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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11683896 No.11683896 [Reply] [Original]

Picture is relatable because anime
Dear fellow people on /jp/ help me avenge my friend who spends a lot on time on /jp/ and the other anime related stuff. He got extremely bullied by this girl who made more than half the class bully him for liking anime and japanese things. Her name is Tavy Ali, kik is barabild please help fellow anime/japan lovers he got depressed and might take his own life now so take that bitch down for him please.

inb4 I don't care if naruto is bad or not, my firend suffers.

>> No.11683904

;__________: i feel u OP
dem feeels

>> No.11683909

>Tavy Ali

Is that Hebrew?

>> No.11683916

Not sure I think it's from arabic languages.

>> No.11683918

> He got extremely bullied by this girl


what kind of fag gets bullied by a girl?

what a fucking loser

>> No.11683923

It might be short for the Finnish name for David, Taavi.

>> No.11683925

I was going to do this whole Tumblr parody thing about how you're being sexist, but then I realized Tumblr feminists would probably support the girl for "standing up for herself", without knowing any context.

>> No.11683934

>The most popular girl in class
>He is kind of a fag
She is still acting like this to a lot of people, does not matter friend is pacifist and does not want to be involved so what other way than through the masses.
inb4 tons of bullshit yes
but just kik her that she is a faggot and a whore

>> No.11683941

She is not Finnish though

>> No.11683960

This is the most pathetic personal army attempt I've seen in recent memory.

Get out.

>> No.11683965

I tried, was not even expecting any response in first place
Oh right you're a fagot because Nelson Mandela died

>> No.11683990

>bullied by a girl


>> No.11683993

>Friend is still a pacifist fag
Girl is one retarded bitch

>> No.11684000
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If your friend was stupid enough to blow his powerlevel, I'd bully the shit out of him too. Have him work on not being socially retarded first.

>> No.11684009

THIS. He was probably asking for it, as most bullying victims nowadays are.
Also, being bullied by a girl? Now that's pathetic.

>> No.11684008

>socially retarded
Shit aint fun if you aint socially retarded

>> No.11684014

I openly admit he is a pathetic fag
Kik her that she is a whore for the lols?

>> No.11684013

Come here, bow and bend down.

>> No.11684016

>letting people know he's into anime
Your friend sounds like an aspie.

This guy gets it. There's a fucking reason why you're getting bullied. The whole emotional padding concept where no bullying is allowed makes for pathetically sheltered wimps.

>> No.11684017

Why the fuck you keep repeating "kik". What the does that even mean.

>> No.11684024

I think it's some messaging service. People never shut the fuck up about it on Omegle.

OP, you're as much of a fucking idiot as your friend. There's no justic to be served here, and we're not your personal army anyway.

Why does /jp/ attract all the autistic kids?

>> No.11684025

An app that allows communication reason, only way I can contact her so far.

>> No.11684029

His "friend" is probably just him, heh. Also, why would anybody come to goddamn /jp/ for a personal army request? Everyone knows that's what /b/ was for, at least a few years ago.

>> No.11684035

Because he expects all of 4chan to be /b/? Because he thinks being interested in touhou somehow means we think his behavior is any less pathetic than anyone else?

>> No.11684034

The story is fake, that is just some girl who annoys my gf. I did it because I am killing time and this has been a little fun, I was expecting some more sympathy for some reason

>> No.11684038
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>> No.11684043

Killing time because I'm bored. Not me, got bullied once in forth grade, kicked his ass sure long time ago but that was the only time.
came here because I tried to make the story to look like some fag who likes anime and otaku stuff because sympathy from people who would be like this person, tried on /b/ but it 404ed

>> No.11684051

You have to be over 12 to be on 4chan faggot.

>> No.11684052

Thank you /jp/ for an amazing evening has been fun but this is boring now and time goes to slow.

>> No.11684046

>I think it's some messaging service. People never shut the fuck up about it on Omegle.
I know that feel.

I just want something to soothe the loneliness of my life and I keep getting "asll?? u hav kik??? lookin for girls w/ facebook or kik"

>> No.11684055
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>> No.11684064

lol fagots

>> No.11684071

Take this to /a/. OPs pic alone will set off a rage tsunami.

>> No.11684075

Thanks for tips

>> No.11684098

Socially retarded? So just because you like to go on an anime related image board online you deserve to get harassed by the world if you were to reveal it "irl" too? Just because you say you like something, you deserve to be tortured for it just because you don't like it? If you think that, then you never grew past grade school. Fuck cunts like yourselves for bending over to what society deems right or wrong. You are even worse and more pathetic than the people who bully or get bullied for these reasons. A vast majority of people on this planet are stupid fucks with worthless opinions anyway.

inb4 newfriends call me "new to /jp/." Been here since the split, but I can't stand retards like you with such a warped sense of pussy justice spewing their dumb fucking mouths.

>> No.11684108

It's like girls with slutty clothes getting raped. they were asking for it.

>> No.11684115

Umm, no. Why don't you understand the simple difference between an attention whore and someone who could be a totally decent person just trying to socialize/find common grounds with another?

