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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 455x387, 700pbti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11685701 No.11685701 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11685702 [DELETED] 

>300: Rise of an Empire - Trailer 2

Hey cool they're doing a sequel?

>> No.11685709

What is this type of video called? I feel like this would be better if I was on cough medicine.

>> No.11685710


He does more like these, although I don't know what they're called.

>> No.11685714

I don't know if I want to call it Denpa because I don't remember Denpa involving Techno and psychedelic imagery all THAT much.

>> No.11685716

no, not at all. It's psychedelic moeshit for deeply disturbed people who are totally indebted to their lifestyles

>> No.11685720

Oh, I remember this shit, there were some 2hu parodies too.

>> No.11685725 [DELETED] 

They're called tripfag bait apparently.

>> No.11685733 [DELETED] 


Was that supposed to be clever or something?

>> No.11685737

Look into his channel.

>> No.11685742 [DELETED] 

Was this supposed to be a tripfag gathering?

>> No.11685750 [DELETED] 

I'm the only one here though.

You should think about what you're trying to say before you post

>> No.11685754 [DELETED] 

I think you missed the tripfag tea party with wasoru/foolz rejects, I don't think it's supposed to be here.

>> No.11685830 [DELETED] 

Denpa - tripfag torturing society.

>> No.11685854
File: 92 KB, 588x470, リロケータブル・ジングルベル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11685908

I love his work

>> No.11686066

Yes, this is very well done, unlike most of the retarded ones that are kinda dumb. I don't know what else to say right now, I guess an honest answer will do. I don't usually watch videos like this completely, even less that long but it was good.

>> No.11686101

I bought all his DVDs

>> No.11686781

That's a lie.

>> No.11686854
File: 989 KB, 2048x1536, img_0932a2u5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought the last DVD...

>> No.11686867 [DELETED] 



Holy shit. Warosubros? Where are you at?

>> No.11686896 [DELETED] 

huh, what?

>> No.11686952

I paid him for it, but was refunded my money with the only reason being "sorry"
I own all his other ones though

>> No.11687097

>for deeply disturbed people
So what if I'm crazy? Please do not bully.

>> No.11687192

You're right, I don't have the first one which is not on sale. I wonder what the deal is.

>> No.11687224

I don't like it

>> No.11687443

Oh, okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I believe that the first DVD has the K-ON video as well, which is a favourite of mine. I want to see it in a definition higher than 240p. Also, my experience is that excellent niche cartoons like this guys' often vanish overnight, so I want a hard copy of his stuff.

What's the resolution and sound like on the others? Any increase in quality from streaming video on NicoNico?

>> No.11687540
File: 316 KB, 1056x495, cmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think nico is in weekend economy mode now so I don't know if the left example is normally better than this or not. Regardless, the quality of the online videos is worse, especially during computery parts like this.

>> No.11687686

Thanks. I hope these won't run me too much...it doesn't seem like he's out to make a killing on these.

I wonder if buying one of these and watching it all the way through counts as an automatic autism diagnosis. I'm not that mentally ill!

>> No.11687728

Autism AND pedophilia! Congratulations.

>> No.11688140 [DELETED] 

What the hell...why did they delete the shit I said but not what the tripfag said?

That doesn't even make sense even in terms of ruling.

>> No.11688140,1 [INTERNAL] 

Explain this.

>> No.11688144 [DELETED] 

Bashing on tripfags is the lord's work, but it's not on-topic.

>> No.11688146 [DELETED] 


But what about HIS shitty posts after I taunted him?

>> No.11688146,1 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't you hear? /jp/ is now a board where foolz members are allowed.


>> No.11688147 [DELETED] 

"Being a tripfag" is not against the rules.

>> No.11688149 [DELETED] 

Posting meta shit with a trip is allowed, anonymos needs to pay 4chan tripfag silver to post meta and not be deleted - /jp/.

>> No.11688151 [DELETED] 

You flamed him for something that was, as far as I can tell, off-topic, derailment, and incorrect (I only see one tripfag, circles require two or more people). He responded. It's natural that you wouldn't be held to the same standards.

