before badly).

>> No.11692001

Sure Taiwanfag.

>> No.11692011

becuz of a switch

>> No.11692019

Not my fault they got their ass kicked by IJN.

Pacific theatre was dominated by claps and katanas with occasional British and australian ships. If we want foreign navy then they should make new maps, but who am I kidding.

>> No.11692021

and Russia and Japan do not have a bad history?

>> No.11692026

She did that in order to protect them. She seems more mature than Akatsuki.

>> No.11692043

Compared to Sino-Japanese relations it's quite decent, really. Five times as many people died in the Battle for Shanghai alone (three months) than in the entirety of the Russo-Japanese War (one and a half years). And then the war dragged on eight more years after that.

It's an admirable sentiment, right? It just doesn't seem right to hold someone like that back. But somehow it's a hard decision to make, because once it's done we can't return to those days anymore.

Also, I like Hibiki's sprite.

>> No.11692076

2 or 3?

3 was... campy at best. I enjoyed it, the coop campaign especially with a friend, but it was eh. 2 was bloody glorious, especially with Yuri. Even if Yuri's... everything was brokenly overpowered.

>> No.11692111

I only played 1 and 3, I didn't know the Kirov was a carryover. I heard good things about 2 but tragically 3 was a huge intentionally over-the-top shitfest. Online multiplayer was all cheese all the time, which is hilarious but not really the basis of a solid game.

>> No.11692211

Is there less suffering way to max AW stats? Carrier drops are rare for me even sea tenders.
Also, do evasion increases by something else than modernization/turbine.

>> No.11692216

I mean AA stats.

>> No.11692218

farm Isuzu.

And no, evasion only increase with equipment and level up. You cannot increase that stats with modernization.

>> No.11692236

Not having maxed AA won't kill you. Just increase it as much as you can.

>> No.11692278

Guess I am too paranoid about 3-2. I am leveling my DDs like a madman for it and upcoming event. I am bad teitoku

>> No.11692288

A good teitoku thinks about their daughters safety. Maximizing AA will most likely reduce damage from these merciless air bombardments.

You are doing good.

>> No.11692299

any news on when exactly the event starts?

>> No.11692300

Are there even carriers on 3-2? I don't remember upping my DDs' AA at all for that.

>> No.11692301

Yeah, but it's C node so if you don't get greedy for steel you can easily avoid it.

>> No.11692361

What the hell, I got at least 6 imuya in the last 4 days on 2-3

>> No.11692368

Wait what? Was that even possible?

>> No.11692369

Finally got a Shokaku. Now I have all craftable ships. Guess it's time to start trying to build eight 46 cm.

>> No.11692377

around xmas.

>> No.11692383

Maybe yes but I'm running out of buckets and my expedition fleet (2xCL, 2xDD) arent doing that great succes on ex2. Do other combinations gives you more chance of getting buckets?

I got 2 akagi-class on A node but thats it.

>> No.11692396

Ignore second post, I am retarded

>> No.11692416

Try to use 4x DD for expedition 2. It's not worth to use the CLs there. Remember that only the flagship level is used to check if the expedition will succeed or not. Also, try doing expedition 4 too.

>> No.11692453
File: 720 KB, 780x470, Screenshot 2013-12-09 21.32.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11692457

Anyone have a crafting timer troll them? I had a 5:00 timer, but when I changed pages and went back to the crafting page it turned into a 4:30 timer.

>> No.11692464

A Nagato class? Nah, you only deserve Ise

>> No.11692465

is it 2006 again ?

>> No.11692513

I really hope we see material with Hatsuharu this Comiket.

>> No.11692535
File: 596 KB, 1200x1600, 40114556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may know him already, but this guy is pretty into NSFW hatsuharu.


>> No.11692544

Why does everyone steal Shimakaze's clothes? She's poor enough as it is without having to fork over her weeks pay to buy a measly amount of fabric to cover her body.

>> No.11692549

Oh yeah man, I love him.

>> No.11692708

You can keep remodelling Chitose and stuff no problem right? You don't have to skip a remodel to get the best one or something?

>> No.11692762

Yep, no problem. It will remodel them in order.

>> No.11692765

It's not letting me buy furniture even though I have enough money. There is an icon with a little girl's face and it's saying i don't have any but i don't know what they are or how to get them

>> No.11692770
File: 210 KB, 800x480, 40164952_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand up against inhumane farming.

>> No.11692773

Hate money or do quests that give furniture fairy

>> No.11692807

She looks even more like Hatsune Miku in that form.

>> No.11692824

Speaking of farming, is it just me or is fuel always the bottleneck resource? I seem to be using it every time, mostly from resupplying.

Also, do you guys recommend keeping Chitose/Chiyoda as AVs?

>> No.11692826

Is there any reason to have light cruisers over heavy cruisers in your fleet?

>> No.11692828

Less fuel consumption, I suppose.

>> No.11692830

Torp sisters, Isuzu, Yahagi

>> No.11692835

Same tier of firepower, better evasion, less resource consumption, quicker repair, ASW.

>> No.11692838

While usually more ammo is needed than fuel for resupply, ammo is much easier to obtain. It's quite common that there's wide gap between those resources.

For ChitoChiyo, if you want to remodel, wait until at least level 35. Fully remodeled ChitoChiyo CVL is great, at level 35 it's not bad, but at level 15 it's shit.
Mainly ASW.

>> No.11692842

When I started, steel was the limiting res due to my crafting urge and BB heavy fleet.
Soon, the fuel became problematic, I don't really remember why though, now it's a pretty easy resource to get.
Now after few months in the game and at 5-2, lv96, my problem is ammo. The event with it's support fleet and especially the sort of abuse on the fuel refill made the gap huge between fuel and ammo.

>> No.11692849

Which world 2 map is the best to grind the 5 boss victories?
I'm about to pull my hair, because since the reset, I ran 3-2 like 40 times, and got sent to boss like 3 times.

>> No.11692862

Is it possible for AVs to participate in night assaults? Since they have mini-submarines.

>> No.11692865

Yes, although the first two mini-subs you get are better off on KTKM and Ooi

>> No.11692899

What if you put all four subs and both torpedo cruisers in one fleet?

>> No.11692908


Chance of the euphoric feeling of killing off all 6 units before shelling phase with an equal chance of all of them hitting one ship.

At most you'll kill off 2-3.

>> No.11692912

I manage that every once in a while with Akagi, KTKM, Ooi and I-19/58

>> No.11692931

What exactly are the transport ships I have to sink in the quests?

>> No.11692937


Enemy ships page on the wikia.

>> No.11692958

Ah, so they don't appear until 2-2. Thanks.

>> No.11693051

Can Kancolleviewer or Sanaechan see how many bucket/furniture box/other items in my storage?

