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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 917x505, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1167613 No.1167613 [Reply] [Original]

2D can't hug you

2D doesn't care

>> No.1167618

Neither does 3D.

>> No.1167619

2D isn't pig disgusting

>> No.1167621

3D can hug you

3D can report you

>> No.1167627

3D can backstab you

3D doesn't care

>> No.1167628

2D Ana would care though.

>> No.1167631

Go ahead and put in your address. Look for "Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child". This is a crime in which the felon had a sexual relationship with a child under 11 years old over a period of more than three months. 2nd Degree is just sexual contact, while 1st Degree means that they had sexual intercourse or "deviate" sexual intercourse (not entirely certain, but I believe this refers to things like anal sex).

I don't see why such stupid fucks are getting to sex up the lolis if they're just gonna get caught afterwards.

>> No.1167630

2D can't reject you

2D can't leave you

>> No.1167634

It depends on your definition of a hug.

>> No.1167638

Funny how the 2d picture looks just nice and cute, but the 3d one look at me with some strange i'll kill you eyes.

>> No.1167640
File: 87 KB, 500x354, 1219305395405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'up Ana

>> No.1167647

She's just so cute, isn't she?

>> No.1167655

Why is there an "Eddie Wilcox 40 Attempted course of sexual conduct against a child in the 1st degree" living 100 meters from the elementary school near my house?

>> No.1167654
File: 152 KB, 500x405, 1219305685156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say she's actually cuter than Ana

then I'd duck to avoid the weeaboo projectile rage-bile

>> No.1167657
File: 52 KB, 384x512, 1219305791503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1167665

is there a nobel prize for "attempted" chemistry?

>> No.1167667


Well, it was just attempted. Maybe the state is giving him another chance.

>> No.1167671

3D will grow up into a materialistic hateful bitch. And leeks poop.

>> No.1167668

i dunno lol

>> No.1167678

There's a kidnapper in my neighborhood, and a child molestor right down the street. Then another for "attempted promoting of a sexual performance of a child", whatever that is. Maybe I could get some pointers from them.

>> No.1167681

2D Can't give you children. Wait neither does 3D because there's something wrong with you, anon!

>> No.1167689

Does he visit 4chan?

>> No.1167691

Look at it this way. You're never going to do anything with neither 2D or 3D girls. Does it matter which one you prefer? Atlease you have a feeling of knowing the 2D girls better from the anime they come from, as opposed to some random girl you see only at certain times.

>> No.1167692
File: 43 KB, 504x400, 1219306785188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolis are cute.

>> No.1167699

アナル is so cute

>> No.1167701


>> No.1167702

Who is this girl and why are there so many pictures of her?

>> No.1167704

- the daughter of a photohgrapher (all his children, his wife and everywhere he's ever been are documented extensively on flickr)
- because she's adorable

>> No.1167703

puppyprofits.com made me lol a bit
mostly cause that sites takes them seriously.

>> No.1167710

inb4 rainbow girl

>> No.1167712
File: 61 KB, 500x326, 1219307702860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1167714
File: 316 KB, 450x600, 1219307776890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking lie

>> No.1167717



>> No.1167719

im fucking sick of these pedofaggots. they are still 3D and a traitorous offense. go back to /cgl/ and take your shitty dimension with you faggots

>> No.1167726

>take your shitty dimension with you faggots

>> No.1167733

I have one of those too. Except it's not attempted.

>> No.1167732


>> No.1167741

Well, if you didn't even make the attempt, they shouldn't have given it to you. Bastards.

>> No.1167743

Nono, I mean that I succeeded. It's only an attempt until you succeed. She was a good fuck.

>> No.1167746

I just noticed

2D girls have huge heads don't they?

eyes too

and why don't they have noses or lips?

>> No.1167748

Large noses or visible lips look really bad drawn.

>> No.1167750

>and why don't they have noses

So they can't smell your horrid stench.

>> No.1167773
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>> No.1167775
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>> No.1167782
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1219309538843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1167784

You think that looks good?

