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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.34 MB, 1277x1024, 1386412904553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11685621 No.11685621 [Reply] [Original]

Why does nobody post on my site?

It was supposed to be epic.....

>> No.11685622

(Nobody tell him that it's shit)

>> No.11685625

Why is the filename different on Warosu?

>> No.11685626
File: 618 KB, 650x658, 1386413067118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it isn't. It has a banner and a post tracker and everything.

>> No.11685629

Image swap courtesy of moot.

>> No.11685633

But it's the right image:

Warosu has just archived it as the URL/current timestamp name (1386412904553.png) rather than its actual name (2c399e2038adeeccfddf30eabe2395ae.png).

>> No.11685638
File: 88 KB, 863x614, 1365747197351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being ironic, dumb@ss.

>> No.11685640

Isn't it a wee bit shy of 6 a.m. over there? You should get some rest.

>> No.11685641


>> No.11685641,1 [INTERNAL] 

I have to catch the 7am bus to Walmart.

>> No.11685641,2 [INTERNAL] 

Your site is shitty.

>> No.11685641,3 [INTERNAL] 

Is it embarrassing carrying all your groceries on the bus?

Maybe you could get one of those trolleys that old people have. They're not very /fa/, but it would be better than lugging a gym bag around!

>> No.11685641,4 [INTERNAL] 

Dude just shut the fuck up, alright?

You don't know me.

>> No.11685641,5 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, it's part of his training. He is on the path of becoming the ultimate nerd after all. :)

>> No.11685641,6 [INTERNAL] 

You know, like one of these:

>> No.11685641,7 [INTERNAL] 

That thing is fucking tiny. The gym bag I carry is almost as big as me.

>> No.11685641,8 [INTERNAL] 

How many Pocky™ boxes does it fit?

>> No.11685641,9 [INTERNAL] 

You can get ones the size of that lady. Hopefully you're a manlet so it's the same size as your gym bag as you.

>> No.11685641,10 [INTERNAL] 

>so it's the same size as your gym bag as you.


>> No.11685641,11 [INTERNAL] 

Enough to last your mom about 20 minutes.

>> No.11685641,12 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think I've seen that one.


>> No.11685641,13 [INTERNAL] 

>gym bag
I will show this irony thug who the real boss of this gym is.

>> No.11685641,14 [INTERNAL] 

It's 7.11 a.m., why aren't you on the bus?

>> No.11685641,15 [INTERNAL] 

What's with the anti-molk stuff? You having another bipolar fit over your fake relationship with milk?

>> No.11685641,16 [INTERNAL] 

The bus is late.....


>> No.11685641,17 [INTERNAL] 

You're late...

>> No.11685641,18 [INTERNAL] 

>The bus is late.....
>two hours after it was due

Classic T.

>> No.11685641,19 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe it's the bus back home?

>> No.11685641,20 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck it.

>> No.11685641,21 [INTERNAL] 

Unban me or I kill myself. Right here, right now.

>> No.11685641,22 [INTERNAL] 

Will you stop posting dicks?

>> No.11685641,23 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Man's honor.

>> No.11685641,24 [INTERNAL] 

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.11685641,25 [INTERNAL] 

Nazrin is a mouse, isn't she?

>> No.11685641,26 [INTERNAL] 

No, he's bullshitting you. Don't fall for it.

>> No.11685641,27 [INTERNAL] 

Check out the thread I made on /v/, guys:


They loved my greentext and they appreciate my memes. Maybe I should just move there permanently.

Unless you all have a counter-offer....?

>> No.11685641,28 [INTERNAL] 

That dick spam was almost as epic as me hitting D++ to delete by IP.

What were you even trying to accomplish besides wasting your own time?

>> No.11685641,29 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just using an image board to share art.

>> No.11685641,30 [INTERNAL] 

>Created a new -41328 seconds ban on all boards for (#38)

Heh. My ban for him was so long it went back in time. I was wondering how he posted again.

>> No.11685641,31 [INTERNAL] 

Is T finally learning the basics of moderating a forum? How cute.

>> No.11685641,32 [INTERNAL] 

T, why are you so stupid to fall for a whore like m o l k?

>> No.11685641,33 [INTERNAL] 

Ew, now we all know this di*k-loving h****exual is from Michigan, USA. Sasuga, America!

>> No.11685641,34 [INTERNAL] 

>implying I didn't learn that when I became a professional shitposter decades ago

How kawaii.