>> No.11693057
File: 3 KB, 655x49, KCviewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kancolleviewer shows you how many buckets and torches you have.

>> No.11693073

How about furniture box? I guess it behaves like bucket, right? That maximum number that appear is only 99, but it can go beyond that.

>> No.11693082

Why not just open them?

>> No.11693085

That'd make too much sense.

>> No.11693088

Waiting until Christmas.

>> No.11693114

Well, then wait until Christmas to find out. It'll be a surprise how many you have. You know, part of the joy of opening presents.

>> No.11693119

I just want to confirm it can go beyond 99. Maybe I'm a bit too paranoid.

>> No.11693126

Is there a way to drag agro to a different ship? My DD's are almost getting sunk while my CL's CA and BB aren't even being targetted. I'm also lacking with the repair equipment.

>> No.11693130

Get a submarine
If you dont want the ship to get hit, put it as your flagship

>> No.11693131

I just got a win8 machine. Do I have to use a specific browser to get this working?

>> No.11693132

Enemy CLs and DDs have to fire on your SS' first, so if you have an SS you can use her to damage tank.

>> No.11693135

Nope, it's a stand-alone exe.

>> No.11693147

Oh... So I need to craft a sub. I guess I'll try for one next time my resources recover.

>> No.11693150

>I'll try for one
Haha, I wish it was that easy champ.

>> No.11693159

I make sure to keep offering the blood of virgins to the RNG gods often. Do we have a special altar for the RNG gods in this game? ;_;

>> No.11693161

Why is that Ho-class flagship in 3-2 invincible? I NEVER sink it in the pre-emptive phase and my 46CM mutsu misses it without fail. The rest of the ships usually miss it too, giving it a free shot before it finally gets put down the next turn.

>> No.11693166


I always feel paranoid of using KancolleViewer or Sanaechan, like having your info seen or something.

It would be nice if it updates damage during the night phase options.


You're going to know the fun in crafting a sub, and you're going to like it.

>> No.11693176

Alright. I am a total dumb fuck. I used the included NuGet bootstrapper to install the package from kancollewrapper. What now?

>> No.11693177

I prefer to run 2-3 with subs. You have a chance of about 1/3 to reach the boss node (out of 307 sorties, I got there in 115 of them).

>> No.11693179

Flagship protection makes it hard to ever kill it in preemptive attacks. I'd guess it also just has high evasion, but we can't see that stat. You could try stacking radar, Mutsu will still have plenty of firepower to 1-shot it.

>> No.11693181

I wouldn't know since I used the binary that was as simple as download, unzip and run.

>> No.11693187

to be honest, I'm probably worse in term of paranoia. Deep down, I fear the API link used might be intercepted by whoever did this exe.

Even though a bunch of teitoku use this, I'm not exactly feeling safe about using this yet. that and possibly being not tolerated by DMM

>> No.11693188

binary? That can't be the stuff on GitHub...

>> No.11693189
File: 14 KB, 506x117, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we'll find out which ship from the IJN 5th fleet is getting a kai-2 tomorrow.

>> No.11693191

Nope, I'm pretty sure it was a Mega download. It was in either this thread or a previous one.

>> No.11693198

>I fear the API link used might be intercepted by whoever did this exe.

This is exactly how I feel in terms of paranoia.

>possibly being not tolerated by DMM

I think it would be ok for the most part since it only records information, but how it knows what ship is building still puzzles me if it's even the correct ship.


Search the thread. Some anons compiled it earlier with English interface and even a horizontal view.

>> No.11693201

This pretty much confirms Kiso. Or Tama.

>> No.11693204

It has always been the correct ship, it's incredible. Now if they translated the kanji to English then it'd be fucking perfect.

>> No.11693205

Welp, I rolled a CA/CL twice... I guess I need to pray to the RNG gods harder.

>> No.11693207

How so? This isn't new information--it was in the original tweet. I agree that all signs point to Kiso, and it not being her will be highly odd.

>> No.11693214

the flash application you're running needs to get the information from somewhere. obviously they calculate and send you the info for which ship you're building before the app reveals it to you. the viewer intercepts that info and displays it in a different format.

it's unlikely that DMM would be able to detect whether or not you are using the viewer.

>> No.11693223

I don't recall the information from earlier that it was from the 5th fleet, just the displacement and that it participated in the Aleutians.

>> No.11693226

Almost everyone in my pvp lists have been leveling Kiso all week. It'd be funny if it ended up being Tama.

It's open source. If you're really that paranoid then go through the source code yourself.

>> No.11693227

Thanks. I found the KancolleViewer binary link. Will try it on this Venue 8 pro now.

>if anyone needed the binary: https://mega.co.nz/#!0pISASwC!Vv1yYUpdKDVPH9PxeToyljH9Aoh6h7huaCA5T19gdNc

>> No.11693232


It's unfortunate you missed the event for Iku, but at least sub crafting prepares you for future crafts, like crafting Kumano or Suzuya.


I've thought about the program intercepting information of the ship but didn't really think more of it. So it really does huh, that's interesting.

>> No.11693239

Well, for now I'm just hoping I get something better than Tatsuta if I get a CL, since Kiso seems to be one I should keep training. Hoping I get double CL though, since I have Choukai for CA.

God damn RNG is the worst thing ever.

>> No.11693252

If you have CV and a good enough fleet to not take huge damage at 2-3, just farm for her there.
You need to do the daily anyway.

>> No.11693269
File: 525 KB, 807x484, somethingwrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logged in just to be greeted by this

>> No.11693270

Mutsu X Shoukaku confirmed.

>> No.11693282
File: 594 KB, 1502x1367, 1386641219902[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new girl is pretty cute.

>> No.11693286

Who What?
Tanaka P?

>> No.11693287
File: 103 KB, 512x1173, 1386641945067[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some interview tidbits about marriage.

>> No.11693292


I scrapped all my Tama and Kiso. I hope they buff yuubari or abukuma instead.

>> No.11693298

Should've done like me and used both for expeditions. The two are already over level 30 just because of it (plus sparkle runs).

>> No.11693303

Why can't it be Yura? Will she be forever unpopular?

>> No.11693305

I got 4 Yuras in a row.

>> No.11693310

My Iku just shot down a plane, whoa. She didn't have any AA equip.

>> No.11693312

My expedition fleet is already stacked with subs, mutsuki, shiratsuyu, yuubari, tenryuu and tatsuda.
You can only keep that much with 100slots. Did they fix the gaijin CC registration yet? I guess it is time for me to buy extra slots.

>> No.11693316

So 3-2 has been giving me garbage drops all day (with the exception of Hyuuga, god bless)
Where should I farm to get Aircraft carriers? I've got 1-1 to 2-4, 3-1 to 3-2, and 4-1 to 4-3

>> No.11693317

Oh right, there's the limit too. I expanded it to 120 last month. Try to register your card on the English page or something.

