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11674412 No.11674412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Umineko thread. Why is Sakutarou the best character?

>> No.11674417
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>> No.11674695
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Actually the best character is Erika. What a babe.

>> No.11674742
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you sir have good tastes

>> No.11674753

A worthless piece? As best?


>> No.11675074


Sakutarou he's nothing to get torn up over


>> No.11675105
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Best of the best. Kneel before Lambda! Bow before her beauty!

>> No.11675110
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All the Ushiromiyas are great, but I think my biggest weakness is Rosa. She's such a tragic person. Episode 2's ending was my favorite scene in the entirety of Umineko


Just a poor, stressed, angry woman who, at heart, truly does love her daughter, but is torn between so many things that she forgets

She was my favorite character in the Umineko fightan. Using her and Virgilia made many an opponent rage when I locked them into a no meter character

>> No.11675111
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She really is the best waifu, she'll lock you up in a closed room forever and pleasure you for eternity.

>> No.11676867
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I beg to differ.
Warugiria is best character and also best Finite Witch.

>> No.11676874

It's mackerel time.

>> No.11676876 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11676879 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11676883 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11676949

Kore wa... nanidesu ka?!

>> No.11676967

Kore wa baito desuyo!

>> No.11676969


>> No.11676989

Aaa, so desu ka

>> No.11676996

You all have awful Japanese.

Typical of people using Romaji, I guess.

>> No.11677006

Why must you bully?

>> No.11677017

using the kanji and kana for no reason just makes you look pedantic.

>> No.11677017,1 [INTERNAL] 

"Wherever I go, I must also bully."
-that guy

>> No.11677039

>She's such a tragic person.
Dude she is my favorite of the Moms aswell but she is a fucking slut. EP2 ending was great but it doesn't change the fact that all she wants is to get filled with someone's dick and it ain't going to be yours.

>> No.11677313

muh nigga

>> No.11677478

I've just started reading the novel but is Maria actually autistic or something? A 9 years old repeating what others said as communication and making an "uuu" sound all the time is past cute clumsiness, that's like clinical autism.

>> No.11677504

She is a witch. And she gonna slap the shit out of you in 5 sec, if you'll continue vilifying her cute ''uuu'.

>> No.11677510
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Witches ain't got nothing on me

>> No.11677883


It's not a crime to want a husband, Anon! She just needs a positive masculine influence in her life! She's a perfect example of why single mothers are the worst things for kids ever!

>> No.11677911

I don't know, my mom raised me alone and she hasn't hit me like, ever even though I'm pretty autistic, especially when I was a kid. It's just up to the person whether she's an asshole or not.

>> No.11677934

/jp/ confirmed to be shotacon

>> No.11678265

because he is so amazingly itchy

>> No.11678319

Hey, anyone have a torrent for the entire BGM set? Just realized I've lost it all and everywhere I look there's no seeders ;__;

>> No.11678323

you can find the bgm in .ogg format in the game directory

>> No.11678612

Keep reading.

>> No.11678642
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He is best because the second best seven confirmed it

>> No.11678645

Good advice friend, I wanted to stop reading after finishing the long ass character introductions part but now that you've said that it might actually be a good idea to read it.

>> No.11678649
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Sorry, but Beatoriiche-sama is the best. Everyone knows Umineko wouldn't be half as popular without her.

>> No.11678659
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she does remind me of someone

>> No.11678787

Handwritten runes always rustle my brains, is that 絵 or what?

>> No.11678940
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You must be blind then.
One does not simply compare glorious Beato-sama with that Saber "king" girl.

>> No.11678944

You would maybe have a point if it were one of those clone sabers.

>> No.11678948

Just like one does not simply strip a cis white male of his privilege, am I right?

>> No.11678954


>> No.11678959

>blonde blue/green eyed magical foreigners in japan with identical hairstyle
>female protagonists in a vn with red haired male protagonists
Yeah they sure aren't similar what so ever.