>> No.11684114

Two questions :

1) How the fuck did that girl know that he was into anime and stuff? If he's the one who talked about this in the first place then he deserved to be bullied.

2) How the fuck do you know what's happening? If he's the one who tell you about this then he deserves to be even more bullied.

3) Why the fuck did he interact with any 3D girl in the first place? He definitely deserves to be bullied.

>> No.11684113

You sir just posted the most intelligent post I have seen for a long time.

>> No.11684119

>you deserve to get harassed by the world if you were to reveal it "irl" too
>reveal it "irl"
Yes, you deserve to get harassed by the world.

>> No.11684117

You do realize he really did it.

>> No.11684118

First of all, it was a fake story sorry to break it to you. second that's three questions. But sure it is entertaining watching how people react to this.

>> No.11684122

Yes I did, this has been the most fun but boring evening of my life.

>> No.11684120

Why would you want to socialize in the first place?
Are you some kind of normalfag?

>> No.11684128

In grade school I thought I could say whatever I wanted to whoever I wanted with no repercussion because I was so witty and intelligent and everyone would want to be my friend. I learned not to reveal my interests in an inappropriate place because I grew past elementary school.

>> No.11684129

You're socializing right now. Guess that makes you one.

>> No.11684137

>You're socializing right now.
>4chan, /jp/
Are you retarded or something?

>> No.11684134
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There's a difference between bending over to society's whim, and just having a bit of social tact and awareness. The world associates openly liking anime with being an aspie or having emotional problems, so it's just best for yourself not to be too out there about it. No big deal, you don't have to share everything about yourself with everyone.

>> No.11684135

It's anonymous, it doesn't count. I'm not making e-friends.

>> No.11684138

I say this with a grain of salt. I don't condone inappropriate/out of place behavior either.

>> No.11684149

Yet you still come here to post and talk to people because you can't live without it. Don't bother telling me you'd be fine not talking to anyone at all because you've never disconnected yourself from everybody 100%. You're a hypocrite for looking down on people who want to socialize.

>> No.11684146

Talking about anime at school seems pretty out of place.

>> No.11684151

>you deserve to be tortured for it
Nobody said you deserve to. It's just the way it actually works.

>> No.11684156

Sounds like someone had a bad experience somewhere along the line. There's a reason the whole concept of hiding your powerlevel exists. It makes you a target and gets in the way of your interactions with people.

>> No.11684162

That guy probably doesn't think that typing a message and expecting a reply counts as socializing. His head is too deep up his ass to realize he's talking jokes about 4chan at face value.

>> No.11684163

What does it matter where you are? There are always going to be opportunities and chances to appropriately talk about anything if you look for the right time and person to. I'm not telling you to get a microphone and announce to everybody how awesome the latest naruto episode was.

>> No.11684167

I don't care about just talking, it's that whole clique/friendship thing I don't like. It's like there is a conspiracy among normalfags to get the good jobs, etc. and exclude all the socially awkward people. It's even infected the Internet with social networking.

>> No.11684170

The appropriate time and place would be a comic book store or something along those lines.

>> No.11684169

If your obsession with Japan is so great that you need to share it with the world, rather than just enjoying on your own time, then yes, you probably should be bullied. If it's your identity rather than an interest, you're doing something really fucking wrong.

>> No.11684174

Cliques are bullshit, I can take your side on that point. But friendship? Conspiracy to exclude? No, those things are just basic human nature.

Being normal isn't bad, nor is socializing. What makes for a normalfag is a closeminded person. Enjoy whatever you want on your own time, but no matter what you're like, being socially oblivious is going to ostracize you.

>> No.11684177

>Yet you still come here to post and talk to people because you can't live without it.
That is one bold and projecting statement here. Also where did I say that I look down on people who want to socialize? I just said that if you're going to try it irl with anime stuff or /jp/ talk then you're just a fucking idiot.

Still, I'm very surprised about what you consider "socializing" when people just come here to spout meme all-day, cyber-bully people and laugh at someone who's a "pathetic loser" according to their standards.

>expecting a reply
You're an idiot.

>> No.11684185

I've had bad experiences but I've never been bullied for liking anything, no. I just think it's fucking unheard of that people actually side with punishing and torturing people for it. For the rest of he stuff you said, I get what you're saying but you kind of only see my words in black and white so I'm not gonna bother.

Then I have no disagreements there.

>> No.11684194

>those things are just basic human nature.
Nice anthropology vision you have there, tell me more about human nature oh you deep minded people.
Go to a bar, get yourself in a conversation with some big tit girls and some tall guys and speak to them about your weeboo interests, see how it turns out.

>> No.11684195

>Still, I'm very surprised about what you consider "socializing" when people just come here to spout meme all-day, cyber-bully people and laugh at someone who's a "pathetic loser" according to their standards.

That's just one face of this place though. Despite the shitfest that goes on here most of the time, there are actual, decent discussions that happen every now and then. Just because we're anonymous doesn't mean we're not connecting with others still. Socializing doesn't innately mean trying to make friends either.