>> No.11693321

2-3 boss drops CV and its normal nodes can drop CVL.

>> No.11693322

5-2 for 5th div sluts
2-3 for everyone else

>> No.11693325

I really want the Crane sisters. Guess I better start training my DD team for 3-2.

>> No.11693329

Yura was the first ship of mine that got sunk. Still hurts to remember.

>> No.11693333 [DELETED] 


I know that feel, bro... *hugs you* :p

>> No.11693337

For 2-3, is 30 slots of Type 52s overkill?

>> No.11693342

Got a Kitakami and Sendai from my rolls. How are they? Still not entirely used to stats in this game yet.

>> No.11693346

Kitakami is worth leveling.

>> No.11693347

Sendai is generic. You need her for one of the fleet quests though.

Kitakami is the best ship in the game. No joke.

>> No.11693349

Well, you will see at most 3 carriers on supply ship nodes and two at the boss (its usual pattern is only one WO class, though). So put some fighters if you don't want to lose your precious bauxite.

>> No.11693350

Oh ho, I guess my failed rolls for a sub was pretty good. I'll add her to my fleet.

>> No.11693353

You will need a chitose/chiyoda to make full use of your Kitakami, though. They can be found on world 2 if I beleive, or through crafting anyway.

>> No.11693354

I dont know. I always run it with sub.
The time I did it with Kinugasa and her low lvl friends, I just stack 20.3cm and sanshiki/12cm30 rocket launcher. CA raped them when it is night.

>> No.11693357

I'm still getting wrecked in 1-3, my DD's always get trashed before I can make it to the boss... So I guess I won't be getting those any time soon, but I will take note of that.

>> No.11693363

It looks like they're hiding from you. What did you do to them last night?

>> No.11693370

So I was running 2-3 and got to the boss
As the pre-emptive strike phase began, the screen began rotating from side to side erratically and began flashing colors. The strike from my CV killed two ships and damaged one more to red. KTKM Ooi and I-19 then fired their torpedos, and I heard "OOOH OOOH" followed by "OH MY GOD" and "CALL 911" when they critted three ships for over 100 damage each.
Should I see a psychiatrist or is this normal, /jp/?

>> No.11693372

Both Kitakami and Sendai will help you through 1-3/1-4.

I would recommend trying to craft a carrier or light carrier, so you can get the free Akagi from the quest, then World 2 will be a breeze.

>> No.11693375

What the fuck dude

>> No.11693376

I'm not sure but I think I'm going to make one of those 420blazeit montages with Kancolle now.

>> No.11693378

Use Sendai? Ok, not sure who to replace in my fleet though, I guess I could bench Tatsuta.

>> No.11693381


T: When will the marriage system (temporary name) be done?
Tanakako: We're getting the procedures ready right now!
- - - -
T: I want to marry Kongou already but even if I go to the government office they wont accept it. So for now I picked up the green paper. I have my seal ready too. Please hurry and implement it~
Tanakako: (Green paper...? Isn't that the divorce paper?) It's not marriage. It is marriage (temporary name). Currently we're working on it as fast as we can.
T: Is that really the name?
Tanakako: Yes, probably. Maybe. Tomorrow... [this is an old joke]
T: Tanakako... You're revealing your real age.
Tanakako: Ah! Uhm, we're working on it. It depends on the state of our servers at the start of the new year but we plan to implement it before spring. Look forward to it!
T: I want to hurry and get married!
Tanakako: (temporary name) I said!

>> No.11693382

Is that the name of a new ship?

>> No.11693383

What if Snoop Dogg was a ship girl.

>> No.11693387

Oh if you already have light cruisers in your party, then dw. Sendai is about the same as Tatsuta before remodelling/modernising.

You want to keep Tatsuta for a quest, and she's also great for running the 4 and 9 Expeditions since she uses the least supplies.

>> No.11693392

Ah ok. My fleet is Hiei, Choukai, Tatsuta, Kiso, Kitakami, and Yuudachi just for reference.

>> No.11693395
File: 163 KB, 1224x337, starting ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be nice getting kitakami early.
I got mine on my first few craft as well. I got all the way up to 2-2 without any BB and CV. It was the 2-2 brickwall that made me craft for BB and CV.

>> No.11693396
File: 2.80 MB, 1623x4230, 1386644877874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what I accidentally stumbled across whilst browsing the Korean KanColle community.


>> No.11693401

I got an Ooi way before I got a KTKM.

>> No.11693405

I'm curious how they rationalize playing a game that is essentially modern day IJN propaganda.

>> No.11693406

Wait... How are you having trouble with 1-3 with a fleet like that?

Also you should probably keep your weakest ship, Yuudachi as flagship, flagships can never sink.

So you never got a light carrier but you got a battleship already?

>> No.11693407

They're watching us.
I for one welcome our new Korean overlords.

>> No.11693409

And the Chinese always seem to be the fastest doujinshi translators.

>> No.11693410

In South Korea, there are both pro-Japanese weebs and anti-Japanese nationalists. Just like how in America there are different interest groups as well. Those who like Japan most likely don't care about that kind of thing.

>> No.11693411
File: 197 KB, 999x1000, getoutofjp03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what were you doing there?
coreanpig please go and stay go

>> No.11693413

netuyo pls

your time as come to an end

kancolle is now multicultural

you cannot stop the gaijin, netuyo-kun

>> No.11693415
File: 43 KB, 745x454, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11693418

Oh, ok. I haven't been able to beat it so far since in Kitakami's spot before was a DD, her and Yuudachi kept getting almost sunk in the first node, so I never got to the boss node.

I tried for a Kongou class 3x, first time I didn't know what I was doing and got a DD, second time I got Choukai. Now I just got my 2 new CL's going for a sub.

>> No.11693419

I love people who do this.

>> No.11693420


now that's some dedication

>> No.11693428
File: 763 KB, 1203x2089, fubuki kai ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His hard work will pay off one day.

>> No.11693438

You really shouldn't worry about crafting things like that this early. If you're going to craft at all craft an aircraft carrier, just so you can get the free Akagi from the Quests A11 and B10.

>> No.11693441

Everyone was raving about getting a BB early a day or 2 ago, which is when I started,, so I decided why not since my full party of DD's were getting horribly raped in 1-2.

>> No.11693444

When I was doing registration I wasn't paying attention, I was meant to grab Murakumo. But I got Fubuki instead, I was pretty upset at the time and kept trying to get Murakumo to drop, but the whole time I kept using Fubuki, and now she's like my 2nd highest level DD.

>> No.11693448

It's just that BB's cost so much to craft and to resupply and repair.

You're going to have to be waiting for timers all day.