>> No.11688155 [DELETED] 

You flamed him in a post that was, as far as I can tell, off-topic, derailing, and incorrect (I only see one tripfag, circles require two or more people). He responded to you because he thought you were mistaken. It's natural that you wouldn't be held to the same standards.

>> No.11688154 [DELETED] 

Is this Gaia Online now?

I told him to go back to /ghost/ and you're saying some nonsensical rules about him having any paid tripfag protection when there's little content to his following posts.

>> No.11688156 [DELETED] 

i want to be cute /jp/

>> No.11688158 [DELETED] 

You know, at least I'm glad /q/ was taken out because I know someone would've bought this shitty argument there, but this is one of those times where I'm wondering what would /q/ have to say.

>> No.11688158,1 [INTERNAL] 

So Jannie confirmed for tripfag who's paying tripfag protection plan?


>> No.11688170 [DELETED] 

The janitor selectively deletes posts, welcome to /jp/.

>> No.11688170,1 [INTERNAL] 

good one janitor. make sure to start banning/muting people who talk about other boards too.

>> No.11688170,2 [INTERNAL] 


A Janitor is not supposed to be able to do more than request one and delete posts until then if he has to.

>other boards
This has been a big topic for a while and the only people who seemed to hate archives for whatever reason were the staff of 4chan and they never explained why and tripfags.

You have to be one of them to hate people speaking about the same tool you just used like an hypocrite.

>> No.11688170,3 [INTERNAL] 

i meant the people who link >>>board and randomly accuse others of being 'crossie' or the new hot meme on the streets.

>> No.11688185 [DELETED] 

Sure, I've only seen this happen to other people before, I've never experienced first hand management retardation involving tripfags.

I'll "selectively" delete the OP too and post it in those other boards you seem to hate too?

>> No.11688189 [DELETED] 

You can't delete the OP, but you can leave.

>> No.11688189,1 [INTERNAL] 

There's always been someone deleting/banning people out of nowhere for those.

That makes it sound like you're the kid telling me they have tripfag protection plan, getting offended after I tell him the rules sound more like Gaia Online to me than anything.

>> No.11688189,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why is jan-chan babysitting this thread?

>11. Advertising (all forms) is also not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

>> No.11688200 [DELETED] 

I didn't know Janitor was supposed to haxx my password too? Is that a new abuse feature?

>> No.11688200,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, I posted it too, but apparently he haxxed my password?

>> No.11688204 [DELETED] 

A few years ago I set out on a quest to become more cute. I began learning how to cook and appreciate sweets, visiting speciality food shops for cute foods. The first summer of my cute life I existed almost entirely on desserts, various other sweets, and iced tea. Doing so really helped me feel a bit more cute and allowed me to begin doing some other cute things. I adopted some cute habits and mannerisms that include but are not limited to things tucking the hair hanging over my ear behind my ear, sitting around outside enjoying the weather or watching the clouds pass, visitng parks to look at the animals, going for walks in the neighborhood to see and pet the cats, ect. and somehow one way or another, I slowly began to feel that I was on my way to becoming cuter. Naturally this caused me to become more cheerful, and I feel that I can now smile sincerely whenever I visit a sweets shop or interact with someone. I tend to act far more submissively than I ever did when I was younger, which feels good to me because I hate making people feel bad or nervous. I've also somewhat began paying attention to what I wear. For instnace, I recently got a cute beanie, some cute socks, and some cute slippers that I'm excited to be wearing for winter.

You can do it! I believe in you! (。ゝω・。)

>> No.11688205 [DELETED] 

OPs can't be deleted in /jp/.

>> No.11688209 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 615x409, 1386491827862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be those new Janitor tools they spoke about a while ago.

>> No.11688209,1 [INTERNAL] 

This guy seems pretty cute.

>> No.11688247 [DELETED] 

I try to do these things too, and in my own way, I feel like I'm a lot cuter, but I don't think other people notice.

I wave my arms a little more when I walk, and put a little skip into my step sometimes. I smile at people and close my eyes a little, and stare at people warmly for long periods of time... I don't know. Everything I know about cuteness seems to be wrong.

>> No.11688266 [DELETED] 

Hey Jannie you going to file anything on this guy or just argue about 2013 rules on Gaia Online 2.0?