>> No.11685641,35 [INTERNAL] 

Wow thats a pretty cunt move, posting someones IP like that.

Glad I never even clicked on your shite out of curiosity.

>> No.11685641,36 [INTERNAL] 

She was pretty, and I was young and foolish.....

>> No.11685641,37 [INTERNAL] 

Don't mix with the big dawgs if you cannot take the banter, m8. ;)

>> No.11685641,38 [INTERNAL] 

I only do that if you spam my server with dicks.

>> No.11685641,39 [INTERNAL] 

it was pretty obvious this was a honeytrap so t-boi could gather ips and profile posters. you guys didn't learn from bunbunmaru that the spinoff are just to profile people?

>> No.11685641,40 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, what the HELL are you talking about? You are talking about a balding loser who goes for groceries with a gym bag, riding a bus. Profiling? Get REAL.

>> No.11685641,41 [INTERNAL] 

even dogs learn from getting beaten. t has learned from all the people who stalk him. he decided it's time to put his knowledge to the test. he needs ips so he can make sense of who his foes are.

>> No.11685641,42 [INTERNAL] 

It's okay now, you don't have to struggle any longer.. We've all been waiting for you. (✿◠‿◠)

>> No.11685641,43 [INTERNAL] 

I popularized the trevor and his gym bag fact.

>> No.11685641,44 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like the "top 10" videos Mike posts. It's pretty obvious they've had little input from James, so it's just like some random fan editing these together.

If they want cheap and easy content, they should just copy Red Letter Media - sit down and talk about some movies for half an hour. And by "they" I mean "James".

>> No.11685641,45 [INTERNAL] 

Who invited /tv/?
Don't you have some ballet pictures to jerk off to?

>> No.11685641,46 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just talking to myself but I hate how people shit on the lyrics of anime songs when songs like Mighty Wings, just listen


literally anime but not anime

>> No.11685641,47 [INTERNAL] 

why ride the bus when you could get josh to Drive you

>> No.11685641,48 [INTERNAL] 

Josh is unpredictable. One morning he may just decide to go on a cross-country drive and you won't see him for months.

>> No.11685641,49 [INTERNAL] 

Oh he'll drive you, but a car won't be involved

>> No.11685641,50 [INTERNAL] 

Can you neuronormies stop making fun of this Josh guy or at least do it on /o/? Thank you.

>> No.11685641,51 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,52 [INTERNAL] 

Right. I owe all my success to you. It clearly had nothing to do with my own wit or hard work.

Why don't you get the fuck over yourself? It's pathetic, and frankly, I'm tired of putting up with it.

>> No.11685641,53 [INTERNAL] 

Woah, did you even stop and read what that post said.

Please come back when you're out of your bipolar mood Trevshit.

>> No.11685641,54 [INTERNAL] 

This bipolar meme is an assload of donkey diarrhea. Cut it out.

>> No.11685641,55 [INTERNAL] 

I reported your white space spamming ass to warosuman.

I hope you're prepared for the autistic consequences, kiddo.

>> No.11685641,56 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,57 [INTERNAL] 

Haha, oh man. I just owned the shit out of that fag from The Netherlands.

I bet he enjoys the netherlands of men, if you catch my drift.

>> No.11685641,58 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11685641,59 [INTERNAL] 

You're the one that started it you bipolar freak. God damn.

>> No.11685641,60 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,61 [INTERNAL] 

So you wanna go out or what?

>> No.11685641,62 [INTERNAL] 

Are you having a breakdown or something, T? First that post on your site and now this. I'm starting to worry that you'll try to follow your mother.

>> No.11685641,63 [INTERNAL] 

What site and what post are you talking about? I don't see anything on /what/.

>> No.11685641,64 [INTERNAL] 

He is going to suck my dick too. Ew, gross. :DDD

>> No.11685641,65 [INTERNAL] 

>she doesn't have t-chan bookmarked


>> No.11685641,66 [INTERNAL] 

What's with the Christmas theme?

>> No.11685641,67 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,68 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck. I need to close this tab. Every time I hear that song I end up leaving it on loop for hours and getting nothing done.

>> No.11685641,69 [INTERNAL] 

That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.11685641,70 [INTERNAL] 

You guys have really let this get to Trevshits head. I told you it was a bad idea to work Trev-Trev up, he tends to start acting like this when you do.

>> No.11685641,71 [INTERNAL] 

i cant hear the music is this just a big joke?

>> No.11685641,72 [INTERNAL] 

Either Noscript is blocking it or your shitty browser doesn't support HTML5.