Especially since you don't get very many resources at the start. You only really start building resources when you get 3-4 fleets, so you can keep sending on expeditions.

>> No.11693457

Having three fleets is a godsend, I've already completed my weekly 30 expedition quest.

>> No.11693460
File: 33 KB, 500x500, masked yasen fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like people who put 4bb2cv more

Getting S means I have to go to night battle!

>> No.11693461

Haha, likewise. I find myself mindlessly droning away at Expeditions 2 and 3. Before I know it, I completed the weekly 30 expedition quest.

>> No.11693464

That's how I feel about 4 subs, completing your dailies in an hour is great

>> No.11693466

All I need is Hiei and I can run 3 expeditions every 30 minutes.

>> No.11693470

Geh, still missing Haruna and Kongou. I'm dying for that 4th fleet.

>> No.11693474

Kongou and Haruna are like candy to me, if I could trade I'd give you both of them for a Hiei.

>> No.11693477

If only, man. I got 3+ Hiei's from crafting and 2-4'ing.

>> No.11693491

I was missing just Kirishima for the longest time, but then the week after I finally got her I found another six or seven of her. So I fed them to herself.

>> No.11693492
File: 404 KB, 480x320, uifpydS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiso, why.

She used to be so common.

>> No.11693493

Is there a bug in the level up system?
After the victory screen, it said that my ship had leveled up but then in the ship selection screen her level didnt change.
When I sortie her again, she has 1exp left to next level and I have to level her up again for it to register.

>> No.11693496

Almost like cannibalism.

>> No.11693498

Probably a rounding error. There are a few of them in the game.

>> No.11693501

Happened to me too.
I think it happens if you hit the level up requirement exactly, like when you deal exactly enough damage to bring a ship down to exactly 1 hp in pvp.

>> No.11693503

Yep, had it happen with my Akagi, although I got my Mutsu to 1 exp exact.

>> No.11693510

You guys are crazy dicks to do that to someone. I bet he is still not over it.

>> No.11693518

It happened in /a/.

>> No.11693521

An example had to be made. Don't post your API links, yo.

>> No.11693524

I bet he was an /a/tard just playing because it was hip and popular.

>> No.11693534

Its 2013 gramps, no one uses that anymore.

>> No.11693546

If you get your API link leaked, what can you even do about it?

Or does it gen a new one every time you log back in or something?

>> No.11693548

Just log onto the game via the browser. A new one is generated and the current API link is no longer valid.

>> No.11693550

Logging in to the website generates a new API

>> No.11693582

Just crafted my first Reppu, feels good to have air superiority.

>> No.11693588
File: 99 KB, 1324x412, 1386650749442[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou and Akitsumaru confirmed.

>> No.11693625
File: 294 KB, 1012x602, abrar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already got a 2nd account and he is still shitposting.

>> No.11693641

Taihou looks promising but I'm not so sure about Akitsumaru

>> No.11693643


420 Buckets, 60k fuel, 53k ammo, 38k steel, and 25k bauxite.

It's probably overkill, but I'm a miser by nature so I like keeping things safe.

>> No.11693647

>420 buckets
There is a joke somewhere.

>> No.11693657

If Japan and China have a war over those islands, the new ship daughters that come out of that would be pretty cool eh?

>> No.11693655
File: 1.27 MB, 1121x1600, Comic_Alive_2014-01_0042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just rankle my autism. How can such a cute tiny plane actually dive bomb a ta class battleship.

>> No.11693662

Just for reference, how easy was it to get that Submarine in the last event?

>> No.11693665

What's the problem? It's about 11 days of bucket farming without spending a single one.

>> No.11693668
File: 303 KB, 1200x851, 1385529004503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is always magic.

>> No.11693669

You need about 12hours of free time.
Resources and bucket is not really that important, just 20k will do. Free time is of utmost important since they will regenerate their health every hour.

>> No.11693670


Fuel isn't the bottleneck resource if you sub farm 2-3 to complete your dailies.

I also do expedition 5, 9, and 13 when I'm going to be AFK for a long period so I have more fuel than any other resources.

Bauxite would theoretically be my bottleneck resource if I used carriers more often.

>> No.11693676


Iku? Relatively easy. Less than 2 hours

Hacchi? 24 hours, having no buckets with 5% health and no sleep, but cleared the map to get her.

This is coming from a guy who didn't save up for the event.

>> No.11693678

>I also do expedition 5, 9, and 13 when I'm going to be AFK
Same here. 9 and 13 are also really good for buckets.

>> No.11693688


i19 was a cakewalk, getting i8 though, that took me about 3 days and +10k resources due to limited free time, good thing the boss did not regenerate while you looked at her opening text (though they fixed that inmediately after I beat her)

>> No.11693701

Anyone want to translate these moonrunes

>> No.11693723

Are 9 and 13 the same for buckets?

>> No.11693725

They can give two at the same time.

>> No.11693729
File: 426 KB, 1600x900, Fubuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Fubuki fans, are you excited?

>> No.11693731

Will she ever get a Kai 2? She deserves it.

>> No.11693732


So some noname studio best known for ika musume is doing such a high profile anime? I wonder how many dicks did they suck to get it.

>> No.11693734

They probably quote a low budget and 10 episodes, the jews at Kadokawa probably accepted the offer on the spot.

>> No.11693735

Should have given it to Actas or Gonzo

>> No.11693736

Won't have very many planes, but might turn out to have an interesting gimmick.

Speaking of gimmicks, I think they mentioned repair ship Akashi in another interview too. Wonder how that'll be implemented.

>> No.11693738

>10 episodes

>> No.11693740

Diomedea's work this season are just fine. I'm enjoying Gingitsune myself, but I know there are many people watching Nou Kome.

Soon, admiral, soon.

>> No.11693741

What if Fubuki got the best Kai 2 in the entire game, but it was a level 90 remodel? People who were dedicated to her and got her up to 99 before then would be able to remodel her, but others would have to grind a ship they probably trashcanned.

>> No.11693743

I'm getting cats and bears, but no Kisos.

>> No.11693747

I tend to get quite a few of them.
I really want a Suzuya or Mikuma, I've already got Kumano.

>> No.11693749

What if Tama actually got the kai2 and not kiso.
How mad would everyone be? Tama was the flagship for pearl harbor.

>> No.11693750

Fubuki's been relegated to the secondary duty of leading expedition fleets, so she's only level 40, but I'd start leveling her without hesitation even if the refit was at level 90+.

>> No.11693752

That's why I'm not in a hurry to level her just in case.

>> No.11693761

I'm hoping this on every high-end second remodel. The Kongo-class remodel level was at good, for example, though level 80-85 would have been better.

This goes double if Kiso is remodeling into a torpedo cruiser, we don't need three of these running around.