>> No.11688266,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the person arguing in this thread, I'm not the janitor, and I reported your post.

>> No.11688266,2 [INTERNAL] 

"your post".

Which one of the 20+.

Meanwhile you could have better things to report in your life, just gave you a hint.

If you weren't a Jannie you would be using Foolz by the way, they seem to tolerate this one more for some reason.

>> No.11688266,3 [INTERNAL] 

The one I replied to.

>> No.11688266,4 [INTERNAL] 

Dude Feverish stop arguing with him I bet you he's the faglord with the Suika trip.

Your plan didn't work btw.

>> No.11688266,5 [INTERNAL] 

I know I just want to know what goes through his Australopithecus brain for a minute before I decide it's a waste of time and effort.

>> No.11688266,6 [INTERNAL] 

Do I need to reply to your whole post to get a response? Okay.

>Meanwhile you could have better things to report in your life
I probably reported some of them.

>If you weren't a Jannie you would be using Foolz by the way, they seem to tolerate this one more for some reason.
Lots of non-janitors use Warosu.

>> No.11688266,7 [INTERNAL] 

Geez, no wonder this place is going to shit even now, it's even overrun by retarded Trevor knight tier /ghost/ army.

All it needs is tripfags from old days coming back for a while longer to shit up the place and we're done...oh wait, they all ran to better board anyway because even them couldn't tolerate this kind of stupid shit.

>> No.11688266,8 [INTERNAL] 

Is this your first visit to Warosu? This place has been shit for a long time.

>> No.11688266,9 [INTERNAL] 

There is nothing cute about putting processed food into your body.

>> No.11688266,10 [INTERNAL] 

Archives have always been shit to avoid because of /ghost/. I don't think you read properly, originally this was all contained just here.

>> No.11688364 [DELETED] 

That's cool and all but what does this have to do with OP?

>> No.11688364,1 [INTERNAL] 


I reported this thread for advertising and was warned about submitting false reports.

>> No.11688778

I bought the four DVDs he was offering. Does he not always have them available? I hope I get all of them in time for New Years. I wanted to get really high and watch all of stuff and contemplate my navel.

2014 is my year bros.

>> No.11688848

>2013 video hosting website
>videos aren't even 1080p
>videos aren't even 720p
>videos aren't even 480p
>videos are literally 240p in 2013

Why don't the Japs just use YouTube? Seriously, I know they're big on national pride and stuff, but how fucking stubborn can you get?

>> No.11688867

i suppose they don't really care for streaming HD stuff, if they wanted to offer a higher quality they'd provide it through alternative means (not necessarily commercially).

>> No.11688876

Reason for 240p is NicoNico's 40mb (100mb for premium) size limit.
Thankful there isn't that much copyright trolls on niconico.

>> No.11690391

Serious question: would pigmhall be banned in Canada/UK? There's nothing inherently pornographicabout his stuff, though his latest flashes are coming close...

I'd download the ISO but that would just feel like stealing from the poor guy.

>> No.11690480

Please respond.

>> No.11690607
File: 118 KB, 720x480, piracy funds terrorism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to support terrorism do you?

>> No.11690993

Nobody is gonna look at it that closely to notice that for 5 seconds you can see the wiggly girl's pantsu in the middle of computer trip hell

>> No.11691217

fuck yeah, got an email telling me it'll be 4 days until DVDs! looking forward to getting absolutely smashed and bugging out on this shit.

>> No.11691222

holy shit wow

>> No.11691235

Should I be tripping on acid while watching this or what.

>> No.11691351

cough syrup will do the job.

>> No.11691393

my drug is autism

>> No.11694339

I don't think you'll need to watch this video if you're on acid.

>> No.11694383
File: 24 KB, 288x218, 1370782194284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't do drugs, thank you onegaishimasch

>> No.11694401


hey yunocchi!

i watch your tv show stoned all the time, you hear me yunocchi?
how does that feel? i bet your propellers are spinning like crazy right now.

>> No.11695955

I could only watch Hidamari Sketch when I was drunk of my tits. The ramblings and cute goings on of japanese high school girls always kept me company when I drank alone.