>> No.11685641,73 [INTERNAL] 

I know, it's way past my bedtime but I'm still up making sure nobody from /o/ starts any trouble.

This is torture.

>> No.11685641,74 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw when I am going to keep that /o/ invitation thread on the first page all day everyday no problem.

>tfw /o/ has lax moderation who don't care about advertising and they have an extremely active tripfag culture who will eat this stuff up.

>> No.11685641,75 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw when you're just feeding Trevshit's manic mania

>> No.11685641,76 [INTERNAL] 

Adds flags to /drive/.

>> No.11685641,77 [INTERNAL] 

As long as you don't post k-on the janitor won't care, and thats only because he has some vendetta against the k-on guy.

>> No.11685641,78 [INTERNAL] 

HOLY SHIT JOSH @ #warosu


>> No.11685641,79 [INTERNAL] 

more like

>> No.11685641,80 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw I wake up to hundreds of lines on conversations about cars in irc

Fucking tripfags.....

>> No.11685641,81 [INTERNAL] 

ban everyone there please, it's a disgusting circlejerk with people from /o/.

>> No.11685641,82 [INTERNAL] 

>just waking up right now


>> No.11685641,83 [INTERNAL] 

<Purin> http://www.amazon.com/review/RL1QIL7MLQ2EP/ref=cm_cr_dp_title?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00AYNURTC&nodeID=1036592&store=apparel
<siztra> is that your review
<Turtletron> hey its on sale
<Purin> yeah and they also ship you a leather wallet with it for free
<Nakadakuto> what a deal
<Purin> josh
<Purin> you have to buy it
<Purin> for christmas
<Turtletron> josh pls
<Turtletron> tell your mom thats what you want
<Nakadakuto> wonder what would have happened to America if Germany won

<Turtletron> everyone would be Driving superior german autos

<Nakadakuto> unless America nuked them

<Turtletron> if the US never stepped in I wonder how it'd be

<Turtletron> probably better

<ShoopraLazor> my friend is trying to get me to play apb

<Nakadakuto> apb?

<ShoopraLazor> some stupid f2p game

<ShoopraLazor> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APB:_All_Points_Bulletin he says hes trolling little kids in it but i dont believe him
<akarin_friend> pretty much
<GubGub> Same
<Turtletron> it never gets uncomfortable?
<GubGub> It does
<Nakadakuto> I don't ever
<akarin_friend> only when im super tired, i have to balance it sideways when my head is on the pillow
<Turtletron> must be a fat guy thing
<akarin_friend> I weigh buck 25
<Turtletron> how tall are you
<akarin_friend> am skinnyfat
<akarin_friend> 5'9
<akarin_friend> how much do you weigh?
<Turtletron> 175

>> No.11685641,84 [INTERNAL] 

<akarin_friend> I eat and eat and eat and my weight doesnt change
<GubGub> Jeez you guys need to eat more freedom burgers
<justus> being a 5'7 shortie sucks
<Turtletron> 175 is almost fatNEET for 6'
<akarin_friend> h-how big is your thing justus
<justus> like 6 on a good day
<akarin_friend> I've noticed there are no neet characters that jp likes
<justus> what, satou isn't good enough?
<GubGub> I didn't like Satou
<Turtletron> they like fakeNEETs
<GubGub> Like who?
<akarin_friend> Anzu

>> No.11685641,85 [INTERNAL] 

what do you expect from a channel made by the foolz brigade? roflmao


>> No.11685641,86 [INTERNAL] 

Worer is not part of the /neet/ gang

>> No.11685641,87 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,88 [INTERNAL] 

stfu nagi

>> No.11685641,89 [INTERNAL] 

<Turtletron> http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S11685621#p11685641_83
<Turtletron> stop
* Nakadakuto has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Nakadakuto (~Simba@Rizon-AD2D99E1.hr.hr.cox.net) has joined
<akarin_friend> what is the point of posting #warosu IRC logs on warosu?
<GubGub> To make fun of us
<Turtletron> jealousy because they can't Drive

>> No.11685641,90 [INTERNAL] 

>turtletron is the one posting these logs


>> No.11685641,91 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want people to know my weight...

>> No.11685641,92 [INTERNAL] 

what car do drive again nagi? an infiniti and some honda right

>> No.11685641,93 [INTERNAL] 

I traded my infiniti for a BMW M5. But I still have my honda odyssey

>> No.11685641,94 [INTERNAL] 

Wanna ride my meat-schlong, hottie?