>> No.11693764

Im not bothering with Hibiki's level 70 remodel so I wont bother with fubuki's level 90 remodel if she gets one.

Might level her if she gets a 50-60 remodel though

>> No.11693769

70 isn't so bad. Just put the ship as your flagship in pvp and she'll get a level per day at higher levels. You don't really need to grind.

90 is a bit much.

>> No.11693773

Earlygame, no - CA come with much better firepower and most other stats out of the gate. After remodeling and modernization, it's the CAs turn to be fairly useless; the better CLs have about the same firepower, can attack subs, are VASTLY cheaper to field, and have better evasion to make up for their somewhat worse armor/hp and one slot less.

Both have their uses though, so it's wise to have at least one decent ASW CL for world 4, and I believe you need at least one CA to guarantee a boss run in some world 5 map, maybe a world 4 one as well.

>> No.11693782

Do you guys think bucket reward is luck based?
I have been using yukikaze as my flagship to run ex2 and I have been getting bucket regularly.

>> No.11693788

No, Abrar2 is a shitty attention whoring wannabe "hacker" using the name for even more attention.

>> No.11693791

I thought the standard was to run 2 and 4 for buckets?

>> No.11693803
File: 333 KB, 853x1280, b92f85c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you show us 400 results.
Otherwise, it's just RNG, 50%.

>> No.11693834

I need 1 more Kai-2 destroyer to complete my fleet of super-destroyers anyway, so I'd go for it.

My goal is to clear all maps with destroyer-only fleet.

>> No.11693906

Oh that's cool, does that mean that great success is 100% if you use 6 sparkling ships?

>> No.11693915


>> No.11693918

Are you guys ready for the new event?

>> No.11693926

That's some interesting shit right there. Are they suggesting to have the boss fleet move on the map instead of hp gauge?

>> No.11693929

I'm starting to think Kaga doesn't drop in 4-1 and the rest of the world is lying to me after over a hundred runs.

>> No.11693930

That's some potential RNG hell

>> No.11693933

Eh I read it as the enemy boss going/pursuing for you. It makes sense if they are including coastal defense ships. Maybe an endless horde of wo attacking iwo jima and you have to defend? No idea how it would works though.

>> No.11693934
File: 1.66 MB, 500x157, 1386512164693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diomedea is a pretty good studio.

That sounds fun.

>> No.11693935

I'm looking at this line.

About them attacking you, it'll be real fun to fight defensive battles.

>> No.11693937

Way to fuck over people who have busy livs.

>> No.11693944

>装甲空母 大鳳
So she'll be a CV with the armor of a BB, I guess it'll too much to hope that she has as much armor and hp as a 150hp 装甲空母鬼, right?

>> No.11693949

The HP is impossible but Kaga and Akagi already have 79 armor.

>> No.11693954

That doesnt make sense.
She sank due to a single torpedo. Can they even make her good against gun fire but super weak against torpedo? Does the game mechanic allows this?

>> No.11693960

Her sunk is not because of the torpedo's damage itself.
So it's fine.

>> No.11693968


So the next big event is somewhere around March?
Probably kinda like TD game. Seems fun.

>> No.11693981

So what are Coastal Defense ships going to be good for aside from being cute? If I'm to understand it right, they're more loli than destroyers so they'll probably be even less powerful. Will they get even smaller guns or will they get standard 12.7cms?

>> No.11693986

actually they'd get larger gun if anything.

>> No.11693987

If they go the way of the British monitors probably one or two slots for fuckhuge guns.

The British had coastal defense ships that mounted 18-inch battleship guns.

>> No.11693988

Defensive battles, which happens to be a new kind of battle system they're working on.

>> No.11693989
File: 430 KB, 848x1200, img000006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time for carriers to shine after how the last event went.

>> No.11693990
File: 271 KB, 720x314, Sub-chans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send for help.

>> No.11693991

See that just seems ridiculous to me since any gun larger than the 20.3cm guns that CAs use require a harness (you'll see every single battleship wearing her guns, rather than holding then)
I just can't imagine a little loli that's 6-8 years old with 46cm guns strapped to her tiny body.

>> No.11693997
File: 162 KB, 1000x1250, BbDIe-DCAAATepS.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headpats for Abukuma.

>> No.11693998

One single gun, actually. Or like Shigure.

>> No.11694001

But you wouldn't take one of Yamato's 46cm turrets and strap it onto Yukikakze's back like Shigure, would you?

>> No.11694006

The 15th server will be named Paramushir. I wonder why they move away from Pacific and are focusing to Kuril islands

>> No.11694009

We Russia now.

And unfortunately, the sheer amount of MOTHERLAND and Stalinium will destroy your beloved kanmusus.

>> No.11694019

Scrapping ships is really dark. How could anyone do such a thing?

>> No.11694021

You're returning them to normal lives.

>> No.11694025

You keep telling yourself that.

>> No.11694027
File: 42 KB, 600x800, 5a70802f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's official.

>> No.11694030

The devs don't want us to feel bad. How nice of them.

>> No.11694042

This always bothered me.
Say you scrap 10 Nakas. Does that mean there are 10 Naka clones running around somewhere?

The easiest explanation would then be that you're more cloning ships than crafting them.

>> No.11694061
File: 621 KB, 1200x1708, 08_JJ_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello guys. I've been quite busy with my life and haven't been around. A while back I helped translated a couple of mangas from Chinese to English. I've previously translated the first two book from Koruri-ya. If the typesetter bro from back then is still around or anyone that feel like doing it, I can translate the other two books from Koruri-ya (and/or other mangas in Chinese)

Book 3: http://exhentai.org/g/638600/51f02519ed/
Book 4: http://exhentai.org/g/653928/990e033a97/

>> No.11694087 [DELETED] 

Defensive battles would be amazing. Imagine being able to put preliminary defenses around your base, like mines and anti-torpedo nets, to pick up stragglers from the enemy forces before the main battle.

Clearly they would be sitting on their guns like the fairies do, except the coastal ships would be a fair bit bigger. And then you'd have radical shipdaughters who surf through the air on their turrets, using the recoil to propel themselves forward.

Thank you, that's much appreciated.

>> No.11694091

Defensive battles would be amazing. Imagine being able to put preliminary defenses around your base, like mines and anti-torpedo nets, to pick up stragglers from the enemy forces before the main battle.

Clearly they would be sitting on their guns like the fairies do, except the coastal ships would be a fair bit bigger. And then you'd have radical shipdaughters who surf through the air on their turrets, using the recoil to propel themselves forward.

That'd be much appreciated.

>> No.11694098

For ranking, I'll need to use a proxy and log-in to DMM, right? I'm staring at my Captain rank in my API and I have no clue where I am ranked on my server aside from "大佐"

>> No.11694114
File: 56 KB, 801x492, 4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11694120

HQ page > ranking > click the first blue button. Your rank is somewhere between those 10 names.