Ever since I went dry I haven't been able to stand it. I can still read the manga though. Sometimes I miss those halcyon days where I would curl up on the couch with a big gulp of vodka and coca-cola and wish I was having harmless fun with the hidamaris.

>> No.11695964

I'm drunk off my tits right now. I'm also drinking vodka and Diet Coke.

Should I watch this Hidamari Sketch cartoon? I was thinking about watching the newest Star Trek film, but it's probably two hours long and my parents will get mad if I make any noises at half four in the morning.

>> No.11696017

Depends on if you're a happy drunk or a depressive drunk

If you're the latter, hidamari sketch might be for you! But please go to /a/ to discuss it.

>> No.11696072

Guys I really need this. Would any of you kindly upload any of the dvd isos? It seems only dvd 5 is on sale.

>> No.11696217
File: 187 KB, 444x911, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about anon? just scroll down, he's selling a set of 4 dvds for like $55.

>> No.11696241

O shi, thanks for pointing out the obvious I stupidly missed. Somehow I never found that page and ended up checking reseller sites instead.

>> No.11696544

/jp/ is making some sales for pigmo

>> No.11696560

so is /ota/ and probably a few others. if i get my goods alright then i'll send him an email and thank him in nihongrish and tell him how cool his stuff is.

artists practically live off that shit. only a few don't like getting jerked off.

>> No.11700482

i just realized I haven't dexxed in like 3 months. I should do that again.

>> No.11700522

is the magic still there? i only dex maybe once every 6 months or so, even then the magic is fading. I hope my DVDs come sooooon!

>> No.11700525

>is the magic still there? i only dex maybe once every 6 months or so, even then the magic is fading. I
I hope so. The last time I did it though I didn't feel shit, and I waited over a month before doing it.

So maybe it's just dead for me now ;;

>> No.11700533
File: 145 KB, 429x600, marisaatrippinballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I remember watching this guy's videos on acid once. Fun times.

>> No.11702923

Youtube may have more 1080p content, but I've seen a couple of "benchmarking" videos on niconico that have resolutions as high as 3840x2160 running at 90fps. At that level, I can't even play those videos

>> No.11702940

I think this would give me a bad trip.

>> No.11704767
File: 36 KB, 408x400, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an old page for the first DVD

I also poked around the page's code and found a Toranoana listing for the same DVD
Can anyone tell me if this is legit?

>> No.11704769

>Can anyone tell me if this is legit?
It's sold out.

>> No.11704888
File: 443 KB, 600x600, madotbarfies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11704899


>> No.11704919

That's a little what it's like after chugging, except the barf is more red and viscous.

>> No.11704935

That's out of a series of pics, and in one of the earlier in the same series, she's shown taking a bunch of caplets/capsules/pills out of a box labelled "drugy" or similar. I can't find it in my junk folder or I'd just post it for you. (Not sure I saved it, hmm. Darn.)

>> No.11705881
File: 100 KB, 800x680, 1353313290471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this one? I have a lot of pictures from this artist, but I didn't know they had some type of chronological order to them.

>> No.11705891

Dextroverse.org (irc.dextroverse.org) would loooove this. no, srsly.

>> No.11705998

I was about to post it there in the trippy/fun stuff thread.

>> No.11709064
File: 241 KB, 1000x664, pigmhall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

package came, thank you based pigmhall.

>> No.11709069

Not sure if anyone has already asked, but are the DVDs higher quality?

>> No.11709105

I've just cracked open his 2010 release, it's 720x480p. I don't think he mastered it any higher, though he might've done so on his later releases (maybe).
excuse me, i'm trying to chug.

>> No.11715373
File: 126 KB, 732x672, 505ちゃんのループ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this work

it is cute and CRAZY!

>> No.11715389
File: 266 KB, 479x354, dog ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lewd

>> No.11715396 [DELETED] 

Remember to report subhuman sparky for ban evasion.

>> No.11715431

welcome to /jp/'s coolest club

>> No.11719671

i want to buy this but I don't even have a DVD player/drive anywhere

>> No.11719689
File: 56 KB, 536x480, 楽しいクリスマス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

melly christmas

>> No.11724929

pigmhall's girls have been filling my mind as of late.