>> No.11685641,95 [INTERNAL] 

How big is it? if it's smaller than Currybutt's then NO THANK YOU

>> No.11685641,96 [INTERNAL] 

About 7 inches. Your tight azn pussy gonna like it ;)

>> No.11685641,97 [INTERNAL] 

Show me it and I'll reconsider.

>> No.11685641,98 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, that's not fair. I already told you my size and I never saw your vagina.

>> No.11685641,99 [INTERNAL] 

Did you ever go to /ota/ during the vagina spam? I showed my cooch there before...

>> No.11685641,100 [INTERNAL] 

Not that dude, but I wasn't there for that and that must have been hilarious. Owning all those subhuman faggots on /ota/ so hard.

>> No.11685641,101 [INTERNAL] 

Nagi's clit is probably just as big

>> No.11685641,102 [INTERNAL] 

I'd suck it.

>> No.11685641,103 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, do you seriously hate gays? LMAO.
We were all just being ironic. You should leave, homophobe. It's sad that you ever thought you weren't completely alone.

>> No.11685641,104 [INTERNAL] 

I want to lick Nagi's asian clit and her pussy until she cums and squeezes my head in her thighs.

>> No.11685641,105 [INTERNAL] 

I want to stick my pen0r in her Gookness - Nagi, the qu33n of tr/a/nnies.

>> No.11685641,106 [INTERNAL] 

Nagi is inferior to Milk and Brigs just because she isn't virgin like them.

>> No.11685641,107 [INTERNAL] 

Stop banning me, asshole.

>> No.11685641,108 [INTERNAL] 

>he deleted my post in which I revealed the truth about the Holycost


>> No.11685641,109 [INTERNAL] 

How the fuck does that shitty site have nearly 1000 posts? It doesn't even have a reason for existing.

>> No.11685641,110 [INTERNAL] 

the same bunch of foolz kids jump on everything that Trevor puts his name to

>> No.11685641,111 [INTERNAL] 

But doesn't he hate foolz? That literally makes no sense.

>> No.11685641,112 [INTERNAL] 

That's pretty ironic if you think about it.

>> No.11685641,113 [INTERNAL] 

I would presume so, but I guess he enjoys the attention too much to keep those kind of people away. Without the foolz gang posting, his imageboard would be deader than /what/.

>> No.11685641,114 [INTERNAL] 

RIP /what/

>> No.11685641,115 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw these almost went unchecked

>> No.11685641,116 [INTERNAL] 

>jump on everything that Trevor puts his name to

How long before T becomes some culturally relevant brand for cool kids like Chuck Taylors?

>> No.11685641,117 [INTERNAL] 

Never because he's a born loser. I bet he still doesn't have a single friend. He only exists to make everyone else look good in comparison.

>> No.11685641,118 [INTERNAL] 

Stop making fun of Trevor...

>> No.11685641,119 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, what happened to the /jp/ board?

>> No.11685641,120 [INTERNAL] 

It was overrun by normals and foolz.

>> No.11685641,121 [INTERNAL] 

I was referring more to the weeb shit. That other cancer was already there from the start.

>> No.11685641,122 [INTERNAL] 

He's trying to kill the site like he does with everything else he starts. And thank god for that.

>> No.11685641,123 [INTERNAL] 

Wait a minute! Are we still talking about Trevor or did we switch the j00t? ;)))

>> No.11685641,124 [INTERNAL] 

*switch to

>> No.11685641,125 [INTERNAL] 

why did you permaban me?

>> No.11685641,126 [INTERNAL] 

I took an hour out of my day to go through post.php and fixed the ban appeal system.


>> No.11685641,127 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,128 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking kill yourself......

>> No.11685641,129 [INTERNAL] 

did you unban me

>> No.11685641,130 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK Trevor actually thinks people care about his faggot imageboard

new levels of pathetic reached lmao

>> No.11685641,131 [INTERNAL] 

I don't, I just don't like having broken shit on my server since it'll damage my black hat hacker cred.

>> No.11685641,132 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,133 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,134 [INTERNAL] 

how does that post answer my question

>> No.11685641,135 [INTERNAL] 

I already answered the question. Appeal it if you disagree with the ban.

Jesus, the sh!t us web admins have to put up with.....

>> No.11685641,136 [INTERNAL] 

i already ban evaded though....

>> No.11685641,137 [INTERNAL] 

also i'm posting from LA but your shitty site gives me a canada flag.