If you want to get specific ranking, then yes, you do need to login to DMM.

>> No.11694122

It's depressing to think my score could be as low as 17.
Should I commit seppuku to redeem my honor as a failed admiral?

>> No.11694128

>defensive battles
So we're getting Operation Hailstone as the next major event?

>> No.11694129

Not really. Basically monthly ranking = who get most boss kills.

>> No.11694132

That'd explain it, I've been farming 3-2-1 with the occasional venture into another node to play whack-a-mole with a boss node.

>> No.11694135

The stages will be named Saipan, Peleliu, etc.

>> No.11694137

The only way you can be in the top500 is by doing 5-2. I havent drop below 200 since I have 5-2 unlocked.

>> No.11694138

i think JC staff would do this majestically

>> No.11694142

Most of the campaign there is fought by the IJA and the USMC, all I can think off where the IJN and the USN sortied was the Rabaul and Truk raids, and the Marianas Turkey Shoot.
And of course the raid at Kure.

>> No.11694150
File: 15 KB, 477x413, red-class submarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably wet my pants if the Abyss submarine icon started to chase me around.

That's some Shadow of Red-level shit right there.

>> No.11694152

If that 'defensive map' is only a single map, then I think Truk raid is the closest one.

>> No.11694156

Where the enemy will send wave upon wave of enemy plane before their surface fleet show up? Although I remember Truk being mostly an air battle. So if that's the next map they might just modify it a little bit to include ships and AA is now an important factor.

>> No.11694166
File: 277 KB, 1280x863, 1386673860955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon a second check, just realized the location of Truk lagoon. I wonder if that will not be the event map, but instead 5-4.

>> No.11694169 [DELETED] 

By the way, any revised version that includes location of last Fall event?

>> No.11694201

is that from the officiel visual book, or an interview in a magazine like newtype?

>> No.11694234

Do Nagato really drops at 3-2?

>> No.11694238

because the Nipponians claim the Kurils as their own clay.


>> No.11694248

Next sever will be Senkaku shoto, followed by Takeshima.

>> No.11694261

It's like Kadokawa is preparing Japan's NEETs for naval war.

>> No.11694264

If by preparing you mean asking them to just sit down and hope the compass doesn't screw them over, then yeah they're preparing for a war alright.

>> No.11694266

Typesetter here, I've been waiting on this. I was worried you died or found meaning in life beyond cute ship girls. I'm just biding time till the event starts anyway so I'll get right on cleaning them up.

>> No.11694272

I hope you guys can works together again on this - koruriya's is by far my favorite.

>> No.11694274

They are already building "carrier"

>> No.11694276

>meaning in life beyond cute ship girls
Sorry, I don't understand. My pastor told me that when a righteous person died, his spirit would be resurrected as a fairy and he would be given the distinction to serve on the ship girl he liked.

There's no meaning in life beyond ship girls.

>> No.11694282

That's pretty old news. And to refit the thing to launch F-35Bs (the most realistic option) will take a lot of money too.

>> No.11694284

They already have Hyuuga and Ise in operation.

>> No.11694333

How can i stop my fleet from going to node L all the time?
Using 2CT2CA2BB

>> No.11694337

World 4-3.

>> No.11694341

You sacrifice one of your shipgirls as offering to please the RNGoddess. Then light an incense for sacrificing her.

>> No.11694346

Try swapping a BB/CLT for a CV

>> No.11694342
File: 112 KB, 799x477, holy fucking shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasnt a myth!!

>> No.11694343
File: 158 KB, 800x936, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it when i know how to write function to read a file and pulling the translated names from said file.

Ship types are the only data translated for now.

>> No.11694349

Holy shit, what map?

>> No.11694351

basically went there for zuikaku but got everything there besides her

>> No.11694353

When I use this my game framerate drops (compared to flash projector).

My 2CV4CVL fleet is problemized by this.

>> No.11694356

Did you record what rank you scored?

>> No.11694357
File: 24 KB, 194x263, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are your green bars so much greener that mine? i can't tell the difference between an empty health bar and a full health bar because my eyesight is awful.

>> No.11694358

All S rank
I either retreat at G or S rank the boss.
There is no in between.
A rank is pretty much pointless in any boss node. Never got anything out of it before.

>> No.11694364

Maybe he is actually using it on Win8, I'm using it on win7 my colors are pretty shit too

>> No.11694366

Same situation as you and >>11694364
Using KV on Win7, turning my eyes nuts with these bars

>> No.11694368

post an issue to the original japanese developer, it's working pretty fine for me.

yes, it's because of Win8. I also can't really see the bar very well in my Win7 box.

>> No.11694369

Oh, guess that explains it. I hadn't thought OS would affect the colors. Maybe it'll be fixed eventually.

>> No.11694373
File: 5 KB, 195x234, weee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Win 7 here. Using >>11689025

>> No.11694382

I'm using the same build, but I still have shitty bar just like >>11694357.
are you using win7 32 or 64?

>> No.11694389

windows 7 ultimate

>> No.11694392

32-bit, but I doubt it has anything to do with that.

>> No.11694395

I'm >>11694357
using 64bit

>> No.11694397

This guy >>11694368 said his color is okay and he used win8, so x86 and x64
doesn't matter if it's windows 7

I could try look at the color coding and see what I can do with them as well, I suppose since I have their source code and managed to move the info to the side

>> No.11694439
File: 21 KB, 548x100, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried setting the color to be either pure red #FF0000 or pure green #00FF00

And look at this. Now wonder it's hard to differentiate them if the bar itself already has shiny effect in it.

Any suggestion aside from removing shiny color, like maybe completely different color? Or is that (I mean red-yellow-green) really the only color you guys prefer?

>> No.11694446

Btw, if you are wondering, I think that shiny color is there because every loading bar in Win7 has that effect by default IIRC

>> No.11694444

Can you change the bars' background to dark color? I think that should makes it better.

>> No.11694449

Nice quads there.

Anyway, I think I'm dealing with the stock loading bar, so don't count too much on it. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll definitely try that.

>> No.11694454

Tried that but still the same.
For those who cleared 4-3 can you post your fleet for reference?

>> No.11694461

well if someone want to have progress bar similar to >>11694373 just disable the visual theme via compatibility tab for the kancolleviewer program, at least it will be more readable.

>> No.11694471

It is just 2CA+4
Do not bring CAV, they are not CA.
2CA+2CLT+2BB is good, it is purely random 1/3

>> No.11694479

Alright, taking >>11694444 suggestion and making the color goes between 0-255 (as opposed to 40-180), this is the result. I think this one is quite clear enough.