Those swirly eyes and dainty poses are super cute.

>> No.11726005
File: 127 KB, 600x600, 040010186143-3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


great, now we'll never see the patchouli one

>> No.11726011

We can always be on the lookout for people willing to sell a used copy...

I wanna see my Yui-chan kneeling for me in a higher definition!

>> No.11726013
File: 73 KB, 768x1024, ぱちぇさん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11726188

I wish I could buy 700PB... But aahh I don't have any money and on the verge of being homeless ;_;

I wonder how many people have his first DVD.

>> No.11726456
File: 15 KB, 384x384, 1386592897401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching a few of these, I recall watching something very similar to these a few years back with the artists name I think being a few random numbers i don't remember.
Do any of you know of this artist?
What I can remember is that the video was pretty trippy and glitchy, little girls, the motif being a computer, with the melody, simple and repetitive.
If it helps I am pretty sure that one of the songs is almost identical to the latter half of Shibayan's エコーゲイト (http://youtu.be/sb9--kphpUc?t=1m30s)) just a bit more disjointed and less bass.

>> No.11726475

Robo is fun highschool was a cool place to find new drugs

>> No.11726500
File: 480 KB, 1326x860, normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool video thread
>turns into drug normie circlejerk
clean it up janny

>> No.11726502

start reporting

>> No.11726539

yeah I'm not a fucking tattle tale kid either

>> No.11726548

Yeah you are, if you just posted this >>11726500

>> No.11726548,1 [INTERNAL] 

YO, Janishit actually was lying to us, he was the one doing all this shit!


Why did you lie to us, retard.

>> No.11726548,2 [INTERNAL] 

Wow you're a bit fucking late on that one, aren't you? Too busy with your normalfag finals to shite on the jay?

>> No.11727349
File: 309 KB, 1063x731, 1387632172626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11726456 Here I found it guys so it's ok, it was the same artist as OP posted, video was 505 Pilot.

>> No.11731749

chugging cough syrup with any frequency isn't my idea of a normie activity.

>> No.11731848

Has to be fake. I mean, it doesn't even pretend to make sense.

>> No.11732100
File: 60 KB, 575x283, 1387770602059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11732247

Okay, that's at least semi-better.

>> No.11732333

i want to do dmt so i can communicate with aliens and/or extradimensional beings.

>> No.11732421

I chugged a bottle of cough syrup once and just felt really drunk and high, I guess you druggies would call that the 2nd plateau or some such thing.

>> No.11732488

how do i get into doing drugs?

>> No.11732499


Have a shitty life where you feel the need to escape from it and shitty friends/family who facilitate that by giving you drugs.

>> No.11732500

i guess my family is too good..

>> No.11733098 [SPOILER] 
File: 199 KB, 850x1133, 1375260480760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /jp/ familiar with DPH?

>> No.11733127

deliriants aren't something that interest me too much.

that said, one day I would like to try ambien and listen to boards of canada as I sketch the shit happening around me - as I understand, deliriants give you a nasty case of amnesia the next day, so any memento would be nice.

>> No.11736035
File: 55 KB, 309x239, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sent him an email thanking him for the DVDs and I stated that I'd buy the first one if he ever made it available again.

response was pic.
> I will consider making again the first DVD.

I would buy him a beer if he re-releases it and I ever meet him in person.

>> No.11736923

This thread lasted a long time.

It lasted so long, I'm considering buying his DVDs, but I'm concerned they may be confiscated by customs.

>> No.11737976

Buy it silly anon.

He ships it by EMS, so it's like courier/mail. The only thing customs sees is a commercial invoice with the line:
>1x DVD, Japan, 80 grams, JPY 900

that's it. customs don't give a shit, they're really looking for drugs and to make sure you pay import duty/tax where necessary.

You have no excuse, so support your local pigmhall on this Christmas day!

>> No.11737976,1 [INTERNAL] 

No you fucking retard, I have better things to do like post honest to god better stuff in /ota/.

Though I like how you're obviously the only one offended by the post and content. Totally coincidence, you gigantic retard.