>> No.11685641,138 [INTERNAL] 

How come I don't have a flag?

>> No.11685641,139 [INTERNAL] 

Subhumans don't get flags.

>> No.11685641,140 [INTERNAL] 


I got owned.


>> No.11685641,141 [INTERNAL] 

>Anonymous, T-Boner, T-Man 8 minutes ago >>11685641,139


>> No.11685641,142 [INTERNAL] 

I find it highly unlikely that I would just change my names around like that willy-nilly.

Please post your IP so I can ban your from my site for slander.

>> No.11685641,143 [INTERNAL] 

Stop samefagging, trevshit.


>> No.11685641,144 [INTERNAL] 

How about you stop hacking warosu?

E-mailing warosuman right now.

>> No.11685641,145 [INTERNAL] 

It's ironic because T always cycles through his names but he's pretending otherwise to mock you.

>> No.11685641,146 [INTERNAL] 


Back to T-chan, eternal newfag.

>> No.11685641,147 [INTERNAL] 

It's ironic because Trevor just continues to own himself more and more, yet thinks hes mocking others.

>> No.11685641,148 [INTERNAL] 

It's ironic because you actually think that; ergo he's owning you.

>> No.11685641,149 [INTERNAL] 


Pick one

>> No.11685641,150 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,151 [INTERNAL] 

>Pick one

How about you pick my nose instead?

[i]*slam dunk*

>> No.11685641,152 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,153 [INTERNAL] 

Everybody went to sleep or something???

>> No.11685641,154 [INTERNAL] 

Wow T your just as desperate to advertise your shit site like the /ota/-admin how sad

Make sure to post at the better /jp/ site

>> No.11685641,155 [INTERNAL] 

STFU otafagmin. Nobody likes your site for trannies.

>> No.11685641,156 [INTERNAL] 


GJ, Nagi.

>> No.11685641,157 [INTERNAL] 

Owned out of the stratosphere once again, eat shit /fag/min

>> No.11685641,158 [INTERNAL] 

We're all waiting for you, you'll fit right in! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

>> No.11685641,159 [INTERNAL] 

Your persona has disintegrated into pure passive-aggressiveness. Time to stop posting.

>> No.11685641,160 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care how much you hate /ota/. Taking sides with Nagi is absolutely unacceptable. Leave and never come back.

>> No.11685641,161 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off back to /ota/ you fucking queer LOL

>> No.11685641,162 [INTERNAL] 

Ewww, did the subhuman tranny who goes by the name "Nagi" just reply to my post? Stay away from me, freak.

>> No.11685641,163 [INTERNAL] 

nagi isnt the only one that hates you subhumans

>> No.11685641,164 [INTERNAL] 

I still active-pacifistically don't think you know what that means! It's okay though, I like you anyway. (︶ω︶)

>> No.11685641,165 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope you're being ironic, because it feels like I'm talking to a genuine 12yo right about now. I don't give a shit about /ota/ or any spinoff for that matter. If you seriously care about the gay tranny agenda or whatever, one way or another, just leave. Go away. Never come back. You fucking retard. You'd have to be a complete normie to actually give a shit about something like that.

>> No.11685641,166 [INTERNAL] 

Are you Sizzle-chan, his boyfriend or the dick spammer? (*´▽`*)

>> No.11685641,167 [INTERNAL] 

siztra posts on /ota/

>> No.11685641,168 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't know he was transgendered.. Wait, how do you know who posts on /ota/? (*~▽~)

>> No.11685641,169 [INTERNAL] 

Is this you by any chance?


>> No.11685641,170 [INTERNAL] 

The degens are out in full force today.

>> No.11685641,171 [INTERNAL] 

Is this a another way of telling me I remind you of your ex? Are you coming on to me? (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.11685641,172 [INTERNAL] 

I think you're a bit too young for me, though.. (☆^ー^☆)

>> No.11685641,173 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,174 [INTERNAL] 

God damn, the CP spam really is essential for /ghost/ to not become completely overrun with retarded normals. Where is he? It's been 6 days without anything, that's way too long.

>> No.11685641,175 [INTERNAL] 

And don't reply to me with your epic "le party van XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" bullshit you unfunny faggots.

>> No.11685641,176 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,177 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, you sure showed me.


>> No.11685641,178 [INTERNAL] 

Did you parents find out you look at CP Siz?

>> No.11685641,179 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you get arrested, fucking pedophile.

>> No.11685641,180 [INTERNAL] 

Ape no like CP?
Banana yes?