>> No.11681476

Umineko relies a lot on character development. Why they are like that, why do they do those things, how they can cope with things, etc. Even character introduction is important. Read these parts carefully, otherwise you won't grasp some important elements of the story.
Yes, that includes magical scenes.

>> No.11681842

That was sarcasm friend, why the fuck would I start reading a novel just to stop at the introduction.

>> No.11681866

>Umineko relies a lot on character development.

That's poorly worded though. Umineko has close to none character development. There is a lot of hidden depth for some characters, and discovering the true extent of what is what is a lot of the fun. But once you discovered that George is in fact, fat, he will stay fat for the rest of the story. Like the other characters, he doesn't suddenly unfatify. He was fat since the beginning, he just hid it well, and will remain fat through the end.

Of course, if you were a genius, you could pick up the clues signaling his fatness the very first time he's introduced. His fat was cleverly hidden in all the non-fat, but present, and foreshadowed.

>> No.11681909

You didn't like it?

There's definitely a narrative arc to the characters though. Even if it's mostly learning new facts about the characters. It's technically not character development, but narratively it's pretty similar.

Keep your eyes open for every time George's glasses fog over.

>> No.11682283

George isn't fat, he's strong like his father because he eats lots of beef.

>> No.11682367

George isn't fat. It became an epic meme that he was because of the sprite, and Ryu07 made a single reference to it once because of that in a fantasy scene. He didn't even directly call him fat. He is not represented as fat in any official design at all except Ryu07's poor designs.

>> No.11682369

He isn't strong. George cannot pick up Maria and rudely says that she is too old to do aeroplane with now, while Battler can do it.

>> No.11682370

George is natty, Battler is on steroids (confirmed in the first five minutes or so of episode 1). Of course the juicing Battler who's significantly taller will be stronger.

>> No.11682373

Maria weights 28 kilograms, dude. If George cannot pick her up into the air, he is not strong.

>> No.11682573

Maria is just fat. 28kg, if my calculations is correct, is almost 700 lbs! This is why Sakutaro was punished so harshly for pushing Maria to commit the sin of gluttony.

>> No.11682670
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It isn't about George being weak or Maria being heavy.

It's just that everyone else on the Island is only human, while Rosa is something more.

>> No.11682707

It's 60 pounds.

>> No.11682716

>Umineko has close to none character development.
Ange alone has more character development than most actual novels.

>> No.11682747

but ange is a weird girl

>> No.11682749
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>> No.11682752

Did Rosa fling Maria up using only two forks? Dear god.

>> No.11682779

It was her after dinner trick.

>> No.11683977

What if Sakutaro wasn't a doll, but really Maria's brother from a different father? Rosa couldn't let the family know she was a slut, so she made Maria out to be crazy. The reason she is on debt might be because she had to pay to cover up the gruesome murder.

Stranger things have happened in WTC.

>> No.11684072
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>Still believing in the non-fatness of George.

Ha ha. Look at this faggot. I bet you don't even understand Umineko. You're probably a Rosatrice fanboy and quite retarded to boot.

>> No.11684076

Rosatrice fanboys are the ones who believe in fat George, since the Rosatrice theory involves George as a culprit. The people who want George as a culprit are generally the ones who believe he is fat, creepy, spiteful, underhanded, and generally despicable in every way.

>> No.11684103

I don't tend to think of fat people as ones who go around committing murders.

>> No.11684140

Rosatrice fanboy are the deluded people who don't share my opinion, regardless of their theories or logic. If it's stupid or deluded, it's a Rosatrice fanboy.

>> No.11684272

witch seacat wuld u fuk

>> No.11684351

Episode 8 made me fall in love with her.

>> No.11684472

If it took you eight episodes then its not really love. Fuck off back to your Erika circlejerk, dumb goat.

>> No.11684647


yall mother fuckers got some great taste, I like you

>> No.11687682
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Don't be jelly, there's a lot of space in fanclub.