Good enough?

>> No.11694481
File: 255 KB, 1521x546, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw fuck, forgot pics.

Imuya is "purposely" damaged to show the color sharpness compared to >>11694357 I swear

>> No.11694485

that looks much more usable.

>> No.11694487

Don't worry anon, much like I would never ever sit on the main screen looking at Iku during repairs, I have absolute faith in your ability to only let Imuya look like that for testing purposes.

>> No.11694488

Yes, a lot better now. Also +1 for that Imuya.

>> No.11694491

That looks orange instead of red to me

>> No.11694494

Imuya kai 2 where?

>> No.11694495

Well then, now that everyone seems happier with this, I think I'll upload both horizontal and vertical version of this (basically just placing the information on bottom or side of the flash player), should take up to 5 mins

Thank you for having faith in me

It is a shame indeed, mainly because of that damn internal shiny bar effect from windows 7

>> No.11694496

by the way, are you playing on 1080p screen?
the horizontal fix was a bit non-functional on 768p screen. or i am just bad at implementing the code.

>> No.11694498

I am indeed playing on 1080p. Care to show me a screenshot of yours on 768p?

I doubt I can fix it though, because I just literally moved stuff around without doing any kind of resizing shits :/

>> No.11694510

So after concentrating really hard my reading comprehension on this thread I assume that KCV is working with win7 or am I wrong?

>> No.11694514

And there it is: https://mega.co.nz/#!NV81GZQa!LYKJeGnavdcB8tn_J8ptrU1snn9JCzUgE-uGV3_NTyM

Kancolle Viewer with more useable color. Enjoy

There's a shitload of files in both folder version, but just run KanColleViewer.exe and you're all set. I'll try to compress it, but reading this http://pastebin.com/dW9wmn4s makes me scratch my head right now

>> No.11694517


>> No.11694522

Not sure who he is. Is he the guy who did the English translation?

>> No.11694524

He is a fairy who tests stuff posted on /jp/ for virus.

>> No.11694528

RIP ):

>> No.11694530

Oh, I see. I can assure you there's no virus in there as long as there is no virus in kancolleviewer to begin with. but then again, you can wait for him, I suppose

>> No.11694536

I have no idea if he/they still post.

>> No.11694541
File: 494 KB, 1200x1708, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read the uber little line above the school sign on top left. It probably says something along the line of "Part of Kantai College"

>> No.11694551

Well, Avast and Malwarebytes scans both came up clean, guess I'll bite the bullet and try it. I TRUST YOU UPLOADER ANON.

>> No.11694556
File: 468 KB, 1200x1733, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiden spotted.

>> No.11694571

I'm more worry about the app creating the next Abrar

>> No.11694572

Thanks it worked.

>> No.11694580
File: 565 KB, 1200x1720, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably the only guy who actively uses Mogami and her sister Kumano. Then again, I'm the same guy who used no battleships and carriers on purpose and leveled Furutaka to 99.

>> No.11694582

As the person who did the color + horizontal code, I'm kinda sad to see that people are so suspicious of the app I modified, but then again, we are in 4chan after all, so it is acceptable I suppose

Well, good thing is I can enjoy my own work safely at least

Btw, I think I managed to get this compression thingy working so now it should look clean + has icon. Should take few more mins

>> No.11694589

What are you talking about?
Mogami class is the best CA class. Pretty sure everyone use them. Tone and Myoukou on the other hand....

>> No.11694596

Whoa there, Tone has good stats alright and then there's Haguro on Myoukou class as well

>> No.11694595

Sacrificial lamb anon here

started the KanColleViewer.exe file, got the window with 'admiral work is stressful" and dmm page, but the url entry thing off to the right doesn't work. Am I supposed to VPN+login directly via the dmm site or something?

>> No.11694601

Nah, you're supposed to put your api link there and no need to use VPN. Y'know, like how you use kancolleviewer normally

>> No.11694602

Uh, what? Takao class has the best overall stats for CAs, with Tone and Myoukou class CAs not far behind.

>> No.11694607

>As the person who did the color + horizontal code
you should probably just put on a tripcode instead of saying stuff like that. otherwise people will start barking at you for attention whoring.

i already used it and it works fine (thanks for fixing the colors), but people here are always suspicious of every link posted.

>> No.11694608

Wait you guys think I am talking about stats?

>> No.11694611

Does KancolleViewer use IE? If so any way to change that? Cause, for some reason, my IE doesn't have Flash and I can't fix it.

>> No.11694612

I usually just use Chrome, never touched kancolleviewer before, and the url entry bar doesn't work at all. I have framework 4.5 so the program loads fine, not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Disclaimer: I am not a very clever anon.

>> No.11694619

put the http:// prefix before your api link

>> No.11694622
File: 517 KB, 1200x1682, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have all four Mogami, but I only use Mogami and Kumano. My line up is Furutaka as flagship, Aoba, Mogami, Kumano, I-168 and Verniy. Takao class are the worst CA. They can't fit torpedos in those giant tanks. 0/10 worst CA, Atago.

>> No.11694629

I certainly did

I'm probably gonna get shit for asking this but how do I tripcode? Is that the Name Email Subject field thingy? (yeah, laugh all you want ;_; I am that uneducated about imageboards)

Well, start installing flash player then. I mean, if you don't have flash player, how are you even gonna play that game even on browser?

Pics? Pretty sure it's working on my computer here

KancolleViewer Cleaned-up Version:

Source Code:

>> No.11694632

Holy, how is that even possible for elementary school kids to have that kind of boobs

Kids these days...

>> No.11694634
File: 485 KB, 1200x1696, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the words of Taric, "It's truly outrageous."

>> No.11694637

Got it working thanks to >>11694619

I love you.

>> No.11694649

Ayyy congrats, enjoy!

>> No.11694647

I have Flash Player. I did say I can't fix it, I tried everything, there was even a Shockwave player add-on in IE but whenever I try to go to a page with Flash, it shows that I don't have it installed. I think I deleted some stuff when I was getting rid of Malware I got when a program auto-opened a page in IE. Fuck, who actually uses IE in the first place anyway.

>> No.11694652
File: 424 KB, 1200x1705, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11694653
File: 145 KB, 850x638, 1386472636950[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But IE is a cute girl now

>> No.11694657
File: 464 KB, 1200x1702, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp time for work. To be continue later.

>> No.11694658

Oooh I see what you were saying. Oops, I misread that.

But still, I suppose since you say you deleted some stuff, I think the best course of action is to try reinstalling it again from adobe website using firefox/IE/whateveraslongasitsnotCHROME browser (because chrome has it's own shitty flash player and refuse that website)

That being said, pics?