>> No.11685641,181 [INTERNAL] 

Pictures I can jack off to yet?

>> No.11685641,182 [INTERNAL] 

STFU otafagmin

>> No.11685641,183 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't call me otafagmin, I'm not that degenerate.

>> No.11685641,184 [INTERNAL] 

Banana yes?

>> No.11685641,185 [INTERNAL] 

I was indiffirent about the CP spamming but I think I'd support now just to spite this subhuman shitskin >>11685641,182

>> No.11685641,186 [INTERNAL] 

Supporting child pornography, lol, now you're as cool and edgy as the rest of us :)

>> No.11685641,187 [INTERNAL] 

That was my first post in the thread and the first time I've talked to you.

Anonymity was pretty great before dumbasses like you made it about endless strawmen.

>> No.11685641,188 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,189 [INTERNAL] 

Say it again.

>> No.11685641,190 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck it is already Monday, help?!

>> No.11685641,191 [INTERNAL] 

Help with what?

>> No.11685641,192 [INTERNAL] 

Probably a normie who has school today.

>> No.11685641,193 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,194 [INTERNAL] 

School ended for me last week actually

>> No.11685641,195 [INTERNAL] 

How submissive...

Keep saying it?

>> No.11685641,196 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,197 [INTERNAL] 

I say "stah-fug" in real life

>> No.11685641,198 [INTERNAL] 

shut the fuck up nagi

>> No.11685641,199 [INTERNAL] 

wtf dude you ain't gotta be a dick all the time, fag boy

>> No.11685641,200 [INTERNAL] 

stfu nagi

>> No.11685641,201 [INTERNAL] 

stah fug up nigga

>> No.11685641,202 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,203 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,204 [INTERNAL] 


Replying to Nagi and the other shitheads is the wrong way to address the issue. They do it only for attention. Don't give them attention and everything is fine. Simply don't reply. I hope my warosubros (and /ota/min) will understand. DONT REPLY to the foolz idiots even if they are begging for ownage. Thank you for reading and take it easy! ( ^ω^)


>> No.11685641,205 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone summarize this thread?
What are you idiots babbling about?

>> No.11685641,206 [INTERNAL] 

otamin's tight lips around your cock

>> No.11685641,207 [INTERNAL] 

Golden Time.

Why aren't you watching it yet?

>> No.11685641,208 [INTERNAL] 

It looks like it's an anime for women. One woman and a bunch of dudes.

>> No.11685641,209 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, there's a ton of women and only 2 main dudes and 1 gag dude.

>> No.11685641,210 [INTERNAL] 

Are there any golden showers?

>> No.11685641,211 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11685641,212 [INTERNAL] 

Golden Time is disgusting normie shit, don't watch it.

>> No.11685641,213 [INTERNAL] 

>im so truNEET xD

>> No.11685641,214 [INTERNAL] 

The only currently airing shows I am watching are KLK and Monogatari. Anything else is total shit aimed at weebs who watch everything that airs just because they think it makes them a real anime fan.

>> No.11685641,215 [INTERNAL] 

But KLK is shit.

Golden Time is a fresh new break from the usual SoL/drama riffraff. Who would've guessed that Banri knew Linda in his past life or thought of using amnesia as a plot element?

Simply fascinating.....

>> No.11685641,216 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not watching it, but Kyousogiga looks pretty cute! Is it bad, anime expert-san? (^~^)

>> No.11685641,217 [INTERNAL] 

You need to get laid. Maybe losing your virginity would help you see the truth and quit watching trash anime.

>> No.11685641,218 [INTERNAL] 

and I say that because it's a life changing experience, you stop accepting the second best in life, start seeing things as a real man and become aware... being a master pussy slayer helps you stay focused on the important things in life like non shit anime

>> No.11685641,219 [INTERNAL] 

Reply onegai, this is important! ( ・ω・)

>> No.11685641,220 [INTERNAL] 

pity reply

>> No.11685641,221 [INTERNAL] 

Holy crap...

>> No.11685641,222 [INTERNAL] 

1 year...

>> No.11685641,223 [INTERNAL] 

I have never wasted a year as much as I waasted this year

>> No.11685641,224 [INTERNAL] 

1 year later and gnfos is still shitty LOLLLLLL

>> No.11685641,225 [INTERNAL] 

i felt bad for t here

>> No.11685641,226 [INTERNAL] 

Poor T, I would probably kill myself if this were me oh my God.