>> No.1167790

well I have fapped to it before

>> No.1167801
File: 132 KB, 1086x728, 1219309977403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D won't show her panties

2D doesn't care

>> No.1167806

2D: the fantasy of some fat greasy virgin

3D: an actual little girl with a warm wet hole

>> No.1167809
File: 62 KB, 237x221, 1219310184555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont belong here

>> No.1167814

this is /jp/, not /2D/

>> No.1167815

/jp/ - touhou/visual novels. leave

>> No.1167819

It IS /2d/ until there are lolis, then it's just plain /pedo/.

>> No.1167827

/jp/ - Just Pedo

>> No.1168130

Oh the things I would do with her if I could legally have my wicked way. Or just get away with it illegally.

>> No.1168136
File: 373 KB, 1024x939, 1219317040488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wondered where this picture came from.

>> No.1168339

Uhh... am I the only one that read the ToS of that site? At least 96 years old to use the site? What the hell is going on here?

>> No.1168346

Why are 3D lolis so pig disgusting and annoying?

>> No.1168345

Nevermind, finished reading. It's a joke site.

>> No.1168350


>> No.1168352

I used to think my loli sister was the sweetest little girl in the world. Then I caught her making prank phonecalls. Also, for the last couple months she has been using this whining manipulative voice to get her way. When she asks me to do something for her in the voice, I don't even bother turning my head. You think I should approach her and tell her it needs to stop /jp/?

>> No.1168357


>>2D can't hug you

>>2D doesn't care

Yeah, but reality is a crime.

>> No.1168362

My younger sister is who I learned to lie with a straight face from.

>> No.1168361

>prank phonecalls
That's childish and cute.
>whining manipulative voice
Hit her in the face.

>> No.1168372

It's weird how easy it is for me to lie. I've never been caught on one either. My entire life is a lie.

>> No.1168390


Oh, you spick for yourself. I'm a fat smelly antisocial NEET, but I prefer that at this point. My last 3 girlfriends were so bad, I don't ever want to have sex again. I'm smelly and disgusting as a -defensive measure-. Just because I can lie, doesn't mean I know when -I'm- being lied to.

>> No.1168402

Even if someone offered me their loli for free in real life with no consequences I wouldn't accept it 3D fucking disgusts me.

>> No.1168409

>spick for yourself

>> No.1168414


never mind.

>> No.1168411

Sounds like someones in pedo denial.

>> No.1168427

No seriously I hate kids I want to hit them whenever I see them if by some weird permutation I have children someday I would move to a country where I would be allowed to hit them when they step out of line.

>> No.1168429

he was calling you a spic

>> No.1168449

You're going out of your way to explain how you aren't sexually attracted to children on an anonymous imageboard on the internet. Why?

>> No.1168460

Fuck you pedo`s, you know that even those "2D loli" would hate you if "they" could.

>> No.1168465

A~ merica

Hitorde kanashi wa

American dream,

American Dream~

A~ merica,


Watashitachi to

issho ni

>> No.1168517


>> No.1168523

You are now feeling ronery manually.

>> No.1168520

Yes, but in 2D I can download them, pull my network cables so they don't send any signals to the 2D FBI and joyfully rape them to death. If they can hate, that means they also have other emotions, and nothing would make me hornier than watching little girls die as I rape them at the same time.

ITT he's right, we need 2D lolis with emotions.

TL;WTF;DR;SANDWICH, go science!

>> No.1168531

I probably wouldn't accept it either. As they say, do not consume if seal is broken.

>> No.1168543

You think just being able to lie is bad? I can fake pretty much any emotion believably. I can pretend to be happy, sad, angry, depressed, tired, curious or whatever else whilst completely indifferent on the inside. I don't even know who or what the real me is now I'm so used to putting on an outside character.

>> No.1168544

HAHAHA OP is so funny he's going to be a normalfag? not in this life time buddy know the rule: once a 4chaner always be a 4chaner

>> No.1168554

my, my. you're ready to be japanese then. lol 建前 本音

>> No.1168575

What are some 2d loli videos?

>> No.1168590

Boku no Pico. If you use your imagination.

>> No.1168597

But penis makes me soft ;_;