>> No.11684198

>You're an idiot.

And you're oh so edgy. There are lots of /jp/ spinoffs where you can post without expecting a reply because no one goes there. You'll have the time of your life.

>> No.11684203
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>Ad hominen agrument
Solid work refuting any of my points.

>> No.11684209

>Go to a bar, get yourself in a conversation with some big tit girls and some tall guys and speak to them about your weeboo interests, see how it turns out.

You're like the 3rd or 4th person here to completely blow my post out of proportion and not understand the meaning of moderation or reading between lines... Autism 2 stronk.

>> No.11684212

>Just because we're anonymous doesn't mean we're not connecting with others still.
Are you serious? Are you fucking serious? You can't be that naive. Just so you know, nobody here give a flying fuck about other anons and that is the reality. "Connecting", how rich, but you made me laugh.

>> No.11684216

That's my gripe with /jp/. They don't seem capable of leaving 4chan, anime, waifus, etc, within the realm of 4chan. They're people that actually struggle with basic interaction in the outside world. I'm no alpha male or socialite, but I don't struggle like you see in WataMote.

>> No.11684218

I am serious. You are talking with others. You crave it. Admit it. Because of the connection you have with anonymous posters completely free of risk and commitment, you come here and you speak your mind without fear just as you are now. This is called socializing, you just happened to have access to an extremely convenient way to do so.

>> No.11684224

I only struggle with one-on-one conversations. I'm fine with there are 3 or more people talking in a group.

>> No.11684228

He's right, anon. You're socializing. It doesn't have to be at a party with girls to be considered so.

>> No.11684229

One time I was in a bar and a girl had a cool hat.

"I like your hat!" I said.
"...uh, thanks..." she said awkwardly before shifting away from me.

I didn't want to sleep with you, you stupid slut. I was actually just complimenting your hat. You didn't even make the hat. Christ, don't be so conceited. I know I'm not a handsome fellow, but that doesn't affect my taste in hats. If Roger Ebert came back from the dead and said, "Hey, nice movie you just made, Anon!" I'd be pretty grateful. I wouldn't shrug him off because he is ugly/a bad critic/a zombie.

>> No.11684234

I rest my case.

>> No.11684239

Keep the fact that you fap to lolis to yourself

>> No.11684243
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Really? I love one-on-one because they have to pay attention to me and focus their energy on responding to what I say whether I said something boring or not. In a group conversation you have to compete with others and produce coherent things to say for a response because in reality you're not actually as funny or interesting as you seem to be in a one-on-one conversation.

>> No.11684247

>Because of the connection you have with anonymous posters
The worst part being that you actually seriously believe this bullshit. Also, stop thinking that everyone here "crave for" interactions or something, you're just showing how much of a normie you are.

The fun part being that everyone would agree that 4chan is absolutely the worst place you should go for socializing. If people here really "crave" for communication, there are plenty of other better places for that. From that fact, do your maths.

>> No.11684248

Still no counterargument.

>> No.11684252

But what do you talk about in a one-on-one? I never know what to do after "hello".

>> No.11684263

Start with something stupid and cliche like the weather, how cold or hot it's been, that it sucks or been awesome. Find common grounds, something you're both interested in talking about or listening to and then just kind of blabber away while also giving them a chance to speak/respond.

>> No.11684267

Sure thing buddy, we are having a deep serious argument.
Oh wait, did you really made an argument there? Let me make arguments of my own:
The sky is green.
Cats are cool.
4chan is a great place.
Touhou sucks.
You never made an argument to begin with, get your head out of your ass.

>> No.11684275

Meant to quote:

>> No.11684276

From there it should get something rolling back and forth while you both talk about yourselves and get to know each other with each exchange. You can be as funny and charming as you want to be, it's all in your mind really. If you can get them to laugh with your sense of humor, it means they're probably enjoying their time with you (or being polite, but you should be able to tell between an obligatory laugh and a genuine one).

>> No.11684279

And how having a normal conversation with normies is /jp/ related?

>> No.11684283

It's not directly related but I'd say autism and social retardation is, indirectly.

>> No.11684290

We all shit too.
Is that jp related too?

>> No.11684293

Scat? Yeah, sounds pretty /jp/ related to me.

>> No.11684294

This thread is still up. Come clean, op. You're the Janny.

>> No.11684298

There is a difference between intellectually knowing what you are supposed to do and actually doing it. I mean, I studied the parts of a conversation: Introduction, small talk, main point, resolution.

>> No.11684297


He left other threads up that he would normally delete. I think he's out at the club.

>> No.11684300

Fine here I am, for something totaly related to the subject, I just turned on my tv and spock died.

>> No.11684302
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>> No.11684306
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I cannot even form a coherent unironic ironic statement for this thread.

>> No.11684307

Wooo I created a thread that got an award... that award is bad isn't it?

>> No.11684307,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11684317

So you want me to clean up the thread?

>> No.11684322

It's ironically bad

>> No.11684322,1 [INTERNAL] 

This lasted a long time