>> No.11694666

Nah, Flash works fine with both Firefox and Chrome, it's just IE because it has its own Flash Player (according to flash troubleshooting page) which what I seemed to have deleted and can't reinstall. No pics because I always turn off IE feature in Windows Feature whenever I don't need it (the only time I turned it again after I turned it off was to adjust the cache size because Flash Projector uses its settings) and I'm too lazy to restart my computer again today.

I'll just continue to play the game as I've always have I guess.

>> No.11694671

Forget about those other browser sluts and have a night of pleasure with IE-chan

>> No.11694677

It's unfortunate anon, try sanaechan maybe or you can always reformat your stuff

A night of slow and excruciating pleasure, maybe

>> No.11694704
File: 220 KB, 483x282, its either zuihou or junyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My CVL's keep getting the MVP's at 3-2?
How can I avoid this?

>> No.11694707

Dont put planes on them

>> No.11694712

Then why would I bother with fielding them?
They only have blue planes.

>> No.11694715

Doing gods work, although I don't think anyone will care much about the classes being translated.

>> No.11694720

Replace it with a DD

>> No.11694719
File: 84 KB, 528x308, 3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant, they will always get MVP.
Its always Nagato or Shoukaku for me, Ooi on really rare ocassions.

>> No.11694722

Then don't field them. They will almost always get MVP in 3-2 if you want to put torp bombers on them.

>> No.11694724

Are you guys just pretending or is there something I don't know?
2CVL with blue planes=2-4(5) enemies wiped before action.

So it can't be helped?

>> No.11694732

MVP is decided by how much damage your ship does. You can't really escape the CV MVP unless it does minimal damage.

>> No.11694731

>I'm probably gonna get shit for asking this but how do I tripcode? Is that the Name Email Subject field thingy? (yeah, laugh all you want ;_; I am that uneducated about imageboards)

>> No.11694733

I think its you thats pretending

>> No.11694735

You can't help it, that's why CV and CVLs are the easiest class of ships to level up asides from the torpedo monsters

>> No.11694764

I see.
So I have to go by flagship bonus if I want to S rank.

I'll try no CVL scenario and see how that turns out for the Mutsu.
Maybe A rank flagship+MVP will turn out better.

>> No.11694783

The problem isn't the rank. S ranking 3-2-A with any composition of ships is piss easy provided you don't get T-crossed. The reason everyone runs carriers and a sub is because it's a fast clear and the only thing you need to repair in the end is the sub, which costs next to nothing.

>> No.11694781

A ship with MVP and flagship gets 3x the normal exp. S rank is only 20%.

>> No.11694790

On the other hand, it's much more convenient from a resource standpoint to kill all enemies right away.

Try stacking 46cms on Mutsu, and spread your torpedo bombers among your CVLs. That way, no single CVL will be able to get in a devastating hit, and Mutsu can sometimes get in a single attack that lands her the MVP.

>> No.11694802

Oh wow, well that wasn't that bad at all, it sure took me several tries before I realized some board doesn't show your tripcode though

Anyway, back on topic to kancolle, I really don't get the concept of "sub run". Everytime I send my sub to 2-3 (only Imuya, really) she almost always get moderately damaged, sometimes critical damaged

And then I have to repair her and wait for a while.

That can't be the whole thing about sub run, is it? I thought normally sub is really hard to get damaged

>> No.11694809

Sub runs are resource runs. You advance even with low health to get to the resource nodes. Since the sub takes next to nothing to repair and resupply, you can do that repeatedly for a massive fuel surplus.

Best done with high level subs with turbines. Optimal number of subs is contested, more is safer but decreases resource yield.

>> No.11694815

Oh so it is normal for the sub to get damaged after all. Takes them about 20 minutes to repair though because of lvl 40+

>> No.11694816
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, mysubdaughters&#039; feelings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried without CVL twice.
S ranked and Mutsu got MVP because enemy had 5ships.
Then Chitose sisters got tired.

I fuckin hate this retarded fatigue system.

Mutsu has 46cm+46cm+41cm+AP.
Come on anon I optimized the damage output or so I think.If you have a better suggestion, I'd like to hear it.

Subs are nerfed.
Pic related

>> No.11694827

You can just take the damaged subs out and run again after all.

>> No.11694840

Definitely, it's kinda annoying to see they get damaged really quickly though, because of low lvl

>> No.11694838
File: 323 KB, 484x373, Mutsu Kai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me

>> No.11694847

3-2 should be used to level hard and low fuel consumption class. CV and CLT level fast as fuck, they easily outlvl everyone just clearing map and farming boss.

>> No.11694851

>more is safer but decreases resource yield.
Rather than safer, most people bring more because they don't want to see themselves being defeated. Even just having 2 subs greatly reduce the amounts of defeat you get.

>> No.11694860

You seem to be under a misunderstanding here, trips are something you use when you want to prove your identity, like when posting the kancolle download links for example.

Should just put it on when you really want people to know who you are and take it off after.

>> No.11694858 [DELETED] 

Boss nodes give the same amount of exp for your ships as any other node in the map. The only difference is the admiral rank exp.

>> No.11694870

>I fuckin hate this retarded fatigue system.
You always have the option of grinding on longer sorties. You get less fatigue but take more damage.

Trips are something you use when you want to be identified.

>> No.11694912

> Trips are something you use when you want to be identified.
Affectionately known as attention whoring, in this part of the town.

>> No.11694968

How to get a Shoukaku?
I tried crafting, got 3 Zuikaku and 1 Akagi, tried sortieing, got 3 Kaga.

>> No.11694974

You not to get a Shoukaku.

>> No.11694981
File: 497 KB, 573x725, 40205215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you using the sisters?

>> No.11694988

Heh, if only I have Agano

>> No.11694989

Agano didnt drop for me so im using noshiro, Im okay with this because I prefer brown hair over black hair. The plan is to level her and everyone else to level 50 before the xmas event hits. Im okay with th
Currently training this fleet >>11694719

Might train some other light cruisers and destroyers to 50 and then its full 2-3 fuel runs and bucket expeditions for a while to stock on resources.

>> No.11694995

Their lines are really boring, especially Agano's, she sits in the storehouse damaged, I don't even want to repair her.
Yahagi and Noshiro are cute enough to balance it, they even get MVP often in lightweight runs, I like them.

>> No.11695001

if only I had Yahagi...
Currently grinding Agano and Noshiro together for the event. It goes quite slowly, so only lvl46

>> No.11695008

This and that kankei nai. Our best attention whores are anonymous anyway.

>> No.11695069


>> No.11695085

We're on page 10 and 1223 replies so here's the new thread

>> No.11695088

Lets try that again, here's the new thread

>> No.11695090

Good job, bro.

>> No.11695296
File: 101 KB, 600x865, 784038873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I sexually harass Mogami enough, will Mikuma come?
